
Carbonates (2012) 27:71–85 DOI 10.1007/s13146-012-0085-6


Activity diagrams of : implications on common deposits

Rezan Birsoy • U¨ nal O¨ zbas¸

Accepted: 24 January 2012 / Published online: 15 February 2012 Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Most of the world’s are found depicted and expectant paragenetic phases can be predicted in Neogene deposits and Quaternary lake deposits. Only a in any deposits. few of the borates are common geologically and com- mercially. A series of equilibrium activity diagrams were Keywords Activity diagrams Common borates calculated for the common as well as some rare borate Geochemical conditions Diagenetic trend minerals in the systems of (1) Na2O–B2O3–H2O, (2) Stability fields Paragenetic relations CaO–B2O3–H2O ± CO2, (3) MgO–B2O3–H2O ± CO2, (4) CaO–Na2O–B2O3–H2O, and (5) CaO–MgO–B2O3–H2O. Stability diagrams constructed with respect to variables Introduction n of log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] and log[aMbnþ =aMcðn1Þþ ðaHþ Þ] versus both log[a ] and log[a ] showed that some rare There are over 230 borates are in the upper crust occurring H2O BðOHÞ3 borates are thermodynamically not stable (tertschite, in- in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic environments. derborite) at all in these systems. Still some common Among borates, few of them occur in large quantities and phases are thermodynamically occurred as metastable some of them are very rare and only present in a few phases (, meyerhofferite) in some deposits. On particular locations. Borate minerals, which are extensively the contrary, some thermodynamically stable phases can used in industry, are found in great amounts in the deposits form kinetically slower than the others and not found as of Turkey, South America, and United States of America. common phases (). Some common and uncommon All of these deposits are found in tectonically active minerals such as , aksaite, and gowerite have small extensional terrains and associated with continental sedi- stability fields indicating that they can form at very limited ments and volcanic soil of Neogene. However, only a small thermodynamic conditions. Some phases such as pander- number of Ca-, Na-, Mg-, CaNa-, and CaMg-borates mite, ginorite, ascharite, and suanite being structurally are common geologically and commercially, such as complex phases, form after less complex precursor , , , ulexite, probertite, and boracite. minerals at the end of diagenesis due to burial and/or Some of the borates are found in the compositional series, increasing temperature. Concentrations of cations and such as inyoite, meyerhofferite, and colemanite; borax, , pH, evaporation rate are other controlling variables tincalconite, and kernite; probertite and ulexite; suanite and of diagenetic processes. Through these diagrams, observed ascharite; gowerite and nobleite; inderite and kurnakovite; paragenetic relations and geochemical conditions can be somehow only one or two of them are found as preferred phases in most of the deposits. There have been many studies on their structures (Christ and Clark 1977; Hawthorne et al. 2002) textural and mineralogical relations R. Birsoy (&) U¨ .O¨ zbas¸ (Foshag 1921; Kistler and Helvacı 1994; Garsia-Veigas Department of Geological Engineering, et al. 2011), geological settings (Helvacı and Firman 1976; Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylu¨l University Tınaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca, Izmir, Turkey Alonso et al. 1991; Helvacı and Alaca 1991) and their e-mail: [email protected] formation sequences and transformation mechanisms. 123 72 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85

Some of the borate minerals are precipitated from solution methods of Mattigod (1983) and Li et al. (2000). Matti- such as ulexite (Alonso 1986) and the others are products god’s method provided the closest results to the experi- 0 of diagenesis and post diagenetic reactions. According to mental DGf; 298 values. So Mattigod’s (1983) structural experimental, textural, and structural data, colemanite were 0 empirical method was used to calculate DGf; 298 values of said to be formed as primary (Kistler and Helvacı 1994)or borates. This method involves each of the borate minerals secondary phase (Christ and Garrels 1959). According to as a reaction of the type: textural and structural data of borates in Kırka Deposit of Turkey, inyoite and ulexite were transformed to coleman- xBOH aMmþ jHþ mH O ðÞ4aqðÞþ ðÞaq þ ðÞaq þ 2 ðÞliq ite. Borax transforms to tincalconite, and ulexite replaces ¼ Ma BxOyðÞOH z nH2OðÞSolid borax (I˙nan et al. 1973). Ulexite and colemanite appear to be primary (Helvacı 1977) in Emet deposit of Turkey. where x, y, z, a, and n are the stoichiometric coefficients

All borates structurally contain combinations of B(OH)3 of boron, , hydroxyl, cation and structural in - and B(OH)4 in their structures. Also thermodynamic the borate polyanion in the solid, respectively. Major ? ? ? 2? 0 concentrations (activity) of H , B(OH)3,Na /H ,Ca / contribution of free energy changes (DGr ) in the above ? 2 2? ? 2 2- - (H ) ,Mg /(H ) ,CO3 , HCO3 and H2O are deter- reaction come mainly from the free energy of polymerization 0 mining variables of the formation of borates (Christ et al. of BðOHÞ4 . In other words, the magnitude of DGr 1967). The study (Birsoy 1990) emphasizing on polymer- would reflect the polymerization of borate minerals. The ization of borates demonstrates the effects of the activity of degree of polymerization value is expressed as an empirical - major cations (Ca, Na, and Mg), B(OH)4 , and pH on the relationship: paragenetic relations of polymers. Nevertheless, extent and 0 2 limits of these variables have not been quantified. Conse- DGr; 298 ¼ 124:26 82:37x þ 2:95x quently, the present study for various chemical environ- where x is the number of boron atoms in the polyanion unit. ments has been undertaken to define the stability limits of Then, applying this equation to the dehydration reaction of common and rare borate occurrences through thermo- borate given above results in; chemical calculations. Such work would provide valuable 0 information about the formation and transformation con- DGf; 298ðÞborate mineral ditions, and paragenetic relations for borate phases. Such ¼ DG0 þ xDG0 BOHðÞ þaDG0 Mmþ work is also useful to explain some problematic field r; 298 f; 298 4aqðÞ f; 298 ðÞaq 0 0 þ observations and/or to support the given explanations. For þ mDGf; 298H2OðliqÞ þ jDGf; 298H this purpose, borate minerals of Turkey, South America With reference to the above equation, calculation of free and United States, and minor extend of China and energy of aksaite is; Kazakhstan are considered, and those deposits are evalu- þþ þ ated by activity diagrams (Table 1). 6BðÞ OH 4 þ Mg þ 4H ¼ MgB6O7ðÞOH 62H2O þ 9H2O

0 Method of study DGr; 298 ¼ 124:26 82:37ðÞþ 6 2:95ðÞ 36 0 0 ¼ DG Aksaite þ 9DG H2O Thermodynamic data f; 298 f; 298 0 0 þþ 0 þ 6DGf; 298BOHðÞ4 DGf;298 Mg 2DGf; 298 H Thermodynamic data for some borate minerals have been 0 0 tabulated by Anovitz and Hemingway (2002) and Wagnam DGf; 298 Aksaite ¼263:76 9DGf; 298H2O 0 0 þþ et al. (1982). However, thermodynamic data for some of þ 6DGf; 298BOHðÞ4 þ DGf; 298Mg the borates are not available. In such cases, empirical and þ 2DG0 Hþ theoretical approaches must be used to predict the ther- f; 298 0 modynamic properties of hydrated borates. Various meth- DGf; 298 Aksaite ¼263:76 9ðÞþ237:13 6ðÞ1153:17 ods are available to model the borate minerals (Mattigod þðÞþ454:8 20ðÞ 1983; Li et al. 2000). In the present study, free energy of ¼5;503:4kj=mol 0 formation (DGf; 298) values for some borate minerals and ionic species were obtained from Anovitz and Hemingway Stability limits of , dolomite, and magnesite, (2002) and Helgeson et al. (1978) respectively. Free energy which contribute as a source of cations and accompany to of formation of some borates has not been found in liter- the occurrence of borates, are also considered. Free ature. To provide internal consistency in thermodynamic energies of all the phases used in the present study are data, all other borates were recalculated applying both given in Table 2.

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 73

Table 1 Mineral assemblages of major borate deposits Deposits Types of deposits Associated minerals (in decreasing amounts)

Turkey Kırkaa Playa surface Borax, ulexite, colemanite (, inderite, inyoite, kurnakovite, meyerhofferite, kernite, calcite, dolomite, smectite, illite, erionite) Emetb Permanent playa, lacustrine Colemanite, probertite, ulexite, hydroboracite, meyerhofferite, dolomite, realgar, orpiment, montmorillonite Bigadic¸c Playa setting Colemanite, ulexite, probertite, hydroboracite, montmorillonite, opal-CT Kestelekd Shallow lake Colemanite, ulexite, hydroboracite, smectite, illite, dolomite, quartz, clinoptilolite Sultanc¸ayırıe Playa lake Pandermite (priceite), , colemanite, clinoptilolite, illite, calcite, opal-CT Italy Lardarellof Volcanic lagoon , ammonium and magnesium sulfate United States Kramer (Boron, CA)g Shallow-permanent lake Borax, kernite, ulexite, colemanite (probertite, hydroboracite, howlite, sassolite, inyoite meyerhofferite, tunnelite, realgar, and natrolite) CAh Playa lake Borax (, , , searlesite and gaylusite) CAi Playa setting Colemanite, ulexite–probertite, hydroboracite, , halite, clinoptilolite, chabazite, phillipsite and calcite South America Argentina Loma Blancaj Lacustrine Borax, ulexite, inyoite (colemanite, kernite, teruggite, realgar, orpiment, calcite, aragonite montmorillonite illite) Tincalayuj Lacustrine Borax, kernite (ulexite, inyoite, kurnakovite, ezcurrite, ameghinite, inderite) Sijesj Lacustrine Colemanite, inyoite, hydroboracite, ulexite, inderite, nobleite, gowerite, probertite Chile Salar de Atacamak Playa lake Ulexite, halite (colemanite, ginorite) Peru Laguna Salinasl Playa lake Ulexite, inyoite Kazakstanm Marine Hydroboracite, ascharite, pandermite, colemanite, inyoite, ulexite, inderite China Liaoningn Silicate buried deposite Ascharite, suanite, magnesite, magnetite Quinghain Playa lake Ulexite, pinnoite, hydroboracite, borax Tibet Dujialin Lake; carbonate Borax, tincalconite Zhacang-cakan Sulfate Kurnakovite, pinnoite, inderite, ulexite Nieer-Con Sulfate Ulexite, kurnakovite Da-Qaidamn Sulfate Pinnoite, ulexite, inderite a Meixner (1965), Inan et al. (1973), Helvacı et al. (1993), Kistler and Helvac (1994), Palmer and Helvacı (1995), and Helvacı and Orti (1998) b Helvacı and Firman (1976), Kistler and Helvacı (1994), and Helvacı and Orti (1998) c O¨ zpeker and˙ Inan (1978), Helvacı and Alaca (1991), Kistler and Helvacı (1994), and Helvacı and Orti (1998) d Kistler and Helvacı (1994), Helvacı (1994), and Helvacı and Orti (1998) e Meixner (1965), and Kistler and Helvacı (1994), Orti et al. (1998), and Helvacı and Orti (1998) f Kistler and Smith (1983) g Siefke (1991), Kistler and Helvacı (1994), and Bernard and Kistler (1966) h Smith (1979) i Allen and Kramer (1957), Barker and Barker (1985), Evans et al. (1976), Barker and Wilson (1976), Chandler (1996), Countryman (1977), Wendel (1978), and Castor (1993) j Alonso (1986) and Alonso and Gonzales-Barry (1995) k Garrett (1998), Alonso et al. (1991), and Kistler and Helvacı (1994) l Kistler and Helvacı (1994) and Garrett (1998) m Garrett (1998) and Kistler and Helvacı (1994) n Garrett (1998) and Smith and Medrano (2002) 123 74 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85

Table 2 Free energies of formation, structural subdivisions and divisions of borates Mineral Chemical formula Free energy Structural subdivisions Fundamental building 0 e e (DGf, 298 kJ/mol) and divisions block (FBB)

Ca-Borates a Inyoite Ca2B6O6(OH)108H2O -8,218.78 Neso-triborate 3(D ? 2T) c Meyerhofferite Ca2B6O6(OH)62H2O -6,803.00 Neso-triborate 3(D ? 2T) a Colemanite Ca2B6O8(OH)62H2O -6,334.60 Ino-triborate 3(D ? 2T) b Gowerite CaB6O8(OH)43H2O -5,602.00 Phyllo-pentaborate 5(3D ? 2T) ? D a Nobleite CaB6O9(OH)23H2O -5,370.60 Phyllo-hexaborate 6(3D ? 3T) c Pandermite Ca4B10O197H2O -10,582.00 Unclassified 6(2D ? 4T) b Tertschite Ca4 [B5O7(OH)5]215H2O -13,936.60 Unclassified Unclassified b Ginorite Ca2B14O20(OH)65H2O -11,932.95 Phyllo-hexaborate 6(3D ? 3T) ? 6(3D ? 3T) ?2D Na-Borates a Borax Na2B4O5(OH)48H2O -5,516.00 Neso-tetraborate 4(2D ? 2T) a Tincalconite Na2B4O5(OH)43H2O -4,323.50 Neso-tetraborate 4(2D ? 2T) a Kernite Na2B4O6(OH)23H2O -4,084.50 Ino-tetraborate 4(2D ? 2T) Mg-Borates c Suanite Mg2B2O5 -2,445.00 Neso-diborate 2(2D); 2(2D) ? OH a Ascharite Mg2B2O4(OH)2 -2,716.50 Neso-diborate 2(2D); 2(2D) ? OH a Pinnoite MgB2O43H2O -2,596.00 Neso-diborate 2(2T) a Inderite MgB3O3(OH)55H2O -4,248.20 Neso-triborate 3(D ? 2T) a Kurnakovite MgB3O3(OH)55H2O -4,366.90 Neso-triborate 3(D ? 2T) b Aksaite MgB6O7(OH)62H2O -5,503.40 Neso-hexaborate 6(3D ? 3T) Borates, a Sassolite H3BO3 -969.40 Isolated-monoborate 1(D) a Metaborite HBO2 -723.40 Tecto-megaborate ?(?T) Ca–Na-Borates a Ulexite NaCaB5O6(OH)65H2O -6,044.30 Neso-pentaborate 5(2D ? 3T) b Probertite NaCaB5O7(OH)43H2O -5,373.08 Ino-pentaborate 5(2D ? 3T) Ca–Mg-Borates a Hydroboracite CaMg[B3O4]2(OH)63H2O -6,474.20 Ino-triborate 3(D ? 2T) a Inderborite CaMg[B3O3(OH)5]2 (H2O)42H2O -7,646.70 Ino-triborate 3(D ? 2T) Carbonates d Magnesite MgCO3 -1,027.87 – d Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 -2,167.23 – d Calcite CaCO3 -1,130.10 – a Experimental (Anovitz and Hemingway 2002) b Estimated in present study (Mattigod 1983) c Estimated (Anovitz and Hemingway 2002) d Helgeson et al. (1978) e Strunz (1997)

Construction of activity diagrams 2 ðaHþ Þ ], log[aCa2þ =ðaNaþ aHþ Þ], and log[aCa2þ =aMg2þ ], versus log[a ] and log[a ]. As an example, the H2O BðOHÞ3 The activity diagrams constructed here consist of a five- stability line between colemanite and nobleite in the component system CaO–MgO–Na2O–B2O3–H2O ? CO2. 2 log[a 2þ =ða þ Þ ] - log[a ] plane; by using hydrolysis This system can be represented with various functions, Ca H H2O 2 2 reaction, B(OH)3(aq) was eliminated and the following such as log[a 2þ = a þ ], log[a 2þ = a þ ], log[a þ = Ca ð H Þ Mg ð H Þ Na equilibrium reaction was obtained.

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 75

þ 2þ Ca2B6O8ðÞOH 62H2O þ 2H ¼ CaB6O9ðÞOH 23H2O þ Ca þ 2H2O ðÞColemanite ðÞNobleite

hi 2 Results 2þ þ log K ¼ 2 log½þaH2O log aCa =ðÞaH hi 2 A series of diagrams for five-component systems are shown log a 2þ =ðÞa þ ¼2 log½þa log K Ca H H2O in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are n The stability line between colomanite and nobleite in the activity diagrams plotted on the log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] and nþ þ 2 log[aMb =aMcðn1Þþ ðaH Þ] versus log[aH2O] plane where b: log[a 2þ =ðaHþ Þ ] - log[aBðOHÞ ] plane was calculated as: hiCa 3 Na, Ca and Mg, and c: Na and Mg. Figures 6, 7, 8, 9 are 2 n nþ þ log aCa2þ =ðÞaHþ ¼ log K 2: activity diagrams plotted on the log[aMb =ðaH Þ ] and log[a nþ =a ðn1Þþ a þ ] versus log[a ] plane. In the Mb Mc ð H Þ BðOHÞ3 Similar types of equations were derived for all possible diagrams (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), along horizontal axis, mineral pairs and using these line equations, a series of decreasing activity of water have same qualitative effect of stability diagrams were constructed (Garrels and Christ increasing evaporation rate, dehydration rate, temperature 1965). As some mineral pairs occupy the same stability and depth of burial (Christ et al. 1967). However, area, for example, gowerite–nobleite, ulexite–probertite, increasing activity of boron (Figs. 6, 7, 8 and 9) depends on kurnakovite–inderite, and ascharite–suanite, they were addition of boron, and/or increasing burial depth, and/or plotted on different diagrams suppressing one of them or evaporation trend. In all diagrams, along the vertical axis, pair of them separately. Furthermore, triples of colemanite– pH and concentrations of cations and ratios of cations meyerhofferite–inyoite and borax–tincalconite–kernite are increase. just a function of the activity of the H2O. As a consequence n Diagrams on log½a nþ =ða þ Þ these mineral pairs were evaluated only in the plane of Mb H ðn1Þþ nþ þ activity of metal versus activity of the H2O. and log[aMb =ðaMc ÞðaH Þ versus log[aH2O plane: Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 provide activity diagrams constructed to evaluate the stability fields of single and double metal borates in relation with evaporation and/or diagenetic trend.

Figure 1 illustrates Na2O–B2O3–H2O system with three Na-borates (borax, tincalconite, and kernite) plus sassolite and metaborite. Kernite and borax are stable phases. But tincalconite does not form its stability area, because ker- nite–tincalconite and tincalconite–borax stability lines coincide with the kernite–borax line. Consequently it forms as metastable phase. Borax is the primary phase, but depending on the slope of evaporation or digenetic trend, can transform to tincalconite–kernite or sassolite–metab- orite. Associations of borax–kernite–sassolite and sasso- lite–metaborite–kernite would depend on the pH besides

decrease in log[aH2O] due to increase in concentration of the solution upon evaporation of water or, influx of the more concentrated solution or, increase in temperature or, burial of the system. Based on these changes, new phases will have lower water content, but cause more complex structures with higher degree of polymerization (Christ et al. 1967; Garrett 1998). Fig. 1 Activity diagram for the system Na-B–H2O balanced with respect to B at 25°C. No stability field for tincalconite, but forms on In CaO–B2O3–H2O ± CO2 system, eight Ca-borates the kernite–borax stability line as metastable phase (inyoite, meyerhofferite, colemanite, gowerite, nobleite,

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Fig. 2 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–B–H2O plus CO2 balanced with respect to B at 25°C. a Suppression of nobleite, b scale expansion of (a), c suppression of gowerite, and d expansion of (c). In all diagrams, stability line of meyerhofferite locates on the colemanite–inyoite stability line as metastable phase. Saturation lines for calcite and dolomite are indicated as dashed lines

(c) (d)

pandermite, tertschite, and ginorite), and sassolite and the polymerization degree of phases have positive trends metaborite are considered. Activity diagrams (Fig. 2a–d) with dehydration, pH and depth of burial (Schindler are quite similar to the schematic diagrams of Christ et al. and Hawthorne 2001). Triple points on Fig. 2a, b (inyoite– (1967), except the gowerite stability field is included in the colemanite–sassolite, gowerite–colemanite–ginorite, inyoite– nobleite stability field at the present study. For this reason, colemanite–pandermite, and ginorite–colemanite–pandermite) Fig. 2a, b is constructed by suppressing the nobleite and indicate the increasing degree of evaporation and diage- Fig. 2c, d, the gowerite. Nobleite has wider stability field netic processes, and also thermochemical properties of the than gowerite, indicating that occurrence of nobleite deposits. On the other hand, Fig. 2c, d shows that nobleite has higher possibility than gowerite. At given thermo- persists to change to the more complex phases with chemical conditions (Fig 2a–d), colemanite–meyerhoffe- increasing evaporation and diagenetic processes. rite and meyerhofferite–inyoite stability lines coincide with Six Mg-borates (suanite, ascharite, pinnoite, inderite, colemanite–inyoite stability line, indicating the metasta- kurnakovite, and aksaite) plus sassolite and metaborite are bility of meyerhofferite. Meyerhofferite can form on the plotted in Fig. 3a, b in the system of MgO–B2O3–H2O ± inyoite–colemanite stability line. But tertschite appears in CO2. Inderite and kurnakovite are polymorph phases and an unstable phase. If they are present in any deposits, they they appear as primary phases in such systems. When possibly persist as metastable phases. The complexity and kurnakovite is suppressed (Fig. 3a), suanite, ascharite,

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 77

Fig. 3 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Mg–B–H2O balanced with respect to B at 25°C. a Suppression of kurnakovite, b suppression of inderite. Saturation lines for dolomite and magnesite are indicated as dashed lines

pinnoite, inderite, aksaite, metaborite, and sassolite become metastable in this system (Fig. 5a). In such system, uncom- stable phases. On the contrary, suppressing inderite mon phases, gowerite, nobleite, ginorite, suanite, ascharite– (Fig. 3b) results in disappearance of the stability field of pinnoite, and aksaite do not appear as stable phases. As in- pinnoite and there is also a decrease in the stability fields of derite and kurnakovite are polymorph phases, when inderite aksaite, ascharite, and sassolite. As seen from the diagrams, is suppressed, stable phases are kurnakovite, hydroboracite, kurnakovite–ascharite–aksaite and ascharite–inderite–pin- colemanite, and inyoite (Fig. 5b). The stability field of noite associations are favored in higher pH values. inyoite moves to a higher activity ratio of log[aCa2þ =aMg2þ ] First of the double-cation-bearing borates considered is and decreases its stability area (Fig. 5b). All stable phases are the system of CaO–Na O–B O –H O. Thirteen phases are 2 2 3 2 triborates and with decreasing log[aH2O] and increasing calculated for plotting Fig. 4a–b. Seven (kernite, prober- log[aCa2þ =aMg2þ ], transform from neso- to ino-borates cor- tite, ulexite, borax, inyoite, colemanite, and pandermite) responding to diagenetic trend. out of the 13 borates are plotted as stable phases. In the double-cation-bearing system, only inyoite, colemanite, n ðn1Þþ Diagrams on log½a nþ =ðaHþ Þ and log[a nþ =ða Þ and pandermite appear as stable phases for Ca-borates. Mb Mb Mc ða þ Þ versus log[aB OH plane Meyerhofferite forms on the inyoite–colemanite stability H ð Þ3 line. Probertite has larger stability field and includes the All diagrams in this section are plotted assigning the stability field of ulexite. Calculated ulexite–colemanite, value of the aH2O equal to unity. ulexite–inyoite and ulexite–borax stability lines resulted in Since all Na-borates are tetraborates and a function of very small stability field of ulexite (Fig. 4b–c). In some n H2O, they cannot be represented on log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] recent lake occurrences, ulexite is found as primary phase versus log[a ] plane. Therefore log[a þ =a þ ] versus BðOHÞ3 Na H (Salinas at South America). In these deposits, ulexite forms log[a ] diagram cannot be plotted. BðOHÞ3 before probertite, indicating the rate of evaporation or 2 Plotting of log[a 2þ =ða þ Þ ] versus log[aB OH ] dia- kinetically high rate of ulexite crystallization (Garrett Ca H ð Þ3 1998) or these lakes have exactly at the thermochemical gram resulted in five stable phases out of ten total phases condition of ulexite formation (Fig. 4c). This diagram (Fig. 6a–b). However, the stability fields of inyoite and clarifies and also provides guidance to the textural relations meyerhofferite are included in the stability field of cole- of borate assemblages of Kırka (I˙nan et al. 1973) and Emet manite. As gowerite and nobleite occupy the same stability (Helvacı 1977) deposit of Turkey. field, both suppressions are shown on Fig. 6a, b, respec- Second of the double-cation-bearing borate is the system tively. Gowerite occupies a smaller stability field than nobleite. Sassolite is unstable even though it was stable in of CaO–MgO–B2O3–H2O. Sixteen phases are calculated for 2 2 þ plotting (Fig. 5a, b). Four borate phases; colemanite, inyoite, the log[aCa þ =ðaH Þ ] - log[aH2O] diagrams. Furthermore, hydroboracite, and inderite are stable, and meyerhofferite is an increasing polymerization degree and increasing

123 78 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85

Fig. 4 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–Na–B–H2O balanced with respect to B at 25°C. a Suppression of ulexite, b suppression of probertite, c scale expansion of (b)


activities of Ca and B(OH)3 ions and pH show a positive degree and increasing activities of Mg and B have positive correlation trend. correlation trend. Thermodynamically, kurnakovite is the 2 When the phases of log[a 2þ = a þ ] - log[a ] most common Mg-. Mg ð H Þ BðOHÞ3 plotting plane considered, couples those of suanite–ascha- Figure 8a–f shows the series of diagrams in which six rite and kurnakovite–inderite could not be plotted on the couple phases were suppressed, namely, tincalconite–kernite– same plotting plane. Therefore, four couple suppressions ulexite, tincalconite–kernite–probertite, borax–kernite–ulex- were made to construct the activity diagrams (Fig. 7a–d). ite, borax–kernite–probertite, tincalconite–borax–ulexite, Inderite is always an unstable phase in the related diagrams and tincalconite–borax–probertite. Because of larger sta- (Fig. 7a, d). In all four diagrams, increasing polymerization bility field occupation of probertite than ulexite, ulexite is

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 79

Fig. 5 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–Mg–B–H2O balanced with respect to B at 25°C. a Suppression of kurnakovite, b suppression of inderite. In both diagrams, stability line of meyerhofferite locates on the colemanite– inyoite stability line as metastable phase

Fig. 6 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–B–H2O plus CO2. Activity of H2Ois assigned to unity. a Suppression for gowerite, b suppression for nobleite. Stability fields of meyerhofferite and inyoite are included in the stability field of colemanite. Saturation lines for calcite and dolomite are indicated as dashed lines

included in the stability field of probertite. Ulexite appears on borates and both are not stable in this system. Indicating the diagram when probertite is suppressed. Nobleite, gowe- that, in the systems which contains two or more cations, rite, inyoite are unstable phases on this type of diagrams. kurnakovite and inderite are not stable phases. Ascharite–

Increasing Ca/Na activity plus pH and B(OH)3 activity show suanite and hydroboracite–inderborite are a function of increasing trend with the structural complexity and the activity of the H2O, i.e., not independent variables. Four polymerization degree of the borates. suppressions consist of ascharite–hydroboracite, ascharite– Associations of Mg-, Ca- and CaMg-borates are not so inderborite, suanite–hydroboracite, and suanite–inderborite common. However, their deposits can be found in various were considered in Fig. 9a–d, respectively. Four borates parts of the world. Inderite and kurnakovite are polymorph are stable and hydroboracite has a larger stability field than

123 80 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85

Fig. 7 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Mg–B–H2O. Activity of H2O is assigned to unity. a Suppression for suanite and inderite, b suppression for suanite and kurnakovite, c suppression for ascharite and inderite, d suppression for ascharite and kurnakovite. Saturation lines for dolomite and magnesite are indicated as dashed lines

(c) (d)

nþ þ inderborite indicating the reason of its abundance. Ascha- and log[aMb =ðaMcðn1Þþ ÞðaH Þ] versus log[aH2O] axes n rite and hydroboracite are both more favorable than suanite on the diagram indicate that as log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ]or and inderborite respectively. nþ n þ log[aMb =ðaMcð 1Þþ ÞðaH Þ] increases and log[aH2O] decreases, pH, degree of evaporation, depth of burial and/or temperature increase. Likewise, increasing direction n Discussion of log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] or log[aMbnþ =ðaMcðn1Þþ ÞðaHþ Þ] and log[a ] axes shows the increasing trend of tempera- BðOHÞ3 Activity–activity diagrams of borates at isobaric and iso- ture, depth of burial and/or degree of evaporation. These thermal conditions provide information about the trend of trends are sort of indication of crystallization and trans- crystallization sequences and diagenetic relations with formation sequences. Any deposit can be interpreted over respect to the chemical activities of metals, H2O and these activity diagrams. In other words, formation parame- B(OH)3, and pH. Similar but schematic diagrams were ters and sequences, and forthcoming transformations can be constructed by Christ et al. (1967). In the present study, all described. Phases, which are considered during the con- variables, and stable, metastable, and unstable phases are struction of diagrams but do not appear on the diagrams, can considered in real numbers and the conditions for common be unstable or metastable phases and may persist in deposits n deposits are demonstrated. Direction of log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] depending on the changing the value of variables, such as

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 81

Fig. 8 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–Na–B–H2O. Activity of H2O is assigned to unity. a Suppression for tincalconite-kernite-ulexite, b suppression for tincalconite– kernite–probertite, c suppression for borax– kernite–ulexite, d suppression for borax–kernite–probertite, e suppression for tincalconite– borax–ulexite, and f suppression for tincalconite–borax– probertite

(c) (d)

crystallization rate, evaporation rate, and/or changing inderite, inyoite, kurnakovite, and tincalconite are also composition of the solution. Furthermore, according to present. Borax is the first phase crystallized from solution Schindler and Hawthorne (2001), degree of structural units when the solution is Na rich (Figs. 1, 4a–c, and 8a, b). Next (degree of polymerization) increases with decreasing to be formed phase is ulexite even though probertite has a [4] activity of H2O and proportion of the B (Schindler and larger stability area than ulexite (Figs. 4b, c, 8b, d). This is Hawthorne 2001) in the structural unit increases with because of probertite (ino-pentaborate) being structurally increasing pH (Hawthorne et al. 2002). These relations are more complex than ulexite (neso-pentaborate). Progressing consistent with the constructed diagrams. evaporation and increasing burial depth, the other minor Kırka (Turkey) is the world’s largest borax deposit. phases such as inderite, hydroboracite, inyoite, and kur- Minor amounts of ulexite, colemanite, hydroboracite, nakovite form in the pore solutions which are locally

123 82 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85

Fig. 8 continued (e) (f)

concentrated in Mg, and Ca (Fig. 5a, b). In any carbonate required value for ginorite formation of any diagenetic containing salt brine borax, kernite (Fig. 1), and then process. Dujiali (Tibet) borax deposits can be represented ulexite and colemanite (Figs. 4b, c, and 8b, d, f) form with by Fig. 1. Tincalconite is metastable phase with respect to increasing evaporation rate or temperature and depth of borax, and tincalconite persists throughout the deposit. burial. This result agrees with the observed setting and This is the most probable case for this type of deposits. sequence of Kırka deposit (I˙nan et al. 1973) and model for Colemanite deposits are considered in two different evaporation of lake. types of occurrences, one with Na-borates and the other Borax deposit of Kramer (Boron, CA) and Searles Lake with Mg-borates. Colemanite is the major mineral in Emet, (CA) are indicated in Figs. 1, 4a–c and 8b. Figure 1 shows Bigadic¸ and Kestelek of Turkey, and Death Valley of how the structural properties and dehydration, increasing United States (Figs. 2a–d, 4a–c, 5a, b and 6a, b). However, temperature or evaporation relation worked together for the large amount of probertite at the lower part of Emet deposit assemblages of these phases. Formation sequences from and minor amounts of ulexite occur at the upper zones of borax to kernite (Fig. 1), borax to probertite (Figs. 4a and the deposit (Garsia-Veigas et al. 2011). For all these 8a), borax to inyoite (Fig. 4a–c) and sassolite to kurnako- deposits, occurrences are represented by Figs. 4a–c and 8b, vite–inyoite (Fig. 2a–d) in Kramer borax deposit are also d and f. According to the activity–activity diagrams, the described with decreasing water activity, increasing cation/ primary phase from the solution is never colemanite, cation ratio and pH. These diagrams represent the relation except initial solution composition is in the colemanite between the phases in ideal evaporation processes. The stability area. In lower concentrated solutions, minerals phases which do not appear on the diagrams, but are found such as inyoite initially form, then, due to dehydration in the deposit can be formed by diagenetic activities such with increasing pH and cation activity/or increasing as dissolution and/or recrystallization (Bernard and Kistler log[a ], colemanite and other complex borates can BðOHÞ3 1996). Similar interpretations can be made for world’s form in such deposits. Ulexite forms as stable phase in the other borax deposits. For example, for the borax deposits of system. Besides ulexite, Emet and Kestelek deposits con- Loma Blanca (Figs. 4b, c and 8b, f) and Tincalayu (Figs. 1, tain hydroboracite, and Bigadic¸ and Death Valley, hyd- 4b, c, 5b, 8b, f) of Argentina, thermochemical conditions roboracite and probertite. During evaporation and later for borax–kernite (Fig. 1, 4a–c), borax–ulexite–colemanite ongoing diagenetic changes, transformations to more (Fig. 4b, c, 8b), ulexite–colemanite–kernite (Fig. 8f) and complex phases can be interpreted by Figs. 5a, 8a, b, and inyoite–kurnakovite (Fig. 5b) associations are clearly rep- 9b, d. The Colemanite deposit of Sijes (Argentina), besides resented. Ginorite is not found in any of these deposits. The hydroboracite and inyoite, has ulexite, inderite, nobleite, most likely activity of B(OH)3 never reaches the certain and gowerite. These associations and formation and/or

123 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 83

Fig. 9 Activity diagrams for (a) (b) the system Ca–Mg–B–H2O. Activity of H2O is assigned to unity. a Suppression for ascharite–hydroboracite, b suppression for ascharite– inderborite, c suppression for hydroboracite–suanite, and d suppression for suanite– inderborite. Stability fields of meyerhofferite and inyoite are included in the stability field of colemanite

(c) (d)

transformation sequences are represented by Figs. 2a–d, agreement with the pandermite association of Death 4b, c and 5a. Depending upon the initial activities of the Valley, CA (Allen and Kramer 1957). ? cations, H and B(OH)3 of the depositing system, orders of Ulexite is in the stability field of probertite and when inyoite–colemanite–nobleite–ginorite or inyoite–coleman- probertite is suppressed ulexite has a very small stability ite–gowerite are possible. field (Figs. 4a–c, 8a–f). However, in most of the lakes, Pandermite (priceite) with colemanite occurrences is ulexite is found as the primary phase. Ulexite (neso- known to be found in Sultanc¸ayırı (Turkey). According to pentaborate) is structurally less complex than probertite Figs. 2a–d and 4a, b, pandermite forms after colemanite or (ino-pentaborate) and kinetic factors also control the inyoite as a secondary phase during burial or late diagen- formation of ulexite. Figure 4b, c represents the ulexite– esis. Figures 6a, b and 8a–f also indicate that pandermite inyoite associations of Laguna Salinas (Peru). At these forms after colemanite. These observations are also in types of occurrences, composition of the solution is in a

123 84 Carbonates Evaporites (2012) 27:71–85 very small stability area (Fig. 4b, c). At the other actual neso borate polyhedra. At the same time [4]B ratio in lakes such as Quinghai (China) and Nieer-Co (Tibet), the structural unit increases with pH, except log[aMg2þ = 2 ulexite is the main and first forming phase. Minor amounts þ ðaH Þ ] – log[aH2O] diagram. of Mg-borates are also present. In fact, tincalconite can be n 4. On the contrary, in the diagrams of log[aMbnþ =ðaHþ Þ ] formed as metastable phase in the borax stability field with and log[aMbnþ =ðaMcðn1Þþ ÞðaHþ Þ] versus log[aBðOHÞ ] kernite. At the evaporating condition, borax formations are 3 plane, polymerization degree of borates changes from followed by ulexite–probertite and colemanite phases. As neso, ino, phyllo, tecto borate polyhedra with increas- ulexite thermodynamically has very small stability field, ing activity of B(OH) . probertite forms as a natural consequence. However, 3 5. This study showed that why only a few of the naturally ulexite is kinetically favorable than probertite at surface occurring borate minerals are common and make condition, ulexite forms instead of probertite as in the Emet deposits and borate associations. Any deposit which deposit. borate is primary and which borate is secondary, can Mg- and MgCa-borates are also found in actual lakes be interpreted through activity diagrams, then be of China and Tibet, and Marine deposit of Kazakhstan. verified by textural relations. Liaoning (China) is an example of a silicate buried lake. Ascharite and suanite of this deposit represented by Fig. 3a, b are formed after burial or late diagenesis. Borate Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Dr. LaMoreaux and an anonymous referee for their constructive reviews and suggestions association of Kazakhstan such as ascharite–inderite for the manuscript. 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