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JOINT ACTION FORUM JAF-FAC: NINTH SESSION FORUM D'ACTION COMMUNE Offiee of the Chairman Gatineau, -1-5 Deeemtrer, 200'1 Bureau du Pr6sident l.-r I I ,,. j l/ t-_, African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control i- -, Programme africain de lutte contre I'onchocercose - t20 - t Prolects approved Peryear --{-Cumulative total 107 too 80 8o 69 63 57 60 45 40 29 a 427 20 -.a---_ 'tl 16 --a 1 12 o 1996 1997 19S 1S9 2000 2001 20,02 20vJ CONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL ONCHOCERCIASIS CONTROL PLANS AND PROJECT PROPOSALS (CDTI. \TECTOR ELIMINATION AJ\[D HEADOUATERS SUPPORD APPROVED IN 2OO3 JAF 9.7 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ! Senfemher 20O3 JAF9.7 Page i Table of contents A. INTRODUCTION I B. NEW NATIONAL PLANS AND CDTI PROJECT PROPOSALS......... 2 I ANGOLA 2 1.1. Rapid epidemiologicalmapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Angola... 2 Community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) project of Cabinda, Angola.. 2 F 1.2. 1.3. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Moxico, Angola" 5 2. CAMEROON............... 6 2.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Cameroon.......... 6 2.2. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) project of Adamaoua 1, Cameroon.... 7 2.3. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) project of South Province, Cameroon.. 9 2.4. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin project of East Province, Cameroon.. 1l 2.5. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin project of Far North Province, Cameroon.. 3. CONGO 3.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Congo 3.2. Extension of Congo Community-directed treatment with ivermectin project l5 4. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLTC OF CONGO (DRC) 4.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis in DRC....... 4.2. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin project of Equateur-Kiri, DRC....... 4.3. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin project of Mongola, DRC......... 4.4. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of North Ubangui, DRC 4.5. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of South Ubangui, DRC 4.6. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Tshuapa, DRC.......... 4.7. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Lualaba, DRC........... 4.8. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of North Katanga, DRC.............26 4.9. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of South Katanga, DRC............. 28 5. ETHIOPIA ...............29 5.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Ethiopia-. .....29 5.2. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of East Wellega, Ethiopia..........29 5.3. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of West Wellega, Ethiopia-........ 32 5.4. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of lllubabor, Ethiopia-................ 33 5.5. Community directed treatment with ivermectin of Gambella, Ethiopia...........................35 5.6. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Jimma, Ethiopia....................35 5.7. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Metekel, Ethiopia..................37 6. SUDAN ...................39 6.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Sudan..... .....39 6.2. Community directed ffeatment with ivermectin project of East Bahr El Ghazal, Southern Sector, Sudan 4t 6.3. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of West Bahr El Ghazal, Southern Sector, Sudan ...............43 6.4. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of East Equatoria, Southern Sector, Sudan......... .........44 6.5. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of West Equatoria, Southern Sector, Sudan 46 6.6. Community directed treatment with ivermectin project of Upper Nile, Southern Sector, Sudan......... .........47 C. REVIEW OF PROGRESS REPORTS (TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL) AND BUDGETS FOR SUBSEQUENT YEARS FUNDING....................................48 L D. OVERVIEW OF BUDGETS SUBMITTED TO TCC AND APOC MANAGEMENT IN 2OO3 5l JAFg.7 Page ii ACRONYMS APOC African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control r, CDD Community d i rected distributors CDTI Commun ity-directed treatment w ith ivermectin CSA Committee of Sponsoring Agencies DRC Democratic Republic of Congo cos Government of Sudan HKI Hellen Keller International HNI Healthnet International IEF International Eye Foundation LCIF Lions Club International Foundation MOH Ministry of Health NGDO Non Governmental Development Organization NOTF National Onchocerciasis Task Force OPC Organisation pour la Prdvention de la C6cit6 REMO Rapid Epidemiological Mapping of Onchocerciasis stnlPR South Nations Nationalities and Peoples Regional States SPLA Sudanese Peoples Liberation ArmY SSI Sight Savers International TCC Technical Consultative Comm ittee UTG Ultimate treatment goal 1 JAF9.7 Page 1 A. INTRODUCTION From 1996 to 2000, the Committee of Sponsoring Agencies (CSA) approved 63 projects proposals recommended by the Technical Consultative Committee (TCC). The approvals were ratified by the Joint Action Forum (JAF) at its second session in December 1996 (4 projects), third session in December 1997 (25 projects), fourth session in December 1998 (16 projects), fifth session in December 1999 (12 projects), sixth session in December 2000 (6 projects) and seventh session in December 2001 (6 projects). ln 2002, the Management of APOC, in line with the Memorandum of the Programme for Phase II and the Phasing-out period, has approved I I projects. This approval was ratified by the Joint Action Forum (JAF) during its eighth session in December 2002. [n 2003, the Programme Management on behalf of the Joint Action Forum, has approved 27 new project proposals recommended by TCC at its various sessions. The approval of these twenty-seven (27) project proposals in 2003 is herewith submitted to the Joint Action Forum for ratification. Furthermore, after review by TCC and APOC Management of technical and financial reports of fifty five (55) projects in their first, second, third, fourth and fifth year implementation, the Management of the Programme has also approved subsequent years funding of these projects. This approval is also submitted to the JAF for ratification. CAR Sudan CDTI=1 CDTI=27 CDTI=1 CDTI=6 CDTI=9 NOTF HQ=l NOTF HQ=| NOTF HQ:l CDTI=I4 Uganda NOTF HQ=l CDTI=4 Vector-2 Liberia Burundi CDTI=3 CDTI=1 Tanzania Eouatorial CDTI=7 Gfiinea Vector-1 CDTI=1 Vector-1 NOTF HQ =1 Gabon Malawi ..Qpf[rt=l Angola R.D. Congo CDTI=2 Congo CDTI=3 CDTI=I4 CDTI=2 NOTF HQ=l NOTF HQ=l Geographical distribution of the (107) approved projects (CDTI, Vector, HQ) as at September 2003 JAF9.7 Page2 B. NEW NATIONAL PLANS AND CDTI PROJECT PROPOSALS 1. ANGOLA 1.1. Rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) in Angola Fie. 1-1: Community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) areas in Angola Lrgrnd IA I crbindr r I rorc ! nocon ! n"rrarcon rcfinc /ft. anrroe"ra4 EEU KM 0 1m m 1.2. Community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) project of Cabinda, Angola The province of Cabinda (7270 km2; is the smallest province of Angola. It represents less than lo/o of the country (1,246,7 00 km2). The borders of the province of Cabinda are in the West the Atlantic Ocean, in the North Congo (Brazzaville) and in the South and East the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 1.2.1. Background information The proposed project is partnership between the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the NGDO partner MALAL (ltalian NGDO). It seeks to introduce for the first time ivermectin in the province of Cabinda and to treat yearly 112 onchocerciasis endemic communities (62 meso endemic and 48 hyper endemic) with a total population of 379,873 persons. Census exercises will be carried out prior to the implementation of CDTI activities in order to determine the population figures and the project ultimate JAFg,7 Page 3 treatment goal (UTG). In this counqr, which has experienced more than 20 years of civil war, rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) was the first countrywide survey, which provided data on communities. As schistomiasis is endemic in the province of Cabinda, the National Onchocerciasis Task force (NOTF) intends to integrate this regional public health problem to onchocerciasis control activities. Figure l-3 shows the detailed REMO results in the province of Cabinda. Table 1-l: General information Administrative units Total 4 municipios (districts) CDTI tarset 4 rnunicipios Population Total of the province 379,873 persons Target for CDTI 319,063 persons Communities Total in CDTI areas I l2 communities Tarset for CDTI I l2 communities 1.2.2. Summary budget Table 1-2 summarizes the fiveyear budget as submitted by the NOTF of Angola and Figure l-2 shows the trend ofthe cost per person to be treated between 2004 and 2008. ][ablel2: Five-year summary budget as submitted by the NOTF of Angola, Cabinda CDTI project Persons to be Total Cost CosUpers Total Contribution CosUpers* APOC Year treated (A) (B) (C)=B/A of APOC (D) (E)=D/A 1 58,374 $205,519 $3.s2 $l14,605 $1.96 I 82,389 $132,524 $1.61 $44,574 $0.s4 3 300,747 $194,919 $0.6s $94,855 $0.32 4 309,769 $146,194 $0.47 $53,686 $0.17 5 319,063 $169,567 $0.s3 $63,541 $0.20 TOTAL 319,063 $848,723 $2.66 $371,261 $1.16 *Pers: person W: Trend of the cost per person to be treated from 2004 to 2008 of Cabinda CDTI project s400 $3.60 Total $.m 6 o 3 E 3250 t o rr'* it o 3 31.60 x .\er ci t1.56 c t $1.m $l Partnars ([oHe NGDO) APOC ' . s0.65 t053 s0,47 I 00.50 $0.32 30.20 00.00 N4 2005 2006 2007 2@S tAF9.7 Page 4 Fie.l-3: REMO results in the province of Cabinda, Angola \.c-. t Y1n-^./ (( -t a Congo ) 't tl f I LOgende Ilr."',H'* le-e-' !1,-, Cabinda tl l.jltl (Angola) R.D. Congo rtlorlrr 9t Porteu13 nodulo! 3l 3l Oo O l- I Olo .19 \ ti o20 .39 O40 - 100 Angola to7 Fie.l-4: REMO results in the province of Moxico, Angola Crcdo ,J Luil OWim liroxbo Moxlco I"* ! r.con Lmbal6 N'G'imbo ! o"aror"cou rcirc ffi nwop,rlo5 KM 0 50 1m JAFg.7 Page 5 1.3.