
Explanation of time travel using big bounce

Sarvesh Gharat, Btech Entc, VIIT Pune Email:- sarvesh. [email protected]

Abstract:-We are going to see a short description on what exactly big bounce theory is and also we know that as per most of the theories, we know that time is but just a 4th dimension.So there are many questions and paradoxes which occur if we talk about a thing called time travel. But today we are going to provide a solution for twin paradox and also are going to see, whether we can move into past, if yes then in which condition we will move into past i.e any year and in which condition we will move into past with respect to time moving in future i.e past wrt normal frame of reference but limited to the year in which we started traveling.

Keywords:- Time dilation, M theory , , big bounce , expansion of universe , dimension, time Introduction:-There are many theories regarding formation of our universe, but one of the most accepted theory till now is the big bounce theory which says that our universe is expanding for now and will contract after some billion of years. We also know that as per M theory there are 11 dimensions out of which time is the 4th dimension. So in this paper we are going to explain how does time dilation works with the help of expansion of our universe and also what will happen to time when universe will start to contradict as mentioned in later part of big bounce theory

Big bounce theory:- We all are aware of the big bounce theory which is been applied to our universe. It means that our universe is formed of a previous universe which use to expand and then it contracted to a black hole which moved until its singularity and when this singularity was unable to hold it's gravitational force, it bursted and formed a universe in which we are living right now, and as per research did till now,our universe is a similar kind of universe which is expanding now and will contradict after some time

Theory :-As time as a 4th dimension and we know that our universe is expanding for now and as per M theory there are 11 dimensions, in which time has also been included. So as the universe expands,all 11 dimensions will move ahead at the same rate which will give birth to our future. Now consider that a person is traveling with some velocity which is comparable to c. So as the person is already traveling at high speed, his relative velocity wrt universe expansion will be less compared to that of people's relative velocity wrt universe expansion. As a result the flow of time for a person traveling with high velocity will be less than that of people staying at rest. As a result, a person who's moving with some velocity will be in future wrt people staying on earth (think of it in terms of time as a 4th dimension) Now if the person goes on accelerating himself and anyhow manages to reach the speed of expansion of the universe. At that time as the relative velocity of the person traveling at the speed of expansion of the universe will be 0 wrt expansion of the universe. Therefore even though time will move for people on earth but as the relative velocity of a person traveling with the speed of expansion of the universe is 0 wrt universe he won't move ahead in dimension i.e time will be stopped for the person traveling. Now consider that the person is traveling with a velocity which is more than the speed of expansion of the universe. So in this case as his velocity will be more than that of expansion of the universe, for him the time will run with a faster rate than that of time running for people on earth, because of this person will be in past wrt people on earth, but again past is been restricted to the time in which he started moving with that particular velocity i.e If the person starts moving in the year 2019 then in any situation he can't go in any year before 2019, he will just be in past wrt people on earth i.e consider he starts to move in 2019 with that particular velocity, and for now we are in the year 2050, so it is possible for him to be in any year between 2019 and 2050 depending upon his velocity This was what we talked about time dilation due to velocity Now let's see how we can actually travel in the past. So as we know our universe is in expanding stage for now, but after some particular amount of time it will start to contradict, so at that time not only space but all 11 dimensions will start to contradict, indirectly they will start moving in the opposite direction, so during this time as we know even time is one of the dimensions, even it will start moving in opposite direction which will result into we going in past

Twin Paradox :--What is says that. If there are two twins and one of them travels in a spaceship and comebacks to find himself younger than his twin, even after he traveling at relative velocity wrt his brother . So as we already discussed, due to increase in velocity we move a bit faster in time than that of normal people. So similarly when one of the twin moves into a spaceship with a particular velocity, even though considering him at rest his brother is traveling with the same speed, but the thing is that the guy is spaceship is already traveling with that speed wrt earth frame of reference taking him a bit ahead then the people traveling with rest with respect to earth, as earth is already at less relativistic speed then the ship in the time domain

Acknowledgement:-I would like to thank all my teachers, parents and friends who motivated me to write an article on my research till now.

Reference:- 1) 10.13140/RG.2.2.15580.08324(Space and time in 4D) 2)arXiv:hep-th/0108187(from big bounce to )