arXiv:nlin.CD/0111005 v1 2 Nov 2001 ple namical tems: on asymptotically While islands lands W to the apply class. u flo This tems embedding change ically not directions ones. site sets, ing its unfolding dition, achie ha control of inal tact our one ent augment e v translates A Control In w intractable xity the the e e kinds KAM original sho present , Hamiltonian wants e xtensions copy dynamics striking v for to method this xtremes, [2 of Fully within selecting ed the A formerly a control these basis w without , of Hamiltonian the be Bailout system. which instance, periodic classical 3 the Letter of belo by of on technique , tori. this to kno of to dynamics for 4 inte in setting in orbits methods , of the chaotic application this in number has chaos do; KAM P ticular systems applying w problem wn A 5 the calculation intact, to of is dynamical-systems v reasons grable stable small Hamiltonian kno Hamiltonian this , CS W comple we ariant ho Thus original 6 system in achie been e intact control in fully problem Embeddings, makes , dissipati numbers: w in present wing islands could properties in of 7 present particular adv chaos, to seas , so our KAM 2 of the of b require minute our Mathematical systems 3 nonlinear tori. 8 v Eq. ut x successful Institut in an that inte — , ed as ance small copy the of de their it logic, within dynamics. 9 technique system be Julyan which in and method in chaos a into to , e 05.45.Gg v in grees (1 through grable The hard Eq. that in xtremely no (K system a e will 10 an done systems 1 systems . systems tar to out ): Labor Hamiltonian that , islands case: no v location such olmogoro Mediterr tar ] are perturbations W er el a the get (4 a our an KAM ha v one of dynamical a to control godic promptly shifts simple, e technique, geting H. of fair on el ) by allo one in characterized systems v KAM lar terms call all atorio orbit is incompressible a stabilize Physics T around e is use the method technique freedom, E. 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FIG. 1: We illustrate how the bailout embedding can target KAM orbits using the at k = 2. 100 random initial conditions were chosen, iterated for 10000 steps, then the next 1000 iterations are shown. The squares represent the unit torus. (a) Original map, (b) λ = 1, (c) λ = 0.6, (d) λ = 0.5

equation, x¨ = f 0(x)x˙. It is different because, being second x˙ = f(x), x M is embedded within M R as order, it exists in a larger space and has many solutions that ∈ × are not solutions of the smaller one. Still, the original equation x˙ = f(x) + g(x, y), is contained within the larger system, in the sense that every y˙ = αy, (2) solution of x˙ = f(x) is a solution of x¨ = f 0(x)x˙. We may say that x˙ = f(x) is embedded within x¨ = f (x)x˙. There are where g(x, y) is arbitrary except for requiring that g(x, 0) 0 ≡ infinitely many ways to embed; for example, x¨ = f 0(x)f(x) 0, which guarantees that for y = 0 we have the original sys- is also an embedding, but it is clearly inequivalent to the first. tem. If α < 0 then y always dies out, and so we always Of course, embedding a system changes notions of stabil- recover the original object; in this case, we can call the em- ity, because stability refers to perturbations, and in a larger bedding itself stable, in the sense that any motion away from system there are all of the old perturbations plus a batch of the embedded object takes us back. Both of the “derivative” new ones. So, even though all of the solutions of the original embeddings in the previous paragraph were unstable; stable system are preserved, by adding new directions away from the versions can be constructed rather simply, for instance old solutions we may transform formerly stable solutions into d unstable ones in the larger setting. See, for example, stud- (x˙ f(x)) = k (x˙ f(x)) , (3) ies of the manifold bubbling transition [12]. The trivial way dt − − − to embed a system is through a cross product; for instance, of which the previous examples were the k = 0 limit. This embedding ensures that the distance between the actual trajec- tory and the embedding diminishes exponentially with time 1 for any initial condition. Equation (3) begins to resemble 0.5 0.6 Eq. (1). 0.8 1.0 We define a bailout embedding as one of the form

d 0.6 (x˙ f(x)) = k(x) (x˙ f(x)) , (4) dt − − −

0.4 where k(x) < 0 on a set of orbits that are unwanted, and

P(uncollapsed) k(x) > 0 otherwise. Thus the natural behavior of a bailout embedding is that the trajectories in the full system tend to de- 0.2 tach or bail out from the embedded subsystem into the larger space, where they bounce around. If, after bouncing around

0 for a while, these orbits reach a stable region of the embed- 0 100 200 300 400 500 ding, k(x) > 0, they will once again collapse onto the original iterations . In this way we can create a larger version of the dynamics in which specific sets of orbits are removed FIG. 2: As time passes, random initial conditions eventually col- from the asymptotic set, while preserving the dynamics of an- lapse onto the original dynamics. Here we plot the fraction of initial other set of orbits — the wanted or targeted one — as attrac- 10 conditions such that xn+1 f(xn) > 10− as a function of the tors of the enlarged dynamical system. For the special choice | − | number of iterations elapsed, for 8000 random initial conditions, at of k(x) = (λ + f), as in the fluid dynamics of a passive k = 2. The three curves correspond to cases (bcd) in Figure 1. scalar described− by∇Eq. (1), these dynamics were shown in 3

FIG. 3: The bailout process can find small KAM islands. The standard map for k = 7 has a chaotic sea covering almost the entire torus, except for a tiny period 2 KAM island near position 0, 2/3. As in Figure 1, except: the squares here are a box 0.05 < x < 0.05, 0.61 < p < 0.71, 1000 random initial conditions and 20000 stabilization iterations. (a) Original map, (b) λ = 1.4, (c) λ =−1.3, (d) λ = 1.2.

[11] to detach from saddle points and other unstable regions the overall factor exp( λ) will damp any small perturbation in conservative dynamics. away from it in the embedded− system. But for chaotic trajec- It is not hard to extend flow bailout, Eq. (4), to maps in tories, which inevitably must visit some hyperbolic regions, the obvious fashion. Given a map xn+1 = T (xn) the bailout there exists a value of λ such that perturbations away from a embedding is given by standard map-trajectory are amplified instead of dying out in the embedding. As a consequence, trajectories are effectively x T (x ) = K(x )(x T (x )) (5) n+2 − n+1 n n+1 − n expelled from the chaotic regions to finally settle in the safely provided that K(x) > 1 over the unwanted set. (In the map elliptic KAM islands. This process can be observed clearly in system, almost| any e|xpression written for the ordinary differ- Figure 1. As the value of λ is decreased, the number of tra- ential equation translates to something close to an exponen- jectories starting from random initial conditions which even- tial; in particular, stability eigenvalues have to be negative in tually settle into the KAM tori increases; see Figure 2. the ordinary differential equation case to represent stability, This process is sensitive enough to work even at hitherto while they have to be smaller than 1 in absolute value in the intractably high nonlinearities. For k = 7, the standard map is map case). The particular choice of the gradient as the bailout almost ergodic: it covers almost the entire torus with a single function k(x) = (λ + f) in a flow translates in the map chaotic orbit. Only a tiny island of irreductible order resists − λ ∇ this invasion. It is located around and covers an setting to K(x) = e− T . A classical testbed of Hamil- (0, 0.6774) 5 ∇ area approximately 2 10− of the torus. Thus, from random tonian systems is the standard map, an area-preserving map × introduced by Taylor and Chirikov. The standard map is given initial conditions one would expect to see this island only once by every 50000 attempts. Figure 3 shows how easily our bailout method finds this island from simple forward iterates. k A does not usually just satisfy volume xn+1 = xn + sin(2πyn) 2π conservation, but also will conserve the Hamiltonian itself. yn+1 = yn + xn+1 (6) Given an ordinary differential equation x˙ = f(x) with a con- served quantity E 0, then f E = 0. However, building where k is the parameter controlling integrability. ≡ · ∇ In order to embed the standard map, we only need to re- a bailout embedding by the procedure above does not lead to ˙ place T and K(x) in Eq. (5) with the appropriate expressions. dynamics that satisfy E 0, because the bailout embedding should be 2n 2 dimensional.≡ This is clearly undesirable in T stems directly from Eq. (6) and, in accordance with the pre- − vious definitions, K(x) becomes: the case of Hamiltonian systems, so we show now how to de- rive a bailout embedding that will obey a conservation law. 1 k cos 2πy The bailout equation can be written K(x) = n (7) 1 k cos 2πyn + 1   x¨ = ( f λ) (x˙ f) + f x˙ Notice that due to the area preserving property of the standard ∇ − · − ∇ · map, the two eigenvalues of the derivative matrix must mul- We need to correct this acceleration so that it stays on the sec- tiply to one. If they are complex, this means that both have ond tangent space of the E 0 surface. Let us call the raw an absolute value of one, while if they are real, generically bailout acceleration u. The second≡ derivative x¨ has to satisfy one of them will be larger than one and the other smaller. We x¨ E + x˙ E x˙ = 0, so we can modify u to can then separate the into elliptic and hyperbolic · ∇ · ∇∇ · regions corresponding to each of these two cases. If a trajec- u E E x¨ = u · ∇ E + ∇ x˙ E x˙ tory of the original map lies entirely on the elliptic regions, − E 2 ∇ E · ∇∇ · |∇ | |∇ | 4

This equation, given that we start on x˙ E = 0, will then † URL:; Elec- preserve this property. · ∇ tronic address: [email protected] We have presented a novel method in the control and target- ‡ URL:˜piro; Electronic ing of chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems, the bailout em- address: [email protected] [1] E. Ott, C. Grebogi, and J. A. Yorke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1196 bedding. While potentially useful in any dynamical-system (1990). setting, this method is especially suited to Hamiltonian sys- [2] Y.-C. Lai, M. Ding, and C. Grebogi, Phys. Rev. E 47, 86 (1993). tems. Unlike other chaos-control strategies, this method does [3] C. G. Schroer and E. Ott, Chaos 7, 512 (1997). not obliterate the original dynamics of the system, but rather [4] Z. Wu, Z. Zhu, and C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. E 57, 366 (1998). preserves it in a privileged slice of phase space embedded in a [5] A. Oloumi and D. Teychenne,´ Phys. Rev. E 60, 6279 (1999). higher-dimensional space, and merely shifts around the stabil- [6] E. E. N. Macau, Phys. Rev. E 57, 5337 (1998). ity of its orbits. A suitable choice of a bailout function allows [7] Y. L. Bolotin, V. Y. Gonchar, and A. A. K. et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999). this strategy to target a complex set of orbits. We have shown, [8] Y. Zhang, S. Chen, and Y. Yao, Phys. Rev. E 62, 2135 (2000). in particular, the targeting of KAM orbits, a case well-known [9] Y. Zhang and Y. Yao, Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000). from classical studies to be especially hard. [10] H. Xu, G. Wang, and S. Chen, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016201 (2001). We should like to thank Leo Kadanoff and Marcelo Viana [11] A. Babiano, J. H. E. Cartwright, O. Piro, and A. Provenzale, for useful discussions. JHEC acknowledges the financial sup- Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5764 (2000). port of the Spanish CSIC, Plan Nacional del Espacio con- [12] S. Venkataramani, B. Hunt, E. Ott, D. Gauthier, and J. Bien- tract ESP98-1347. MOM acknowledges the support of the fang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5361 (1996). [13] M. C. Gutzwiller, Chaos in classical and quantum mechanics Meyer Foundation. OP acknowledges the Spanish Ministe- (Springer, 1990). rio de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Proyecto CONOCE, contract [14] I. C. Percival, Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. 57, 302 (1979). BFM2000-1108.

∗ URL:˜julyan; Electronic ad- dress: [email protected]