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The Ledger and Times, June 28, 1948

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Selected As Rest All-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper For 1947 26, 1948

WEATHER FORECAST KENTUCKY: Partly cloudy 'ops and continued warm and hu- mid with scattered showers and thunderstorms today, to- night. And Tuesday.

United Press YOUR PROGRESSIVE B0M lt NEWS- PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Monday Afternoon, June 28, 1948 MURRAY POPULATION — 8,000 Vol. XX; No. )11 DAMAGE NEARS $5,000 FROM SUNDAY F,P1M 4,441` ;DAMAGE Kentucky Lake Fish Near-Hnurt Winds Uproot MA Riled - Last Week Murray High Band GREAT d Pumpkins an to tains In Kentucky . FROM EARTH Trees, Blow Down Cables .ng that can The Court of AppealsmerjournedorisSumvacation.] this week Wins Two Prizes QUAKES IN JAPAN • A 45-minute storm in Murray experien.e, f ' yesterday afternoon caused around 'sett( related, tIV ad TOKYO, $5.000 uniform rule. but before adjourning it made some Tuesday, June 29 UPs COST OF LIVING worth of damage accord- --U.S. Army rescue teama report aelotag to dil - decisions that will keep Kentuck- ing to the latest estimates this ed todey that a series toss; but the t V.F.W. Parade of trereen noon. ians talking during the summer REACHES ALL-TIME -r tefuoa to dous earthquakes and *I'co m pa ny - ow produce, months. I ,__ ing tidal waves caused "great but The storm hit around 2:00 o'clock t II value. Among other things the-;e6urt unestimable" loss of life and prop- HIGH IN MAY and New Itself -out in less than an C'MIS is ',su- Drum Major, erty in a wide area on the. west election must be hour, The near-hurricane winds nshine. Tlwy ruled that an coast of Honshu. were at pickedili s , held in Louisville this fall to elect Majorettes TEACHING JOBS The cost of living, which reached accompanied by a torrential es after.t t. an all-time high in May. still is downpour. together ,with thunder _ a mayor. TOKYO. Win First June 28 (UPI-The Jap- climbing, a' survey showed today. NOW PLENTIFUL, anese traditionally attribute earth- and lightning. Hail *was reported And while we are speaking Meat prices are at an all-time quakes to the angry wriggling of al west of town in the Lynn Grove elections, the Republican National The Murray High School band peak, and meat industry spokes- giant catfish which is supposed tot Convention in enuadelphia poo- men said there ai not hope of a community. was well-rewarded for their fine SAYS SHULTZ live underground. price break until September at the The Murray system reported a duced what political observers in performance in the V.F.W. parade This ugly fish, with a cordlike, College 'graduates who are quali- earliest a power failure for 'the entire city Kentucky call a victory for GOP in Paducah Saturday. • First prize heart is symbolic of an earthquake, On the brighter side, fresh vege- from 2:15 to 2:45 The section of committeeman Juuett fied to teach have a promising fu- to the Japanese, who fear quakes national of $75 went to the drum 'Major and the city south of Main Street and ture before...them, according to Prof. mone than anything else. table prices in many areas have Ross Todd of Louisville. Todd. long majorettes for eicelling in their west of Fourth A popular saying among the Jap- declined recently because of the Street was with- division A Ming cup and ttpo Fred Shultz, head of the public re- out a supporter_of theajaepublican pres- anese says the most fearsom phe- seasonal shipment of vegetables to power for about three hours. was presented to the entire band One idential nominett, Governor Thom- lations department at Murray State onomena known to man are "earth- market. entire circuit .burned down, for an "outstanding performance." due to the high winds, which at- New York. accord- College quakes. lightning, fires and father" However, the bureau of labor as E. Dewey of Thirty-five members of the band. tided 600 "We are having more calls for --in that order. statistics at Washington predicted homes in the southern ing to politicians will become head under the direction of Miss Mary part of town. E. S. Ferguson. man- teachers than we are able to supply Japan is a veritable land -of that longer-range sasonel pressure s circles in Kentucky if Elizabeth Roberts. head of the ager of the electric man in GOP civakes, about one a day takes' would bring a slow, steady climb system, esti- presiden- music department at the high at this time." Shultz continued. mated the Republicans win the place in some one of the Japanese in Most total damage alpaabe com- school. marched in the parade, LET'S GO FISHIN' - - paid big dividends to the three fishermen pit= food prices until Novem- tial election. Todd led e Dewey -Those who intend to teachasheuld Islands, but most of them are so' pany around 81.500. lured here with their catch taken near the dam on Kentucky Lake last ber. section of the Kentucky •delegation Drum Major Jerry Williams and make up their minds mild they cannot be felt by humani The( elephone company estimated and accept weak. Left to right are Fred Pierce of Ferndale, Mlch., Frelan Pierce Of . The bureau also .noted convention. Former Gover- Majorettes Letitia Maupin. Letha beings that rent damage at around to the one of the many, positions Maafield and Paul Pierce of Kirksey. A total of 18 catfish were hooked $400. according Lyons, Wanda McReynolds now generally is rising nor Simeon S. Willis led the Taft and Bet- Another Japanese saying is that with rod and reel in just a few hours. weighing an aggregate of 73 to 0. A. Brown, manager. Five available." continued the profes- faction and U. S. Senator John ty Thurman gave a lively denten- the best place to seek refuge in the pounds. Shad minnows were used for bait, Price Increases have been an- main cables were out of order. sor Sherman Cooper threw his support stration of baton twirling before event of a quake ls in a thick bam- nounced or are anticipated mom- located on West Main, South the reviewing to Senator Arthur Vandenberg. stand. There are snit a large Lumber of boo forest. This is because the entarily on several basic commod- Fourth and South Sixth streets. calls for teachers in the fields of ities. More —0-- The Murray V F.W. post .5636 was long roots of the bamboo tree hold than 200 phones on 100 lines represented in the parade with a home economies, commerce, music, the soil firm and prevent people As a result-Of the wage conces- were affected. said Brown. Kentucky's Democratic senakor- Tele- color squad of 16 members_ They agriculture.- social science, mathe- from falling into crevices suddenly Wedding Of Miss America sions won by John L. Lewis and,. altione linemen worked until 100 ial candidates were busy dung marched immediately behind the matics. science, English, and the tie opened by the earth shock. his United Mine Workers. the o clock this morning, and other the Week. John Young Brown of high school band. mentary field. cost of coal Is expected to rise crews began early today, Lexington picked up additional but the Thousands lined the streets of Pa- "Those interested in securing 40 cents a ton or more. repairs won't be completed whe support from labor at Ashland Reports from laukui. Toyama and until ducah Saturday afternoon to watch teaching positions should come to late today, Brown believed. is Hunt where he denounced the Taft-Hart- Ishikawa prefectures placed the Witnessed By Callowayans The magazine Steel. trade publi- the parade which was a climax to the office of public relatines and Three major casualty toll in more than I, cation of the steel industry, said insurance corn- Lundipn ley Act. the state VI W. convention The contact principals and superinten- panics vagh • A number of Murray and in Murray listed a total of Winninger Brown's opponents in the race a hundreds of thousands left Cal- that higher coal costs in turn final business session was held Sun- dents who are in need of teachers, 145 claims filed by noon the week with homeless. Shattered communica- residents would force steel prices up. today. were quiet during day morning. aaid Prof. Schultz. loway.couny attended the with a Pstridt tions made an accurate count im- total catmated damage of the exception of announcing their wedding of Miss America of 1947, The basic price of aluminum ARMY TO INDUCT nearly S2.500. Most claims were for campaign headquarters will be in possible, but the death toll in only was hiked for the first time in Barbara Jo Walker. to Dr John damaged roofs, broken _IC POW Louisville. Congressman Virgil two towns in the heavily populated 11 years last week by the alumi- window area was Hummel in Memphis Saturday. lights, fallen chirlineys and Chapman from Paris has opened said to be more than 600. QUARTER MILLION num company of America The water General Douglas The former Miss Walker is a damage One comparor headquarters in the Seelbach.„Hoiel MacArthur's company raised basic prices one riaported Political native of Calloway county and a few agricultural-- Roundup headquarters claims released a report from front at Louisville. Brown announced cent per pound to offset a 10 per the governor of Toyoma estimating MEN IN YEAR attended Murray high school. Her hail damage to the tobacco crop. his will open soon in the same ho- With the Democratic national admirers who already are talking cent wage increase granted 20,000 All' homeless and sufferers in his pre- father had dental offices here. insurance adjusters expected tel and 'Milt Whitworth of Eltza- convention' just two weeks Mt of an Eisenhower-Douglas ticket. workers. the A Y fecture at "three or four hundred WASHINGTON. June 28 (1.11a)- Many relatives and friends made claims to continue coming in bethtown says his will be at the Gen Dwight D Eisenhower. the Supreme Court Justice William ()- At Canton, 0, Timken Roller for a thousand." The Japanese welfare The Army announced today that the trap to Memphis and a host week or two: so the total same hotel. v.arUme "wonder 'man.- was the Douglas long has been a favorite Bearing Co raised prices on rol- damage ILY • ministry said 350 persons were kill- it expects to induct from 225.000 to of others sent their best wishes estimate may be increased —0-- man who had everybody wonder- among the so-called "Liberals" ler bearings five per cent last considerably ed in Daishoji while the death toll 250.000 men from July I to June An interesting sidelight to the The Court of Appeals handed ing today. faction of the Democratic party. week because of "wage raises and A preliminary in Fukui City-a...a- hardest hit by the 30. 1949. under the peacetime draft wedding was the fact that Mrs, survey at Murray down a number of decisions before The Ike-for-President bandwa- Meanwhile, there were these higher material costs.•' a spokes- State College 'URE! quakes- was said to be more than law. Hummel didn't throw her bridal showed that eight adjourntrig for its summer vacation. other political developments: man said or 10 gon was rolling merrily along des- 300 bouquet away-she forgot to large trees, were uprooted or The court said that an election E Dewey and Earl Warren. GOP The draftees, aged 19-through- , Prices for meat broken pite the General's insistence that Fukui City. where 85,000 persons Thousands of persons viewed the -on-the-hoof at- off close to the ground. held to fill the mayor's standard bearers, will 25 will serve for 21 months. must be he doesn't want to be in the driv- get together lived in flimsy dormitories built ceremony according to reports Chicago's huge union stockyards Branches were scattered all over UL which is vacant Within the Inductions probably will start post in Louisville er's seat. next few days at the after B-29's flattened it during the from Murrayans who were there. settled down last week after the campus. D. F. Hackett, super- Mayor Leland formera about September 22 since the death of Two organizations -Americans Pawling. N Y., farm to war, was shaken to the ground by scarcely leaving- room for relatives touching new seasonal highs the intendent of grounds, reported that IN-FULL The Board of Aldermen map their About 30.000 men per month will several E. Taylor. for democratic action and veterans campaign strategy. Dew- a succession of shocks that struck and close friends, s week before Livestock prices gen- roofs in the veterans' hous- Charles Parnsley mayor The ey wants his vice be inducted into the Army. ing area named for Eisenhower-are out to swing presidency run- during the dinner hour_ last night, The new Mrs. Humel and her erally govern the meat prices were damaged. and a court says he can hold his fruition ning mate to assume a Secretary of Army Kenneth C. housewives number of the District of Columbia's 12-man "full share" Only thiree building; were left husband were reported today pay in butcher shops. window lights were until mayor is elected. Ferrule), of the campaign It was Royal gave the figures at a new broken. He was a delegation to him in today's Demo- understood standing. Governor Obata of Fukui honeymooning in Havana. The Wheat prices gained moderately unable to give an Democratic that conference as he disclosed plans for estimate of the is unoppleed for the cratic primary. Warren will do much of ,his prefecture said fires were sweep- trip was a wedding gift at the last on the Chicago board of trade total damage. the new machinery. The city nomination while three republicans political stumping on the west ing through the entire city draft moment. last week, but prices of grains fed fire department was A draft - Eisenhower motion called sleek the GOP bid. coaswatallace- Rescue teams reaehed Kukui prf- The -somewhat limited immed- to cattle were lower out twice during the height touched of a bedlam of cheers, Those attending the wedding —0--- Henry A Wallace told lecture. they radioed to Supreme iate requirements" of the Navy and The national retail furniture as- of the storm. The first call was to whistles and shouts of approval extinguish a The State Appellate Court also an audience in Manchester. N. Y., Headquarters that all American per- A* Force probably will be filled Mr and Mrs, Charles Rains, sociation -reported that furniture transformer fire at the from Wisconsin Democrats last city ice plant and ruled that a legislative act of the that the purpose of his third party sonnel in the disaster area escaped by volunteer recruits. Royal! said. daughter and son. Frances and prices generally have fallen - off to pull live wires night at their state convention in out of the street. last General Assembly making Har- is to _aset Americans free to con- uninjured. They reported depend - The Army will get most of .the James: Dr. and Mrs F E Craw- somewhat in recent months and Another call was Madison But the convention was Silts to move a, ttee which lan and Pike counties separate iu- trol their own destiny in a world and troops in Fukui City had draftees. ford and Phil. Mr and Mrs Manias now are steady. Wholesale prices, was lying hastily adjourned before the pro- across Eighth dicial districts is void. The court of peace and international brother- been esiacuated to Ken prefecture The program is planned to bring Miller and Clara Jane. Mr. and Mrs. however have remained high, street. Fire Chief posal could be put to a vote. Spencer said that says that although the big con- hood" He said the. "fact that no government areas. 542,000 up to 790.0911 by July 1. 1949. Jake Shipley, Miss Sadie Nell Far Retailer; said demand for furnl- the big fire siren blew for -about. 10 stitution provides for a separate In Minneapolis, Douglas B An- exhisting political party is at- The welfare ministry report said in accordance with the provisions ris, Mrs. Gladys Higgins, Mr and ture has slackened, forcing them minutes because the wind caused the judicial district for each county derson, midwestern representative tempting to carry out a program 150 houses collapsed in Daisbiaji of the Selective 'Service Act. The Mrs Pat Rowland, Mrs. Ella Rains, to cut prices despite the continued wires to be- where come crossed. having a city with a population of of Americans for Democratic ac- to set the people free La justifio 350 died. More than 700 law authorizes a maximum strength grandmother of the bride; Mrs high wholesale level. As a result, homese were flattened in Teraitio 20.000. it is likely Harlan and Pike tion. told a state ADA gathering cation for forming the new party." of 837,000. However; it does not car- Ellen Armstrong, Miss Ella Arm- they reported that then: plaid and 50 in Kataymatsu. Katayyama- ry_ Counties may have more than that Eisenhower "will accept a Vandenberg -Sen Arthur H. appropriations Mr more than strong. Mrs Ephf1 Hine. margin had been lowered, tsu also was battered by the tidal 790.000. 100.000 population without any city draft nomination if President Tru- Vandenberg. R. Mich, regarded as waves which caused :great dam- The Draft. Act provides for regis- LIVESTOCK having a 20,000 population. lot" The former American-firster the No 1 "darkhorse" prior to said age", the ministry- said. Also re- tration of those 18-through-25. Se- 0 hes against Ike because he's the Republican natnional conven- ported hard hit were Yaimanaka and lective .Service said local boards Another' decision of the court "more of an internationalist than tion, said he is "completely ST. I.OU1S NATIONAL hap- Yamashita) in Ishikawa prefecture. international Situation in Brief STOCK- man withdraws. probably . will begin registration says that 5 second class city .can py" about the outcome "I shall YARDS, III, June 28. 1 UPI-(0S- Allied Headquarters said it be- August 16. limit the number of beer licenses torald L. K. Smith. Christian enthusiastically support the tick- DA '-Livestock: •,_ lieved there were "a great number The Army expects to get 110.000 when the State Alcoholic Beverage Nationalist Crusade leader, said et." he said More U1-S.-Planes Fly Food To Berlin Hogs 101910; salable 10.009; gen- of casulatiesa when a passenger 18-yealt-o1d volunteers in the next Control Board fails to set a quota, In Tulsa. Okla, that he has in- Democrats -• Though Preeldent erally 25 to 50c higher market train in the quake area was thrown year. Royal! said. BERLIN, June 28 (UP)-Great fleets of_tatliedatransport planes flew In a case in which the city. of New- formation the General "will defin- Truman remained silent on parti- --than Friday. Top 2925, new high from the tracks. .441these 18-yearailds may sign up a double tonnage of supplies into Berlin today and a stiff ration syglem port wanted to limit.the number of itely be available if drafted for san issues, two legislators who since December 28. 1947 when $30 for one year active training. These waamposed to stave off as long as passible the. threat of starvation be beer licensesatp 125, the court says the nomination on . the first bal- have been mentioned as his possi- was paid. Bulk 180 to 230 lbs 29 to youths can get out of the. al ownth Russian blockade.. this is legal. It added, however, President Truman" ble vice presidential running mates 2925: popularm price 29: 240 to draft by volunteering for the one that if the state sets a quota, the Regardless of the General's state- spoke out chat-ply aganst tale GOP. The aerial shuttle to the western sectors of seghti got. a boost from 270 lbs 27.75 tiro 28c5; 260 to NM - PRODUCE year and then signing up in the re- Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ment that he is "not available for House Dernocratc whip ‘ohn W the dispatch of about 39 U. S. Air Force C-arl'a. to join the operation. Three lbs 26 to 27 25; some 400 to 425 serve for six years. r- qu(ita is final. and•icould not accept the nomi- McCormick. Mass., said the Dewey squadrons of the_tig tranaports, each of which can carry seven tons of ibs 23 75 to 24: 430 to 150 Iles 24.50 . CHICAGO, June 28 (LlP)-Prca Rriyall said the Army atm hoped -a--0--- nation." his name is likely to go -Warren discription of the past Id cargo, were ordere4TO Ceitia4,2 beginning today at the request of Gen. to 27; 100' to 120 lbs 21 50 to 24: duce: to get from 250.000 to 300.000 volun- Governor Earle C. -Clements has before the Democratic conventhan„ years as a "long drought and fa- sows 22 to 2375. Poultry: 19 trucics, the market teers theough regular enlistments.' Lucius D. Clay. set observers to thinking about a which opens in Philadelphia on mine" was a "caustic and insulting Cattle 5.500; salable 4.500: calves steady. Hens 33 1-2, Ltghorn hens The Army expects about 250.000 en- special session•of the General As- July 12 preference to the leadership of 1,200: all salable Receipts moder- 2,9, hybrid hens 30. coleted fryers lists to expire from now until July- Palestine sembly next January. The Governor In fact, he may get quite a few the,tate yresident Roosevelt" tie Truce Endangered ate with about 30 loads of steers 38. Plymouth Rock Fryers 42. White 1, 1949, but many will re enlist. himself has nothinVirect to say, first-ballet votes, especially at lauded Mr Truman as "the first offered. Cows making up about Rock fryers 44, Plymouth Rock Royall announced four new train TEL AVIV, June 21 (UPI-The Palestine truce hung in the balance but in an address the state's -the tront end of the roll. Alabama. world leader to see the danger of 40 per reent of run Generally broilers 40. Nettite Rock springs 46. ang divisions "will be activated: 10th today after the reported refusal of Arab Legion officers at Latrun to county tax commissioners at Lex- first state ola 4ite list, is said to Comanunism " Sen. Josepir-C. Cr- quality of steers supply mostly Plymouth R springs 46. colored Infantry (mountain) Division, Ft. permit the passage of any more food convoys to Jerusalem on grounds ington he told them the property be partial to him. Arizona report- Mahoney, Wyo, said the president I good, with aistev• toppy good de- springs 43a Leghorn chickens 44. Riley. Kans.: 5th Armored Division, that enough food had been stored thearea assessment laws need overhauling. edly has some Eisenhower sup- should be credited with an scriptions offered Early sales assist young geelse 22. ducks 31, ducklings Camp Chaffee, Ark:; 101st Airborne ful- asserted that -inequalities in porters among its delegates In the Republican United Nations observers called off the movement of convoys for 24!ly steady to strong He and so nomination of 1 doza 3.00, Division, Carrip Breckenridge. Ky.. with last assessments throughout has Arkansas. Dewey and Warren. how's,'during which a full account of the food quantities involved will week's elose on property 190 argues old roosters 23. and 17th Airborne 'Division, Camp good steers 34,50 be eliminated." He In California, James Roosevelt, that Mr Truman the Legion. to 35. Low medium kinds a the state must so ridiculed con- Cheese: Twins 45 1-2 to 47, single Pickett Va. - be supplied to at 27, that fail to bring son of the gress during relatively little ti says that counties. late president and a his western trip that daisies 48 1-2 to 51 1-2, Swiss SO to Some Jewish quarters feared that the Legion had no intention of done although in- state the quiry their assessment up to the staunch Eisenhower booster, was Republicapi were forced to 62. NEW ENGLAND STILL THRIFTY allowing any more food to reach Jerusalem. whatever the UN decides. moderately active, Heifers getting any money further entrenched "Turn their and mixed average won't be as head of the backs on all congress- Butter 885.455 pounds the mar- Egypt refused to rescind a ban on Jewish food onvoysain the Negev yearlings slow. Cowl- from the states common., schohl state Dernocatia Party. at an or- ional candidates." CASTLE HILL, Me. (UP)-Two slaughter interests inclined to ket unsettled. 93 score 82, 92 were despite a charge by count Folke Bernadotte, the N mediator, that it go equalization fund. The next day, ganization ro tiig yesterday He NEW YORK. June 28 'UPI __A 80 1,2; 90 Cailots 90 Aroostook County towns, Maple-is slow. Few common and medium score 78 1-2. violated the terms of the armistice. . State Revenue Comthissioner H. was elected national committee- source close to Gen. Dwight D. score 79, 89 score 78. telw, and Castle Hill, have joined beef cows 18 to 22; canners and :71 move •, 15 to Clyde Reeves told the coupty -faa: man to succeed oilman Edwin ,y/ Eisenhower said today that has Eggs: 'Browns and whites mixed) hands as an economic "They -- - "a • cutters 1750; bulls, firm; commissioners the state average. is 1Peuley who had vigerously sup- latest seaction to reports of "draft 52,179 cases, the market steady?. have the sari* town manager, Tito Ousted From Red Party medium to good 22 to 24: choice now about 50 per gent. He tolcilhe ported Mr Truman in California's Eisenhower's movements was that Extras 70 to $0 per cent A 46 1-2 to maintain a common town hall. vealers $1 lower: good and choice fuel'PRAGUE. June 28 1UP1-Russia read Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia out __commissioners to aim to make as- intra-party wrangling. his decision not to run for presi- 47 1-2, extrps 60 to 70 per cent A 43 snare hte costs 01 rent an.d quotable largely from 24 to 26; of the Communist party today on grounds that he has been playing , sesaments 60 per cent of their ac- That development was hailed as dent "applies to the Democrats as to 45 standards 41 to 42, current u's' 'and have adopted a Khoo! cdn- crenmon end medium 15 to 24; ask, . for next year. favorable omen by the Generalar well as are Republicans," ceipts 39 1-2, checks 35 I-2 . • soleaation prtigram. - ' footsie avath western imperialism. , , culls 9 to 12. tual cast sale value a , . I

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THE LEDGER & TIMES "JOE BEAVER" By Thorek was summoned immed- heart beat gi adirally became PUBLISHED BY 7'HE CALLOWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY Ed N'Aig" FULTON MEN ASKEDITOMAN1 BROUGHT iateley when the woman's heart stronger. Consolidation of The Murray Ledger, The Calloway Times, and The stopped. He made an incision over Thorek injected adrenalin into l'imes-Herald, October 20, 192.8, and the West Kentuckian January 17, 1942 mbaale two other the heart to complete the task, Hr W. PERCY WILLIAMS. PUBLISHER TO SURRENDER BACK FROM DEATH 'the'incisions h"rt in Heswift succession-one then sewed the incisions arid, JAMES C. WILLIAMS, GENERAL MANAGER phrtahgem right after the. life - and-deieh awnhoitchherPitoerecut bhthrough peranld- drama began. performed the ap- Published afternoons except Sunday at 103 North 4th RAILROAD PASSES BY HEART St, Murray. Ky. MASSAGE cardium which surrounds the pendectomy' Entered at the Post Office, Murray, Kentucky, for beart transmission as FULTON, Ky.. :June 28.(1.1P)-- CHICAGO, Second Ciass Matter June 28 alIP-a-A WEARS HER CANARY Five members of an Illinois Cen- I Slowly, he began massaging the uoman who doctors believed had FORT WORTH. Tex. (UP) - A SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier an Murray, per week 15e, per tral railroad crew expected today heart with the rhythm of a normal . died on an operating table bird cage hat is worn by Mrs. Rob Month. 85c. In Calloway and adjoining counties, per year, $3.50, else- to file edpeals from an order re- was ;misc.: Seconds later the heart was McCarroll. la•the combination hat- where $5.50. questing them to turn in thier • revived today by a surgeon who beating feebly.• He continued The cage is her pee canary, Doodlum. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE: WALLACE WITMER CO., 903 Sterick passes as the result aof the June made a quick incision and inassag- Building. Memphis, Term.; 250 Park Ave., New York; 307 N. Michigan' 15 freight train collision at Rives, ed her heart with his fingers- Ave. Chicago; 93 Boylston St, . Tenn . in which three railroad melt A spokesman for Dr. Max Thor-- were killed. ek. chief THE KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATIO1 surgeon at American FOR The men involved were engi- hospital. •• said Mrs. Julia Brittan's er ha; right reject any neer R. S. Burgess. Fulton. We reserve the to Advertising. Letters to the Editor 41 heart stopped beating while she PICK YOUR sin m ee Public Voice items which in our opinion are not for the best interest years of service: flagman J J. was being given an antithetic 10-fool of our readers. Faulkner, Fulton. 12 years service; for an appendix operation. J. D. flagman W. 0. Greer Jr.. Fulton. CHOICE Monday Afternoon, June 28, 1948 Thorek not only reveved :he Tenn. six years service: conductor I. 11 •• woman but a few minutes later Childress. ,Memphis. 35 years ser- performed a successful appendec- ROWle vice, and fireman W. Ii Goldman, I TODAY! • aa Newsmen Are Glad To Get Home After Week tomy on the 23-year-old woman, Servic Memphis, 30 yeara service the spokesman said. Expen Of Sleeping Up And Down Hill In Philadelphia Railroad officials said that the tee. P men can appeal the decision to By HARMAN W. NICHOLS down was sad. Very few of the one I Supt. T. K. Williams, at Paducah, United Press Staff Correspondent pencil pushers were equal to sit- Street. Ky., within 10 day. ting up until 10 p.m. *on the last WASHINGTON. Jaat 28 'UP'- day to watch or hear the Louis There's nothing like your own lit- 1941 CHEVROLET, 4-door Special. Original and Walcott SPRAY . fight. They say it was a good night's Dogwood Lane tle four-poster for a dandy. clean. owner. reel One Weil, in a couple of .wetles, the Hello - 1.,ery One!! KAeoy decided Particularly after week of sleep- a ink-stuined wretched of the press ti write a few 'More lines ulhand hill Philadel- 1940 CHEVROLET, low mileage. Very clean! ing deem in box will have to go back to Philla Mrs. Ada McNutt and Mrs. An It was bad enough phia. to be and do it all over again. They're rile Counts visitad Mrs. Juanita wearing convention. and 1940 FORD Deluxe. Like new inside. $875.00 feet trying griping about it in edvance. But Self and children. Pearl and Bill) to hide from the heatt-of the klieg they'll go .back and follow their Rey.. Wednesday afternoon. 1939 MERCURY, you — "Loole Joe, there's a very pretty design in the end of this log."'ew Sedan. Solid. $850.00. its that _connived aageinst Fradllade usual Little Billy Ray Self te improving Ilh alte sun-made heat. And inside. they'll love it. ' et this time. or applying 1941"FORD Pick-up. Burns no oil. $895.00 Stock You'd go back to your room after Mr. and Mrs. Richard Self are IS hours of. thumping a typewriter Boston Red Sox Move To Within Five papering their house this week. • rack and good tires. and watching --Gavel Joe" Martin Letter To Editor I Mrs. Ruby Fetcher returned to AGRICULTURAL hammer his block tia;pieces trying Games Of First Place Sunday her home on Murray Route 3, after 1937 FORD, new paint. Nice! $450.00. to keep those 'Republicans in line a month's vatation in Alton, Ill.. The hotel ivhert. 1 stayed had ' By CARL LFNDQUIST where she has been visiting her OM tie R MORI ii aliS • i Dick Fowler went the route for 1941 FORD Club Coupe. Radio and heater. beds that were-rougher than a field two lions Vernon and James Fut Cniu-d Press Sports Writer i his fifth win against one loss. , plowed for correalantin'- but not cher. Sure hope she a WEED .i..tee days a. •.. July had nge $975.00. harrowed I swear trIalarg must ' NEW YORK, June 28. il..T1--1 A highly -ere-out-aging experi- vacation. the 1-the beginning of 1949 assess- have come in. while we Javere at Not that it matters at Lets fate &vel ment was conducted by Yankee • Se lone 'wee here ment of all ptpety for taxes. The toil to pus nee' bumps in fhe mat- but tae Red Sox' were convincedi manager Sticky Harris at Detroit law requires ent at a fair tresses. ae._ today that James- Russell Lowelt. in h.ic gaehvaeneTeomnasiya NO' cash value. at veldrataiy THAT'S SALESMANSHIP Older models at lower prices The room ilervice was fine. too. i who was. a • Bostonian himself. long awaited starter however but fete o it, although we One morning about 6:30 Eddie knew what he was. aoingl and the lefty responded with a MEMPHIS, Tenn (Urn-Barbara vasseffo. of. the united r:•, _ sign an oath th I effect CRi tic when he wrote jualla100 years ago:' two -hit, 0 victory. He walked Ringer says she watched how two Also a few Boats, Motors and Trailers ST • operators and a roommate, thought At pteseoLitaa eisauation is under "What is so rare as a day in 1 erght, but bore, down splendidly tritirpnsing bey's. got their lawn MORE it. would .be' nice to order up some 50 per cent of cal.* value., although June: then, if eVer, come perfect ; and only one Tiger got to third. mowing jobs They would walk double -month Lain coffee. He. asked fur room -service. it takes that to days.." r. 'Tommy Henrich. who got three across the lawn getting a wide -The man at the desk said: -We the county feivernMent dem it. did swath LOwelal lines em "The -Viiiion Of I lilts and Yogi Berra who drove of grass. Then the boys Cut your application costs at least (LA airargot no room sere:ca..' 10 years ago. and our deer-ands on prie i in Sir_ Laiuntals- prated in ti e !Mee runs, paced the Yankees knocked on doors, asked for the 75%! Spray up to 125 acres a day ' -Well, then." said ESche. 'How the State and County governments spray McClure & Errs 'gt bat. job and got it -use only 3 to 10 gallons of Wilson wirtat y 'Ted-Williams' are highly: ap- does a man go about getting a pot ire more than double the per acre! Low-gallonage booms plicable Washington retarded the Indians of coffee up here'. were, and there is na other-way for - to .Joe MeCarthy.s mar- fit easily on any tractor, Jeep, auders: who won 17 games and • Cleteland. topping them 5 to 2 back to first The Reds won it for WE BUY, SELL or TRADE The man said he was • defamed tile governments to pay' their run- trailer. etti a late attack Ewell if he knew alid hung up. It wa, rens expenses than through taxes. lost but five and moved from sev- that sent Gene Blackwell with four straight Bearden singles, Fourth and Walnut our .switchbuald man. • . What- the -county government enth elhce to fourth place in the out with . his third defeat two by pinch-hitters Babe against al hist, had an idea:- he salt does is for the beinefir of every Atherican „league stanci:ngs this six victories, but the Tribe Young and Augie Galan. after two Taylor allPhy don't you guys 'Pull on your citizen, -but for It we would not month . . ,. countered with a 4 to 1 second were out in the eighth It was britches. Come 'down stairs and have a good place to live. New rated la3e.Bucky ,Harris _of earn, as Sam Zolciak won his Blackwell's fourth win. The second second Stop at Walk .'ti'e block teathe left We ependynuch money far every the world champion Yapitees as straight since coming to game was rained: eut. RONNIE'S CAFE stand they've got some coffee at a kind of amusement-many wi- the team to beat. the Red Sox Cleveland ' from the Browns The - Cubs defeated the Phil, For your Barbecue Sandwiches and Sandwiches of games of Homers Implement by Attie Clark and Co. restaurant doe-re the street."' re earall we refuse to sup- moved to within flee Joe 6 to 2 behind Russ Meyer's seven aU kinds, and Soft Drinks Gordon gave Zoldak enough ith and Poplar ts, Phone SW That %as piling discomfort or,hdop port air local goternment •to first place yesterday when' they mar- hit pitching but Rookie Robin LYNN GROVE. KY. -ed-clesciarnford.- am foe a seven-hit win. cleirree. 41- anid -41-ter' Roberta squared accounts with a Ronald Hip4ffeh, Out in the hot convention hall_ it to criticize our county government at St. Louis. 'Joe Dobsen's two-hit Johnny Sam the Arkansas squir- 7 to 4 triumph in the nightcap. the Oargier was almost as Wed.' Each man had only to the extent that we support pifahing gave him his ninth, vie- reashooter, won his ninth game second stra:ght victory for the a wt irk -space About half the sizeof it. • • tory in the opener but the Red ind 'his sixth' in his last seven $26.000 bonus hurler since he the driver's seat in an Austin. Time The State government Is-daterrn- Sox were more enthusiastic about starts at Boston, holding Pattiburg joined the club, two weeks ago you put up your typewriter and tried to mete us support our county the fart that ?aye Ferris turned in to eight?catee red hits in a 9 t • 1 Eddie Miller hit a first game piled your notes on one side, yau better threwith -assessment eyen by iii first route-going of the season rout. To my Holmes led the 12- homer and Del Ennis got one with were bitheriag the guy next to you. snaking blanket Litre which is un- in the second game. Ferris. who hit att ck with three singles two aboard 'for the Phils in the One I searched colas' night for fair to those making the best scattered eight hits. indicated .hit The Cardinals stuck within half nightcap copy by looking ;hrough. the legs aessreere Of their property arm was soend again and .If that- a game id the leading Braves by YEST-ERDARrYS STAII.e Tom- of a photographe,r. was at,arei- who .s hard to make b.a is true he could be a .major part beating the Dodgers. 6 to 4 at my Byrne of the 'Yankees wile ing on ma desk, giving my keincklei eauee of lack off time b•• Supere4- in' MeCarthy's pennant plans. A Brooklyn as Marty 'Marion and pitched a two-hit. 7 to 0 victory the bottom of his shic every nand ors three-run homer by /Ted Wiliarne. Nlusial hit humeral Musial's over the Tigers le his first start he moved The tax iudeasheis net required to his 16th of the saiaon. and a hie-it ; was his I-7th. Al Brazle, with re- of the year The -delegates, with their .bands irspei pre petty when .assessing tt by. Bobby Doerr. which the lief help from Ted Wilks. was and cheering sectionf: had no re- Which is lied arrenxement be:huae a BrownsIclaimed went foul. gave credited with his fifth victory. READTHE CLASSIFIEDS. spect for the working men in the he cannot advise the Supervisar • Ferris all the runs he needed. ' I Vernal 4Fouinoxi Jones hit a two' hotel tabbies. either while in session as to the vatua if Tha Athletics, who just . won't run triple double and single to The boss wouki send age lealiana properly. Let us hop beter reee ar- exeureb to • that de:er.t second lead the Cardinal attack Dill Electric Co. it to amqke out a vice presiden- ranecment few assessiet preasert) division burial the experts. have. The Reds nosed out the Giants, tial hopeful. - To get to his head- will be - given by the next Caereral on arranged for them, rose instead., a to 3 at New York in a game Service -..quarters you'd have to go 'through .Aseembla.. • tie Within a 'hair's width Of first I officially protested by manager RADIOS .a lobby This matter .-touli b. sit:area by place, by topping the White Sox: i Mel Ott. who charged The tn.:fire was terrific. Be- each tee a'peyeer • for the. c,auns that fill-is ELECTRIC MOTORS tween the hawkers selling badge'. year._ 6 to S anii 6 to 1 Barney, MeCos-i third hasernan Danny Litwhiler het dogs and toy elephants. key was the hating star in aceiddhrew his glove at a smash oy .• , and The atees_ement will no! - affect WASHING MACHINES games His two run tralle was the Walker _ :(per In the eighth, .the delegates and idle curious they the la48 ieeee as th it sir already 1 gave you a time Ever,body wgs blg b l oh- di' a four-nru fou rth whic h eou• Id ha •c un d • the ru 1saa Anything Electric fi7LArecita&'ta.b.--aabt.ttcr.- 3,,b hot and' 41k inning rally- in the first game in . given Coiata an automatic three you eat tr((ni And everefeody Was ;wearing red- as.eaessment. - , which Carl Scheib won. his fourth! base ha -After a wrangle in which Postofficc' rimmed eyes and aut of sorts. am only a citizen halchng no straight game He also made -three , even Beans Reardon • and PHONE 879 ihits in the secoed Jock° But you kept 44(unig. Until the :414CP nwfther -de I want taee. game in which! Conlan - began shouting at thing was over Arid then the' t --T. 0 TURNER 1- I.ach .ala ,,per was waved 1111.1111111111.1.11111& BROOKS BUS LINE (9 el_ea Direst Route Kentneky to Michigan - 5 . Fastest Time-Thru Buses — Shortest Route All Nests Reser...4 - Radio for Emir Pleasure - Pillow Service YOUR •TREATRE__ Daily Schedule- Iv. Murray 11:00 a.m., Ar. Detroit 5:45 a m. 21 M in. Fare $HIM, without tax e- Make Seat Reservations Early For Information gall SbailM11 'Feature starts: 1:27-317,5:27-7:27- _ Murrey Bus Terminal Paducah Bus Terminal s:27. • _ rane--. Phone 458 - Phtahrattnir- CAPITOL THEATRE" •Ins:de Story." tI Hr.•26 _ Feature-Starts: 11:11-12:53:2:35-4:17. • ••• • --6:22 • • _aTnctil eSdDneAsdaYy Your GUIDE to HAPPY LIVING McCUISTON'S 4064/.-041-1/W4947- 4 , •W • Auto Electric MAW A,. fs e4 .. is in your own hands, when you Viv4A1 A ssis.uvi lase vow s PHU I 1035-i -ifiescasi 4 hold a passboQk to a savings ac- Murray. Ky RID 5 41/4 count here! Yes, this passbook can be your passport I 311sitor /anent., Starters. to future success. Cienfrators, Carburetors, EDDIE IP. JOAN Regular savings will provide the Magnetos and Rebuilt CANTOR DAVIL finances necessary at each mile- Motor-, stone of your life — Don't put off the happy tomorrows -- Just start banking today! DRISCOLL' on us for, WE LAST TIMES TODAY WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JULY 5 Drugs, Cold Dri • Paints VARSITY CAPITOL FOR THROWING INTO RING --'J Ben Stieppercl, pi- ,GEORGE RAFT MARSHA HUNT dent of the Chamber of Commerce Garland, Texat., puts Cosmetics, etc. BANK touches with the aid of the finishing a rabbit's foot to a MURRAY in in collection of resistol westerns that he pranning to take Is. Tur s.wDrugCo. MEMBER FDIC Philadelphia for political conventions Hats were ::pertally "INTRIGUE" Story" tzeated for nog tossing by Harry R nick, hat dotagner.


• _ • -4 - eaaaaallIERSIWURSIMIHRISIMIRREIVaaaa-tara'areearea aaalr---"7---.•--•alligSe•ana-- • - ...... -11r.2111111-,10:4021116:0001WMat" • „

mums VS...... 1.4401.,1111.1401.111•10.41... •

1' •


4 t


I, 19411 MONDAY,JUNE 28, 1948 THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY ..EFKGE TITRES • became alin into task. He ons and, and-dea'h iianE the ap-

IRE JP) - A Mrs. Rob and Save Money ation hat- odium. FOR SALE-Ice box and Norge oil CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANEWT1 TO pennons PITZILLII by wildness. He walked eight but a champion brest stroker, is get- Not everybody in For Sale heater. Can be seen at 200 North KENTUCKY SHOWS only one Indian got to third as ting in the swim. And Veeck - may 5th St. after 4 p.m. he knocked off &CROSS i -Spheres of antic: DellIGNA Cleveland, 7-0- be gladly sorry about what he Calloway county sub- FOR SALE-One John Deere pow- 33-A girl If Byrn can go like that he'd about said. . . • FOR GUARANTEED Permanent 1-Rew•rd ,coll.) 34-Foundation EMU:744a? er hay baler with 6 hp. Wiscon- DECREASE IN 6-To bend 35-Cooking utensil T Aim o N E mean the pennant added to Vic Billy, Meyer of the Pirates said scribes to The Ledger Metal Weatherstaping or blown I 9-To order 36-A number sin motor practically new. 12- Westin:, ENOw Erja C',E Raschi (9-1) and Allie Reynolds One insulation installed by experts call, 37-Salt of Meade recently that the Braves might be 10-foot rake in good condition. See 13- Gambling game add filTIOWAligjijN45 49-3 • .. hurt because they can't win at & Times but nearly H. M. Scarborough, 1021 or HIGHWAY DEATHS 14 Grain in 40-Musical passage TIN J. D. Brannon, RFD 3, Puryear, ins bonny 43-Preflz. middle MON Pitching has been an all around home. So the Braves up and Rock Wool and Weatherstrip Co., 15-To pai back 44--Spoten ffri,01:7 everybody reads it. Tenn. Jylp 105 Gatlin Building, Murray, FRANKFORT, Ky., June 28- I6-To tr•fn 47-One who tales ij• z :Er. A --7.11)0 headache this season. Take Dave knock off Billy's boys, two out of - -- Kentucky was one. of 3t•states 16-Back of neck revenge .Boo ,Ferris of the Roston Red three "at home" for a current Ky. Jy 17c 19-Sack 49-Gone by TA 1E rffl ROWLAND Refrigeration Sales and showing a decrease in highway 20-First man 50-Chum a TIL AMtH1141A" Sox. In .1946 when the Bosox won home stand record of nine out Service. New and used deaths for the first four mouths of 21 -Judges 51-Unit 12 P the pennant he won his of 14. . . equipment. 24-Auto 52-Showers Olifui first 10 RICKMAN'S Experienced. Money back guaran- 1948 compared with the same 26-PrinterF 63-cloth measure R M511piaq games and at this time of the year Notices measures 54-St range And you should have heard the tee. Phone 903-J. Hazel period of last year, a National 27 -Europe a 'boot" 55-Men was 11-3 This year he was kayoed GROCERY Highway, from Media DOWN language as umpires Beans Rear- one block south of Sycamore ALVAH GALLOWAY SAWMILL Safety Council survey showed to- in his first four starts and hadn't don and argued a Street. now located in Almo. day. 2 3 4 c 6 7 8 9 ,c, ir 1-Farm building opened a game since May 18. Un- WE DELIVER Jy7c All kinds 2-Region decision at the Polo Grounds. It's of lumber for sale J1y2lp The council reported 138 deaths ,...„ 4—Llkens to til yesterday, that is, when he re- a wonder they didn't throw each 13 .i 4-Willow Six Days a Week occurred in Kentuckj, from Janu- 5-Clear profit turned to beat the Browns. . . If other out of the game. WE SPECIALIZh In COUNTRY ary through April this year. 4 re- - r7 - 6-Folds in cloth he's ripe again it would _mean Whaddya mean, ya can't HAM, steaks, chops. and plat* 7 Per 1-To provide win a CALL US A &H cent less than the 1947 total of 149. pouters for much to those marching Red Sox. decision from an umpire? Conlan lunches. All kinds of sandwiches . 10,010 ' Om 6-Pronoun For the same period of 1946, 247 pig' Bill Veeck, president of the Cle- did! for your Grocery needs Restaurant, tf 9--liertall !pin Rudy's 10-Little bit veland.' Indians, is going to be persons lost their liveg on Kentuc- IIi ' n- 73 it-To consider mighty sorry PHONE 788-J GROCERY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on ky highways, I 17-Throws if he's glad in the 19-0000alnert Use our ciasguaea 7,-1 25 ,‘7'26 case of 'Sam Zoldak, bought re- Norge electric ranges, see Econo- The greatest decrease over last ./. 27 '28 29 30 22-Anlmal get the business 23-Lartat cently from the . Browns for 50.- FIVE POINTS my Hardware, East Main. Ju28c year was reported by North Da- - — 31 24-Taxi 000 or more of Uncle Sam's cou- kota where 1948 deaths totaled 10. Z2 25-lirattlian Murray, NOTICE--To all _patrons of the Macaw pons. Veeck may rue the statement Ky,,. compared with 24 for the same '. V 36 Calloway Soil Improve- 54 29-Starlike that he "probabry ik County- period of 1947, the Council said 29-To recline paid too Much," Association. The warehouse 30-Jay coin For ,Sad Sam ment The smallest decrease was in 37 313 yesterday won his Wednesday after- 32-First Jewish second in a will, be closed Washington where traffic deaths month row for .the Indians PHONE noon, June 30, in order to take in- HO ,4/ 04 44 .,....010/ 33-Man's tItlo to give them a split with Washing- dropped two percent. 35-Twinned ventory, and will be closed all /\ 38-To correct ton- Which means that Sam, once 47 48 :6 1 day July 5. Please plan your shop- The survey listed 13 states with 39-Roman capes increased traffic fatalities this year. 400-Flowing robe 41 ping accordingly. Ju29c -52 41-Egg-shaped 45-One of Henry "The death reductions are espe- FM'S wives cially significant because travel is 53 5s, 55 ._ 45-Girl's noose 46-Smallar HAYS & FIELDER FOR For Rent still going up, the Council's report 46-Muck AMERICA'S P.., said. "In the first three months PM by LW. 111.4101ft. 49-Llnib I 6tlyand Main INEXPENSIVE, FAST LARGEST SELLING this year, motor vehicles FOR RENT-2-room furnished a- had rol- and COURTEOUS THIN partment downstairs. Private en- led up a • record total of 88 1-2 QUALITY FOODS I lb trance. Electrically equipped. billion miles. This has resulted in Today's Sports Parade SERVICE CRACKERSOL Working couple or girls preferred a 14 per cent decline in the mile- and rs Call 509-W. Ju30c age death rate for the first three By OSCAR FRALEY back there and Hornsby hit .401. STAPLE GROCERIES Refrigerated Anywhere in Murray ... 25c months to the lowest level in the 'United Press Sports Writer Williams the laat., Man in the FRUITS FOR RENT - b-room furnished history of motor vehicle travel." and VEGETABLES Lunch Meat of all kinds NEW YORK, June 28 tUP(-. tpajors,tp,yreacl_j_kat- magic figure house, 1641 Farmer Ave. Available (Let us plan your The customers who still com- with his .406 in 1941, currently is MURRAY CAB COMPANY picnic) July 1. See Lenora Lassiter, 503 OPEN-UNTIL.7:00 P. M. plain today that major league swatting .415. Maple Street, or call 4t11-W. lc Fresh Fruits and Vegetables JOHN L. LEWIS baseball isn't what it used to be Musial, who claims it is"easy" ft should feel they get their money,s to hit .300-a mark mo,t major ALMOST A STAifE - ROLL CALL worth FREE DELIVERY SIGNS NEW WAGE when the schedule brings leaguers only dream about--was WHITEWAY NORMAN, 'Okla. UP)-Forty - those dual dynamiters-Ted Wil- stopped by the Dodgers yesterday. (lye states arc represented in Vet- liams and Stan Musial-within He only et one for four But thia Service Station PHONE 655-J eran enrollment at the University reach. RECEIPT BOOKS AGREEMENT TODAY one was a Isomer which helped Texaco Gas and Oil of Oklahoma. For ,the first time since 1922, the Cards win. And, although WASHINGTON, June 28 (UPI which takes in an awful lot of hfustal was "stopped" momentarily Washing, Greasing,and 4 to Page — In Duplicate -John L. Lewis and all the soft baseball, they _have a chance of he still is hitting a red hot .405 Adjusting--Brakes coal industry except the steel com- which is pretty fair driving fn getting a .400 hitter In each lea- Firestone Tires & Tubes GOOD FOR ANY USE WHERE A panies today signed a new wage gue simultaneously. That puts anybody's league. •• agreement them in a pretty' classy company The Yanks gave Tommy Byrne Phone 9124 RECEIPT IS REQUIRED The new agreement will become MS Illfrilfet along with those titans of - '22 his "last chance" and the guy won 15th and Main Street effective July 1. It provides: Rogers Hornstri,and George Sai- his first 'start Byrne is the fellows* C. Brewer, Mgr. LEDGER 4.-TIMES ED CARS 1- A $1 a day wage increase for ler. who has more "stuff" than any- each union employe. TRUCES er batted 420 for the Browns body on the staff but Is troubled. -2. An Increase of -10-ienta. a ton A in operator contributions to the union welfare and retirement fund NANCY Little Otiportunist By Ernie Busluniller GET A TOR QUALITY increasing the total payment to 20 cents a ton. GUARANTEED USED CAR 3 All other terms and conditions AUNT FRITZI--)MRS. JONES of the-1947 wage agreement to WHERE'S THE BORROWED At Lowest Prices From Lawrence's continue on the 1948 contract, In- CORN cluding the union shop provision. U S Steel Corp refuied to POPPER? 1946 FORD, 2-door Deluxe, nice and clean, 14,000 sign the new agreement because miles. of the union shop provision. The union shop is regulated by the 1941 FORD, Club Coupe, radio and heater. Nice Taft-Haftley law and prohibited and clean throughout. or strictly regulated by state laws in Virginia. Tennessee and Ala- 1938 CHEVROLET, 2-door Standard. Nice and bama. clean. Radio and heater. I Those who Signed the agreement 1941 FORD represented 400,000.000 tons of an- Pick-up. Nice and clean through- nual soft .coal production out. CIVIL SERVICE JOBS An examination has been an- 44••••• Other Cars to Choose From Oa, %I PO 06.--4611 4 nounced by -the Board of U.-S. Civil- Service Examiners at the Veterans Wanted: to Buy Clean Used Cars. Administration Branch Office No. 6. 52 South Starling Street, Colum- ABBIE an' SLATS No Trespassing Allowed WE PAY TOP DOLLAR bus. Ohio, for Underwriting and By Raeburn Von Burets Insurance Accounts Officer posi- tions. arid Insurance Examiner rTechnieiili positions at salaries MN/CAR HIT YOUR STONE )011 DON'T UNDERSTAND. THAT STONE WALL IS AN' LAWRENCE USED CAR LOT front $3397.20 to $5905.20 a year WALL-AND THEN MI HEAD YOU'RE INSIDE °STEELE KILL! ITS IRON CURTAIN.' NO ONE IS Further informat(dri and applica- HIT T,T00. I BOUNCED NOT LIKE ANY OTHER PLACE IN ALLOWED TO ENTER IT. NO Home of Guaranteed Used Cars tion forms may be secured from OVER, I GUESS, INTO THE WORLD::: THIS IS A ONE IS ALLOWED TO the Commission's Local Secretary. THAT SHRUBBERY-- DICTATORSHIP-AND LEAVE::: 201 Maple Phone 150 Mr. Valentine, located at Post Of- AUNT JO IS DICTATOR! fice, Murray.

V. •

4 Free Grease Job



Billington-Jones Motor Co. Incorporated 211 Main Street Telephone 170

• . , -Nwseetiowfmroonomorloy&suinaoiomst,qumaiow-o*. , -


• . - •

.t .4 =.4.- •


Miss _ Anne Walker of Murray and Mrs. Thomas Ray Cunningham. State College and Hazel left Satur -All had a nice time and left wish- day for Memphis to participate in ing the. young couple a long and Club News Activities the wedding of her ('ousin. Miss Locals together. Barbara Jo Walker, Miss America happy life - of 1047. • • • Women's Page Weddings • • Mrs. Agatha Wilcox • JO WILLIAMS, Editor — 1R4NE 374-M Hollis Walker, Miss Nelle Walker. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curd, Honored On 82nd • Hazel, attepded the wedding of Bitthclay Sunday their cousin, Riss Barbara .To Wal- ker of Memphis, Saturday. On Sunday, May 20, the children usher. Miss Emily and a few relatives met at the home Ruth Enoch and Mabron L. Foust The young bride was lovely in' • LOCALS - Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Martin, Aath- of Mrs. Agatha Wilcox (Miss Gets) Are Wed On Saturday, her wedding dress of acqua marine Miss Elizabeth Cox June Nineter.pth returned Fri- ens, O., will arrive Thursday after- remember her birthday. At noon linen designed along simple lines. • VIGILANTES OF day from to a two weeks' visit in Chi- noon to visit Dr and Mrs J. W. buf- Self colored Irish lace edged the ,a bountiful dinner was served cago, Ill.. and Atlanta, Ga. Carr for a few days. Mr. Hortin stutllov; neckline, the cap sleeves • • fet style. OF BUENA VISTA was until last fall a member of the ,and the bgief peplum She wore The center piece was a lovely Mr and Mrs. Milburn Dunn of Murray State College faculty in a white picture hat of nairbraid cake from her niece Mrs. Eula I -By FRANK C. ROBERTSON Detroit. Mich.. are visiting their the journalism department. and other accessories rj of earae. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Work- Valentine. only ornament was a rhinestone man and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunn. The guest list included Mr. -and bracelet, a gift of the groom. She Josie Pennington. acconspan- he said. "My dear child." "don't Enroute to Murray they came by Mrs. Jim Wilcox. Misses Battle and Led by Pauline Casette. has coma me. don't worry Household Shower camel a white Colonial bouquet of be afraid of And way of Pittsburg, Pa., and Bobbie Hazel Key. Mr and Mrs, Idaho Territory from N... about your brother. I'm sure he'll Washing- gardenias, brides roses and Majestic to ton, D C. Given For Mr. And Fair and children. Loretta York to marry Jim Blosham. gold be taken care of." lean daisies, showered with tiny ribbons • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bu- prospector in Buena Vista. whose "You think, then. that Bruno la and Thomas Ed, and baby breath. Mrs. Cunningham partner is Pa uline's brother, Innocent?" Pauline burst out. Miss Ruth Holton, Tulsa, Okla, ford Bailey and son Will gal, Ralph Mrs. Williams wore a dress of Bruno. Nearing Buena Vista. they "Well, my dear one Can never be granddaughter of Dr J ‘4; Carr, her household shower was given Fri- Wilcox. Out-of-town guests were pink linen .fashioned smiltar to the learn that Jim has been murdered certain of such things until one father, Dr. Ed Holton, Manhattan, Ray afternoon, June 18. in the home Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Valetine, Mrs. bride's. With V. and that the Vigilantes are pre- hears the evidence. but I have It on hate off the face hat Kansas, and Mrs Fred Boone, of Mrs. Claude Cunningham, honor- Mary Meeks, Mrs, Maude Valentine, paring to hang Bruno Joie. sure the best authority that the officers In- • and carritel a Colonial bouquet of dianapolis, Ind., ing her grandson and wife. Mr. and Paducah. that Bruno Is Innocent, enlists are now convinced there isn't a were weekend pink rosebuds and, white daisies. guests • the aid of Ben Warren, young shred of real evidence against him." of Dr. and Mrs. J. W Carr. Mrs. Thomas Ray Cunningham. A The bride's mother wore a • black owner of a roadhouse. He and his "Oh. thank you for that!" • • large crowd attended and,the hon- sheer printed silk with black ac- Paul Hudson. hotel- oree Violet Hill News friend John 'Well. I won't intrude longer," Mr and Mrs. Ed Hutton and received many nice and use- cessories and a corsage of white keeper, know that the county of- Douglas said. daughter of Dixon Tenn., ful gifts. you are fine. carnat'ons. Mrs. Foust. the groom's beers as well as the Vigilantes He made another profound bow were the Hi. there! Hope weekend guests of Mr. A plate lunch was served to the Self and _ 1 mother, wore black and white jer- are controlled by a lawless gang, and took tus departure. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Garnett Junes and Mrs. guests by Mrs Bela Beaman, Mrs. went Dover. Tenn., ty sey. white accessories and a shoul- headed by Charles Douglas. and John Paul WAS 1.00 amazed to see Minnie daughters to Jones. Nylotis Johnson and Mrs. Edith I'tt. der bouquet of white carnations. they believe that Bruno is being the visitor back to the lobby. Monday. It was reported they had victimized. They expect him to "You mean that is the man who • • Brotnmel. ing Immediately following a nice time -the wed- be given a sham trial, turned had Jim murdered?" Josie asked Mrs Fannie McIntosh of Tulsa, Those present were Mrs. Doris Sunday guests of Mr. an* Mrs. ding a reception was held at the for LIRA Of evidence. incredulously. loose then Okla is visiting her son, R. C. ing home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy M. seized by the mob To prevent "We've no evidence, of course Mc- Garland, Mrs. Sala Cunningham, Richard Self were Mr. aria Mrs. Intosh and family, of Sm liaTh on Lake street. The living this, they imprison Judge White- but we do know he is the man the the Hazel Mrs. Daisy Kenney.Mrs. Lade Han- Pete Self and daughters Carrie and Road. tog room was-decorated cotton Lis Hudson's hotel Doug- outlaws come to for orders and pro- ley. Mrs. Inez Rolfe ad Linda Clara,. Misses Margie and Ethellatil- with flowers • • Mb in pastel s)'.airea—aild-lhe dining -las and his henchman Gad Mellon." John Paul said. Gene, Mrs. Mary. Radford, Mrs. At- cher and Toby Runyon. ^ Moore. prosecuting attorney. bide "It's impossible Mr. and Mrs. C Ti room in whoc almost to be- N. King. who tie Harrell, Mrs- Lois Baztell, Mrs. I sure enjoy reading Kentucky • their time, holding the Vial- neve." Josie said. have been the guests 'oil The table laid with a cloth of of their Evelyn Palmer. Annetle and Mi- ailler„ Mountain View, Lae'--Val- tames in check. Then. Ben ob- daughter. Mrs Monroe Holmes, and wit quaker lace was- centered with the tains evidence that Jim's worth- URNA VISTA was having its chel, Miss Marie McCallans, Mrs. ley News and all .4Lhe rest of the Mr. Holmes, 211 North Fifth street, V LSI tiered wedding cake surmounted by less brother Bill. was seen near La quietest night for some time. Joyce Beach, Mrs. Linda 'Oliver correspondent's' colts:fling. Keep the J left, today, fur their home out a. miniature bride and groom under Jim's cabin shortly before the There was still the prospect of a in Buf- and Kenney, Mrs. Lucille Darnell. news coming in. falo. N. Y. They are making F a wedding bell arch. Gardenias. murder, after riding there from hanging on the morrow, but no the Mrs. Bertha Dulaney, Mrs. Johnnie the cabin of a man named "Dirty drunken mob could keep yelling trip by motor, Cox, Mrs. Paul Paschall. Mrs ferns ,and white pansies encircled • • Shirt' Page. On the strength of forever. JamesPaschall, Mrs. Grace Hanley. fro: the cake and tall white tapers on and Bruno's lawyer. FAT this. Ben P. John Paul had strongly urged Mrs. Chris Emmett has returned Mrs. Myra Towery, Carolyn and WHY BE Kei either side were in crystal cande- G. Taylor VT to make Judge Ben to stay off the streets. to , Tex., following a visit Richard, Mger-Hettic McCallon, Mrs. (Mt slimmer A labra tied in white satin bows. Whitecotton agree to a change "Bill Bloxham Is drunker than with her aunt. Mrs. Allie Lassiter, see Frosted punch, mints in lily design of venue, but be refuses. ever, and threatening to shoot you Effie Ha y. Mrs. Earnie Rolfe without dieting North Fifth street. and Mrs. and nuts were served with the on sight." Minnie Mrs. Lillie Walker, Mrs Earline twc Beale, West Olive street. Her You may lose poundsand !mous wedding rake Mrs James Enoch CHAPTER VLI1 "I'll stay off the streets if I can. moth- Tucker, Mrs. Jessie Tidwell. Mrs mum ,/end.. graceful figure. No ing Pictuled above are Mr. and Mrs. Mabron Foust cutting their %sal- othditoene'otunmetaonf er, Mrs. Dana Moore, who accom- ramming. Nu laaatn. s or drugs and Miss Christine Bray assisted in Ben and Taylor, egussolog. ifiBento Jessie Garland, Mrs. Robbie Wash- dins cake at the recerjes folloaing their VT after -Blihidinthag the panied her to Murray. with AVIS Fund CAM'y Ilan -A marriage on Saturda) after- the dining room. leaving the judge, returned will remain er, Mrs. Nell Norsworthy. Mrs lilts 1104715IR'S AMAZING DIS- said. CO% to,. don't cut out noon. June nineteenth.'at First Baptist( -hurch. Paris. Before her mar- for a longer visit with Mrs. Lassi- Wactkins, Mrs. Laths Chambers, ER Y. any The - bride is a graduateclatpsikfrove downstairs to the lobby, they With the exception of Tom 111f,111. of All thr things you like. ter. take AVIA riage .Mrs I osol ia as Mita Emil) Enoch. The COOPIC IN now at Mrs. Ophie Watson, Mrs. Hattie You siniply before home High School' in the were amazed to see Charles Hawk, who was absent. and Ben, • • nwalk. which automatically Zela Beaman, Mrs curbs • In Mt. Pleasant. Tenn_ and played guard on the Grove Douglas and Gad Moore talk- who had his own reasons for sit- Beach, Mrs. appetite Result 16 yOU eat 14,••and ting up. the men went to bed. Mrs. Ztria Cobb Lawrence has re- Autumplariell, Mrs Elizabeth Ezell IOW weight. ltailutely harmless! basketball team. She was selected to John Paul. P1001 POSITIVE! Eminent physicians dot Ilim Emily Ruth Enoch ing It waa perhaps one-thirty when turned to Louisville. following an and s, Mrs. Verlene Ezell. daugh- Compton played "Liebestraum" as a member of the county All Star As they strolled toward the other ituptrviard clinical tests and report quick and Ben was made to realize that he extended stay with her nieces. Cynthia and Gary, Mrs. Moyna safe load listh over 100 timers. WHY El- • tor r.U•- Mr and Mrs Bailey, Spur . Dream of Love1 by Frank team during the tournament this three men. Douglas turned. ruumENT? . chi' Liszt had fallen asleep because someone Miss Emily Wear. Mrs. C. B. Ford peon - Enoch. became springThe groom is a "We came over to see Judge Pierce. Gwendolyn and Carolyn, stVps. Today Only 11259 for full the bride of and `Miss Bray was shaking him by the shoulder. 354ayi aiouis pooitay more than you will ed sang -Because" by Whitecotton." he said, -but Hudson of the Concord Rued, and Mrs. Ron- Mrs Nylotis Johnson and Jane, Mabron L Fouit son of Mr and Guy graduate of Hen- He peered up sluggishly into the need. You low weight or your money refunded era dRardelot Lohengrin's Bri- he's drunk to talk." ald Churchill, East Maple street. Brommell and Johnny on thr very find Sul COT! in, phone. or writ, Mrs Maras. Noel roust ir. an us. ry High School and attended Toler's tells us too grinning face of Dick &Laverty. Mrs Edith cols dal Chorus was played as procei- afraid he Is.' Ben answered. Cunningham and Mr. WALLIS DRUG Phone 10 pressive candlelight ceremony Sat- Business College He served in the "We got him." said Dick "Tom Windsor. Mrs, Claude ens sional and soft strains of "Claire de "Then I guess we'll have to wait," an' Bonny are urday afternoon:June lg. at four.- CS -Navy two years and is now gu,ardln' hint out Lune': by DeBussy were heard dur- Douglas said regretfully The man back. Shall we bring him in?" Refreshments were served tea thirty in _the parlors connected with the Goodyear Of she First " ing the e'xchange of vows. Tire was at least a fine actor. He turned "Yes. Did he talk?" fashion by Misses Ruth and Fran- let us Hammer and Mill dab Baptist church in Paris. and Electrical Appliance Store in back to John Paul and said cour- "Not a word. He's ptirty dang ces Sexton, Ruth and Mary Lassi- Come in and 62. The cerernnny was-solemnized be- The Reverend Mt Pleasant, Tenn teously. "I understand that Aps tIghtin' mad." ter and Miss Lula Clayton a Haynes D. Lar.k- /ore Beale. the inantlispece that held the The couple Bloxham's fiancee is here at your Your Feed •i4 terd of Dover. cousin of. The left for a short wed- "Maybe we can take some of it Guests were Mrs. Dana Morro ket agraxam4dluasang-wIlite-tapers444-w&ned with hotel. As• friend of Jim's. I wonder out of,htm. I'll wake John Paul We have faILIkock at Wayne row tead the double ring servic.s ding trip after which they will be and and Mrs. Chris Emmet of Houston, a as. in the ! clematis vine A screen of the If it would be possible for me to ex- Taylor while you bring him in." presence of the immediate at home at 210 Merchants St. in Mt condolences.' Tex., Miss Betty Beak and Mrs. 78 families: green vine 'formed a background tend my T. R. Lassiter, Hand, Ky. and close _ Pleasant. The bride wore for trav- ffnd out." D. F. McConnell friends. • for tall baskets of "I'll be right glad INIRTY SHIRT PAGE, wham white glads. and eling a two piece suit of black and John Paul replied, with equal cour- 24.3- Mrs. Foust is a grand niece of Regal lilies. 1.0 grease-splotched garments white Russian cord with black ac, tesy. easily explained the origin of his • Ira: Mr. Robert Swann of Murray. The waddled away. bride was attended by her cessories and a shoulder cluster of He cognomen, had been forced Into a ext Mesa Elaine Compton. he reported. pianist I sister. Mrs. Petry M Williams, as gardenias. When he returned, chair. Torn Hawk and Dick May- stat and Miss Christine "Miss Pennington says she'll be dray. vocalist.; matron of honor. Charles S. Enoch srly were standing on either side of both friend JIM'S." ceit classmatel of the bride7-rerr-- of Grenada. glad to see any of him. with Hoppy Means lust Miss served the groom you." Douglas bowed. be- dered the nuptial mune as Mrs. A. B. Dunn -Thank hind. It was apparent tie had Mess hes' 'ran ara Jarr-s es accompany a mad 1 Gad Moore started to on, but at sight of the stern faces June Is Dairy Month Paul him. Honored With . them, but John stopped of John Paul and Ben he suddenly "Bruno's sister Is with her, and un- began to cower. Stork Shqwer der the Circumstances Miss Pen- "What's this here all about?" Mrs! B Dunn was honored nington doesn't care to see you. "Page, why didn't you tell the a Onerk Moore." truth when you knew Bruno Ca- shower by Mr* Max Moore, sulking. found himself a teurchillsnembers of the Amen- sette was accused of murder?" Ben Tho chair overlooking the street. shot out abruptly. Johnson's Grocery -n Legion Auxiliary and friends at Ben stepped out on the sidewalk. mat "I don't know a thing about a.e home of Mrs. Churchill. Thurs- and a minute later went around to that." la4E day evening at 8 o'clock. the rear. "You Be! The man that killed the The house was decorated through- One of John'Paul's activities was Jim Bloxham left your cabin at ten hoc -- out various running a stage line to Port Bohm. o'clock. He with spring flowers rode up Yankee Creek STAPLE GOODS and the color scherise of tank and His driver was Dick &Laverty, who over the divide, and down to Jim had just got in. and happened to be pio! blue was used. Refreshments of and Bruno's Blue Rock mine. He talking with Tom Hawk and HoOPI was seen can ice cream and individual decorated to hit Jim with• rock." FRESH FRUITS, Means. "I didn't! I tell you, I didn't!" stat VEGETABLES cakes were served to the guests. "I've got a little Job I may need the fellow cried. and .. Those present wer Mesdames Al- some help with." Ben told them. -There's Just one way for you to thei ton Barnett. Thomas Bell, Van Val- -There's a man I want to have talk and MEAT save your bacon, Page. If It wasn't loaa entine. Cullie Steele. Orble Culver to Judge Whitecotton, and he may you. it was • man who stayed with the Jr Rob Hole Jimmie Blalock, 01 not be willing to come.- you the night before That was Bill "You name him. an' we'll fetch Bloxham. who claims to have been It to Swann. Jimmie Brown, Hum• him." Tom Hawk said. pnreys Key. Solon Shackelford. Jeff on Stackrock. Which one of you "It's Dirty Shirt Page." took that TELEPHONE George horse and went over and nub 293 Shroat. Williams, Ed "I reckon we kin manage It." killed Jim?" Shackelford. 0. C Wells, the hon- Hawinsatd. crat "It wasn't me!" bon oree and the hostess. "Then It was Bill. We mean to Those sending gifts were Mes- IOHN PAUL had only taken time prove it on one of you. and It looks trad It cp!sicoRD ROAD dames Harry Sled& August Wil- 04o warn Josie that the man who easier to prove it was you than him wel wanted to see her was the man they teThllaust lath. unlesstiruessth y...ou come clean and 1M son. John Herman Trotter, Bar- chiefly held responsible for her Den ney Weeks. Ronald Churchill. John nance's death, arid to warn her to -I don't know anything." the "vei WE Ed Scott. Claude Anderson. Hugh show no suspicion. The girl there- man know DELIVER said "All I is Bill Bios- tim, Melugin Daisy Crawford and Mary fore, was expecting to see some sort ham stayed all night with me, an' Russell Williams. of ogre. It didn't occur to her ler the next mornin'" Viri that the handsome man who came It was all they could bully out of that John back with Paul was Charles the fellow but It wasvitsfficient to WoL Douglas until he was introduced establish the fact that Bill Bios, The- man bent low over her hand 'the ham had tied about his where- IV "Mists Pennington. I can't begin LO about.. Ben and P 0. Taylor then tell you hew Sorry I am If there is marched the fellow up to Judge drui anything at all I can do—" Whitecotton and aroused that inn sect -BLUE GRASS "Thank you." the girl said. with prisoned Jurist des' SHOWS a bewildered look at John Paul. site] "And is this the little Casette To be continued) El girl?" Douglas asked. (The characters in this serial are pros EARTH'S MOST DECENT CARNIVAL Pauline seemed to cringe back in ACMIOW her chair as he approached. roorterbt. 11141 tit Prank C Robertson lean :sr Neu Kentucky Owned and Operated Itev, Thai sew Ball DOME f2-ploos fuse . aeon LID is sassiest to vas gad EmmeteBurkeen Magazine Club crat surest to sisal. Fits any IA010111 Y, jot To tint MURRAY To Marry Miss Me n pesos doss—if Entertained By • how down, jar it Martha Scoggms Mrs. Jack Beale soalodl Mrs Jack Beale was hostess to COMMENCING Mr and Mrs R. T. Scoggins 165 the Magazine Club Friday at her JO East-Farthsng MILK IS THE BEST FOOD BARGAIN street. Mayfield. an- home on Olive street tom nounce the 'approaching marriage of The program entitled "March of bed their daughter. TONIGHT Martha Jane. to Times- was by Mrs. W W McEl- Also it is the best food. Drink a quart ai4ay, and you get all Emmett D- Burkeen, son of Mr and last rath. "The Funniest Story of the the calcium, all the phosphorus, and neafly fone-half the protein, you Mrs. lt D I3urkeen, of Murray tile IT 11/1:11. ZINC Month" was given by Mrs. V. Z need. And remember: MILK IS,A MUST FOR CHILDREN. "AND ALL .THIS WEEK CAPS and 'Miss Scoggins is a graduate of sate Ihibbar toms Mayfield High School, and attend- the Imo been faatimha lot genera. ed Murray State College Mr Bur- Drink OAr Grade A, Pasteurized, Homogenized Milk. ,Pte SHOW float. Thiry fool oil Meson jars. keen. veteran' of World War If, is LOCATED ON WEST MAIN Easy to sill a graduate of Murray Training but School and will graduate from Mur- DRINK 5fl DAILY! to at City LimiiS 4., 1.40•• ray State College in June. 1.549 At sew Us .4,404. •A Murray College, Mr Binginan is a "1/.6 MURRAY the member of Tau -reels111 a• Kappa Alpha speech TI ...ant • arta " NURSERY fraternity to r Fastinating Shows ta1.0..4 "rf — Thrilling Rides C014 The wedding will take place July FLORICT&GIfT iNOPPE Con sgOTO*5 3 at the First Methodist Church, 800 OuvE-PwoNE 364I adel --,ML susaCE. Mayfield. Ryan Milk Company Pre: IES _FREE TONIGHT • • • •• 010101( /Rise READ THE CLASSIFIEDS. lice


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