Independence/National Day Lecture by Philip Emeagwali

Philip Emeagwali has been commissioned by some African to write and deliver their Golden Jubilee lectures.

Each lecture will begin with an introspective review of the country's achievements during its first 50 years, and present his technological vision of where it should be in 50 years and conclude with a report from its future centenary birthday.

Philip Emeagwali [3rd, bottom right] is ranked history’s 35th greatest with Mandela as #1 and M.L.K. Jr. as #7.

Visit CONFERENCE SPEAKERS. ORG for video, fee and more info.

Africa Day Speaker ––– PHILIP EMEAGWALI

One of the great minds of the Information Age - Bill Clinton

A Father of the Internet - CNN

Postage Stamps Honor Supercomputer Genius

“I have never come across such a speech concentrated on solving the problems of Africa.” - Aster Sagai, London

“Sir, I must say that your speech on that faithful day have enabled me to rediscover myself, and also reminds me that Africa has great potentials that can make Africa rise to its glory.” - Sunday Isoni

"Indeed Philip Emeagwali did Unsung hero ... The Web owes much of its give us great wisdom in his September 23, 2006 speech existence to Philip Emeagwali delivered at University of Alberta, entitled 'Ideas, Not Money, - TIME magazine Alleviate Poverty'"– Momodou Sabally

How to book Emeagwali Simply phone 202202----203203203----87248724 or e-mail [email protected] or complete his booking form at

Upcoming /National Days

January - January 1 - Independence Day January 1 Western - Independence Day January 1 - Independence Day January 1 Burma - Independence Day January 4 - Independence Day January 11 - Australia January 26 - Independence Day January 31

February Ceylon/ - Independence Day February 4 - New Zealand Day February 6 - Independence Day February 7 - National Day February 11 Gambia - Independence Day February 18 Dominican - Independence Day February 27

March - National Day - St. David's Day March 1 - National Day March 3 - Independence Day March 12 Ireland – St. Patrick’s Day March 17 - St. Joseph's Day March 19 - March 23 - Independence March 25 - Independence Day March 26

April - 4 - Independence Day April 4 - Queen's Birthday April 16 - Independence Day April 17 / - Independence Day April 18 - Founding of the Second Republic April 27 - Independence Day April 27 - Independence Day April 27 - Emporer's Birthday April 29 The /Holland - Queen's Birthday April 30 - Independence Day April or

May - Anniversary of Liberation - Constitution or National Day May 11 - Independence Day May 14 Israel - Independence Day May 15 - May 17 - Independence Day May 20 - May 25 - Independence Day May 25 African Union – Africa Day May 25 - Independence Day May 26

June - National Day 1 - Queen's Birthday June - the UK does not celebrate one particular national holiday - Republic or Constitution Day June 2 - Independence Day June 5 - National Day June 6 - National Day June 10 The - Independence Day June 12 - June 17 - National Day June 19 - Grand Duke Day June 23 - Independence Day June 25 - Independence Day June 25 Malagasy Republic/ - Independence Day June 26 - Independence Day June 27 Republic of Congo/Kinshasa - Independence Day June 30 Zaire - Independence Day - June 30

July - Independence Day 1 July 1 - Republic Day July 1 - Independence Day July 1 - Independence Day July 1 of America – Independence Day July 4 - Independence Day July 5 - Independence Day July 6 Argentina - Independence Day July 9 Bahamas - Independence Day July 10 - Revolution Day July 11 Sao Tome and Principe - Independence Day July 12 - July 14 - Republic Day July 14 - Constitution Day July 17 - Independence Day July 20 - Independence Day July 21 - Liberation Day July 22 - National Day July 23 - Emperor's Birthday July 23 - Independence Day July 26 Maldive Islands - Independence Day July 26 - Independence Day July 28

August Dahomey - Independence Day 1 - Confederation Day August 1 Upper Volta - Independence Day August 5 - Independence Day August 6 - Independence Day First Monday in August - Independence Day August 7 - National Day August 9 - Independence Day August 10 Pakistan - Independence Day August 14 Republic of Congo/Brazzaville - Independence Day August 15 - Independence Day August 15 - Independence Day August 16 - Independence Day August 17 - Independence Day August 17 - Independence Day August 18 Rumania - Liberation Day August 23 - Independence Day August 25 - Independence Day August 31 - Merdeka Day (Freedom Day) August 31

September - Revolution Day September 1 - National Day September 2 - Independence Day September 3 - Anniversary of Founding September 3 Swaziland - Independence Day September 6 - Independence Day September 7 - National Festival September 8 - Founding Day September 9 - Liberation Day September 9 - Independence Day September 15 - Independence Day September 15 - Independence Day September 15 - Independence Day September 15 - Independence Day September 15 - Independence Day September 16 Papua-New - Independence Day September 16 - Independence Day September 18 - Independence Day September 21 - Independence Day September 21 - Republic Day September 22 - National Day September 23 - National Day September 26 - Independence Day September 30

October People's Republic of - National Day 1-2 - Independence Day October 1 Guinea - Independence Day October 2 (Basutoland) Independence Day October 4 - Cession Day around October 7 - Unification of and October 3 1990 - Wasteland Day October 9 Republic of China/ - National Day October 10 - National Day October 12 - Independence Day October 24 Iran - Birthday of the Shah October 26 South Vietnam - Republic Day October 26 Saint Vincent and Grenadines - Independence Day October 27 - Republic Day October 29

November - Revolution Day 1 - Independence Day November 3 - Independence Day November 3 - Revolution Day - Independence Day November 9 - Wasteland Day November 11 Rhodesia - Independence Day November 11 Saudi Arabia - The King's Coronation November 12 - Independence Day November 12 - National Fete November 19 - Independence Day November 22 - Independence Day November 25 - Coors Day November 28 - Independence Day November 28 Southern Yemen - Coors Day November 29 Yugoslavia - Republic Days November 29-30 - Independence Day November 30

December - National Day 1 - His Majesty's Birthday December 5 - Independence Day December 6 - Independence Day December 9 Upper Volta - Republic Day December 11 - Independence Day December 12 - Independence Day December 18 - Independence Day December 21