Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2015;8(3):2436-2448 /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP0005774

Original Article Decrease in prosaposin in is associated with polychlorinated biphenyl exposure

Jia-Li Cai1, Ling-Bin Sun1, Zhi-Zhun Guo2, Xiao-Ming Jiang1, Guan-Chao Zheng2, Hui-Ling Qiu1, Ai-Guo Sha1, Chong-Gang Wang2, Jian-Zhi Ren1, Zheng-Hong Zuo2

1Reproductive Medicine Center, The Affiliated Chenggong Hospital of Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361002, China; 2State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress , School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China Received January 11, 2015; Accepted February 28, 2015; Epub March 1, 2015; Published March 15, 2015

Abstract: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of ubiquitous persistent organic pollutants and they have been associated with declining male fertility. In the present study, we aimed to determine the responsiveness of prosaposin (Psap) expression to PCB exposure. Male C57 mice were exposed to PCB mixture (Aroclor 1254) of environmental related doses by oral gavage. After exposure for 50 days, the expression of Psap was significantly decreased by PCB exposure in epididymides and epydidymal spermatozoa, but not in testis. The Psap abundance in was decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Benchmark dose modeling revealed the 95% lower confidence limit on the benchmark dose (BMDL) and Benchmark Dose (BMD) for Psap reduction were 1.25 and 8.89 μg/kg Aroclor 1254, and for sperm reduction were 11.85 and 61.9 μg/kg Aroclor 1254. The depressed Psap level also showed a significant correlation (P<0.01, r=-0.531) with PCB accumulation in liver. In men with detectable PCB exposure in , Psap expression in sperm was significantly decreased whereas the semen parameters were unaffected. Linear regression showed that a negative association between total PCB level in seminal plasma and Psap level in ejaculated spermatozoa (P<0.05, r=-0.396). In conclusion, our data suggested that the abundance of Psap in sperm sample may be a sensitive endpoint to predict PCB exposure.

Keywords: Polychlorinated biphenlys, prosaposin, sperm, human, mice

Introduction rupt the male reproductive functions and hypo- thyroidism induced by PCB exposure in early life Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of also results in declines in reproductive end- legacy chemicals with high environmental per- points. A number of studies have report- sistency. Despite the ban on their production, ed adverse effects in relation to PCBs following PCBs remain to be a global environmental both developmental exposures and exposure in problem due to their high resistance against adulthood, including reduced organ weights, electrical, thermal, chemical, or biological impaired , and disrupted ste- breakdown and ongoing “leaking” to the envi- roid hormone function [1, 5, 6, 11]. Epide- ronment from existing applications and waste. miological studies have associated exposure of Accumulated evidence have associated expo- human to PCBs with declining semen parame- sure to PCBs with many adverse health effects, ters, sperm DNA integrity, and circulating repro- including effects on [30] and ductive hormone levels [30]. Impaired male development [34], thyroid system [36], nervous reproductive functions are undoubtedly impact system [27], immune system [28], cardiovascu- final reproductive outcomes. A recent study has lar system [22], and metabolism [18]. demonstrated that exposures of PCBs in male partner might contribute to decreased human The effects of PCBs on male reproductive sys- fecundity, as measured by a prolonged time to tem have long been of concerned. PCB conge- (TTP) [9]. The research reaffirmed ners have shown estrogenic, antiestrogenic, or the significance of PCB-related health conse- anti-androgenic effects [16] which might dis- quences in human fertility. Decrease in prosaposin and polychlorinated biphenyl exposure

In toxicological studies, biomarkers of effect expression of prosaposin (Psap) mRNA is dose- are used to associate the xenobiotic exposures dependently down-regulated in the microarray with their harmful downstream health conse- data. Psap is a 65-70 kilodalton quences. They are typically physiological indi- that is targeted to the lysosome, as well as is cators which presence after physiologically rel- secreted to extracellular fluids (Hiraiwa et al, evant doses and response to xenobiotic of 1992) and a role of Psap in sperm- inter- interest in a specific and sensitive manner. action has been suggested [29] (Magargee et Furthermore, they should be facile in measure- al. 2000). The goals of this study were to vali- ment and validatable in humans exposed to the date the effects of PCB exposure on the toxin. Semen parameters are the most fre- expression of Psap in male reproductive tract quently used biomarkers to investigate the and to determine whether PCB-induced diminu- xenobiotic-related effects on male fertility. They tions in Psap were present on epididymal are correlated directly to the fertility and can be sperm. measured objectively with a relative simple tool [33]. However, parameters pro- Materials and methods vide less information about the mechanism of and treatment the action and the organ targeted. Toxicants can affect the male at one All animal experiments were conducted accord- of several sites, or at multiplesites, as well as ing to the research protocols approved by the physiological functions. There is so far no single Xiamen University Institutional Animal Care and all-encompassing biomarker of reproductive Use Committee. Male C57 mice, aged 21 days capacity in men. Identifying novel biomarkers and weighing 12-14 g, were purchased from reflecting have no doubt enabled us to better Fujian Medical University, China, housed at evaluate the effect of the exposure on the male 24±1°C under a 12:12 h light-dark cycle, with reproductive system. free access to food and . After a quaran- tine period, mice with adequate weight gain The is known to play an important and without clinical signs were divided random- role in providing the microenvironment for ly into three experimental groups. Aroclor 1254 sperm maturation and storage of sperm [13]. of analytical grade purity (lot LB38310; Numerous synthesized and secreted Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) was dissolved in a 10% by the epididymal epithelia cells are thought to ethanol saline solution as previously described be involved in male reproductive activities [10, 11] and serially diluted with the same solu- including the initiation of sperm maturation, tion for exposure experiments. The mice in sperm-oocyte recognition, the reac- each treatment were administered with Aroclor tion, interaction with the , and 1254 by oral gavage once every three days binding to and fuse with plasma membrane of (either 5 or 500 μg/kg doses); control mice the oocyte. The caput epididymis is the most received an equal volume of vehicle (5 μL/g). metabolically active region, accounting for The mice were sacrificed after 50 days expo- 70-80% of the total overall protein secretion in sure under slight ether anesthesia. The epididy- the epididymal lumen [13]. Characterizing glob- mis was removed, cleared of adhering connec- al transcript responses to PCBs in the caput tive tissue and stored at -80°C for further anal- epididymis might yield a clue concerning the ysis or placed in 4% formaldehyde for 24 h, potential mechanisms for their toxicological rinsed in water, and stored in 70% ethanol until effects and might provide candidate markers further processing for immunohistochemical for fertility and toxicologic evaluations. examination.

In our previous studies, we have demonstrated The epididymis of each mouse was excised and that low doses of PCB exposure up to 500 μg/ rinsed with prewarmed PBS. The isolated kg impaired sperm count, and Cauda epididymis was placed in 1 mL of human sperm morphology without signiciantly affect- tuba fluid (Chemicon, Temecula, CA), cut finely ing the weight or morphology of the organs [10, with scissors, and incubated in 5% CO2 atmo- 11]. The exposure also induced a global alter- sphere for 15 min at 37°C. An aliquot of the nation in the expression of caput epididy- sperm suspension was placed on a clean glass mis [10]. Amongst the dysregulated , the slide to make a wet preparation for motility

2437 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2015;8(3):2436-2448 Decrease in prosaposin and polychlorinated biphenyl exposure evaluation. Evaluation of sperm motility was Immunohistochemistry carried out as previously described [40]. Fixed tissues were embedded in paraffin and RNA isolation and Real-time PCR cut into 6 μm sections. The sections were depa- raffinized, rehydrated, and stained following the Total RNA was extracted with Trizol (Invitrogen, previously described methods [11]. To optimize Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer’s immunohistochemical staining, an antigen retri- instructions. One milligram of RNA was reverse- eval protocol was carried out by immersing the transcribed using the Quantitect Reverse sections in 10 mM citrate buffer (pH 6.0) and Transcription kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA). heating in a microwave. The sections were incu- Quantitative RT-PCR was performed using bated with anti-Psap antibodies overnight at SYBR green fluorescence and the Qiagen Rotor 4°C in a humidified chamber and the negative Gene 3000 Real-Time PCR cycler (QIAGEN, control was incubated in the presence of irrelev- Valencia, CA). Each reaction was run in triupli- IgG instead of the primary antibodies. cate and consisted of 20 ng of cDNA, Fast Power SYBR Green PCR System (Applied Bio- Psap measurement in human spermatozoa systems) and 300 nM of the gene-specific prim- and seminal plasma ers. The fold change in gene expression was calculated using the comparative cycle thresh- A total of 36 male counterparts of women visit- old method with the housekeeping genes. The ing the Affiliated Chenggong Hospital of Xiamen expression of L32, RPL11 and Cyclophilin were University for fertilization (IVF) treat- used as internal control in the quantification. ment were enrolled in the study and donated PCR was performed using the following prim- the semen samples. The study was approved ers: Psap: 5’-GCCAGAGGGCAGGAGCATT and by the Institutional Review Board and informed 5’-CTGACCCAGGGACAGCAACA, L32: 5’-TCCAC- consent was obtained from participants. All AATGTCAAGGAGCTG and 5’-ACTCATTTTCTTC- couples were diagnosed as factor infer- GCTGCGT, RPS11: 5’-CGTGACGAAGATGAAGA- tility and the cases with known causes of male TGC and 5’-GCACATTGAATCGCACAGTC, Cyclo- such as a history of orchitis, cryptor- philin: 5’-ACACGCCATAATGGCACTGG and 5’- chidism, varicocele, obstruction, ATTTGCCATGGACAAGATGCC. and Y microdeletions were exclud- ed. Semen parameters were analyzed accord- Western blotting assay ing to WHO criteria (WHO 2010). Semen sam- ples were centrifuged to separate the sperm Protein was extracted from frozen tissues using from seminal plasma. For the resulting sperm, homogenization, and fraction samples (40 μg sperm proteins were isolated as previously proteins) were mixed with 2× Coomassie bril- described [7]. The sperm lysate and the semi- liant blue, heated to 100°C in a water bath for nal plasma were stored at -80°C for following 5 min. Next, 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate poly- Psap measurement. acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed at a constant voltage of 100 V Psap was determined using an ELISA kit (Uscn for 1.5 h. After SDS-PAGE, the proteins were Life Science Inc., Wuhan, China) according to transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane and the manufacturer’s instructions. The enzyme- blocked at room temperature for 2 h in PBS substrate reaction is terminated by the addition buffer containing 5% nonfat dried milk or 5% of a sulphuric acid solution and the color bovine serum albumin to prevent nonspecific change is measured spectrophotometrically at binding of reagents, and then incubated over- a wavelength of 450 nm. The concentration of night at 4°C with a primary antibody. Anti-Psap Psap in the samples is then determined by antibody was obtained from Abcam (Cambridge, comparing the O.D. of the samples to the stan- MA). After this, the membrane was washed dard curve. The minimum detectable level of three times in PBST for 15 min and incubated Psap detected is less than 8.2 pg/ml. with secondary antibody (1:10000 dilution; Pierce, USA) for 1 h at room temperature. Then Determination of PCBs the membrane was washed three times in PBST and chemiluminescence detection PCB levels in mice livers and human seminal (Sigma, UK) was performed. The intensity of plasma were determined. For livers from bands was quantified using Quantity One soft- exposed mice, a microwave-assisted extraction ware (Bio-Rad). (MAE) procedure was used isolate PCBs [39].

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Briefly, 1 g portion sample was weighted and Aroclor 1254 accumulation in exposed mice, 25 mL acetone-n-hexane (1:1, v/v) was used as Aroclor 1254 was used as external standard the extractant. The extraction was carried out and eleven major peaks were selected for using MARS-X microwave-accelerated reaction quantification. To determine environmental system model (CEM, USA) under 100°C, 35 psi exposure of PCBs in seminal plasma, twelve for 15 min at 300 W power output. The MAE PCB congeners (PCB 8, PCB 18, PCB 28, PCB solution were cooled to room temperature and 44, PCB 66, PCB 101, PCB 103, PCB 153, PCB dried through a short column packed with anhy- 138, PCB 187, PCB 128 and PCB 206) were drous Na2SO4. A cleanup on a SiO2-Al2O3 col- used as standard. Peak area ratios (analyte umn was followed and the columns were eluted response/internal standard response) were with n-hexane. The eluate was finally concen- plotted against the concentration ratios (ana- trated to 1 ml under nitrogen for Gas chromato- lyte concentration/internal standard concen- graphic (GC) analysis. tration). Method limits of quantification (LOQ) were calculated as 3× standard deviation of the For semen samples from human participants, analyte values in procedural blanks. Method 1 ml seminal plasma was fortified with 20 μl LOQs for individual PCBs ranged between were internal standard solution of 4, 4’-Dib- 2 to 6 ng/g LW. Recoveries ranged between romooctafluorobiphenyl (1000 ppb). The sam- 66% PCBs in semen. ple was thereafter mixed with 1 ml formic acid and equilibrated by ultrasonic treatment for 30 Statistical analysis min. The resulting solution was extracted with solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. Prior to All statistics were performed using SPSS 19.0. the sample application, the cartridges were Results were reported as mean ± S.E. The data washed with dichloromethane and activated were statistically analyzed with one-way analy- with methanol and water. After conditioning, sis of variance (ANOVA) and the significance the cartridges were not allowed to dry. After level between data was examined using least sample loading, the SPE cartridge was rinsed significantly difference (Duncan; P=0.05) post with 1 ml water. The sorbent bed was dried by hoc tests. Linear regression analysis was used centrifugation (15 min, 3000 rotations/min). A to determine statistically if a measurement was SiO -Al O column was placed under the SPE 2 2 3 dose-dependent or time-dependent, while a cartridges. The SPE cartridge was eluted with Pearson correlation was used to relate Psap 2×500 μl n-hexane and 2×500 μl dichlorometh- expression to other endpoints. ane directly into the clean-up cartridge. Further, PCBs were eluted with 3 ml n-hexane and 3 ml Benchmark dose modeling dichloromethane from the clean-up cartridge. The final eluate was concentrated and stored The United States EPA Benchmark Dose (BMD) as described above for liver samples. Software Version 2.4 was utilized to compare An Agilent 6890N with electron capture detec- benchmark doses (BMD). One standard devia- tion (ECD) was used for PCB quantification tion from the control mean was used to deter- (Agilent, USA). The column employed was a mine the benchmark dose response. For each DB-5 (Agilent, USA). An aliquot of 1 μl of stan- endpoint, the best-fitting model was chosen dard solution or sample solution was injected using the methodology recommended in the for each GC-ECD analysis. The number of deter- Benchmark Dose Technical Guidance [15], minations for each sample was three. Nitrogen which includes visual inspection of the model was both the carrier gas at a flow-rate of 1.5 fit to the data and analysis of the chi-square ml/min and the make-up gas at 60 ml/min. The value, p-value, Akaike’s Information Criterion temperature of the injector and the detector (AIC), and the 95% lower confidence limit on the were maintained at 280 and 300°C, respec- benchmark dose (BMDL). tively. The column was programmed from 85°C, held for 2 min, to 180°C at 30°C/min, held for Results 2 min, to 200°C at 20°C/min, held for 3 min, to 230°C at 3°C/min, to 250°C at 5°C/min and PCBs dose-dependently decreased Psap in held for 8 min. mouse epididymis and sperm

Quantification of PCBs was performed using In the present study, mice were exposed to external standard calibration. To determine environmental related doses of PCBs for 50

2439 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2015;8(3):2436-2448 Decrease in prosaposin and polychlorinated biphenyl exposure

Figure 1. Expression of Psap in the testes and epi- didymides of mice exposed to Aroclor 1254. A. The expression of Psap mRNA in the caput epididymi- des of mice exposed to Aroclor 1254. B. Effects of Aroclor 1254 exposure on the protein abundance Psap in mice epididymis. C. Effects of Aroclor 1254 exposure on the protein abundance of Psap in mice testis. Each column represents the mean ± SE of at least three separate experiments. “*”indicates sig- nificantly different to control at P<0.05. “#”indicates significantly different to 5 μg/Kg group atP <0.05.

days, which decreased the sperm parameters revealed a trend toward decreased Psap mRNA in a dose-dependent manner whereas the body in epididymis (Figure 1A), which validated our weight remained unchanged. Real-time PCR previous finding in microarray [10]. The western analysis at 5 μg/Kg group and 500 μg/Kg blot analysis confirmed the trend Figure ( 1B)

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Figure 2. Immunohistochemistry for Psap in the testes and epididymides of mice exposed to Aroclor 1254. A. Psap expression in the testes of controls. B. Psap expression in testes from 500 μg/kg Aroclor 1254-treated mice. C. Psap expression in the caput epididymides of controls. D. Psap expression in caput epididymides from 500 μg/kg Aroclor 1254-treated mice. Arrowhead: Psap staining in the supernuclear region of epithelia cells, Arrow: Psap staining in the apical surface of the epithelium, Curved arrow: Psap staining associated with epididymal sperm. Scale bars: 50 μm. and showed the protein expression responded nor the pattern of the staining was observably to PCB exposure in a dose-dependent manner. changed in testes after 500 μg/Kg Aroclor In the 500 μg/Kg group, the protein expression 1254 exposure. In the caput epididymis, Psap decreased 70% over control. staining present in the supernuclear region of epithelia cells (arrowhead), as well as the apical Sertoli cells are important source of Psap in surface of the epithelium (arrow). In the lumen, male reproductive tract and the expression of staining presented associated with epididymal Psap in testes was also investigated by western sperm (curved arrow), which suggested a role blot. In contrast to the epididymides, the testes of the protein in the epididymal maturation. As showed no sign of reduction of Psap abun- the mice exposed to 500 μg/Kg Aroclor 1254, dance, even in the highest dose tested (Figure the decrease in the staining was observed in 1C). the epithelium and the lumen.

We further investigate the alteration of Psap Western blot was performed on the isolated distribution in testes and epididymides after epididymal spermatozoa to determine the PCB exposure. In coincidence with previous responsiveness of Psap to PCB exposure. The reports, an intense staining was found in testes decrease of Psap associated with epididymal and a moderate staining present in the caput sperm showed a dose-dependent manner epididymides (Figure 2). Neither the intense (P<0.001, r=0.674). In mice exposed to 50 μg/

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Figure 3. Effects of Aroclor 1254 exposure on Psap abundance associated with epididymal sperm. Each column represents the mean ± SE of at least three separate experiments. “*”indicates significantly different to control at P<0.05.

Kg and 500 μg/Kg Aroclor 1254, sperm Psap Kg group, whereas the sperm abnormality was was decreased by 42 percent and 58 percent significantly increased in 50 μg/Kg group and relative to control value (Figure 3). 500 μg/Kg group. For Psap expression, sperm count and sperm motility, the Hill Model fit the Benchmark dose modeling for Psap and data best based on global Goodness-of-Fit cri- sperm parameters teria, AIC, Chi-squared residuals and graphical To evaluate dose-response effect of Aroclor verification (Figure 4). For sperm abnormality, 1254 on Psap expression, BMD modeling was however, all available models are a poor fit to utilized. The dose-response effect on Psap was the present data, which suggested that no cer- compared with epididymal sperm concentra- tain estimation on BMD can be derived from tion, sperm motility and sperm abnormality, the data. which are frequently used as toxicological end- points in animal and epidemiological studies Benchmark dose modeling indicated that BMD [30]. In coincidence with our previous studies using percent reduction in sperm Psap was [10, 11], the sperm concentration and sperm 8.89 μg/kg while BMD for sperm count and motility were significantly reduced at 500 μg/ sperm motility was 164.67 μg/kg and 61.9 μg/

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erm motility and sperm abnormality were also cor- related to hepatic PCB lev- els. The sperm Psap expre- ssion, epididymal sperm co unt, sperm motility and sperm abnormality were sig- nificantly correlated to hep- atic PCB accumulation (Ta- ble 1). The correlation coef- ficient between Psap exp- ression and PCB accumula- tion was higher than that between PCB accumulation and sperm motility or sperm count. In addition, correlatio- ns between alternations in endpoints were investigat- ed. Relative expression of Psap in sperm was signifi- cantly associated with sper- m abnormality (Table 1). However, no other signif- icant correlation between Psap expression and other endpoints was observed.

Depressed Psap in human spermatozoon is associ- ated with PCB exposure

PCBs were detected in 13 of total 36 samples collect- ed from participants. The Figure 4. Comparison of dose-response effects of Aroclor 1254 on endpoint. corresponding donors were The curve is calculated using the Hill Model. A. Decrease incidence of Psap considered as ‘exposed’. expression in sperm in response to PCB exposure. B. Decrease incidence of The mean concentration of epididymal sperm count in response to PCB exposure. C. Decrease incidence of total PCBs in seminal plas- epididymal sperm motility in response to PCB exposure. Data are presented as percent alternations relative to the respective control. The BMD is the concen- ma of exposed participants tration that elicits a response of one standard deviation over control mean. The was 0.141 ng/ml. The age, BMDL is the concentration corresponding to the lower 95% confidence interval. semen parameters and hormone levels of exposed and unexposed partici- kg. The BMDLs for Psap expression, sperm pants were comparable (Table 2). For exposed count and sperm motility was 1.26 μg/kg, participants, the level of Psap in sperm was 15.73 μg/kg and 11.85 μg/kg, respectively. 0.45±0.16 ng/mg total protein, which was sig- nificantly different to the value of 0.65±0.24 Correlation between PCB accumulation and ng/mg total protein in unexposed participants. endpoints In contrast, comparison of the Psap level in (Figure 5) seminal plasma showed no signifi- Internal exposure of PCBs in mice was estimat- cant difference between exposed and unex- ed by determining the hepatic Aroclor 1254 posed participants. Linear regression suggest- accumulation and was correlated with sperm ed that a negative association between total Psap expression by linear regression. For com- PCB level in seminal plasma and Psap associ- parison purpose, epididymal sperm count, sp- ated with sperm (P<0.05, r=-0.396).

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Table 1. Correlation coefficient between Psap expression, for Psap reduction than percent hepatic Aroclor 1254 concentration, sperm motility and reduction in sperm motility, which abnormality might suggested that the former Endpoint P correlation might be a more sensitive predictor. PCB accumulation versus sperm abnormality 0.001 0.557** This point was further fortified by the pilot study based on male par- PCB accumulation versus Psap 0.003 -0.531** ticipants enrolled from an IVF pro- PCB accumulation versus sperm motility 0.008 -0.478** gram, in which Psap levels in sperm PCB accumulation versus sperm count 0.023 -0.413* were associated with semen PCB Psap versus abnormality 0.029 -0.4* concentrations in semen. Psap versus sperm count 0.054 0.355 Psap versus sperm motility 0.13 0.283 Benchmark dose approach is use to “*”indicates significant atP <0.05; “**”indicates significant atP <0.01. derive a point of departure (POD) in estimating the dose-response effect. The method is less depen- Table 2. Characteristics of participants exposed and unex- dent on dose selection and spacing, posed to PCBs and it takes into account the shape Exposed Unexposed P of the dose-response curve [14]). It Age (yr) 32.62±5.80 33.30±5.35 0.72 provides a useful tool for analyzing Semen volume (ml) 2.46±0.80 2.40±0.92 0.85 data with limited dose setting and small sample size, because it is dif- Sperm concentration (106/ml) 43.46±12.14 44.78±14.58 0.78 ficult for the No-Observed-Adverse- Motile sperm (%) 57.30±23.31 53.53±20.70 0.38 Effect-Level approach to distinguish Normal form (%) 9.1±4.29 10.2±5.4 0.348 differences in sensitivity to toxic E2 (pg/ml) 22.73±7.44 27.91±9.52 0.966 exposure in such data set. In the T (ng/ml) 4.66±1.29 5.07±1.62 0.715 present study, BMD modeling was FSH (mIU/ml) 4.69±1.41 6.01±4.03 0.106 used to allow a comparison of dose- LH (mIU/ml) 3.83±1.07 4.63±2.01 0.359 response effects between end- PRL (ng/ml) 10.87±5.76 9.79±4.67 0.243 points. Although it might call for a Fertilization rate (%) 79.79±22.28 81.26±18.92 0.83 more intense dose spacing and larger data set to determine the ‘true’ BMDs lie between 50 μg/kg Discussion and 500 μg/kg, it could be clearly distinguished from the response-curves that the response of Male reproductive endpoints, including sperm Psap precedes sperm count and motility. concentration, motility, and morphology, sperm DNA integrity and serum reproductive hormone The correlation between Psap reduction and levels have been associated with PCB exposure the increase of sperm abnormality might sug- [30]. In the present study, we reported that gest a functional association. The role of Psap Psap, a glycoprotein detectable in sperm, were in has been suggest- dose-dependently reduced by PCBs. The expo- ed in knock-out mouse model. Ablation of Psap sure doses suppressing the Psap expression gene in mice results in several abnormalities, were comparable to the reported daily intakes such as a decrease in testis size and an involu- in human [25, 41], when the dose translation tion of the , seminal vesicle, and epi- from animal to human is taken into consider- didymis, although levels of testosterone in ation [35]. Within the dose-range tested in the blood remain normal. The spermatogenesis of present study, the PCB induced repression of Psap deficient mice is impaired and late sper- sperm Psap might precede other male repro- matids were particularly affected. It appears ductive endpoints, including sperm motility. In that Psap is involved in the development and epidemiological studies, sperm motility is the maintenance of the male reproductive organs, most consistent reproductive endpoint associ- as well as, in cellular differentiation in male ated with PCB exposure in men and data show reproductive system [32]. a lack of exposure threshold for a PCB-related effect on sperm motility [30]. However, in the For ejaculated sperm, Psap might also be present study, the BMD and BMDL were lower essential for fertilization. The seminal Psap

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ization rate. However, due to the limited size of study cohort and inca- pability to adjust for potential confounders, it was unable to con- clude that depressed Psap levels in sperm without major changes in semen parameters have no effect on fertil- ization rate. Figure 5. Association between Psap expression and PCB body Psap in male reproduc- burden in human spermatozoa tive tract is secreted by and seminal plasma. A. Psap Sertoli cells as well as levels in ejaculated sperma- tozoa of participants exposed epididymal principal ce- (n=13) and unexposed (n=23) lls [31]. In testis, Psap to PCB. B. Psap levels in semi- exists as a secretory nal plasma of participants ex- protein as well as a lyso- posed (n=13) and unexposed somal protein [24]. The (n=23) to PCB. C. Linear regres- sion of PCB concentrations in Psap secreted by Sertoli seminal plasma versus Psap cells binds to the tail of levels in sperm. late and spermatozoa and is present in a relatively facilitates the sperm-egg interaction through a high concentration in luminal fluids from the rat 60-amino acid sequence fragment, which is , [23]. On the other conserved among human and animals [2-4, 17, hand, the fact that Psap is also synthesized in 29]. It is demonstrated that the pregnancy rate the epithelial cells in the extra testicular tract for thawed sperm from bulls is increased when suggest that this protein might play an integral the sperm is exposed to the fragment [3]. It role through the process of sperm maturation appears that Psap itself is equally as good as [20]. In the efferent ducts, the Psap from testes the fragment in restoring sperm binding capa- is endocytosed by the nonciliated cells and the bility [17]. Although the mechanism of action is abundance decreased dramatically [23], which unknown, these studies suggest that the role of might suggest the differential role of Psap in Psap was increasing the number of sperm bind- testis and epididymis. In the present study, the ing to the outer egg layer, zona pellucida. It is expression of Psap in testis and epididymis is postulated that insufficient amount of the pro- differentially regulated. Within the dose-range tein essential for the initial binding of a sperma- tested in the present study, no significant alter- tozoon to an egg investment might result in nation of Psap expression is observed in tes- poor fertilizing potential of sperm, representing tes. In contrast, the caput epididymides showed either a substantial proportion of the cells in a a decrease in Psap expression at both mRNA semen sample from certain subfertile individu- and protein levels after PCB exposure, which als or most samples of frozen-thawed sperm might suggest dysfunction in epididymides [4]. Previous study has demonstrated that might be response for the declining Psap levels sperm-oocyte interaction is significantly reduc- in sperm. Once again, it suggested that epididy- ed in PCB treated male rats [21]. If the Psap mis is a sensitive target organ contributing to levels in sperm are sensitive to environmental PCB induced male reproductive toxicity, as it exposure, would it possible that depressed have been indicated in epidemiological studies Psap levels contribute to the prolonged TTP [8]. associated with PCB exposure? Our data failed to show any significant difference between The Psap level is regulated in vivo and in vitro exposed and unexposed participants in fertil- as a result of steroid hormone actions. In the

2445 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2015;8(3):2436-2448 Decrease in prosaposin and polychlorinated biphenyl exposure endometrial epithelium, Psap expression and Technology Platform in Xiamen City (No. increased in response to elevated levels of 3502z20111006). estrogen during the oestrous cycle [37]. Supplement of 17β-estradiol in breast cancer Disclosure of conflict of interest culture dose-dependently increased secretion of Psap into medium [12]. Using prostate None. line as an in vitro model, Koochekpour and col- Address correspondence to: Dr. Zheng-Hong Zuo, leagues show that the expression of Psap is School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 422 under regulation of androgen receptor [26]. The Siming South Road, Xiamen 361005, Fujian toxic effects of PCBs on male reproductive sys- Province, China. Tel: 86-592-2187353; E-mail: tem are associated with their ability to disrupt [email protected] both the expression/activity of enzymes required for steroid synthesis/catabolism, References and the expression/ability of hormone recep- tors to bind endogenous ligands. Thus, it is rea- [1] Aly HA, Domenech O and Abdel-Naim AB. sonable to postulate that the expression of Aroclor 1254 impairs spermatogenesis and in- Psap is responsive to endocrine disrupting duces in rat testicular mito- activities of PCBs. However, there is a report chondria. Food Chem Toxicol 2009; 47: 1733- indicating that the immunohistological staining 1738. [2] Amann RP, Hammerstedt RH and Shabanowitz of Psap in epdididymal principal cells, as well RB. Exposure of human, boar, or bull sperm to as in narrow, clear, and basal cells, remain a synthetic peptide increases binding to an unchanged after orchidectomy with or without egg-membrane substrate. J Androl 1999; 20: testosterone supplementation, efferent duct 34-41. ligation, or hypophysectomy [19], which sug- [3] Amann RP, Seidel GE Jr and Brink ZA. Exposure gests an alternative mode of regulation on of thawed frozen bull sperm to a synthetic pep- Psap. To clarify the specific effects of PCBs on tide before artificial increases Psap expression, additional experiments with fertility. J Androl 1999; 20: 42-46. PCB congeners in different mode of action are [4] Amann RP, Shabanowitz RB, Huszar G and still required. Broder SJ. Increased in vitro binding of fresh and frozen-thawed human sperm exposed to a In summary, we have described the dose- synthetic peptide. J Androl 1999; 20: 655- dependent reduction of Psap in male reproduc- 660. [5] Anbalagan J, Kanagaraj P, Srinivasan N, tive tract after PCB exposure. The Psap levels Aruldhas MM and Arunakaran J. Effect of poly- in sperm were adversely associated with exter- chlorinated biphenyl, Aroclor 1254 on rat epi- nal and internal PCB exposure, in mice and didymis. Indian J Med Res 2003; 118: 236- men. The PCB induced depression of Psap pre- 242. ceded significant effects on sperm motility and [6] Andric NL, Andric SA, Zoric SN, Kostic TS, concentration. Adversely association between Stojilkovic SS and Kovacevic RZ. Parallelism Psap relative expression and sperm abnormal- and dissociation in the actions of an Aroclor ity suggested a correlation between Psap lev- 1260-based transformer fluid on testicular an- els and sperm function. Taken together, our drogenesis and antioxidant enzymes.Toxico- data suggested that determining the expres- logy 2003; 194: 65-75. sion of Psap in sperm might provide a link [7] Bains R, Adeghe J and Carson RJ. Human between PCB exposure and exposure-mediat- sperm cells express CD44. Fertil Steril 2002; 78: 307-312. ed damage to target organs, and have the [8] Bonde JP, Toft G, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom potential to become a useful predictor of PCB A, Giwercman A, Spano M, Manicardi GC, related decrease in fertility. Bizzaro D, Ludwicki JK, Zvyezday V, Bonefeld- Jorgensen EC, Pedersen HS, Jonsson BA and Acknowledgements Thulstrup AM; INUENDO. Fertility and markers of male reproductive function in Inuit and The study was supported by and National Key European populations spanning large con- Technology R&D Program of China (2007BAc- trasts in blood levels of persistent organochlo- 27B02), the National Funds for the Natural rines. Environ Health Perspect 2008; 116: Sciences (81302454) and the Major Science 269-277.

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