The Queens' College Record 2012

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The Queens' College Record 2012 The Queens' College Record 2012 Table of Contents 3 From the President The Student Record 42 From the Senior Tutor: The Supervision The Society 43 Admissions 4 The Fellows i.J12ou 44 The Spiny Forest of Madagascar 7 Thomae Smithi Academia 45 Breaking down borders 8 The Retirement ofProfessor James Diggle 46 My second coming co China 8 · Laurels at Lund 47 Digging Tell Brak 10 Professor John Morton Blum, Fellow 1963-4 48 From Vienna to the Black Sea by kayak so Mantas in Mozambique 11 The Staff 51 Oxbridge Summer Camps Abroad - a journey ro Hong Kong The Buildings 52. D istinctions and Awards 12 The Fabric 2ou 54 TheJCRandMCR 13 The Dokett Building 54 The C lubs and Societies 15 The Porters' Lodge and Round Development The Development Record 16 The Libraries 62. Donors to Queens' 2.011 18 The Chapel The Academic Record 65 New strategies to help patients with oesophageal cancer 20 The Gardens 67 2.008 banking crisis v 2.ou-t2. sovereign debt crisis: two sides of the same coin? The Historical Record 2.1 The First English 'Olimpick' Games The Alumni Record 2.2. 'How old is your Tripos?' The establishment of the 70 The Alumni Office Tripos system 71 Alumni Association AGM '1-7 The Revd John Price, 'The Solitary ofLlanbedr' 71 Deaths 29 Andrew Munro, Mathematics reacher and benefacror 7'1. Obituaries 31 Waker Robins, England Test cricketer 192.9-37 78 News of Old Members 32. Ronald Maxwell Savage (1918), pioneer herpetologist 87 The 2.005 Matriculation Year 33 Book Review: T¼r Diaries -A Chaplain at Gallipoli 88 The 'Secret' Life of the College The Sporting Record 36 Captains of the Clubs 36 Reports from the Sports Clubs From cover: 1he new poma.ic ofHer Maje.sty The Queen, our Patrone,~s, painted by James Floyd for the CoUege. Back cover: Queens' rst XI Football ccam won Cuppcrs for the first rime in the competitions 139-year history. Top: portrait ofth e team (courtesy Jee Photographic, the Cambridge Studio); middle left: Derail of the FootbaU Cup (Jonathan Holmes); middle right: the ceam aelebrares in rhe13ar (Jonathan Hoh1m); bottom Jen: The Captain, Dan Keeley wirh che trophy (Jonathan Holmes); bottom right: after chc march (courtesy James Davis), - The Queens' College Record • © The President and Fellows of Queens' College ~ou. Edicor:Jonarhan Holmes • Desig11: Ham ish Symington ( Printed in the Un iced Kingdom on elemenral-chlorine-free paper from sustainable forests. Queens' College Record 2012 The Fellowship (March 2012) Visitor: The Rt Hon. lord Falconer ofThoroton, P.C., Q.C., M.A. Patroness: Her Majesty The Queen. President The Rt Hon. Professor Lord Eatwell, of Stratton St Margaret, M.A., Ph.D. (Harvard). Professor of Financial Policy and Director ofThe Cambridge Endowment for Research and Finance. Honorary Fel~ows A. Chadcs Tomlinson. C.B.E., M.A., M.A.(London), D.Litt.h.c. Ewen Cameron Stewart Macpherson, M.J\., M.Sc. (London Business School). (Keele, Colgare, New Mexico, Bristol and Gloucester), Hon.F.A.A.A.S., Tue Revd Canon John Charlton Polkingho.rne, K.B.E., M.A .. Sc.D., F.R.S.L. Emericus Professor of English, University of.Bristol. D.Sc.h.c.(Excter, Leicester and Marquette), D.D.b.c. (Kent, Durhan,, Robert Neville Haszcldine, M.A., Sc.D., D.Sc.(Birmingham), ER.$., Gen. Theol. $em. New York, \Xi'yclilfe Coll., Toronto), D.Hum.h.c. F.R.S.C., C.Chem. (Hong Kong Baptist Univ.), ER.S. The Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Brown, G.B.E., P.C., M.A., LL.D.h.c. Colin Michael Foale, C.B.E., M.A., Ph.D., D.Uoiv.h.c.(Kenc, Lincolnshire (Birmingham,Leicester and West of England), Hon.F.R.C.Psych .. and B'wnberside ), Hon.F.R.Ae.$. NASA Astronaut, supponing Soyuz Sir Ronald Halstead, C.B.E., M.Av D.Sc.h.c.(Reading and Lancaster), and ISS operations. Hon.F.I.F.S.T., F.C.M.l., F.lnst.M., F.R.S.A., F.R.S.C. Manohar Singh Gill, M.P., M.A., Ph.D. {Punjab). Dip.Devc. Stud., Peter Mathias, C.B.E., M.A., l..itt.D., D.Litc. (Oxon) , D.Litc.h.c. (Buckingham, D.Litr.h.c. (Madras, Guru Nanak Dev, Amritsar, and Guwahaci, Assam), Bkmingham, Hull, Warwick, De Moncfort and Ease Anglia), Dr. Russ. D.ScJu.(Punjab Agriculnrre, Haryana Agriculrure), Padma Vibhushan. Acad. Sci.Ju.. , Hon.Dr (Kansai and Keio), EB.A., ER.Hise.$. Minister ofYourh Affairs and Spores, India. Sir John Michael Middlecott Banham, D.L, M.A., LLD.Ju. (Bach), Sir Richard BillingDearlo-ve, K.C.M.G., O.B.E., M.A., LL.D.h.c.(Exetcr). D.Sc.h.c.(Loughborough, Exet<:r and Strathclyde). Chairman ofJohnson Master ofPembroke College, Cambridge. Mathey Pie. Yoshiyasu Shirai, Ph.D. President of Osaka Gaktun University.Japan. Sir David Alan Walker, M.A., LL.D.h.c. (Exeter), F.R.S.A. Graham Colin Swift, M.A., Litt D.h ..c. (East Ariglia and London), D.Univ.h.c. Bernardo Sepulveda Amor, Hon.G.CM.G., LLB., LL.D.h.c,(San Diego (York), F.R.S.L. and Leningrad). Judge of the International Court. Stephen John Fry, M.A., D.Litr.h.c. (East Anglia), D.Univ.h.c. Nicholas Kenneth Spencer Wills, M.A., EC.A., F.C.l.M.., F.C.T., F.R.SA (Anglia Ruskin Univ.). Tue Rt Revd Mark Sauter, M.A., D.D.h.c.(Birmingham and Lambeth), Lord Th.omas ofSwynnercon, M.A., F.R.S.L., F.R.Hisc.S., Order ofche D.Univ.h.c.(UCE). Aztec Eagle (Mexico), Knight Grnnd Cross of the Order ofIsabel the The Rt Hoo. Professor Lord Oxburgh, ofLiverpool, K.B.E., M.A., Catholic (Spain), Commander in che Order ofArts and Letters (France). Ph.D.(Princecon), D.Sc.lJ.C.(Paris, Leicester, Loughborough, Edinburgh, Awn Shawkat AI-Khasawoeh, M.A., LLM., lstiqlal Order (First Class), Blrmingham, Liverpool, Souchampcon, LiverpoolJohn Moores, Kawkab Order (First Class), Nahda Order (First Class),Jordan; Lingnan Hong Kong, Newcastle and Leeds), f.G.S., Hon.El.Mech.E., Grand Oflicier, Legion d'Honneur, France. Prime Minister ofJordan. Hon.F.R.Eng., F.R.S. Paul Greeograss, M.A. Film Director and Screenwrtter. Sir Marcin Best Hanis, C.B.E., D.L, M.A., Ph.D.(London), Edward Horder Cullinan, C.B.E., B.A., A.A.Dip., Hon ER.LAS., ER.S.A., LLD.h.c.(Quec:n's, Belfast). D.U.h.c.(Essex and Keele), R.A., R.I.B.A .. D.Licc./u. (Salford, Manchester Metropolitan, Leicester, Lincoln, Sir Andrew Duncan Crockett, M.A., M.A. (Yale). President ofJ.P. Morgan Ulster, Manchester, UMIST and Exeter), Hon.F.R.C.P, Hon.F.R.C.S.E .. Chase International. Director ofche Office for Fair Acces$. President ofClare Hall Fellow Benefactors Catherine Thomas, M.A. Emerims Professor Alan Charles Lynn Day, B.A. Lester John Rowley, M.A., M.B., B.Chir. Shirley Day, Ph.D. Fellows And1onyColin Spearing, M.A., Ph.D.h.c. (Lund). Life Fellow; The Revd Brian Leslie Hebblethwaite, M.A., B.D., D.D. Life Fellow; William R. Kenan Professor ofEnglish, Unive.rsity ofViJ:gi11ia. fo(l)'lerly Tutor and Dean ofChapel. Ajit Singh, M.A., B.A.(Punjah, Chandigarh), M.A.(Howard, Washington), John Timothy Green, M.A., Ph.D. Life Fellow; forl'nerly Senior Tutor. Ph.D.(Bcrkeley, California). Life fellow. Emericus Professor ofEconomics. Thomas Henry Coaker, B.Sc.(London), M.A., PhD.Life Fellow; Brian Albert CaUiogham,.M.A., B.Pharm., Ph.D.(London), F.R.Pharm.S., formerly Steward. ES.B., C.Biol., EBr.Pharmacol.S.h.c. Life Fellow; Safety Officer, William Andrew Phillips, M.A., Ph.D. Life Fellow; formerly Tucor. formerly Tutor. Robin Douglas Howard Walker, M.A., Ph.D. Junior Bursar, Director of James Diggle, M.A., Lirt.D., F.B.A. Life Fellow; Praelector. Emeritus Pcofessor Studies in Compucer Science and Assiscanc Direccor ofSmdies in ofGreek and Laci1,. Natural Sciences (Mathematics). John Tiley, C.B.E., QC .h.c., M.A., B.C.L.(Oxoo), LLD., };Ion F.C.I.T., F.B.A. Andrew Duncan Cosh, B.A., Ph.D. Colfege Lecturer in Economics and in Life Fellow, formerly Praelec-tor, Tmor and Vice-President. Emeritus Managemenc Studies. Professor ofthe Law ofTaxation. The Rcvd Brendan Ignatius Bradshaw, M.A., Ph.D. Life Fellow. John Edward Ca~roll, M.A., Sc.D., ER.Eng. Life Fellow. Emerirus Professor Richard Robert \%ber, M.A., Ph.D. Churchill Professor ofMathcmatics ofEngineering. for Operational Research; A-.siscanc Director ofStudies in Mathematics. PeterGonvill.eStein, QC.h.c., M..A.,LL.B., Ph.D. (Aberdeen), Allan Nuttall. Hayhurst, M.A., Sc.D. Life Fellow; Garden Steward. Dr.iuris h.c (Gottinge 11, Ferrara and Perugia), LL.D.h.c. (Aberdeen), Emeritus Professor ofCombustion Science. Doct. de l'Univ.h.c. (Pancheon-Assas, Paris II), EB.A. Life Fellow; formerly Peter Spulford, M.A., Litr.D., F.B.A. Life FeUow. En1eritus Professor Vice-President. Emeritus Regius Professor ofCivil Law. ofEurope:m History. James Anthony Jackson, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. Professor ofActive Tectonics. Christopher John Pounrain, M.A., Ph.D. Life Fellow. Professor of Andrew Clague Thompson, M.A., M. Phil.. Ph.D. Admissions Tutor and Spanish Linguistics, Queen Mary CoUege. University ofLondon. Assistant Director ofStudies in History. Richard Griffith Fentlman, M.A .. B.C.L.(Oxon). Professor ofPrivate Julia Rose Gog, M.A., Ph.D. Direcror ofStudies in Mathematics. JmemationalLaw. Director ofStudies in Law. Ashwin Arunkumar Seshia, B.Tech.
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