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Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-25-1883 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-25-1883 J. H. Koogler

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Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-25-1883." (1883).

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I. r, The fcenamirihlei- - lath Law. ljia CRIMES AND CRIMINALS 24. J. POLITICAL POINTERS. iHNVm. 21. Tho following i Siiawxeetow s. Jan. Yesterday Jin. of men attempt- the joint ballot fur senator y. long morning a mob masked term: ed to entr the j til for Ihe purioie of LIVE ESTATE Ivuching colored mtirdet.T, THE Thr United States Srn.ttp Working For I'itkin Senate, 5; 1ioum. 13; :l. Frank James FieTcrs 1 Itrciain in the lli'me. ül M l) hut were repulsed at the lirt attempt NoTAitY vinn.n; Laboriously With lite Tariff For Tabor Senate, 2; house, 13; Jail Rathrr Than Üve by the sheriff and The mob Sale. brought up ou tlm commons in front of Closing 15. out ANO Kill. For Ham mil Senate, 6; houe, 5; to- Hail. the jail ami threatened to batter ilnwn tal. 11. the walls, but shots from th jail, tho to- ringing of the court houe bll and tho CONVEYANCER. For Bowen Senate, 2; house, l; II. II. Iludd, an Ctntleman, l'midcnt Arthur Exprrsscs Himself tal. 3. Aed gathering of citizens frightened them away. IMPROVED RANCHES. For Hallett Senate, 2; house, 0; to- Urntallr Mnrdfird ly Nrcrofs aiHfin Aniious to See the tal. 2. one f the comer, For lioutt Senate, 0; liouc, 1; to- in 1STCD $8 000 will tur " (rnrgu. Con- ti'i t un iiiii ras. SruiNCFiELb, Mass.. Jan. 24. HITJ3VCBTJO I iiiini'K lioune hit, pnyiair tt tal. 1. Ttualaa rare tmi nal n.Ir ductor Ilosley, of tho New Haven and Three absent. The democrats stood who will buy with three lot, A pro- to Northampton railroad, ran tho $'.500 two houe of Xew solid for l'atterson. motion to An I'nsorrfssfiil Attempt JIade freight which collided Mlenüil looatlon renting tor !t er month. Senator M(Tlierson, Jersey, ceed to second ballot was lost. train Septemler AD Goods I . ltHh with Marked in Plain Figures. Tbi if lit viga rcaiiienee inrty Lynch a Murderer in Shaw-neetow- n, a wild freight train, killinc Elected to the United States to-da- y on $1.750 will bur lifitut rll'in ( rt titlnff THE SIIOKT TERM. three men, was arrested a lur ( m a monto. Mut lie aolil. Senate. The following is the vote on senator 111. charge of manslaughter. n with hail to-d- ay joint $850 will buy ft nice rar-- in hnuw for the short term in Haying decided to leave Las Vt gas as early as possible and go into the whole- lit. ibenp property. session: .4ronlrr Arretted. sale business in Kansas City. 22; 13; $1,250 will buy n iiKo fmr-reo- bunco The Colorado Senatorship Still in J. B. Ormsn, Wolfe Londoner, A Fireman on t!i Panhandle, St. Louis, Jan. 24. A special from with lot, centrally hn'titol, rfnllnif to jfiwiii -m- it V?. M. Clark, 5; Ceo. T. Clark, 4; E. W. Dallas, Texa, anys, (). 11. Gregg, the for Jlniitli. Ponbt Complete Vote of Each Davis, ?; Salazar, 1; Jesus M. (Jarcia, 1; Jumps From a Train and in absconding United States mail route $200 will bur choice lot In Rising, 1; Corder, 1; C. M. Chilcott, 5; Instantly agent, who robbed registered packages GOLDEN Only a 1 ; Killed. RULE, Homero' I'lition, rii nr ruiuiil hointe. House. Telford, W. M. Stevenson, 1; It. M. on the Texas ami Pacific railway, was few low left tn tbo ftihlltinii. Stevenson, 1: Darling. 1; Stanger, 2; arrested at Nashville. ft KalrviewaW,lion. 1; F:ider, 2; Eddy, 2; F;. Ü. $200 will bur lot In the Kerr. C. 1. Mar ana Matte. - Only few lots If! t, OAUKF.ShlO.w A I. PRO! KKDI S U.I. Wolcott, 1. Chicago, Jan. 24. Jem Mace and MarqnlK or lorn. One Priced Clothing- House Miguel Mr. joint ses- $200 will buya choice lot m the San On motion of Royal the Washington, Jan. 21. The Marquis sion adjourned until at 12 Slade who came all the way from Aus ,,Wi,u for the next thirty days for the of meeting John of Lomo arrives Friday. A dinner will our entire stock of Clothinz will buy lot In the Henriticn SENATE. 'clock. tralia purpose Men s Furnishing Goods. Kats. Caps, $10 to $50 L. Sullivan, of Boston, in a listic en- be given in his honor, at night, by the Boots, Snoes Trunks and .lilltioll. WASniNiiTo.v, Jan. 21. Dawes pra-srnte- il tate it. counter, arrived hcrejthis morning. British minister, and a dinner by tho $10 month for twiYi month will piiy for Hour's credentials f Denver, Jan. 24. Bnt five ballots to heatlonartcrs for president on Saturday. He leaves Mon- a in the lluena addition. They went direct At lot 'lt Filed. were had in tlm senatorial caucus to-- the pugilistic fraternity and were wel- day Actual Cost and Freight! $350 will tl. roc-roo- m bouse tul lot Vosrlnes presented a memorial of ight and while these do not indicate a comed by Jim Elliott. John Charles, All goods marked so you can fqq Ith l a month. st-tin- n; I that we mean business, fall vnd iiNir the railroad, renting for General Herman lliinu of Indiana, change, yet it is manifest that there is a of Baltimore, W. E.Hirding.of thePolice Plumb Ejected. 1'art payment, balance on time, j ui ciutk auu cneap prices at m forth his claim nguinst Mexico for disposition on the part ef many of the Davis Fl-liot- Toteka, Kas., Jan. 24. In joint ses- - (ia.ette, I'arsou and others. $300 will buy two mnad hu- lth hit. aiding in the expulsión of the French members to bring the matter to a crisis wish to a sion tho legislature to-da- y voted for bn Inner on backers exprrss a have Nice Inrotion. Jari pay.i.rnt, tmir. forces from Mexico and the is ft separ- Fi.Etilxo.SLcl is cheiip. and there strong probability that go at Slade and later iu the day I'addy United States senator, taken in 312 Tlm rrry of the Republic. Foreign Avonuo, this will be done night. Ryan wanted to make a match for his ate houses Tuesday as was announced, $250 will buy a hoiic and lot pood loca-- 1 relations. ti Lao xraaGkvsi. , There is a probability that a dark horso Mace and 1'. Ii. l'lumb was declared elected. si ca-li- Nebraska giant, hut declined to 1' ui 1'nrt balance on time. close, mommy; At the of the business may yet win the race. enter into any íiegniiatin!-..- ! fnr Slade $15 to $20 a month lor twelve months the tarifl'bill was taken up, the pending The vote ht was taken yiva R. Fox, Xew York, An Old Otlender. will pay lor a ihnire reoidem e lot until K. of SIMON LEWIS' question bein on Camden1 h amend- SONS. In I'ali'w'cw, IliliHtte, Mili MíriicI. tuna, or vce, and resulted as follows. have sen him and decided for himself. NEwroKT, R. I., Jan. 24. Kate Judd, ment to make on iron ore sixty Su'-liva- Homero' addition. Sw I your time to buy dutj First bal'ot I'itkin 10. Tabor 19. His desire was to have Slade meet n. who has already nerved fiye years in and atop paying rent. cents per ten. Hammilll, Bowen 3. Routt 2, Hallett 2. Harding looked Slade oner and prison for arson has been arrested on a proceeded into consi- will buy one of the business The committee Second ballot I'itkin 10. Tabor 18, was so well i hat ho telegraphed charge of burning the Weaver villa. $1.500 lest of the paragraph proriding satisfied come lot in the city. deration far HammilllO, Bowen 3, Routt 4, Hallelt3. to Fox to post one thousand dollars for- She is suspected of other incendiarism. CHAS. BLANCHARD. the cnmplction of ilnuble turretted mo- $2,C00 will buy a business lot op- Third ballot I'itkin 16, Tabor 20, feit each in matches to fight Sullivan a the. pontoftieo. Thisch:'gilt edge IniHiiiean nitors. Ilamniil 10, Bowen 3, Routt 2, Hallett 3. Salrldp. posite h oflftrcd a provid- regular prize tight and under Marquis property. Voorhees resolution Fourth ballot I'itkin 10, Tabor 10, four rounds. The Denvek, 24. At Buena Vista ing that hereafter reciprocity treaties be of Queensbtiry rules Jan. The Veteran Merchant of $25 to $200 will buy cnole residence Ilammil 10. Bowen 3, Routt 3 Hallett 2. party lett this evening and are duo in yssterday a girl of the town attempted Las Vegas! lots ut the llot priiiua. considered in open session and gave Fifth ballot ritkin 10, Tabor 18, by upon New York Friday morning. suicide taking an overdose of mor- notice that he would ask the rote Ilammil 10. Bowen 4, Routt 3, Hallett 2 phine. She die. $250 will buy choice residence lot in Orte- it as soon as possible. willprobably ga fi'Miiion. Itailrond Extension, Maxey moved to strike out tho latter l.nrse Tire. SIcFbcrann Twenty Years Experience in New Mexico. $12.50 month for twelve month will pay part of the paragraph covering pyrites Sr. Louis, Jan. 24. W. B. Strong, ii i Only Denvek, Jan. 24. Yesterday after- 24. sen- tor lioiec resilience lot nrar ruilrnail. lyost ayes, noes, president of the Atchison, Topeka & Trenton, N. J., Jan. The a few lelt. as thus amended, 27; noon a fire broke out in the carpenter in 28. The next paragraph, embracing Santa Fe railway and several directors ate and house jint session Main suitable shop of the LeeBasjn mine and sson $300 will buy lots on street, scrap steel of every de- of the company arrived at Dallas, Tex., McPherson United States senator by tor biisincits resilience or shop, 1'art payment, pig iron and had full possession of the shaft house. a majority of two. Knows perfectly the wants of the people ; watches constantly the e yesterday on busiuess connected with biil.iii-- on time. scription, was taken up. Eyery possible effort was made hy the Sherman moved to strike out $G a ton the interests of the road. It is under- fluctuations of the market, and buys only from ñrst hands. - surface men to step the progress of the MUalnff $1,500 will liuyji nice building- on Main three-tent- hs stood company desire to ex- and make the duty of a Twenty-tw- o that the sln et, suitable fur misiiiss or resilience, mit-ini- f llames, but in vain. men railway Texas, and that Cleveland, Jan. 24. Later informa- f-- a pound, to $0.72 per ton, tend their into a cent equal Ilen-nig- for month. were in the shaft at the time, and their will Austin and with tion leads friends of Miss Dora cr the rate recommended by the tarill" for, un- they visit consult $40 a year will rent n lot suitable for lifht lives are in immediate danger, the legislature. A. N. Towne, general to believe she may have been on Low liusinessor shop. Ootid location. commission. It was the opinion uf less rescued, thev certainly must per- Prices and Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in those best. ínforaned, that the reduction manager f the Southern l'acific issued the steamer Cimbria. , t itzgerrell'a inide to New Mexico free to ish from suffocation. Crowds arrived suc- nil. proposed by the finance committee, if a circular announcing that he has and a line of buckets were formed. As ceeded F. Crosby as general manager Ilnriied. enacted, would stop half the furnaces soon as ruins are cool enough to J. the New Loui- Sen Jan. 24. The Elk-hi- ll I in this industry. Sherman's amend- permit approach, debris from the of the Texas and Orleans and anton, l'a., ment was rejected. Ayes, 10, nays. 37. siana railways and that hereafter all coal and iron company's breaker at EVERTTHIITG mouth of the shaft will be cleared away Dickson City, burned. Loss, '$25,000; J, J. FITZGERRÉ Li, Brown moved to make tho duly ou For- lines from Ei 1'aso to New Orleans will and water dashed down the sides. his management. partially insured. wrought iron and steel scrap $7 a ton, tunately the lire had not communicated be under leaving the rate on cast scrap 20. as in Goods always LIVE to tho shaft timbers below, but the Ilonnt), Shot. C'ashlrr Arronted. fresh and kept clean and THE the bill Lost ayes, 10; nays, 45. smoke masses were most to be feared. lieiiteu and 24. Lee, Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 24. Henry REAL ESTATE AGENT Hrown moved to make the greatest Five brave men volunteered to go Tkinidau. Jan. James the orderly. Ayis-hap- crop-end- s $(J a Barnad, late of the city length adruissable at per down the shaft and when tho signal man who shot W. H. Wilder, at cashier dtfunct seventy-tw- o out- bank, has been arrested. ton; and inches" instead of came up. "They are all safe," a thou- vesterday, was not killed twen y tour as in the bill. Lost. sand throats united in one glad shout right nut captured alive, hound and Kind and gentlemanly treatment to all by attentive clerks. Special thirty-si- x C!iman SuflVrer, 1 1 r- A. FOR SALE Hoar moved to make it in of thankfulness. All the men wero terribly beaten by the captors. He nnnfU. i J l . r. ivubciitiuii i uauiíu iv guuus ui me season. stead of twenty-fou- Lost. speedily brought to the surface except swore to kill every one if he ever got Chicago, Jan. 24. The collections 1 in log cabin with a for the sufferers by the German lluods VINEYARD AND LAS, CRU- t)u motion oí latt, boiler pineliings in one or two cases from partial pros-s- t free. lie was put a or clipping of iron or steel beams, or bud men guard, ami shortly after midnight a to date, amount to over $20,000. (M Worth of Useful and Toys ratioü from air, the it, nnn CES PROPERTY. bars, were added to the list of anieles were uninjured. The loss to the com- party of mask men broke into Lee to be admitted at $0 per ton. A provi- pany is $120,000. was in bed and the first ahot fired hit KnRciiled. (P i so at the end of the paragraph was him in the eye killing him instantly. Brunswick, Maine, Jan. 24 Five .UUU Just Imported fresh from Europe. so as to nothing were fired his college wero Vincltml and Orchard LiuuU in amended read that Tito Itoitom rolling Out. Seven shots then into sophomores of the Bowder 35 eiof herein specified shall bo body to sure Wilder will suspended to-da- y haz- to commence with, and more coming. the suburbs of la Cruces Well improved not deemed Wilkeshakhe, Ta., Jan. 24. An ex- make death. indefinitely for residence property, all watered br uceipiins, scrap iron or scrap steel, except waste. tensive cave in took place this morning probably recover, although he received ing. with over fllXlbeai iint fruit uees ir all kinds, or retuse or lias six his body His left loot different iron steel that in the Delaware and Hudson mine, this bullets in N.E. COR. PLAZA. LAS VECAS. N. M. mid over W.lKiO line thrifty (Trapes, been in actual use and is fit only to be will have to have to be amputated. FOIIEIGX. varieties city, the surface cracks are visible for In bv or re- - One of the best busmeis properties acres in either direction. A number ol ("rucea, ami one tenth interest in the New rolling. But by general consent this) settled from six inches to DUEL. Mexican Town Company. was con houses have sold a provisa reserved tor further two feet, alarming the inmates who Lakned, Kas., Jan. 24. Information Paris, Jan. 24. A duel with swords The above rir.erihod property will at sideration by of bargain If bought at onee. For full parliuu-liu- s the committee linance. have lied. The cave in has takeu place was received by the Optic that was fought between DeLort, painter, iiioilirrol Iho next prao;rauh was read, embrac- under the surface and no less than Jessie Newby, aged Id. son ot lion. A. and Colonel Pommorice. DeLort was .1 l lTÜGEKüEr.I., J. ing steel ingots, cogged ingots, bloom lioiige-ma- n, wounded in the breast. The Live Heal Estate A iff nt. twenty acres have gone down. Newby, representative irom slabs made by the open hearth or any legislature, was frozen J ne entire extent of the cave in the Del in tho last F.M l'RESS EUGENIE. Tho other process except the crucible pro- aware and Hudson mines this afternoon to death during the storm ot last Scottish Mortgage and Land Investment Company six-tent- Ex-E- m will cess, and iixing the duty at appears to cover a space of nearly forty Thursday evening. A short time be oress Eugenie start for ' or a cent per England to-da- of New Mexico, ñerít-Lo- pound. acres, or fore the storm came up, he was sent te Limited. Wanted-F- er Sale-F- ir st oil'ered an which most which is covered with Ahlrich amendment, buildings. The di- the creek two miles ami a halt troni the he said was by mem- dwellings and other discredited. favored several as acconnteel fr.r is upon the house, to cut holes m the ice, and be- 24. Office, Glasgow, of strik- saster London, Jan. The rumor that Head Scotland. bers the committee on finance, props put ing unable to find his way home through Captain Hansen, of 'Ihe Cimbria, has r ANTKD Hy a lly, a situation as cuok. ing out this paragraph and substituting theory that the in tho OF Kiupnre at oltice, mines some years ago to sustain tho blinding snow, wandered all oyer the saved ami brought here by a pass- MEMBERS LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD, this one providing for a duty f six-tent- of ben have way. The place, and his body was found the next con- esid . per pound ou roof rotted and given ing steamer is discredited and not JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, Pr ent First Nat'l Eank. Las Vegas Active af''"tl, f cither sex, to a cent the articles above general apprehensions at present is that iay frozen stiff. tinued. WANTED of not exceeding value two cents per CHARLES BLANCHARD, Merchant, Las Vegas. Lincoln Memorial Album in this is the beginning of more se- Exeliuiyeiind ample territory two-tent- of oly steamer Immortelles." pound, and one and a rious trouble. Horrible BI ur!er. cimbria. rriHIS eompany has b.'cn l'(irni'l for the iHirpupe of flnxnciul (i)criitlons in the tfiven in nil parts of the west. Send fl.Nl for cent per pound on those two 24. Ives, (rnernl Mannyrer for the above Chatanooga, Jan. 24. A honible Hamburg, Jan. Incidents on X Territory of New Mi'xiuo. anil 'Mrwlu.iv in Ihe United Stales of America, and Is now outtlt. llenl. below five cents pound in to receive appllentlons fur lnii! on norl(í!iííe over HrU-olu- npprowd rciil estate and West. SSI ixteenth street, Hcnvcr, Col cents and per Frank James. murder was perpetrated last night in board the Cimbia, of an Indian who 1 1:1 calilo. Forms of applications for loans and lull particular may In; had at tho company's nulo. value. 24. county, Georgia, eight miles had been disarmed of his tomahawk, of tmihlijijr, In the rates prescribed crucible Kansas Citt, Jan. It now seems Walker ollice in First National bank phuu, Vckus. A good blaeksinith, nt onee. far will ofl'er bail from H. II. Rudd. a respect- a surgeon who leaped into the sea and WANTED steel, Brown moved to that Frank James not at this city. A. A. AUHUTT, Sprintfcr, cast amend the present, to remain, under the able farmer, 75 years old, was found in scenes among the passengers clinging 3", 1 II (it live-tenth- s preferring CirHaO. Szirss.E3L, New Mexico. amendment by substituting circumstances, in jail at Independence. his doorway with his head split open tn tlm rifrfriwov wr rlatpH Iit nnti Pianaser. for s. Agreed to. He says he left entirely with an axe, and a frightful cut from vegert, cabin passenger, who, on ad- A per.kethook, Brown moved to by has the matter leave further amend of his One of axe on his breast. No clue, but it is vice of the chief officer, climbed into TOST papers. The Under will please two-tenth- s. in the hands lawyers. an substituting one cent for one and rigging- - say the same at the Park grocery. them is reported as saying in an inter- thought the deed was the work of ne- the Those in the rigging BURNETT'S PALACE, Agreed to. they saw the boat lowered trom the view ht that they think best that groes, who were seen in that vicinity A bunch of keys and a ring. A Aldnch's amendment, thus amended, steamer Sultan, probably to her TOST will be paid for tho return of he remain where he is. The prisoner the night before with axes. The old repair reward was agreed to. to own damage. the same to this ollice. duty is wanted in several other counties in man lived alone and was supposed The next paragraph makes the the state to answer various charges, and have considerable money. EXOHAITQE BLOCK. fpü HUNT Two furnisho i rooms, suitable on iron rails weighing more than twenty-f- Eiiquni' of if released on bail, would all proba- .JL for iwit noiiseneepinif ive pounds to the yard one cent per in MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Ciirruth A I.ayton. pound. bility at once be and taken .Inll Breaker. "lirANTRD Mrs. 'J'bomus Davis will take n to make 0 He elsewhere upon charges racro serious Detroit, Jan. 24. At Big Rapids lodging and Vance moved it now Stock". W few day boarders and also a cost than one of robbery. As the caso this afternoon, Jack Shaw, turnkey, was Toniest Place in the Territory! board for man and wife Kesiilenee said deduction'of in railway rails stands he is held to bail in the sum of New Touk. Jan 24. would give people summon on a plea of sickness to a part Ailanis 131 Weicau'n factory. cheaper transporta- 135,000, charge of rob- Express .... !P tion for their products and he presented to answer to the of the jail containing three desperadoes. American Kxnresn WANTED Seeonil-haii- d corn and oats bery at the May term of the criminal moment tie unlocked the door he Central 1'ucillc first's ... My a calculation to show the duties paid on The A-- at & Uraat's. Chicago, Hurlinirtim Quincy . . . sacks, Weil iorty-hv- e court. Governor Crittenden has stated with piece of and l:i iron and still for the last was attacked a board dc . i rail that he will not honor arequisitio un- Denver kio u ramie .. Ku and years to $o!)7, 300,000. knocked sensiless, and three persons Erio . . . i KENT rnished rooms. Nico amovnted The til disposal of OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. FOlt Inquire of Mn. Hubbcll, oppo- amendment was rejected, ayes 22, noes the charges resting made their escape. Shaw was serious- Missouri Pacific .... lo:i site the Gazette offlce. 20. against the prisoner in Missouri. ly hurt. Two of the gang were named Northern Pncillc . . . . 4S New York Central ... 1Í.T a .1.-- - VTt'H . l .1 wit( ..i hmidfivnrl-wi ... pa- Ross, awaitiug trial for stabbing a man n l DO' Kill iv 'w S n' i "i " Vance moved to ameuJ the next Puciflu Mull .... 30 first-clas- s. o corner of ilS'-- C3TE verything Billiard Parlor and Oyster Rooms m Apply f)r. Hemiijue, ragraph so as to make the duty on steel Sheriff Shot. and another a prisoner from Wexford Panama .... l Sixth and Itlnnchard streets. 11 4tf railway bars and railway bars made Kansas City, Jan. 24. The Times' county. Union Paeitlc ... lnl'4 Connection. The Menu will Consist of all tho Delicacies of of Wichita, Kansas, special says: Reports Wells, Ftiriio & Co .... YUW Sice ofliee rooms in the Mar part steel wcighingmore than twenty Western Uniim .... BÜ the Season. IT'OKKET next to fostoflieo. Inquire five pounds to the yard 7:10 of a cent aro received here to the effect that Taken from Jnil. of Marwede, lteumley A t. per pound instead of one cent as in the Sheriff Shenneman was shot while ar- Richmond, Va., Jan. 24. Informa- Kansas City Cal lie Market. Cobb, a to-da- SALE Messrs. Garrard bill. Agreed ayes 25 noes 21. resting Charles alias Smith, tion was received y to the effect Kansas City, 24. Jan. 1 FOK street, hive$lti00 in street ruil-rm- J desperado, near Udell station yester- that a few nights since a body of dis- 'I ho Live Stock Indicator reports: ATTENTION STOCKMEN Aanrlel Candle nt the Park. stock for sale, li-.'-- house. day afternoon, and died last night. By guised men forciblv took from the jail CATTLE-Hecei- pta 1.ÍH9; marki atronif; na- Just received, at the Park Grocery, a Washington, Jan. 2L house aid of neighbors tivo steers gold at $4 4!)..10; cowa .T.'Ka J.75; large f The the Smith was held at in Rushel county, this state, two while feeders 3.75ii;4.4(. invoice line canities for tho went into a of whole ou where he was captured to stockers and committee the a farmhouse men named O Farrell and Griffiths, 1 have for sale one r tuck ranch J.",(0: n ies. Christmas holidays. Come and see us the naval appropriation bill, the pending await assistance from Winfield. Upon confined under the charge of obtaining. Ietrleum Market. One stock ranch 1 rv.OiK) acres. before idirchasin elsewhere. Also paragraph being that making appro receipt of the intelligence at Wiuheld pretenses, about $18,000 New Tohk, Jan. 24. One stock ranch, io.uoo acres. larire lot of choice appies. under false city . priations tor the bureau of construction. twenty-fiv- e armed men proceeded to Petroleum quiet anl firm; united crude Houses and lots in this We still sell: worth of cattle from grazers in that Wc; (f anteed . B m 7 c ; re II ne d 7 a 7 c . Warranty deeds uai After the chair had overruled several the scene of the tragedy and hung Cobb section. Nothing yet is known of the It. It. THOKNTON, 8 lbs. brown sugar for ene dollar. points of order. Harris, of Massa to the nearest tree. Cobb also killed a disposition made of the prisoners, but Ileal Estate A;." r.t. 8 lbs. iraiiiilated sugar for one dollar. nieveol Ronton Wool Market. Bridge street, Las Vegas, N. M. chusetts, that the contract for constable in Butler county a few days is they hanged them. 7J lbs. lump sugar for one dollar. it believed ;4. Imsi-ics- tho completion of either of these vessels Boston, .Ian. SALE A pood pawn in fie 5 peas 20c. inriri-frtl- ma before. doim-sti- c trans lor one dollar each. 'i V n ninmiiiiaT Wool steady and active; 17OK city. liusmeM m t bo approved by the naval advisory the I 5 cans tomatoes one L'Oc ltnilroad IHsasler. C'i47c; pulled lMaWe; unwashed iiin'.ilc. (lav This Is a rare elii;iii fi- :i for dollar each Dealer in ten dollars. I board instead ot a new board as provi Will Blukenn AtKnment. Cincinnati, Jan. 24. Reports from party with annul capital. Or will trade ir 3 cans California fruits for 1350 each by C..H It. It. .r) ded the bill. Adopted. St. Louis, Jan. 24. Another meeting the Keyser, West Virginia, railway ac- Mlntnif Mocks. real estate. anil sec for youix lf. lbs. Eagle niiik for one dollar. Bridge tf I Metallic & Woofl Coffins & Caskets. Atkuis gave notice he would ask the ef the creditors of C. Conrad & Co. was cident, gives the following names of THOKNTON, street. We will try and please every one and vote in the house. held this afternoon at which Conrad & Mininif stocks (lull; Hohln'ou C'oatolidaled SALE A stim boiler more especially the children. Kemem-- ; those injured: Harry Baldwin, fireman; FOIl for cash, r will trade for re:'. I e, Co. made two propositions of settle- sou cnrysoiiie saieu lor tne ber the place, in the Dold block, west to m. Lyons ami James AlcGilligan, day liil.Slii)nti.;shares, Call on It. K. HIOHNTON'. Undertakers' supplies a specialty Anxlon llMVe the Tarlir Bill IMhs ment, neither of which wero accepted brakemen, killed; Martin Welsh, en- sido of the plaza. S. Harris and It. (1. by McDonald will be pleased to see vou All funerals und( r my chartre will have the Washington, Jan. 24. The Star the creditors. The latter then made gineer, died soon aftur from injuries re Notice of Election. tit reasonable a proposition to to settle on a Irish whisky at liilly's. all. 125-t-f. very best attention prices. says the president recently told a New the firm ceived. Daniel Bradley, hreman, Jas Council Chamiiehs, , RED HOT satisfactorily done. Open niht anil England senator that while he was basis of forty conts on the dollar, to Dolan, engineer, Geo. F'orcken and City Las Veoas, N. M., telegraph promptly at- of , day. All orders ly have congress bill which Conrad & Co. will reply January 4, 18!-3- tended to. anxious to uass the Simon Cross, brakemen, injured. ta tr i to revise tho tariff, he was fearful on ac- It is generally thought, however, To the leeal voters of Wards Sos. 1 and 2, of First national Bank of Las Vegas f St. of of it will not be accepted and an Explosion the City of Las reetintr: Bontlienat corner Seventh sod count the lateness the session and that that now diversity of interest in the bill assignment will bo made. 24. A metal YE. that whereas there exist i E 2 NEW MEXICO Iongla At. that it San Francisco, Jan. KNOW for one alderman of the First E 2 "& would fail. Being asked if he would explosion occurred this afternoon at of the .Second ward In a-- LAS VEGAS New Mexico ward and two aldermen g E .... call an extra session if the bill did fail, the Resdon Iron works, bv which John said city : und, whoreus it Is necessary that Bald Authorized Capital $500,000 Capt. Watertaonne Dead. 525. he said: "That is an emergency 1 will Lydon was killed and Thomas Brady vacancies be tilled; n as 5 RED HOT hot Scotch at Billy's. San Francisco. Jan. 24. A Las An- Tiiekbpore, 1, Eugenio Konicro, tnnyor of "5 Paid In Capital 10 0.000 not consider until it arises." says: Water-hous- e, latallv injured, lioin were laoorers city, do hereby, by virtue fit tho powr geles dispatch Captain & Edge Sour Mash from who was wounded atTehachapi, The noise of the explosion created a and authority in m vested uy tne common o Eg, wg tt 3 Sarplas Fund Gilt way temporary panic in the establishment. outic.l of said city, and tbo laws of the Ter 10.000 Hull mil Iutrnilnccil. died last evening, and one of his chil- proclaim and a special elec- 3 2 o Robertson county, Tennessee at being mistaken for the bursting of a ritory, order that Does a Sr. Louis, 24. A bill was intro- All lie In two on - General IJanking Business. i- - ct. Jan. dren is dying. tho others wounded tion heir. said wards of the city P ft I- ? o M. boiler. tiny 1). 1 B Co Heise's. duced into the lower house of the city are doing well. The coroner of Keeno Tuesday, thetith of February, A. ÍMI, 3. g. purpose of one In F?3" council for the construction of an ele- county has issued warrants for the ar- fortho lectinif alderman v s SOCIABLE F. Thompson & Co., who have been Aerlous ArcMlent. tho First ward and aldermen in the Second p Seasonable Drinks vated and surface railway, to extend rest of tho engineer and brnkeman of ward, to the common council of the City of Las BILLY' S. selling goods at auction on the east side from the of Fifth Columbus, (.).. Jan. 24. Wm. Jones, Vegas. At corner and Walnut the train. B. noilDEN, during the week will move their stock streets to Forest l'ark and the western a fireman on the Panhandle passenger . . In testimony whereof I hereunto ft J to the west side They will limits of the city, with branches to the R timed. train, jumped from the engine cast of heal. Bet mr hand and seal, tbo day and 6? fl selling at 2 o'clock. This is at a o ' -- r ' year tlrst written. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, commence city limits on the north, and to Jeffer- Boston. Jan. 21 Smith's organ fac- Newark this afternoon clock and Attest: EUcENIO ROMERO. m m opportunity to get excel- his and part of his y an excellent son Barracks, twelve miles below the tory, burned ; loss $45,000; crushed in back T. LAB ADIE, City Mayor, SoS2 office and shop on Main utreot, he bill. lent goods at low rates. 1 14tf city, on the south side. skull, dying immediately. City Clerk. b a T clcpb.iiie coiiiicctlonH. DAILY GAZETTEJ iifr and i pt r cent. ropr. Tak- JAS. A. LOCK HABT, President. EUQENIO BOMEBO Treasurer. ing into consideration the fact that the BICHABD DUNS. Vice President. L. II. MAXWFXL. 8ecrcttrr. LOOK BEFOR E YOU BUY STEIN, MANDKLL & CO., kpeciruon wn not choice at al!, the re-u-nit Rattt of Subscription. WHOLESALE nJ RETAIL confirms given iu yoator-- Itatlf, I !0u-- ' paper. Mineral City will ulti- ynr da' We l - ilf I have now on band n will t tit nun- l.i lMll. wtMlb lx- - to- - Omtif. I nunik I ' j mately proie to a portion of the thl all liliructiK t'.nt NEW MEXICO the rmOTn market a, .!. We i mi-- II by carrier all) mrt of anie great lode a Mr. Ilurcher is deru W- - I rlt. l ennniemte mil nur nn-- l kly, 3" till lr" jrtnimittx I onitraiirg. He is bow down on the vaihxi Work, I Will lentioii Yur ratna apply to II. few we twi n twlif p r HARDWARE. MTrrtninc J. mine depth of thirty-fiv- e í r. , a wa All t for- a4ilor and pr W. Ü. K'ufk-t-K'lr.awi-Ha- l Anttlie k. kind feet, an-- J his showed flat- eign mi enm-- ami loral editor. last aiay the linked tering amount of thirty-on- e ounces of LUMBER ASSOCIATION, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. 12 gold per A. T. . r. 1IME TA II I.E. silver aid in ton. TTben T he has fuok to the depth of niaety feet ! W18TWAKU. there is but little doubt, but what tbe , EELS, IIERRIG, ETC. ETC. Carry a full lino of Mining-- Carpenter and Ar. De. a,sy of tho Antelope will equal those We have one car-loa- d of TTm. of the Evangeline. CAPITAL hllmtnl llmr. r M. STOCK, S25O.O00. Blacksmith Tools. Agents for io. luí, Facinc Kiprcaa linft I The Michigan bureau of agriculture. CALIFORNIA TABLE FRUITS, o. ha, miniiii . 1 li':44l. in making a report, complaius that it XDTJTOJVXT rowDEn oo., EASTWAUli. has lacked the of those JellUn and Jam; alio Imported piwnw, Kng-lia- rx h oo., wham it doeired to have as correspond bailee of ll kind, Ollei. Catnip, nnouijEH rowusn and French MntnK French Can- xznAJDTjJErsr s ents, and hopes that in tho future they Las Vegas, New Mexico. dle, and in fact we have the l.irget a. oo.s tU'lrxwul 1 M M . m.f, j. will be prompt in furnishing informa- and tlnitit ttiK-- of staple and btovhb No. Í04. Atlantic Eiprraa i : 8:':w tion abont the crops. '1'lie report for And tho Largestand Best Stockin tho Territory No. Kit, KnilKranl I : l,0jL U L1. ÍSJtfí is therefore largely based on guess FANCY GROCERIES HIIT PrKIMM BKAM'll. wo. k, and is lor that reason yalueless. In tho city. Ourpriees are as low as the low- LAS VEGAS IRON WORKS. Westward. Iloth brandies of congress have con est. As for our

"Traía Nn. Joi ) 'Ml no trived a litt'.o tariff bill, cutting down j the duty hero and putting it up there in New Mexico Planing Mill, ltallroail Time. ii. in. p in a.m. such a manner as to" give it quite a BREAD and CAKES Vogti X 7.30 pleasing appearance on the surface, but This market has been so often deceived Foundry and Machino Shop i . of It we need nolhifg i.ID in ..-- 7 4 on the whole doiog nothing will with imitations that ay having flrt-cla- machinery, Ilrldire Street that more o give you LEON' OWN la now in running order, and will do all work In their line, with Imh VcifiM In. In a..M 7.4H than that and Machine Miup I'pper wound the feelings of the most sensi- 1IKKAII, HI neatness despatch. Their will make wrrlvp 10 ounce to a laf, and our Ci'Kin Ht Uprinin. tive parent of an infant industry. It Ilread is ono pound and nine ounces to each Eatward. appears that reform is necessary except RUPE & BULLARD, round loaf. ' Tram No. ".-Ü- $ 210. in relorm ijiiis. and J LEON BROS. Mill Milling Machinery Leave, Hallroad Ti mo. a.m. in. A peculiar accident happened to a A specialty and will build and repair. team engine, pump, putieya. Bangers , shafting, Haw- freight train on the Rock Island rail- MANUFACTCUEHS Of ing maudrclls, boxes, etc., etc. All kinds of Iron turning, boring, planing and Hot Hprinir o.on bolt cutting. Their I'ppcrLa Vega 12.17 12 road, near Croflon, on Sunday, caused VAN R. KELSO, Brtdjre Ktrcct H.Mli.üi 6.Ü0 by a broksn rail, live empty cars fol- La Vegas, arrivw.. V.uüilj.Xí lowing Wholesale IicHler In ZFOTTZlNTIDÍR'Z" were hurled into tho ditch, and DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Iron Columns, Fences, 6tove Grates, Racks, fifty the remainder of the train crossed the Lintels Bash Weights, Stv , Lids,makeU ga, run on City time, Traína Jefferson Window 8111s and Caps, Holler willWheels, even ranter local break, kept on tho track, and closed up OYSTERS FISH Fronts, rinlons, minino than time. and and ilalustera, Bars Mower Parta fartiot K'ilnir raat will save time and trouble wiui iue ursi seciion oi uio train, now DEALERS IN flair Grate by ratea us low M. Cresting, Stove Bowls, Etc., Etc., Kto. purchaMiiiK through ticket, at the five empty cars in the middle of the RATON. N. In make aa Iroru KaDBas City. tact anything of cast iron, tiive them a call and save money and dwlay. J. E. MOOltE, Auent train were ditched and the front and Im Vruai, N. M rear sections kept tho track, passing Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Siding, Ceiling, Floor- the break, is a mystery to I lie tram & CO For Old Tub Bastón Transcript rigorously men. ing, Oils, Glass, Paints, Plaster Paris, SHTJPP Cash Paid Cast Iron. Successor to combats tho reports that the Burling- There is on exhibition at Louisville, Cement, Plasterer's Hair and F. L. HINB, O. O KHAR TEH ton road has any idea of purchasing KoBtucky, the head of a colt that had H. the DonTer & Ki Grando. four eyes, two nozzles, each with two Building paper. W. Shupp, ESZrCTES efc? two cav- pertectly formed nostrils: oval MANUFACTLUER3 OF SCHAEFBR The Princess Louise and th Marquis ities, separated by a thin membraneous DEALERS IN f Lome haye arrired safely at Char partition, two throats and two tongues. Two of the eyes are placed on opposite leston, South Carolina. The princess sides of the head and aro I well WAGONS & CARRIAGES arre and E. KOMEHO. L. II, MAXWELL Toilet Articles and is expected to sail on Her Majesty's formed; the other two are placed in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, center, ship the Dito, on Saturday for Hrmu complete juxtaposition in the ASI) DEALER IN das. The mouths are entirely distinct, but very imperfectly formed, while the ROMERO & MAXWELL l?criptiom Carefully Compounded at All Hours, Day and Xight. Waltek V. IIayt, 11. F. Swopo and tongues are well developed. The Successors t E. Homero. HEAVY HARDWARE throats do not run down the center of are a committee of 7"33G-.A.r- a RoruulJo Martinez, the neck, but arc placed one in each liOOIIHAnT BliOOK. EAST ZiAB Santa Fe gentlemen new in Albuquer side. A hard protuberance occupies Iron, English Cast Steel, Plow Steel, Pips que soliciting subscriptions for the pur tho space between the two mouths General Lumber Boxes, Thimble Skeins, Iron Axles, pose ot defraying the expenses of the which is supposed, as well as can be Dealers. Springs, Chains, Vulcan A VALLEY DINING HALL judged from the feeling, to be two tricentenial celebration, to be held in the vils, 20 lbs. and upward, sets of teeth. The ears are in the usual Office and yard corner of 12th and Bridee streets.Las Vegas, N. M. Rest Vegas money. Santa Fe next July. place and perfectly formed. Blaoksmiths's tablo in Las for the Good bar In connection. Tools, With the eridentboom in the stock The fttmabonrs; Clock. THE KENTUCKY PRODUCTION. Oak, Ash and Hickory Dank, rMplar Lumber, raising interests, and the splendid ex The famous Strasbourg clock, which Spokes, Felloes, Patent Wheels, Oak and Ash A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY, hibits made by our mines, it does not is really one of the modern wonders of Tongues, Coupling Poles, Hubs, Carriage, Wagon and Plow Woodwork and Carriage now look as if New Mexico would long tho world, exhibited the transit of Keep on liar.. I a full stock of Where washing will be done promptly for a most moderate price. Venus Forgings. efl'ects pros at precisely the right timo and in feel any of dull times The the right way. On the "planetarium" SIMMOND'S pectsare good enough for this territory attached to this remarkable pioce of Carriages, Wagons, Buckboards. Chas. tWíelendv, Proprietor. for the next two years, better than any mochanism, it was noticed a fow days ! in the before Decsmbsr 6, that the small gilt Send in your orders, and have your vehlclua slate or territory union. NABOB ry ball representing Venus was gradually WHISKY made at home, anil keep the money In the Ttir-nto- The death of Col. G. L. Fort of La movisg toward a point between the sun . and . Also Agent for A. A. Cooper's Celebrated con, Illinois, has called out numerous and the earth, on the day of the The Purest for Medicinal and Family-Purposes- Wagons. transit it stood exactly between them. Best and Steel Skein of coun- Whisky. testimonials from the press the This of course could not haye happened try at to his worth as a legislator and a had Bot the clocknaaker exhibited re- LAS VEGAS skill. is 1 can show thousands of letters from persons from all parts of tho man. Great credit is due to the de- markable Perhaps it hardly Canada, fy Freah Lager at Five Cents a fair, however, to call the clock a mod Union nnd to testi to Its merits and the benetlt It hus afford Glass. Choice brands of Cigars at ceased congressman for the remonitiza-tio- n ed as a family remedy and tunic. And bus been endorsed bv the medi ern wonder, inasmuch as it is three cen- cal taciuty as tne neBt wmeky tor Dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. Assay Office of silver. Through his efforts while Has been sold in all the Eautern States and given universal satisfac .. turies old. mm OIE1 TT "FT A T iT in congresi was the movement started tion. It is highly recommended by the faculty inall cases of Nervous OHAPMA A Hint irlarluars, ness, weaKness, Debility, Dyspepsia, indigestion, imusnnu fever, etc. P.J. MARTIN, to again make a legal the dol- tar innow introduced to the niiblic of the l'acilic Slope, endorsed by teuderof vice-cons- It Mr. Gundersen, ul for Swe following certificates of the eminent Dr. Dana Hayes, State Assay-e- r John Robertson,F.S. A. lars of our daddys. He worked un- the den and Norway at Bordeaux, has hit of Massachusetts, and Kev II. C. Lnudcrback, of St. Louis, Mo., ENSE ! ! J IMMENSE ! ! I ceasingly for this purpose and finally upea a novel way of sending messages both gentlemen prominent in tticir professions, and which is a guaran Assayer, im ODIENSE al- tee to all buyers or Its purity ami quality. saw his object triumphantly carried from the sea. The ancient bottle is CAUTION. None genuine unless labeled wiih inv signature over tho ways to breakage, to the great benefit of the country liable and the recent cork. O. S1MMONUS. VLlNING WHAT? Quality in pretty inventions of tin ships or buoys Laboratory and Omen, 4 State St,, Boston, September 9, 1873. jiNGINEE The and Qantity of general. He was not a great public are lounit too and trouble- Gkouok Simmonds. Ksq. sir The sample marked "Nabob Whisky" expensive received from severul tiriiis lias been analysed with the following re- speaker to fill tho eye of the unwashed some in practice. Mr. Gundersen em- sults: It is of selected alcoholic strength and FKEh FKOM ADDED Oflloo, ploys Granel j.7o., multitude, but he was a man of solid the small colored baloons made FLA VOKS, oils, acids; metals; or other deleterious subitáneo. This Opposite Optic Block. BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES Etc, Etc.. for children, which cost only a shilling Wh'.sky Is FUKE, of superior quiility, and suit .ble for dietio or medi sense, inared to hard work and really a be oliiiil purposes. EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. dozen, and can carried empty. He 3. DANA HAVES, State Assayer, Massachusetts. silver-tongue- d puts Assays accuracy dls- - Daily Manufactured accomplished more than the the message inside, aid throws ' ountry orders promptly attended te. Jr amilies supplied by tho gnl of Ores made with and at the the inflatud balloon overboard. trav Ion, case or bottle. Prompt attention will be paid to orators who have speech with- It Satch. from the mining of tho els rapidly before tho wind, keeps the various cuiups es, out brains. message CHAS. BLANCHARD, Territory . CENTER. ST. perfectly dry. and is a striking Examining and Beporting on Mines and An experienced brewer, who resides object at some distance a great advan- Mining Claims a Specialty. they know tage as regards the chance of being Sole Agent for Las Veas and Vicinity. ASSAYS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. all it, they all know it. in this city, wants to start a brewery picked up. One was recently tried. provided the citizens are willing to with a letter inside, off Hover, where form a stock' compaay and raise the one of the inventor s ships was around. F. MEREDITH JONES, K. KLATTENHOFF 1 necessary funds. That it would be a vid two hours afterward the letter was U. S. M. Deputy Surveyor. posted in Hover by an unknown hand god inyestreent no one can doubt, as EXCHANGE HOTEL, DKALElt IN the consumer could save about thirty Population or the Civilised World. Newly ed under the auspices of Mrs. H. Mercer. New per cent, by buying home brewed beer, The population of the principle civil- .Surveying flomesteads nnd Grants solicited furnished arranged. Good beds and good table. Office ized countries of the world, according ly and Terms. in Marwedo building, near Post Ollice, Glassware, and the money instead of being sent out - WEST LAS VEGAS, NEW Furniture, ftueensware, Etc., etc. to the most recent census for each, re- $1.50 per day- MEXICO. of tho territory would all remain here. turns for bnt few of them being older The brewery could be situated above than lttT'J, are as follows, witk percent- ITnrtertiikln orders promptly attended to. Hepai ring done with neatuess and despatch Second hand goods bought and sold. the Springs, where the climate aná wat- ages of annual increases appended: West side of DFlxzt. LAS YEGAS COLLEGE, S AJGr--V.I- S - - 37.321,180. 0.22; 27,279,-11- 1, - - 3VXo er would be fayorable and the railroad France. Prussia, IjAS Now doo Conducted by 1.23: Saxony, 2,072,805, 1.54; Ba- easy of access. The celebiated Buco O. 8T. DENIS CIIAHI.K8 MYRIi. varia, 5.284,778, 1.04; Austria, 22,144,-24- 4, D. D. D. Sour Mash, from THE EUROPEAN RESTAURANT. is ! JESUIT brewery situated on the Truckee river 0.78; Hungary. 15,725,710, 013; Bel- county, Tennessee, FOR THE MILLIONS PATHEES. I A.I VEGAS gium, 5,536,g54, 4,012,-69- 2, Robertson in a similar location, and supplies the 0.08; Holland. at Heise's. Classical, Scientific and Com- greater part of California and Nevada. 1.24; Switzerland, 2,840,102, 0.00; 4,565,008, 1.878,-10- 0, mercial Education in Sweden, 0.05; Norway, . Hun in connection with Why can't we do likewise and monopo 0.00; Spain, 10,025.800, 0.80; Italy, Native Wloea. D. E. HINKLEY lizo the beer trade of New Mexico and 28,437,001, 0.76; Russia in Europe, 83,-02- 0, For sale native wine at f 1 per gallon, ENGLISH AND SPANISH, Soda Water 25,-0G- 8, has just received two car londdof Arizona. All that is needed is capital, 500, 1.32; England and Wales, at W. Carl's, schooner saloon n the TEHMS: 280. 1.43; Scotland, 3,730,370. plaza. Keiiflrick'sMeat Market and Grocery and the vast amount of money now 1.11; Board nnd tuitio i per month f0 00 Ireland, 5,159,830, 0.47; United States, FRESH MILCH COWS Half board and tuition ' K) 00 going to eastern cities will be ours. 50,155,783, 2 95. Russia in Europe is Kentucky Millwood Fall, 1880, Day scholars " l 50 M . anufactory tho only couatry, it will be seen, in at M Heise's. sixty-eigh- t, The mail route winch was discontin- this From the cast, making in all, ou hit that surpasses the United States in nis runcn, ana is now preparea to Rev. J. Persone, S. J , ued about a year ago between Fort the number of its inhabitants, while RED HOT port wine negus at Billy's President. ARK I'UKPARED TO TILL ALL OKDCUB fOH Sumner and Roswell will be replaced, the nearest approach that is made to Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Rasp- the United in in- Notice, Notice. it u thought, the first ot July. This is States the matter of Deliver Mills. Probate berry, and Seltzer crease is Saxony, which shows a per- To my friends. I have gone into the Promptly to customers In every Dart of the Whereas, under and by virtue of an order Best place in the City Hos-we- ll city. Satisfaction guaranteed prices rea- - only justice to the people living at centage of 1.54 as against ours of 2.90, tailoring business with Ii. Allen, and of the Probata Court of Pan Miguel county, J. BOUHIIIO. made and entered in the matter of the estate and along the lower Pecos. No or only about one-ha- lf as great a per- east side of plaza and I will be glad to of Samuel M. Taylor, deceased, on MINERAL WATERS the auth get an greater injustice was ever done any centage see all my old customers and friends. Produce and Feed Ntore. day of December, A. D., IStí!, tho undersigned, To txccllcnt meal ON 8H0KT NOTICE. We are prepared to do all kinds of Graaf & Weil keep the only produce Mattie L. Taylor, was appointed administratrix people than to discontinue this line. of said estate; therefore, Notice is hereby Main Street. Zion MANZANARES MIN-- O work in our line, and feed store on the plaza. A full Hill. Those people are in the habit of doing QQ.CCCW given that all persons having or holding claims O KJ lng stock for salo at threo Lotus Hollenwager. stock of grain, hay and flour always on againitsaid estate, are hereby required id pre- nat- eem on tnuJuollar.t said At all Hours of the Day, all their trading at Las Vegas, and I'M) hand in large lots. Cash paid for wool, sent tbe sanio to administratrix, at her tf . UARIIAKD A CU.VK1NGHAM. rciidence in the city of Las Vegas. Ln hides and pelts. -tl said urally expect their mail to come direct county, on or before tbe 1st day of May next. ANDRES (!, IKS.'t. from this place. Instead, however, a Old Robertson county Rye, at SENA, GLOVES! GLOVES! GLOVES! Dated January DEALEtl IN MATTIE L. TAYLOR, AT NEW MEAT section of somo sixty miles was cut out M- - Heise's. Administratrix of tho estate of Suinuel M. MARKET 200 dozen at eastern cost at U of a loag route and the mail was forced Taylor, deceased. d 13 t w in. Xotice. the City Shoe Store. Opera build- to make the circuitous rounds of some tf Mortgage Hie umlersigned administrator of tho pro- MERCHANDISE, ing, Raüroadayenue Rale. ! 850 miles when it could easily reach its perty of the Catholic Archbishop of Santa Fe, Take notice that under and by virtue of the Reasonable Rates European Restaurant Stanfl, situated in Precinct No. 8. (Pecos), In power and authority vested in tho undersigned destination by only traveling 2iX). tho Los Alamos, N. M. Notice. county nf San Miguel. Rives notice to ail thnt John F. Kopp has been appointed bv one certain mortgage to the lots hereinafter The mails are uncertain and require those who are found excavating, or carrying mentioned, made nnd executed to jne on the oír adobes or wood Irom the buildings in tho agent for the Gazette at Lake Valley 2(ith day of February, Ono Thousand Eight weeks to perform the journey while two enclosed property of tho ancient church and Also Dealer In lie will deliver the paper to subscribers Hundred and Eighty tine, byLudwrllL. lluwi-so- South side of Plaza. days is sufficient. The next tenderfoot cemetery of the Pueblo de Pecos will bn cited and collect money due on subscriptions. to secure the payment of his three promis- before the courts according to the law. Cattle, Sheep, "Wool,Hides,Grain sory notes, bearing even dato with said mort- - cent here to investigate mail routes MA1LLUCHET, age, and mado and executed by said Ludwcll BEST OF FRESH RED HOT Tom and Jerry at Billy's. . Howlson, bo Parish Priest of Pecos. And all Kinds of in favor of th undersigned, for OYSTERS should ridden on a rail. It will be a theto al sum of Six Hundred and Twenty Dol- SERVED TO ORDER. good thing for this city when the line is Xotlre of Any one having cows for sale can find lars and Sixty-liv-e Cents, uiKO.or)), each one of BEEF, PORK NO Administration. a purchaser by said promissory notes being for tho sum of 1TT0H continued. Notice is hereby given that the under- calling at the Wooster $200.88. p yablo two, four and six hag PRODUCE. months signed been appointed adminis- house, East Las Vegas. . date respectively, bear- alter the thereof each always on hnnd. Coopar C'lljr trator of the estate of Matbew A. ing Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an- Everybody Call and Try Us ! Coxe, lalo oi the county of San Miguel, in tho FREIGHTING. Notice ol Administration. num from tho i'ate thereof until paid, which The new and excellent strike at territory of New Mexico, deceased. All per- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned mortgage was duly signed, executed and ac- HARLEY J. KENDRICK, son holding claims agulón .id estate knowledged by said Ludwcll L. Cooper City is beginning to bear fwiit. will Freight teams always ready has been duly appointed by the Probate court Howlson, and Proprietor. present the same. Those indebted will pleaso in and for the county of San uigucl, adminis- stands recorded In tho records of San Miguel All eyes aro turned upon the camp the same at once. and freighting to all parts of the tratrix of the estate of Andreas Dold deceased. county in Book No. I, of Records of Mortgngo i;i8 BOARD J. A. CARRUTH, territory. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby Deeds, pages to HO. PER WEEK, $5,50. and prospectors are beginning to pack B 30 tf Administrator. notified to settle the same within sixty days I will, on Wednesday, the 21st day of Febru- thoir animals for trips to that region. from this date and all persons having claims ary, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Thn Dlnun Three, . Fort nnneoiu Express Line against raid estate will plea-- e present the same between the hours of eleven o'eiocit. P The statement in yesterday morning's for payment. MUS. N,. I OLD, m. and threo o'clock, p. m., ot said day, at tho All order for passengers, ond all frelgh premises hereinalter SOUTH SIDE OFTIIK PLAZA. of the high assays of ore from or express to go the Fort Kascom and Administratrix. mentioned and described, 11 Gazette oer Lbs Vegas, Jan. 13, 1883. sell publicly at auction, to the highest bidder ino Ü1 Fort Sumner Stage Lines, for either nf the cash, all that camp were very satisfactory, but a above places or .Mnblctee and Tascosa, for the right, title and Interest of tne Texas, Baid Ludwcll L. Howisin, in and to follow- im the RATES: Gazette reporter happening to have a must bo left with A. A. Wise, agent, Sumner ing houie block, if parties wish to receive prompt R. STUDEBAKER, Agent, 5.000 described lots nnd parcels of land and real IS specimen of ore taken at random from attention. Pounds of ground chili for sale at Weil estate lying and being in th county of San 10 cts. admission ; 25 cts. per Miguel and Territory of New Mexico, and - ti. W. MITCHELL. & s. 12 admit-tc- cl the Evangeline mine, thought it would Graaf 22 tf ter described as follows, to wit: "The follow- hour for skates. Ladies J. M. OILMAN. 'Contractors DEALER IN to be good ing lots, lying in tho town of East Las Vegas, Í!r60 Opeo ibe Public a thing to have the ore tested and described as follows: Lots Number ' ta ! Twenty-si- x n W. H. CORNELL. in this city, and sec for himself whether The Plaza hotel will be more popular SKATING RINK (Sfi, Twenty-icve- (27), Twenty-elg- ht (i), and Twenty-liv- e (ii), in Hloek Num- the ore was as good as represented. than ever this fall and winter as the Twenty-seve-n SOCIABLE MILK PUNCH At 'in Midem, $7.(0 per week. ber (27) as shown on tho plat of ., Transient steady arrival of guests now indicate. KIDÍS, AND PELTS, said town mado by John Campbell, together lilLLX'S. '" .V id H.OOperday. He, therefore, took the specimen to Open Every I It is convenient to all parts of town, it I'll Afternoon Except with all improvements thvreon." rooms, parlors with bed rooms at-- 500 tie (JO Professor Hobertson and ordered p. Wednesday The proceeds aris ng from said to be Rewitrd. "i obtained at ít. per day. Front it is comfortable building in which to and 8aturday, sale it ?.l.00 per day. tested for all the precious metals. The live and the applied to the payment of said three promis- I will ij $500 reward for tho capture furnishinsr is decant and sory notes Interest, having first - : and paid out of m- v ciion of the person r persons j was very the table the verv best. The Plaza is ON GRAND AVENUE, OPEN Bald proceeds the cost of said sale, anil ' ' ApDointments result satisfactory and is as TUESDAY, the . -- '. i the body of Mrs, M. ( 'sinallits the best hotel of New Mexico after all residue, if any should remain, to pay over (o iterred fo'lows: WEDNESDAY AND - . said L. L. Howis.n. for information leading to thn . and the guests universally so pronounce ' s. DAVIS, Proprietress, I J. Strong trace of gold. ounces of SATURDAY EV'NGS. LOOTS SULZBACHEIt. conviction of said parties 5i it. tf. Las cgas, N, M., 17, Jan, lm. w . Opposlto Ojatio OtQco i - - M. II E I6E i . . as - New Mexico T. BEALL. CENTER BT, E. LAS VEO AS. BRIDGE T. "W. LAB VI.OA5. rEO. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. OCKLHAH-- T tSa GO. M t Bal ATTORHET AKD CpUKIIXLOR EATHBUjST, Deile Las Vecas. New Mexico. AT XA1 C. A. Ni Yonk, Jin. 1 White Osks. New Mr i Ico DEALEIt IN Ur rt Krl to London at pec Wbolale and Ketall Iteier In Tin Types, iiuhit. M'iicn tlUrr dollar iu Loud, o E.N Bu.vgctLLo, 4 - 1 v OUtW". Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings. Photographs, In follow u r lac ui tutl juoiatiuu tr ATTORNET AHD COUHIELOR prvaroliiig the price fur other coin: AT UW. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. Water Color, lli!. Ak4. -- T-v- 3 73C3r-U9, X- -. IVX. Trade dollar t " t HARDWARE Ac OU Painting. New dollar df Quooii-Wnr- o. Agent for Burt Packard, E. C. Burt and Levy Katzman. rratn D-r- it A iihthio nlvrr halve Tad Office at a's liulldln. All Kinds of Picture Frames é v I 0-- uartT a-ETJrTE- 3I, Auicrtcan limit 1 ' T. A. McKINNBV. &0 Mutilau-- L. a. ilver coin, & JOCTOR MZA.EWBÜEi ' FURNITURE A AND V. STOVES (Suec to Marwede, Brum ley Co..) e-- HI ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AKD Mciicau dollar, tun glr. . . MtXCFACITRERS OF Mnicau Itoilars, uncommer- and Ulass la the Territory SURGEON. M U Keep the stock of Lumber. Saab. Doors. Blinds, Paint. Oils cial tret Office an 1 residence on D Arrnue, be- jsin:irr Framing Tone to Order. IVnivian ! and C'hlllian ula coppku axd iho xnu. to tween the funinrr and SI. Mihola hutel. r , Office f rom 12 a. m. 3 to ft p. m. ti, hour ta Roofing and fe! I 1 ' M. H. W. Kelly. Orders for Spouting promptly Attended. Eii.Iikd ilver JscoLGroM, A. PUckwcli nd f mm " to 9 t nlyht . ; r iv Irani- .. w H. SAMUELS. 1; Victoria novrrvliriia 4 OSTWICK A W1IITILAW. iiy (runm J M t; IIHIIKjI Oppoette kaa. 4 7H B STKEET. Tweuiy mark & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, hiwuiitb douliliMiii 15 M ij : Gross, Blackwell Co doubloon .. 14 M is : Office la VcUonsld' New Building, East Las 1 1 & Heiii-a- p)- 6u o Successor to OTEttO. SELLAR A CO Veas. FINANE ELSTON, 4 uu Ten guilder Wholesale Dealers la LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO. I 'J Flue silver bar. tU & f 0 per ounce. 1 Dealers In all kind of Fine gold bar par to 5 per ccut premium oa r EE4F0KT, Cf HARIDrs BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET. the mint Talue. n - EN ERAL MERCHANDISE ATTORNEYS AT LAW mores. Tinware House Goods a specialty. TT ha- a a Uue and well seized Wool, Hide--- -- Pelte. lock and invite the patronaca at the pttbUo. AemUl lev U tsa Powder Company. Wall Etc, mud (Office at Residence) Papers, Paints, Vboab, 11, Jgmtt --l Las Jan. iraMMaetorer' . - M th """M, The year opened with favorable auspice, EAST LAS VEGAS - - - N. during Paint mixed to order. Paper hanging la all and while trade dm been ratbeniukt rorwunlinar and Coniniissicii illerchanls W. SEBBENS, 1VE. IU branches. Decorative paper hanging a In- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL t be at month or two, the signs are plain 8. T. RAILROAD, specialty. dicating an early resumption of activo op- OS LINK Or A. T. E. eration and prospero us uslnesa - NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL - nOUSE AND SING PAINTERS Wool, common carpet I 13 Q Vegas New Mexico. miilium impruveu iau East Las ESTATE AGENT, ZD" R,TT O- Office first door east of BL Nicholas RoteL clip... 11 14 Las "clip 14 10 Sixth Street Vem. FIRST NATIONAL BANKOBUILDINC, well Improved fall .... I ST. - black, í to 6 cenU lea lhao Xjasb IVXottc A. BALL. VegASi Mcxloo. white Has Just opened his new stock of Drugs, Stationerr. Fancy GimmIs, Toilet Articles, Taints and Rides, dry Unit Oils, Liquors, Toliacco and Cig irs. it J S damaged tóio & trade-C- " CO. AND Is to Prescription W. FABIAN CONTRACTORS BUILDERS fWThe most careful attention given the Sheep pelt, prim" butcher fe8i New Mexico the common sense truss. " damaged and saddle Main street, Half-Wa- y Hill. Telephone con- Sole agent for for alxiut nection. Ooat Ik Ins, average 1N.1 I L 1 lcr (kins, " " Dealers T. STANSIFEK4 MATTHEWS, Demand moderate, i.rlce Ann at above at Wliolesiile I.lci.i.or quotation. F Cures Budwelscr Beer, Wines, CE Mos Rose Bourbon, Gorernor' Choice Kyi, 3 utelleau Fils1 Cognac, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS mí Urorerlea and PrvvMlona. Champagnes, Mineral Water, etc. SYPHILIS Las TkO-- S, Jan. 11, 18B3. All of contracting RH kinds done. Thebestof In any stage. Bacon, clear aldea, per lb "4 securities given. ra " dry stilt, pvr lb MVt Catarrh, - breakfast, per lb IS IMPORT ED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. ET SHAVED AT TliE Main streets, Hams, per lb J"' Corner and Sixth Eczema, Lard, square can, per lb 4 G pails, ten lb 14 PARLOR BARBER SHOP. 14' Old Sores, " pails, live lb BATlWj - pails, three lb ATTACHED. ll6 Pimples, Beans, Mexican PIANOS, ORGANS, - EAST LAS VEUAS ! California, per lb 6 RflUSIC, CENTER STREET. Lima, per lb Everything neat and new Bolls. - white navy 7 gladly duplicate any prices given by any responsible east ICIIARD DLTSN Or any Skin 0rn, eatern 1.55 Will R Buckwheat Hour 8 &u ern house on first class Pianos and Organs. Investigation will GOOD ROOMS AND BEDS ! Disease. H jiter, creamery, in tubs 3U4W3 NOTARY PUBLIC, PLENTY OF Bjtter, creamery eans 4.1 show you that we can serve vou better in ürice and quality than (,'neeau, per lb lik15 can do. All kinds of RINCON, HEW MEXICO. ViiiidK America Mr3u any far fetched and dear boueht eastern trade ... Good Table and Low Rates. Coffee, Rio, com..l(), fair II (Vi, prime lfi EST TKKVEKTON, Mocha m 27 XllStrTX-i02Lt- S , CURES WHEN ALL OTHER Java 'ó B " Ariosa and "E. L. C," roasted ltt nTXiOtl MCcElty-- SONGS. STRINGS, etc., AND ! Crackers, soda 7 "'A SHEET MUSIC, SPANISH CARPENTERS BUILDERS, Geo. Prop'r. REMEDIES FAIL ! - ginger Keep constantly on hand the best of lumber, I-WA.-rS 02ST - silbar tU HAHD. dressed and in the rough. Contracts will be If you doubt, come to see us ' butter and oyster .7!','i taken in and out of town. Shop in East Las ' jumbles 15 MARCELLINO. BOFFA & PEREZ, egas. FRANK LEDUC, and we will CURE YOU, LAS VEGAS, N. M. C. JCHMIDT, lined Fruits. or charee nothing ! ! ! apples, tul. 10, Eastern 10'i A " evaporated H!8 17ÍÍ20 Manufacturer of MERCHANT TAILOR Write for particulars4 and a Allien ,:' Jlacklairries w & A Fine line of Imported at d the best make of Piece Goods always on bund. Your orders re " Jitrou m ' ILFELD, WAGONS CARRIAGES, copy of a little book Message per bl .. 18 CHARLES spcctfu'ly solicited. Satisfaction giuirai.ttied. Cranberries, blacksmithing and repairing, Grand 1:1, black In General CurriintK, per lb white Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In Avenue, opposite Lockhtirt & Co. to the Unfortunate Suffering." Fiirs, Caltlornla 118 " luilHirted J!5 IT. CmOTTO, Bridge St. any Grapes. CalilwrniH EsT LAS VKJAS Ask prominent Druggist l'enchcs 1.14 I ft w W,4Cal..l4tfil5 to our standing Eastern mr, General Merchandise LAND AGENCY as " peeled MARTINEZ& SAVAGBAU Prunes W- -'J JOHN CaMPBKLL, e pa who will find, on analysis of 10(1 bottUes 8. & S. " California Ladies' Dresses Made to Order, In bnll " French 3" Wescbe's llng. DEALERS IN one particle of Murcury, Iodide Potassium, or KaHplivrries 4(1 VLadies' Hats Trimmed to Order. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. any mineral substance. KitisiiiH, per box, California $.;i.0n&$:j 2" " Imported.. .(.:!.) F. NEILL, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Propr. Dried corn 1Ü "ST - 1 f GENERAL MERCHANDISE D ied Peas IP A.KT C Gr O OD S ATTORNEY Atlanta, Ga. I)i led llommv ON XU"rTX PLAZA. Mackerel, per kit $1.7.1 í .'0 AND COFNSELOK AT LAW, Flour, Grain and Country Produce. PER BOTTLE Kansas ;!. 00 patent f:i.üu l'PICE OF SMALL ISZE -- 100 Flour, And for Twentieth Ju- " Colorado $3.0tM:t.;5 District Attorney the Cash paid for Wool, Hides and Pelts, LAHO'jI - - - $100 Hraiu-C- oru dicial District ef Texas. All kinds of busincsh to promptly. SAN MIGUEL NATIONAL BANK, LAS VEGAS. EW MLX1CO Outs , 2i HOTEL. attended OPPOSITE ST. NICHOLAS Office: EL PASO, TEXAS. Hav $: Hoininy, per bbl 7.HI WANBERG BROS , Meal, corn ULSSELL, CD Vegas, New Mejx H.ftO JOHN 1' -- t -- nun " out. per hundred lbs d I J I I I I Oils, carbon 11 POPTJXJA.E HOTEL NOTARY PUBLIC, DRUGS 1.V) THE PI " carbon l 110 LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY, 0) linseed first-cla-ss Contractors and Builders " lard I S" This large house has recently been placed iu perfect order and Is kept In style. More . TV V? 5 2 M . s.4 c uv--. y P)tatocs si vlBitors can bo accommodated tnan by any other hotel In town. P. O. Box 27. Lake Valley, N. .(.ce WiM SicksiwiKii 4Kce45 KOUTLEDGB CHEMICALS Silt, per barrel, coarse 6 00 dairy $B.50.$7.t)0 ÍÍ J Dealer In & Goods Baaps. common Wi"Vt 09 Fancy family 78 ci 1 e !fVToilet Job Word done oh Short Notice Sutrar, Extra C 11 , A IÜ BILLY'S" Creneral Merolian " frranu luted Blacksmith and Wagon shop In connection. . Prompt and Careful Attention ' crushed and cut loaf 13 AND A " fine powdered HAY CRAM SPECIALTY. GIVEN TO " yellows 103íll)í GLORIETA, - NEW MEXICO. 03 Syrups, keirs $3.0it$B.50 " cane, per case 12 Is $.BOii10.50 FURLONG, " 24 Ms $10.511$ 12.00 Prescripti on Trade Counters and Bars a Specialty. " " " 10'4sl6!48 $7.7u$il.W PHOTOGRAPHER. Sxhe Toas, Japans 400 " Imperials B0W75 GALLERY, OVER " V 60&90 (. POSTOFFICE. Bridge Street, LAS VEGAS. . " y. II 40ÍS75 LAKE VALLEY. N. M. " Oolong 3Ü460 R K IEIDand LBERT HERBEB, rt GROC llnrdwnre. blub Proprietors FULL LINE OF 12 LA.LVnEJ H. Mann. Wire, fence, painted 11, galvanized O HARRIS, Proprietor. S. WELLS, Wire staples BREWERY SALOON, Hteel l(i, English 20.21 SOUTH Nails 5.7.1 WEST SIDE SIXTH STREET. Wagon and carriages In full supply and East Las fegas. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIE active demand "must Wlues. Liquors and Clirsrs constantly on hand. Elegant parlors and Wine Rooms In Fresh Beer always ob Drantrht. Also Fine LIQUORS, WINES Farm Wagon P.Kail.l connection. Cigars and Vv hlskey. Lunch Counter in con- Ore " 1.HKÍB175 nection. ?ring " HOf'i.175 Open Dav Night. Lunch at all Hours. 2.10 and VEGETABLES IN SEASC AND " with calush tops - 10 wew uu o;n . FRUITS AND 1.10(0-22- j- leiepoone tui biki iuwD uit? mu mito RLAN DO SMITH. Hugglcs Eastern and Western Dally Pawr. WILL C. BÜUT0N, Proprietor. Wbolesale trade continuegactive; stocks full 0 and jobbers busy. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. oa3 vanaos new vr3:j( All kinds of machine work done to order. Old Shop on Moreno street, west of South First Reliable Shoe Shop. QEORGB F. WHBBLOOK street. MYER FRIEDMAN & BR0., AT OGDEN, J. W. HANSON, Proprietor. lVXA.2VTJ3PXOTXJXa.IX. OF pitANK Fine work a specialty and repairing done in PLANING MILL, neatest and quickest stjle. All my old A. DANZIGER'S, customers are requested to give LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXICO. me a call. GALVANIZED IROIST CORNICE ool Hide All kinds of dross in if, matching and turning and lealer done on short notice. Clear native lumber Shop opposite Blake's harness shop, Bridge A specialty made of kept on hand for sale. N.rth of the gas works, LITTLE CASINO. Street. frank uoden, proprietor. - NEW MEXICO. PATTY, LAS VEGAS, F. E. EVANS, Manufacturer of i .sala. s O V.dT7au.oocl HOOFING AND JOB WOER. on Oousismuouts. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TIN TIN, COPPER . AND SHEET-IRO- N WARES fE4t ÍEj- - PHOTOGRAPHER, ALL KINDS OF Albuquerque, New Mexico, and dealer in all kinds of JOBBERS AND KETAILEKS OF O COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES BRIDGE STREET, - LAS VEGAS STONE AND MASON WORK Oemploto Assortment of New Mexico Siuencry, B. A. FISKE. M. L. WARREN, NEW MENTÍENHALL, HUNTER & CO., 3 EAS'l LA8 VEGAS MEXICO. grocer SPECIALTY. FISKE & WARREN. SfanleiFancy Contracts taken in any part of theTerrltory. . . a . n . Experienced workmen employed. Apply at MRS. J. B. BAKER & CO,, anu ouriBuiorai uuiw,T sania re. tho Aiuirncya practice In the supreme and all district courts in the Territory. Special attcn and Furnishing Goods, tlon given to corporation cases ; also to Spn Boots Shoes Gents' DELAWARE HOUSE, Fancy Coods, FEED AND SALE STABLE lsh ana Mexican grants and United states min- Country Produce a Specialty. Special attention sriven to Mlninir and Kailroad orders. All ing and other land litigation before the courts goods guaranteed first-clas- s. EAST LAS VEGAS. osst Vegas. ana united states executive omcers. J-i- JN U MIlllNE BascaucI w X.s Jfc!...J!.J V JU, Dealers iu Horses ami Mules, alfo Fine Buggies Carriages for Sale VEos:. THE BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT, --. v. - Vegas, N&sw Sava-geau'- XfclKB v a i o - jl n--i & IHast SIXTH STREET, over Martinez 1U1 IUD XJlUv ijui lugn auu v iuvi vjvi uu j Va l j pLOOD CHADWICK, Lao Store mi in" in Mir i ri i ni'i r MONUMENTS, OPERA Brl-DM- U, opened one of the finest stocks of Fancy have D. C. Winters, Sam E. Shoemaker. Executed in Marble, Granito and Stone of all Goods tm tbt market. J.D. Brownleo, kinds. Estimates given for all kinds of stone OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. L-r- cutting and mason work. Has Opened the rit and Bst Assorted stock ef Works, Seventh street, near Main and Latest Styles. Brownlee Winters & Co., iBIunchard. Tbc Best of Meals at Reasonable Rates. Their stock consists of ladles' furnishing LAS VEGAS NEW MEXICO, goods, embroideries, zephyrs, Germantown to Dunlap & ... 8Hceeson Winters varos and fancy supplies, BOOTS AND " L. Boughton is associated In Mpark-Arreallo- s; SOES Miss the mllli DEALERS IN PATXrs 10 Horse OYSTERS WHOLESALE AND KETAIL, KVEK BK0ÜQHT TO NEWJMBXIOO. nerv and dresnmiiKin. oeoartment. Portable Engine has cut 1", oO feet of Michigan Served to order at all timed and In the very Pine Boards in 10 hours, burning slabs from best Styles. FRED. G. HENESEY, the saw in eight loot lengths. Us. Xj. Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery Howlson, Manager E-- B. TAYLOR. The Dealers Is Called to 8 Vccountant & Expert, Attention of thtt toe. Work Den to Order. Carefully and Prescriptions Compounded. MARKS DINING HALL Insurance Broker Collector. (OSEI'H W Corner of Plaza, Vegas. SAM I'Kl- - ll.V.ll KUl B. tTKOUr Northwest the Las --A PLACE FOR Books i o ited and balanced as per agreement - stock taken. Partnership and Our lu liuiM- wc guurantoc to furumh power Inventories of to saw 8,XI Hemlock 10 & complicated accounts settled. Insurance feet of boards in S.B.WATKOUS SON Our 10 will KUtiu in same placed In reliable companies. City collections hours brte cut feel WEARY TRAVELERS TO FEAST ! i XT.. , timo Our Eniiines aro OUAR i uu. m....i. . IV uiuuo. ivoiiui i. Dillon omift GLORIETA HOUSE, ANTEED to furnish a horse. DKALKUS power on one-thir- d lesn fuel Wilson & Maitin, Clark Tweed, George and water than any otbT En W. Huston. Geo. It lie nrnt.t of Leadville gino not fitted with an Auto P. POWERS, Cut-Of- f. I Samuel C Davis & Co.,8t. Louis, Mo.; Henry Proprietor. matin If vim want orol3LOia.clii3o Best Tables in the City. Oysters Matter & New A. (). KobDlns, A Stationary or Portable Engine, Gren'l Co., torn; H. Whltmore. L. H. Maxwell. Las Veitas. minor, circular aw muí, Lots, to Investiirator of titles to real essates. Ab Shafting or Pullies, either cast Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Prepared Order. stracts and guaranteed. County or Medart'S Patent Wrought furnished - - ryOPF.N all time of day and night. clerk s omce, county of tun Miguel. RATES $2.00 PEE DAT. Iron Pulley, send for our illus WATROUS, NEW MEXICO trated Utlorne, fur 18'), for information and ConsU'nment of Freight and Cattle from, an lor the Red River Country, received at W a trout prices. U. W. AlHa Si SONS, Cuming, N Rail Road Depot. Good Uoada from Red River via Olguln Hill. Dlatanc from Fort Iiasoom GRAND AVENUE, X . 1 JUL f $66 tñ oulfli free. Address H. Uallctt & UOX to Watroua. Klghty-nl- n mile. Co., Portland Maine. GOOD STABLE ATTACHED IN REAR OF BATHBURN'S SHOE STORE. . ) n, V GAZETTE IDOnWAI.I C Aklt.U EDWARD ECElsTR-ST,-! BROWNE & MANZiVNARES, TilL'KSlUT. JANUARY 21. IUnry Dold is in the city on a short 2L.j3l0 1ST. 3VE., VlMt. VEGAS, TLe 1J a tüat truth U stranger Corner of Dougla Avenue and Sixth St., RMtlAlt ' T. B. Whitfield came iu from IVpeka r MKti:m tn&u fiction i e liiplitie-- in a a'iin yesterday. niantiftr tint i.l l.rii g the force of the PC &pniT C3 C'll-ll- r r j REAL RHD 1HSUR&N Blt II' old prnvrb very iicir t' one por ul Jas. Garry eam up from El !' ESTATE Je art. ytstcrJay. In Kl. s young man by lb iame of Nie. ChafTiii is miftVrm;; fnni asevrre . CT-I- Í Mrs. Mikr O K íe i siifífrin; HiKgiaml, wan walking II. C. Rich- bear bite. Notary Public and Adjuster. , fZr.'; 4 from l.riiiorne of the li;tivv i It mond, the phwir r whu hml a J. H. Teat of Fort Suinner is in ' ! agían r- - Mure la ''is i : II r'rlii Pupa i Ti''rii!;' to p"i mini .in the city. 1 Kac-tiKH- 1 was liu!e n.e:v t;;..n a and tli lio'il un the it pmxin.v by Thos. Coin came in from Mineral ie-ni'- f jn'iii.ttr.l by glamour and the City yesterday. THE OLDEST, THE LARGEST AND THE BEST INSURA!-- : STt'rali r liwl of line litil!liritne painted rice of Monte Verde's "par. or th Tecolote mine came in yes- Col. T. It. Mills b-- a COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. ! fru house." Friend' coiiiisell-'- ! him to be- for short trip BROWNE, MANZANARES & CO., Socoito, terday. north N.M ware of the abyss that w as fawning be- yesterday. The Las Vy Lunilr company is fore him and tried to disMiade him Doc Mitchell is in the city again. Ho INSURANCE THAT INSURES. Warehouses on Railroad Track. loading a n u in lx-- r of ran the outh-er- n from leading sec has bought a gun. fr the cnl life which nid supply Wholesale Trade with staple goouia pa AS-I- Will the at as low country. to have so many attractions for hiiu. C. II. Crackenburg camo down from mamk or COM sr. LOCATION. prices as can be brought from Eastern points. At last a change came orer the spirit of Trinidad Iko Ililtj looks natural li iiitni the yesterday. IMU .Ktim ilurtfupl Wholesale dealers in S. KmilTmaii's gmcery on his dreams ni.d he gao i;p his wild II. Hit North P.ritili am! Merckntlle London .2i'.i..vm :i counters in J. Clark and wife, ef Omaha aro i Urtinp New York 7.JIW.-'- .! e; career to o-- Centre street. spend his leisure hours pa ing late arriTa's in the city. 1. Scottish l oiuii and National Kdinbunrb :j.i.imi.ii:.i 17 1 his (L'Voti m to an ti.loptcii d.inghter KM Phoenix HnrtforJ 4VJ.W7.M Geo. S. Trillion of New York i stop- ISM! Liverpool, l.imlun Hie I (iltp lniliii ?!.'.'i.'l.lisl tUI GENERAL MERCHANDISE lintel is fur -- The Tiara luadviarters oí C. I. llwvey. Theso atuntions were 17!U IiistirniHi't'iimpHii.T of N, America.. I'liilieli ll'hi.l H. 1H.NC) ping at tho Depot I. tlie big htoekmcn who are now sojourn- by Mrs. hotel. IST'.I Lien Firt Innii mice Company Loii'lnn :;,Ml! It dix'ountenanced Hover, who l'cmii lVHiii Kire ,Pliiln.lelpLia...... 2.l".'7.iil.M .VI ilar.ufacturcrs' Agents for the best L. I ing in the oit j. iid not think that the young man would II. Maiwell and wife tame over v-- Lomloii AHiirnniH orpomtioti London .. L..KNÍ.I11 lrt from Fe KC sprinictlelil Fire imi Murine Sprinirtli'l 1, Mass.. .. i.'.'.Vi,.N(7l S? M-- make a proper husband for her daugh- Santa yesterday. Tm ! Don Jose Martin'., brother of Hon. Oimiiirmai iiimn London . !W:,71. - f I Ik V X 1 1 0 mm Wkl -- t. Louis .. i.i'V..-.i-- í.t Chi- ter. Rut in spite of protests, r. American Centrl j. IMuarao Martinez, died at Anton all ii. u. uuiion, oi si. josepn, mo., is a i,:vd,-.s- i r. Fir Insnraiiea A iciation London .. me winrui girl, i sixteen sum- aJate arrival in the city. i7tt iniliirrt lmr'on !"''.Í7.' -- il ! co last Thursday. "t , AND 1 Si V.I Kire liimiMxre Assm iiiliiiii of 'W fiSii,v"n :M mers, was married sreretty to V. M. Ring back once more F i,: tiv,.--i,srj-- ' i u ' has milled carpet to is and so rJx :: lv liurnett lintel Uoagland. After the marriage the is Ileise, Tliey now go ahead the ring master. liis oyster rwonis. newly wedded couple went to George PROTECTION THAT PROTECTS. V. M Gnylord and family tif Missouri Freight of any in tho territory. town, Colorado, wiiere every thing are stopping at the St. Nicholas hotel. r-- . It is about all one horse tun do to paed off smoothly and n little Strang- - ' J. W. Foster left for his raueh yester- give one of pull a street car up the grade from er came to bring sunshine to tho loving Prof. Cornell will another S pv.r. From El day. He will be absent several weeks, his pleasant hour hops Make WAGON the bridge to the plaza. t there they departed fer a-- o, come and bring & TAfl 1 wi.ere still another child was Frank Springer, Esq., passed thro' arrangements to out (Jarrard & Cunningham, 'he bridge to b'un. making quite a family for so the city yestorday on tho south bound your girl. It is a pleasant plaeeto have 9 tlreet insurance and real estate agents shaking light fan- VJcQon Timbero, Plow Timbers, young a father, A:id now conies the train. an enjoyable time the . pre doing a flattering busincí. ht at Ward opera rsoirsE saddest pari of the story. It seems that J. S.. Holland, a cattle man of ColTax tastic. Don't forget, IiEPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. ' & house, 1.00 per THE Rus Daniels, ot the Havana Cigar Hongljiiid went back to all of his old county came down from Springer yes- Tamme's operi f frtore, is furnishing the shaving parlor. iniquities, mid left his young wife and terday. couple. ii street with the best brands two little cherubs for gambling LAS VEGAS DANCING ACADEMYi Bridge the ta C. Heiso returned last night on the Mayor Romero has ordered an elec- ble, and td cigars. dissolute companions. The emigrant from a successful trip down tion in the lirst and seeend wards on 1 end ef this short but eventful drama, is lliu Tuesday, the Cth day of February, for Win. A. Ledbttter, the absconding road. I I that he is now in prison, charged with A subeianiial sloiin ln i nr Riifu in ev'Tjl first and two 1 telephone man has been captured in Co!. G. W. Stoneroad returned from one alderman of the ward wilh nil tin moder. imnrnveiiK robbing the of & an Opera H. . . store Schuster Co., in of the second waruV, to fill va- of use. Every Variety. Marshal Franklin left for Santa Fc yesterday. He has nat de- aldermen Chihuahua, of $l,r,oo in inrmey, The Denver yesterday. anda creased in size. cancies in the common council. large amount of goods, including a lot notice of election Mill bo fouud in NEATIX4J CAPACITY. COO- wiirnD-ETXjT-'- ÉS lot Waiter C. Hadley, H.ooe1 S llarley J. Kendrick has an extra i f pis'ols, some of which were found tho gentleman of another columu. POPULATION' OF T4ÍHX --AND- of pork sausage at his nirk"l on the on !is prrse:i when nrre-'- t Ilis wife many points, returned on the south the grocery man on the stuth side f the phza. It is A No. was ieu:;i! by spine good Samaritans bound train yesterday. A. Danziger, Convenient hotel aeoomiii'idnti'tns, bill makes an excellent show- pistcrs etc. OTHER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 1. (J Centre street d. and try it for yourself. op. the I'.wt.r ni m old adobe, Bishop Dunlop leaves on the train Correspondeniv soliei t.-- ho has been in to-da- y ing for the few months A popular resort for all pnblie atheritih'S. sinail-po- without food or a x exists ut sufficient clothing. south for visitation of southern c iitertain-mrnt- n. The market in Territory for Wool, Hides Pelts, &c. It is said that business. Ilis books show that his A ni'Mk'nite ri ntal lor all pul.üc best the Cooper city. This unfortunate at the They raised a purse ami sent her to the New Mexico anil Arizona. He will be Depot for Flour; Grain and Feed. is sales, thus far, haye doubled every Hpceial rates for clubs and pii ties Uniied Status to her friends, where it is gone three or four weeks. . Implements, Miners' present time, if it is true. It will not Tho Wholesale dealers in Mining Tools and hoped she will month since ho commenced. rea I c likely to continue long, however. repent the rash step she Conductor Ilixtm went out on the Supplies and Outfits, Blasting Powder. High Explosives, Caps, son for this prosperity attention to & took in forsaking kirn! parents for a emigrant hist lie has won tho WARD TAMME, Props. 5cc. As for Hongland he will probably gtst evening. business and good goods. Fuse, Steel worthless scamp. respect and love of the second class from ten to lifteeu years working for A good garduer would make a good I. in 'khh C'ommiH-tioi- IIoiiteN. passengers by dealing gently with - the state of Chihuahua when, it is hoped a TELEPHONE TO ftQ- The two large commission house td them thing of it this season, by securing 47. he will come out a bettor and a wiser vegeta- Browne & Manzanares, and Gross, patch of rich graund and raise Garrard IC3EImj.U.jJllhJáiJa5gga man. It is reported that Mrs. Joe ('arson is of de- 4 Cunninghamt Binckwcll & Co., are the wonder of bles. As far as known now the Li. 15. the res- keeping a house of ill-fa- in Houston, will bo much greater than the Kendriek. of European tho-- e who come to this coiuitry expect- mand Texas. She will bo remembered by all taurant, is doing a fine business both in ing to lind nothing but small houses, supply. Some one acquainted with the residents were here in 1879, the INSURANCE, the store and the restaurant. Ií usiness containing only a handful of goods. that as climate and soil should undertake tho wife of Joe Carson, formerly city mar- has picked up wonderfully in tho last They walk along '.he aisUs and gaze business. It is useless for tenderfcet to shal of tho east side, and who was kill- week. with astonishment upon the stacks of try it. Real EstateudLive Stock ed iu Close's dance hall by a party of goods ef all kinds stored away for sale. company will light the The SilverCity tfoiitliwcsl states that cowboys who were afterwards taken The railroad The first question asked i.--, what do with electric it has heard from private sonreí s that from the jail by a mob and hung on the park at the Hot Springs is in inter-s- they do with such immense stocks of light and make other expensive im- (eneral Logan working the t old wind mill in the plaza. The citi- BROKERS, twelve-compan- y goods in this country? They are not bath house will be of Kort Hayard for a zens mai'o up a pursj for Mr. Carson, provements. The awaie of the fact that a section uf coun- to accommodate tho post. to enable her to get back to Texas, enlarged in order Notaries Public try, almost as large as France, is de- expected rush. Tho Atchison, Topeka - A large attendance is anticipated at where Joe's people lived. It wa3 AKD-- pendent upon this city entirely for its and Santa Fe hav-- made arrangements i 7 the social to be given by the Presbyte- reported that she was travel- í ''.J,; I supplies. What has heretofore been to issuo twelve thousand passes to east- a .r w people at tho residence of Mrs. ing with Hoodo Brown, a former jus- Oonveyancers. rian known as the barren wilderness of the ern capitalists and tourists in order to Jeff Raynolds on evening. tice, (and fugitive from justice) of this "WE HAVE for sale improved Llano Estacado has melted away as has turn the tide of pleasure seekers and in- All will be welcome. city. Even during her stay in Las Ve- aad unimproved city and Hot the great American desert. It is now valids in this direction. Who say3 we gas bad rumors were rife in regard Springs property. City and Hot H. Studebaker is fitting up one of the bring settled up by extensive stock wont have a bourn? and this will 011I3 to her, but no one believed them, as Springs property to rent. Cen- nicest offices in the city. He intends to ranges and small farms along the rivors be a small part of it. she had a pretty innocent countenance trally located business houses keep a box of cigars constantly on and creeks. Tho staked plains are the that was sure to win the confidence of Prof. F. F leming, editor ef the and offices to rent. Ranches and hand but don't tell anyone that he best grassed regions in the west, and are J. g any oue she came in contact with. water fronts in the best stock-raisin- said so. cajiable of pasturing thousands of cat- -l Mining World and Chihuahua Enter' well-know- oí jyrisc. aad H. K.iChamberlin, the n sections Mew Mexico Mrs. Luz 15. Maxwell, Peter Maxwell tie and sheep. This is where a great L. D. Austin, a gentleman who arriv- jeweler, left for Parral yester- for sale. Horses, cattle and sheep and Mr. Jarainillo and bride are ex- amount of the goods go, which are ed some months in Las Vegas, since day. Prof. Fleming took his aeronoid ÍOT S&l io-da- in our pected to arrive y from Fort Sum- stacked commission houses. died Tuesday night. He was a photo- WE WANT real estate and all belongs to Las Vegas barometer to measuro the height of the ner. They have been on the road somie This traite and graphic artist. Ho was weak and sick- live stock all we can get to sell com COKE, WOOD AND CHARCOAL. ' mountain peak3. Ho will fill several days, but weru detained by the ilurm. will never grow less, but on the con-- j ly iu the last stages of consumption, and on terms. Bote books and write many of his inte- fair Bonds, deeds and tiv.i'T, will increase as the country sct-- i although he improved after his arrival, contracts carefully drawn. Ac- A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. al;-- o resting letters. Mr. Chamberlin went N. Segura will open a new butcher ties up. This section is a resuurce yet his disease was too far advanced knowledgements taken and col- shop ill Onofro Homero' s house on solely for recreation and took all the delivery. ave., to Las Vegas of no mean importance. for a permanent cure. He leaves a lections made. All Fuel must be paid for on Railroad near depot. Mr. necessary implements including llasks. Court House street this evening. The supplies are not only drawn from wife and four children, lie was a mem- All business placed with us Segura, will keep the very best of meats here products of the range are etc , to carry out his intention. but the ber of the Odd Fellows' lodge in good shall have prompt attention. -- y 6 MP. ami hopes by fair dealing to merit a 2: 9 R. A TT?1 A brought here for sale. standing, and the funeral ceremonies Yesterday we received by mail a card GARRARD & CUNNINGHAM, JA gowd share of patronage. will of the Las Animus Cnunty IJank, a new- Jltixoiiic linil Ht Kntou. be conducted under the auspices of Uyitn, ly organized banking hause of Trinidad. BrideeStreet LasVons ti. M. (SUCCESSORS TO BROS.) Detective Joe of Wallace, wai The Gazette acknowledges the cum-- j the order. The intention was to bury JAFFA in the city yesterday. We'll bet he was the body here, but a telegram was re- Colorado, The capital is $100,000. The plimcnt of an invitation and ticket to TO THE riBLic. ll:tve reopenod the store formerly occupied by Jalla Brothers, with a new r; L. Taylor, president: looking after some Joe is j ceived last night from the parents of officers are Dan. tlie grand Masonic bull and supper to btock of Doss, vice-preside- S. U. Brown, always awake and drops on the boys be given by the Gate Cit' lodge, A. F. the deceased in Allegan, Michigan, bv Sam . Zaok, cash- when they least expect it. and A.M., at McAuliffe & Ferguson's Mrs. Austin, to ship the body to that cashier aad J F. assistant hall at Raton, ou Thursday evening, plaeo for interment. Mr. Wyman, the ier. Tne incorporators are Dan. L. The city will haye to send its prison- in- S. R. Brown, Lonny Horn, Ed. February 1st. On that occasion the undertaker, in accordance with this Taytor, GENERAL MERCHANDISE ers to the vacant pest house for safe struction, embalmned the body last West, J. C. Gunter. Pascal Gerardi, Having opened in business in new lodge will be organized and cstab- - Sam. Doss, F. Zook and T. B. Col- keeping since Sheriff Esquirol has giv- night for shipment. J. lished and the event will be appro lie1'. -- en notice that the county can not, OP- - priately celebrated by a Wells-Fargo- COKÍJIBTirJO further look after their safe keeping grand The Optic does not like Judge Barnes. Wood Itecf. the new building next to 's Tickets including bah on th of Santa without remuneration. The city should ball. and Well, this settles the judge's hash. An observer streets will be no- have a jail of its own. supper $3.50. No more will his sonorous voice bo Fe tha other day, could not help but The invitations are handsomely print- heard in the judicial balls of the Terri- tice the appearance of the different express office, on Centre The ladies of the Methodist church ed and a large number haye been sent tory The mandate has gone forth, and meat shops in the city. Those that are talking up another basket social for A large attendance is anticipated and although President Arthur may feel were supplied with beef and mutton by CLOTHING, next Tuesday evening. A full atten- it will be a select and high toned affair, sorry to discharge this old tried public B. Stoops, of this city, had shops full of street, I am ready to sell the best dance ot all the ladies is desired at the just such a grand ball as tho citizens servant, he has no recourse. He dare excellent meat and were doing an ex- LADÍES1 GEÍITS' FURNISHING GOODS meeting of the sewing circle to be hold of Raton can give when they not brave the storm of indignation cellent business, while those that get at the residence of A. I). Higgins Fri- undertake it. A goodly number of which the Oplic heaps upon those whose the meats at other places made no com- assorted stock of groceries, li- HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, day afternoon of this week. people from Las Vegas are looking for- fate it is to incur its displeasure. parison in either quantity or quality. ward to the date with the expectation Why, Judge, did you not fall out with The market of L. Greenwall was espec- The trustees of the Odd Fellows lodge of attending and with anticipations of ially uaticcablc for the cxcellenco and quors, tobacco, cigars and fancy of some insignificant sheet like tho New this city, visited the cemetery yester- pleasure. The ball will take place just quantity of the meats on hand. He gets day to examine into the of York Herald, then it would only have condition one week from this evening; just good amounted to a little personal abuso and his beef of Sloops. A number f othor the place. Quite an addition has been time to prepare. and the agony would have been over. markets have lately sent in their or- goods, at very low figures. My see all tho old customers of tho house and as many to We will bo pleased to made the cemetery lately. Some ders. Mr. Stoop deals in the very best new ones as possible. Our aim shall be to keep a good stock anil sell as low a.s Alii-- r iie County Stock Association 872 feet of new fence has been con- Suture Hulls. ThcJolfax of bef and keeps a large supply ranch lowest The standing motto of QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS city of the structed around the new inclosure. At a meeting of the 'council, is receiving large numbers new meniV close at hand from which to draw from. stock of clothing, boots shoes, hall be ours. Call and see us ut Jallas' old stand, Railroad Avenue East Las Tuesday afternoon, a very stringent or-- ! b'érs this season." Many of the new ac- Tht shaving parlor stand carries the Yearns. The meeting of the Odd Fellows Lodge dinanee was passed, aimed particular-- I quisitions come from the Pecos and Red to-da- y best on the west side. A trial will not take place at one o'clock ly at the dance hal's and hurdy gurdy river countries. The annual meeting cigars as previously to will rove this. Two doors west of the and gents' furnishing eoods and BISEMANN & JAFFA. announced, participate houses. The ordinance provides that of tlie' association- - will take place at 1). Gazette office. iu the funeral ceramonies of L. each person who keeps a dance or fan-- j SprUiger in la month or so. This is a 1... T1.,.. w.n,ll- liorna Shoo. Austin. The body will be embalmed dango for profit, or where iiquors orci-- i bojlelicial institution to the country and Ei. Auniv.viH J. LiL I. lUil IIWLITI Will l.tUJ IlíWlVy Jíyíl,ll.. nor notions saved from the fire. I than ever this fall and winter as the Tnc Spring horse shoe, by Rog- and sent enst. Due notice will bo given gars are sold, fine we kept shall pay a of $o per think it would be a good thing for ST. NICHOLAS. guests now indicate. black- of the assembling of the lodge. steady arrival of ers brothers, the Bridge street day or night, to bo paid in advance, the next annual meeting to be held in Thu fo!lwlnir nrc the nrrlvuls nt the St. It is convenient to all parts of town, it smiths, lets a horse down easy and and case such a dance is found run-- Las Vegas. Such a move would greatly Nicholas hntel: Tom (Join, Mineral City; J S is p, comfortable bui'dinp in which to help3 him in walking. They are made Tho of the territory are pitch- in I Holliiiul, Springer N M; V M Ciiylonl anil will sell at 50 cents on dollar pipers the live furnishing elegant and tender-foote- d ning without uaying such license, the enlarge the membciship and usefulness family, Missouri; J HClarkson and will', Oma- and the is especially for horses. ing into Captain Ed. Friend, one of tho How- Hie table tlie very best. Tho I'laza is These, shoes prevent pressure on marshal and police close place of the association. ha; II L Druininimil, Chicago; Hon II J the Gazette staff, in a rough and ready shall the ard, New York. to close out. Call early and tho best hotel of New Mexico after all tender parts of tho hoof, destroys tlie a Mony ex- it pronounce. manner, now that they know he is sick. and arrest the keeper, ud lake him or of the west side citizens are and the pruests universally so severe concussion of stepping and before a justice of peace, is The following were tho arrivals at I'hi.ii ho it. sayes the foot. They aro made of stoel This is all right, but just wait until ho her the where pressing regret that Marshal Roberts tal ycfttcrtluv: W W Walker and Mi. Muy 111; especially prepared for the purpose, the sffeni'er shall be fined. This or- -' retired from the force. He has made Walker, Karlvtlle, John Holland, Mel- Cets down to pushing his pencil again H Fort ; Cox, secure bargains. dinanee shall not apply to any relig- -' an oflicur and preserved ex- bourne, Mo; J Teats, Sunini J J (Jo. to J. W. Tearco for all kinds of and last much longer than tho ordinary efficient DodijB Andres Seuji, Los Alamos: W JJ aad he will make it interesting all along ious, beneficial or organized time he occu- Citr; carpenter and repair work, Railroad shoe. Kor.Eiis Uuos.. cellent order during the Amei, Trinidad; Samuel Kniery, St Joseph, 1G tf. 1 Hridge street. the line. pied the position oideputy marshal. Mo; 8 W Homer, Cliitiic.hux S. KAUFFMAN. avenue. No. 333 lm THE LAbT CEAGE POSITIVELY at COST PREVIO REMOVAL.