• USSla Proposes

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~~~ PRESE~'i'S f "I ,.'.....tI ," ...... '\"J~ LALO \. ""'"--­ ,~~a.'~----"""'UR~· nailable at ---FAl-r-.RISING TtMPERAT E TI-IE DAILY N'EWS 'Iii "'nIh:\, pcriod~. lIi~h Su·:r' III '. ,. I S :1': 'll ,!r~I""" oullo l1l; or. un· (Price oS cents' Charles Hutton'& Sons Lll~\tr,.,r_,n_",~~~~~~~~~VO_I,_6_3_,_N_O_,_1~81~~~~~~~S~T~' I I. II ilh ~h(lwcrs, ~JO~H~N~~~,~N~EW~FO~UNDlAN~ SATURDA~ JULY 14, 1956

J roposa nc u es '. tates, ussla nite .1 By STANLEY JOIINSOS \ ative rcaction from the West. ing phase, The French National difficulties for Ihe organization of "f MOSCOW (AP) _ Russia pro· Russia has agreed 10 set up Assembly Ihis week approved European securily. posed Friday a EuropelVide or· \lndc. Unitcd Nations auspices an French participation. The plan "The creation of an organiza. ganization to conlrol peaCeful I International age n c y {or the I~as approvcd in principle by the I' tion including only one part of uses of atomic energy including peacelul development of atomic SIX governments in ~Iay. Germany, and complicale the Communist and non • Communist \ encrgy. An 84',counlry confercnce lIlES.\CE TO PEACE creation of a pcacclul and demo countries. Both. Ihe U~iled Stales will meet i~ New York in Spctem· In objecting to Euratom Ihe ocraticalc. In addition Eur· and Ihe SOVlCt Umon would ber to conSIder a charter. Mo.~cow Soviet Union declared: atom would abolish all' rest ric- belong, Ifailed in efforts 10 get Red China "This system would gil'e an lions concerning the production nf The organization would replace admitted to that meeting. adl'antage to tho ~ e countries atomic weapons in Western Ger· a West European organization \' In addition, Communist eoun· which are the' most powerful many. ~ow being de.vel~ped known as' tries annO\~nced las~ M.arch their economic.aU)" to the detriment of "This woulr! permit revanchist Eura!om. ThIS IS 10 pool ,the ol\'~ atoml~ orgamzalton - the those which are not able 10 organ· circles in Wrslern Germany 10 alomlc resources of France, West Untted Instltule of Nuclear Re'l ize lite production of atomie organize the production of atomie Gerl~lany, Ilaly, The Nelhedands, search. energy. It would increase lack of weapons, Ihus creatinl! a 5erioul BelgIUm and ,Luxembourg. Euralom Is In Ihe treaty·draft· confidence and create additional menaCe for peace in Europe." The Soviet Union charged that ~:~~6~mma~:U:I~le ~i~is~on ~foIGe~~ I many more permanent and en· Leg' a'i Ex' pe' rt In" Cyprus To able Ihe Germans eventually to produc·e atomic wcapons. . Russia disclosed its proposals P in a note to the embassies of the United Slates, Britain, France rep are For· Self-Gover,nment \' and olher nalions, including swil- zerlaml ~nd Ausll'ia. By STANLEY PRIDDI.E I Britain de par ted Makarios,l CLADIS FIR!;T ~ '-:5 RECALLS OW •PROP?~J\I. ~ONDON (Rellle:s);-~ord Rad·' leader of the powerful union·with· Cyprus' 400,000 people of Greek The p;oposal Is re.mmlscent ~I: cliffe, one o.f Bntam s l~a(hng Greece movement. from Cyprus origin want scI! • dclerminalion the S~\'let ,call durmg !he BIg II~gal aulho.nlles, left by air fIJI' last March for allegedly conclon- just as slrongly as the 100,000 of Fo.u SUmlTIlt conference 10 ,July" Cyprus Fnday to prepare Ihe ing anli • British lerrorism. In his Turkish origin oppOSe it. Eden r , i 19.15, lor a gc~eral Eu;opean I ~roundw~rk for self·government announcement Thurs,day abo II t made clear Thursday that his I Ircaly on colleell\'c ccunty 10 Im the vlOtence·plagued colony. Radcliffe, Eden hinted Ihat Ihe government could not alloll' self· 1T11.\~r.r CiCOl'XTF.n 1:"Ii nnn.ATt..\XTIC:-Thls raIt and Its erew or three men WJS photographed rrom the Na"y Transporl : ,upplant NATO, It wanled Ihe Radcliffe, accompanied lIy his inly prospect of negotiatin~ with determination noW because of Tur· n f:. I'allan, which l'ncounlered !he log raft in mlil.\t1anlic, r.,hout 1,000 ('ast or Halifax, The caplain 01 Ihe milc~ i U,S. !nl'itc(! 10 .i0i~ Ihe pmlPean : :\,ile and a colonial off~ce offie,ial, Ihe ~rehbishop lay in his a;reeing kej"s opposition, who I,knlilicd himsdf as lIr;nrl,Beaudollt asked Captain Harr)' D. Chemnitz ul Ihe ;-':al'~' Transporl tu mail some IcI!crs i ,CCU:lty O),aantzallO~ \lllh _C?~"i ;s schedu,led 10 start hiS fael·fmd· publicly 10,condemn terrorISm. In 1 Turkey ceded Cyprus to Britain Irarr ~r:'l\' [n',h food, lie was gil'en Iresh Iruit, six rom,1 ducks r·nd staples, The raft skipper idcl1lilicd his companions ,munlst Chma gettmg ob"eller i IlIg mISSIOn luda), and relurn 10 past negollations, ~Iakarios has in 1923 and now argues Ihat the GIl~Or. \';,~,1d;t'rr, camcI'aman, and ~Iarc :llodena, Iildioman. lie said Ih~y had bcen at s~r, sime ~Ii\)' 24, Aftcr Ihe Illce:ing I st3lus, The propo~:ll drew ~ neg· ; London in I\\'~ 0.1' Ihree weeks to refl;,ed, to take such a step. I island, only 40 miles of! her coa,l, ______.. ,-.-.-.-- ".__ , ..... _.. ____ I drart a conslltutlOn. : Eden s government hopes thai must rel'crt to her if Ihere Is anv rift ;,r.d thl' \"~"y ship went their separate lVa~·s. Bcaudnl't ~airl he was a French,Cal1adi'~L-(IN Photo). i 'Prime :llinlsler Eden's govern· 1 the promise of a ncw liberal con· changc in it, ~(),'ereignty. . . R d 1.1" n' ;:(')ita-n~l· an ane :menl agreed ~'riday al the reo i ,tilulion for self. government will Eden declined 10 say What kind I e IZ e e rlU ~ 1.. PI i quesi. ?I the Lahor. party to debate I help b:ing an end 10 Ihe lerrg,risll of ~ constitution Ihe gO"crnment U the C> prus i:;,lIe 111 Ihe Hous~ o[ \ campaign. I enVisaged. But 1Il0,1 ob,;crl'crs ti DI COlllll1unists S Cn~lmnn" next "mrsday. One La· But there are two reasons why: here beliel'c it might permit an ' ~ t e 1-- 111 any' :bonle, Desmond Donnelly. h3s re~pon5ible quarlers doubt that' electcd Greek ('nlriot majorily in ,'te s· ,." _. .:" I prepared a question, scheduled 10 the new British plan will succeed: an island assembly. providOd the a f e I l,n WI G I be anslVered by Eden 'fues~ay, 1. Greek C~'priots hal'e refused rights of the Turkish minority are Flight, . Land S YI . I asking "if hn will arrange for to negotiate with Bl'itain' unless guaranlend. ',I:I\" li,"many (AP)' The fightint: raged on after Ihe! aeter the plane took oIl in !lie The anli . Communisl; ,grabberl' returneI~~ of \Iorkers In Poznan de· ! -----.---.--.... '. b:f'J~!" 1!1(' plane down, were injured In the struggle lor clothes apparently detecled the. gunpainl. ma~dlllg brea(} anel fr,e,cdom Irom : 42 K -II dAM-I- t . c:~~~ ,:""k!: ,,: :I Pni,ted: control 01 Ihe twin.englne airliner, i pial and fired nn the ei;:hl with. The rcbels lIew Ihc pla,nc ol'er: theIr Poilsh comm~nlst .,Ieaders, : I e S I I a r y I .\:r k'l(' :);"e ncar here. i The eighl launehe(1 their attack I a pisol. : COllllllllnist ClC(;11051I1vil~la nnrl , Hungary ~as sho\\n leals It ~ay I' , ,_. _... .. i--'-,-.. "~"------. more Ihan 100 nules 01 \\ esl Gel" l be Ihn next to feel thc fur) of . n ' M TV· imam' ' \ the workers. ' ~ urgess 0 th er 0 151-t . 1I.\l;I;t-:;';EII IIEFOHE I\IANY ~IE'fJlODS : , u ,!It \\'i" nol Ihe fir, I lime thai .Refug~es, fleeing Ihe Iron ~urt'l T ranspor t PI an erasC h es uy anti.Communlsts hal'e sought this I 3m counlrles to escape lotahtar· \ ,I ,mclholl to !Icc from behind the ianism have commandeerc~ ai, \ -. I Iron Curtain. mosl everylhing Irom a Iram to . l , ,~ In 19"3 lour Czechs-one a 11'0, a tractor for their flights to free I 't FORtT DIX't N'I.)· (AtPk);-A mIl· was not discovered for several \ The wreckage was apparently T 5 In Re d Caplta , • , ,.1 I ary ranspor pane a 109 servo hours after it occurred about 4 first sighted from Ihe air and Llrllcoat'1 " on ' man-slugged thc radIO operator uom. 'd th' f 'I' b d h t' h d b d ' h d , " . :"c molher 01: 19j1. I and arc reporled ',:orkm;: : of a Czecl; airlincr and landed it In Snptember, 1951, Ihe enginncr i a,n . a p.m. gsearc par les a een sent groun rescue partlCs were rus e ( ~Iaclean Ic~mcn el~ amll~s ~oa I k:,:'1 chplom:!t (II!)' I Reporl, I~at the): WCI'e in ,~Io,. 1 for the SOI:iet for~ign IlHicc. " in ~'rn~kfllri, We,1 Germany, and 30 passengers commandeered I crashed 10 a dr~vmg r.:un Fnday out only on suspicion of a mishap. to the scene. ,~,; ,"'lned her ~on 10, cow were nol conhrmed untIl an I The fOCClgn ofhce spolwsman: Gcrman olice sair! eight pas. a Czech Irain and took it into Wesl ' a~d 42 of Ihe 66 ab03td reported .TIle ~tili~ary Air. Transport Se~, Lightning, storm a~d blinding , In, ~ r'f:" ;n,talmrnl 01 lunexpeclcd' ~ress .cnnferencS, in' said t1wrc was no. llece~s.i1y 101', sengel's or PFriday's plane asked Germany. Eighty other Czechs on IkIlled. ,. \'IC~ saId 10 Washmgton .that, Fn· ra.1O turned Ihe scene mto a ,quag· .' ~1"'.C'an slory, I :lloscow earher Iins year. Smce, :llrs, Basscl 10 ubtam nlflcml pcr· 10' ()litical asylum in the West the Irain elected to return homc. T\\cnty • thrce pcrson~ surVlve!l day 5 crash of a C·llB kno\\n as mIre. • , rnrr::a n!::c:

. \\'ork by t:i\ \' pollee rcsted nt 1215 'md charg- up a faint radio '1IoPiCS lor Ihe threc,po\I'cr parley I' , • , • ., ' . 'p~l'tcdsl,:!nal f~i~king nday. beuinnin" ,Tuly 19 at Brioni Tilo's, Nasser saul he is happy Ihat, CIlJ car\-' \hi~ mom. cd wi.th bl'eal\lI1g and .. Search ol~icials ~ahl it was pus, ! isl~ml ;esorl ori the Adrialic i ~g),Pl'~ ','policy of non.~lignment W-II Jo])" OZ. rc~ultcd ;Il the arlm~nt, hare \'c~;Llltcd ill n big Bank s managet' no cash I passen!le~, dlsuppellre!i Sunday We~1 puwer hloes. It lVas believed For More Fun on Your lose its present deputy postmaster· no comment other than to say' with a total slaff 01 some .iO,ooO t • I (j tne bank concern- at' \'aluables were missing .• a!ter taklll~ off. from I'?x Harbor Ihel.r. ~o~l~r.encc may. produce a VACATIO N general next year because, he that Mr. :Turnbull had made ref- and an annual budgc 01 ahout , , on n 200.mlle to Goose Bay. nell Imlldll\e 10 conslliute and co· says his is a "Ihankless job" and crence to his retirement at Ihree, $1;;0,000.000. I, i'l nl~ht :1 I A nalil'e of Toronlo, he starlcd 1 and the only damnge to T!le 'plane is oIVne~ hy Whc~ler ordinale a "t.hird lorce" to 'play it is' Ii~e to quit, differen publie meetings. I , , ER 12.10 a,m,. nn anon\'- the Bank wa~ the' broken Alrli~es of ~t. Jovlte, Que" and a pn\Vel'~ul m)(ldle r~le nmon~ Ihe Walter . .T. Turnbull, 59, a \·et· As for the "thankless job" com· in the post ollice as a filin~ clerk, i ' look time out for a brid hilch t 11 • I ' e.amed sleepmg bags and food ra· nncommltted countries. eran of 41 years of government ment of Mr. TumbuU, "any high· i '~ ~l' lold the guard g asS., lions for about 30 days. It d Ih t Ih M'ddl service will be IcavIng five years' level post in the civil service is with the air lorce in the First Police Slalion that UnitedI StalesI I Air£t ForceI planes'. East situationappeare runksa as one e ofIe' the before 'ht e n!lrmal CIVIl' . serVIce . reo a thankless job," Mr. Lapointe World War, and later became post office public relations direclor. l L Ih had bcen smashed and pI' va e a reI' a I~ve joined most importanl Issues 'It Is cer. tire(llent age 01 6.'i. said. He was appointecl posl· the HCAF In the searc 1. ain' the Algerian probiem wll1, bc That, he said in an ainterview master • general last November I , I of KING PROTEGE e Bal1k No\'a dis ellS sed and it is likely Cyprus Fri.day, 15 a "rather unusual. earlr, following the death of Hon, Aleide In 1936, the late Prime Minister i':- . will be taken up as well. rellrement for a deputy m'imster, Cote. i ".l . wcst end branch, Nfld. Sides , • bllt he would leave his $16,ooo·a, While Mr. Turnbull would nol Mackenzie King look him under 1 I '. 011 Cornwall A "c, SUPI'OilT INDEPENDENCE year post even before 1957 were go into detail of his personal feel· his fold, nppointing him to his sec· RIES SATURDAY, July]4 ' it not for the Universal Postal Un· ings, his friends said he hns been retarial ,tar!. Mr. Turnbull reo I , t'urs on patrol Sunrise., .... " 4:17 a.m. The communlquc said "an ex· ion c,mferenee to be held here in upset over what he believes to be mained with' ~Ir. King lor nine b Immediatel\' conlnct- Sunset •• .. .. ., 7:56 p.m, change of opinions on Ihe interna· August next year. indications that (he government is years, becoming his principal sec­ retary. Mr. !{jng made him dep, y radio. a~d within 'l'JJ)I~S tiona I sltua\lon took place and On the beach with a peach- that's Some 300 delegales from 95 not sufficiently concerned wilh IIIl1h .. •• . 12:09 p,m. mulual relations betwcen Yllgo, really some thin", says' Freckles. arc cxpected at the big good administration. uty postma5ter.gcner~1 in 1045, or, four minutes ~nnntries Low .• ,. ,6:38 a.m. 7:22 p,m. slavla and Egypt IV ere, dis. But whatever you do during, vaca ,oslal l!athering held cI'ery five GOT S~IALLER RAISE poitee cars and a cussed," II added Ihat the talks tlol! days, tlon't miss reading till ·cars. Mr, Turnbull will be among About a year ago, when the sal· "Hc w~s a true Liberal," Faid SUNUA Y, ,Iuly 15 l'ilI' wcre at th B I. were "very cordial, friendly and com~c5 that appear In the Dai~ Ilose representing .. Canada and aries of depu:ies were increased-\ Mr. Turnbull 01 Mr. King. "lie TED th e anl\ Sunrise " ., .. .. 4: 18 a.m, "'I'I T' ~ II' News every day. Call our cirelli "Iayin~ host. some by 51.500 a year - that of didn't Idiel'l' in foreing'lhc pacr., I· , c h~i1rlinq surround. Sunsct ,...... • 7:55 p.m. opcn, Ie Ite. asser ta (, 11'111 .•1I0n department 2177 and have til '0 SURPRISE Mr. Turnbull's was increased by I' He believed in ::dng :,Iong with Sclcntist~ have discovered Ihol jlllltl'C 'rillES continue for two more days. paper mailed to ),ou whlle YOU'f( His planned retiremenl cam .. as only $500. Some deputies get S17. lhe people and r!Oiilg Ihings (rhcn officcrs. Thev warm~ can be Irained.-marrlcd j tho t • lIi~h ,. .12::l1J a.m. 1:01 p.m. \ In a (oast at Ihe formal lunch at away. I no surprise 10 his chicf, Post· 500 a year or more. Mr. Turnb~:l \he time was ripe. ) a a window had Low 7:33 a.m. 8: 19 p,m: I women have known il fer years. ,

.\ ' \' -~l·';,·~~" . ., , •

THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 2 'VisitingSon '\GovernmentTries I" "',,,. : .. ~" .. :~ ...... ' ~Irs. Kalheryn' Byrne, who has iNN 011° a' 11° 0 1 heen residing at Li\'el~, Onl., ,for ew ee; 11S I. AND FAL S NEWSl he past three years WIth her son U \ .:; ______GR •. ______. ;.... ______L .• ' ___ i~n~~~~ I~~0't~ln~~I~~r~1to~~~mil~:~l In Steel Row : IT Att d S of her son, Peter Byrne of 16th' lly JOlIN ~100DY i '! 0 en ummel' Avenue. lIIrs. By,ne Is accompanied Pl'l''l'SBURGH (AP)-The fed·:;; Rev,. B. L. Hodder Arrested For I hy her daughler, Mrs. Peter Terry eral government prepared ~Ion· I;:! Creating , Camp At Fox lSI' ~!re~t\~~lp~:, ~~Iaenl\~~. I~~I:! ~~ ~:ntIOba~~~nl~ni~~nt~~~t ~~~~t1~: ~; At Grand Falls route to tills province, Mrs. Byrne tions in an effort to end the nine· ~~, The ReI'. B. L. Hodder of the istur ance 'The 1st Bishop's Falls Boy Scout had the pleasure of seeing her day • long steel strike tbat is ~ United Church at Leamington, D b Troop, sponsored by the Salvation brother, Mr. Michael Mooney In spreading unemployment across :~ Ontario, accompanied by Mrs. Hod. At approximately 11.30 Snturda~' Ar111~', will combine with the Third Halifax, whom she has not seen the . ;;l der and their two children, Elaine night the CNR at Bishop's Falls Corner Brook Troop to atlend an. for the past 5.1 years. In addition to, ~50,000 striking i~ and Dal'ld, arrived In Grand Falls reported to the poUce that a young nual summer eamp at Fox Island steelworkers upward of 50,000 em· ,~ • last Wednesday night having mot. man was creating a disturbance on River, 75 miles ,west of Corner ployees in steel.related instrues ,; Ulon orad from Leaminglon, direct to the cast bound express, and it was Brook, from July 16th to 26th In· I" CI" al have been laid off. About 30,000 ri Grand Falls. decided to detain the express elusive. Off Opem" ne:u coal miners In steel-owned opera· ~ Rev. and ~ks. Hodder and tllelr pending the arrival of tbe police. Capt. F. A. Jennings of Grand L" I L tions will be made Idle when vaca· ~ B-ree 111'0 children are the guests of It was later learned that the man Falls will be In charge of the camp Itt e ~ague tlons end today. ' ~i 'I H dd ' I t 'I Rbis employed as a logger ot Glen· ltd b H ld L d 1 R Clyde Mills, assistant director ;,j ol rs. 0 er s s s er, ... rs. a crt I f II asS 5 e 'I aro un r gan, 0'1 B b II of the federal mediation service, £,:.,~. Way o[ Beaumont Avenue. JIIrs. woodhome atand Saltwas Pond. hend ng'rhe oryoung I 5 Brown, andII other h scouters. 60 ase a l said a decision on the date and "~ Hodder is the former Ella Walls of Scouts wi attend t Is camp, a place lor the new round of negot- h ,'~Wlndsor. .' The" will spend one week Iman k dwas taken t G Inlod~' custody II t andit" special "ucst at which will be, Th e ope n'ngI ceremony 0 f tl le alions ",ill be announced shortly. ~,'. l',\v.lth• ReI'. Hodder's parents, Mr. I oe'e• up a dl ran raN 0 awu Lleut Radcliffe from Winnipeg, L'ttlI e League Base ba II season at Neither the union nor the·"1 com pan· ~_£. ,:'iind• :llrs. Thomas Hodder. Rev. cour. procce ngs. who Is himself a trained Scout· Gr a nd Fa II sopto k Ia ce F1'1 'd ay, ies hn d any Immediale comment. i;t ::Hodder and his fnmlly leU Port CI' ...... swimming Inslrucior from July Hlh, on the Lions Club playing REFUSE TO MOVE .:~ :~m.: Basqui!s 11.30 yesterday ArrI"ved Sunday St. John's will be guests of Cor· field, Circular 'Road. Mr. T. R. !I1i11s said mediation was de· ~ :~ornin!: and arrived in Grand ncr Brook Troop lor 24 bours, on Moore, General Manager. A.N.D. cidcd on after separale meet· ~i 'r'al!s 10.30 last night. RCI'. Hod. Miss Sadie Parker, well knowll a site seeing tour during the Co., threw over the first ball. The Ings with bolh sides convinced the jj der s slstcr, "trs. Bernard Diamond schOOl leacher of A)'r, Scotland, period of the Camp. ' competing teams were the Local government it would have to take .~ ~nd her I!tlle daughter. Rre also I arril'ed here b)' air Sunday and 63 and Local 88 Papermakers. 1 the initiative in scheduli",g further ~i In Grand I'alls at Ihe present time, I is spending a brief visit as Ihe FI" VI"Slo In peaCe talks. !;i as ~uesls of ~Ir. and Mrs. Wm. guest of ~Ir. and Mrs. Gordon rst t The disputing parties have not fJ' Boon~ of SUl'la .Road. Mrs. Dla. lI'any of East Street, Grand Falls. H D t d ' met since June 30 When the ne· e, mond s husband ts with Ihe local :lUss Parker is the doughIer of ~Ir. 34 Years orne es ~oye gollatlons were broken of! in New Pi Branch of the ~ewf()undland Light and Mrs. John Parker of Ayr, Scot. York six hours before the steel· fj and Power Company. land, whose home and hospitality By Fire workers walked out of mills pro; to~"',;l' during World War II was nlways After an absence of 34 years ducing 90 per cent of· American nl'ailable ·toNcwfoundlanders, and from Nfid., Mrs. Fred Bursey, of steel. k';j !IIr, Il'any In particular spent St. John, N.B., arrived In Grand Mr. Abraham Janes, 69 year.oM' Railroads alone00 have laid off ~ Junior-Senior man~' week.ends as the .guest of Fr.lIs on Sunday night and Is .the rcsldendt OflthBiSlh.OP'ls'fFaIlTs'h barely hmourl~ thg abn 30'.°1 Id~otrkerks. hFreld~ht ] ~Ir. and Mrs. Parker while he was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Plem~n escape IV llS I e ursday a In 'I rat an rue as IP- ~l~'"_=, with the Royal Artillery on active Thorne, of Botwood Rd. Mrs. Bur. morning at 2 o'clock, when his ped sharply without shipments of ~ .Queens Crowned ser\'iee. 1\I1ss Parker is enjoying sey Is the former LillIy Goulding' one slorey bungalow was destroy· finished steel, iron ore and olher .~ hllr brief visit to Grand Falls. We of Gambo, and she wiU be well ed by fire, the origin of which Is raw materials. [,' m Y F:TII;e I~~~o )~~~~~1S.I' h~ilgnhll,n pGt.roa,.nedd uhenrdeertShtaISnd\\'eSehke fOwrllil\IO~nCtrelaelala'lnndg• rtememberhedown, w 0 areby PllcolPlev ng IfroCn entralIhat no!.,111'., preJsenntsl n e , m.know~. an m t'ervlew weI'sIth The were 200,000 on U.S.vacation soft coalwhen min·the ~ to' be I'ery fitling, finale. to the Vancouver where she will spend Nfld. this bulletin this afternoon. staled steel strike started. Some 30,000 !j Junior Sports Dar programme. 14:1 some times wllh relat!,.cs hefore :ltrs. Bursey's sister, Marjorie he retired to bed last night at employed In active-steel com· " attcnded the .Junior dance In the returning to Scotland on August Goulding of St. John, N.B., Is also 10.15 . tmd at approximately 2 pan)··owned-mines already have ~ 1'IariSh Hnll .ann the two spot 23rd. "atationing in this area, as the o'clock lhis morning he was arous, been told they will have no work I; ( anccs, were 1I'0n b~' ~!lss Elizabeth guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy King ed by someone knocking on his until Ihe strilte ends. ~ R)'all, a~d ~Ir .. Danny ~IacIntos~" po L d of B. Falls. Mrs. Bursey's enjoy· door. Mr. ,Janes said, his room ;-.,~ Dalhou'le ~.lcd,lcal ~tudcnt. who IS I loneer a v in!! her short visit to Grand just off the kitchen was filled· ROBENA n1INES OPEN presently l.tSlttn!: Grand Falls, 85 ' J Falls; and 11'1\1 be returning 10 with smoke, and he ,,:as in a very There are a few except!on~. i ~ I hI' ~uest of ~Ir. and ~Irs. .laek I p A, 1t ~C'I' Brunswick tomcrrow morning. weakened condition, as result. But h~wever~ U.S. Sleel Corp. Said II I· ~ Harlle of lIiII Hoad, and Wm.: asses \\ av 1\ The Eastman and Goulding fami!. managed to seize one of Ws boots WIll eontmue to operate Its Robena t.l H:J~'\\'nrd 01 .Granel Falls and ~lIss 1 J!ics of Grand Falls are relatives of and smashed a window througl: mines In we.slern Pennaylvanla. A i ~~ )lat.y BaldWin of Botwood. 'COrller BI'oolr~ , I~Irs. g Bursey, and Marjorie Gould· onlywhich inhe his made p~'iamas. his escape,Mr. Hubcrt clad fewIhe st~lkesl~el firmsalso WIll~ot resumeaffected mme, ~y i il~ The Title of .lunior Dancr. Queen, tn • Barnes, Chairman of Red Cross Dis· opcrallons today. 1'l £"aIl5,\I~S award('d daughtcr to of~Iiss lIIr. andM:lrgaret :III'S. of Fromthe passing Corner ofBrook a grand comes old lI'ordIndy ' W" d ROd t aster Committee aL Bishop's Fal.ls The cut in coal production for I ~~ .Wilfrcd Evnns of Carmelite Road. plo,neer of Central Newfoundland, III sor eSI en was soon o~ the scene of the mls, steel mills will amount to aboul: ~j 285 prrsons attended Ihe Senior M~s. Mary Maldment, formerly of 0 hap and With Mr. Ernest Budgeil 250 000 tons a da v : :; W nd or nt th g f 96 D At B t d of the N.F.P.A. section at Bishop's: .' i;: Dance in Ih~ Town Hall, nnd the 1 s, cae a years. leS 0 WOO Falls, they quickly obtained the Koppers Co" Inc., a big steel::' ,two spot dances were won by :lUss The lale :llrs. Maldment was Ihe N.F.P.A. Trailer Pump containing equipment builder, said it has laid I ~.'; BJrbnra Gunn and ~Ir. Terry Fol. former Mary Adams of Old Peril· We regret 10 report the death ff 1500 k i let. and ~liss Joan Cadman and can, nnd she came to reside with In Botwood, Hospllal late Monday 160 gallons of water and with this 0 , wor ers and made idle I::, )Ir. Tom Blackmurn. A mOI'le film her husband at Mlllertown June. aflernoon a welll.nown resident equipment they foJght the blaze, two tar processin!: plan!;. The: C II h tl Nfl o~ but to no avail. • tar comes from sleel mIll coke 1 ~,j'l was made of the Senior dance hy on w en Ie ew ound and Roll· \ of Windsor In the person of Oliver b d ct • ~Ir. Roy Da"is, and this film will way had just been built through Whecler In his 51st year. !IIr. The two mcn who arouscd Mr. oven y·pro u s. ; > be sent to Ihe mainland for de. that sectlon of the counm' In 18nS. Wheeler was strIcken ill at his .Tanes, Dick Mills' and Michael In Pennsylvania, Ihe largest: ~~ \'('lo\1l11ent, and later will be screen. She .ran a board in!! house for Ihome on 13th Avenue. Windsor, on Lawlor, were passing the bungalolV single steel producing stale, the: ~i cd In Grand Falls. Thc tllle of the many ~'enrs at Ihe Junction and Salurday night and the ,{allowing at the time, and their quick ac· department of labor and Induslry i j senior Queen of the senior dance catered to many well known motRing was eonvcyed to Bolwood lion on seeing the reflection of reported 16,100 persons unem· I;.! WlS awarded to ~Irs. Eileen King sporlsmen, including Lord Norlh· Hospital. He is survil'ed by his fire In Mr. Jane's kitchen, is be- played it> allied sleel industries i q of Wlnoisor. cliffe and Mr. Rothchild. Sh~ also Wife, six daughters, three sons, lieved to han saved the man's the !irst week of the strike. The';. ran a boarding honse at WlIldsor three grandchildren. a brother .. life. stale has 202,900 steelworker,:'~ for many yenrs. ami In 1946 she Leslie, residing at Gander, nnd a Some Insurance was carried on parti~ipating In the walkout. : j " D I went to Corner Brook to' live with sisler, ~tr~. Arthur Wheeler, resid. the bung~low, and the Red Cross ::'1 K. InShlen raWln!! her daughter, ~Irs. Whl1e,i·ay. Shc ing in Boslon, Mm. To his sor. at Blsho~ 5 ~alls Is attending to ... u leaves 10 mourn, three sons, Fred rowing wife anti family we extend llr. Jane S Clfcumstances. l\'iannel'S l\ila]{e II' ~"','.,.; ' ,lIed and Gordon at Windsor, and John deepcst s~·mpathy. n in -: Postpo on Second Avcnue, Grand Falls. I ;J The Grand' Falls and Bishop's' Als? three daug~t~rs, :llrs. While· I In Hospital Frloends' " F"lIs Kill5mcrt Club wioh to an- wa), Mrs. llc" Imler and Mrs. ell M I : lIounce that the drawing for the Arthur Stewart, residing nl Corner .0 one Ol'gan The many friends of Mr. Leander 11?:~ Irailer. scheduled to take place on. Brook. A G 'Hiscock of Grnnrl r'alls will be I Most people could stand 10·;: .Itll~' 2, did not lake place due to. t rand .F aIls pleased to lea~n t~at ther~ .Is some I enlarge their speaking I'ocabular· I:~ Ihe non.arrh'al of the It'nilel'. The: A l~prOl'ement ~n Ius condItIOn. Mr. 'ies. Not in a pretentious way .. I 'il ih'awinl: \\'111 nIJw he helel ~llOrtl.... l'l'ives lIome For Colonel and llr.l. ~Ioses llorgan HIscock took til on Monday after· using big words just to show oIf, I i~ ~rtcr the arril'al of the trailer. IiI i or 51. John's arrived in Grand noon and was placed In Northcllffe but in a way which will enable you '{l , he meantime. tkkets mal' be ob. F 01 R ° : Falls Tuesday and will be here Hospital. tn usc the exact word instead of', iained from members of 'the club i amI v CUluon ;fot' a few nays as Ihe guests of vague words that mean so liltle. .~ in (irand Fall~ and Blshop's Fall~," I Col. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker of VISITING FROM NEW YORK You should not ha\'e 10 say. ,;1 ~nd al$o from "ariO'\l~ retail stores. .. ,. -- 1 Sialion Road. Colonel ~Iorgall is "You knoll' whaL I mean," when ~l f Irp .Lillef .lack Pc)'ton of liar. Professor of Political Econom~' at Ilk and II!rs. Daniel Ceoper of' clearly the other prrson doesn't." mon Fteld,. acco":1panied h~' Mrs. the ~temorial Uni\'ersil~', St. ,Tohn's Point Leamington are pleased to :c...... ___ ----- . ", P~yton, theIr family, and ~Ir. Pey. ancl Colonel of No.1 Militia Group ha\'e the pleasure of a visit from lon's brother William,. who is em. at SI. John's. He Is here for the their daughter Carolyn, Mrs. Ed· Left For St. ployed on the office sta£! of the pllrpose of hal'ing cerlaln lalks ward Bcnnett, And two children Dominion Bridge Compnny at La with Col. Tucker and will be going who have been residing at New . . Shene, Quebec, arrived In Grand 10 Buehnns Thursday morning. He York for the past nine l·ears. Mrs. Joltn N.B • Falls la~t night by motor vehicle I will proceed to Comer Brook and Bennett arrived at Gander by air , ~[r. and ~Ir~. Cheslpy Woodrrian from ~ort aux Basques, where they Bonne Bay ol'er the week.end. Col. Saturday and came to Bishop's REDDY KILOWAn® 'Jelt hcre Monday by 'I'eA to v\<;lt !I1 et \\ m. Peyton yesterday morn. Morgan Is a brother of Miss .Julle Falls where she was met by Mr. !helr dau!:hters, Jean and Mariiic, mg. Fire Chief Peyton Is here at. l\lorgan, WeUare Officer at Wind. Howard Thorne, who accompanied ,------­ at 51. John, N.B. They will also lending Ihelr !lrst family re.unlon sor, and Is a Rhodes Scholar, We her to Point Leamington. Mrs. BE THRIFTY • • • 'make a motor tour nf Easll!rn In about 12 years, and we under. understand that Col. ){organ is Bennett is well known In the Point Canada, and cities in Ihe Unl ted stand Ihat his mother, Mrs. the second Rhodes Scholar In his Leamlnglon area and her many Use Fine Worsted , I ' ~Hates. They will be absent from Cecilia Peyton, Rnd sister Eleanor family as his brother Herbert Is friends are pleased to welcome her Cirand Falls for four weeks. of St. John's are also In Grand nlso a Rhodes Scholar, practising home on vacation. , ELECTRICITY : ! I Falls for occasion, and are the law in St. John's. It is believed For 1I1ARRIED AT TORONTO guests of thcir sister, Mrs. Lloyd they hold the distinction of being Arnold of Crescent Heights. Fire the only family in North America On Vacation ~Ir. Wallace Curtis who has BEITER LIVING! been residing In Toronlo .for the Chief Peylon left Port aux Bas, with two Rhodes Scholarships. past five years and Miss Ruth ques Monday morning at 9 O'clock, 1\Irs. Alfrcd Russell of Sydney, fought two fires at Harmon Field A report from London, England N.S., recently arrived at Bishop's E .Fudge of WiIlow

SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST, ONLy ...... ! :~ :~ ELECTRICITY IS YOUR CHEAPEST SERVANT! : ~, .------.....------' I > " ~ ~: " EXTRA PANTS FRE -

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I,': LOW.COST, DEPENDABLE ELECTRICITY i ~, I: IN ST, JOHN1S AND SUBURBAN ~REAS ,.: ~L::::..r:~; ..;:.,.;.. .. "" ...:.""'.~ ... , 1.1.;: ... , • ' ' ' " ",' '." ,1' ,~' •

• ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, JULY 14,1956 --. The Daily News


ontroversy ver ate'r , ·ront ec anization -----.... _------_.... _. __ . __ ...... ---- Decision Bacl~ward, nOutremont" Due Here Today .Visiting Here • 111011 Official Declares Breen Blames Employers h J l'anlpli~ll. Prc$ldcnt o[ would take several years beforc Je ;aliia~ Longshoren~cn'~ Un· mechanization can be achlc\'ed. has descrlbcd Ihe r~Jcchon oC "Sheds arc dllapldated and the , wa"C and lI'orkmg agrec· planks can't hold the weight," Mr. . bl' the S1. ,John's L.S,P.U. Breen said. • I , backward decision. "Wc'd bc sticking our necks out \ r~mnbc\] commenting If mechanization was undcrtaken \'r . . •special ,.Inlm'lc\\, \\' It I1 II Ie now." • 'J :.1'' ~I~)" Seils on Ihe rejection Of. Wc can't. possibly consldcr Ihe agreemcnt which had call mechanization under the present t6 for major Improwments I.n conditions. he told the News. port facilities In St. John s m~~~' would be dangerous for the Id "I ron sider tile refusal 11 Ihe St. John's I.ongshore· Since 1940, he continued, the 01 I th I nport sheds have· been hulglng with men to rrcugn Ie e I • freight. It Is difficult now he said la!t 01 Imprnl'rments In the hlnrllln~ Mrldon that will reo to discharge ships with any speed fll!1 '-frloll~l~' on efforts to or without damaging the. cargo. Miss Mihoko Shimizu, of -PIOlt the position 01 the He blamed these difficulties on Japan, is viSiting St. J olm's I,. conditions of port premises. ~rI." DlSCJlARGlNG PORT to attend Cana:iia:l Girli in The L.S.P.l'. >i~ned a renewnl Mr. Breen said that SI. John's Training summer camps. Ihtir 1P55 conlracl after they Is now strictly a 'tIlscharging port She rnturn"'.d hCl'e fl'on1 th~ Ihr new nne. The new and conditions arc worse than • " included in additiun 10 PRESIDENT BREEN ever. {:amp held at Burry Heights , cmp:oyrr roncmions gil'ing "Not one foot of cxtra space la"t week and will leave Ilcen light (or Ihe Improve· cider tu bc a very serious loss has been Added." Acting President 01 pMI facililies Ilrol'islons to Ihc best inlerests of thc Union Breen said he believe. that an here on Sunda~: by the ex" omlimr incrca,cs [or the and thc Port." amazing Job is being done 1n pres!' for Lp.wis:)orte to at. ~I more Ihan 60 cents an . LSPU STATE~lENT discharging eargoc~ today. . • . '. The rnlnn mcmhmhip re· William Breen, acting Presl·· He pointed out thnt tlte long. tend C.G.I.T. camp at Loon th~ a~rc~mcnl in a spccial dent of Ihe L.S.P.U. comment· shore workers must sort every Bay. From there she will Jul\' 4. The nCII" agl'cclnent Ing on ~lr. Campbcll's state· Individual piece of frcight under' TilE PRESTONIAN.CI,ASS (rI~ate HMCS ·Outremon~. which Is scheduled to Irrlve Bt St ..Tohn's late to·day. The 2600·ton I'mel 1 (' G T'1' C ·'.I·~nrd h.I' Leo Earle. as mcnt toll1 tlte Dally News last what he called congested 'condi.. ~ , i go a -. 'd .. ramp at .or'; l , wJl\ embark I,lls Honollr Sir Leonard Outerbrhl"e. Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundlnnr. Jul)' 15th for his annual visils to pro-' B k ' h i of the I..S.P.LI. and the night Ihat employers In .E·t. \Ions. .. 'I ner roo, ana t en on to , b h I J I' t k th fl t 'd II th vlncinl oulporls. (Insel) left "bove-LI. Cdr. Peter G. Chance. OttllWR, Commanding Officer, and right: LI. Cdr. Roger J. Mann, . II~ rejectIOn )' 1 e un· .0111 5 mus ma e e rs JIIr. Breen fial , as we, at New Brunwick for another dr~\\' ~Ir. Earle·s. move If mcchanlzation Is to he feels It Is ridiculous to think Vlel9rla, Execulil'e Omcer of lIMCS Outremont.-mCN Photo). t· I be Introduce!l: of establishing another port on ramp . .lune; The eondllioll of the premo Ihe South or East coasts unlil liTis;: Shlnizu. Is ~ graduate of after: Ises ml1st be Impro\'ed before premises have been eleanerl up In E I'. . t 0 t·I k B . h t Tsudo University. Tokyo, Japan, inh an inl'itation to \'islt Sllchsteps are laken, Mr. nreen SI. John's and Improvement~ have. mp oy~. en U 00 rIg er :and has come 10 Canada for the bl' Prelid~nt Earlc. He urged sla':ed. been made here. past year under the Woman's min to romply with a program lie commented that Mr. He s)ressed that the employers :-'fissionary Society Scholarship imprnvfmenl~ in pt'!'t facili· CamJlbell's statements could must act first to relieve the con· for Japanese stUdents, and has I It was at thai meeting that be well understood eonFlderlng gestion before mechanization can probably be done." I. . I heen studying at Toronto Unl· Earle ,ras appointed to head, that lIallfax Is one of the most be introduced. Newfoundland's employment pic. Mr. Coombs in his weekI v re .. are bsted BS joble~s on the o!£\ce . The number of uncmplol ~~ .re.: I'ersity. She Is specializing ·In tht ntiotiatln; committee. i modern ports In the Easlern E~IPLOYERS CO~mENT Iture continues to brighten and ac· port says that the office is meet. Irecords. ~f these 815 are labclled glstered for th~ Eastern DIVISIon I Puhlir Hp~llh nnd plans to take Campbell. in an Inter1'iew I Seaboard of tlte North Amer· A spokesmen for the Employ· cording to an official of the Na. ing with a big handicap in the constrllc\lon labourers. took another slight drop ol'cr the. a position with Tsudo Unil'ersity Iht llally Scws rollowln~ the lean conthlent. ers Association for the Ncll's on tional Employment Office in SI. fihorlage of skilled tradesmen.. The number of IInemplo),cri Ipas~ .week. Work was found for, as lecturer In Hygiene on her rl!· in .!unr called lor port lie said condl\lon~ here dll· ~rr. Brecn's charges said thnt a1· .John's there will bc furlher major .Johs arc open for skilled plumb· I registerrd for t~e Eastern Division ad~lltonal 161 m,cn and womr.n to l'Irn to Japan. . "'Oll·,ml'nl. Ile wa!'nrd that fer greatly from Ihose In Hall. tliough "some prelniscs arc con. job openings ol'cr the neKt few ers, stcamfitters, cement finish .. took another sl1ght drop over the 101ler the total Jobless to 3,164. I The members of th~ Branch Y.x· '. the port I\'a~ mcchanizedl fax. ~ested .. there arc cerlain others weeks. crs, sho\'cl operators, eleclricians.! past w~~k. oWrk was found for Complele figures as rdeafed by: cut!l:e aU.rl tllc ;re~b~'terial .ex, . John'~ \I'a! in tlan~cr of lo,

. I1is Honour Ihe Liellten~llt Gov. CASH IN ON THIS MONEY.SAVING, BUY ernor leaves S1. John's in ll~tCS ,iOutrcmont" on Sunday, July 15th, to visit places in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador. During the early part of the tour His Honour will be attended by FlO D. C. Hun,t, A.D.C. and latterly by Cdr. F. O'Dea, A.D.C. His Honour's itinerary includes La5cie, 51. Anthony. Battle Har· bour, Cartwrig\lt, l\Iakkovik, Hope dale, Nain, Hebron, Northwest Riv. er, Goose Bay,· Happy Valley and L'anse au Loup .. •During his tour Ilis Honour will nlso visit· the mining operations at Monkey Hill and· Knoh Lalcc. ST. JOHN'S" . . , '.' . , ..;. His Honour expects to rei urn to St. .•John's during the first week Und ENGlNEIlR5 ATTEND SUMMliR CMIIP-Mcl11hers of S:. ohn's 50\h Field SqUadron, Ruyal Calwrllnn Engineers (M) ·u[ AIlSust. nOltin/~~~lng Mnual Mllltill training M Pctawawn Military Camp' in' Uulal'io this week. Using pilie holcs to push a section of a' Gnl'~rnmcnt lI()tI~r. Leonard allc)" Bridge Irom ,hurl! Ire, left 10 rlght:-L/Cpl. Herb Jancs, SIll', Jim Scm" SPl'. Gerr)' Fleming and . L/Cpl. Cyril ~t ..John·.~. Nell'foundland, . ~ . . ',' Jul~ 13th, 1950, ,_. . •

rHE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY I 4 .. Spadework for His political Grave?' .' , THE DAILY NEWS sport I Newfoundlqnd's Only Morn il1g Paper In The News B~ \V AYF ARER The DAILY NEWS Is a mornlng papcr Activitie estabhshed In 1804, and publishcd 9t the Ncws Building, 355·3511 Duc~worlh Streel. A m:~IARKABJ.E ~I.\N II hlch has contribuled many plom· 51. John's, Newfoundl.lIld, by Robl:l~on &. 11 IS pOSSible that some people mpnt men in many wall,s of liCe Comp,IIlY, t.lmlted. \1 hll have hllle knowlcdge of 1111' to Ihe Ferl'lCe of Ncwfound"mrl. ME~mER OF Tilt: C,\NADlAN l'R1:SS C 11 pcr of Ger,lld Doylc inar won· He had only an ordinary IUi:h 1'he C~nlldlnn Press Is exclllslve'.y enlltled dpr IIh\' thl' death of a Sllccl"sful school educatiun hut he had IllItiallve and industry amI out APRO til the usc for republlcnlion of all news businr"nHll1 has attracted Sll of these he built line of the most dj5p::.tches In this paper credit cd tn 'It or ~o mUt'h nollrl' in the press. Bill if (il'l ,IIultcd from a colliSion bel II een Ihe tIl \ .. ' lIalcr \ el \ helpflll III clrl('rmm'll~ Ihe Commi~­ But apart from (he work that 01'. -rl'I'icc, \\'Ilhoul heSitation, lIith· 1)15 pnbhc Hclll'IlIcs nnlll we 11 ~ ~11\ ~ 11011 leading bal'k to the conlm· io 1,111111 II hrthcr a plane 1\1'1 c !Ill ec:I~' unove or 1)('10\\ or l:l \\'liltin the pi 0\ inre, . d I' S'l'llII 1",S'l'S' ...·\IIS Columhl.1 IS suppose to be rc ated principally to "- ent's nml)' curUcs: !la) s. 1'hcre FOI' It I, ,nmethf'l~ !\lore Ihan IIChllld him. fIsh curing but will, we hope, be enlarged (PI'ICI bmough Examiner) is. of eoursc, In all English an antholo!:). It h \OICC-. ,pc;]k· Allernn!i\'ch', If wc ;'1'1' 10 rem:lill t 'd f \ Studcntj" at !hc Unh·el'slt~· of Canada, o~c -cit)' thnl enes Ollt 1I1g and smglllg. 'I he 101ce, of I'lIIthrl'mOlI' :he phpical and II00king cOlllhtifllh 1\llh'~-: .larf!eh' a pro\'lI1ec 01 primal \' indll~tl'Y o conSl er ish as a proline source of BrItish cnlumhin IIC read, arc III all lIs history, localll'n r.nd bo) 5 and gill, 101lehell b~ ,llll1e· plane ~ co"!,p.t ;'0 110t r,lmr good II-ual obsen allon alo'l: ~ r;:~ and thr eonscqncnt SUppOI t of many r,\\\' material out of which a great \,iU'wty "h~.ndicappcd hy Lek of parking of l?rocessed prod uris can ultimately be ,race". Perhaps thcy should attitllrles. to he Iwinncil II Ilh Ihm!: - .In urge Ihdt makes It JIl'trllnwnt~ p.,t!, a lugh panrl In hemt of the pilot ,n ' thou~mHb of \\'ol'kel~ on the 1'.\1 ms and in Qllrhcc, our oll'n dear 1111 e, \'IC ne~c,sary (or them III do mOil' 'he cPlhnn \"lI1dnw 'p,'cr Ie '11 rrl~tJ\eh' ;GlIIS or LZ':~ 1I0noo sale. • l"YAI,LWOOU'S PLEDGE pitch. B'II Ill(' tolll ellecl IS olle \< Inl' II; file I'~J1\Jol rille. thrl \\PIC ,lesl!!nprl rl - I~' 11, po\\'Ct', cllcotlr,lgc Ihe growl h of primary (llal:mlOre SlIn) o[ gleat rlant~. al1ll-orldt~. tillS or that 11I"l\llll'th) old leel\.I~on, tit .. Dr·:) 'lhe) pill"'" rn '~I Some work is being done, we hear, on (St John's Ncws) crnlul'l brill;! I' h.lt II I,-a cheN' (llliel pll~C .•lIld make 'us a stlll'dlCr prop lOlItr, wood pI' d t t II . t P I That m.lsler of thr. art of polio Clhzcn5 of Illncl' ~Iongoha fill oliJccl1' con(l(lcn~1' 1 herr 1- SPJU:I~ 01 alll'laft ;;10'1~ a gllrn for the ~Itltll"e rlllforP\~; . a uc.s \I 1e unl versl el' lap~ tICal surpnsr., Prcnllcr Small· : of thai ~ection of Ihe malllland cconomv y. rallied round Ihe other dny 10 httlc hel e of clCICI' IlIltel nc". suppu'ed to keep Ihelll ,.parl, for Ihrll' mill clllent from ~I r ~1;1; ~ which wc ~upport. • our Wild frUIt may even be a fruitful wood, has sprung r. new one commemorate the death of Thh lIork IS ~ oung. It Is also to anot\:cr, for Ihelr mu\Cmcnt 111 landing and tokc off or ~ , subject of investigation III the laboratOl'Y, with his pledge that if ottawa :. Genghis Khnn, according 10 a Canadl,1I1 hut propetl), Illtl10ut patlerns ol'cr airporls. And while res~lts. rarely come quickly, docs nol come through with a despalch from some pltr.e eallcd bem" conSCIOusly so. Thc c.lna· . , we have an obltgatlon today to think also scheme of unemployment in· Ezen Horoo, the actual site The dlan~sm Is 10 themcs and subjects The'"famolls repor!s "luch indicate an RI·erage. (\[ four'~ Aid For Education of the future, ( surance for fishermen, within anniversary Is the 729th. Ezcn rathcr than mtent. Only in thiS mlsscs a day on the natlOn's r,Irll'ays arc shattermg pr~of ~I I . , the next 12 months, the Gov· Horoo was an apnroprlate place eountr)' could you get Ihe sen· these rcgula\lons don t SUIt the age of Super Conslellatlon!, It has always been the fIrm contention t IS conceIvable that we could spend ermcnt of Newfoundland will for such capers by I cason of a tences: "The Sundance I' held about thrce east of Sland· and DC·7's of ~ills newspaper that equaltty of edu­ a lot of money and get nowhere, It is supply one. Genghls Khan muscum huill mtlc~ off," or "The. wheathelds n()\I'in~ 'fhe black blotches of death scarring the Grand Can~on s b~-:I catIOnal opportunit\, should be the birth­ equally eonceivable that we could spend • • • there by the Red Chinese GOI' both time and money to such good avail IN TIlE AIR INDUSTRY crument and completed only Illth the color of the goldcn boy. sides ough:to be burned into die minds of el er~ollc w ;'r.:lr' right of e\'ery ciitzen of Cunada and that last Fall. And it i. possihle that SE~SE OF WONDER hr,ving aJ1ythl~g to do Illth allatlOn,. And that mcludl" Cenr.:'1 that some sections of the economy eould IHrlhsh Aircraft Society) The )oung thought of C':lIlada is - it can ollly be achieved by a programme nut since 1227 has a 10c,11 boy II Inch should mOl e wilhuut delay to and act :0 Sill l!l be revolutionized, We shall ne"er• kno\v 253,000April f1l(urcsemplo) mcntshow inthat thelit herc, from many a mtlicu and ~tudy of federal assIstance based on established madc good, for anybody to country n traffiC control ;~s:cm as mo~eru as its plane!. if we don't try and a well-planned re- Brtltsh aIrcraft indus:Xy had manl' a raCial stock, Look at Ihe need. We are glad to learn that this whoop It up OVCI·. The Golden ~ search programlne should be given a high rlscn by 1,100 to a new hiuh conlilhulors: D I an e COlligan, , seems (0 be the opinion of the Newfound­ 'Horde of Genghls and Ialer Shirley Eagle,peakcr, lIyan GilliS. place 011 our economic policy agenda. ICl'el. The previous highest khans did not ltmit iI~ l1ullooll • land Tcaehcrs' Association, lolal, In ~Ir,rch this year. wa5 Dal'ld KrJo gsveld, Duncan ~" .. n Cal~al) thaI he agreed to ap· and ambitIOns tn ~fongolia. or Laren. 1ol1ch Toyata, Edwald prove a ~ car" tral run on the Twins At " The grcat objection 10 fedcrnl assist­ 251,900, Comparable flgurcs to China. Thl' Mon~olos, or Tar last yeHr II ere 243,400 and 242,· Plourde. ~lich To),ata, Edll alii pi oplI,pd rccellllon ccntre. · ,mct' has nllnl\'s bC(fl Ihe ledl thclt it tars as the Sl::.\'ic higtorwns call No\\' )1101 ethan 200 Immigrants • 4UO respecthely. \\'pnzcl, Pelcl' Yunkill' .... t ;.would llil\'e nel:cssal'ih, to be attended b\' , ~n lhem. rOlle el'~r ·wcslwanl. And thele IS nollllng simco of 21 nallOnalllles bu\e ra«en Pepperrcll • • • The\' rode inlo Russia, also ol'er pEl'l'ERRELL AFn _lhrl! •' ~nmc mca~lll'e of redel'al SUPC\,\'lslon cln~1 OGorOGO REI'ORTS t) p~d, no follo\\ inl( of set pal throll:!!1 the ccntre. tbe only one through anll In helwe~n the Itt· III men II ho luok ~o mUl ' : 10nll'Oi Tlwl feal' is quite wilhout Strength For The Day (Calgar)' liCl'lld) lern'. The sense of \I~mder ;:101" or It' kind Canada, anll It has " tle pieccs of RUSSin. for , a fill' grealel' nllmbel' of Hut ninney l'anl1ol hllY the mosl hnlHlllant ]o(n' signals" ThaI was Ihe fam· j mOlI,llp 22 pClson<, a\lhoul!h thrrr ;mel ,fohn cnlrl'Pr! lin i Il>h towns el~ewhrre in Canilrla. ! Ihlll~s wluch palentsll'all 110 fnl' their ciuhll'r.!I. IliaI' warning painled on the CALGARY (CP) - PaTr. Rnd Mrs. Thomas Mprcpr ,,':, ", "..... ! l'''l'lIll1r. (We Tl1kl' OiXE awa)'? •. 0 IltlSS)' dear Renou!) Sandy 1'01nt, St. George's, The other two selected being Arena. A Wa)'s and :'oleans COlli' games, rathcr :lTr, TJlomns Honeygold. of Portugal Cove were visitorl t! . , ..... i".,' 1;" .. tilrt' fhnl I lral' thp)' ALL will hal'l' 10 IlO Frnnces, Bell)' ann Shlrle)" Bell B~rnlc E~nn' and Nick Alcock, with mittee was set up to ~turl:.o jh~ who 15 holidaying here frolll the the Island during the past week. . '0.1111 1111 hnh

MEN'S ALL WOOL LIGHT Bamat Mines at J\Tnlanlic, Que" as 1: chief 'geologist, and continued in "II; lI'i:h;n tr,1 WEIGHT TWEED SUITS, this position until early 1951, ~ a IlIn; a routl. when he left 10 nireet the r,xplora· i :nt. alln cOl'll With or without patch pockels. The Coot lion of the Fedcral Leart Rnd Zinc: 'h~t nn I·i·i~a property in Gaspe fOI' Sullh'an Con· ! i r In practle!, can be used as a Sport Jacket with Contrast· solidatcd Minrs. In late 1951 he! "';,rl ~nrl rud- ing Slacks. The new shades are Off·Charcoal. returned 10 the Malantic r~mp as I chief Ileologist. for East ~!illantie! Sizes 35 to 42. Gold Mines, and consulting lieol-\ ,I fcor Ih, III ogi5t for Barnat Mines. In June, RAYON BEDSPREADS SELLS REG. AT 59.50, rr

SPECIAL SALE SPORT and DRESS SHIRTS' plastic bag •••••• I •• ! •• f •••••• , •••••••• , •• t ••••• -: •••••• "2.79 eacb

and Council News $2.25 $2.98 At the regular weekly. meeting, I------~------~-----I· of the Wabana Town Council, held In the COllncil Chambers, Wthana, on 'rhursday night, July 12, the AND CO., LTD. election for Mayor. al\(t Deputy Muyor took place. The resull WRS -Baine, Johnston &' :(0.; Ltd. 301 wATER ST. as follows:· Acting Mayor' Dr. ROSENB ERG '!'emllicman wa» elected to the WATER ST, ,DIAL 6661. oUice of Mayor, and Councillor Brian Murphy was elected Deputy ,Mayor .. , I


.,~ CHIT ~CHAT' COLuMN Color Fast Swim Suit

1l1l:NNI,\L CONGRESS VISITING CIT\,', . For Sun and Salt The sCI'enth Bicnnlcl Congress Mrs. Herbert. Butt nf Toronto III Lhe Intern~lIonill Fedcratlon of and her son Mi'. Michael Butt' ar­ Busincss and Profcsslonal Women I'll'ed .here recently lin a \'ls1t with "'_5 held in Montreal this weeli Mrs. Butt's daughter, b~rs., Gerald tram the Bth to the 12th and the Kean, Mr. Butt, accompanied by St. John's club Ifas represented by Dr. C. D. Kcan, Dr. Gerald'· Kean, tit iss Gladys Roberts, provincial and Mrs. Donald Kean ·of Halifax Nrsident: ~liss Mary 'l'aylor club spent a short holiday salmori fish­ deloRate and Miss Anita Wilson Ing at Gray River.' The ,fishing as an observer. party is due In St, John's today Summer Separates:. Slick or Sweet maIl illcidents madc alter '8 successfui trip. ;01" the first time how .' E~G'\GEMENT BY GAILE DUGAS I Dal'id could be. I The engagement was recently ARRIVED YESTERDAY NEW YORK (NEA) - Summer isocte occurred whcn .. J announced of Marian MacPhail, ¥r. ind, 1IIn.. Reginald T. separates can be slick and sleek c~ ill!! through the COl'll Barbour, daughter of Mrs. Ellz- Giovannetti and daughter Ann or sweet with ruffles and lace. p~~s our \\'a~' to Athens- 1, abeth and the late Dr. Douglad Marie of Windsor, Ontario, arrlv­ They may be simple (sleeveless reminded Ille o[ a. I ~\\'I Galbraith Jamieson to Wesley ed In SI. John's yesterday by TCA with a neat small collar), ele­ I;n" Ihrough the Illl' d c l\itchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. to spend a two weeks holiday with gant (the white chiffon shirt for • ~I'ith the waIls of. the I William John Andrews of Corner Mr. . Giovannetti's parents, Dr. evening) or sweet (the sissy shirt sheer 01) cithe~ 51d!' Brook. The wedding will take and Mrs. L, Giovannetti, 26 with' tiny rumes edged In lace). rlillnill~ sWlfth> .on place quietly In September, Mount ,Royal Avenue. Upon their And skirts may, be, wide or ""r,MSI~a in the captain 5 . return to the Mainland Mr, Giovan­ straight as 'an arrow. 1 as he lIlaIl OcIlI'CI'C? LEFT FOR netti will take the posItion of as· Actually, there's I dlflerence J I"r tllc' with relatives. Club was held at the Country'Rcsl­ than the blouse. \\,.1S the pa;sage in 1)1,· Their many friends wish them a denee Topsail Road.- of the Pro­ We show here I blouse and ft tay- 1'(1mpare indiVidual measul'cments I were married on Tuesday at in;: homc and managing to gel hy : 10 thosc prinled on Ihe package. se sent a 'signal, ill\'ilil GeorG! Street United Church, left I on her hll.'hand's inr~lIlc. ' , -- him nshot'e lur dinner hcre on Wednesday by TCA for I Theil' childrcn arc 14 and 12. A tighl·filling garmrnt lI'ili make I choice wns a tin." Halifax. from where thcy will take pon't go t? work just to kecp 1111 the wcarcr. appear larger than will !(ardcn cafe. Bp a motor trip through the Maritime I \I'llh the nClghbol's or to enable il Inose-flttlll,l( onr, political ~illiatiul' Pro\'inccs and the New England ~'ollr childrcn to kcep up II itll the juncture most um Slates, On their return they will IJoncl'C,' childrcn. YOllng childrens hook5 may h",·! Aird illlnlcdiatcir iml; H\'e for a \I'hile in Bona"ista, I ·lIome Is l..onesomc Without ,1;lr~e ~101'flll pictures to holr! i u,e nl\' utlIIost influPI' where ~Ir. Moores Is employed as Mothcr . Ihclr attention and hclp thcm un· , 'lnmST QUENCTIER wllh ro)'al .ppearance I, fTOltr Ihe' King from ~I'C' ·thi.'1lll'il" an engineer. . I, If you arc managing to gel by d~rstalld the story. 1 lIde whip. Frozen conccntrate Is Its base Ingredient. Ion your husband's incomc, mak- Tu keep jcwelry frnm scratch. ' • ...~."""_'''' .lock," I [1I·olp,te,!. "\ FRO~f TEXAS Iing a ~ood home and looltin;; after in~ while tral'cling, keep it in the When We were in Southern Cali-I Com~ine concentr.11 harm in the Kin;::·.< ( Stal! Sergeant and Mrs. Mark I ~'Ollr children yourself. 3'011 aI, pockets of a silverwarc bag, [omia, tlle wcather was hot. But· ade wllh equal amount carp. On the cuntra Owens arr!l'cd in St. John's re­ 4865 14~-'-24~ rcady hal'c a full,lime job. 'II friends shuwed liS ways to remain I add' cran~crry ~auce ~nd.,. me RS 1\ nire r1cnie cently from Texas and are living And don'( Ihink that just bc· cool. Hcre's how: in electne blender or WI,) .. on the TCA Road. Sergeant Owens "Inf,d ""Bln. cnusc YOllr childl'en are nu lungcr! I Lemonade Whip (Serves 4) bcatcr. Pour mix lure is stationed at Pepperre\l Air Force ,lIlalJ Ihe), den'l need you a, One (6 ·ounce) can frozen con- cubcs in 4 tall glam! tllrned with i:j·ronl Base. Favorite step·in for the half' much as they el'er did. cenlrale for Icmonade, 1 (28,! glasses with sparkl!n~ \\~t!:, "II':; undi~r.ificd. 1';;!1, SIZES -size figure - noll' sew-Easicr than YIIII are pr()b~hly more needed ounce) boltle chilled ginger ale,' Lemonade.Apple I' Ill. (~ml .. that7 You 111;;<: 12-2t ever because it's our ncw Printed no\\, than c"cr beforc. : whipped cream for topping. lOne (6,ouncc) ran Ir~!!: I influence_" I Prettiest JI'I)' ,to keep tool this Patt~rnl You'll love the !laller, Twell'c-and 1 t-ycar-nlds can get REDDY KILOWATT ® i' Combine concentrate for lemon- i centrale for lemonade,! knoll' as well a~ I d" summer-sew these Imlrt little ing lines, crisp detailing of thi~ In fceling mighty ncglected when ~--.-----~,;.;.;.;..;...--.: ade wilh chilled ginger ale. Mix. ounce) can straineu "Ih~t 11(~'11 mal tops {or sun and sports I Designed summer dress-makcs yo"'?;:-:-;O;~"'---="""""""--:--,, BY GAYNOR MADDOX Baste roast well and frcquently TOWN • Californians have mastered the during barbecuing.. Prime rib Is Our Summer collcction or , ~: .1 art of gracious aDd casual HYing. usually roasted to "rare" stage. shoes has never bee:J Ii::ht­ .. Salads' are normally the fir s t Use a meat thermometer. er cooler or more colorful! course. Y~u'll finel smart p II III !1', freshh' st"led in summer­ In at the House of ' light . leathers aiICI nylon Murphy, chef Frank Osalvo show­ ml!sh _ .. chalk slim heels M ed . us how he makes their popular high or as low as yon pleas~. DI Cicco salad. It's a Caesar­ Sizes 4 to 9 in a wide range type salad, using lemon juice, an­ o( widths. '. chovies, eggs Ind Par m Ii saD cheese, ' D1 Cicco Salad ( quarts romaine, 1,2 tsp. salt, 1h tsp, cracked black pepper, 1 cup ~~ croutons, 1h cup garlic oil, 2 table­ For a lOW·CALORfE spoons Woreestershlre sauce, 1h cup fresh lemon juice, 1 coddled Pick·Me-Up egg, 2 tablespoons "chopped an­ chovies, IA cup grated Parmesan cheese, Toss romaine with ~alt and pep­ ii: oxo per In salad bowl, then form a the bed with croutons In center. Over ; THE HOT BEEFY DRINK ~ this poUr 'drtsslng made from gar­ Welcome Wagon ' There', delicioul nourish­ lic 011 (2 to =\. cloves garlic soaked . Hostess. In' o\l),Worcestershlre: 'sauce . and menl-with I minimum or Will Knock on Your Door They're obtoinob~ (ilorin-in every, Clip of lemon juice, Toss lIghUy. Add • OXO. You'll enlo, ill ,the coddled egg (boiled, 1 minute) with Gifts and Greetings in colors of w~lr~ wonderful beef, lIavour II aDd anchovies. Complete tossing from Fdendly Business PANAMA, pOWD , . Iny lime you need & hOI salad while sprinkling Parmesan refreshins pick.me.up. Try cheese over all. ' Neighbors aI''' Your BLUI: and PINK, illoonl • Murphy', Barbecue BullDg Sauce Civic and Social .' , For Prime Ribs $4.50 up J: At your grocer's Welfare Leaders " ,'r One-third cup fresh lemon JUice, , , "I in pAckilln line·thlrd cup salad all, 3 table· On the occasion of: .. '. or THE MASQUERADER ',I ' II Qr 12 cubes spoons port wine,' if desired, 1 The Birth of c Baby, . ~ ':;\ , ._. mind Here Is a little Masquerader, dove lIarllc. lira ted, 1 teaspoon he Is all dresscd up but his hat Arrivals of Newcomer.\ to ~!J. 11 O~. bonln. , t > ~ he Is' decorating. .loin all the with dot number fittNevcn. Rnd r.:ity. numbered. dots together, startlDg you will see the decoration. Color with dot number ~e IDd ednlDJ when finished, "Phone 303 t 7 I~~~ ______~ ______~ ______~ ______~· __---- __-- __------~~0 NEWS, SATURDAY, ,JULY 14, 1956

Suit DUCHESS of not the sligl!lcst hint of this dis­ tanl concern penetrated FclixtolVc, When the. Hunters and I walkcd down to the town [or the mail and the nelVspapers,' not a head turned at onr passage, While this atmosphere, did not mako the tedium oC waiting ensler to endure, it had a lulling effect upon my Inner anxiety as to the outcome of the proceedings: r " : ,',"111' IlwJ .. 1111' UnpZe SUI t , ,,: ',)',1 lina' h4l11' \'l'1'~' ~l t . , l' ; ,! ('I'ld" Ill', Thl' WHATEVER the circumstances, "',, ",,.:lIrcd Ilh('n. 11'1' whatever the reason;, a cli· ~ , ' :',r"~IC::1 Ihe t'1'I'lnth I'orce is an unpleasant expcrienee, ' .'i , ,\., \>. ,\lhl'n" The The night before I was to appear . , . :'I"!' :)11' oi a >lI'unl" at the Ipswich Assizes I could not , "" ." :1::' II;i,ldlr uf l~ol'cetll rOo lliTrig," To reassure me [UI'ther, 110sebery, who -like their an, sleep; I paced the tloor Cor hours, '_ '" ':";,"\\ .. l1, l.f Ihe rllt he reminded me that the British cestors bcfore lhem- h"d been wondering whether I was doing 'I , . ':: :::1 t ',:1<'1' ,ilit' and I I"RO~I Greece we continued by I'ress was iAnoring Ihis nonsense perennial guesls Ihere. Other the right thins, whethcr my r,cck· ;} , :' p' r"r:::':~ ",1 I~tl~:, P,WI,d i i Icisurel~' stagl's til Islanbul, and the furore would soon die members Ilf the Royal Family lessnes~ of consequences had be· !' ,,' :,; 11:1' \,:1111 .. 111, ,'('.I-I where we 1I'('rC enlertained b~' down. Lulled by thl~ confidence, gathered nt thc Castle, or, as In trayed me, whether I was right in ; 1 " :," 1" .. :1,"'111"1'1'11, Ihc: l\t'mal Alaturk, who Imprrsscrl I tried 10 put the matter out of the cnse o[ the Dukes of York and my confidence that what I wa~ , :', " :I',:!,~' \'(I~lIhIlOn~,! I\l~ n~ one of the 'most Iorceful my mind., Gloucester at their lodges, Birk· about to do 1V0uid bring no parm " \ .. ,I ill,!: 11;1' Iii 11',15 I mcn 1 hal'c CI'Pr met. l.eavlng t be P' d' hall and Abel'geldic, :llalns, near: to the King, Finally a measure of ." 1'1 ,';<1"1", .... Ith no I;<;ahliu, we started OUr return trip ,'ocee nlgs bv, Howel'er, David's talent for calmness came; it was too late for , :,:' ':,' :'.1 ol \lur 1'111\1'1 in ,\lalUrll's pl'il'ate train, which AFTER a wpek, Herman and i~novallon persuaded him that me to turn back, , ':, "I: i'1'1' ,,·,.I'd II,; 1111' had Ipnt for thl' northern ,Katherine Rogers joined me these ralher static groupings 1V0uid My ca~e was to be presented by ,,, ,i.,., t ,:1:;;1 ,II ere I illlll'n(')', In Bulgaria King BoriS' and I felt well enou~h to start the be improved by a leaven of Jess the distinguished, barriser, Mr. " , '" "', ,,11 t,.II''',I''! nlPI u~, aud thc next st:t1:1' of Ihe trip north to Balmoral. David lVas exalted but none the less stimulat· Norman Birkett, K,C, (no\\, the ,'d:': 1'.11111'1';1>, so. Iril1 lias made ll1~mol'nble tn me all'eady there, On the way I stop. ing people such as he had enter· Right Honourable Lord Justice I ...... I' III llli\ct'~, br Ihe fact that we Iwd two ~ing, pC11 off in London long enough tained in the Nahlin, When the IBirketti, with whom I had con· 1 .' l~ I'll' "Wl'I:III:I" in liw cnb of Ihe ('ngiue, with to see my solicitor, I\Ir. Goddard, make,up of this guest list was duly ferred before leaving Lond01l. On :.,. , ,.:,: III tuul'h 111,e I\Iu~ Bllri" wl\(J~e delight was lie. hRd at the end of ,July,began published in the Court Circular the morning the case was to come ",,' ..... : ,.:'11\ "I Ih,,: dril'ing lornmnlil'p" of£icfating at dil"Orrc procpedings against Ern. there, were raised e)'cbrows from up, Mr. Goddard, with his partner, , :,',', 1.,11 I ,,,,,n, thl' 1ill'01lle, When w(' linnl1~' re, cst. He had decided that the case lnl'erness to I'en7unce. ~Ir, Stenson, called. [or me in his , ,'" ,',,, 1"'1' lind: triel'l'(l Dal'id at Solia, I a~l;ed shonld he tl'ied ant of London and For m~'seJf, I can onl), say that car to dl'ive me to Ipswich, As I ",' .,::"",,11, III i Ilim ho'" things hnd heen np frllnl. his choice was the Ip!wich Asslze~, I enjoyed el'ery minute of my had decided to return to London ,,: :', "'II at thr "Splens of thc Fort, 011111 a ria)' or 111'1) ~tIrl, ': ( .. ,J: " .. ':'" tltoroll~I~I)', en· I him at 1Ialmoral later in the lowards me tbat was to drll'e an. re-esta lis In~ Imse. IS mo · the rcqucst for an audicnce, alld: Ihe Win:" nf my prtilioll al Ipwicli" !::~ :::;0 ::1: ".1,; It thl' lUl'Illlh' mnnth. ' lither spike In the grnwlng strllc' "M . D· e rocee lng ~Ir, Baldwin'~ dc~ire that it hc' he himself hail 1I101'ed nnubslrlls,: , !lIre of mlsunclcrstandinll, Some IV 0 rc P d kept privale, Daviil totd ml~. II'lIh iI'ely In pr"vcnt a 'lI'Ilc~cling bS' 1~(}1 e months bl'f()r~, the Aberdeen nllth, ohl"inlls distaste, that the Prillle the Press u[ my riil'orc~ with th~ ,liillltli ion . ol'itics had asked him to dedicate Y ~Iinisler's PllflJOSI! ill ~~eidng t!H: sen,ational I'lII1IUUI'S' thaL \\'crt~ ,\,', 'Ii:' ('''''(' I n Ull'r this ADAY 01' tll'O alll'l' Rl'ril'ing in I !ome hospilal buildings, but being · I B A'inlcrl'iew wa~ 10 e~"re,s his CIlU'! aiJroad conccl'l1illl! him and m';, t::, ',' ,,,i,, 1::1' ~l'1' IIc\\', portnnc~ til what he called' AIlI' horongh, the Duke and Duchess of Imminence of the case was ftlready Irip to Europc until the autumn. things hnd happened, )' ,prirate affni!'s of Ih(' IUOllal'l'h.",: :;11<' ".i·', 1\,('l'C nul 1I,d{ hI) ronc(,l'n',' , " "" '. I 1 r'.t'lIill~ we I.rican lI!!wspaper ~(ls"lp. "I'I'e Bucclcuch and Queensherr'~.. the producing profounr! r~percu~sillns Shp wal to leal'e NclV York in" A week hefore, fhe I rullC ~~I~' David had, ill fal'l. [tll'l',rl'lI 1II,It (.(j tll'I'r 11\(' :;~ Iht')' IIWC ol'pr Ih' , ," il.~,!' .. ), at the heen all through tht~ hpfnre, 11 Duke and Dllchp~i of Sutherland, In thp inner circlc~ of th~ Gov· early November and I wlluld soon i Ister had rC~lIesled to ,ec D'lI'Id po>sillilil,', Sel'!'l'lil dill', hl'ltl\'(' I"ild l':lllal'lio hcillg cir,'ulalrcJ tha' , ',r! .;"r.~ ~It()nrd Ihc i WH~ milch worse when I I'isil r[1 and the Earl ~nd COllnfr~s of! ernment and th~ Palace ,ecretulat, hal'e her r.omp1\ny and cOllllsel. I at the ForI. David' hat! hrcn tallen the Prim;' 1tini,lcr's dl"~l'nl u"nn i l('(ll'linllcrl !III page 10) I.IJll,1(, Island. II clorsn't mean • ------. ------.------.-~------


.:tsllrlll sh vbgk X'z£ I'bgk otl\l'l;t~ l'ajam3s Certainly SuperIor The manager and proprietor of a large store were talking over I certain salesman. "I can't do a thing with that SALE. LADIES' SU ITS fellow Jones", said the managel'. "I have tried him in three differ. ent departments, but no matter how many cllstomers are waiting 10 be served, he just sits and dozes all day long". Suits of the season 'at a Sizes 9 to 24,1-2' Then the proprietor had a bright idea, Reg. Prices "Put him at the pajama counter" terrific saving, A wonder­ he sugge,led, "and fasten a card 17.95 to 69.75 nn him, with these word,l: "0111' ni;!llt clolhes are of such ~upel'inr ful' collection to choose '1lmlity Ihat even the man who ,ells them can'l krpp awake!" i' from. Every Suit up-to-the­ I, Now All! , ·'1 I I minute In style and fabric. I ,


• I e______~ ______~------~------~~------~TH~E~D~A~lL~Y~N~E~W~S~,~S~AT~U~R~DA~Y~,~JU~L~Y~ DAIL Y NEWS, 5ATl

, .

Soul Victory Psalm ~9 The Death Of SER,TICES \ BEST LOVED HYMNS Here Ihis, all ye people; SUNDAY The lifc of \'iclbry I~ an achie\(" GiI'e car, all ye inhabitanls 01 Ihe l ment of the Christian fallh. In. 11'01111: . l OUf Friends All serl'ices will hc conducted by decd, John says. "Thl~ is Ihe I Dcar Lord and Fathcr of m~nklnd, I Both high and low. I . bcgan with the . Forgive our foolish ways; Rich and poor logethrr. ". . dies thai lie rna! hit " "0 God our C/m rclt of Ellglllllfl the ~linI5ter. vlclory 1 hal overcomelh the My moulh shall speak wi,dom; 81 RE\. FRLD S~SS, ~"" B.D.' dead of SOllllf ;:J(n;~ 1I0rId, c\cn 'our faith." Sonic Rec1othr. liS in r,ur rightful mind; II praycrs (or tlte And Ihe medllations of my heal t' The death of l friend IS not solelnnize hfe for, .PEARL. ~llI'aY5 TOPS,UL.MOUN1' I onc has rlaketl the letters that In purer Iil'es Thy service find, be of unrlerstanding. an occa.JOn .for for hu· 'las how Da,id lell !br '. read by Sr. Capt. GLENDALE I form the 1I'00'd "Faith," and rle~c· ~I!all sallnes~. In deepcr rCl'crence, praise. I will incline mine ear to a parable' manly speakmg death mcans ~n when three IIf Ill< bral;' ReI'. ~Iaidmenl, c. of THE NEWFOU;\'DL.4ND 'ropsail.!.. 11 a.m. and 7 pm., MI'. : loped" Ihi,: "ForsaKing All, I Take I will open my dark saying upon pnll of so. much that made Ille bloke till ou~h th. r~n' porl de Gra\·e. Re,·. J C.4.THEDRAL J. G. Barnes. ,Hi,:, .. Another says tbat' faIth I. In ~il11plc Irust like !hcirs who hcr,rd. the harp. \IOllh while. A, We turn the Philistines a~!I b:ou,ht" n. B.A. united Churc and ReI' Isaac Butle (ScI'cllth Sunda!l a/lcr Triilltul I Mount .Pcarl.Glcnilale- 3 p.m .• I b.chcI:~n~ God .and ~sklns no qll~;' Be5ICle the S~Tia!1 ~ea. Wherefor shOUld I lear in Ihe day. pages of fhe Bible lie meel IIlth \\'at~r from tnc I\ell or of e,iI thIS sadness on many a page In. Dal'ld, lie Icad, .lolI:d 'Rcct C. DC E. Bay 8 a.m., Holy Communion: 10.15' ~Ir. J. G. Barnes. Ilions. This IS thc sccret 01. \,\{ .• The graciolls calling of the Lord or a.m, llatins (said); 11 a.m .. Choral I ' tor~' because. It leads 10 obcdlcnce When at m,' hrels rom lienesls 4 lie hal'e thc story of the I o[ II.. "G?d lorh:d , the reading of the Lct liS likc them, withnut ~ word inqllit~ Eucharist. rcacher. Thr Rcclol': to thc Wilt o[ \ passctll me 311'11,17 fIrSt reCOI ded human.death,. the, do thiS t1l1n~; th.1 I and women who I .. I~nd co~lormlt~'y G~d. 4:15 p.m .. Holy Baptism: 6.30 P"esbyte"lan . Soul .1·lctor ,can never. be aUam· Rise up amI follow Thce. They Ihat trust in their '\ealth. of Able. and although lillie blo?d?1 thc'e. men thlt Sacrificc. tl: ~cath. and Il.m.. EI'en~ong and Sermon. ' cd. h~ our uII.n cndeal'ors. It I, a I And boast them'rl~e~ III til!' mill. IS uld o[ how Ihp. parents felt \Ie t~elr lives in Jc~pard," Preacher Th Rector. • I splrllual acl."e~emcnl. Pc 0 pic I o Sabhalh rcsl by Galilee! 11I1I e of Ihelr rlche,: Imo\\' that It mu't ha\'e meanl lIIc1es.1I:1~).. '1IIIr.lh! on the monumcnl ANDREW'S 1 l"cc~~d(JY SCTl'irc~ . ST. I who are e."Joymg a happ)' Chr ..· o calm of hill~ abol'e, None 01 IlCm can bl' ~n" mcam great sadness 10 Adam and E.I·e. nol d.le hut In Dalld'\ ,,'t.,"-cMI_ '. ~Iatln~ _ Wednesday 7.411 R.m" MI"'~ter: Rcl'. Allan ~lacArthul' I lIan cxperlcnce tell .11~ lIlal II hell Where .TCBUS knelt to ~harr, with Titre redeem his bl'oUwr Ahcl. hall. been so fult 01 plomlSC. had I~ternn)' shrrl Ih"'~~l~r;;;::t~tI~ii~ Thursdav 930 a m Old. ~I A. Presbylcry Deaconess: I Ihc:' cca!'ccl stru~glm~ and slIr· The silcnce of eternity, Nor ~il'e to Gud a ran,lIm lor him: til l,encm 2.1 \\'e ha~e the story ht might IIIr It I~ Hal\" communio~ _ Wcdne'day IlliSS EI'elyn B. Walker. Organbt: ! ~endercd a.11 to .Jesus thcy cnlCI'elt For the rcnemptJOn of th~lr lie fcad of tllP, be our ,bnlll lensang. a Y •. ,. _ Nolc Ihc con t I' ,,~l In Ihe CX· ~lonc It\~. (J~II~SIS Ihou;!hl~ \\'llh the dcep hllsh s"br\uln~ aU That he ~hOl~d ~lill lhe ;11;1.1). ,le,lth of Rachr.l-a glcal SOl' I'D\\' , causr<, .Iet theu b1 except Frida)' 7.30 p.m. QlTEES'S RO.1n perience 01 Pnlll. a~ ~et lortll 11\ Our words nad 11'01'1 • that dl'own (The sbo,'c schedule (\f \\rc~· I . '. Romans In chaplcr SCl'rn II'~' That he shollt,1 not .ce clilruplJOn. to .I:llub f'~r he had he"n SO .eager ab.oul th ... the mrn I'h~ da\" services \\'\11 remain in effrct ~I JIIslrr: pc\" .Iames A. (,lIhl., •. • . The trnder whisper 01 'fhy cr.ll. For he scrth Ihat lIi,c man Ihp tlllt hI' IIlte ,houtll me,·t hiS fal laml)' stood belllPrn II! un'tIl further notice) smith. 11 R m., Dil'ine \\'m·ship. witness the 1I 0 n I ;.111 It l ~ ~I)ull A~ noiseless let Th:{ hlessmg fall The 1001 and the blllli~ 'm~ 1,lr lIis UII n 10 h~ r'lW'l lilt. alld \\"~hrd /IIr ..tran. . : Ihe Ircedum o[ the bird is ('lIl1rat:e and .t·rvlce 'SlIInl'htlliv 'tis to be~ond: End 0, hC~.lnnln!~ hrll1~: thutl~hl s\\~el ",'pt mr Irum o tu Rim htlll1bh PrA)'; PU ollr;elve~. deflnltcl~' th~ be~r HI~ ~nd Let the mllltitud· e! ~!I rU5tra tcd when ~.~ 101e el'en one, was the anchor.splash of R small With Him no trlle endeavor dies' Surely hi:; life 11111 nr.vrr cra:;e. The book npon my knec. For I' hOSUCI er will belw"e fnend. I~hlp called the NIna in Llsb'lO Go forth. proclaim His name. ' W.S. Weeden. ~ TI!e hl~11 at the Flower Scrl'icc. men, Mr. Stephen Andrews, at the .A52 Corps, 51. John's, visited Adler', "1 \I hrn I'('lcrans of St. ~Iark's - 4.30 p.m., Flower roge of eighty one "cars. Deceased ., QIO 1h'lnt'rt.. . I t·.. ' ·\"I'I!.! \l'ar>. Irl'l'c;cn a III\[ s Sun·ice. belonged to one of the oldest fam· • AQJG2 Chocolate factory, Mr. Wilkie and managing stan· .' Ii;';, 1'.1..1\. r.it'l Gu I cs, UNITED CHURCH ilies settled In Newfoundland. for of, 874 Social' And Personal accompanied them on a tour 01 · , . r.nrl firin~ palt)·. arcoln' Rc\,. J. S. II. 1IIoran, B.A. nome claim the- Andrew's and WEST EAST the plant, explaining macbiner~· . t.1 ~:tlr:ttion :\rill), b~nrl 11 n.m., Coley's Point: 3 p.m., Dawe's families were settled in ... K '" 9 8 6 3 and production metbods, aHer , 1!1,,,dl fr?1n Spaniard', Ba),: 7 p.m. Ct!ntral. Ship COI'e, wben John Guy landed BAY ROBERTS _ Mr. Warren as guests of Mrs. Crosbie's sister, and attractions, followed bY,' ., 86542 ., 7 3 ':l;~t'" (1~r."It'i1 ~holl's which they were prcsented with . l·· ',. to ROMAN CATHOLIC ;n Cupids. • Snow left by. plane Sunday, July Wallace Wood and .family. a dance at night. • 10 B 4 3 • K 9 tl!~ ~Irlllortal, ~Irs. sam pies of all the different varie­ :\,n:r'U:·,-O"I· '11"'1' ('!'\'",·mrn., ". cltair·, RCI'. F' r. II ogan, P.. P Dcceasc dIdprosceu e tl Ie f'Islery 1 I sl., for. S co tl an d, IV h ere IIe WI""'11 '!r. and 'Irs. James Roberls of 'I'"ISS J oyc~ Abb 0 It of Hr "1Grace of, Q J 10 0- '" 9 6 5 3 2 rl I tt ;S tJ7:! ~IH ties of cholocate and candy pro , '\\"! \lei1l,'ri::i ('omml CC, 9 a.m., ~Iornin~. )la55. around that year in Conception Join the C.N.R. boat the ''Nania.'' 51. John's, who lVere honeymoon· is presently visiting her aunt Mrs'l duced, which they highly recom·· I\f';~~ "OlIn. Rrd C.ros! SII/'\'.1TlON ARMY Eay, and was considered one of ""11'. nnd Mrs. R. F. BnUenn and ing at Swift Current, spent Sunday Arthur Roach, Brigus Road. II\QJI074 mended. 0 · nl'\1 01 kin. ~omhll1e.tl Capt. and ~Irs. R. Pond. the most successful ones of his son David of St. John's, "isited, with Mr. and 1111'S. R. J, Norman. "H" Co., C.L.B .._ J.T.C. ~nd: : ~5KJ 9 On leaving, the officer:; and cad· , .. t::rl ,rnrr:!! pnhlte lIele 11 a.m., Holiness lIIeeting: 2 da)'. He was n kindly gentleman <::oley's Point Monday 10 attcn~ Mr. Lionel Nichols of Cambridge, Y.B.C. attended 3:00 p.m. divine! of, A K ets expressed their appreciation , p.m., Sunday Schonl: j p.m., Sal. alit! was well liked by his neigh· Ihe funeral of the late Mrs, Grace moss., nrrived I'ia R.M.S. Nell" service nt st. Mark's Church, \ • Both sides vul. and thanks to Mr. Wilkie and ',r00 I,c 'In lIill! Ihr ~il\ging I·-tl·(lll 'Icell'n~' 8 pm ThuI·sd o ,. ho.urs and friends nnd "'as an Batlen. foundland Thursdn" on n VI'SI't to Shearsto"'n Sunda" Julv 8th I staff {or their interesting visit. :;"/lnlO-:'(1 (;,,11 Our Ilrlp In p';aycr ';Icctin~'. .., u, ineal husband nnd father." Mr. and ~Irs. Lewis Taylor and his' uncle Mr. and Mrs. Chnrleslllr. nnnd '~!rs. K;rl Kooke, ~Iiss ~.uth ~~~t ~~rlh ~~~ r:~: .. ,,:."r'< f0r Iht· (irpal't· PENTECOSTtH. ASSE)IBI.Y Surviving nrc his' wife, one son famlly of St. John's arrived Tues· 'Norman. IIIr. Nicholas celebraled Glal'ina Ford and Mr. and !IIr:;. 3 N.T. Pass 5 N.T. Pass ,:~ ';""ti h) Sf'. ~';]I\l. ~:"an~, Pastor A. W. anti ~!l's. Langtion. Lcslie in Boston, one daughter day to spend Iheir vacaLion as his first hir!hdoy when here last John 'Ford of st. John's visited GN.T. Pass Pass Pass P'I II~ititt\cnt. ( . of r.. Rec· 11 a.m .. ~Iol'nlng Worship: 3 Emmie (~Irs. Henry Petten) of the guests .ll Mrs. Tn~'lor's pnr· and Is lookIng forward to celc· Mr. and Mrs. John E. Noseworthy Opening lead--+ Q O· B tl B" '';;:1'

y,.~r rr .... lnti(l·J of nllr iritnCI ROOFING in. Th· LUMBER ('h~n';:rtl 11't ASBESTOS SHINGLES ~'~rr~1 ion. "JUMBO", 36 in., 108 square feet. r(lortcd .' inrr.1 thrir DRESSED , "RUBEROID", 18 in., 36 in., [bunt il 45 and 55 Ibs. PLOUGHED and TONGUED TARRED FELT, 36 in" 15 Ib5, SLATE SURFACE, 18 in., Red and Green 2x3 2x4 PLASTIC CEMENT I, 1!It' ENGLISH TAR, 55, 405 t; r ,1' I ~I~ \t,.1 2x5 1;t:'''' 10 ItJ!l(I\~ 2x6 ROOF COATING, 1·5 gallon tins \, 0111' ,('111 11 ,1 It it. rr.:di·I"! . 1 m:ll1 U':'\' l,f .\ il tlot "I.et IUft It'nltulNt ~I : '" hr bad i! For A Fast Start TO ~RR'VE \"lIlilt i It1 III .• t there i) a MOULDINGS hnlinr'" and. WALLBOARDS . • .• 11• If ~ h \a t [0 •• ' • CORNICI "DONNACONA" n I:n "11M I."'" II % In. PANEL BOARD .".~ Iltrnn'~ I try Exterior 4 x 8 FELT MOULDING ,1- % in. PANELLED I DOOR CASING Plain and prepainted, '" x 8 I MASONITE !'I J, ~ ~ In. SEMI·HARD, 4 x'S , '.I~ntt-h:------lrt t I. WINDOW STOOL ... % In. TEMPERED, 4 x S j 'liitud"! of hrr PURINA CHICK STARTENA I , thtreof. I declarl hI! I 1 i'l.I NAILS PAINT PUTTY LINSEED OIL ! ' .1 I PACKED IN SO Lb. BAGS CEMENT SHEET LEAD LIME BRICK TAR BRUSHES th" ,iud,rncnu, :.ord, are hi,b urth: bO" ~u1ted f~r 1 ltt r lhe J.ord, n ~ I ~lh Ihr 101115 A. E. HICKMAN CO' Ltd. tlorOI Ollt"J Iff the wickrd. The Store With The Cheek'er Board' Sign sr. JOHN'8, \II n for the _W~OUNDt AMa, for the ,. "TORE DEPARTMENT 'PHONE 3412

• • I' 'ti.. " 1 1,



1 ":"+ '~. l?ield Day At C b " Ne'ws Windsor Story ~~o~Oln~;;:n~~ ~lcI~lao~cll~~a~~~h~~IPrinte~s Gels prevalent amollg mcmbcrs the I I: ' , III llstratioll (Co~tlnucd from page 7) House of Communs, of all parties.,o~ D 11', H ' ar on e' a r my Ial~lly . had comc fr,om th: 1this is hardly within the bounds \ 0 SOuse I S wrong sIde of the tracks In Bait!· of p05sibllity The onlv alternative LO~mON (R I ' OIl more, that my mother had run a remainin~ is', a di_soiulion and a A 'L' ~d C:I cr,) - PI:" ' h "Y '''d h' k" h" nne .... 1 a,' le~cllcl .. tatl \ r • boar dmg ouse. OU' t m', General Election m which your: I "d (a:' CAnnmiEAR, July 10 _ For ~I ", I PI que \ '1 CaI·bonear Man said Aunt Bcssie with some heat, ~Iajcsty's pwon~1 aflairs would i I~~~;~~ r~:~u~;:~ I' a~1 It h l'~; the lourth ycar in sucecssion a emOrla a "that we'd all come right out of hc the ehic[ issue and I c'mnot' I ~ll" d I b "I~r an'l, . Ie. III L,a~'n was h elei at 5oper '111s u NEWS Y BRIEFS 'fobacco RO'd". . help [ccling that evcn- thosc , whu I cealed1U [ g3 sll ge itchc', s cllnllollcd h) ':.. F stration Str,!ion. 11 '.lS hcld on U "I d bv Married In DlS tu,,;bed wo~ld sympathi~e, ~l'ith y ou r 1 The dream·to)' rC'lIltcd I .• ' 5atl1rda~' last alld althol1:lh the lit. nvel e 7 Malesty as an mdlvldu31 wO:lld I vi;it p~.id by Ihe Duke /. !cmlanc(' was not Inr/:c wc belicve B· I' CARBONEAR, - Crockcr's Cove Miss Lorraine Parsons 15 spend· S J h NB WELL, there wasn'l much I tieeply resent the dnmar,e whIch. burgh 10 a L1ntiull It \\"I~ a bit lar;:cr Ih;lI1 last )'cr.r's. Rev. Fr. ur ie Home and Sellool Association will ing part of her summer holidays t. 0 n, ." could ~o ~hout that. Mor~ol'cr, I~ould ineviltIbly be done to ~!Je tury. lie w:" prr'clI\~d lIit ' Hnwc\W, thcre was a I~r::e repre. be holding a gnrden pnr.ty on Wed. wlth her aunt, Mrs. Jake Voor. I was begll1ntng to be scrtously Crown, the corner·stone on willch "I'lre [ulntl'II'C for 1'1,' f il scntalio..'1 {rom the Federal GOI" _ nesllny, ,Tuly 18th. Meat teas \\'111 hoel'c, Robinson's Hili, st. Jolm·s. Thc following arc cxerrpts lake~ disturbed by the rcaction of peo, the whole Empire rests, QI~ pt',nr~',,' d:,1\\ h:, ',o"':lt ('fnment's Departmcnt of Mrl, C,\RllONEAR, .Tllly 71h _While he ~el'I'cd, adulls eighty ccnts, chil. from a St. ,101m, N.B., daily 01 re' pic much closer to home. I could I 11 your 1IIajest)' will pcrmit Inl' \\'hent he duke rrl'c""1 ' ('ulturr, with a lesscl' representa, Ihe mnrble altar rrceted III mem, dren lIft~' ccnts. Glad 10 see Mr. W. B. Finn out CCllt date: no longer go out in public-even to say so, there is only onc slep hid n" clnli" h" ~ ti/ \:~. Ii(ln frllm thl' Prll\'lncial. 1'1'1' oe thc latr ~!onsi~nor Me· again R(ter his rcccnt lengthy lit· .A \\'cddinll of lI'iele inlcrcst was 10 my hairdresser's-without hav· which holus out any prospect 0[' I"erc ,,' 'I~nrrl tn hU'l!'J' ·(t Tho. ,\5501'1. IIRS MIlIcnlr:1 a ltlOl1. ra;::r. r J r1, (J anri ,'I r; W.]t. rhance~," SIIPeri~tell;lcni Fr. l.eo Burkr and !n tile p\'c~cnce 11101'",1 in with them and, dcspite mothel', Mrs .•lohn Soulhll'ell. and I son or Mr. and ~!rs, Stanley Slar e. Dand laughed 0[( the., Alfred ,Jones was the ~olo, pected quarlcr in which It origin· 1',5,-1 am h)' II~~' of go:ng aftel lP -\. • ", 1" sCl'lcli thi' p~l'ifh [or flit)" \I'e! bp I'rry happy In their ncll' home r.amlr.r, Buehans 'antl Corner 1St. ,Hlcd. ! dtnncr lo",~ht to High Wycombe Jlill'nd uoy lIa, h'r'! TUe' i n~II\'c~Clltlllg the I rOl'Jnl'lr,1 De . ;'c~rs of hi. IIricstl~. life and on lI'ilI he Ihe \\i~h o[ all their Broo\{. The bride, I!i\'cn ,in m?rrJage?) During the second wcek in 10 shuot there tomorrow, bul the Ihe' c'lblll o[ ~ Iller:' I",b: .) pal I ment I'. e IIn,d('r~tnnr\ \lcrt: ;llInc 24th. 11'44. celelJ\'atcd thr friends. her [ather, lI'as attt;ed In a Pr!n· NOI'cmber Dal'id left London for \ Post OCfice will ha\e my telephone a~ it carried )Ir, \ tJ I! 11(1)'li, r'lI\el!, .\~I'il."ltllr:11 IIcprc' diamond jubi\lce rf hi< hoi), pl'ie;l. ~1iss J)aphne Reid is back al ce~s line. aown ,{~,IJ1o\1ed o[ I\~llItc a brief visit wilh the Homc Fleet. number, and I am o[ CIJUI'i'C en,' from the bolated I r1j'l"e ~ e:: s~nt~II:'e: C. IJJd~ocl... Dlrccto~ ul hooli, the onr and 001)' nriNt in ~Ir. aOlI ~Irs .•John Young and work at Slmpsons,Sears a([er spend. ta[~tla \l'1!h sahn headed a,nnlHllw Hc invited Aunt Bes;ie and me 10 tirely al )'our jl~je,t)"s disposal Irce. 60 mIle, north (,['he,1 • M'r,Cltlt1llC: ,\, Sull"'all. ,\;:rlcl1l 1'\c '[ountllaml cI'cr to climb this I famil~' hal'e mover! to SI. John's in/: pn cnio~'ahlc holiday with rela. dcsHm, "ll1th cat!ledral, tr~tn, Thc spenri the wcc\,·end 01 his rcturn Iif thcre is an~ t!llng at al/ that' planc, at 2.:00 [ee' ,,;:\ ll till; t rield ~bll. Gcorge Cha[c, sc!dom scakd Illo'tntaill J1c~l\ lie' 10 live. aftcr hal'ing lil'ed here for th'c~ at Bay Roberts and Clmke's doubf~'dcred l'cll of Iltns'o." \13S I at the Fort-the one beginning >ou want. through a ram .tol'm at Ib ' ,\~!kullur:ll l-'il'ltl jl,lII. .Iack clied .Iunc 301h, lN4. Vi\'al Pa~tor In [e',\' ~'em's. ~Ir. YOUIlIl Is em. Beach. l!eld In place b;v a pearl trtmmed Friday the 13th.' That Frtday was I -- ,- - ,I t, W.II:.; lind It, ('r-rnell o[ C,B,;'; Bonlt' 10 Artrl'nllm 1~I'rclcd hy plt'yed at Fort Pcppel'l'ell. tilJrn. 51w c"l'rted a hou(luct DC truly a day oC lit omen. ~I)' aunt I 1-':1'11\ IJI'0nt!c.lstcr~ IICI'C a\so nn I'is parlr,hioncrs amI Cticml~ at Mr, and ~h·s. 5, 11. LeGrow and Ilhlte carnations nnd stcphanohs. ,lnd I drove tn the Fort in the' 11~lId, liS I\'as '1'. 'I'hOIl1«>, Icple ,110mI' and ahl'oar! In ~ratdul re· Last I\crk lie reportcd thal Hr, two children, John and Karen. and Her only ornament was a sin~le late afternoon. David arril'ed I ~cntll1;: 111C "Llcnin~ 'l'ele;:ram.'" mcmhrance. NOI'cmhrr 1955. Howard Snow had joined the stnrr ~Irs. Lucy LeGrow, o[ Corner strand of pearls, a gift o[ the shorth' thereafter, He was in high, I FOR THE The [l1lhll\in~ fill'lI1Ns Ilcrc CIll _---- 01 rinn's r.a1'llge. Now we hear Brook, are I'isiting friends at groom", ' good spirits, plcased by the cn,\ h,\II11. Leu Yellllilll, Ill'. lil'.;:e; II. F' \ ,T' . ttwt .John Furer and Fred Butt, of Broad COI·C. Mr. LeGrow is prin, The hrtde', sl,trrs lIere her at· thusiaslic reccption accorded him' LITTLE t R. IlUIICll, lal'uollcal'; <:110> \I'"l>h, i u t (' f t !t'tOl'la ttllS tOI\'II. hale joined their o!!icc cipal of Ihe Amalgamnted School tendanls. 'fhe malron n[ honour fly lhe Nal'Y and flilllulated by Ihc \ ~1ISS hliu!!IOIl, T,Il; .Imllcs \\'Jlsh, staH, anel ,)Ohll Hutchings and at Corner Brook and he and his \l'as :'Ilrs, H. E. Fawcctt, Jr., and renewal of old friend~hip5, !low· I., Elhotl a~d himself, explaining tlMt an urgent b ~I \\,1 I I p.m, yestercl;1\' thr (arbonrnr \ [II, nell' sphere of labour. home in Broad COle. httlc ;\1Iss 1'an)'a Fo,ler. The hc~t despatch Irom the Palace was OIlCJr; . I', Ie C!I, CO hers: ~Ir, lInlecr Fil e nrl~arlc II R' eallrd oul I man was !larold Crawford. COUSin waiting fOI' his attcntion. ~nd ~Irs, 1\. ~I. Ballen, I'oultr> to ."tl"n(\ ", ll'!'"~"' t tllC JI",t officI'. , -- . ,,--. .' f th m and Ih" u,her' \\cre f .Irmcr< l'lIlcI"S I'oiul' P 'md S .. '. n "':. I I t rhe ('mnlo) ees of Saunr!rrs, )lIs< )hlllccnt Ta~ lor o[ SImp· a e groo , c ,'. s JV rOll t1 Ch' 'I' '~linl' 'Fal'l11, \i'hiiu'()ul'lI~' Vlctona: The 01[~leC IS ~t:ae WI 0, HOlien and Company Rre enjoying sons.Scars is noll' on I·acation. so H. E. Fawcett and Wilham R. J. tl .'. • . I' '. ' a dl' ('llIn!! an[ It I"as a I a7e II' Ilen ~ Ilell.carned holiday All work I is her brother Guy o[ the Can· Fostc!·. IT was some time before he re, ',_.'I un HlIIII I\l're Hc~', W" n Ihe fJrcnll'n arril'rd on thr ,ce~e'l was suspended on S~tu't'day last to adian Bank of Comm'erce Starr, SI. Following the ceremony a reo joined us. The moment he cn, ' SADDLE .Iu~~;(ln, n,,,. a"d )Ir. 'an 1The boostel' pump was used whllc reeommencc on :llollday, July 16th, John's ception was held at the Y.W.C.A.0 tcreel the library I knew that Br;ltilt. 'I b 'I I I the pOl'tllhle Pll1l1PCr \I'lIS 111e1~g sct ; Ho\lever, a sl;cleton crc\\' will he Wellington 'Row. About 1°1 g~e,s:s something was seriously wrong. lie OXFORDS L ":I'~'I'II"ll'ICil.:' rc II',IS,' i" er 11 in mution and i~ t llC ~IIIC .~s pM' on hand, in case o[ emergency. ~!rs, Don Warl'ham and \110 were prescnt. A toast to tIe rI( c IV I d h' I ( " , ' IIIS1I(clwll :nllrs t. nol nllh' as quick and ('fllclrnt IIOlk can be \l'it land, ul Icrlihzer tn mastcr is n IIiscocl. and from SCleral 1Il'11' bool;, wcre Drilled, to St. .Iohn's at the end o[ Ihe: rcturn 11111 reSlele In TorOlllo. D h f K . S 1 wiwt 1"1' I,,'ar~II·. Ihel'l' IIll' 110 !ire al I I 1 lOut ofI1le~' to\\,1I nucsts were 11rs uc ess 0 ent 5 unuay afler· 1JISSES' TI!,'O EVE LET T me and Ihe proper pr;Jpurllons of to the ~ Ie 1'1'5 of the Memorial wcek for a short holiday, ".: " noon [or tea; Ihey were Ihen !i1"1 In vv - I IE OXFOR[lS lhc cOIll)lone'll parIs, ~11', Camb nil in the o((icc I?r Ihe rial' and Lihmr)' clUling thc past month and. I -- I Stanlr~' Slade, C~r?oneal'. Nfld .. Ing at Iver, not far [rom \\,intl'or SI I I \I t d j:3\C 'allst.ll':or), ;,nSlICl'S to SCI'. til[' call>e [J~ the In'e ,,"nk!IOwn. \lhat is more imporlant, there h~s I ~Ir. Ernest Walsh o[ the staff of n~\" and ~Irs. \~'llImm Rcynolds, ~hortly after lunch Da\'id ~en: \' ,~C( \II I S UI' ~, calI lcather uppcr, ant! IlI,'l,1 Idbb': ':"1 eral questions tim twcrc directed 110.\:' nlt~ch. If.an}·, o[ Ihe lIIall was IIPen a notlccnblc Increasc. In tI!e I ~Ioorr's slIpcrmarl;et. is noll' on' R:ver Heb.ert, ~.S., ~!r. anr! ~I~s, tlOned lhat he had somcthing to ~L~~~~I'!~I~~~\I~~~III~'l,I~'~I~~~rai~:~;~ts ~~!~~r5 t:,rI~'c\III[II~~~."; 10 him, saled \Ie halcnt henrrl. nllmber of Icaders, espeelall)' In I·aeation. ". R. GIllespIe, Charlottctolln. do at the Castle, somethin" as I 8'.1012, misses' SIZCs 12'~ to 3 ' ,\nuther alca Inspected was thr . , ,Ihe children's scctl~n. This may I - P.~.1" ~Ir. and ~[rs. Ber~a.rd recall it, concerning whcr; port. . Mrs. Edward o[ Lyn,n, he' clue to the Cact tltat "SCllool Is 1 S. Dllder 311d Ida Friars, Sussex, A, mesa '.\,llIt,e 'I h I 'Icrc ni"llt pastllr" arollnd II'hl'cll 'I US \ ~.Iortar.ltyI S J I ~!r~". ~,II'SS d I b i\lr~,t \, d K ral s s ou d be rehuncr. It I\'as ar· $3 95. 9h;d be;n l'\,ccte;t' an elcctric ., ass., ..1., arrll'C( In t. 0111.5 alit" hut II'hatel'cr the cause, it is Dudcr of St. ,lohn's are visiting an 1Irs. 10 er a c, 109 s ranged that I should 'pick him up • fencc, 11 has beell dlvi(le(1 I'nto hy pla~e. n fel\' days ago and IS a healthy sign. friends and relations here. County. at Windsor an hour or so later and lhrre sec:t01l5 o[ thl'ee &cres and noll'in.lall', vlsltmg ~Ir. andher :"brother Irs. Ilel'hert and sistcr· Bur. The bride was honoured with that we should continue on to the I The SOS. "K.vle" Icft at noon ~!cssrs. Harr" Saunder5. Frank h 'I h !. I' ~ T!IritvTtJe are uscd In rotation. One Is seed. dcn. Shc will bc rctul'nln" tIl Iler ,many sowers prIor 0 1'1' mar· \cn s. h (In Saturday lor Lahrador ports, I Saunders, Benjamin Noel, William· d th .' t f 0 tl b k f 11I11u!J",' r.- ed IllIh reed canary grass, anolher home b.I' plane on \"cdncsd."", Jiuly rJage an was e reclp!cn 0 n Ie way ac rom tea, just t. 'I ", taking a numher of passen"crs and Penncy, Hcrbert Burden, Frank '[t TI b ill 10 mit' ~/4~' willI rced canal''' "rass ami elovcr \8th. " many gl s. 1C rIc was emp oy· a ,(! con\'ersa IOn, I asl;ed him , " a large qllantily of freight. Walsb, Hubert Penney and Frank d 'tl 'I Ltd rI th b t th 't h h =' and Ihe third with recd canal'" C 1\1 I "arcus, ., all e a Oil epIc urcs e ad hung. r:::II'1r:11I!r.lIWf~_"";".o••...... flt"...tI3i , f Clar];e, wbo arc cmployed at con· . I'd 'Ih th AI "P' t ?" h k --~ -~--"!!.~~M_ "rass, c1ol'er and limotll.\'. The arms must no\\' produce to sup. groom IS emp Ole WI erIC IIres. I' as 'cd vaguch', " I k Th e?lI.S. "Glenwood" I~ now struclion \l'ork at Ganr!er. spent R I' T tOt t "\\'1 t . t ?" • 10 •U"III't , 11'1'11 be I,'atcilcil c.'.I'efull",J P y marI I ct nnd prcduce good discharging a cal'j!o of coal at Ihc the week·end with their families. ac\" transpor d t 'I eparI 'Imen, 51 d "\"hla pICD urcs 'd . . r'.' rc mu.t lIe 1,'I"cn 10 .'ee tll-, t mater a . 11e spokc, too, on fertl. ., c ex en 0" r. am "rs. a c ., I', al'l, Isn't that whal " ~ • "II d II tl j f I prrmi~es o[ The Rorke Fish and They came to St. John's by plane b t wi h f h dd d "0 t t \," d f Cthe ;:ra.s docsu't grow up into zers an sa ( II! ob 0 t Ie Ex. C I and returned by train. es s es or a appy we e ,u wen 0 m SOl' or?" lence, perlmcntal I~arm Is In show far. oa rompany, Ud. life, Then he said gravcl)': "Darling, Ar.othcr scctlon cuvercd was a outmers ofhow the best fertillzcrs to get thehe mostuses ~I. r.. 0 'car F'.} I owe II , we II·knoll'n Mr, ad Mrs. Ja ke "qu• Ireo of IheI must Castle tonfess had nothingthat my to goingdo with to FOl'il~e nur~cr)' Ihat was slarted Lime el'cn wltllClut manUl'e co'ul~i : and IlIghl,Y respected druggist, cele· Bell Island Bpent the, weekend with pictures. I wish it had, I rcally about !hn'c ~ e:;rs ugn and con, hring resulls bul manure without I hralccl IllS birthday ~n 'fuc~r\.aY, ~Ir. and Mrs. Roy Howell Forget-Me-Not went there lor a pmntc tnlk laincd recol c:mar~' grass, timolhy, lime would bring rcclul'cd pro ..1~IY l~th, an~ a [anlll~: ga~IJCrmg about a scrious malter with ml' allalla. tre[oll, orrhnrd grass, etc ducts. SOl11e people think fertlhz, Ilns held nt hIS home, In Ius hon· J\lr. and Mrs, !lIark Badcock :spent A I old friend Waller )Ioncktun." . On sUllie no fCI tiliwr hatl been er Is too expensl\,e fUI' loragc 0111'. ~Ir. \lowell Is, we are happy the weck·end here and returned to ppea I had met WaIter ~[oncktun noll' used fur !lIn ~em's, Thc results l'reps bllt the cost 01 buyIng food 10 ~a~" [ast recovering from !Iis the Capital on Monday, Sir Walter :'Ilonckton, ~linist~r of' of Ihis ('xpermient hill'e been mosl [or anImals In wInter tlmc would rrccn! llInc~s and .Is noll' cal'rymg DeIence, once or twicc in Dal'id's helplu!. be more than ull~l't hI' Increased on IllS dulles at Ihe Carbonear Mrs. Lawrence Colford whD Is CARBONEAR, July IDth.-The company, and knew him to be a ~Ir, lIIaybee pointed out thM yields through use of'fcrtllizcr- p!tnrmacy as e[flelently .a~ el cr. home arfer Ipending the winler Canadian Legion again sponsorcd distmguishct! barrister who bad ~hese experimcnts arc carried out to buy Certlllzcr Is cheaper thnn \\ e extend to him best Wishes [or with relatil'es at Grand Falls, rc· thc Forge·Me·Not Appeal and with been to Oxford WIth David and for the sole purpose oC helping to buy food. Fish waste and bog many happy rrlurns and al~o Cor reil'ed a shorl visit Crom her son Ihe hel pol Commission~r Mrs, .10hn who for many years had bcen f~rmcrs and others inlercsted i!1 could be u

, I Mr. and Mrs. F .•T. Taylor are In hear she is sCllously ill at her "At 9:30 last lIight," said I.rose· 1 to ,:~ e:1 It my dlllY,to bnng ~pending a holiday in the capital. home. cutor E V Renshaw "lIe arme(11 ~ r n"lIce the followmg facts 'Also I R. c. A. '1 I . d • . " which hal' t • I 1 ley lal'e two sons mamed an himself with a .38 revolver and i and wh' he {Okme 0 my kno\lledge, 8 cu,ft. \iving thcre and, no doubl, they Harold, younger son of Rev. Mr. went round to the ~Iorn

11 EWS SATURDAY, lH.:.f.l /1, 1956 , . DAILY'N rcls ISC


\ l'. I'

0;,' ;1'I' •; ~I' " ':" : I i . '/ HERE'S GOOD ' i , ' \ \ , 1



" • Fo "~ ...... ,."""""'=-_ ....


~,~~... '


• IMPORTANT' All Entries must be accompanied by this Coupon: IMPORTANT The wInners will be ludged for "Baby EDITOR NEWFOUNDLAND BABY CONTEST, Appeal", "ExpressIon" and "General Photo Interest". This Is not necessarily a beautiful c/o DAILY NEWS Baby Conted. Judges decision final I

Baby', Name .... " .. I ••••••••••••••• : ••• , ••• Age .... , ...... , •.. ,... . PPLES • Senders Name ...... · ...... 1"" ••••• , •••••• ··.t .. . Address .. 0., ••••••••••• , •••••• '" •• 1111 •••• to ., ••••••••• tl f ,., •••••••• " ••••••• Enler • BIRDS, c,.\SA1UES, HUDGlE~ , • FLOWERS, CORMGES, ! ,TORE WEJlDlNG BOUQUETS, to-day! i FUSEllAl. DESIGSS I ROAD I • C/\YiES - Wedding, BlRTIlDAY, ETC. , . Howse 'of ,Flowers lIA)(ILTOS anrl1.r.:IIERClIAST WATI·:tt STREET 01.1 3571 Dial 7410 ED Rrsldence Ilial 61221. XTURES HEY MOM ,. OTHER PRIZES:-' DID YOU SeE , CASE BORDEN'S MILK THE NEW , MERCHANDISE :+ CRIBS HARVEY & CO. : Y T.V. + PLAY PENS ROYAL STORES LTD. BOUQUET OF FLOWERS + WALKERS HOWSE Of FLOWERS : S. MERCHANDISE + BABY CA~RIAGES , BASSINET, Value $10.00 + YOUTH' BEDS and STROLLERS AYRE & SONS STANDARD BEDDING CO" LTD. ent of At The, BROWNIE HO!.lDAY OUTFIT MERCHANDISE Val~. $"1 ~45 ETHEL BARRETT STANDARD BEDDING Co., Ltd. TOOTON'S LTD. rn __ DIAl. 6449 ies 1 flOWER HILl.

t I ~"':T .r

THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY ,~ , 12 , - .. r.4,.

'. '~f • I Because aiy· ews onte Babies Are

I BOBBY WISEMAN, age 1 year,' 6 months, sent in by Won de'rfu I~ M", Betty Wm,m.n, 152 St, C1." Av,nue,

• • • DEBBIE SMITH, age six months, sent in by Mrs. A. • Smith, 94 Blackmarsh Road.

they deserve ~ Ethel the most ,wonderful buys ~ Barrett Here is a Distinctive Store which specializes in 'of all, .. and Ayre's CHILDREN'S ESSENTIALS from 6 minutes to 6 years. Enjoy a relaxing olmos­ are seeing to it that your phere with friendly, court· eous service. 147 GOWER ST. baby can have everything at PRESCOTT DIAL 80356 BAB darling and delightful, •• 51. JOHN'S NFLD, TH everything (ute and FROM cuddily , .. at 'prices as low BABY POW • as reliable' quality will PYREX, EVE • permit. Ayre's have

-a modern, up-to-the-minute " FORMULAE I , department devoted exclusively • PLASTIC CO I

, to baby fashions ... right .i: now stocked to the hilt and PARTY 1 , .- • PLAYTEX DI with summer togs for BORDEN~S AND LINER 1 <, TEETHING LI " :~ every hour of the day .•• ' EV AP.ORAI ED .., and night I MILI(

; " THEY SAY ITIS WONDERFUL ~~~. . GEE ~ ~ I always coo over the' true.to-milk ': '.,. flavour of Borden/s Evaporated Milk 1 · ':" So Mom, the next time you shop reach ,'." " '" ," for the can with Elsie on it - - • find out what

~ 'j . " , j .' a difference there can be in evaporated milks. ~ :-. ; · '. , '-.,. .. Just try BORDEN'S ~nd see ~or yourself I' · .", ' " t i ~ Remember, Mom, 1 .~. I ' BORDEN'S mad. an il~~_~_1 improveme'1t especially ".'1,(' for bClby's formula......

> • : ' Ar..-~_. ! . It' I' ~Ir. FREDDY 'fUI.K, age 2~2 1110nt 15, sen 111 I~ , Tul\" l}lackhead Road. , ' sr. JOHN'a; I IRWTOUIIIJLA_ I > .. ".

13 NEWS. SATURDAY. JULY 14. 1956 y

. ;, , ! 'j • : I ; I

ClIERYL LOUISE DOWN TON, age 10 mont11s, sent· 1n by 1\11'5. 1\Iarion Dllwn­ ton,

~. I

No need to go overboard on your budget . , we've

everything you'll need short of C1 baby siller, Basics to

assure Baby's health, comfort Clnd good fashion , , I all sensibly priced,


S-l~~··JIDI~'~,, .&.11-- PI. . . pI . $.-: , MARILYN MURPHY, llge 3 years, sent ill by Mrs. .. ___ Arthur Milrp}lY, 18 'Wnrbury Street. DIAL 3380 " •• " ...... ,.,...... ",:, .. , "" ...., "" :..... ",."., •. .... ,...... , .. "'" ",,'. . ." " ,...... I...... " T' ...... , '...... " ... , .. ,,, .r .... : ...".' .. "... :..... : ...... -: ',' ':",' ':,""t i ,u::!l.",,,W~,. ..MI ,'l, .•. "",,,,,,,,,~,,,.,.,,.,, ... o,, ~"~1,JijI"U .. "., .. ;.:J:.lc,"I",.].",,.I,.1[iIiLi~CI'.w1,.~.r~.~ ~ ...... ~" .. '"" ...... ~'".,,' ...... ,,-> .c".:..~ •. --;., .. -.... ~·: .... ,.,J.."' ". ,. ·."•••. "" ...... 1.' ...... "".,.... ••.• .•• rt{a.'·~''-'. • .

. . ,


'4~ ______~ ______~ ____~ ______THE DAilY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 1 .' , i'\.r.,\- .• ; f , OJ --~------.------•• Programme~ . .c;:::,.0~n~o<::oo.~<:lo"'hQ,<:::To..<:::.d~a~! Capi'tol 'Cornwali TALL D.RIFTE _ ... _---- *-~---- By W, EDMUNDS CLf-\USSEN -...:.-._------7.4S-Good News, "fo-day Jl'lOlulay , .. Answer to 'Previous Puzzlei . O.OO-Nfld. News. . CBN .t ' Hodgepodge 0.15-Pro\'lncial Weathcr. . -- XXXVI· I duwillg braJlC'hr, 'cra' SATuml'\V, JULY 14 0.20-Shipping nepol't.· JOSE FERRER, IN I "TI;IE GLASS SLIPPER" I LA 'fOUlt·S \'oicc slruc);, llWIl face ~s he p;e/L~i 1l.25-Kiddles Corner, "COCKLESI1ELL HEROES" WITH LESLIE CARON. ! sounding Iil;e a clap from a !lat lessly against . ACROSS . 3 VerdI opera I~nllnell·ed ~ign On, CBC Neil's. .8.30-Nlld. News and Weather.. . , , -.-- 'paddle. "You lic. I~mme~t~ Cha.n. w~s g~)ing dOl\'ll. he a;ld .. 7.45-Tl'P 01 the "'Iurning. 4Chureh . 1 Set or Jllayers service 8.45-Women's News, Smd to be one of the most am. i J'he star·dlreetor·producer.wri· try may be dead but I[ he [S, I\'lth It. And Emmett . S-:OO-News and Weather. 51.utomoblIe Il.OO-News. azing In all the histol'y of; leI' composer team r,espcnsible: your crew killed him before grappling him with 8;l ~:\Iuslcal Clock. 5 Slirfelts tal~s O~:l 8 Tattle D.05-Juke Box ReView. human courage Columbia Pic.' [or M.G.M's highly successful; Haner C rode Into Yates can· aboul his neck .\ [iert '. 9.00-:\lorning DCI·otionl. I Z Bowfin fish 6 Atm05l!hero !1.15-Program Preview. 13 ral!lehood 7 Recedes D.30-Western lIit Parade, News tures' "CcckshcU Heroes," star·. "Lili." I\:hlch acieved a spectacu· : yon!" . dble p:lin exploded bel e . eersall 9.20-50uth of the Border. 14 Part played' 8 Sifted cereal 10.01-Courtship nnd 1Ilarriage. ring Jose Ferrer and TrevUT llo'llar Iwo·year run at New York Emmett merely shrugged his Who,n his breath ea ore ." !l.30-'1'ops 'I'his \\' cck. 9 Yearn lO.1l5-ClscoKid, ward In ClncmaSeope and color Theatre, have rencwcd their as.: shoulder. "Nobody in Cashtown once .1gain hI' I'el~e 15 Clear~ away 10 Plant' elf IO.tlO-~lusical ~Iarch\last. 16 Worthless bit lO.45-Western Hit Parade and 'by Technlcolor According to ad· Isoclation for another enchanting will belie\'e it after they sec the squirming from bentathh; lO.:JO-CBC News. 17 Presently Illy family - NKcid"d'sl:es ShOll'. vance reports, the astounding motion picture, "1'he Glass Slip· i Rafter C lead in that shanty." sensed their fall had t:c. In.3S-~lusic on a ~Iellllw Note. 18 Cheap 11 Stoop, 30 Melled rock 45 Soapstone Ii 11.01 story of the ten "canoe comman. ! per," cO'starrlng Leslie Caron I "I'll dig Chantry up;' Doc scrbed by the lither e:; Bos 11.00-Trans Canada Sports Re· • 19 Headgear 311n any ease 46 Vex ' 20 POISed 21 Skill 32 Lease 47 Notes In n.05-Western Hit Paraelc, dos" who desperately travelled Iand Michael Wilding, with Roland 1 sworc. .. 'wondered dully ir m~ I'icw. through 1l.3G-T(lp TWenty·flve Tunes. through 70 miles of enemy wnter Petit's famed Ballet de Paris ad. Norrlng's rider~ spurring up; broken boncs. , Il.aO-Junior Fnrm. 22 Flower 23 Tendencies 34 Rented house' Guido's scale' and Ncws. 24 BUI'll the 40 Brlllsh money 49 Small stain . l.OO-Local and National Head. to blast a g!a~t armada from. I ding .Iustre to some of the lovliest the long slo~c of Gobbler's Knoll! All about hi.1n ro,~ t: ,:' 11:.!5-Sacrcd Hcart Program, 24 Deceive surface of of account' 50 Bind line News. their own Irml craft, Is one of danclllg numbers ever broug.\lt to burst Into I'lew. ,of guns. :'lIen were I·cn::. '. 12.00-,\nnounccr's Choice. 28 Rattlcsnake . 33 Actor, . 25 Rabbit 41 PIgpen 51 Angers 1.05-Wenthcr Forecast. the most breath·taklng motion the screen, . Reaching the flat on which: horses shrilling. . C". 12.30-:\lusical Program. 26 Sea eagles ~3lrlsh patriot, 52 American William S. 1.10-Nlltional Ncws. pictures in many years. I Helen Deutsch, author of the I Rafter C lI'.af camped HackeU I . • " :' \2A5-SIU 0111'15 Show. 27 Above Robert - copper coin l.1S-News. I Ferrer appears as the J\lajor screen play, has used the world.,' called thc flClers to a halt.. . liE saw HynHln ill'nt I :.' l.OO-Doyle l3uilelin. 31 Nlrrth Hebrew 29 Biblical weed 44 Greek porch S5 Meadow 1.I5-~lusicalc. 1.30-Dally' lntel'view. wh~ dreams up the wild Idea of belnved Cinderella mati[ for t.he, . Hy.man was finishe~ with hi~. at the wai,t L'le Way 11:1:\ 1.30-Cllr I'\C\'.'.< and Weather. letter 1.3S-Sports Parade, , takmg a small attack force In story unfolded In "The Glass Slip· I flddlmg and was stalklllg toware! when walking up n ite •. ~. I~ I} I~ IS 1& 7' 8 ~ 1 1,4S-lltlslcalc. 35 RJllt 1 /0 I" 1.45-Music Time. kayak canoes up a river in France per," but although the new I the wagon. lIis hand crept closer, and in Hyman's hand er;.t .'. 3G RIver In Italy 2.00-News, Bob l.ewis Show. dU'flng World War 11, to destroy 1\T.G.M. proclucllon, filmed in col· I to his pistol as hr neared t.he rig, was spurting flame .. \\:;;1:. 2,CO-Sl~mp Club. . II ilZ. II; 11• 2.15-Tlw Walcr Babies. 3j Abstract bein 4.05-Best from the West, News. a fleet of enemy &hlps anchored or. .has 8 bewitching fairy·tale; Hackett o'rc!cred brassily. watched Hyman 'PUn .o..t~ 38 Level. 15 ,7 t 1 11& 5.00-Ncws, Hecord Shop. , I~ Bord~aux ha:bor. Howard, as touch, Its cl~aracters ami e\'ents: "That's far enough!, Wbere's: about. He went to, O!l~ k. ,,( . 2.30-01f the Record. 39 Make reply' l 2,4:i-'I'his \\·cek. G.OO-News and Weather. IllS military alre, opposes tbe always remam wlthm the hounds I· everybody. Hyman? Your hCr!'. dropped thc Xal'l' Ili,t 41 Sct In motion 18 ~ ilD 11 t 3.00-World Church News. 42 Sct again ~ I 6,p5-Builetin Board, plan as being too risky. of reality, As you see It in this rolls're empty." : Mter what had hap~;, . 3.1S-Speakers Choice. 44 Rivulet . r:L Z3 i 6.10-Nntional News, Desplle official reluctance to picture, It could have hapJ1ened. Frank yclled. "On the led!:e, Lily.it was too mUch lik;'~ 3.S0-:\lusical :\Iatinec. 48 Allegorical g:~t:~~~~l~c1:{a~~ivs. approve the mission, Ferrer Although Director Charles Wal, I Norring! You're being whlo': Ing a life away. And Fr!:~ 4.00-Humber Hour. 53 Follow (Ij ~ ~ fIT ill . rt !J) ,31 ~ I trains .his volunteers In top sec· ters and Producer Edwin H. sawed!" : beell the one to ()rder H~J 4.30-CBC :\c\\·s. sccrelly ~ ~.30-Eddle Fisher Show. ret and with them finally em. KnOPf hal'e stressed ihis feeling i Everlasting shock emerged, this post br.sirle the 33 ~ \\'a;:t 4.3:i-Grand Falls Presents. 5·1 Shade tree ~ ~:6t=~~~~:.d Shop. barks for their point of operat· of credulitY,.!t Is the unique Leg· i through the cun[usion Lhat re· glimpsed TIL ilo 11:'('kctt/:~ 5.CO-t"0Ik Song,. 56 Peel 36 7,Ol-Courtship and Ions, vlt submarine. En roule, the lie Caron Who brings Ella, or suited from thaI yell. :'\ol'l'ing smeared face !Iv;': 5.3U-Children·s Sal·ings. 57 Wlde- 13& 137 ~Iarriagc, be)'~r.d mouthed jar 7.15-EddY Arnold Shuw. sub is dcpt.h·bombed by Nazi pat· Cinderella, as the cinder·begrim· had left Cashtown solely. to: was sure :\Iilo Ilarl bc~; i~' 6.!!O-ln tCl'lnClln. 39 I 7.30-Ncws. rols but manages to escape; one ed little 51avey Is called by stampede the horses, to break or, to shoot !lyman. :'\ . 6.25-Pr(l~ram Prcvlcw. . 58 !lorn he~ ~'\'a~k 6.30....:.SlIppcr Gllest. 59 Not closcd 1ft 7.45-The Right to Happincss. of Ferrer's meq" Is Injured and tormentors, to life In "The Glass humble Jcar. But he had gone: thc Xavy as ~Iilll', gUn ·tt 6.45-~111~ic,tl I'I·O~I·illll. • GO Playing cards ~ 8.(JO-~c\\'s. Howard takes his place. Slipper." With artless simplicity too far. Frank caught the look him. The :\arv kitkrd ~ 7.00-rlle Nell's and Wcather. 6t Mal;e lace Ij// Ij5 If6 Ii ~ 'll 50 51 52. 3,O\':"'Come Inlo the Parlour. . At thei!; river·month destina· she creates the Iorlorn, bedragg. on NUTring's face as the banker. his arm. lIaek(·1t \Irllt !;l: : 7.l5-:md. Sport~ Roundup. edglngt t% 8.30-Let·s Sinj:! a Hymn. !Ion, the commandos launch their IcC waif, taunted and scorned by realized 1I1i10 Hackett was be· I clawing at Liin ;>ir rt"d p"i ~ ~ 5b 7.30-)lu~ical rl'o~ramll1c. 6~ Tryout 5' 1l,45-The Top Ten, Nell·s. small craft and start the haz· her beautiful stepsisters, frighten· yoncl control. He saw Hackett· was dead. . , .I~ [l.15-Suugs oi Faith. ardous fout·day·and·nlght trip Ull ed, eager, s.hy and rebellious all . mise in his stirrups. dragging his 7.45-1>u)'le Ilulletin. DOWN ~'I 55 5'} 8.15-Summcr Di~t~. , I Sour taste f1.:JO-Nell·" . the river. Reportcdly one of the In one, who dreams of the Prince I belt gun. ~(Irring s open hand' . He wheelcr.l in lime b 8,::0-This i5 my ~tor~·. : 211iGh Turkish !W 1!oI ~ O.:JI-Songs nf faith. most astounding true adventures Charming. Who one day will take I slrllck hi, arm. ;-';orring yelled at Emlllett l'lIshll1g tllll,l'd 9.(10-T(1ch~· ancl "·eslerria),. Official .\1 0.15-1)051.'0 News. el'er filmed ihe story of the ten her to live in his )l:tlac~c. his men ordering them back. In pulled the gun :;quilrely . !UIl--Tmlay ~l1d "ir,ICl'da)·. .'j ~O.Ol-Shillclll~h SIJo\11ime. men and of liow they compete The Prince aPJ1ears in the per· 11 wild fury Hackett finished Emmell alld shouted fer "': 10.0l1-S\l·ilf(orrl ~Iu;.ic l"r~ll'·a1. I . 1O.30-Burn Dancc,' News. their deadly mission Is suspense. 5011 of Charles (~lich3el Wilding), y,lnking his pistol. quit [igh1ill~. Emmett ru!~; . 10.;ifl-1'OU['\1 01 Grca;e Paint. · I t I 12,OO-NeIVs. lIouseparly. fully revealed in' 'Coekshell II worldly and sophisticated prill' El'en before he started his yell Frank trig;!Cl'l'cl. iii! ~i:: 11.0!I-S~·l11l"hnnic flanl!. 0' l' 1 2.00-Quccn and Silln Off. Heroes," a never·bcfUTe·told story eellng ~uffleient1y Intrigued by I of warning to :\'orring Prank fell nn an explodrd cap ..I( 11.30-l'IlC National l'\cll's. :CJON-TV T 0111-. I SU:";DAY, JUI.Y 15 Ferrer reportedly Is impressive Ule little slavey to give her an; tJlrew his arm full force against .nlCllt lilter Emmet! r~achEk·. 11.3:i-Canac1iilns Yarn5. U ~:~~=~~~~.~~en's Story Hour. as the dctermlnd leader of the Invitation to the grmid ball to be i Emmelt's pistol hand. He put all, lie sellt his fist plungi:I:" 11..t5-jlll;icale Program. ------I f "canoe commandos" while TrevUT held In his honor. (The scene in I his faith into his reflexes. He· Emlllett's face. Thl' hlow mi 1~.!lU-L'b'c DOII'n. S,\1TlIll,\\', Jl'].\' H 1.30-1'0 Bc Announeed,1 ::~~=~~fl~~ga~lri~~~ll;~~~!tics. at his second officer, is said to'a woodla!ld den In which he II had seen Emmell rcact with the: whcn it landed against nEill liIL.!!!~::::==:"'~ Sl':";IlA y, JVI.Y I.; 5.f10-Wlld Bill. 1.45-Wh:t.:'s Your Trouble, l!.OO-News. give another top·npteh perform· teaches her to dance the minuet, agi!itj' of a cat and his own' hone. Then n shot bangel':( lJ 8.4:i-~lr1udics IlIr .\Il'Cht.lion. a,~O-llisllc)'Jand, 2,00-Jo'lghting Wurds. D.OI-Voice of Prophecy. anee. "Cockshell Heroes" also Is cotillion, gavotte and waltz to the I' tenseness told him how cle~c ihis : his hea~. The mall'! Ilfl.:' . !l.tlU-lIcl!ional WC:lthel'. 6,30-:IIeI\'5, 2.30-Country Cale'lIlar. 9.30-Sunday School of the Air. rlc.h In the fine performances music of Bronlslau Kaper's ''Tal:c would be. When Emmett s gun on slll·pnse. and then deall!i 9.15-~la~ic ~Iu;ic Dllx. 9.35-Pu;t :\Iark U.K. .. .OO-SIlt'clal Jo'caturr, I 3,00-Thls is the Life, 10.0G-News. from the other eight men of the :\Iy Love" is one of the picturc's I' went off a:; lashing burn or [ire I cd his expres~ion. Emc:!:i' ;,30-T11c l~arJy Sho\\'. 3.3O-Cllmax. to.Ol-Family Bible Hour. commando force, as welJ as of unforgettable moments). ran across Frank's ribs. He lung· I fUTward until he fdl at fn: i 10.30-:'\ ci;:!h bour I)' .. :'\rw~. R.II0-The Ilnne),mlloners. r..OO-PerSJlecth·c, 10.30-Party Line. the. persons they encounter In And now the enchanting events I ed anew lIis body driving Ern·! feeL. Frank spun nbcut he .: 10A~-~laliiimc Gardcnrl·. I 11.00-Salvation Army Trmple •• H.:IO-Stage Show. 5.30-1'0 be annllunred. ~nf=~h~~cla}o~C~h~t.ins. jralning and While on their des· in Cll)dcrella's. Hfe unfold. With I' melt tOIl:ard the edge of the! ,quarely at Norring. Ti::!1 .;.( ~. [I1il~g 9.00-0n Camera. 6.00-Ilramn, 1 0 • perate mission. the help of her only friend, the shelL I a smoking pi~t~l in ~o::::' "l1li.'" Sc(\·icc. 9,30-To Be Announced. . G,30-Father Knows Bcst. ·l~·O~-~ews. f S . wacky Mrs, Toquet, who is given He heard a grunt from Swen·· fist. These two har! Iou!::~' 1:15-Piano Uet·ita!. IO,1I0-lullel' Sanctum, I 7,00-0ur lIliss Brooks. 12:3O:\\?~~~ ~~ws u~~~';'ary, In addition, t.he fl!m Introduces to lifting things that do not he· I son and was vaguely aware of another since their lirst 1:!~ ·'iellfiilies. 1.45-Sunday ~li~cel1an)'. JO.30-~Ir. Fix II, 7,30-To be announccd, 12.45-Slightl~. Classical. 1an~, sultry ne~ smglng \~~sa. long to her, she gets to the balJ I the black~mith hoisting a man there could han beer. tl: 2.00-The Concerto. n.OO-News. S,OO-The Ed SIIIIi"nn Show. 1.00-News. t on m Eur~pe, w 0 plays a re~ in "borrowed" gown and coach, above his head, of Swenson ending. 2.!!9-1>ominion TI me Signal 11,lO-The late Show. • 9,OG-Four Star Playhousc. 101-Longlnc's S"mphonette anBd sll}KS Tbhe LOdndR~nc.h[ Ld~~e .. Idiscovers the man she thought to : heaving him outward. F k I'ft d i' 1 I ., 2.30-Folk .son!!s for Young • • • ., . yran F or es an 1 ar ll,al' be the son 'of the palace eook to lEt t d . t th e iran' l e 11:' lall' a:.:.: . 9.30-Shnwlime, l.30-News Roundup. h th If' mme t s 00 agam;, e c'l 1 I ~. , t .. d ~.- 2.45-lIere's the Weather. SU~llA V, JULY 15 10,OO-Prome, 1.4S-Songs o[ the Sea. haurn ~rf~tle be sdcreentPhPYf or be the actual Prince, and has the! dar; Frank became aware or I !rlle usc ess • al\~ hO'lar 'i:~' 3.00-Songs of Praise. 12.00-Tl1e Search, 10,3~To be announced. 2.00-News. t e new I m, ase on e am· time of hcr liie until t.he stroke _. le man on t lC om !"• .r.." 3.30-CBC :\ell·s. . 12.3O-Junlor Magazloe. U,OO-The Late Show, 2.D1-Best from Britain. ed Rcader's Digest story. In'lng of tweh'e forces her to flee leav. • weight and t30k the blo\f I" : 3.33-Capitol Report. 2.30-~!usleal Showcase, NcwL Allen and' Albert R. Broccoli ing one of her glass 5lippe~s be. the side of his bod~·. An 4.00-Reli~iuu5 Pcriod. Ncl\'~. 10. DO-News. 4.30-Billy Graham. were the executive producers of I hilla. Ills hardly necessary to add Paramount latr.r he lurched rrnzlll' .' 4.30-rritkall~· Spcakin ... 7.30-Breakfa~t Club, Nell's, IO.OS-The Old. Old Siory. 5.00-Ncws. . the Warwick Production, direct·· that the search fUT the owner oC from his sacidle. !lut n,: 5.00-R25.0011 (lolf Champioll;hip. \J.OO-Song~ fL'r Saturday. 10.30-Lnymcn's Hour, B.Ol-Songs from the Show!. ed br Ferrer for Columbl~ plc'llhe slipper brings Clllcierella and __ ~_~ IF.rank's strike with the ,=. 6.30-:"afd. I'rogrRm from Lon· 0.30-The Big Six Program, 11.00-Hcvival Echoes. G.OO-News. t tures release. Charles toget.her with every evid· T 1 .Plstul. .~rilies . don. 1O.1I0-l\'eI\'5. 11.30·-Thi5 is M.v Story. 6.15-Gu~' Lombardo. fl" (ci d . ) h 0-(, !'l 10.0S-Kc.\'board C'p"r", 64= R d <'h N c~ce 0 Ivmg an ancmg ap· ay I '['ori Drllr" had ,pnt I:; 1I.35-Ask the WcathermRn. n - • 12.15-Vistas oC Israel . ,'- oa '" ow, el\·s. I fit' 6.42-Hr;:inn31 Wcather. 10.15-11051' Ranch 'rime. 12.30-News. 7.~0-Nnd. News Review. Every few·weeks ,,"oolpns ShNlld 1"1 Y orever a cr. : ,"hizzing from the hpd ~r . 7.00-Canaciian Scenes. 10.3G-Klelc1ies Program, 12.35-Canada at Work. 7.4.'i-Roarl Sholl', News. be hung out in the sun and brllsh· The dancing sequences of "The; "THE BIG KNIFE" WITH i leael splattered \\'a~on. IC:\ 7.30-CBC Ncw~. I1.00-Children's Pro!(ram. 12.50-Your Sunday Serenade. D.45-Dosco News, ed hetween the plcats, In creases Glnss Slipper" are among the: JACK PALANCE i terrible impact 01 1.'1 at 'i.35-Hcrc·s the Wcather. '1l.3f1-l!e(ld)"s Variety. l.OO-Sports Review. 10.nO-News. and under collars and cuffs so no eutstandlng highlights of this de-I ' had torn :\'orrinJ:: IrOPl hi! ., •. ,..... ," 7.45-U.N, on the Recore!. I:!.OO-News, , 1.I5-Yotlr Sunday Serenade. lO.OI-Familiar Favollrite!. dirt pockets collect to breed moths. lightrul offering. 'l'wo striking! it u~ed to be, in Hollywood, He. was awar~ 01. La. ·1· .. ·:·IIIIt6w~ 8.no-The W(lrd o( the Lord. 12.05-~lusicnl "'~nu. l.30-News. 11.00-World News Summary. J1roduction numhers afford Lcslie ; that a hero was a hero and a vil. IUll{!lllg past l\'lth hl~ 8.15-The Four Gentlemen. 1!!.15-Bank of Happiness. us-now Chrbtian Science ll.1:i-llollseparty, NeIl'S. 12.00-The Bob Murphy Sh\)w. Caron nn oportunlty for her brll· I aln a villain and betwcen the bag. La Tour \\'a~ an~rr· 8.30-Sl1ndR~· Chornle. 12.31l-Nel\'s. Heals. 1.00-Queen Rnd Sicn Of!, . tOO-Sign Off and Anthem. llant artistry as a ballet star, wlt.h two was an 1~\'lslble barrier that shot II hoTle throu.gh ~~! 9.00-The Woman In White. l2.:l5-Ramhlin' with Regan. 2.0G-Rotary. SUNDAY, JULY 15 ;\lichael Wilding, as her terpsle· could ne\'er be breec.hed. But I barrel. \\ hat /I \\B,te. 12.45-F1shermen's BroadeasL 2.aO-HCA Victor Hecord Album. 900-S1 d S renade 9.30-Special ,luly 1st programme 12.50-Ramblln' with Regan. . 3.00-Take 1\ From Hcre. . gn on an e . horean leading man proving him· these days, dramaturgy is subt·.I He saw the doctor 10wert:.1 10.IlO-Notes and Comments. 1.15-Sport5cast. 3.30-News, V 0 US. ~~:~t~~!~~~iIC ~~~~: ~elf re~arka!lYd~: Ih~ln~1 on the IeI' and casting more !ibml, with: knee beside Hyman. b I~!:n ••--···- h~' Lcslic Bell Singers. 1.4S-Ramblin' with Regan. 3.35-1IIuslc from the Theatre. 1l.00-Pepperrell Chapel·Hour. ance f oor. n s ll\ lese se- the result that actors cross and I while La Tour swil'rled t1!; IO.30-Summer Stage, 2.5S-Ncws. 4.00-Lutheran Hour. SATURnAY, JULY 14 12.00-Concert Stage. quences that ~hc entire compan,Y recross the line between \'irtuc I and grinned awkwardly i~: 11.00-Tapestry in ~lusic. 3.00-Dollars on Parade. 4.30-Guest Artist. 6.00-Slgn On and Sundial. 1.00-Contest Theatre. of Uoland Pet.. t's Ballet de :.ans and vice with increasing frequ· I and FrAnk knew Hyman': ..""" .... - 1l.30-CBC ~atlonal News. -l.OO-Ncws. 5,00-The Eternal Light. a.OO-Robcrt Q. Lewis. 1.4S-Air Force News. apJ1ears. The first, danced to The eney and ease. i not die. llAO-Addrcss by The GOI'ernor 4.05-Rninhol\' Ranch. 5.30-Echoes at Eventide. 8-15-1n the Mood. 2.00-Philadclphla Orchestra, Son of Ule Cook of the Palace of The latest oC these trans·mora·: • • • . ,i (jeneral . U5-Nell's. o.DO-News. . 9.00-11 Happened Lasl NiChL J.OD-:\Iusic from ·America. the D.ook," Is perf~rmed In a llity travelers Is Jack Palance, ~ • . 5.00-,lunlor Jamboree, G.15-Gralltland 'Rice, 10.00-Cisco Kid. 3.30-American Adventure or fantastIc kitchen, WIth the bal· II'ho made his reputation as a ,lEA); ran to hllli . 5.30-~!elody ~Ian. G.30-Guy Lombarc!o. lO.20-Starr of SJ1ace. Parade 01 Sports. let's climax taking place atop a film scoundrel and now, in "The >l'l'ccn of cedar. 1.11r), ,;,~ VOWR. O.OD-News anel Weather. ~:~~~~~r~~a~~rwo~. IO.4S-Trcn.Time. . 3.55-Production Five, three·layer Iced cake 30·feet high! ! Big Knife," plays t.lJe role of :i' along the ·(ace 01. the d.,.· Sr:-;ll,\\', Jel,\' 15 6.15-Spol'tscasl, 830 S I lZ.OO-lIlllhilly Matinee. 4.00-Bing Crosby. The lecond revolves .about th:! mevie·idol hero. rlll~, in the par· i soh~ slo~\'ly lJuictln~. I{' 1i.2n-I.ost and Found. • 1.30-Trcasury Bandstand. Imaginary Egyptian pllncess Te lance or the trarIe, IS known as' .Jr.an lIftcd her late In 1: .. ;··i1IU,p\,pr.1 10.~0-Urgan :\lusic. 9:o0=~i~~e~~s'~iflsi'erI1. 4.1~SeDreboard. I ' .. 61.45-Ne\\,s. , 9.3~Trans.Atlnntlc Invitation. 2.00-Lct George no It. 4.25-Nc\vs. her.a, to whom gc,sslp has the "the big 5witrhcroo." The. faint sunli:::ht ,

....OUNDlAHD'I fllEHDLY 'IIIATU ",IASSOCIATu .. ijIiIOil_ MONDAY . ~ , MONDAY TO-DAY "THE flIIIIIt!Il PIC1IIIS ~ BIG 4 wNtll'lell ProM\loII , 1-' JOSE ·1REVOR ~FE" ", HRRfR' HOWARD '., FIHS'l' TEA' , Also-UP.TO.THE.MINUTE NEWS ...... ; ! . I ~ :, Also-UP·TO·THE·MINUTE NEWS •.••• "0""" .. ;~.', ; == Also-UP·TO·THE.MINUTE NEWS' TIMES OF SHOWS: .'. .'. Also-UP·TO·THE.MINUTE NEWS TIMES OF SHOWSI r:n:NIMi SI\OWS: 7.15 - ll.la t EVENING snows: 7 P.~1.-9 P.~I. ..1, •• ,1 1 1 ••••••• t:VtNIN

• • • • • • • " •• t . , . ,lj ILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 1 1956 \\l

By BEANS REARDON QUESTION: Cleveland's Bobby Avila o\'er:ran second base on a • short fly to right field at Yankee. Siadium. He was lagg ... 1 out try~ • ing to get back. 'file second base: umpire, Frank Umont. had gone­ into short right to watch the fly: He turned around and saw the-' play, but did not call It. The third: iersall Man Of The Moment base umpire mae the decision: Isn't Umont supposed to make the call at his base?-Davld Lee. Boston's Coup Of White Sox Answer: Umpires have a sys­ tem worked out in wJtlch certain' and used a seventh.lnn'ln¥, lingle things become automatic. On a Basion littrall)' had given the play such as this, the third base White SOl' their first runs In the to power the Cub. to a 7-6 win over Pittsburgh. umpire would take ever the call, opening Inning as the Infield made despite 'It being at another urn" three errors on as many chances, Banks' single off Bob friend scored Dee Fondy with the decid­ pnre's base. If an umpire Is not allowing Chicago to tally without able to see a play, he is riot obllg· " . r: benefit of a hit. Ing run. The Cub shortstop tied a 8: Hr(),'kl~'n 6, Losing righthander Jim Wilson record set by the late Al Slm· ed to make the call. an IJl'l1t mons, then of the Philadelphia Q. A line drive hits a runner, " way m(ln \'ork i: ~1. LOllis 5" had a no·hltler going until Sammy who .has his feet on third. It· 6: l'illrinnal1 4. White,,5cntched a harmless, two· Athletics In the . a Hccp ST. LOUIS (AP) - Alvin Dark kicks off into foul ground, Can', 111I1HI , .Iall riN'all pro\'cd out single In tht filth. doublcd across the deciding runs the runner try to score?-Bob nll'" ':, n of Ihr llllllllcnl lor the !lle~nwhllc. Chicago hall Rdde.d wilh his fourth straight hIt of the Brady, .'f n" I'n" 1'1 ;). man\' gallles a run in the third and a pair In gae and gave SI. Louis Cardin· A, He is out. the same as If hit I 'r.d I '. ' ' I • \I i'rn lie ,irol'r hollle Ihe I the fourlh. als a 7·5 verdict Friday night over on the base paths, It is a single , r:m~' no.ton Ill'(\ Sox Boslon came alll'e at the bat In Ihe New York Giants,' hi. erst­ for the hitter. The hlt·by·a·bat· ('I,k .• ". II 'HIe :iIlX :;,~ In' the sixlh when the)' put log ether a ted.ball rule Is there becau .. rl'l ~,Imr In thc Amer·1 walk, three singlcs and a double while teammates. "', i play for thret runs. Rellef man tec.hnically the rudner interfere. CINCINNATI (AP) - Phlladel· with fielding. The lame hold.' n.J,' wal·: Ike Delock was the winning l"rr,~l1 phia Phillies hll two 'homen and TWIN KILLING IN ,ALL.STAR GAME-Washington. D.C.-AI Kaline, of the Detroit Tigers (AL) is out at true here, a mn:!1 • 'nnin~ 1\\'0 • rlln 1 pitcher. nine olher hits Friday night to I Q. Is there IIny limit on the r.11 ~ :,,( trt"mpit onr the I In the only day contest in the defeat Cincinnati RedIegs 6-4 and second as George Kell hit into a double play in the ,ixth inning of the All-Star game at Griffith Stadium' ri:ll , Chicago Cubs length of a bat?-BlIl Russo. l knock the Red. out of Ihe Na· re~ent1~ .. Roy McMillan of the Cincin~ati Redlegs has just got the ball away towards first to complete the A. A bat can't be more than 4S 'nH'~C hit ~·rida\·. a ~hortstoP Ernie Banks tied a rna· tlonal League lead. The Reds got tWlU kIllmg. The camera angle (lookmg down sharp lyon the play) makes it appear that the ball is going inehes long, "",:~a~lIn' IIlW rlcht. rapped ,lor league record by pla~'ing his seven hits off Curt Simmons, who Q: The battcr hits a liner tnt, r.,11,' :.j:1'!' 1\\'0 wrrc out 39.j.lh consecutive game sin c e went the distance for the Phlls. the right field corner: A fin :hlh'lnnlnt breaking in !'(lokle In 1953 into the ground.-(IN Photo). as a reaches out anel deflects the ball as the fielder reaches for It. Th. little League fielder scoops the ball up In4 ,Practice Notes fires It to the infield and the bat· Baseball ter Is caught at second. Does the SPORTS CURTIS, SOCCER play stand or is It an automatic Curtis Academy Section B foot· ground,rule double?-BIll Rech. Schedule ball team will hold a practice to· A: It is ,an automatic ,round­ MONDAY night at 6.411 on the upper pitch rule double. IN THE ol the Ayre Athletic Grounds. All Q, Wit.h II runner on first, the M,t. players are requested to attend. batter hits a grounder to the 9,3~imon Levitz "Red Sox" shortstop. He steps on second for "NEWS" 'Vs. Matchless Kid •. HOLY CROSS SOCCER Olle out and throws to first. Th. H.OD-Steers "Green Giants" Practice for Holy Cross Junior first baseman drops the ball. He is charged with an error. Why? . GEORGE PERLIN Vs. Harria 41 HIM:oek "Sunbeams". and Sonlor football teams tonight P.lII. at 7.00 p.m. In Ayre Athletic' I thought no errors were given 2.30-R. A. Murphy', "Rams" on a double play when one out Is TRACK Grounds. This Is a very Import. Vs. McKinlay" "Vanguards". ant practice and all players are made-Bruce Falk. FOi',!lm or Ihe hig trr.ck meet coming up nn the 21st IIY they US-Hickman'. "Chevrnlels" urged to altend. A. An eror is given If the , ' th' idl'a for il a[ler looking around and discovering there Vs. Harvey', "Shamrockl". throw is dropped. It l! never cr.I)' onr ma,ior meet in the SI. John'. area each year. As Bill 6.30-Liona Club "Lions" Vs. gi ven If the pivot man on a dou­ .1 pUI! It 11"'1 e ~hnuhl bp. at least five meets a year. Bill says C. of E. Orphanage VI. "Jets". Probable Pitchers ble play makes a bad throw-un· il!! no poinl in an athlete tralninll for just one meet a year. This Ie.,; a runner ad\'ances because r.1tel hr explain! has been planned to expand track and field TUESDAY NEW YORK CAP) - 'Probable of It. pitchers In tollay'l major league Q, Wilh a man on first, the hat· IIr it is hoped to be the start of I regular .erIes of A.M. ;a)'~ baseball games (won·lost records ter hils a ground ball 10 the'iirst .\1 Hill ~ays the athletes are plentiful: Personally 1 am 9.30-Balne Johnston "tndlans" Vs. Steers "Green Gllnh." In brackels): baseman. lie steps on the bag, lD 1II0llr o( Irark. lrJck and more rtack. We just don't have enough 11.00-Terra ' Nova "Pontlles" National League Ihrows to second and the runner 11 in The response to this meet, II good, 1 hope will i 1_ han~ and ~e1\'lnllntland, Vs. lilt. Cashel "Bombers". 'Philadelphia at Cincinnati t.hen must he taglled, Why 11 :: t owar:l 11 Bill fa)". jml a flnrt. Track and field Icem~ to be sadly neglect· noberts (8·10) \'~ Nuxhall (6,8) that?-LoU Barhato, P.!lI. A, The rule Is there because tht I hor~e b) mo'llpnrl; lam and ~'et It produces greater competition than any 2.30-l'anonl "Monarchs" V•. Brooklyn at Milwaukee-Maglle : the blOI\' . Ir~rl. Track nnd rield e\'ents call for more training, 'greater In· Ayre 41 Sona "Airdales". (2·2) vs Conley (+5) runner from first is not obli&ed (2) - to go to second once the bag has ! lon,', An eflort. nnr! more personal courage than any othe .port. This 4.15-Perlinl "Half Pin"" V•• 'Pittsburgh at Chicago i , c~a7.lh· b, opnirn, 11 furprises me, therefore, that there II not greater "Jaycees." Munger (1·1) anll Law (3·9) ,,~ been steppcd on, He Is not Corced Rush (7·3) and DRI'ls (3,3) hecause no runner is behind him. , But not in Imk IIl·IIi, It 15 inleresting to nole that R former wfll O,30-Mt. Cubel "1tocketa" VI. ~11f! 51. Q, Chicago's Wrigley Ficld has \II h the "Elks". New York at Louis-Worth· ~ 'thfl~lr. (ien!! Stirlln~, Is laking time out from his many business ington (4·9) V5 Mizell (B·7) i\'y on its outficld wall. Is there 10 ;~,,'I in Ihe urganization of the forthcoming meet. It would, A meeting of all team. in the Little League will take place Mon· Amerlcall I.eaglle any special ground rule coverillg ~fnrlit thr >purl if more people of hi~ caliber would take 'an , Detroit at Washington - Lary balls wJtich become stuek In i\?- . day afternoon at I o'clock .t Ban· , ' 10 il. Thrn a~ain 1\ mllst be rememebred that there are those (8.10) vs Pascual (4.9) nerman Park. Uniform. must be PEPPERRELL AFB.-Pepperrell's Dick MacDonald winds up for one of the Charles Roche. hair t.kclI ~rr.1 inlerest In promoting track and field down over Kansas City at Baltimore-Me· worn Ind all boYI must be present. dangerous, throws that have earned him a 3-0 record for the Peppers this season. A: XO, This is covered by the y!m, Ri!! Cnnllin~ is an example of I man who has devoted much Mahan (1).3) vs Fornieles (1-2) : lime In the Ilr~ani7.ation of the variou. meeh. Bill and his Cleveland at Ne\v York-Score Pepperrell s .only southpaw, Dick struck out 16 Grand Falls players to beat that rule book, which allows two bases. 01ll.t be given credit for what they have done, but IS 1 said (8-6) vs Larsen (5-1) 4 to 1 In Grand Falls last we€k. Die k is 20 vears old a member of the 642nd Junior Baseball Chleago at Boston - McDonald te~m th~'b~i:~ ~t:u:~~~u':d ~e~~nt~ more intm~t must he taken In track and field If It Is to .urvive. AIrcraft Control and Warning Squadron and a 'native ollVIiddlebury, Vt. lVard short. The runner heads for (1).0) VI Parnell (2·2) • • • elared, Yorkshire 163 .,nd 183 - third, but as he comes In line ALL STAR POLL Sc,hedule lllesitat!'s or slows down in order Jack Withers has plied up 'he highest single total In the Below il the Junior Baseball Cricket Scores \'n'0d"'~'.. ·"r,.hire.. Wull uy all ... ,,' ,,: I Guards And St. Bon's Rack Up with the ball and the fielder he tor lower to ballotl counled In Ollr All Star poll. 'Jack has picked up 65 schedule for the first round: LONDON (Rellters) _ Cricket a l'\orlhamplonshire 307 lor 5 dc. to shield the fielder'S vision. In I lOIt! to lead the pack In'the race for the second base berth. (lo"iT$t Tram i., the Home Team) clo~e of play srore! Friday: elared and 173 for 7 declared, When the ball is past him, the I ;wive!ed hI! II! hal a Irati of 36 \'oLes over his nearest rival, Cyril Morrll, Felldlana vs. Mt. Calhe!. England 32S, Austrlla 81 for e Somerset 355 and 104 for I, match Shutouts In' 'B' Soccer' SerRes runner continues to third, Isn't kwnrdly at _ho hal 19 I'Otes. StandlnRI for the other pollltiODS Ir. I. SI. Bon's v•. Holy CroSi. (third test). drawn. I this interference? - George I II' Hyman (ollo~11 S!. Pat's ,·S. Guard •• Eton 157 for I vs Harrow (two Warwickshire 255 and 123 for S O'Brien, IS-Illlr)' FlIl~rrahl 50, Jack Harvey 42; 3r-Go'r'd~~ Br~~o" .. Mt. Cashel va. St. Bon' •. day match) rain restricted play. , declared, Hampshire ,218 and 162 St, P~t's after d,eIealing the LINEUPS A. It is never called that way. Felldlans VB. St. Pat',. England 325 Australia 81 tor II tor 2, Hampshire won by 8 wick. C.L.B. five 10 notillng. hari thc GUAIIDS-Fred Purchase. gonl;: ,\5 long ~,s the runner does 110t • • Ell 20: SS-Barry Maunder 48, Billie Abbott 20' ~9. '1:l1111111~ Guards vs. Holy CroSl. , (third te~tt ets. tahles turned against them las I Terry Win,ol·. Francis Wi~l·lIIal1. 1 ~o out oC hi5 w~y to JHlrnpcr the I..I'.-I.on! I.rnl1llard 45, Hugh Fardy 31, Vaughan MacDonald St. Bon's VI. Fe\l~lanl. Elon 1~7 for II vs H:mow (two Lancashiro 185 lind 2M for 21 nh:hl 'I hrn thpy were Ileatl'n hy Hohy Pil,p. DOli Ash ..Junior Smith. ; (i!'lclcr. he is just playing smart :0; 1'.1'.-Tr,l fiil1ip~ 50. C. Walsh 38; R.F.-WIJr Caley 44, Mt. Cnhel ''I. Guard •. ~.:V match) rtlin rtstrlcted piH. declared, SeoUand 208 and 170, I the (:Ilard~. 'flIP. first goal IVilS A~d~ \\'al>h. !loy P~rs"ns. Carl i lmeball, Ilalr 1I)'all ~fi; C. Paul Bryant 57, Bill ROMon 26i P.-Jlm Holy CroSl 111. St. Pit'•• SUITer 361 for 5 dec1arp.d And Lancuhlrp. "'on bv 71 runs. scnrcd by England alter fivp min· '\'llham~. England. StnrkJc~·. I , fllr) ;,~ •. h"t l;al1lhrrJC 32. Guard~ \'S. st. Bnn' •. 153 for 2 declRrr.d, Gloucester. Derb)'shiu 297 '(or 7 derlared ut~5 of the game, The ,cconri g()~! ST. PAT·~-.loe Broll'n. >loal:' q, '~. rUllner 11'I~5 to ~Iea~ !t,c, !lml olh_1 1'1R)wR Rre, of tOune, In contention, but onl1 Itoly CroSi n Felldllns. !hlre :ro:\ mat c h AbAndoned. And 173 for 7 declared. SlIs!e:< was challlkrd up when the hall, CI~'r1r Grcrn, ,lim Phalrn. Y,dwan! : nnrl. J he cal,chpl' ~ t~lrt'w I. 'In drawn. because of nin, 1 tnr P and 107 CM 8. ,was In, fronl of Patrician net.' KIIOPI'. ':'iII,iam [J' 1\ ei II. , :IO;fph ; lillie to but 15 fh .. ~ ~ ho hall' ,1!AII'n 20 nr more votes Ire lilted. St. Pal'~ vs. Mt. Cashe!. 298 d~elared th~ ge~ ~1II11, \~'Ild I!~,d Thm 'rr ~rwral playen, for example, ",ho hi\'! been Gllard~ "~So Felldlan •• Woreestershire «0 fqr 8 de- match drall'n. A Piltncian playcr In an eifort to 1 Rrown. firl'm AIl/:cl. LImine I the rUllnel 15 safe, Oil JOu gil e clear Ihe ~phere. aecirlr.ntly knock- : ,ral,h. ,"'alt Dalton. G, Goabie. I tlte catcher an error?-Adam Sch· !Im.d lor R herlh. They Include Peter Deutsch, 51. Pat's VI. st. Bon' •. pitrhln~ ed It inlo hl~ o\\'n go~l. T~tl Q~lgl~Y, : mid!. , J'hn Pnl'tr. mk. '1artin, DOIIII Woolgar, and Ron Stride. All Mt. Cashel TI. Holy CrOSI. Ch~rlie Walsh look ,I t h I I A. Not unless the runner ad· ,I Ih~lP. 1'1~)"f! lI'ilh Rny concentratioJl of TOlel collid mOff Game time will be 11.111 p.m. All . a ~ 10 II ST BON'S I'ances 3l1o\Jler base. game! will be of .even inning duo Baseball: the hRIi lIas handled smartly hI' • '\'5. HOLY IQ \"1 t 't I I Id th 1!lo Ih. 1.~,1. ration and no Inning wlll.tut after the Guards goa rIe F ~e ri Ph'urc a~e. CROS S ! urd' •lor 18 mostPI c lerwild topitches 5 e inree- a • • • B.OII p.m. Walt. Dalton tested 1 urchase w!th 51, Bon's beat Holy Cros~ one: game and a season? Frank I\n!~ht ha~ drHwn Ineral votea for the t1rst base ~ d~lve fJom.: serlmragcE' W:"C~ to nolhing in last nighl's fifth Sec. A. One of the best control Ilot. Frank 1:\'.111, and I1ugh Fraser have received support for e urne aSI e coo y. ng an lion B soccer game .. The winning pitchers of al! time does-Walter lerond bm: non Scott I~ running third, In the race for the hot Feildians Drub Luckless }lUI" then entered the game and .sl,am. goal was chaulked up by Tom Johnsen. In 1910 he was charged torner; Soel Sparrow and Ed Manning have piled up votes In Week·End med a beauty, Into the PatrICians phy In the dicing moments o[ the with 21 wild pitches, 8nd four the Ihorl stop race: llar"ey Clarke and Bill Billies hive received nel5n'll lor O'N the 'IIfirst 'I" goal. th engagement. years Iater he h a d hi s bi g 1011. i01 IUpport lor Irll flcld. Right field seem. to be the malt .ought Baseball 101 el pi eu on e prcs· G R' h d (th BI ,.. Id It I ' Mounties ,In' Dull G'ame sure as he fir d f k' k 'I liS IC ar s 0 e ue ,,0 5 W I .our. artrr post lIith no less than 1% candidates named Many of the e a ree IC agalns played a good "ame and took an , Howle Young of Feild wal routed outflelrlm arc rcccll'ing votel for III three po;Ulonl. In all The newly -formed International' The Felldlanl picked up their the Guards goalie but Fr~d Pu~· active' ~art in" most plays, Rich. ~: What happens when a bat~er Baseball League will swing \nto first win of the season lnst night from the mound In eIght Innings. chase caught the hall and kicked, II nrd started off b r la ' g th sWlOgs and misses on a t1urd c~;rll' flit), players have received votes. Young walked the first two Mount Y I action over the weekend. they whipped winless Mount o.ut Into center ficld. C?rl. Wi!· bali 10 'Tom lI1ur h weh/~~ove : slrike-and the pitch then hit. he rcsult~ lo,da~', 1.am afraid Ire Dot up to date for as Ca8hel batsmen to face In this In· Tonight at 7 o'clock the City At· Cnshel 13·9. I13ms se~t the sphere SIZZling ~t high one over th~ ~ed and Gold's the dirt before reaching the catc· ballots continue 10 roll In. ' nlng. Ihe PatrIcians nets for a near hit, nct. her?-Byron Porterfield. • • • lantlcs wl1l go against the Pep., Both team. played sloppy ball Ern Butler took over from' Young S ' POLl. NOTES perrell Peppers. On Sunday at 2 with a total, of fifteen errorl hut !t, shot over the Green an~ Doug Scars entered the playas A: The catcher must, tag out and retlrad the side In the good Gol,d 5 crossbar; he tried his luck against St. Bon's the runner or throw to first base, ,om~ Inlm;ling sille nolcs on the poll Include the fact that Ed p,m, it will be the Imperials committell. Most of the runs col· fashion way of three up, three :r he SI. Pat s eleven almost goal tender Joe Gathcral. but the same as if Jt had dropped the I d'rl! popular with lans, but they have been voting for him., against the Peppers. lected by either team came IS I l th~ dQwn. C\ the score Joe Gathcrall strclchcd himself on a ball. I The Felldlans got the wood be· ~ned wh~n ,Brow~ erent positinns, Ell's tolal vole~ I~ 35. ATLANTICS Lineup-Catcher. result of miscues. , dme home a free kick which hit ' d k I'd hi' ' ' I n"pllnse 10 the poll has been Rraur~'lng. For Its first week the Sorcnson. Greening, Robson; Pit· The Double Blues started at I hind fourteen of Stride's pitches Ihe Guards goalie F d P I f Jump a~ .noc ,te I e sp lere Q. A baiter IS lilt by a pitched ote ha' rlln to ovcr 80, chers: Carey, Short, Wheeler, last clip by. building up a three while MOllnt Cashel Icaned into • re . urc lase. ,away \\'llh IllS flSls, .'ball. lie Is hurt and heads direct· ~~lIare on the head .. A Guardsll1a~ Gus Richards carried Ihe ball ~ Iy to the clubhouse. Can the of·' Jack \\'ilhm wa~ namrd to :hr. flrsl team on ali hili a few hallots Ryan. In[lcld: Fltgerald, F. Evans, run cushion In the fir.;t inning, the le,'en of Young's sef\'e~, 10 dale I 'I ,Mauncler. Ploughman, Newell, HoI· Mounties came through with two Umpires: Rishsn, Duffy. Ki~s ~~e~~:eJh~(rbo~nf~'~~ bal: ,~ndthlt up the field weaving in and oull fcnsil'c team send a pinch·runner' ' nClt rntally e\'ery second hasemall 1:1 the League has lell Outfield: Tiller Leonard rum In their half of this Inning to ,a a IIClan. II C of the Holy eros> defence. he, to first for him?-Bllly Walters. and Williams. ~oal po~l, nailed anolher Guardman ,passecl tn Damian n~'an who reo I' A Til rule' ~ay no but most at Irast IIlIe \'ole. lRyall. .' Ca~ey, Simson, Chapman. ' turn It Into A close ball game hut J Jral'r' (. : • • IMPERIAl,S Lineup-Catchers: the~ seemed unable to get Into the .BOX SCOnES E rhounced II Ioff thed bcrossbar h" and was ;1 I11,1 "ne d II Ie splcrcI II lUS ~c It'"m~, umpires elise cornlllons SCllse" on a I IIr ,mild fall! rO'llav Knll will he wrltinll my Bryant, Rahall. Pilchers: power, lead. f'F.TT.DlAl\'S AI? R R o r~~~/ c eare y I e Guards de'j' Illchards lip Cor a frre shol. The. situatioll suc.h as this. If tlte bat· t' ,hall flcw acros~ the mouth 01 Ihe : IeI' can·t make it 10 first on hiB (0 umn \Irrk rrnm thl'rr. making arrangements, how· Martin, Woolgar, Sparkes, Deutsch, Thf Felldlans 5trllck Cor fh'e big Tiller ...... 4 2 1 I1r~t I'~ 1 hut !lrr, tQ han the lalr;1 rcslllts In the poll carried In the column Gamberg. lnllcld: -Harvey" With· !'um in nn error fiBcd second In. Hollett •••.•••••• 5 I, 1 :; Ih 'Ih~lI~e~oll~ goalstap~ ~~ore~ COl' CrusHrler~ nrl Cailed to rnl~r i own allcl' bein!! hit. an umpirr. o ,,,Cit 'D r ~ y a ., asp aye!'. I ~s Pier, on rieflecteri it away with I' normally will alloW a pinch·run· IG, rUMr! 11111 he kept lip 10 date 00 how It is progressing. ers, Sparrow, Manning. Fraser, nlng. Pitcher Howi\! Young started Chapman •.•••••• 6 :l 1 • a alton, Hoby Pike look a 1 his h:mds, ' I d It f Itim ' • • Scotl, King; outfield: McDonald, the trend with a stand.up double to Plo~ghman ...... 5 2 2 O I k' k 'Ih h' I t ri . ' ner ODOr . T. Gilils, Russell, B. Gl1lls. the right field fences SqUires ••••••••• 6 0 2 o ree IC WI !S. s I~ roppmg The Holy Cross net minrl~r. Boh 1 Rem~ (;f:T YOUR VOTES IN ' Tiller followcd You~!: and mad R~'an .•••••••••• 2 0 0 1 close to the Patrlctal1~ nets, Pierson. c~ul:ht Dee Murph>"s 1'---- - Send ~her Ihal you cnn I'ote In this poll as many times as you o The pla~', was carried hack ami power,drive and slammed it away with Tom ~Iurphy taking a Ihot first on an error charged to Ronni: Clarke •••••••.•• 2 1 1 1 C?rlh the field both teams lIe[ore it could do any. harm, Pat \ which proved lin successful as It ' Ihe I • our hallOh 10 thc Dally New5 AIl·Star Poll or drop them Stride Hollett b d I I t Cooke ...... 2 0 0 wit~ First All·Star . • ange a s ng e 0 Simpson 6 2 2 2 fighting hard Lo cam the advant· Whelan took a corner Iiick for st. sailed over the crusaders nets. On cller slot In the Daily News building on Duckworth Street. left flelll to bring Young across Greening········" 1 1 o age. SI. Pat's wantcd revenge and Bon's which resulted in another his second attempt Tom succeeded •. . ALL STAR BALLOT Baseball Practice while Dave Chapman singled down Young •••••••• 5 1 3 o the Guard,S fought to keep them corner taken by Dave Barrett. He slashed his shot at Bob Pier· fll::iT TE,\~1 SECOND TEAM _ the 5am~ line to score Tiller. Buller' ••••••••• 0 0 0 E from scormg" Joe Brown took two Barrett's kick lVas headed over son which beat the Red and Gold's ,····· •••••••••• ,"1, •••• lb ••••••••• 1 •••• ·····,······,,··. Conch Charlie Riddle of the st. ,Hollett, Chapman, and Plough· MT. CASHEL···· AB R H o shots, one missed, the second was the Crusader nets. custodian for Ihe winning goal of 5 1 deCeated by Purchase \~ho fired the D~lUg Sears again entere~ the the game. The Crusaders tried hard '" 2h ...... John's Capitals baseball team has man picked up u~earned runs to Molloy ...... 5 3 2 .... , ••••••••••••••• t I • , " called the first practice of this round, out the Felldlan scoring In Evans ...... 6 4 2 o ball out Into, center flcld. play when he hammered a shot 10 even the seore but to no avail • t [or 10 a m Sunday morning the se.cond frame. J. Evans _...... ' .. 4 1 1 o The S~. Pat s elev~n kept up the away at GatheraU. Gatherall stop· the game ended with St. Bon's the , 3b ...... a~a~le ball pa~k; The Mounties went the full Badcock ...... 0 0 0 o hammermc as Charlie Walsh drove ped the shot and cleared the ball victors " , ...... The first practice Is for pitchers Ifengtthh 0 r tlhelr batting order In the Casey •••••••••• 4 D 0, 2 a fireball across the mouth of the away from his goal with a long . ss ...... and catch en only. Since the llnals our 1nn for three runs. Lead· Stride ...... 6 0 1 3 Guards goal. Kevin Angel took drive. LINEUPS •••••••••• I I • , • I • I ••••••• ~g are barely three weeks aWIlY' It off man Mike Molloy snapped one Robson ••••••••. 3 0 1 1 a corner kick ami Charlie Wal5h Pat Whelan picked up the sphere ' ST. BON'S-Joe Gatheral, goali o butted the IJali in an effort tn and PQsseli it to Tom Murphy who Kelvin Grant. Bob Baird, Kevin, If, ...... is imperative that those eligible to the opposite field to make first. Maher ...... 2 O. 0 •••••••• '·"1 •• ," I ••• , ,.,. III nttl'lul.· • " Frank EI'ans hacked him up with Walsh ..••••••... 1 0 0 1 "enre but PUl'chnse pro\'ecl "ic. flrrd a hard one illrectiy at Ihe Knox. Len coughlan, Steve Bar.' o torion;> 'as he gruhbNI the sphere CI'I/,ader's goal. 'rhe ball hit a Holy rclt. Pat Whelan. D. Murphy, Tom: N ('r ••.. "...... l'I'I'CHERS-Gal1lber¥, Deutsch, a line drive to Icft field .•Johnny Avpry .' .•••••••• I 0 0 o lI'ilh hi~ hands, Cross deCenceman on the head and l\Iurph~'; Gus Richards, Ryan. : •••• I ••••••• I • I •• I •• Cnrcy,'l'olVcr, Abbolt, Wonllla!', r~vans nnd Wilf Casl'Y wnlkrel. and Al'Ili! ...... :1 1 0 Kennedy, Sparke~, Jlyan, Martin, forced in the Ih'sl tally 01 Ihe even· Newell .•.•••.•. ,:J 0 1I o Trrl Quiglc)' £ired a shol away bounderl over Ihe crossbar. A cor· HOLY CROSS - 'Bob Piers 011, (01' St, Pal's but the GII'lI'US Cll~ ner kick was fhe nlaken. but Ihe goal; Robert Fleet, Pat Hobbs,.Ma": r. .., •• I ••• " •••••••••••••• "" Hull. Ga}\\'ay ••••••.••• 1 ·0 U ••• I I ••••• , I • , •• , •• t , • I • f I~S!.'" tOllian made Ihe save. The game ,phcl'e was cleared from pierson's 'Taylor. B. Woods, J: Philpott. Jim, " 1 'CATCHERS-Bill Rahal. Paul 'rhe other two mils calllC as R TONIGHT'S GAME ...... ,...... :. I Bryanl. '. ' result of errors by (he Feildians. 7,30-AJa~tics I'S, Peppers. camc 10 a close wilh St. Pat's try. realms, • Philpott. ,B. Everard. Frank Q;;' ., .•.....•• 1'".' I.,. C ,iug hard to 'score. St. Bon's played hard for a goal I Keefe, John ~ouih, Doua Sears .• , ! ' I Pla~'ers are asked to bring their I Slarter Ronnie 'Stride went the SUND.4Y ~ • _ ••••• , ••••••••• t •• ••••,..... uwn gloves. ' , , ' distance tor Mount Cashel, while 2.00-Impcrials vs. Peppers. " I ••• I • It ••• I •• I ••••• , , ! I -i',' I :"i.'r'~1" '1..' ' , f ,

" \ , , ;: }, ,I.JE\VS, ...... r~ TH,E HEART Of JULIET ; ',. 'j' .. r :--?'-...,-----"'"' ru;;V;:;:;;:;;-;:;;;~iiiC~~-:::~05 I-'~---- ,-'...:.. '"., I This Page !s Presented with .the 'Complim~nts' Of Th~ Great Eastern Oil Company Limited

" . lVlovements Latest Stock, Market Report' Steamship THE NFLD.,GREAT LAKE9 STEAMSHIPS LTD. ToaONTO CL08lNG STOCK I Hrun.inan 2Il00 ~ 11\. III. - \1 Nama Creek 1000 110 lQ7 110 'I,V. Lunan from Hamilton Br Tbo Ca ..dla. rr... IBrunslon l)OO 22 21 22 Nal Expl ~OO 56 j6 '6 -I " "Coronlo '51.,k Euhan,.Julr 13 nrun.wlck ,M 'SI3 13 13 Nes Lablno 6300 126 120 1:!J -2 about July 17. Toronto July 18, CQuotatlon. In ...1. IInlo .. morked $. "ufladlsDn 33CJ 12\; I" 12 N'w Aller ,,~300 2.1 ~3 Zl +1 I-Odd 101. ,d-1:.,dh'ldond... -I::.rlihl'IBUII Cdn :Il00 15 16 16 Ntw Alhona 1262 60 '9 5~ _I and Montreal July 21 for st. ... -E'l\'uranl •• ) Bulldo, 4000 13 12 'I~ New Bid ' ROllO 16 15 16 + I', Joltn's, ' No! Burchell 300 50 .ICl '0 -2 New Cal looa 72 70 70 -2 I V h '1 11 •• k Solto ftllh L... CI ... Ch·,. , Callinan mo' 21 20 21 +I: Ntw Dlrk.n 100 165 162 162 +2, ~ •• Pert from lIanu Ion about ,'11..,';& Camp Chlb 6750 ml, 19\1 19~i - I. N.w D.lhl ~OO 101 101 101 Jul), 24. Toronto Jul)' 25; and Mon, Abbiean 13j~ ~Oll '0 16 Camp RI 100 ''0 390 390 -I '3 IN ~'ortun. 14200 33 33 36 + 1 treal ,July 28, for St. John's, And l'ran Ill(l.' Wi III', 141i - hiI Cdn A,ioria H732 3' ~I 39 Z -! N Goldvu. 4:!O1l 2m ~4 2m - \, - "Iba Epl 1960Il II 41 44 Can.Erin ~OOOZ 114 109 110 -3 N lIarrl .. na 1000 21 21 ~I :tIV 'Dundee from Hamilton about .\I:om d.b ,IU 196 M 96 _ \4 i C Malarl 4000 45 14 41 2 I N ,old,'ue 40 23\, 21 1l1. - '" M,'O\,.I. 20<)0 330 llO S50 : C... lar m 630 82.1 823 __ :.\ N Harrlcona 1000 21 21 24 Aug. 1, Toronto Aug. 2, and :tlon, ,\'"'Larder 10011 11 17 17 +1 IC.,tle 500 400 400 400 -5 N lIIehridie 19000 73 711 71 -I trcal /lug 6 for St John's An, Nopho 200 2111 233 110 ,~I. ~onl Pal 100 13! 133 138 -6 ;,;.'" Jlo.oo 1(1(;0 28 28 ~~ ". Anacon 306 :76 27.\ m ConI ro.... 4lOG 14 1\ 14 -I 11 Jacul., 160914 2M I'~ 197 H FURNESS WARREN LINE hnclo Hur" 400 m 1m 13 _ \'1 Cenlr.n,.~, 3300 13 U I! 1 I liell' Juon :0000 21 2~ 20 Newloundland leaving Liverr,ool ,,"t no "J" J(1O 130 m 130 H Chlb ~I 4~00 :000 123 473 10 li Kelor. 2000 11\, 17 171. ,\p" n.. 71lOU 13 Ilh Ill. _ "1 Chlb" E,p 100 103 105 IOJ N no)' ..n 7918 370 335 370 ,July 11, due' st. .John's July 17, " ..01 :lJJoo ~o 18 1'1, -11" Chlmn 4100 Il4 110 110 :--ewlund 7300 ~9 ~I M -13 L \ 'n~ f r H I'f d B t .\rc .. ~i. 1201<' 230 :22 ~~o " Chromium 1300 37l '315 333 'f 10 N ~\ftnlloba ~'6oo 1~'lI In I~l -3 ea 'I" 0 a I ax an os on ,\rJon ;000 31 32 31 H Cody·n •• o >23 70 fi8 69 -2 li ~lInd. moo 6.\ 63 ~J12 ,Jul), 18, dne Halifax July 20 and MI .. "k 2'1(1(f ~o :.'\1,10 ' ICol. Lake &JOO ~m 21 ~Ili ,,,11 Sewnorlh ,lOOO II \I II -I 'Bu t n July ry3 L "g B t 8.n\;1I014 300 12\; 12l> 1210 -tI Calomae 76:00 H 13l; H lie\\' " nou)'. J~1 20'. 20'; 20" ,21' 5 0 •• ea\ In OS on Rank.no 700 3.\ 3.\ 3l , t'onla," 100. ~15 m m Nickol n1m 19938 420' lOll' ,li"" ':1" i July 24 and Halifax JuJy 28, due h"llIabona 111C0 12 12 12 Bellekono 19933 59 55 39 2 I )lew Tburb 2000 17 17 117 1St J h' J I 30 S ']' ",urn_quo 6100 181m 171. , \. IeCO, C Cad 3000 17 17' 17 :-:orm.t.1 215 fi93 ~9J ~93 -120 • 0 n 5 u y • al mil same Aunlocb. 19633 38 363ft -!2 C Oenloon 1010 1000 900 993 Nor ACDl. 11000 I~I 117 117 -6 day for Livcrpool. ' Allln,n.. 7cao 15 H!~ 1m ... I\~ (; O.n ",Is %U 363 365 363 ~ 5 NI.lo ~OOI000 '36021 .21~ :6',1, -I Nova Scotia leavina Lh'crpool ""btn. 7ooo!3l, 14 1410 !l Halllw.1I 631181 173 165 174 ,9 Nlplllln,. "" t~O - nan'uo ... 1. '~&I) 5 4" 5 + I> c renlmre 1316 145 Itl m -2 Nor In.. mo 9\. eo.: 9 July 25, due St. John's July 31. g~~~ln uro 2~ 2:~ 2~ :~ gO\I~~~:~r i~~ 41~ Irs~' ~oW:~kln 1:Ta~ l~g m m H Leaving lor HaUfax and Boston IIm'uo 500 105 IOJ IOJ Con M S ma UI\. 30 30 .. 1. North 'I'rtn 3500 101> 10 10 +2 Aug. 1, due Halifax ,Aug, 3 and 11 ... "etall I3SOO 12 " 82 +2 C Mortson 2500 50 45 I!I -4 Norlh Can 1600 150 III 1I~ -10 S· t A 6 - RlSka 1600 23 :17 28 ... '" C Mosh" I64)Q, 78 75 71 +3 Nudulama 3500~' 40 40 -a uS on ug, - LeaVing Boston Hea, 1.0<1,. 4000 47 46 17 iJ Con Nlehol 3300 14 12 12 + \I Norlh.pall 3403 330 345 313 ... 20 Aug. 7 and Halifax Aug. 11, due "olrhor 37106 3~ 33~ 35.\ +11 C n.,oourl 11!I00 5~ 45 ~ -I obaska 500 12 I· 12 5 J h De,'con 1100 35 35 33 +1 Con SUd 21500 403 385 390 +10 O'Brien 1310 90 e9 90 +S t. 0 n's ,Aug. 13. Sailing for non"II\' ~ 10 10 10 _ I. C Sln.onn· 500 131> 1m 131, -I o,ama "00 tm 27 27 Liverpool Aug. 14, ~~~:~~d 31: 2~~ 21~ 21~ :~o ~onR~D~oP mg ~~' ~f\': ~ t2 g~~It~:~: 110.?~ I~ Ie: 10~1' +5 Newfoundland leaving Liverpool noym.. MoOO I~ 11 11 -1 C Norlhlnd 7~:OO 117 107 110 -5 Opemlska 1660 $Im 13', 13'. - \0 Aug 11 due St John's Aug 17 I1ralorne ,100 510 530 530 -10 C Tun,st.n '10300 !I 10 11 orenada 7)()0 2' 21 22 .,. • Ilrilund 2100 125 119 120 -4 Conwesl 970 790 775 790 +5 Orm,by 2200 57" '6 57 -2 Leaving for Halifax and Boston ~~::l.lIr~leer ~~~~ Il~ I:~ Il~ +1 g~~~~ g!~ I~~ ~~g ~~ m +5 ~!~.:':c Ii: ~~ ll,. 1; t\. Aug. lB. due HaUlax ~Ug 20 and Coul.. t 2100 115 130 133 -~ Pard.e 4000 B2 71 80 -I Boston Aug. 23, LeaVing Boston -1 Aug. 24 and Halifax 28, due -:_ ~~~~:ft i~ li~ lro I~~ :~ m~g;; ~: ~~Ii t~1> ~il1 A~~, . ...;...-----, CU'eo ~ooo I~ 13 1& -III Pick Crow 1630 1,10 II~ III' -4 St, John's Aug. 30. Salhng same Crowpat G~O 4n JA 3DI', *3\, Pre., !lord UOO 11'; tA 13 -I day for Liverpool II'Mo,nn 268100!>6 U ftS -$ Pros Air :!DO 173 m 17' N' S' I', L' no COllr G60'! 6_ K3 1\11 I'ronlo 1000 31l 360 37,~ ; 1\ ova cotla eavmg Iverpool FllRNESS ~~~~~~~ ~i~~ n ~ ;g t ~ ~~l~r nDu),n I~~ :~ :g :~ ~l /lug. 25, due St. John's Aug. 31. notta 30300 13 13 14 +,~ Paramaq 3000 14 13 14 ~ II Leaving for Halifax and Soston IDom. 100 'S131' ISh Ii ramour 1100 52 .2 52 -I S t 1 d H I'f S t 3 d I Dlad.m 2000 40 28 lJI,40 - Pac Coyle JOG 140 lio 140 cp., IIC a I ax cp. an D)no l300 112 106 loa ~I Purdy Mlea '4200 31 28 27 -3 Boston Sept. 6. Leaving Boston llonalda 9700 60 56 60 +2 Que Chlb 32010 203 190 20l +1$ B st n S t 7 d H'llf S t Duun 7~'10 103 101 103 -3 Que Cop IOJOO mIlO 192 tI 0 0 ,cp. an a ax ep. E "mph' 1000 1011 101> IO\,: -I> Qu. LIb 5530 191> 171\ Jm + \. 11, due st. John's Sept. 13. Salling ~::: ~:11arI 1~00 I:~ 1~5 IA~ +0 :: kl~~ J~ llmlor 101 -1 saine day for Llvcrpool. 'East ~!el.1I 13100 69 65 55 - 4 Q Motallur, 5200 345 330 335 -5 FURNESS RED CROSS Ea.t Mlnln, 27062 690 66.V 610 10 + Queenston 500:t2 n Xl -I Fort H mill d St J h ' Red Cross Line Eld.r 5011 43 43 IB -1 Qu.mo.1 310 S26\~ 261-i 26\, n. on ue ,0 n ~ };Idrl.h 50011 10) 100 100 -$ Radlor. 1400 11$ 110 110 July 12. salling July 16 (Halifax ~~ sg\aelor ~: I: 1~1~1> ~~\I ~~~VIIiEarth ~~O I~S I~~O I;~I _. and New York). SAILINGS Eureka 93011 118 141 111 -3 Roeb. 1700 il 17 17 Fort Avalon 'leaving Halifax Fal.onb 12\. -2!1 U Y 0, due St. John's July 23, }·.d Kirk 1100 27\~ 27 27\~ +1\•• 1 Mlehael 3100 51 :12 35 14 sailing July 25 (Corner Brook and ST. JOHN'S F·wo.t Tun, :lOOO 30 .29 30 t5 Sin Ant 900 82 82 &2 -3 N Y k FraD ...ur moo 23 20 22 I" + Sand nlv.r 21900 20 13\. lB'.'. -I ew or ') • FROM PHILADELPHIA •'roblsb.r ~205 m m 43l + 10 Shawkey :;00 Ill> IJI. 13\, Fort Hamilton leaving New York Fort Hamilton '" .Aug. 13 ~~~:'wj~'b' II~ s~~ ~ ~ :~ ~ii'la~~~er 4=' I~P li~ I~~ :1 July 24. Halifax July 28. due St, G.o Solen 200 170 !!O !71~ 42< 5U StaM 7~~ ~I2 50 ~120 -I JOhnli's July 30, saili.ng August 2 Glan! YK 1700 560 ••~ •• -.1 SI ••loy ~ 12 FROM NEW YORK: Glenn Uran mon 107 11)3 106 I Steop Hock 3204 $20~' 20l'a 201 .... 1,\ (Ha fax, Phliadelphla and N.Y,) Fort Hamilton .... July 24 Goldale %000 1+9 29 29 Slur,eon J3~0II00 7177 7117 7147 -+~. Fort Avalon leal'inn New York E;,VE-:VSODY 5AYS ~~~~ Gol4croll 4~00 2.1 !!l\~ 25 Sud Con! • b Fort AI'alon •••••• Aug. YOU'RE GCIN(; TO 8 Gold Min 1800 2811 m :so sulUvan 1150 MO 530 340 +20 August 8, SI. John, N,B" August PITCH iHE TEAM TO THE Fort Hamilton •••• Aug, 17 GF Uran 2000 30 10 30' Sylvanlle '50 131 133 1J] +4 10 Halifax A'Ugust 13 due St Grab Bou. 2100 ~I 20 24 T nde.. ~ 10 10 10' " PE:NN:"NT AND I'VE'. Gnndln.. m(l 32 30 31 -II> T!.k,HUIIt 72.1 200 199 m John's August 15, sal11ng August A:.RE,l.DY DECI "cD WHAT FROM ST. JOHN, N.B.: W~'1.L' USE i"H.\T 17 (Corner ,Brook an? N,Y.) Fort Avalon ...... Aug. 10 g~:~~~~1! 15~ro &:~ 6l~ 6~~ i~~.:,mCu.d I: m fJ ~~~ ~i~ Ex,RA MONEY FOR. Gulch 2500 I! 40 43 +2 Tiara 4133 22 21' ~l -1 Fort Hamilton leavmll New York FROM HALIFAX: g~~na~ad • t:: sl~\i :m I! 1 +1 Tomblll J: mI. ~~ ~~ -1 Aug. 17, Halifax Aug. 21, due St. Fort Avalon •••••• July 21 Qunar wi. 1470 930 925 m -IQ i::~:m~~s 600 40 10 10 John's Aug 23, sailing Aug. 27 Fort Hamilton .... July 28 ~:~~k~r.:rl' ~m il ~~ ~~ :Il" B ~!~~~o. ~~ 6~~ J~ 6~~ -I (Hailrax). Fo~ Avalon ., •••• Aug. 14 Hard noek 7~00 17 16 17 +\. U Eol'll.. • 500:.'\1 20 20 ... I, NFLD. C,AN. STEA~ISHIPS Fort Hamilton •••• Aug. 21 r.::ll:"ay I~: I~ ,I~ I~ :; Hn ~;~Ioaub 3~~ 6~~1> ~ .~ :.lo Belle Isle II leaving Halifax lIe,'a 15l1li 10 10 10 Upp Con 500 13 R.I IS July 11, due St. John's July 13 '\ r.~m;,~~~ 6~~ S%lli ~~\ ~'" ". ~::~t;e" f&~ $r. ~"i~ - \I sailing July 15. ' 1, SAILINGS 110"10 ~33 m m 78~ -l \'Ieo 100In m I~ft 172 H Bedford II leaving Hali!ax July , FROM I~dil L~~~ '7: '~~ ~ '~ /!" ~~I~II~maXm . ~t~ sYf~'i I~\, Inu -1;\" 13, duc St. John's July 15, sailing ST. JOHN'S In'rlr.l\o. 1f,)3 1:!J 122 122 -3 IV Malar 1000 22 21 21 -1 IJuly 17. :~t'h r-:~;:I I~~ ~I< :tr" 2!;1. ~ :;" mll~~~ .: ~~" '1~' ~~'" -II Belle Isle II Ieal'ing Halifax TO CORNER BROOK: .Iay. E,pl ~m3 116 113 113 -2 Wlnch ..tr 1000 II 11 11 + 'I I ,July 02, due St. John's July 23 fort /I 1'II\on •••••• ,Iuly 25 1,II'ml>< Ills 3110 m 14' 10 -I ; Wr lIore 1500 17~ II- m ' sailin" Jul 24 ' , Ja•• bu. 1'1111 ~\ ~4:;1 I' \·.lIarts ' 1000 13\1 131;' ,'m. -\1\; " ). , , , , 1 :( I Fort A\'alon •••••• Aug. 18 I J ••k Wolte 7m 2? 2fi 21, :1 \'k Bear ~IOO 227 2%.1' ~7 +2 I B,cdford II leaving Halifax .TuJy , Jon.mllh r.300 ~I :II))n i Yukeno " ~!oo In\~ In" 101. -I ?] dlle St J h ' J I '23 ' , ,le'''l1e 76~1 ~n lfi M, ,) Z.nm.c' 3200 31 37,)/\' - 1,,1- • • 0 n 5 U j ,salhng 'ro KALWAX: , 1,loUot' 3(Wl00 143 ,17~ 131 -!, C.r~', July 25,' fort Hamillon •••• ,Iuly 1ft 1 R\~~n~n:~ tt~ -2 g~~;I. ~~" ~,' :~~\. 7!~1.7U,;. -15 ,Bpllc Isle II leaving Halilax- Fort Hamilton •••• Aug. 2 m m: Klrk'lIud 43830 95 9O!5 Pend 0" 1011 430 1.10 4:1/1 .July 28, due St., John's July 30 For~ Avalun ...... /lug. ,18 II.nvlll. 3jOO '10 ,";' 't~ Yukon Cen ~IM 6" 61 64 +I sailing Aug. 1. ' Kerr Add 1m $2m ~m 211 - ~, on.~ , Fort Hamilton ••• ,/lug. 25 'I. oufaull 4700 2.15' 211 245' -$ Am, Ledu. 17m3' 130 121 130 +~ 'CLARKE STEAMSHIP ';0 "obUrke" l7iOO n ~ 22 Amure.' ICOO 700 700 700 121 EI i . t I ' . TO NEW YORK: JeUleoe 205S0 ZI 2n ~I .1 Anchor 15OO1l '23 20 20 -I • espo n eavmg Montreal July Fort' Hamllton •••• July 16 L' Wa .. ' 3350 2.1 ~ :!S ... 2, Ane,Am Exp 37J sim 11 1m +', 13. due St. John's July 18, saJlln- Lake Lin. ,3000 J6, IS 15 BaU.r Sel A 325 $14 mi 11 + I,; July 20 " Fort AI'alon •••••• July 25 Lok. Clnclt 9\00 80 "'" -33 BaUey Sel pr 300 $31'.< 311> 3m - I,; • ' ~ort Hamlllon .'., .Aug; 2 Labrador' '1570 S:.:I" 22 22~"" lIanll' moo m 261 m -129 Novap.ort leaving Montreal July Ltncourt 7900 15 15 15 Bata 16ll1' 21 ::7 21 + I" 25 d St J h Fort Avalon ~ ..... Aug; 18 La LUI 100 10l 40.1' 105' H Brllalla 11650 321 300 310 + II ,ue • 0 n's July 30, salling Fort Hamilton .... Aug. 25 Lolleh 300 T6 7a 75 +1 Calalta Pele 3120 145 140 145 +5 Augut 1 (Bay Robert). LL Lae 4000 290 280 2M cil Ed 29~ 52~\I, 2m 2m - H EI I t I I Lom ..a I 9322 20 19 2n Calnorth .300 32 30 30, -1 espo n ea v ng Montreal Aug, 10 PHILADEPHIA LoradO ' 5650 \12 110 -III -I C OU Lillda 1900 320 310 310 H 3, due SI. John's Aug. 8, aailing Louvl.ourt 1200 21 24:1 COil' L wI. 100 200 200 ~'OO + I A 11 ' Fort Hamilton .... Aug. 2 LYn dhurs! 4300 137 130 I 37 2 + CS P.t. 204 315 32.1 340 + 10 ug. , Ma..... 400 191 ,Il! 194 -I Cdn Ad 011 1000 69 67 67 N" ovaport leaving Montreal Aug, Venels wlU eaU Newfound· Maodonald 1500 90 U 90 +3 CdnAtI 011 m8 12.1 '10 120 -. 15 d land Outports al lnducemelll Maollo 2000 141> 11' 14 C, Brtt Emp 4900 65' 62 53 -I ',ue St. John's Aug 20, sailing Maeuno, 4800 40 :1 39 + I C Collleri.. 600 SIC 10 14· +\ Au" 22 (Bau Rob rt ) offers, Ma.Ltod 1000 128 U3 125 -3 C 'Collier pr 1\125 91 90 91 b' ,e S. °Calls Corner Brook after Mad ••n 900 212' 240 ~12 +2 C ,DIV Pete 17850 900 ftsO 900 UII CONSTANTINE CANADIAN, St. John's, Malartle 100 '1~ 130 130' -10 E. Gu 1100 '30 630 610 -20 SERVICES Maral.o 2(100 2.1 ,2.1 ~ C' Hom.td ~UO 230 :!2.1 230 M V A OJ Accepts refriJ(eration Mareu. $0+00 10 10 10 C PL' Ptt. 41476 '60 445 450 +, " vonwood sailing Montreal , car~o. Marltlmo 13800 ,2a5 255 m +7 C "Pro • .,..1 400 630 610 610 .. 90 July'16 Arrl'vlng St. J h c WI11 arcept cargo to and Mar 'B wlo ,$700 77 TI T1 + 2 C.nadu.I 2010 170 II! 170 .. 2 • 0 n's July Martin 3600 16 HI. '1m + % CanJO Nat 1100 150 150 I~O t5 21st,", .. .from PhiladelphIa. Melntyre ISS $87 11 ,t7 Can.o 011 1000 200 199 200 M V EDEN\"OOD 'I' MeKentle 1100 35 35 3l Cent Ltduc 6711 145 . 440 440 • , , ., sal mg 'Hamil. 'McWattl.,.' 3000 41 43 43 H 'Charter OU 1200 214 209 209 -I ton July ,25th" Toronto July 27 GENERAL AGENTS Menlor new 2100 49 45 15 -4 Cam Pel. 100 150 130 4W Montreal' Julu 31, arrlv' Ing St,' Harvey" Co., Ud. Dill :l151 Merrill 3Il00 283 :1'10 !!IO .. $ Canro 4400 '30 ' 291> 30 +1 J W. G. Moore Dial 5890 Meta Urn 101300 31 31 37 +1 C Allenbe. 3000 17\'. ,17 17\. + I; John's August 5th; Mldrlm 23700 240 . 2J! 240 +2 C' Dra,on B33 37 n7 37 I ;-:-;~-=:::.--:---- __ , FURNESS WITHY MIlliken 11400 166 149 130 -10 C' East Cre.11333 72 72 72 ... ~ Soulh U'OU. 2300 37 II ~f Mindamar 1500 ~I 21 21 -3\; C., Mlc. )lac 36288 llO 451 4a:t -:3 Spoon.r' 6:100 '" 31 -J & CO., LTD. MlnlD« Carp' 2.10 sm. 21" 2.... - I. Con Peak 3000 II 15 I~ , • Slon ...1I 1600 12, 711 40 +I Min E.cIeav 21108 61 50 10 C Woll Pele' 100 Sl4 14 14 - "1 'I'un. Ca. 900 170 163 I;g nlma, Saint John. N.B. Mln,Orc 5500 '19 2. 29 ~4 Del RID 11171 3~~ 350 360 +10 'l'rans Era 171630 47 40 17 +T New 'ork ~Dntrul Marui 1000' 325 315 42.1 + II oev.Ltdu. 2200 162 136 162 + 10 Trend Pete 1000II 20 I!I> 2iI Moneta 1000' 70 • 70 TO Dom. Expl 600 120 820 820 'rrtad 011 1100 950 933 9 ;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M~UI~II;;'~M~ln~d!41~00~,~1~17~~I4~Z.d1«3~~+2r ElDuve. p.ney U!&atlmoo ,36as 80,34 5~B5 + 5 We.pacUn (,n. , 12838711l!O:!!l1l 38 ,2113.1 2J~~! -5-9 i Far,o 2915 330 310 31S W•• I MaYilll 600 112 lIlI 112 +I G.n Pele 100 510 SID 540 Wesl, A.hly 7000 17 IS I~ Gell P.le A ~05 1103 50:5 SOl '+S w• ., D.catt. J6S1 180 175 178 -I Gr' Plain. Ov ,,~ '41\\ 121> '421'. W Decal ,,\0 1000 'W 40 10 +2 Gr SWlel G 2710 315 335 3l! IV N.co' 100 US 135 135 '1I!Ih C.... t ~300 ~8 ,37 37 1, - 'i Wllrloh 4000 II 43 43 " A round trip IIIlhwood 2000 10 40 411, IWllriOh 4000 C4 43 43 Hom. 011 ,A m $12'4 12\. I~I> - ';' " B.ANKS ETAS Home 011 B 221 112 ,U 12 + I, n •• h.1 ' , ' .I~I l~~ ~ '. lIu.ky 12l1li 960 9SS, 960 -20 MONTREAL CLOSING' STOCKS Y and '10 days in Ilu'k~ "I. . 26~ 470 17n 170 Br Tb. Conadlan Prn• • Jupiter .. GOO 250 '::;10 250 5 IAbillbl 4m at !'oke. ' 50 x ... ",y 011 3200 223 :no 22' +, .A,I><,lo. U lIaw'Smlth 45 '" UI> N"B Dom ~600 2&0 250 2.10 -13 'C Sleamship ~6 Boyal Bank 6114 .': i", 1'1 Cbmbrln 900 165 1'5 160' C Bnk Com 5411 royallie 13\" , . l ... ~ N ,Conllnent 1500 77 71 7! + I' d. Brew 29\1 '51 L' Corp 102'(, ; .... 1'1 Davie.' 1500 24 21 2\ Cd. C.lan lSI> Shawln !III i " 1'1 Gil E.pl 400 169 '169 169 - 5 C Chern 9\\ 51 ••1 681,. N s~.,.rlor 100 230 250 2.10 I'n· ~m Un' Steel 16 . " NC ,0111 2300 650 810 615 +l' S.alrams 361': Walk.r 72 I',: NC OU. wU 530 105 2I! lOS 0 Brld.. 201> CANADIAN' ".!;"' ,could cost as little as 420.00 Northland ' HOO 71 11 7t +1 !lorn 'I'or 18 C.ns 'Pap 16 011 Sel.d '3700 19 ·11 18 + 1f.o Foundation 25, I"ord: 130 0111110, , !BOO 270 2611 268 -I rraser 38 t \ tOI Rae Pele '1835 SI9;\ 19" IAI> -" n "'lr' .luh'l3~ ,'~or d.tails, wrii. THE BRITISH "TRAVEt ' Pan Woll :nc(l 38 38 36 -,-\" NEW 'I'OnK CLOSING STOCKS Pathllnd'r 132£3 1,a 145 ,un +4 B1 The Con,dlan Pr ... ' :,' , ASSOCIATION" DEPT. NIN 23,; 90', ADEL .. " ••••. JI','.r 117~ 13 _ 12~, I~ nelh Sto.1 15011 K'nn.. oll '. ' ...... Peruv Oil. ,1\10 211 21~ 21~ -~ Bor, Warner 46li Monty IV Petrol 2'8n3 M 1'1 I.ft +13 r. and 0 8m NY Ce.t , . AIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO" ' Pondor' 31011 aD 75 74 Con. Edl.on 48", nadio Corp "ralrl. on 400 ,~IO '21 ,., "'1 1:1 A.. 'n L ~,.. Std 011 NJ '~. ,; or ~nlult your local fravei ,oHi~., " ' P",va Gu 2r,1'10 21l 2~~ 2~~ ... ~ Gen' Elec ' 6m IIld Alrcrall ,n ••1 E ....I 1'00 la I~\1 1~1' - \1 Goodvear 76~'. VaD,dlullI ." ':'" \ ' , '. ..,,'. . :' . . nln :Palm.. 213ft 191 193 191 'm r-:or Ba~ '3'1 We.tn,.e Sapphire deb. 20 ,m2. \12 III 1nt T and T 3:~' 0,.11", ,_. I,

- -_ .._._.-._---_. --_._------:------_ ~;~~~,~i.------~-.------~'~.7 .• ' I;'_':~' SATlJRDAY, JULY 14, 1956 ______- l ••• ______. ~~ i ..

YOU'Ll. MIM 11/ ' YOU CC\.JI.C1'!'T ,GET A.Joe. Ct-I THE RIlILRQ/oD \ A':J A ClWI£Al'»af'1t

j NEW YORK, N,Y,-FlanKed by dctcctlce Frank SteIner (left) nnd her uncle, ?lTillon :-'1. Fh,hcr, Mrs. Rc~t"cr: Weinbergel', mothel' oE kidnaped Peler Wicnberger, o( \VI: ~tl)U)'~', L,r., i~ ,,,bm'.'l1 \'ntcl'iJl'~ l:;:i,;e'.voud F('\(lI1~' Court fOl' the arrai~nLnent of Gordon, 'l'homa~ RO\vcll and Ro\; Cl't F)'alJ(:i~ Giebler. Th! two arc charge,l v'ilh <'t~Cl11r-lillg I to extort $5,000 from Mrs, Weinberger o.n promise of the letut'll of hcr cbild, Tiley face 1'00:',ihk pri30ll terms o[ 25

years,-(I.N, Photos) ----"-----_.. _------_._-- Family' Council 'Ncir:hhuHl'h News Reporter Turned :"Kucl{s Throws . '- :'IIIlS, r.. 1-',·--1 lore m\' hUS!)01n,l Jea,'y] Ra11" - .. hul w,ml lu leave hil;I, C.\HJJ!).\"]·:.\Ii-- JJr~. E·I·I1('~'1. I 1 Pfir .. I1!L;' of Yielo 'ja who 1"!d lhl': Politician Takes By jiMMY "RESLIN ;'IIIIS, n. :\J.·-)Iv :'i,tl'i' i> "~l· (r;lIl J> ing like 01 \.J.y~~!,.(;!I!. ll1i:-.ro.-ttlIll' 1f1 bl'ca!\ her ~')1:1'" ~ XEW YOHK-I:\ 1':.'\.,.. i'c!(i Hel" • " • ~jx Wl'c:,,'; ili!O. I:;~d 1!If' ('iL-t r~' RC~IP Command 111<.I'(',i "V I'rirlilY, 11 "t' fril'nds 1':,. TORONTO (Cpj _ A reporler ra sat 011 n, 1~'un,k<,i,~1 l.h~ middle' :'11115, I.. 1-'.-1 have 1)("':1 lilaI', 0 "I' A . t C of the Ymll,ec dle.omg loom and, ricd for )" \'Car< to a 111'111 I IOI'c 1(':;11 hI'S. 1\ ;,11 .. " fot' l'ump!rle 1 me" po Iceman, 5515 ant Onto examined a crack i the al : ~ - . " • awl t':: 'ly l'f'~·CJ\'t'ry. mi,sioner George ~lcClellnn of Ihe r'I" I fit! n pm: dearly, yct wit,!! II'holl1 I' !Ial'c 1l0Yai Cllnadian Muunled Police is I 0 lOt' ,I' t ~a~l, 0 If I' 'I ncve~' been I'Um01ntieally ill i.'I'l', on Ihe move again, this time 10 i c\en II00e ," ,,0, ,~o\e un· \ lie IS a wOIllJerl'ul PC'l'>Il!1 ;JJ](\ ,I;',. ,Inhll \\" SI,,'-(' or \'irlnria e take over Ihe RC~I P coinmand at I (le~, the "t~l~h~!r St nul I, 1.1\ll was Iadores me and has alway> b~en II !<-Imlt I'd Ih'l' I Iii ,': y.,y b;'" h!i'l h· Edmonton, ; sa~lI1g, ,It la, guy SIS, put, th!! soul of kindness to m~ an<\ Ii;!y Oil Tllur":;)~''- ,:ill ;;liI. Coil· lie has worked all over Canada: a }?Ie III n? h,m~:, lie tlHoWS! our 111'0 children. g;'al:;'atl"n. :1I:d 1)1"1 Irisl!!':; ;'l'~' l since he quit his joh with a: oltglnal hea\y hall, : He courled me fOl' luur YC;lI', I :;I':l1r l'd 0:; hr.'HiI! of her m;lo;: Shawinisan Fall.i, Que" weekly i Rerra and a fel\' of the Yan': hefure ! married hill1, I recit-It'd fdrewi" new;paper, Ihe Standard, 24 years I kees were taJl;illg about ,Johnny b;rat~se I could ~illlplY )>eI'F,' ,~c , " . .., ago to become 3n nC:'IP cun., Kucks, the 22,year.old right.han" hun 111 a I'Oma:llIc ligl:t and lin·, ~,I!" 1""lrur!c ~I:I"" ,d \ ;"t',I'l:J , j ~tahle in Vancnlll'er, lie was born i del' who nuw is with tbc Aemri.' ally agreed tn l11.1i'l'V i,illl bce;l1lsc r'[,kilr;:1<'ri 111'1' I\',',.ijth birl!::~~y in ~Ioose ,T~II', Sask" in )908, and i 1:an League 5 best in won.lo;;t l'c,: 1 felt 1 would UCI'c'r find :;IlY"I;e <'11 T:llIr,,;;"', ,1;;1;,: "I il. ;I!"I lu I~~" graduate!1 from the noyal lIlili- i ('o'cds in his Ihil'd year of prufes. : so flilc aud del'Gleri to me, The '.';1' ~i'" r':Lr':;:; lil': h~'l of I~irth· tory Collcge at Kingslon, Ont., ill' sional basehall. ' more 1 kuow him Ihe more I ! r,a· 1:;1,1,' :!n'ctill~'. ~:~ 1~:lO, aftrr which he did a stint in: Tbe .!JcaI'y ball Berra was talk.' lizc I hare e.'l\,scn an CX':Cpl:'"," ,\la"I('[' '11I!:":1 ~Iadl' d \·ie· ':;" loria fI 1'1" "!l\iy (;anrlfl', Oil ',' nell'spapcl" work, ; ing aboul is Kucks' side.arm ;;in'j ally, woncicrfu\ hu,hand, hut ( l.. lor In ISH he was chosen 10 organ, I ker, can t gel nVCl' my desire for a a I"i>il In hi:, hlll"l' I\'jl' , h ',\,0)'1,· i7.e Ihe Canadian gnvernmenl's; , : romantic 10\'e affair and ~e\'l'l'al ill;: :"H'I'C f"I' a eOIl'I;'a~'tio!l ('UIlI' prolection of Igor GOllzenko, the "Some guys you calch easy;'; times during the pasl Yl'ar:: ( hal'e j1311Y· . cipher clerk who fled from the Berra said, "This I,id's stuff' been strongly attractcll Ie) I'ar·' ~"':,~.~;~~~~I LL~ __ua~~----~,-,,-,,~"~.-,,-.- ...-~-,~~l SOl'iet emba.sv at OllaIVA and sct cumes into the glove-lIang! It's, ieus mcn of

T\-l' CLUCK FltIMP _ioncl' McClellan has becn com.! a.lJcut him the mnst. lie gcts j' one who rei urns my fcelings and ,witb her many friend:; in wisllin;:: TOO FAR AWAY! 1'M manding the Toronlo RCMP_ area 1 tliem pitches nice and loW and, we waul to marry. I have bcen her an r;;','ly 1'I!':o\'rr~', FIVE FE£T SHORT 0' ,<' tI,,! ,r::nd 1)IIPositc, Thi:; j,.

nnw fur sport!i, Since last autumn I every lin)'. Thcn a doctur came II solved, ,:mO'i1 IJI:forltlllUlc fnr ntany of the ~he ha,~ put mol'C Ihan 21.000 ,np wilh somc pills fot' mc before 1\11'5, L, F, ('"ulrl del'l.dl' I". ,cl·, fi,hcrn:clI hore gl'nc lu grcat e;;,: miles on het' cal', and among 1I111er that Cle\'elnnd ~huluul and 1 was: tie d(JI~'n 10 lw~ llIpinl, amI, with th(:, in'ore a lailun', it can only ll1~':'1 boes, feellllg thai she Will gll'l! 1111 her t'l~t 111111'1' f,(0l;r\ fishcnl1cn ''''11 lIer palients include many per. • ", j scal'ril for rllmanet'. Bul I'lis ,ac·' '1'~I' ulhl'l" and more lucra[jle !on~ who knell' her as it youngster I ,Kucks nllowed t-ha InclHlIl'. 1,IIno i rificial nltilllde i~ hnrrily a 111':11· : ;'IllI;IIIYIOll'lIt. arcompanying nr, Roy Sarles on \ lilts" ,h~ll 1111'11 Ol! lJa~c (~onsl,lIlt- Ilhy olle fo\' hei' lIlarria~r nl' f:Jlll' . his rOllnds. "'hey range fmm h', 11115 made 1~lm 111tch all lhe IllY life. Evell with the hr',il inll'n· .- .'-' ,-' .. -.-". three. week _ old ~lark Tcskcy" hilrder, \iOlls, she II ill fr'l' I Stlllll' 1'(,,:"111, ,ri:;~" ,',IIIl,:r!"I' [II' rlcr::ynl:tll I~h~m she d~lil'e]'ed, I~ JJjl'~m I' "You like him [o\, Ihilt," lIelTa ,menl .,aIHI will fi,lId SUI,lt~~' ~\'ay!;: (;!ih ;tr!r!('(' f\,ulII fric~]{ls Ill' n'~~. ;"111'1 kl~rethls (J 1'1O~IS Y sOIl~e \~"P - - rai"Nl no reluctance on Ihc pat:! \' o\'er, III' lets it 1;1' al you. Rinl,· ,ac I; ",n .~ l1~al:ll'lag~ I~)~ II!!I' :';1'1 s', PCO{;tang uishene , I 1ft ' cr' Ill'\cs-he's nol afraid to I" ,s pClsOn,\ , y 01 1l I' IP n hel' pa Ilen S, n ~c, II some, "C, "family is lil'inu Ih'lt ("\U51'S h(,I" <.: I'" rm I I w'lh 'hild thruw anyl hing ; " " , Pnr\llgal (lI'C ,oa .. r1 C5 Ie ps I C ren, : ' , ' i to dwell persistenlly on "1'0111· :~t'\V .~ab·Di\'ision ' "Bnl af\r.r ,'ou iab Ihem with I uE\'cry time they get a hil orr i nnce" lind to feel thaI it ('an only' eUILOING L.On FOR SAL;!:

II ncedle tll;o ~r Ihrce tim('~ c\'cn i hilll, he gl'ls mad, lie t)lmo Il llc fotlIld allay f'j'Olll tll,c mall ~ltc ! A~~ TO ,LE~SE : children think of you as R doctor" Inroul1l! 'on the mount! IlIId slnrls claIms she Icves, It 10 l'o,;;lhlc ,,,ft. x 200~t. h' , she said, a fight with J!imsclf. lll!'d like Ithat her husband is not Wi faull· I(ere Is Ihe Ulir°l'tul~~,~rl you sn~~;: • ! tu punell himself in the nose." less as she dcscl'IlJes, I.ool;ing 1111 I~(,(,~I 11':11:111 I I;,~U ca:l ~l~~Y Sl;\~' mJ~AL PA ~m;'l:TS i _ ' "q', him as a paragon mny be het' W;'Y O,I~ Illll~':i~ IY1~ri1C whi~h you hal'l: Siller. Wellmglon has onll' 1,011 i J~llrks' wlfe, Balbma, ~1, \~or· cf punishin" hersell fOl' her !'lIi!·: '1101 , '1 . r. f .'0 'I' 'I d'f' 'tl a lJe docs "., I - WHYS 'ce" (I eamlll, 0 • or ] ,~0 ,JIersons-aCCO~! In:! 0 I' rl~~ mal,!! 1" n . ,'", ty day,dreaming, i I nc:ilcd in one of the beaut, ferlng signs at oP~osll~ ends of She hsieH, to the load b,lmes Whatevcr Ule cnsc, :'ll's, L, F. is I;pols on the i'orlUgal CO\'C Roa' tOll'n-Sally's prach~e IS mo~lly nnd when I C01;1C back she tells bUl'cd and frustrated or Iryin,!.( 10 only a short distance from th- rural. llle ,how many pitches Ith\'~W 3111,\ Il'csolve some Jl~l',;nllal l'r.llf1i!'t, I City, tile 1;l)W sl:b.divi~ion kno\l'n . W'th Ih I b'l I ' which guys [, gol out qUIckest, 1 hut she ~hn!llll I'calb! I h~t a Ia' I'cnctt,n\!uishene lS In the 1 e au 0010 ,I r, renl) ac· he says, "She was a fan.hcfore ; ,'IHIII"C of hllshancl, will lIul IH'(:I'S 1 l'~i\!rr of • r.l'owlll~ co~munlty ccss to nearhy hospitals and nod. she met me" . " " ; Su If vnll ;:t e IIltCl'fsted In seeur, prnizolion of farm bom~;, nu;al; '.'. • sal'lly ,olre ally nf hIli' dN!(I'H!al' t Ill: r,nc \If the,e lots 10 build on h"siclnll~ beal' little 'uPcl'riciul i I \ II 'cd pl'I,bl('tns fur llIoi'l' thi1l1 ;1 shurl in t'w 5111'111>: It would be wl!,~ .' , '.,! Kucks wanted to I" a la· Ii "I '" 'I ' I' , . I ,,' I ' 'd' I Pre~en1blancp. 10 the hllnny.dl'lvm~ I I I' l' ,: mc,,, r. ,., ;\ ,lI1a~ ',\1 C 1111 111',1 I fill' ynll 10 c U ~G illlmc Jale y n, of le;;nd; player heal' ng • ac: of what is gning 1111 withill his: 1!lc Inls are.l!t'illll fast.' cO;I~h'y do~lars S~J!,v: art~r ~IP. 'at·: remHillill~,1 ~air\ But she has found Ihe work II'cll, the \ millec ,)rOlllutl!.II, man, wife, ;J!tlHlugh he Ino 1l1\1~t ~CII~C ; ",'r (11"1 ('r illfol'lnattrll1 C!l(ltbd, is still a iun-tim~ job, ; addresS it \'ocf\II,o,n.~1 gUlllal!~C ~ a laek in the lltn1't'iage, These tl\'~' i STAN CO NDO N 1 ,~s;cmhlY a~ Dl~l,mS~I;\ ~l~gl~ Iwould du well In cons\llt a lIuall· :' , ,lust tlte olher d~y, for examplr School In ,IClsey Clly eight ;ie,lrs i fied third Jlarty-ph)'sil'illll, mar'i AVALON REALTY CO .. LTD, ~he was awakened by a call a~ ago, 7:30 a,m, and worked straight "1 laId the kids IV,hat a wonder, through unlil ]] 1I,m, ful life II hallplayer has," Farrell "Soeinl life? There Isn'l any," rcmeml1ers, "Then I told some she ~aid, "There's too much work jokes anti stories, 1 always hope to do.' a Kucks wlll come out of one of Why, with It Iren!1 to mc'::cal those talks," specialiZation and greater linnn· IIyou must have told evcry lie eial rewards In large citios. did YOu ever heard," somebody Sally choose 10 practice in a fUl'a I I d (' 1\ I make commnnity? need e 'ane! IV 10 l:Rll • up a good story If nllile 15 arounrl, "\n ,a ~mal! 10ll'n :;u\l };now )'(1(11' I ":',lister, fh~y Ivcrcil't lics he p~li~nt3,' she 5:lid, "That's il11' told," said Johuny Kucks, , Jlorlallt In ,'uu as a clorlol' ancll i ~s a person: Besilir.;;, while sl\ld~', At. 22 a.no a fronl,line pitcllcl' \' in= in Tornnlo I ;iif tiwl of I 101' lhe rIch Yankees, he knows jumpi~g on street cars," I beller l1,1all farrell, I'" '[', . . t"


THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 14 , . " ¥ ," ,~ ., I

I : .. . "": \ r"".

~ ,

Newfoundland TO MEWS DRY INSURE Services "OUR A MAnER OF TENSE CLEAN.ERS , LTD. MOBILE JtASSENGER NOTICES OWNI \,OUR' CONNECTION BAY RUN PLEASURE PLACENTIA BAY Open Monday JI,"ular ~ a,m. train leal'inlt BOAT I "PURLIC RELATIONS" ~t. .10hn·s Monday, .ruly 16th .. through Friday AUTO· will m~kp. ronner-tlon lit An:entia ! MR. GE When dealinj( with flip pllhllr. \Vlth l\1,V. Burin for Ule Bill' RUn i , • , ~;"" mll~1. lI~e endlp5s tart rlacenthl Rill'. • , , for It I~ I'Cl'Y hArd to t~ll 8:30 a.m to 6 p.m. REG T. MORGAN •.. holl' people will react. , . . ; CONNECTION NOTRE DAME, 1952 STUDEBAKER ;t'oll mm1. be BAY SERVICE INSURANCE Illwa~'~ con~ciOIl~ 'R $105 The ·Office ~XC!!pt on Statutory of ". their prl'solllllilirR , .. ~nfl, Train "The Caribou" leaving; eg. 0, ,Now make 1111 honest eHort ,.' to. 51: .lohll·3 Monday: .fuly 16th .. ! CERTIFIED P.O. BOl 168, 'Phone 1I.(13jO·j75~ safis!y and plraFc ..• folks like WIll make connectIOn at Lewis, I Holidays 10 know their !tood point" ••• porte with M.V. Clarcnv!l\p' for: 1954 STUDEBAKER ~o l'nll shnulcl teU them oC •• , the Nr;tre Dame Bill' Sen ice. I Automatic 1 of Geral t.hc things which CRuse their CONNECTION WEST RUN hopes to rise "., up to the sky above ... smile though your i (Tooton Photo) '\ PLACENTI~ BAY '1933 LAND ROV ' heart 15 Achin" .. , smiles atr. I Regulnr 9 am. tram leaving ER ' b d : APPOII\TIm;o.,'T ANNOUNCED ,.Tohn's Wednesday, July 18th. willSt.1 A.whllel dr'lve WILL cngthen friends hiP 5 on .,. .. just one, comes back a thous,: lIfr Gerald E. l\Iartin, President : ma~e eonn.eetlon at Arge~tla with 11951 MONARCH . andfold ... like ripples on n of the Canadian lnstilute of Chal'l. ; 7I,T.\. B,unn for the West Run, pond ..• talk not of politics or ered AecolII~tanl5 and Senior ParI. 1 lacenha Bay. I 1952 CHRYSl .. creed .... al'old their vase ahy~s n.cr of the fmn of Lee and ~!artin, CONN'ECTION LEWISPORT. , ER •• ' people are verry tourhy Chartered Accountantl, recenll," CORNER BROOK SERVICE ! w,lIen ••. the subjects tllrn5 h' announced (he inlroductl0n of ~h'. Heglliar 6 p.m. train lenvini!' 195~ this ... when dealing with youl' . J. Douglas Fraser, C,A" as Resill· j St. ,k.hn·s TlIe5rla~', .July 17th,,: fc\lnwman ." he toleranl ant.1 ent Par~ner. ; will make connecllOn al Le\l'I~·' true ... YOllr gain will multlp· ; T Mr. ~,J'ascr, bol'll i~ ~[onc.toll,· porte with S.S. Springdale for· AS - ISERS I~ your gift .. , succe~~ will ; ~.~., II as educatel~ In .,·arlO~I~, the I.ewisp"rle·Corner Brook Ser· come tn you, ~lalnl~nd. sC!lools, . Jncl~dlllg ::it.: "Ice. . J 951 PREFECl t FrancIS Xa\'ler Um\'crslly Anti· 10 48 CH RYSlER DUE gonish. He entered the firm' of Let FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES and ~fartin in 1949 and workell in FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S.CORNER i 1953 STUDEBAKER 11 l'al'i01l5 o(!ices o( the firm IIntil sr\OOK SERVICE In;;~ when he was Il'ansferred to Freight for (ol'wa'rdill!: via Cor· . Newfoundland. In 19;;., ~Ir. Jo'rasPI' lIer Brook anrl S,S. ~r.rthcrn· TRUCKS . MR. ,.wa,~ appointed Manag~r o( the St. nanger for rt~lIlar pnrt~ 51. , .lahn·.1 Branch ot L~c and 1farlin . .fohn·s·Corner Brook Serdr~ will AS - IS THE B~5T IN TIRE PRICES & SERVICE I I • liberal trade·in allowances on he accepted at Ih~ Railway , LAMI-S, FIXTURES '\ Shed today, Saturrlay II R.m. to 1953;-nA Ton STUD!, '. .The .Qffi your old tires whon you buy new ~ p,m, anrl ~[onday, .Tuly 161h, SA , P am, to 1I00n. KER "'" NEW B,F. GOODRICH TIRES' AND APPLIANCES FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S. 1953- ~'2 Ton STUD!. LEWIS PORTE SERVICE BAKER "". e EClsy Payment Terms Cit.y Service Freight (or forwarding vi~ Sl. 1949-1 Ton FORD .. FREE • Tires Mcunte'd I ! ,llIhn'~ anc next trip :'I.~'. flnn.a. 195A-% Ton STUDE. i d5ta for ports 51. John 5·LcWlo· • . ftAKE I Co., Ltd. COOK . Jlorte Service wilt he acceptcrl At D P. ... VII' Dork Coastal Shed Tuesday. 1955-VOLKSWAGE~ 7 LeMarchant Roed A Cook (female) Is required Ilt : ,July 17th" 9 lI.m. to 5 p,m. to· PICKUP "" lj~~:;,l_I.. ______: the Botwood Hospital, Botwood, 5 p.m. and Wednesda~', July 13th.. 1953-sl. To STUDe i Salary Is $100,00 ·per month from 9 a,m. to noon. lA n ' I w.bleh $30,00 I~ deductible for BAKER .. " I board and lodglng5, UnlCorms '195.5-CCMM~R VAN' l are prndriecl. ' P.D.N.Y. : AppJlcatlon~ stating age, fX· i [lPifiellce. etc., should be !nl'ward· • ,'r! to either the Director of NUI'Sf' NurSing Servites, D~· pal'tnllml tlf Hulth, Fort William, , St. John', or the Nur,. in Chll'/:I, ' Botwood Hospit.l. Btltwood. : LEONARD MILLER. M.D'. ; Deputy Minister of Hellth. i WHERE jl)'lU6 CHILDRE ----- .. _._--_. JOB-Show Room TI::oiIlf:n .• FIlii 1111.:IlC;I:oir. SIl:,\I.Elt 'n::x[n:ns .•ddl.~'rd In ttl,. I1nrt"r.iCIl~d jilin!! .. nttnrJrrt 'TEhJ)f~n . J'on mu:nr;(\'(;, nr:"<<:In:I.l .• '·I(.'TOnl.' i f~(H':,,\TY. ~,~.". will h. TII{',.I'II" in ttlt ADELAI 1 olllrl' o. Ihf' Sf'rrpl"i'~' nnlll l.M p.nl ...... V:.O •. 1'.', \I·f:n'i.;SOAY. ,n·!.y 23.191". 1,"'•. .;.--- ...... _ .. Comhinl'll .• v.rlfirOltion .fltt (orm ,.( 1,.n· .....:':. .-- fI"I' ran h. '''''n Jlnd nh,.-in,.ct ,.t the "f. fu'" nl Ihll Chi,., r.n:1nr .. r (11, .nd n.l, MOTO n"I'M"1I1t'nl "l Puhlir 1\"01";';11. OtlII "'.". On· hrin. 111"0 .It til .. ollin of th .. m.tr·irt ';n· I Iln,p!", F'lIhlir- nulldinR. fI,..rtrol'rl no\\,.· 125 MENS I Hlllifil\. :":.~. 1 Tn h .. r(ln~jft"r,.d .. ,p,·h t,.rlll"r nlll~1 b ... . • rrOI1U.. ~nIPrt ht' • '''''UfJ!.'· in th. '(lrnl (Jf j HEW GOWER It "nlU:··':;~ ~ (" .. rlll.Nt rtlf't1JI'" 01' hnmh .u .p~t'Hi"rl! Graduate Nurses I" Ihr. fnrnu n( I"nll"r ""11 tn~rI. nn I,," j DI ilL jOn ;lrl'Ornl!}"; tn th,.·,. lorln~ .n!1 hI IIf'f'nrd : USED CAR LOT SC;ENTIFIC HAND BUilT 1t~1'" Wllh th,. "llndililtl1, ~ .. t forth th~I·l!"in. . r.fulrr. 111110' inc·lud. ,h,. Ion-ina rtf fh,. DIAL HH·" \"l!lk~linll' Al'r lIi\ilrrJ rl'nm rl.nl ,n .n~ (rnm II,. ~ .. "k ~I ~I h :"';,'fluu~lp j\UI'.O:;f"~ 10 y",lie\'p du... . 'Thr rtrrrir,.. :IInrl ot"fIol plflnt t'hi~h M' ! mil .'~ f ) Inrf'nd"d to h ...1Jt.rllf)~-""1 nn fhb ""01 k I"~II I' 'III! ~nnlllll I'~~~ti'Hl at th~ fullo\\'· 10". b'.n d"l~ ",;i.t ...d ,n C.nad. nn jn~ HOCllUA1~:-- . or b·rnr~ thr thll'I~-·'n·.'!1 d;l'l" flf ntl"rm· eo ! b.-r, 1!1:;2. or .hllU h,,\·. b• .-,i bllm .. nth'.· BntH\\'i~I" I ty In c.;~ni\da lIub~PQIle-nt tn thlllt dllt,. Honnp nllY 111, I()~ PIt or any tl!nr1er not n~r~J' : .ully lI("c~pted. G~nclrr I ROBEI1T 1'0R'rJI'R. H~rhour Breton I Chi.' 01 Admlniotratl" S.ni... SUITS , and 51!r.rptlltT. Old Perlican . n.put»,.n! '" Publlr Work., • FLAT IRONS Placentia : (~~~~:...:!.:'IY~~~~_. __ .... __.. _ , . INSURAN • TOASTERS , ' ) .' 100% ALL WOOL E,N'GLiSH WORSTEDS. AG ENCIE!: COFFEE PERce I • s;i!·r:-~~\'r~~~~.33 per month, ~D~ (OJ i LII>"'·':. which S40.00 is deductihle J 5 : from n r I I ELECTRIC CLO =-- - • SINGLE BREASTED 'W DOUBLE BREASTED : for board and lodllinlls, If pro·' I i vidrcl. Uniforms and laundry ser· , . THE F1Ni>ST 3·TltACK .' RADIO' I ,ViL'C5 are prol'idecl. . EXTRUDED AI.U~mm~1 I other Electl Applicatit.'n~ with full parliclI' COMBINATION STORM A~'D' • MEDIUM TO LIGHT SUMMER SHADES lars shoIl1:\ he addn'ssed illllllecii. 1'1 I Henni •• will be gil atC'ly tu the DIHI';CTOII of SCREEN WINDOW . Lower Prices ; i\UHSES. :\[;IISI~(; SI~IIVICES,' SIZES: ~ DEPAm'J\a:N'l' OF ilEA 1.'1'11, : · FOn WILLIA)'f. ST ..JOII:\·S, I 35 to 46. • LEONARD MILLER, M.D., · Deputy MInister of Hulth.: CONTROLLED ANTLE'S · jlyl4.16 i VENTILATION DUNCA 142 WATER .ST. _---'~-.-.--- _.... - .. -.------1 SHORr' _. REGULAR TALL , (The Scotch Word 1: PFlOVINCE OF NEWFOUND·, (Over LAND Chocolol~!) WESTCOTT'S LTD. IN STOCK REGULAR PRICE TH5 ~ANKRUrTCY ACT OIANUfACTl'RERSJ 6 Up to $60.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS •Cor. EII~;~:~~ ~~:~r~~;~1 c. lid i Chocol~t~ I', . . "1~1 PHID EllUbeth An ; 5 10 d1! In th! "'~tlr.r pr the b81!krurtcy 1"10,11 ! . C, C In. . MESSE ~, Aubrey K!J1!nd .• . B d Ch ,"iotice 15 heraby l!J\'~n that ~ , - axe ~ .' /T'S HERE i'eceil'in" ?rdel' wa~ 1ll.l\d~ m~lI!t Radios Television: Aubrey KellllJl'l, BtllJdmg Con·' i PARCELS DEL tractor, 20 Albany ~treet, 51. Ef' I A I' ; $ .95 ; John's. Newfuulldland, an .the 3rcl·. or any ectrICtt pp ton~es • · ciay of July 1956, and that the: RepQired at Lowest Prices. ;

Ifirst meetinp: of creditors will he i . 'I helel on the 24th, day of July' ANT L E' S I 1956, at .30 o'clock p.m. at the SHOP EARlY! . office of J. A. Winter, Q.C .• 142 WATER S'PREET the Offlclal Receiver, at the COver Crane .the Jeweller!) REMEMBER I Courthouse, in the City of st. , JaM'S, In the Province of New· 'PHONE 3411 foundland. je30,lm T~ ONt YI 125 S~ITS Dated at St. John's this 15th. ------,., r EASY TERMS ARRANGED I day of July 1956. . • W. A, CRANE. LAI IN THIS LOT 'Trust .., ADDRESS OF TRUSTEE: in C~ntral are P.O, Box 571, heatel 295 Water Street, St. John's,· Newfoundland. Rent Apply to I Household Movers 11Yl3,14 ) · and Shippers ltd. Oflire and WartllOlIsr, 'rol'Lay ltd. New Phon! Number 91925,L 'F.xPCl't packin!!. cr;,tin~. shipping

I••, ,j hOIl~ehold furnitllre and rffecls. I : ' A PROFIT IN PENNIES A 'BUSINESS IN MILLIONS . . . ,Local anrl IOllg' distance moving Company, w , , AgC'n!s in all principal c'tic~, jl NIGUT CALLS DA~ LALL5 • . . " ...... Y NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1956


OWNIG TO THE DEATH OF OiTO .1~E BtJ1'Ci-lEIa, 8U'I'S SEEF eo.{ 'T~E' 'Toll. NO qUESil0tl5 AS!(EO (OR. ANS'IJe~ED) TO RENT 'TO~ • CENTRALLY SITUATED STORAGE ,SPACI ON GEORGE ST. MR. GERALD S.. DOYLE ~ . il ~ .• GROUND FLOOR , 1 The Offices and Warehouses AUCTION i 1, • SEPARAlE ENTRANCE Monday, July 16th !L' . I of Gerald S. Doyle Ltd. 2 p.m. • 860 SQUARE FEET . ; • IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i 125, Head Choice 1 WILL BE CLOSED TO· DAY I B~tchers" Cattle Apply to: JULY 14th R. A. TEMPLET,ON, LTD. '1ia.Ju. ti: 11tJ/lIJ 1(ICCIAf(OJ jly14,61,eod "ollll.tlA)/IIlttt f~ I AIl.IN/HOw , V~. jY14 ------,16 _------lril Insurance WANTED DUE TO THE DEATH OF WANTED \ CAR BARGAIN tNSURANCE-BDwrlng Brolh· for CENTRAL SCHOOL, CARBONEAR, a TEACHER for er Limited Insurance Depart·· For employment in Newfound- I , me nt-Fire. ",ulomoblle. Mar· For quick sale Dr trade 1· Ine and all Casually lines. land ••• 1949 Hlllman scdan with Grades 7 and 8 (male preferred); also a TEACHER for Telephone S131. TWO STEAM-FITTERS, 1051 motor. In excellent MR. GERALD S. DOYLE CLUB OPENS ,\ MESSAGE to all property ONE DUAL WELDER condition. Body and tires Al condition. For quick a Primary Grade. 5 P.M. TO·DAY owners living beyond. St. TWO SANDBLASTERS Itt John's: Are you fully protect· sale price $90.00 or will Leo Michaels' ed against loss by fire? What (Steel Grit) exchange for small EngJlsh Apply The Offices and Warehouses . about LIability Insurnnce on TWO SPRAY PAINTERS van. For demonstration Dial ~534·H anytime. Orchestra ~'our Truck and Car? Drivc ONE GENERAL FOREMAN U.c. BOARD OF EDUCATION, with the sun behind you, and Cover $1.00 Top Wage. Paid CARBONEAR then you hal'c peace of mind. ror further particulars apply of Chievers Food Ltd. -W, F. Caldwell, Fire and j lr 14,3i Casualty Insurance Agent, to the National Employment Of· Temple Building, Duckworth ':ice, Eurkmaster's Field, st. John·~. BASEBALL WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY TO·DAY llliII.liIilillMIli lIiMlii I Street, St. John's, 'Phone 2465 Longshoremen's Protective Union ______IDEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· , I CARD To .. night _ ..------~~ abiesANCE-Don't to "sal'1l" risk Q few your dollars. \'alu· . Our falr·rale, reliable pdllcy AT 1.00 P.M' gives Immedlatn protection. 'Phone 0021 or write J. J. Dr. ATI.ANTICS VS. PEPPERS Lacey. P.O. Box 506. repl.t! !liNDA Y 2.30 poM. SPECIAL MEETING PID.N.Y. LEAGUE BASEBALL FURNESS WITHY INSUR· IMPERIALS VS. PEPPeRS A meeting of a II Boys 13-15 years of age de'siring to ANCE ~partment offering James Ryan dependable lnsurance-Auto- Admission SOc" Chit. Sc WATER ST. WEST' loke pari in this years Pony League Baseball Series will TERRA NOVA COUNCIL 1452 'transportatIon.mobile. Fire, Burglary. Travel PlateAecl· KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS dent. Llablllty. Phone 2073. HILL BE OUT-Of-TOWN lake place al Banr.~rman Park 0111 00 a.m. MONDAY, I The funeral of our late: Glass, Tourist Boggage, UNTIL JULY 25th Sunday, July 15the luly 16th. I Brother, Gerald. S•. Doyle,; :CIMtlct STAN FOWLER, Rt· FOR SALE i O.B.E. K.S.G. will take place 1 nOllf building, for Fire Auto- 1953 FORD CUSTOM CHILDREN'~ PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION ifrom his late r~sidence, Grassy! ~n~~~le ~n:l:~n~~o~~ITY [~:rtt At 11.30 a.m. JOHN M. WALSH, Secretary 'Knap, Corpasian Road, this: ~g: 'Phone 5531-P.O. Bol FOR SALE LINE FOUR DOOR ~------~--'SaturdCly morning at 10 a.m, ; GIBSON liUITARS _ Horn" SEDAN Business and Nomination of Officers. : to Ihe Basilicia af 51. John Ihe; .Button Stop Accordeons and Fresh Cream LAID I B t' t f I P 'f" I' Harmonicas. Richmond Saxo­ Wilh ioll' mileage and in good Ii By Order · op IS ar sa emn ontt ICla i phones. Booscy Clarlnets.- (Delivered) , condition. ~ Mass of Requiem. .: Charles !iutton &I Sons. P.O. WiLLIAM F. BREEN, Acting Presiden, COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER , rcb3 cod·· . Apply Price $1200. or nearest offeri ITORS I All available members are' ==:==':-;:-:':-':":':7:-::-::-:-:----,-- · t d d . ROBERT DAWE & SON, Fire mited · reques e .10 altet' . . and Autumoblle lnsuinnl'l!. Anthony Murphy DIAL 4358H _I M. J. WHITE, Acting Recording Secretary Starting salar y$2,300.00 a year, P. F, KAVANAGH Be safe. be sure. Insure. Tell" , . phono 2882, P.O. Box 85 KI1.BRIDE i------Recorder I Royal Bank Chambers. SL I CARD ! Five day week _ ...... ______--'_. John!!. 'Phone 2224F W:;:-:H-=EN::-::Y:::07:U=R-:H-=-=O:7U:-:S--E-N-E-E-D-S REQUIRED a repair job done, small or ------_1 I large or It necds to be paint· DR. Reply P.O. BOX E5426 SKANES I For I'erra No\'a Amalgamated two room School ~ cd at low cost and efficient I A PRINCIPAl, ("Iale) , , (LIBERAL) ·'1 service kindly rail .T. Strat· N. RUSTED i A PRIMAItY TEACIIER (male or female) ton, 42 Cashin Al'enue. Dlnl STADIUM Principals salary to be hugmented by 5% if suceessful vs. 7500·F. jne12,lmth I ca!1didnle holds "A" License or higher. . I HILL BE OUT-Of-TOWN I School is of modern construction wilh plumbin, and Electrical Appliances Repaired SCHEDULE central heating. For further particulars apply to: :)NL Y COMPLETE BLIND UNTIL AUGUST 17th • VACUUM CLEANERS '1 Service: Manufacture. Laun· SECRETARY A~IALGA~IATED SCHOOL BOARD, t • fLAT IRONS SMALLWOOD dry Repair Worlc gU3ll'anteed. July 9th to 16th i .• FLOOR POliSHERS i !y14,16 TERRA NOVA • TOASTERS I invite the Premier t~ meet I' One day service. Frel' quota. • COFFEE PERCOLATORS I tlons. Kearney! Limited, St.;URDAY, July 14th ~;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;:;~;;;:;;:;~: I Uy 11,16 • KETTlES i me on any platform in St.· Manufacturers. 454 Water SI. I • ELECTRIC CLOCKS • HOT PLATES 1------IBarbe District. I will produce CASH plld for: Mtn'., women'. ROLLER SKATING CARD • RADIO • TELEVISION Facts and figures to shaw boys', girls' slightly used 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 p.m. ! FLATROCK GARDEN PARTY or a~y other Electrical Appliance in need of Expert h . d b d clothes and footwear, also I, e In e Ie ness after seven comics and pocket books. MONDAY, July 76th DR. RepairS will be given immediale attention consistent >'ears of Liberal Government. I Jnhn D. Snow, 9 New Gower Sunday, July 15th. with lower Prices and Faster Service-a trial will II will show that nothing but Street. jly7,lm ROLLER SKATING convince you, at insecurity will resull if the TEACHERS WANTED-Prln· 8 to 10 p.m. t L. E. LAW'rON .• USUAL ATTRACTIONS, SIDE SHOWS, ETC. Smallwood Party relected. ~~~~ ~~h:a~.tcr~ri~~~afh~~~ WALTER SKANES, Northcrn Arm South four GIRLS' DAY and and boarding ANTLE'S ELECTRIC SHOP school, Winnipeg, requires Cor HAS RESUMED DANCE A T NIGHT 142 WATER ST. 'PHONE 3411 For St B rbe room school.' Teacher for September teacller with B.A. ______. _a_ Grade IX. and one Cor 6b. PRACTICE Central School. Apply to and some experience for High 1 ocolat,.\) (Over Crane th~ Jeweller) The Secretary United Church School French and teacher Wilf Doyle's Orchestra. School Board, Botwood. for Junior High School '~~~~~~~~~~~ STOCK I. WANTED plY9.!!1 Mathematics, Science, . or I;;;; I Latin. Apply slating age, I BARBERS· Evans Bus leaving Parade St 2 p.m., 3 late Barl : for employment with the Federal' education and experience to : HAIRDRESS'ERS CITY 'I· Government in Newfoundland I' "LL WOOL MATTR'E5SES 1ft Box 5 c/o Daily News. . CL~RKS picked, re-covered: .prlng! WANTED ply14,15,17 Learn these Trad~s at p.m. and at 8.30 p.m. for Dance. c and 12' i Salary: $162,50-$212.50 I month' day beds rewired: Inner ---:...... :...-----.- MESSENGER SERVICE · BENEFITS: . i spring mattresses recondltlon- . TRANS·CANADA jlyll,31 .. o ~'hrge weeks' annual holiday! ed. Write, Phone 3891. wire Domestic Help Wanted BEAUTY hocQI '" PI y . H. J.' Keats, 16 Mount Royal CAPABLe GIRL or womBn age INDUSTRIES, LTD. ,...... /TIS HERE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -. \vll u .• • Avenue. i------o Sick' leave with pay. 21 to 4:; Cor domestic duties I Moncton, N.B. :. PARCELS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY o Exccllcllt Pension Plan. In Catllollc· home ncar Hnmll· ' Return Fare beyond 300 f' experience necessary. Mus~ , miles refunded. I o Hospitalization Plan. Barber . FOR SALE I, 30c per Pa re'el o Low cost term Insurance. ton, Ontario. No previous , be fond of children and hlIvc APPLY TO: THE CENTRAL BARB'I:R SHOP USED ELECTRIC RANGES CIVIL SIRVICI clmracter references. FaTe Wanted to Rent I, 'PHONE 4004 We are noW operating six paid and starting salary DC In good condition , COMMISSION OF CANADA, chaIrs. You can be assured 123 Water Street, $70.00 per month. WOUld can· $85.00 each I of the best posslhle service sider two friends Dr sisters ~ unfurnished Rooms with use , St. John's, Newfoundland plus the least possible walt· at $70.00 per month each. . of bathroom for family of 4. , , jly14,20 Ing. 24 New Gower St. opp. . Own room and bath. Write to I d PROVINCIAL TRUCK & TRACTOR SALES \ . AdelaIde Motors Ltd. . JIIrs. Howard J Lang, BO Hart ntereste parties please TO LET Crescent, Port Nelsen, ·Burl· LTD. Ington, Ontario. '. , TOPSAIL ROAD ~ew Method jly14,16,17 ;, LARGE APAR!MENT . Rug Cleaners between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. j\)'14,16 BROWN'S Burin Penlnlula Jly4,lf in Central area containing four bedrooms; RUGS and CARPETS mlde to Taxi Servlc_;. taxi leaves look 1II\e new. Von Schrader both St. John's and Grand · heated and self.contained. process adds years to life of Bank daily. . For passage HOUSEKEEPER rugs. Cleaned ·In bome Dr at 'Phone 90335·A St. John's or (Between ages of 35 and 166th. NFLD. FIELD Rent $150.00 p~r month • . wire . Jim Brown, Grand 1954 ~tffGPla~tEA~~~s,ME,~~~~ • Bank. my7,tf ?O preferably) J1Y13~fPly to BOX X Daily News Office AUSTIN SEDAN nlB3B-F, Freshwater Road. .. • _ • tlIII!I"''' jc2l,lm WANTED far the tWDoraom WANTED REGIMENT 00 Angllcan School, Gallnnts a CLOTHES make the man it CHAFE $1150. . 1-.---- male principal 1st grade or for family of 2 odultsl and i .'. . \ EARN $75 Illd mora weekly. higher, also for the two room PAY PARADE AND KIT INSPECTION makes the clothes who will do plain cooking. • dM t Ltd seh guaranteed household ne· Angilrnn School .Je££rcy's a o air· 0 Drs cessitics In your~urr?undlngs. female assistant. Apply to MONDAY, JULY 16th B , , Wherever you may hve. there theC halrman. Rev. K.. L. Dial··2178 DIAL· 80378·9 I~ an opening for you. Goldsworthy, Chairman, Rob· , WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor or apply BOX 31 , this Office MERRYMEETING ROAD "FAJlIILEX, Dept. 2, S'tATION Insons.. . I All ranks will attend 4 HOLD 3WORTH 5T. C. MO!1treal, jly9,13,14 jly14,16,17,1B,19,20 jy13,tf j • , THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 19~ ......

.' • 1 1 f..' ...", ,r "" , ~, ~',

'. 1 OF YOU. CAN'T· BEAT . IT! Tlf·E

Arctic Co~mand \ Roland WIIcl ...... 4.00 i Roman Wall \ Ri~~:e~~o~nd .. u·~· .... ·.. 2.50! Ern'estine Gilbreth ' Carey ...... 4.00 Honourable Ancestor Robert Standish ...... 3.25 . Justice By Midnight I Jeffery Farnol ...... 2.00 1 The Golden Journey , Agnes Sligh Turnbull .... 3.95 ·1 The Rosemary Tree Elizabeth Goudge ...... 2.50 For snapshots or night I A Thing of Beauty low .. oost day i A. J. Cronin ...... 4.50 '16 45 BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASII OUTFIT. Everything you necd to The Truth About Cancer .• get the crispest, c1carest snapshots you could el'er want . . . Charles S. Comeran ...... 4.95 Indoors or out ... mornin~, noon, or night ... right around the clock. Inc\u,lr. wnrld's most popular camcra-thc Brownie Hawke\'c--flaFhho\dcr, bulbs. batkr· The Mary Deare I Ic;, film, and two·way flashguard. The camera alOlic, 58.75. Hamond Innes ...... 2.25 I K.Men-The ~tory of the I German Frogmen and ' NEW YORK-Ususuill IIrrivals at Idlcwoorl Airport r~c ently were flk and fI~rs. Nicolaas :Moons, their 1:l children t.~idget Submarine .PHIC IilInily here. The family came to the U.S. through the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Council with ! 1 the l'pecific sponsorship of John COllnolly, Jr., of Des Moi nes, IowR, himsel! the father of eight children.-(LN. I • FIELD FOR 50 YEARS Photo). for Burin, sailed for Clarenville 15 discharging I cargo of lumber \ J hil GOld WATERFRONT• to low a scow to SI. Vincent, and after dIscharged will take U ee Ul S : ~ 1\I.V. Maggie Green, Delorey, freight for the usual • Bonavi~ta THE BOOKSELLERS .1 Bowri" " .., .,. Graduates "DIRECTORY m,::~,~~'mGsl'R~:;:~ ~"i'ki" ~I:;:'d:t Second Convention 'Phone 319J • 4425 II • ON DRY DOCK freight for B0l1a\'15ta, Green~· Thomas J. Hollder, PlcoH Is the nIue Spray, Blue Hazr., Melica panel, Valleyfleld, Wcsleyvllle masler, arrivcd from Fogo 3 p,m. Tbe Jubilee Guilds Com'ention .In Dentistry \ At !V1t. Carmel ~l1rl Sco\\' brhlllgin!( 10 :llcNamara. and thr. other IIsual norlhr.rn ports. on Friday and is now taking which was held at Grand Falls on Hr. Grace " I . AT DOCK Sailing Saturday. ,Iuly 14. freight for Fogo. .Tllly 11th and 12th, and was of· The. Association i Yesterday was certainly the day Three recent ~raduates in Den·: The annual Req~icm )!,;! ;\f.V. Nania arriwd on la~t Sat. 'r. UAI.LI·:TT I.T)). ficially closed on Thursday e\·en· The Directors of the Nlfd. 1 for open spaces with regar~l to tistry have passed the National: ~Iount Carmel CemC'ir. .mllay from Aberdeen, Scnllanll, ~I. a11l1 S. ,Inhnson. t a kin g Tlll'ee ObtaI'n Ing with a social and IiIms in the TubercMosis Association met yes. wcather and Ihe lads at CLB Camp Dental Examining Board o[ Can· ~ celebrated on 'flllli'sday in sailing on Jul~' ~O. on Ihe Grecn freight 101' Shoal Hr., and other Parish lIall. terday to pay their respects to' the at ~arbour Grace took ~dvant.~ge ada's cxami.nations and ha\'c !.e. p~e5encc of lIis Grace tile :.. Bay service replacing Ihc ~I. V. Trinity Day ports. On Thursdny the Con\'ention met memory of the late Gerald S.. 0[. It. They.took part In 5\\lm·; tnrned to. ]';e\\'foun~land to ~eoll1 lJl~hop. Conroy. • Lindy Barbour. Gill, mosier. ~1aster Certl'fl'(lates in thc morning in the Parish Hall Doyle, and to record their gym· \ !Ding, shooting, fnotball and .var. ,the practIce o[ thclr profeSSIon. fhe crlebra.nt wa.' Rcl'. I. MUNICIPAL BASIN sailins for Englee Saturday p.m. \. with Mrs. A. B. Carnell, president pathy to his berea\'ed widow and 10US gther outdoor sporl~. LIeu!. I Dr. Darrock !\. F!0lletl o[ Bell Fennessey with Rcl' .\. II!.V. :\lercer and Greene b Hawl Blackwood. Collins, mas· Three men, out of nine who of the Jubilee Guilds of New· family. . . Ruby has piaced a TV In camp· Island is working III the Dental; Penney as dcaren and Rer.· moored up Indcfinltely. It~r, Is ta!;i~~. freight for Change tnok the examinations fnr master foundland in the chair. Mrs ..T. In paying tribute (0 the late: a~d la~t night the lads saW the. clini~ at the General Ho~pit~.I, S!.: K Lawten as sub·dcacon. :'IJ.\'. Thcmas & Robert shUtcd Islands, TWlllmsr.te and LaScie. electricians on June 30th, 1956 W. Adams, National Prosident of Mr. Doyle, Mr. ,James R. Ewing, I \\ rcsltln.g Matches. . ..rohn 5; Dr. Raymond y. \\.~nsor,: Gracc was. attcndcd by up 10 lilli'lli' vcssels to discharge LIndy Barbour is under repairs. pa~sed their examinations. ' the Country Women's Federation President of the Association, spoke I The bIg evenl for IO.day \1'.111 be, snn of the Bev. J .. \\. \\ I.nsor,! Hc\,. i\IOI1Sll(~or ~Iaher. p lit Horwood Lumber Co's wharl. . N. C. Hal ph, Cheater, master, ~lr. Thomas H. SnolV, Mr. A. S. of Canada gave an addrcss on Na· as follo\\'s: . the annual sporls, whIch WIll he I cornwall A\,enue, WIlt have hIS of·' ReI'. P ..J h.cnncdy. ,\ A. E. HICKMAN CO. LTD, IS lakin" fre~lht for Burnside and Ozark and ~Ir. R. J. Forristall are I tional con\'cnorship and radio pro· "It is with deep regret Ihal! cond~ctcd on· the ~rou~ds com· I lice .in the new Chu:ch~ll ~ark. prie~ts. from the Cathc?ral.! M.V. Pa~'off which ha~ bcen the nlher 1Isual northern ports. thc successfUl candidates, as re· gl'ammcs. we record the passing of Gerald I menclng at three 0 clock. : area, Dr. Randolph .E. \ 1l~11" of: Patl'lck, and st. JO!Cpi1! ¥c moored up all the winter Is slat. STEERS LTD. p~rlcd to the City Coullcil by ~Ir. A number of Guild reports were S. Doyle OBE KSG 2nd Vi I TomorrolV. Sunday. the day witl! Upper Island Cove IS scttlllg up attenda1H~c lIis Grn~e off; ,d to e\,enlURlIy go on dry dock. Berlha JO~'ce, Berkshire, ma!' N. P. Browne of Ihe Electrical also presentcd and ~liss Anna Presideni of this As~ociati~n. ce \ open with Cor]1~ratc C?mmunion I an office at Bay Robcrts. ed at the catabolguc. at I~e c: Hr. BulCett. sailed '1'ur~dj\~·. trl', clischilfgrd a cargo of sand Examininl( Board. Rt Ihe weekly Templeton, cxecllti\'c secretary, "The late Gerald Doyle has been at 8.30 a.m •.at St. :aul s Church.: : of the l\lass. . CANADA PACKERS LTD. anll is now tal:il1g freight for cOllncil meeting on Wedncsday spoke on cooking and dress mak· a member of the Board since the In the mormng. a c~uych Par~de ' Afterwards III, Grace Norma l~lady~ laking frelsht for Spenccr's COI·C. Ilr. Burnt!, Tack's aftcrnoon. ing. bcginning, and was of inestimable will be hel,d II'lth D~vllle SerVICe, l\.feet At Pepperrell! Rc\,. )Ionsignor ~Iahcr ad' 51. Anthony. Quir]1on ami other Bcrdl and othcr ]10/15 In Placcntla DlIring the afternoon financial value to it. at St. PaUl s at 11 0 clock. In t.he i ill . I executi\'e o[ the comnlltlC! northern ]1orts, sailing Saturday, Ba~·. Salling this Saturday a.m. OblOtual'V settlements were presented, and "It is unnecessary lor me to try af.ternoon the Rrumhearl SCf\'IC~ PEPPERRELL AFB. New[ound.! cd LlJrough the r.cme:er~·.l·:! Jul~' 14. M.V. Teewdsmuir, Wm. Whalen, Mr. Robert Dinswell, horticulturist and review a lifetime of good 1\'111 lake place on the grounds a. land.-Great strides in good m3n·' I,resscd pleasure at t!'c 1::1;:: CROSBIE. & CO. LTO. ~ai1rd fnr Trinity Ba~'. with the Anglo Newfoundland Dc· works. Thc bonours he bore from 3 p.m. .' aaement practices were taken: ments that had b~en Jl1ac~!) Veteran Explorcr came off dry IUt.e. DOCKYARD velopmenl Company, addressed Ihe Church, State, and so many other . I~ con\'er~atlOn Wlt~ the C~mp h~rc this \l'e~k the first conference: walks nn,1 the gCMraid dock, mnored up Indellnltcb'. Sandy Polnl, which had exten. 'l~:S' HUGH A. BASTOW convention nn gardening in New· Inslitutions like our own is signi •. AdJutant., LlCut .J. \. Rabh,tts. IIf the IB05th Airw3\'s and Air' ance of the groun -. M.V. Fenmorc, which II'r.s tower! sive repairs, sailed for Burin on passing of )\frs. Hugh A. foundland. Mrs. J. W. Adams spoke ficant o[ the kindly h~art nd \ \,our SCrIbe gathcred that the lads C . r \\,'ino' "com: The attendanl'c \\'a, [,::c c! Into port by the ocean going tug Satllrday hilt hnd to retllrn nwinl,' Bastow on Dominion Day, July on the Peace Garden, which has the helpfllg hand he outstre'(. c'ha ed are h I enjoyingh thcmscll'e~ . . II and the mannmdmu~lca~.lOnc· er 5 "on· nmmlSSlOnr. ': S d 0['1'.' larae't " . in manv . •\Car~ Found.tion Franklin, sailed. :0 enginc trnuble, ,alling asaln nn 1st., brollg.ht sincere sorrow not heen made by the country women 10 ~is fellow man. We shall miss I ea ( of can;p ,IS exec, cnt. rieer's Advisory council" took' ------"t.\'. 1\laneco Is still up for Salurcla~'. lIr.rris Is the master. alone to her family circle hut 10 lof Wcstern Canada. an mspiring person" CARny ON C.L.B. KEEP THE I I the °Cllnl'al tOllieS "!lIch .,.' 5al!!. M.V. Parella from lIermitige Is numerou, frlcnds and acquaint· An election of district repre· ___ .____. IFLAG FLYING. W R C I pace..The CounCIl was used as a.. on thc~ a~enoa>.c" " . . '. \\,haler~ Glln VI and Flnback 8re monrerl liP indefinitel),. ances. Born In ,lilly 1886 nee sentatives resulted In Ihe follow· ______._ .. , ! ~ounding board for both adminis·: ~Iembers of Inc I Dun::. monred up for the season. Firctug 3 Is moored up for Har. 1'IIS5 Charlotte lIIabel Collier, inl( being elected: Mrs. Pearce BIRTH I tratil'e and lechnical problems. i nominated by Ihl' >cntor A. H. MURRAY & CO. LTD. hour fire ~Cl'I'icc. she was. the sole survl\'· Bridger of Brighton; Mrs. Lamont _____ I STATISTICS MISLEAD ; anrl provided a qualified team to. missioncd Officers or !~.! 'I \" 'I GI I '1 d IT' ing rhlld of the late Samuel G•. Parsons of Summerset, Trinity .1. • I\~ncs .1 c , as len Sal e . I. S 01, S,\nl~£iS CAIII! .L-Born .July 9th at St I l\~W YORK-eNEAl - Hal! 1I'0rk. out:. the tcchnicat details i ious organi7.ation:. f ~:';(l and the )Iiriam ~Iay sailed Thurs. Pauline Winters Il1sl her prnpel. and i\l"rs. Charlntte Collier. 'I'he Bay; ~Iiss Scammell of Change Is· I J I 11 'I' laic 1\lr. Cel!1er was a Citv Coun· lands and Miss Marie Fiander of Clarc's "Jercy Hospitar. t ;,\1' Chase and George Sisler. the big o[ Wmg·Wldc programs. Such sub· i sented at the l "r..M~rl • I and :'Iirs G [ Caill11 , (' oN' r. names of major league first base I jccls as Communicalions. FIiAhl Pepperrell. Harmon. (.O",r. T_ ~~'. u)' . i rr commA [rom Dona\'ista, now eillor [or many ynar". 'f'he late Codroy Vallecy. A repre~cntative I 0 Fox): a nee ora play: nrr tied mast years I and Ad' l :\ar;c.,·,;u,k Roy Alan)1" R. 'Ij~ ready'1 I 10'['i sail' \\'nillll~1'1 'Iord~rs. \' l\lrs. Hugh Bastow~ WRS the moth· for Burin will be appointed at a 'da~g'h'ter: ~ar th~ F~ci.litie5: i\!ain(en~ncc S.ondr:.::~rom. ! n I alll II Ie. lfIaRl .1 ay slll !!I 1IIrs· 1r,.I.. ·I'repassry. Winsor. C f Icadmg the majorS WIth errors. IIllnlstrallo wcre----- Just------_ a few of .. Kcnanl---- •... ---- .. day,I July 12th. maslcr. sailed [or loab\'ador on ~a~ld o~rs~o~\ ~ordon, Gel'ald, later date. D ... __ .- AYRE & SONS LTD. )londay at 8 p.m., taiting passen. I I 0 . 0 n s and Douglas Miss Temple(on also gave are· ---_._--- \ D'l:ATHS 1oO~'DO~ (AP) - Sh :\I.V. Ernie and Loretta, 1I0d. ilers, mails and a Cull canlo of oC 'ancouver, B.C. and two \'lew of the Guilds and the Com·en· I .~. ~ I tion closed with the evening social. --_._------~!Jtritain'l deCence bu liN' Inuk lreigh~ for Burin anll freight. daughters, !III's. Ruth !IIllIer and ~linerlt. There Is' a g \j sailde Monday, July Ernie Lorella Hodder mas. Aoilcen !llartin of this city. WHEEI.EH-Passed away at !!th~.I:ll')'slo\\'n: . tid~nd d '. ,<.1~llrs. r. DUll l as Bastow recently that the So . er, oa e a full ~argo for Burin visited his mothcr returning 10 the General Hcspltnl on Friday, I Is more economi Norman is tnldng and Ma;ystown, Sailed on Vancouvcr. July 13th, Catherine. wife of I Bnt~tonc' ~Ionday, Seasonal Surplus Arthur Wheeler, age 73 years, frei::hl fnr Herring Neck, Bon· July 9tn. 1\1r and the late Mrs B I left to mourn husband, four sons, ll\'istn 11are Bay, Do\'er and In· !l1.V. Fergus from Prince Ed· would have celcbrat~d a:h~~~ two daughters, and five grand· • dian Bay. Sailing on Saturday, Juiy ward l!land, discharged 69 head forty·mlh wedding anniversary Of Codfi~b H. n! cattle, some crates of pigs lind on July 251h. 'I'he late Mrs. Bas· children The funeral will tAke ncess Fishermen fishing out of st. place on l\londay at 2.30 p.m. ~ita ~nd Blanche is takin~ live poultry, sallcrl fnr Prince tOIY II'R5 an enthusiastic worker .John's could not dispose of all from the re.'idenee of her daught· freIght (or Dono\'lsta Bay purts. Edward Islllnd on Monday ]1.m.. In Cnthedral parish circles espcc\· their calch yesterday and some er, !\lrs. Edgar Learning, 79 liday ncall)' to ~all. .Jul)· Ilth. ally In the Church of England of them arriving alter the fish 1\10nk510wn Roar!, by motor' BAINE JOHNSTON & CO. L!D. HORWOOD LUMBER CO. LTD. Women's Association, and as a plant at Job Brothers took Iheir hea'rse to the Anglican cemetery, ! Ann!!t\e LO\'ctla takln;: irClght Silver Jubilee. Parsons. masler, committee member o[ the Worn· quota [or the day had to sell theil' Forest Rond. I en' Home Missions particularly fish to the fish meal plant. with annual sales and teas orllan· Contacted by the Dally News JlIERCE!. - Passed peacefully i Ized. Both of these associations Job Broth~rs reported they took away on Thursday, July 12th, i will miss ner in thcse efforts. 50.000 pounds of fish yeslerday, William )\Iercer, aged 82 years. I She had been 1I1 for thrce months but Ihat on 'some days they take Leaving to mourn lWo sons, one two, spent In hospital, and one In a.s much as 20Q,000 pounds. daughter, nine grandc.hildren and at home. 153 Hamilton Avenue. FIshermen se1l1ng their fish to two grent.gnndchildren. Funeral 'fhe call came to higher service, the fresh fish plants get two cents wiII take place on Sunny at 2.30 with fallh well foullded .her soul a pound for split fish and $1.75 p.m. from his late residence, I has pamd to join her. kith and per hundred pounds for round. Thorburn Hond by motor hearse kin In the City Elernal In sure fish. They receive half a cent a to the Anglican cemetery at St. and certain hope "I know that pound for' round fish, not gutted Phillips. my Redeemer liveth". Her fun· when they dispose of it at the eral service was held In the state· fish meal plant. O'REILLY-Passed away at St ly Cat.hedral shc loved. The Clare's Mercy Hospital July 12th . in a chic beautiful musical tones of the Edward r. O'ReI.!ly, left to mourn 'I gl'cal organ by Orllanlst lITr. PAIN'f WIth a. whit, Su!!ge.stions For are his wife, Isabelle and sens, 1 hat, MargareL Augustus starford harmonlscd u Albert, John and Gerard; two wllh the hurlal service prayers ;4.50 Gallon service at '} W· •. . brothers, Leo and Cyril and five! across thl rend by the nector Rev. ,T. A. N on carIllO' .rrandehlltlren. Funeral to take i . $1.25 Quart F. Slade, Hev. Canon ,T. A. . Y. b place frolll his late residence. 24 ! ramblinl ~Tradell, Bishop J<~lect, and Rev'. OTTAWA (Cn-II you're both. Maple Street. at 9.15 this morn· : ard st Canon Arthur B: S Stirling, and ercd by .runs In nylon slockings I ing lor Rcquiem Mass at thc I he committal ceremony at the the Canadian Association of Con: i Basilica. ply13 14 . cemetery surrounded by a large sumers has some suggestions for ' U\lmber of wreaths of. flowers cutting Wear and tear on hose and ;'"--­ from 10\'lnll friends. she was laid tempers. to rest until ihe dawns and the . The. association silYs more than shadOWS lee away". To her hus· two·thlrds of Canada's women arc Frar band formerly many years al buying llght·welght nylons and Limited French "CI tlmc. IITr. L. F. may have no Idea getting poor wear by IIslng them NEW SHIPMENT CHESTERDAWE to modern rlage counselor . or clergyman. for every.day jobs. . alter t on prehlsto Harvey and Co., Ltd., now retlr· Consllm.ers should learn to bul' Men's Pullover SHAW ST ...... :...... DIAL 8·0161 cd and family Wb tender our nylons by weight (denier) and SWEATERS \ ~f their aD sympathy. stitch (gntlge) suitable for diCfer· DIAl Years ago. resoh'c some personal conflict, ent wearing purposes, the CAC flain and fancy colour. TOPSAIL ROAD ...... tr ...... ·.. ·.. ·.. ·· 8·0118 th phYsical says in 115 monthly' bulletin. SIzes: small, 'medium and cir life I large .. NEW YORK-(NEA)-In 1887, The association' su!!gests that • OVER 70,000 ft. of FLOOR SPACE; OPEN SATURDAYS and MONDAYS the nine I bases on balls counted as a hit. manuracturers s h 0 u I d Indl~ate Sun~ay m One batter, 'I'lp O'Neill,' had a denier and Ilamlc In terms of ·$~.'29 • LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS IN NEWFOUND· theIr first \\'el~ht and slltch, so the terms modern be fEffERRELL AFB.-Mrs . .rohn R. Frazier (left), and Mrs. .488 batti.1g aver age. . LAND. FREE AMPLE PARKING SPACE. after sh . cnuhl br. morp ~aslh' recogniZed. Ih a\'11 Edward M. Schllcter seem very Interested In the reading t::stes SCIENCE IN BASEBALL PROPER OCCASIONS • DISTRIBUTORS FOR WORLD FAMOUS JOHNS·MANVILlE and cy told DC nine year·olds Gwcn Pointer (left) Ilnd Barbara MUchmore JlIILWAUKEE-CNEA) - 'r.he A woman wnu,lrl nnt wcar even· .MacMlllAN & BLOEDEL SALES lTD. 10 find cavel era. The at the new ChlldtCn's Section of the Basc Library. The Indies n"R\'CS usc oxygen In the dugout In!! ~linT)crs for hiklna. it say~. • BUILD!NG MATERIAL IS OUR BUSI.NESS AND NOT A SIDELINE. ",ere largely responsible for the Officers Wives Club's Book In reotnr cplaycrs st~mlna on anr! In the s,m~ \I'~~ it I. IInc"o, Committee raising lunds and galherln~ books to enlar):e the do.!; . rlAY~. They ar~ the first In nomicai In woal' fino nylons for chlldren's section of the .Baie Librr.ry.-(USAF.NEAC Photo). the majors to do this. housework.