PUBLIC AOV. Read Commuter's Guide On How To Beat The Aldene Plan — Section 3 Page 8 DRIVE WITH THE WESTFIELD LEADER LIGHTS ON THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Seacnd CSSM Won&gt Pcld SEVENTH-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 39 at W..tfi»M. N, i WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1997 32 Pages—10 Cents School Voters OK Early News Copy Memorial Day will be cele- brated Tuesday, May 30. As the $3.6 Million For Leader office will tie closed that day we request that news ttems and pictures for publication in New Building the June 1st Issue of the Leader Fanwoud — Voters in the Scotch be submitted as early as pos- Plains - Fanwood Regional High sible. School District Tuesday night ap- proved 2,129 to 1,188 a proposed $3,- 640,000 school expansion program. 'Waiting' On The proposal was $310,000 less Uian a similar proposed bond issue turned down by the voters last year. The Railroad We will start at once to discuss When regularly scheduled commu- the plans for t'he future now that the ter trains from Westfield to New project has been approved by the York via PATH under the Aldcnc votes," commented Sheldon S. An- "POPPY TH'INS"~Taml and Tommy Harrington Plan were Sate Tuesday morning. derson, school board president. Mayor Robert H. Mubeany fired off Included in the 21-year bond issue a protest by wire to Robert A, Day, Mrs. Kamler Heads Plains Student Chosen $2,659,000 for now construction, assistant director. Division of Hail- RAYMOND M1LEFSKY NICHOLAS N. MIGLIOZZI For Science Program $144,000 for alterations of present PARK AND LOCK—Cooperating wtth the National Auto Theft Proven- road Transportation for the State. Poppy Day Sale facilities serving the two communi Him campaign, the Exchange Club rf We»ttleid ka* anwifed far Up to a late hour yesterday no Scotch Plains — Jay Nadelson, ties, $60,000 for site preparation; "Lock Your Car" stickers to Iw placed on all parking meter* In town. reply had been received from the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney K. $429,000 for furniture and equipment stale official on the mayor's com- P)ans lia.e been completed for the Above, Police Lieut, Thomas Catalan, and George Goodman, club mem- College Men To Award Nadelson of 8 Oxford ltd., and an and $151,190 for architectural and plaint that the Central was complete- annual Poppy Day by Martin Wail bers are shown placing the first parking meter stickers with the aid eighth grade student at the Terriii legal fees, bonding costs and con' ly ignoring published and approved berg Unit 3 American Legion Aux- of a Meier Maid, Mrt, Pauline CuUtaiae. Road Junior High School has been tlngeneies. schedules. iliary, according to president Holer selected to attend the Columbia Uni- 1 In his telegram the mayor said: Scholarship, Grant t'hrln She has appointed Mrs. Alor Enrollment in the Scotch Plaias- versity Science Honors Program. "Central Railroad of New Jersey ris KamJer as Tvpp-j Ctoaifman, Fanwood High School is expected to Exchange (Jub, Police Join In Effort Jay is one of 600 students selected reach 1,703 next year with a present trains again twenty minutes laic The College Men's Club ol! West- ed annually to bays in the graduat- Ttils year, Tami and Tommy Har- field has announced the winners ol from 4,000 applicants chosen to at- capacity of only 1,320, thus double arriving Westfield this morning. ing class of the WeslfieM High rington will be the "Poppy Twins' ToHalt 'Young Man^Crime'-Car Theft Railroad completely ignoring pub* its annual Scholarship award and its tend the Saturday course during his sessions may be necessary, school School, ihe winners being selected Tney are six >oa! -old twins of Mr, lisliwi and approved schedules. freshman award, totalling $3,600. ntah grade year. t authorities said. Careless motorists contribute heav- (Continued on page 2! and Mrs. Ted Harrington. Mr, Har- young,drivers," he said. "But too Please advise what immediate and ily to wlint has been described as The awards will bo presented at rington Is a past commander o£ Hie many do not, and careless adults, longer range steps are being taken this nation's number one "teenage the annual dinner to be held at 7:45 Post and his wife Jean has held apathetic about heavy social and by 8tai« to correct situation so ns WAA Sidewalk Show to Offer crime," according to Police Chief p.m., Tuesday at the King George several offices in tine Auxiliary. dollar costs of car theEU, arc partly to insure cMkeits prompt itnd ndc- Graves Decoration James F. Moran. Inn in Mount Bethel, Rear Admiral Ttenl fa a member of the Juniors if not largely to Wame." quatc rail service. Patience of citi- The term "teenage crime" was William A. Brockett, USN met.), end Tommy is'a member of the "A parked car wiOi keys in the zens is wearing thin. Your Immedi- now president of Webb Institute of Set At Fairview Sons of the Legion. applied to tlie stealing of cars by ignition is an open invitation to some ate reply will be appreciated." Art In The Park the Federal Bureau of Investigation Naval Architecture, is to be the teenage boy, Chief Moran said. "The Copies ol the wire were also sent Members of Martin Waltborg Post "This Poppy Day I9G? is more in its Uniform Crime Reports. The speaker. titan a day of remembering .. i May 27 At Miiulowaskin accomplishment of the first ear theft to Percy M. Shoemaker, president of „ „. ,. , , ,3, American Legion nlong with other agency reported that 88 percent of leads to its repetition, and often to the line and members of Union Coun- should be a tribute that endures and Mrs. LouiN. Miglioaals A. Migliazz, son i ooff Mr205. veterans organizations will decorate .A sidewalk . art >how and sale, Hostesses, wearing tags so they individuals arrested for car. theft more serious offenses," ty's legistative delegation. oppioximatety 000 veterans' graves for all of Ma. Triie, the small red sponsored by the Westfield Art As- can be identified, will be circulating were under age 25 and that more Livingston St., will receive the club's with flags in Fttirview Cemetery Poppy bears testimony to our re- sociation, will take place in Mindow- in the crowU. They ^ill answer ques- than 50 percent were under 18 years Police files on hardened criminals The delay Tuescfay morning re- annual $3,000 scholarship, Raymond beginning at 10 a.m., Sunday. The membennfi ...'but it is a ram asitin Park, Saturday, May 27, from tions and help negotiate sales. Syd- of age. usually show auto theft to be the suited to a backup of commuters at Miiefsky, son of Mrs. Raymond rain date is Muy 28. first major offense. tivat' endures not just for a,m toipm. ney deCamp Is in charge of this the Police Department in I960 ai- the station ordinarily using fom Milefsky oE 323 Livingston St., will Chairman Harry 0, Powers of this day—tmi for tomorrow as well," Paintings will be hung on a snow | group of club members resled 20 peiaim* fo: .iuto thelHf; "Every ear owner should assumo trains for the trip to Nouoik Moil be given the one-year freshman Wallberg Post refluests that a grat- Mrs. Jfamter said, fence which will front ttm lake on 1 Mrs C C. Wright and Mrs Eti- 10, or 69 [jercent weic 17 or ymuuivt /' il responsibility for locking his had to Uand when ttit'y did got grant oE $600. : er number of volunteers trim the ill aboard. "In w«y community o/ our'grout gene Holland OK' sorving as KflliOMliS^istlCSlOW UUi rt.-j;S(icb . Mrjrjtljgiilojizl:' \vill enter Rul VFW find Le«i&ot Catitf nation, It is a small red Poppy that Show chairman Mi's. Philip need icil• ••y chairmen• . University: iBMUr'S*""** 6r*wwll, Mdtnsidr ana W brings IiDoe and help So many. 'Po uid there Will bo ml <Jcm<jii&ti'j- In the c-vuit of lam May 27. tlie iasi yc.»f, ou percent srre'foiiSS 't3[I)'ihi'fo*~Srst''ca3* tficRs "and pnrc for e career in scientific re- field be pMaent irv.order*to,CBp many a young child it is the promise 10ns throughout the day. affair will mkp ii'acp Saturday !u\c fci'CD left unlocked j , pavfmuny >oui^stL-rs froir »IL Forum On Vietnam -oarch. At Westfield High. School, with the increased enormity of the of.a batter and brighter tomorrow Richard HausCT cl Watchung plans June i. AduH motorists should rp&lizr that fonv the road to sonous delinquency he was a member of tlie chess team. program. because someone renwmhered today arrive at 10 o'clock and wili be taking und driving a ear is ond ofl A car ready lodnvp is just toamuch Mr. Milefsky wili attend Brigham The flags ate Jirovided by tho to \ycar a POfniy. In1 nwiy n Veter- vailable all day to do charcoal por- the sti'ongcil temptations, to yoiinc- ol a temptation for a teenager,'' Slated Toiiiglt Young University. A member of the Union County Board of Freeholders Woman Is Injured sjters 12 to 16 years of age, Chief ana hospital, it is the traits Norman Webb of Weslficld Chief Moran said. German Club... at Westfield High and are distributed by William W. Mo ran noted Westfield Citizens Conce Jied About Schoolj his other interests Include pijfjmise Waft Ain^noaiis do re- and Lee Gaskins of Far-wood, Ijotli Iu 2-Car Collision by the growth of car Vanderhoof, supervisor of veterans well known New Jersey watercoior- "That is true," lie said, "whether American Foreign Policy iat an or- church activities and art.
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