Heinrich Isaac's
'i~;,~\,;:( ::' Heinrich Isaac's, :,t:1:450-1517) Choralis Constantinus::! C¢q is an anthology of 372; polyphonic Neglected Treasure - motets, setting the textsolthe Prop er of the Mass, accompanied by five Heinrich Isaac's polyphonic settings dflheOrdinary. A larger and more complete suc Choralis Constantinus cessor to the Magnus,iij:Jer organi of Leonin, the CC was fir~t 'pulJlished in three separate volum~s)' by the Nuremberg publisher j'lieronymous by James D. Feiszli Formschneider, beginning in 1550 and finishing in 1555'>:B.egarded by musicologists as a : ,',fsumma of Isaac's reputation prior to his move to assist him in finishing some in Netherlandish polyphony about to Florence.3 complete work. Isaac was back in 1500, a comprehepsive com In Florence, Isaac was listed on Florence by 1515 and remained the rosters of a number of musical there until his death in 1517. pendium of virtually :fi:llli devices, manners, and styles prevalent at the organizations supported by the Isaac was a prolific and versatile time"! the CC today'i~,v:irtually ig Medici, in addition to serving as composer. He wrote compositions in nored by publishers:'Cing, hence, household tutor to the Medici fami all emerging national styles, produc choral ensembles. Few!or.:the com ly. He evidently soon felt comfort ing French chansons, Italian frottoie, positions from this i,'cblI'ection of able enough in Italy to establish a and German Lieder. That he, a Renaissance polyphonyiihave ever permanent residence in Florence secular musician who held no been published in chqrat!octavo for and marry a native Florentine.
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