Food Consumption Survey Belgium Database 2014-2015 FOOD CONSUMPTION DATABASE

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Food Consumption Survey Belgium Database 2014-2015 FOOD CONSUMPTION DATABASE Food Consumption Survey Belgium Database 2014-2015 FOOD CONSUMPTION DATABASE Unit Nutrition & Health Unit of Epidemiology Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 1050 Brussels | Belgium Table of contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. Background characteristics............................................................................................. 4 2.1. Interview related information ................................................................................... 4 2.2. Demographic information....................................................................................... 12 2.3. Household characteristics ..................................................................................... 18 2.4. Education ................................................................................................................. 22 2.5. Pregnancy ................................................................................................................ 27 2.6. Anthropometric measurements............................................................................. 29 3. Food consumption interview (Epic-Soft) ..................................................................... 33 4. Food composition table characteristics....................................................................... 49 5. Consumed quantities ..................................................................................................... 53 6. FoodEx2 ........................................................................................................................... 57 7. Food Frequency Questionnaires ................................................................................. 58 8. Food supplements .......................................................................................................... 82 9. ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................... 165 9.1. Facets & Descriptors Epic-Soft (Globodiet) ...................................................... 165 9.1.1 Facets & descriptors for food items .................................................................... 165 9.1.2 Facets & descriptors for food supplements ....................................................... 174 9.2. QM_codes: Household Measures ...................................................................... 178 9.3. QM_codes: photobook codes and origine ........................................................ 179 9.4. QM_codes: other................................................................................................... 181 9.5. List of food items (Foodnum in Globodiet) ........................................................ 183 2 1. Introduction This manual focuses on the variables and indicators of Food Consumption Database. These variables have been collected by the GloboDiet Tool and self- reported questionnaires (Food Frequency Questionnaires). To the GloboDiet consumption data other data have been added a posteriori: - Food composition table data from the Nubel or Nevo databank (2015) - Some essential background variables/indicators from the General database (like age, gender, etc.) All data are organised at the individual level. A person selected through sampling and having agreed to participate in the survey is considered as a participant. In children (3-9 years) a parent or legal guardian was used as a proxy respondent. Each line represents a food or food supplement consumption, as reported by the participant or his/her proxy. This section aims to list all variables stated in the questionnaires and explain all indicators constructed on their basis. Variables and indicators are presented by topic. The French and Dutch versions of the questionnaires are available on the website of the Food Consumption Survey 2014-2015: Dutch version: French version: Before starting any analyses on the consumption data, please read carefully some important remarks mentioned in chapter 3 “Food consumption interview (Epic-Soft)” in order to be able to use this database correctly. 3 2. Background characteristics 2.1. Interview related information Variables FCS 2014 id Identification number of participant INT_DATE Date of EPIC interview INT_DAY Day of EPIC interview INT_NUM EPIC interview number DATE_REC Recall date Date_interw Date of food frequency questionnaire DateFFQ Date of supplement frequency questionnaire Indicators FCS 2014 WFIN_epic Weight of the individual within the sample (food consumption database) mark_capi Number of available CAPI interviews mark_capi2 Available CAPI interviews mark_epic Number of available 24-hour recalls mark_ffq Availability of food frequency questionnaire mark_sup Availability of supplement frequency questionnaire season Season week Recall on weekdays and/or weekend days. 4 Variable FCS2014 id Title Identification number of participant Type of variable Char Possible value X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8 Value labels / Construction The id is composed of 8 digits: The first digit: number of the region (1 = Flemish region, 2 = Brussels-capital region, 3 = Walloon region) The first three digits: number of the group (101-136, 201-207, 301-321). A total of 64 groups participated to the survey. A group is largely equivalent to a ‘municipality’. Nevertheless, in the case of large cities, several groups can be allocated to a similar municipality. Fourth digit: trimester of sampling (1,2,3,4) Fifth and sixth digit: The sixth digit refers to the age-gender stratum of participant: 1 = 3-5 years male 2 = 3-5 years female 3 = 6-9 years male 4 = 6-9 years female 5 = 10-17 years male 6 = 10-17 years female 7 = 18-39 years male 8 = 18-39 years female 9 = 40-64 years male 0 = 40-64 years female The fifth digit refers to the number of the selected person in that stratum. (caution: for a participant from the first trimester the fifth and the sixth digit both refer to the age-gender stratum (1-10)) The seventh digit: identification of the cluster (1, 2, 3, 4) A cluster is an ensemble of 4 people who were considered as “equivalent” in the sampling process (same municipality of residence, gender and age). The principle behind the clustering is that one person of each cluster should take part in the survey. The eight digit: identification of the individual in the cluster (1, 2, 3, 4) Denominator All participants 5 Remarks Example: The participant with id “31231711”: Is living in the Walloon region (3) Belongs to group 312 (is living in Liège) Was sampled for the third trimester Refers to a participant of the first age- gender stratum (male between 3-5 years) Refers to the seventh selected person in that stratum Belongs to the first cluster Is the second individual within that cluster Variable FCS2014 INT_DATE Title Date of EPIC interview Type of variable Num Possible value Between 01/02/2014 and 16/04/2015 Value labels DD/MM/YYYY Denominator All participants Remarks / Variable FCS2014 INT_DAY Title Day of EPIC interview Type of variable Num Possible value 1 to 7 Value labels 1=Monday 2=Tuesday 3=Wednesday 4=Thursday 5=Friday 6=Saturday 7=Sunday Denominator All participants Remarks / Variable FCS2014 INT_NUM Title EPIC interview number Type of variable Num Possible value 1 or 2 Value labels 1=first epic interview day 2=second epic interview day Denominator All participants Remarks / Variable FCS2014 Date_rec 6 Title Date of recalled day Type of variable Num Possible value Between 01/31/2014 and 05/29/2015 Value labels MM/DD/YYYY Denominator All participants Remarks / Variable FCS2014 Date_interw Title Date of food frequency questionnaire Type of variable Num Possible value Between 01/04/2014 and 22/04/2015 Value labels DD/MM/YYYY //=missing Denominator All participants Remarks This variable is not cleaned Variable FCS2014 DateFFQ Title Date of supplement frequency questionnaire Type of variable Date Possible value Between 12/06/2014 and 12/05/2015 Value labels DD/MM/YYYY Denominator Subsample – questionnaire was collected from 12/06/2014. Remarks / Indicator FCS2014 WFIN_epic Title Weight of the individual within the sample (food consumption database) Type of variable Num Possible value From 0.041 to 8.245 Value labels / Based on variable(s) Age, prov, season, hc0105, week Construction The weight is the ratio between the population of a stratum (variable "N") and the number of interviews in this stratum (variable "total"), with additionally taking into account the repartition over the “week” & “season” if week = 1 then WFIN_epic = N*25/(total*4*49); else if week = 2 then WFIN_epic = N*4/(total*4*49); else if week = 3 then WFIN_epic = N*20/(total*4*49); The weighting factors are normalized: 7 WFIN_epic = (3146*WFIN_epic)/6858169.9082; Denominator All participants Remarks National statistics from the population by provinces on January 2014 was used to calculate the weighting factor Indicator FCS2014 mark_capi Title Number of available CAPI interviews Type of variable Num Possible value 1 to 2 Value labels 1 = One CAPI interview 2 = Two CAPI interviews Based on variable(s) intervie, intervie2 Construction if intervie=. or intervie2=. then mark_capi=1; else mark_capi=2; Denominator All participants Remarks When the variable ‘intervie’ (date of CAPI interview) is missing no CAPI interview was done. Indicator FCS2014
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    Price List This is not a complete list of all items in store. If you know of an item you would like to order please contact us and we will add it to the order. We will send you an updated cost list once the order is made since some items are by weight and the prices is an estimate. Payment can be made by eTransfer to [email protected], call a credit card in or cash at pick-up. Friday we deliver to all areas. ODERS MUST BE IN BY WEDNESDAY @ 1PM TO GARENTEE STOCK TILLSONBURG & AREA, WOODSTOCK & INGERSOLL FREE DELIVERY OVR $30 ALL OTHER DELIVERIES FREE OVER $50. $5 DELIVERY FEE WILL BE ADDED TO ALL OTHER ORDERS CURB SIDE PICK-UP IS ALWAYS FREE Essentials Categories Supplier Product Name Price Order Produce Potter Road Berries Strawberries - 1 quartr $5.50 Produce Potter Road Berries Strawberries - Flat (6 quarts) $33.00 Produce Kotelas Aspaagus - 1lb thin $3.50 Produce Kotelas Aspaagus -1lb thick $3.50 Produce Bentum Family Farm Carrot Bunch - Organic $6.50 Produce Bentum Family Farm Romain Lettuce - Organic $6.00 Produce Bentum Family Farm French Breakfast Radish Bunch - Organic $2.50 Produce Bentum Family Farm Pea Sots 1/4lb Bag - Organic $5.00 Produce Bentum Family Farm Spinach 1/4lb Bag - Organic $3.75 Produce Bentum Family Farm Spring Lettuce Mix 1/4lb - Organic $3.75 Produce Bentum Family Farm Small Cucmbers - Organic (about 6) $6.50 Produce Local Farm Cucumber (1) $1.99 Baking/Cooking Oak Manor Organic Flour - All Purpose, Unbleached 1.25kg $7.00 Baking/Cooking Oak Manor Organic Flour - Whole Wheat Hard Bread 1.25kg $7.00
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