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[email protected] Ronald F. LaPrade MA Mortgage broker number NMLS #1241 Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVII, No. 31 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.SPENCERNEWLEADER.COM Friday, July 29, 2016 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE Opioid battle “Don’t spend time beating on plan outlined a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” POLICE CHIEF TALKS APPROACH TO COMBAT Dr. Laura Schlessinger DRUG USE EDITOR’S BY KEVIN FLANDERS and junior high school OFFICE HOURS NEWS STAFF WRITER students to provide edu- SPENCER — The opi- cation and support. The MONDAYS 12-5 oid crisis has taken a final step will be the WEDNESDAYS 1-5 deadly toll on area towns, establishment of a men- tor advocate program in FRIDAYS 1-5 but Spencer officials and residents will be fighting which volunteers will be back this fall. trained by a task force to At a recent Board fan out through the com- Courtesy photo of Selectmen meeting, munity and help those in INSIDE John Thompson, of Brookline, is preparing to embark upon a massive challenge to raise Police Chief David Darrin need. funds in honor of his late grandfather, John Carey, who grew up in North Brookfield.