T IE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Mo$T Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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T IE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Mo$T Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County T IE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County USPS6K2O Published NINETY i H V AR, NO. 45 Second Chu PotfMt P**4 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1986 24 Pages—30 Cents •I WailkM. N.J. Every Thursday Narrow Vote Foils Only 6.5% of Voters 3 uno's Re-Hire Bid Turn Out at Primary By a narrow margin Westfield tempt to get the board to reverse able, if re-hired, to work well High School social studies teach- its decision. again with them in spite of their Westfield's 21 polling booths at- The following were nominated O'Keefe, Janet Whitman, Ed- er Robert Bruno lost his second Harvey then took the major recommendations that he not be bid for reemployment at a tracted one of the lightest by their parties as candidates in mund Palmieri. allegations against Bruno and retained. Bruno commented, Primary Election turnouts on the general election: Member of special meeting of the Board of asked the teacher to comment "All of the evaluations do not Results of Municipal concern Education Monday, June 2. record Tuesday. Only 1,170 House of Representatives — upon them. The defense focused negate what a teacher is suppos- residents of 18,125 registered to Republican, Matthew J. Rinaldo; are as follows: Two-year term An unexpected ballot was cast on four complaints which promp- ed to be about: teaching vote, cast ballots. The 6.5% turn- Sheriff — Republican, John A. for mayor — Democrats: by board member Thomas ted the administration to recom- students." out was considerably less than Truhe; County Clerk — Carolyn Kueter, 391; Taylor who reversed his original mend not rehiring: the man Throughout the hearing board last year's 17%. Lack of contests Republican, Walter G. Halpin; Republicans: Raymond Stone, "yes" vote of April 15 to one of himself; his lack of profes- members James Di Clerico, was a contributing cause of the Member of Board of Chosen 715. One two-year Town Council "no" and was the deciding factor sionalism; an incident with a Susan Pepper, and John Toriello light turnout. Freeholders — Republicans Paul seat from 1st Ward — in a 5-4 tally against reemploying black student; and especially his posed questions to Bruno to Democrats: Jeffrey S. Charney, Bruno. involvement with an unauthoriz- clarify specific issues in the files. 9 79; Republicans: Frank Rodgers The special meeting was held ed student trip to Washington, Harvey called as witnesses six Students Frustration (I), 201. One two-year Town and made public at the request of D.C. parents to comment on the Council seat from 2nd Ward — Mr. Bruno, an uiitenured teacher Regarding Bruno's credentials charges that Bruno fostered Culminates in Protest Democrats: Robert T. Strom- who had received notice of non- as a person and a professional, absenteeism by encouraging stu- men, 80; Republicans: Garland reemployment on the recom- Harvey cited the teacher's dents to attend an out-of-town Approximately 35 students con- by students who were expressing "Bud" Boothe, 189. One two-year mendation of the administration vened on the stage of the West- their "concern, resentment and Town Council seat from 3rd Ward previous work experience and function on a school day. The field High School cafeteria Tues- last April. At that time parents academic achievement as bona testimony of the parents, emo- frustration." — Democrats: Armand Cosquer, and students rallied to Bruno's day, June 3 in protest of the While Petix admitted under- 90; Republicans: Beverly fide pre-requisites for a high tional at times, revealed that all school board decision not to re- support verbally and with letters school teacher and elected the of them knew the trip to Washing- standing the students' Caldora (I), 164. employ popular teacher Robert dissatisfaction with the ad- and petitions to the school board extent of his involvement with ton, D.C. was not sponsored by Bruno. at its regular April meeting. extracurricular activities includ- either the school or Robert ministration and with the board, One two-year Town Cuncil seat Members of the press were not The support was repeated Mon- ing being junior varsity baseball Bruno; that their children had he did stress that their actions from 4th Ward — Democrats: coach and advisor to the Young made the plans for the trip on permitted access to the cafeteria were an illegal form of civil Michael Diamond (I), 138; day night as approximately 125 but were allowed time with Prin- students and parents convened Leftist club. In response to state- their own; and that the young disobedience and that penalties Republicans: Michael Panagos, cipal Robert G. Petix. would be issued. 716. peacefully at the hearing held in ments which had been made by people missed that school day with the full knowledge of their Petix described the action as Prior to reaching that point, the Board of Education Building peers that Bruno was "flaky," non-disruptive "social protest" A total of 418 voters cast ballots auditorium to accommodate the 'un-American," and "liberal," parents. Due to a commitment to (Continued on page 7) in the Democratic primary and crowd. Bruno replied that "I think I have his baseball team, Bruno had not 728 in the Republican primary. The board set a pre- some interesting habits ... but accompanied the seven teens on determined time limit of 1-1 Vi no, I'm not a flake." He added: the trip to meet civic leaders. In Mountainside the following hours for the hearing and stress- "Politically I am very liberal - The parents were unanimous in were nominated: Two two-year ed that it would not permit an backed by a sound knowledge their praise of Bruno as a teacher Borough Council seats — adversary hearing. base." Bruno was referring to his who encouraged his. pupils to Democrats: None; Republicans: Bruno was represented master's degree in political think. Parent Ann Ross said "I Bart Barre (I), 194; Werner throughout the hearing by Ron science. hate to see future students robb- Schon (I), 195. A total of 389 Harvey, a New Jersey Education Allegations of non-profes- ed of the experience of Bob ballots were cast in the Association field representative. sionalism were answered with Bruno." Republican primary. There are Harvey began the proceedings by the comment that "If a profes- The parents were followed by 4,591 registered voters in the distributing copies of some of the sional is someone who is told to Art Dupras, a senior from whom Mountainside borough. memoes and statements which obey without question, I'm very Harvey elicited details about contributed to the original deci- unprofessional" but that he felt in Bruno in the classroom: that he sion not to rehire Bruno and general he had cooperated fully Council to stated that his purpose was to at- with staff members and would be (Continued on page 7) Meet Tuesday Town Council will meet next Planning Board Grants Temple Tuesday at 8:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building for its regular public session. Variance for Chapel, Gallery Shown left to right are Westfield's Acting Police Chief Anthony ScuUi, Det. Sgt. Bernard Tracy, Union County Prosecutor John H. Stamler, A use variance to permit the pie property as low lying land. He a wall four additional feet to An ordinance to provide for the and Mountainside Police Chief William Alder, president of the Police improvement of Sherwood Pkwy construction of a chapel and art agreed, however, that the temple make construction easier. The Chiefs Association. exhibition area at a local would work with the neighbors on revision adds 136 square feet to will be introduced. synagogue was approved at Mon- the drainge situation. the total building coverage, Approval of a person-to-person day night's session of the Plan- Board members were concern- Also approved was the appeal Tracy Receives Achievement Award liquor license transfer of ning Board. ed with the possibility of addi- of Budget Print Center, 241 South Westfield Wines & Liquors is be- The application of Temple tional traffic being generated by Ave., for permission to demolish ing sought. Objections, if any, Emanu-El, 756 East Broad St., the addition of the chapel and an existing structure and build a Among this year's recipients of case of a vicious rape, robbery should be made in writing to Joy was granted following comments gallery. Rabbi Kroloff of Temple new commercial building. Eigh- the Union County Prosecutor's and murder, .and he withstood Vreeland, Town Clerk, at the by neighbors concerned with Emanu-El testified that the pro- teen spaces are required, and on- Office outstanding police officer two and a half days of testimony Municipal Building. drainage on the property. posed chapel and gallery would ly 15 would be provided. achievement award, was on the witness stand during the Residents of East Broad St. and rarely be used at the same time The appeal of Dr. John Wiley, Westfield Police Department's successful, trial this . past Resolutions for the following Fairacres Ave. told the board as the sanctuary. He added that with offices at 126 St. Paul St., for Det. Sgt. Bernard Tracy. February. are expected to be approved: that during heavy rainfalls, their the Jewish calendar does not permission to use the second The award is given for con- A special plaque was presented properties are flooded, and that allow them to hold other events story of his professional building sistently first-rate investigative to Tracy this week by Prosecutor raffle license for Spaulding for they believed improper drain- on the sabbath. in conjunction with his dental of- work, which includes thoroughly John H.
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