Issue 42 January 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUEEN BEY IN AC/DC! If you’re gonna rock AC/DC then there is no other than BEYONCE to do the job properly! The world poured over this Instagram post of herself looking amazing in her daisy duke shorts, thigh high boots and of course THAT AC/DC tee… Got to get that style! ROSTER ALERT: AC/DC Contact:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWIE It would have been David Bowie’s 71st birthday this January. Still unbelievable that he is no longer with us, he still, and will always remain supreme, the originator. His son, Duncan Jones, paid tribute to his late father and an early demo of ‘Let’s Dance’ was released to celebrate Bowie’s birthday. Since Bowie’s death in 2016, fans in the UK have bought over 5 million records including 3.1 million singles. His 25th and final studio album Blackstar was released just two days before his death and went on to be one of the top ten biggest albums of 2016, making it Bowie's most popular album since his death. ROSTER ALERT: DAVID BOWIE Contact:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURT COBAIN 50 New York based photographer Michael Lavine, is renowned for his work with the grunge scene in the early 90s. He had unparalleled access to some of the most important bands over the last four decades, his most famous work being that of Kurt Cobain and the early days of Nirvana right up until Kurt’s death in 94. He shot the cover of their seminal ‘Nevermind’ album, which sold over 30 million copies worldwide and brought grunge to a mainstream audience.