Venezuela / [By Hans J. Mueller]
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING INFORMATION SERVICE A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COUNTRY MARKET SURVEY PUBLICATION VENEZUELA , i LL». MM S * nK3BBTB| insaBir i*i BS iSS* » mS5» i •- i urn..*, a» i s km .a * MBw '* KI OUMEJ ! aara tut rwlBwr mm. i tiKti EswKt i fflraS i .• "Vr 4-1 ft i. "»••*««« S ^-^Htft, it., tl-.t,, , i ,„„.-.».t i Ju_ M ian 1 «i-u-....i!^. L.;i.'Bn- *Y L»pt ,?, -* P« ! I; Sj w COUNTRY MARKET SURVEY enezuela INTERNATIONAL MARKETING INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maurice H. Stans Secretary Rocco C. Siciliano o Under Secretary * <!*& * c / BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Harold B. Scott, Director \ ^rts o* • November 1969 a u o a to For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. Price $1.00. BY HANS J. MUELLER U.S. EMBASSY, CARACAS Arranged for Publication by David S. McCracken in the American Republics Division, Office of International Regional Economics, Bureau of International Commerce Photo Credits: Cover, Pages 6, 7, 25, 32, OAS Photos; Page 2, Cia Shell de Venezuela; Pages 4, 34, 37, 47, Embassy of Venezuela; Pages 8, 22, 41, Creole Petro- leum Corporation ; Page 9, Hamilton Wright Photo. n FOREWORD Venezuela, with its high gross national product, sound economy, stable Government, and orientation toward U.S. suppliers, must be regarded as one of the best U.S. overseas markets. Among Latin American countries, in 1968, Venezuela ranked second as a pur- chaser of U.S. goods, with imports of $780 million, and ranked third in total imports, which amounted to $1.55 billion.
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