SSoommaalliiaa EEmmeerrggeennccyy WWeeeekkllyy HHeeaalltthh UUppddaattee The Somalia emergency weekly health update aims to provide an overview of the health activities conducted by WHO and health partners in Somalia. It compiles health information including nine health events (epidemiological surveillance) reported in Somalia, information on ongoing conflicts in some regions of Somalia and health responses from partners. For further information please contact: Pieter Desloovere - Communications Officer -
[email protected] - T: +254 733 410 984 BULLETIN HIGHLIGHTS Reporting dates 1-14 April 2012 (reflecting Epidemiological week 13 and 14) • On 4 April, a female suicide bomber killed at least six people at National Theater in Mogadishu. According to three major hospitals in Mogadishu, the caseload accounted for 80 casualties, including eight death. • On 9 April, more than 40 casualties were brought to Baidoa hospital after a bomb exploded at the market place of Baidoa. • Child Health Days have kicked off, on 10 April in Gedo region as well as Banadir region. Two rounds will be organized in Banadir region, with round one from 14-18 April 2012 and round two from 21-25 April 2012. Proportion of timely reporting sentinel sites by zone % 100 90 80 70 67 facilitiess 65 60 59 63 61 R. 57 57 50 52 54 of 50 40 42 36 30 20 23 Proporton 10 0 1234567891011121314 Weeks South & Central Puntland Somaliland Of the 222 sentinel sites reporting weekly from the three zones of Somalia, for week 13, 98% (53) in Puntland, 98% (44) in Somaliland, but only 36% (44) sentinel sites reported on time from South and Central Somalia or 64% (141) of all sentinel sites.