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12-15-1910 The ewN Mexican Review, 12-15-1910 New Mexican Printing Co.

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- Governor Mill From Democratic Leader He Mexican Government Is Put R. A. Year Returns Says Gray, Forty Old Representatives cf Unterri-fie- Senator Cummins Favors Re Annual Audit of Territorial SixCoun-tie- s Down in i '. Visit to Roswell Will Stump ting the Rebellion Widower Is Jail at of Carlsbad, Santa Fe County vision of One Schedule Accounts in Progress at ' and Artesia For It -- With Utmost Cruelty Estancia Meet Court at House at a Time .. Capitol Today

THAT OF ANY STATE WOUNDED ARE BAYONETED HE SHOT TWO HOURS SPENT AT CLOVIS EQUALS BIS EASLEY IS CHOSEN CHAIRMAN ALDRICH ANO LODGE AGREE MORE MS ICE WATERJIGHTS DECIDED and Native Will Vote For It Federals Defeat and Deceased Was Counties o Eddy, haves People Insurgents Teaching School Pleads With Delegates to Dis. Hey burn, However, Having Pro Destitution in Estancia Will Vote for the When Its Provisions Are Again Occupy City of at Encino, Torrance Valley Curry card Partisanship for tection of Wool in Mind, and Other Sections Reaches Constitution. Explained. Guerrero. County.. Patriotism. Begs to Differ. Acute Stage, At the Governor Mtlli returned last even- The constitution will be surely Front, Rancho Santiago Near Miss Mary Williamson, a school Calling on the Democrats of Dec. Santa Washington, 13. Contending Governor William J. Mills, Territo ing (rom a pleasant trip to the lower by the of New Mexico on Pedernales, Deo. 14. In teacher of was - Fe people yesterdays' Encino, shot and in- county to view the matter of adopt- - that the present law rial Treasurer Pecos valley. Ho was much pleased tarjff imposes M. A. Otero and Terri- January 21, for to the united Repub engagement the revolutionists fought killed morn- - tag the with the stantly early yesterday constitution on January 21 excessive duties and that the torial Auditor William O. hospitable reception given lican ranks the Democrats will lend General Navarro to a al country Sargent ; standstill, ing near Torrance him at Carlsbad Artesia. Roswell and Lucy, county, by rather as citizens than members of a at large demands Its amendment. were busy today off M the,r own imi Q A Larrazolo, in - checking the war Clovls. he found though Interior numbers, seventy- her uncle. W. A. to-- P",lcal Party, General Charles F. Everywhere tht former Democratlc candidate for Gray. According Senator Cummins of Iowa today de- - rants paid by the I Territory during the outlook tour persons were known to have the was ac- - j delivered a prevails, that te , Congree5i t0 stllml Gray, shooting entirely Eeley strong speech Oils the pledging been killed sides. afternoon t h speeco in me senate in the year. These will be burnt The or uie mur ver, am. u , by both Navarro cldnti n, ..a l. urigm slJ countleB t0 carry lt Rnd Uke nifnm.i advocacy of his resolution total will vote of took no It Is to .7 ling - limiting amount represented by them fig- the people (or the approval Chairman W. B. Walton, the tent prisoners. contrary apparently quite broken 'n over the Democratic county conven- his and In his t me Pwer 01 amendment of bills ures the constitution. In Chaves and Eddy orders, camp today Gray said that he and his niece were tlon.. - ... v.-- . .ecu - up 1948,739.22 this year. torlal chairman of the Democracy, mil ueiCBH- dealing with schedules of counties he did not meet one person there were no wounded of either side. on a claim tes to the territorial separte the Territorial pledging himself to work for .it. proving up near Lucy. convention tariff law. The Funds. who Is opposed to the constitution or The bayonet had completed the work Miss Williamson rode which meets on speech was the first Mr. Larrazolo was here yesterday from Euclno Saturday. The con- attack of Teritorial Treasurer M. A. Otero to- - would vote Carlsbad and of the bullet. The battle was Inde- the session on the Payne- - against lt on business and was called upon late Saturday night In order to spend Sat- vention came to order at 2:15 p. m. have had cisive In results. It at 11 Aldrlch law, and It received careful day received from W. M. Robblns of surroundings all the Irriga in the afternoon by a representative its began urday and Sunday wjth her uncle on with Chairman Arthur Sellgman' of tion water needed since the o'clock In the forenoon, and lasted un- attention. Mr. Cummins declared that Sierra county $4,073.84; from Game they of the New Mexican. He was asked their claim. The girl arose early the county committee presiding. Se government has taken over the Carls til four In the afternoon, taking place under existing parliamentary usage of Warden Thomas P. lt lt Is true that he Is ready to fight yesterday morning and had begun to cretary A. P. Hill was Instructed to Gable $26. bad project. The high school near the village of Cerro Pricto, a hun the House and Senate, the amend- to carry the constitution and he re- prepare breakfast She went to read the call. Two score or more Destitution in Estancia Valley. building Is a fine structure and In It dred miles west of Chihuahua. Two mem oi ine lann law is out of ques- plied unhesitatingly: "I shall certain Gray's room to Iwakcn him. Gray persons, nearly all delegates, were In A meeting has been called for oa Sunday the Elks held their memo- hundred revolutionists bad occupied tion, and he contended that the first Es ly make every effort to get it paBSed says that he thought the girl was the hall wh , .... were the hills and 10 be was - tancia on Saturday to discuss the mat- rial services, which attended by on 21." He continued: the previous night, some one .m step taken the modifies- Im- January sneaking up on him to '... '700 people and proved to be very when General Navarro, with 450 of his , " render It ter of taking care of the desti- "I had made up my mind, even be murder him and be took L ...... 'r:'!." possible many and beautiful. . At advance east of the immediately uugiiDuf nuu lueu to amend the tute pressive Artesia, fore the constitutional convention guard, passed his In tariff section by section. families In the Estancia valley, 25 the shotgun and shot the girl three Spanish. Governor Mills took a drive of to to a bills, insurgents opened fire but "During the recent political struggle," who on account met, support almost any kind of times. Gray claims that he had for- As stated In the call , the of the drouth, face HO miles in the surrounding country did little damage owing to the long said Mr. Cummins, "I did not hear a constitution If lt were reasonable. gotten that his niece was in the house was called to select thirteen de the winter without any resources among the farms and artesian wells, range. When the field pieces came single utterance by a that Why? Because It Is most desirable The body outside of legates to the state or Republican whatsoever. one of which spouted water more than up, Navarro shelled the Insurgents, lay just the territorial con did not admit that the law Captain Fred Fornoff of for New Mexico to get statehood and where the vention which meets contains 40 feet above Its casing. Governor who retreated slowly, firing from the shack, apparently girl had at the Capitol duties to the Mounted Police will attend the get lt as soon as possible. . Since the that ought be changed, and Mills addressed a Commercial Club shelter of adobe houses. At 4 o'clock gone after, being shot One wound on Saturday afternoon. drafting of the constitution I have It Is the duty of Congress to especial- meeting. From other aec'.ions, espe- at Artesia. At Roswell he their ammunition being low, took was visible about the region of the Charles F. Easley was elected tem meeting come to the conclusion that It Is as they ly act speedily, to put wool on the cially of eastern New come was the guest of Colonel J. W. Will- up a position at the base of a range heart, evidently having been made porary chairman without dissent Mexico, good a document as any of the states free list." Mr. Aldrlch and Mr. Lodge stories of the son of the New Mexico Iustl of low mountains five miles southwest. with one load of buckshot The dead J. Loomls was elected temporary se- direst destitution and Military have. It U true, lt does not contain agreed with Mr. Cummins that It is tute. He spent several hours at Clo There was no fighting today despite girl Is survived by a mother and sis- cretary. A. P. Hill was the need of organized charity to take all those reforms espoused by the peo unanimously desirable to take up the tariff by sub vls, which be declares has had won the proximity of the forceB. During ter, the latter residing In San Rafael, chosen temporary Interpreter. Chair care of the moBt ple at large, such as the Initiative. On jects, and not by schedules. Mr. helpless cases. derful and whose railroad the fighting on Sunday, the Insurgents Califonla. They have been notified man Easley then made a ad growth the manner of conducting elections it rlngtng Heyburn disagreed. Notaries Public Appointed. are a marvel. He heard the were reinforced by 230, and 200 more of the dress In favor of the of shops might have been more explicit. But tragedy. adoption the Governor Mt;t today appointed the water been arrived tonight, and lt was stated that constitution After report that good had lt does contain measures that will Mounted Police Notified. thanking the con following notaries public: Lloyd struck a Santa Fe well by morning there1 will be 400 more ventlon for TERRITORIES AT THE by drilling make It a very valuable document and Mounted Policeman John W. Col- the honor conferred, he Hunsaker of Albuquerque. Bernalillo crew, seventeen miles northeast of from the west of here. eontiued: ' I do not NATIONAL CAPITAL, no. one, in my opinion, can afford to lier from Estancia today notified the know how many county; Dennis f. Devlne of Springer, Vaughn and that this would be piped Horrible Barbarities. of defeat statehood by voting against lt." headquarters of the Mounted Police you delegates feel about this mat uouax county. to the Belen cut-of- fruit trees At Front, Dec. 14. In an Interview New Many Asked what counties he would that Gray is In jail at Estancia. Ac ter of the ratification of the constitu Mexico It Remembered In Indian Supreme Court are being set out In eastern New Mex with the Associated PreBS correspond- as do. 1 Bill stump In the Interests of the consti- cording to Collier, the shooting took tion I believe this Is a ques Appropriation Bridge Over The Territorial Supreme Court will ico. Roswell shipped 200 cars of ap ent, General Navarro said he expected tion not for Little Colorado. convene on tution, Mr. Larrazolo said: . place at one o'clock in the party dictation but a per January 3, at the capltol, and 6.000 cars of alfalfa this fall. serious fighting from now on. He ad- morning ples will and was not sonal one. I find that there are some to close the 1910 term. The 1911 term The Carlsbad If my time permit I shall speak mitted that the are the girl's body found un Infantry companies at Insurgents brave, til men, who are Republicans In Special to the New Mexican. will begin on January 14. Thus in San Miguel, Mora, Taos, Rio Arri- but or- four. Gray is a widower about princi far, and Artesia and the battery of artll declared the lack of military twenty-fiv- e ba, Santa Fe and Bernalillo counties." forty years of age. The deed was ple, who will oppose the constitution, Washington, D. C, Dec. 8. The cases are on the calendar lery at Roswell, were found In excel' ganization will defeat them In the end. and as will What are the views of the committed a shot and and I find many who will vote for House In considering the Indian ap set occupy the court until lent shape. The last named has the native It was confirmed that the government .wjth gun. a lt at on statehood?" was handkerchief was The same with the Democrats. I find propriation bill bas accepted all the January 23. Today, Supreme Court finest artillery sheds in the United people large troops are converging on this point bloody picked up. Clerk - some for lt and some items for New Mexico and Arizona, Jose D. Sena sent the mandate to Colonel Church f.f asked. from fanni and Sonora. The Parral Qmy Is a blacksrnith ii tiftls and against it iAjf'ntes according Mr. referred to giving the Afuuquerque Indian school vt the couit In the Albuquerque may U. S. who Mr. Larrazolo answered: "There Is forces are bringing fire If Insists that he shot at the girl think Easley the conven the army recently Inspected rapid guns. tion 14,000 more than the 156,000 allotted oralty case to the Duke City. A. 8. element of the native revolutionists are to win ing it was a burglar trying to break at Albuquerque and then resum the battery. Adjutant General respectable the they the Santa Fe school. Water Decisions. to must Into the bouse. Is on Belen ed: "This remains for you in this Delegate Cam Rights Brookes who accompanied Governor people opposed statehood granted destroy Navarro in order to con Lucy the eron of Territorial cut-of- convention to Arizona, secured the Engineer Vernon L. Sul remained in Is ex by any constitution. This element tend with the new forces. Horrible f thirteen miles east of Wlllard determine whether 01 approval Mills, Roswell, but In bill tS5,-00- livan not this la to be made a mat the of an appropriation of 0 today handed down decisions iu pected home tomorrow evening. Gov represents the conservative people Instances of the barbarity of the cam and twenty miles southeast of Estan partisan the ter, we are peculiarly situated in for a bridge over the Little Colo following cases: ernor Mills says that Chaves county who have never lived under any but paign occurred after the battle. Every cia The Mounted are inves- No. this county in some and es rado on the Navajo reservation. Dele- - 616, by Arthur Castauguar et al. will 600 for consti- a territorial form of government and man in Cerro Prleto was e tigating the case. reBpects give majority the brought In to gate Andrews Introduced a bill au of Farmlngton. Application rejected tution and It would a little of changing that form fore the mayor to prove his Innocence pecially respect the provision of that carry la Eddy shy tne act thorizing the President to John on tne grounds that the water asked and counties. of government. But I feel confident of participation in the revolt. MORE BILL8 enabling granting a million place Curry ThlrtylFOUR acres of land to wiiKinson on the retired Re-I'- u UB in tnts that when the of state-- could not. And were taken BY DELEGATE ANDREWS, pay the railroad bond list "wropnaiea application advantages they outj presentatlve Smith Introduced bill not ubject to ' - ed Indebtedness. When we become a a appropriation through FOUGHT THIRTY YEARS hood are clearly presented to them, and shot. General Navarro nlaceB . . state that burden will be to remove all duty on lumber and tne office of the territorial engineer. FOR LAND GRANT. these people will not hang back but his own dead at one captain, one lieu Two of Them Art Private Pension taken from this county and we thus claims that Its passage will result in Only such natural waters as are run- will realize the that tenant and twelve soldiers. - Acts for.- Benefit of New Mexico increase the opportunity Twenty- value of our a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent In the ning In a natural stream or water awaits them and will vote for the con seven were severely wounded. Veterans. property. Hence, It Death of Mrs. L. 8. King. One of Most Among ,t seems to me, we should selling price of lumber throughout course are subject to appropriation. stitution as the giver of the boon New the latter was General Brandon, consider this Famous Women Litigants In spe matter rather from the tne united States. Applicant notified by letter of Decem- Mexico has desired bo cial of the An- standpoint of United States. many years, correspondent Mexican Washington, Dee. lO.Delegate citizens ber 13th. 1910. and stands In sore need of Herald, and middle than as partisans." (Ap today. champion weight drews Introduced the following bills: JACK JOHN80N WILL No. 615, by C. R. Coffin of Hope. There will be a general change of wrestler In Mexico. Five insurgents Be lt enacted the Senate and plause.; Dec. Leano by o FsSHT IN FRANCE. Eddy county. Application on Denver, Colo., ll.MHrs. and count me one who ran out of Carlos Abreu, John Bock and rejected S. opinion you may as ammunition surrender House of Representatives eto: Bee. the that the law 1909 King, known to the supreme court Torres were a com- grounds of takes who Is willing to do all In his power ed and were bayonetted. The moat 1. there 1b appointed the of the United States and the United That hereby appropriat mittee on credentials and the Agrees to Meet Winner of Langford away supervision of this office In by word of mouth or by written word serious loss of the Insurgents was in ed from the of the United the igtates Congress as one of the most treasury took Jeanntttt Bout ,'f Purse of $25,-0- 0 appropriation of water for stock to secure the of the consti- an adobe house wrecked by a shell. a receBB. famous woman who ever ap- adoption States out of any money not other- If purposes. Applicant notified by let litigants tution." The Associated Press The committee on credentials re- Put Up. before those died correspondent wise the sum of ter of December 13th, 1910. peared bodies, at the appropriated, thirty ported that precincts 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, Mr. Larrazolo was asked what he counted fifteen dead near the house, In No. 489, Elton home of her daughter, Mrs. N. K. Bag-Bel- thousand dollars to be expended n Chicago, Dec. 13. Champion Jack by Smith of Rosa, Rio of who almost equally divided' between in- 21, 22, had no delegates Death resulted from complica- thought certain Democrats in the Johnson agreed" laBt to meet Arriba county. Remarks: This appli- surgents and Z ' convention. Outside of the night were the constitution regulars. Many were I ,,1. V Mex-- , cation Is tions from old Mrs. openly fighting New the winner Langford-Jeannett- e approved to arising age. stripped of their A'amogordo city precincts, the following delegates of the subject prior of old- but he saw that he did not feel lt prop clothing. ?ulldlg rights. King was a member one of the f twice an I referred to the were seated; Precinct 2, Isabel Orte- fight scheduled to occur in Paris in er tor him as a Democrat to make Guerrero Ha. Fallen. No. W. B. est and most connected fami- any mmlttee on and C, In 25 490, by Chockley of Rosa. highly 14,-- The Public ..uildlngs ga; J. D. L. A. Carrlllo, A. C. de ebruary, a round bout to take comments on the attitude of other Washington, Deo. Mexican Rio Arriba county. This lies of Kentucky. She was the widow federal troons have wi.t.iB"'UUUB- - Baca; 7,. David Frampton, Francisco place In France next April for a purse application Democrats. He said that he had no cnmniotoiu Is approved subject to of former Governor John Qulncy ed AIbo the following Sec. 1. There M. .Gonzales, B. F. Jose S of $25,000 provided i.tae. be prior rights. doubt, however, but that on Wednes the revolutionists In Chihunhua Glltner, money Permission Is to Adams King of Kentucky, a grand- and Is hereby appropriated out of any Gonzales; 9, Flavto Valencia. Teodoro posted In America and an American granted appropriate day, January 21, the people of New captured the city of Guerrero, ac as high as 1,000 acre feet if neces- daughter of General John E. King of to money In the treasury not otherwise uuran, Antonio S. Gomez; 12. Fellcl- Is the referee. "I don't want Mexico will rise In a body and pass cording a telegram from Ambassa- any sary when beneficially Revolutionary war fame, a cousin of of two thou- ano - used upon the ' dor Wilson at Mexico City. appropriated, the sum Lobnto, Euseblo Gonzales; 14, Ru- lemons handed me!" said Johnson. Rufus vice of Uni- the constitution. "This land described In this application. King, president the cleared the state of Chihuahua sand dollars for the purpose of de- peno Martinez; 15, Jose H. Maestas "If they don't come across with my ted was and No. 491, by George W. Smith of States when Franklin Pierce other of fraying the expense of digging a well le, jonn Block, Carlos Alarld; 23, two conditions WIRELE8S PHONE parts the country," said Mr. nothing is doing." Rosa, Rio Arriba county. This president, and a great granddaughter lb "of all for use at New Martin Gonzales; 24, Noberto S. Tor appli- Wilson, organized resistance to public Inglevllle, cation Is approved to of Lord Valentine King of England. A GREAT 8UCCES3. be res. The were subject prior the government." Mexico, is the Gramma Valley, to city precincts repre- SERIOUS FLOODS RAGE Permission Is For years Mrs. King's fight sented aa follows: rights. granted to ap- thirty Battle was 1 Draw. located at or near Township 2, south .. . IN NORTHERN ITALY. as as for a land which a 14. propriate high '1,000 acre feet large grant, upon Copenhagen Dec. Vladimir Rnncho de 14 New Mexico The delegates from Precinct No. 3 Santiago, Dec. There range 23, Eatst prime if necessary when beneficially used large part of the city of Trinidad, Co- an bas announced were: David Candelarlo Dec. 14. A Poulsen, Inventor, was no fighting yesterday as erron meridian or In the north weBt quart- Rodriguez, Rome, heavy rainfall upon the land described this lorado, now stands, has been In the few he Juan in appli- that during the last days eously reported nor was there any er of section C of the above Martinez, Pacheco, Carlos continued today and the floods In cation. supreme court at Washington. She maintained excellent wireless tele- No Abreu, Luis Severlano Rive- northern are more se today. reason developed during Lujan, Italy becoming Work on these last three applica- made numerous trips there to further, sta- Ramon 21 phone communication between the day to change the Judgment thai Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the ra, Trujlllo y Lopes and Julio rious hourly, The Tiber river Is tions Is to be commenced not later her Interests until a few years ago 420 Sena. feet above normal tions miles apart was Is directed to level. than June 1911. One-fift- h and became known as the second Sunday's fight drawn. General Treasury hereby pay i4, to be Navarro's official The delegates from Precinct No. 18 on or Mrs. Gaines. report places tho over the money herein appropriated completed before December 14, number of dead at to to were: A. J, Loomls, Ramon Arml- - wnole of work to Mrs. claim arose as the re- Insurgent eighty, the treasurer if Calms county, inn. be comnleted King's but jo, D. C. Allard, Arthur and on or before December sult of a suit In which her husband E independent Investigation cannot be expended by or under the supervi Sellgman 14, 1912. Time confirm Is Frank Butt. The alternates selected for application to a beneficial was attorney. It was a suit over the this, but lt argued that had sion of the board of commissioners use De he killed were: Jack Donovan, Leonardo Du-ra- cember 14, 1913. old Leltensdoerfer grant, upon which eighty. It was his plain duty of chaves county for the purpose Petrolino Casti- Mr. Sullivan Trinidad now stands. The case was to finish the remnant of the Insurg described. Armljo, Mellton leaves tomorrow on an STATEHOOD ents llo and Ascension Rael. Inspection trip. His tried before Judge Moses Hallett, and ON In their presumably demoralized Read twice and referred to the Itinerary will be state. The from Precinct No. 17 December 15th, Alvara-d- o Attorney Ben Butler, known to all old The fact that they camped comlttee on Territories. delegates Albuquerque, were: G. hotel; December 16 and Ros- timers In Colorado, was the opposing within field glass Bight of Navarro Also a bill to Increase the pension Jas. W, Norment Volney 17, Is Nemeslo Gus well, Grand Central December counsel. Governor King waB victor- President Taft Promises to said to Indicate anything but de- ofLeroy Shakespeare lute of com Howard, Armljo and No Place'on Com- hotel; Hunter. The alternates are: Juan Boundary 19, Artesia, Will Benson; Dec. 20 and but on the on which . moralization. The Insurrectos place pany C, Seventeenth regiment of Illi ious, day Judge mission for 21, Carlsbad. J. W. nooomhn. hallett handed down bis decision Approve Constitution their own dead at nineteen and their nois cavalry, and pay him a pension Ollvas, Alfredo Delgado, G. Sandoval, Territory I,ewl. 3 and 25, Lakewood. H. C Holcnmh- - died. wounded at . The Associated at forty-fiv- e and E, Padllla. Governor King Without the rate of dollara per Most Interested December 20 Delay 4 to 30, Santa Fe. Mrs. King was offered $10,000 aa correspondent saw thirty- - month In lieu of that he Is now re The delegates from Precinct No. - Restoring Mesa Verde Ruins. payment for her husband's services, three dead but was unable to determ Read twice and referred to were: N. B. Laughlln, Marcelino celvlng. Jesse - Adolnh vy Nusbnum, official Drotosranh- but refused the sum as Incommensur IT NEW ine to which side they belong. The commit iee on Invalid pensions. Garcia, P. Hill, Jose Ortiz DOUBLE GOVERNOR'S SALARY IS UP TO ' er of the School of American Archae- - with the service he had officials insist that Nava- Sec- Baca and C. F, Easley. ate performed government Also the following. That the oogy, mailed to In- A on was today Dr. Edgar L. and the magnitude of the Interests rro has split the revolutionists Into retary of the Interior be, and he Is committee resolutions ap Hewett at volved. The coal lands affected since pointed of .1. W. Norment. Washington, an album of for Fundamen small bands while the latter state hereby directed, to plfoe on the consisting Mills and Sloan to Get a superb become worth millions. Large Majority Flnvlo Valencia, Fellclnno Lobato and $6,000 photographs showing the spec- have many that they are stronger than ever and pension roll the name of Juan Fran- From tacular cliff a Becond Mrs. was vic- tal Law Would Help at G. Howard. The convention Year Uncle Sam dwelling ruins In the In suit King preilot an early battle In which they cisco late! of A. Volney Mesa Verde Grelgo, Company a in National Park Just acroBS torious and was awarded several Washington. will outnumber Navarro and defeat Mexico took recesa to permit the commit Future. First regiment New volun the New Mexico boundary In Colora- thousand acres of coal lands In pay- tee to formulate its report. , him. teer Infantry, and pay him a pension do. Side by side, are shown the ment. This decision was taken to the New ruins, Special to the New at the rate of thirty-fiv- e dollars per Special to the Mexican. before Mexican,, THIRTY DAYS IN restoration, and after restora- supreme court at Washington. 1b Dec. 13. Washington, Dec, 9. Delegate An- WILD CAT COMPANIES month In lieu of that he now re- Washington, Representa- tion by the staff of the School of 1 JAIL FOR CONTEMPT, ! tive Stephens of Texas, Introduced a drews called at the White House this GIVEN THE KIBOSH. ceiving. American Archaeology, and they fur- BROWNSVILLE BRIDGE Joint resolution that the President nish a con- Read twice 'and referred to com Government's Star In Brick striking proof of the value of OPENED TO TRAFFIC. morning and had halt an hour's Witness appoint a and with a Phoonlx, Arizona, Deo. 8. The con mittee on Invalid commission, the vork done this fall at an expense sultation with the President before pensions. Trust Trial Sentenced By commissioner, stitutional convention appointed by Texas, to the Colorado So- Brownsville, Texas, Dec. 13. The today adopted Judge Landls. re establish the Archaeological the cabinet meeting on stutehood, the an amendment to the boundary of Texas ciety of only $1,500. International railroad bridge connect- corporation VIOLENT STORMS RAGE and New Mexico. New It is similar to the Constitutions Mex- constitution and other Mexico commission article which Is expect- ON FRENCH COAST. Chicago, Dec. 13. Mrs. Alleen Released. ing BrownsvHle and Matamoros, bills he Bought to 'have Congress pass Assistant matters. The President said If ed to have the effect of all the star Territorial Secretary E. ico, was formally announced open to that putting Christopher, government's In previous sessions but which Dele- Dec. 13. A violent F, Coard this afternoon received tele- trafflo The bridge has the constitution Is satisfactory, as be 'Wild Cat" mining companies operat Brest, France, witness In the prosecution of the gate AndrewB defeated. yesterday. storm hurbor graphic permission from Secretary of the of heard lt was, he would ap- ing In Arizona out of business, It pro- rnged over the toduy Brick Trust, today was sentenced to The of been used for transportation promptly secretary the treasury sent the Interior R. A. BalHngcr to mall months for and send a favorable mes- vides that' all corporations offering The visiting American battleships thirty days In Jail for contempt of a freight for several but prove lt communication to the House trans- the constitutions printed upon ordor to stock for Bale to the publlo shall be Minnesota, Idaho, Mississippi and court for refusal to produce certain some reason was closed to pedestri- sage Congress, The President mitting estimates of the secretary of of the constitutional convention and a wants to New Mexico. A subject to Inspection by the commis Vermont, were held firm by the an Information before the federal the ans and vehicles. The Ferry boat help large grand Interior, Increasing the salaries carload was thereupon sent out on vote for the constitution sion. The measure considered Is the chors, but the French armored crul- Jury. Her attorney, John A. of whlnh has been In operation, between favorable Harper, the governors of New Mexico and this evening's trains to be followed by at tho White House most crastlo of that cbaraoter enact- ser was driven on the was sentenced to for to the two cities for half a oentury will would greatly help Edgar Quetien seventy days Arizona $0,000 a year, an Increase other shipments dally until all of the ed In state. was later same be discontinued with New Year. and before congress. any beach, it tioatea oy tugs, nig part in the refusal. of $3,000. 100,000 copies are sent out.

st 1 I " forty-thir- d TOO SENSITIVE BY HALF, I R. A. A GREAT COUNTRY. District of Columbia farmers little total for all cereali third In value. Secretary of the Interior Hon. J PAGE TWO pocket money. Durand an- from Delaware forty-- It li difficult to get with toe fourth In produc-I- n made his an- Today Census Director along "The corn crop la a national asset Barley and rye were Ballinger, today publlo forty-sixt- busine- of the eighth from tlon fourth In nual report to It I a nounced the total population sensitive person; those who seem te more than one sense. It la sot and potatoes value, Congress. difficult to was ss-like which discusses United States. It Is very ibe alway on the watch for someone merely wealth In existence for the! fifth In production wheat and document, of sum tie lew the manifold activities of the Depart- form ad adequate Idea the STATEHOOD KILLERS. MR time being, but It la an asset of per-- ! fifth In value rice. The value of the but who Is going to slight' them or say itm In and by so many millions, Bisbee Re ment of the Interior a clear represented The Democratic Dally petual recurrence. Tear after year farm products of 1910 shows both a something which may have a double ' e Is true that this is In with statesman-lik- manner. Secretary It certainly view bas Invented a new term for Its or which can NEW MEXICAN PRINTINQ throughout the ages, a stupendoua gains and losses comparison and New Mexico meaning upon they lay Ballinger is not a man who plays to great nation ought a claim was amount of corn with Incredible value j 1909. A of (130,000,000 la made radical In Arizona, who that something meant as gain tbe acts on to be proud that It has the opportun- compatriot. can be j galleries. Because be a slight. Such people, for their own produced." for cotton lint and seed; $30,000,000 to the sisterhood of states to the same branch ai those what he believes to be right and law ity enter belong comfort to in PAUL A. P. WALTER, AH of the cereals except' com are for hay; and 13,000,000 for barley. A It Bhown ought keep pasted their ful, he has had hounds baying of the Union. Although bas opposing the constitution In New Mex- worth three-fourth- s loss waa suffered the case of many hats the saying of an old soldier and Editor ani. President together only as in vgheat at vlndl a marvelous rate of increase, it Is ' his heels.. But the splendid ico. It calls them "Statehood Killers," diplomat which read a follows: "No ' FRANK P. (TURGES, much aa that cron. The treat allied amounting to 1104.000.000: corn. 198 still one of the small commonwealths cation given him by the majority of term It 1. one can Insult me unless he trie to." , iron and steel Industrie had, In the 000,000; oats, (26,000,000; potatoes. as to one of the and a very appropriate Says the Senate committee composed of population although To commit that to and latest census year for which results and wool i23.00O.OO0 each. as to area. It stands eighth the Review ln laying down the law to memory make hardheaded' businessmen and legisla largest a rule never to be offended until con- - of the fifty-on- JOHN K. 8TAUFPER. have been published, 1904, a produc- The farm value cereal crops will naBty Insin from tbe bottom among the these radicals, who although Social- tors, set at rest tbe vinced that the Intention was tq of- r. tlon worth 60 cent of declined (2,10,000,000 in 1910 from Becrstary-Treasurs- only per the rumors and accusations made states, territories and possessions are the Demo- - uations, ists parading under fend, would save many a man and value of this year's corn crop. 1909 and the value of all crops do- to account enumerated, the same relative rank by those who when called woman of unhun-plnes- A was cratic cognomen: many a a great deal The growing importance of South cllned (119,000,000. gain could not prove one Incident of al It held 10 years ago, but It Is gaining Entered as Second Clara Matter at - themselves yet all save that class which are In corn production la becoming con made, however, in the value of ant on a group of eleven Btates "Calling Demoorats, Santa Fe PoBtofflce. leged wrong doing or wrong dealing. rapidly baslo never happy unless can find In 1S89 it mal amounting to (424,000. Iobs than a million Inhabitants disregarding nearly every princi they aptcuous. produced hardly ' products having to fol- bas strength and re something be unhappy about. more than one-fift- of the national 000. It has been a year of high but more than New Mexico. The ple that given RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. pit Hon. Lafe recently transfer- rad- And It to as well I Young, to the Democratic party, the applies nations as crop: now It produce one-thir- cei for meat and animals, for poultry lowing Is the relative rank and popu- spect Dally, per week, by carrier I .IS red from the editorial tripod of the of the constitutional convention Individuals. A case In point has The cotton of this year may and eggs, and for milk and butter, and lation of the states, territories and icals just Dally, per month, by carrier .... .75 crop Des Moines, Iowa,' Capital, to the defeated statehood for the time been sprung. The American Atlan- be worth In lint and seed a round for these reasons the total value of possessions as the census of 1910 have Dally, per month, by mall 66 United States Senate, does not seem was with many a vainglo- tic squadron recently made a rna at the or more than all farm product Increased in 191u gives them: being. It Dally, three months, by mall ... 100 (900,000,000 farm, to think this any advancement at all, rious threat real conservative across the Atlantic; It called at sev- the corn cron was worth In any (304.000.000 above the estimate for New York 9,113,279 against Dally, alz montba, by mall J.50 year for at a farewell dinner to his journ- that the Socialist finally eral port and the officer and crews Is 13 1909. Pennsylvania 7,665,111 democracy Dally,. one year, mall 7.00 prior to 1901. This value per alistic ln fraternized with naval officers by friends he declared: 5,638,591 anchored the recall proposition foreign cent above the five-yea-r average. Illinois Weekly, per month 45 "That there no achieve- the constitution that will go before and crews. But It seem they did not SO Is W. B. WALTON STANDS PAT. Ij greater Ohio '. 4.767,121 Weekly, per quarter The value of the hay crop about of for call at any German port, and now all Dem- ment ln all the world than that of Texas .. 3,896,642 the people Arizona judgment. six mall 1.00 (720,000,000, an amount which baa W, B. Walton, chairman of the - WeekfT, month, by .... a and They- are going to 'ahow' real Demo- Germany Is hurt, and the German In New running newspaper successfully Massachusetts ... ..3,366,416 ' Week!.', per year 1.00 been exceeded but once, and that In ocratic party Mexico, 'and newspa- press 1 honestly, and if be were Rockefeller, Missouri 3,293,333 crats real Democratic saying uncomplimentary The Weekly New Mexican Review 1907; It Is 13 per cent above the aver of the Silver City Independent, and that wants noth- with would neth-ln- g pers that radicalism rules the party, things "Germany Mex- stands in favor of the constitution his millions, he like Michigan 2,810,173 la the oldest newspaper la New age of the preceding five years. pat and that the revised version of Demo- ing of the United States, etc." All of In and in the this aff- better than to build a newspaper Indiana ; .2,700,876 ico. It Is sent to every postofflce Fortunately the wheat crop is di- Independent week, cratic doctrine a by that which Is clear proof that the Germans irms hi views a follow: building nineteen stories high, with Georgia 1.609,121 supplied the Territory and has a large and vided into two sowings, autumn and little bunch of statehood killer will do not wear in their hat the words: Intel- "The principal question before tbe asbestos partitions and unbreakable New Jersey 2,537.167 (rowing circulation among the spring, so that the two crops are sub- be accepted by the rank and file of "No one can Insult me unless he tries people of New Mexico ln the matter linotypes and presses, defy the mort- California '..2,377,549 " ligent and progresslTe people of the ject to different climatic accidents, Democrats In Arizona. to for If the German press and peo- of the constitution is whether or not gagor and tell the truth. But you Wisconsin ....2,333,860 Southwest. as was the case this year. The pro- "The gauntlet bas been thrown ple would stop to think, they would we honestly and sincerely desire would have to fortify ln about that Kentucky 2,289,905 duction of spring and winter wheat down for a fight hetween Socialism remember the United States has had statehood. way to always be able to absolutely Iowa 2,224,771 THUR3DAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910. is 691,767,000 bushels, or substantial- and Democracy for tbe control of the two wars with Great Britain, one with "The constitution adopted by tbe tell the truth." North Carolina 2.206,287 ly the average of the preceding five Democratic party In Arizona, and this Spain, on two occasions has come very convention which recently adjourned Tennessee 2,184,789 Tears, whereas the value is about newspaper eagerly picks it up. While near to a war with France, but has Is not all that It should be. especial The New Mexican has before this Alabama 2,138,093 (625,000,000, or 7.6 per cent above the we think that the majority of Demo- never even had any contention which ly from a Democratic standpoint, the out that Is not Minnesota 2.075,078 five-yea- r pointed consistency a crats in Arizona will uphold the posi- even pointed toward a war with Ger average. chief that does not Virginia 2,061,612 objection being it Jewel ln the Democratic casket A thlB course many. . PRODUCTION OVERTAKES CON-SU- Easily the fifth crop In point of va tion of paper, still our crntaln any provision for the initia- few Democrats who at Las Mississippi 1,797.114 ION. lue Is oats, the value of which thla gathered would be no different If we Btood PI tive and a rather stringent form of Cruce this demonstrated Kansas .1,690,949 is 12 week, again alone. No real Democrat or Demo A most significant statement, al- year (380,000,000, or per cent referendum. On the other hand It this truth. Oklahoma 1,657,155 People are reading tbe conslitutloa They selected delegates cratic newspaper 1 going to surren- above the average of the five preced- possesses many good features and is to to Louisiana 1,656,383 and are reading It carefully. In the most epochmaktng. Is made by Secre- go Santa Fe on December 17 to der to Socialism In any shape, and it ing years. In quantity the oats crop as a matter of fact a very fair funda deliberate Arkansas 1,574,449 supplement to the New Mexican oa tary of Agriculture James Wilson In with representatives from is not too early now to serve notice this year la magnificent. For the case e South Carolina 1,515,400 last Saturday, a line describing the his annual to when mental law. Such being the the twenty-fiv- other counties, but at the to report Congress, second time In the of 1,294,460 that effect sixth had he declares: history this people, Independent of party affilia- same time declared that their dele- Maryland judicial district, dropped "The honor of the party Is at stake, out Since edi- country the crop exceeds 1,000,000,000 tions are justified ln accepting It gates would not be bound the ac- West Virginia 1,221,119 accidentally. then, the 1 by and It must and shall be "Production per acre beginning stand- "But desire Nebraska 1,192,214 upheld. Just torial office has been busy an- bushels, the precise estimate for those who earnestly tion of the convention unless the con- as kept to overtake Increase of people. The Bryanlsm, which threatened , the ing at 1,096,39C,000 bushels, or 22 per statehood there are stronger reasons. vention resolved to do as the few Las Washington 1,141,990 swering telephone calls, telognams. evidence Is that Democratic party of the nation, was very plain the yields cent greater than the average of the If adopted there I every justification Cruce Democrats dictated. What Porto Rico ....1,118,012 letters and personal calls drawing at- acre of our are now increa- - overthrown by the genuine Demo- per crops flve preceding years. Next In order to believe that It means Immediate can one do with that kind of a Connecticut ;. ..'...1,114,756 tention to the omission. To cap the and If the party, crats of the country, so shall this sing, facts were assembled of Talue ls tbe potato crop whcn statehood as there can be little room anyway f Colorado 799,024 climax, Delegate Andrews wired yes- In radical conspiracy against tbe party detail for the state It would be. h Deen exceeded only In two or to doubt that Congress and the Presi- Florida 761,139 terday afternoon: "In the constitu- found that the Maine in Arizona be met and crushed. The tion percentage of Increase three former With the excep-l- dent, or the President alone, will ap 742,371 as printed by the New Mexican, years. "Hon O. R. Brlce his clear element of party honor involved Is yield of many of them is greater tlon of of which prove of the document In its present proves Oregon 672,765 ln the issue of Saturday, I Sotlce in tbe crop 1909, was sense for sup- than the of In- - by lining up ln support of the .' apparent, the people never the percentage normal ln a degree an overproduction, the form. South Dakota .. 683,888 Judicial apportionment that Grant constitution," says the Roswell Register-Tr- posed they were electing Socialists to crease of populaUon-t-hat is, the in--t lB "On other should the con North Dakota 677,056 and Luna counties are left out Per- crop of ,hlB year Iargeit ever the hand, ibune. "He write their constitution, The Social crease oi over oeams in me frankly says that Rhode Island 542,674 haps that was a mistake. Please an oinns , thig COUntry; the prelimln- stitution be rejected by the people of ists never could won nauve there are some phases of the docu New bave under their swer. oia element. estimate of the Department la the Territory there Is no telling what Hampshire own ary ment that he would have liked better Montana party label. They stalked into Don "That this Is a in or 8 the outcome would be. the 376,053 Kedzle, the veteran editor of tact, greater 328,787,000 bushels or per cent Under If the Democratic Idea had been ac- the constitutional convention holding less Is terms of act consti Utah the Western Liberal at LordBburg, degree. stated comprehensively above the average of the preceding the enabling the cepted, but that in the main it is a aloft the banner of Democracy. The ln tutional convention would Vermont ...... 355.956 Grant county, writes: "Last night 1 the report During the ten years, five years. again be good thing, and that the best Interests voters, trusted the Democratic party, me or convened ln Santa Fe with the same District of Columbia . . . 831,069 read the constitution. On page 17, production wheat per Beet gugar production ln 1910 will of the Territory demand Its accept and thought they were placing their acre on the 'delegate and another constitution New Mexjco 327,396 the Sixth Judicial District Is left out." average Increased over aDOut eual that 0f 1909, say 512,000 ance. Hon. J. I. Hinkle takes the work ln the hands of that party, and would be placed before the people of Idaho 325,694 Pretty solid reading tor an eveniug, uie average 01 me preceding ten Bhort value is reck-year- s same position, and It now remains no Socialist could have reached the tong. its factory for Hawaii , in a the Territory, but too late for action anyway. greater degree than the nncj .ri nnn nan and the factorv the other delegates from the Pecos Phoenix convention except for the at the coming session of Congress. Arizona 204,354 Thus, dozens of letters and tele normal increase of population (that Talue of cane about (28,000,-- valley to show whether they are reputation of real Democracy for con sugar at The delegates would of course be the Delaware 202,322 grams, which simply prove the old la, apart from Immigration and the an amount not been ex equally patriotic, and of rls servatism and common sense. Hence, 000, which has same as those who sat ln the last con- capable Wyoming adage: "A physician's mistakes are temporarily high birth rate of the ' ing to the same of every Socialist ther,e; every radical ceeded In four years. and a of plane citizenship." Nevada 81,875 burled out of sight, but the printed foreign born) n 26 and two vention, personal knowledge who has helped kill, or postpone state- states, If are realized, the the situation makes It Alaska mistakes are noticed by every one." more states are but to prospects certain that hood, received hi commission under all ready Join One-ha- sugar crop of factory production, very few would be made, Texas, although Its rate of popua- - lf of the population of the tbem. In 14 states corn production change raise pretenses. beet and cane will be 859,- - none of as tlon increase the ten. waa la found In the North and That this may be an opportune per acre has increased faster than combined, certainly great importance, past years, country The false pretense must end now. 000 short tons, or a production that about all the concessions that could only 27.8 per cent, as New South Atlantto states and the states time for Santa Fe to urge its claims the normal increase of poulatlon, and against The radicals must come out Into the has been exceeded in one year, be expected were made at the recent Mexico's 67.8 ier cent, has bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. to the great army barracks which are this almost true of 6 more states. The only passed open under tbe name of the. Socialist 1909. In the two convention. Missouri and Is now the fifth state of of the states have more than to be established In New Mexico, is! number of states ln this in factory sugar crop Twenty party, carry on their propaganda un list the - be- from Inter- will equal about (79,000,000; and If to "If the second constitution WMB the Union in point of population, al- 2,000.000 population each, ten have der apparent the following case of barley. Is 21; rye, 30; buck- that standard and fight as Social this be added tbe value of molasses voted statehood would In all though It has only one half of the tween a million and two millions ists view in the Denver Times of Tues- wheat. 19; 3; 24; down, for the adoption of their crazy cotton, potatoes, of while twenty-on- e are still below the day evening and from tbe fact, that syrup, beet pulp, and sorghum and probability be delayed for many population Pennsylvania. The cen quilt constitution before the people. sus ascribes to It Inhabit- million mark. General Earl Thomas, who was op- almost to mai!Ie d"c'?' ",e comined TaIue years. 3,896,542 They cannot longer borrow the hon ready enter dii. Hat in the ? posed to Santa Fe, will On New Is about (97,000,000, In ants, or 600,000 more than Missouri. The following states made a gain ored record of Democratic retire case of all crops. "With these things view and con the party Year: ex our of more than 40 per cent In popula as a shield or to bolster "A The tobacco crop has slightly siderlng great desire for state their folly "The Idea demand that is more difficult tion the ten and make It look of the war department Is ceeded the production of the record hood, postponed for so many years, Here's a clincher from the Roswell past years: more respectable. to to fulfill In production per acre Is for "The issue give up aa many of the smaller year, 1909, and its 967,160,000 pounds and our great need for the right to ad- Register-Tribut- Washington 120.4, Oklahoma 109.7, is drawn, and the fight an Increase that equals or exceeds the on. forts as possible and to have one cen 26 cent above the pro- minister our own affairs, the Inde- "The Idaho 101.3, Nevada 93.4, North Is Democrats could expect no actual Increase of includ- are per average undeniable fact that a vote tral barracks in New Mexico for the population, duction of the flve pendent is In favor of the constitution Dakota 80, New Mexico 67.5, Arizona better vindication of themselves and the and preceding years. against the constitution will mean a defense of the frontier' said ing Immigrants the tempora- now before the for con 66.2, 62.7, California Mon- - their party than would come Adju Its value will be about (95,000,000, or people their vote against every school child has Oregon 60.1, through tant General "In rily high birth rate of the foreign sideration. It Is tana Colorado South Dakota a verdict at the adverse to the Taylor today. that about the same as that of the crop of carcely necessary appealed to a great many of the vot 54.5, 48, polls case of born. But, notwithstanding the fact to radicalism committed the department the Colorado and more mention the benefits which will ac ri- 45, Florida 42.1. ln their name that this is in the 1909, fully (20,000,000 than ers of Roswell. It ought to. The probably would be merged Into the de- difficulty greater crue If we receive this boon. It is of two showed of without their consent." any tobacco crop antedating that sing generation must , be considered Only states gains partment of tho Missouri. If Colora t'nlted States than it is all other coun to particular importance Grant coun ' more than a million Inhabitants, New tries that have ceased to year. along with the present" do wants to keep this department, the practically ty, where we have the best mineral re York and which to- THEY ARE COMING. take such new land Into Barley has hardly maintained the ABOVE DECK AND BOARD. Pennsylvania, senators will have to use Influence cultivation, sources In the southwest which one-sixt-h and The Mound gether have more than of Never before bas New Mexico seen with the of many of the states of this nation are average productiotl of the preceding need to believe Wagon Pantograph secretary war, Cheyenne capital develop. We a when the entire population of the United such an exodus as it did this summer has to each an Increased of pro- - five years, the crop of this year being that makes good point it Bays managed keep the department maintaining the advent of statehood will States, or In other words, every sixth and fall. like in of 158,138,000 bushlnels out us value, that the constitutional convention did Something ten thou- of Wyoming, altbough the place Is not duction the case one or more mean a great Immigration Into New man, or is a New 16 eent aDOve the flve not seek to hide It actions from the woman, child, either sand dry farmer left their claims on suited for army headquarters." crops that is greater than Per Mexico and the Influx of money to de- Yorker or a Seven year nor Is It to cover up Pennsylvanian. account of the drouth and because the actual Increase of population. average. velop our wonderful resources. We publio seeking slates showed a between Flaxseed Is below that of the result of Its deliberations. Even gain 400,000 they failed to raise crops. Many of Whatever may be the faults of Ten states are doing this ln the case production believe that New Mexico ha sufficient and a million Inhabitants: New Jer- recent severe or them were to blame for their failure, Christian Scientists, one feature of corn; for wheat the number Is 22; year on account of a population; It has wealth It the Republican caucus conference enough; sey, Massachusetts, Illinois, Califor- for came under a brought out by the death of for oats. 16: for cotton tobacco, drought, the preliminary estimate has the natural resources entitle admitted the newspaper representati they wrong Impres- Mr. and to nia, Texas, Ohio, Washington and Ok G. - - Dem- sion, and they failed to heed the voice Mary Baker Eddy, Is commendable. 1 each: for rye. 21- for potatoes. 15- bein 150,000,000 bushels but the price it to statehood and Its people are In ves to Its deliberations. The lahoma. of experience and wisdom which told and that Is the elimination of crepe and for bay, 25. 01 iiaxseea soarea 10 fz.zy oy Novem telligent to govern themselves ocratic caucuB did not, but then that enough Twenty-tw- o state and and ber 1, so that the value of the entire without Is a that will be territories them that scientific farming Is not other outward sign of mourning. "We can not look for re- assistance. And now that we little idlosyncracy any other showed gain ranging from 130,000 to ln a d With this elimination went an ab crop Is about (33,000,000, an amount have an opportunity of this overlooked as long a the Democrats merely sowing seed sult than that the yields per acre receiving 400,000, among them New Mexico, sence of at the funeral to which was exceeded only in 1909. benefit, we believe that we shohld will vote for the constitution. Say way late In spring, tiui demands pre- display of air our crops shall Increase at an while twenty states, territories and of day. If the Christian religion amounts Rye Is one of the steady crops, both embrace such and vote the Pantagraph: paration the soil the winter before, even faster rate ln the future, ln view opportunity possessions gained less than 125,000 to anything It Is because it teaches in quantity and In value; the produc- for a constitution which is at least "Every voter In the Territory has careful selection of seed, scientific of the Intense Interest with which people, one of tbem, Iowa, actually that death Is not a calamity, but an tion of 32,088,000 bushel this year good enough for ua and future gene- this time a copy of the constitu- cultivation, and whenever possible, our people are their attention by losing more than 7,000 ln population. occasion for hope and Joy, and it turning worth at the about rations to live under." will Is- the assistance of irrigation from toward being farm tion, and still the Territory The states their seems house agricultural Improvement If following retain wells or underground streams. Many Incongruous that the of sue 100,000 copies of the instrument, relative of ten New death should there are certain forces at work rank years ago: farmers have learned this lesson and be made a house of A PATRITOTIC 8TAND. so there will be no chance of any per York Illi and a funeral an which, If unchecked and made more . "TT.r. first, Pennsylvania second, In mourning, occasion . HiT.vme ui :: son overlooked. sections like Portales are making ':"". ,.Law, ui - being nois third, Ohio fourth, Wisconsin thir- for ostentatious will uusiauuuuj uguic like display. prevalent, ln the future compel Democratic leaders O. A. Larra- good. Others are coming back to try us a little over 1,000,000,000 pounds of "Every newspaper ln the Territory teenth, Alabama eighteenth, Minneso- to bid against the world for food, zolo, William B. Walton, W. S. Hope- over as the from the Wlllard rice. No to 1909 constitution a lot of twenty-secon- following rough year previous - has given the ta nineteenth, Kansas The census bureau In a bulletin Is- the counteracting forces have never- well, Charles F. Easley, Arthur 8e- Record Indicates: as a It exceed not the work of the twenty-fifth- , theless been set produced large crop; C. R. G. A, space only during Arkansas West Virginia sued today calls attention to the re- already ln motion, ltgman, Brlce, Richardson, Sure- - "Mr. of the Manu the average of the previous flve years iri.i.1 ' convention, but since It closed. twenty-eight- thirty-fifth-, English, English low with the promise of Increasing J. T. Mabry, J. I. Hinkle, and a Oregon markably per capita expense of 25 cent. of hosti, vote on of fifty-firs- t. facturlng Company of Estancla, pas by per The price rice, Al ly no one can the 21st Alaska Jamestown, Pennsylvania, for muni- feet come out sed our Tuesday on his however, has declined so that the next month without knowing what he The move one or more through city which is (7.21. short of omniscience can patriotically ln favor of the constitu- following up cipal purposes, But "Nothing crop of this year Is worth hardly (16, Is fifth way home from an extended trip census tion. They have laid aside personal doing. notches ln rank: Texas from what does the bureau think of grasp the value of the farm products or 2 cent below the five-- constitution makers through Kansas and Okahoma and he 000,000, per .,.'. bat- "The way the sixth place, Massachusetts sixth from poor old Santa Fe which get along' and and will of this year Is tbe statement of the political prejudices confid- the Estancla Valley certainly year average. took the people into their seventh, Michigan eighth from ninth, says on (3.00 and whose taxpay- 01 tle for the people and statehood. That seen per capita secretary Agriculture in nis annual hop crop Is regarded as 13 per ence while the Instrument was being tenth from eleventh, looks good to him and that he not as n,. they will Incidentally serve their Georgia ers expect only much and as rpun ,ur puonsnea tooay. At cent De,ow the of the pre- - par a toward New over one hundred wagons that had m, average better In that those framed, will go long ways Jersey eleventh efrom sixteenth, good city government, but more and uu ume iu me worm s nas a -- ty manner, than , driven away from different parts of nisiory viou, nvB ettr, .nA ,ha .miief crnn rolling up a big majority for it. While California twelfth from twenty-first- better municipal for that country produced farm with- who have announced that tbey will op Mexico of the advantages, products In a dozen years or more; but the It does not satisfy everybody, yet Oklahoma twenty-thir- d from thirty-eight- New Jn hope escaping amount in one pose the constitution, goes withut than Is given El Paso with year with a value reaching In twenty-eight- effects of the drouth but finding cond- farm price has Improved over the everybody can , find enough good Washington from an expenditure of (10 .or (S,926,000,000, which Is the value of saying, but their motive above all had turned per capita, of the five so It to vote for It. We believe the thirty-third- , South Dakota thirty-sixt- ition there no better they ' average previous years, Is and love for the common- Colorado Springs with an expenditure the agricultural of this patriotic thirty-sevent- to New Mexico claims. product that the total value of the crop Is 3 vote will be at least flve to one ln from North Dakota back their of for 1910. The farm wealth and Its people. When you add (18 per capita. country value of cent above thirty-sevent- from forty-firs- t, Montana "These partleB who are returning per that average. to their the its favor." products from 1899 to the declaration, summing up forty-fourt- be contented on present In no previous year has tbe produc fortieth from Utah forty-fir- will no doubt now The ' Denver feature the has been In- of men of such clear-sighte- unsel- papers year progressive without tion of cereal of shows the from forty-thir- New Mexico their respective claims and go to the crop equaled tbe fish The state Washington story of a sixteen year old girl ln If as Frank In forty-fourt- terruption. the value of the pro- total of bushels of ability Springer, rato of Increase ln population from forty-fift- Idaho work in a whole hearted and earnest grand 6,140,896,000 which he greatest that city who prefer starvation te ducts of 1899 Is at tbe va- says: forty-fift- h from Hawaii a for themselves placed 100, the cereals of 1910. This Is 13 per of any state of the Union. Its neigh way to make home manual work, and remained In bed lue for "After a careful study of the con forty-sixt- h forty-eight- this year Is 189, or almost r of bas fallen far from Arizona and their families and thereby be a cent above the average. In do boring state Oregon without food, for live days, because double the stitution a framed, I not hesitate forty-nint- the value for census year the of this behind It and its rate of increase was from Wy benefit to the country ln general as and feeble asked value, howver, cereals to my admiration of It as a her aged parents net eleven this express one-hal- f Is forty-nint- from fiftieth and all such work years ago. "During year fall below that of 1908 and 1909, less than a much. It true, oming well as themselves as to help ln tbe household duties. It is riod of pro- thoroughly practical, re Nevada fiftieth and re unexampled agricultural principally on account of the decline It ha the same advantage and from has bo far proven successful to be feared that there are oases of a of twelve dur- sensible and Just scheme of govern but Social The states have lost lh duction, period years, In the farm price of corn. This year's sources as Washington the following munerative, and the failures being that kind right in Santa Fe and many which the of ment, an example of constructive have rank: Missouri to seventh from tempor- ing farmers this country value Is (2,710,000,000, or about ists have captured Oregon, put drops thoBe who settled on the land a home ln which a mother earns the statesmanship under difficult cir- referendum fifth, Indiana ninth from Ken have steadily advanced in prosperity below the total for 1909 and Into force the Initiative, eighth, arily and did all their work ln an easy, living by bending over the washtub, and wealth and ln cumstance, of which Its authors may and and tucky fourteenth from Iowa economic independ- (50,000,000 below that of 1908; how and recall, capital enterprise twelfth, careless way. not studying conditions has daughters who could not be hired ln and a well be proud," then the conclusion are to fight shy of that fifteenth from tenth. North Caro to find a of ence, Intelligence, knowledge ever, it is 11 per cent above the five-yea-r beginning as they came along, not trying to do houBework for love their of must come Irresistibly to every Btate. on the other hand, lina sixteenth from fifteenth, Tennes of agriculture, the total value farm average. Washington remedy but with an assured convic- parents or for monetary considera- is voter that a ballot against like New Mexico, believes ln sane, see seventeenth from fourteenth, Vir time the products (79,000,000,000." This Is the year of highest produc- tion that they are wasting their tions. It is the result of false the constitution, 1 Indeed a blow government and leg- ginia twentieth from seventeenth, "The corn crop of 8,121,381,000 tion of corn, oats, tbe total of all safe, progressive as well as the seed they are plant attitude that schools and public opin- against the best Interests of the islation and like New Mexico Is grow- Mississippi twenty-firs- t from twen taken to- bushels exceeds that of the record cereals, and for tobacco. But the on- ing." ion have for so many years ing at a marvelous rate. tieth, Louisiana twenty-fourt- h from ward manual labor and household 1906 and Is greater than the reached value , year ly crop that its highest twenty-third- South Carolina twenty-sixt- h flve Both tbe new governor of Maine duties. average crop of the preceding this year Is cotton. twenty-fourth- , Oakland, California, has adopted Chares county, which ha more from Maryland, 14 cent. While the va- In the list of that stand next and of Massachusetts, have selected years by per crops the commission form of Democrats than any other county ln twenty-sevent- from twenty-sixt- Ne- do of government editor of country dallies to be their In Japan the authorities not lue of this corn crop Is below that to the in are twenty-sevent- highest production by a vote of 3 to 1. This Is real pro the Territory, takes the load ln sup- braska twenty-nint- from be- nrlvate which many Dem seem to make much difference be 1909 and also of 1908, Its amount found beet and the - thirty-firs- t secretaries, rice, hay, sugar, gress, for It means centralization of port of tho constitution. Its Demo- Conecticut from Anarchists and can hard- of ocrats will advance as proof that not tween Socialists and longs to stories of maglo. It total for all sugar; ln the list crops not It, at a mass convention at Roswell Colorado thirty-secon- d from responsibility and scattering ciats of sense.' twenty-si- conspirators now on In t, d all Democrats aie bereft the ly be reckoned as less than that are next to the highest value as the would have It under attended by several hundred voters, thirty-firs- Florida thirty-thir- from Socialists trial for being Anarchist, will not a sum sufficient to cancel the are wheat, oats, barley, tobacco, flax- the referendum recall. declared that they would not oppose thirty-secon- Maine thirty-fourt- from initiative, and The defeat of Tim Healy at the par find muoh difference ln the oharacte Interest-bearin- debt of United beet and the total for all men constitution and selected fourteen thirtieth, Rhode Island thirty-eight- h the seed, sugar, The world's work Is dono by the Indicates noose will be awarded thirty-fourt- liamentary olectlon today of the that States, buy all of the gold and Bllver sugar. who have responsibility thrust upon delegates 10 go to Santa Fe to fight from New Hamp has had Its day ln them, even though they maintain that mined In allot the countries of the The potato crop Is third ln order of them and who are supported by co- for that stutid. As goo Chaves coun shire thirty-nint- from thirty-sixt- that insurgency forty-secon-d Great Britain, they are Socialists, earth In 1909, and still leave to the quantity, and the corn crop and the operation, ' ty bo goec Ihe New Mexico Democracy, Vermont from fortieth.

V ...6 of encouraging the growth of food population In 1908 those with the U. at borne, by Improving terming and S. CLAIMS DOES NOT FEAR PROPAGATION largest per net debt were Gal making It attractive or begin SEES NO NEED capita T tie veston, 110.36; Portland, $107.18 Import of food. Me, and Newton, Mass, $106.39; and those with the smallest were Johnstown 101,100,000. PEOPLE VARIETY TESTS MADE I OF QUAIL OF INITIATIVE and FOR GONSTITUTIO?! WITH WHEAT. Pa., $9.71; Terre Haute, 112.17; Joplin, Mo, 13.67. Per Continental Portion of Nation Reeult of Experiment! at College of B. Capita Payments for Expsnses. and Morton Prince Stops Here Game Warden 'Gable Will Constitution Makers did Well Gains 21 Agriculture Meohanlo Arte The report states tbat ln general Republicans and Democrats Per Cent in Popu at Meellla Park. on to Coast of Birds From the of maintain Way Bring Southern to Leave it out Says ordinary expenses Will Join in Support of lation in Ten Years Mexico to Northern Counties Colorado ing the different departments of gov Tbe Experiment Station hae, during Jurist ernment on a per capita basis are Fundamental Law the last season, carried on a aerlei of greater ln tbe larger cities than In NEW MEXICO'S INCREASE teats with different varieties of wheat the smaller, though there are many 67.5 FRIEND OF JOHN H. IUMM0ND CARRIED FREE OF CHARGE PEOPLE STILL PROTECTED CTiTrunnn in nnnpinrniTinii and some very Interesting results hav exceptions. Such per capita expen jiniLiiuuu id bunoiucnniiun been obtained which may be of some ses for the three largeat cities of State of VRlue t0 tn ,armer- - Th8, reults Rhode Island for 1908 were $16.10 for Washington Leads all Will Visit Vast Estate and Ge Governor Mills Num Ours is Appoint "Representative Form of Providence,' $14.23 for Pawtucket, Four to One Vote Is Predicted Commonwealths In Rate of Lufmpntnim, Local Color Thrill- n,v th. ,i.. for ber of NotariesReceipts of Government" Says and $9.18 for Woonsocket; similar live somewbat by Correspondent of urowth. yields ,h. ing Play. Treasurer. Brooks. figures for Georgia are: $11.73, for These varieties were In New Mexican. planted Atlanta, $9.03 ior Savannah, and $7.-7- Deo. 10. Plat 26() ,e9t Ion ,n tne fleI1 Washington. The nonula. "me Accompanied by a vast of Governor Mills tor Macon. on 2ctn. M10. and all matured array today appointed the Former Congressman Franklin E, Special to the New tioa of tbe United States Including jBnuar Of Mexican: at baggage containing all tbe clothes notaries Brooks of the cities of over 300,000 popula the - about tne ame tlmo a the ordi' following public: Abdenago Colorado Springs where he Silver states, territories, dlstriot of Co- tlon those the ca City, N. M, Deo. 12: Reports Tttrletle rown la re1011-Rico- , and articles B. having largest per lumbla. Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto nary needed for man's com Baca, of 8ocorro; Henry Rivera of Is prominent ln financial, legal and today received from 8Tttln' ln busn" pita payments for expenses were Bos many of tbe pre- but not the Phllllplnes or other T,he yleli ' exJ,r,eBsed fort ln many climes; armed with let Glorleta, Santa Fe county; Thomas so lal as well as was cincts of tbls PaniflT acre, was as followa: political circles, ton, $28.50; Washington, $2573; and county indicate that n ters from his M. DuBois of Corona, Lincoln coun In the on business New the Democratic,. Saskatchewan Flf 100f 32.1 friend, counselor and city today legal York City, $24.99. Chicago aad county convention tr i Sancbes of and when seen be held here on a. :.".! 1002 25.8 business associate the world's ty; Benjamin Polvadero, at the Palace Hotel Philadelphia have nearly the same next Thursday will ln the great Socorro Atanasio be country's population the last HBd county; Montoya of by a representative of the New Mex per for fairly well attended and it seems Turkev 1003 33.2 est mining authority John Hayes capita payments expenses, ten years of 16.145.621 or 20.9 per Albuquerque; Robert C. Altord of ican he discussed New Mexico's con $18.28 sure that the fourteen to Macaroni ' 1004 54.4 and $18.38, respectively; while delegates cent. The of the Hammond and looking forward with Raton; and Minnie Brumbach of Es-- the Santa population Con u'i' 1006 68 stitution. "I hear that It will be adop Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, and Fe convention will go In- nental United ni,... keen to tancl, Torrance ted States I. 91,072,266, an Regenerated Defiance 1006 47.4 pleasure the exploring of county. on January 21 and I for one am Milwaukee, have per capita payments structed to cast the full vote of tbe Increase of 21 With 16,977,691 of per cent. Hedgerow 1022 67.0 western Mexico where be will get lo Stocking Range Quail, glad of It It appears to me to be a vsrying from $15.21 to $16.32. delegation In favor of tbe party sup The total Game Warden Thomas P. Gable will , population of the United .'...... 1024 54.5 cal color for safe and sane measure to protect tbe porting tbe constitution. At the Algerian a play on which be will soon leave for the southern of By comparing the per capita expen- niaim wiiii an possessions is part rights of Should the Ini- Democratic held ' in Purple .....1026 47.4 work while living on an estate cover everyone.' ses of one with primary ln the city about 101,100,000. This 7,-- tbe Territory to make arrangements city those of another, Includes Hodl 1027 65.9 over 1000 tiative have been put In It? Most cer- hall here Saturday evening a motion tng square miles, Morton for the sending of quail to the north- many interesting facts are brought 636,426 In the Phllllplnes as shown . . tainly not. It Is without It. was carried Lohi 1028 64.S P. Prince, Harvard 1910 arrived in ern stronger out unanimously tbat the 27 In the census 1903 ProlVflo .' ! part. The Santa Fe Railroad In the report. For instance, it is of and estimates Archer's , 1030 67.2 Such a measure has no place ln a con- delegates to tbe county convention the city yesterday from his home ln Company, with tbe publio splritedness to be noted that such are for Guam, American possessions in Paros 1031 52.3 stitution for this Is representative expenses uninstructed, which means "Bahston" and Is the guest of his which characterises Its ln northern that Samoa, and persons ln the Panama 1034 36.5 management, form of government. To Initia- generally higher the are Algerian (sample 2) classmate Bronson on Buena will free of adopt majority in favor of tbe con Canal lone. The of Cutting carry tbe quail charge. tive would be to that form than ln the southern cities, the rea number persons Ruby 1036 51.2 Vista Loma. hange of stitution. The Silver City delegation in the Territorial Funds. son therefor being In part tbat the military and naval services Longberry 1037 51.8 government The Initiative ln the will compose about one-thir- of Mr. Prince Is the son of the noted Territorial Treasurer M. A. Otero bears a of the ex- the stationed abroad and on navals ves-- Odessa No. 4. 1038 28.3 constitution is Tes, it county large part and psycologist and has had wide expe- today received the following remit- convention, being composed of sels Is 65,609. Java 1041 41.9 Is true Colorado has but pense of maintaining schools In Early rience tances: From Christian of adopted It, many of the strong leaders of the par traveling in this and foreign Ralthel In southern cities. But protec Minnesota 163 1043 30.5 my opinion experience has proved police ts', such as Hon. A. H. Coun- Population of Four States, lands, exploring and hunting. He Is Deming, Luna county, $9,899.47; from Harllee, Most of these wheats have been tbat the initiative la a failure In a tion also costs less ln many southern Chairman lO.-- Four Auditor Charles v. ty Colin Neblett, Territo- Washington Dec. state. Lrown a crack shot, a fine horseman and of Traveling Safford cities, especially in those of the state SMm for a number Qf vast country like ours. It may work rial Chairman W. B. Al- - not previously announced given out decided ability. He Is the $5, bank examining fees; from Game of while the cost Walton, Hon. years and have proven thrifty each literary beautifully in a small country where Texas, per capita van N. today they are 2,609,121, in-- author of "Mlnahu" and other works. Warden Thomas P. Gable $91. White, who was defeated by a Georgia, Umt the have a of in for maintaining highways Is also narrow crease or Mon-- Stray Mare Captured. people community margin for delegate to the 392,790 17.7 per cent. Rodl No. 1027 lg now U8ed He is deeply versed on the history of generally less. Doubtess a general- ag the Mounted A. A. terests. It does not suit a country constitutional tana 376,063. Increase 132,724 or 64.6 Old Mexico and Its treasures which Policeman Sena of convention by Hon. W. standard wheat on the Station farm, like ours. ly smaller daly wage ln southern ci D. - Las Vegas, reports the capture of a Murray, County Treasurer Jack- per cent Washington 1,141,990, In- rt on soli furnish so many themes for tbe writ ties an factor In this re grows vigorously every on mare. "I am heartily ln favor of giving is Important son Hon. L. crease 623,887 or 120.4 ers and of as of stray Agee, J. Burnslde, who per cent, which It has been tried. The Station playwrights today the all their all tbe sult lis Penitentiary Board Meet people rights, sought the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin, 2,333,860, Increase 264,818 making an effort to get it distrib-o- r yore. 20 of The board of commissioners of the protection that they should have. In For the cities Massachusetts delegate to the convention, and other 12.7 per cent uted throughout the Territory, but on Mr. Prince is very tall, and very New Mexico Penitentiary is meeting pur form of government I think their covered by the report the per capita prominent leaders, all of whom it Is Great Growth. account of the limited supply on active, absolutely fearless and en are Spokane's today at the penitentiary, awarding rights are protected for they elect expenses greatest for Boston, understood will work actively for the Deo. 10. The noDula- - band It is necessary to limit the thusiastic to obtain adventure at first Washington. contracts for supplies and making tbe their representatives which la the in- $28.50; Newton, ..23.52; Springfield, constitution, it is to safe to tion of is amount furnished anyone to 100 hand. predict Spokane, Wash., 104,402. customary inspection. The awards tent and purpose of tbe constitution $18.93, and Holyoke, $17.99; for the that the county convention will be This an Increase of or 183.8 puunaH- - Ior wmcn cnarge oi When seen yesterday at Bronson - 67,654 will be announced tomorrow. of the United States. But the idea of remaining cities they range from $12.- overwhelmingly for the constitution. ent" tho Pund u mada- - Wneat borne a of per cent over 36,848 in 1900. Cutting by representative a lot of in a 07 for Lawrence to $16.41 for Cam- Is uo unaer- - Elected Captain. incorporating legislation It also believed that Hon. F. J. lurmsueu oniy witn me the New Mexican Mr. Prince seemed On flre Law The. population of the state of ,,, ,,,,,... Frits Brueggeman, formerly an In state constitution is repugnant as bridge. Its department Davidson, present representative In - little shy about discussing bis plans - Lousiana is 1,666,388, aa increase of ..yw.t structor at tbe New Mexico Military well as It 1b absurd. rence and Somervtlle spent each $1- the from this back to the Station the character of but admitted that he is on the way to legislature county, sm.yw, or per cent over l.ssi.- - Institute, has been elected captain of "I think the constitution makers of 14 per capita, while Holyoke and whose home Is in Plnos will growth and the yield per acre at the the big estate owned by Mr, Ham Altos, oD m lauv. i oe increase irom iou time of harvest the new militia company at Raton. New Mexico are to be heartily congra Springfield, cities of approximately Join other prominent leaders in the mond and others near the Taqut $2.-0- to 1900 was 263,033, or 23.5 per cent Forest 8ervlce Wins Suit tulated ln having left the Initiative the same size, spent $2.10 snd for the constitution. J. H. SQUIRES. river on the western coast of Mexico. party Both of The population of Bismarck, N. D., In the federal court at Alamogordo, and a lot of Isms out of their constitu respectively. the local papers are In favor Agronomist. He said that be expects to spend heartily la 5,443, compared with 8,319 ln!900. Station Samuel Cope and S. O. Cope were en tion; ln having drafted a document Low Per Cities. of the of the number which may be used some time there and declared that be Notably Capita adoption constitution in joined from grazing their stock on that will compare favorably with and will a Unexpected Changes. writing the station with regard to bad no fear of the In The per capita expenses of the ci- carry great influence with No census In encountering tbe national forest and were fined those of other states; in it recent years has work any wheat making ties of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia the voters. It Is also understood surrectos. The way he spoke of the $100 for trespass. to admit of amend- ed more unexpected changes and al sufficiently elastic and are that tbe three Republican candidates, alleged revolution in Mexico he seem wasmngton, Dec 8. serv Pittsburg excepted, notably terations ln the distribution and HOUSE NEAR DEMING special ment low. from for Hons. Matt Fowler, Judge M. W. ed to attach little Importance to it ice will be discontinued from Organ They range $7.21 growth of population and the develop DESTROYED BY FIRE Should Vote for It to Porterfleld and Frank R. Coon, will as far as it affected the tourist It is to Kent Dona Ana county December Johnstown $12.46 for McKeesport ment of States cities and political When Informed that Democrats es Join hands with Hon. Alvan N. White said that Mr. Prince however has 31. Tbe at Kent was abol Per capita expenses for maintaining in different sections than the Large Eagle Killed By R. L. Mlllei postofflce well Republicans are coming to the the defeated Democratic candidate power such credentials from this ished December 1. schools in tbe cities of Pennsyvanla now Three Hundred Tons of Native govern fiont to defend the constitution and ln one whose results are appearing In are about the average of the total ci- supporting the constitution. While 150 ment and from: persona Influential on 21 former First. Instead of continuing tbe Hay From Acres. to carry It January tbe ties of the but tor none of these gentlemen have yet - Mexico that he will have any WILL PUSH WORK country, general increase of ln the Mid Deming, N. M Dec. 8. L. R. Glass- hardly congressman said." "Their action announced their intention of political power trouble in case he should run Into a ON ARROYO HONDO. government and police and flre pro- openly the decade's er'a bouse six miles east of Deming seems commendable. I fail to the die West and South, nest of tection they are all very low. supporting document desiring been in the caugn' flre Tuesday and burned to the belligerents. why any man who has the Interests first to read and it it growth has largest east That Santa Fe offers an excellent O. F. Flick and Other Officers of Im Other cities with remarkably low study carefully, . , in nnmiri ground. Nothing was saved, and the of New Mexico at heart should vote is generally understood from their i.. ..i, field for tbe novelist and playwright provement Company Are Making payments for the expenses are Mobile states, rela against a safe, sane, reliable and private talks that are In favor power among older was declaration In dis- Inspection Today. $6.83; Wichita, $7.59; Little Rock. they and hundred dollars. He bad no Insurance Mr. Prince's thoroughly proper measure like your of and will tive to the whole country their "As long as the good weather con 111., it likely stump the county te on the same. The family was away cussing with much enthusiasm the $7.66, and Quincy, $7.82. T nast is in .new ior uuu tinues, and certainly this Is ideal, the constitution." advocating its adoption, ln the event history, when the accident occurred, sights and traditions of the Ancient Cities with small per capita pay- In to be work on the Hondo will a fight is made by With Pennsylvania. the Congress D. a "I can when I have Arroyo project In- - opponents. J. Weems, cattle man of Se City. not say FINANCIAL 8TATI8TIC8 ments for general government tbe above chosen in 1912 and ln the election of was or more go steadily forward," said G. Frank support, coming from the par, ln Deming last week attend- seen more beautiful climate V OF BIG CITIE8. cuding payments for tbe council, all then,- Massachusetts, lin Flick, president of the Santa Fe influential leaders of both parties, President ing court Mr. Weems cut this year entrancing skies with all their glories executives offices courts, elections, New New York and Pennsyl over ' Irrigation and Improvement Company including all of Grant county's dele Jersey. three hundred tons of native hay of violent and purple effects. Cer- All Far More Per Ca etc., were Nashville, $0.50; Terre vania will have a larger share of upon his return last night from Chi They 8pend gates to the convention, the constitu- off of 160 acres, which was Irrigated tainly neither Monte Carlo, the Ri- for Than Haute, $0.50; South Bend, $0.50; Fort votes than in the past. The Pacific once cago. pita Municipal Purposes tion would carry by a four to one vote by an overflow coming down one viera, nothing ln Europe can surpass N. Does 8anta Fe. Wayne, $0.48; and Quincy, III, $0.48. California's and Wash- - With Mr. Flick were Secretary ln this county. Coast, led by 0f the draws of the lower Burro moun- - this If It can it" A difference the of mane equal S. Mallory and Vice President F. Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. In his ln organization There was a sentiment in inglon's marvelous advance, tains. Mr. Prince accompanied by Dr. tbe and also ln the itrong - Bridge of the company, and John forthcoming report on statistics elty glvernment this county for the election of all the other great increase ln popuia- At a regular meeting of Deming also a and a of ex Bishop, playwright great Lougbrey, a prominent bond dealer of cities having a population of 30,000 relation city to the county state officers a tion. Lodge No. 12, A. F. & A. M. held ln by popular vote and traveler who is here from London of Milwaukee. land over for 1908, Director Durand, plains much of this condition. In Second. The shift of population their hall Decern- - this having been connected by the Thursday evening, visiting the Cuttings made a tour of Mr, Flick said that be and the otneri0 Bureau of Census, will pre-- some cities the cost of administration from the rural districts to the cities ber 2, the officers were Republican majority in tbe conven following tbe city yesterday by auto and today offlcers of the company here ana Mr. Bent the for the sewer, highway, park, and and the decrease In those living on elected: Otto m appendix showing tion, the people as a rule seem satis-fle- Leopold, worshipful began a long horseback ride. Mr. will go out to the dam today of water departments is charged to the and reveals the James C. senior pa, caB(e, per capita payments with the constitution. Some dis- farms, emphasizes master; Tabor, ward will here and to see how the work is on. Mr. A Prince be several days getting . et debt. Individual department while ln other Is ln the of en; Julius warden - ,.. appointment felt over the failure of fact that the increase price Rosch, junior In on Old- said: to work If be puts Santa Fe his play Flick "We hope keep up on revl8ed eBtlmate of populatlon cities, boards of public works super food is the principal cauBS Thomas Hudson, N. A. Bollch, the convention to embody the initia- (which tyler; Mexico it is hoped that he will still reservoir nu uu , fc vise sewers, highwsys, parks, and cost of treasurer; H. D. Green, 1PV 4 th(J cen9u, tive, but since the return of the dele of the increase of the living) secretary. find a sufficient number of "vaqueros" within three or four months if theretUn, water systems and the expenses of to the fact that more Senator J. N. Upton has been ln weather gates and the people have come to Is due simple here to give a touch of the dashing permits." , , bod of , rt the such boards can not be segregated ' and less town for a few days. The Senator is a understand the situation, this disap- people are eating food peo- western soon to pass away. Apparently ln the best of health, ' and are necessarily charged to gen busily In the days, for the c tie. covered had pointment is and will ple are raising it, proportionately, engaged fighting adop- Mr. Flick seemed to have enjoyea his Pittas eral In other cities tax merely nominal, tion of the constitution dratt necessarily to be estimated from the government have but little effect vote. . than ln the past The only remedy recently BELIEVES visit in Chicago and Ms sojourn there es are assessed and collected upon the ed by tbe constitutional convention of ALBUQUERQUE "" by the The for dear food lies in improving con IN GOOD ROADS. is said to have been successful in principal, controlling force ln which was ands' 1900, and some subsequent state county, without direct expense to the on so that popula- be a member. His alleged o th. .ftnnnn of nmmi. favor of the constitution Is that the ditions tbe farm, m,h,. censuses. Now tbat the for city. rais- objection Is that It is a constitution nent the vast opportuni figures people of this county, with but few tion will go back to the task of Mass Meeting Tonight at Which El Chicagoans of the corporations, for the corpora ties of and 1910 are available, It is evident tbat Par Capita Cost of Police and Flre are in favor of de ing food and improving the methods Camlno Real and High- this territory especially exceptions, and tions and by the County the populations of the cities in 1908 Protection. Increase tbe corporation. Other Be Santa Fe and Its surroundings. manding statehood, and this over- of farming so as to total ways Will Discussed. a A prominent Democrats are taking the can be estimated with much greater study of the cost of police and shadows any faults that may be found product field ln favor of the adoption of the has need of a good, degree of accuracy. For this reason flre protection la, the report states, with the constitution as Third. The States which have Albuquerque, N. M., (Dec. 9. A big Every family framed. The constitution. reliable liniment brui- the per capita figures, based upon suggestive of a difference ln condi- voters feel we made a phenomenal growth and the good roads mass meeting has been tor sprains, that should secure at Ralph Gleason went to El Paso Sat soreness of the muscles and rhe- such revised estimates as shown ln tions In different cities, and also ln once cities which share this advance, are announced for tonight, Friday evening ses, and believe urday, and has returned with his wife umatic there Is none better the appendix, will be of greater value some instances of possibly greater that this is those which have received a large at 7:30 o'clock at the Commercial pains possible at this time and and child. For all for purposes than those expense ln administering depart- under a from- In tbe Club. Members of the automobile than Chamberlain's. sale by comparative constitution that will afford ooDulatlon without Mesdames F. and in of tbe ments. For New York cities DeLauney, Sr., Jr. and roads associations and other dealers. shown the body report the the a safe and workable scheme of gov- Eastern cities this Is entertained a of good party forty friends at citizens have been this Per Capita Net Debt cost of police protection ranged from ernment. The people of this An Important Population, whist working up county bridge at the borne of Mrs. F. desired to have it AMERICAN YEOMEN ARE The report explains that by net $0.84 per capita for Blnghamton to have always been fair and conserva- In states ln the west, which have beLauney, meeting and It Is Jr.. Misses Anna and Nina as and of the INCREASING RIGHT ALONG. debt Is meant tbe gross debt less $3.64 for New York City; for the tive, and haven't reached this population Is large representative yet tbat grown rapidly, Clark, daughters of A. J. Clark were sentiment the singing fund assets. On tbe revised Ohio cities from $067 for Canton to stage where out from abroad and trans-- the good roads of county they cry against any- partly partly guests of honor. The narty was metnbers of tbe and Publio Meeting to Be estimates cities that have grown $2.34 for Cinnati; and for the llinois coun- - as possible. Tbe Banquet thing proposed, which may have been ferred from other parts oi tne given last Thursday afternoon from In board of county commissioners have Held In This City Near more rapidly than had been allowed cities from $0.67 for Quincy to $2.92 suggested by political oponents. try. States which do not receive three to five. le been asked to be present, as well as Future. for by the earlier estimate of the tor Chicago. The per capita cost of constitution will be voted uoo from Immigration from other states or J. A. Kealy left Sunday for San the county road overseers and the bureau have reduced their per capita flre protection does not show such the standpoint of merit and a deBlre from countries make an Francisco, U. S. Mar- - foreign accompanying county surveyor. Every person ln the The Brotherhood of American Yeo debt Thus, the per capita net wide variations between tbe large and for statehood at the as small or smaller than shal Foraker with several Chinamen earjlest time. advance city and county who la Interested ln man held Its regular meeting last eeDt for New York City at the close small cities of the same state. Thus, of countries. who had been ordered of that European deported, better roads; who drives a horse or evening and a class candidates mns wn nr,a.n2. Instead of $157.74 tbe per capita cost ln Illinois cities Worse than an alarm ot fire at would have ap- - Mrs. F. S. Case of night A generation ago it Lanark, spent a cart or a was Into the local homestead. 6 an automobile or push adopted M preTiously announced; for Derolt ranges from $1.04 for Rockford to$2.-2- Is the metallic cough of croup, bring- Incredible Iowa in ten Tuesday in Deming shopping. - reared that baby buggy; all persons who have Kieven more applications ior aomis- t2295 instead of $26.02; and for Sa- tor Peoria, while for Chicago It ing dread to the household. Careful should add no more to Its po- - So1 Leffler, of Apache, Ariz, has sion were and balloted on. years Just paid their three dollars road tax presented cramento, $28.58 Instead of $37.77. was only $1.61; and for the Indiana mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar than does France. The been here for a week visiting his Is Honorable Foreman C. G. Richie ap- pulatlon and wish to know how the money Those cities that have grown less cities the range was from $1.16 for ln the bouse and give It at the- first which receive little a committee of live to states, y being spent; and all publio spirited pointed arrange rapidly than had been anticipated Fort Wayne to $2.17 for Terre Haute, sign of danger. It contains no opiates. must on in- to Immigration, depend the citizens generally, are urged be iU. have a correspondingly higher per while for lndanapolls It was only Sold at Capital Pharmacy. po- TAKE CARE. oe near oy crease in the birth rate for their present. quel given in tne a flet debt the rev)aed e8tl. $2. The range ln New Jersey cltleB Remember that when your kidneys juturereu- - and constantly lose by the Members of the good roads commit me nU.aeBlBBa. u. ,u..uw.uB Is FUNERAL OF VICTIMS OF pulation, are life is la p example, the revised per from $0.71 in West Hoboken to .movement of a of their popula- affected, your danger. tee of the Commercial Club will par ers were appointed by the chair: F. part M. " , h M $1.86 for Patterson. Many cities of - BERNHARD TRAGEDY. a rela- Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "My tn tbe meeting and It Is bon- W. Fanner, cha rman; G. Volney How-- . tion west and north, making tlctpate 8 3 lnB'ead approximately the same size show trouble started with a sharp shooting ed the attendance of club members ard, R. L. Baca, George M. Klnsell ;'"". i87' tively small increase, which runs for Butfe, Mont., $29.46 wide variations in the cost of such John Feagle, Hunter and Trapper, Ar pain over my back which grew worse will Interested. The ob- H m nh s .nHnv.i Mnn-- y announced; fionv 6 cent ln a stats like Mis- be large and t stt flre rested, to Connection With per I felt and lnsteafl of i functions as protec- fav- dally. sluggish tired, my of the is to "get togeth- ager F. W. Farmer has donated to "n.d01)fr 'op"n; souri up to 16 per cent in more ject meeting .. Mo.. instead of $8.89. the Murder, kidney action was Irregular and in- co- ,k tr . i uu, ... $12.67 tion,, and, report concludes, where ored states. Most of the Southern er" with the county officials and Kansas City, Dec. 12. John frequent, I started using Foley Kid- tn rt.n tt. fmnt in,i atfltinr named city has been credited with this is the case citizens who are pay- Feagle whose are operate with them for better roads h!i hunter and trapper, whose home is states figures represented Fills. Each dose - hand in 1908 the smallest per ing a high for flre ney seemed to put and generally to discuss ways and the regular meeting nights. This or- having price protection half a mile from show an Increase of about 9 per new life net debt of ln the well conditions ln the Bernhara farm and strength into me, and means of solving one of the biggest ,io. ,in I,. n,.,mw-- h canlta any city might study other in Johnson cent or ten cent. This Is hi,i - county, Kansas, where per now I am completely cured and feel now 1. The bannuet and country of more than 80,000 popuia- cities with a view to ascertaining the problems which confronts Ber January mil. Mrs. Bern-har- about the increase of European coun- and n(! revised estimate cause of Emily Bernhard, George better stronger tban for years." nalillo county. It Is understood that nilhlin niAAttnff nrnmlapn tn hn nna tion. but on the such high payments. her son tries like where growth still Sold and Thomas Morean England at Capital Pharmacy. fund is available from tbe forest the social events of the season. State' that honor falls to Johnstown, Pa., City Recreation post. and James and Is about tbe annual in- Graves were murdered. goes on, service revenues, part of which goes Manager Farmer leaves for Taos to- with a debt of $9.71 per capita, Cities with the higher per capita was - arrested in connection with the crease in- Germany. SOME DEMOCRATIC LEADERS to schools and to the morrow where he will Institute anoth- On the revised estimates the cities payments for recreation, including is the county part crime early today and placed ln iall So far as its native population FAVOR THE CONSTITUTION road work this matter will come er branch of the order. of over 300,000 population ln 1908 maintenance of parks, playgrounds, and at Kansas City. He told the police concerned, the UnlteU States now for "El with the net debt beaches, were New up discussion. Camlno Real" highest per capita bathing etc, conflicting stories his rela- than a Al- regarding grows no faster European Associated Press Dispatch From will also be discussed It Is UNION MINERS ARE were: New $153-02- ; Cincinnati, York, N. $1.51; Denver, and hoped York, Y, Colo, tions with the Bernhard family, ad- country. So far as the distribution buquerque Declares They Think the will result ln definite and VOTING. FOR OFFICERS. and $114.63. Those $1.21; 111, N. meeting $125.40; Boston, Chicago, $1.13; Albany, mitting that he had quarreled with of political power is conoerned, the That Voters Should Deolde. action toward road with the lowest net debt D. vigorous Improve per capita Y, $0.89, and Washington, C, them. Feagle's story however, di- from New England ment. Deo. 13 min- movement away Indjanapolls, Union were: Derolt, $22.05, and Milwaukee, 0.86. rected suspicion toward another man. the Middle States is arrested, Albuquerque, N. M,, Dec. 12. A ers all over the are and country today $31.68. and further arrests are expected to the South and number of the Democratlo lead- a of- po- and the prospect that party When you have cold get a bottle balloting for their International For cities of 100,000 to 300,000 'I had been troubled with constipa day. The funerals of the victims will have full poll-ca- l ers have declared ln favor of Chamberlain's not West will ultimately publlly of Cough Remedy. It ficers. The result will be an pulatlon ln 1908 those with the high- tion for two years and tried all of the be held todij . As to the Cam- - control grows less. the constitution, and who because of will fix you up all right and will ward nounced until the annual convention est per capita net debt were best physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and Bloody Garments Found, for fact some of the supply of food, so long produced the that Democratic off any tendency toward pneumonia. at Columbus Ohio, next month. MaES., $81.68 Jersey City, they could do nothing for me," writes Kansas City. Deo. 12. A bloody In excess of the need of the popula- oounty conventions favor the consti- This remedy contains no opium or sldent Thomas L. Lewis Is opposed $69.73: Syracuse, $68.66: and those Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. pair of overalls and shirt were found tion, thrf tlme has come when the tution, advooate leaving the matter other narcotic and mar be given as for by John P. White of with the lowest were Indianapolis, Two packages of Chamberlain's by the police today ln the borne of as with other or to the Indivi- a United States must, of approval rejection confidently to baby as to an adult Oskaloosa Iowa, President of the $is.32; and Atlanta, $27.01. Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me" John Feagle. The bloody garments countries, face the neoesslty either dual Democratlo voters. Sold by all dealers. Iowa district Of the cities of less than 100,000 For sale by all dealers. were concealed in a closet PLAY FAIR. SECONDARY THE BOY SCOUTS. - IT'S A MATTER. OF REVENUE," LATIN IN THE Roswell J not NO STAR CHAMBER PROCEED- Ths Democratic Dally FOUR. local distribution, they do employ The Scout movement has AQI men who have been ln Boy makes the following appeal for the malls to any such extent ai the 1NQS. Traveling of The president of the University spread to Santa Fe. It Is an excellent to the Tribune widely circulating magazines," rn8 Tularosa Valley Tribune Is one Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, a fair play Albuquerque New Mexico, Dr. E. McQueen Gray, Idea eanectnlly for a city like this pi,i,on the anneal, of course, fallinc While the loss from the ot violently op-lo- Las and other complain - resulting tne (ew newSpapers Vegas plaoes classical scholar and pracUcal educa- CnrlBVian ears Tribune cut- m m esto postage rate on second class mall hayn nQ young Meni deaf 'for the lew v constitution. Its main that on account of the low water this ter. In the latest Bulletin of the Un. , Is the In the postal service m((keBi game to defame NewM. greatest fundamental the continued drought and enters uuo a uoibubo vi - PRINTING COM- the loss on rural delivery service Is reason for rejecting the summer, versity. when Ico: NEW MEXICAN not of Latin In the public schools. It Its business to look after boys PANY. very considerable. The appropriations law formulated, la this: "Reject .It other causes, the water supply is study "In Its seal to defeat the constitu- to defense Is the fol home. . The - The keynote his away from school and to maintain the rur- and that by annually granted beoause f the clandestine, sb good as It bught to be as enthus-la'stl- tion or misled an enterprising and lowing: "Herein consists, as far movement has been given an F. WALTER, sub-ros- a ex- too careful the PAUL A. alJdel!V.eryB'8tem'.b0WeTer,"HP0l" way In which In consequence, many plaoes have the schoolboy ls concerned, the main none correspondent, sm. out report, are at Albuquerque and of Editor President Tri- derived from a reception Tribune Citizen, Albuquerque, docs ., inioro.t nr . vo nnnninHnn Mr. it was made. Honest, men who are perienced unusual epidemics. In benefit to be learning Las FRANK P. 8TURGE8, an Increased knowl- it has struck a popular chord at the Democraoy of Chaves county an Hitchcock the wisdom of bent on the people whose nidad, Colorado, yesteday's pa- foreign language urges serving ot his own. is the best If not for the Lbb Vegas Optic says:, Injustice ln Its Issue of last Saturday. of further extension of this children ill edge It Vegas garage placed them In positions of pers report five hundred of easy there ls any Citizen a tele- a considerable loss to the only way correcting by "Those who suppose "The Tribune printed system even at from and other diseases.' mis- JOHN K. 8TAUFFER, ue " b. scarlet fever und natural methods the habitual about the Boy Scouts gram under date ot Roswell, Dec. 9, the government He points out, also,1 use mountain thing military Secrstsry-Trsasurs- " te&r the light of day, and At many places which use of the English language prevalent to W. B. Walton at Bllver City, said the buslnes wisdom of the consolidate". that organization, are mistaken. It ls sim most men who seek the cover of water, the Inhabitants complain in our schools." This, no doubt, being ilgned by twelve Dem- Hon during the last year of the star movement to en- telegram " it ls not the invisible bacteria the reason for an of ten observed ply a disciplinary a Bntered M Second Clsss Matter at route snd rural delivery system, the darkness do so with theavowed only ocrats, and Is ln effect protest - that the water unfit but that the fact,- that the foreigner who learns courage good behavior through an ap Santa F Poatofflce. . having been the means poae of accomplishing some evil, sin- make against the lining up of the Democra- - water swarms with red algae which ln his youth, generally speaks sense and re uf effecting: a large savings and of In- lster, selfish or devilish edsign, English peal to a boy's of pride tic party or of Democrats ln favor of While those may writes .It more correctly, than . v RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. efficiency of the service, sides the people, of New Mexico look like spiders. end sponsibility. the constitution. The Albuquerque the no American who has had I .25 Mr. the work al- - have a to know how, by not be positively unwholesome, does the youth who have studied the lit Bhould have known that te Dally, per week, by carrier Hitchcock reviews right Dr. "PerhonB paper tl)at 75 es--, one a drink of water when not been taught anothor language, Dally, per month, by, carrier ready accomplished looking to the Influences, what methods and person- relishes erature of the movement ln England was sent more man two weens d continues: "Divide a class and legram mall 66 tabllshment of banks, al ny measure has found he sees floating in it theBe red, Gray It was In other newpap-er- s Dally, per month, by postal savings pull, given the English and America, and who have Informed ago, printed mail 100 A new will be Kb Into fundamental law of spores. Time will come when let some of pupllB study Dallr, three months, by ... trial of the system way the lan- of the territory at the tiro, includ- at town will have alone and the reBt some other themselves accurately of Its alms and Dally, six months, by mall made, beginning January 1, 1911, ttje state." every progressive lan- ing the Tribune Citizen's competitor T.OO tern-- , Its water, no matter guage In addition. The foreign will welcome the organiza- Dally, one year, by mall one postofflce in each state ana ls faIr of the argu-- filtering beds for methods, at Tbe Tribune Citizen Thlg , ,ampie d ln the hands of a Albuquerque. of oeen how Its sna uncontaminat-e- guage students, of it and lend im- Weekly, per month tory the union, Raton naving ments aMreggea t0 an Intelligent con- pure origin will out- tion of a local branch should not have conveyed the SO course. It is competent instructor, rapidly per quarter selected for New Mexico, ine amount writer has Its watershed. Of to It every reasonable encouragement. this was ot Weekly, BtltlM,noTi Tne reported are the others in accuracy and depth pression that telegram lx month, mall .... by congress ror tnis trial only ln places ln which citizens strip "It ls not exactly a play device. sen- Weekly, by appropriated Bx iuccelilve territorial legislatures of of English.". In New recent date and represented the W was $100,000. All of the office se-- to tax themselves far more knowledge it can be made Weekl.', per year ,n New Mexlc0 naB attended the willing an additional reason presents Properly managed, timent of a majority of the Democrats Review ot second . . ln Santa Fe, Mexico, The Weekly New Mexican for the trial are the , n.h ...... liberally than they are a wonderful power for right training for It does not Mex- .,.,.. itself for the of Latin, for that of this county as study or- la the oldest newspaper In New class, wage earners being Particular that such expensive appurtenances of youth, and ln order that the of Conf?res. ,t Washington, and tongue Is the basis ot Spanish. It is "The mere fact, and It should be ico. It la sent to every postofflce In filters for tbe domestic water ganization may not iepart from Its in not one Instance, were the proceed general easier, for the English speaking ohlld to the Tribune Citizen, that the and ha a large and new postal savings system will be ex- but some nay. avowed purpose It ,1s Important that known Territory ings as much above deck and board snnnly are possible, to advance upon Spanish by the Latin of Chaves In circulation among the Intel- tended to many other offices before to be In the same men ana women should the Democracy county, growing as were the deliberations of the Santa Fe too, hopes route than It is direct attack. As representative declared and people of the the end of the current fiscal year. Colorado by from the first become Its sponsors assembled, ligent progressive New Mexico Constitutional Conven class as El Paso or springs, Dr. maintains, Latin Is not a ln recom- dollars a Gray ' In opposition to placing the party Southwest, A renewal of the previous Not a executive session i,im, anomi hnif a million "It forms both and patrons. tion. single "dead" language, for seemed to be to the constitution, and by mendations for a limited parcel post voar enph for municipal purposes, of modern "The first impulse line against was held, at no time was any one or foundation and fabric such declared in favor the 1910. service on rural routes ls made. Mr. Fe must content itself oppose the Boy Scout Idea because inference, of, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, dered to leave the floor. Even the while Santa tongues as French, Spanish, Italian, with Hitchcock expresses the hope that of or leas, on of the fear thRt It meant training ln constitution, and that only eight Republican caucus or conferences with an Income $15,000 Portuguese and is the very framework to will u. 70U,uuu, discipline, but of late the votes In opposition should prove Congress u...., ot this an assessment ot lesB than of our English speech." There ls an military routes.u..of ? taxa most advocates have the Tribune Citizen that the telegram on rural parcels weighing T ol ,, while EH Paso's assessment for reason for continuing ardent peace '- -"" """"" " other practical to teach does not aahigh as eleven pounds. This scheme i,K,.. times as school endorsed it. It does seek it has resurrected represent r . . , Las the El Paso Herald tion Is more than forty Latin in tb3 high curriculum Vegas Optic, whereever certain attributes of military Bervice. the sentiment ot the Democracy of A CLEAN-CU- BUSINESSMAN. ,h Denver and other Journ--i much. In the meanwhile, and Dr. Gray puts it as follows: if any expense to the government. papers water un such as obedience to authority, strict Chaves county. t't Louis D. Brandels.'ln his and the caucus were and whenever drinking is "Besides, Latin is essentially lor Attorney i als, proceedings a sense of , i! n,n.n,i.tin. that consumers should filter of and efficiency, service and "Play fair." an unheard of der suspicion, leal: it demands clarity thought 1b light on the railroads, recently brag be given the published proceeding but it pointed Congressional authority boll , deflnitenees In statement of all who railroads -. . i before this or else, or better still, it also ged that he could save the jo-.m- ..! anywhere to of out, that these are all attributes AH tbe railroads of the country, tbe 'several the Dem- use It; so that the mere practice million dollars a if would ini nta in mnnnt tint Mrepdine Republican caucuses, ot Industry, honest government and averaged less than six per- a day they and one or two Sv. this week translation and ln particular of com past yean ' fee were Invited Prprtprlck Lehmann, . Is small him. But between bragging ten dollars, at a lower than isiocrats reacts the mind of the cent dividends. That enough only let Toe uemocrauc cau- solicitor general ot the Unit position upon pro- rharrorf mnm, orders, tbey did attend. appointed ' "What the movement seeks to Investment which in and accomplishing. Is often a wide tor . user In a manner unequaled by any return on an ,.-.- Icus closed the doors to the ... .,. .v.. alone ed States by President rait, kb. mote Is the development of Independ- is How has at ' for all Its deli many instances precarious. gulf. Uncle Sam, however, nress but did not make much n lima a sheen herder, but liked other language. Greek, human- this 7 ence, alertness, here in Santa Fe, the head of his postofflce department abuses of the franking system could . and through cacy of phrase and harmony of ex many people, right difference as their caucuses were held hna-- hotter than sheep and Justice. It further seems to of than a man, who is accomplishing the feat be prevented, with marked economy, himself makes no such widespread ity are satisfied with a return less to make political medicine. In his own, unaided effortB, made pression, and living, love Who is of down deficit a! by supplying special official envelopes only Intellectual as does. promote simple right six per cent on their money? cutting the postal deliberate bodies is custom one of the leading legal lights of the Impress Latin and at j and for tbe mall of the other it ot outdoor life, and an Intelligent there In New Mexico who would place million dollars each month stamps free rnnntrv. And still, some boys, even The sense of positive values order, e to hold of the committee toward subhuman and Inani- hands the same time thia service. government. In the present circum-H- ary sittings have seauence. direction, power are but a money for Investment In other Improving behind closed but here In Santa Fe, say that they six this a of a few stances, is to determine of tbe whole doors, ' The value mate nature. for uncertain returns of five or Is doing tor salary it impossible no to make something out oi nart of the Latin heritage. afford this was not the case In the constitu- chance con- "All parents may well to lend cent is because the thousand dollars a year and all sorts j the cost to the government of the only of the of Latin does not per a year? It themselves snd complain that the study d in-- 1 tional convention at Santa Fe, where encouragement to the Boy Scout have been of political cuffs said gibes thrown franking privilege, but It It were their reach ls the sist merely or even chiefly in the ac- railroad companies the committee of the whole and all diversion within movement as one that will be bene- and by govern to the bargain. He would be worth hedged about by such a "plan as Mr. brothel. Never was a quisition of another literature and an by demagogues sessions were as open to saloon or the ficial and well calculated to prove the few years, a gold mine to any large railroad or Hitchcock suggests It would be committee a who is increased knowledge of our own lan- ment agencies past to the as were time or a place, where boy to their sons. are built corporation, which, ble to determine definitely the cost the public and press an guage, but ln the effect upon the stud helpful that no new railroads being the' ambitious, has so great opportuni- rail- would services of that' of carrying free mall for all execu the formal sessions of convention, a mlnd of contact with the Roman in New Mexico, that the day of appreciate to educate himself and become ent's GOOD. en-- 1 Democratic convention ty DOING has that kind most substantially, but he ls tivs departments and for the it is true, the as now, and ln Intellect and the Eoman habit of road Improvements passed, to ex- leader of men right There ls no town of Santa Fe's size of railroad the for common ; gress. In Arlsona made several efforts ' people are fighting shy In army the this Even In Santa Fe books thouKht." of made clude and held country. In the country which at this time stocks and bonds, and that American good. His annual report just It Is Indicated in the report that press representatives and can be had free at the It ls an Interesting and scholarly the caucus papers the year needs so much and demands railroads are begging Euro- public, gives a glimpse of a depart- tbe cruBade by the postofflce depart- executive sesalons, while even here schooling monogram that every New Mexico vainly rami- than a Masonic con- public library, one interested so little from charity. Santa Fe has Investors to take gold bonds at ment whose work and intricate ment the fraudulent use of the was more secret in the scnoois, teacher, In fact, every - pean against costs nothing public few industries, a thousand of Its famt- Governor fications exceed those ot tbe great- malls has been pushed with great clave, but that has nothing to do with schools offer facil- ln the problems of "practical" educa par. The address by and correspondence lles live on an Income of less than $6 on another est business enterprise on earth and vigor. the last few months New Mexico, whose convention pro- such as could tion should read, for Dr. Gray sets Stubbs, therefore, page, During ities for a week, and a number of fami more . one touch most intimately the one hun- the principal officers of 34 corpora were published to their min- universities out to demonstrate the "practical" quite must be taken with than ceedings not be Bad at lies on no Income at all or dred million people of the Cnlted tions and firms have been placed un- utest detail in the dally papers of even churches uses of Latin and does not dwell on apparently grain of salt. a century ago; here, so little It would a China States. !der arrest for the and Las Ve to the and strong ethical ar- that puizle swindling public Santa Fe, Albuquerque and societies stretch out their arms other very ends to meet. One In upon tbe reduction this method. excuse will those the wider culture man how are made Democratic Congressman Stephens commenting by gas. A much better entertain the young man and have guments, of In to Postmaster General comes can meet on every corner children of who in the paat has proved referred above "It ls estimated," report says, have to be found for opposing the him In their work, even where and the deep satisfaction that Texas, In this the, help in sufficiently dressed. Still there are Inveterate hater of New Hitchcock says report: "that the eighty Important cases re convention than the He that It was for- movements for civic righteousness de to him who can read the classics himself an most to writ-te-a but little complaining, but compara- resolu- "It is gratifying report that to a head mulated in secret mand the aid of every patriotic youth. the which they were Mexico has introduced a Joint cently brought represent tonguejn tively few appeals for direct charity, this unprecedented reduction has been truth- . ' tion ln providing for s ,,. k. Truly, no boy In Santa Fe can Wom- Congress made without curtailment of pos-- although much ls done by the to the any from tne Amer)can people ln ,esi tnan AN INSTRUMENT OF TYRANNY, fully say 'that? there ls no place for boundary commission settle SANTA FE. an's Beard of Trade, for Instance, to and tat jacimiCT. ua im nimmr,, a decade $100,000,000." ThA Arizona Renublican puts the him to go, nothing for him to do and SEWERAGE FOR boundary dispute between Texas fully who need It - I . . find clothing for those service has been largely extended. . bane of the recall concretely when no chance for him to work himself .. W, R. Smythe, clvll,an4 municipal New Mexico, following in iu of adminls ! .w- strong y urges, that demonstrated and. food for those who, have .none. "The policy the present it says: up In the world. engineer of experience, sions the bills he repeatedly Introdu losses' p0,1 erTice be Men With the Christmas abroad, the - tration ha. been to wipe out ?ntl'e., "A local newspaper of Phoenix In last evening to the Santa Fe Board of spirit ced In the past but which were defeat- - business """" " sys- needy of whom Santa Fe has so. many by Increasing the postal "The dulges in a 'wild, hysterical demand THE FEVER IS GOING DOWN. Trade that a complete sewerage ed by the watchfulness of Delegate to and while thus recent order of the President Bhould not be forgotten. There are along profitable lines, for the 'recall of Judge Sloan be in Is down. But a few tem for Santa Fe ls not only a physic- Andrews. This proposefl the recommendaUon of " Oregon going channels which Congress enlarging the department's Income to fja8'lfylnjf' to have ex- al but also a financial pos organized through, on " cause he Is reported more years, and the patient will have necessity commission ls to have represented rate of " IS charity can be done and there reduce far as possible the i.tu, In an opinion inert hin normal health. How-- sibility. Santa Fe very favorably the United but expenditure "Prtant ep ln the pressed Washington to be also charify tor It Texas and States by cutting out wasteful J1?, In- - to and a se' ought personal In- " that the constitution as framed by o. hi. noihhnro who have been located as topography not New Mexico, the party most by and render- - " " "l morB ""' a visit to the humble neighbor's home, processes, simplifying ", - the convention' now will not in-- line othera. system that would cost another plaV 1b ln Presidential postmas- sitting ..'.. .r. cool laid on fevered brow terested, and otherwise unfair lag more effective the methods ot rtorm: , $100, a hand the be ratified by the peopie at the gen- . ,h. hi.oo.b like Albuquerque, for instance, Let us have a Donna-ar- by rata-- ,'ro th,9 c,aB8 v.. of the siok, a meal cooked for a Its provisions. handllng postal business, and '.a" eral election on the question. .. " "" Tr.. w- -- 000, can be installed In Santa Fe for which "? uuu,u "H m " ' :.. Mico next door or clothing commission, hut one upon ing to the possible standard f8 Ma correct In . one-hal- f the sum. Mr. has needy family highest ..., "Whether the governor is a h, , Smythe ull.-- il an Liiua .' - hr - a little all Interested are represented the efficiency of officers and employes. can until the in, drawn an elaborate and made de bestowed on shivering one, parties earnestly recommended would un-- his opinion nobody say of virus enter plan to be fulr In "Thp mor nnlrklv mall matter can " sympiorus the having a when personally done and not through and under instructions votes are counted. tailed estimates for sewer system ' h I. the questionably result in a still better ed the system. Says ths Arizona will a glow of every respect. it,. t.. .n.niv - "Meanwhile, he has the right to for Santa Fe to take care of a popu- deputies, bring greater 8ta4naard "'service- ' does the process. The department accordingly . to In ' the Mr. satisfaction than bestowing extension of civfl have his Ideas on the subject, and lation of 15,000 valley. earnest- -' general the "A of the Oregon election re of millions the millionaire for the Much ado has been made in easteri has devoted Itself with great them. Just as newspapers and study Smythe pointed out the menace to by rules 10 ,ourtn Postmas-efficienc- y express us western most- ness to the work of Increasing the f6rvlf cla" turns ls encouraging to those of under con- founding of some university or hospl as well as newspapers, " some individuals have a right to believe health that exists present of of the mail service, consld-- recommended, although who have an abiding faith in the ulti- of ln tal. The world ls accomplishing won ly Democratic, about the brevity 'f have otherwise and say so. ditions when the disposal sewage New erlng this the surest method of mak- - disadvantages developed ln th. mate sense of the people. as It ders through organized charity, but the Arizona constitution. The of the civil The fact which we would empha good Santa Fe ls about as primeval that ing the postal establishment self- - fPPtlon service rules "At the November election the peo while every one should liberally assist Mexican has received a copy of of size ln making mention of the Inci- Is in darkest Africa or the pestilential as . j postmasters that class. to it not replace document and finds that it ls fully supporting." dent ls the extreme lengths to which ple of Oregon were called upon sections of Chinese towns. There ls organized charity, ought ex-- conclusion. Postmaster General constitution. The department's policy is to ! or more than three well wnter ln altogether the doing ot personal char long as the New Mexico Hitchcock rabid advocates of 'the recall' will vote for against hardly a doubt that all - 1. war- - expresses the hope that for no Individual should deprive- It has between 20,000 and 25,000 tend the service as rapidly as if Arizona becomes a state under dozen propositions proposing various the city Is contaminated by sewage ity, "ee Way ,0 go, covers twenty-liv- e columns ' ranted by Increasing population. In ,IU clearIy amendments to the constitution, and and Mr. It: "Any one himself of the knowledge, the sympa words, and SlT" an annuaI Ieave ot bsence the proposed constitution. as Smythe put con- furtherance of this policy, 1500 new "I"?'"? under the to Rosaiio thy, the satisfaction that alone Is giv- of the Arizona Republican. It 30 t0 "Evidently there are some people ln numerous laws, started Who has gone the and rheto- were established Postofflce clerks, city - en by about and doing good. tains such beautiful flowers of postofflces during f' Arizona who are not prepared to system. Most ot these prop- eral cemeteries by way of the D. & R. going the and 615 new de-- railway postal ric which may mean nothing or may last year rural a difference of opinion on naltlnna were rejected, chiefly, the G. roundhouse on a hot summer's day 'lerk8 WBO are required to work six tolemte mean "A re- livery routes traversing altogether a officer because the will not soon the place." As 8TATEHOOD IS THE ISSUE everything: frequent day' or more week the any Question. If public Oregon paperB explain, forget fundamental is 12,235 miles, were instituted. Nearly throughout of as these conditions are tolerated, There is no way of getting away currence to principles happen to have a different opinion voters could not study the merits long of 3,600 new of various class--, call- from the fact and no sophistry will essential to the security Individual employes from theirs recall him from office, or these measures In the election booth so long Santa Fe families will be es were placed the rolls of thei hide It that a vote the consti rights, and the perpetuity of free gov- upon subject him to the expense of making and for voted no, ed upon to offer up innocent victims against whose aggregate salaries SCIENTIFIC FORESTRY. safety tution ls a vote citizenship, ernment." It U noticeable however, department, of a campaign to hold his office? No "But one at least, of- to typhoid, scarlet fever and other against r mr ti,nn 9nndiuin Secretary Agriculture Wilson in proposition, against statehood. This ie the way that the recurrence to fundamental r,niir hl" anual matter how upright he may be no no for mistake as preventable Illness. "The present hit Iif addition to this sum. 11.750.000 was rePrt promises that lnthe fered opportunity that the Albuquerque Journal puts It: principles ln the constitution itself is more matter how true to his conception and its defeat by a or miss method of sewer construction added to the salaries of postofflce ,uture attention will he paid to to its meaning, "In his communication yeBterday In extremely rare, while the wandering of duty, no matter how conscientious furnishes unmistak Is only a waste of money and will but clerks, $1,220,000 to the salaries of let- iciuresirauon, wnicn seems to be a decisive majority, answer to Mr. Mr. F. W. away from such principles is charac- in respect recall him, if he voters add to tbe confusion when it is at Fergusson,, ter and 12 to sala- better Idea than every able evidence that the Oregon the clincher How exclamation: carriers, 50,000 the withdrawing to an to the old sew- Clancy, ln closing, puts teristic, apt the In- dares express opinion contrary of the "direct legis- tempted Incorporate ries of railway mall clerks. All lands from development. are growing tired on his masterly argument against in- What fools these mortals be!" , to what bis i disappointed enemies ers ln a complete scientific system," creases ln salary were based upon ef- should he pushed with a lation" fad. This proposition, put accurate and prejudiced opposition to would like to hear him gay! man asserts Mr. Smythe. determination to make good what forth and pressed by U'Ren, the the act. Andrew Carnegie today formally ficiency ratings. "And that Is the condition to which Such a complete plan, divided Into organic In discussion of second class the band of man has wasted ln most for the "Oregon ago," Mr. ten million dollars to help estab- the the the extreme radicals of Arizona would responsible Bectlonal divisions, one 'of which can "Twenty years he says, gave mall, Postmaster General Hitchcock past was one "to Increase the Initia and bis then political asso- lish world peace," an appropriate gift bring this commonwealth this land plan," be constructed at a time, ls offered Fergusson points out tbe constant of this Some of scienti tive, referendum and recall powers ciates In a fierce fight on a during a season that celebrates the growth Interesting results which all of us love so well! by Mr. Smythe. He divides the town engaged class of matter. ls carried at a fic forestry have been collected D. of the people." The title ot the pro- constitution for New Mexico. At that two thousand year old message ol It by "But, please Cod, we don't thjnk into nine sewer districts, the total loss, and he urges that a remedy E. Hutcblna ln a on a to showed Its meaning, time ridiculed the Idea that op- peace and good will. At the Bame report plan liberty is dead, even ln Arizona." position clearly cost of construction In each district they should be promptly applied charg- reforest would not have it. to the constitution was oppo- time, a Boston author Issues a book, by Cyprus. The German forests and the people ranging from $1,175 to $12,320, while position more of belief to asserted then entitled "World Corporation," which ing postage. covering about 36,000,000 acres, yield The Democratic Dally Record of They have given proof their the total scheme would demand an sition statehood; and "In levying the higher rate," the $110,000,000 - of a is sufficient. It as now, that it meant 'only a matter offers, what he purports to be a prac- a year, and under the rap- Roswell Is urging the adop- that plenty thing of $57,300. . To the individual that vigorously In outlay of and report suggests, "It ls believed increase of area and productiveness 1b not a wild prophecy to say that cost to of a delay of a year or two.' tical solution the governmental tion of the constitution. It says: property owner, if the ,were old o u.ouuuuuu biiuuiu ut uiuuo , In. ten was New Mexico international troubles of this , uciwocu imnortat on Of 180.000.000 nf timber "It will be a terrible mistake for nil nrnbahllltr before another be assessed gainst his property, the "The result that advertising matter and what ls term- to Ore-- had to face the unanswer world. He would have all nations in- Germany will toon be unnecessary. the Democratic party to declare years have passed the voters of expense would range from 26 to 60 for year ed legitimate matter. The of able at that the under one management, reading spruce forest the Erzgeblrge agalnBt the constitution, especially so iron will have either repealed their cents lineal foot In addition to argument Washington corporated "Under conditions an In- per with a ot who. would present Mountains, supplying 2128 cubic feet should It afterward turn out to be constitutional provisions of direct each connection. people didn't want statehood. board directors crease ln the postage on mat- we hear the same op administer as an on" corpora- reading pef acre from growing stock, seems our only chance of securing state- legislation or will have made them Such a system would take care of "Today cry; it "pry ter is not recommended. an 1b Much Such to lead ln average This land will re- to use them. position to the constitution Is not op tion managed by la directors. ! yield. hood. That the constitution obsolete by neglecting Santa Fe's sewerage for many yeara increase would place a special burden , to will be only needless expense would thus be avoid-- ' worth not mon than fl gn aere for ceive a good majority ln Chaves FanatlcUm always runs Its course ln to come, and would cut down the death position statehood; it on a large number of second class! pub or what dbes and cost of vast armaments ordinary farming or pasturage, but county ls made manifest by yester- the time may be com- rale materially, not to speak of the a delay of a year two; ed, the lications, Including educational and re time, although would be saved. seems like a vis- gives a net annual profit of about $9 action. It is believed that it reduction ln contagious and epidemic it matter? It little day's paratively long. 1'iid measur- ligious periodicals, that derive - What does It matterl This ls the Idea. within an acre from the Judicious thinning will receive similar majorities In the "And while IB recover- diseases. By Issuing ten year bonds, ionary yet, or no profit from advertising. It ls so. Oregon on common business sense out of timber. In France the conl other counties ln the Pecos valley. Arizona is the cost would be very low, av keynote to the opposition the part able time, the the circulation of this type of In from- her craze and yearly publica , of such as Mr. Fergneson of men will dictate Just such an ferous of a net the ,tao-es- four cents year front gentlemen tion, which aids so ln the forest Baj&ncon gives Its contemporary, Republican tm )n the flrgt there ls every eraging per per effectively e "It doesn't matter If statehood ls de Income of about $16 an acre, k young Roswell Register-Tribun- declares: Arizona will foot or $2,00 per year for a fifty foot rangement. educational and moral advancement of reason to expect that e If forest of 1950 acres on Mount "From the fact that only seven of Amer- lot, which is less than It costs now to layed another twenty-fiv- years; tbe people, that the government can turn to the proved principles with all for Bernalillo county Demi Ventou ln between Democrats in Chaves county had the be maintain sink boles. Here Iff a solu- the lojig distance government Bully the best afford to these Provence, planted ican government' In time and glad - fol- encourage. For Its attendant- carpet-baggin- office- ocrats! have adopted the 1803 and 1878, Is not only already pro- desire to line up against tbe constitu- 1910 for the peo- tion for Santa Fe's most pressing They publications, and also for any other to forget the year evils is maintained for a quar- resolution the harrow- fitable, a return of about tion at the convention the other day, to the problem, and the New Mexican will holding lowing depstte legitimate reading matter In periodic yielding ple of this territory are equal If Investors of H. B. a but it may be concluded that after all the within a few publish Mr. ter of a century longer; ing protests Fergusson: al form, the department favors a con- $14,000 year, has quite trans- best In the world." days seems Democrats are Just as people paper so proper- place their money elsewhere, prefer- Whereas, It advisable, par tinuation of the low postage formed the neighboring country. good patriots Smythe's that every all present and that owner be Informed on a to be 'inside the United States"; ticularly from the standpoint of rate of one cent a recom Springs have reappeared, with re- as anybody else, they certain- will take place ty may fully ring pound, and Arizona's election earn- ln a nation the as such, that the voting and fol ly have the sense when they are nak- can- subject that must be tnkon up in if the territorial anomaly parties, mends that the proposed increase In stored fertility, this has been on 8, the vote will be con- should not bs ed to want the first suit of clothes February est in the very near future, if Santa of representative government' on the constitution rate be applied to magazine ad- lowed by a remarkable Increase in on the third . Monday after only offered them." vassed Fe Is to maintain Us reputation as a tinues to keep Intelligent American made a party question. vertising matter. . the value of the lowlands, and: allowing four days be it the election modern, healthful, progressive muni citizens in political swadllng clotheB, Therefore, It resolved, Tnat '"In,'vlew of the vanishing postal for the certificate to reach Washing- dooBn't not one lotn, unless Is the sense of the Democratic party haB Here ls a plan from Boston which clpallty. It matter, deficit It is believed that If the maga- President Taft appointed a Dem- March 2, before the of all ls recommended to the Santa Fe guar- ton, It will be a stubborn, nils or ruin minority ls of the county Bernalillo that zines could be required to pay what ocrat to the chief Justiceship. It ls can be laid before Con- voters the of New dians of the peace: , constitution Acoordlng to, the Congressional allowed to dominate." the ln Territory it costs the government to carry their the first time ln the history of the will he suffi- matter to "Ronton are commanded to gress. But two days Record, It costs $10,000 an hour, to Mexico: no what party they pages the department's United States that a President hus ap- police New Mexico'! east- shall at advertising two tomor- cient for its rojcotlon. the National House of Repre- Oklahoma Is even dryer than have heretofore belonged, be would soon a of the poli- arrest one spltter today, keep revenues grow large pointed person opposite will reach Congress a ern New Mexico for have It to vote without Involving tbs faith row, three the next and so on constitution sentatives ln session. It cost $050 reports liberty enough to warrant one cent postage tical to that honorable and moat day, tanltB be- Xot or are ln Jail or ex- three weeks before the latter adjourns day to hold a constitutional conven- that trains with water are question of party fealty, on class mall. important position. It argues much until all the people sold con-- first which demonstrates that, despite Its tion at Santa Fe, When it comes to ing run ln that state to various towns against the adoption of the nre not Included In for the fnirneBS and Impartiality of pectoration has stoppea." "Newspapers this 'commonwealth is economy, Washington can evidently on passenger schedule to keep the stltutlon as each one may Individual- rate on advertls- I the President that he has broken all No wonder the Philadelphia Inquir conservatism, the plan for a higher New M and stock from dying ot thirst. ly for himself determine." this er exclaims: "Hurrah for BoBtont" not so slow after all. lenrn from exloo's capital. people Ing matter because, being chiefly ot precedents ln respect, $1903.61; Game Warden Tnomas P. Gable ' $84.76. .... TAVQ IMPORTANT Pictures of Gams Raid, APPEAL BY A OF Game Warden Thomas P. Gable to- day received a series of photographs of muoh Interest, for they portray the band of Indians ne bad arrested I il at the Datll Mountains and taken to Duke City Committee Meets Magdalena, Socorro county and alBO Copies of Constitution Will James F. Hinkle of Roswell Brilliant In Beau- With Commission in their loot as It was loaded Into box Gathering cars. The piotures will make the old Not Be Mailed Until Declares Constitution Is tiful New Last Governor's Office timers Building sit up fgr it was not so many Next Monday First Class years ago that a band of Indians Night could not have been arrested with TUCUMCARIURGLAR CAUGHT so little trouble. - '' CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED I '''" j 1 PUNCTURES SILLY SPANISH Applicants for Admission to the Bar. MMENT SjPPEBJS SERVED Supreme Clerk Jose D. Sena Is Rendition of Spanish America receiving many applications for ad Boxes Ballot Are Not Part of I1 t T'-- Puts It Straight to Demagogues Bazaar and Music Contributed i Sung at Normal School Dor- - mission to the Bar at the January , A ' 'A I ,, the Returns as Contemp- Who Are To-- ,, Dedication. term of the Supreme Court. The Defaming New to Festivities. Again mitory lated in - ' 1 Bar .Examining Committee expects Constitution: V V' .. Mexico morrow Night. " ' to meet next week. J A. B. Mcaaftoy, D. K. B. Seller and f ' ' 1 Incorporation. Territorial Secretary Nathan Jaffa ; Roswell, N. M., Deo. H. F. W. H. Hahn, of at- - I James The formal opening of , St. Vin Albuquerque, today Incorporation papers were filed to- can tcnaea a of not send out the printed copies ''Vc Hinkle, one of the wheel horses of cent's new sanitarium was held i meeting the territorial - last day in the office of Territorial Secre- of the constitution until has Good Roads Commission held In the 'he re New Mexico Democracy, today made night, with a bazaar, a Spanish sup- " Nathan' Jaffa by the Martha Tay- - oftloe of Governor Hills at tary celved the consent of the Secretary the following appeal to his fellow per and musio by the Military band. the capltol. lor Memorial Presbyterian church of Governor Mills, Land Commissioner 0f the Interior. This Is not expected Democrats for the approval of the con- There was a large attendance and ttort Bumner, Guadalupe county. The untii of next week. Thou K. P. Ervien and Territorial Engineer Monday stitution: every detail ot the affalrwi s looked incorporators are: K. u. wesoit, a. of the constitution are Vernon L. Sullivan, members of the sands'of copies For twenty-fiv- e and more ev- after so that It proved a splendid R. W. G. 8. D. years , Parsons, McCanne, .addressed and In envelopes ready to commission, listened attentively to ery convention of tie two grr-a-t par- success. ' lamuton and w. F, Mcintyre. to the moment the Albuquerque representatives who go postofflce. the the ties, have Every one admired the Dec. 13-- The post- - passed resolutions, asking i had been sent by a Good Roads meet- Washington, Secretary of the Interior elves the for which has office site statehood. It has been an Issue building already been - at Langston, Curry county, word Tne Is a of ing at the Duke City. The Albuquer- followlne copy the In every Then in the i described In the New Mexican. e Mexico, nas Deen cnangea lo one-- campaign. why queans succeeded In securing a prom-- " onninn TmRVP from Washington: of common the soft of electric half mile southweBt In effect De-T.- sense, should welder glow many lse that the road from Santa Fe to Al-- " cember 7. quibble or hesitate, when the thing lights, and with the tasteful decora would be D. C. buquerque completed this Washington, so long sought, Is at our door. The Is- tions ot the room In which the ba- winter. It 1b constructed as far T;he Honorable, the Secretary of the was DELEGATE ANDREWS LOOKING sue, as to what the constitution zaar held, the new sanitarium Algodapes, but south from there, Interior. was AFTER HI8 CONSTITUENTS. should contain, as between the Re- a bower of beauty. , about two miles Sir You decision of the of heavy sand will request my publican and Democratic was Certainly the dining room In which have to be overcome. The Good Roads question stated in your telegram of parties s made and well defined, In the cam the supper was served Is excelled by Commission will contribute 8evral Bills Introduced for Relief December 5, 1910, as follows $4,000 and - paign for election of to no other in the southwest and It the of Citizens Who 8uftsred- From ..The is in of delegates the Albuquerquenns said that Berna- department receipt constitutional was the ot as : Indian sec-- convention. cynosure many eyes lillo county and Albuquerque would ' Depredations. the following telegram from the COL. GEORGE W. PRICHARD, were - The was 71 as the pretty booths presided raise $0,000, It being expected that retary of Arizona dated December 5. result the election of ' over by still prettier maidens who ' Sandoval county in which the Washington, Deo. 14. Delegate Tfce constitutional convention Republicans and 29 Democrats. Any greater - sold Introduced a bill which pro- to me resolution to , one who with the fancy articles throughout the part of the road lies, will contribute poses instruct by One of the five delegates who rep-- the legislative council. In 1882 PreBi- - kept up proceed- the of the of to of the convention ses- evening. Its share of the $6,000. The U. 8. vides: That Secretary mail one copy the constitution resented Santa Fe county in the con--: aeut Arthur appointed him U. 6. ings during its and is authorized voter of sion,' Is satisfied that the The sale of fancy things will be- Indian service will probably also Treasury be, hereby each registered the territory convention wus Colonel torney for Mexico, which position he fully ground the Trea-- was, well gin at 2 p. m. tomorrow when a sec make another donation of $500 as It and directed to pay out ot authorizing me to employ clerks and George W. Pilchard of Santa Fe, and held until the Cleveland adminlstra- - fought over, and the mea of not of ' sure as ond evening fete will be held and it " did for that part of the road going ov-- i sury the United States, other pay postage out the statehood ap- who was formerly attorney general of tion a Democrat In his put forth, a very liberal com- appointed will continue until 10 p. m. All fan er La Bajada hill. The road will be wise appropriated, to Fernando Baca, pnopriatlon. Advise immediately. If New Mexico. He has been a member promise. It Is the work and concen- place. 9 - - cy work and articles not sold by 'part of El Camino Real and will con- of Guadalupe county. State of New such expenditure authorized.' Your of the bar of New Mexico for over a He served as attorney eeneral nf sus of opinion, not only of the major- and on ! p. m. will be disposed of by the auc- nect at Santa Fe with the road up Mexico, the sum of nine hundred opinion the question presented is quarter of a century. New Mexico from 1901 until the spring Politically, but of the majority of 'i desired at earliest mo- - tion process. There is bound to bo Santa Fe canyon to the Pecos and also sixty dollars in full compensation for the practicable Colonel Prichnrd, was born in New of 19(16, and now Is engaged In thel,ne convention, for In the end 91 of at ment. - son on lots of tun. The supper will be serv- with the Santa Fe Trail to Las Vegas loss of property sustained by him Harmony, Indiana, and is the of private practice of law in Santa Fe. i tne hundred members gave II ed from to 7 P. m. and those who :vla Canoncito and Glorieta, on both the hands of the Arapahoe and Nava-- .Section 35 of the act of June 20, James E. Prlchard, who was on the he was for some time an independent their endorsement," and only t - - have no fondness for the high- of which the Good Roads Commission Jo Indians, on or about June 1864 and 1910, (36 Stat., 557), made an appro- - oencn ior many years, uoionei men- practitioner at White Oaks. He Is an oppose, two being absent great seasoned food of the menu Is fine work at and court of of to expens-claira- s ard was graduated from the literary a man ly Spanish doing present. December 1869; the priation $100,000 pay the eloquent speaker, of fine I think New Mexico has been sadly to law of Unlversi- - will find many other delicacies to Territorial Funds, Is hereby given Jurisdiction to es of the election of delegates the departments the ent, large legal experience and knowl-t- misrepresented at home as well as Territorial Treasurer M. A. Otero of Ann their Investigate and try said case under constitutional convention of Arizona, Michigan at Arbor, leaving edge, always kind and courteous, abroad on more than one occasion. tempt palates. received the remit- ap- - of said convention and that institution in 1872. He Front the majorl-la- Tomorrow will be a et today following the provisions of the Tucker act, the expenses practiced day he attained his These catch UBed great day phraseB, so often by And tances: Jackson Grant county, 3, 1S87, of the expenses of the election to ratify at Little Rock, Arkansas, for ty he has been a staunch thm RnnltArinm thmtn who w1nh Agee, proved March irrespective Republican office seeking politicians, about "the W. H. constitution. some his 'and Is Ro- to a delicious meal one of $18,200.94; Merchant, Eddy the Indian Depredation Act of March, the years following graduation recognized as one of the "the enjoy in und Governor Powell of gang," ring", "the corporations," county, $4,204.31; elso Lopez, Santa 3, 1891. The bill was read twice and One of the items provided for In Clayton that publican wheel horses. He has fought the most beautiful dining rooms of - "the trusts," "the Interests," and the Fe county, $1,728.29; Game Warden referred to the committee on claims. this act was "for the payment ot all state appointed him lieutenant-col- time and again valiantly for that party the land; those who still have a - "railroads" are aptly illustrated by an Thomas P. Gable, $12.50. ot the and onel of the Arkansas militia. In 1876 and his election as delegate to the Christmas or two to pur- Also a bill that the Secretary proper necessary expenses, expression of our late friend honest present Burglar Arrested. to to the and thereof." Colonel Prlchard was a candidate for constitutional convention was a chase; and finally those who wish to be authorized pay cers, clerks, messengers Jerry Simpson when he said "rail- Mounted Policeman J. Alexander of Taos This relates to elector on the Republican ting expression of the esteem In which the sanitarium will turn heirs of Francisco Barela provision the expena roads were useful In more one help surely Street of who was recent- ticket, which was considered a rare ho is held. than out tomorrow Tucumcarl, county. State of New Mexico, the sum es of the convention. It also pro to afternoon and evening. honor so a man. He - way get in on.' ly appointed, already has made good vides "and for and other ex-fo-r for young was prominent In the conven- of eighty dollars In full compensation printing I do not believe all these by at Pratt, Kansas, Ollie incident thereto." Is also In 1879 Colonel Pilchard came west tlon's discussions and as chairman of charges, arresting stores, supplies and property It are grace to make up their minds about and him back Tu- ex- - in search ot health and located at Las the committee on education a they not borne by facts or results. Kearney taking to n for the use of and used by the fed- - proviaeq tnat sam money snail ne waB tt. It Is an absurdity. These lands cumcarl. is to be Vegas. Twice he has been elected to powerful In the convention. I think New Mexico has been hon- Kearney supposed forces the late civil war.Iended under the direction of the figure cannot be sold at the price mention- for several em! during estly and well governed In the past. responsible burglaries' Read twice and referred to the com-- , Secretary of the Interior. It Is to be ed. We know this with the example re- - It will compare favorably with any lately at Tucumcarl, and Street ocMy expended through the secre- ot and adjoin- mlttee on war claims. to state In union. I think he Texas, having similar, that he has recovered $300 be nec-th- county commissioqers receive the DEATH OF ANOTHER the It will ports . of ald Territory "as may acre on s bill that Secretary of ' ing lands selling aL$l per worth of .the stolen Intl- - Also the ballot boxes, is to take or send by ex OLD TIMER. equally so nnder statehood. There goods and and direct-- Proper in the discretion of forty years time at 3 per cent. How- mates has confessed. Interior be authorised press or registered mall, the ballot are those who make the same charges that Kearney , roll the wf of the Interior, in order ever these lands can he, and will be Watch Out for Croffer. ed to p ace on the pension , box, after the ballots and returns Don Ambroslo Pino Passes to His as to Chaves county when the records Jessie , - M ta leased, and together with the present The were name or Juan mncisco unego, iaio have been placed therein, and sealed, Last Rest at Santa Fe show that the know, Its affairs Mounted Police notified New,'" of m act- - Qalisteo, people Income from lands now owned by the look-ou- of Company A, First Regiment as without today to be on the t for Jessie This act provided by law, any delay County, have been well and honestly conduct- which I understand is over Mexico. Volunteer Infantry, and pay contemplates the payment to the clerk of hoard of Territory Croffer, supposed to be on the way the county ed. It is the same as to the affairs of one hundred thousand dollars for the of thirty-fiv- e of such expenses as the convention &1bo to New Mexico from Sacramento, Cal., him a pension at the rate commissioners. It speaks of the Death has laid a toll the city of Roswell. .- dee to the heavy upon public school fund, will increase the - mnth in lieu of that he Pper iubject failure ot such Judge "to .where she wanted for ..stealing n.,. limitation tmnosed bv' act Itself , ejection one of the most families of I give this as an Illustration. That Income from leased lands to a is, . ' nv unnn, n 11 u, - - the prominent nearly 43.000 of JewelB, Kntf...Mniv twii'k . convey such returns and ballot box when this to worth ner game is;"" . There Is no such limitation as tn the you bring thing close halt million dollars per annum. This a' to committee nn iiivmhu to the - that Santa Fe county the past three to hire out as servant girl andlferred the kind of unless clerk," clearly Bhowing home and sift it out, it is usually an income will much more than offset the expenses suggested it the ballot box and the ballots are not months. Yesterday, Ambroslo Pino, then to rob her employers. Jessie is Pensions, is contained the discretion to exaggeration. A case of the three additional cost for state offi secured In given a of what the calls the third member of the family to be Judges, 35 old and Is described as tall Delegate Andrews has pen part legislature e- years you to direct such expenditures as called to the black crows. cers and costs on account of - and and as sions for the following persons and the "returns." It would therefore do great beyond this fall, . angular blushing easily, may be and In you succumbed his However, I think the day not far hood. Some of these school lands now amounts: pecesBary proper violence to the language of sections at home at Gallsteo, r.. Educational Convention. discretion "in order to carry out the southern Santa Fe after an distant when this kind of "muckrak-- owned by the Territory, that is see John Elizabethtown. N, 13 and 15 of article 22 ot the consti- county, The Department of Education Is to Hammann, full intent and meaning of this act." illness of But ing" politics is doomed. When the tion 16 and 36 In the Artesian belt from October 8, tution to hold that the returns of the eight days. recently, day distributing programs of the con- M $20, per mouth demagogue and the political grafter and where water rightB can be had, or This aot contemplates the payment election, which are to be made to Sylvester Davis and J. Antonio Ortiz, vention of the New Mexico Education- 1909, $280. of such as the convention of the same also who attempt such will get the an developed, should be sold while water Fort Bayard, $17, expenses you, can Include tbe ballot box or bal- family, and promi al Association at Los Vegas to be held Nicolas Griego, deems to Incur to nent were laid In cient hen fruit where he should. rights can be secured. Now they will 1910. proper subject the lots. their last resting after Christmas. The program Is a from November 6, ... When the can not success- - bring In many Instances $50 to $75 limitations the act itself. Mr. Pino at hypocrite Las $15. imposed by Therefore I recommend you In place. passed away gently crowded one and very interesting. , Dlonlcio Parra, Cruces, Is that a drink in the per acre, later when all the water is There no such limitation as to the - 3:30 p. m., after receiving tbe lastfu''y sir (while taking November 19, 1910. struct the election officers, after hav- will Notaries Public Appointed. from kind of expenses suggested unless It sncraments of the church. He was back room with the fellows who start appropriated they only bring the Lew B. TJland, Fort Bayard, $24, land Governor Mills today appointed the Is contained In the discretion given to widely known and prominent and gen- ed the Inspiration In the audience) grazing price. 6, 1910. re suit on the poll books, to send the Another is ,. following notaries public: Lizzie from November to direct such He "Wasn't that the dope to hand out.1 objection the exemption you expenditures books to or reg-- neighbors. Chunn and Bessie of FrancUco Ortega, Las Vegas, $15. lie and in poll you by express The are to vote their of new railroads for six years. This Cunning Clayton, may necessary propter your to ballots " " people going MIm-bre- 1910. istered mall, and place the is law and most rail- Union county; Charles Dennis of from October 24, discretion "In order to carry out the Colorado, near Helen, Valencia coun Judgment and not sentiment. the now, of the $12, in the ballot boxes, and to seal up roads here have been under Grant county; Robert S. Fischer Luciano Romero, San Patricio, full Intent and meaning of this act." ty, the son of Jose Pino y Chavez and As to the constitution, I think the built It, the boxes and hold them subject to and to each of Fort Grant James from October 4, 1907, $400. You advised that if Josefa Samora de Baca. Mr. Pino ultimate be Is it applies division from Bayard, county; are, therefore, the of commission Judgment, will that it Fort Bayard, $24, order the county was iiKinlf sttA TH vaaiw n14 hni on the time operated. This may he an 6. Fielder of Deming. Fred Harden, you deem the expense Indicated in - a good one. The members ot the 1910. ers , who will undoubtedly at the prop- inducement for them to build and It The following were appointed this from November 7, your telegram a necessary and proper was )n convention, were aB a whole able and V. er time take steps to have the boxes may noj, be, but the fact remains, that afternoon: JameB A. Hall and Bryant Mrs. Catalina de Salazar, one to carry out the "full Intent and good health. He retired ten years ago broad men, and did their work well, 1910. returned to the county seat, to be if do not Is no ex H. Mounl, $12, from August 22, meaning of this act" you would be from the sheep and cattle In a of liber- they build, there Thompson of Elida, Roosevelt held use-a- t growing and spirit fairness and for the next election in hoalnnaa n , In Tn emption, or no taxes after six years. county: Francisco Sandoval of San Mrs. Maria D. R. de Martinez, to pay It ality. 1910. ... - n H And there is another fact. The rail- Jar-vi- s Mound. from April 18, r.1ltlnl nnvM Miguel, San Miguel county; H. $12. Respectfully, ot the ballot boxes I do not think we should support Dona Ana, R. J. expense returning jjfyg ag a member from Fe roads that are HERB would like to Williams of Deming, Luna coun- Jose Maria Ramlres, TRACEWELL, to Beat would bo cov Santa the constitution with faint praise, or - the county not see this law repealed. They no doubt Cora E. of Socorro, So- from September 26, 1910. Comptroller. county In the legislative council In ty; Moffett, $12, ered by the language of the enabling condemn it for the omissions. There think they have the corro Hans Neumann of Gal- de la Crui Roibal, East Las Ballot Boxes Not Part of Returns. lgpl In 1894, he was a member of Territory pretty county; Jose acc nor or me sections ue ine cuiihu are those among us who would amend well covered, and therefore are not from November 21, 1910. Hon. Nathan Jaffa, ot New ' the territorial penitentiary board. Mr. hp, McKintey county. Vegas, $15, Secretary tutlon above referred to, and that the Bible If the opportunity offered, anxious to offer Induce- Escudero de Blea, Mexico, Santa Fe. Pino was happily married to Trinidad particularly Incorporation, Mrs. Caslmlra therefore you cannot undertake to and who do amend the ten command- to build. ac- a ments others to It seems to to-- from November 8, 1901, and Dear' Sir I have some atten Pino, daughter of Captain Nicolas Incorporation papers were filed ' $12, given pay that expense from the appropriat- ments to their liking. , So it is be me we want that to remain to date of the death tion to the submitted Pino, and she survives him, as do two exemption day by the First Baptist church of crued pension question by you ion under your control. yond the range of possibility to get now, and tt Is not the question of the - as to the 15 sisters, Rumaldlta Pino of Peralta, Dexter, Chaves county. The inoor-- of her husband. meaning of section of I believe this fully covers all that an instrument to suit all. It seems wisdom of such laws. article 32 of the constitution Valencia county, and Bivtana Pino de poratorg and trustees are: W. L. TJnon the recommendation of De recently you desire from me. :' to me the "omission" argument is the There is nothing to the school framed Pino, wife of Joaquin Pino of Los negro Frank Frost, F. E. M. by the convention at Santa yi Nichols, Hogan, legate Andrews the following post Very respectfully, brothers-in-la- weakest of all. That Is not the ques- question argument. That will satis- Fe, which directs that returns of LunaB. Two also sur L. Kuyendall and W. J. Cattail. masters have been appointed: Mrs, the FRANK W. CLANCY, tion before us. We have solely to do factorily settle Itself In each commun- Increase In the election, uppn the ratification vive, Juan Ortis and German Pino of Postofflce Force. May H, Hubbell, Pajarito, Bernalillo Attorney General. with what the proposed constitution ity. It always has. As to the fran GMtteo The funeral will take - Postmaster E. C. Burke has to - shall be made by the election officers place put mnntv- t.nrenzo Telles. Dona Ana tomorrow contains. What It does not contain chise clause, to which some object over Christmas F. direct to you at Santa Fe. This lan afternoon at 8:30 o'clock at the holidays county. A postofflce hns been esta OBJECTIONS TO APPOINTMENT is an after consideration in years to who are not acquainted with condi- R. Stevenson as and guage is the same as that which is Gallsteo, temporary clerk, blished at Wanette, Union county OF NEGRO LAWYER.! come. tions In New Mexico and a few who Edward M. as used in section 8 ot the act ot Con Berardinelli, temporary and Mrs. Bonnie L. Carpenter ap- We should Judge if there is any are prejudiced, it is only fair and carrier. gress concerning the same election 8IX PRISONERS as be. In Present addresa General Wlckersham Be--1 vicious or and Just, and It should And It a pointed postmaster, I understand that the Attorney KILL THEMSELVES. thing radically wrong Governor Mills Returns. particular point ' Both Sides to the we are all for guarantee from the prospective major- is Seneca. upon which you wish my is sieged By If not assuming, that .Governor Mills returned last even opinion Color ' ity to the possible minority, of good as to whether the of the elec- Controversy. statehood, then we should vote for ing from Las Vegas, where he was returns As Protests Against Barbaric Treat- faith and Justice for years to come- BOSTON WOOL must be at the dedication of the new THE tion considered as including ment of Russian Officials Three it Because the initiative, the referen- present MARKET IS VERY DULL. Dec. 13. Objections to It can be amended I fear too easily, " the Mexico the ballpt boxes and ballots. I am Washington, Cut Their Throats. dum and the recall are not In the con- dormitory of New Normal the as Asslst- - I am one who does not believe In ' quite clear In my mind that the re- proposed appointment for Is ' University. Governor Mills describes nnt ftonarnl nf Vllllnm Ji stitution, not sufficient excuse for Worsted Are Heav- turns Intended by said section 15 do iltnniAV contracts that are easily amended the dormitory as a fine structure French Spinners ueo. la.-- ine any one who really wants statehood, Product not include ballot boxeB and bal Lewis, a negro lawyer of Boston, and reiersourg, report or broken, for after all this is a con- thirty-fou- r iest Buyers and Foreign the - to It. To sny the which accommodates girl famous thn of oasonon, wno ln lsul assasi- busi- oppose least, those Is . lots, and will state reasons. In annals football as a tract between the people. In boarders. The school now has an at- Moving. briefly my s'nated Minister ef the Interior Von measures are new. They have not By section 13 of the same article center rush at Harvard years ago, are ness It Is our experience that con- tendance of over 250 pupils. One of had died in Za-- been sufficiently tried out that they of the is being presented to Attorney General Plehve, prison at tracts that are loose and easy to the features of the dedication was the Boston, Dec. 13. The local wool constitution, it provided that rantut can be adjudged entirely succesffu, as to the manner of Wlckersham. On the other hand, is omciaiiy connrmed today. break or often lead to dis seasonable "Except making - change can be singing in Spanish of "My Country merchants say that the . His death Is attributed to suicide. Re- nnlther they condemned. It Is returns of said election and canvass Booker Washington called on Mr. order. Might as well argue that mar 'TIb of Thee," as translated and dullness of the market is greater than - not a national Issue, becaus? as Wlckersham today to urge his approv- cently rumors that Sasonoff was fat be to party Baca. The volume of ing and certifying the result thereof, rlage contract should easy many states as Democrat- righted by Eleuterla for several years, al ot the ally injured by flogging were in circu- Republican A f nt-l-v suid election shall be held and con appointment. amend. Ddlfia la.w viooH O amnll. nlthmieh ic states have the measures Tests of Material for Culverts. ,1. In n, nil. 1. .. lation. According to the Governor ot adopted The busl- - "' p - The principal objection seems to be In one form or another. Territorial Engineer Vernon ti. Sul prices hold; firm, principal "J" "J; the prison, the officers discovered a I.UO lO'B VI 11 UV 1T1CA11.U HUH 111 1UI lilj. NOTICE TO HOMESTEADER8. the lands. The fear that If these are To Ilvan has Just a number ot ness Is In territory and scoured wools. to reject the constitution will hurt completed W1U11U 111B Is ths Sec plot release the political prisoners will ... tin. hoOV. Il"" 1I1UV1BIUU, tlCUl IJ Notice hereby given that offered for sale, that somebody In more ways than one. It will hurt tests, both in actual practice, and In deci-- en masse. All communication of the .,tJA ot Idaho In '"wful authority of the convention, retary of the Interior by,tecent steal them. I understand that Imme- In a business no more the laboratory of different material for lest buyers. quantity with outer world was stop- - way, donbt, hands 18 necessarily refers us to the provisions slon revoked the decision In the case prisoners diately upon being admitted as a state than the realize. will culverts and found that as to steel, original bags has changed at or-- people We be of chapter 105 of the laws of 1909, as of Esberne K. 39 L. D. 72, rel- - Ped and oorporal punishment was we get about million acres for Iron and that while ordinary fine and fine mediums Mulr, eight adjudged unfit We will fall flat and corrugated Ingot Iron, to the manner of conduct atlve to leave of absence In connec- - dered for two prisoners. As a pro- schools and other course sells at 65 to 56 cents clean. Pulled holding and purposes. Of remain so for years to come, so far the last named is by far the most tlon and test these measures, three Is dull but some Interest Is ing the election, and any instructions with commutation proof, that against without statehood, we get no landB. as and durable for the purpose. Iron wool " immigration development by Ingot to the election officers on the the practice In regard to leave of prisoners severed their arteries at the So I am at a loss to understand how now culverts are at present shown In foreign products. printed capital goes. We will be a henlth being placed poll books to be sent out to the dif absence is now the same as before wrjsts and three others Including we can lose by unless some on the Scenlo In Santa this, resort and nothing more. While on Highway the counties must conform to the that that a Sasonoff took fatal doses of off ferent the Muller decision, 'is: morphine, arch grafter gets with the whole the other hand, to go In as s now Fe canon to replace the timber bridg- CHIEF JUSTICE WHITE - r provisions of that statute, except as leave of absence will not break the thing In the event of statehood. This state means of es which have worn out, The loss by DID NOT TAKE OATH an era prosperity, now to the manner of making the returns. continuity of residence if the entry- - UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA is out of the question for the act of new corrosion on the galvanlzedllngot iron enterprises, developments, now Uy reference to section 12 of that ac,t, man returns to his land and CHOOSES NEW PRESIDENT, Congress Bays those lands to be selec blood and new piece was not quite 11 per cent, on Washington, Deo. 13. To the dls money. it will be seen that the legislature lishcs his residence before the oxplra ted cannot be sold for less than $3 per This Is the of all the new the iron without of the - history Ingot galvanization appointment gathering that uses the word "returns" as it Is gen- tlon of leave of absence. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13. Dr. acre In western New Mexico and I!i a over 6 of oourt states and it seemB to me we hnve was little pe.1 cent, and thronged the room Justice used, the books MANUEL R. dean of the in eastern ' erally meaning poll OTERO, George Edsar Vincent, New Mexico and then when to statehood and corrugated iron was 100 per cent. White did not take, the onth of office everything gain by containing lists of the persons voting, Register faculty of arts, literature and science sold must be to the highest bidder. to lose. Those Territorial Funds. as Chief Justice of the nothing who opposo, today Supreme with certificates added at the of Just to show our to then-selve- by the election University Chlcogo today good faith in this, and have the effrontery to call s Territorial Treasurer M, A. Otero Court. It la believe! to be Justice of CAMBRIDGE was chosen the Univer- on officers the result of the counting of OXFORD DEFEATS president of those the west side of Albuquer "Progressives," should be en today received the following remit- White's intention to Justice Har the ballots. FOOTBALL BY 23 TO 18, of to succeed Dr. Cy- - pay .That section provides AT sity Minnesota, que and Santa Fe who contend that joined. But If nothing more it means tances: From Jose B. Torres, trea- lan the senior member of the court' after votes 1 3. Oxford rus The pew these that, the are counted in London, Dec, University Northrup resigned. rich lands to ne selected in east- that we are d Biemhers of surer of Socorro county, $4,132.22; a delicate a score of 23 is a son of Vin- New compliment by permitting public by the Judges of election, with defeated Cambridge by president Bishop John ern Mexico, will be stolen we will Uncle Sum's fnmtly. If It means one R. Q. Palmer of Union county $6,005.-10- ; him to preside over the court, pos- - the assistance of the clerks, the Judge to 18 in the annual Rugby football cent, founder of the Chautauqua insti- stand back and give them tho first B, J, Reagan Roosevelt county, until after ths recess. who have been match s tutlon and is 46 years of age. and we will slbly holjday may designated by the today. "' bid, give them a year of (Continues: on Page Eight) from Ca- NOVEMBER WAS WARMER EVER HAVE ITf dinner." Las Vega Optlo. er drug Mors, ha. returned THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1910. HERE IS A REMEDY THAT nada where wa. called by a tele THAN THE AVERAGE. PAGE 8IX Dr. J. A. went duck h. ECZEMA Roll, recently the of hi If You th Strtsment f TM. WILL CURE near Wat-rou- gram announcing death H.v., hunting near Kroenig's lake New Mexico Will inUr WE PROVE IT." followed father. Cllmatl. Summary for Santa F Cltlrni Mora County, and n " Ume and money expert-mentln- Superintendent of Publlo Inatruc-tlo- During That Month by Dlraotor You. Why wast. the expedition with a duck dinner. aalvea and lo- J. E. Clark ha. gone to Belen, Bver hav a " pain in th. with greasy Dr. Rolls was asked how many Llnney, ecsema today Socorro and other in southern tions, trying to drive the germ duok. he had but be would points eackf "caught" New to the over th. from underneath th skin when the fiirnlah no atntlatlra It Is not known Mexico Inspect publlo The temperature of th. month just In the "small," right hip? Mention.' ZEMO, of backache. Personal Capital Pharmaoy guarantee. ammunition he schools. s That' the horn, how many rounds of olosed averaged considerably above a elean preparation for external Territorial Engineer Vernon L It' caused by sick kidneys. liquid carried or whether he slew hi. duck, the normal In all of the Terri- us to rid tha akin of th germ llfe Sullivan will leave In a few days to parts That's why Doan's Kidney Pill. with a bolo In Philippine style. two 1910. for San Frenciioo. oau.e. th. trouble. Irrigation matters at Portales, tory, the excess running from AiirA ft. THURSDAY, DECEMBER B, that Territorial Secretary Jaffa and inspect In over 1,000 towns tad cities In Melrose and other points In eastern to four a and approach- Santa Fe people endorse this. Real Miss Mary Douglass li HI at the Charles Leonard of Chicago, a talea family left this morning for Roawell, degree, day, a medicine concern! imorlc tha leadiM druggist ha. th. and New Mexico. five a In Lin- a cast of It: Sanitarium. man for propriety going via Albuquerque, Vaughn ing degree, day Union, Santa agency tor ZEMO and he will tell yon W. C. Hill, Fred HUarlo Baca, Delgado St, F. G. Cartwright wa at Estan- is calling on the trade. the automobile line. They will leave George Short, coln, Sierra and eaatern Grant coun- half Samuel of the marveloua cures maae oy wi T. Trexler here from N.. M., "About two and a W. return-- Roawell on of next week for Green and L. are to one ay: ft, UCBUU Colonel S. Hopewell hai Tuesday ties. The month proved be .tatement, (!H J clean, simple treatment. ZEMO u the Misses New Tork and are at the Claire. They yoars ago I gav. a public R. O.. ed to the city after an ab.ence of Washington, D. C, where of the warmest Novembers of record and W D Shea of the 0. ft Pnt recognized aa th. cleanest and most school. will be seen in vaudeville tonight and telling of my experience with, a'- ... about three weeka In the eaat. Jaffa are attending private New 1987, with 6.5 - iih.miK.roua.- - treatment for ecsema, tomorrow at the Elks' theater. for Mexico, only of Doan' Kidney Pill. They ywiciua Co popular From Waahlngton they will go to New night opinion E. C. Van Dle.t, of prado and .l Other farms degree., and 190L with 46.4 degrees, me of In my back Lucero of Abiqulu, Rio Arrlb. nlmnlaa dandruff York and eastern ex- Mra. Charlea A. Haynes, her niece, completely rid pain. It at Palace Hotel. He whether an other points, were warmer In the laat 16 year., me off and o for ! .. h.r. n business. Spring.. th. of skin or scalp affectlona to return in Mrs. C. L. Castle and son Benarthur which had troubled Jl " witness In the Costilla land case. pecting early January, 1909 almost or brought Qua- - It a Infant or grown person. Will you per a Castle, have returned from Oakley, although November, mouth.. When I .tooped M. A. Heflla, of Santa.Roe. Mr. Jaffa having been granted thir tem- on our recommendation? equalled the la.t month. No low strain on my loins. I suffered la at the a bottl. ty daya leave of absence. Idaho, where Mr. Castle ba headquar- any dalupe county, uaire no.. Rock j,Ian(1 In the were experienced, aero read- and were various other Gauna from Ra- - ,rrt,ed The Capital Pharmacy. Rothle ters in the forest service. Mrs. Cas- peratures severely there Delegate Frandaco at the Mrs. R. O. 8oper and Mis. were not recorded In part trouble came from corona- - restored tle and son will spend the winter In ings any symptom that my Colfax county, ia at the Soper of Mcintosh, Torrance county, I ton, the ter- . of the nor were distinctive finally procured ' Santa Fe In consultation with wlfo and rianirhtar of the DOStmaSter Santa Fe. Territory, disordered kidneys. do. p a PhlHlrn the well known lumber of education. In Mr. and Mrs. M. Friedman of Carl-Isl- low temperature periods noticeable Doan'i Kidney Pill, and they brought of Is ritorial department and station agent of the New Mexico Mr. H. E. Anderaon Gallup man of Buokman ,na r a Smith of Pahmnrv new text hooka are to he are at the Montezuma on for the lowest recorded occurred va- prompt rellet I continued taking frlendi Central there, were guest, today in Pa., waa not apendlng a few daya visiting Chicago, who u TBUng him, are at for the school. In the Terri their way to the coast. Mr. Friedman riously on the 17th, 20th, 27th, Doan'. Kidney Pills and it adopted this city of Mr. and Mrs. is. j. u list, of the Monteiuma is superintendent of the famous In- 28th or 30th, the 21st probably prov- long before every .ymptom my i , - . nvint.lart la- tory. Arcy. 1 Mrs. u. jvuuorauu, ui Joae R. Varela and Manuel L. dian school which has over 1,000 stud- the coldest day of th. month. On trouble disappeared. The fact that Territorial Rnrineer Vernon met at ing new Sanitarium for aurglcal Taos are Th. Fifteen Club yesterday he called on Superin- was net had no return attack, warrant, at the DtlkM of Costilla, county, and Mtas Drna J- ent, and today th. other hand great heati have Sullivan and family home of Mrs. Mra R. - ....,, tin Ant bualneaa and are registered will the Harroun, tendent Crandall to look over the local but rather continuous me in Doan'. Kidney Pill, my UllVHiuieuw here on Mra. Sullivan', sister, ' roll call- WBB a factor, giving r.. Of the . Holcomb, Palnn nrnatdlna- Th r. McKensie. auditor m .fc n.nnA Untnl - Vis- school. . recorded the I. Ill C vwiuunuw leave on December 15, tor Buena Then follow warmth, the highest at Company, la member of answered by quotations. "Dr. M. left today the ssle all dealer. Price 69 Weils Fargo Express D. T. Hosklna, a the Texas, where Mr. 8ulllvan will on J. Cunningham station, occurring variously on For by ta, ed a Mrs. Thomas ine FoBter-Milbur- n Buffalo, here from Denver. conrmlsslonerea for paper by for Chicago, where he wjll meet hi. 13th, ISth and cents. Co, board of penitentiary look after a big Irrigation project of the California Column." lit to 3rd, 7th, 8th, Colonel H. B. Pain expects to leave from to Coming Miss who Is a New York, sole agents for th. United attenu yesterday La. Vegaa and Orient railroad. daughter, Louise, 23rd. ' for Jet-- the Kansas City After the paper a story was read. The on Saturday on legal businesa U)e meeUng toaaT. Mills Kendrick, of the student at Mount Ida Seminary, a of oc- States. atend 'BlshoD J. with current Three period, precipitation s-- Mo. meeting was closed name Doan aad ferson City, Bert M. Held auperinten district of New Mexico fashionable girls' school In Newton, curred the average for the Remember the . casley, missionary event.. The club will meet again Fri- although Forest Supervisor Rosa McMillan - CaDltol Llfe insurance Co, for the Mass. will arrive in La. Ve- below the normal take no clher. and went Texaa, proteatani December 30, at the home of Mrs. They Territory wa. much Antonlto. Colorado, formerly of - m the today. He to make day, will of nf city fniacnnal church, ha. decided L. Bradford gas Sunday. Mis. Cunningham j The Bret period (and th. most gen town. N. B. Laughlln, Mrs." this city, la In , ven known here asxhe formerly El Paao hie official headquarter, and remain here during the Christmas va wa. on the sa to Bin, me eewuu CHAVES COUNTY DEMOCHAi a A. M. Ber- - Prince, presiding. eral) Former Dl.trtot Clerx Ume m ginta, Fe. office will be in the parish house In cation." Las Vegas Optic. 13th to 15th and laat on the FOR THE CONSTIiuiiurt. Albu- - ipent hi. Manv nrlsata will arrive the City on the waa a businesa Ttsttor In W. Goebel, 19, haa church. It was ex- The A. M. Mandalarl, S. J., the few atatlons gere, 0ordon aged of St. Clement's today and tomorrow to attend the im- Rev. 26th and 27th, while a querque yesterday. been offered a position by TJncleSam pected for a time that the bl.hop Church of well known pulpit orator and rector on th. 18th or 19th Convention Adopts Resolutions re- - pressive at the reported sprinkle, Mass C. of Pittsburg, Pa., as electrical engi-ceiv- at San- of Church of the Immaculate Con- C. Murray, tQ g0 t0 Panama, would make his headquarters Our Lady of Guadalupe Monday. the The first two periods gave quite gen- Binding Fifteen Delegates New Mexican Central, He haa been selected was from of the Deer t 125 month. ta Fe, but El Paso ha. Among them will be the Revs. Peter ception, here Albuquerque eral and moderately heavy precipita- Named to Santa Fe, Hotel. advlaement El Herald. hours was greet- ia at the Monteiuma taken the offer under Instead." Paao Plantard of Chaperito; Dean Paul for a few today and tion In districts 8 and 9, but the total of Oklahoma, return to - ed friends. He return- Dr. K. Haas Harrah, T g Wolsey, Jr., will SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1910. of Las Vegas; Edward Paul- by many of bis for the month was very light in the Several hundred voters attended may located In thia city. Florida next week a visitor In ed to the Duke City at 4 p. m. Coun- la here and New MeXc0 trom H. B. Cartwright was han of Pecos; Jules Colia of Mora; south, southeast east and northeast the mass convention of Chaves He Is stopping at the Palace. and take up his work in the this week. Petsr Moor of San Mleuel: G. B. Pi- - General H. F. Robinson of Albuquer- to held at Roawell and ov- - agan Moriarty In many places falling ty (Democrats left laat eve- Mr. of Irrigation for counties, Mrs. H. C. Luckenbach foretrT iervlce at Albuquerque. Mr.. J. D. Barnes vialted Moriarty card of Belen; Albert Caatanie of que superintendent mere trace. A fair depth of snow erwhelmingly voted down a resolu- to visit the Indians of New Mexico and Ari- In ning for Philadelphia, Pa., Wo)eT j, associate district forester, Torrance county, this week. Belen and formerly assistant pastor occurred over the northern mountains tion against the constitution and the winter. j of zona was here this morning. He was with relatives during Bmlai a member the Mrs. N. H. WUliBms, tourist from at Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe; and a .mall amount remained at the Its lieu adopted the following; 111 with j - on to where he went on Miss Myrtle Boyle Is quite of gg,,,,,, of the New Mex- is at the Claire hotel. of El Rito. Chancellor his way Taos on faces we the wisdom - Los Angeles, Joseph Pajot close of the month th. north "First, that question Miss Virginia Bean la sub- from sales- Irrigation matters. territorial the grip. (co penItentiary , here Charlea B. Kehrman, a hat Pugens of the cathedral, and the and over the higher peaks but the and right of the Democratio aa teacher of her claaa. at the Is Palace. also Clinton J. Crandall, auperintendent the bind members of we1 0 attend a meeting man from St Louis, at the Rev. Carlos Bobst will attend the southern faces, the valleys and organization to the Maud who has i been .ales- - of the U, 8. Indian Industrial School, Mrs. Hurt, entlarT- - He ,, regtstered at the r n Norton, a stationery ceremonies. were bare. the party, on a matter of referendum, of Mra. Charles received a telegram from Paul plateaus the quite ill, at the tome HoteJ man from St. Louis, is at the Palace. Thia flvanlna- will tAka nlftna the of the month was after it has been submitted to la re--. cB(re Teutach today Btatlng that Mr. Cran- The sunshine A, Haynea on Johnson Street, Mra c w Dudrow who haa been H. H. McCorkle, a traveling man formal dndfrfttlnn and christening: of people. dall haa been appointed a representa- large, and the winds generally light convalescent 111 several months Is about from Kansas City, Is at the Monte La Casa de Ramona, the new wom- "Karond. that the fourteen delegates ported quite for the council of the faw man a tuuue aw Mrs. A. Haynea will leave callfor-thi- s New Mexico tive to Imperial county Charles Mme and wU, leaTe for iuma. an's dormitory of the In selected to sales- Myotic Shriners which will meet STSA A evening for Oakley, Idaho, tomorrow Her beautiful sister M. M. Potsch, a hardware Normal University at La. Vegas. The wyth.reach Cas- - N. Y. on the lower . Mrs. C. ac-ti- Mon- Rochester, peclally of bring home her niece, L, M Btarbird from Denver, will man of Joseph, Mo., Is at the festivities will begin at 6 o'clock, St de ,1701 - 111 Sangre In- who haa been quite her. tezuma. when Dr. Roberta will give a dinner and , December, 1910, be hereby art. company leave You Must Read This If You Want the 20 clear 6 part y cloudy Q; F. Flick of the U. 8. Bank and! w the well Judge John R. McFle will in the dormitory complimentary to day, as structed to work and vote agalnat any - g Hopewell Benefit considering the Territory and a of Chlca- . - Estancla to hold cloudy, and everv of said convention Trust Company party ..lnln, man. Democratic lead- Monday morning for Governor W. J. Mills. Dr. Rlbert's in suf- wind direc- attempt to arrive J. W. Greer, Greenwood, La., a whole. The prevailing the go capltallata are expected of New Mexico court vited guests are;Governor Mills, J. to bind the party for or agalnat . prMident th. fered with a severe case of lumbago. tion was from the west and tonight and will inspect the Arroyo e 0 ap. R. R. Urquhart, a Denver drug E. Clark, F. H. Pierce, M. W. Browne, proposed constitution, against wores "The pains were so Intense I wa. fore Tatnneraturs. of saia con-- Hondo dam and Irrigation from Al-- salesman, Is calling on the pharma- A. Charlea i.feld, J. S. Dun Ter- - any and every attempt yesterday Lucero, ed to hydomerlo Injections for relief. The mean temperature for the Nonnan Conrad - , cists here. . A. C. X Roh- or P".um aQd ,t toe Montezuma can, Sr., Chas. Spless, These attack, started with a pain In determined from tne et man from Flagstaff, Arlsona, tsnere R. E. Curry, the well known hard- W. R Garrison. E. McQueen rttory, members thereof to the policy an. of back which n0"u' - - home the t. is at the the .mall my gradually 69 stations, having a reiactlna- said constitu- on his way after visiting Dre.Ident of the ware salesman of Denver, R. R .Larkln, Rufus Meade, Dr. atten- " - Gray, became fairly paralyzing. My of abobut 5,000 feet was 46.8 degrees east which he say. less anu .. Palace. F. L. Hon - on )mprow M. Deamarali, Edgar Hewitt tion was attracted to Kidney above the normal ior on account of the bad ell- Mra Tt o Soner la a visitor here Foley'. or 2.8 degrees "Third, that In the event the major- agreeable Arro. Frank Carroon, J. S. Raisin, Rev. and I am to say after Mcintosh is at the Remedy glad November, and 0.6 degress higher of the delegates In convention as- mate- - Hnniln nrnlecL six miles south Of from and stopping Norman Skinner, Rev. J. s. Moore, wonderful medicine I am ity otel. using this than the month In 1909. The highest sembled at Fe on the 17th day Civil W Coronado Santa Engineer Rev. E. C. Anderaon. Toung women no bothered in way by my 66.3 WjttMM aU- - are longer any local mean was degrees 1910, Insist upon a com- returned from a, visit re Du8t. Mr. and Mrs. Willis of Denver, will Mrs. Sheldon monthly of December, he been hotel on of the faculty assist old enemy lumbago." Sold at Capital and the highest recorded of the then the in and ha. rfecided - registered at the Capitol In serv- at Carlsbad, mitting policy party, ,e. Accompany- directress of the dormitory. Pharmacy. 88 at the same to work Santa Fe for good in tte Mnntnsuma avenue. temperature .degrees saki delegates are Instructed to leave here w, F ing the dinner. At 8 o'clock the pub The lowest local the to In home - E. Morrison of La. Vega. station on the I4th. and vote for propositions favoring near future locate hi. of the com- George 11c ceremonies will begin. On the PRESBYTERIAN SANITARIUM at n.ident today called on Territorial Engineer monthly mean wa. 34.2 degrees adoption of said constitution so that "tate. N V 8. Mallory, aecretary and of La Casa de Ramona the ' FOR CONSUMPTIVE PATIENTS lowest record- secured. W. Shearon ha. nanv Vernon L. Sullivan. step, EUrabethtown, and the Immediate statehood may be District Clerk F. dealer o! MU. formal Mirlatenln of the building Will River W. S. for hi. 4 on the 17th at Red "Fourth, that .aid delegate, be returned from Axteo. San Juax county JJJ Colonel Hopewell legt Is Struct- ed degree, ar(j regBtered on last even take place. When this completed Contract Let For Two Story monthly range to vote a. a unit and the ------home at Albuquerqu. In Canyon. The greatest "rare uo Monteauma HoteL Tney weni adjournment to the dormitory th. ure at Albuquerqu. People of was 69 at at .aid convention a week or more" to serve at the ing'. Santa Fe train. In temperature degrees delegates present malned over project te main building will b. taken. There Meas Are Interested. 48 at full vote most of out J. M. Hartley, of the Ramon Vigil and the least degrees are empowered to cast the as referee In thirteen case., ' E. B will occur the formal presentation to N. M., Dec. 9. Con- Springer dal charge grant Is here on business. He. Is Albuquerque, while the greatest local of the county, and in the event no which Involved water righta. the of the building by F. tracts were let yesterday by the wiora on then W. ' B. stopping at the Claire. Territory range was 67 degree, at Logan delegate, are present, Sheriff D. B. Stephen, and Deputy nFCEMBER 12.1910. H. Pierce president of the board of Southwestern Sanato- ly Mrs. Frank, wife of the well known Presbyterian the 30th. The district average- - i" Walton, chairman of the territorial Sheriff U L. Codeanx of Deming, le- - revanta. The structure will be ac the construction of a large No. Is 11 Manmng, a Denver hotel of Espanola,' 1. at rium for No. 7, 45.8 central committee. De and hereby at we v.a. . proprietor Mills in the nam. corner of as follows: degrees; na county, registered hotel. cepted by Governor two story building at the No. 9, 46.9 degrees. empowered to cast the full vote of took dinner last the Montezuma 8, 46.9 degree, and Hotel yesterday and Q Schumann wJ1I not be at of New Mexico of which he is me Walnut street and Central Avenue, ad and In ac- Jacob Posner. postmaster and busi '.- - Precipitation. Chaves county agreeably at the Montesuma. They ..Mar ranraaantAtlve MUStC. and Sn of sanlto-rlu- Instruc- night . home Tuesday. nessman at Abiqulu, Rio Arriba coun Joining the present group nrecloitatlon for' the cordance with the foregoing Ave prisoner, for the penlten-- a hardware A. Lucero, will. new brought wl,1Um LamDi heavy ty, 1. a visitor In town. address by Professor buildings. The building nntarmlncd from the rec tions and resolution.." MaM (mm- TlamlnBT. . - - HM of se- o1 is uwo nuui E. a large form the other portions tne pro will be a handsome brick structure, 0.62 The following are the delegates Ak-- , 'salesman H. Wells, representing 134 .tatlon.. wa. inches, Former Governor Otero, J. W. Auditor R. C. s as to ord, of W. Jim William- Aggi8tant Traveling corset manufacturing company of gram. At the conclusion reception arranged after careful thought below the normal anu lected: John Rhea, Owen and Arthur Griffin, haa from Las Vegas. In the or 0.21 inehe. L. of kers, Frank Ronkn returned Chicago 1. at the Palace. for tha visitors will be given. detail of each and every requirement November. 1909. The son, of Hagerman; F. Mehlhop, from a hunting trip a salesman the ... S. of Lake Ar have returned harle. Herrlck, notion, AaalatAnt Territorial Engineer C. D. receiving Une w01 be following The main dining room will be twenty amount was 2.01 In Dexter; W. Holder, San Jlde- - on the trade. g'reateat monthly T. around Buckman, Eapanola, lram dWII i( calling Miller left this forenoon for Denver, person. In the . order named: air. by sixty feet and the reception room, thur: W. B. Scott of Kenna; John San was a of laces ches at Aims, anu u A. fonso and Juan. It Ma'tt E Lenke, a salesman on official business. Mrs, F. H. Pierce, Governor and Offices are pro Beai - of Plainvlew: A. Prult- W. Colorado, and twenty by twenty. i r,4 i.nesn wnne BUI . . but they bagged wild New Y0rk la at the Palace. ra M w. Browne and t,isouiiua, - - , ,. or. w. atrennous trip from City, Ountr Treasurer lugenio Romero t miii. vided for the resident physician, witn station to fnuups, t. joyner, joua a Denver lnsur B. Clark of occurred at several H M D p, turkey and oher game. H, Harry 8mlth, of La. Vegas, came over from the Miss Mildred Browne, J. an adjoining labratory. The kitchen, counties. w p D , p, whlt Colors- - at the Montezuma. northeast and the southwest P. B. Albright, of San Luis, ance galesman, is Meadow City yesterday on a business Santa Fa territorial superintendent toilets, bath., sleeping quar- hours Q - pantries, amount any 24 B. and business man from H. The greatest in do; Michael Hurley j. T. Norris, a visit. of public Instruction; Dr. McQueen ters, sleeping porches and balconies Colo- - 1. the Coro-- was 0.94 at Alamogorao. grcssman Franklin E. Brooks of Great Falls, Montana, at Colonel Georce W. Prichard will of the University of are arranged. The new i PENITENTIARY COMMISSIONERS - Gray, president all admirably was 1.9 inches. Precipi- rado 0. D. Standke of Den- nado. tomorrow to Estancla to attend of Mr. - heat- age snowfall AWARD MANY CONTRACT8. Springs; go New Mexico, Albuquerque; building will be entirely- modern, on an average oi M Cameron of Colorado W. E. Rulson, a wall paper salesman convenes on Mr. and Mrs. tation occurred ver and R district court which and Mrs. Charle. Ilfeld, ed with steam, lighted by electricity average at Palace. I. at the Claire hotel. He Is from The district 8anta Feans Are Springs, are registered the Monday. S. Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. Roberts, and furnished with the last equipment three days. No. Represented Among . J. follows: No. 7, 0.24 Inch; Builders to Furnish are here on legal business. Omaha. A. S. Barney, the well known milli- Mrs. A. Lucero, Judge C. J. cost were at the 8ucessful They ' and Mr. and of every kind. The approximate 0.73 inch. Dobson is from Robert Carr, of Bt. Louis, J. St. Mo., 0 61 inch; No. 9, Supplies. W. np nery salesman from Joseph, Roberts, W. E. Garrison, president of the structure has not been made 8' LINNEY, AlbuquXque. 0 Oklahoma, are tourist, at trade. He Is at CHARLES. B. fiAnta tfa merchants were renreaent Is calling on the of th. New Mexico Agricultural and nubile, hut It is understood that mo Director. Bron--. the Claire hotel. Section ed among the successful bidders to Morton P. Prince is visiting the Palace. Mechanical college of Mesilia Park, ney has not been considered In mak B- - Montoya, of Phoenix, Arixona, Is Board 10 furnish supplies to the. territorial ruttlnir The December dance of the Sheldon. At forwnlcn ac- In the and la .topping at and Mrs. Harriett ing It ideal for the purposes Pills are tonlo In the next six months C J Dawe a grocery aaleamanof visitor city Traria will be held at the Library will he thrown the Foley Kidney penitentiary for ' ' o'clock the dormitory It will be used. The round for and restore the of the Coronado hotel. Hall on Thursday evening, quick in results, as is shown by the following award in Assembly open and will b. visited." foundation has been broken and tion, and 'aMr-Wto- from! Mis. Myrtle Boyle, teacher th. December 29. Union natural action of the kidney, contracts made by the territorial tS r " The Carpenter, and Joiners construction will begun Immediately. Esuniia la'at U to Mr. and Mrs. M. Cappell, tourists bladder. They correct irregularities board of penitentiary commissioners l"ubc of America will hold a social tonight Since its establishment two years from Detroit Mich., spent .everal will who were In sDeclal session yesterday T. o, Albuquerqu.. I. from above Delgado's shoe afore. It Southwest Sani th. in this week and regis- ago the Presbyterian BALDWIN E8TATE IS TIED and today for that purpose: . TM,r ! days the city at 7:30 o'clock. .uccessful. He besln tarium ha. been very UP INDEFINITELY, Qross & Co., Las Vegas, gro- 'Te. King! atlesTman of Da, tered at the Capitol Hotel. DECEMBER 13, 1910. Kelly TUESDAY, Under aprogresalve management the ceries; Armour and Company, Trini- "Mis. Anita Bergere accompanied the Espanola merchant, Frank Bond, inatituMon haa advanced rapiaiy ana Old Bom bacon ; William Farr A. La. Mr and Mrs Solomon Luna to Albu Seventeen Year Daughter dad, and sausage R. 0. Head and R. Bean of Carl6badi la at the Palac. Lunas laat long ago outgrew Its present capaci of Legal Wedlock Makes Co., Albuquerque, beef; Sellgman Vegas are at the Capitol Hotel r? querque from Lo. night" W. H. Herrlck of Socorro, ia here Out Is most demonstrated Tribune Citizen. ty. This amply FlflM for 83,000,000. Brothers, Santa Fe, dry goods; Leo L. C. Charnes, a hat man salesman Albuquerque on work. . TPa Qn of New surveying by the large list of those anxious to Tfaraph. AantA srralnf nrtwrlsrht is at Governor Mills left this morning A. of Denver, of St. Louis, the Palace. Mr. Simon Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunn 12.-- The vrk. are at the Palace. not ac- gain entrance as patients. Calif.. Dec. & Brother, Santa Fe, groceries; Cbas. Bert M. Casley. an Insurance man for Las Vega.. Mrs. Mills did at the Palace hotel. Los Angeles, Is a well known clothing salesman. are The work being done by the Baldwin Turnbull, for lireia & uo., Las Vegas, groceries, at the Palace. company him a. had been expected, P.. ha. gone to good fight of Anita of Denver, I. Mr and Mra A. R. Henrv. tourists Attorney E. Davie, peo-nl- sanltorium has gone abroad and s in owiw. and dry goods; Browne, Manzanarek Former District Elmer E. owing to the nines, of Mlsa Mills. attend court snare iu Attorney form the Windy City, are at the Palace Estancla to of means In New York Philadel of the late E. J. (Lucky) & Co., Las groceries; Nathan 1. the Mrs. H. L. Ortls, wife of Attorney of Hondo dollar eBtate Vega., Studley of Raton In city. and Is said make Santa N. V. Mallory the Arroyo , It they may Is in phia, Pittsburg, and other large cities negan ueiu.o .buum mum T, P. Alexander, a Denver tobacco I, Ortiz. lmorovlnx slowly Is at the Montezuma. Baldwin, bwu,, r e their home, In project have become Interested and are don- a in IBB Buyw.iv.,b naiunaio anu ju.t sauM. 1. on the trade. health and now is able to sit up Mrs. S. will not be at homo and jury iw ouiipij salesman calling w V H Woodward, formerly of . SpiU financial needs contestant was born in iron; L. William Ilfeld, Las Vega., lead- and In the afternoon. ating liberally to the day. The thlSjFe, 0 A Larrazolo, the Democratio Is now at state of the morning until Wednesday after Christmas. . this city, Tomlnll, nf tha tmateea. Tt is owing to the li nltV 17 VearB BKU BUU .. rnwi vuwiiu vv-- . vduidii from at the Montezu- President B. P. Ripley of the Santa Miss Adellna Hahn of Albuquerque ,iuu, er La. Vega., I. Slnaloa, Mexico, where be 1. employ- eastern in a raanrri here sdves the moth Iron; Thomas F, Keleher, Albuquer- b will pass Lamy next week home. berality of the people, ma ed aa system is visiting at the Nudlng .... A. and .hoe S. F. mining engineer. home at San--l great measure, that 1. responsible tor ma b Lillian Ashley que, findings: Frank F, h. a tobacco salesman the eff- i the way to hi. winter W. R. Hill and F. M. Specht- are Schnabel, D. C. Howell, of Estancla, the father's name Elias Jackson Bald Co., iSan Francisco, shoe tflndlnga; Is Monte- Is nnrhara California, from Chicago. salesmen at the Palace. lng. from, the Duke City at the icient assessor of Torrance county, Denver is claimed that Mrs. Asmey John Pflueger, Santa Fe, leather and Hon. Charles A. Spless, president of M. salesman for Cot win. It auma, visiting friends in the city. He Is W. Hayward, under what Rosenthal Furniture Co., Las Ve- the constitutional convention, arrived OLD WE8TERN DAYS OF PISTOL and Baldwin were living the M. F. the well known at the Claire hotel. tolene, Is here from the Duke City. was Dearstyne, stopping from Veeas and left 8H00TINQ ARE RECALLED. the former at the time supposed gas, dry goods. of la at the H. B. Pain left last yesterday William E. Turner, a meat salesman paper salesman Denver, Colonel evening on busi Ramon Jimenes and Cleofes Jime- a common law marriage agreement fnr Tnfforinn fMtv Mlimntiri. where he this morning for Taos legal of Kansaa City, is at the Montezuma. In Palace. nez were held for the action of the the original of which Is said to be TAMMANY HALL IS ness. M. Ortiz, a prominent business man L, J. Robinson, a sporting goods has a law suit pending In the supreme In bond the hands of H. A. Unruh, executor DAMAGED BY FIRE. P.iaiinnater Edward C. Burke is out Los' Is at the Capitol hotel. grand jury $1,000 by Justice aalesman from Denver, is at the Mon- court and which requires nil presence of Angeles, Baldwin estate. The distribu again after a serious Illness and his' a traveling man Alarld this afternoon on the charge of of the tezuma. there. T. A. Richardson, to heirs wnicn New Dec. 12. friends have been glad to see the' shooting at Jose Lucero and Bernabel tion of the estate the York, Tammany Hall, for- Mr. and Mr.. J. H. Jr., Mrs. many of Albuquerque, is at Capitol now up - B. H. Clapp, associate district Blaln, better with a deadly weapon Satur- was Bbout to be made 1. tied the "Wigwam" home of the famous him around, looking hotel. . Armljo ester In the local district, left today J. H. Blaln and Miss Blaln, allot El driving organization known as the than ever. J. A. the well known meat day night indefinitely. Paso, Texas, are here visiting Mr. Eaton, men were arrested Tammany Society, was partly de- Miss Bertha Bardshar, a niece of salesman Vegas, 1. at the The two young HOW'S THI8? Blaln, the San Francisco street mer from Laaj Is RECORDED, by fire today. The greater Internal Revenue Collector Henry ' " by Deputy Sheriff Baca. It charged DEED stroyed We Hundred Dollars Re- chant Palace. ... of the was caused wa- - offer One Rardahar arrived from Kan H. P. that one of the bullet, struck Armljo's part damage by of of Public Instruc- last night Internal Revenue Collector me ' ward for any case Catarrh that Superintendent - left a flesh A deed wa. recorded in ter. A aance wa. given last nignt oy v.. sas and Is visiting htm and her cou Bardshar at Albu- hip, producing slight cannot cured by Hall's Catarrh tion .TnmM riark has returned from .spent yesterday clerk's office ot a social club In the ballroom or tne b. sins McConnells. wound. The affair occurred, on lower probate today F. & 0. La. Vegas where he attended the ded the a... t - 1n,1 In avnm.inaila. hall a Tiri It la annnnaArf that, a llffhtad- Cure. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, JtoSB. Of San Francisco street, but lust what live piBliWB Ul iu a of "Captain and Mrs. H. P. Bardshar T.noratln. T. Supervisor We, undersigned, have known ication of the new dormitory the of Santa Fe from Agaplto Ortiz cigar or cigarette left in one of the th. went to Sunday. The cap- nurses in the U. S. Indian school, is precipitated the fusillade bullets, county, F, J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and New Mexico University. Las Vegas to Jose Anlceto Romero, the boxes In the gallery started the blaze. tain on to Santa Fe, and Mrs. Montezuma hotel. for It Is said several were fired wide y Valdez In H. the coal went at the i believe htm perfectly honorable W. Hahn, AlSuquerque of the could not be ascertained. consideration peing siuv. me uhiuubu ib eBinimicu m fiu.wu. Nud-lng- . returned here T. M a financier from Louis mark, all business transaction., and finan- magnate, Is visiting with F. E. RardBhar Wednesday." Hunter, to Mound Pantograph. Ky., Is at the Montezuma and cially able to carry out any oblig- Mr, Hahn made the trip San- Wagon ville, The various cnurcn cnoirs in me make Fe nis nome. ation, made by hi. firm. ta Fe In a high power automobile may Santa have rehearsals for the L. O. Shanklin, the well known hard WALDING, KINNAN, ft MARVIN, which attracted much attention here. city begun mnalpnl nmaTRma for fihrlRtmAa and ware is here from the Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Game Warden Thomas P. Gable left salesman, 1. In the at the wontezuma Hall'. Catarrh Cure 1. taken Intern- lnt AvenlnE for Lake Valley. Cutter this year it said the music Duke City. He is I.I In to churches will be unusually nne, hotel. ally, acting; directly upon the blood and other points Sierra county ror "This evening Sheriff Secundlno rMatriet Attorney Alexander Read and mucous surfaces of the system. make arrangements tne snipping Is tMRWSEnSMBl at his on San Juan county, Disorders. Do not rislc Testimonials sent free. Price, 75o of quail north for propagation pur- Romero will entertain horn, of Farmlngton, II For Backache, Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder the Boulevard 0. J. Roberts, here on business. He is at me and well. per bottle. Sold by all druggist.. poses. Judge legal having Disease and Diabetes. Commence today be consti- L. B. of Dallas, Texas, rep- Clerk of the Court John Joerns and PftlftCtJ. J Bright's Take Hall' Family Pill, for Putney A. THE CAPITAL PHARMACY. 1. In others of hi. men friend at a .tag Pharmacist Gunn of the J. Fisch pation. r resenting a book publishing firm, the Territory it the time of the himself? Or, if It must be said, as COL, H. . DUVAL 18 TEXAS LINE of the itate shall continue to the proposition ssiumesi that men LAID TO RE8T. hold until FRANK SPRINGER ON THE E guperieded by the officer! IN. however good, become bad as soon the provided by constitution. as elected to the legislature, then Service! Wars Held at the Houie snd TOLAS Youn truly, we had better admit that olvlllied Interment Was st Fslrvlsw GUIS PRANK W. CLANCY, NEW MEXICO CONSTITUTION society is a failure, and go back to Csmttery. INSPECTION TRIP Attorney General, barbarism, where every man is s law unto himself. The funeral of Colonel H. S. Is ' In this world. DuVal, Territorial Good Roads Com 8ANTA FE SYSTEM WILL Well-Balance- Sensible and Just Nothing perfect who died in Las took Thoroughly Practical, Evils and abuses will creep In now, Saturday Vegas, Adjutant General Brookes mission PUSH DRY FARMING. pace at 10 o'clock this from Will Supervise Scheme of an of Constructive as always. The way to combat them morning .Government, Example DuVal Rev. Much Pleased With is not with fads and penaceas, but the residence here. The Building Highway. Professor Will Devots Anoth- Under Difficult Circumstances. James Grattan ot the church Tlnilty Statesmanship by the citizen doing his own duty, Mythen, Conditions er Year to and Organ-Izln- g of conducted the Teaching In the thing whereof he knows, snd the Holy Faith, ser Huibandmen. Hon. Frank of the - It vice!. The active pall bearers were ALAMOGORDQ TO TULAROSA Springer, a resident corporations." If was, then with Intelligent use ot his sovereign Las Vegas, but widely known as must say that the finished and trust- Dr. W, S, Harroun, Allan R. McCord, ROSWELL'S fiAHERY product power electing competent jHODEL Albuquerque, N. M., Deo. 9. "I am scientist, a student, who also made Is the greatest example of worthy men to public office. Major Fred Muler, Norman L. King, glad to be able to announce that the himself a name in the praotice of the In all history. For It is evident to Very truly yours, Jacob Weltmer and David Miller. The Public Utilities Company Organ A. - ,nd rec0Kmzed any one who can read FRANK SPRINGER. honorary bearers were Judge of Santa Fe Railroad Company has de- fw " plain and pall Equipment Artillery Company ized for Portalei, Roosevelt throughout t'tlte,.T?'New Meiclco as a man straightforward will L. Morrison of this and Hon. cided to and language, and do city Is Valued prosecute Us educational aDovfl o of at $100,000 by , County. poUcal or other MnghneMi honestly, that Instead of retaining THREE HUNDRED MEN William Bayard Cutting New York experiment work among the farmers man whose opiniona any advantages for themselves, they EMPLOYED AT DAM. City. Mr. Cutting bad known Colonel Captain Murray. of New Mexico next season," said are such as bear the analysis of the delivered themselves, hand and foot, DuVal In Florida years ago. Territorial Treaaurer M. A. Otero has Profenor ij. D. Tinsley yesterday, critical mind, written the Las and for all time, to the control of the First House st Elephant Butts Pro The funeral arrangements were In Governor Mills ia expected home today received from Alejandro Sando- Professor In-- Vegas his of New elected Is Tinsley, soil expert and Optic opinion the people's agents. These ject Completed Bridges charge of Undertakers Mulligan and this afternoon from Las Vegas. val, treaiurer of Sandoval county stltute for the Santa Fe Mexico constitution. Mr. Springer Is are stock Over River. organizer charges that Rising. Interment was in Fairvlew Territorial treas- - In Its scientific soil culture a regent of the New Mexico Museum look in bold head- Funds, 13,111.59; Reymundo Romero, company startling newspaper Cemetery. '. to 8. Territorial M. A. Otero urer of Torrance county. , (2,511.15 campaign In New Mexico, returned at Santa Fe, and it is due his lines, and have some Influence with El Paso, Texas, Dec. "Work is Treasurer Sketch of Col. DuVal. from Camllo Sanchet of Guadalupe morning from Chicago erous liberality that the mural paint-wher- those who never read any further. progressing splendidly at the Elephant received the remit- - Announcement was made in Satur- today following county, $4,953.89. he was detailed with the Santa 'nE of Artist Carl Lotave have found But to s thoughtful observer they do Butte dam; the root was placed on Issue of the New- Mexican of tances; From James A. Balrd of Notify Mounted Police. e exhibit at the land and Irrigation a place In the Palace of the Govern- - not in this case ring true or sincere, the first house there Monday," says day's - the death of Colonel H. S. DuVal of Otero county, $7,540.62; Thomas If A. D, Howard li In town, he exposition. Professor Tinsley expect- orB. He Is well beloved end esteem- and if ws could look Into the minds of Engineer Reed. "There Is some lum li this for the benefit of whose aaked to report at the office of the ed to lecture In the New Mexico ex- - ed in the capital for his unostentlous tne persons wno mass them, we ber on the ground for other houses, city, Colfax county, (12,657.04; Gams - friends Is the following short bio Mounted Police at the capltol, aa It is hlblt but it wai found that the com- ways and his achievements and his should see that their real grouch but most of it la that which Is to be Warden Thomas P. Gable, $38. have force! graphical sketch: believed that be exchanged overcoat pany needed him In the Santa Fe words therefore a peculiar against the majority In the convention used laat and consequently construc Arrest By Mounted Police. - Sheffield was In with A. A. Price of Los Angelei, who booth and he remained there during sd weight. He says: jlB, that It did NOT put Into the con- tion of other residences must of Harvle DuVal born Mounted Policeman Apolonlo A. - ha on the twentieth holds Howard's overcoat, and hm aak the ihow, proving of valuable assist- I been favored with copies of, stltutton some evidence of corporate necessity be retarded to some extent. Ellzabethtown, Ky., Sena reported today to headquarters ed the New Mexico Mounted Police ance In the Santa Fe's advertising tne constitution adopted by the New domination which they could use as The government Is now working day ot June, A. D., 1833. He was the the arrest near Las Vegas of M. Mar- and to help him locate his own. The campaign for New Mexico and. the Mexico convention, ana requested tola valid argument against it. No, about 80 men and 15 are employed by son of General John Pope DuVal tinez, accused ot cattle stealing. Six - ot Vi- Uounted Police are today moving their southwest. give my impressions of it for publl- tnie is politics, pure and simple; it the bridge contractor while the grad Anne Fouchet DuVal, Leesburg, cows with the brand changed, and two cation. Is And his In . office from the second to the drat Professor Tlnnlev'a announcement Being myself entirely out merely playing the game. it lng contractors have 240 men and 25 and 'spent boyhood Tallahassee, carcasses, are reported to have been the fle,1 ot life-lon-g his took an lm ' floor at the capltol, taking the of that the Santa Fe will keep up its or ' Politics, I feel qualified Republican, has never been teams at work. Grading Is finished Fla., where family found. to Ioolt the con- - Is to one a In the social and fices recently vacated by Land Com, sranlzatlon and educational work uPn action of the refreshing who, though except In three cuts In Ash canyon. portant part political National ventlon Quard Inspection. R. P. who baa moved farmers and others In from the point of view of a bitter partisan, to see bo many fair "The railroad company has rails history of the territory. miisloner Ervleu among the dry Adjutant General A. S. Brookes who New next will - lu" citizen, new Mexico 19 minaea ana men in tne Deni laid for the Y and Biding, while rails In civil into the capltol annex. Mexico year be greet- patriotic Graduating engineering has returned from a National Guard ed with interest. shows the my home. My best years have been ocratic party who do not take a for the balance of construction are from the University of North Caro- Biennial Report. It that inspection: tour that took In Carlsbad, office of territorial believes In of a BPenl tnere. wnatever i am, or nave, nana, out win accept tne constitution on the ground. ' In 1853, he entered the U. S. coast The force the company that spite lina, Artesla, Roswell and Clovls, Is much aue tne opportunities I found as a fair and reasonable compromlae Will Need to department of education is buay on very unfavorable' season last year, Always Bridges. and geodetic survey, rapidly rising mili- her borders thirty-fiv- e of views. It la to pleased with the condition of the the biennial report of Superintendent the work is successful snd is aiding whln during diverse immensely El Paso will always need bridges the rank of captain, achieving the of in as citizens of com- - tia organizations at those points, es of Publlo Inatructlon James E. Clark, in the development of the agricultural yean activity my profession, their credit, the over the Rio Grande for that stream honor of being the youngest officer - pecially the first three mentioned. The 1908-190- New material interests are mere, monweaitn, mat lane mis po- never have who had commanded The for is compiled, resources of Mexico. ' mej will go dry. Many thought up to that time Is report 1 of at Roswell the n to continue to ne Dome as is aiso to tne or - battery artillery and work li on the period "The work will go ahead along the epe my sition, it credit that after tie construction of the Ele- a veeiel In this service, captain uu- progrenlng 1 pride of the Its same lines " said Prof Tins- "u ,u,1s remain upon mis planet, tne majority wnone action maue it Butte-- dam all water would flow Val'i on work thli de department which ended June 15, 1910. general phant monograph by built with money raised by the and the nome of my children after possible for them to do so. down the community ditches still in as a text book Good Attendance. ley yesterday. "While present through partment li uie public-spirite- d me- - the fundamental law the In head- - di- citizens of Roswell teachers have winter has been a rather hard one Therefore, When critics, glaring on either side of the river, being by Its offlceri. Fifty already regis 1 notes, have been declared to have under wnlch Mi they mu"t live is lines, bewail the "surrender ot the verted the dam at Selden. How- endorsing tered for attendance at the annual for the dry farmers and many by At the outbreak of the Civil War. be the finest In United Statea i Wh matter of deep concern to me. - the one and only the convention of the New Mexico Eddca' ih nn.i have people's rights," ever, this Is not the fact The larg- he hli commission to enlist ,i,,. 1 iAA con-oth- resigned The equipment which Includes four stuck will make and as in every! ,feeI, '"erest In the thing they specify is that the est flood that ever came over the Sel- on tlonal Association at Las Vegaa after good In the Confederate Army, entering three in valued at $100,-00- the convention, because I vention refused to adopt the new fad save had be- guns is Christmas. From Santa Fe county new country will form the den dam one, its origin 19tb, 1861, as second lieutenant, they had in constl-- . of direct as a for July by Captain Murray. e of ,Bom8 experience legislation panacea low the Butte data, the fully twenty-fiv- teachers will attend basis of the agricultural prosperity Elephant and retiring, after four years of dis- Clerk In Office. ' imhuu gave lllutu Ml uul w vumeut IU 1UI1UW can- Surveyor's lh. ,1,1. n. n,V Itaa ilamnralral. uuiiwug, luuugni waters flowing in from the many tinguished service, with the rank of Incorporation. h'.hov. and ltui to tne Involved, the of the federal govern- Ernest E. Epperson today succed- were filed to that ik.., I. o .rent questions principles yons on either side above the Selden colonel. He held the chair of mathe- Incorporation papers and know the difficulties which beset and of over RO cent of the ed Miss Urna Holcomb as clerk In Secre ftaM f .nipntiiP .nil imttur. nn a ment, per dam between that diverting point and In Tallahassee day in the office of Territorial - matics the college fer those who undertook to solve them, other statea. This issue may be free- the Butte the office of the territorial engineer tary Nathan Jaffa by the Public Serv- common sense ..j ,. h.. Elephant project some time during the dark days of was left uuiibuiuuuii nmae ny iree men, ly leit to me sooer secona mougni ot "The watchman at the Selden dam at the Capltol. Mr. Epperson ice Company of Portales, Roosevelt in New Mexicojii.with the hot air awi) the reconstruction, resigning later to was much had not clerk in the Santa Fe census office The capitalization Is $3,000 out The past year's work has shown surprised that he take up the practice of his profession. county. from Butte of and later was employed in the office divided into 300 shares. The incorpo- the need of Instructing the farmers been advised Elephant Colonel DuVal was In command of the of which came down of District Clerk Frank W. Shearon rators and directors are: T. G. Lomax in the rudiments of successful dry the flow water first extended surveys in the now fa- in- the st Butte until recently. 100 A. T. Monroe. 20 shares; farming and of organizing them for but engineers Elephant mous Evergladei, and made reports shares; 11. flood lasted 10 G. M. William-son- , telligent and scientific effort. knew nothing of This their which are T. B. Mean, shares; concerning drainage ANNUAL SMOKER TO 10 Professor Tinsley will remain In half an hour. to 20 shares; T. A. Keen, lhares; only recently being put practical BE NEXT WEEK. for a get- will continue to he seasons HELD George M. Monroe, 5 lhares; H. M. Albuquerque about month "There use in the reclamation of millions of out bulletin on the work and of the when the Rio Grande at acres Livingston, 3 shares; G. V. Johnson, ting a year of fertile land. He constructed a will make a to Arizona to EI will as as a but ot Denting Chamber of Commerce li 2 shares; W. O. Oldham, 10 shares; J. later trip Paso be dry bone, a large part the railway syatem of the uiscon-tlnuln- Live Wire New Irrigating 6 C. Deen, 6 look over the field there as there there will never be safety In Florida and reported on the feasibili- P. Deen, shares; George Well Brought In. shares. company has under consideration a the bridges for water will al- ty ot the c railway to Good Work. ' plan to carry on similar field work ways come in below the Elephant Key West, twenty years ago. Roadi N. M., Dec. 10. C. R. Ram-b- Ervlen to that done by Professor Tinsley In Butte dam and flow into the bed of Comes to Santa Fe. Deming, Land Commissioner R. P. fifteen miles southwest ot Vernon L. New Mexico. the Rio Grande. Until his removal to Santa Fe with living and Territorial Engineer Deming, has Just brought in a fine ir- lait from Land Show Better Than Last Year. his family In 1903, he continued to Sullivan returned evening well. The total depth of this that covered the According to Professor Tinsley, the serve bis state and profession in rigating their good roads trip FORTY-TW- TOOK THEIR well Is 186 feet The first water-bearin- of the Mr. second annual land and Irrigation ex- distinguished degree, being state en southern part Territory. FIRST COMMUNION. stratum was eighteen feet thick position in Chicago, was all that was gineer and president of the Southern Sullivan is working enthusiastically and was encountered st a depth ot much with expected of It and much better and Society of Civil Engineers for many in the cause and is pleased Feast of the Immaculate Conception thirty-si- feet. A second stratum of of more largely attended than last year. years. after to this the interest taken by the people Made Especially Notable In Shortly coming four feet was encountered at about counties which "During the two weeks ot the he Buffered a stroke of Dona Ana and Otero Catholic Church. territory, and seven other strata to show," said he, "the crowds averaged but, to his sixty feet latent but willing n 8. paralysis, owing vigorous thlrk-nes- s is not merely Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. In the were encountered varying In to of good from 10,000 to 20,000 a day, running constitution, he resisted the tncroach-ment- contribute the building presence ot their parents, and a large of eighteen inches to four feet, As of the as much as 18,000 for several consec of the disease until roads. a result the visit, relatives and friends. recently, ot forty-eigh- t This show Is a very congregation of making an aggregate Cruces-E- I road has taken utive days. land when the severe shock of the death Las Paso forty-tw-o boys and girls of the Im feet of strata. Whlln broad form of advertising the results of his oldest ion occasioned a waterbearing shape. El Paso has already maculate received collapse has thcr tangible of which course not immediate Conception parish from this well not been tested, constructed a superb, highway at the of are Communion at the 7 which he did not recover. Al 1b how- their first Holy being no engine on the ground of sufl mile to on ly tangible. It Inconceivable ways a profound student, Colonel Du- cost of $7,500 a Anthony o'clock mass at the Immaculate Con clent power to test It, it will dellvr and the ever, that it Bhould not result In great Val was the author ot several tech the New Mexico border, ception church yesterday morning. at least one thousand gallons per min- RoadB Commlesion things for the southwest, as well as nical works, and was upon a Territorial Good The communion mass was celebrated engaged ute when proper machinery Is Install of construc- the rest of the country represented. text book on trigonometry when will begin the work road by Rev. Father Mandalari, S. J., and ed. Mr. Rambo la now installing a Crucea on The Santa Fe Indian exhibit was In stricken with his last Illness. tion from Anthony to Las the children received from bis hands pumping plant and intends to crop my opinion the chief attraction of He married during the war, his the east side of the river, following for the first time the Bread of Life. fifty acres the season. Mesllla. the whole great show and the crowds cousin. Miss Mollle of Lees coming the railroad pretty closely to Appropriate music was rendered dur- Rozelle, C. F. Berry, fourteen miles In were always packed close around the burg, Va., who lived but a time. living rinna Ana county has $3,500 the ing the mass by the Junior choir. The short southwest of has Installed in Good railing watching with fascination the In 1872 he married Miss Har- Deming, for thlB purpose, the altar and communion were Olivia No. treasury the and the s railing his well at 5 pump which is oper will $1,000 handicraft of Navajoi rison, daughter of Dr. Robert Henry Roads Commission give at were tastefully decorated tor the occasion. ated by a twenty-fiv- e horse powei will levied on while the dances night Harrison of Petersburg, Va., whom, and a voluntary tax. be The First Communicants celebrated a by crude oil engine. The total depth of always a great drawing card. with three children, Mrs. W. G. Tur-le- property owners who will use the road, very notable event ot their lives on this well Is 186 and in - Mrs. T. A feet it thirty- which may be paid in road work, a memorable the Feast of Hayden and Hugh F. five levy DEMOCRATIC LEADER IS very day, feet ot water bearing material all li needed, as the Immaculate The Im DuVal, and his aged sister, Mrs. Laura labor being that THE CONSTITUTION the Conception. was encountered. The pumping depth arid to run FOR Is Pope DuVal of Austin, Texas, he is clay, gravel, sand water maculate Conception church under Is sixty-fiv- e feet, and the pump de- sand, are all on the HON. FRANK SPRINGER. survived. the road over the for the direct patronage of the Blessed livers eight hundred gallons per min construc- Colonel W. S. Hopewell Will Vote Kind and Just, honorable and chiv- ground, so that the work of Virgin. ute. Mr. Berry Is putting In one hun- It Captain Lea Thinks Eddy and alrous, a typical southern tion need not cost more than $2,500 Is Following the 7 o'clock mass, the gentleman dred acres this year in crops. Chaves Counties Will, Too. from that of the United States down, the people. The way It stated is of the old Colonel com- a mile, if that much. Similarly, work First Communicant! repaired to the school, DuVal The annual smoker and election of has been a body of of and untrue. remain manded the and of will be rushed on the road from compromises misleading They Immaculate Conception school as respect esteem all officers of the Chamber of "Yei. I am golne to lupport the wbo knew him. Deming to Tularoia, Otero county, conflicting opinions. This resulta sovereign and supreme. It is only a hall, where a sumptuous break- Commerce will held niogordo constitution and I hope that It will sembly be December fourteen miles in length. Convicts necessarily from the diverse natures question as to how their sovereign fast was served by their mothers and 7:30 p. m. Plans are made for be adopted by the people of New Mex When feet ltth, will not be employed on either of of men. That ours should be other- - can be most efflctenty and friends. High mass was celebrated at your are wet and cold a renewal of move- ico was the declaration powers and the these two worn on me January 21,'j was not to be The exercised. The whole de- - 10 o'clock with music by tho Junior your body chilled through and ment which bore projects, of Colonel W. S. formerly wise expected. prudently fruit eight months Fe can- Hopewell, - 3" from take a Scenic Highway In the Banta constltutlon framed by our oonven- velopment of modern society and in- choir and at o'clock in the after through exposure, big ago In the organization of the Cham- ad- chairman of the Democratic central dose is progressing despite the tlon bears mark of earnest Is founded upon the Idea ot noon the children again assembled in of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ber of The yon committee of the prominent every dustry Commerce. organization vanced season, the convict camp being Territory, careful patrt- - division of by which each the church, renewed their baptismal bathe your feet In hot water before In cattle man, bank di- labor, deliberation, and labor, has gained strength steadily since RocTc. owner, mining; - to are near Monument otic solicitude for the welfare ot the member, of the community gives at- vows, were invested with the brown going bed, and you always cer- its birth, and since It is now firmly rector and vice president of the New to Certified to Washington. " new on the of those who to the for which he has scapular and were admitted to the tain ward off a severe cold. For Copies Mexico Central Railroad. state, part tention things established and bringing returns, It request of Delegate William are for It. If at the be-- or opportunity, and dele Apostleshlp of Prayer. Benediction sale by all dealers. Is that of Upon Colonel Hopewell was Interviewed responsible capacity expected this gathering the H. Andrews, Governor Mills and Ter- ginning of the convention I had been gates the rest to others. If a man of the Most Blessed Sacrament fol- faithful December 14th will by a representative of the New Mex- develop ritorial Secretary Nathan Jaffa today to propose a draft for It, wants to build a home, he employs lowed by the singing of "God of INDICTMENTS RETURNED such will the ican as he wai Into an auto- delegated strength as Justify or mailed five certified printed copies of getting I Bhould have made a number of a carpenter, because better fitted for Might," by the entire congregation, BY GRAND new broad- mobile. He said among other things: JURY., ganlzatton's entering and the constitution, with fao simile sig- but as to several of it training and experience, and he concluded the services. er fields of "I do not find the constitution per things different; by usefulness. natures of the delegates attached to these I now see the final Ideas tries to select one who will do a Ssveral'of the Accused Declare Were J. T. P. feet. It does not contain everything that Clayton, 3. ticket agent, is one each to go to tne of the convention were better. In the good Job, and do It honestly. If his DO YOU WANT A SEA Drunk When Committed a Washington, that could be desired, In my opinion. They building frame cottage on President, the Vloe President, the run, than mine. Those critics child Is 111, he calls In the physician TRIP TO PANAMA? Crime. Nickel avenue. It leaves out certain things, for exam long Speaker of the Houie and the chair- who think they could readily turn, In whose skill he confides. If his The Isthmian Canal Commission, ple, about the Judiciary, that I had men of the commltteeB on territories. out a Instrument that would rights are In danger, re resorts Washington, D. C, has issued the fol William Hogan was DITCH TO hoped would be Inserted. But for all perfect legal acquitted in ELECTION Delegate Andews expresses himself obviate all difficulties, snd make to the lawyer whom he trusts. If he lowing bulletin which speaks for district court at Las ot BE that you can quote me aa favoring Its Vegas the CONTESTED. confident that the constitution will be everything lovely, are the ones who holds stock in railroad or factory, ot adoption. We want statehood." charge stealing. Joseph Fortin at this seiBion of Congress know at all about It. he does not undertake to run the Wanted for Panama canal govern 8. approved Asked if he did not advise all Dem nothing was Indicted for laroeny. He is a Las Cruces, N. M., Dec. Tho and New Mexico will come In as After a careful of const- business himself, but with ment work, bollermakers, wages 65 - that ocrats in New Mexico to vote with study the joins drayman and pieces of furniture that election for commissioners and mayor- a state within a year. itution as framed, I do not hesitate others In electing directors and cents an hour, eight hour day; time domo of the Dona Ana ditch was an Republicans to pass the constitution he had been hired to haul disappeared General. to admiration of as a who understand holds and one-hal- f for overtime work. Opinion By Attorney the Colonel sinned and said: "I do not express my it managers it, and were recovered from a saloon- exciting one, there being two tickets N, Esq., Carlsbad, N. M. them responsible for results, and votes Free steamship transportation to In Cunningham, care to Instruct my fellow Democrats thoroughly practical, keeper wbo said that Fortin had left the field, both tickets composed ot Dear Sir Your letter of the 1st sensible and Just scheme of govern- them out It fall to make Panama, including meals on steamer; how to vote on this matter which I they good. them In payment of an account prominent landowners and farmers on Inst., which must have been delayed ment, an of , constructive In short, he selects other men whom free lodging on Isthmus; free hospital that ditch. E. Dr. C. think to be left entirely to the example Frank Brown was indicted for shoot- B. Hoagland, I. on road has been for- ought under circum-states- , he trusts for the which and medical attendance If need; leave the somewhere, them on It, statesmanship difficult things they a rooster and Oden and W. A. Sutherland were elect- I people to decide. Let vote of ing treating animals warded to me from Banta Fe. admit of which its authors may can do hotter than be, or which are absence with pay and sick leave ed as commissioners and John Barn-castl- e But personally I am for It." oruelly. He said that he was drunk the force of the objections which you well be proud. Many things In our not convenient tor him, and he does with pay. Wages begin on day of as The other Captain J. S. member of the when he shot the rooster. Julan Pe-re- a ranyordomo. make to the law, and think It might Lea, local and territorial government will not. In dally life, undertake to do sailing for Panama. Boilermakers of board of penitentiary commissioners was indicted for larceny of ticket, consisting Tony Barncaslle, hove been better If Congress had pro- be greatly Improved under its wise these things himself. He spends a who have had several years' Journey sheep J. W. and John was now in the city, Is quoted as saying and Carlos Rublo for unlawfully car- Taylor Stewart, vided that all officers now in office restrictions and prohibitions, and good part ot his life In selecting other man experience in railroad or contract defeated, to tho count of Hie that the counties of Eddy and Chaves rying arms. George Burks and Char according Bhould hold over until the organiza many possible abuses, which made men, to do something for him which shops wanted. No others need apply. votes, but decided to ron- - will give majorities for the les men of they have tion of 'the state government, but I am thoughtful men doubtful of the bene-- , he cannot do himself, or do as well. Must be In good physical condition. Russell, young Las Vegas, test the election on the thnt while under the Influence ot ground unable to find in the language of the fits of statehood, are throttled be Hence the thing which he studies earl For further Information and appli drink, some of the which were vot- drove Las Canon. proxies act of Congress anything to Indicate fore they can have a chance to be iest, and deepest, and longest, Is his cation blank write to Isthmian Canal up Vegas They ed were Illegal, and that some votes HARVARD AND PRINCETON MAY their revolvers In the Biich an Intent as to precinct and gin. The delegates who accomplish- fellow man. To know something Commission, Washington, D. C. emptied air were cast by who had no PLAY AGAIN NEXT YEAR. one ot persons right school district officers. I think the ed this result have deserved well of about his fellow citizens with whom and the bullets struck a horse to vote. Tho contest In the election Boston, Deo. 12. A definite move o aot relates only to officers elected at the people whp Bent them, and neither he has to deal In the manifold affairs A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD belonging M. N. Chaffln. The hinged upon the fact as to whether ment for a Harvard-Prlnoeto- foot- the general election In 1008, although will In future years regret, that they of life, whether they are capable, hon- FOR MOTHERS. young men were arrested and Russell or not the Dona Ana ditch would take ball in 1911, at Prince- a very narrow construction might game probably had the wisdom and courage, In face est and trustworthy, Is a matter of Mrs. D, Gllkeson, ,128 Ingles Ave., was held to the grand Jury for dis In as a part of its main ditch the ditch has been started by the athletic lead to the belief that the language ton, of insistent clamor, to adhere to the dally necessity. In all these things, Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by charging fire arms in an inhabltated which was built and is being used by of both about that election raters only to the authorities Institutions., great fundamental principles of gov the most solemn, serious, and vital experience. "My little girl had a se- community. the residents at the American Bend, delegates to Congresi. In addition to ernment upon which this republlo matters of lifo, he exercises continu- vere cold and coughed almost con- the winning ticket being In favor of a Is rid of this, however, It would not be reason- The quicker cold gotten was founded, and under which it has ally the one function which by his ne- tinuously. My sister recommended CHARGES AGAINST SENATOR this move and the losing ticket able to hold that the phrase "county the less the danger from pneumonia grown great and prosperous. cessities and his experience he Is best Foley's Honey and Tar. The first dose LORIMER NOT SUSTAINED. against It. officers" waB meant to inolude pre- and other serious diseases. Mr. B, W, Of course, there are persons who qualified for, viz.: to choose the prop- I gave her relieved the inflammation cinct officers and school directors, L. Hall, of Waverly, Vs., says; "I would find fault with the Sermon on er man. If, therefore, with all this in her throat and after using only one Washington, Dec. 12. The sub-co- GET THE GENUINE ALWAYS. who are not ordinarily conBldered firmly believe Chamberlain's Cougb the Mount, If delivered by one of op- practical education in the Judging and bottle her throat and lungs were en mittee of the Senate committee on A substitute Is a dangerous make- beet county officers. Remedy to be absolutely the posite political faith; and It Is not selecting of men, he Is not able by tirely free from Inflammation. Since privileges and elections which Inves shift especially In medicine. The on for to hear wnr vote to choose men to make then I a bottle of Provision Is made In the constitu- preparation the market surprising discordant hie proper always keep Foley's tigated the charges against Senator genuine Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds. I have recommended to my cries from some about this his laws, In deliberation with other Hoeny and Tar In the house. Accept Lorlmer today, voted to coughs and colds and Is In a tion, as you will see by reference to it quarters unanimously quickly all friends and they all agree with mo." constitution the chief one being that men similarly chosen, how can he no substitute. Sold by Capital Phar-- report to the full committee that the yellow package. Accept no lubstl. section 9 of article 22, that persons ' Bale all "the convention was controlled by be expected to do better making them macy. charges have not been ttite. Sold at holding offices under the authority of For by dealers. proved. Capltnl Pharmacy. on the examination paper when pro- GUADALUPE COUNTY IS TWO MORE PLAGUES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1910. Company, was brought to the Albu- fMA IIOHT OFFICIALMATTERS motion certlficatea are Issued. FOR FOR PACIFIC COAST. querque hospital yesterday, badly In- CONSTITUTION. oount jured by a fall-fro- a dump. Our thought la to the average class tor the year two polnta George Sena Telephones That Major- An Answer to Rabbi Sllbsr At the Circular Lett.r to County Superinten- standing Washington, Deo. 13 The , hook Town as one tor the examina- ity Will B. Big Larrasoto Will Methodist Episcopal church tomor- dent., City Superintendents, agalnat point worm has been discovered In Chinese, Teaoh-r- a. will be Talk at Santa Rosa. row forenoon. Rev. B, F. Summers Principals, and Eight Grad. tion standing. Special blanks Ex furnished the teacher ot each appli- Hindu and other Immigrants from the pastor, will answer Kabbl (Eighth Grad. Promotion the superintend-er- t Probate far east on the Pacific Sllber of who last Sun- aminations). cant through county Deputy Clerk George Sena, th. arriving j for in the class an ' prohibition. Friends: ' use recording dally energetlo official of Guadalupe coast The Publlo Health and Ma- Wayside Jottings, day preached against ram-ma- r (Of course, every county and a staunch tele- Over New Houa At Albu- accordance with a resolution of standings. Republican, rine Hospital Services regard th. Fight In teacher has a class the New Guada- was had In un grade dally phones Mexican that situation as critical. THUR8DAY. DECEMBER 8, 1910. (per cent in the exposure charge on querque, hearing several the territorial board of education Rigid Inspection ot record and makes entry In the same lupe county will give a good majority has been established San Francis- License Issu.d At Las raercB,ntlle risks. cases growing out of a dispute der date October 22d, 1909, eighth at Marrlane were during every recitation.) for th. constitution. On Saturday, the co and other was - No- - C. H, Conner and A. Marlln, a examination Pacific ports. Elephan- Veens. marriage license grant- Medical Journal Issued The Dr. grade promotion standard of Republicans of that will hold a house hold several in the terri- Sixth In order that the county tiasis also has been discovered among ed Mluuela Roybal, aged 16, and Thor yember issue of the New Mexico Med' contractor who is building in counties, a Santa On April questions may be satisfactory and the rally at Rosa. December ChlneB. 2o, both ot sapeuo. Journal made Its for Conner. Each charges the other tory on Friday and Saturday, Immigrants. Roybal, aged 'ical appearance Satur- result of Joint action of teachers In- 24, the day before Christmas, O. A. Albuqusr- - ot Rio with assault. 2th and'HOtb and Friday and New Santa F. Agent at Monday from, the press the we shall ask tor our guid Larraiolo will address a mass meet- Colo- - June 17th and 18th, 1910, under terested, Notice for que J. P. Johnson of Trinidad, Grande Republican at Las Cruces, Deaths at Las Vegas Pleurisy day,, the ing In Guadalupe county. Larrazolu Publication. of sta- - tho following general plan: ance that county superintendent rado, bus taken the position this being the first number of the caused the death ot Mrs. Lester least three of hla will also speak at Albuquerque and (014416) at Albu-- furnished by this request at leading tion agent for the Santa re journal Issued under the editorship Sands aged 37 years, at Las Vegas. Printed questions teachera to Old Albuquerque In the near future. Survey No. 1421. eighth grade prepare type U. of Dr. R. E. McBrlde of this children whirl-win- S. Land Office, Santa querque. city. Her husband and four small department aets of questions In .the subjects After New Year a cam- Fe, Oct. New Diversion Dam The contract the medicos to s conducted county 22, 1910. while object paid survive. The Infant doughter ot Mr. Examinations by named, the same to be collected by paign for the adoption of the consti- been for a new diversion dam do not named by Notice la let vertising for themselves, they and Mrs. George Tripp died on Thurs- superintendents or persons the county superintendent and for tution will be made In every county. hereby given that in pur- flood at the intake of the to to others Mi - ' suance with gates ,eem object advertising day. The funeral of Mrs. M. Pad- them. warded to this department after care- of the Aot ot Congress approv- northern canal of the Felix Irrlga- from the advertising columns, by committee qt MORE SUGAR ed May 10, 1872, judging gett, wife of Editor . Padgett Papers graded ful inspection and comment bv the WEIGHING Mrs. Arthur A. Rel- three miles east of Paso county tion company, under Suspicion Says the El of the OpUc, was largely three readers selected by the FRAUDS ELSEWHERE? iant, whose postoffice Is Albuquerque, - county superintendent Roswell. Herald: "Luis Lopes, arrested Tuea- attended. Rev. J. S. Moore ot the superintendent '. new mex., and Jack Donovan, whose Mrs. de- Seventh The privileges of the ex Death at Albuquerque Alice Dy the police and detained on a of sent to this postoffice ia Santa New jay Episcopal church officiated. The, Report grades aminations will be limited to those ap Grand Jury at New Orleans Begins Fe, Mex., have died at Albuquerque, la belle-deat- - made Julia Hawking 8uspioious character charge, choir of the church sang Mrs. Pad- partment. Exhaustive and In- application for a patent for the is se- plicants who have been engaged dur Significant following an operation. She e(j Djr tn8 officers to be wanted In Lead Certificates issued to all who Silver Queen. Group, min- - gett's favorite byms: Kindly the entire school year vestigation of Port, comprising survived by her husband and two New Mexico for examination In Con- cured an average of 70 per cent In ing practically linear teet on the Drummond - Light", and "Abide with ma" The work of the New Orleans, Dec. 13. The federal or sons. Interment will be at Spring- nection with the murder of a section the with no in pursuing regular lode, the same 85B bearers were: Harry W. Kelly, nine subject, specified The of seventh an exhaustive being feet north, Mo. pall 60 cent and eighth grade. papers grand Jury today began and field. foreman and 'his wife by unknown B. Da--1 standing lower than per westerly 1144.93 feet southeaster- - D. J. S. morn- John S. Clark, Leahy, grade and other grade applicants will Investigation of the methods of sugar ly from First Communion Yesterday pPra0ns three years ago Just over the C. that In only on. subject. discovery shaft thereon; vis, John H. York and Dr. S. not be by the department. weighing at this port. Special agents 1499.6 tng at the Church of the Immaculate New Mexico line. Authorities Jn Jr., The purpose of the examinations inspected linear feet on the Silver Queen o The nuniDer oi no A minimum of 60 per cent of the Department of Justice are bore at Albuquerque, forty-tw- Ter N. M., have been Losey. large was to encourage the use of the com- Eighth lode, the same being 174 feet north- city, tributes to the love and an of 70 cent to be to asBlBt the ' received their first catod and It la that attested mon school course of prepared ana average per Inquiry. westerly and 1325.6 feet southeaster- girls with, thought waa study No ' Lo-A- . esteem in which the deceased as In 1910 but standings of Mad. Profits. ly from from the hands of Rev. aclals may come here to talk with by the territorial board ot education required discovery shaft thereon; and 80 cent or above may be carried Washington, Dec. 13. What is be- 1499.6 M. Mandalarl. pes.". held. for use in all elementary schools of per linear feet on the Ground Hog A for-- 1910.' over from the April examination to lieved to be the greatest Industrial lode, the same Alarm Goats-Theop- DECEMBER 13, the 111 feet Unique Fir. System Bought Bunch of aolis TUESDAY, the Territory, and to atandnrdlze being north- will be erected the June date. trust. In the world, next to Standard westerly and 1388.6 est fire alarm station who has g rencn about 12 meg Smallpox In San Juan Conty "Dra. work done In the grammar depart- feet southeaster- of Ug Ninth A fee of cents to be OH the American Sugar Refining ly from discovery shaft on El Bosque, the highest peak WMt of gilver CUyi ,a8t week pup. and Gray report several cases ments ot our varloua schools. There fltty thereon; each of Taylor to cover ex- Company, popularly known as the sug- with the Manzanos, ninety miles south chased tn9 entlre flock of owned on the San Juan near! was nothing at all compulsory about charged each examinee bearing gold, surface ground 600 mt of smallpox ar trust didn't mnke a dollar profit feet In width on Santa Fe. It will be connected by c. Juan the examlnatlbna; only those schools penses of examination material and each lode, situate la by wllllam Franks, numbering the Turley postoffice." San in Inst year; at least that Is what Its New Placers with Tajique and TUeras. 0 which elected to do so. certificates Issued by the department; mining district, Sab la telephone about and na5 moved ae dex. participated officers have sworn In returns filed Fe of General Carr nbt to this fee to be collected by the exam- the County, Territory of New Mexico, Death Brigadier game to hlg rancn Tne ralslng of Suit has been City schools were encouraged A. Carr. Suit on Notes Filed and forwarded to the In the treasury department under the and described by the . official Brigadier General Eugene lg rapidlT becoming one of the participate owing to the fact that they iner department plat, filed at Albuquerque against the Gal of local provisions of the corporation tax law thereon posted, and by the field well known In New Mexico, and espe- industries In Grant county are under Independent supervision bo with itemized statement notes - lesoln(! Light end Power Company for adopted at the Inst session of Con- and plat on file In office at Albuquerque, died at Wash- one lup far as the course of study Is con- expenses to be covered the of th. daily of th(J mMt prontable 0Ilea sum of $290.10 due on Instead of the trust a Santa Fe land D. at the of 81 years. the alleged warrant Issued by the department. gress. making district. New Mexico, ington. C, age Texas Cattle Is the cerned. by sworn claims as was the of Clark Hunory Worry Ft promissory notes. The plaintiff secured We solicit careful consideration or proflfthe statement follows, viz.: He father Captain The promotion certificates s Sumn.r-Sett- ler. at Fort Sumner. Aztec Fuel that It ran behind more than three-quarter- Drummond Lode cor- M Carr of Albuquerque. Company. admitted the holders to ninth grades the foregoing and frank letters of ap- Beginning at case In Guadnlune county, are much worked Herring-A- lex of a million dollars; to be ner No. 1, on line Silver Poisoned By Kippered? throughout the only In those proval and adverse comment In order Queen HI territory exact, $707,726. lode, of this whence U. Min- ,.. Gusdorf was made the early schools which chose to accept such that we may decide upon the most survey, S. qurr;rLcock or eral Monument "82" bears N. 50 de- volvlng the district attorneyship for zeTjtvz:i"izT0 part of the week from ptomaine pois- certificates as evidence of satisfactory satisfactory plan for carrying on the their usual ranges They are shipped Mr. GIRLS RESCUED FROM grees 38 minutes E. 8636.4 feet. Thence BernaHUo, Sandoval and Valencia on contained in kippered herring. The territorial board of work. I every-d.stri- preparation. S. 30 " the tralnload and devour ill ex-- ROOF OF BUILDING. degrees 40 minutes W. 474.00 counties has been remove from the Gusdorf was seriously for a time, education has no authority to fix Enclosed herewith are sets of i ft to wh eh to Cor. No. 2. 59 court by agree- - '" "B in the section, they are but soon got the better of the trouble." used In 1910 and Thence N. degrees to the supreme the entrance to high atr.inatlon questions ' - requirements 23 minutes irlven- h elers News. examinations Fed In From Drill In W. 1499.93 ft. to Cor. No. ment of the litigants. ,ln " Taos Valley Bchools. rules for conducting the Scanty Clothing 3 - ot - Thence N. 30 40 Roswell-Cha- Tles Mont- careful- . Class in degrees, minutes Verdicts at Hold-U- p In Albuquerque Mrs. Rosie Sixteen counties participated in the for that year. Please Inspect Physical Culturs Chicago car-n- E 474.00 ft. to Cor. No.' 4, whence gomery was found guilty at Roswell Carload of Horiea Shipped A f Nobis was held . up at Albuquerque. in which there were 230 )y and favor this department with. Structure. a examinations, cedar, 8 Ins. dla , bears S. 56 without a license. Lee load shipment of horses was made com- comment the same.l degrees selling liquor She was choked by her assailant, and applicants. The various grading frank concerning 29 minutes 64.2 a W. of E. ft and a plnon, 4 Ins. Smith, pleaded guilty to sending from Silver City by T. Holland of her Jerked away from her. mittees favorably on 129 ap Thanking ypu In anticipation j Dec. 13. handbag reported Chicago Fifty screaming dla. bears S. 22 27 minutes K. the mails Gila. The horses were in a ' I degrees threatening letter through purchased As she had placed her money pltcants, Since the secretary ot the your hearty cooperation, am, hysterical girls, attired in gymnasium 63.3 each Mil-- ! ' ' ft, blazed and scribed z BT nnd was sent to Jail for six months from William Bates and Bernard of her dress a short time be- board of education was Your truly, the roof of pocket territorial clothes, were rescued from 41421. Thence S. 59 23 min- H. who In El Paso for was lost. J. E. CLARK, degrees by Chief Justice W, Pope. ler, are .waiting fore, nothing of great value called upon to sign these promotion a burning building at 311 to 818 Wab- utes E. 87.64 j ft. Cor. No. !, Silver Colony Will Raise Broom Corn the shipment, from which place ship- - Navaretto Found Guilty Cornelio certificates the of educa- Superintendent, Jap department ' ash Avenue today by firemen. The Queen lode, of 1499.93 be- - n - this survey; A colony of Japanese this week m0nt will be made to Augusta, Geor-ga- Navaretto was found ot assault tion It was wise to have the Department of Education. ft guilty felt that girls were engaged jn a gymnasium to Cor. No. 1, the place of on the Glasgow anli m be In district in order Dec. 7, 1910. beginning; clearing ground accompanied by with a deadly weapon the examination papers graded drill In the school ot Physical Culture containing 16.322 acres. ranch near Colfax, Colfax county, for MesgrB Holland and Miller, court at Navaretto was that a definite Idea be secured Albuquerque. might when the fire brok. out. When the Silver Queen .Lode Beginning at the purpose of sowing In spring 200 with the death of as to standard of ot the SALAZAR AND CURREN m Qut fof th(( Con,tution charged causing the grading smoke began pouring Into the hall, corner No. 1, whence a plnon, 10 ins. acres to broom com and 100 acres Pablo Perea him over the of the read APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. Co,one, w M Bergeri Mlor ol by hitting papers. The report special the girls feared to descend to the dla., bears N. 9 degrees 13 minutes, to other crops head with a stick of wood at Las Pa- - ers the the Belen lrlbune Bpent Tuesday In appointed by department street and the Instructor, giving them E. 79.8 ft. and a 9 Ins. dla., D- - Andrews Asks for Five Thou plnon, Electricity for Engl. our ana able talk lomas. showed that undue laxness In grading Delegate to on mar- bears N. 84 44 member of the cIty maa8 . Tery no time put their clothing, degrees minutes W. Stackhou.e, former D. Bates Pemos D. Bates. maintained in several counties; the sand Dotlara to Drill Two Test 23.5 - Demos them to the root From the each blazed and scribed x BT now at San Antonio, So- " " favor- In Union shalled ft, legislature, the 40 years old and a native of. South department readers reporting Wells County. were carried U. S. Mineral Monument submitted a propo- - country and urged upon roof the frightened girls 211421; corro county, ha. died at His ably on only 58 applicants out of the In- "82" bears N. 51 to c tizen. to support the proposed Bend, Ind., Albuquerque. down the fire escapes. None was degrees 35 minutes sttlon to the reclamation service who acconv 230. to this condition the ter Washington, Dec. 14. The Senate E. constitution at the coming election. wife and a physician had Owing hut there was some tall scamp- 8048.2 ft Thence S. 30 degrees 30 supply the construction camps ami were ritorlal board ot education at its meet today confirmed the appointment of jured, Willard Record. nanied him to New Mexico, for the office build- minutes W. 600.00 ft. to Cor. No. 2, t the Elenham Butte dam 1910, authorized the Satazar of Las Vegas to bs ering neighboring mi,inpr. Licenses Issued w..a htm at the time of his death. Mr. ing June 10th, Enrique themselves whence a plnon, 6 InB. dla. bears N. with electric power generated at the Marriage Mar ot Instruction receiver of the U. S. land office at ings, where the girls hid - Bates was an attorney and bad been superintendent public 7 degrees 43 minutes W. 260.5 tnin lit ''age licenses were issued at Albu- and from the smiles and stares of thou- ft, at Albuquerque for two months. "to take full charge of eighth grade Fort Sumner, Guadalupe county," blazed and scribed z BT 21421. ,.! 8uccumb Benja- - querque to Mary D. Sellers and Albert of spectators and where they Benjamin Bibo promotion examinations tor the year of A. E. Curren of CloviB, to be reg- sands Thence N. 59 23 minutes W. Va- - R. Leach of and to Work of Reforestation "Forester more degrees min Bibo, businessman of Bibo, Denver; Canopa a fee of cents ister of that office. were suppU d with oompkte 76.08 Bert has ninety bushels of 1911; to. charge fifty ft, Cor. No. 1, Drummond lode, lencia county, died at St Joseph's Sanches of Tajique and Modesto Phillips to to have all Test Wells. costumes. Besldea the physical cut cones stored in the storehouse in his each, examinee; papers Two of this survey; 1488.47 ft. to Cor. No. hospital Albuquerque, yesterday. He Montoya of Eecobosa. At Raton to the Andrews Introduced a bill forty girt employes of, desk and twenty bushels more are al graded by persons' appointed by Delegate turlsts, 3, whence a cedar 10 Ins. dla., bears was 45 years old and came to New Wallace H. McGuire of Springer and yard to ac the of two test companies occupying the will be used for re department; Issue certificates providing for digging and carpet S. 78 degrees 11 minutes E. 31.1 28 from E. N. a the Pueblo. They fire ft Mexico years ago Germany. Martha Moore, of Roy, M; wells for the public use on the SB. building were assisted down th. and a 4 ins. N. 67 de- forestation and sowed In the spring. cordingly." - cedar, dla,; bears wife and five brothers survive bert O. Ramsey and Mary Anderson, In with the 4 of Section The fire damage was iuu,- 31 The Pueblos have entered Into the accordance foregoing 11, Township 20, Range escapes. grees minutes E. 32.7 ft,, each bias- him. of Denver; Reductndo Benavidei and of the territorial board of 34. and the NW 4 of Section 28,, ed and business of cone gathering in earnest provisions scribed z BT 31421. Thence as Santa Fe Petra of Raton. 18, 36. The bill ap- COOLEY SAYS N. 30 Fifty Times as Muqh Apodaca and this district has its full share. education, the department suggests Township Range JUDGE degrees 30 minutes B. 305.88 ft. The assessment of the of El Suits Filed Suits were filed at the for the $5,000 for that- - purpose CONSTITUTION WILL CARRY. to No. 4. city The Carson district Is always in front following plan present propriates Cor. Thence S. 70 degrees for purposes of taxation exceeds buquerque by the Bank of Commerce year: ' ' to be expended under the super 34 minutes E. 1516.64 ft. to Cor. No. In activity and progresslveness, any mem- times and Gabal-o- f Fri- of board of commissioners A. W. former 1. f'51.723.000 or about fifty that against Jose N. Transito News. First Dates for examinations, yision the Judge Cooler, the place of beginning; containing - way." Taos Valley Mex- anta Fe. The budget for the lis- jon for the collecti' n of a note by day and Saturday, April 28th and 29th, of Union county. ber of the supreme court of New 15.477 aores. and Power Company Changes of Presl-AoT- t cal year Is $575,900 or about forty Ricbard Wetherhill, of $447.38, which Light and1 Friday and Saturday, June 16th ico, and previously a member Ground Hog lode Beginning at cor Hands The Aztec Light and Power TWENTY-TW- - cabinet In times what Santa Fe spends a year indebtedness they are said to have and 17th, 1911., ,... ENTOMBED- nnnaavelt's tennis ner No. 1, whence a plnon, 8 ins. dla., Company at Aztec, San Juan county, Im- In El Paso Thurs for municipal purposes. and A, I. Roose, doing busl- - It will be seen that It Is quite MINERS ARE DEAD. Washington, was bears S. 36 degrees 29 minutes W. 19.7 assumed; has been bought by W. Goff Black, ot , 15 Dead. Lucia for the department to pre- night from bis home in aiamogor-do- and a plnon, 9 Ins. dla., bears S. Brld. of ia Rolbal, nes as the Cooperative Advertising in Santa Fe. Ar possible day ft Aztec, well known sets of examination in a West Virginia and a accompanied by Mrs. Cooley and 61 64 minutes W. 105.9 15, who was married by Rev. Father agency, against Coral Mae Neis, for men. pare separate Explosion degrees ft, thur Ponsford and other Denver for each school Coal Min. Create They remained In EJ each blazed and scribed z BT Halterman to Viclnte Callegos, at j34! an(j against H. Williams for $30 questions participat Washington their daughter. 11421; The new owners will enlarge their in Fatal Havoc when U. S. Mineral Vaughn, Guadalupe county, died five htimeA to be due on con-- ing the examinations, thus enabling Paso until Saturday morning, Monument "82" bears advertising ditch to ot 176 cubic ' ex- 111 supply capacity school to hold Its examination W. Dec. 14. An left for Silver City, where Judge N. 62 21 minutes E. 7783 days later. She was with typhoid Bo(h the Iatter defendants the Bluefleld, Va, they degrees ft t,,,, feet and generate more power. The In Coal enes for his Ha has Thence S. 30 30 fever when she was married, but , Tummrari. during the closing week. We suggest plosion the mine of the Bond r.nniav health. degrees minutes W. river will be dammed with concrete In Wise en the summer In High 284.83 ft. to Cor. No. 2, with would not postpone tne wedding, ana E. the two foregoing dates hoping that Company, county today been spending identical CharBed Wth F, pretense dam and the water will be x consiaer-abl- power will accommodate all schools tombed twenty-si- miners. The lat- Otero county, and is Cor, No. 1, Silver Queen lode, ot this the excitement and the dance that R. they Rolls, King was arrested at Albuquerque more certain. The necessary o cau.e permit wishing to participate. Examinations est reports Indicate 'that twenty-tw- Improved. Judge ,CooIey, who survey. Thence N. 70 degrees nigm neiyeu 10 uer uu.. under bond n , been Territorial En- 0, has . pa(;e(, m granted by should be held ten days or more be- of the entombed miners are dead. was forced to quit the bench last 31 minutes W. 1516.64 ft to Delegates to Santa F. Convention 0f money on false V. L. Sullivan. i cbarge "obtaining gineer fore the school's closing date In or- Fatal Explosion. - spring, owing to his ratling neaun, Cor. No. 3, Identical with A Democratic county convention came s pretell,eg. King to Albuquer-wa- Naravlsa Loses "Farming-to- have Dec. 14. men not since been much Interested Cor. No. 4 Silver Queen lode, of this held at Las Cruces, which took Belknap der that the department may Seattle, Wash., Five has quff (rom TMas Bevarai months ago is soon to have numbered were two were In is with the survey. Thence N. 80 30 min- the stand that it would send among sufficient time to have papers graded Injured and killed in politics, but pleased degrees peculiar check ForB,ng Manla-Fr- ank her boosters ' Willard a In the of the Northwestern Im for New Mexi- utes E.."388.94 intersect line to the territorial convention Belknap, and the certificates issued for use workings constitution proposed ft, 61, g. Bged was releaBed from real estate man and boost- term mine Rav--i think the constitution is a Sur. No. 968 I, Denver Belle lode, at at Santa Fe on December 17 but that prominent the closing exercises. Short provement Company's at co. "I at Rowel, after havlng erved er at located at Nara Visa In as an when seen at the N. 74 15 minutes W. 211.48 these would not be bound present schools closing In May should select ensdale the result of explosion good one," be said, degrees ft delegates Bentence fof ,ng the eastern of He ot 4 west noon I believe It will from Cor. No. 393.37 to Cor. of the convention. The part the Territory. the April date. Full term schools gas in No. entry at Orndorff hotel, "and 6; ft, by the actions of Mex- recently had a public sale at which closing In June or the first of July yesterday. Fire, which had been smoul be ratified by the people of New No. 4, whence a plnon, 5 ins. dla., UiCSftLC UUUC1 63 33 N. M., when he did not have he disnosed of ft ffreat deal of his - in older of bears S. degrees minutes E. liar conditions are: T. N. Hawkins, J. uxter. should select the June date. ' dering workings the mine, ico." money or never had bad a cent property and as soon 'as he can close Second had eaten into the 29.2 ft and a plnon 4 ins. dla., bears H. Paxton, W. C. Reynolds, B. T. ai.y The place or places for through gangway. In was released on his own up the rest of his affairs there he' CITY POLICE S. 0 degrees 52 minutes W, 52.4 ft, Link, John M. Candler, Adrian Gon- the bank, holding the examination should be de KAN8AS to the next will come to Farmington to locate. cided the APPEAL BY A GOOD DEMOCRATIC ARE STILL BAFFLED. each blazed and scribed z BT 41421; zales, Dr. Mitchell, Jeff Isaaka and M recognizance ppear at upon by county superintend- term of court In the sum of two hun- Mr. Belknap la one of New Mexico's ent In accordance with conditions In ,. Kansas City, Deo. 14. The police Cor. No. 5, Sur. No. 968 I, Denver C. O'Hara. Belle bears 73 5 min- dred dolars for a similar offense in foremost exponents and Farmington bis county. (Continued From Paga Five.) officials said today that other arrests lode, S. degrees FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. on is to be congratulated In securing him In some are In connection with the utes E. 210.4 Cor. No. 2, Sur. No. "IT ( Sam nmlmM Dasslne another worthless check counties all applicants will expected ft; Ul.lx. Ot..t . 974 bears N. 78 de- the same bank was arrested again on as a citizen." Farmington be able to meet at one place for ex- additional breath of freedom, of lib- quadruple murder on the Bernhardt I, Ingersoll lode, Stook-- W. N. Hightower has returned 28 minutes E. 226.8 Thence of He A. amination; In other counties several erty, of Americanism, then we should farm, for which John Feagle, Sam grees ft to Lincoln from Carrl- - the charge forgery. forged 66 30 31.77 Alto, county, Hike will be to most satis- be for The should rise up and Ike Wbltsett, former em- S. degrees minutes E. ft, - J. Crawford's name to a nine dollar Boy 8couts Take Twelve Mil. places required It people Bailey zozo, bringing with him four fine grad- a Intersect line Sur. No. 9G8 I, It at Co.'s The 'Albuquerque corps of boy factorily accommodate all examinees. In their might in this and say by their ployes and neighbors of Bernhardt 51, ed cows, which be received In check and cashed Price ft Denver Belle N. 74 15 dairy scouts took a hike down to In some counties both dates will be votes that we are not to be are-- under arrest, They admit that lode, at degrees .OT WXM esiaDiisnmeni ano w. going kept exchange tor mining property. out our do not have minutes W. 178.88 ft. from Cor. No. 5; in Mr. Craw-ralgne- Hubbell's ranch and back. The trip used; In others, all will wrlto on one ot 'rights any longer, they believe that they Kneels In Court Diego Cruz, ar- - rested and placed Jail. 635.97 Intersect line 4 1, Sur. No. about seven hours, Including date. : ' v. JAMES F. HINKLE. yet arrested the right man. ft, In court at El Paso on ford Is proprietor of the Roswell occupied 968 J. Homestake No. 2 lode, at N. police the time spent at the ranch.' Drills Third The subjects on which ex- the of ' knelt hotel. 41 degrees 30 minutes W. 192.9 ft.' charge drunkenness, and football occupied the scouts be- aminations will be given are as fol- on the floor and folded his arms Fortln Pleads Guilty In the from Cor. No. 4; 841.82 Intersect - tween halves of the hike. ' The boys lows: ft, breast when asked for his trict court at Las Vegas, Joseph For- line Sur. No. 968 J., Homestake bis met at the Commercial Club Saturday Arithmetic using Walsh's New ,rfj 34, Is old and nn iu No. 2 lode; at N. 44 20 min- plea. Diego an offender pieaaea guui puv where E. A. Mann and Grammar School Arithmetic Com- degrees rate was Mandell Given $12 In district night, Judge utes E. G7.23 ft., from Cor. No. 4; the scheme didn't work. The Amado Chaves addressed them. Both plete. Tims 1 hours. court at Albuquerque, Leon Mandell 1499.60 ft, to Cor. No. 1, the of 3. the scouts on Grammar and place speakers complimented composition, using beginning; containing 11.392 acres Worked His Coon. Trap-- Col J. W. their and them and Lessons jurleg lnfllcte4 by' A McKc8( was g,v. organization gave Rejid Kellogg's Higher WHtN GOING (exclusive of surveys No. 968 I and Chllders of to the some advice about in and Webster's Texico, delegate en a verdict for iiz. good cigarettes; English, Elementary No. 968 J.) This claim Is situated In constitutional convention from Curry and other vices. The remaining va- Composition. Time 1 hours. Charged With Robbing the Dead township 12 N range 7 E., N. M, P. delivered an address In Por-tale-s cancies oh the staff were then Lead- county, A strange and disconnected Btory corps History, using Montgomery's B. and M. unsurveyed. The names of and made a hilarious speech , filled as follows: Lee, chair Facts In American Time same to Roswell, says the Register-Tribune- Floyd ing History. EAST OR WEST the adjoining and conflicting claims the constitution. man of Amado Chaves, 1 hours. .. against proposed from King, a plains town in expeditions; as shown by the plat of survey are Portales has now had one address for chairman of and Civil Chaves county, In which It was said Jr., finance,, press; Government, using Boynton's Sur. No. 9S8 I, Denver Belle lode, and and one n the constitution. He Charles treasurer. Civics. 1 gainst that George Evermeyer was under ar Heyn, Time hoiirsv Sur. No. 968 J,, Homestake No. 2 lode, caused much but made no to Denver W. J. Ol- Conn's Element- laughter rest at Four Lakes on the charge of Transferred Phynlology, using V use the both on the north of the Ground Hog votes. Indian at Blackrock on and Tlmo 1 robbing a dead body. iver, agent ary Physiology Hygiene. lode. , has been trans- hour. Other Ditch Elections The election SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1910. the Zuni reservation, Any person or persons claiming ad- to Indian service offices at Word Les- for ditch officials on the San Ysldro Given Ten Days Nestor Sanchez ferred the Spelling, using Roed's versely the Mineral Claims above de- sons hour. ditch at Picacho on the west Bide of and Edward Jones were given ten Denver. Complete. Time scribed, or desiring, for any reason to resulted In elec- Bond Issues R. Q. Palmer, treas- using and s the Rio Grande, the days In Jail at Albunuerquo yesterday Geography, Redway object to the entry thereof by said, ap- urer of Union advertises a Shortest Line to tion of the following as commission for vagrancy. county, Natural Geography, Complete. Denver, plicants, are hereby advised to file ers: Jacobe Porflrlo Lucero $2,500 bond iSBue for sale for School Time 1 hours, adverse claims or Chavez, Death of Albuquerque Man at Gal their protest objec- with Grie-- District No. 31, and a $500 issue for Writing, the Medial system N tions in this office on or before Janu- and Frank Lucero, Crespin aged 51 years, using Colo. Pueblo ,upEdward R,ee, District No. 21. Both. Issues are to as adopted. Time hour. Springs and 10, 1911, otherwise a resident of Albuquerque for 27 ary the applica- there was no contest on the Mesllla bear six per cent Interest. Reading, using selections from Web- AT tion will be allowed. died at Gallup on Thursday. TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS ditch the same officers were elect- years, District Court at Laa Vegas An in- ster's Elementary Composition. Time MANUEL R. OTERO, and Sold Meat Without License o CITY OFFICE IN ed who held the last year. dictment was returned at Las Vegas 1 hour. Register. positions Contreras, Damaclo Contreras For 8a'nta Fe? A reduc- against Ramon do Herrera charging Fourth. The county superintendent Why Not and Hllarlo Lobato' were arrested at tion of 17 cents in the key rate of El him with forgery. He had Just been or Qthcr person selected by him and MEXICAN BLDG. Albuquerque for soiling meat without NEW FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Paso will be made possible by the Im- found guilty of cattle stealing. It Is not the Instructor of any one of the a license. he a bill of sale. should conduct examina- ..or MHS, WINST.LOW'S SOOTff TNG 8YBUP provements now being started by the charged that forged examinees, Hhh boon iaetl for ovr ft ft ar Tears bj Dead Timber 8old Ninety-eigh- t Ttm l.nvn.b a MmlttUT ATld the &n Julian Perea Ib on trial for stealing tions in accordance with rules and Mil, I.IONH nf MOTIIKIIH for tlloll- toad, of dead timber were sold at Is UHIMIHKN WHILW THHTHINtt. with nouncement of tho census figures for sheep and after that case disposed regulations supplied by this depart- DEPOT. PMHKHiOT HTK1O10HH. It HDOTH K8 tlie Manza-o- UNION mean reduction Albuquerque yesterday by the f of, Abran Archuleta la to be tried for ment In connection with the nmr.n. sotfTKNa the gumh. allays) El Paso. This will a printed OIIHKH rioLIO nnd ll no forest management, to wood Ar- ot nil PAIN; WIND $20,000 or mor. in the Insurance the murder of his uncle, Damaclo lists examination questions. uttebmt romedylor HIAHROHA. Sold by and lers, at 12 cents a load. chuleta. territorial grand Jury Fifth The dally class In evBiy pnrt or the world, B by HI Paso policy holders The, standings nnd nHk tor Hootliln an s ex- or. "M, Wlnlow' eliminates one exposure In dwelling Fell Off Dump-- E. Torres returned 44 true bills having exam- furnished by the teacher of each iyria." nnd take uo other kind. 38 and makes a difference of 6 ploye of the Sharps Construction ined Into DS cases. aminee will be given consideration In bottle'