- Functioning Health Facilities April - June 2013

This map shows 74% of total activities for which the coordinates have been obtained. Coordinates relating to an activity location are required for activities to be mapped. Activities mapped are those reported on by the time of mapping and does not reflect all health facilities. ETHIOPIA Rab Dhuure Doolow 57v! 5 5 BAKOOL Doolow5 5 5 5 555 5 5 Luuq Luuq Waajid Belet Xaawo ! ! 5! 555 5 555 5 5 5 5 Waajid 5 5 5 KENYA Belet 5 Baydhab Garbahaarey5 Xaawo 5 5P 5 5 Berdale 5 Garbahaarey ! 5 5 5 5 5

Qansax Dheere ! Ceel Waaq GEDO Qansax 5! 5 Dheere BAY

Ceel Waaq 5 5 Diinsoor 55 ! 5 5Baardheere 55 5! 5 555 55 Buur H 5 5 5 Diinsoor 5 Baardheere 5 5

Saakow FunctioningSaakow Health Facilities as of June 2013 ! Health Health Mobile District Hospital Total Center Post Clinic Baardheere 12 21 4 39 Belet Xaawo 2 7 9 Ceel Waaq 6 6 Doolow 3 7 1 8 19 Garbahaarey 4 15 19 Bu'aale LuuqP 2 21 Sablaale 23 Total 29 73 1 12 115

Map Symbols Health facilities Map data source(s): All Admin. layers: UNDP (1998) P Regional capital 5 Health Center 06030 kms Health response: Health Cluster ! District Capital 5 Health Post Disclaimers: River Map Reference: 130815_Health_3W_Gedo The designations employed and the presentation of material on v Hospital Creation Date: 15/08/2013 International boundary this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever Projection/Datum: ^! MCH Geographic/WGS 84 on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning Region boundary 5 Web Resources: http://www.unocha.org/somalia the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its Mobile Clinic E-mail: [email protected] authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or District boundary 7 Nominal Scale at A3 paper size: 1:1,050,000 boundaries.