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Ie-Ahmedabad-09-01-2021.Pdf DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2021, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM HEARING IN SUPREME COURT ON MONDAY DAY AFTER AZHAR WARRANT Noheadway,GovtwantsustogotoSCorform 15 years’ jail for panel:farmerunions;nextroundoftalksJan15 26/11 planner Lakhvi, India Sought option other than repeal, courthearing did come up during talks: Tomar to sit across the table again on who along with Food Minister tions to tryand resolve the im- points to FATF HARIKISHANSHARMA January15, all eyes arenow on Piyush Goyalhavebeen negoti- passe –farmer unions, the ma- &RAAKHIJAGGA the Supreme Courtwherehear- ating with the farmers, said ref- jority from Punjab, have been NEWDELHI,LUDHIANA,JAN8 ing on aclutchofpetitions is erence to the Supreme Court camping at the gatesofDelhi scheduledJanuary 11. hearing on January11did come since November 26. Lashkar ops chief TALKSBETWEEN the Centreand Leaders of the unions up during the talks. Twodays ago, athree-judge sentencedin farmer unions opposedtothe claimedtheyweretold by the Lastmonth, the Supreme benchheadedbyChief Justice of newagriculturelawsfailedto government to go to the Court, while noting that the India SABobde postedthe mat- terror finance case makeheadway Fridayafter the Supreme Courtorform acom- Centre’s talkswith farmer tertoJanuary11after Attorney unions insistedonrepeal of the mittee with representativesof groups did notappear to be General KKVenugopal told the laws,onlytobetold by the gov- the twosides. yielding results, had said it courtthat “thereare chances of MZULQUERNAIN ernment to “suggestanalterna- AgricultureMinister would form acommittee com- the parties coming to some sort LAHORE,JANUARY8 Farmer union leaders leave aftertheir meeting with the tive other than repeal”. NarendraSingh Tomar and prising representativesofthe of an understanding”. government, in NewDelhi on Friday. Prem Nath Pandey While the twosides agreed MinisterofState Som Prakash, Centreand farmers organisa- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MUMBAI ATTACK mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba operations commander Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi wassentencedto15years in jail FridaybyaPakistani anti- UTTARAYAN terrorism courthereinaterrorfi- GUIDELINES BUSINESSASUSUAL nancing case, amidstgrowing in- ternationalpressureonIslamabad Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi No kite-flying in BY UNNY to bringto justiceterroristsroam- afteracourtappearance in ing free in the country. Islamabad in Jan 2015. AP file public places, UN proscribed terrorist festivities to be Lakhvi, 61,who wasonbail since 2015 in the Mumbai attackcase, prisonment of six months each within societies wasarrestedbythe Counter- on three counts. He has been Terrorism Department (CTD) of sent to prison to servethe sen- in Gujarat Punjab province lastSaturday. tences,” the official said. “The Anti-Terrorism Court (ENS reports from New (ATC)Lahoreconvicted Lakhvi Delhi: The MinistryofExternal EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE forcommission of offences of Affairs, in itsremarks on AHMEDABAD,JANUARY8 terrorism financing in acase reg- Lakhvi’s sentencing, said: “The isteredbythe CTD for15years timing of these actions clearly AHEAD OF Uttarayan/Makar under different sections of the suggestthe intention of convey- Sankranti festival on January14, Anti-Terrorism Act1997,”acourt ing asense of compliance ahead thestategovernmentissuedano- official told PTI afterthe hearing. of the APJG (Asia-Pacific Joint tification on Fridayallowing the EXPRESS NETWORK JudgeEjaz Ahmad Buttar Group) meeting, and the next festival to be celebrated within sentencedLakhvi to five years of FATF (Financial Action Task housing societies across the state rigorous imprisonment eachon Force) plenarymeeting in while prohibiting kite-flying at PMTODISCUSS three countswith afine of PKR February2021. It has become public places even as the Gujarat VACCINEROLLOUT 100,000 (approximatelyUSD routine forPakistantocome up HighCourtalsoagreedtothesteps WITHCMS ONJAN11 620) eachonthree counts. with suchfarcical actions, prior listedbythe stategovernment in PAGE 11 “In default of payment of fine, to important meetings.” view of the Covid-19pandemic. he will have to undergo an im- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 As per the notification re- leased by KK Nirala, additional secretary(Lawand Order) Home ACROSS FARM COMMODITIES Aurangzeb not Department, of the Gujarat gov- Workers install heavy-duty security fencing around the US Capitol aday afterPresident Donald Trump’s supporters stormed ernment, “Anyact of flying kite the building, in Washington DC on Thursday. Reuters secular, says or assembling of persons at pub- Growth silver lining lic places, open grounds or Uddhav, spars roads/ streetswill be prohibited. In viewofongoing pandemic, it As Democrats push to impeach him, but food inflation is advisedthat people should with Cong over celebratethe festival with their Aurangabad closefamilymembers only.Itis Trump says won’t be at inauguration may be dark cloud prohibitedforpeople to assemble at public places...” It added, “Apartfrommem- asked,Iwill notbegoing to the 150years ago. Democrat Food and AgricultureOrganisation’s VISHWASWAGHMODE bers of housing society,entryof PETERBAKER, Inauguration on January20th,” Andrew Johnson sat out the food price indexhighestsince 2014 MUMBAI,JANUARY8 outsiders in the societies forthe MAGGIEHABERMAN, he said on Friday. 1869 inauguration afterhewas celebrations will be prohibited LUKEBROADWATER The announcement marks replacedbyRepublican Ulysses S RULINGALLIES ShivSena and and action will be takenagainst &GLENNTHRUSH another break with tradition that Grant;beforethat, John Adams FAO FOOD PRICE INDEX Congress sparredFridayoverthe the society management in case WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 undermines the ceremonial and his son John Quincy Adams name of Aurangabad, where of violations. Performance of DJs demonstration of acoredemo- skippedthe inaugurations of (2014-2016=100) civic polls areslated to be held or playing music system which AFTER BEGRUDGINGLYconced- cratic value that Trumphas viru- 1801 and 1829 respectively. 120 this year,with Chief Minister 107.5 can invitelarge assemblyofpeo- ingdefeatlessthantwoweeksbe- lentlydisregardedsince the elec- Meanwhile, the Trumpad- 110 93.3 102.5 UddhavThackeray continuing to ple will remain prohibited and fore he is due to leave office, US tion —the peaceful transfer of ministration plunged deeper 91.0 refertothe city as Sambhaji people in large numbers cannot President Donald Trumpan- powerbetween administrations. intocrisis as moreofficials re- 100 Nagarand saying that while the assemble inside societies. It is nouncedonTwitterthathewould Onlythree presidentsinUS Avideo grab of President signedinprotest,prominent 90 coalition's agenda adheres to advisedfor people above the age notbeattending President-elect history have skippedtheir suc- Donald Trump’s address. Republicans brokewith the 80 secularism, Mughal Emperor of 65, pregnant women and kids Joe Biden’s inauguration. cessor’s swearing-in —the last Twitter via Reuters President, and Democratic Aurangzeb “does notfit intoit”. below10years of agetostayat “Toall of those who have time it happenedwas morethan CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Responding to the Congress’s Oct-19 Dec-19 Nov-19 Apr-20 Oct-20 Jan-20 Feb-20 Dec-20 Nov-20 Mar-20 home. The night curfew in Aug-20 objection to him referring to July-20 Sept-19 May-20 Sept-20 Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat June-20 Aurangabad as and Rajkot from 10 pm to 6am THE EDITORIAL PAGE Sambhaji will continue (sic).” US tweaks H1B visa rules again, firm one thing: The extent of neg- Nagartohon- The notification order will be HARISHDAMODARAN ative growth inducedbyCovid- our the in effect from January9to17. ONCEUPONA NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 19 and the lockdown hasn’t been Maratha ruler, The stategovernment on Friday higher wage is key factor now FAILEDCOUP as muchaswas initiallyfeared. Thackeray told told the high courtthat while it BY ASHUTOSH VARSHNEY FIRST, IT wasthe ReserveBank of The NSO’s firstadvance esti- reporters: CONTINUEDONPAGE2 H-1B applicantsfor the newfis- PAGE 8 India (RBI) that, on December 4, mates suggestthat the Indian “Aurangzeb AASHISHARYAN Indian,US cal year starting April 1. reviseddownwards itsGDP de- economymay even registera wasnot asec- NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 firmstobe According to the amended growth projection for2020-21 small 0.3% year-on-year growth ular person. Uddhav EXPLAINED affected rules releasedbythe Department WORLD from 9.5% to 7.5%. On Thursday, in the second half (October- While our Thackeray EXPLAINED E ABOUT Afortnight before its ● of HomelandSecurity(DHS), US the National Statistical Office March), aftercontracting minus agenda has the term ends, US President Donald Citizenship and Immigration U.S. TRANSPORT, (NSO) pegged the current fiscal’s 14.9% in the firsthalf (April- word secular Trump's administration has IT COULD impact US tech Services (USCIS) will firstselect EDUCATIONSECYS GDP growth at minus 7.7%. The September) of 2020-21. in it, aperson likeAurangazeb once again amendedits H-1B companies looking to registrations wherethe “prof- figurewas even better,atminus But this relative optimism on does notfit intoit.” visa regime to give priority to hirefromthe pool of H- feredwageequals or exceeds” QUIT IN STAFF 7.2%, afternetting out taxesand growth —economic activity Thackeray's remarksassume higher wagesand skills instead 1B visa workers as they the prevailing levelinthat area of EXODUS subsidies on products. seems inching towardsits pre- significance
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