T IE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Mo$T Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County
T IE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County USPS6K2O Published NINETY i H V AR, NO. 45 Second Chu PotfMt P**4 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1986 24 Pages—30 Cents •I WailkM. N.J. Every Thursday Narrow Vote Foils Only 6.5% of Voters 3 uno's Re-Hire Bid Turn Out at Primary By a narrow margin Westfield tempt to get the board to reverse able, if re-hired, to work well High School social studies teach- its decision. again with them in spite of their Westfield's 21 polling booths at- The following were nominated O'Keefe, Janet Whitman, Ed- er Robert Bruno lost his second Harvey then took the major recommendations that he not be bid for reemployment at a tracted one of the lightest by their parties as candidates in mund Palmieri. allegations against Bruno and retained. Bruno commented, Primary Election turnouts on the general election: Member of special meeting of the Board of asked the teacher to comment "All of the evaluations do not Results of Municipal concern Education Monday, June 2. record Tuesday. Only 1,170 House of Representatives — upon them. The defense focused negate what a teacher is suppos- residents of 18,125 registered to Republican, Matthew J. Rinaldo; are as follows: Two-year term An unexpected ballot was cast on four complaints which promp- ed to be about: teaching vote, cast ballots. The 6.5% turn- Sheriff — Republican, John A. for mayor — Democrats: by board member Thomas ted the administration to recom- students." out was considerably less than Truhe; County Clerk — Carolyn Kueter, 391; Taylor who reversed his original mend not rehiring: the man Throughout the hearing board last year's 17%.
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