The Petroleum System­ Status of Research and Methods, 1992


A petroleum system encompasses a mature hydrocarbon source-rock and all generated oil and gas accumulations and in­ cludes all the geologic elements and processes that are essential if an oil and gas deposit is to exist. Petroleum includes high concentrations of any of the following substances: thermal and microbial found in conventional reservoirs as well as in gas hydrate, tight reservoirs, fractured shale, and coal; and condensates, crude oils, heavy oils, and solid bitumen found in reser­ voirs, generally in siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. System describes the interdependent elements and processes that form the functional unit that creates hydrocarbon accumulations. The elements include a petroleum source rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, and overburden rock whereas the processes are trap formation and the generation, migration, and accumulation of hydrocarbons. These essential elements and processes must be correctly placed in time and space so that organic matter included in a source rock can be converted into a petroleum deposit. A petroleum system exists wherever all these essential elements and processes are known to occur or are thought to have a reasonable chance or probability to occur. Characteristics and Limits.-The areal, stratigraphic, and temporal extent of the petroleum system is specific, as depicted in figures 1 to 4 for the Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system. The figures are as follows: a burial history chart depicts the critical moment (defined below) and the essential elements; a map and a cross section drawn at the critical moment depicts the spatial relation of the essential elements; and a petroleum system events chart shows the temporal relation of the essential elements and processes, and shows the duration time and the preservation time for the system. The duration of a system is the time required to deposit the essential elements and to complete the processes. The critical moment is usually near the end of the duration time when most hydrocarbons are migrating and accumulating in their primary traps. During the preservation time, existing hydrocarbons are either preserved, modified, or destroyed. The critical moment of a petroleum system is based on the burial history chart of the stratigraphic section where the source rock is at maximum burial depth. If properly constructed, the burial history chart shows the time when most of the hydrocarbons are generated. Geologically, migration and accumulation of petroleum occurs over a short time span, or in a geologic moment. Included with burial history curves, the essential elements of this system are shown; for example, in figure 1 the Deer Shale is the source rock. The areal extent of the petroleum system at the critical moment is defined by a line that circumscribes the mature source rock and all oil and gas deposits, conventional and unconventional, originating from that source at the time of secondary migra­ tion. A plan map drawn for the end of Paleozoic time, showing a line that circumscribes the pod of mature source rock and all related hydrocarbon accumulations, best depicts the areal extent of the system (fig. 2). Stratigraphically, the system includes the following rock units or essential elements: a petroleum source rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, and overburden rock at the critical moment. The function of the first three rock units are obvious; however, the overbur­ den rock is more subtle, because, in addition to providing the overburden necessary to mature the source rock, it also can have considerable impact on the geometry of the underlying migration path and trap. The cross section, drawn for the end of the Paleozoic to show the geometry of the essential elements at the time of hydrocarbon accumulation, best depicts the stratigraphic extent of the system (fig. 3). The petroleum system events chart (fig. 4) shows two temporal episodes, the duration time and the preservation time. The duration is the time it took to form a petroleum system, and the preservation is the length of time that the hydrocarbons within that system could have been preserved, modified, or destroyed. A petroleum system needs sufficient amount of geologic time to assemble all the essential elements and to carry out the processes needed to form a petroleum deposit. If the source rock is the first element or oldest unit deposited and the overburden rock necessary to mature the source rock is the last or youngest element, then the age difference between the oldest and youngest element is the duration time of the petroleum system. Preservation time starts after generation, migration, and accumulation processes are complete. Processes that may occur during the preservation time are remigration, physical or biological degradation, or complete destruction of the hydrocarbons. During the preservation time, remigrated (tertiary migration) petroleum can accumulate in reservoirs deposited after the duration time. If insignificant tectonic activity occurs during the preservation time, accumulations remain in their original position. Remi­ gration happens during the preservation time only if folding, faulting, uplift, or erosion occur. If all accumulations and essential elements are destroyed during the preservation time, then the evidence that a petroleum system existed is absent. An incomplete or just completed petroleum system is still in its duration time and thus is without a preservation time. Level of Certainty.-A petroleum system can be identified at three levels of certainty: known, hypothetical, and speculative. The level of certainty indicates the confidence for which a particular mature pod of source rock has generated the hydrocarbons in an accumulation. In a known petroleum system, in the case of oil, a good geochemical match exists between the source rock and the oil accumulations, or, in the case of natural gas, the gas is produced from a gas source rock. In a hypothetical petroleum system, geochemical information identifies a source rock, but no geochemical match exists between the source rock and the petroleum deposits. In a speculative petroleum system, the existence of source rocks and petroleum accumulations is postulated entirely on the basis of geologic or geophysical evidence. At the end of the system's name, the level of certainty is indicated by(!) for known, (.) for hypothetical, and (?) for speculative. Petroleum System Name.-The name of the petroleum system includes the source rock, followed by the name of the major reservoir rock, and then the symbol expressing the level of certainty. For example, the Deer-Boar(.) is a hypothetical system consisting of the Deer Shale as the source rock and the Boar Sandstone as the major reservoir rock. The Petroleum System­ Status of Research and Methods, 1992


U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director

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For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section U.S. Geological Survey Federal Center, Box 25425 Denver, CO 80225

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The petroleum system : status of research and methods, 1992 I Leslie B. Magoon, editor. p. em.- (U.S. Geological Survey bulletin; 2007) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Petroleum-Geology-United States. 2. Gas, Natural-Geology­ United States. 3. Petroleum-United States-Reserves. I. Magoon, Leslie. II. Series. QE75.B9 no. 2007 [TN870.5] 557.3 s-dc20 [553.2'8'0973] 91-36739 CIP CONTENTS

Abstract 1 Leslie B. Magoon

Identified petroleum systems within the United States-1992 2 Leslie B. Magoon

A concise historical and current perspective on the kinetics of natural oil generation 12 Michael D. Lewan

Role of microbial processes in petroleum systems 16 Jerry L. Clayton

Coalbed methane 20 BenE. Law

Turbidity current processes 22 William R. Nonnark and David J. W. Piper

Porosity 32 James W. Schmoker

Facies, permeability, and heterogeneity in sandstone reservoirs 35 Christopher J. Schenk

Approaches to characterizing fluid-flow heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs 40 Christopher J. Schenk

Mineral transformations in tar sand and heavy oil reservoirs induced by thermal recovery methods 44 ChristropherJ.Schenk

Biomarkers as thermal maturity indicators 49 Paul G. Lillis

Fission-track analysis in sedimentary basins-1992 53 Nancy D. Naeser

Vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance: Some correlations and applications 58 Mark J. Pawlewicz and J. David King

Clay minerals as geothermometers-Indicators of thermal maturity for hydrocarbon exploration 61 Richard M. Pollastro

Influence of regional heat flow variation on thermal maturity of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy ("J'') Sandstone, , Colorado 66 Debra K. Higley, Donald L. Gautier, and Mark J. Pawlewicz

Thermal maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin, Utah 70 Vito F. Nuccio and Thomas D. Fouch

NERSL-National Energy Research Seismic Library 79 David J. Taylor

Branch of Petroleum Geology-1989 through 1990 bibliography 81 Helen Y. Colburn, compiler

Contents Ill FIGURES

1. Burial history chart Inside cover 2. Map showing geographic extent of petroleum system Inside cover 3. Geologic cross section showing stratigraphic extent of system Inside cover 4. Petroleum system events chart Inside cover 5. Index map for COSUNA charts 7 6. Diagram showing factors controlling initiation, transport, and deposition in turbidite systems 23 7. Graph showing sandstone porosity versus vitrinite reflectance 33 8. Graph showing carbonate porosity versus Lopatin's time-temperature index 33 9. Clay geothermometry map of the , Denver basin 63 10. Map of isoreflectance of Muddy ("J'') Sandstone in Denver basin 67 11. Graph showing isoreflectance sample depths and correlation curves 68 12. Index map of Uinta and Piceance basins in Utah and Colorado 70 13. Cross section A-A' from southwest to north-central Uinta basin 72 14. Cross section B-B' from Altamont-Bluebell to Island gas field, Uinta basin 73 15. Thermal maturity map at base of Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin 74 16. Thermal maturity map at top of Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin 75 17. Contour map of0.75-percent Rm relative to sea level, Uinta basin 76


1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as·revised and reorganized by age of source rock 3 2. Name and level of certainty revisions of U.S. petroleum systems 8 3. Distribution of petroleum systems by age and hydrocarbon type 9 4. Classification of bacteria according to energy source and source of nutrition (carbon) 17 5. Selected maturity ratios based on apparent biomarker reaction 50

IV Contents The Petroleum System- Status of Research and Methods, 1992

Leslie B. Magoon, Editor


This publication, comprising 16 individually authored summaries by U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey scientists, prese ts a reorganized table of the petroleum systems within the United States and summari es the status of research for a number of petroleum-related topics and investigative me hods. The table of petroleu systems within the United States has been reorganized by Magoon to show that a so rce rock interval can extend beyond a single system to be included in other systems, and to show, as other authors have, that petroleum source rocks occur unevenly thro ghout geological time. Lewan discusses the role of hydrous pyrolysis as a method to imulate the generation and expulsion of petroleum from a source rock. Clayton focu s on bacteria that mediate coupled oxidation-reduction reac­ tions and use organic and inorganic substrates as a means of obtaining both the carbon and the energy necessary for metabolic processes. Law provides an overview of the occurrence of methane in oal and as an energy source. Normark and Piper examine the turbidite deposit, a pot ntial reservoir rock, using a series of analytical criteria: initi­ ation and flow evolution; ransport in channels; flow processes implied from turbidite bedforms; and facies distri ution in turbidite systems. Schmoker discusses the growing body of literature dealing ith the relation between porosity and time-temperature expo­ sure, or thermal maturity. chenk covers several petroleum reservoir topics: (1) facies, permeability, and heterog neity in siliciclastic sandstone reservoirs, (2) various ap­ proaches to characterizing luid-flow heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs, and (3) min­ eral transformations in tar and and heavy oil reservoirs induced by thermal recovery methods. Lillis discusses t e use of biological markers as thermal maturity indicators. Naeser high I ights the considerable contribution that apatite fission-track analyses have made toward clarifying the thermal history of more than 40 sedimentary basins world­ wide. Pawlewicz and King review vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance and discuss certain thermal maturity c rrelations and applications. Pollastro reports on the current research status and activiti s related to day-mineral geothermometry and, as an exam­ ple, discusses the use of cl y geothermometry as a predictor of oil or microbial gas in the Niobrara Formation. 8 contouring the thermal maturity of the Muddy Sandstone using vitrinite reflectance, igley and others show that thermal anomalies relate to dif­ ferences in burial depth, he t flow, and basin hydrodynamics. Nuccio and Fouch discuss the thermal maturity of the Mesaverde Group in the Uinta basin in northeastern Utah. Taylor discusses the origin nd function of the National Energy Research Seismic Library (NERSL). Lastly, Colburn pr sents a list of publications written by personnel of the USGS Branch of Petroleum Geolo y and published during 1989 and 1990.

Manuscript approved for p blication, September 24, 1991.

The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 1 Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992

By Leslie B. Magoon1

INTRODUCTION Because the petroleum system can be classified more than one way, the classification scheme was deleted. Considerable progress has been made toward ex­ The list of petroleum systems within the United plaining the usefulness of the petroleum system as an in­ States (table 1) has been reorganized and revised since vestigative approach for research and exploration. At the the last tabulation in 1989, in which 130 systems were Annual Convention of the American Association of Pe­ identified (Magoon, 1989b). Table 1 was reorganized by troleum Geologists, April 10, 1991, W.G. Dow and L.B. age of source rock to more clearly emphasize two im­ Magoon co-convened a well attended AAPG oral session portant points. First, a petroleum source rock can have on "The Petroleum System-From Source to Trap." Ten an areal distribution beyond any one system and, in fact, papers were presented. An introductory paper defined can be part of different systems in other areas. Second, the petroleum system (Magoon and Dow, 1991), and an as other authors have noted, petroleum source rock inter­ applications paper (Smith, 1991) showed how Shell Oil vals are unevenly distributed in the geologic record Company used the petroleum system for the last 25 (Ulmishek and Klemme, 1990). The oldest age of the years to evaluate offshore tracts and onshore exploration source rock is used to classify each system in the table. ventures. Four papers covered various aspects of the pe­ For example, a source rock whose age extends from troleum system (Curiale, 1991; Demaison and Huizinga, Late Devonian through Early Mississippian is classified 1991; England, 1991; and Lewan, 1991) and four case as Devonian. studies were presented (Bacoccoli and others, 1991; The total number of petroleum systems remains Bird, 1991; Talukdar, 1991; and Ulmishek, 1991). Other the same (Magoon, 1989b; table 2), but three names and papers presented at this meeting indicate that the petrole­ two certainty levels were revised (table 2). The Elbert um system concept is gaining acceptance (Resnick, Formation is a reservoir rock rather than a source rock 1991; Tinker, 1991). In the May 1991 issue of the (Kent and others, 1988). The New Albany (.) is an oil AAPG Explorer magazine, a popularized article about system rather than gas, and most of the oil is in Chester­ the petroleum system was published (Shirley, 1991). ian age reservoirs (Barrows and Cluff, 1984). The level The petroleum system definition, which appears on of certainty was changed to speculative for both Penn­ the inside of the front and back cover of this bulletin, sylvanian systems [Pennsylvanian coals(?); Pennsylva­ has been revised and expanded from the previous bulle­ nian-Late Paleozoic(?)] because of a lack of published tin (Magoon, 1989a) to include four figures. The text re­ information. Quotation marks were placed around "A-1" vision and figures expand on the temporal extent of the for the Salina "A-1"-Niagaran(!) system to more clearly system by emphasizing the burial history chart (fig. 1) separate it from Niagaran. As published information as evidence for the timing of generation, migration, and about U.S. petroleum systems becomes available, this accumulation of hydrocarbons, and the petroleum system list will be revised to incorporate the new information. events chart (fig. 4) more clearly shows the relationship between the essential elements and processes. Also in­ cluded are the map (fig. 2) and cross section (fig. 3) to SOURCE ROCK INTERVALS BY AREA show how the geographic and stratigraphic extent of the system are best depicted. Together, these four figures In table 1, the region(s) and province(s) for the en­ graphically portray what the revised text describes. tire United States are listed to show the general areal distribution for each petroleum system. In many instan­ ces, each system covers more than one province, which can include one or more basin (structural or sedimenta­ ry), uplift (arch), or mountain range (fold and thrust 1U.S. Geological Sutvey, Menlo Park, Calif. belt). With few exceptions, each system is associated

2 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Table 1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as revised and reorganized by age of source rock (modified from Magoon, 1989b, table 2)

[Level of certainty: (!),known; (.),hypothetical; ('!),speculative; for certainty definitions see Magoon, 1988b; lith, lithology; pet, petroleum; res, reservoir; S, sandstone; C, carbonate. Region codes (fig. 5) and references m: listed below. CSD/C, Geological province code number (Meyer, 1974)/COSUNA chart stratigraphic column number]

AC, Atlantic Coast region (Jordan and Smith, 1983); NE, New England region (Skehan, 1985); CCA, Central California region (Bishop and Davis, 1984a); NMC, Northern Mid-Continent region (Bergstrom and Morey, 1985); CSR, Central and Southern Rockies region (Kent and others, 1988); NRW, Northern Rockies/Williston basin region (Ballard and others, 1983); GB, Great Basin region (Hintze, 1985); NW, Northwest region (Hull and others, 1988); GC, Gulf Coast region (Braunstein and others, 1988); PBR, Piedmont/Blue Ridge region (Higgins, 1987); MBA, Midwestern basin and arches region (Shaver, 1985); SAL, Southern Alaska region (Schaff and Gilbert, 1987b); MC, Mid-Continent region (Adler, 1987); SAP, Southern Appalachian region (Patchen and others, 1985b); NAL, Northern Alaska region (Schaff and Gilbert, 1987a); SCA, Southern California region (Bishop and Davis, 1984c); NAP, Northern Appalachian region (Patchen and others, 1985a); SSMC, Southwest/Sruthwest :Mid-Continent region (Hills and Kottlowski, 1983); NCA, Northern California region (Bishop and Davis, 1984b); TOT, Texas-Oklahoma Tectonic region (Mankin, 1987);

Petroleum systems Source Res Pet Region Province [source-reservoir(certainty)) type• lith type code Name CSD/C Cenozoic

Cenozoic(.)------III s 0/G GC Gu1f Coast basin 220/2-4,10-11 Gu1fCoast offshore Neogene-Salt Lake(?)------I s Oil GB Great Basin province 625/15,16


Eel River-Rio Dell(?)------II s Gas NCA Eel River basin 720/1-2 Pacific offshore Beluga-Sterling(.) ------III s Gas SAL Cook Inlet basin 820/13


Miocene(.)------III s Gas GC Mid-Gulf Coast basin 210/14,16,17 Miocene(?) ------II s Oil CCA Santa Cruz basin 735/6 Pacific offshore Monterey(?)------II s Oil CCA Northern Coast Range 72513 Pacific offshore Monterey-Puente(!)------II s Oil SCA Los Angeles basin 760/8-11 Monterey-Repetto/Pico(.)------II s Oil SCA Santa Maria basin 750/3 Ventura basin 155!4-5 Pacific offshore Monterey-Stevens/Kern River(.)------II s Oil CCA San Joa~ basin 745/16-21,27-29 Monterey-Tinaquaic(.) ------II s Oil CCA Coastal sin 740 SCA Santa Maria basin 750/2 Pacific offshore Soda Lake-Painted Rock(.)------II s Oil SCA Coastal basin 740 Santa Maria basin 750/1


Domengine-Cierbo/Briones(?) ------II s 0/G CCA Northern Coast Range 725/1 Green River-Wasatch(!)------I s Oil CSR Uinta basin 515 Kreyenhagen-Gatchell(?) ------II s Oil CCA San Joaquin basin 745/16-21,27-29 Ozette-Hoh(l)------III s Oil NW Western Columbia basin 710/14 Pool Creek(.) ------III s Oil SAL Gulf of Alaska basin 810/24 Sheep Pass-Garrett Ranch(!)------I s Oil GB Great Basin 625/9 Stepovak-Bear Lake(.)------III s Gas SAL Alaska Peninsula 825/12 Bristol Bay basin 845/10,11 Stillwater-Kulthieth(.)------III s Oil SAL Gu1f of Alaska basin 810/24,26,27


Aspen/Bear River Nugget/Madison(?)------II s Oil CSR Green River basin 535/11 GB Uinta uplift 570 Austin Chalk(!)------I c 0/G GC Gulf Coast basin 220/1,4,10 Austin Chalk/Eagleford-Woodbine(?) ------I s Oil GC Mid-Gulf Coast basin 210/14,17 Gulf Coast basin 220/10 East Texas basin 230 East Texas basin 260/5,6 Cretaceous(.) ------III s G/0 CSR Green River basin 535/12-14

See footnote at end of table.

Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992 3 Table 1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as revised and reorganized by age of source rock (modified from Magoon, 1989b, table 2)-Continued

Petroleum systems Source Res Pet Region Province [source-reservoir(certainty)] type' lith type code Name CSD/C Cretaceous

Cretaceous(!}------III s Gas MC Sioux uplift 320/1-3 NMC Salina basin 380/8 NRW Chadron arch 390 Williston basin 395 Sweetgrass arch 500 Central Montana uplift 510 Powder River basin 515 Denver basin 540 Cretaceous(?) ------III s 0/G CSR Big Horn basin 520/3,4 Cretaceous(?) ------III s Oil CSR Wind River basin 530/8 Cretaceous(?) ------III s 0/G CSR Denver basin 540!21 Cretaceous(?)------III s Oil CSR Powder River basin 515/6 Cretaceous(?) ------III s Gas CSR Green River basin 535/9,15 Cretaceous(?) ------III s Gas CSR North Park basin 545 Cretaceous-Tertiary(?)------III s Gas CSR Big Horn basin 520/3,4 Cretacous-Tertiary( I)------III s Gas CSR Wind River basin 530/8 Dollar Bay(.)------II c Oil GC South Florida 140131 GuHCoast offshore Forbes (.) ------III s Gas NCA Sacramento basin 730!27-29 Greenhorn-Dakota(.)------II s Oil CSR 580!29 Hornbrook(?}------III s Gas NCA Klamath Mountains 715/3,5 Hue-Sagavanirktok(!)------II s Oil NAL Arctic Coastal Plain 890/5-6 Lewis-Picture Qiffs(.) ------III s Gas CSR San Juan basin 580!29 Lower Cretaceous-Paluxy(?)------II s 0/G GC Mid-GuH Coast basin 210 GuH Coast basin 220 Arkla basin 230 East Texas basin 260 GuHCoast offshore Mesaverde(.) ------III s Gas CSR Uinta basin 575/16,17 Mesaverde(.) ------III s Gas CSR Piceance basin 595/18 Mancos-Tocito(.) ------II s Oil CSR San Juan basin 580!29 Mancos-Mesaverde(.)------II s Gas CSR San Juan basin 580!29 Moreno(?) II s Oil CCA Northern Coast Range 725 San Joaquin basin 745!29,16,17 Mowry-Muddy(!)------II s Oil CSR Denver basin 540!20 Niobrara(!)------II c Gas CSR Las Animas arch 450131 SSMC Denver basin 540!21 Niobrara/Carlisle-Frontier(!)------II c Oil CSR Denver basin 540!20,21 Sligo(?) ------III c Gas GC Mid-GuH Coast basin 210/14 GuH Coast basin 220 Arkla basin 230fl East Texas basin 260/5 Starkey-Winters(.)------III s Gas NCA Sacramento basin 730!20-26 Sunniland(!) ------II c Oil GC South Florida 140131 Gulf Coast offshore Torok-Nanushuk(.) ------III s Oil NAL Arctic Coastal Plain 890/1-3 Tuscaloosa(.)------II s Gas GC GuH Coast basin 220/3,10,11


Cotton Valley(?)------III s Gas GC Mid-Gulf Coast basin 210 Gulf Coast basin 220/10 Arkla basin 230 East Texas basin 260 Curtis-Entrada/Morrison(?)------II s Oil CSR Green River basin 535/13 Piceance basin 595!18 Jurassic-Cretaceous(?)------III s Gas Atlantic offshore Jurassic/Cretaceous(?)------II s Oil NRW Sweetgrass arch 500/10,11 Montana folded belt 505/6-8 Central Montana uplift 510/12 Smackover(!}------II c Oil GC Mid-GuH Coast basin 210 Gulf Coast basin 220 Arkla basin 230 East Texas basin 260 Gulf Coast offshore Todilto-Entrada(.)------II s Oil CSR San Juan basin 580!29 Tuxedni-Hernlock(.) ------III s Oil SAL Cook Inlet basin 820/13

See footnote at end of table.

4 The Petroleum Syste~Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Table 1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as revised and reorganized by age of source rock (modified from Magoon, 1989b, table 2)-Continued

Petroleum systems Source Res Pet Region Province (source-reservoir{certainty)] type I lith type code Name CSD/C


Ellesmerian(l) ------II s Oil NAL Arctic Coastal Plain 890/1-8 Favret(?)------II c Oil GB Great Basin 625/2 Newark(?)------II s Oil NE New England 1oon-9 PBR Piedmont Blue Ridge 150!11 NAP N Appalachian basin N160/25,26


Permian(.) ------II c Oil SSMC Permian basin 430/18-20,23 Permian(.) ------II c Oil SSMC Permian basin 430/20-21 Phosphoria-Weber(!)------II s Oil CSR Montana folded belt 505 GB Central Montana uplift 510 NRW Powder River basin 515 Big Hom basin 520 Yellowstone 525 Wind River basin 530 Green River basin 535 Uinta uplift 570 Uinta basin 575 Snake River basin 615/22 Wasatch uplift 630/23,27,28


Desmoinesian-0 sandstone(!)------II c Oil CSR Denver basin 540/20 Minnelusa(!)------II s Oil CSR Powder River basin 515 Denver basin 540/10,20 Pennsylvanian(.)------II c Oil SSMC Permian basin 430/18-20 Pennsylvanian(.)------II c Oil SSMC Permian basin 430/20-22 Pennsylvanian cannel coals-sandstone(.) ------I s Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1,2,7-9 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/11-24 Pennsylvanian coals(?)------III s Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160 SAP S Appalachian basin S160 Pennsylvania-Late Paleozoic(?)------III s Gas MC Forest City basin 335 SSMC Arkoma basin 345/4-5 TOT S Oklahoma folded belt 350/6 Chautauqua platform 355/1,2 Anadarko basin 360/26-29 Cherokee basin 365 Nemaha anticline 370!26 Sedgwick basin 375/25 Amarillo arch 440 Paradox-Hermosa(.)------II c Oil CSR Paradox basin 585/23 Ty ler(l) ------II s Oil NRW Williston basin 395/23


Chainman-Garrett Ranch(!)------II s Oil GB Great Basin 625/11 Chainman-Simonson(?) ------II c Oil GB Great Basin 625/8,9,11,12, 17,18,20,21 Chainman-White Rim(?)------II s Oil CSR Paradox basin 585 GB Wasatch uplift 630/29 Chester(?) ------III s Gas TOT Warrior basin 200/17-19 Heath-Tyler( I)------II s Oil NRW Williston basin 395/14 Central Montana uplift 510/12 Michigan-Stray(.)------II s 0/G MBA Michigan basin 305/4-6 Mississippian coals-sandstones(.)------III s Gas SAP S Appalachian basin S160!25-26 Sunbury-Berea(!)------II s 0/G NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1,2,7,8,16,20 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/18,21 Sunbury-Murrysville(.)------III s Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/16-18


Aneth-Elbert/McCracken(?)------II s Oil CSR Paradox basin 585/23 Antrim(.)------III s Gas MBA Michigan basin 305/3-5,15

See footnote at end of table.

Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992 5 Table 1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as revised and reorganized by age of source rock (modified from Magoon, 1989b, table 2)-Continued

Petroleum systems Source Res Pet Region Province [source-reservoir(certainty)] typet lith type code Name CSD/C


Bakken-Madison(l) ------II c Oil NRW Williston basin 395/13-20,23 Chattanooga-Fort Payne(.)------III c 0/G SAP S Appalachian basin S160/11,12 Devonian-Berea(?)------II s Oil MBA Michigan basin 305/3-5 Devonian Black Shales-Venango(!)------II s G/0 NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1-29 Devonian-Detroit Riverffraverse(?)------II c Oil MBA Michigan basin 305/4-6 Exshaw-Madison(.) II c Oil NRW Sweetgrass arch 500fl,l0,11 Montana folded belt 505 Marcellus-Bass Islands(.)------III c Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/21,27 Marcellus-Onondaga(.)------III c Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/21 ,22,28 Marcellus-Oriskany(.)------III s Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160 Monroe(?)------III c Gas GC Arkla basin 230/9 New Albany-Chester(.)------II s Oil MBA Illinois basin 315fl-12,19-21 Ohio-Big Injun(.)------II s G/0 NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1-3,7-9,16,17 Ohio/Chattanooga-Corniferous(?)------III c 0/G SAP S Appalachian basin S160/18 MBA Cincinnati arch 300/24,25 Ohio Shale(!)------II s G/0 NAP N Appalachian basin N160 SAP S Appalachian basin S160 Ohio/Sunbury-Greenbriar/Newman(?) ------III c Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1,2 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/18,21 Ohio-Weir(?) ------II s Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/l-3,7-14 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/18-24 Woodford/Chattanooga-Paleozoic(.)------II s Oil MC Forest City basin 335 SSMC Arkoma basin 345!3-5 TOT S Oklahoma folded belt 350/6 Chautauqua platform 355 Anadarko basin 360 Cherokee basin 365 Nemaha anticline 370/26 Sedgwick basin 375 Central Kansas uplift 385 Chadron arch 390!15 Amarillo arch 440 Las Animas arch 450 Woodford-Silurian/Devonian(.)------II s Oil SSMC Permian basin 430/18-21 Woodford-Sycamore(!)------II c Oil TOT S Oklahoma folded belt 350/6


Cabot Head-Medina(.)------I s Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/21 Rose Hill-Keefer(?) ------I s Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/18 Salina "A-1 "-Niagaran(!)------II c Oil MBA Michigan basin 305/3-6,15 Salina-Newburg(?)------I c Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160fl ,8,15,16,20


Athens-Trenton/Knox(?)------I c Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1-5 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/11-15,17-26 Glenwood-Rose Run(?)------I s Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1,2,7,9,16,17,20,21 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/16-18 Glenwood-Trempealeau(?) ------I c Gas NAP N Appalachian basin N160/15 Ordovician-Prairie du Chien II c Oil MBA Cincinnati arch 300/14-17 /Black Riverffrenton(?) Michigan basin 305/2-6,15 Point Pleasant-Clinton(!)------II s Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/15-16 Simpson-Ellenberger/Simpson(.) ------II c G/0 SSMC Permian basin 430/19-21 Simpson-Viola( I)------I c Oil MC Forest City basin 335 SSMC S Oklahoma folded belt 350/6 TOT Chautauqua platform 355/1,2 Anadarko basin 360/27 Cherokee basin 365 Nemaha anticline 370/26 Sedgwick basin 375/25 Simpson-Viola/Hunton(.) ------I c Oil MC Forest City basin 335/21 Nemaha anticline 370/10,18,20 Trenton( I) ------c Oil MBA Cincinnati arch 300/13,14 Illinois basin 315fl-12,19-21 U tica-Beekmantown(l) ------II s Gas NE New England 100/6 Adirondack uplift 110/1

See footnote at end of table.

6 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Table 1. Identified petroleum systems within the United States as revised and reorganized by age of source rock (modified from Magoon, 1989b, table 2)-Continued

Petroleum systems Source Res Pet Region Province [source-reservoir(certainty)] type1 lith type code Name CSD/C Ordovician

Utica-Trenton(!)------I c Gas MBA New England 100/1,3 NAP Adirondack uplift 11011 NE N Appalachian basin N160 Cincinnati arch 300/13,14,16-18 Viola(!)------II c Oil TOT S Oklahoma folded belt 350/6 Winnipeg-Red River(!)------II c Oil NRW Williston basin 395/13-20,23


Conasauga-Knox(?) ------II c Gas PBR Piedmont Blue Ridge 150/3-6 SAP S Appalachian basin S160!25,26 Conasauga-Knox(?) ------II c Oil SAP S Appalachian basin S160/1-8 TOT Warrior basin 200117.18 Conasauga-Rome(.)------II s Oil NAP N Appalachian basin N160/1-4,7-14,17,18 SAP S Appalachian basin S160/11-24 EauClair-Knox(?)------II c Gas MBA Illinois basin 315/8-12,19-21


Nonesuch-Keweenawan(?)------II s Gas MC Wisconsin arch 310/20 NMC Sioux uplift 320/12,13 Iowa shelf 32513,4,12,14 Nemaha anticline 370/10,20 Salina basin 380/17


Unknown-Eocene(?) ------II s Oil GC Mid-Gulf Coast basin 210 Gulf Coast basin 220/10 Arkla basin 230/8 East Texas basin 260/5 Unknown-Eutaw/Selma(?)------II s Oil GC Mid-Gulf Coast basin 210/13,14,16,28 Gulf Coast basin 220/10 Arkla basin 230 East Texas basin 260/6 Unknown-San Miguel/Olmos(?)------II s Oil GC Gulf Coast basin 220/1 SSMC Ouachita tectonic belt 400/16

1Refers to organic matter type, either I, II, or III, and is distinguished on the basis of the hydrogen and oxygen indices of the kerogen when plotted on the van Krevelen diagram. See Tissot and Welte (1984) for further explanation.


Figure 5. Index map of regions for the Correlation of strati­ graphic units of North America (COSUNA) charts. See table 1 for region names and references.

Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992 7 Table 2. Name and level of certainty revisions of U.S. petroleum systems

[See text for sources of information leading to these revisions]

Magoon, 1989b This publication

Aneth/Elbert-McCracken(?)------Aneth-Elbert/McCracken(?) New Albany(.)------New Albany-Chester(.) Pennsylv ani an coals(!)------Pennsylv ani an coals(?) Pennsylvania-Late Paleozoic(!)------Pennsylvania-Late Paleozoic(?) Salina A-1-Niagaran(!)------Salina "A-1 "-Niagaran(!) with at least one basin because the basin contains the post-Paleozoic sediments. Since the present-day petrole­ overburden rock that provided the burial depth (heat) to um accumulations had to have been generated and mi­ mature the source rock. Only systems that contain micro­ grated by the end of Permian time or earlier, when bial gas have little need for overburden rocks. maximum burial was achieved, the duration of these pe­ When the sedimentary basin of a source rock is on troleum systems with Upper Devonian source rocks a continental scale, such as the Late Devonian of the ranged from Late Devonian through Permian time. The United States, that organic-rich interval can be the preservation time extended through the Mesozoic and source rock for more than one petroleum system. How­ Cenozoic. In contrast, the western edge of the craton in­ ever, the stratigraphic nomenclature for this Upper De­ cludes foreland basin sedimentary rocks as young as vonian source rock is different depending on the location Cretaceous or early Tertiary, and one of the cratonic in­ (in parenthesis): the Ohio Shale and Devonian black terior basin sags may be as young as Tertiary. The dura­ shale (Appalachian area), the Antrim Shale (Michigan tion of these systems can range from Late Devonian basin), the New Albany Shale (Illinois basin), the Wood­ through Cretaceous or Tertiary, respectively. ford Shale (mid-Continent provinces), the Aneth Forma­ Another organic-rich interval that is involved in tion (Paradox basin; Kent and others, 1988), the Pilot many petroleum systems is the Miocene of California Shale (Great Basin), the Bakken Formation (Williston (table 1). Here, numerous strike-slip basins formed in the basin), and the Exshaw Formation (Sweetgrass arch). Miocene and continue to develop to the present day. At Wherever this organic-rich rock is, or is thought to be, first, the basins were conducive to the formation and buried enough by overburden rock to generate oil or gas, preservation of organic matter along with abundant biog­ a petroleum system exists. The petroleum systems that enous silica and relatively little siliciclastic material. include these Upper Devonian source rocks are listed in Deposition of coarser siliciclastic material became pro­ table 1 under Devonian. gressively more rapid during Pliocene to Pleistocene What matures this Upper Devonian organic-rich in­ time; this sediment provided the necessary overburden to terval is overburden rock deposited in smaller, post-De­ generate hydrocarbons in petroleum systems within the vonian basins (successor basins) located on or along the Los Angeles basin, Ventura basin (Santa Barbara off­ edge of the North American craton. Sedimentary basins shore), Santa Maria basin, San Joaquin basin, and sever­ on the craton are sags or rifts, whereas basins at the edge al other coastal basins. Again, what started out as of the craton are foreland basins. Unless the sediments organic-rich deposits over a large area eventually devel­ are created in situ (carbonates, evaporites, and coals), the oped into smaller sedimentary basins that acquired suffi­ provenance for the sediments dumped into all three ba­ cient overburden rock to generate hydrocarbons, and sins is the craton, or the provenance for the foreland ba­ thus form separate petroleum systems. sin, both craton and the fold and thrust belt. The reservoir and seal rocks are either in the Upper Devonian strata or are part of the overburden rock. The trap- and SOURCE ROCK INTERVALS BY TIME petroleum-forming processes occur during deposition of the overburden rock. Meissner and others (1984) used a map of the inte­ On a continental scale, the duration of these petro­ rior part of the United States to show the distribution of leum systems with Upper Devonian source rocks varies hydrocarbon source rocks over nine time intervals. These with the location of the system. Along the eastern and intervals are as follows: Middle Ordovician, latest Siluri­ southern edge of the North American craton, these late an to Late Devonian, Late Devonian to mid-Mississippi­ Paleozoic foreland basins include the Appalachian, War­ an, Late Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian to rior, and Anadarko and received only a minor amount of Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and latest Cretaceous to

8 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Table 3. Distribution of petroleum systems by age and hydrocarbon type

[Age of petroleum system is based on the oldest age of the source rock. Information on age of source rock is from table 11

Age No. Oil Oil/Gas Gas/Oil Gas

Cenozoic undif. ------2 1 1 0 0 Pleistocene------0 NA NA NA NA Pliocene ------2 0 0 0 2 Miocene ------·------8 7 0 0 1 Oligocene ------0 NA NA NA NA Eocene ------8 6 1 0 1 Paleocene------0 NA NA NA NA

Cretaceous------33 13 4 1 15 Jurassic ------7 5 0 0 2 Triassic ------3 3 0 0 0

Permian------3 3 0 0 0 Pennsylvanian------9 7 0 0 2 Mississippian------9 4 2 0 3 Devonian------21 9 2 3 7 Silurian ------4 3 0 0 1 Ordovician ------13 9 0 1 3 Cambrian------4 2 0 0 2

Precambrian------1 0 0 0 1 Unknown------3 3 0 0 0

Total------130 75 10 5 40 early Tertiary. Dividing the geological time scale into 13 45 were gas or mostly gas; a ratio of 2:1. Evidently, oil segments, Ulmishek and Klemme (1990) inventoried the from Ordovician (13) and Eocene (8) source rocks in the important source rock intervals in the world and found United States are unimportant on a worldwide scale that six intervals account for 90 percent of the known oil (Ulmishek and Klemme, 1990). and gas reserves. These six stratigraphic intervals are as follows: Silurian, Late Devonian to Tournaisian (Missis­ sippian), Pennsylvanian to Early Permian, Late Jurassic, SUMMARY mid-Cretaceous, and Oligocene to Miocene. The distribution of U.S. petroleum systems by age A petroleum system includes all the hydrocarbons shown in table 1 are summarized by age and hydrocar­ that originated either from a pod of mature source rock bon type in table 3. The most common age of the source or, in the case of microbial gas, from an immature rock is Cretaceous, whereas the Oligocene and Pleisto­ source rock. More simply, sedimentary organic matter cene contain none (table 3). The most to least common must be heated over time or acted upon by microbes to source-rock ages are as follows: Cretaceous (33), Devo­ generate petroleum. Sedimentary rock matter dumped nian (21), Ordovician (13), Mississippian (9), Pennsylva­ into basins is the framework into which this organic nian (9), Eocene (8), Miocene (8), and Jurassic (7). The matter and the resultant petroleum products move and remainder of the age brackets have fewer than five. For reside. As discussed above, the areal distribution of or­ the 130 petroleum systems, 85 were oil or mostly oil and ganic matter for any particular geologic age can range

Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992 9 from local to continental, and these rock intervals are em Rockies/Williston basin region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., unevenly distributed over geologic time. On a worldwide Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America scale only six source-rock intervals generated over 90 (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum percent of known oil and gas (Ulmishek and Klemme, Geologists, 1 sheet. Barrows, M.H., and Cluff, R.M., 1984, New Albany Shale 1990). The amount, type, and thermal maturity of this Group (Devonian-Mississipian) source rocks and hydro­ organic matter must have determined the amount and carbon generation in the Illinois basin, in Demaison, type of petroleum generated. Gerard, and Murris, R.I., . eds., Petroleum geochemistry The observation that laterally continuous source and basin evaluation: American Association of Petroleum rocks are commonly involved in more than one petrole­ Geologists Memoir 35, p. 111-138. um system is important, because then regional studies of Bergstrom, D.J., and Morey, G.B., 1985, Northern Mid-Conti­ organic-rich rocks between systems can be used to better nent region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of strati­ predict the amount and type of organic matter within a graphic units of North America (COSUNA) project: system where it is presently overmature. An organic-rich American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. rock between systems is immature and is frequently pen­ Bird, K.J., 1991, The Ellesmerian petroleum system-North etrated by exploratory wells or is exposed at the surface Slope of Alaska [abs.]: American Association of Petrole­ where it can be examined, sampled, and analyzed. In um Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 542. Bishop, C.C., and Davis, J.P., 1984a, Central California region, contrast, the same organic-rich rock within a system is in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of mature to overmature at maximum burial depth, is com­ North America (COSUNA) project: American Association monly too deeply buried to be sampled, and when ana­ of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. lyzed can give a geochemical profile of a depleted --- 1984b, Northern California region, in Lindberg, F.A., source rock. ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America By examining a source rock at different levels of (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum maturity between and within petroleum systems, and Geologists, 1 sheet. comparing these results with the amount and type of re­ --- 1984c, Southern California region, in Lindberg, F.A., coverable hydrocarbons (cumulative production plus ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America known reserves), then the efficiency of different petrole­ (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum um systems can be compared to better assess the ulti­ Geologists, 1 sheet. Braunstein, J., Huddleston, P., and Biel, R., 1988, Gulf Coast mate hydrocarbon potential of a system. For example, a region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic map showing the richness, type, and thermal maturity of nnits of North America (COSUNA) project: American As­ Upper Devonian organic-rich rocks for North American sociation of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. is necessary if reasonable calculations to determine the Curiale, J.A., 1991, Oil-source rock correlation-A powerful amount of hydrocarbons generated are to be compared to geochemical tool for the petroleum explorationist [abs.]: recoverable hydrocarbons by the petroleum system meth­ American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. od. Properly done, this exercise may provide a reason­ 75, no. 3, p. 560. able estimate of total amount of ultimately recoverable Demaison, G., and Huizinga, B.J., 1991, Genetic classification hydrocarbons by system. of petroleum systems [abs.]: American Association of Pe­ The uneven distribution of source rocks over geo­ troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 558. logic time indicates that only certain intervals need to be England, W.A., 1991, Petroleum migration and reservoir filling [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists mapped over large areas. Certainly in the United States, Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 569. strata in the Late Devonian, Cretaceous, and possibly the Higgins, M., 1987, Piedmont/Blue Ridge region, in Lindberg, Ordovician intervals need to be addressed on a continen­ F.A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of North tal scale. Tertiary source rocks need to be addressed on a America (COSUNA) project: American Association of Pe­ much smaller scale, such as the Miocene of California. troleum Geologists, 1 sheet. Hills, J.M., and Kottlowski, F.E., 1983, Southwest/southwest Mid-Continent region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation REFERENCES CITED of stratigraphic units of North America (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 Adler, J.A., 1987, Mid-Continent region, in Lindberg, F.A., sheet. ed., Correlation of stratigraphic nnits of North America Hintze, L.F., 1985, Great Basin region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America Geologists, 1 sheet. (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum Bacoccoli, G:, Mello, M.R., Mohriak, W.U., Koutsoukos, Geologists, 1 sheet. E.A.M., 1991, Petroleum systems in the Brazilian sedi­ Hull, D.A., Armentrout, J.M., Hintze, L.F., Beaulieu, J., and mentary basins [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Rau, W.W., 1988, Northwest region, in Lindberg, F.A., Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 536. ed., Correlation of stratigraphic nnits of North America Ballard, W.W., Bluemle, J.P., and Gerhard, L.C., 1983, North- (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum

1 0 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Geologists, 1 sheet. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. Jordan, R.R., and Smith, R.V., 1983, Atlantic Coastal plain, in Patchen, D.G., Avary, K.L., and Erwin, R.B., 1985b, Southern Lindberg, F .A., ed., Correlation of .stratigraphic units of Appalachian region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of North America (COSUNA) project: American Association stratigraphic units of North America (COSUNA) project: of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. Kent, H.C., Couch, E.L., and Knepp, R.A., 1988, Central and Resnick, V.S., 1991, Petroleum system in the southern Siberia: Southern Rockies region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correla­ From Proterozoic sources to Cambrian traps [abs.]: Ameri­ tion of stratigraphic units of North America (COSUNA) can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, project: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 no. 3, p. 660. sheet. Schaff, R.G., and Gilbert, W.G., 1987a, Northern Alaska re­ Lewan, M.D., 1991, Generation and expulsion of oil as deter­ gion, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic mined by hydrous pyrolysis [abs.]: American Association units of North America (COSUNA) project: American As­ of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 620. sociation of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. Magoon, L.B., ed., 1988a, Petroleum systems of the United --- 1987b, Southern Alaska region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., States: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1870, 68 p. Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America Magoon, L.B., 1988b, The petroleum system-A classification (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum scheme for research, exploration, and resource assessment, Geologists, 1 sheet. in Magoon, L.B., ed., Petroleum systems of the United Shaver, R.H., 1985, Midwestern basin and arches region, in States: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1870, p. 2-15. Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of Magoon, L.B., ed., 1989a, The petroleum sytstem-Status of North America (COSUNA) project: American Association research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bul­ of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. letin 1912, 88 p. Shirley, K., 1991, Systems can provide the big picture: Tulsa, Magoon, L.B., 1989b, Identified petroleum systems in the AAPG Explorer, v. 12, no. 5, p. 6,7,19. United States-1990, in Magoon, L.B ., ed., The petroleum Skehan, S.J., 1985, New England region, in Lindberg, F.A., sytstem-Status of research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geo­ ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of North America logical Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 2-9. (COSUNA) project: American Association of Petroleum Magoon, L.B., and Dow, W.G., 1991, The petroleum system­ Geologists, 1 sheet. From source to trap [abs.]: American Association of Pe­ Smith, J.T., 1991, The petroleum system as an exploration tool troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 627. in a frontier setting [abs.]: American Association of Petro­ Mankin, C.J., 1987, Texas-Oklahoma tectonic region, in leum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 673. Lindberg, F .A., ed., Correlation of stratigraphic units of Tissot, B.P., and Welte, D.H., 1984, Petroleum formation and North America (COSUNA) project: American Association occurrence (2d ed.): Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 699 p. of Petroleum Geologists, 1 sheet. Talukdar, S., 1991, Petroleum systems of the eastern Venezu­ Meyer, R.F., ed., 1974, AAPG-CSD Geological provinces code elan basin [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Ge­ map: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, re­ ologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 679. vised edition, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000. Tinker, S.W., 1991, The Keg River/Winnipegosis petroleum Meissner, F.F., Woodward, J., and Clayton, J.L. 1984, Strati­ system-Source to trap part I [abs.]: American Associa­ graphic relationships and distribution of source rocks in tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 682. the greater Rocky Mountain region, in Woodward, J., Ulmishek, G.F., 1991, Volga-Ural basin, U.S.S.R.: Rich petro­ Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L., Hydrocarbon source leum systems with a single source rock [abs.]: American rocks of the greater Rocky Mountain region: Denver, Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 1-34. p. 685. Patchen, D.G., Avary, K.L., and Erwin, R.B., 1985a, Northern Ulmishek, G.F., and Klemme, H.D., 1990, Depositional con­ Appalachian region, in Lindberg, F.A., ed., Correlation of trols, distribution, and effectiveness of world's petroleum stratigraphic units of North America (COSUNA) project: source rocks: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1931, 59 p.

Identified Petroleum Systems within the United States-1992 11 A Concise Historical and Current Perspective on the Kinetics of Natural Oil Generation

By Michael D. Lewan 1

Kinetics is the branch of chemistry that studies the kinetic parameters are based on extractable bitumen from time dependency of reactions and the factors controlling naturally and experimentally matured source rocks, but reaction rates. The importance of time as well as temper­ the rationale and methods by which these values were ature in oil-shale retorting (Franks and Goodier, 1922; determined were not presented. Although the derivation Maier and Zimmerley, 1924) and natural coalification of kinetic parameters in this approach is not explicit, it (Huck and Karweil, 1955; Karweil, 1955) was estab­ revealed the possibility that one time-temperature rela­ lished long before it was recognized as being important tionship may not be sufficient to describe oil generation in oil generation. Habicht (1964) showed the importance from all three major kerogen types. of oil-generation kinetics in identifying effective source During this same time period, another approach rocks in the Gifhom trough. His approach was theoreti­ based on coalification was being developed. A kinetic cally based on the Arrhenius kinetic parameters and model for changes in reflectivity of vitrinite macerals first-order reaction rate suggested by Abelson (1964 ). with increasing coal rank was presented by Lopatin Subsequently, Philippi (1965) showed the importance of ( 1971) and later modified by Lopatin and Bostick time in assessing the amount of oil generated in the Ven­ (1973). This model was calibrated with naturally ma­ tura and Los Angeles basins. His approach was empiri­ tured coals and was based on the premise that the reac­ cally based on organic geochemical data from subsurface tion rate doubled for every 10°C increase in temperature. wells. Although neither of these studies established an The time-temperature indices derived from this approach explicit method for evaluating oil-generation kinetics, were then deductively related to stages of oil generation they demonstrated the importance of time as well as by Hood and others (1975) and Lopatin (1976). The rea­ temperature in natural oil generation. sonable predictions the Lopatin approach gave for vitri­ Tissot (1969) presented an explicit kinetic model nite reflectances without computer support made it for oil generation, which was later enhanced by Tissot particularly popular in petroleum exploration applica­ and Espitalie (1975). This approach assumed an overall tions (Waples, 1980). However, its inherent premise that reaction of partial decomposition of kerogen to oil by bond cleavage (thermal cracking) in oil generation from means of six parallel, first-order reactions. Changes in all types of kerogen is the same as bond formation (aro­ the rate of each of these reactions with temperature were matic condensation) in vitrinite maturation was clearly described by the Arrhenius equation, in which each of an oversimplification. Although this approach may be the six reactions had its own activation energy and fre­ considered a good measure of thermal stress experienced quency factor. In addition to presenting six sets of kinet­ within a subsiding sedimentary basin, it is not necessari­ ic parameters for type II kerogens, Tissot and Espitalie ly a good measure of oil generation. (1975) also presented six sets of kinetic parameters for Although an unspecified amount of experimental type I and type III kerogens. Each of the six parallel re­ pyrolysis data were included in the kinetic model by Tis­ actions has an assigned activation energy that is the sot and Espitalie (1975), both Arrhenius and Lopatin same for all three major kerogen types, but the frequen­ models were primarily dependent up to this time on cy factor and amount of kerogen consumed for each of available subsurface well data. Uncertainties in these the six parallel reactions vary among the three major natural data concerning paleotemperatures and gradients, kerogen types. This discrete distribution of activation en­ uplift and erosion events, and rock unit ages encouraged ergies assumes that only six types of bonds with known the use of laboratory pyrolysis in developing kinetic bond strengths are cleaved during oil generation. Tissot models. In the years following 1975, the emphasis on and Welte (1978, p. 504-505) stated that these prescribed laboratory pyrolysis in organic geochemical research in­ creased significantly as recorded by the sharp increase in number of publications on the subject (Barker and 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. Wang, 1988).

12 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Three categories under which these laboratory py­ kerogens being described by only two parallel reactions rolysis experiments may be grouped include open anhy­ within 4 kcaVmol of one another and over 85 percent of drous pyrolysis, closed anhydrous pyrolysis, and hydrous hydrocarbon generation from type I kerogen being de­ pyrolysis. Open anhydrous pyrolysis involves removing scribed by a single parallel reaction within a 2 kcal/mol vaporized products from the pyrolysis chamber in which interval. This kinetic approach has been shown to model they are generated in the absence of liquid water. The changes in hydrocarbon yields as determined by Rock­ product is removed by either a carrier gas that sweeps Eval pyrolysis in the Mahakam Delta (Ungerer and Pe­ the vapor products into an external detector (Barker, let, 1987), but the relationship between total 1974; Claypool and Reed, 1976) or an external cold trap hydrocarbon yields from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and gener­ that condenses liquids from self-purging vapor products ation of expelled oil in nature needs further clarification. (Heistand, 1976; Wildeman, 1977). Closed anhydrous Braum and Burnham (1987) discussed the impor­ pyrolysis maintains pyrolysis products in the pyrolysis tance of using a distribution of activation energies in de­ chamber with no liquid water being present. Obtaining a scribing hydrocarbon generation from non-isothermal liquid product by this method usually requires extracting experiments. In addition to the discrete distribution em­ the sample with an organic solvent after the experiment ployed by Ungerer and others (1986), they also consid­ has been completed (Harwood, 1977). Hydrous pyrolysis ered the use of a Gaussian distribution in their involves pyrolyzing a sample in the presence of liquid discussion. This latter approach assumes that hydrocar­ water in a closed reactor. If the proper time and temper­ bon generation consists of a number of first-order paral­ ature conditions are applied to a potential source rock, lel reactions, which have the same frequency factor but this method generates an expelled oil that accumulates different activation energies that collectively have a on the water surface (Lewan and others, 1979; Winters Gaussian distribution. Burnham and others (1987) com­ and others, 1983). pared these curve-fitting approaches with data generated In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the prolifera­ by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The discrete distribution fits the tion in pyrolysis studies was primarily focused on under­ experimental data better than the Gaussian distribution, standing the processes involved in petroleum formation and when extrapolated to geological conditions, the and on evaluating hydrocarbon potential of source rocks. Gaussian distribution predicts major hydrocarbon gener­ It was not until the mid-1980's that emphasis was pl~ced ation 10°C to 15°C lower than the discrete distribution. on laboratory pyrolysis in the derivation of kinetic mod­ Burnham (1991) also did a similar comparison of curve­ els for oil generation. The two major pyrolysis approach­ fitting approaches with a modified Fischer assay appara­ es employed during this time were non-isothermal tus. This type of open anhydrous pyrolysis generates a experiments with open anhydrous pyrolysis (Ungerer, condensable oil, which may be kinetically described 1984; Braum and Burnham, 1987) and isothermal experi­ through a series of isothermal experiments. Unfortunate­ ments with hydrous pyrolysis (Lewan, 1985). ly, the amount of oil generated is inversely dependent of The non-isothermal approach using open anhy­ heating rate, which when extrapolated to geological heat­ drous pyrolysis for natural oil-generation kinetics was ing rates results in the total absence of a generated oil. first presented by Ungerer (1984) and later enhanced by In addition to questioning the validity of employing open Ungerer and others (1986). In the latest version of this anhydrous pyrolysis in determining kinetics for natural approach (Ungerer and Pelet, 1987), aliquots of isolated oil generation, extrapolating the curve-fitting kinetic kerogen are subjected to Rock-Eval pyrolysis at three models from non-isothermal experiments to geological different heating rates (for example, 0.34, 4.5, and 56°C/ conditions has also been questioned (Lakshmanan and min) that span at least two orders of magnitude. The others, 1991). flame-ionization responses to the volatile hydrocarbons The approach using isothermal hydrous-pyrolysis generated at the three different heating rates are modeled experiments for natural oil-generation kinetics was first by assuming that as many as 20 parallel first-order reac­ presented by Lewan (1985). Aliquots of a rock sample tions are responsible for the resulting yield curves. These are subjected to hydrous pyrolysis at temperatures typi­ hypothetical reactions are assigned regularly spaced acti­ cally in the range of 300°C to 365°C for 72-hour dura­ vation energies at 2 kcaVmol intervals between 40 and tions. A first-order rate constant is determined from the 80 kcal/mol. A nonlinear optimization computer program amount of expelled oil generated at each temperature (OPTIM) calculates a frequency factor and amount of and plotted on Arrhenius coordinates (natural log of rate kerogen consumed for each activation-energy interval constant versus reciprocal of absolute temperature). The that best reproduces the hydrocarbon-generation curves resulting plots are adequately described by a straight for all three heating rates. Results of this approach pre­ line, which provides an activation energy and frequency sented by Tissot and others (1987) showed narrow acti­ factor in the classical kinetic approach (Lewan, 1985; vation-energy distributions for oil-prone kerogens, with Lewan and Buchardt, 1989). Extrapolation of these ki­ over 70 percent of hydrocarbon generation from type II netic parameters to lower temperatures and longer dura-

A Concise Historical and Current Perspective on the Kinetics of Natural Oil Generation 13 tions gives reliable predictions of oil generation from 1987, Comparison of methods for measuirng kerogen py­ .source rocks subsiding in sedimentary basins (Hunt and rolysis rates and fitting kinetic parameters: Energy & Fu­ others, 1991). Two important concepts that emerged els, v. 1, p. 452-458. from this experimental approach were that (1) rates of Claypool, G.E., and Reed, R., 1976, Thermal-analysis tech­ nique for source-rock evaluation: Quantitative estimate of oil generation may vary significantly for type II kero­ organic richness and effects of lithologic variation: Ameri­ gens and (2) rates of oil generation from type II kero­ can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 60, gens increase in part with their organic sulfur content. p. 608-612. The former concept further accentuated the limitations of Franks, A.J., and Goodier, B.D., 1922, Preliminary study of the the Lopatin approach as discussed by Wood (1988), and organic matter of Colorado oil shale: Quarterly of the the latter concept was also deduced from natural data by Colorado School of Mines, v. 17, p. 3-16. Orr (1985). Gardiner, W.C., Jr., 1969, Rates and mechanisms of chemical Unlike kinetics based on total hydrocarbon evolu­ reactions: New York, W.A. Benjamin, 284 p. tion from kerogen decomposition by Rock-Eval pyroly­ Habicht, J.K.A., 1964, Discussion on "The history of migration sis, hydrous pyrolysis more closely simulates nature and in the Githom trough (NW-Germany)": Proceedings of the determines the kinetics of oil generation from the partial Sixth World Petroleum Congress, Section 1, p. 479-480. decomposition of bitumen (Lewan, in press a). As noted Harwood, R.J., 1977, Oil and gas generation by laboratory py­ rolysis of kerogen: American Association of Petroleum by Burnham and others (1987), the inability of Rock­ Geologists Bulletin, v. 61, p. 2082-2102. Eval pyrolysis to distinguish between bitumen, oil, and Heistand, R.N., 1976, The Fischer assay, a standard method?: gas results in a broader oil window than that derived American Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry from hydrous pyrolysis kinetics. Another consideration Papers, v. 21, p. 49-54. is the importance of rapid vaporization of pyrolysis Hood, A., Gutjahr, C.C.M., and Heacock, R.L., 1975, Organic products in obtaining a volatile product from open anhy­ metamorphism and the generation of petroleum: American drous pyrolysis. Lewan (in press b) noted that this proc­ Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 59, p. ess is not operative in subsiding sedimentary basins, but 986-996. formation of an immiscible oil as observed under hy­ Huck, G., and Karweil, J., 1955, Physio-chemical problems of drous pyrolysis is operative in subsiding sedimentary ba­ coalification: Brennstoff-Chemie, v. 36, p. 1-11. sins. The importance of water in the natural generation Hunt, J.M., Lewan, M.D., and Hennett, J.C., 1991, Modeling oil generation with time-temperature index graphs based and expulsion of oil is continually becoming more evi­ on the Arrhenius Equation: American Association of Pe­ dent, and further research on the kinetics of oil genera­ troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, p. 795-807. tion by hydrous pyrolysis is needed. As stated by Karweil, J., 1955, The metamorphosis of coal from the stand­ Gardiner (1969), "If you should find that chemical kinet­ point of physical chemistry: Zeitschrift fiir der Deutschen ics is an underdeveloped science compared with other Geologigschen Gesellschaft, v. 107, p. 132-139. aspects of chemistry, be tolerant and recognize that time­ Lakshmanan, C.C., Bennett, M.L., and White, N., 1991, Impli­ dependent problems are intrinsically more difficult than cations of multiplicity in kinetic parameters to petroleum equilibrium ones, or be challenged and spend some of exploration: Distributed activation energy models: Energy your scientific lifetime improving the situation." & Fuels, v. 5, p. 110-117. Lewan, M.D., 1985, Evaluation of petroleum generation by hy­ drous pyrolysis experimentation: Philosophical Transac­ tions of the Royal Society, v. 315, p. 123-134. REFERENCES CITED --- in press a, Laboratory simulation of petroleum forma­ tion: Hydrous pyrolysis, in Engel, M.H., and Macko, S.A., Abelson, P.H., 1964, Organic geochemistry and the formation eds., Organic geochemistry: New York, Plenum. of petroleum: Proceedings of the Sixth World Petroleum --- in press b, Primary oil migration and expulsion as de­ Congress, Section 1, p. 397-407. termined by hydrous pyrolysis: Proceedings of the 13th Barker, C., 1974, Pyrolysis techniques for source-rock evalua­ World Petroleum Congress, Section 2. tion: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul­ Lewan, M.D., and Buchardt, B., 1989, Irradiation of organic letin, v. 58, p. 2349-2361. matter by uranium decay in the Alum Shale, Sweden: Barker, C., and Wang, L., 1988, Applications of pyrolysis in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 53, p. 1307-1322. petroleum geochemistry: A bibliography: Journal of Ana­ Lewan, M.D., Winters, J.C., and McDonald, J.H., 1979, Gen­ lytical and Applied Pyrolysis, v. 13, p. 9-61. eration of oil-like pyrolyzates from organic rich shale: Braum, R.L., and Burnham, A.K., 1987, Analysis of chemical Science, v. 203, p. 897-899. reaction kinetics using a distribution of activation energies Lopatin, N.Y., 1971, Temperature and geological time as fac­ and simpler models: Energy & Fuels, v. 1, p. 153-161. tors of coalification: lzdatel'stvo Akademiya Nauk SSSR Burnham, A.K., 1991, Oil evolution from a self-purging reac­ Ser. Geol., v. 3, p. 95-106. tor: Kinetics and composition at 2°C/min and 2°C/h: En­ --- 197 6, Determination of the influence of temperature ergy & Fuels, v. 5, p. 205-214. and time on the catagenetic process of coalification and Burnham, A.K., Braum, R.L., Gregg, H.R., and Samoun, A.M., oil-gas generation, in Issledovaniya Organicheskogo

14 The Petroleum System---Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Veshchestva Sovremennykhi i Iskopaemykh Osadkov: Ungerer, P., 1984, Models of petroleum formation: How to Moscow, Nauka, p. 361-366. take into account geology and chemical kinetics, in Lopatin, N.V., and Bostick, N.H., 1973, The geological factors Durand, B., ed., Thermal phenomena in sedimentary ba­ in coal catagenesis, in Priroda Organicheskogo sins: Paris, Editions Technip, p. 235-246. Veshchestva Sovremennykh i Iskopaemykh Osadkov: Ungerer, P., Espitalie, J., Marquis, F., and Durand, B., 1986, Moscow, Nauka, p. 79-90. Use of kinetic models of organic matter evolution for the Maier, C.G., and Zimmerley, S.R., 1924, The chemical dynam­ reconstruction of paleotemperatures, in Burruss, J., ed., ics of the transformation of organic matter to bitumen in Thermal modeling in sedimentary basins: Paris, Editions oil shale: University of Utah Bulletin, v. 14, p. 62-81. Technip., p. 531-546. Orr, W.L., 1985, Kerogen/asphaltene/sulfur relationships in Ungerer, P., and Pelet, R., 1987, Extrapolation of the kinetics sulfur-rich Monterey oils: Organic Geochemistry, v. 10, p. of oil and gas formation from laboratory experiments to 499-516. sedimentary basins: Nature, v. 327, p. 52-54. Philippi, G.T., 1965, On the depth, time and mechanism of pe­ Waples, D.W., 1980, Time and temperature in petroleum for­ troleum generation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. mation: Application of Lopatin's Method to petroleum ex­ 29,. p. 1021-1049. ploration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Tissot, B., 1969, First data on the mechanism and the kinetics Bulletin, v. 64, p. 916-926. of the formation of petroleum in sediments. Computer Wildeman, T.R., 1977, Preparation and Fischer assay of a simulation 'of a reaction scheme: Revue de L'Institut standard oil shale: American Chemical Society, Division Fran~ais du Petrole, v. 24, p. 470-501. of Petroleum Chemistry Preprints, v. 22, p. 760-764. Tissot, B., and Espitalie, J., 1975, Thermal evolution of or­ Winters, J.C., Williams, J.A., and Lewan, M.D., 1983, A labo­ ganic matter in sediments: Applications of a mathematical ratory study of petroleum generation by hydrous pyrolysis, simulation: Revue de L'Institut Fran~ais du Petrole, v. 30, in Bjorfijy, M., Advances in organic geochemistry 1981: p. 743-777. New York, Wiley, p. 524-533. Tissot, B.P., Pelet, R., and Ungerer, P., 1987, Thermal history Wood, D.A., 1988, Relationships between thermal maturity in­ of sedimentary basins, maturation indices, and kinetics of dices calculated using Arrhenius Equation and Lopatin oil and gas generation: American Association of Petrole­ Method: Implications for petroleum explortion: American um Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 1445-1466. Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, p. Tissot, B., and Welte, D., 1978, Petroleum formation and oc­ 115-134. currence: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 538 p.

A Concise Historical and Current Perspective on the Kinetics of Natural Oil Generation 15 Role of Microbial Processes in Petroleum Systems

By jerry L. Clayton 1

Microorganisms are ubiquitous in most natural classification based on energy and carbon source is con­ aquatic systems and pore waters of shallowly buried sed­ venient, because this type of classification groups the or­ iments (burial depths equivalent to temperatures less ganisms according to inorganic products released into than about H>0°C). It is widely recognized that microor­ the sediment. These inorganic products are important in ganisms play major roles in global chemical cycles (for the formation or degradation of petroleum in that they example, carbon, sulfur, iron, nitrogen, and manganese) play a role in mineral diagenesis or affect the carbon (Blackburn, 1983; J~rgensen, 1983; Krumbein and budget of the system. Accordingly, bacteria can be clas­ Swart, 1983; Nealson, 1983; Burdige and Nealson, 1986; sified into two major groups of importance in petroleum Aller and Rude, 1988; Lovley and Phillips, 1988; Lovley systems (table 4). The two groups listed in table 4 in­ and others, 1987, 1989a,b, 1990). This report reviews clude both aerobic and anaerobic types. Autotrophic bac­ the roles of bacteria in the following processes that are teria use C02 as a source of carbon for synthesis of important components of petroleum systems: (1) sedi­ biomolecules and obtain the energy necessary for synthe­ ment diagenesis, (2) degradation of crude oil, and (3) sis from light (photosynthesis) or from oxidation of inor­ formation of crude oil and natural gas. ganic substrates (chemosynthesis). These bacterial The focus of this paper is on bacteria that mediate process are important in organic matter and sediment di­ coupled oxidation-reduction reactions using both organic agenesis. Heterotrophic bacteria generally use pre-exist­ and inorganic substrates as a means of obtaining both ing organic compounds and are particularly important in carbon and the energy necessary for metabolic processes. degradation of petroleum. These types of bacteria obtain carbon from pre-existing In sediments, bacterial activity generally decreases organic matter (heterotrophy) or C02 (autotrophy) and with increasing depth of burial owing to depletion of nu­ use either organic or inorganic reactions as a source of trients, changing pH or oxidation-reduction potential, ac­ energy. Some bacteria obtain carbon from dissolved C02 cumulation of toxic by-products of metabolism, or and energy from photosynthesis via anaerobic pathways. increasing temperature. Within this overall trend of de­ Because of the light requirement imposed by photosyn­ creasing activity, zonation occurs in which different thesis, such bacteria are restricted to the phototrophic types of bacteria inhabit successive sediment layers in zone of the water column or to the uppermost sediment response to changing environmental conditions (Pon­ layers where the water is shallow enough to allow nearly namperuma, 1972; Claypool and Kaplan, 1974; Yoshida, unimpeded light penetration. Green and purple sulfur 1975; Champ and others, 1979; Froelich and others, bacteria (Chlorobiaceae and Chromatiaceae) are impor­ 1979; Winfrey and others, 1981; Reeburgh, 1983). This tant groups of anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria. Aerobic succession of bacterial populations can be divided into photosynthesis is carried out by blue-green bacteria liv­ three zones: (1) the aerobic zone; (2) the anaerobic sul­ ing in the upper, phototrophic water column and on the fate-reducing zone; and (3) the methanogenesis zone surface of bottom sediments. (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974; Rice and Claypool, 1980; Classical methods of classifying bacteria are based Lovley and Goodwin, 1988). It is important to note that on morphology, gram stain reaction, cultural characteris­ aerobic metabolism may occur also in porous rocks at tics (that is, the kind of growth on media of different greater depth where hydrodynamic conditions allows in­ compositions), and biochemical reactions such as sugar flux of oxygenated, meteoric water. This is the condition fermentations and amino acid and vitamin requirements. that allows aerobic, bacterial degradation of petroleum in More recent classification methods are based on the a reservoir. composition of nucleic acids (Fox and others, 1980). For understanding bacterial effects in petroleum systems, a SEDIMENT DIAGENESIS

Chemical diagenesis in sediments includes authi­ 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. genic mineral precipitation, replacement, and solution.

16 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Table 4. Classification of bacteria according to energy source and source of nutrition (carbon)

Bacteria Energy source Carbon source

Autotrophs ------Photosynthesis (light energy) ------C02 Chemosynthesis (oxidize inorganics) ------C02 Heterotrophs ------Oxidation (oxidize organics)------Organic compounds (some use C<>2,)

Bacterial processes can play a major role in diagenetic aqueous phase, (3) supply of nutrients such as nitrogen reactions involving not only organic materials, but inor­ and phosphorus, and (4) proper temperature (less than ganic mineral phases as well. These processes are impor­ about 100°C). tant in petroleum systems because they can affect reservoir properties. In general, bacterial metabolism under anaerobic FORMATION OF CRUDE OIL conditions increases pore water alkalinity and decreases AND NATURAL GAS Eh. In the sulfate-reducing zone, SO/- (sulfate), HS­

(sulfide), and HC03- (bicarbonate) are among the most Bacteria play important roles in the accumulation important dissolved species (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974; of sedimentary organic matter (formation of potential pe­ Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1974). In the methanogenesis troleum source rocks) and in generation of methane nat­ zone, CH4 and H2 are among the most common dis­ ural gas resources. In well-oxygenated sedimentary solved species. Precipitation of iron sulfides and carbon­ environments, oxidation of organic matter by aerobic ate minerals are common diagenetic effects of bacteria contributes to poor preservation of organic mat­ accumulation of bacterial end-products in pore waters. ter of the type contained in effective petroleum source Additional bacterial processes of importance in diagene­ rocks (hydrocarbon-generating organic matter). Inhibi­ sis are iron and manganese reduction (Aller and Rude, tion of aerobic decay by lower oxygen levels can con­ 1988; Lovley and others, 1987, 1988, 1989a,b, 1990; tribute to preservation of better quality (more lipid-rich Lovley and Phillips, 1988). Iron, sulfate, and carbonate or oil-prone) organic matter. Harvey and others (1986) reduction are particularly important because these reac­ showed that degradation and mineralization of organic tions affect pore water concentrations of species in­ matter proceeds more rapidly under aerobic than under volved directly in mineral reactions. However, bacterial anaerobic conditions. Further, Harvey and others (1986) processes in general affect the pore water pH, Eh, and presented evidence that high organic carbon content in ionic strength even though the inorganic substrates may sediments inhibits bacterial degradation of lipids, so that or may not participate directly in mineral diagenetic re­ in organic-rich sediments positive feedback may occur actions. Therefore, mineral stabilities in pore waters of between preservation of large amounts of organic matter organic-rich sediments can be affected indirectly by bac­ and depressed bacterial degradation of lipids. terial activity. It is important to note, however, that complete oxi­ dation of organic matter is possible in anaerobic sedi­ ments by bacteria using nitrate, sulfate, iron, or PETROLEUM DEGRADATION manganese as the sole electron acceptor (Pfenning and others, 1981; Starns and others, 1985; Szewzyk and Bacterial degradation can significantly diminish the Pfenning, 1987; Lovley and Phillips, 1988). Other fac­ economic value of a petroleum accumulation because of tors also affect preservation of organic matter, such as increased recovery and refinery costs. In addition, bacte­ rate of organic productivity in the water column, sedi­ rial alteration of petroleum can be so extensive that geo­ mentation rate, sediment particle size, and bioturbation, chemical evaluation of thermal maturity, source but bacteria are clearly important components in the correlation, and secondary migration becomes nearly im­ overall process. possible. Bacterial generation of gas is thought to account Effects of biodegradation of petroleum are summa­ for about 20 percent or more of the world's resource of rized by Connan (1984) and references therein. Accord­ natural gas (Rice and Claypool, 1980). Methane genera­ ing to Connan (1984), the requirements for aerobic tion is accomplished not by a single organism, but rather biodegradation of petroleum include (1) moving water by a consortium of bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria produce (meteoric), (2) oil-water contact since bacteria live in the extracellular enzymes that hydrolyze carbohydrates and

Role of Microbial Processes in Petroleum Systems 17 proteins to produce simple sugars and amino acids. The tors listed above. However, the precise interplay of these sugars and amino acids are then converted to ketoacids factors with respect to either individual or cumulative (pyruvate), hydroxy acids (lactate) and fatty acids (for­ bacterial processes is imperfectly understood. Improved mate, acetate, propionate), C02, and H2• Proton-reducing understanding of the ecological requirements of various bacteria convert protons to hydrogen gas, which in tum bacterial communities and their effects on the accumula­ is used by the methanogenic bacteria as a reducing tion and composition of sedimentary organic matter is agent. Methanogenic bacteria reduce the C02 by reaction important for correlations and source-rock studies in pe­ with H2 or split acetate produced from the preceding re­ troleum systems. actions to form methane and C02• The depth in a sedimentary basin over which bac­ The methanogens are a diverse group of bacteria teria remain active or viable is poorly established. Meth­ that exhibit a wide tolerance of environments including anogens are known to remain active at temperatures as virtually every habitat in which anaerobic degradation of high as 85°C (Postgate, 1984) if other suitable growth organic matter occurs (Jones and others, 1983). Metha­ factors are present, and some sulfate-reducing bacteria nogens have been isolated from freshwater and marine have been reported at 100°C (Stetter and others, 1987). sediments, and extreme environments such as geothermal Another question is whether bacteria remain viable, even springs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Huber and oth­ though inactive, during relatively deep burial (accompa­ ers, 1982; Jones and others, 1983). Methanogenic bacte­ nied by high temperatures) so that when erosion occurs ria are most active at pH 6.5 to 8.0 and at temperatures and the environment becomes more hospitable bacterial of 4°C to 45°C (Zeikus and Winfrey, 1976). This "cos­ growth might be revitalized. mopolitan" status of methanogens is attributable to their Inorganic computer models of diagenetic reactions unique mode of metabolism (methane generation) and leave out possible effects of bacterial processes. Bacteri­ the fact that the compounds that serve as substrates are al processes could introduce a large uncertainty into end products of other metabolic processes (Jones and these models because metabolic pathways sometimes fa­ others, 1983). vor reactions (via coupled or multiple biochemical path­ ways) not predicted by thermodynamics. These bacterial processes could dramatically affect the pore water com­ ROLE IN EXPLORATION position during early diagenesis in an unpredictable manner. Furthermore, as discussed previously, pore wa­ Besides their importance in sedimentary processes ter Eh and pH can be significantly shifted by bacterial that form some rocks or reservoirs and in petroleum al­ metabolism. Therefore, computer models of mineral dia­ teration, bacteria contribute biological marker com­ genesis in organic-rich sediments need to allow for com­ pounds to sedimentary organic matter. These biomarkers positional changes in reactions mediated by bacteria. are present in petroleum as well and can be useful indi­ cators of thermal maturity and the depositional setting of the source rock or can be used for oil-source rock or oil­ REFERENCES CITED oil correlation studies to identify petroleum systems. Aller, R.C., and Rude, P.D., 1988, Complete oxidation of solid phase sulfides by manganese and bacteria in anoxic ma­ FURTHER WORK rine sediments: Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 52, p. 751-765. Blackburn, T.H., 1983, The microbial nitrogen cycle, in A number of studies have demonstrated that bacte­ Krumbein, W.E., ed., Microbial geochemistry: Boston, ria thrive in both oxygenated and anoxic marine and Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 63-90. freshwater sediments, and isotopic evidence indicates Burdige, D.J., and Nealson, K.H., 1986, Chemical and micro­ clearly that bacterial metabolites are involved in various biological studies of sulfate-mediated manganese reduc­ mineral reactions. Despite these field studies and anum­ tion: Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 4, p. 361-387. ber of laboratory studies in which bacteria have been Champ, D.R., Gulens, J., and Jackson, R.E. 1979, Oxidation­ studied under a wide range of growth conditions, consid­ reduction sequences in ground water flow systems: Cana­ erable uncertainty remains with respect to constraints on dian Journal of Earth Science, v. 16, p. 12-223. bacterial activities in sedimentary environments. The Claypool, G.E., and Kaplan, I.R., 1974, The origin and distri­ bution of methane in marine sediments, in Kaplan, I.R., principal limitations are certainly availability of nutri­ ed., Natural gases in marine sediments: New York, Ple­ ents, temperature, pH, Eh, osmotic pressure, toxicity of num, p. 99-139. metabolic products, and competition among various bac­ Connan, J., 1984, Biodegradation of crude oils in reservoirs, in teria for common substrates. The porosity, permeability, Brooks, J. and Welte, D., eds., Advances in petroleum and hydrodynamic regime of a particular setting are also geochemistry, v. I: New York, Academic Press, p. 299- important because these factors influence the growth fac- 335.

18 The Petroleum Syste~Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Fox, G.E., Stackebrandt, E., Hespell, R.B., Gibson, J., Lovley, D.R., Phillips, E.J.P., and Lonegran, D.J., 1989a, Maniloff, J., Dyer, T.A., Wolfe, R.S., Balch, W.E., Tan­ Hydrogen and formate oxidation coupled to dissimilatory ner, R.S., Magrun, L.J., Zablen, L.B., Blackemore, R., reduction of iron or manganese by Alteromonas Gupta, R., Bonen, L., Lewis, B.J., Stahl, D.A., Luebrsen, putrefaciens: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. K.R., Chen, K.N., and Woese, C.R., 1980, The phylogeny 55, p. 700-706. of prokaryotes: Science, v. 209, p. 457-463. Lovley, D.R., Stolz, J.P., Nord, G.L., Jr., and Phillips, E.J.P., Froelich, P.N., Klinkhammer, G.P., Bender, M.L., Luedke, 1987, Anaerobic production of magnetite by a dissimila­ N.A., Heath, G.R. Cullen, D., Dauphin, P., Hammond, D., tory iron-reducing microorganism: Nature, v. 330, p. 252- Hartmann, B., and Maynard, V., 1979, Early oxidation of 254. organic matter in pelagic sediments of the eastern equato­ Nealson, K.H., 1983, The microbial iron cycle, in Krumbein, rial Atlantic: Suboxic diagenesis: Geochemica et W.E., ed., Microbial geochemistry: Boston, Blackwell Sci­ Cosmochimica Acta, v. 43, p. 1075-1090. entific Publications, p. 159-199. Goldhaber, M.B., and Kaplan, I.R., 1974, The sulfur cycle, in Pfenning, N.W., Widdell, F., and Triiper, H.G., 1981, The dis­ Goldberg, E.D., ed., The sea: New York, John Wiley & similatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, in Starr, M.P., Stolp, Sons, p. 569-655. H., Triiper, H.G., Balows, A., and Schlegel, H.G., eds., Harvey, H.R., Fallon, R.D., and Patton, J.S. 1986, The effect The prokaryotes: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 926-940. of organic matter and oxygen on the degradation of bacte­ Ponnamperuma, F.N., 1972, The chemistry of submerged soils: rial membrane lipids in marine sediments: Geochimica et Advances in Agronomy, v. 24, p. 29-96. Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 795-804. Postgate, J.R., 1984, The sulphate-reducing bacteria: New Huber, H., Thomm, M., Konig, H., Thies, G., and Stetler, York, Cambridge University Press, 208 p. K.O., 1982, Methanococcus thermolithotropicus, a novel Reeburgh, W.S., 1983, Rates of biogeochemical processes in thermophilic lithotropic methanogen: Archives of Microbi­ anoxic sediments: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary ology, v. 132, p. 47-50. Sciences, v. 11, p. 269-298. Jones, W. J., Leigh, J.A., Mayer, F., Woese, C. R., and Wolfe, Rice, D.D., and Claypool, G.E., 1980, Generation accumula­ R. S., 1983, Methanococcus jannaschii sp. nov., an ex­ tions, and resource potential of biogenic gas: American tremely thermophilic methanogen from a submarine Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p. 5- hydrothermal vent: Archives of Microbiology, v. 136, p. 25. 254-261. Starns, A.J.M., Hansen, T.A., and Skyring, G.W., 1985, Utili­ J~rgensen, Bo B., 1983, The microbial sulfur cycle, in zation of amino acids as energy substrates by two marine Krumbein, W.E., ed., Microbial geochemistry: Boston, Desulfovibrio strains: FEMS Microbiological Ecology, v. Blackwell Scientific Publication, p. 91-124. 31, p. 11-15. Krumbein, W.E., and Swart, P.K., 1983, The microbial carbon Stetter, K.O., Laueres, G., Thomm, M., and Neuner, A., 1987, cycle, in Krumbein, W.E., ed., Microbial geochemistry: Isolation of extremely thermophilic sulfate reducers: evi­ Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 5-62. dence for a novel branch of archaebacteria: Science, v. Lovley, D. R., Baedecker, M.J., Lonegran, D.J., Cozzarelli, 236, p. 822-824. I.M., Phillips, E.J.P., and Seigel, D.l., 1989b, Oxidation of Szewzyk, R., and Pfenning, N., 1987, Complete oxidation of aromatic contaminants coupled to microbial iron reduc­ catechol by the strictly anaerobic sulfate-reducing tion: Nature, v. 339, p. 297-300. Desulfobacterium catecholicum sp. nov.: Archives of Mi­ Lovley, D.R., Chapelle, F.H., and Phillips, E.J.P., 1990, crobiology, v. 147, p. 163-168. Fe(lll)-reducing bacteria in deeply buried sediments of the Winfrey, M.R., Marty, D.G., Bianchi, A.J.M., and Ward, D.M., Atlantic Coastal Plain: Geology, v. 18, p. 954-957 .. 1981, Vertical distribution of sulfate reduction, methane Lovley, D.R., and Goodwin, F., 1988, Hydrogen concentrations production, and bacteria in sediments: Geomicrobiology as an indicator of the predominant terminal electron-ac­ Journal, v. 2, p. 341-362. cepting reactions in aquatic sediments: Geochimica et Yoshida, T., 1975, Microbial metabolism of flooded soils, in Cosmochimica Acta, v. 52, p. 2993-3003. Paul, E.A. and McLaren, A.D., eds., Soil biochemistry, v. Lovley, D.R., and Phillips, E.J.P., 1988, Novel mode of micro­ 3: New York, M. Dekker, p. 83-122. bial energy metabolism: Organic carbon oxidation coupled Zeikus, J.G., and Winfrey, M.R., 1976, Temperature limitation to dissimilatory reduction of iron or manganese: Applied of methanogenesis in aquatic sediments: Applied Environ­ and Environmental Microbiology, v. 54, p. 1472-1480. mental Microbiology, v. 31, p. 99-107.

Role of Microbial Processes in Petroleum Systems 19 Coalbed Methane

By Ben E. Law1

INTRODUCTION moisture. Although the roles of these geologic criteria are known in a general way, there is a need to determine Estimates of coalbed methane resources in-place in the relative importance of these variables in different the United States range from 72 to 860 trillion cubic feet coal-bearing basins. (tcf), with most estimates ranging from 300 to 500 tcf (Rightmire, 1984). Cumulative gas production from coal. RANK beds through January 1991 was about 400 billion cubic feet. Commercial coalbed gas production in the United It is well known that gas content increases with in­ States began in about 1977 from the San Juan basin of creasing coal rank (Juntgen and Karweil, 1966; Meiss­ New Mexico and Colorado and the Black Warrior basin ner, 1984). Low-rank coals (lignite through high-volatile of Alabama. Since 1989, gas production has expanded C bituminous) contain as much as 80 standard cubic feet into the Piceance basin of Colorado, the Powder River per ton (scf/ton), whereas higher rank coals contain as basin of Wyoming, and the Cherokee basin of Kansas. In much as 700 scf/ton. The gas in low-rank coal is usually the Raton basin of Colorado and New Mexico, gas pro­ biogenic and gas in high-rank coal is thermogenic. duction is awaiting pipelines, and in the northern Appa­ Low-rank coals are usually normal or under-pressured lachian region, where a few coalbed gas wells have been and high-rank coals are commonly over- or underpres­ producing gas since the 1940's, the issue of gas owner­ sured. In areas of high-rank coals, such as the San Juan ship is a large obstacle to exploration and production. basin, economically recoverable gas accumulations are Additional areas with production potential, such as the pervasive and are independent of structural and Green River basin of Wyoming, have been hampered by stratigraphic traps. Since most coal-gas research environmental problems related to water disposal. has been conducted in high-rank coals, there is some Internationally, there is a growing interest in coal­ uncertainty regarding the nature of coalbed methane bed methane as an energy source. Exploration for coal­ accumulations in low-rank coals. Additional research is bed methane has been initiated in Canada, , needed to more accurately determine the relationships , Russia, and several European countries. Ironical­ among coal rank, gas generation, gas content, and gas ly, in some of these countries activity has been spurred composition. by a desire to alleviate environmental problems associat­ ed with coal mining and the direct utilization of coal. PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE The continued expansion of coalbed methane ex­ ploration and production into additional coal-bearing re­ The amount of gas contained in coal of a given gions will require an improved understanding of these rank is related to pressure and temperature (Juntgen and accumulations, as well as favorable economic conditions. Karweil, 1966; Meissner, 1984); with increasing pres­ Nearly all of the current research in the United States is sure, gas content increases and with increasing tempera­ in the Black Warrior and San Juan basins, where there is ture, gas content decreases. In general, overpressured an emphasis on engineering and production aspects. The coals are more productive than normal or underpressured geologic variables that have been determined to be im­ coals, and it is usually necessary to reduce formation portant in coalbed-methane accumulation and production pressure to initiate gas production. include rank, pressure, temperature, permeability, and Current research is mainly on engineering aspects of pressure that include refining methods of measuring the adsoption capacity of coal and the effects of confin­ ing pressure on coal permeability. Geologically, there are only a few pressure and temperature studies related 1U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo .. to coal-gas (Meissner, 1984; Kaiser and others, 1991).

20 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Additional research is needed to examine and relate the dewatering program can be evaluated more objectively. pressure and temperature histories of coal to present-day However, current methods of determining the source of conditions. water are unreliable.


The principal permeability pathway in coal is Arnmosov, I.I., and Eremin, I.V., 1960, Fracturing in coal through the cleat system (fractures). The cleat system in (translated from Russian): Moscow, IZDAT Publishers, coal is defined by an approximately orthogonal set of ·109 p. fractures referred to as face and butt cleats. Face cleats Grout, M.A., in press, Coal cleats in the southern Piceance constitute the dominant set and butt cleats the subordi­ basin, Colorado: Correlation with both regional and local fold-related fracture sets, in Schwochow, S., ed., Coalbed nate set. Due to the better development of face cleats, methane of western North America: Denver, Colo., Rocky permeability in coal commonly exhibits varying degrees Mountain Association of Geologists. of anisotropy, with the better development parallel to the Joubert, J.l., Grein, C.T., and Bienstock, D., 1973, Sorption of face cleat direction. In the absence of effective cleat per­ methane in moist coal: Fuel, v. 52, p. 181-185. meability, economic levels of gas production from coal Juntgen, H., and Karweil, J., 1966, Gasbildung und beds would be impossible. gasspeicherung in steinkohlenflozen, part I and IT: Erdol The origin of cleats is unknown, although hypothe­ und Koble, Erdgas, Petrochemie, v. 19, p. 251-258 and ses have been made that include tectonic deformation, 339-344. shrinkage due to moisture loss, and extension related to Kaiser, W.R., Swartz, T.E., and Hawkins, G.J., 1991, Hydrolo­ the relaxation of stress (Moore, 1922; Price, 1966; Ting, gy of the Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, in Geo­ 1977). The factors that are known to affect the characteris­ logic and hydrologic controls on the occurrence and producibility of coalbed methane, Fruitland Formation, tics of cleats include bed thickness, coal quality (ash and San Juan Basin: Gas Research Institute Publication, GRI- maceral content), rank, and tectonic deformation (Macrae 91/0072, p. 195-241. and Lawson, 1954; Ammosov and Eremin, 1960; Ting, Macrae, J.C., and Lawson, W., 1954, Cleat in coal seams: 1977). While these studies and more recent basinwide Transactions Leeds Geological Association, p. 227-242. studies in the Piceance and San Juan basins (Grout, 1991; Meissner, F.F., 1984, Cretaceous and lower Tertiary coals as Tremain and others, 1991) facilitate characterization of the sources for gas accumulations in the Rocky Mountain cleat system, they do not necessarily characterize the per­ area, in Woodward, J., Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L., meability of cleats under in situ confining pressures; at eds., Hydrocarbon source rocks of the greater Rocky depth, permeability may be ineffective due to high confm­ Mountain region: Denver, Colo., Rocky Mountain Asso­ ing pressures and a closed cleat system. ciation of Geologists, p. 401-431. Moore, E.S., 1922, Coal, its properties, analysis, classification, geology, extraction, uses, and distribution: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 462 p. MOISTURE Price, N.J., 1966, Fault and joint development in brittle and semi-brittle rock: New York, Pergamon Press, 176 p. One of the largest obstacles to economic recovery Rightmire, C.T., 1984, Coalbed methane resource, in of coal bed methane is water. The presence of water in­ Rightmire, C.T., Eddy, G.E., and Kirr, J.N., eds., Coalbed hibits desorption of gas from the coal and flow to the methane resources of the United States: American Asso­ wellbore (Joubert and others, 1973). Consequently, coal ciation of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology 17, p. beds are commonly dewatered to a point at which gas 1-13. begins to desorb from the matrix. The period of time Ting, F.T.C., 1977, Origin and spacing of cleats in coal beds: necessary to accomplish sufficient dewatering is highly Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, v. 99, p. 624-626. variable and in some cases is never reached. The success Tremain, C.M., Laubach, S.E., and Whitehead, N.H., ill, 1991, of dewatering efforts depends on development of the Coal fracture (cleat) patterns in Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New cleat system and on the source of water, which may be Mexico: Implications for coalbed methane exploration and from recharge at the outcrop, from adjacent aquifers, or development, in Geologic and hydrologic controls on the from inherent moisture in coal. In those cases where the occurrence and producibility of coalbed methane, source of water can be determined, the feasibility of a Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin: Gas Research Insti­ tute Publication, GRI-91/0072, p. 97-117.

Coalbed Methane 21 Turbidity Current Processes

By William R. Normark1 and David j.W. Piper2

INTRODUCTION ing of the processes and products of these currents. These sections are (1) initiation processes, including flu­ Generalized facies models for turbidite deposits id-flow and sediment-failure mechanisms; (2) the flow of provide only a first-order interpretation of the detailed turbidity currents in channels, recognizing that the 'chan­ evolution of turbidite sequences and their relationship to nel properties reflect a rather limited range of flow con­ sea-level fluctuations and source-area tectonism. A more ditions that might exist within any given turbidite powerful approach is to analyze a turbidite depositional system; and (3) inferences of flow processes from the system in terms of its sediment source, the processes deposits left by turbidity currents. This review concludes controlling initiation of turbidity flows, how the result­ with the implications for facies distribution in the result­ ing turbidity currents evolved during flow, the relation ing turbidite deposits. Figure 6 and the expanded refer­ of flow characteristics to morphologic development of ence section parallel the text organization. both the pathway(s) and depositional areas, and how these flows relate to depositional facies. Although our understanding of flow processes has INITIATION been hampered by the difficulty of direct observation or monitoring turbidity currents at sea, recent advances in Significant new insights on processes that generate both field observation and numerical modeling indicate sustained turbidity currents have come from studies of that the variety of turbidity-current flows has been un­ flows generated by the injection of concentrated sedi­ derestimated in the past. An increasing body of evidence ment suspensions that result either from river discharge shows that many, if not most, recognizable turbidites or storm surges, and flows that evolve from mass fail­ were deposited from quasi-steady flows that last for ures on deltaic and basin slopes. Both the grain-size dis­ many tens of hours. This conclusion is radically different tribution and the volume of material available to form a from the catastrophic, high-density surges (volume con­ turbidity current reflect the primary source area and the 1 centration as much as 6 x 10- ) envisaged by earlier effects of any intermediate staging areas where sediment workers (Kuenen, 1950; Heezen and Ewing, 1952). Bag­ may temporarily accumulate before being remobilized. nold (1962) showed that grain-to-grain collisions prevent In addition, flow characters such as the speed, thickness, turbulent transport of sediment above sediment concen­ and sediment distribution within the flow itself reflect trations of 9 x 10-2 (volume concentration). Recent work the source characteristics. Figure 6A shows our under­ further shows that much of the sediment transport takes standing of the relation between initiation processes for place in flows with sediment concentrations that are well turbidity currents and sediment input parameters. Differ- below this limiting value or that approach it only near the base of the flow. Pertinent research from the last two decades (see review in Norm ark and Piper, in press) that exemplifies ~Figure 6. Schematic representation of the principal the broad range in the character of turbidity currents is factors controlling initiation, transport, and deposition in summarized in three sections that reflect both the nature turbidite systems (developed from figures in Normark and of the data and the degree of change in our understand- Piper, in press). A, Typical total sediment volume and pe­ trology/grain-size distribution for various types of flow ini­ tiation. B, Principal processes acting during channelized phases of sediment transport. Cross section shows general characteristics of sandy, mixed, and muddy turbidity cur­ rents; note that each of these types can show great varia­ 1U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. tion in total size and thus flow thickness and duration. C, Typical sediment deposits resulting from different types of 2 Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, flow in a simple channel/levee system leading to a deposi­ Dartmouth, N. S., Canada. tional lobe.

22 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 GRAIN SIZE RANGE Sandy Mixed Muddy A HIGH Initiation requires a steep SEA SIZE OF LEVEL slope and a process to INITIAL suspend sediment FLOW, IN CUBIC METERS OF SEDIMENT. 1010

Conduit flushing­ Erosion of channel by accelerating ignitive flow Spillover of tops of flows separates channel and overbank flows Flow expansion from gradient changes, channel widening, or overbank flow causes B scours or rapid Transport of many hours \ deposition duration. Flow character Bedforms depends on size of flow, type Mud waves from thick of sediment, and interaction muddy flows with sea-floor morphology PLAN VIEW Gravel waves from thin sandy flows

,.....- ~ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__:::------~~-~ - ~ ----

Muddy flow-Slow, Sandy flow-Thin, Mixed flow­ thick, and uncon­ fast, erosive Intermediate strained by sea­ velocity floor morphology, I / ;fla~e \ LARGE REPEATED c SANDY THIN Deposition patterns result from FLOW MUDDY flows of different grain size, FLOW thickness, and velocity interacting with pre-existing morphology

Turbidity Current Processes 23 ent initiation processes involve different volumes and between sediment failure and turbidity-current flow. grain-size compositions and reflect the local geographic Some of the issues involved in the seismic initiation of settings. Turbidity currents from reef-edge failures are turbidity currents are more clearly defined from recent generally much smaller but with a larger proportion of studies of the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current. The coarser sediment than those generated by failures on pas­ 1929 event on the Laurentian Fan off eastern Canada has sive-margin slopes (fig. 6A). long been regarded as a type example of a catastrophic, seismically triggered turbidity current (Heezen and Ew­ ing, 1952; Heezen and others, 1954). Numerous authors Initiation by River Discharge (the earlier ones reviewed by Menard, 1964; the more recent ones by Kirwan and others, 1986) have attempted The direct, or hyperpycnal, flow of turbid rivers and to model the flow as a surge, but this is inconsistent with tailings discharge into lakes has long been known to result the evidence for prolonged and quasi-steady flow provid­ in turbidity currents (Gould, 1951; Lambert and others, ed by the regular gravel bedforms and scours on the val­ 1976; Normark and Dickson, 1976; Weirich, 1984). For a ley floor and by the sediment-flux requirements (Hughes turbidity current to develop from an initial suspension Clarke and others, 1990). Failure did not take place in a flow, the suspension flow must maintain a sufficient veloc­ single large slide; rather, there were numerous shallow ity (through inertial effects or external forcing) until there slides, separated by less disturbed areas of seabed. is a sufficient gradient for a turbidity current to be self­ Hughes Clarke (1988) argued that to maintain flow over sustaining. Experimental studies and observations of flows a period of several hours, there must have been a contin­ into lakes and fjords have identified those conditions in uous process of transformation of debris flows to turbidi­ which the gradient and suspended sediment concentration ty currents. Silty sediment put into suspension following are sufficient for the turbidity-current flow to accelerate. widespread slope failure could have flowed ignitively Under these conditions, the flow can erode and put more (Piper and others, 1991). The convergent valley pattern sediment into suspension, thus providing additional power on the slope above the Laurentian Fan would aid in the to the current This positive feedback situation is referred concentration, maintenance, and acceleration of such ig­ to as "ignition" (Parker, 1982). nitive flow. Turbidity currents triggered by large earthquakes may be recognized from their synchronous development Initiation of Currents by Storms in several different drainage basins (Adams, 1989; Anas­ tasakis and Piper, 1991). In ancient basin-plain sequen­ Ignitive flow of coastal sand down submarine can­ ces, amalgamated beds may be evidence of large yons has been documented where rip currents associated seismically triggered turbidity currents. Earthquakes are with storm surges catastrophically remove sand from not the only triggers for failure of upper-slope sediment, canyon heads (Fukushima and others, 1985). This mech­ where failure also may be induced by storm waves. Not anism is potentially significant wherever there is a nar­ all failures, however, will result in ignitive flow produc­ row shelf and canyons intersect the littoral-drift system; ing turbidity currents. thus, such environments would have been more common during Pleistocene low stands of sea level. Data from a suite of displaced current-meter moor­ Turbidity Current Initiation on Deltas ings indicate that turbidity currents formed as a result of a storm surge across a reef front related to the passage of Because sediment strength and seabed slope are Hurricane Iwa through the Hawaiian Islands on 23 No­ important in determining whether sediments fail, rapidly vember 1982 (Dengler and others, 1984a,b). Carbonate accumulating deltaic sediment, which tends to be under­ turbidites and debris flows are common along carbonate consolidated and has relatively low strength, is particu­ margins, and many adjacent basinal turbidites show mul­ larly susceptible to failure, especially where the deposit tiple entry points (Mullins, 1983), consistent with a is prograding across steep slopes. Such deltaic environ­ storm-surge trigger for the flows; the data do not ex­ ments also may be the site of hyperpycnal inflow of sed­ clude, however, initiation resulting from seismic shaking. iment-laden river discharge that can form a turbidity current directly. The high sediment concentrations asso­ ciated with high-bedload-discharge rivers suggest that Sediment Failure Initiation Processes they may be the most likely to initiate turbidity currents. Recent case studies of fjord deltas off British Columbia Most turbidity currents are commonly thought to and Baffin Island, Canada, provide our best evidence to result from seismically triggered mass failures, but there date to evaluate hyperpycnal flow and slumping mecha­ are remarkably few studies that document the relation nisms for generating turbidity currents (Prior and others,

24 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987; Syvitski and Rein, 1991; pronounced immediately downslope from the channel Syvitski and others, 1987). termination zone. On mature passive-margin fans such as the Ama­ zon and the Mississippi, there are highly sinuous fan TRANSPORT channels with continuous levees (Flood and Damuth, 1987; Kastens and Shor, 1985). Such channels appear in Turbidity currents vary in the total amount of sedi­ equilibrium with bankfull or smaller flows: there is no ment transported, duration, grain-size distribution of evidence for slightly larger flows that would be expected transported sediment, velocity, and thickness. Smaller to breach levees on sharp bends, although the possibility currents tend to deposit their load in more proximal en­ of very thick flows oblivious to channel relief cannot be vironments; larger currents may transport sediment to excluded. This suggests that flows are relatively slow, distal environments. The morphology of deep-sea fan hence of relatively low density and long duration. Tur­ systems reflects the cumulative erosional and deposition­ bidity currents initiated by seismic failure (such as the al effects of a large number of turbidity currents, each of Holocene deposits of Navy Fan and Cascadia Channel), which interacts with channel conditions in different or by bedload delta processes such as hyperpycnal flow ways. The ,volume of large turbidite beds cannot be or mouth-bar failure (such as Var Fan, late Pleistocene equated directly to the volume of sediment released in a deposits of Navy Fan) appear to be much more variable single initiating event; an accelerating large current may in size, and variably erode or deposit on different parts erode sediment from the floor of any conduits and trans­ of the fan system, thus yielding a more complex mor­ port substantial amounts of deep-water sediment, includ­ phology (Piper and Normark, 1983; Savoye and Piper, ing that deposited by previous, probably smaller, 1990). currents. The deposition of sediment waves on levees (Nor­ Channel overflow, erosion of channel walls, lateral mark and others, 1980) requires flow thicknesses sub­ migration of channels, and large-scale depositional bed­ stantially greater than channel depth, in order that forms are just some of the features that provide insight channel processes do not interfere with the uniformity to flow characters that can be used to deduce flow con­ and continuity of the sediment waves. ditions (fig. 6B). Limited field evidence shows that tur­ bidity currents that transport a large proportion of sand are thinner than those that are predominantly of mud and DEPOSITION also that there is a vertical gradient in the grain size of sediment transported by a turbidity current. These two Flow Processes Implied from Turbidite Bedforms general trends are a consequence of the dynamics of tur­ bidity-current flow and are accentuated by entrainment Bedforms in turbidite systems provide evidence for of water at the top of the flow and erosion of sediment the importance of prolonged turbulent fluid flow in the under ignitive conditions at the base. They are confirmed deposition of turbidite beds. They also have the potential by flume experiments (Parker and others, 1987) and can for providing quantitative information on the characteris­ be predicted by physical modeling (Stacey and Bowen, tics of the flow, as has been done in studies of fluvial 1988a,b). flow. Large-scale scours within turbidite deposits are, Different flows react in different ways to sea-floor perhaps, the prime example of features that went unob­ relief (fig. 6B). A small flow may be confined within a served because of their scale; in outcrop studies, erosion­ fan valley system; a larger flow may be essentially chan­ al features of this size are generally misidentified as nelized, but spill over the levees (Hay, 1987b ). Thick channels (Mutti and Normark, 1987). All of the scour flows may experience flow-stripping of the upper part of examples referenced occur in, or immediately downslope the flow at abrupt bends in the channel (Piper and Nor­ from, areas of the turbidite deposits where the fan or mark, 1983), and a very thick flow may move down­ channel gradients indicate that flows could be supercriti­ slope with the fan valley acting merely as a local cal using layer-averaged flow models. In addition, all oc­ roughness element (in cases where the flow thickness cur in areas within or downslope from regions where greatly exceeds the channel depth). rapid flow expansion is implied, associated with an in­ The role of the Coriolis force, which is a geo­ creased turbulence within the flow. strophic effect of the Earth's rotation that is proportional The imaging of many deep-sea fans by sidescan to latitude and· flow velocity, also reflects flow charac­ sonar systems in the last decade has shown that coarse ters. Slow, muddy turbidity currents that exceed channel fan-valley and lobe sediments have a variety of large­ relief can develop a significant cross-flow gradient af­ scale depositional bedforms. These include grayel waves, fecting deposition throughout the basin; the effect of whose wavelength may be a measure of bed shear stress thin, fast, sandy flows in controlling deposition is more (velocity), and regular, large-scale sediment waves

Turbidity Cunent Processes 25 developed in predominantly fine-grained sediments During rising sea level, seismic triggering of flows pre­ (principally on levees) and for which the significance of dominates, resulting in some thick muddy flows (fig. size variation is poorly understood. 6C). Sea-level changes may also influence coastal mor­ Implications for Facies Distribution in Turbidite phology, so that the locus of sediment supply is Systems changed. For example, the northern Ascension Canyon source for Monterey fan intercepts littoral-drift sediment The variability in source materials, initiating proc­ at low stands of sea level, but during high stands, this esses, and flow characteristics of turbidity currents leads canyon is bypassed and sediment is intercepted primarily to corresponding variability in deposits (fig. 6C). The ar­ by· the more deeply incised Monterey Canyon itself chitectural element approach, originally developed for (Hess and Normark, 1976). On Navy Fan at times of fluvial systems (Miall, 1985), has more recently been ap­ lowered sea level, the Tijuana River supplied sediment plied to turbidite systems (Mutti and Normark, 1987). directly to the canyon head that leads to the fan whereas The channel element is a site of both erosion by fast during high stands, this sediment was trapped on the ignitive flows, in part through large scours, and rapid shelf and the only turbidity currents to reach the fan re­ deposition from smaller flows that have lost their upper sult from seismically triggered failure of older prodeltaic parts by flow stripping. Ultimate preservation depends sediments (Piper and Normark, 1983). on base-level fluctuations and fan aggradation. On levees, flow expansion of smaller overbank flows leads either to erosion or to irregular deposition; thicker, mud­ Tectonic Settings of Turbidite Sequences dy flows lack significant flow expansion across the levee and deposit uniform silty muds, in some cases associated The concept of variation in source material and with large-scale mud waves. type of turbidity current in determining basin architec­ Smaller muddy and mixed flows undergo flow ex­ ture permits a broad classification of turbidite sequences. pansion at the end of a channel-levee system, depositing 1. Young passive-margin systems with a narrow on a small lobe that may aggrade steadily and be pro­ shelf and steep gradients have a dominance of sand sup­ graded over by the channel-levee system. Larger sandy ply. Rapid progradation of delta-mouth sediment leading flows tend to erode proximal lobe deposits, and thick to oversteepening, possible hyperpycnal flow of sandy muddy flows generally undergo little modification in river bedload, and seismic triggering of prodeltaic slides passing through the channel-lobe transition zone. are likely on such margins, yielding mostly small turbid­ The deposition of sediment on distal parts of tur­ ity currents of rather sandy composition (fig. 6A). bidite systems is very dependent on upstream flow be­ 2. Mature passive-margin systems have low sand­ havior of turbidity currents: the majority of turbidity to-mud ratios in their sediment supply, and fan morphol­ currents in a system never reach the distal part of a basin ogy suggests that hyperpycnal flow from rivers is (Piper and Normark, 1983). It is only the very large important in fan evolution, yielding uniform low-veloci­ flows that control the accumulation of distal fan sedi­ ty flows that steadily build narrow levees that prograde ment. Vertical flow expansion resulting from gradient over uniformly aggrading lobes. Sea-level changes pre­ changes probably provides the major control on deposi­ dominate in triggering sediment failure; the resulting tion (Piper and Stow, 1991). very large flows lead to basin aggradation. 3. Active-margin systems resemble those of young passive margins but may have a more mature fluvial Allocyclic Changes In the Basin supply and a greater proportion of mud. Steep slopes and large magnitude earthquakes lead to seismic triggering The role of eustatic sea level change is to alter the predominating, at least during eustatic high stands: re­ types of flow-initiation process and hence the types of sulting turbidity currents tend to be large and of variable turbidity currents flowing into a basin. Falling sea level, composition. if accompanied by fluvial incision, may promote hyper­ 4. Carbonate-margin systems receive sediment both pycnal flow of turbidity currents into basins; if canyon from catastrophic failure of reef fronts and from storm­ incision occurs, the resulting increase in local slopes driven flows across the shelf break. The latter may lead may trigger slumps and promote ignitive flow processes to more stable channel systems that may be occupied by ahd conduit flushing, leading to mixed or muddy flows mixed clastic-carbonate turbidity currents at low stands of variable size. Eustatic low stands provide the time of of sea level. Shelf-break failure results in aprons of de­ maximum direct input of fluvial sediment, which in bris-flow deposits with thin distal fine-grained turbidites sandy fans leads to flushing out of the channel systems. lacking well-developed channels.

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30 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 ment movement: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Union, Transactions), v. 70, p. 1152. Mineralogists Short Course 3, 401 p. Manley, R.L., and Flood, R.D., 1988, Cyclic sediment deposi­ Mutti, E., and Normark, W.R., 1987, Comparing examples of tion within Amazon deep-sea fan: American Association modem and ancient turbidite systems: Problems and con­ of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, p. 912-925. cepts, in Leggett, J.K., and Zuffa, G.G., eds., Marine clas­ Miall, A.D., 1985, Architectural-element analysis: A new tic sedimentology: Concepts and case studies: London, method of facies analysis applied to fluvial deposits: Earth Graham and Trotman, p. 1-38. Science Reviews, v. 22, p. 261-308. Normark, W.R., 1970, Growth patterns of deep sea fans: San Mutti, E., and Normark, W.R., 1987, Comparing examples of Diego, University of California, Ph.D. thesis, 165 p. modem and ancient turbidite systems: Problems and con­ Normark, W.R., Gutmacher, C.E., Chase, T.E., and Wilde, P., cepts, in Leggett, J.K., and Zuffa, G.G., eds., Marine clas­ 1985, Monterey Fan, Pacific Ocean, in Bouma, A.H., tic sedimentology: Concepts and case studies: London, Normark, W.R., and Barnes, N.E., eds., Submarine fans Graham and Trotman, p. 1-38. and related turbidite systems: New York, Springer-Verlag, Mutti, E., and Ricci Lucchi, F., 1972, Le torbiditi dell' p. 79-86. Appenino settentrionale: introduzione all' analisi di facies: Nonnark, W.R., Piper, D.J.W., and Hess, G.R., 1979, Distribu­ Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana, v. 11, p. 161- tary channels, sand lobes and mesotopography of .Navy 199. Submarine Fan, California Borderland: Sedimentology, v. Normark, W.R., Piper, D.J.W., and Hess, G.R., 1979, Distribu­ 24, p. 749-774. tary channels, sand lobes and mesotopography of Navy Normark, W.R., and Spiess, F.N., 1976, Erosion on the Line Submarine Fan, California Borderland: Sedimentology, v. Islands archipelagic apron: Effects of small scale topo­ 24, p. 749-774. graphic relief: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. Piper, D.J.W., and Nonnark, W.R., 1983, Turbidite deposi­ 87, p. 286-296. tional patterns and flow characteristics, Navy Submarine Piper, D.J.W., and Kontopoulos, N., 1990, Large gravel waves Fan, California Borderland: Sedimentology, v. 30, p. 681- of turbidite origin: Ancient analogues of features seen by 694. sidescan sonar: Abstracts, Geological Association of Piper, D.J.W., and Stow, D.A.V., 1991, Fine-grained turbidites, Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual in Einsele, G., Seilacher, A., and Rucken, A., eds., Se­ Meeting, Vancouver, B. C., p. A105. quence and event stratigraphy: New York, Springer­ Prior, D.B., Bornhold, B.D., and Johns, M.W., 1986, Active Verlag, p. 360-376. sand transport along a fjord-bottom channel, Bute Inlet, Savoye, B., and Piper, D.J.W., 1990, What controls on depositional British Columbia: Geology, v. 14, p. 581-584. architecture of the Var Canyon-Fan system? Evidence from Shor, A.N., Piper, D.J.W., Hughes Clarke, J., and Mayer, L.A., side-scan sonar images and high resolution and very high reso­ 1990, Giant flute-like scour and other erosional features lution seismic profiles: Abstracts, 13th International Sedimen­ formed by the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current: Sedi­ tological Congress, Nottingham, p. 478. mentology, v. 37, p. 631-645. Shanmugam, G., and Moiola, R.J., 1988, Submarine fans: Characteristics, models, classification and reservoir poten­ tial: Earth Science Reviews, v. 24, p. 383-428. Deposition: Implications for Facies Distribution Shepard, F.P., and Dill, R.F., 1966, Submarine canyons and in Turbidite Systems other sea valleys: Chicago, Rand McNally, 381 p. Stow, D.A.V., and Bowen, A.J., 1980, A physical model for the transport and sorting of fme-grained sediment by tur­ Damuth, J.E., and Kumar, M., 1975, Amazon Cone: Morpholo­ bidity currents: Sedimentology, v. 27, p. 31-46. gy, sediments, age, and growth pattern: Geological Society Syvitski, J.P.M., and Farrow, G.E., 1989, Fjord sedimentation of America Bulletin, v. 86, p. 863-878. as an analogue for small hydrocarbon-bearing fan deltas, Hess, G.R., and Normark, W.R., 1976, Holocene sedimentation in Whateley, M. K.G., and Pickering, K.T., eds., Deltas: history of the major fan valleys of Monterey Fan: Marine Sites and traps for fossil fuels: Geological Society of Lon­ Geology, v. 22, p. 233-251. don Special Publication 41, p. 21-43. Kayen, R.E., and Lee, H.J., 1989, Effect of sea-level fall in­ Weimer, P., 1989, Sequence stratigraphy of the Mississippi Fan duced gas-hydrate decomposition on stability of continen­ (Plio-Pleistocene), Gulf of Mexico: Geo-Marine Letters, v. tal slope, Beaufort Sea: Eos (American Geophysical 9, p. 185-272.

Turbidity Current Processes 31 Porosity

By James W. Schmoker1

The discussion of porosity presented in this forum stones in relatively young basins of southern California two years ago by Schmoker and Gautier (1989a) noted and found that the porosity of these rocks can be corre­ that, although porosity has often been inversely correlat­ lated with the thermal gradient. In laboratory experi­ ed to burial depth, plots of porosity versus thermal matu­ ments, Porter and James (1986) found that temperature rity offer an alternative to the prediction of porosity had a significant influence on quartz solubility and thus change during burial that may better integrate effects of on pressure solution. burial history upon porosity modification. The present Within the last few years, studies describing poros­ discussion reviews the growing body of literature deal­ ity change in terms of integrated time-temperature histo­ ing with relations between porosity and time-temperature ry have become more common in the literature. exposure (thermal maturity). Ehrenberg (1987) and Harris (1988) reported that porosi­ The idea that porosity change in the subsurface is ties of Jurassic sandstones of the North Sea depend controlled in part by time-temperature exposure has been strongly upon thermal maturity. Bloch and others (1990) present in the literature for some time. Maxwell (1964), observed that porosity of the Mississippian Kekiktuk working with a large body of data, found temperature to Formation of the North Slope of Alaska can be better be an important variable affecting porosity loss in predicted as a function of integrated burial history than quartzarenites during burial. Maxwell also noted that of depth. Earlier, van de Kamp (1988) had linked the time played a role in porosity modification because, all porosity of Ellesmerian-sequence sandstones of the else being equal, older rocks in his data set tended to North Slope (Carboniferous to lowermost Cretaceous) to have lower porosities. The earliest reference I have thermal maturity as represented by vitrinite reflectance. found that specifically links porosity evolution in the Surdam and others (1989) and Jansa and Noguera Urrea subsurface to time-temperature exposure is an abstract (1990) discussed organic/inorganic reactions and conse­ by van de Kamp (1976). Lyons (1978, 1979) and Cassan quent porosity change in terms of thermal maturity. and others ( 1981) expanded upon the idea that the poros­ The common thread running through the diverse ity of sedimentary rocks can be advantageously consid­ set of references cited is that porosity change in the sub­ ered in terms of thermal maturity. McCulloh and others surface results from processes that can be advantageous­ (1978) reviewed processes of burial diagenesis affecting ly treated as functions of time-temperature exposure. the porosity of clastic rocks and emphasized the impor­ Porosity decrease in the subsurface was represent­ tance of temperature upon most of these processes. They ed by Schmoker and Gautier (1988, 1989b) and Schmok­ envisioned a certain order and predictability behind the er and Hester ( 1990) as a power function of complex details of porosity modification during burial, time-temperature exposure: likening the typical net loss of porosity to the progres­ sive alteration of kerogen with increasing thermal matu­ (1) rity. Siever (1983) regarded integrated time-temperature history as the relevant parameter for subsurface reaction where 0 is porosity, A and B (a negative number) are kinetics. constants, and M is a measure of integrated time-temper­ Schmoker (1984) presented data indicating that po­ ature history. This equation treats porosity as evolving rosity loss in carbonate rocks can be empirically repre­ through time and responding to changes in temperature sented as a function of integrated time-temperature even if depth is unchanged. history. Dixon and Kirkland (1985) investigated sand- The practical problem exists of how best to numer­ ically represent time-temperature exposure (M) in rela­ tions such as equation 1. The ideal index would closely reflect the kinetics of porosity-affecting processes, but such an index is unknown and is unlikely to be devel­ oped in the near future because of the great diversity of 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. subsurface processes.

32 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 A number of indices measuring time-temperature 30 exposure have been put forward in connection with kero­ gen maturation. Among these, Lopatin's time-temperature 20 index of thermal maturity (ITI) (described by Waples, 1-- a:i 15 1980) and vitrinite reflectance

1-­z w u a: w Q. ~ 10 ~ Cii 0 a: ~ 90th 75th 50th


1Oth Percentile

2 L-----~--~-L~-L~-UL-----~--~-L_L-L~~------~--~-L-L~~~------~~~~ 0.1 1.0 10 100 400 TTl UNITS

Figure 8. Carbonate porosity versus Lopatin's time-temperature index OTI) illustrating power-function relation of equation 1. Regression line is fit to median porosity (50th porosity percentile). Data represent Lower Cretaceous to Eocene lime­ stones and dolomites in 15 wells of South Florida basin (from Schmoker and Gautier, 1989b).

Porosity 33 ation. Research on relations between porosity variability p. 697-709. and localized geologic heterogeneity, as well as on de­ McCulloh, T.H., Cashman, S.M., and Stewart, R.I., 1978, Dia­ tails of the particular subsurface processes responsible genetic baselines for interpretive reconstructions of maxi­ for generalized porosity-maturity trends such as are mum burial depths and paleotemperatures in clastic sedi­ mentary rocks, in Oltz, D.F., ed., Low temperature meta­ shown in figures 7 and 8, is likely to be active in the morphism of kerogen and clay minerals: Pacific Section, next several years. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 18-46. Porter, E.W., and James, W.C., 1986, Influence of pressure, sa­ REFERENCES CITED linity, temperature, and grain size on silica diagenesis in quartzose sandstones: Chemical Geology, v. 57, p. 359- Bloch, S., McGowen, J.H., Duncan, J.R., and Brizzolara, D.W., 369. 1990, Porosity prediction, prior to drilling, in sandstones Schmoker, J.W., 1984, Empirical relation between carbonate of the Kekiktuk Formation (Mississippian), North Slope of porosity and thermal maturity: An approach to regional Alaska: American Association of Petroleum Geologists porosity prediction: American Association of Petroleum Bulletin, v. 74, no. 9, p. 1371-1385. Geologists Bulletin, v. 68, no. 11, p. 1697-1703. Cassan, J.P., Garcia Palacios, M.C., Bertrand, Fritz, and Tardy, Schmoker, J.W., and Gautier, D.L., 1988, Sandstone porosity Yves, 1981, Diagenesis of sandstone reservoirs as shown as a function of thermal maturity: Geology, v. 16, no. 11, by petrographical and geochemical analysis of oil bearing p. 1007-1010. formations in the Gabon basin: Bulletin des Centres de --- 1989a, Porosity, in Magoon, L.B., ed., The petroleum Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Acquitaine, v. 5, system-Status of research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geo­ no. 1, p. 113-135. logical Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 25-27. Dixon, S.A., and Kirkland, D.W., 1985, Relationship of tem­ --- 1989b, Compaction of basin sediments: Modeling perature to reservoir quality for feldspathic sandstones of based on time-temperature history: Journal of Geophysical southern California: Southwest Section, American Asso­ Research, v. 94, no. B6, p. 7379-7386. ciation of Petroleum Geologists 1985 Transactions, p. 82- Schmoker, J.W., and Hester, T.C., 1990, Regional trends of 99. sandstone porosity versus vitrinite reflectance--A prelimi­ Ehrenberg, SN., 1987, Relationships between diagenesis and nary framework, in Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., eds., reservoir quality in upper Tomma Formation, Applications of thermal maturity studies to energy explo­ Haltenbanken, offshore mid-Norway [abs.]: American As­ ration: Rocky Mountain Section-Society of Economic Pa­ sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, no. 5, p. leontologists and Mineralogists, p. 53-60. 552. Siever, Raymond, 1983, Burial history and diagenetic reaction Harris, N.B., 1988, Controls on porosity of Jurassic sandstones kinetics: American Association of Petroleum Geologists of northwest Europe [abs.]: American Association of Pe­ Bulletin, v. 67, no. 4, p. 684-691. troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, no. 2, p. 194. Surdam, R.C., Crossey, L.J., Hagen, E.S., and Heasler, H.P., Jansa, L.F., and Noguera Urrea, V.H., 1990, Geology and dia­ 1989, Organic-inorganic interactions and sandstone dia­ genetic history of overpressured sandstone reservoirs, genesis: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Venture gas field, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada: Ameri­ Bulletin, v. 73, no. 1, p. 1-23. can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, van de Kamp, P.C., 1976, Inorganic and organic metamor­ no. 10, p. 1640-1658. phism in siliciclastic rocks [abs.]: American Association Lyons, D.J., 1978, Sandstone reservoirs-Petrography, poros­ of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 60, no. 4, p. 729. ity-permeability relationship, and burial diagenesis: Report --- 1988, Stratigraphy and diagenetic alteration of of the Technology Research Center, National Oil Ellesmerian sequence siliciclastic rocks, North Slope, Corporation, Tokyo, no. 8 (December), p. 1-69. Alaska, in Gryc, George, ed., Geology and exploration of --- 1979, Organic metamorphism and sandstone porosity the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1974 to 1982: prediction from acoustic data: Report of the Technology U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1399, p. 833- Research Center, Japan National Oil Corporation, Tokyo, 854. no. 9 (March), p. 1-51. Waples, D.W., 1980, Time and temperature in petroleum for­ Maxwell, J.C., 1964, Influence of depth, temperature, and geo­ mation: Application of Lopatin's method to petroleum ex­ logic age on porosity of quartzose sandstones: American ploration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 48, no. 5, Bulletin, v. 64, no. 6, p. 916-926.

34 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Facies, Permeability, and Heterogeneity in Sandstone Reservoirs

By Christopher J. Schenk1

INTRODUCTION vironments are well known (Walker, 1984a), but more quantitative data are needed on the geometries of sandstone The seven principal types of siliciclastic sandstone facies and the scale over which measured permeabilities reservoir hetePogeneity are related to (1) sandstone body are valid in sandstone reservoirs. geometry, (2) mudstone baffles to fluid flow, (3) facies and facies associations, (4) sedimentary structures, (5) laminae, (6) diagenesis, and (7) fracturing (Weber, 1986; EOLIAN SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS Schenk, 1988}. The purpose of this paper is to review cur­ rent research on heterogeneity related to facies architecture Eolian sandstone reservoirs can be broken down into of sandstone reservoirs (third type of heterogeneity) and eolian dune (dune foreset and bottom-set), interdune, clas­ the relation of architecture to patterns of permeability. tic sabkha, and sand sheet facies. Eolian-dune deposits are Architecture, defined as the patterns of facies that present in most sandstones recognized as eolian and are make up the internal construction of a reservoir, largely the most common petroleum-producing facies. The propor­ controls fluid flow in a reservoir because flow parameters tions of the other four facies vary considerably. such as permeability are strongly facies dependent. A Studies of permeability by facies in eolian sand­ knowledge of fluid flow patterns in a reservoir sandstone stones have documented that eolian-dune foreset sand­ is required for successful field development, secondary stones have the highest permeabilities whereas dune ·and enhanced hydrocarbon recovery operations, and deter­ bottom-set, interdune, and sabkha sandstones have the mination of hydrocarbon recovery factors (Tyler and Fin­ lowest permeabilities (Andrews and Higgins, 1984; Weber, ley, 1989; Weber and van Geuns, 1990). Permeability 1987; Lindquist, 1988; Chandler and others, 1989; Krys­ measurements by facies are becoming an integral compo­ tinik, 1990). nent of architectural studies of reservoir sandstones (Chan­ Permian sandstones in the upper part of the Minnelu­ dler and others, 1989; Dreyer and others, 1990). sa Formation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, con­ The objective of analyzing sandstone architecture is tain eolian-dune and clastic-sabkha deposits, but to determine the spatial distribution and geometry of facies sand-sheet and interdune deposits are absent (Fryberger in a reservoir sandstone. Facies analysis can be done using and others, 1983). The predominance of eolian-dune sand­ outcrop or borehole log and core data, but for detailed ex­ stone in the producing horizons make these Permian sand­ amination of lateral facies transitions and facies geometry stones a relatively simple matter to develop and produce outcrops are essential, but not always available. Lateral (Jorgensen and James, 1988). Permeability contrast within profiling of outcrops documents the scales, types, com­ this sandstone is mainly between eolian ripple and ava­ plexity, and patterns of sandstone architecture that may be lanche strata. encountered or predicted in the subsurface (Miall, 1988, In contrast, the Jurassic Nugget Sandstone in the 1989). Overthrust Belt of Wyoming and Utah contains eolian­ Detailed studies of the lateral and vertical juxtaposi­ dune, interdune, and clastic-sabkha deposits (Lindquist, tion of sandstone facies, combined with permeability data 1988). The eolian-dune sandstones produce oil, but these by facies, provide realistic input to numerical models for sandstones are separated by nonproductive interdune and reservoir simulation (Hearn and others, 1986; Krause and clastic-sabkha sandstones, making development and en­ others, 1987; Rayenne and others, 1989; van de Graaff and hanced recovery difficult (Lindquist, 1988; White and oth­ Ealey, 1989). Facies comprising the major depositional en- ers, 1990). Permeabilities between eolian-dune and interdune or sabkha sandstones can vary by several orders of magnitude. Prediction of the lateral distribution. and ver­ tical arrangement of nonproductive and productive facies 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. in the Nugget Sandstone, along with the distribution of

Facies, Permeability, and Heterogeneity in Sandstone Reservoirs 35 fractures, greatly assists in determining the proper method ing simulation models of fluvial reservoirs. They conclud­ of field development and reservoir stimulation procedures ed that the available architectural data for fluvial deposits, (Krystinik and Schenk, 1989). including fluvial-channel thickness, width, length, and ori­ Eolian-dune sandstones of the Jurassic Norphlet For­ entation, were a principal limitation to modeling fluvial mation at Hatter's Pondfield, Mobile County, Alabama, reservoirs, in spite of the body of work available on fluvial exhibit facies-related permeability variations (Mancini and deposits. others, 1990) similar to those in the Nugget Sandstone; eo­ lian-dune sandstones have the highest permeabilities, inter­ dune sandstones the lowest, and sand-sheet sandstones DELTAIC SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS slightly higher than interdune sandstones. Deltaic sandstones are an important group of hydro­ carbon reservoirs, but surprisingly few studies are avail­ FLUVIAL SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS able on the relationship between deltaic facies and patterns of permeability. Facies of fluvial deposits have been defined and de­ Moslow and Tillman (1986) identified 12 facies in scribed in many studies (Allen, 1978, 1983; Miall, 1978, gas-productive wave-dominated deltaic sediments in the 1988; Miall and Turner-Peterson, 1989), and the complexi­ Cretaceous Frontier Formation along the Moxa arch, Wyo­ ty of fluvial facies associations is well known. ming. Permeability was strongly controlled by facies. Dis­ Walton and others (1986) divided fluvial sandstones tributary channel facies had the best combination of of the Cherokee Group (Pennsylvanian) into five facies. porosity and permeability and formed the best reservoirs. Permeability is correlated to these facies, and the juxtapo­ Clay content (determined petrographically) was a critical sition of facies has produced a strongly layered reservoir factor in whether a distributary channel sandstone was a with respect to fluid flow. Cross-stratified channel sand­ reservoir or not. Although facies dimensions could not be stones have the highest permeabilities, but permeability in measured with borehole data from widely spaced wells, all facies was a function of compaction and clay content. the sedimentologic model developed from the facies asso­ Ebanks and Weber (1987) also demonstrated a strong cor­ ciations led Moslow and Tillman (1986) to conclude that relation between facies and permeability in heavy-oil-bear­ typical well spacings in the Moxa arch area would not ing fluvial sandstones of the Cherokee Group in Missouri. contact all of the isolated distributary channel sandstones. Their study illustrates the extreme sedimentologic com­ In Oklahoma, Boyer (1985) described six facies from plexity of the fluvial reservoirs within the field, which fluvial-dominated deltaic sandstones in the Pennsylvanian would be difficult to unravel without the large number of part of the Springer Formation. Permeability in these deltaic wells with borehole logs and conventional core. sandstones strongly correlated to facies; proximal delta-front Ravenne and others (1989) mapped the three-dimen­ sandstones had the best combination of porosity and perme­ sional architecture of fluvial sandstones along cliff expo­ ability. Other facies had higher clay and cement contents, sures in England as an analog for Jurassic fluvial resulting in poor fluid-flow properties. reservoirs in the North Sea. Reservoir simulation models Tillman and Jordan (1987) found a relation between were built from lateral profiles of large outcrops, dimen­ facies associations and permeability in Permian deltaic sions of fluvial sandstone bodies were mapped, and perme­ sandstones in the El Dorado field, Kansas. Of the six fa­ ability variations by facies were measured. This study is cies associations, the distributary channel and the splay­ an excellent example of combining architectural and per­ beach associations had the highest permea~ility and meability data to produce an analog for actual reservoir porosity. simulations. In a study of wave-dominated deltaic sandstones of Atkinson and others ( 1990) measured permeability the Brent Group in the North Sea, Scotchman and Johnes differences between several braided fluvial facies in sand­ (1990) found that deltaic distributary channel sandstones stone reservoirs of the Ivishak Formation (Permian-Trias­ had the highest permeabilities whereas delta-front and cre­ sic), Prudhoe Bay field, Alaska. Here, the largest vasse-splay sandstones had the lowest permeabilities. permeability differences were between fluvial and deltaic facies. In another study, Hastings (1990) found that fluvial-channel sandstones had higher permeabilities than INTERDELTAIC SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS flvvial channel margin sandstones in reservoirs of the Pennsylvanian Tyler Formation, North Dakota. Facies of strand-plain and barrier sandstones are well In a study of Statfjord reservoirs in the North Sea, known, consisting of sandstones from lower, middle, upper Henriquez and others (1990) stressed the importance of shoreface and foreshore environments (McCubbin, 1982; describing quantitatively sandstone body morphology, fa­ Snedden and Jumper, 1990). However, strand-plain sand­ cies architecture, and hydraulic connectedness in develop- stones can be associated with wave-dominated delta-front,

36 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 distributary channel, delta fringe, crevasse splay, and fine­ as fluvial deposit:s--<;hannels, sediment gravity flows, lat­ grained marsh and levee deposits (Tyler and Ambrose, eral accretion deposits, fine-grained levee deposits, and 1985). The architecture of a strand-plain sandstone reser­ laminated sand sheets-but the proportions of the facies voir can be complex if constructed from these facies, but may be quite different than in fluvial deposits (Normark, strand-plain sandstones in general make better reservoirs 1990). The abundance of fme-grained layers in deep-water than deep-water or fluvial sandstones because of the gen­ environments suggests that more mudstone layers are pres­ eral lack of mudstones or shale layers within the sandstone ent within each facies and that deep-water sandstone reser­ that impede fluid flow (Ambrose and Tyler, 1989). voirs may be more compartmentalized by mudstones than In a study of barrier sandstones of the Cretaceous fluvial sandstones (Phillips, 1987; Ambrose and Tyler, Muddy Sandstone, Bell Creek field, Wyoming, Sharma 1989; Hall and Link, 1990; Kulpecz and van Geuns, and others (1990) found that upper and middle shoreface 1990). sandstones had much higher permeabilities than lower Scott and Tillman (1981) illustrated many examples shoreface and overlying valley fill sandstones. Barrier of clay clasts and clay laminae that separate otherwise per­ sandstones can also be intercalated with tidal-inlet fills, meable beds of sandstone in the Stevens sand (Miocene), a flood- and ebb-tidal deltas, estuarine sandstones, washo­ subsurface unit in the San Joaquin basin, California. Clay­ ver-barrier flat sandstones, and back-barrier eolian sand­ free medium- to coarse-grained channel sandstones form stones, and can be nearly encased in fme-grained deposits the best reseJVoir facies. Hall and Link (1990) also found (Galloway and Cheng, 1985; Fryberger and others, 1988). that channel sandstones in Miocene turbidite reservoirs The presence of tidal-inlet deposits serves to disrupt had higher permeabilities than sandstones of turbidite dep­ the continuity of the barrier sandstones, resulting in a ositional lobe and channel/lobe facies. Berg and Royo semi-compartmentalized reservoir sandstone that would (1990), in a study of Miocene turbidite reservoirs in the not have been predicted using a simple barrier model for Yowlumne field, California, found that turbidite sand­ the reservoir (Galloway and Cheng, 1985). Studies of stones of the central channel facies had higher permeabili­ facies-related permeability are needed for these types of ties than sandstones of channel margin and other facies. reservoirs.

SUMMARY MARINE SHELF SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS This review has illustrated some recent work relating Marine shelf sandstone facies are known in detail facies to permeability in reservoirs representing several (Walker, 1984b), particularly the Cretaceous shelf sand­ depositional environments. More studies are needed on the stones of Wyoming (Tillman and Martinsen, 1984; Jack­ relation between facies, facies geometry, and permeability. son and others, 1987). Shelf sandstones typically form In general, the architectural complexity of sandstone reser­ lens-shaped bodies encased in marine mudstones, although voirs increases as the sandstones assume channelized facies associations and interbedding of reservoir and non­ forms (that is, strand-plain and eolian sandstones are not reseJVoir rock may be complex (Borer and Harris, 1991). as complex as fluvial sandstones, channelized submarine­ Facies of the sandstones range from clean, cross-stratified fan sandstones, or valley-fill complexes). sandstone to bioturbated muddy sandstone. Hearn and oth­ Additionally, as the number of mudstone layers and ers (1986) identified five facies in the Cretaceous Shannon lenses in the depositional system increases, the more po­ Sandstone Member of Wyoming, similar to Shannon facies tential reservoir sandstones are compartmentalized into interpreted by Tillman and Martinsen (1984, 1987). Hearn discrete packages that may not be in fluid communication. and others (1986) found that the reservoir sandstone could Isolated reservoir pods will not be swept in a typical drill­ be divided into five flow units based on groupings of per­ ing pattern. Drilling must be more closely spaced and lo­ meability data. The boundaries of the flow units generally cations chosen carefully using a detailed sedimentologic matched the facies boundaries, but the match was imper­ model in these types of compartmentalized reservoirs to fect. The flow units based on permeability, together with increase hydrocarbon recovery. facies distributions and sandstone body thickness, were used to develop a layered reservoir simulation model for enhanced oil recovery. REFERENCES CITED

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Facies, Permeability, and Heterogeneity in Sandstone Reservoirs 39 Approaches to Characterizing Fluid-Flow Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs

By Christopher J. Schenk1

INTRODUCTION relate to permeability (Lucia, 1983; Lucia and Fogg, 1990). Because carbonate particle type, size, and compo­ This report reviews recent research on approaches sition are related to depositional environment (Moore, to characterize fluid-flow heterogeneity within carbonate 1979), most studies of carbonate reservoir rocks begin reservoirs. Fluid-flow heterogeneity is defined as the in­ with defining and describing sedimentary facies, fre­ ability of a rock matrix to allow fluid to flow evenly in quently in great detail (Bebout and others, 1987; Moshi­ all directions because the connections between pores is er and others, 1988). Many studies have demonstrated a unevenly distributed. As a reservoir characteristic, car­ relation between facies and ranges of porosity (Keith and bonates exhibit extreme heterogeneity with respect to Pittman, 1983; Wiggins and Harris, 1984; Jardine and fluid flow (Jardine and others, 1977; Jardine and Wilshart, 1987; Dawson, 1988). Wilshart, 1987; Kittridge and others, 1990; Wardlaw, However, the modification of depositional (origi­ 1990a). When attempting to produce hydrocarbons from nal) porosity through diagenesis makes anything but a these reservoirs during any stage of recovery (primary, general porosity prediction difficult in carbonate reser­ secondary, or tertiary), fluid-flow heterogeneity dictates voirs (Schmoker and Halley, 1982), and reservoir-scale production strategy and economics. porosity is impossible to accurately predict. Overprint­ Carbonate reservoirs consist of a diversity of parti­ ing of depositional fabrics by dolomitization is common, cle types, sizes, and compositions that are highly suscep­ and for many reservoirs dolomitization is critical for tible to interparticle and intraparticle diagenesis, generating effective porosity. The uniformity of pore ge­ including dolomitization, cementation, dissolution (in­ ometry created by dolomitization means the difference cluding vugs and karstification; Kerans, 1989), recrystal­ between reservoir and nonreservoir facies in many car­ lization, and fracturing. Spatial variations in depositional bonate rock units (Wardlaw, 1979, 1990a; Bliefnick and and diagenetic textures and fabrics, or the alteration of Mariotti, 1988). original porosity within carbonate reservoirs create fluid­ Permeability is less related to facies than to porosi­ flow heterogeneity. In this respect, carbonate reservoirs ty, because diagenetic alterations cause great spatial differ from siliciclastic reservoirs, in that interparticle di­ variability in p~re geometry. Thomeer (1983) showed agenesis dominates the evolution of porosity (House­ that, for a given porosity, carbonates can exhibit any knecht, 1987; Jardine and Wilshart, 1987). permeability because of possible combinations of pore­ throat size distributions resulting largely from diagenetic variations. This is the reason many porosity-permeability HETEROGENEITY EVOLUTION cross-plots exhibit a "shotgun blast" pattern. However, if pore-throat sizes exhibit a narrow Fluid capacity and fluid-flow potential in reservoir range of sizes, then permeability shows a better correla­ rocks are generally stated in terms of porosity and per­ tion to porosity. Lucia (1983) demonstrated that perme­ meability, respectively. For carbonate reservoirs, detailed ability in a given carbonate reservoir can be correlated to descriptions of porosity have evolved (Choquette and certain types of porosity, not total porosity. Visual de­ Pray, 1970; Wardlaw, 1979; Lucia, 1983), based on vi­ scriptions of porosity, especially the recognition of vugs, sual, petrographic, and scanning electron microscope ex­ are essential in the process of attempting to correlate po­ amination. Carbonate porosity is complex and difficult to rosity with permeability. Bebout and others (1987) docu­ mented a relation between mean permeability and carbonate facies within the Permian Grayburg Formation in the Permian basin, but the range of permeability with­ in each facies meant that permeability predictions based 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. on mean values were impossible at a local scale.

40 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 MEASURING HETEROGENEITY ceous Rodessa Limestone, Running Duke field, East Texas basin. Pore-throat size and distribution were relat­ Scanning electron microscope analysis of pores ed to facies; skeletal limestone had a unimodal size dis­ and pore casts has been used to determine the size distri­ tribution of pore-throat radii, whereas ooid limestone had bution of pores (Wardlaw, 1976, 1990b; Wardlaw and a bimodal size distribution of pore-throat radii. Because Li, 1987). In general, the lower the ratio of pore size to micropores hold bound water in one part of the bimodal pore-throat size, the higher the porosity and permeability pore network, the ooid facies produced water-free gas (Wardlaw, 1976, 1979) and the better the reservoir quali­ compared to production from the unimodal-sized skeletal ty. Groupings of pore-throat sizes in carbonate reservoirs facies. They developed borehole log-based cross-plot have been related to ranges of porosity and permeability techniques for identifying these types of pore systems (Lindsay, 1988), and this approach may be useful in pro­ throughout the field where core data were not available, viding a predictive capability for ranges of porosity and and for allowing this type of heterogeneity to be traced permeability for a given reservoir. These ranges may or throughout the field. may not follow facies boundaries, but may define reser­ Wiggins and Harris (1984), in a study of the Low­ voir flow units, which is the first step in defining fluid er Cretaceous Pettit Limestone in the East Texas basin, flow patterns and unraveling heterogeneity in reservoirs recognized four major pore types and their associated (Major and Holtz, 1990). pore-throat sizes. They related specific diagenetic alter­ A common approach to understanding fluid-flew ations to each class of pore-throat size. Pore-throat size heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs is to measure pore­ was the parameter that limited fluid access between throat size from mercury injection-capillary analyses pores and thus was a critical measurement for determin­ (Keith and Pittman, 1983; Wiggins and Harris, 1984; ing possible patterns of fluid flow. In addition, the ex­ Kent and others, 1988). This technique provides data amination of pore-throat sizes provided a perspective that allow the calculation of size distributions of pore from which the importance of specific diagenetic effects throats. The attractiveness of this approach is that the on fluid flow in the reservoir were assessed. Wiggins pore-throat size distribution integrates the effects of and Harris (1984) found that reservoir quality depended complex diagenetic alterations, including dolomitization, on the proportions of blocky calcite spar cement to mi­ into a measurable quantity. Combining mercury injec­ crospar cement because these cements controlled the siz­ tion-capillary pressure analyses with petrographic image es of pore throats. analyses of pore geometries is a powerful method to In a study of grainstone reservoirs of the Upper Ju­ quantify both the types of pores and the distribution of rassic Smackover Formation, Mississippi and Alabama, pores within a reservoir rock (Etris and others, 1988). Bliefnick and Mariotti (1988) documented a correlation Reservoir rocks with similar pore geometries may have between increasingly dolomitized rock and improved similar permeabilities, and thus this technique may help reservoir quality. Pore-throat sizes determined from mer­ to define flow units. cury injection became larger with increasing degree of Mercury injection-capillary pressure data will pro­ dolomitization, as did the size of dolomite crystals. They vide information on the pore geometry of the rock ma­ concluded that fluid-flow heterogeneity in the Smack­ trix, including the contribution of vugs to porosity, but in over Formation was a product of extreme lateral facies many carbonate reservoirs the flow paths and permeabili­ variability and irregular dolomitization. ty depend on fractures. Fractures can be simple to ex­ Kent and others (1988) described pore systems tremely complex (Ijirigho, 1981), and fractures commonly from 10 carbonate reservoirs in Mississippian rocks of are missed when samples are prepared for injection anal­ the northern Williston basin. They documented the de­ yses. The contribution of fractures and brecciation to the gree of size uniformity of pore-throat radii in each reser­ permeability network of any carbonate rock must be care­ voir, and they related families of pore-throat sizes to fully considered when defining flow units. individual cr combinations of porosity types. They found that dolomi1ization produced a rather uniform pore-throat size distrib lltion, and so dolomites made better reser­ INTRAWELL HETEROGENEITY STUDIES voirs. They also found that carbonate reservoirs with similar porosities can exhibit vastly different pore-throat Intrawell studies demonstrate an approach that size distributions, again demonstrating that porosity cor­ characterizes heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs using relations do not necessarily lead to flow-unit definition. pqre-throat and pore sizes to define flow units. Subsur­ Lindsay (1988) related ranges of pore-throat radii face information available to the investigator include to ranges of porosity and permeability in Mississippian core and log data. carbonate r1~servoirs of the Mission Canyon Formation, Keith and Pittman (1983) used mercury injection North Dakota. He developed a model of four pore types curves to define sizes of pore throats in the Lower Creta- and two pore-throat sizes for the Mission Canyon, and

Approaches to Characterizing Fluid-Flow Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs 41 concluded that understanding heterogeneity meant know­ Another approach to understanding carbonate fluid­ ing (1) all sizes of pore throats and pores, (2) how pores flow heterogeneity is to directly measure the three-dimen­ are connected, and (3) how fluids with different viscosi­ sional distribution of permeability and determine the ties move through the pore system. Combinations of the statistical correlation lengths of permeability in a grid four types of pores and pore throats create complex pore placed on an outcrop. This approach focuses on determin­ systems. ing the statistical length scales over which measured per­ Inden and others (1988) found that porosity alone meabilities are valid in the reservoir being investigated. did not differentiate reservoir from nonreservoir carbon­ Kittridge and others (1990), in a study of dolomite ate rock in the upper part of the Interlake Formation reservoir facies of the Lower Permian San Andres For­ (Upper Ordovician and Silurian) in the Nesson anticline mation, Permian basin, west Texas, compared vertical area, Williston basin. They found that the variability in and horizontal permeabilities from outcrop and subsur­ morphology of pore connections, pore sizes, and pore face samples. They reported over four orders of magni­ distributions caused differences in permeability that had tude variation in permeability, in bed-to-bed to be carefully examined, along with water saturations, measurements and also within beds. The scale of spatial to determine the spatial distribution of flow units. correlation of permeability varied with the spacing of measurements. They reported a correlation length of 3 to 5 feet for permeabilities measured 0.5 feet apart and a INTERWELL HETEROGENEITY STUDIES correlation length of 0.25 feet for measurements taken 1 to 0.5 inch apart. Given typical oil-field well spacings, The intrawell studies demonstrate an approach that these length scales suggest that interwell correlation of characterizes heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs using permeable units will be difficult. Although few of these pore-throat and pore sizes to define flow units. The prin­ types of studies have been completed, the value of using cipal difficulty is to make the step from core or log data outcrops of carbonates to understand three-dimensional to interwell correlations of flow units defined from stud­ heterogeneity has been demonstrated (Waters and others, ies of pore systems in several wells. 1989). Jardine and Wilshart (1987) studied fluid-flow het­ erogeneity of several Devonian carbonate reservoirs in the western Canada basin for the purpose of observing SUMMARY the progress of enhanced recovery techniques. Their res­ ervoir analysis of reef carbonate of Judy field is particu­ Permeability variations in carbonates are controlled larly instructive. They grouped several carbonate facies by variations in pore geometry, thus measuring the pore into three classes of porosity and permeability to define geometry directly is an attractive approach to begin to three major flow units in reefal carbonate reservoirs. understand fluid-flow heterogeneity. Flow units defined Borehole logs from 4 7 wells were used to construct from data on the geometry and distribution of pore sys­ cross sections depicting the three-dimensional configura­ tems, along with facies, porosity, permeability, and frac­ tion of the flow units in the field. The interlayering and ture data, may possibly be correlated well to well using juxtapositioning of the three flow units with relatively stratigraphic or statistical techniques. impermeable rock resulted in an extremely heterogene­ ous reservoir with respect to fluid flow. This study is an excellent example of an attempt to determine the inter­ REFERENCES CITED well correlation of flow units and the degree of three­ dimensional fluid-flow heterogeneity in a carbonate Bebout, D.G., Lucia, F.J., Hocott, C.R., Fogg, G.E., and reservoir. 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42 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Dawson, W.C., 1988, Ismay reservoirs, Paradox basin: Diagen­ sual descriptions of carbonate rocks: A field classification esis and porosity development, in Goolsby, S.M., and of carbonate pore space: Journal of Petroleum Technolo­ Longman, M.W., eds., Occurrence and petrophysical prop­ gy, v. 35, no. 3, p. 629-637. erties of carbonate reservoirs in the Rocky Mountain re­ Lucia, F.J., and Fogg, G.F., 1990, Geologic/stochastic mapping gion: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Carbon­ of heterogeneity in a carbonate reservoir: Journal of Petro­ ate Symposium Volume, p. 163-174. leum Technology, v. 42, p. 1298-1303. 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Approaches to Characterizing Fluid-Row Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs 43 Mineral Transformations in Tar Sand and Heavy Oil Reservoirs Induced by Thermal Recovery Methods

By Christopher j. Schenk1

INTRODUCTION tion. Recoveries of heavy oil or natural asphalt from the steam process rarely exceed 20 to 25 percent of the orig­ This paper reviews research on mineral transforma­ inal oil-in-place (OOIP) (Carrigy, 1983), although recov­ tions that occur when heavy oil and tar are produced eries of 60 percent have been noted from small zones in from sand reservoirs using thermal recovery methods. core (Hutcheon, 1984). Tar sands, more appropriately termed natural asphalts (Meyer and deWitt, 1990), exhibit viscosities greater than 10,000 centipoises (cP). Heavy and extra heavy oils In Situ Combustion have viscosities less than 10,000 cP, and also generally have API gravities of 10 to 20 degrees and less than 10 In situ combustion is achieved by pumping air or degrees API, respectively (Cornelius, 1987). Viscosities oxygen down a well into a pay zone, and igniting the of this order dictate that some method must be used that hydrocarbons by electrical or other means (Moore and will reduce the viscosity so that the hydrocarbons can be others, 1989). The burning hydrocarbon front creates a mobilized and recovered. The most common method zone of mobile oil that is then produced. Conditions of used is heating (thermal recovery), but chemical recov­ combustion are complex (Hutcheon, 1984); temperatures ery methods are also beginning to be used. In situ ther­ can reach 800°C in the immediate zone of combustion, mal recovery technology is of two major types; steam but decrease rapidly away from the zone. Pressures are injection and combustion. In either process, heat is trans­ generally less than 20 MPa. The water-to-rock ratio is ferred to the hydrocarbons to decrease viscosity and pro­ extremely low compared to steam injection, in part be­ vide mobility. cause combustion vaporizes formation water. Exceptions to this are combustion projects combined with water­ flooding ("wet combustion"). Recoveries from pilot Steam Injection combustion tests vary, but recoveries as high as 67 per­ cent of the OOIP (for natural asphalt deposits) have been Steam injection is accomplished by one of two reported (Carrigy, 1983). main processes: cyclic steaming or continuous injection. In cyclic steaming (also called steam soak or huff-and­ puff), steam is injected into a pay zone, then the well is Mineral Transformations Studies shut-in for a period of time, commonly 40 to 90 days, after which the hydrocarbons are recovered from the Maximum temperatures associated with thermal re­ same well until recovery becomes uneconomic. The covery processes (300-350°C for steaming, 800°C for process is then repeated. In continuous steaming, steam combustion) enhance chemical reactions between the is continuously injected into one well, and other wells in reservoir rock, formation fluids, and injected fluids the pattern serve as recovery wells. (Hutcheon, 1984). Important factors to consider in terms Conditions of steaming vary, but steam is generally of diagenesis produced by thermal recovery ("artificial introduced at temperatures ranging from 300°C to diagenesis" of Hutcheon, 1984) include changes in de­ 350°C, and at pressures as high as 14 megapascals trital framework mineralogy, authigenic mineralogy, dis­ (MPa). The ratio of water to rock is high during the tribution of authigenic minerals in a pore system, steaming process, and is relatively lower during combus- temperature distribution, length of exposure to maximum temperature, pore-fluid chemistry, injected fluid chemis­ try, the water-to-rock ratio, and the timing of diagenesis 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. relative to permeability loss and hydrocarbon mobiliza-

44 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 tion. Only a few of these factors are known in detail for Lloydminster area (Hutcheon and others, 1989b). The thermal recovery processes. Studies of artificial diagene­ extent of artificial diagenesis was less in quartz arenites sis are based on either ( 1) closely spaced cores taken be­ than lithic arenites. As in previous studies, Hutcheon and fore and after pilot tests of thermal recovery processes or others (1989b) found that smectite and analcime formed (2) experimental steaming or burning of samples taken in the lithic arenites, whereas only minor diagenesis oc­ from field cores. curred in the quartz arenites. An important aspect of Hutcheon and others (1989b) is the documentation that the chemistry of pro­ STEAM INJECTION-FIELD STUDIES duced waters reflects chemical reactions occurring in the reservoir during steaming, and that modeling of the wa­ A detailed examination of cores from the Creta­ ter chemistry can be used qualitatively to predict chemi­ ceous Clearwater Formation in the Cold Lake area, Al­ cal reactions. This use of water chemistry is an active berta, before and after 2 years of continuous area of research (Gunter and others, 1989; Russell and steamflooding (maximum of 260°C for 1 year) was con­ Bird, 1989; Hallam and others, 1990). ducted by the Sedimentology Research 'Group (1981). C02 was documented as an important by-product The pre-steam pay sandstones were dominantly feld­ of carbonate mineral dissolution during steaming in both spathic litharenites, with chert, volcanic rock fragments, formations. Cathles and others (1990) also documented and shale composing the lithic fraction. Less than 10 the release of C02 from carbonate minerals during percent matrix was present. Pre-steam diagenesis was steaming. Hutcheon and others (1990) suggest that reac­ complex, and included quartz and feldspar overgrowths, tions involving natural asphalt, in addition to carbonate minor zeolites, calcite and dolomite cements, kaolinite, dissolution, may produce C02 during steam stimulation. illite, chlorite, and minor smectite. Post-steam analysis illustrated that most of the illite, chlorite, and kaolinite was removed, whereas coarse smec­ STEAM INJECTION-EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES tite coatings (4 to 20 J.Lm) and analcime formed in the pore system. Dissolution of the surfaces of detrital quartz, feld­ To understand the effect of steaming on reservoir spar, and lithic grains was observed. Chert recrystallized to mineralogy, many studies have experimentally steamed a coarser texture. The main chemical change appeared to core in laboratory autoclaves. In an excellent early study be kaolinite plus quartz plus feldspar went to coarse smec­ of experimental steaming, Day and others (1967) tite. Smectite growth and possibly some compaction asso­ steamed core recovered from 10 different reservoirs ciated with oil removal from these shallow reservoirs within the United States and documented all mineralogic resulted in a 25 percent loss of porosity. The formation of changes. The most critical mineralogic change related to pore-bridging smectite and the migration of clays and zeo­ steaming that occurred in nearly all reservoirs was the lites served to block pore throats, reducing visual perme­ formation of smectite at the expense of dolomite and ka­ ability relative to pre-steam samples. olinite. Smectite that forms in a reservoir pore system Lefebvre and Hutcheon (1986) examined pre- and can adversely affect permeability. post-steamflood cores from a heavy oil reservoir in the Boon and Hitchon (1983a, b) experimented with Lower Cretaceous Sparky Formation, Lloydminster area, tar sands from the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Forma­ Saskatchewan. Pre-flood mineralogic analysis showed tion in the Athabasca deposit, Alberta, Canada. They the sandstones to be dominantly quartz arenites, with concluded that a major reaction in these deposits was il­ less than 5 percent feldspar and lithic grains. Diagenetic lite plus kaolinite plus quartz converted to smectite. minerals included quartz and feldspar overgrowths, kao­ They also documented the dissolution of quartz and the linite, siderite, and ankerite. formation of colloids. Colloids such as these produced Post-steam analysis indicated that illite and chlorite experimentally might be missed in field studies of artifi­ formed at the expense of kaolinite, detrital quartz, and cial diagenesis because of sampling problems. feldspar. Chlorite may have formed from a reaction be­ Boon and others (1983) steamed cores of lithic tween siderite and kaolinite. Illite occurred as a replace­ sandstones of the Clearwater Formation from the Cold ment of potassium feldspar, and also as thin linings in Lake area of Alberta, which was the same reservoir rock pores and on kaolinite. However, these post-steam min­ studied in field cores by the Sedimentology Research eralogic changes-are minor when compared to the chang­ Group (1981) and Hutcheon and others (1989a,b). Boon es observed in lithic sands of the Clearwater Formation. · and others (1983) observed the dissolution of quartz, do­ A similar comparison was made of pre- and post­ lomite, and kaolinite and the formation of smectite, chlo­ steamflood mineralogic changes between quartz arenites rite, and calcite. Smectite and chlorite grew as pore of the Clearwater Formation from the Cold Lake area linings and bridges that were interpreted to cause the re­ and lithic arenites of the Sparky Formation from the duction in permeabilities from pre-steam values. Reac-

Mineral Transformations in Tar Sand and Heavy Oil Reservoirs Induced by Thermal Recovery Methods 45 tions were controlled by pH, temperature, and salinity. thermal stimulation by (1) further reducing hydrocarbon All experiments demonstrated the translocation of viscosity and (2) by causing swelling of the oil (by in­ "fines" (probably clays) through the pore system, clog­ cluded gas) that results in higher oil saturations and in­ ging pore throats and "significantly reducing" permeabil­ creased recovery of the OOIP. ity. They suggested that all mineral reactions may not Monin and Audibert ( 1988) heated heavy crude oil have a negative effect on hydrocarbon recovery; some to 350°C in the presence of reservoir minerals to observe reactions may result in a reduction of permeability in changes in the character of the oil. An important and steam thief zones, decreasing steam losses and improv­ detrimental by-product of heating was the rapid forma­ ing recovery. tion and deposition of insoluble organics (pyrobitumen). Bird and others (1986) experimented with what ap­ These experiments simulated steam conditions, and sug­ pear to be quartz arenites from the Lower Cretaceous Mc­ gested that pyrobitumen could form rapidly as the oil Murray Formation in the Athabasca area, Alberta, to was heated, possibly plugging permeability in a reservoir document the process of quartz dissolution. Upon cooling, undergoing steam stimulation. solutions charged with excess silica from quartz dissolu­ Bizon and others (1984) experimentally steamed tion led to the formation of quartz cements, amorphous sil­ natural-asphalt-bearing carbonate rock from the Devoni­ ica, and minerals including zeolites and smectite. High an Grosmont Formation of Alberta. Pre-steam mineralo­ silica concentrations can also produce complex silica col­ gy showed the samples to be 98 percent dolomite, the loids during steaming (Potter and Dibble, 1983). Colloids remainder being quartz, feldspar, diopside, kaolinite, can be disastrous to thermal recovery operations, as they smectite, and pyrite. Post-steam analysis showed dissolu­ can plug pumps, piping, and other equipment, but colloids tion of dolomite, quartz, diopside, feldspars, and possi­ may also be beneficial in plugging highly permeable steam bly kaolinite. Calcite formed, as did amorphous thief zones. Colloids have been reported from nearly all Mg-Ca-Al silicates. experimental thermal studies (Boon and Hitchon, 1983a,b; In an extension of this study, Kubacki and others Bird and others, 1986), and they should be expected to (1984) experimentally steamed carbonate rock of the occur in field situations. Grosmont Formation with an initial mineralogy of 98 Kirk and others ( 1987) steamed lithic sandstones percent dolomite, 1 percent quartz, and 1 percent illite of the Clearwater Formation from the Cold Lake area, and kaolinite. They reported the formation of calcite, Alberta. Pre-steam mineralogy included minor smectite, amorphous Mg- and Mg-Al silicates, hydromagnesite, illite, kaolinite, zeolites, feldspar overgrowths, and py­ margarite, huntite, and amorphous Fe compounds. They rite. Post-steam analysis indicated that quartz, dolomite, also reported having trouble measuring permeability, but and kaolinite dissolved, C02 was produced, smectite concluded that overall permeability had decreased during content doubled, and calcite cement formed. Post-steam the experiments largely because of translocation of fines fluids were supersaturated with respect to silica. Smec­ in the pore system. tite was deposited as thick rims around framework Hutcheon and Oldershaw (1985) experimentally grains, and was the cause of permeability reduction from flooded carbonate rock of the Grosmont Formation with 50 to 98 percent of pre-steam permeability values. They solutions at 180°C. Pre-steam mineralogy of the carbon­ concluded that (1) solution pH and temperature were the ate rock was mainly dolomite, but included calcite, most important variables controlling diagenesis, and (2) quartz, feldspar, illite, and kaolinite. Post-flood analyses solution kinetics were more rapid than expected. indicated that smectite formed at the expense of dolo­ Gunter and Bird (1988) steamed chert-bearing sub­ mite and kaolinite. The formation of amorphous sili­ lithic arenites from the Cretaceous Grand Rapids Forma­ cates as in the previous studies of carbonates was not tion from the Cold Lake area, Alberta. Pre-steam reported. Authigenic smectite constituted less than 1 per­ authigenic minerals included kaolinite, calcite, minor il­ cent of the total rock mass, but smectite reduced perme­ lite, and smectite. Post-steam analysis showed that cal­ ability as much as 25 percent of pre-steam values, cite was totally removed, much of the kaolinite and illite whereas porosity increased slightly. Although carbonate was removed, and some dissolution of quartz occurred. rocks do not appear to be as affected by steaming as sili­ The smectite content increased by 35 percent. The main clastic rocks, an increase in smectite content of about 1 reaction appeared to be calcite plus quartz plus kaolinite percent was enough to significantly impede the perme­ converted to Ca-smectite plus C02• They noted that solu­ ability in the complex pore system of the carbonate rock. tion kinetics, especially the dissolution of calcite and the release of C02, were extremely rapid. This and other studies of artificial diagenesis have COMBUSTION-FIELD STUDIES noted the production of C02 during steam injection. C02 appeared to be a product mainly of carbonate mineral Many field pilot tests of in situ combustion have dissolution. C02 may actually improve recovery during been made in the last 30 years (Moore and others, 1989),

46 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 but few studies have documented the details of mineral­ SUMMARY ogic changes induced by combustion. Lefebvre and Hutcheon (1986) examined quartz arenites from the More artificial diagenesis occurs during steam in­ Lower Cretaceous Sparky Formation in the Lloydminster jection compared to combustion, probably because more heavy oil deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada, before and af­ water is present during steaming. However, more studies ter combustion. Pre-fireflood mineralogy included of the effects of combustion on mineralogy are needed quartz, feldspar, kaolinite, siderite, and ankerite. Post­ and, in particular, studies on mineralogic changes that fireflood analysis indicated combustion temperatures had occur during wet combustion. In general, the more com­ reached somewhat higher than 540°C. Illite, chlorite, and plex the pre-thermal mineralogy, the more artificial dia­ minor potassium feldspar and hematite formed in the genesis can be expected in the reservoir rock. This burned zone, and kaolinite was removed. In general, review shows that few generalizations can be made in fireflooding did not have much of an effect on the min­ terms of specific mineralogic changes during thermal eralogy of the sandstones, in part due to the lack of an stimulation, except that smectite is commonly formed at aqueous phase compared to steamflooding. No smectite the expense of dolomite, kaolinite, and illite. Carbonate formed, and only a minor reduction in porosity was re­ reservoirs containing viscous hydrocarbons appear to be ported. However, Hutcheon (1984) noted that reservoir less damaged by thermal stimulation than siliciclastic heterogeneity had a strong effect on the efficiency of reservoirs, but even minute growth of smectite signifi­ fireflood sweep. cantly reduces permeability in carbonate pore systems. More information is needed on the timing of artifi­ cial diagenesis, its effect on porosity and permeability, COMBUSTION-EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES and the timing of hydrocarbon mobilization. Although many studies have documented permeability reduction Perry and Gillott (1979) formed smectite in a sim­ related to the growth of smectite or colloids, the un­ ulated wet combustion process using mixtures of quartz, known factor is the timing of the growth of these phases kaolinite, and dolomite. In the actual combustion zone, relative to oil mobilization. If they form after oil is mo­ where much less water was present than in the surround­ bilized and recovered, then most artificial diagenesis is ing zones, they documented the decomposition of kaolin­ not detrimental. If they form before or during oil mobili­ ite at 500°C to 550°C and the decomposition of smectite zation, then any permeability reduction greatly affects at about 650°C. They used lithic sandstones from the recovery. The relatively low recoveries associated with Cretaceous Clearwater Formation of the Cold Lake area, steaming compared to combustion is a signal that dia­ Alberta. Perry and Gillott (1982) expanded their frretube genesis does have an effect on recovery. experiments to include other minerals, and determined In a study of cores from a conventional reservoir the temperatures at which common minerals such as do­ that bears on this problem, Sayegh and others (1990) ex­ lomite, kaolinite, illite, chlorite, and smectite decom­ perimentally flooded sandstones with COrbearing water, posed in a combustion zone. Although this study has and found that permeability decreased rapidly as fines been criticized because the sandstones were disaggre­ were mobilized with high flow rates (similar to steam­ grated and repacked before ignition (Hutcheon, 1984), it ing), and partially plugged pore throats. However, as the is one of the few laboratory studies that reports the ef­ experiment proceeded, permeability increased to about fects of combustion on mineralogy. Hutcheon (1984) 7 5 percent of initial values as carbonate minerals were concluded that porosity may actually increase during dissolved. This study illustrated the dynamics of the combustion, and that overall much less permeability-re­ chemical and flow system, and this type of experimenta­ ducing diagenesis occurs with dry combustion than with tion needs to be done using cores containing heavy oil or steam injection. natural asphalt to determine timing of oil mobilization Moore and others (1989) summarized the state of relative to permeability changes. the art of combustion technology, and cited over 220 firetube experiments using rock from 46 different reser­ voirs. However, these experiments were run primarily to REFERENCES CITED investigate the operational aspects of fireflooding, such as temperature distribution, timing of bum, and the mo­ bilization of hydrocarbons. Details of mineralogic chang­ Bird, G., Boon, J., and Stone, T., 1986, Silica transport during steam injection into oil sands, 1: Dissolution and precipita­ es are not provided. This is true of reservoir studies tion kinetics of quartz: New results and review of existing within the United States, where early firetube experi­ data: Chemical Geology, v. 54, p. 69-80. ments were directed toward understanding fireflood tech­ Bizon, A.E., Boon, J.A., and Kubacki, W., 1984, Mineral trans­ nology rather than mineralogic changes (Burger and formations during in situ recovery of bitumen from carbon­ Sahuquet, 1973). ate rock: A statistical-experimental study: Bulletin of Cana-

Mineral Transformations in Tar Sand and Heavy Oil Reservoirs Induced by Thermal Recovery Methods 47 dian Petroleum Geology, v. 32, p. 1-10. C., 1989b, A comparison of formation reactivity in quartz­ Boon, J.A., Hamilton, T., Holloway, L., and Wiwchar, B., 1983, rich and quartz-poor reservoirs during steam assisted recov­ Reaction between rock matrix and injected fluids in Cold ery, in Meyer, R.F., and Wiggins, E.J., eds., The Fourth Lake oil sands-Potential for formation damage: Journal of UNITAR/UNDP International Conference on Heavy Crude Canadian Petroleum Technology, v. 22, p. 55-66. and Tar Sands, Volume 2, Geology and Chemistry: New Boon, J.A., and Hitchon, B., 1983a, Application of fluid-rock York, UNITAR/UNDP Information Center for Heavy studies to in situ recovery from oil sand deposits, Alberta, Crude and Tar Sands, p. 747-757. Canada-1. Aqueous phase results for an experimental-sta­ Hutcheon, 1., and Oldershaw, A., 1985, The effect of hydrother­ tistical study of water-bitumen-shale reactions: Geochimica mal reactions on the petrophysical properties of carbonate et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 47, p. 235-248. rocks: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 33, p. --- 1983b, Application of fluid-rock studies to in situ recov­ 359-377. ery from oil sand deposits, Alberta, Canada-ll. Mineral Kirk, J.S., Bird, G.W., and Longstaffe, F.J., 1987, Laboratory transformations during an experimental-statistical study of study of the effects of steam-condensate flooding in the water-bitumen-shale reactions: Geochimica et Clearwater Formation: High temperature flow experiments: Cosmochimica Acta, v. 47, p. 249-257. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 35, p. 34-47. Burger, J.G., and Sahuquet, B.C., 1973, Laboratory research on Kubacki, W., Boon, J., Bird, G., and Wiwchar, B., 1984, Effect wet combustion: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 25, p. of mineral transformation on porosity and permeability of 1137-1146. dolomite rock during in situ recovery of bitumen: A pre­ Carrigy, M.A., 1983, Thermal recovery from tar sands: Journal liminary study: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. of Petroleum Technology, v. 35, p. 2149-2157. 32, p. 281-288. Cathles, L.M., Schoell, M., and Simon, R., 1990, A kinetic Lefebvre, R., and Hutcheon, 1., 1986, Mineral reactions in model of col generation and mineral and isotopic alter­ quartzose rocks during thermal recovery of heavy oil, ation during steamflooding: Society of Petroleum Engi­ Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada: Applied Geochemis­ neers, Reservoir Engineering, November 1990, p. 524-530. try, v. 1, p. 395-405. Cornelius, C.D., 1987, Classification of natural bitumen: A Meyer, R.F., and deWitt, W., 1990, Definition and world resour­ physical and chemical approach, in Meyer, R.F., ed., Ex­ ces of natural bitumens: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin ploration for heavy crude oil and natural bitumen: Ameri­ 1944, 14 p. can Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geolo­ Monin, J.C., and Audibert, A., 1988, Thermal cracking of gy No. 25, p. 165-174. heavy-oiVmineral matrix systems: Society of Petroleum En­ Day, J.J., McGlothlin, B., and Huitt, J.L., 1967, Laboratory gineers, Reservoir Engineering, November, 1988, p. 1243- study of rock softening and means of prevention during 1250. steam or hot water injection: Journal of Petroleum Technol­ Moore, R.G., Bennion, D.W., and Ursenbach, M.G., 1989, A re­ ogy, v. 19, p. 703-711. view of in situ combustion mechanisms, in Meyer, R.F., and

Gunter, W.D., and Bird, G.W., 1988, C01 production in tar sand Wiggins, E.J., eds., The Fourth UNITAR!UNDP International reservoirs under in situ steam temperatures: Reactive calcite Conference on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, Volume 4, In dissolution: Chemical Geology, v. 70, p. 301-311. Situ Recovery: New York, UNITAR/UNDP Information Cen­ Gunter, W.D., Perkins, E.H., Young, B., and Bird, G.W., 1989, ter for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, p. 775-784. Geochemical monitoring of oil field fluids, in Meyer, R.F., Perry, C., and Gillott, J.E., 1979, The formation of montmoril­ and Wiggins, E.J., eds., The Fourth UNITAR/UNDP Inter­ lonite during the use of wet forward combustion in the national Conference on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, Vol­ Alberta oil sand deposits: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum ume 4, In Situ Recovery: New York, UNITAR/UNDP Infor­ Geology, v. 27, p. 314-325. mation Center for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, p. 655-671. --- 1982, Mineralogical transformations as indicators of Hallam, R.J., Moore, R.G., Krouse, H.R., and Bennion, D.W., combustion zone temperatures during in situ combustion: 1990, Carbon isotope analysis: A new tool for monitoring Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 30, p. 34-42. and interpreting the in situ combustion process: Society of Potter, J.M., and Dibble, W.E., 1983, Formation damage due to Petroleum Engineers, Reservoir Engineering, November colloid plugging: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reprint 1990, p. 517-523. SPE 11801, p. 257-262. Hutcheon, 1., 1984, A review of artificial diagenesis during ther­ Russell, B., and Bird, G.W., 1989, Interpreting reservoir perform­ mally enhanced recovery, in McDonald, D.A., and Surdam, ance using produced water chemistry, in Meyer, R.F., and R.C., eds., Clastic diagenesis: American Association of Pe­ Wiggins, E.J., eds., The Fourth UNITAR!UNDP International troleum Geologists Memoir 37, p. 413-429. Conference on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, Volume 4, In Hutcheon, I., Abercrombie, H.J., and Krouse, H.R., 1990, Inor­ Situ Recovery: New York, UNITAR/UNDP Information Cen­ ganic origin of carbon dioxide during low temperature ther­ ter for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, p. 673-683. mal recovery of bitumen: Chemical and isotopic evidence: Sayegh, S.G., Krause, F.F., Girard, M., and DeBree, C., 1990, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 54, p. 165-171. Rock/fluid interactions of carbonated brines in a sandstone Hutcheon, 1., Abercrombie, H.J., Putnam, P., Gardner, R., and reservoir: Pembina Cardium, Alberta, Canada: Society of Krouse, H.R., 1989a, Diagenesis and sedimentology of the Petroleum Engineers, Formation Evaluation, p. 399-405. Clearwater Formation at Tucker Lake: Bulletin of Canadian Sedimentology Research Group, 1981, The effects of in situ Petroleum Geology, v. 37, p. 83-97. steam injection on Cold Lake oil sands: Bulletin of Cana­ Hutcheon, 1., Abercrombie, H., Shevalier, M., and Nahnybida, dian Petroleum Geology, v. 29, p. 447-478.

48 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Biomarkers as Thermal Maturity Indicators

By Paul G. Lillis1

Biological markers (biomarkers) are organic com­ curring simultaneously or in series. The rate of the spe­ pounds in sedimentary rocks and petroleum that can be cific or overall reaction is assumed to follow frrst-order linked to biological precursor molecules derived from kinetics, so the Arrhenius equation may be applied living organisms (Eglinton and Calvin, 1967; Speers and (Mackenzie and McKenzie, 1983; Alexander and others, Whitehead, 1969). Biomarkers in rock extracts, pyroly­ 1986). The Arrhenius equation can be expressed as: sates, and petroleum are measured by gas chromatogra­ phy-mass spectrometry, usually expressed as the relative k' = A exp ( -EIRD (1) abundance or ratios of specific biomarker compounds. where: Biomarkers are essentially molecular fossils and have been used as indicators of paleoecology, depositional en­ k' = rate constant, vironment, and paleogeography (Huang and Meinschein, A = frequency factor ( 1/s), 1979; Didyk and others, 1978; Brassell and others, 1983; E = activation energy (kJ/mol), Brassell and others, 1987; see Clayton, 1989, for a bric!f R = gas constant, and literature review). T =temperature (K). Biomarkers rarely retain their original chemical structure because of diagenetic alterations in the water The extent of a reaction as expressed by a biomar­ column and shallow sediments and the effects of temper­ ker ratio (table 5) is proportional to exp ( -k' t) where t is ature with deeper burial. Consequently, it is often diffi­ elapsed time and k' is a function of temperature (equa­ cult to correlate a biomarker found in the geosphere wilh tion 1). When the kinetic constants (A and E) are deter­ a specific source organism. However, in some cases the mined for the reaction, then the biomarker ratio may be biomarker reaction pathway from the biological fonn used to help define the thermal history of sedimentary through several diagenetic steps to the most stable fonn rocks (Beaumont and others, 1985; Hong and others, has been studied in great detail (such as steroids; see de 1986; Mackenzie and others, 1988; Chiaramonte and Leeuw and Baas, 1986, for details). others, 1988). The thermal history may in tum be ap­ Early studies revealed systematic changes in bio­ plied to quantitative models for petroleum generation marker composition with increasing depth of burial and migration (Tissot and others, 1987; Suzuki, 1990). (Philippi, 1965; Ensminger and others, 1974). Certain bi­ Several approaches have been utilized to determine omarker ratios were compared with the thermal matura­ the kinetic constants (A and E) using natural samples or tion of organic matter, that is, changes in coal ranllc, laboratory experiments. Data from natural samples vitrinite reflectance, or the generation of petroleum (downhole trend) may be used assuming a known sedi­ (Didyk and others, 1975; Mackenzie and others, 1980; ment burial and thermal history, no significant facies Mackenzie and Maxwell, 1981; Radke and others, 1980), variation downhole, and no sample contamination from and consequently have been utilized as thermal maturity migrated hydrocarbons. In determining the kinetic con­ indicators for petroleum and source rocks in sedimentary stants from a downhole trend, Mackenzie and McKenzie basins. (1983) used an isothermal time-step model whereas Al­ Biomarker ratios that systematically change wilh exander and others ( 1986) used a linear heating rate increasing burial (temperature and time) are a function function. On the other hand, Lewan and others (1986) of one or more geochemical reactions. In some cases a and Rullkl>tter and Marzi (1988) derived the kinetic con­ biomarker ratio has been attributed to a specific reaction stants from a series of isothermal hydrous pyrolysis ex­ (Mackenzie and McKenzie, 1983) (table 5) while most periments which have the advantages of no facies ratios are probably influenced by several reactions oe- variation (using replicate samples) and precisely known time and temperature conditions. However, hydrous py­ rolysis conditions (high temperature, short time, closed system) differ from natural conditions, and the derived 1 U.S. Geological Survey,_ Denver, Colo. kinetics may not be applicable. Marzi and others (1990)

Biomarkers as Thermal Maturity Indicators 49 Table 5. Selected maturity ratios based on an apparent biomarker reaction (from Mackenzie, 1984)

Apparent reaction Ratio End value

22S Isomerization of C17a.,21~(H) homohopanes at C-22 chiral center ------22S+22R 0.6 20S Isomerization of 5a.(H)14a.(H)17a.(H) C29sterane at C-20 chiral center ------20S+20R 0.54 Triaromatic Aromatization of C-ring monoaromatic sterane to triaromatic steroid------Tri- + Monoaromatic 1.0 C2o triaromatic C-C bond cleavage of C28 triaromatic steroid to C20 triaromatic steroicfl ------(C2o+C2s) tri- 1.0

·M~ckenzie (1984) stated that apparent catbon cleavage reaction may actually be a reflection of higher stability of the C20 triarornatic steroid. suggested that more precise kinetic parameters may be trolled by a complex series of reactions with the result­ derived from combining natural data with experimental ing large dynamic range in maturity (Burnham and data. Sweeney, 1989). Separate calibrations for an array of Specific biomarker reactions are far from the ideal heating rates would be required to correlate the behavior thermal maturity indicator (see Curiale and others, 1989 of vitrinite maturation with a biomarker maturity ratio. for discussion) because they generally have a narrow dy­ Some biomarker ratios are sensitive not only to namic range of maturity, and many reach the endpoint or maturity but to composition of organic matter (Seifert equilibrium point before the main stage of petroleum and Moldowan, 1978; ten Haven and others, 1986), to generation (Mackenzie, 1984). Also, biomarker concen­ pH or redox potential in the depositional environment trations decrease significantly at higher maturity (eventu­ (Moldowan and others, 1986), or to rock matrix effects ally reaching the instrument detection limits), which (Lu and others, 1989; Strachan and others, 1989). Al­ increases the chance of contamination or alteration ef­ though some source and matrix effects are minor, these fects. Because biomarker reactions are typically meas­ ratios should be used with caution if the effects cannot ured as the relative abundance or ratio of the reactant be taken into account. and the product, the actual concentrations are not known. Despite all the above complications, biomarkers Therefore an apparent transformation may actually be are a useful tool for determining the thermal maturity of one compound being destroyed at a faster rate than the oils and source rocks, and research continues to refine other (Requejo, 1989) or be the combined effects of re­ the technique. One promising area might be to use a dis­ lease reactions from a "bound" state and destruction re­ tribution of activation energies to model a biomarker actions (Abbott and others, 1990). Competing reactions maturity parameter that describes a diversity of reactions may be the cause of observed reversals in some biomar­ (Burnham, 1989) analogous to some kinetic models ap­ ker maturity trends (Lewan and others, 1986; Strachan plied to petroleum generation. For a more extensive dis­ and others, 1989; Peters and others, 1990). cussion on the application of biomarkers as thermal Biomarker ratios need not be representative of a maturity indicators, refer to Curiale and others (1989) specific reaction to be useful as thermal maturity indica­ and Mackenzie (1984). tors. For example, Alexander and others (1986) defined some aromatic maturity indicators by determining the ki­ netics of the overall pseudo-reactions. Biomarker ratios REFERENCES CITED that change systematically with burial may be used on a relative maturity basis or may be empirically calibrated with vitrinite reflectance (Radke and Welte, 1983) or a Abbott, G.D., Wang, G.Y., Eglinton, T.l., Home, A.K. and Petch, G.S., 1990, The kinetics of sterane biological mark­ maturity index (van Grass, 1990). However, empirical er release and degradation processes during the hydrous calibrations are influenced by variations in stratigraphy, pyrolysis of vitrinite kerogen: Geochimica et thermal history, and biomarker reaction kinetics; and the Cosmochimica Acta, v. 54, p. 2451-2461. maturity parameter should be applied with caution to Alexander, R., Strachan, M.G., Kagi, R.I., and van Bronswijk, other areas. Changes in vitrinite reflectance are con- W., 1986, Heating rate effects on aromatic maturity indi-

50 The Petroleum Syste~Status of Research and Methods, 1992 cators: Organic Geochemistry, v. 10, p. 997-1003. chemistry, v.10, p.433-439. Beamnont, C., Boutilier, R., Mackenzie, A. S., and Rullkotter, Huang, W.Y., and Meinschein, W.G., 1979, Sterols as ecologi­ J., 1985, Isomerization and aromatization of hydrocarbons cal indicators: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 43, and the paleothermometry and burial history of Alber1:a p. 739-745. foreland basin: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ de Leeuw, J.W., and Baas, M., 1986, Early-stage diagenesis of gists Bulletin, v. 69, no. 4, p. 546-566. steroids, in Johns, R.B., ed., Biological markers in the Brassell, S.C., Eglinton, G. and Howell, V.I., 1987, sedimentary record: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 101-123. Paleoenvironmental assessment of marine organic-rich Lewan, M.D., Bjorflty, M., and Dolcater, D.L., 1986, Effects of sediments using molecular organic geochemistry, in thermal maturation on steroid hydrocarbons as determined Brooks, J., and Fleet, A.J., eds., Marine petroleum sourc:e by hydrous pyrolysis of Phosphoria Retort shale: rocks: Geological Society Special Publication No. 26, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 1977-1987. Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 79-98. Lu, Shan-Tan, Ruth, Edward, and Kaplan, I.R., 1989, Pyrolysis Brassell, S.C., Eglinton, G., and Maxwell, R., 1983, The geo­ of kerogens in the absence and presence of montmorillon­ chemistry of terpenoids and steroids: Biochemistry Soci­ ite--I. The generation, degradation and isomerization of ety Transactions, v. 11, p. 575-86. steranes and triterpanes at 200 and 300°C: Organic Geo­ Burnham, A.K., 1989, On the validity of the Pristane Forma­ chemistry,v. 14,no. 5,p.491-499. tion Index: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 53, Mackenzie, A.S., 1984, Applications of biological markers in p.1693-1697. petroleum geochemistry, in Brooks, J., and Welte, D., Burnham, A.K., and Sweeney, J.J., 1989, A chemical kinetic eds., Advances in petroleum geochemistry: New York, model of vitrinite maturation and reflectance: Gcochimica Academic Press, v. 1, p. 115-214. et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 53, p. 2649-2657. Mackenzie, A.S., Leythaeuser, D., Altebamner, F-J., Disko, U., Chiaramonte, M.A., Tamburini, A., Salvator, T., and Bersani, and Rullkotter, J., 1988, Molecular measurements of ma­ A., 1988, Geochemical modelling in rapidly subsiding ba­ turity for Lias delta shales in N.W. Germany: Geochimica sins: Organic Geochemistry v. 13, p. 181-186. et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 52, p. 1145-1154. Clayton, J.L., 1989, Biological marker chemistry as indicator Mackenzie, A.S., and Maxwell, J.R., 1981, Assessment of ther­ of depositional environment of source rocks and crude mal maturation in sedimentary rocks by molecular meas­ oils, in Magoon, L.B., ed., The petroleum system-Status urements, in Brooks, J., ed., Organic maturation studies of research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey and fossil fuel exploration: London, Academic Press, p. Bulletin 1912, p.46-48. 239-254. Curiale, J.A., Larter, S.R., Sweeney, R.E., and Bromley, B.W., Mackenzie, A. S., and McKenzie, D., 1983, Isomerization and 1989, Molecular thermal maturity indicators in oil and gas aromatization of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins source rocks, in Naeser, N.D. and McCulloh, T.H., eds., formed by extension: Geological Magazine, v. 120, no. 5, Thermal history of sedimentary basins-Methods and case p. 417-528. histories: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 53-72. Mackenzie, A.S., Patience, R.L., Maxwell, J.R., Didyk, B.M., Alturki, Y.I.A., Pillinger, C.T., and Eglinton, G., Vandenbroucke, M., and Durand, B., 1980, Molecular pa­ 1975, Petroporphyrins as indicators of geothermal maturaL­ rameters of maturation in the Toarcian shales, Paris Basin, tion: Nature, v. 256, p. 563-565. France--1. Changes in the configurations of acyclic iso­ Didyk, B.M., Simoneit, B.R.T., Brassell, S.C., and Eglinton, prenoid alkanes, steranes and triterpanes: Geochimica et G., 1978, Organic geochemical indicators of Cosmochimica Acta, v. 64, p. 1709-1721. palaeoenvironmental conditions of sedimentation: N atur€:, Marzi, R., Rullkotter, J. and Perriman, W.S., 1990, Application v. 272, p. 216-221. of the change of sterane isomer ratios to the reconstruction Eglinton, G., and Calvin, M., 1967, Chemical fossils: Scientific of geothermal histories: Implications of the results of hy­ American, v. 216, no. 1, p. 32-43. drous pyrolysis experiments: Organic Geochemistry v. 16, Ensminger, A., Van Dorsselaer, A., Spyckerelle, C., Albrechit, p. 91-102. P., and Ourisson, G., 1974, Pentacyclic triterpenes of the Moldowan, J.M., Sundararaman, P., and Schoell, M., 1986, hopane type as ubiquitous geochemical markers: Origirr Sensitivity of biomarker properties to depositional envi­ and significance, in Tissot, B., and Bienner, F., eds., Ad­ ronment and/or source input in the Lower Toarcian of vances in organic geochemistry 1973: Paris, Editions SW-Germany: Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1985, Technip, p. 245-260. v. 10, p. 915-926. van Graas, G.W., 1990, Biomarker maturity parameters for Peters, K.E., Moldowan, J.M., and Sundararaman, P., 1990, Ef­ high maturities: Calibration of the working range up to thj~ fects of hydrous pyrolysis on biomarker thermal maturity oiVcondensate threshold: Organic Geochemistry, v. 16, parameters: Monterey phosphatic and siliceous members: p.1 025-1032. Organic Geochemistry, v. 15, no. 3, p. 249-265. ten Haven, H.L., de Leeuw, J.W., Peakman, T.M., and Max­ Philippi, G.T., 1965, On the depth, time and mechanism of pe­ well, J.R., 1986, Anomalies in steroid and hopanoid matu­ troleum generation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. rity indices: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 29, p. 1021-1049. 853-855. Radke, M., Schaffer, R.G., and Leythauser, D., 1980, Composi­ Hong Z-H., Li H-X., Rullkotter, J., and Mackenzie, A.S., 1986, tion of the soluble organic matter in coals and its relation Geochemical application of sterane and triterpane biologi­ to rank and liptinite fluorescence: Geochimica et cal marker compounds in the Linyi Basin: Organic Geo- Cosmochimica Acta, v. 44, p. 1787-1799.

Biomarkers as Thermal Maturity Indicators 51 Radke, M., and Welte, D.H. 1983, The methylphenanthrene in­ Speers, G.C., and Whitehead, E.V., 1969, Crude petroleum, in dex: Maturity parameter based on aromatic hydrocarbons, Eglington, E., and Murphy, M.T.J., eds., Organic geo­ in Bjor~y and others, eds., Advances of organic geochem­ chemistry-Methods and results:· New York, Springer­ istry 1981: Chichester, Wiley, p. 504-511. Verlag, p. 639-675. Requejo, A.G., 1989, Applications of quantitative biomarker Strachan, M.G., Alexander, R., Subroto, E.A., and Kagi, R.I., analysis in petroleum geochemistry, in Biomarkers in pe­ 1989, Constraints upon the use of 24-ethylcholestane di­ troleum-Memorial symposium for Wolfgang K. Seifert: astereomer ratios as indicators of the maturity of petrole­ American Chemical Society preprint, v. 34, p. 154-158. um: Organic Geochemistry, v. 14, no. 4, p. 423-432. Rullkotter, J., and Marzi, R., 1988, Natural and artificial matu­ Suzuki, N., 1990, Application of sterane epimerization to ration of biological markers in a Toarcian shale from evaluation of Yoshii gas and condensate reservoir, Niigata northern Germany: Organic Geochemistry, v. 13, p. 639- basin, Japan: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ 645. gists Bulletin, v. 74, p. 1571-1589. Seifert, W.K., and Moldowan, J.M., 1978, Applications of Tissot, B.P., Pelet, R., and Ungerer, P., 1987, Thermal history steranes, terpanes and monoaromatics to the maturation, of sedimentary basins, maturation indices, and kinetics of migration and source of crude oils: Geochimica et oil and gas generation: American Association of Petrole­ Cosmochimica Acta, v. 42, p. 77-95. um Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, no. ~2, p. 1445-1466.

52 The Petroleum Syste.._Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Fission-Track Analysis in Sedirnentary Basins---1992

By Nancy D. Naeser1

INTRODUCfiON others, 1989, 1990; Arne and others, 1990a, 1990b; Kelley and Blackwell, 1990; Kohn and others, 1990b; Fission tracks in apatite and zircon have been used Kveton, 1990; Roden and others, 1990; Crowley, 1991; in a wide range of studies in sedimentary basin analysis Kelley and others, 1991; McMillen and O'Sullivan, in (reviewed in N.D. Naeser, 1989a; N.D. Naeser and oth­ press; among others), Australia (Duddy and Gleadow, ers, 1989b). The annealing of fission tracks and the re­ 1982, 1985; Gleadow and others, 1983; Gleadow and sulting effect on fission-track age and track lengths, Duddy, 1984; Marshallsea, 1986; Duddy and others, particularly in apatite, have been used to reconstruct th~e 1987; Arne and others, 1989, 1990b; Green and others, thermal history of basins from the deposition and buri~l 1989a; Gleadow, 1990), New Zealand (Green and White, of sediments through subsequent cooling related to uplift 1985; Seward, 1989; Kamp and Green, 1990), Europe and erosion. Annealing is also used to constrain local­ (Green, 1986, 1989a, 1989b; Qvale and others, 1990), ized temperature anomalies, such as those related to in­ and elsewhere (Duddy and others, 1984; Corrigan and trusions and to the passage of high-temperature fluids Crowley, 1989; Feinstein and others, 1989; Hansen, through a basin. Fission-track analysis of detrital zircons 1990; Hill, 1990; Kohn and others, 1990a). These studies helps set limits on maximum paleotemperatures in basins have produced extensive information on fission tracks and determine the provenance of sediments (C.W. Naes­ and their response to the thermal history of sedimentary er, 1979b; Gleadow and others, 1983, 1986a, 1986b; rocks and in many areas have provided information on N.D. Naeser and others, 1987b, 1989b; Green and oth­ thermal history that would be difficult to obtain other­ ers, 1989a; Hurford and Carter, 1991). Fission-track wise. At the same time, these studies have highlighted analysis is useful in sedimentary basin studies because it several questions that remain to be resolved before the provides both temperature and time information over a full potential of apatite fission-track analysis in basin temperature range that coincides with hydrocarbon gen­ studies can be realized. eration (Gleadow and others, 1983; N.D. Naeser and oth­ ers, 1989b) and burial diagenetic processes (for example, clay diagenesis and conodont color alteration) and with ANNEALING KINETICS paleothermal anomalies associated with some mineral deposits (C.W. Naeser and others, 1980; Cunningham Although temperature is the dominant controlling and Barton, 1984; C.W. Naeser and Cunningham, 1984; factor in annealing, time cannot be ignored in interpret­ Beaty and others, 1988). ing thermal history. The temperature range for annealing Apatite fission-track analysis has been used to clar·· of any given mineral depends on the duration of heat­ ify the thermal history of more than 40 sedimentary ba­ ing-the shorter the heating, the higher the temperature sins worldwide, including North America (Briggs and required for annealing. More research has been devoted others, 1979, 1981; Dokka, 1982; Lakatos and Miller, to determining the annealing kinetics of apatite than of 1983; Crowley and others, 1985, 1986; Johnsson, 1985, any other mineral, both by laboratory heating experi­ 1986; Giegengack and others, 1986, 1990; Miller and ments (for example, C.W. Naeser and Faul, 1969; Mark others, 1986, 1990; N.D. Naeser, 1986, 1989b; Zimmer·· and others, 1973; Zimmermann and Gaines, 1978; Crow­ mann, 1986; Duddy and others, 1987; N.D. Naeser and ley, 1985; Green and others, 1985, 1986, 1989b; Crow­ others, 1987a, 1989a, 1989b, 1990a, 1990b; Crowley and ley and Cameron, 1987; Laslett and others, 1987; Duddy Kuhlman, 1988; Dumitru, 1988, 1989; O'Sullivan, 1988:; and others, 1988; Green, 1988; Crowley and others, Geving and others, 1989, 1990, 1991; O'Sullivan and 1990, 1991; Hughes and others, 1990) and by empirical observations of annealing behavior in drill holes (C.W. Naeser, 1979a, 1981; Gleadow and Duddy, 1981). How­ ever, uncertainties still remain. At least nine laboratories 1 U.S. Geological Swvey, Denver, Colo. are currently involved in research to more accurately de-

Fission-Track Analysis in Sedimentary Basins--1992 53 fine the kinetics of apatite annealing and thus improve RELATION BETWEEN TRACK LENGTH AND the practical application of apatite annealing models. TRACK DENSITY

The relation between the reduction in mean track APATITE COMPOSITION length and fission-track age (track density) with progres­ sive annealing is unclear. Some workers have deter­ Laboratory studies and observations from drill mined a 1: 1 correlation between reduced density and holes have established that Cl-apatite anneals at tempera­ reduced track length in apatite during the early (low­ tures up to about 30°C higher than other common apatite temperature) stages of annealing (Green, 1988), but varieties (F-, Sr-F-, and OR-apatite), affecting the varia­ some research suggests otherwise (C.W. Naeser and oth­ tion in both age and track lengths with progressive an­ ers, 1989). Accurate determination of this relation is crit­ nealing (Green and others, 1985, 1989a; Crowley and ical to the practice of some laboratories of "correcting" Cameron, 1987; Crowley and others, 1990; Hughes and apatite fission-track ages based on the extent of track­ others, 1990). Fortunately, apatite suites are commonly length reduction (for example, Kamp and Green, 1990). so dominated by F-apatite with insignificant amounts of chlorine (for example, Berry and Mason, 1959; Deer and others, 1962; N.D. Naeser and others, 1987a) that most REFERENCES CITED samples can be reasonably interpreted using F-apatite annealing data. Composition may pose a problem, how­ Arne, D.C., Duddy, I.R., and Green, P.F., 1990a, The thermal ever, for interpreting thermal history in basins where the history of the Arkoma basin and Ouachita Mountains from detrital apatites have a wide and variable range in Cl­ AFTA (apatite fission track analysis) [abs.]: American As­ content. Apatite composition is normally determined by sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, p. 601. electron microprobe. An ongoing challenge is to develop Arne, D.C., Green, P.F., and Duddy, I.R., 1990b, an altemati ve, routine method for determining composi­ Thermochronologic constraints on the timing of Missis­ tion (particularly Cl-content) in individual apatite grains sippi Valley-type ore formation from apatite fission track that will eliminate the need for electron microprobe anal­ analysis: Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, v. ysis (Siddall and Mendelssohn, 1990; C.W. Naeser, oral 17, p. 319-323. commun., 1991). Arne, D.C., Green, P.F., Duddy, I.R., Gleadow, A.J.W., Lam­ bert, I.B., and Lovering, J.F., 1989, Regional thermal his­ tory of the Lennard Shelf, Canning basin from apatite fis­ sion track analysis: Implications for the formation of Pb­ INHERITED AGE AND THERMAL HISTORY OF Zn ore deposits: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. DETRITAL APATITE 36, p. 495-513. Beaty, D.W., Naeser, C.W., Cunningham, C.G., and Landis, It is obvious that detrital minerals entering a depo­ G.P., 1988, Genetic model for the Gilman district (Colo.), sitional basin carry with them previous! y formed fission based on fluid inclusion, stable isotope, geologic, and fis­ tracks that reflect the thermal history of the sediment sion-track time/temperature studies: Geological Society of source. Furthermore, detrital apatites in sedimentary America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 7, p. A38. rocks are typically derived from parent rocks of widely Berry, L.G., and Mason, B., 1959, Mineralogy: San Francisco, varying age and thermal history. Thus, the observed var­ W. H. Freeman. 630 p. Briggs, N.D., Naeser, C.W., and McCulloh, T.H., 1979, Ther­ iations in apatite age and track-length distribution with mal history of sedimentary basins by fission-track dating: depth in any given sedimentary basin will reflect the Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, age(s) and thermal history(s) of the parent rocks, as well v. 11, p. 394. as the thermal history of the depositional basin and the --1981, Thermal history by fission-track dating, Tejon oil compositional variability of apatite. These factors, com­ field area, California [abs.]: American Association of Pe­ bined with the variation between sedimentary basins in troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, p. 906. annealing caused by differences in heating histories, Corrigan, J.D., and Crowley, K.D., 1989, Thermal history of must be considered when interpreting apatite fission­ sites 717 and 718, ODP Leg 116, central Indian Ocean: track data from sedimentary rocks. Models that assume Constraints from numerical simulations and apatite fis­ that variation in age and track lengths is only related to sion-track data: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, no. 6, p. A320. the thermal history of the sedimentary basin, or that all Crowley, K.D., 1985, Thermal significance of fission-track apatites came into the depositional basin with a simple length distributions: Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Meas­ (volcanic) track-length distribution, can produce signifi­ urements, v. 10, p. 311-322. cant errors in interpreted thermal history, particularly in --1991, Thermal history of Michigan basin and southern sedimentary rocks that have not been exposed to temper­ Canadian shield from apatite fission-track analysis: Jour­ atures sufficient to totally anneal apatite. nal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, no. B1, p. 697-711.

54 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Crowley, K.D., Ahern, J.L., and Naeser, C.W., 1985, Origin Duddy, I.R., Green, P.F., and Laslett, G.M., 1988, Thermal an­ and epeirogenic history of the Williston basin: Evidence~ nealing of fission tracks in apatite--3. Variable tempera­ from fission-track analysis of apatite: Geology, v. 13, p. ture behaviour: Chemical Geology, v. 73, p. 25-38. 680-685. Dumitru, T .A., 1988, Subnormal geothermal gradients in the Crowley, K.D., and Cameron, M., 1987, Annealing of etchabl€~ Great Valley forearc basin, California, during Franciscan fission-track damage in apatite: Effects of anion chemis·­ subduction: A fission track study: Tectonics, v. 7, p. 1201- try: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro·­ 1221. grams, v. 19, p. 631-632. ---1989, Constraints on uplift in the Franciscan subduction Crowley, K.D., Cameron, M., and McPherson, B.J., 1990, An-­ complex from apatite fission track analysis: Tectonics, v. nealing of etchable fission-track damage in F-, OH-, Cl-, 8, p. 197-220. and Sr-apatite--1. Systematics and preliminary interpreta·· Feinstein, S., Kohn, B.P., and Eyal, M., 1989, Significance of tions [abs.]: Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, combined vitrinite reflectance and fission-track studies in v. 17, p. 409-410. evaluating thermal history of sedimentary basins: An ex­ Crowley, K.D., Cameron, M., and Schaefer, R.L., 1991, Ex-· ample from southern Israel, in Naeser, N.D., and perimental studies of annealing of etched fission tracks in McCulloh, T.H., eds., Thermal history of sedimentary ba­ fluorapatite: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 55, p. sins-Methods and case histories: New York, Springer­ 1449-1465. Verlag, p. 197-216. Crowley, ,K.D., and Kuhlman, S.L., 1988, Apatite: Geving, R.L., Suchecki, R.K., and Kelley, S.E., 1989, Kinetic thermochronometry of western Canadian shield: Implica-· controls on the transformation of smectite to illite in the tions for origin of the Williston basin: Geophysical Re·· Los Angeles basin as determined by apatite fission track search Letters, v. 15, p. 221-224. analysis: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Crowley, K.D., Naeser, C.W., and Babel, C.A., 1986, Tectonic: Programs, v. 21, no. 6, p. A349. significance of Precambrian apatite fission-track ages from ---1990, Kinetic control on clastic diagenesis in the Los the midcontinent United States: Earth and Planetary Sci·· Angeles basin as determined by apatite fission track analy­ ence Letters, v. 79, p. 329-336. sis [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Cunningham, C.G., and Barton, P.B., Jr., 1984, Recognition Bulletin, v. 74, p. 661. and use of paleothermal anomalies as a new exploration Geving, R.L., Suchecki, R.K., Kelley, S.A., and Lyons, K.T., tool: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro-· 1991, Porosity prediction in feldspathic sandstones of the grams, v. 16, p. 481. Los Angeles basin using apatite fission track analysis Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A., and Zussman, I., 1962, Rock-form-· [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists ing minerals-Vol. 5., Non-silicates: New York, John Bulletin, v. 75, p. 579. Wiley, 371 p. Giegengack, R., Omar, G.l., ·and Johnson, K.R., 1986, A recon­ Dokka, R.K., 1982, Implications of fission track ages from the: naissance fission track uplift chronology for the northwest Kaplan geothermal-geopressure zone, Vermilion Parish,, margin of the Bighorn Basin: 1986 Montana Geological Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Society-Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association Field Transactions, v. 32, p. 455-468. Conference Guidebook, p. 179-184. Duddy, I.R., and Gleadow, A.J.W., 1982, Thermal history of Giegengack, R., Omar, G.l., Lutz, T.M., and Johnson, K.R., the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia, from geologic: 1990, Tectono-thermal history by fission-track analysis of annealing of fission tracks in detrital volcanic apatites: the Bighorn basin and adjacent highlands, Montana-Wyo­ Abstracts, Fission-Track Dating Workshop, 5th lnterna-· ming [abs.]: Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, tional Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology, v. 17, p. 412-413. and Isotope Geology, Nikko National Park, Japan, June. Gleadow, A.J.W., 1990, Apatite fission track 30, p. 13-16. thermochronology and tectonics in the Clarence-Moreton ---1985, The application of fission track thermochronology basin of eastern Australia [abs.]: Nuclear Tracks and Ra­ to sedimentary basins: Two case studies [abs.]: Nuclear diation Measurements, v. 17, p. 413-414. Tracks and Radiation Measurements, v. 10, p. 408. 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Fission-Track Analysis in Sedimentary Basins-1992 57 Vitrinite and Solid Bitumen Reflectance: Some Correlations and Applications

By Mark J. Pawlewicz and j. David King1

The rudiments of coal petrography/petrology were window. Generally only the "window" of peak genera­ established in the late 1800's when microscopy was first tion is used; 0.6 to 1.2 percent Rm for oil, and 1.2 to 2.0 used to prove that most coal formed from the remains of percent Rm for wet gas; greater than 2.0 percent for dry terrestrial plants (Stach and others, 1982). From this be­ gas. Dow's (1977) correlation chart places the HC gener­ ginning, coal petrography/petrology advanced through ation range between at 0.5 and 3.2 percent. Of course, the observation of thin sections of coal, primarily for pa­ this is not always the case. Reflectance values below this leobotanical considerations, to the study of polished coal threshold would most likely be the result of the type of blocks with oil immersion techniques at about 1925. Im­ organic material (Waples, 1985), or some process, yet provements in optics and the discovery that vitrinite re­ unexplained, operating on the OM (Graham and Wil­ flectance increases with increasing coal rank were liams, 1985; Price and others, 1986). Higher values can instrumental in achieving great advances in the knowl­ be partially explained by the high bireflectance of vitri­ edge of coal. Equipment improvements were marked by nite, where a paucity of OM in rocks of high thermal progressions in the application for technological purpos­ maturity usually results in a wide histogram and a some­ es, such as the determination of the coking quality of what indeterminate mean value. More succinctly, Waples coal, as well as for academic purposes. The history of (1985) states, "Effective generation of HC requires that the application of reflectance analysis to exploration for the generated products be expelled from the source-rock oil and gas dates from the work of M. Teichmuller matrix and migrated to a trap. Timing and efficiency of (1958) with her reflectance measurements of fine­ expulsion depend on a number of factors, including rock grained coaly inclusions in sedimentary rocks. physics and organic-geochemical considerations." Determination of vitrinite reflectance (Rm) has ad­ Samples processed for their organic material can vantages and disadvantages in assessing thermal maturity commonly have several distinct populations of vitrinite. with respect to generation of oil and gas. One advantage For this reason the selection of vitrinite for reflectance is the relative mechanical ease of analysis using prepared measurement is possibly the most error-prone and incon­ slides and pellets of coal and organic material (OM) con­ sistent factor in thermal maturity determinations; prob­ centrated from sedimentary rocks. Stach and others lems and criteria related to this selection are discussed (1982) and Bustin and others (1983) presented excellent by Dembicki (1984), Barker and Pawlewicz (1986), Tox­ summaries on the aspects of coal petrology/petrography. opeus (1983), and Powell and others (1982). Walker Davis (1978) discussed the analytical methods for coal (1982) and Walker and others (1983) found anomalously reflectance determination. All three references are rec­ low reflectance values, 0.2 to 0.3 percent Rm, in an off­ ommended as they provide good crossover information shore California HC producing sequence. Price and for the observation and measurement of dispersed organ­ Barker (1985) provided much insight into these unex­ ic material. pected low Rm values. Local variations in OM type (see Vitrinite reflectance is used as a quick index to Tissot and Welte, 1984, for discussion of kerogen types evaluate the level of thermal maturation of sedimentary and relation to HC generation), chemistry of the OM, rocks (Sikander and Pittion, 1978). Reflectance is cor­ and other factors determine the values for the "oil win­ relative to a specific rank of coal, while Rm of dispersed dow" and affect the probability of any generation having organic matter (OM) is considered in terms of thermal taken place. maturity, or relation to the hydrocarbon (HC) generation A disadvantage of vitrinite reflectance is the lack of precision in predicting thermal maturity at the low end of the reflectance scale, between 0.2 and 0.45 per­ cent Rm. Stach and others (1982) illustrated this in chart 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. form as it applies to coal at the lignite and subbitumi-

58 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 nous levels. Low rank coals are sensitive to the physical 1982), vitrinite is, at best, rare and unequally distributed environment, such that an increase in the moisture con­ in lithology and facies regardless of age. For this reason tent alone can cause variations in reflectance of 0.1-0. tS additional organic entities are analyzed to broaden the percent Rm. This is an important consideration because~, application of petrography for thermal maturation deter­ due to ease of preparation, coal is the preferred material mination. Some of these entities are chitinozoans (Goo­ when working with borehole profiles. This problem is darzi, 1985), graptolites (Kurylowicz and others, 1976; mitigated because the real interest lies at a higher reflec­ Goodarzi and Norford, 1985; Kemp and others, 1985; tance level. Concentrated OM may or may not be as sen­ Goodarzi, 1984), scolecodonts, and solid bitumens (Curi­ sitive to changes in moisture content, but a certain ale, 1986; Bertrand, 1990). Bertrand and Heroux (1987) awareness of this problem should be part of any maturity compared the former three and found a depth-reflectance determination done on low rank material. relation for each type of zooclast, but not between the An advantage of the technique is the direct correla­ individual zooclasts. They noted that reflectance results tion of reflectance to maximum temperature (Barker and for the zooclasts should not be pooled for the evaluation Pawlewicz, 1986). Rm analysis of samples from borehole of thermal maturity. Refining earlier work, Bertrand profiles is used to establish reflectance gradients. The (1990) found that (1) chitinozoan and telinite (cell wall gradients are then used to recognize the upper. and lowe.r of structured vitrinite) reflectances are similar, (2) thermal maturity boundaries of the oil/gas window. scolecodonts are always less reflecting than chitinozo­ Knowing the upper and lower boundaries of the oil win­ ans, and (3) zooclast reflectances converge and become dow could be used to determine the volume of the similar to that of vitrinite with increasing maturation. source rocks, useful for determining HC resources. Bustin and others (1989), in a laboratory study, demon­ Burial history reconstruction is widely used to il­ strated a direct correlation between maximum and ran­ lustrate the geologic history of various stratigraphic dom reflectance of graptolites and vitrinite. units. Related to this reconstruction is the use of thermal Solid bitumens are ubiquitous in distribution and maturation profiles to estimate the amount of erosion, variety (Gentzis and Goodarzi, 1990). During burial, sol­ both at the top and within a sequence. This exercise is id bitumens undergo irreversible chemical changes anal­ predicated on the belief that the reflectance value for vit­ ogous to those of vitrinite. However, correlation of rinite at the Earth's surface before burial is 0.2 percent reflectance of solid bitumens and of vitrinite is impre­ By extrapolating a regression line through a plot of cise. Regression lines for vertical profiles for solid bitu­

depth versus vitrinite reflectance to the 0.2 percent R1111 men and vitrinite intersect near 1.0 to 1.1 percent intercept, the amount eroded is the difference between reflectance. Below 1.0 percent the reflectance of solid ground level and the intercept point (Dow, 1977). This bitumen is less than, and above that value more than vit­ simple exercise is complicated by the lack of an accept­ rinite. A susceptibility to alteration by deasphalting, wa­ ed surface baseline value. For example, Katz and others ter washing, biodegradation, and oxidation (weathering) (1988) use 0.25 percent Rm in their examples, whereas reduces the utility of bitumen for maturation studies, as Vellutini and Bustin (1990) use 0.15 percent Rm. does its tendency to form fine-grained mosaic structures Burial history reconstruction of Paleozoic basins, during rapid heating. The mosaic structures ruin the sur­ which have cooled from their maximum temperatures, face for reflectance measurements. Despite numerous presents another problem. Vitrinite reflectance. records shortcomings, the measurement of reflectance of solid the maximum temperature (Barker and Pawlewicz, bitumen is useful. Because vitrinite reflectance is the 1986), and it is irreversible. Drawing a regression line benchmark maturity indicator, mathematical equations on this maximum will yield unrealistically high esti[­ have been derived to approximate the relation among mates of erosion. For the Anadarko basin in Oklahoma, vitrinite, bitumen, and zooclast reflectance (Bertrand and the erosional estimate derived in this manner is greate~r Heroux, 1987). than the entire Mesozoic and Cenozoic section (Pawlewicz, 1989). This approach is useful in Paleozoic basins, however, for studying the evolution of a basin, REFERENCES CITED determining the timing of igneous intrusions and the on­ set of overpressuring and overthrusting, and for inter­ Barker, C.E., and Pawlewicz, M.J., 1986, The correlation of preting discontinuous Rm profiles (Katz and others, vitrinite reflectance with maximum temperature in humic organic matter, in Buntebarth, G. and Stegna, L., eds., 1988; Law and others, 1989). Paleogeothermics, lecture notes in earth sciences, v. 5: Coal is made of up to 90 percent or more vitrinite. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, p. 80-93. Most coal is formed from plant material by diagenetic Bertrand, Rudolf, 1990, Correlations among the reflectances of alteration involving bacteria, chemical activity, pressure vitrinite, chitinozoans, graptolites and scolecodonts: Or­ and, primarily, heat. Though there is evidence for land ganic Geochemistry, v. 15, no. 6, p. 565-574. plants existing from the pre-Silurian (Gray and others, Bertrand, Rudolf, and Heroux, Yvon, 1987, Chitinozoan, grap-

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Miner., Special Publica­ v. 1, p. 201-210. tion, p. 99-113. ---1985, Reflected light microscopy of chitinozoan frag­ Tissot, B.P., and Welte, D.H., 1984, Petroleum formation and ments: Marine and Petroleum Geology, V. 2, p. 72-78. occurrence: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 699 p. Gooaarzi, Fariborz, and Norford, B.S., 1985, Graptolites as in­ Toxopeus, J.M.A., 1983, Selection criteria for the use of vitri­ dicators of the temperature histories of rocks: Journal nite reflectance as a maturity tool: Geological Society of Geological Society of London, v. 142, p. 1089-1099. London Special Publication No. 12, p. 295-307. 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Katz, B.J., Pheifer, R.N., and Schunk, D.J., 1988, Interpretation Walker, Ann, McCulloh, T., Peterson, N., Stewart, R., 1983, of discontinuous vitrinite reflectance profiles: American Discrepancies between anomalously low reflectance of vit­ Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, no. 8, rinite and other maturation indicators from an Upper Mio­ p. 926-931. cene oil source rock, Los Angeles basin, California [abs.]: Kemp, A.E.S., Oliver, G.H.J., and Baldwin, J.R., 1985, Low­ American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. grade metamorphism and accretion tectonics: southern Up­ 67, p. 565. lands terrain, Scotland: Mineralogical Magazine, v. 49, p. Waples, D.,W., 1985, Geochemistry in petroleum exploration: 335-344. Boston, International Human Resources Development Cor­ Kurylowicz, L:E., Ozimic, S., McKirdy, D.M., Kantsler, A.J., poration, 232 p.

60 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Clay Minerals as Geothermolneters- lndicators of Thermal Maturity for Hydrocarbon Exploration

By Richard M. Pollastro1

INTRODUCTION geothermometry; at the end of this report, an updated "Selected References" includes papers on this subject Clay minerals provide information on the burial omitted from Pollastro (1989). and thermal history of sedimentary rocks that is useful in Following a special symposium held at the Rocky the exploration, evaluation, and production of hydrocar­ Mountain Section meeting of AAPG in October 1989, bons. Over the past decade or so, empirical relations be­ Nuccio and Barker (1990) published a volume entitled tween clay minerals and temperature have provided a Applications of Thermal Maturity Studies to Energy Ex­ basis for their use as geothermometers. The utility of ploration. In that volume, I reviewed the concept, meth­ clay-mineral geothermometry has been applied mainly to ods, and basic temperature models of the 1/S diagenetic, hydrothermal, and metamorphic settings, in geothermometer (Pollastro, 1990). an attempt to better understand the thermal histories of Two symposia have been organized recently on the ore and mineral formation, migrating hydrothermal flu­ reactions, processes, and applications of clay minerals ids, and hydrocarbon source beds. Several clay minerals, for geothermometry. In July 1990, a conference on particularly illite, mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S), chlo­ "Phyllosilicates as Indictors of Very Low Grade Meta­ rite, kaolinite, and corrensite, are indicators of specific morphism and Diagenesis" was held at the University of temperatures or temperature ranges (Hoffman and How­ Manchester, United Kingdom. The conference was co­ er, 1979). This report only discusses the current research sponsored by the International Geological Correlation status and activities related to clay-mineral geothermom­ Programme (IGCP), Project 294 (Very Low Grade Meta­ etry. In addition, I will demonstrate the utility of the morphism), and the Clay Minerals and Metamorphic method by presenting a case history where the 1/S ge:o­ Studies Groups. About 35 oral and 18 poster papers thermometer has been applied successfully to a known were presented to over 120 participants. The conference petroleum system, the Niobrara(!) in the Denver basin focused on the chemical and physical processes related and adjacent areas (table 1). In this example, the I/S ge:o­ to expandability, illitization, and "crystallinity" measure­ thermometer is applied regionally to correlate and pre­ ments of illite and 1/S, all which are common measure­ dict the various degrees of thermal maturity in a ments used in clay-mineral geothermometry. Few papers formation that is both a petroleum source and reservoir were presented on specific temperature models for clay­ rock and currently a major target for horizontal drilling. mineral geothermometry or on comparison of tempera­ tures derived from clay minerals to those for the maturity of organic matter. Selected papers from the CURRENT RESEARCH AND EVENTS conference will appear in future issues of Clay Minerals and Journal of Metamorphic Geology. In USGS Bulletin 1912 (Magoon, 1989), I di[s­ In October 1991, a special symposium at the 28th cussed briefly the state of research and presented an ex­ Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society in Hous­ tensive bibliography on applications of clay mineralogy ton, Texas, entitled "Clay Geothermometers and Geo­ with particular attention to clay-mineral geothermome­ chronometers," was convened by Eric Eslinger and Reed ters (Pollastro, 1989). Since publication of Bulletin Glasmann. Titles for the program included presentations 1912, additional studies have been published, and sym­ on case-history studies, reaction kinetics and mecha­ posia have been organized, on the subject of clay-mineral nisms, and clay-isotope geothermometers. A total of 28 oral and 20 poster papers were presented. In my recent review of the concept and utility of 1/S geothermometry (Pollastro, 1990), I proposed two 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. simple models for the I/S geothermometer: (1) a short-

Clay Minerals as Geothermometers---lndicators of Thermal Maturity for Hydrocarbon Exploration 61 life geothermal model (<2 million years of heating) typi­ the Niobrara are at various stages of completion, are in­ cal of very young sediments and modern hydrothermal cluded in this revised version. Additionally, localities systems, and (2) the model of Hoffman and Hower where transitional stages of 1/S occur are identified. (1979), which pertains to older rocks and geothermal The concept and the model used in this study are settings, particularly long-term, progressive burial diage­ simple; 1/S in bentonite beds from the Niobrara Forma­ netic sequences and basins ranging in age from about 2 tion and basal is used to predict the type of to 300 million years. Several case histories were present­ hydrocarbons sourced by organic-rich chalk and chalky ed in the paper to develop and support the temperature shale of the Niobrara. On the basis of X-ray powder dif­ models. fraction profiles and the model of Hoffman and Hower Most recently, Elliot and others (1991) studied the (1979), randomly interstratified 1/S (commonly referred smectite-to-illite reaction in bentonites from cores and to as RO 1/S) is assumed stable below temperatures of outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous Mowry Shale and Nio­ about 100°C. At burial temperatures of about 100- brara Formation, Denver basin. They found that both the 11 0°C, random or RO 1/S is converted to a short-range percent illite layers and K-Ar ages of 1/S increase with ordered 1/S (referred to as R1 1/S); thus, only ordered increasing depth of burial. Mathematical models showed (R>O) 1/S is present above this temperature range in old­ an overall fifth-order kinetic expression for the forma­ er (>2 million years) basin settings (see review by Pol­ tion of illite. They concluded that, for most of the basin, lastro, 1990). This study, and that recently reported by the data are compatible with 1/S having been formed in Elliott and others (1991), found few inconsistencies in response to increased temperature from progessive burial 1/S ordering among the several hundred samples from because the oldest K-Ar ages of I/S are from the deepest numerous well and outcrop localities. buried 1/S along the basin axis. In addition, 1/S from The temperature range of 100-110°C for the ran­ bentonites in core from the Wattenberg gas field was the dom-to-ordered 1/S transition is generally coincident most illitic and among the oldest measured; these data with temperatures for the onset of peak (or main phase) are in agreement with anomalously high temperatures oil generation in rocks of Late Cretaceous through early suspected in the Wattenberg field from previous studies Tertiary age (Tissot and Welte, 1984, p. 180). These re­ of geothermometers based on organic matter (Rice, lations provide much of the basis for predicting hydro­ 1984; Higley and others, 1985, this volume)· and clay carbon maturity within the Niobrara from 1/S minerals (Pollastro and Scholle, 1986a, b). geothermometry. Additionally, microbial methane (an immature gas generated at low temperatures by the de­ composition of organic matter by anaerobic microorgan­ APPLICATION TO THE NIOBRARA isms) is produced from the Niobrara in areas where FORMATION, DENVER BASIN burial temperatures never exceeded 7 5°C (Rice and Claypool, 1981). The I/S geothermometer is, therefore, The utility of I/S geothermometry is best shown especially useful for Niobrara rocks because it outlines using a study on the Niobrara Formation for the follow­ areas of different degrees of thermal maturity as related ing reasons: (1) the Niobrara Formation in the Denver to hydrocarbon generation. Areas with little or no poten­ basin and adjacent areas is both a petroleum source and tial, that is, those where maximum burial conditions reservoir rock; (2) well-documented, progressive diage­ were either too hot for microbial gas or too cool for netic changes occur relative to increased depth of burial thermogenic oil and( or) gas production, and probably be­ and temperature that affect both the reservoir quality of tween about 75°C and H>0°C, can also be interpolated the chalks and the type of indigenous hydrocarbons (mi­ from 1/S ordering and well production data. Areas that crobial gas versus oil) produced (Pollastro and Scholle, are potential targets for horizontal wells in thermally 1986a); and (3) within the past five years, the overall mature, fractured, Niobrara oil reservoirs should, there­ success of the many horizontal wells drilled, particularly fore, contain only ordered 1/S in bentonites. in fractured, organic-rich, thermally mature chalk or Figure 9 is the updated version of the 1/S geother­ chalky shale reservoirs, has rekindled interest in the Nio­ mometry map applied to maturity of hydrocarbons gen­ brara Formation throughout the Rocky Mountain region erated within the Niobrara Formation. Random 1/S in as an exploration target for oil. bentonite indicates areas of maxim urn burial tempera­ Although an earlier version of an 1/S geothermom­ tures for Niobrara rocks <100°C, whereas ordered 1/S in­ etry map of the Niobrara in the Denver basin and adja­ dicates areas where the Niobrara has been buried to cent areas has been published (Pollastro and Scholle, temperatures > 100°C and is thermally mature with re­ 1986a, b; Pollastro, 1990), I have recently updated, mod­ spect to oil generation. Similarly, transitional 1/S [locali­ ified, and added data from about 20 wells to the current ties where 1/S is in the initial or transitional stage of version (fig. 9). For example, data from the Silo field in converting from random to ordered 1/S (see Pollastro and southeastern Wyoming, where several horizontal wells in Martinez, 1985; Whitney and Northrop, 1988)] probably

62 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 EXPLANATION





Figure 9. Geothermometry map as an indicator of thermal maturity and hydrocarbon type for the Niobrara Formation, Denver basin, Colorado. Temperature determined from the degree of ordering of illite/smectite (1/S) clay in bentonite as interpmted from X-ray powder diffraction profiles from samples of outcrop (open symbols) and core (solid symbols). Area of current microbial gas production from the Niobrara Formation is shown. Small arrows point to areas targeted for horizontal wells.

Clay Minerals as Geothermometers-lndicators of Thermal Maturity for Hydrocarbon Exploration 63 indicates maximum burial temperatures near HX>°C (per­ tight gas reservoirs: American Association of Petroleum haps about 90--l00°C) and can be interpreted as margin­ Geologists Studies in Geology, no. 24, p. 129-142. ally mature with respect to oil generation. The area of Rice, D.D., 1984, Relation of hydrocarbon occurrence to ther­ current microbial gas production from Niobrara rocks is mal maturity of organic matter in the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, eastern Denver basin: evidence of also indicated on figure 9 as the area of immature gas biogenic versus thermogenic origin of hydrocarbons, in production. Woodward, J., Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L., ed., Hy­ drocarbon source rocks of the greater Rocky Mountain re­ gion: Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, REFERENCES CITED p. 365-368. Rice, D.D., and Claypool, G.E., 1981, Generation, accumula­ Elliot, W.C., Aronson, J.L., Matisoff, G., and Gautier, D.L., tion, and resource potential of biogenic gas: American As­ 1991, Kinetics of the smectite to illite transformation in sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v .65, p. 5-25. the Denver basin: Clay mineral, K-Ar data, and math­ Tissot, B.P., and Welte, D.H., 1984, Petroleum formation and ematical model results: American Association of Petrole­ occurrence: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 538 p. um Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, p. 436-462. Whitney, G., and Northrop, H.R., 1988, Experimental investi­ Higley, D.L., Pawlewicz, M.J., and Gautier, D.L., 1985, gations of the smectite to illite reaction-Dual reaction Isoreflectance map of the "J" sandstone of the Denver ba­ mechanisms and oxygen-isotopic systematics: American sin of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Mineralogists, v. 73, p. 77-90. 85-384, 9 p. Hoffman, J., and Hower, J., 1979, Clay mineral assemblages as low grade metamorphic geothermometers-Application to SELECTED REFERENCES the thrust faulted disturbed belt of Montana, in Scholle, P.A., and Schluger, P.S., eds., Aspects of diagenesis: Soci­ ety of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Ahn, H.J., and Peacor, 1986, Transmission and analytical elec­ Publication 26, p. 55-79. tron microscopy of the smectite-to-illite transition: Clays Magoon, L.B., 1989, The petroleum system-Status of re­ and Clay Minerals, v. 34, p. 165-179. search and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bulle­ Anjos, S.M.C., 1986, Absence of clay diagenesis in Creta­ tin 1912, 88 p. ceous-Tertiary marine shales, Campos basin, Brazil: Clays Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., 1990, Applications of thermal and Clay Minerals, v. 34. p. 424-434. maturity studies to energy exploration: Rocky Mountain Charnley, H., 1989, Clay sedimentology: New York, Springer­ Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Miner­ Verlag, 623 p. alogists, 175 p. Connolly, C.A., 1989, Thermal history and diagenesis of the Pollastro, R.M.,1989, Clays, in Magoon, L. B., ed., The petro­ Wilrich Member shale, Spirit River Formation, northwest leum system-Status of research and methods, 1990: US Alberta: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 37, Geological Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 28-31. p. 182-197. ---1990, The illite/smectite geothermometer--Concepts, Dypvik, H., 1983, Clay mineral transformations in Tertiary and methodology, and application to basin history and hydro­ Mesozoic sediments from North Sea: American Associa­ carbon generation, in Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., eds., tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p. 160-165. Applications of thermal maturity studies to energy explo­ Eberl, D.D., and Srodon, J., 1988, Ostwald ripening and inter­ ration: Rocky Mountain Section, Society of Economic Pa­ particle-diffraction effects for illite crystals: American leontologists and Mineralogists, p. 1-18. Mineralogist, v. 73., 1335-1345. Pollastro, R.M., and Martinez, C.J., 1985, Whole-rock, in­ Eberl, D.D., and Velde, B., 1989, Beyond the Kubler index: soluble residue, and clay mineralogies of marl, chalk, and Clay Minerals, v. 24, p. 571-577. bentonite, Smoky Hill Shale Member, Niobrara Formation Edman, J.D., and Surdam, R.C., 1986, Organic-inorganic near Pueblo, Colorado-Depositional and diagenetic im­ interactons as a mechanism for porosity enhancement in plications, in Pratt, L., Kauffman, E.G., and Zeit, F.B., the Upper Cretaceous Ericson Sandstone, Green River eds., Fine-grained deposits and biofacies of the Cretaceous basin, Wyoming, in Gautier, D.L., ed., Roles of organic Western Interior seaway: Evidence of cyclic sedimentary matter in sediment diagenesis: Society of Economic Pale­ processes: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Min­ ontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 38, p. eralogists Field Trip Guidebook no. 4, p. 215-222. 85-109. Pollastro, R.M., and Scholle, P.A., 1986a, Diagenetic relation­ Eslinger, E., and Sellars, B., 1981, Evidence for the formation ships in a hydrocarbon-productive chalk-The Cretaceous of illite from smectite during burial metamorphism in the Niobrara Formation, in Mumpton, F.A., ed., Studies in Belt Supergroup, Clark Fork, Idaho: Journal of Sedimenta­ diagenesis: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1578, p. 219- ry Petrology, v. 51, p. 203-216. 236. Foster, W.R., and Custard, H.C., 1983, Role of clay composi­ ---1986b, Exploration and development of hydrocarbons tion on extent of illite/smectite diagenesis [abs.]: Ameri­ from low-permeability chalks-An example from the can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Rocky Mountains p. 462. region, in Spencer, C.W., and Mast, R.F., eds., Geology of Freed, R.L., 1982, Clay mineralogy and depositional history of

64 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 the Frio Formation in two geopressured wells, Brazoria erals, v. 29, p. 249-259. County, Texas: Transactions ofthe Gulf Coast Associa1ion Pearson, M.J., and Small, J.S., 1988, Illite-smectite diagenesis of Geological Societies, v. 32, p. 459-463. and paleotemperatures in North Sea Quaternary to Meso­ Freed, R.L., and Peacor, D.R., 1989, Variability in tempera1ure zoic shale sequences: Clay Minerals, v. 23, p. 109-132. of the smectite/illite reaction on Gulf Coast sedime:nts: Pollastro, R.M., 1985, Mineralogical and morphological evi­ Clay Minerals, v. 24, p. 171-180. dence for the formation of illite at the expense of illite/ Geving, R.L., Suchecki, R.K., and Kelley, S.E., 1989, Kin·etic smectite: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 33, p. 265-274. controls on the transformation of smectite to illite in the. Pollastro, R.M., and Finn, T.M., 1990, Clay mineralogy and Los Angeles basin as determined by apatite fission track bulk rock composition of selected core and cutting sam­ analysis: Abstracts with Program, Geological Society of ples from the Amoco Eischeid No. 1 well, Carroll County, America, v. 21, no. 6, p. A349. Iowa-A reconnaissance study from X-ray powder dif­ Horton, D.G., 1985, Mixed-layer illite/smectite as a fraction, in R.A. Anderson, ed., The Amoco M.G. paleotemperature indicator in the Amethyst vein systt~m. Eischeid No. 1 Deep Petroleum Test, Carroll County, Creede, Colorado, USA: Contributions to Mineralogy and Iowa: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Special Re­ Petrology, v. 18, p. 171-179. port Series 2, p. 143-152. Hower, J., 1981, Shale diagenesis, in Longstaffe, F.J., c~ .• Pollastro, R.M., and Schmoker, J.W., 1989, Relationship of Clays and the resource geologists: Mine~alogical Society clay-mineral diagenesis to temperature, age, and hydrocar­ of Canada; Short Course Handbook 7, p. 60-80. bon generation-An example from the Anadarko basin, Inoue, A., Korihiko, N., Kitagawa, R., and Watanabe, T., 1987, Oklahoma, in Johnson, K.S., ed., Anadarko Basin Sympo­ Chemical and morphological evidence for the conversion sium, 1988: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 90, p. of smectite to illite: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 35, p. 257-261. 111-120. Primmer, T.J., and Shaw, H., 1991, Variations in the delta D Inoue, A., Velde, B., Meunier, A., and Touchard, G., 1988, and delta 0 18 compositions of illite-smectites in a partly Mechanism for illite formation during smectite-to-illite overpressured Tertiary sequence from an offshore well, conversion in a hydrothermal system: American Mineralo­ Texas Gulf Coast, USA: Marine and Petroleum Geology, gist, v. 73, p. 1325-1334. v. 8, p. 225-231. International Geological Correlation Program, 1990, Phyllosili­ Ramseyer, K., and Boles, J.R., 1986, Mixed-layer illite/smec­ cates as indicators of very low grade metamorphism ;md tite minerals in Tertiary sandstones and shales, San Joa­ diagenesis: Program and abstracts, Project 294: Very low quin basin, California: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 34, p. grade metamorphism, University of Manchester, England, 115-124. 68 p. Rettke, R.C., 1981, Probable burial diagenetic and provenance ef­ Jennings, S., and Thompson, G.R., 1986, Diagenesis of Plio­ fects on the Dakota Group Clay mineralogy, Denver basin: Pleistocene sediments of the Colorado River delta, south­ Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 541-551. em California: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 56,. p. Srodon, J., 1979, Correlation between coal and clay diagenesis 86-98. in the Carboniferous of the Upper Silesian coal basin: Pro­ Kablanow, R.I., and Surdam, R.C., 1983, Diagenesis and hy­ ceedings of the International Clay Conference, Oxford, p. drocarbon generation in the Monterey Formation, Huasna 251-260. basin, California, in Isaacs, C.M., and Garrison, R.E., eds., Srodon, J., Andreoli, C., Elsass, F., and Robert, M., 1990, Di­ Petroleum generation and occurrence in the Miocene Mon­ rect high-resolution transmission electron microscopic terey Formation, California: Pacific Section, Society for measurement of expandability of mixed-layer illite/smec­ Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 53-68. tite in bentonte rock: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 38, p. Lanson, B., and Champion, D., 1991, The liS-to-illite reaction 373-379. in the late stage diagenesis: American Journal of Science, Velde, B., and Espitalie, J., 1989, Comparison of kerogen v. 291, p. 473-506. maturation and illite/smectite composition in diagenesis: Maxwell, D.T., and Hower, J., 1967, High-grade diagenesis Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 12, p. 103-110. and low-grade metamorphism of illite in Precambrian Belt Velde, B., and Iijima, A., 1988, Comparison of clay and zeolite series: American Mineralogist, v. 52, p. 843-857. mineral occurrences in Neogene age sediments form sev­ McCubbin, D.T., and Patton, J.W., 1981, Burial diagenesis of eral wells: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 36, p. 337-342. illite/smectite-The kinetic model [abs.]: American Asso­ Weaver, C.E., 1989, Clays, muds, and shales, Developments in ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, p. 956. sedimentology 44: New York, Elsevier, 819 p. Morton, J.P., 1985, Rb-Sr evidence for punctuated illite/smc~c­ Whitney, G., 1990, Role of water in smectite-to-illite reaction: tite diagenesis in the Oligocene Frio Formation, Texas Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 38, p. 343-350. Gulf Coast: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, Yeh, H-W., and Savin, S., 1977, Mechanisms of burial meta­ p. 114-122. morphism of argillaceous sediments: 3. 0-isotope evi­ Nadeau, P.H., and Reynolds, R.C., Jr., 1981, Burial and contact dence: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 88, p. metamorphism in the Mancos Shale: Clays and Clay 1321-1330.

Clay Minerals as Geothermometers--1 ndicators of Thermal Maturilf for Hydrocarbon Exploration 65 Influence of Regional Heat Flow Variation on Thermal Maturity of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy ("J") Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado

By Debra K. Higley, Donald L. Gautier, and Mark j. Pawlewicz1

INTRODUCTION eros Shales; these shales were sampled at 14 outcrop lo­ cations and from cores of 42 wells for Rm analysis (Hig­ Vitrinite isoreflectance (Rm) contours delimit re­ ley and others, 1985). gional variation in levels of thermal maturity for hydro­ Acknowledgments.-Roy Gallop of Core Laborato­ carbon (HC) source rocks adjacent to the Lower ries, Denver, Colorado, supplied core data. Many oil Cretaceous Muddy ("J") Sandstone in the Denver basin companies generous! y released well data. Sources of Rm (fig. 10). Variation results from areal differences in buri­ include unpublished data from Ernest Jones, Dudley al depth, heat flow, and basin hydrodynamics. Thermal Rice, and Jerry Clayton; their assistance is appreciated. maturity trends also suggest the occurrence of one or more heating events, one of which may be associated with the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny. ISOREFLECTANCE TRENDS The Denver basin is an asymmetrical Laramide structural basin with a gently dipping eastern flank and a Thermal maturation of HC source rocks depends steeply dipping western flank; isoreflectance contours largely on increasing depth of burial and areal variation terminate against the Front Range uplift (fig. 10). The in Denver basin heat flow. Rm increases almost exponen­ basin axis is approximated by a line connecting Denver, tially with increasing burial depth in the Colorado por­ Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming. Most Muddy ("J") tion of the basin, ranging from 0.41 percent at 4,900 ft Sandstone oil and gas fields are located on the shallow (1,500 m) depth to 1.51 percent at 7,800 ft (2,400 eastern flank of the basin. The Wattenberg gas field is m)(Higley and others, 1985). The correlation coefficient enclosed by the 0.9 percent Rm contour and is located for the linear regression of depth versus log Rm is -0.64 along the northeastern extension of the Colorado Miner­ for the Colorado samples (fig. 10). There is no correla­ al Belt (Sonnenberg and Weimer, 1981). tion between depth and Rm for samples located in Ne­ The "J" sandstone is an informal economic unit of braska and Wyoming (+0.26). Correlations are 0.86 to the Muddy Sandstone. About 90 percent of the 800 mil­ 0.93 for the least-squares regressions of down-hole depth lion barrels of oil and 1.2 trillion cubic feet of gas (tcfg) versus log Rm for the four wells shown on figure 11. produced from the Denver basin has been from the "J" Differences in slopes of the lines result mainly from are­ sandstone. This predominantly nearshore marine, deltaic, al difference in heat flow. Poorer correlations for the and valley-fill sandstone was deposited about 99 to 97 Muddy ("J") Sandstone data than for the four wells re­ million years ago (Ma) during a regression of the Creta­ sults from variable rates of current and probable paleo­ ceous epicontinental seaway (Kauffman, 1977, Obradov­ heat flow across the basin, and also from influence of ich and Cobban, 1975, Weimer, 1984, Weimer and different thicknesses of eroded Tertiary sediment on others, 1986). The Muddy ("J") Sandstone is bounded computed maximum burial. by marine shales, which are probably the main source In oil-prone types of organic matter, an Rm range rocks for oil and gas produced from the Muddy ("J") of about 0.6 to 1.35 percent is commonly considered to 'Sandstone (Clayton and Swetland, 1980). These are the be the main zone of oil generation. Thermogenic gas is underlying Skull Creek, and overlying Mowry and Gran- the predominant product above an Rm of approximately 1.35 percent (Waples, 1980). Source rocks with Rm val­ ues less than 0.60 percent are usually considered to be thermally immature for oil generation in the types II and 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. III kerogen from which Muddy ("J") Sandstone oil and

66 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 gas is produced (Clayton and Swetland, 1980). The 0.6 began about 68 Ma and ended about 50 Ma {Trimble, percent isoreflectance contour line corresponds to a pres­ 1980; Tweto, 1975, 1980). Because this uplift preceded ent-day depth of about 6,000 ft (1 ,800 m) in the Denver the maximum burial depth attained in other parts of the basin. Oil and gas production in areas of lesser Rm val­ basin, Rm values of outcrop samples are generally much ues suggests migration of oil from deeper and hotter less than in samples immediately basinward. Maximum areas of the basin. Studies of Cretaceous oils by Clayton burial for Muddy ("J") Sandstone source rocks in most and Swetland (1980) show that much of the Muddy ("J") of the basin was attained during the late Tertiary {Taint­ Sandstone oil in the southeastern quarter of figure 10 er, 1984; Higley and Gautier, 1988). Erosion of Tertiary originated deeper in the basin. and Upper Cretaceous rocks across the basin is associat­ In general, the lowest Rm values are on the shal­ ed with broad uplift of the Great Plains during the last 7 lower eastern flank of the basin and at the Muddy Sand­ to 10 million years (Epis, 1973, Izett, 1973, Lachenbruch stone outcrops along the western flank (excluding th~e and Sass, 1977, Taylor, 1973, Zoback and Zoback, area directly west of the Wattenberg field). Cretaceous 1980). During this period of time a minimum 1,000 ft and older rocks that crop out on the west side of the (300 m) and as much as 5,500 to 6,500 ft (1,700--1,900 basin were uplifted during the Laramide orogeny, which m) of rock was removed (Higley and Schmoker, 1989;

105° 104° 103°

0 50 MILES


Figure 10. lsoreflectance contour map of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy ("J") Sandstone in Denver basin. Wattenberg field is approximately in "bulls eyr.-" of 0.9 to 1.5 percent Rm. Contour interval is 0.1 percent Rm. Small solid dots are Rm sample locations; large symbols are locations for Sohio well No. 12-7 Whitehead (triangle) and Amoco we~lls Nos. 1 Champlin 562A-1 (square) and 1 Champlin 401 A and 344A-1 (dots). Dashed line is western boundary of Denver basin. Northeasterly trend of Colorado Mineral Belt (CMB) is shown.

Influence of Regional Heat Flow Variation on Thermal Maturity of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy (11J") Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado 67 L.C. Price, oral commun., 1991). Estimates of erosion do Mineral Belt. Reactivation of these faults during and are based on stratigraphic reconstruction and on down­ following the Laramide orogeny (Haun, 1968, Hoblitt hole thermal maturity plots of Cretaceous through Ter­ and Larson, 1979, Sonnenberg and Weimer, 1981, Wei­ tiary strata (fig. 11). mer, 1984) may have influenced the thermal maturity of The highest Rm values are in the Wattenberg gas overlying sediments, both through increased heat flow field. The 1.3 percent Rm contour line approximates the and by more efficient heat transfer through associated onset of thermogenic gas generation; higher Rm values fracture and fault systems. Additional support for the suggest that some of the gas is thermogenic in origin. mineral belt heat source includes this evidence: (1) Gas-prone type III kerogen also contributes to the more Anomalously large Rm values occur in outcrop samples than 0.57 tcfg (to 1/89) produced from the Wattenberg directly west of the Wattenberg field; (2) isoreflectance field. Samples collected within the gas generation zone contours in Paleozoic formations of southwest Nebraska range from depths of 7,000 to 8,000 ft (2,100-2,400 m). mimic the Muddy ("J") Sandstone source rock anomaly Values of Rm in the Wattenberg field are anoma­ (J. Clayton, oral commun., 1990) and are on trend with lously high when compared to surrounding areas, even the mineral belt; (3) laccolithic intrusions along the min­ when reconstructed to maximum depths (Higley and eral belt are dated Laramide and younger (Armstrong, Schmoker, 1989). In addition, the geothermal gradients 1969; Bryant and Naeser, 1980; Hoblitt and Larson, are also anomalously high. This high heat flow probably 1975); and (4) conodonts of the Mississippian Leadville results from several processes; three of these are (1) in­ Limestone exhibit anomalously high color alteration in­ fluence of lateral and upward moving fluids (Meyer and dex (CAl) values within the mineral belt. This CAl McGee, 1985), (2) possible effect of broad regional up­ anomaly may be associated with Laramide hydrothermal lift, and (3) areal variation in heat conductivity of rocks flow (Bridges and McCarthy, 1990). and pore fluids. While basin Rm trends are apparent, scatter in data There is evidence of one or more heating events, is considerable. Some of the scatter results from uncer­ probably associated with Laramide reactivation of north­ tainty in the measure of vitrinite reflectance. Values of east-trending Precambrian basement faults of the Colora- Rm may be affected by the presence of oxidized or recy­ cled organic matter and inertinite macerals, which have reflectance levels greater than vitrinite. These macerals Rm, IN PERCENT are common in the Nebraska and Wyoming samples (fig. 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 10) and may have influenced Rm values. Some of the 8 anomalous Rm data may be due to sampling; oil fields in the Rocky Mountain region are hotter than adjacent non­ 2 6 producing areas (Meyer and McGee, 1985); this may be related to basin hydrodynamics and to the low thermal 4 s0 (/) conductivity of hydrocarbons. Effects of the basin deep 0 a: w west of Cheyenne, Wyoming, are undocumented because ~ 1-w 1- 2 of lack of data. However, clay mineral and radiometric w ~ w 0 work by Elliott (1988) suggests that source rocks here LL SURFACE ....I 0 0 ~ ~ are within the oil generation window and may be within :J:~ ~ the gas generation window. ~ 2 ::i w ~ Cl w 4 Cl REFERENCES CITED 6 2 Armstrong, R.L., 1969, K-Ar dating of laccolithic centers of 8 the Colorado Plateau and vicinity: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, p. 2081-2086. Bridges, L.W.D., and McCarthy, K., 1990, Tertiary subsurface 10 ~------._ ~--~--~~----3 ____ ._ __ solution in the Mississippian Leadville Limestone Geo­ Figure 11. lsoreflectance sample depths and correlation thermal Aquifer of Colorado: The Mountain Geologist, v. curves (extrapolated above ground surface) for Sohio well 27, p. 57-67. No. 12-7 Whitehead (triangles) and Amoco wells Nos. 1 Bryant, B., and Naeser, C.W., 1980, The significance of fis­ Champlin 562A-1 (squares) and 1 Champlin 344A-1 and sion-track ages of apatite in relation to the tectonic history 401 A (dots) (modified from Tainter, 1984). Extrapolation of of the Front and Sawatch Ranges, Colorado: Geological curves to a postulated above-surface Rm of 0.25 percent yields about 2,000 to 8,000 ft (6] 0-2,400 m) of eroded Society of America Bulletin, v. 91, p. 156-164. sediment thickness. Correlation curve (thin line) of "J" Clayton, J. L., and Swetland, P. L., 1980, Petroleum generation sandstone data set is also shown. and migration in the Denver basin: American Association

68 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, p. 1613-1633. the Late Cretaceous of the Western Interior of North Elliott, W.C., 1988, Bentonite illitization in two contrastiiJ.g America, in Caldwell, W.G.E., ed., The Cretaceous Sys­ cases: the Denver basin and the southern Appalachian tem in the Western Interior of North America: Geological basin: Cleveland, Ohio, Case Western Reserve University, Association of Canada Special Paper 13, p. 31-54. Ph.D. thesis, 231 p. Sonnenberg, S.A., and Weimer, R.I., 1981, Tectonics, sedi­ Epis, R.C., 1973, Geomorphic and tectonic implications of the mentation, and petroleum potential, northern Denver post-Laramide late Eocene erosion surface in the Southem basin, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, Colorado Rocky Mountains [abs.]: Geological Society of Americ:a School of Mines Quarterly, no. 2, 45 p. Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 479. Tainter, P. A., 1984, Stratigraphic and paleostructural controls Haun, J. D., 1968, Structural geology of the Denver basin-­ on hydrocarbon migration in Cretaceous "D" and "J" Regional setting of the Denver earthquakes: Colorado Sandstones of the Denver basin, in Woodward, J., School of Mines Quarterly, v. 63, no. 11, p. 101-112. Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L., eds., Hydrocarbon Higley, D. K., Pawlewicz, M. J., and Gautier, D. L., 198S, source rocks of the greater Rocky Mountain region: Den­ Isoreflectance map of the "J" sandstone in the Denver ba­ ver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 339- sin of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repo1rt 354. 85-384, 100 p. Taylor, R.B., 1973, Upper Tertiary tectonism and deposits in Higley, D.K., and Gautier, D.L., 1988, Burial history recon­ south-central Colorado [abs.]: Geological Society of struction of the Lower Cretacous "J" sandstone in the America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 518. Wattenberg field, Colorado, "hot spot," in Carter, L.M.H., Trimble, D. E., 1980, Cenozoic tectonic history of the Great ed., USGS research on energy resource-1988: U.S. Gec~­ Plains contrasted with that of the southern Rocky Moun­ logical Survey Circular 1025, p. 20. tains; a synthesis: The Mountain Geologist, v. 17, no. 17, Higley, D. K., and Schmoker, J. W., 1989, Influence of deposi­ p. 54-67. tional environment and diagenesis on regional porosi~y Tweto, Ogden, 1975, Laramide (Late Cretaceous- Early Terti­ trends in the Lower Cretaceous "J" sandstone, Denve.r ary) orogeny in the southern Rocky Mountains, in Curtis, basin, Colorado, in Coalson, E.B., ed., Petrogenesis and B. ed., Cenozoic geology of the southern Rocky Moun­ petrophysics of selected sandstone reservoirs of the Rocky tains: Geological Society of America Memoir 144, p. 1- Mountain region: Rocky Mountain Association of Geolo­ 44. gists, p. 183-196. ---1980, Summary of the Laramide orogeny in Colorado, Boblitt, R., and Larson, E., 1979, Paleomagnetic and in Kent, H., and Porter, K. eds., Colorado geology: Den­ geochonologic data bearing on the structural evolution of ver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 129- the northeastern margin of the Front Range, Colorado: 134. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, p. 237-242. Waples, D.W., 1980, Time and temperature in petroleum for­ lzett, G.A., 1973, Late Tertiary sedimentation and deformation mation: Application of Lopatin's method to petroleum ex­ in northern Colorado and adjoining areas [abs.]: Geologi­ ploration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. Bulletin, v. 64, p. 6, p. 916-926. 487. Weimer, R.I., 1984, Relation of unconformities, tectonics, and Kauffman, E.G., 1977, Geological and biological overview; sea-level changes, Cretaceous of Western Interior, U.S.A., Western Interior Cretaceous basin: The Mountain Geolo­ in Schlee, J. S., ed., Interregional unconformities and hy­ gist, v. 14, nos. 3-4, p. 75-99. drocarbon accumulations: American Association of Petro­ Lachenbruch, A.H., and Sass, J.A., 1977, Heat flow in the~ leum Geologists Memoir 36, p. 7-35. United States and the thermal regime of the crust: Ameri­ Weimer, R.I., Sonnenberg, S.A., and Young, G.B., 1986, can Geophysical Union Geophysics Monograph Series 20, Wattenberg field, Denver basin, Colorado, in Spencer, p. 626-675. C.W. and Mast, R.F., eds., Geology of tight gas reser­ Meyer, H.J., and McGee, H.W., 1985, Oil and gas fields ac·­ voirs: American Association of Petroleum Geologists companied by geothermal anomalies in the Rocky Moun·­ Studies in Geology No. 24, p. 143-164. tain Region: American Association of Petroleum Geolo-­ Zoback, M.L., and Zoback, M., 1980, State of stress in the gists Bulletin, v. 69, no. 6, p. 933-945. conterminous United States: Journal of Geophysical Re­ Obradovich, J.D., and Cobban, W.A., 1975, A time scale for search, v. 85, p. 6113-6156.

Influence of Regional Heat Flow Variation on Thermal Maturity of the llower Cretaceous Muddy (HJ") Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado 69 Thermal Maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah

By Vito F. Nuccio andThomas D. Fouch 1

INTRODUCTION This paper summarizes the thermal maturity of the Me­ saverde Group (Upper Cretaceous) in the Uinta basin, The level of thermal maturity achieved by hydro­ Utah (fig. 12). Using vitrinite reflectance (Rm), two maps carbon sourc'e rocks is one of the most important factors show the Rm of rocks at the base and top of the Mesav­ controlling petroleum generation. Thermal maturity stud­ erde Group. A map of elevation to 0.75 percent Rm illus­ ies also play an important role in assessing reservoir dia­ trates the position for onset of gas generation for type III genesis, timing of structural movement, burial history kerogen and the formation in which it occurs. Cross sec­ reconstruction, fluid movement, and porosity prediction. tions illustrate the stratigraphy, types of kerogen, levels

111° 110°




Approximate outline of Uinta and Piceance Creek basins ~t----2.._,s--r1 __s..._,o_K_,IL~METERS 0 20 40 MILES

Figure 12. Index map of Uinta and Piceance basins in Utah and Colorado. Locations of cross sections A-A' (fig.13), B-8' (fig. 14), and Book Cliffs are shown.

1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo.

70 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 of thermal maturity, and the position of hydrocarbon­ either early microbial gas or thermal gas migrated in producing zones of lower Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous from more mature source rocks. In the Piceance basin, it formations within the Uinta basin. appears that low-permeability Mesaverde rocks have This study is based on data collected as part of the negligible gas production where the Mesaverde has an U.S. Department of Energy's Western Tight Gas Pro­ Rm less than 0.73 percent (Johnson, 1989; Johnson and gram and the U.S. Geological Survey's Onshore Oil and others, 1987). An Rm of 1.10 percent represents the level Gas and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins Programs. The of maximum gas expulsion from type III kerogen data base comprises several hundred core and cutting (Meissner, 1984). The upper limit of maturity for gas samples of coal and carbonaceous shale that were ana­ preservation is still unknown, but could be as high as 4.0 lyzed for vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eva! pyrolysis. percent Rm (Waples, 1980). A large part of the present study is based on Johnson Types I, II, and III kerogen are present in the and Nuccio (in press), Nuccio and Johnson (1986, 1988), Green River Formation (Eocene), and these rocks have and the first author's unpublished data. generated large amounts of oil and gas in the Uinta basin (cross section A-A', fig. 13; B-B', fig. 14). The thick Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) is probably similar to KEROGEN TYPE AND SOURCE ROCK the Mancos in the Piceance basin, where it contains sig­ POTENTIAL nificant amounts of types II and III kerogen and has gen­ erated oil and gas (Johnson and Rice, 1990). The Several models have been developed relating the nonmarine to nearshore marine Mesaverde Group con­ generation of hydrocarbons to types of kerogen and ther­ tains dominantly type III kerogen and has the potential mal maturity (Tissot and others, 1974; Dow, 1977, Wa­ to generate large amounts of methane gas (Pitman and ples, 1980, 1985). Three general types of kerogen have others, 1987). the potential, under optimum conditions, to generate hy­ drocarbons: type I, alginite-sapropelic or lipid-rich; type II, exinite-phytoplankton, zooplankton, and othe:r RM MAP OF BASE OF MESAVERDE GROUP microorganisms, and type III vitrinite-huminite (terres­ trial plant debris). The Rm map at the base of the Mesaverde Group Type I kerogen is hydrogen-rich, occurs primarily shows a trend of increasing maturity from south to north in marine and lacustrine rocks, and generates mainly oill (fig. 15). This trend generally follows the structural con­ during catagenesis. The onset of oil generation from type figuration of the base of the Mesaverde; this indicates I kerogen varies depending on the model one chooses. maturity was set prior to or during early stages of struc­ There is no absolute point at which hydrocarbon begins to tural movement. In some areas, however, the Rm lines be generated, and it probably begins over a range of Rm cut across structure indicating that maturity continued values depending on the specific type of organic matter. during or for some time after structural movement. V ari­ Dow (1977) used 0.50 percent Rm as the onset of oil gen­ ation in heat flow could cause this crossing of Rm lines, eration for type I kerogen, while Anders and Gerrild but most likely toward the deepest part of the basin (1984) and Tissot and Welte (1984) used 0.70 percent Rm. where the Tertiary overburden is thickest, and where the Type II kerogen occurs mainly in marine rocks, but effects of structural movement and erosion are less, ther­ can occur in lacustrine rocks as well, and generates mal maturity at the base of the Mesaverde continued mostly oil during catagenesis. Waples (1985) states tha.t during or after uplift and erosion which began 10 Ma. oil generation begins over a range of Rm values of about On the flanks of the basin, however, maturity may have 0.45 to 0.50 percent for high-sulfur kerogen to 0.60 per­ been "frozen" at pre-structural levels. cent for "typical" type II kerogen. Four Rm lines and three zones of hydrocarbon gen­ Huminite and vitrinite or type III kerogen is oxy­ eration are shown in figure 15. The 0.65 percent Rm ref­ gen-rich and hydrogen-poor, occurs mainly in terrestrial, erence line shows the thermal maturity at the base of the marginal lacustrine, or marginal marine rocks, and gen­ Mesaverde around the edge of the basin. The areas of erates mainly methane gas during maturation. For typ1~ the basin that are not mature enough for significant gas III kerogen, vitrinite reflectance is the best and most generation (<0.75 percent Rm) are shown by the light widely used measure of thermal maturity. Two important stipple pattern. The 0. 75 percent Rm line indicates the Rtn thresholds, 0.75 and 1.10 percent, are used to defin1~ maturity for onset of significant gas generation from regions of gas generation from type III kerogen. An Rm type III kerogen at the base of the Mesaverde. The area of 0. 7 5 percent represents the maturity required for the. between 0.75 percent and 1.10 percent Rm (darker stip­ onset of significant gas generation (Juntgen and Karweil, ple) is the area of potential gas generation and accumu­ 1966; Juntgen and Klein, 1975). Gas accumulations lation in Mesaverde reservoirs. The area north of 1.10 found in rocks with an Rm less than 0.75 percent contain percent Rm (darkest pattern) is the zone of maximum gas

Thermal Maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah 71 generation and expulsion. The upper limit of gas genera­ "cooked out"), gas generation may have continued after tion in the northern and deepest, undrilled part of the 10 Ma and may be actively generating today. It is likely basin is currently unknown. The 0.65 percent and 1.50 that this gas was trapped in "tight reservoirs" throughout percent Rm lines are for reference only. the generation history of the Mesaverde, and the areas of The base of the Mesaverde is greater than 0.75 overpressuring in the basin today may mark the areas of percent Rm over a large area of the Uinta basin. Except active generation. for the margins of the basin, where subsidence and amount of deposition were less, gas was probably being RM MAP OF TOP OF MESAVERDE GROUP generated in Paleocene or early Eocene time as Tertiary sediments were being deposited. This generation contin­ The Rm map at the top of the Mesaverde Group ued until 10 Ma, when uplift and erosion caused regional also shows a trend of increasing maturity from south to cooling. Effects of uplift and erosion were not as great north (fig. 16). Rm lines generally follow the structural in the deepest part of the basin, and if temperatures were configuration of the top of the Mesaverde, suggesting still great enough, and kerogen was available (not that the observed maturity was reached prior to or during

Southwest Northeast

A A' Sunnyside Tar Sand

Natural Buttes Altamont-Bluebell Field (A-B) Pariette Bench Redwash Field (RW) Island Duchesne, Monument 9000 Horseshoe Bend



S Alluvial: fluvial, type Ill

-6000 E2J Marginal lacustrine: fluvial and lake; type I and II

D Open lacustrine: lake; type I

FEET METERS ---- Mahogany oil-shale bed 2000 6000 ----- Middle marker 1000 3000 Top of carbonate marker 4 8 12 16 20 MILES --- Eocene-Paleocene boundary 0 5 10 15 20 KILOMETERS ------Lower marker

Fault-Arrows show direction of relative movement

Petroleum-bea~ing interval projected into line of section

Figure 13. Generalized cross section A-A' from outcrops on southwest flank of Uinta basin, through Duchesne and Altamont-Bluebell oil fields, to north-central part of Uinta basin, Utah (modified from Fouch, 1975). Figure also contains commonly used subsurface stratigraphic markers, types of kerogen (types I, II, and Ill), and principal fields. Location of cross section on figure 12.

72 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Southwest Southeast B B'

Pariette Altamont­ Bench Island Bluebell • 0 0 0 0 • • Mahogany oil-shale bed 0.50% Rm

0.75% Rm Carbonate marker



2.0% Rm


Green River Fm.; open lake; Tuscher and Farrer Fms.; braided type I and meandering fluvial; type Ill

Green River Fm.; marginal Ne!slen Fm.; coastal plain; type Ill Gas well lacustrine; mixed lake and 0 fluvial; types I, II, and Ill Oil well Marine • ~ Colton and Wasatch Fms.; 0 Dry hole alluvial; type Ill Se,go Fm.; shore, nearshore ~ LJE] ...... Oil-producing zone

Mancos Shale; open marine; <{ Gas-producing zone El types II and Ill Buck Tongue of Mancos Shale; FEET METERS types II and Ill Ill 6soT 2oo~ O ~6 KILOMETERS Castlegate Sandstone and Blackhawk Fm.; ~Kcbh/ I littoral and shelf; type Ill 16 MILES

Figure 14. Cross section 8-B' from Altamont-Bluebell area (deepest part of basin) southeastward to Island gas field. Rm isoreflectance lines and hydrocarbon-producing zones are superimposed on cross section. Types I, II, and Ill are types of organic matter in the rocks.

Thermal Maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah 73 the early stages of final structural movement 10 Ma. As Five Rm isoreflectance lines and three zones of hy­ with the map for the base of the Mesaverde (fig. 15), Rm drocarbon generation are shown in figure 16. The 0.50 lines in some areas cut across structure. This indicates percent and 0.60 percent Rm lines are for reference, and continued maturation during or after structural move­ show the general maturity for the top of the Mesaverde ment. Rm lines on the top of the Mesaverde Group where it crops out around the edge of the basin. For the equivalent to those at the base are located farther to the area south of the 0.75 percent Rm line (light stipple pat­ north, suggesting a larger area of less mature rock at the tern), one would not expect significant gas generation top of the Mesaverde. This pattern is a direct result of from source rocks located near the top of the Mesaverde. less depth of burial (up to several thousand feet) on the The area between the 0.75 percent and 1.10 percent Rm top of the Mesaverde. (medium stipple pattern) lines is the zone of significant

0 Price

0 10 20 MILES I I I 0 10 20 KILOMETERS

Figure 15. Vitrinite reflectance (RnJ map showing thermal maturity at base of Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin, Utah. Map indicates areas of no gas generation (<0.75 percent Rm or light stipple pattern), onset of significant gas generation (0.75- 1.1 0 percent Rm or medium stipple pattern), and maximum gas generation and expulsion (> 1.10 percent Rm or dark pattern). Black dots indicate location of bore-hole or outcrop sample.

7 4 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 gas generation, and the area north of the 1.10 percent B~ Mesaverde and occurs further north in the deeper part of line (darkest pattern) is the zone of maximum generation the basin. Again this pattern is due to less depth of buri­ and expulsion for type III kerogen source rocks near the al on the top of the Mesaverde. Therefore, gas genera­ top of the Mesaverde. The 2.0 percent Rm line is for ref­ tion for the top of the Mesaverde began later than for the erence only, but indicates maturity at the top of the M~e­ base, probably not until Eocene or Oligocene time. This saverde in the most deeply drilled part of the basin. As timing agrees with Pitman and others (1987), who con­ discussed earlier for the base of the Mesaverde, the up­ strained timing of gas generation from the Upper Creta­ per limit for gas preservation is poorly defined. ceous Neslen and Blackhawk Formations to Oligocene The areal extent of rocks with greater than 0.75 and Miocene time. As with the base of the Mesaverde, percent Rm is less for the top than that at the base of the gas generation continued through the Tertiary and was

0 Price

Zero edge of the Mesaverde Group

0 10 20 30 MILES I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS

Figure 16. Vitrinite reflectance (Rm) map showing thermal maturity at top of Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin, Utah. Map indicates areas of no gas generation (<0.75 percent Rm or light stipple pattern), onset of significant gas generation (0.75- 1.1 0 percent Rm or medium stipple pattern), and maximum gas generation and expulsion (> 1.10 percent Rm or dark pattern). Black dots indicate location of bore-hole or outcrop sample.

Thermal Maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah 75 being emplaced into nearby reservoirs. Since 10 Ma, gas nificant gas generation. The 0.75 percent R.n line cuts generation ceased at the top of the Mesaverde horizon in across formation boundaries; it moves up stratigraphi­ many parts of the basin; however, in the deeper parts, cally to the north. For example, in the southernmost part active generation is still possible today. of the basin, 0.75 percent Rm occurs in the Mancos Shale, whereas in the northern part of the basin near Al­ tamont, 0.75 percent Rm occurs between the middle and MAP SHOWING ELEVATION TO 0.75 carbonate markers of the Green River Formation (fig. PERCENT RM 14). The reason for this upsection movement is related generally to the structural movements and variations of Figure 17 is a map showing the elevation from sea burial depth in the basin. After final movement, the ba­ level to the 0.75 percent Rm line; the threshold for sig- sin flanks were higher, and due to erosion there was less

I I 10 ~a :cl~ Altamont ~!o 0 ::JI.....J :ulo I

I I ~ I

I L, I

0 Price

0 10 20 30 MILES I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS

Figure 17. Elevation (in feet) relative to sea level of 0.75 percent Rm line (onset of significant gas generation), Uinta basin, Utah. Shaded area indicates where 0.75 percent Rm line occurs in Mesaverde Group. South and east of shaded area, line is in pre-Mesaverde Group rocks. North of shaded area, line falls within Tertiary rocks. Black dots indicate location of bore-hole or outcrop sample.

76 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 overburden present. However in the center of the basin, Uinta basin, Utah, in Bolyard, D.W., ed., Symposium on where the effect of uplift and erosion was less, and more deep drilling frontiers of the central Rocky Mountains: overburden was present, the rocks continued to mature. Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. This caused an apparent raising of the Rm lines to stmti­ 163-174. graphically higher positions. Johnson, R.C., 1989, Geologic history and hydrocarbon poten­ tial of Late Cretaceous-age, low permeability reservoirs, The shaded pattern in figure 17 represents the area Piceance basin, western Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey where the elevation of the 0.75 percent Rm line occurs in Bulletin 1787-E, p. E1-E51. the Mesaverde Group. This map is useful in that it ap­ Johnson, R.C., Crovelli, R.A., Spencer, C.W., and Mast, R.F., proximates the elevation (easily converted to depth) one 1987, An assessment of gas resources in low-permeablilty would drill to encounter the threshold for significant gas sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, generation, and which formation it could be found in. Piceance basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Report 87-357, 165 p. Johnson, R.C., and Nuccio, V.F., in press, A surface vitrinite CROSS SECTION SHOWING RM LINES AND reflectance study of the Uinta-Piceance basin area, west­ em Colorado and eastern Utah and its implications for the PRODUCTION development of Laramide basins and uplifts: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Bulletin, 48 p. Figure 14 shows Rm lines superimposed on a strati­ Johnson R.C., and Rice, D.D., 1990, Occurrence and geochem­ graphic cross section through the Uinta basin. The cross istry of natural gases, Piceance basin, northwest Colorado: section B-B' extends from the Altamont-Bluebell area American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. (deepest part of the basin) southeastward to the Island 74, p. 805-829. gas field. As discussed earlier, the Rm lines climb strati­ Juntgen, H., and Karweil, J., 1966, Gasbildung und graphically going northward, toward the deeper part of gasspeicherung in steinkohlenflozen, Part I and IT: Erdol the basin. The 0.50 percent Rm line shows where types I and Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie, v. 19, p. 251-258, 339- and II kerogens should be mature enough for oil genera­ 344. tion. It is interesting to note that the oil-producing zones Juntgen, H., and Klein, J., 1975, Entstehung von erdgas gus are found where mixed types I, II, and III kerogen and kohligen sedimenten: Erdol and Kohle, Erdgas, the optimum maturity range for oil generation (>0.50 Petrochemie, Erganzungsband, v. 1, p. 52-69. Meissner, F.F., 1984, Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary coals as percent Rm) occur. The 0.75 percent Rm line indicates source for gas accumulation in the Rocky Mountain area, where the onset of significant gas generation for type HI in Woodward, Jane, Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L., kerogen should occur. Not surprisingly, the gas-produc­ eds., Hydrocarbon source rocks of the greater Rocky ing zones coincide with type III kerogen and an ~ of Mountain Region: Denver, Rocky Mountain Association around 0.75 percent. The 1.10 percent ~ line shows of Geologists Symposium, p. 401-432. where maximum gas generation and expulsion would be Narr, W., and Currie, J.B., 1982, Origin of fracture porosity­ found for type III kerogen. The 2.0 percent Rm line rep­ Example from Altamont Field, Utah: American Associa­ resents the level of thermal maturity for the top of tne tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, p. 1231- Mesaverde in the deeper part of the basin. 1247. Nuccio, V.F., and Johnson, R.C., 1986, Thermal maturity map of the Lower part of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Uinta basin, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ REFERENCES CITED laneous Field Studies Map MF-1842, one plate. ---1988, Surface vitrinite reflectance map of the Uinta, Anders, D.E., and Gerrild, P.M., 1984, Hydrocarbon generation Piceance, and Eagle basins area, Utah and Colorado: U.S. in lacustrine rocks of Tertiary age, Uinta Basin, Utah­ Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- organic carbon, pyrolysis yield, and light hydrocarbons, in 2008-B, 21 p., one plate. Woodward, Jane, Meissner, F.F., and Clayton, J.L. eds., Pitman J.K., Franczyk, K.J., and Anders, D.E., 1987, Marine Hydrocarbon source rocks of the Greater Rocky and nonmarine gas-bearing rocks in Upper Cretaceous Region: Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geo]o­ Blackhawk and Neslen Formations, eastern Uinta basin, gists, p. 513-529. Utah: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul­ Anders, D.E., Johnson, R.C., and Palacas, J.G., in press, Th€~r­ letin, v. 71, p. 76-94. mal maturity in the Uinta basin, Utah, in Fouch, T.D., Sweeney, J.J., Burnham, A.K., and Braun, R.L., 1987, A model Nuccio, V.F., and Chidsey, T.C., eds., Hydrocarbon and of hydrocarbon generation from type I kerogen: Applica­ mineral resources of the Uinta basin, Utah and Colorado: tion to Uinta basin, Utah: American Association of Petro­ Utah Geological Association Guidebook. leum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 967-985. Dow, W.G., 1977, Kerogen studies and geological interpreta­ Tissot, B.P., Deroo, G., and Hood, A., 1978, Geochemical tions: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 7, p. 79-99. study of the Uinta basin: Formation of petroleum from the Fouch, T.D., 1975, Lithofacies and related hydrocarbon accu­ Green River Formation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica mulations in Tertiary strata of the western and central Acta, v. 42, p. 1469-1485.

Thermal Maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah 77 Tissot, B.P., Durand, B., Espitalie, J., and Combaz, A., 1974, Waples, D.W., 1980, Time and temperature in petroleum for­ Influence of nature and diagenesis of organic matter in mation: Application of Lopatin's method to petroleum ex­ formation of petroleum: American Association of Petrole­ ploration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists um Geologists Bulletin, v. 58, p. 499-506. Bulletin, v. 64, p. 916-926. Tissot, B.P., and Welte, D.H., 1984, Petroleum formation and ---1985, Geochemistry in petroleum exploration: Boston, Inter­ occurrence, second edition: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 699 p. national Human Resources Development Corporation, 232 p.

78 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 NERSL-National Energy Research Seismic Library

By David J. Taylor1

Geology, a science dealing with the history of the logic Framework program, the Evolution of Sedimentary Earth as recorded in its rocks, strives to visualize sub:mr­ Basins program, the Geologic Risk Assessment program, face structure and stratigraphy. Early geologic infonna­ and the Onshore Oil and Gas program, have benefited tion came mainly from extrapolation of surface geology from having seismic data available to them. The aim in into the subsurface and from rock samples brought up establishing a national seismic library is to supply re­ during drilling operations. The application of physic8 to searchers throughout the scientific community with data geologic science offered new and better ways to see be­ that are necessary but usually hard to obtain. low ground level. The evolution of modem geophysical The NERSL being a repository for unprocessed and techniques, especially multichannel seismic-reflection processed multichannel seismic-reflection data can provide imagery, now supplies earth scientists with clearer pic­ raw materials not only to those trying to solve specific ge­ tures of subsurface geology. The U.S. Geological Survey ologic problems but also to those who are conducting re­ (USGS) started collecting multichannel seismic-reflec­ search in the development of new reflection seismic data tion data in the early 1970's to provide its programs with processing techniques. Finding solutions to unusual geo­ suitable subsurface information. Much of this data, ac­ logic problems often drives the development of new tech­ quired directly or through contract, is information avail­ nology. Therefore, supplying the data needed to solve able in the public domain. geologic problems and stimulate development of new tech­ In the early 1980's Federal budgets for earth sci­ nology is another goal of the NERSL. ence research began to shrink, and money needed to ac­ Regional grids of seismic-reflection data have pro­ quire new seismic-reflection data became increasingly vided USGS scientists with information leading to the scarce. The inability to acquire new seismic data has formulation of new geologic concepts and the enhance­ started to jeopardize the ability of the USGS to thor­ ment of previous work. A good example is the San Juan oughly fulfill some of its key missions. A 1988 National basin tectonic framework study under the Evolution of Research Council (NRC) study of USGS energy-related Sedimentary Basins program. Through purchase of pro­ programs recommended that the USGS develop a net­ prietary information and contributions from private in­ work of seismic-reflection data from both presently dustry, USGS scientists were able to build a modest available and newly acquired seismic data (National regional grid of seismic lines in the basin. Initially, a Academy Press, 1988). The NRC report specifically stat­ fault map of the thrusted northwestern edge of the basin ed that the USGS develop a scheme to catalog available was produced from the reprocessing and interpretation of seismic data and provide a means to access the data. In the data (Taylor and Huffman, 1988). Using the larger response to the NRC recommendations and the need to grid of proprietary seismic data allowed this original in­ develop a data management policy for its digital mul­ terpretation to be extended and resulted in the creation tichannel seismic-reflection data inventory, the USGS of a basement fault map covering most of the basin area. established the National Energy Research Seismic Li­ This fault map was used to develop a story for the evo­ brary, or NERSL, in late 1989. lution of the San Juan basin and surrounding area (Huff­ A reliable picture of the subsurface is usually helpful man and Taylor, 1989). Correlation of the basement when solving most geologic problems. The purpose of the faults with the location of hydrocarbon production in the NERSL is to provide earth scientists in government, indiUs­ San Juan basin hints that movement along these faults try, and academia with data needed to construct these pic­ through time may have influenced deposition creating tures. Several critical USGS research programs, such as the conditions needed to form accumulations of mineral the Deep Continental Studies program, the Offshore Geo- and petroleum resources (Phelps and others, 1986; Huff­ man and Taylor, 1990). Similar USGS studies are in progress wherever seismic databases are available, and the objective of the NERSL is to supply the seismic data 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. bases necessary to carry out these investigations.

NERSL-National Energy Research Seismic Library 79 Other government and nongovernment agencies have throughout government, academia, industry, and the sci­ large multichannel seismic-reflection data libraries. Cornell entific community in general with information needed to University's Consortium for Continental Reflection Profil­ carry on a variety of important research projects. ing (COCORP) makes available to the public its inventory Future enhancements to the NERSL CD-ROM of deep seismic reflection data (Nelson, 1988). Most gov­ products may include the addition of public domain well ernment-collected geophysical data is offered to the public information located on or near the seismic lines residing through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis­ on the disk. Appended software will allow the user to tration's (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center convert the well data into a synthetic seismogram which (NGDC). There are also many small data brokerage firms can be correlated with the actual seismic data. The well operating that sell limited grids of proprietary seismic-re­ data would reside on the CD-ROM in an industry stand­ flection data. There has never been an attempt made to ard format so that it could be accessed and used by most establish a national repository containing both field and commercial well log processing software packages. This processed digital seismic-reflection data collected from gov­ feature would provide the scientist with the data and ernment and nongovernment sources which allows public tools to correlate actual geologic information to seismic­ access. All data released through COCORP, ~OAA-NGDC, reflection events. or private industry is distributed on some form of magnetic NERSL developers are exploring the feasibility of tape, and costly processing systems are usually required to using CD-ROM media for the storage and distribution of read these tapes. A design objective for the NERSL is to the original unprocessed field data. This may provide a allow those owning inexpensive computer systems access solution to potential NERSL data storage problems and to the seismic data base. Since the repository will hold the simultaneously provide the researcher raw data in a com­ actual unprocessed field data, and its corresponding proc­ pact format which can be processed using the newest essed version, there needs to be a widely available low-cost techniques. Occasional reprocessing of older data using way for the scientist to examine the data. Therefore, proc­ state-of-the-art technology often supplies innovative so­ essed data will be distributed on commonly used compact lutions to geologic problems. disks with read-only memory, or CD-ROM' s. Low-cost CD-ROM readers that can be attached to standard personal computers are now available. Software REFERENCES CITED accessible on the CD-ROM will allow the scientist to dis­ play, in color or black and white, the processed seismic Huffman, A.C., Jr., and Taylor, D.J., 1989, San Juan basin sections with a map showing the location of the data. The faulting-More than meets the eye [abs.]: American Asso­ software will also let the user scale the data, zoom in to ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 9, p. produce a detailed display on a chosen part of the data, 1161. and plot the data to a ·low-cost dot-matrix printer. A de­ --1990, Basement fault control on the occurrence and de­ scription of the data and instructions on using the software velopment of San Juan basin energy resources [abs.]: Geo­ resides on the disk in a file that can be displayed or print­ logical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. ed. This information is also available as a USGS Open­ 23, no. 4, p. 34. File Report (Hutchinson and others, 1990). Hutchinson, D.R., Taylor, D.J., and Zihlman, F.N., 1990, U.S. The NERSL CD-ROM has been designed to hold Geological Survey multichannel seismic data National En­ the actual processed digital information and not just ergy Research Seismic Library NERSL CD-ROM 1: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-699, 15 p. scanned images of paper displays. The major advantage National Research Council, 1988, Energy-related research in compared to the COCORP atlas or NOAA-NGDC notic­ the U.S. Geological Survey: Washington, D.C., National es is that digital data can be downloaded from the NER­ Academy Press, 95 p. SL CO-ROM's. The COCORP atlas, for example, Nelson, K.D., ed., 1988, The COCORP Atlas: Ithaca, N.Y., contains only small scale paper copies of processed data, Cornell University-Institute for the Study of the Conti­ including information on buying magnetic tapes contain­ nents, v. 1, 8 p. ing the original field data. The NERSL CD-ROM pro­ Phelps, W.T., Zech, R.S., and Huffman, A.C., Jr., 1986, in vides processed data already in an industry standard Turner-Peterson, C.E., Santos, E.S., and Fishman, N.S., format on compact high-capacity media at a greatly re­ eds., A basin analysis case study-The Morrison Forma­ duced cost. tion, Grants Uranium region, New Mexico: American As­ After retrieving the digital information from the sociation of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, no. 22, p. 145-159. NERSL CD-ROM, the user can immediately process or Taylor, D.J., and Huffman, A.C., Jr., 1988, Overthrusting in the redisplay the data using systems offering more advanced northwestern San Juan basin, New Mexico, a new interpre­ capabilities. Being able to use inexpensive hardware and tation of the hogback monocline [abs.], in Carter, L.M., ed., public domain software to view and access large USGS research on energy resources-1988 Pro'gram and amounts of seismic-reflection data should provide users abstracts: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1025, p. 60.

80 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Branch of Petroleum Geolog·y-1989 through 1990 Bibliography

Compiled by Helen Y. Colburn1

Agena, W.F., Lee, M.W., and Grow, J.A., 1989, Reprocessing Barker, C.E., 1989, Temperature and time in the thermal matu­ of the COCORP data recorded across the Wichita MOlm­ ration of sedimentary organic matter, in Naeser, N.D., and tain uplift and the Anadarko basin in southern Oklahoma: McCulloh, T.H., eds., Thermal history of sedimentary ba­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-357, 20 p. sins-Methods and case histories: New York, Springer­ Agena, W.F., Lee, M.W., Hamilton, R.M., and McKeown, Verlag, p. 74-98. F.A., 1989, Extended cross-correlation methods for df~ep Barker, C.E., 1989, Review of "Cathodoluminescence of Geo­ crustal studies-A case study of the New Madrid a:rea logical Materials," by D.J. Marshall: Society of Lumines­ [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union, Transactions), cent Microscopy and Spectroscopy Newsletter, v. 1, no. 1, v. 70, no, 15, p. 466-467. p. 3-4. Anders, D.E., 1990, Thermal maturation in the Uinta basin, Barker, C.E., 1989, Techniques in luminescence microscopy: Utah, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy re­ Society of Luminescent Microscopy and Spectroscopy sources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V .E. Newsletter, v. 1, no. 2, 6 p. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Barker, C.E., 1989, Fluid inclusion evidence for Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 2-3. paleotemperatures within the Mesaverde Group, Multiwell Anders, D.E., and Hite, R.J., 1989, The geochemistry of evapo­ Experiment site, Piceance basin, Colorado, Chapter M, in rites and associated petroleum, in Magoon, L.B., ed., The Law, B.E., and Spencer, C.W., Geology of tight gas reser­ petroleum system--Status of research and methods, 1990: voirs in the Pinedale anticline area, Wyoming, and at the U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 53-58. Multiwell Experiment site, Colorado: U.S. Geological Sur­ Ball, M.M., 1989, Continental dynamics in the eastern Gulf of vey Bulletin 1886, p. M1-M11. Mexico (Florida and the western Florida shelf): Geologi­ Barker, C.E., 1989, Rock-Eval analysis of sediments and ulti­ cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, mate analysis of coal, Mesaverde Group, Multiwell Ex­ no. 6, pt. 1, p. A82. periment site, Piceance basin, Colorado, Chapter N, in Ball, M.M., 1990, Reworked eolianites-Bahaman highstand Law, B.E., and Spencer, C.W., eds., Geology of tight gas anomalies [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Ge­ reservoirs in the Pinedale anticline area, Wyoming, and at ologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 604. the Multiwell Experiment site, Colorado: U.S. Geological Ball, M.M., 1990, The Bahaman megabank hypothesis: Gc~o­ Survey Bulletin 1886, p. N1-N11. logical Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 22, Barker, C.E., 1989, Geothermics applied to the reconstruction no. 7, p. A233. of subsurface temperature, in Magoon, L.B., ed., The pe­ Ball, M.M., 1990, Comment on "Scalloped bank margins-He­ troleum system-Status of research and methods, 1990: ginning of the end for carbonate platforms": Geology, v. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 36-42. 18, p. 95-96. Barker, C.E., 1990, Reconnaissance fluid inclusion study, Ball, M.M., Martin, R.G., and Foote, R.Q., 1990, Reassessmc~nt Amoco Eischeid #1 well, Defiance basin, Midcontinent of tectonic history of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, in Rift System, Iowa: Iowa State Geological Survey Special Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources- Report Series, no. 2, p. 169-174. 1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum Barker, C.E .• 1990, Evidence for a geologically rapid increase on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Survey and stabilization of vitrinite reflectance in response to a Circular 1060, p. 3-4. short-term temperature increase, Cerro Prieto geothermal Ball, M.M., Martin, R.G., Foote, R.Q., and Applegate, A.L., system, Mexico, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on 1989, Reassessment of the tectonic style and crustal char­ energy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth acter in the foundation of south Florida and the westc::rn V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: Florida shelf [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 4-5. Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 3, p. 330. Barker, C.E., and Coury, A.B., 1989, Abstracts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region, 1989 Poster Review­ Collected abstracts of selected poster papers presented at scientific meetings: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Re­ 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. port 89-644, 26 p.

Branch of Petroleum Geology-1989 through 1990 Bibliography 81 Barker, C.E., and Coury, A.B., 1990, Abstracts of the U.S. and Fountain, D.M., eds., Properties and processes of Geological Survey, Central Region, 1990 Poster Review: Earth's lower crust: IUGG 6, American Geophysical U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-656, 35 p. Union, Geophysical Monogram 51, p. 81-89. Barker, C.E., and Crysdale, B.L., 1990, Stabilization of kero­ Behrendt, J.C., Hutchinson, D.R., Lee; M.W., Thornber, C.R., gen thermal maturation-Evidence from geothermometry Trehu, A.M., Cannon, W.F., and Green, A.G., 1990, North and burial history reconstruction, Niobrara Limestone, America-GUMPCE seismic reflection evidence of deep­ Berthoud oil field, western Denver basin, Colorado, in crustal and upper-mantle intrusions and magmatic Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources- underplating associated with the Midcontinent Rift System 1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum of North America, in Leven, J.H., and others, eds., Seis­ on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Survey mic probing of continents and their margins: Tectonophys­ Circular 1060, p. 5-6 [Also, American Association of Pe­ ics, v. 173, no. 1/4, p. 595-615. troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 605]. Behrendt, J.C., Hutchinson, D.R., Lee, M.W., Trehu, A.M., Barker, C.E., and Dalziel, M.C., 1989, Using cathodo­ Thornber, C.R., Cannon, W.F., and Green, A.G., 1989, luminescence to map regionally zoned carbonate cements Seismic reflection (GLIMPCE) evidence of deep crustal occurring in diagenetic aureoles above some oil reservoirs, and upper mantle intrusions and magmatic underplating Midcontinent area, U.S.A. [abs.]: University of Manchester associated with the Midcontinent Rift System of North (U.K.), Research Conference "Theoretical Aspects and America [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union, Trans­ Practical Applications of Cathodoluminescence" Proceed­ actions), v. 70, no. 15, p. 272. ings Volume, unpaged. Beyer, L.A., and Isaacs, C.M., 1990, Mass properties of con­ Barker, C.E., and Goldstein, R.H., 1990, Fluid-inclusion tech­ ventional core samples from the Sisquoc, Monterey, and nique for determining maximum temperature in calcite and Point Sal Formations, Unocal Newlove 51 well, Orcutt oil its comparison to the vitrinite reflectance geothermometer: field, Santa Maria basin, California: U.S. Geological Sur­ Geology, v. 18, p. 1003-1006. vey Open-File Report 90-14, 16 p. Barker, C.E., and Goldstein, R.H., 1990, A fluid inclusion tech­ Bird, K.J., 1989, North American fossil fuels, in Bally, A.W., nique for determining peak temperature and its application and Palmer, A.R., eds., The geology of North America­ to establish a refmed calibration for the vitrinite reflec­ An overview: Geological Society of America, The Geolo­ tance geothermometer, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS re­ gy of North America, v. A, p. 555-573. search on energy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Bird, K.J., 1989, Testimony regarding the petroleum potential Sixth V .E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Re­ of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at the oversight sources: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 6. hearing held 23 June 1987 before the Subcommittee on Barker, C.E., Hatch, J.R., Goldstein, R.H., and Walton, A.W., Water and Power Resources of the Committee on Interior 1990, Thermal maturity, organic geochemistry, and burial and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hun­ history of Pennsylvanian rocks, Cherokee basin, southeast­ dredth Congress: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government em Kansas [abs.]: Oklahoma Geological Survey Source Printing Office, Serial No. 100-52, Part ill, p. 39-49. Rock Symposium, Norman, Okla., p. 23 [Also American Bird, K.J., 1990, Barrow Arch-A major structural feature Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 8, within and adjacent to the northern Cordillera, northern p. 1315]. Alaska-northwest Canada: Geological Association of Barker, C.E., Johnson, R.C., Poole, F.G., Daws, T.A., and Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Threlkeld, C.N., 1990, Rock-Eval data for petroleum po­ Meeting, Vancouver '90, Program with Abstracts, v. 15, p. tential evaluation based on well cuttings and core samples All. for eastern Nevada collected during 1990: U.S. Geological Bird, K.J., McClellan, P .H., and Bruns, T .R., 1990, Case stud­ Survey Open-File Report 90-698, 15 p. ies, Santa Maria province, California [abs.]: American As­ Barker, C.E., and Pawlewicz, M.J., 1989, Renewed petroleum sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, generation related to Tertiary intrusions and increased heat p. 610. flow, western Permian basin, Texas and New Mexico Bird, K.J., McClellan, P.H., and Bruns, T.R., 1990, Subsurface [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists studies, Santa Maria province, California, in Carter, Bulletin, v. 73, no. 3, p. 331. L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources-1990, Barker, C.E., and Pawlewicz, M.J., 1990, Vitrinite reflectance Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on as an exploration tool in defining areas of recent and an­ Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Survey cient heating-A case study of the Cerro Prieto geother­ Circular 1060, p. 9-10. mal system, Mexico, in Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., Bostick, N.H., and Daws, T.A., 1990, Relationship between eds., Applications of thermal maturation studies to energy data from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and from proximate, ulti­ exploration: Society of Economic Paleontologists and mate, petrographic and physical analysis of 150 diverse Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section, Special Publica­ U.S. coals: Organic Petrologists 7th Annual Meeting, Ab­ tion 2, p. 161-166. stracts with Programs, p. 51-52. Behrendt, J.C., Green, A.G., Lee, M.W., Hutchinson, D.R., Burruss, R.C., Blakeney, B., Castle, R.A., and Kirkby, K.C., Cannon, W.F., Milkereit, B., Agena, W.F., and Spencer, 1990, Petroleum source rock potential and thermal matura­ C., 1989, Crustal extension in the Midcontinent Rift Sys­ tion of the Mississippian "Harrison" and Spergen Forma­ tem-Results from GLIMPCE deep seismic reflection pro­ tions and Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation and the files over Lake Superior and Michigan, in Mereu, R.F ., Marmaton Group, southeastern Colorado, in Sonenberg,

82 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 S., and others, eds., Morrow sandstones of southeast Collo­ tative model for overpressured gas resources of the rado and adjacent area: Denver, Rocky Mountain Associa­ Pinedale anticline, Wyoming, Chapter I, in Law, B.E., and tion of Geologists, p. 59-66. Spencer, C.W., eds., Geology of tight gas reservoirs in the Burruss, R.C., Ging, T.G., and Carlson, Dennis, 1989, Raman Pinedale anticline area, Wyoming, and at the Multiwell microprobe observations of carbon and oxygen stable iso­ Experiment site, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Bulle­ topes in geologic materials: Microbeam Analytical Soci­ tin 1886, p. 11-113. ety, Microbeam Analysis 1989, p. 173-175. Charpentier, R.R., and Sandberg, C.A., 1990, Biofacies analy­ Burruss, R.C., Ging, T.C., Cercone, K.R., Pedone, V.A., a:nd sis of Late Devonian conodonts using a computer data­ Hayes, T.S., 1990, Laser Raman and luminescence spe:c­ base: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ troscopy of carbonate minerals-Progress toward non-de­ grams, v. 22, no. 1, p. 4. structive microprobe techniques for stable isotopes, trace Chidsey, T.C., Allison, M.L., and Palacas, J.G., 1990, Precam­ elements, and organic matter in zoned cements, in Ca.rb~r. brian source-rock potential of Utah [abs.]: American Asso­ L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources-1990, ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 8, p. Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on 1319. Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Surv·ey Clarke, J.W., and Peterson, J.A., 1990, Diverse super-giant pe­ Circular 1060, p. 12. troleum deposits in the West Siberian oil-gas basin [abs.]: Burruss, R.C., and Hatch, J.R., 1989, Geochemistry of oils and American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. hydrocarbon source rocks, greater Anadarko basin-Evi­ 74, no. 5, p. 629. dence for multiple sources of oils and long-distance oil Claypool, G.E., and Mancini, E.A., 1989, Geochemical rela­ migration, in Johnson, K.S., ed., Anadarko basin sympo­ tionships of petroleum in Mesozoic reservoirs to carbonate sium, 1988: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 90, p. source rocks of Jurassic Smackover Formation, southwest­ 53-64. em Alabama: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ Butler, W.C., 1989, The rationale for assessment of undiscov­ gists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 7, p. 904-924. ered, economically recoverable oil and gas in south-cen­ Clayton, J.L., 1989, Biological marker chemistry as indicator tral New Mexico-A geologic overview and play analy!;is of depositional environment of source rocks and crude oil, of two favorable areas: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File in Magoon, L.B., ed., The petroleum system-Status of Report 88-450-B, 134 p. research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bul­ Butler, W.C., 1989, The geologic setting of southern Arizona letin 1912, p. 46-48. and southwestern New Mexico, with a rationale for as­ Clayton, J.L., 1989, Geochemical evidence for Paleozoic oil in sessment of undiscovered, economically recoverable oil Lower Cretaceous "0" Sandstone, northern Denver basin: and gas-A summary of four potential plays: U.S. Geo­ American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. logical Survey Open-File Report 88-450-M, 154 p. 73, no. 8, p. 977-988. Cannon, W.F., Green, A.G., Hutchinson, D.R., Lee, M.Vl., Clayton, J.L., 1989, Role of kinetic modeling in petroleum ex­ Milkereit, Bernd, Behrendt, J.C., Halls, H.C., Green, J.C., ploration, in Magoon, L.B ., ed., The petroleum system­ Dickas, A.B., Morey, G.B., Sutcliffe, Richard, and Spe:n­ Status of research and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological cer, C., 1989, The North American Midcontinent Rift be­ Survey Bulletin 1912, p. 43-45. neath Lake Superior from GLIMPCE seismic reflection Clayton, J.L., 1989, Sulfur in source rocks and petroleum, in profiling: Tectonics, v. 8, no. 2, p. 305-332. 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84 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 able program (one 5.25-inch diskette). 8, p.1322. Crysdale, B.L., and Barker, C.E., 1989, Use of comparative Dyman, T.S., Nielsen, D.T., Obuch, R.C., Baird, J.K., and geothermometry to reconstruct burial history and timing of Wise, R.A., 1990, Deep oil and gas wells and reservoirs in oil generation and migration in Niobrara Formation, the United States from the Well History Control System Berthoud State 4 well, Denver basin, Colorado [abs.]: and Petroleum Data System, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. research on energy resources-1990, Program and ab­ 73, no. 9, p. 1152. stracts, Sixth V.E. 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L, p. 503-538. tight gas reserves in the Uinta basin, Utah and Colorado: Hall, R.B., Esposito, K.J., Ford, E.E., Pollastro, R.M., and U.S. Department of Energy Natural Gas Research and De­ Keller, W.D., 1990, Characterization of clay deposits sam­ velopment Contractors Review Meeting 1990, Agenda and ples taken during Field Excursion IV-V, following the Abstracts, unpaged. 1989 International Clay Conference, Strasbourg, France: Fox, I.E., and Dolton, G.L., 1989, Petroleum geology of the Clay Minerals Society 27th Annual Meeting, Columbia, Bighorn and Wind River basins, Wyoming and Montana: Mo., Program with Abstracts, p. 54. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-450-P, 47 p. 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86 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 in the Southern Midcontinent, Abstracts, p. 27. time across the continental United States: U.S. Geological Hester, T.C., Schmoker, I.W., and Sahl, H.L., 1990, Log-de­ Survey Open-File Report 90-676, ten 3.5-inch diskettes. rived regional source-rock characteristics of the Woodford Hosterman, J.W., and Meyer, R.F., 1989, Chemistry and re­ Shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma: U.S. Geological Sur­ sources of heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits, in vey Bulletin 1866-D, 64 p. 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Howell, D.G., contributor, 1990, in Schneider, I.L., Annual re­ Higley, D.K., 1989, Comparison of sandstone diagenesis and port on Alaska mineral resources: U.S. Geological Survey reservoir development within two Lower Cretaceous I Circular 1056, 77 p. Sandstone fields, Denver basin, Colorado [abs.]: American Howell, D.G., 1990, Terrane analysis of the Circum-Pacific Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 9, and its implication for petroleum exploration [abs.]: p. 1160. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. Higley, D.K., 1990, Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous Sus­ 74, no. 5, p. 678. sex Sandstone in the House Creek and Porcupine Fields, Howell, D.G., 1990, The search for subtle traps across onshore Powder River basin, Wyoming [abs.]: American Associa­ Alaska, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 674. resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V .E. Higley, D.K., 1990, Reservoir characteristics of the Lower Cre­ McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. taceous "I" sandstone in the Kachina field, Denver basin, Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 38. Colorado, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on en­ Howell, D.G., Desegaulx, P., and Roure, F., 1989, A compari­ ergy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V .E. son between decollement levels and thin and thick skinned McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. thrusting in the central Brooks Range and the western Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 36-37. Alps [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union, Transac­ Higley, D.K., and Schmoker, I.W., 1989, Influence of deposi­ tions), v. 70, no. 43, p. 1338. tional environment and diagenesis on regional porosity Howell, D.G., Johnsson, M.J., and Bird, K.I., 1990, trends in the Lower Cretaceous "I" sandstone, Denver Geodynamics and petroleum potential, Brooks Range, basin, Colorado, in Coalson, E.B ., and others, eds., Petro­ Alaska: Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical genesis and petrophysics of selected sandstone reservoirs Association of Canada, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May of the Rocky Mountain region: Denver, Rocky Mountain 16-18, Program with Abstracts, p. A 61. Association of Geologists, p. 183-196. Howell, D.G., Iohnsson, M.I., Underwood, M.B., Brocculeri, Higley, D.K., and Takahashi, K.l., 1990, Interactive computer T., and Lu, H., 1990, Deformation style of the Kandik display of exploration through time for petroleum produc­ area, east-central Alaska-Evidence from stratigraphic, ing regions in the conterminous United States [abs.]: structural and paleothermal relationships [abs.]: Eos American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. (American Geophysical Union, Transactions), v. 71, no. 74, no. 5, p. 674. 43, p. 1617. Higley, D.K., and Takahashi, K.l., 1990, Computer display of Howell, D.G., and Jones, D.L., 1989, Terrane analysis, a petroleum exploration through time in the Denver basin of Circum-Pacific overview, in Ben-Avraharn, Zvi, ed., The Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming, in Carter, L.M.H., evolution of the Pacific Ocean margins: New York, Ox­ ed., USGS research on energy resources-1990, Program ford University Press, p. 36-40. and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral Howell, D.G., and Swinchatt, J.P., 1989, Where continents col­ and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Circular lide, pt. 1: Earth Visions, Inc., 46-minute video. 1060,p.37. Huffman, A.C., Jr., and Taylor, D.J., 1989, San Juan basin Higley, D.K., Takahashi, K.l., and Mast, R.F., 1990, Interac­ faulting-More than meets the eye [abs.]: American Asso­ tive computer display of the history of oil and gas explo­ ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 9, p. ration in the Denver basin of Colorado, Nebraska, and 1161. Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90- Hutchinson, D.R., and Lee, M.W., 1989, Processing and at­ 321, 4 diskettes. tenuation of noise in deep seismic-reflection data from the Higley, D.K., Takahashi, K.I., and Mast, R.F., 1990, Interac­ Gulf of Maine: Marine Geophysical Researches, v. 11, no. tive Macintosh display of petroleum exploration through 1, p. 51-67.

87 Hutchinson, D.R., Lee, M.W., Behrendt, J.C., Cannon, W.F., components of cuttings from the Foxen Mudstone and the and Green, A.G., 1989, True-amplitude processing of Sisquoc, Monterey, and Point Sal Formations in the Union GLIMPCE seismic reflection data; interpretation [abs.]: Hobbs 22 well, and preliminary comparison with cores Eos (American Geophysical Union, Transactions), v. 70, from the Union Newlove 51 well, Orcutt oil field, onshore no. 15, p. 278. Santa Maria basin, California: U.S. Geological Survey Isaacs, C.M., 1989, Field trip guide to the Miocene Monterey Open-File Report 89-466, 23 p. Formation, Salinas and Santa Barbara areas, California, in Isaacs, C.M., Tomson, J.H., Taggart, I.E., Jr., and Jackson, Blueford, J.R., and Isaacs,. C.M., eds., Mesozoic and L.L., 1990, Abundance of major elements and sedimentary Cenozoic siliceous sediments of California: 28th Interna­ components in Miocene and early Pliocene cuttings from a tional Geologic Congress Field Trip Guidebook T109, well in the south Elwood oil field area, offshore Santa American Geophysical Union, p. 21-50. Barbara-Ventura basin, southern California: U.S. Geologi­ Isaacs, C.M., 1989, Compositional facies analysis and litho­ cal Survey Open-File Report 89-79, 27 p. stratigraphic problems in the Monterey Formation, south­ Jensenius, Jorgen, and Burruss, R.C., 1990, Hydrocarbon-water central coastal basins of California [abs.]: Japan-U.S. interactions during brine migration-Evidence of hydro­ Seminar on Neogene Siliceous Sediments of the Pacific carbon inclusions in calcite from Danish North Sea oil Region, Syllabus and Field Trip Guidebook, p. 83-84. fields, in Bodnar, R.I., prefacer, Current research on fluid Isaacs, C.M. (Leg 127 and Leg 128 Shipboard Scientific Par­ inclusions: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 54, no. ties), 1990, Ocean Drilling Program-Evolution of the Ja­ 3, p. 705-713. pan Sea: Nature, v. 346, p. 18-20. Johnson, R.C., and Rice, D.D., 1990, Occurrence and geo­ Isaacs, C.M. (Leg 128 Scientific Drilling Party), 1990, Ocean chemistry of natural gases, Piceance basin, northwest Drilling Program in the Japan Sea-Geophysical experi­ Colorado: American Association of Petroleum Geologists ments, basement rocks, and cyclic sediment highlight Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 805-829. cruise: Geotimes, v. 35, no. 4, p. 25-27. Johnson, S.Y., Schenk, C.J., Anders, D.L., and Tuttle, M.L., Isaacs, C.M., Arends, R.G., and Thornton, M.L., 1990, Strati­ 1990, Sedimentology and petroleum occurrence, School­ graphic sequence of the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations house member, Maroon Formation (Lower Permian), in the Hondo oil field, Santa Barbara Channel, California northwestern Colorado: American Association of Petrole­ [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists um Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 2, p. 135-150. Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 682. Johnson, S.Y., Tuttle, M.L., Bryant, Bruce, Dubiel, R.F., Isaacs, C.M., Jackson, L.L., Stewart, K.C., and Scott, Norman, Fouch, T.D., Franczyk, K.J., Grauch, V.J.S., Grout, M.A., III, 1989, Analytical reproducibility and abundances of Johnson, R.C., Molenaar, C.M., Nichols, D.J., Nichols, major oxides, total carbon, organic carbon, and sedimenta­ K.M., Nuccio, V.F., Peterson, Fred, Pitman, J.K., Perry, ry components of Miocene and early Pliocene cuttings W.J., Jr., Sawatzky, D., Scott, R.W., Verbeek, E.R., and from the Point Conception deep stratigraphic test well, Wanty, R.B., 1990, Geologic evolution of the Uinta­ OCS-CAL 78-164 No. 1, offshore Santa Maria basin, Piceance basin province, northwestern Colorado and southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File northeastern Utah, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research Report 87-75, 28 p. on energy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth Isaacs, C.M., King, J.D., Pollastro, R.M., and Williams, C.F., V .E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: 1990, Petroleum geology studies in the Santa Maria Prov­ U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 40-41. [Also, ince, California, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. energy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth 74, no. 5, p. 687-688]. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Johnsson, M.J., Bird, K.J., Howell, D.G., Magoon, L.B., Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 39-40. Stanley, R.G., Valin, Z.C., Harris, A.G., and Pawlewicz, Isaacs, C.M., and Stanley, R.G., 1990, Santa Maria Province M.J., 1990, A preliminary thermal maturity map of sedi­ project, California [abs.]: American Association of Petro­ mentary rocks in Alaska [abs]: Eos (American Geophysi­ leum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 682. cal Union, Transactions), v. 71, no. 3, p. 1617. Isaacs, C.M., Taggart, I.E., Jr., Jackson, L.L., and Scott, Johnsson, M.J., Howell, D.G., and Bird, K.J., 1990, Petrogra­ Norman, III, 1989, Analytical reproducibility and abun­ phy of Early Cretaceous sandstones from the Kandik dances of major elements and sedimentary components in basin-Implications to paleogeography of northern cores from the Sisquoc, Monterey, and Point Sal Forma­ Alaska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with tions, Union Newlove 51 Well, Orcutt oil field, onshore Programs, v. 22, no. 7, p. A325. Santa Maria basin, California: U.S. Geological Survey Johnsson, M.J., and Stallard, R.F., 1990, Reply to Discussion Open-File Report 89-459, 23 p. of Ingersoll on "Physiographic controls on the composi­ Isaacs, C.M., and Tomson, J.H., 1990, Reconnaissance study of tion of sediments derived from volcanic and sedimentary kerogen maturation parameters of core samples from the terrains on Barro Colorado Island, Panama": Journal of Sisquoc and Monterey Formations in selected wells in the Sedimentary Petrology, v. 60, no. 5, p. 799-801. onshore Santa Maria basin and in surface sections along Johnsson, M.J., Stallard, R.F., and Lundberg, N.S., 1990, Dis­ the Santa Barbara-Ventura coast, southern California: U.S. cussion of "Petrology of fluvial sands from the Amazo­ Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-108, 43 p. nian foreland basin, Peru and Bolivia" by Peter G. Isaacs, C.M., Tomson, J.H., Stewart, K.C., and Jackson, L.L., DeCelles and Fritz Hertel: Geological Society of America 1990, Abundances of major elements and sedimentary Bulletin, v. 102, p. 1727-1729.

88 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Keighin, C.W., 1989, Petrology and reservoir properties of Krupa, M.P., and Spencer, C.W., 1989, U.S. Geological Survey Point Lookout Sandstone, Southern Ute Indian Reserva­ publications on western tight gas reservoirs: U.S. Depart­ tion, La Plata County, Colorado [abs.]: American Associa­ ment of Energy DOE/MC/20422- 2677, 133 p. tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 9, p. 11 Krystinik, L.F., and Schenk, C.J., 1989, The geologist's role in Keighin, C.W., and Flores, R.M., 1989, Depositional facies, secondary and enhanced oil recovery projects in Rocky petrofacies, and diagenesis of siliciclastics of Morrow and Mountain reservoirs, in Lorenz, J.C., and Lucas, S.C., Springer rocks, Anadarko basin Oklahoma, in Johnson, eds., Energy frontiers in the Rockies: Albuquerque Geo­ K.S., ed., Anadarko Basin Symposium, 1988: Oklahoma logical Society, p. 121-129. Geological Survey Circular 90, p. 147-161. Kvenvolden, K.A., and Collett, T.S., 1989, Arctic gas hydrates Keighin, C.W., and Flores, R.M., 1989, Analysis of sedimenta­ and global climate [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical ry facies and petrofacies of lower Morrowan-upper Ches­ Union, Transactions), v. 70, no. 43, p. 1151. terian sandstones, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma [abs.], in Kvenvolden, K.A., and Collett, T.S., 1990, The global methane Johnson, K.S., ed., Anadarko Basin Symposium, 1988: hydrate reservoir-Impact on petroleum exploration, in Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 90, p. 236-239. Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources- Keighin, C.W., and Flores, R.M., 1990, Heterogeneity of sand­ 1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum stone reservoirs in the Fort Union Formation, Fuller Res­ on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Geological Circu­ ervoir Unit, Wind River basin, Wyoming [abs.]: American lar 1060, p. 44-46. Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 8, Law, B.E., 1990, The thermal evolution of the Upper Creta­ p. 1331. ceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan basin, Colorado and Keighin, C.W., Law, B.E., and Pollastro, R.M., 1989, Petrolo­ New Mexico, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on gy and reservoir characteristics of the Almond Formation, energy resources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth Greater Green River basin, Wyoming, in Coalson, E.B., V .E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: Kaplan, S.S., Keighin, C.W., Oglesby, C.A., and U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 49-50. Robinson, J.W., eds., Petrogenesis and petrophysics of se­ Law, B.E., 1990, Vitrinite reflectance data from Cretaceous lected sandstone reservoirs of the Rocky Mountain region: and Tertiary rocks, San Juan basin, New Mexico and Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90- 281-348. 659, 19 p. Keighin, C.W., and Schenk, C.J., 1989, Diagenesis of fluvial Law, B.E., Anders, D.E., and Michael, G.E., 1990, Use of sands in the Norphlet Formation (Upper Jurassic), Rock-Eval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance data in char­ Escambia County, Alabama [abs.]: American Association acterizing type and maturity of organic matter in .coal, of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 3, p. 37. Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan basin, Keighin, C.W., and Schenk, C.J., 1990, Diagenesis of sand­ New Mexico and Colorado [abs.]: American Association stones in the Norphlet Formation (Upper Jurassic), of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 8, p. 1333. Escambia County, Alabama, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS Law, B.E., and Clarkson, G., 1989, Thermal maturity patterns research on energy resources-1990, Program and ab­ and time-temperature modeling of Cretaceous and Tertiary stracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and En­ rocks, San Juan basin, Colorado and New Mexico [abs.]: ergy Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 41-42. 73, no. 9, p. 1164. Kelley, J.S., and Molenaar, C.M., 1989, Geologic map of the Law, B.E., Dolson, J., Hanson, W.R., and Leighton, V.L., north flank of the Sadlerochit Mountains, Mount 1990, Stratigraphy of Cretaceous rocks in the Red Desert Michelson C-1, C-2, and C-3 quadrangles, northeastern and Washakie basins, southwestern Wyoming [abs.]: Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-11, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 1 sheet. v. 74,no. 8,p. 1333. King, J.D., and Lillis, P.G., 1990, Thermal modeling using Law, B.E., and Hussnain, T., 1989, Measured stratigraphic sec­ biomarkers in the Santa Maria basin, California [abs.]: tions of the Lower Permian Nilawahan Group, Salt Range, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 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B1-B11. source rocks [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Law, B.E., Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., 1989, Kinky vitri­ Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 3, p. 372-373. nite reflectance profiles-Evidence of paleopore pressure

Branch of Petroleum Geology-1989 through 1990 Bibliography 89 in low-permeability gas-bearing sequences in Rocky mation, Cuyama basin, California [abs.]: American Asso­ Mountain foreland basins: American Association of Petro­ ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. leum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 8, p. 999-1010. 704. Law, B.E., Nuccio, V.F., and Barker, C.E., 1990, Kinky vitri­ Lu, Huafu, Howell, D.G., and Bird, K.J., 1990, Post-Albian du­ nite reflectance well profiles; evidence of paleopore pres­ plex faulting along the Brooks Range Front, Atigun sure in low-permeability, gas-bearing sequences in Rocky Gorge, Alaskan North Slope [abs.]: Eos (American Geo­ Mountain foreland basins-Reply: American Association physical Union, Transactions), v. 71, no. 43, p. 1589- of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 6, p. 948-949. 1590. 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Geological Association Fortieth Field Conference Guide­ Magoon, L.B., and Anders, D.E., 1990, Oil-source rock corre­ book, p. 39-61. lation using carbon isotope and biological marker com­ Law, B.E., Spencer, C.W., Charpentier, R.R., Crovelli, R.A., pounds, Cook Inlet-Alaska Peninsula, Alaska [abs.]: Wandrey, C.J., Johnson, R.C., Nuccio, V.F., and Grout, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. M.A., 1989, Gas resource assessments-Greater Green 74,no.5,p. 711. River basin and Uinta basin, in Natural Gas R&D Con­ Magoon, L.B., Bird, K.J., and Molenaar, C.M., 1989, Petrole­ tractors Review Meeting-Agenda, Project Synopsis, List um systems of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, north­ of Participants, Morgantown, W. 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90 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 and gas resources-Future production realities: Annual physics, v. 173, no. 1-4, p. 1-13. Review of Energy, 15th Anniversary Volume, p. 23-51. Milkereit, Bernd, Morel-8.-l'Huissier, P., Green, A.G., Thomas, McKee, E.D., 1989, Sedimentary structures and textures of Rio M.D., Trehu, A., Lee, M.W., and Agena, W.F., 1990, Orinoco channel sands, Venezuela and Colombia, Chapter Crustal structure of northeastern Lake Superior from B, The waters and sediments of the Rio Orinoco and its GLIMPCE reflection and refraction data: Institute on Lake major tributaries, Venezuela and Colombia: United States Superior Geology Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2326-B, p. Bl­ Proceedings and Abstracts, v. 36, no. 1, p. 63-65. B23. 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Molenaar, C.M., and Baird, J.K., 1990, Stratigraphic cross sec­ Milkereit, Bernd, Green, A.G., Lee, M.W., Agena, W.F., and tions of Upper Cretaceous rocks across the San Juan Cannon, W.F., 1989, Special processing of GLIMPCE basin, northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colo­ Lake Superior and Lake Huron reflection data [abs.]: Eos rado, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy re­ (American Geophysical Union, Transactions), v. 70, no. sources-1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. 15, p. 278. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources: U.S. Milkereit, Bernd, Green, A.G., Lee, M.W., Agena, W.F., and Geological Survey Circular 1060, p. 55-56. 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Branch of Petroleum Geology-1989 through 1990 Bibliography 91 sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 4th, Edmonton, August 1988, Proceedings, v. 2, Geology, 723. Chemistry: Edmonton, Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Molenaar, C.M., Cobban, W.A., and Wolfe, D.O., 1990, Stra­ Research Authority, p. 575-592. tigraphy of Upper Cretaceous rocks in the Zuni basin, Palacas, J.G., and Reynolds, M.W., 1989, Preliminary petrole­ west-central New Mexico [abs.]: American Association of um source rock assessment of Upper Proterozoic Chuar Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 8, p. 1337. 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A90. um test, Carroll County, Iowa: Iowa Department of Natu­ Naeser, N.D., and Naeser, C.W., 1989, The application of fis­ ral Resources Special Report Series No.2, p. 119-134. sion-track dating to the depositional and thermal history of Pawlewicz, M.J., 1989, Thermal maturation of the eastern rocks in sedimentary basins, in Naeser, N.D., and Anadarko basin, Oklahoma, Chapter C, in Evolution of McCulloh, T.H., eds., Thermal history of sedimentary ba­ sedimentary basins-Anadarko basin: U.S. Geological sins-Methods and case histories: New York, Springer­ Survey Bulletin 1866-C, p. C1-C12. Verlag, p. 157-180. 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92 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Perry, W.J., Jr., 1990, A review of the geology and petrolewn Peterson, J.A., 1989, Future petrolewn resource potential, potential of southwest Montana: U.S. Geological Survey northern Rocky Mountain-Great Plains area [abs.]: Ameri­ Open-File Report 88-450-R, 20 p. can Association of Petrolewn Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, Perry, W.J., Jr., Agena, W.F., and Suneson, N.H., 1990, Struc­ no. 9, p. 1170. tural interpretations of the Ouachita frontal zone near Peterson, J.A., 1989, Eastern Great Basin and Snake River Hartshorne, Oklahoma, based on reprocessed seismic data: downwarp, geology and petrolewn resources: U.S. Geo­ Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. logical Survey Open-File Report 88-450-H, 57 p. 22, no. 7, p. A231-A232. 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D.D., Robbins, R.L., and Schmoker, J.W., 1990, Geologic Perry, W.J., Jr., and Suneson, N.H., 1990, Preliminary interpre­ history of the Anadarko basin, western Oklahoma, north tation of a seismic profile across the Ouachita frontal zone Texas Panhandle, and southwestern Kansas [abs.]: Ameri­ near Hartshorne, Oklahoma, in Suneson, N.H., Campbell, can Association of Petrolewn Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, J.A., and Tilford, M.J., eds., Geology and resources of the no. 5, p. 741. frontal belt of the western Ouachita Mountains, Okla­ Pitman, J.K., Spencer, C.W., and Pollastro, R.M., 1989, Chap­ homa: Oklahoma Geological Survey Special Publication ter G, Petrography, mineralogy, and reservoir characteris­ 90-1, p. 145-148. tics of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group in the east­ Peterson, Fred, and Schenk, C.J., 1990, Architectural studies in central Piceance basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey eolian reservoir rocks-The Lower Jurassic Nugget Sand­ Bulletin 1787-G, p. 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Branch of Petroleum Geology-1989 through 1990 Bibliography 93 1988: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 90, p. 194- logical Survey Open-File Report 89-92, 184 p. 208. Prensky, S.E., 1989, Catalog of drilling-mud-weight histories Pollastro, R.M., 1989, Clays, in Magoon, L.B., ed., The petro­ for selected wells, northern Green River basin, Wyoming: leum system-Status of research and methods, 1990: U.S. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-88, 213 p. Geological Bulletin 1912, p. 28-31. 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Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-637 A-F; A, 363 Pollastro, R.M., and Finn, T.M., 1990, Clay mineralogy and p.; B, one 3 A-inch dislqette (part A); C, one 3 A-inch bulk rock composition of selected core and cutting sam­ diskette (part B); D, one 3.5-inch diskette (part C); E, one ples from the Amoco Eischeid #1 well, Carroll County, 5.25-inch diskette (parts A & B); F, one 5.25-inch diskette Iowa-A reconnaissance from X-ray powder diffraction (part C). analysis, in Anderson, R.R., ed., The Amoco M.G. Price, L.C., 1989, Primary petroleum migration from shales Eischeid #1 deep petroleum test, Carroll County, Iowa: with oxygen-rich organic matter: Journal of Petroleum Ge­ Iowa Department of Natural Resources Special Report Se­ ology, v. 12, no. 3, p. 289-324. ries no. 2, p. 143-152. 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94 The Petroleum Syste~Status of Research and Methods, 1992 Canyon northern Arizona (with Colorado River guides): Rice, D.O., and Flores, R.M., 1990, Coal-bed methane poten­ American Geophysical Union, 28th International Geologi­ tial of Tertiary coal beds and adjacent sandstone deposits, cal Congress Field Trip Guidebook T115/315, p. 117. Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana [abs.]: Rice, D.O., 1990, Potential for natural gas resources in deep American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, sedimentary basins: Department of Energy Natural Gas v. 74,no. 8,p. 1343. 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96 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992 7386. sections of Elko Formation (Middle and Upper Cambrian), Schmoker, J.W., and Gautier, D.L., 1989, Porosity, in Magoon, and Fairholme Group, Alexo Formation, and Palliser For­ L.B ., ed., The petroleum system-Status of research and mation (Upper Devonian), northwestern Montana and methods, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1912, p. southeastern British Columbia: U.S. Geological Survey 25-27. Open-File Report 90-455, 23 p. Schmoker, J.W., and Gautier, D.L., 1990, Reply to Deming on Shurr, G.W., Anna, L.O., and Peterson, J.A., 1989, Zuni se­ "Compaction of basin sediments: Modeling based on time­ quence in Williston basin-Evidence for Mesozoic temperature history": Journal of Geophysical Research, v. paleotectonism: American Association of Petroleum Ge­ 95, no. B4, p. 5155-5157. ologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 1, p. 68-87. 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98 The Petroleum System-Status of Research and Methods, 1992

400 300 200 100 Ma Figure 1. Burial history chart shows critical moment for Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system. PALEOZOIC MESOZOIC I CEN. Rock Unit Rock unit names are fictitious. Lithologies shown: conglomerate-Thick, Placer, and Elk Formations (Fm.); shale-George Shale (Sh.); sandstone-Boar Sandstone (Ss.). 1-

Thick Fm.


0 George Sh. Top of oil window, ------===f::;~-· ~~~· ,__r---::=====----=~~/1---;;:;::~:1 _-- :;::. Boar Ss. Top of gas window, " __ ------~ .::.:: ' _ - - • iS#H'"?i Deer Sh. ,r- ____ ------·o :·: ElkFm. f Critical Moment Figure 2. Geographic extent of Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system at critical moment. EXPLANATION

~ Line of cross section ....b...... / Thrust bett-Sawteeth on upper plate

....I.....J_ Fault-Hachures on downthrown block

Plunging anticline Plunging syncline Top of oil window o o o Top of gas window Direction of petroleum migration .. Petroleum accumulation c=J Source rock

[ :\': /:}I Reservoir rock

Figure 3. Geologic cross section showing ---- GEOGRAPHIC EXTENT OF PETROLEUM SYSTEM ______,_ stratigraphic extent of Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system at critical moment. \ STRATIGRAPHIC EXTENT OF PETROLEUM , .....~'!~!.E~...... -,_, _,. D Overburden rock

' ,<:-' .· ~:Ji4 - Sealrock _ :~. ~: .. ~~~;-· ' • ' • ' ,- - Petroleum accumulation 1'::.:-:''.. : ·J Reservoir rock 1 ' ,- ' -' ~~S~~£~ j Fold and thrust belt-Arrows Source rock indicate direction of relative motion

Figure 4. Events chart for Deer-Boar(.) petrole­ 400 300 200 100 Ma um system.


K p

Source Rock Reservoir Rock Seal Rock


Critical Moment