King of the Mountains Opiate-Related Deaths in – and Also to Show Them Viewpoint

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King of the Mountains Opiate-Related Deaths in – and Also to Show Them Viewpoint Refi...Purchase...Refi...Purchase Interest Rates are REAL Low Who benefits? You or the Big Bank? Call Ron TODAY to see how much you can $ave! 508-892-8988 Face-To-Face Mortgage Co. A local man (DPHS 1982) and company owner since 2000 Sam’son says “Call my Dad” Email Ronald F. LaPrade MA Mortgage broker number NMLS #1241 Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVII, No. 31 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.SPENCERNEWLEADER.COM Friday, July 29, 2016 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE Opioid battle “Don’t spend time beating on plan outlined a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” POLICE CHIEF TALKS APPROACH TO COMBAT Dr. Laura Schlessinger DRUG USE EDITOR’S BY KEVIN FLANDERS and junior high school OFFICE HOURS NEWS STAFF WRITER students to provide edu- SPENCER — The opi- cation and support. The MONDAYS 12-5 oid crisis has taken a final step will be the WEDNESDAYS 1-5 deadly toll on area towns, establishment of a men- tor advocate program in FRIDAYS 1-5 but Spencer officials and residents will be fighting which volunteers will be back this fall. trained by a task force to At a recent Board fan out through the com- Courtesy photo of Selectmen meeting, munity and help those in INSIDE John Thompson, of Brookline, is preparing to embark upon a massive challenge to raise Police Chief David Darrin need. funds in honor of his late grandfather, John Carey, who grew up in North Brookfield. unveiled a three-pronged The overall goal of the Obituaries .................B2 approach to combating mentorship program is Our Towns ................B4 drug use and providing to inform residents strug- Calendar...................B5 help to those who need gling with addiction that it. There were seven there is help available Classroom Corner .. A6-7 King of the mountains opiate-related deaths in – and also to show them Viewpoint .............. A8-9 Spencer last year, plus where to access treat- Police Logs............. A18 another two fatalities so ment. “The average person, Sports ...............A10-11 HOMPSON HONORING GRANDFATHER far in 2016. For Darrin T and his department, it’s especially in desperate WITH CLIMBING CHALLENGE important to take the lead situations, doesn’t know LOCAL on offering education and where to turn for help,” assistance. Darrin said. “When we The first step of the respond to an overdose, BY KEVIN FLANDERS father, Dr. John NEWS STAFF WRITER process will be a pub- the person ends up going Carey, passed away in lic forum hosted by to the hospital and getting EAST BROOKFIELD December after a bat- the Worcester County treatment. But what hap- — For John Thompson, tle with kidney cancer. District Attorney’s office pens from there? We need there is only one way to Carey, who grew up in that will serve as an infor- to have a way of follow- properly honor the life North Brookfield, spent mational event for resi- ing through and helping and legacy of his grand- a career helping patients dents. The forum is set for them beyond that.” father — giving back to in his role as a physi- Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. at David Darrin and other town those in need. Always cian. He was extremely Prouty High School. officials are excited about eager for a challenge, active in his community The next phase will the long-term benefits of however, Thompson and he loved giving back feature a partnership the new approach. While decided to throw an – which served as inspi- between the police depart- public hearings and edu- Montgomery set attempt at a world rations to Thompson. ment and the schools, cational events are inte- to perform at record into the mix. with officers meeting reg- Thompson’s grand- local festival Please Read MOUNTAIN, page A18 ularly with high school Please Read OPIOID, page A13 Page A3 Towns on alert LEARNING Where history comes alive after local WNV QHS MUSEUM OFFERS GLIMPSE INTO THE PAST announcement BY KEVIN FLANDERS NEWS STAFF WRITER BY KEVIN FLANDERS gist, Dr. Al DeMaria. Youth workshop NEWS STAFF WRITER WNV is usually WEST BROOKFIELD a culmination of After a mosquito in transmitted to humans — Still a relatively hidden gem at the end two-week QVCAH Worcester recently test- through the bite of ed positive for West an infected mosqui- of Central Street, the program Nile Virus, area towns to. In 2015, there were Quaboag Historical are reminding residents ten human cases of Museum is steadily Page A7 to take precautions to WNV infection in gaining more exposure avoid getting bitten. Massachusetts, and and attracting new SPORTS On July 18, follow- boards of health through- guests from through- ing the positive test, out the state have been out the area. the WNV risk level committed to reducing Run by the Quaboag was raised from low to that number in 2016. In Historical Society, moderate in Auburn, many towns, education the museum first Brookline, Millbury and on strategies to keep opened in the old rail- Worcester. With warm- mosquitoes away has road station in 2005. er temperatures and been an important tool Dating back to 1885, larger mosquito pop- in combating WNV. the building itself is of ulations, the risk level “The town of Auburn tremendous historical change is fairly common has and will continue to significance, serving during summer months, take steps to keep our as an important local officials said. community safe, and link on the rail system Quaboag “This is an expected to educate the public between Springfield and Worcester until Plantation finding at this time of on precautionary mea- year, and given the heat sures to reduce mosqui- 1964. For QHS mem- Triathlon sees 150 to bites,” said Auburn bers, it was the perfect and dry conditions we Kevin Flanders photos adults and have been experiencing, Town Manager Julie place to house their col- Quaboag Historical Society President Amy Dugas and Vice lection. children compete we are expecting to see Jacobson. “During these more and more WNV warm summer months President Ed Londergan guide the Spencer New Leader Previously, most Page A10 activity,” said Mass. when your family and through the QHS museum in West Brookfield. Department of Public Please Read QHS, page A12 Health state epidemiolo- Please Read WNV, page A12 OPINION GET YOUR POINT ACROSS PAGE A8-9 Summer theatre program to present ‘Into the Woods’ POLICE LOGS BY KEVIN FLANDERS High School. p.m. Tickets are $15 for such a big commitment Theatre members were NEWS STAFF WRITER Quaboag Community adults, $10 for students for them, and everyone asked which production PAGE A18 WARREN — Members Summer Theatre will and seniors, and $7 for is working hard,” said they wanted to feature of a local theater group present “Into the Woods” kids ages 12 and under. Barbara Callahan, who this year. And the over- will be taking an exciting on Aug. 5-6. The Aug. 5 After spending count- is directing the perfor- whelming majority chose trip into the woods next show will take place less hours to prepare, the mance along with Tyler “Into the Woods.” weekend, though their at 7 p.m., while Aug. 6 cast can’t wait for the Edmonds. For the 45-member cast journey will transpire will provide a Saturday performances to arrive. After last year’s perfor- from throughout the area entirely within the walls matinee at 2 p.m. and a “Everything has been mance of Shrek, Quaboag of Quaboag Regional night performance at 7 going great. This is Community Summer Please Read THEATRE, page A13 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, July 29, 2016 IN AND AROUND SPENCER BY KEVIN FLANDERS read it right. Come try out min- there will be seven individual NEWS STAFF WRITER iature golf at the library, with winners for the best hands gath- SPENCER — Though it seems two sessions available (2 p.m. for ered after paddling on both lakes like summer just began, there grades 1-3 and 3 p.m. for grades (the first prize is a new kayak). is only a month left until it’s 4-5). The event is designed for Registration will take place at back to school time for area teens. 10:30 a.m., and the event will youngsters. At Richard Sugden Aug. 4: Drop in to build fantas- start at noon at the North Pond Public Library, kids are invited tic creations out of Legos. The boat ramp. to enjoy the final month of sum- library staff provides the Legos The poker run is open to kay- mer programming. – you provide the imagination. aks, canoes, paddle boats, and The library recently posted its Set for 6-6:45 p.m., the event is for rowboats. Proceeds will assist August schedule of events, and kids in grades K-6. QQLA’s efforts toward maintain- there are plenty of exciting pro- Aug. 8: It’s time for a Harry ing the water quality on both grams for kids of all ages: Potter scavenger hunt. Solve rid- lakes. Aug. 1: Teen Pictionary at 3:30 dles, complete mental challeng- Pre-registration, as well as a p.m. Can your team guess what es, and follow the clues to solve complete listing of event regu- you’re drawing? Join the fun as this intriguing scavenger hunt. lations, is available online by teams sketch, erase, and laugh Open to kids in grades 6-9, the visiting their way to Pictionary victo- program will take place from ry. Come alone, or bring your 3:30-4:30 p.m.
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