Cameroon February 2019
FACTSHEET Cameroon February 2019 Cameroon currently has Launch of 2019 Humanitarian From 23 February, massive 1,181,821 people of concern, Response Plan in Cameroon, movement back to Rann, Nigeria including 277,443 Central targeting 2,3 million of the of over 30,000 of the Nigerian African and 103,682 Nigerian most vulnerable people in 8 refugees settled in Goura since refugees. regions, estimated at $299M. January. POPULATION OF CONCERN (1,181,821 AS OF 28 FEBRUARY) LOCATIONS OF PERSONS OF CONCERN CAR REFUGEES IN RURAL AREAS 257,713 33,214 NIG REFUGEES IN RURAL AREAS* 101,762 URBAN REFUGEES** 24,999 119,326 38,696 ASYLUM SEEKERS*** 8,203 66,246 1,793 IDPs FAR NORTH**** 245,725 31,298 345 56,569 45,905 5,415 IDPs NORTH-WEST/SOUTH-WEST***** 437,513 109 4,341 8,724 579 RETURNEES**** 105,906 32,228 8,242 * Verification exercice still in progress **Incl. 19,730 Central Africans and 1,920 Nigerian refugees living in urban areas. ***Incl. 6,565 Central Africans and 40 Nigerian asylum seekers living in urban areas. xx Réfugiés sites aménagés x **** Source: IOM DTM #16. 144 xx Réfugiés hors site *****Source: OCHA. x xx Demandeurs d’asile x xxx PDIs 21,620 FUNDING (AS OF 28 FEBRUARY) XXX PDIs retournés 1,528 7,150 1260 12,222 8,000 19,001 1,101 38,403 USD 90.3 M 15,999 18,001 621 5,800 27,000 Requested for Cameroon 6,761 21,466 11,200 25,403 9,200 17,596 2,703 12,469 13,250 Funded: 1% 1,301 66,006 7,141 34,249 125,690 26,379 14,366 33,868 27,780 3,876 43,414 13,467 4,320 8,484 13,121 1,226 Gap: 99% 4,298 UNHCR PRESENCE Staff: 239 155 National
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