Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-25-1883 J
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-25-1883 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-25-1883 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-25-1883." (1883). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. L- JL JL JtLo LAS VEGAS DAILY GAZ -j -- I .TIIUHSDAY MOHXING. .ÍANUAliV 188:J. VO, '440. I. r, The fcenamirihlei- - lath Law. ljia CRIMES AND CRIMINALS 24. J. POLITICAL POINTERS. iHNVm. 21. Tho following i Siiawxeetow s. Jan. Yesterday Jin. of men attempt- the joint ballot fur senator y. long morning a mob masked term: ed to entr the j til for Ihe purioie of LIVE ESTATE Ivuching colored mtirdet.T, THE Thr United States Srn.ttp Working For I'itkin Senate, 5; 1ioum. 13; :l. Frank James FieTcrs 1 Itrciain in the lli'me. ül M l) hut were repulsed at the lirt attempt NoTAitY vinn.n; Laboriously With lite Tariff For Tabor Senate, 2; house, 13; Jail Rathrr Than Üve by the sheriff and The mob Sale. brought up ou tlm commons in front of Closing 15. out ANO Kill. For Ham mil Senate, 6; houe, 5; to- Hail. the jail ami threatened to batter ilnwn tal. 11. the walls, but shots from th jail, tho to- ringing of the court houe bll and tho CONVEYANCER. For Bowen Senate, 2; house, l; II. II. Iludd, an Ctntleman, l'midcnt Arthur Exprrsscs Himself tal. 3. Aed gathering of citizens frightened them away. IMPROVED RANCHES. For Hallett Senate, 2; house, 0; to- Urntallr Mnrdfird ly Nrcrofs aiHfin Aniious to See the tal. 2. one f the comer, For lioutt Senate, 0; liouc, 1; to- in 1STCD $8 000 will tur " (rnrgu. Con- ti'i t un iiiii ras. SruiNCFiELb, Mass.. Jan. 24. HITJ3VCBTJO I iiiini'K lioune hit, pnyiair tt tal. 1. Ttualaa rare tmi nal n.Ir ductor Ilosley, of tho New Haven and Three absent. The democrats stood who will buy with three lot, A pro- to Northampton railroad, ran tho $'.500 two houe of Xew solid for l'atterson. motion to An I'nsorrfssfiil Attempt JIade freight which collided Mlenüil looatlon renting tor !t er month. Senator M(Tlierson, Jersey, ceed to second ballot was lost. train Septemler AD Goods I . ltHh with Marked in Plain Figures. Tbi if lit viga rcaiiienee inrty Lynch a Murderer in Shaw-neetow- n, a wild freight train, killinc Elected to the United States to-da- y on $1.750 will bur lifitut rll'in ( rt titlnff THE SIIOKT TERM. three men, was arrested a lur ( m a monto. Mut lie aolil. Senate. The following is the vote on senator 111. charge of manslaughter. n with hail to-d- ay joint $850 will buy ft nice rar-- in hnuw for the short term in Haying decided to leave Las Vt gas as early as possible and go into the whole- lit. ibenp property. session: .4ronlrr Arretted. sale business in Kansas City. 22; 13; $1,250 will buy n iiKo fmr-reo- bunco The Colorado Senatorship Still in J. B. Ormsn, Wolfe Londoner, A Fireman on t!i Panhandle, St. Louis, Jan. 24. A special from with lot, centrally hn'titol, rfnllnif to jfiwiii ten-m- it V?. M. Clark, 5; Ceo. T. Clark, 4; E. W. Dallas, Texa, anys, (). 11. Gregg, the for Jlniitli. Ponbt Complete Vote of Each Davis, ?; Salazar, 1; Jesus M. (Jarcia, 1; Jumps From a Train and in absconding United States mail route $200 will bur choice lot In Rising, 1; Corder, 1; C. M. Chilcott, 5; Instantly agent, who robbed registered packages GOLDEN Only a 1 ; Killed. RULE, Homero' I'lition, rii nr ruiuiil hointe. House. Telford, W. M. Stevenson, 1; It. M. on the Texas ami Pacific railway, was few low left tn tbo ftihlltinii. Stevenson, 1: Darling. 1; Stanger, 2; arrested at Nashville. ft KalrviewaW,lion. 1; F:ider, 2; Eddy, 2; F;. Ü. $200 will bur lot In the Kerr. C. 1. Mar ana Matte. - Only few lots If! t, OAUKF.ShlO.w A I. PRO! KKDI S U.I. Wolcott, 1. Chicago, Jan. 24. Jem Mace and MarqnlK or lorn. One Priced Clothing- House Miguel Mr. joint ses- $200 will buya choice lot m the San On motion of Royal the Washington, Jan. 21. The Marquis sion adjourned until at 12 Slade who came all the way from Aus ,,Wi,u for the next thirty days for the of meeting John of Lomo arrives Friday. A dinner will our entire stock of Clothinz will buy lot In the Henriticn SENATE. 'clock. tralia purpose Men s Furnishing Goods. Kats. Caps, $10 to $50 L. Sullivan, of Boston, in a listic en- be given in his honor, at night, by the Boots, Snoes Trunks and .lilltioll. WASniNiiTo.v, Jan. 21. Dawes pra-srnte- il tate it. counter, arrived hcrejthis morning. British minister, and a dinner by tho $10 month for twiYi month will piiy for Hour's credentials f Denver, Jan. 24. Bnt five ballots to heatlonartcrs for president on Saturday. He leaves Mon- a in the lluena addition. They went direct At lot 'lt Filed. were had in tlm senatorial caucus to-- the pugilistic fraternity and were wel- day Actual Cost and Freight! $350 will tl. roc-roo- m bouse tul lot Vosrlnes presented a memorial of ight and while these do not indicate a comed by Jim Elliott. John Charles, All goods marked so you can fqq Ith l a month. st-tin- n; I that we mean business, fall vnd iiNir the railroad, renting for General Herman lliinu of Indiana, change, yet it is manifest that there is a of Baltimore, W. E.Hirding.of thePolice Plumb Ejected. 1'art payment, balance on time, j ui ciutk auu cneap prices at m forth his claim nguinst Mexico for disposition on the part ef many of the Davis Fl-liot- Toteka, Kas., Jan. 24. In joint ses- - (ia.ette, I'arsou and others. $300 will buy two mnad hu- lth hit. aiding in the expulsión of the French members to bring the matter to a crisis wish to a sion tho legislature to-da- y voted for bn Inner on backers exprrss a have Nice Inrotion. Jari pay.i.rnt, tmir. forces from Mexico and the is ft separ- Fi.Etilxo.SLcl is cheiip. and there strong probability that go at Slade and later iu the day I'addy United States senator, taken in 312 Tlm rrry of the Republic. Foreign Avonuo, this will be done night. Ryan wanted to make a match for his ate houses Tuesday as was announced, $250 will buy a hoiic and lot pood loca-- 1 relations. ti Lao xraaGkvsi. , There is a probability that a dark horso Mace and 1'. Ii. l'lumb was declared elected. si ca-li- Nebraska giant, hut declined to 1' ui 1'nrt balance on time. close, mommy; At the of the business may yet win the race. enter into any íiegniiatin!-..- ! fnr Slade $15 to $20 a month lor twelve months the tarifl'bill was taken up, the pending The vote ht was taken yiva R. Fox, Xew York, An Old Otlender. will pay lor a ihnire reoidem e lot until K. of SIMON LEWIS' question bein on Camden1 h amend- SONS. In I'ali'w'cw, IliliHtte, Mili MíriicI. tuna, or vce, and resulted as follows. have sen him and decided for himself. NEwroKT, R. I., Jan. 24. Kate Judd, ment to make on iron ore sixty Su'-liva- Homero' addition. Sw I your time to buy dutj First bal'ot I'itkin 10. Tabor 19. His desire was to have Slade meet n. who has already nerved fiye years in and atop paying rent. cents per ten. Hammilll, Bowen 3. Routt 2, Hallett 2. Harding looked Slade oner and prison for arson has been arrested on a proceeded into consi- will buy one of the business The committee Second ballot I'itkin 10. Tabor 18, was so well i hat ho telegraphed charge of burning the Weaver villa. $1.500 lest of the paragraph proriding satisfied come lot in the city. deration far HammilllO, Bowen 3, Routt 4, Hallelt3. to Fox to post one thousand dollars for- She is suspected of other incendiarism. CHAS. BLANCHARD. the cnmplction of ilnuble turretted mo- $2,C00 will buy a business lot op- Third ballot I'itkin 16, Tabor 20, feit each in matches to fight Sullivan a the. pontoftieo. Thisch:'gilt edge IniHiiiean nitors. Ilamniil 10, Bowen 3, Routt 2, Hallett 3. Salrldp. posite h oflftrcd a provid- regular prize tight and under Marquis property. Voorhees resolution Fourth ballot I'itkin 10, Tabor 10, four rounds. The Denvek, 24. At Buena Vista ing that hereafter reciprocity treaties be of Queensbtiry rules Jan. The Veteran Merchant of $25 to $200 will buy cnole residence Ilammil 10. Bowen 3, Routt 3 Hallett 2. party lett this evening and are duo in yssterday a girl of the town attempted Las Vegas! lots ut the llot priiiua. considered in open session and gave Fifth ballot ritkin 10, Tabor 18, by upon New York Friday morning. suicide taking an overdose of mor- notice that he would ask the rote Ilammil 10.