
! day!

From Emily Southcoat My Drawing :) Richmond School Y7 Facts about French , is celebrated on 14 th every year in . It is a day to celebrate and remember the beginning of the , following the in , which was a fortress and prison representing French Royalty in 1789.Bastille day is not actually called Bastille day it's actually called in french “le 14 juillet” or simply “la fête nationale”. July 14th became France’s National Day in 1880 as a compromise between Republicans and Royalists.Did you know that Van Gogh painted twice about Bastille day the first was at 1886 and 1890.The first one that Van Gogh painted (1886) was full of red,white and blue flags and the other (in 1890) representing the city hall of Auvers-sur-l’Oise where he was mentally treated by a doctor. In this one, the flags and garlands’ colors actually appear almost unnoticeable in the cool-toned painting. P.2

July the 14th always begings witha refused to go until he had finished his military .The Bastille was roast pheasant dinner. originally a royal prison built in the 1370s to defend Paris from the English during the Hundred Years War. Once a busy state penitentiary, it only held seven prisoners when it was stormed. The seven prisoners comprised four forgers, two lunatics and one aristocrat. The aristocrat was Comte Hubert de Solages, whose family had asked for him to be imprisoned for committing incest with his sister. One of the lunatics was an Anglo-Irish man named De Witt (or Whyte) who variously believed that he was either Julius Caesar, St. Louis, or God. One freed prisoner is said to have P.3

If you think only people who live in france only celebrate bastille day you are wrong.You see some people that actually do celebrate it around the world ,like day on the 4th of july.So don't some people celebrate bastille day?

What is Bastille?

The Bastille building actually was a person located in Paris, France. The people were sentenced to prison by the king and his monarch.
