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.. )- DTRECTO RY.] SO ~lE'RSET. COMBE BAY. .~ .. ~ Ellis Rosaline (Miss),boarding house, :Matthews Mary & Morice .Augusta Rhymes Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Park house, The .Avenue (Misses), boarding house; soo feet Riddle .Archibald Dennis, riding ml!tr Filer Frank,hair dresser,I Portland pl above Bath; v~sitors received en Riddle James, quarry owner Fisher Fredk.Geo. fly propr.The .Aven pension; moderate terms; good Russell .Arth. coal dlr. I Berkeley -pl Fisher William, mason, Perley cot table; trams to I;; from Bath every Russell Edwd. painter, I Berkeley pi Fisher William Robert, builder IO minutes, Welford Stennard .Alice (Miss), midwife. 3 de Flower Farnham Mitchell, Hadley Miles .Alfred, haulier, Tyney road Montalt place .Arms P.H Miles Rosina Ellen (Mrs.), draper, 4 Stickland Henry James, boot & shoe Gardener George (Mrs.), laundry, Raby place maker, I .Avenue place Castle view Miles William, Three Crowns P.H Taylor James D. & Sons, maltste,rs Gardener Geo. fishmongr. Castle vw Miles Wm. jun. plumber, 4 ·Raby pl Union of London & Smiths Bank Hayes Laura (Mrs.), nurse, Laura pl Miller Fras. chimney swp. 5 Tyney pl Limited (The), bankers (agency) Heal .Alfred James, dairyman Miller John,apartments,Claremont ho (monday, wednesday & friday); Heal Frank, butcher Minty Mary Louisa (Mrs.), apart- draw on head office, 2 Princes st. Hobbs Fredk. Jn. baker, The Avenue. ments, 3 de Montalt place London E C Ings Herbt. Regnld.grocer,The.Avenue Monkton Combe School(junior branch) Vickery John Pearce, cabinet maker, Johnson Geo. Jas. aparts. Lonsdale (Edward Easterfield M . .A. master) 5 de Montalt place Jones Reuben (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Morice .Augusta (Miss), boarding ho. Weatherly Frederic Edwd. barrister- de Montalt place see Matthews & Morice (Misses) at-law, Grosvenor lodge (T N 29); Kellaway James Richard, painter, 3 Morris Cyril George M.R.C.S.Eng., & .Albion chmbrs. Bristol. TN r627 Quarry rise L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Weight Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, Kellaway Wm. painter, Blenheim cot & medical officer 3rd district, Bath I9 Richardson's avenue Kettlety Frederick Wm. apartments, union, Combe Down house Wherrett Edwd.Hy.carpentr.Park vil Io dt~ Montalt place Morris John Charles, painter, 5 Lans- Whitaker Joseph Vernaum, King Lane .Annie (Miss), apartments, downe view William IV. P.H I Magdala villa Page Edward P. assistant overseer & Wilcox William, baker Lilley George, tailor, St. Ellen villa clerk to Parish Council, Colworth Wilkins .Arthur, draper Love Edwin & Son, quarry owners Pearce Frederick, butcher Williams Hy. grocer,2 Sydenham ter Magdalen Hospital for Imbecile Child- Pearce Jn.furniture dlr.IBrunswick pl Willis .Arthur, wood carver, Eden cot ren (Miss Jane Quinton, superin- Pearce William, oil dealer Windell William, baker · tendent), Rock Hall house Phelps Hy. J. beer ret. I Prospect pl York John, butcher, 3 Prospect pl Ponting Martha Ann (Miss),stationer, Old Post office COMBE ENGLISH, @ee English Combe. COMBE FLOREY is a small village and parish, 2 sons. The register dates from the year I566. The miles north-west from Bishops LydeaTd station on the living is a rectory, net yearly value £I8o, includin$ 70 West Somerset branch of the Great Western railway, and acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the .J,..ord 7 north-west from Taunton, in the West ern division of Chancellor, and held since I902 by the Rev. John Black the county, hundred of •raunton Dean~ Bishops Lydeard Hyland B..A. of London University. There are chari petty sessional division, Taunton union and county court ties of about £9 yearly value. Combe Florey House, district, rural deanery of Wellington, arch deaconry of the residence of George Benjamin Batchelor esq. is a Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church large mansion of stone, pleasantly situated on a com of SS. Peter and Paul is a small edifice of red sandstone, manding eminence near the church. The Gate Hous-e consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south is an Elizabethan building of considerable interest. The porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, manorial rights are the property of members of th-e containing 5 bells, recast into a peal of 6 about 1900 Helyar family. Capt. Sir Wroth Periam Christopher to 1gor, and a new frame built at a cost of £243; the Lethbridge bart. of Sandhill Park, Bishops Lydt;mrd, style is generally Late Decorated, but the tower and is the principal landowner. The soil is a rich loam ; windows of the nave are Perpendicular: iu 1901 the subsoil, marl ; and produces abundant crops of wheat, north aisle was reconstructed by G. B. Batchelor esq. beans, barley, mangolds, potatoes and turnips. The at a cost of £3oo: in the chancel is a stained window area of the parish is I,382 acres; assessable value, to the famous wit, Sydney Smith, rector of this parish ,£1,635; the population in 19II was 261. from I829 till his death Feb. 22, I 845 ; two others to Post & Telegraph Office. Miss Mabel Trebble, sub the Rev. Prowse Lethbridge, rector, who died in I851, postmistress. Letters from Taunton via Bishops and one to Mary, wife of G. B. Batchelor esq. who died Lydeard by foot messenger arrive at 6.55 a.m. & 4.15 Dec. 1904 : in the wall of the north aisle is a stone p.m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. week days slab with the following inscription in Lombardic letter only. Bishops Lydeard, 2 miles distant, is the nearest iug of the 13th century to one of the nuns of Cannington, money order office · , whose heart was here immured, "+LE: QVER ; DAME ; MAVD DE : 1\IERRIETE : NONAYNE : DE ('ANNYNTVNE; Public Elementary School (mixed), erecte.d about !!:848· the family of de Merriete resided at Hestercombe: the & since enlarged at various times, for 56 children; church, restored in 1901, affords sittings for 200 per- average attendance, 35 ; Thomas Lilley, master 1 Marshall Mrs. :Manor house Osmond J ames, farmer PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Webber Mrs Phillips William, farmer Batcbelor George Benjamin, Combe COMMERCIAL. Rich Chas. farmer, Combe Down irm 1<1orey house Barber John, Stag's Head P.H. Seven Skinner Sabina (Mrs.), frmr. Yard fm Hyland Rev. John Black 'B..A. (rector Ash Smyth Frederick, farmer, Holford & chaplain to Cotford asylum), The Bussell William, dairyman Trebble Mabel (Miss), shopkeeifer, Rectory Cornish Robert, farmer, Pixford Post office Greedy George, blacksmith Withers Henry, beer retailer • CO MBE HAY is a parish and village, I~ miles north and Mr. Hill in 18;'6: in 1874 the church was· from Wellow station on the Somerset and Dorset railway, thoroughly restored, and the south aisle and vestry and 4 south-west from Bath, in the Frome division of the added, at the cost of S. Butler esq. and others: there county, hundred of Wellow, Weston petty sessional divi are sittings for 150 persons. The register dates from eion. county court district and union of Bath, rur.1l the year 1535. The living is a rectory, net yearly value deanery of Midsomer ~orton, archdeaconry of Wells and £r8s, including 40 acres of glebe, with residence, in the diocese of Bath and Wells. Here is a "halt~' on gift of George Edward Smart esq. and held since 1910> the branch line of the Great Western railway from by the Rev. Samuel Nathaniel Squire Th . .A..K.C.L. There Camerton to Limpley Stoke. .A. smalL tributary of are works in this parish for the preparation of " fuller's· the .Avon flows through the parish. The church (name earth," of which there is an extensive bed. The Roman unknown) is an ancient building of stone in the Early fosseway passes through this parish. Leigh'lt charity English style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, of £6 2s. yearly is for bread, George Edward Smart south aisle, vestry, north porch and an embattled esq. is lord of the manor and principal landowne-r, western tower, with pinnacles, containing 4 bells: the and resides at the Manor House. The soil is stone east window in the numorial apse was presented by brash and clay; the subsoil is stone. The chief crop Samuel Butler -esq. and another in the chancel by the is barley, and about two-thirds pasture. The area rector : the 'West window was erected by Mrs. Barnard is 1,042 acres of land and I2 of water; rateable vslue~ as a memorial to her husband, and on the south side £2,I70; the population in I9II was I76. are two windows, presented respectively by Mr. Webb t SOMERSET ]51= .