Film: Donlon on Garrel 05/06/2011 12:23 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ L O N D O N G R I P . F I L M ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ home contents page Forty years on: <script type="text/javascrip londongrip t"><!-- international google_ad_client = cultural Philippe Garrel, "pub- magazine 450581444381318 5"; to subscribe Counterculture /* Donlon on email Garrrel */
[email protected] google_ad_slot = and the "3218837768"; google_ad_width = _____ 120; Zan z i b ar D ais y Ch a i n google_ad_height = 240; by //--> London Grip’s </script> <script Film & Sound type="text/javascrip Contributing Editor Helen Donlon t" Helen Donlon src="http://pagead is the founder of 2.googlesyndication Storm Agency _______________ .com/pagead/show_ and ads.js"> is the author of </script> According to ... David Lynch (a selection of hilippe Garrel sits at a press conference in May 2008 *[see links, red panel], his finest quotes) P following the world premiere of his new film La Frontiere de l’Aube at the 61st _____ Cannes Film Festival. At his side sits the star of this and his previous film (Les Amants Reguliers, 2006), his 24 year old son Louis. SELECTED online ARTICLES BY It is forty years since Garrel sr., then a youth of 20, was making his fourth film HELEN DONLON Le Révélateur, one of four films that he was to make that year. Le Révélateur Helen Donlon on female sexuality in Sylvina Boissonnas, the Schlumberger heiress who threw aside her stifling Brian De Palma's bourgeois family expectations to dedicate her time and funds to young The Black Dahlia and Body Double underground filmmakers and other artists, was the producer of several of Garrel’s films, Le Révélateur being just the first.