Strategic Plan 2005-2009 for the

Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies:

0. Executive Summary 1. General Information on January 2005 Annex: Description of the lines of research 2. Resources 2000-2004 3. Activity during 2000-2004 4. Strategic Plan Annex 1: Personnel 2005 Annex 2: Publications 2000-2004 Annex 3: Research Projects since 2003 5. Actions to reach the objectives

November 2005 http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept

Strategic Plan of the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of IMEDEA


1. Background. General information on the Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department of IMEDEA (DFI-IMEDEA), including reports of activities and on-line access to publications appears in the web page http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/

1.1 Scientific Mission and Strategy: IMEDEA is a joint Institute between the CSIC and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). DFI-IMEDEA was created in 1995 building up on a 1990 proposal of a “Complex Systems As sociated Unit” made to the CSIC by a group of researchers from the UIB. As its programmatic goal it aims to develop interdisciplinary and strategic research from the established practices of physicists, acknowledging that important avenues of scientific development occur at the borders of established fields. By interdisciplinary research we mean the general attitude of willing to transfer knowledge, concepts and methods across the borders between well established disciplines (not just the juxtaposition of experts from different fields). By strategic research we mean focusing in advanced studies in fields with strong future potential, avoiding incremental research as well as the “basic-applied” polarization. We therefore search for scientific windows of opportunity in emerging areas beyond the traditional subjects that defined Physics in the twentieth century.

The research at DFI has a clear mark of identity devoted to the study of generic phenomena in Nonlinear Physics and Complex Systems, with methodologies taken from Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems Theory, Computational Methods and Quantum Mechanics. Descriptive keywords include, among others, synchronization, chaos, stochastic processes, Monte Carlo methods, excitability, pattern formation, critical and cooperative phenomena, information theory, or complex networks. From this common perspective, coherent strategies of research are articulated and relevant contributions are made also to specific aspects of Nonlinear Optical systems, Nanoscience, Fluid Dynamics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences

1.2 Scientific Personnel: 11 tenured researchers are presently assigned to DFI-IMEDEA (3 from CSIC and 8 from UIB). The essentially constant average number of postdocs and PhD students during the last years is 8 and 14 respectively. These include 3 senior 5-year postdoc contracts (Ramón y Cajal) plus an additional one to join DFI-IMEDEA in 2006. As indicators of mobility and international environment we mention that among the postdoctoral fellows since 1995 there have been 17 foreigners coming from 6 Western European and 3 Latin America countries. The proportion of predoctoral fellows coming from outside Spain for each year in the period 2000-2004 has been 5/10, 6/13, 7/14, 9/14, and 7/13, respectively, while the proportion of those who have not graduated at the local University is 8/10, 8/13, 9/14, 11/14, and 9/13, respectively.

1.3 Scientific output: The total number of publications in international SCI journals in the period 2000-2004 is 213, being the majority of them accessible directly from our web page http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/. A sample of representative publications by journal for this period is: Physical Review Letters: 24, Physical Review E: 46, Physical Review A: 17, IEEE journals: 16 Proc. National Academy of Sciences USA: 2. Nature: 1 In the period 2000-2004 a total of 70 invited talks in international conferences appear in the Annual Reports of activities available in http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/.

1.4 Funding: In the period 2000-2005 the researchers of DFI-IMEDEA have participated as partners (coordinating one) in 7 EC-Framework Program projects (RT Networks, IST Future and Emerging Technologies, and others). Presently they participate in 3 EC Networks of Excellence (ONCE-CS, EUR-OCEANS, BIOSIM). They have received national funding through main projects from the general basic science National Program for Physics, as well as from National Programs for Information Technologies and Natural Resources-Marine Sciences. They have also participated in a number of international bilateral projects as well as in networks and programs of the European Science Foundation. The grand total budget of live Projects (2004) obtained by researchers from DFI amounts to 1,623,000 €. This number should be put into context taking into account the theoretical nature of most of the activities.

1.5 DFI-IMEDEA in CSIC: Taking the different sections in Physical Review as a first approximation to the classification of subfields within Physics, an exploration for the period 2000-2004 identifies Phys. Rev. A and Phys. Rev. E as the two fields of Physics in which CSIC production is weakest (0.6% and 0.9% of the total), and thus those needing the greatest support within CSIC. In these two fields the contribution of DFI is a key one: 30% and 40%, respectively of CSIC total output. Taking Physical Review Letters as a reference journal for quality or impact, one finds that in the same period the DFI generates around 10% of the total CSIC output in this journal. To appreciate better the contribution of DFI-IMEDEA it is noteworthy to mention that DFI is one of the smallest units in the CSIC Physical Sciences and Technologies Area regarding the number of scientific personnel.

Generally speaking, research in thematic areas associated with the modelling of complex phenomena is under-represented in the CSIC. The DFI represents a nucleation centre for the development of these thematic areas. The current interdisciplinary collaborations, in particular with scientists from other CSIC scientific areas, positions DFI-IMEDEA in a favourable situation regarding strategic inter-areas initiatives within the CSIC.

2. Lines of Research and Scientific Objectives

In the evolving scheme assoc iated with the programmatic orientation of the DFI there is a unifying transverse line of research of a fundamental nature, which is the identity sign of the DFI. In addition the typical senior researcher participates in other focused lines with a subject defined by the systems under study. This collaborative organization is an alternative to static schemes with disjoint groups of researchers devoted exclusively to a line of research. Participation in the actual lines of research of the tenured and senior scientists is as follows:



Research Lines Salvador Bal·le Montserrat Casas Pere Colet Emilio Hernández Cristóbal López Víctor M. Eguíluz Manuel Matías Claudio Mirasso Oreste Piro Maxi San Miguel LLorenç Serra Alessandro Scire Tomàs Sintes Raúl Toral 1) Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2) Non Linear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices. X X X X X 2) Quantum Information and Nanoscience . X X 4) Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids. X X X X 5) Biophysics and Nonlinear phenomena in Ecology and Physiology X X X X X X X X 6) Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems. X X X

Line 1: Complex systems: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Backbone line of the activities of the DFI-IMEDEA. It is a well established transversal line at the basis of many other more focused research activities and projects. The general research topic is the development of methods, concepts and description of generic behaviour in nonlinear and complex systems. Associated with this line is the Beowulf computer cluster Nuredduna designed, built and maintained by the DFI. Associated with it is also de Nonlinear Physics-Electronic Laboratory. Funding for this general line is secured by the Spanish project CONOCE2 (Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems 2, 2005-2008, PI: M. San Miguel, 302,500 €) with the participation of 11 out of the 14 researchers listed above. European collaborations are coordinated by the participation as a partner in ONCE-CS: “Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems”, (reference FP6-IST-3-015539, 2005-2008) and the participation in the activities of the STOCHDYN program of the ESF. Proposal for the future: Maintain in its present levels emphasizing the studies on networks as a new central paradigm to understand the phenomenology of complex systems.

Line 2: Nonlinear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices: This line is well established with large international visibility. Since 1998 it includes experimental activity in the study of the dynamics of semiconductor optical devices. The general research topic is the study of the light- matter non-linear interaction and its consequences towards applications in emerging photonics technologies: i) Dynamics of semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers, ii) Formation of spatial structures and its dynamics in optical cavities filled with nonlinear media. Funding for this line was obtained in the past from several EC projects (one IST-FET project as coordinators) and projects of the Spanish program on Information Technologies. Two applications to this program are presently under consideration (Vertical cavity devices for optical communications and signal processing, PI: S. Balle; Dynamics and synchronization of semiconductor lasers and applications, P.I: C. Mirasso) Proposal for the future: To maintain in its present levels restructuring two previous lines of research (dynamics of optoelectronic devices and nonlinear and quantum optics) in a single line.

Line 3: Quantum Information and Nanoscience: The researchers active in this line have channelled their activity in the past through the Department of Physics of UIB, as an alternative to DFI-IMEDEA. This line uses Quantum Mechanics for the description of nanometer-scale systems from a twofold perspective: a) the theoretical basis in the characterization of novel properties like quantum entanglement, b) the modelling of quantum dots and semiconductor nanostructures and the calculation of their properties. Funding for this line is secured through a Spanish National project ending in 2005 and a grant from the local Balearic government. An application to the National Program on Physics is presently under consideration (“Quantum Information and electronic dynamics in nanostructures, PI: M. Casas) Proposal for the future: Harness this line within DFI-IMEDEA by channelling Grants, PhD students and postdocs that were formerly assigned to academic departments of the UIB.

Line 4: Fluid dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids: This line of research is now well established within DFI, with a more fundamental side on the application of dynamical systems theory to chaotic advection, and another strategic side in the context of marine sciences, biofluids and microfluids. In the past it has received specific funding from several projects in the Spanish National programs of Marine Sciences. There was active participation in the Transport in the Atmosphere and the Oceans program of the ESF. Funding for this period is already secured through activity A3 of the Spanish project CONOCE2 (see line 1) and through the participation in the EC NoE EUR-OCEANS (2005-2008) Proposal for the future: To maintain the present activities and start experimental activity with a Nonlinear Physics-Fluids Laboratory.

Line 5: Biophysics and Nonlinear Phenomena in Ecology and Physiology: This line of research has been established through individual initiatives in the last years, which have matured in a number of coherent activities: i) Fundamental aspects in Biology (Transport in cell membranes, Bioinformatics, etc.); ii) Ecology; iii) Applications in Physiology and Health Sciences. Funding for this line is secured by the Spanish project FCESCFCB (Cooperative and emergent phenomena in complex systems between Physics and Biology, 2005-2007, P.I. Raúl Toral), coordinated with BIFI (Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems). EC funding comes through the participation in the NoE BIOSIM, Biosimulation, a new tool in drug development (2004-2009), and the EC Integrated Project, “THRESHOLDS: Thresholds of environmental sustainability”, (2005-2008). Proposal for the future: The goal is to fortify this line, strengthening also the collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA.

Line 6: Dynamics and collective phenomena in social systems: This line of research has developed in the last years as a new strategic bet. A suitable level of development has been obtained already with contributions in journals of high prestige in Social Sciences as the American Journal of Sociology. The general research topic is the study of collective phenomena in social systems as examples of complex phenomena, using the methodology of statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, theory of complex networks and theory of spatial games. Funding for this activity is secured through activity A6 of the Spanish project CONOCE2 (see line 1) and a thematic network “Applications of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics in Economics and Social Sciences” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. European collaborations are coordinated within the COST Action P10 “Physics of Risk”. Proposal for the future: Line to maintain concerning resources and personnel involvement, and to be enriched and deepened thematically.

General Scientific Objective for 2005-2008: At the exploration level the general objective of is to contribute to the development of concepts and methods for the understanding of generic non- linear phenomena in complex systems. At the exploitation level the general objective is the interdisciplinary transfer of this body of knowledge to specific lines of strategic research, using these concepts and methods to give new insights and to achieve results of specific impact in the fields of Nonlinear Optics and Optoelectronic Devices, Nanoscience, Fluid dynamics, including biofluids and geophysical fluids, Biophysics and nonlinear phenomena in ecology and physiology, and Collective phenomena in the dynamics of social systems.

Specific Scientific Objectives for 2005-2008 (Researcher in charge indicated)

· Develop consistent methods to study and characterize dynamics and evolution on complex networks. (M. Matías and V.M. Eguíluz). Line 1

· Develop self-consistent methods in the treatment of excitable systems, in particular in synchronization problems. (R. Toral). Lines 1 and 5

· Develop applications of the general field of dynamical systems of moderate dimensionality to specific areas such as hearing, micro- and bio-fluids, organisms swimming behaviour and sediments transport and distribution, setting up experimental facilities to research in these problems (O. Piro). Lines 1 and 4

· Characterization of nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers, specially operating in the chaotic regime, exploring its potential applications for secure optical communications. (C. Mirasso and P. Colet). Line 2

· Characterization of instabilities and fluctuations in spatial structures in nonlinear optical cavities. (P. Colet). Line 2

· To characterize and understand (theory and experiment) the nonlinear interaction between light and matter in semiconductor optical devices, exploring its potential for applications in the field of photonics, telecommunications and all-optical information processing. (S. Balle).Line 2

· Characterisation, evolution and coherence time of quantum entangled states. Double quantum dots as quantum gates and their application in quantum computation (M. Casas) Line 3.

· Modeling of transport through nanostructures, focusing on the role of spin- interactions, strong correlations and external fields. (Ll. Serra) Line 3

· To advance into the modelling and understanding of reacting fluid flows: a) To obtain a global classification of the different scenarios arising in chemically or biologically reacting fluids stirred by simple but chaotic flows. b) Identify basic mechanisms by which fluid turbulence influences biological plankton dynamics at different scales. (E. Hernández-García and C. López) Line 4

· To transfer existing concepts and methods from statistical physics and nonlinear science to ecological settings. (E. Hernández-García) Line 5

· Bring stochastic processes and methods into the pharmaceutical drug design community. (R. Toral) Line 5

· Impact the social sciences literature and community in consensus formation and co-evolution of social structure and agent dynamics. (M. San Miguel) Line 6

3. General needs:

a) Building: The researchers and activities of the DFI-IMEDEA are located in three different buildings of the UIB´s campus and in the IMEDEA´s building in Esporles 10 Km away from the campus of UIB. Total space assigned to the DFI-IMEDEA is only 185 m2. The rest of the space used belongs to academic departments of the UIB, creating unavoidable difficulties. An absolute priority of the DFI-IMEDEA for the immediate future is to have its own, sufficient and not dispersed spaces which permit the normal development of its activities. A planning of needed spaces (815 m2) has been included in a proposal under consideration for a new building for Research Institutes in the campus of UIB. As of November 2005 this proposal was approved and plans are underway for the construction of such building.

b) New scientific personnel: In the period 2000-2005 only one new tenured position has been assigned to DFI-IMEDEA, which is well below the average for other units in this scientific area. The growth in CSIC´s scientific personnel is a top priority for the next three years, partially justified by the actual number of Ramón y Cajal and senior postdoctoral contracts. Five new positions at the Tenured Researcher level should be opened during the duration of the Strategic Plan. They should be announced open to international competition and with a specialization that includes a general component in the transversal line of research of the DFI-IMEDEA on Complex Systems, Statistical and Nonlinear Physics and a specific component associated with Lines 2, 4 and 5.

c) Administrative status of DFI-IMEDEA: The current appearance of DFI-IMEDEA as a Department of an Institute assigned to the area of Natural Resources is inadequate and constrains the visibility and activities of DFI-IMEDEA. The Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of IMEDEA, in the context of its natural growth and consolidation, is willing to organize the area in an independent Institute, formally assigned to this area, during the period of validity of the present planning, probably under the umbrella of administrative character of a Centre for IMEDEA.



IMEDEA, the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies1 was created in 1995 as a joint research centre between the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) with the goal2 to “execute scientific and technical research of high quality in the areas of Natural Resources and Cross-Disciplinary Physics and others that in the future could interest both institutions, with special reference to interdisciplinary research and Mediterranean oriented research topics”.

The main character of IMEDEA is to emphasize the Interdisciplinary approaches to scientific research. The general objective of IMEDEA is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in critical strategic areas and to contribute to improve the quality of life of European citizens and, in particular, in the Balearic Islands. This general goal is being achieved through scientific research characterized by a global scope and an interdisciplinary approach strongly based on disciplinary excellence with strong and real emphasis on the transfer of scientific knowledge to society and innovation.

IMEDEA was from 1985 to 1995 known as Institute for Advanced Studies from the Balearic Islands. Since a significant re-organization in 1995, IMEDEA is organized in two departments: Natural Resources, IMEDEA_NNRR and Cross-Disciplinary Physics, IMEDEA_DFI that reflect the nature of the research carried out in each one. IMEDEA has also one active Psycholinguistics researcher from the CSIC area of Humanities.

IMEDEA has staff both at the CSIC building in Esporles and also at UIB Campus (at 10 km from Esporles). The Esporles (CSIC) facilities (1.122 m2) host researchers from both institutions and are mostly centred on environmental issues. At UIB, IMEDEA has formally assigned 7 offices. IMEDEA UIB permanent researchers have assigned and use offices and laboratories formally assigned to the UIB Departments.

The Direction of IMEDEA, given the scientific evolution from 1995 to present and given the guidelines from CSIC on the preparation and evaluation of the Institutes, has considered appropriate to present a well structured and concise Strategic Plan for each on of the two departments that has to be seen as a first version from which iteration with the CSIC Comissions on Natural Resources and Physics and also, at a later stage, with the Evaluation Committee is expected. In accordance with this strategy, after an initial meeting of all permanent scientific staff (Claustro Científico) each department has worked on a bottom-up approach coordinated by each one of the Heads of the Departments. The present version of IMEDEA Strategic Plan has been presented by the Direction of the Institute on May 23rd to the Claustro Científico and Junta de Instituto with unanimous endorsement.

Therefore sections 1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.3 and table 5.5 are identical in the two documents prepared, one from the Natural Resources Department and the other from the Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department. Theses two documents together with the contribution from Psycholinguistics form the Strategic Plan from IMEDEA presented to CSIC.

1 In Spanish: Instituto MEditerráneo de Estudios Avanzados 2 as indicated in the “Convenio Específico CSIC-UIB para la restructuración del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de las Islas Baleares”, June 1995.


1.2.1 Organization structure

The present structure of IMEDEA is the result of the Agreements between CSIC and UIB from 1995, 1996 and 2000 that can be found (in Spanish) at http://www.imedea.uib.es/public/welcome_en.html :

IMEDEA has two Scientific Departments composed by CSIC and UIB staff without distinction. A Service Unit (with CSIC technical and administrative personnel) is based at CSIC building in Esporles while UIB technical and administrative staff is based in the different buildings at UIB Campus.

The Junta de Instituto advises and reports to the Director on all matters that affect the functioning of the Institute. The Junta is formed by the Director, the Vice- Director, the Manager (Gerent), the Heads of Department, and three representatives of the staff. It holds sessions every two-three months, approximately.

The Claustro Científico, is the Institute's forum to debate scientific matters, is chaired by the Director and it is composed of the staff scientists of CSIC and staff professors of the University of the Balearic Islands.

The direction, coordination and supervision of the activities of the Departments and the Management of the Institute is the responsibility of the Director and the Vice- Director.

The Manager of the Institute is in charge of the Administration and General Services, which include the services of Support to Research, Geografic Information Systems Support, Library, Maintenance, and Computing.

The research activities of IMEDEA are performed by the Department of Crossdisciplinary Physics and the Department of Natural Resources. An additional research unit of Psycholinguistics is composed of a CSIC Professor of Research; this unit directly depends from the Direction. A Seminar Committee composed by the post-doctoral researchers of the Institute is in charge of the coordination of the scientific seminars.

1.2.2. General infrastructure

The spaces assigned to the DFI in the University Campus, with indication of surface and use, are:

Mateu Orfila building, base floor: Room 2: 25,5 m2 . Office for PhD grantees and postdocs (Alejandro Rozenfeld, Alessandro Scire, Yanne Chambo and Adrián Jacobo). Room 3: 10,2 m2 . Office for contracted administrative assistant (Alexandra Casanovas). Room 5: 11,2 m2 . Office for staff (Pere Colet). Room 6: 23.25 m2 . Office for staff (Manuel Matías).

Beatriu de Pinós building, 1st floor: Room 18: 11 m2 . Office for staff (Emilio Hernández).

The spaces assigned to the DFI in the Escoles Velles building, with indication of surface and use, are: Semiconductor lasers laboratory: 36.10 m2 Office space associated with the laboratory: 45.7 m2

Computer infrastructure:

DFI-IMEDEA computer infrastructure has been developed according to the needs of the users and of the scientific research being pursued. Typically the users write down their own programs to perform numerical calculations and simulations of the different problems being tackled. Most of these programs need computer times which range from several hours to several days. We are a relatively large group of people working in rather different subjects and in many instances the same programs have to be evaluated several times either for sampling the parameter space or for accumulating statistics. The need for performance in our scientific computations comes thus from the large number of these tasks to be performed as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is the typical situation where High Throughput Computing is required.

The main computational infrastructure of the Cross-Disciplinary Department is Nuredduna (http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/nuredduna), a computer cluster which is a fundamental tool for intensive numerical calculations. It has been designed to meet the above demands. It is made with out-of-the-shelf components from the personal computer market, which at present offers, probably, the best performance/price ratio in intensive computation. Designed and built originally in August 2000 by members of the Department, it has been periodically updated and its current configuration includes 36 computational nodes, with a Pentium 4 processor at 3.0 and 2.8 GHz and memory ranging between 512MB and 4 GB, connected using Gigabit Ethernet. After the initial submission of this Plan, in June 2005, Nuredduna has been expanded with 12 additional nodes (Pentium 4 at 3.4GHz). Nuredduna is configured in a fully transparent way for the user which sees the cluster as a single computer. It runs the Linux operating system with the Mosix kernel patch (http://www.mosix.org). Mosix distribute the computational tasks among the different nodes in order to balance the load dynamically. Thus, processes are migrated automatically from one node to another without interruption allowing for example to stop or add new nodes, and perform hardware maintenance without stopping any calculation. Mosix allocates the programs also according to memory requirements, so we have a few nodes with extra memory where large programs are automatically migrated.

Nuredduna can also be used to perform computations in parallel using for example Message Passage Interface (MPI). Mosix assigns the nodes for the calculation automatically. MPI has been used for numerical integration of PDEs in two spatial dimensions for numerical simulation of pattern formation in nonlinear optical cavities when a large grid was needed. These calculations were performed using a pseudospectral method, which requires performing 2d-FFT using MPI.

Additional infrastructure includes a 8-node computer cluster and a network of about 30 personal computers (including desktops and portables) running Windows XP or Linux and several servers: two Origin 200 (each with four processors), a 750 GB disk server, a e-mail and Network Information System server and two backup servers. This is complemented by several peripherals including laser printers, color inkjet printers and scanners. Despite the diversity and the network is configured in a transparent way allowing the user to work practically in the same way on the different computers independently of the working place. This is structured using protocols such as Network Information Services, Network File System and Network Time Protocol.

Researchers at DFI-Imedea have also experience in using supercomputers. In the past, calculations were performed in different computers of the Cray and Connection Machine families. More recently, when needed, some calculations have been runned at the Supercomputer Center of Catalonia (CESCA), Barcelona. Different approaches to scientific computation have been used and will be used, selecting the most convenient one for each situation. In this context we are also participating in the initiative IRISGrid (http://www.irisgrid.es) originated from a Spanish tematic network in 2002, and whose aim is to coordinate at an academic and scientific level different research groups interested in grid tecnology. We consider this as an strategic direction, and we have been involved in several TestBed demos organized by IRISGrid.

1.2.3. Human resources

In this section we present the human resources of IMEDEA here considered as a whole, this is including both the contributions from NNRR and DFI Departments

Male Female Members of Staff 19 11 Permanent Research Professors 4 0 Permanent Scientific Investigators 4 3 Perm. Research Scientists 7 1 Others Groups A and B 3 1 Others Groups C and D 1 6 Other Contracts 7 2 Contracts 18 15 Researchers 9 2 General (tied to projects) 8 8 Fellows (tied to projects) 1 5 Others 21 18 Predoctoral Students 18 18 Postdoctoral Fellowships 3 0 University Personnel 13 5 University Professors (Catedraticos) 6 3 Associate Professors (Titulares Univ.) 7 2 TOTAL 78 51 % 60,47% 39,53%

Number of quinquenios y sexenios

Institución Categoría Sexenios Quinquenios CSIC Profesor de investigación 9 12 CSIC Investigador Científico 6 17 CSIC Científico Titular 32 44 UIB Catedrático 21 no procede UIB Profesor Titular 26 no procede


Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department General information on the Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department of IMEDEA (DFI- IMEDEA), including reports of activities and on-line access to publications appears in the web page http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/

The Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department (DFI) of IMEDEA was created in 1995 building up on a 1990 proposal of a “Complex Systems Associated Unit” made to the CSIC by a group of researchers from the University of the Balearic Islands. As main objective it aims to develop interdisciplinary and strategic research from the established practices of physicists, acknowledging that important avenues of scientific development occur at the borders of established fields

By interdisciplinary research we mean the general attitude of willing to transfer knowledge, concepts and methods across the borders between well established disciplines (not just the juxtaposition of experts from different fields). By strategic research we mean focusing in advanced studies in fields with strong future potential, avoiding incremental research as well as the “basic-applied” polarization. We therefore search for windows of opportunity in emerging areas beyond the traditional subjects that defined Physics in the twentieth century.

The backbone of our research that unifies, percolates, and is the basis of the rest of our activities is the study of generic phenomena in Nonlinear Physics and Complex Systems, with strong methodological components from Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Computational Methods, and Quantum Mechanics. From this source of concepts and ideas, the researchers perform coherent and relevant contributions in several fields of intense present day development, ranging from quantum information and nanoscience to aspects of biological and social dynamics, including studies of optoelectronic devices and fluid mechanics, and from fundamental issues to more applied ones. The guiding notion is that this polymorphic and entangled activity produces new ideas from which the researchers take the risk of updating research lines and projects. It is a flexible and adaptable scheme, always grounded in a well defined and solid set of concepts. As a consequence of this research methodology, the Department is not structured in disjoint research groups, but rather its research activity is organized in a set of intersecting research lines.


Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department

In the evolving scheme associated with the programmatic orientation of the DFI there is a unifying transverse line of research of a fundamental nature, which is the identity sign of the DFI. In addition the typical senior researcher participates in other focused lines with a subject defined by the systems under study. This collaborative organization is an alternative to static schemes with disjoint groups of researchers devoted exclusively to a line of research. Participation in the actual lines of research of the tenured and senior postdoctoral scientists (Ramon y Cajal contracts) is as follows:



Research Lines Salvador Bal·le Montserrat Casas Pere Colet Emilio Hernández Cristóbal López Víctor M. Eguíluz Manuel Matías Claudio Mirasso Oreste Piro Maxi San Miguel LLorenç Serra Alessandro Scire Tomàs Sintes Raúl Toral 1) Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2) Non Linear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices. X X X X X 3) Quantum Information and Nanoscience . X X 4) Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids. X X X X 5) Biophysics and Nonlinear phenomena in Ecology and X Physiology X X X X X X X 6) Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems. X X X

We attach a brief description of each of these lines.

Documents attached as annexes:

1- Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics. 2- Non Linear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices. 3- Quantum Information and Nanoscience. 4- Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids. 5- Biophysics and Nonlinear phenomena in Ecology and Physiology 6- Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems.


- In consonance with the IMEDEA character of a UIB-CSIC joint center, DFI researchers participate in the teaching tasks assigned by the UIB. This is not limited to the university staff, but also CSIC researchers teach, for instance, in the Physics PhD Program of the UIB, program awarded with the ‘Quality Mention’ by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education

- Additionally the Department maintains a large number of collaborations with external scientists. These collaborations lead to work visits, joint publications, and joint projects. As a summary, we mention here some of the institutions with which the DFI develops more intense collaboration: Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC, Santander), Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos (CSIC, Granada), Universidad Carlos III (Madrid); Potsdam University, Leipzig University (Germany); Lehigh University, Los Álamos Nacional Laboratory (USA), Kansas State University, Northwestern University of Chicago (USA); Universidad de la Plata, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales (UNAM, Mexico); Pretoria University (South Africa); University of Reykjavick (Iceland); University of Strathclyde (UK); Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Trento, di Milano, di Firenze (Italy); Instituto de Física do Porto (Portugal); Institut Nonlinéaire de Nice (France); Warsaw University of Technology (Poland); Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Centre of Excellence in Computational Complex Systems Research (Helsinki, Finland) etc.

- List of international research networks in which DFI has participated during the last year (2004-2005):

· “BIOSIM: Biosimulation, a new tool in drug development” Network of Excellence of the 6th Framework Program, EU. Priority 1.1 “Genomics and biotechnology for health”. Coordinator: Erik Mosekilde (Technical University of Denmark). Principal Researcher of the Spanish group: R. Toral. (2004- 2009). Budget: 217.000 € · ONCE-CS: “Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems”, network of the priority 2 "Information Society Technologies” of the Future and Emerging Technologies Program, reference FP6-IST-3-015539 (2005-2008). Coordinator: Prof. J. Johnson, Open University, UK. IMEDEA Principal Resercher: Maxi San Miguel. · "STOCHDYN: Stochastic Dynamics. Fundamentals and Applications". Program of the European Science Foundation. (2002-2007). Researcher in charge: M. San Miguel. · EUR-OCEANS: European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems analysis. Network of Excellence of the 6th Framework Program, EU. Priority 6.3 "Global Change and Ecosystems" (2005-2008). Coordinator: C.M. Duarte. Participates E. Hernández-García. · “MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function”. Network of Excellence of the 6th Framework Program, EU. (2004-2009). IMEDEA Principal Researcher C. M. Duarte. Participates Tomás Sintes. Budget: 118,450 €. · "Physics of Risk". European COST ACTION P102. (2003-2005). Spanish representative in the Steering Committee: M. San Miguel. Coordinator: P. Richmond (Trinity, Dublín, Irlanda). · "Dinàmiques no lineals d'autoorganització espaciotemporal". Xarxa temàtica de la Generalitat de Catalunya. (2003-2004). IMEDEA principal researcher: M. San Miguel. · EXYSTENCE: the network of excellence for complex systems". IST-2001- 32802 Network of Excellence of the FET subprogram of the Information Society and Technologies Program of the 5th FP, EU. (2002-2004). IMEDEA principal researcher: M. San Miguel. · VISTA: VCSELs for Information Society Technology Applications". RTN1- 1999-00279, Program "Human Potential-Research Training Networks", UE. Spanish principal researcher: M. San Miguel. Budget: 233.360 Euro. (2000- 2004). · "QUIPCRONE". IST-RTN/992/0698. Network of excellence in the Information Society and Technologies Program, EU, in the field of Quantum Information. (2000-2004). IMEDEA principal researcher: M. San Miguel.

- List of international Integrated Actions and other bilateral collaborations (2004- 2005)

· Chemical or biologically interacting substances transported by chaotic flows. Acción Integrada con Italia (MEC) HI2004-0144. 2005-2006. Principal researcher: Cristóbal López. Budget: 10.820 € · "Dynamical systems approach to ocean transport". Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana del MCyT, HA2003-0146. (2004-2005). Principal researcher: Emilio Hernández-García. Budget: 10.608 € · "Dinámica de unidades no lineales que interactúan mediante redes complejas". Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana del MCyT, HA2003-0077. (2004-2005). Principal researcher: Víctor M. Eguíluz. Budget: 10.608 € · “Network Topology and the Dynamics of Complex Networks”. Project SES- 0432917 of the National Science Foundation NSF (USA). (2004-2005). I.P.:M.W.Macy (Cornell University). Participate: V. M. Eguíluz and M. San Miguel. · "Efectos constructivos del ruido en sistemas dinámicos y sistemas extendidos". Proyecto 2002AR0012 de cooperación CSIC - CONICET (Argentina) (2002-2004). Principal researcher: Maxi San Miguel.

- In the national context, the following networking activities are being developed:

· Participation in the IRISGrid initiative, the Spanish Thematic Network devoted to the creation of GRID infraestructue of shared computing resources between scientific institutions (http://irisgrid.rediris.es). · Special Action funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education for a thematic network “Applications of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics in Economics and Social Sciences”. Coordinators: A. Diaz-Guilera (Barcelona) and R. Toral (IMEDEA) (2005-2006). · There is a pre-proposal to associate BIFI (Biocomputing Institute and Physics of Complex Systems, Zaragoza´s University) to the DFI as an “Associated Unit” of CSIC. The BIFI is a University Institute, including personnel assigned to several Spanish research centres other than the University of Zaragoza, and has a very relevant role in the research group of Complex Systems in Spain. Its association with DFI, would create the central nucleus of these activities in Spain and it would give to CSIC a nucleating and leading role in the field.

-DFI-IMEDEA has also had a number of external collaborations and relations with industry. Among them the following can be mentioned

· Joint participation with OptoSpeed (Switzerland) in the EU OCCULT project (Future and Emerging Technologies, IST-2000-29683) · Joint participation with NovoNordisk (Denmark) and several Small and Medium Enterprises in the EU BIOSIM network (LSHB-CT-2004-005137) · Collaboration with Gridsystems (a middleware software company based in Mallorca) in testing their products. They have also provided Expressions of Interest for DFI postdoctoral training contracts within the I3P scheme. · Collaboration with the Instituto Balear de Oftalmología in the development of an aberrometer and in the study of corneal ablation processes.

-Among the collaborations with the public sector the following can be mentioned:

· Training activities performed at the Instituto Vasco de Innovación Sanitaria/o+berri, promoted by the Health Department of the Basque Government. · Collaboration with the Spanish Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear in a project of environmental radiology surveillance since 1991 (REM network).

Cross-Disciplianry Physics Department, IMEDEA


Description of the lines of research

1- Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics.

2- Non Linear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices.

3- Quantum Information and Nanoscience.

4- Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids.

5- Biophysics and Nonlinear phenomena in Ecology and Physiology

6- Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems.

IMEDEA-Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies

Line of Research 1:

Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics

Web page: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/complex.html

1) Researchers: -Salvador Balle. UIB Professor -Montserrrat Casas, UIB Full Professor -Pere Colet, CSIC Senior Researcher -Emilio Hernández-García, CSIC Research Professor -Cristóbal López, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Víctor M. Eguíluz, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Manuel Matías, CSIC Tenured Researcher -Claudio Mirasso, UIB Professor -Oreste Piro, UIB Professor -Maxi San Miguel, UIB Full Professor -Llorenç Serra, UIB Professor -Alessandro Scirè, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Tomàs Sintes, UIB Professor -Raúl Toral, UIB Full Professor

2) Background This is the backbone line, both in qualitative and quantitative terms, of the activities of the DFI-IMEDEA. It is a well established transversal line with contributions from all tenured scientists of the DFI-IMEDEA. It is the basis of many other more focused research activities and projects associated with other lines of research.

Competences and expertise of the permanent staff has diversified and widened in the last 10 years by common work and interaction, and by exploration of new fields. As indication of the scientific background of these researchers we mention: Statistical Physics (Hernández-García, Mirasso, San Miguel, Sintes, Toral), Quantum Mechanics (Casas, Colet, Serra), Dynamical Systems (Matías, Piro), Stochastic Processes (Colet, Hernández-García, San Miguel, Toral), Condensed Matter (Balle, Serra), Fluid Dynamics (Hernández-García, Piro), Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics (Balle, Colet, Mirasso, San Miguel), Biophysics (Piro, Sintes, Toral), Computational techniques, Monte Carlo methods and Numerical Analysis (Colet, Piro, Sintes, Toral).

Without interruption this line of research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through the following projects: “Spatio-temporal dynamics of out of equilibrium systems” (1993-1995), “Statistical Physics, non linear phenomena and applications” (1995-2000), “Fluctuations, chaos and scaling laws in the dynamics of nonlinear systems” (1995-1998), “CONOCE: Cooperation and Nonlinear Phenomena in Extended Complex Systems” (2001-2004).

This line of research is also the basis of a large number of bilateral and network collaborations as detailed in Sect. 1.6

3) Topics of Research by Keywords. Development of methods, concepts and description of generic behaviour in nonlinear and complex systems, dynamical systems, synchronization in nonlinear and chaotic systems, stochastic processes, Monte Carlo methods, computational methods, excitability, spatiotemporal pattern formation, coherent response to fluctuations, critical and cooperative phenomena, phase transitions, adaptive systems, information theory, complex networks.

4) Current Research Projects. a) Spanish projects. · A great deal of the activity in this line is supported by the project CONOCE2 (Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems 2, reference FIS2004-00953 of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology, 2005-2008, principal researcher M. San Miguel, 302,500 €) with the participation of 11 out of the 14 researchers of the previous list. This project builds up on the previous project CONOCE and it is structured in 6 different activities. Amongst them, the transversal activity A1, corresponds to this line of research. · This line of research is also supported by the "Competitive Research Group of Crossdisciplinary Physics”, supported by the Balearic Autonomous Government (2002-2005, principal researcher: Maxi San Miguel). · "Self organized spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics”. Participation in the Research network of the Catalan Autonomous Government (2003-2005, principal researcher from IMEDEA: M. San Miguel). · Bilateral collaboration: "Constructive role of noise in dynamical systems and extended systems” (reference 2002AR0012 of the joint research program between CSIC and CONICET (Argentina), 2002-2005, principal researcher: Maxi San Miguel). · Participation in the IRISGrid initiative, aiming at creating a network of scientific institutions sharing computational resources (http://irisgrid.rediris.es). It is worth mentioning in this respect the Beowulf cluster Nuredduna (http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/nuredduna) designed, built and maintained by the DFI b) European Projects. · ONCE-CS: “Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems”, network of the priority 2 "Information Society Technologies” of the Future and Emerging Technologies Program (reference FP6-IST-3-015539, 2005-2008, Coordinator: Prof. J. Johnson from the Open University UK. IMEDEA is the only Spanish institution amongst the 27 in the network. PI for IMEDEA: Maxi San Miguel. · Researchers of IMEDA have also a very active participation in the activities of the Program STOCHDYN: “Stochastic Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications" supported by European Science Foundation (2002-2007).

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1). a.1) Stochastic Dynamics and Phase Transitions · “Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions Induced by Multiplicative Noise”, C. van den Broeck, J. M.R. Parrondo, R. Toral and K. Hawai, Phys. Rev. E 55,4084 (1997) . · “Stochastic Effects in Physical Systems”, (review paper) M. San Miguel and R. Toral, Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VI, eds. E. Tirapegui, J. Martínez and R. Tiemann, Kluwer Academic Publishers 35-130 (2000). · “Stochastic Spatiotemporal Intermittency and Noise-Induced Transition to an Absorbing Phase”, M. G. Zimmermann, R. Toral, O. Piro and M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Let., 85, 3612 (2000). · “Noise-induced scenario for inverted phase diagrams”, M. Ibañes, J. García- Ojalvo, R. Toral and J.M. Sancho, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 20601 (2001). a.2) Localized structures and Pattern formation · “Dynamics of localized structures in vectorial waves”, E. Hernández-García, M. Hoyuelos, P. Colet and M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 744 (2000). · “Stable droplets and growth laws close to the modulational instability of a domain wall”, D. Gomila, P. Colet, G.L. Oppo and M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 194101 (2001). a.3) Diffusion and Aggregation Phenomena · “Anomalous difussion coupled with Verhulst-like growth dynamics: Exact time dependent solutions”, A. Rigo, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas and A. Plastino, Phys. Lett. A276, 97 (2000). · “Nonlinear diffussion under a time-dependent external force: Exact solution of the Tsallis maximum entropy form and related approximate solutions for general constant force”, C. Giordano, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas and A. Plastino, European Phys. J. B 22, 361 (2001). · “Enhanced kinetics and free-volume universality in dense aggregating systems”, D. Fry, T. Sintes, A. Chakrabarti and C. M. Sorensen Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 148301 (2002). a.4) Dynamical Systems, Synchronization and Chaos · “Synchronization of Spatiotemporal Chaos: The regime of coupled Spatiotemporal Intermittency”, A. Amengual, E. Hernández-García, R. Montagne and M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4379-4382 (1997). · “Forecasting confined spatiotemporal chaos with genetic algorithms”, C. Lopez, A. Alvarez and E. Hernández-García, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2300 (2000). · “Chaos Synchronization and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers” T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsasser, J. Mulet and C. Mirasso, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, 795 (2001). · “Bailout Embeddings, Targeting of KAM Orbits,and the Control of Hamiltonian Chaos”, J.H.E. Cartwright, M. Magnasco and O. Piro, Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Comm., 65, 045203 (2002). · “Anticipating the response of excitable systems driven by random forcing”, M. Ciszak, O. Calvo, C. Masoller, C. Mirasso and R. Toral, Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 204102 (2003). · “Rare Events and Scale-Invariant Dynamics of Perturbations in Delayed Chaotic Systems”, A.D. Sánchez, J.M. López, M.A. Rodríguez and M. Matías, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 204101 (2004).

· “Dynamical mechanism of anticipating synchronization in excitable systems”. M. Ciszak, F. Marino, R. Toral and S. Balle Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 114102 (2004) a.5) Complex Networks · “Epidemic threshold in structured scale-free networks”, V. M. Eguíluz and K. Klemm. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 108701 (2002). · “Coevolution of dynamical states and interactions in dynamic networks”, V. M. Eguíluz, M. Zimmerman and M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm., 69, 065102-6 (2004). · “Exact solution of Ising model on a small-world network”, J. Viana Lopes, Y.G. Pogorelov, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and R. Toral. Physical Review E 70, 026112 (2004). b) Invited talks in international conferences. · “Pseudospectral Methods for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations”, Raúl Toral, CECAM workshop on Computational Issues in Stochastic Processes, Lyon (France) May 2000. · “Route to chaotic travelling waves in coupled chaotic oscillators”, Manuel Matias, School on Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization, Pamplona (Spain) June 2000. · “Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Systems”, Raúl Toral, ICTP Symposium on Synchronization of Chaotic Systems, Trieste (Italy) July 2000. · “Transition to High-Dimensional Chaos in Coupled Oscillators through Quasiperiodic Motion”, Manuel Matías, International Workshop on Control, Communication, and Synchronization in Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Dresden (Germany) Nov. 2001. · “Synchronization and Desynchronization in arrays of coupled chaotic oscillators”, Manuel Matías, International Seminar on Control, Communication, and Synchronization in Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Dresden (Germany) Nov. 2001 · “Stochastic methods (3 talks)” Raúl Toral, Charge and spin transport, superconductivity and non-linear phenomena. Stochastic Processes workshop. Aveiro (Portugal). April 2001. · “Localized structures in the vector CGLE and in the parametrically forced CGLE”, M. San Miguel, The CGLE: theoretical analysis and experimental applications in the dynamics of extended systems, Institute for Advanced Studies G. Galilei, Florence (Italy) May 2001. · “Spatial structures in reacting systems (3 talks)”, Emilio Hernández-García, International Summer School on Dynamical Barriers, Stirring and . Cargèse (France) Aug. 2001. · “Ghost resonance in an excitable semiconductor laser”, Claudio Mirasso SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (USA) May 2003. · ”Bailout Embeddings, Targetting KAM Tori and Hamiltonian Blow-out Bifurcations”, Oreste Piro, SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (USA) May 2003 · “Transition to High-Dimensional Chaos in Coupled Chaotic Oscillators”, Manuel Matías, Workshop "Synchronization and Complex Dynamics in Networks with Applications in Ecology". Potsdam (Germany) July 2003. · “System size noise-induced resonance”, Raúl Toral, New Horizons in Stochastic Complexity, Sevilla (Spain), September 2004. · “Stochasticity and ordering dynamics in complex networks”, M. San Miguel Stochasticity and Nonlinearity in three continents (funded by ESF), Santa Fe (USA), March 2005.

IMEDEA: Area: Physical Sciences and Technologies

Line of Research 2:

Nonlinear optics and dynamics of optoelectronic devices.

Web pages: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/optics.html http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/optoelectronics.html

1) Researchers -Salvador Balle, UIB Professor -Pere Colet, CSIC Senior Researcher -Claudio Mirasso, UIB Professor -Maxi San Miguel, UIB Full Professor -Alessandro Scire, Ramón y Cajal Researcher

2) Historical background Work in this line dates from the creation of the IMEDEA in 1995, as summarized in all the DFI-IMEDEA annual memoranda. At the beginning the activity was of theoretical character. Since 1998, and as a result of the collaboration with the Institut Non Linéaire of Nice, experimental activity in the study of semiconductor optical devices dynamics has been also carried out.

3) Topics of research The general topic of this line is the study of the light-matter non-linear interaction and its consequences towards applications in emerging photonics technologies. We study emitter systems (lasers, mainly semiconductor ones) as well as systems subject to optical injection (semiconductor optical amplifiers, Kerr media, parametric oscillators). Most of the research carried out on this line can be classified in two complementary categories: The study of temporal evolution (dynamics) and the generation of non homogeneous light distributions (pattern formation). i) Dynamics of semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers. This includes aspects like temporal variations in the beam characteristics and nonlinear effects in edge emitting lasers as well as the mechanisms for selection, destabilization and switching of the polarization state in vertical cavity lasers, with the perspective of possible applications in information and communication technologies. One topic of research focuses on the use of chaotic lasers to increase the security in optical communications, studying the chaotic dynamics of lasers subject to optical or electro-optical feedback and the synchronization of chaotic lasers. Another topic with both theoretical and experimental activity focuses in the nonlinear properties of broad area vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifiers with the perspective of its use as all-optical wavelength converter devices and as high frequency optical pulse generators by means of external cavity mode locking. ii) Formation of spatial structures and its dynamics in optical cavities filled with nonlinear media (Kerr, optical parametric oscillators, second harmonic generation). This study implications range from fundamental aspects like the existence of macroscopic effects of the quantum fluctuations, to potential applications for all optical processing of information and images. The bistable localized structures (solitons) that appear in the transverse plane in this devices, as well as in semiconductor optical amplifiers, have potential application as reconfigurable memory, shift registers or parallel-serial converters. Furthermore the possibility of using nonlinear optical cavities to perform all-optical contrast enhancement and contour recognition of images has also been studied.

Topics to be addressed in the period 2005-09 include: a) Theoretical studies in nonlinear dynamics of lasers operating in the chaotic regime and its applications. In particular we will study the effects of optical and electro-optical feedback, lidar using chaotic lasers and aspects related to secure optical communications like characterization of the security degree in message encryption, exploration of advanced codification methods and improvement of the receptor synchronization characteristics. b) Theoretical and experimental studies of vertical cavity surface emitting devices for information processing and short pulse generation, including both lasers and optical amplifiers. We will explore the capacity of optical injection to stabilize the profile, wavelength and polarization of the light emitted in lasers. In amplifiers we will study its stability, wavelength conversion by means of four-wave mixing, its properties as saturable absorber and its potential as high repetition frequency short pulses generators. c) Study of instabilities and noise effects in localized structures in nonlinear optical cavities; study of formation, dynamics and instabilities of spatial structures in photonic crystals; and in the context of optical image processing with nonlinear optical cavities, study of achievable resolution, noise effects and logical operations between two images.

4) Projects and Research Grants As immediate precedents it is worth mentioning the participation in several projects founded by the European Commission: · "QUANTIM: Quantum Imaging", IST-2000-26019, within the program "Information Society Technologies: Future and Emerging Technologies. (2000-2004). (PI: M. San Miguel). · "OCCULT: Optical Chaos communications using laser diode transmitters", IST-2000-29683, within the program "Information Society Technologies: Future and Emerging Technologies. (2001-2004). European coordinator C.R. Mirasso, PI for CSIC: P. Colet) · “VISTA: VCSELs for Information Society Technology Applications", HPRN- CT-2000-00034, within the program "Human Potential-Research Training Networks”. (2000-2004). (PI: M. San Miguel)

Current projects: · This line corresponds to the activities A.3 and A4 of the CONOCE2 project: Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended systems (FIS2004- 00953) (2005-2008) (PI: M. San Miguel). · “Láseres y amplificadores de cavidad vertical para comunicaciones ópticas y procesado óptico de señal” (Vertical cavity lasers and amplifiers for optical communications and optical signal processing), TIC2002-04255-C04, program “Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones” (Information and Communication Technologies) of the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciéncia” (2002-2005). P.I.: S. Balle. · “Nanoscale and Ultrafast Photonics”. COST 288. Spain representative: S. Balle Pending proposals: · iCODE, European project application within the action FET-OPEN of the program Information Society Technologies of the VI Framework Program of the European Comission. Coordinator: C.R. Mirasso. · “Dispositivos de cavidad vertical para comunicaciones opticas y procesado de señal” (Vertical cavity devices for optical communications and signal processing) joint application with the Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC- U. Cantabria) for a research project in the Spanish National Plan for Electronic and Communication Technologies. Coordinator and PI for IMEDEA: S. Balle. · “Dinámica y sincronización de láseres de semiconductor y aplicaciones” (Dynamics and synchronization of semiconductor lasers and applications) joint application with Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya for a research project in the Spanish National Plan for Electronic and Communication Technologies. Coordinator: C.R. Mirasso.

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1). a.1) Synchronization of chaotic lasers: · C.R. Mirasso, P. Colet and P. García-Fernández, “Synchronization of chaotic semiconductor lasers: Application to encoded communications”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 8, 299 (1996). · T. Heil, J. Mulet, I. Fischer, C.R. Mirasso, M. Peil, P. Colet and W. Elsasser, "On/off phase shift keying for chaos-encrypted communication using external-cavity semiconductor lasers", IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 38, 1162 (2002). · S. Tang, R. Vicente, M. Chiang, C. R. Mirasso and J.M. Liu, "Nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers with mutual optoelectronic coupling", IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Quantum Electron. 10, 936 (2004). a.2) Polarization effects in vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers: · J. Martin-Regalado, F. Prati, M. San Miguel and N.B. Abraham, “Polarization properties of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 33, 765 (1997). · S. Balle, E. Tolkachova, M. San Miguel, J.R. Tredicce, J. Martín-Regalado and A. Gahl;, “Mechanisms of polarization switching in single-transverse- mode VCSELs: Thermal Shilft and Nonlinear Semiconductor Dynamics”, Opt. Lett., 24, 1121 (1999). · Sciré, J. Mulet, C.R.Mirasso, J. Danckaert and M. San Miguel, “Vectorial chaos synchronization and polarization message encoding in VCSELs”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 90, 113901 (2003). a.3) Fluctuations in spatial structures and image processing in optical cavities · M. Santagiustina, P. Colet, M. San Miguel and D. Walgraef, “Walk-off and pattern selection in optical parametric oscillators”, Opt. Lett. 23, 1167 (1998). · R. Zambrini, S.M. Barnett, P. Colet and M. San Miguel, “Macroscopic quantum fluctuations in noise-sustained optical patterns”, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 023813 (2002). · P. Scotto, P. Colet and M. San Miguel, “All-optical image processing with cavity type-II second harmonic generation”, Opt. Lett., 28, 169 (2003). a.4) Localized structures · S. Barland, J.R. Tredicce, M. Brambilla, L.A. Lugiato, S. Balle, M. Giudici, T. Maggipinto, L. Spinelli, G. Tissoni, T. Knoedl and M. Miller, “Cavity solitons as pixels in semiconductor microresonators”, Nature, 419, 699 (2002). · D. Gomila, P. Colet, M. San Miguel, A. Scroggie and G.L. Oppo, “Stable droplets and dark ring cavity solitons in nonlinear optical devices”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39, 238 (2003). · D. Gomila, M.A. Matias and P. Colet, “Excitability mediated by localized structures in a dissipative nonlinear optical cavity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 063905 (2005). a.5) Nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers. · G. Vashenko, M. Giudici, J.J Rocca, C.S. Menoni, J.R. Tredicce and S. Balle, “Temporal dynamics of semiconductor lasers with optical feedback”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5536 (1998). · G. Giacomelli, M. Giudici, S. Balle and J.R. Tredicce, “Experimental evidence of coherence resonance in an optical system”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3298 (2000). · F. Marino and S. Balle, “Excitable optical waves in semiconductor microcavities”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 094101 (2005). · F. Marino, L. Furfaro and S. Balle, “Cross-gain modulation in a broad-area vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 151116 (2005). b) Representative invited talks in international conferences (since 1999). · “Two-dimensional vectorial localized structures in optical cavities” in OSA topical meeting: Nonlinear guided waves and their applications. Dijon (France), 1-3 Sep. 1999. (M. San Miguel). · “Mesoscopic modelling of semiconductor lasers. Applications to VCSELs” in Quantum Optics X, Cala Viñas (Mallorca), 2-7 Oct. 1999 (S. Balle). · “Vectorial defects and Bloch Polarization Domain Walls in Optical Parametric Oscillators” in Interdisciplinary International Conference PELS-2000: Polarization effects in lasers, spectroscopy and optoelectronics. Southampton (United Kingdom), 6-8 Sep. 2000 (M. San Miguel). · “Combined effects of semiconductor gain dynamics, spin dynamics and thermal shift in polarization selection in VCSELs” in Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VIII-Photonics West 2000. San José (California, USA), Jan. 2000 (M. San Miguel). · “Noise sustained patterns in nonlinear optics” in Effect of multiplicative noise on spatio-temporal instabilities, Nice (France), 22-23 March 2002. (P. Colet). · "Communicating with Chaotic Light", Hot Topics in Photonics, SPIE International Symposium Photonics Fabrication Europe, Brugge (Belgium), 28 Oct.-1 Nov., 2002. (C.R. Mirasso). · “Polarization effects in the dynamical optical modelling of vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers”. Hot Topics in Photonics, SPIE International Simposium Photonics Fabrication Europe, Brugge (Bélgium). 28 Oct.-1 Nov., 2002. (S. Balle). · “Patterns in nonlinear optics: Localized structures, Growth laws and noise sustained structures”, in School and conference on spatiotemporal chaos, Trieste (Italy), July 2002. (M. San Miguel). · “Ghost resonance in a semiconductor lasers operating in an excitable regime”, SPIE Meeting on Fluctuation and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics, Santa Fe (New Mexico, USA), 1-4 June 2003 (C.R. Mirasso). · “Synchronization of chaotic semiconductor lasers: a theoretical analysis”, Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Tucson (Arizona, USA), 5-9 Oct. 2003 (C.R. Mirasso). · “Optoelectronic devices for optical chaos communication” SPIE Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices for Lightwave Communication Conference, Florida (USA), 7-11 Sep. 2003. (C.R. Mirasso). · “Noise sustained patterns in nonlinear optics”, in “Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics II”, Maspalomas, (Gran Canaria, Spain) 26- 28 May 2004. (P. Colet). · “Excitable phenomena, spatial structures and cavity solitons in optical systems” in Dynamic Days 04, Palma de Mallorca. Sep. 2004. (S. Balle). · “Spatio-temporal dynamics in VCSOAs: Excitable waves”, COST288 meeting, Roma. Oct. 2004. (S. Balle). · “Communicating with Chaotic Light”, SPIE Conference, Photonics Ireland, Dublin (Ireland), 5-6 May 2005, (C.R. Mirasso). · “Localized structures in optical cavities”, in Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics 2005 to take place in San Petersburg-Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2-9 Aug. 2005. (P. Colet). c) General public awareness, press news and TV programs. · “Caos i ordre informatic”, TV report on our research on secure communications based on chaos codification. March 18, 2003 within the program “Punt Omega”, channel C33 of Televisió de Catalunya. · “External Cavity Controls Transverse Mode in VCSEL”, in Photonics Spectra, Aug. 2003. · TV report about our research on secure communications based on chaos codification within the series "Horizons XXI", channel “Televisión Española Baleares”, 28 Dec. 2004. · "Científicos de la UIB diseñan un sistema de alta seguridad para enviar datos informáticos", news published in “Diario de Mallorca” 5 Feb. 2005. · "Nuevo sistema para codificar datos", news published “El Mundo de Baleares” 5 Feb. 2005. d) Edition of Special Issues · S. Donati y C. Mirasso, invited eds., “Feature Section on Optical Chaos and Applications to Cryptography”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 38, (2002). · M. San Miguel, invited ed., “Special Issue on spatial and polarization dynamics of semiconductor lasers”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 16, #11 (1999). e) Dissemination papers · S. Barland, M. Giudici, J. R. Tredicce y S. Balle “Procesado óptico de información. Solitones de cavidad”, Investigación y Ciencia, 322, 38 (2003). · C.R. Mirasso, "Chaotic optical Communications", Hot Topics, LEOS Newsletters, Feb. 2005. f) Scientific Committees, Organization of Conferences and Editorial Commitees · M. San Miguel, Chairman of the Euroconference "Quantum Optics X". Mallorca, 2-7 Oct. 1999. · M. San Miguel, Member of the Nonlinear Optical Phenomena Program Committee in the International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2000, Nice (France), Sep. 2000. · M. San Miguel, Member of the technical program subcommittee Europa, CIS, Africa and Middle West of the IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference ISLC 2000. Monterey (California, USA), Sep. 2000. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Coordination Committee of the European Science Foundation network PHASE (Phase domains and spatial solitons in nonlinear optics). · M. San Miguel: Member of the Scientific Committee of the "European workshop on VCSELs", Brussels (Belgium), Aug. 2000. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Program Committee of "CLEO Focus Meeting on Nonlinear Devices and Applications to Photonics", Munich (Germany), 18- 23 June 2001. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Program Committee of "Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices IX". Part of SPIE Photonics West. San Jose, (California, USA). 22-26 Jan. 2001. · C.R. Mirasso: Member of the Scientific Committee of "Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices X”. Part of SPIE, Photonics West, San Jose (California, USA) 21-25 Jan. 2002. · P. Colet: Member of the Subcommittee “Nonlinear Interactions and Space- Time Dynamics” of the European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2003) Munich (Germany), 23-27 June 2003. · C.R. Mirasso: Member of the Subcommittee “Semiconductor Lasers”, of the European Quantum Electronics Conference. Munich (Germany). 23-27 June 2003. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Program Committee of "Fluctuations and Noise in Quantum Optics", part of “Fluctuations and Noise”, Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, Spain). 26-28 May 2004. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Scientific Committee of “Fotónica: Ciencia y tecnología de la luz” Menorca (Spain), 26-28 Sep. 2004. · C.R. Mirasso: Member of the Subcommittee “Physics of Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Amplifiers”, of the European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2005) Munich (Germany), 12-17 June 2005. · P. Colet: Member of the Subcommittee “Dynamics, Instabilities and Patterns”, European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2005) Munich, (Germany), 12-17 June 2005. · P. Colet: Member of the Subcommittee “Dissipative Systems and Nonlinear Atom Optics” of Nonlinear Guides Waves and Their Applications (NLGW 2005) Dresden (Germany) 6-9 Sep. 2005. · M. San Miguel: Member of the Editorial Board of European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.(EPS-Springer Verlag). · S. Balle: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Optics Communications

IMEDEA-Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies

Line of Research 3:

Quantum Information and Nanoscience

Web page: http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/Nuclear/index.html

1) Researchers -Montserrat Casas, UIB Full Professor -Llorenç Serra, UIB Professor

2) Background The researchers involved in this line have a long-time experience in the study of quantum many body systems and have obtained projects and research grants on these topics since 1985. As from 1999 this activity has focused on the theoretical study of electronic nanostructures and the characterization of quantum entangled states.

3) Topics of Research This line uses Quantum Mechanics for the description of small-dimension systems (typically at the nanometer length scale) from a twofold perspective: a) the theoretical basis in the characterization of novel properties like quantum entanglement, b) the modelling of quantum dots and semiconductor nanostructures and the calculation of their properties, as well as the use of double quantum dots acting as quantum gates. Both aspects are part of a general growing interest in establishing the scientific basis for new technologies, such as quantum devices and quantum computers.

The generation and control of entanglement is a basic requirement for the implementation of quantum information and quantum computation processes. The identification of entangled states, the characterisation of their degree of entanglement as well as the entanglement creation and its dynamical evolution are examples of currently debated topics on which we have worked and whose understanding is a condition for any later application. Using our experience in information theory for different physical systems, with more than 50 international publications, we have studied entangled states. Specifically, we have considered the following topics in systems of two qubits and two qudits: · Role of the quantum gates on the degree of entanglement. · Relation between mixing degree and entanglement degree. · Systematic study of fake inferred entanglement. · Characterisation of mixed entangled states with q-information measures.

The quantum dots and nanostructures we have studied are mainly those produced at interfaces of semiconductor materials, thus with a strong two-dimensional character. Typical sizes are in the scales from tens to hundreds of nanometers. Detailed aspects we have considered are: · Role of deformation in the confining potentials. · Large amplitude oscillations and non-linear response. · Spontaneous symmetry breaking due to interactions. · Role of typical semiconductor spin-orbit interactions.

In the next years we plan to investigate the effect of the interaction with the environment on the quantum entangled states of bipartite and multipartite systems; the use of double quantum dots as quantum gates; and the coherence time of the entangled states formed in these systems. We shall also consider the description of open quantum dots, traversed by charge and spin currents, and the influence upon these currents of different items. Namely: a) the spin-orbit interaction, b) the magnetic fields, and c) time-dependent electric fields.

4) Projects and Research Grants As precedents it can be mentioned the projects · “Quantum many-body systems: Fermions and Bosons”, PB98-0124, funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), (1999-2002), 24040,50 €. Principal researcher: M. Casas. · “Applications of maximum entropy principle to quantum bound systems by means of electromagnetic or strong interaction” Internacional bilateral project, funded by AECI (1998-2000), 18000 €. Principal researchers M. Casas and A. Plastino · “Theoretical study of optical properties, hot metal clusters and relaxation dynamics of clusters and quantum dots” Internacional bilateral cooperation project funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), HA1998-0064 from 1999 to 2000, 7934 €, Principal researchers: M. Casas and H. Bennemann · From February 2003 to February 2004, Dr. A. R. Plastino was a sabbatical visitor with project ‘Characterization of entangled states’ (SAB2001-0106 MEC). Current projects: · “Nanostructure dynamics and quantum communication” BFM2002-03241, funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), (2002-2005), 67720 €, Principal researcher: M. Casas · “Transport and entangled states in nanostructures” funded by Govern Balear, 2005, 20500 euros, Principal researcher. Ll. Serra Pending proposals: · “Transport, spin-orbit interation and entangled states in nanostructures” (TRANSPENT), within the spanish program “Acción estratégica de Nanotecnologia” (Nanotechnology Strategic Action), 2004. Principal researcher: Ll. Serra. · “Quantum Information and electronic dynamics in nanostructures” (INDINA). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), 2005. Principal researcher: M. Casas

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1) · J. Batle, M.Casas, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino “Inference schemes and entanglement’s determination”, Phys. Rev. A 65, 024304 (2002). · J. Batle, A.R. Plastino, M.Casas and A. Plastino, “Some features of the conditional q-entropies of composite quantum systems”, Eur. Phys. J. B 35, 391 (2003). · J. Batle, M.Casas, A. Plastino and A.R. Plastino, “Maximally entangled mixed states and conditional entropie”, Phys. Rev. A 71, 024301 (2005). · Puente, Ll. Serra, “Oscillation modes of two-dimensional nanostructures within the time-dependent local-spin-density approximation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3266-3269 (1999). · Puente, Ll. Serra, “Ground state and far infrared absorption of two-electron rings in a magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B 63, 125334 (2001). · Ll. Serra, R.G. Nazmitdinov, A. Puente, “Symmetry breaking and the Random-Phase approximation in small quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B 68, 035341 (2003). b) Representative invited talks in international conferences · “Maximum entropy, minimum norm and the inference of entangled states”, XX International Workshop on Bayesian Inference Methods in Science and Engineering. París (France), June 2000 (M. Casas). · “Quantum entangled states and q-entropies”, XXVI International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Luso (Portugal) Sep. 2002 (M. Casas). · “A systematic numerical survey of the separability criteria for bipartite quantum systems”, XXVII International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Toulouse (France) Sep. 2003 (M. Casas). · “Modelling of spin-orbit effects in semiconductor quantum dots”, CECAM workshop on modelling of self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures. Lyon (France), June 2004. (Ll. Serra).

IMEDEA-Area of Physical Sciences and Technology

Line of Research 4:

Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids.

Web page: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/fluid.html

1) Researchers: - Emilio Hernández García, CSIC Research Professor - Cristóbal López, Ramón y Cajal Researcher - Oreste Piro, UIB Professor - Tomàs Sintes, UIB Professor

2) Background The research along this line has been taking place in the DFI since the time of its creation. It started with foundational work on the application of the dynamical systems theory to chaotic advection, especially to the case of three-dimensional time-periodic flows. Later, the progress on fundamental dynamical problems, such as the transport of finite-size particles and chemically or biologically active substances, has been accompanied by more applied research. This includes the application of chaotic advection to the development of efficient heat exchangers in the context of the JOULE program of the EU and the study of transport properties of geophysical flows within the framework of the TAO (Transport in the Atmosphere and the Oceans) program of the European Science Foundation and of several projects in the Spanish National programs of Marine Sciences. More recently these applications are being extended the spatiotemporal analysis of satellite and on-site gathered data of oceanographic variables (velocity, temperature, fluorescence, etc.), to plankton dynamics, to the emerging field of microfluidics and “lab on a chip” where chaotic advection plays a crucial role as a tool to achieve mixing and manipulate microparticles, and to several instances of low dimensional flows occurring in biological systems at meso and microscopic scales: plankton and bacterial swimming, hydrodynamics of cilia and flagella, embryonic nodal , etc.

3) Topics of Research a) Present topics of Research: Chaotic advection and its applications. Dynamics of finite-size particles in chaotic flows. Transport and mixing of chemically and biologically active substances in fluids. Advection of swimming organisms. Applications to microfluidics, laboratory, and geophysical flows. Transport of substances by large-scale oceanic currents. Transport of sediments by coastal flows. Models of population dynamics concerning oceanic organisms (plankton, krill, fish, etc.) and their validation with physical and biological data obtained from satellite and/or in-situ oceanographic surveys. Trapping of particles in flow over seagrass canopies.

b) Tentative list of problems to address during the period 2005-2009: Geometric phases in fluid flows and their role in mixing. Analysis of the distinct qualitative behaviors of the chemical or biological activity (periodic, excitable, etc.) under the influence of chaotic flows. The role of advection in the enantiomeric selection during chiral crystallization. Influence of the discrete nature of substance components (molecules, organisms, etc.) on their dynamics. Comparisons of dynamical systems based theoretical studies with observations of the sea surface (temperature, chlorophyll, etc.). Impact of turbulence on plankton primary productivity. Modeling assemblies of swimming and behavioral entities in the presence of chaotic and turbulent flows to describe properties of plankton, krill and fish spatiotemporal dynamics. Flows generated by them. Hydrodynamic function of cilia and flagella. Filtering and retaining of particles by marine plants and their effect on the surrounding flow.

4) Current Research Projects. a) Spanish projects: · This research line corresponds to the activity A of the project CONOCE2: Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems, reference FIS2004-00953, 2005-2008, principal researcher M. San Miguel. b) European projects: · VI framework program EUR-OCEANS: European network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems analysis. Network of Excellence (contract 511106-2) in the priority 6.3 “Global Change and Ecosystems” (2005-2008). Participates: E. Hernández-García · MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function (GOCE-CT-2003- 505446) (2004-2009) NoE del 6º Programa Marco. IP del IMEDEA: C. Duarte, participa, T. Sintes. c) International bilateral cooperations: · Dynamical systems approach to ocean transport. Integrated Action Spain- Germany of the Spanish MCyT, HA2003-0146. (2004-2005). Principal researcher: E. Hernández-García. · Transport of chemical and biologically active substances in chaotic flows . Integrated Action Spain-Italy of the Spanish MEC, HI2004-0144 (2005-2006). Principal researcher: C. López.

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1). · J.H.E. Cartwright, O. Piro and I. Tuval, “Fluid-dynamical basis of the embryonic development of left right asymmetry in vertebrates”, PNAS 101, 7234 (2004). · F. d'Ovidio, V. Fernández, E. Hernández-García and C. López, “Mixing structures in the Mediterranean Sea from Finite-Size Lyapunov exponents”, Geophysical Research Lett. 31, L17203 (2004). · J.H.E. Cartwright, J.M. García -Ruiz, O. Piro, C.I. Sainz-Díaz and I. Tuval, “Chiral Symmetry Breaking during Crystallization: An Advection-Mediated Nonlinear Autocatalytic Process”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 035502 (2004). · E. Hernández-García, C. López and Z. Neufeld, “Spatial patterns in chemically and biologically reactive flows”, (Review article) in Proceedings of the 2001 School on Chaos in Geophysical flows, Ed. by G. Boffetta, G. Lacorata, G. Visconti, and A. Vulpiani, Otto Editore (Torino, 2004). · J.H.E. Cartwright, M.O. Magnasco, O. Piro, I. and Tuval, “Bailout embeddings and Neutrally Buoyant particles in three-dimensional flows”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 264501 (2002) · Z. Neufeld, C. López, E. Hernández-García and T. Tél, “Multifractal structure of chaotically advected chemical fields”, Phys. Rev. E 61, 3857 (2000). b) Invited talks in international conferences: · E. Hernández-García. Searching for manifolds in the Mediterranean Sea: some simple dynamical systems approaches. Workshop on Scalar Mixing in fluid flows and mappings. Bristol (UK), May 2004. · C. López: Simple non-local models of population dynamics. Continuum description and influence of advection. Lagrangian problems in Turbulence, Roma (Italy), June 2003. · E. Hernández-García: Population dynamics in flows: Excitability, persistence, and patterns. Kolmogorov's Legacy in Physics: One Century of Chaos, Turbulence and Complexity. Trieste (Italy), September 2003. · O. Piro: The emergence of structures due to noise and inertia in the distribution of finite size impurities driven by chaotic flows. International Seminar and Workshops on Chemical and Biological Activity in Flows. Dresden (Germany), August 2002. · O. Piro. Mixing of finite size neutral impurities: a case of bailout embedding. Workshop On Active Chaotic Flow. Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), May 2001.

IMEDEA-Area of Physical Sciences and Technology

Line of Research 5:

Biophysics and nonlinear phenomena in ecology and physiology.

Web page: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/bio.html

1) Researchers -Emilio Hernández, CSIC Research Professor -Cristóbal López, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Víctor Martínez, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Manuel Matías, CSIC Tenured Researcher -Claudio Mirasso, UIB Professor -Oreste Piro, UIB Professor -Tomás Sintes, UIB Professor -Raúl Toral, UIB Full Professor

2) Background This line of research arises from individual initiatives from the last years, which have ripened in an ensemble of coherent activities. They correspond to three different aspects: Fundamental aspects in Biology (cells, biocomputation), Ecology and applications in Physiology and Health Sciences.

3) Topics of Research by Keywords Development of Montecarlo methods in drug design, phase transitions and ionic transport in cell membranes, models of growth and aggregation (DLA) in plant ecology, population dynamics, influence of demographic noise, nonlinear phenomena in the perception of complex sounds, modelling of neuronal networks, network analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging of neuronal activity, effect of noise in neuronal signal transmission, phylogenetic networks.

4) Research Projects Immediate precedents include the project “SINFIBIO: Synchronization in physical and biological systems” BFM2001-0341 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain), (2001-2005). Principal researchers: Manuel Matías and Raúl Toral).

a) Current Spanish projects · This line is connection with activity A5 of the project “CONOCE2: Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems”, FIS2004-00953, (2005-2008). Principal researcher M. San Miguel. · “FCESCFCB: Cooperative and emergent phenomena in complex systems between Physics and Biology”, FIS2004-05073-C04-03, (2005-2007). Principal researcher: R. Toral. Project coordinated with BIFI (Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems of Zaragoza University) . · Collaboration project “Scaling Laws and topology of functional brain networks” with researchers of the Physiology Department of the Northwestern University of Chicago (USA), (reference BFM2002-12792-E, 2004-2006, principal researcher V.M. Eguíluz). b) Current European Projects: · Network of Excellence BIOSIM, BIOSIMULATION: A NEW TOOL IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT, web page in http://chaos.fys.dtu.dk/biosim (reference 005137, 2004-2009, principal researcher from IMEDEA R. Toral). · Integrated project “THRESHOLDS: Thresholds of environmental sustainability”, (2005-2008). The principal researcher is Carlos Duarte (from the department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA) and E. Hernández is responsible of the workpackage S2WP1 on Regime modelling. · Marie Curie Conferences and Courses Program “Interactive training and research in nonlinear science from physics to biology” (2005-2008, principal researcher from IMEDEA: R. Toral).

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1). · V.M. Eguíluz, M. Ospeck, Y. Choe, A.J. Hudspethand, and M.O. Magnasco, “Essential nonlinearities in hearing”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5232 (2000). · J.H.E. Cartwright, D.L. González and O. Piro, “Pitch perception: A dynamical perspective”, Proceedings National Academy of Science, 98, 4855 (2001). · M.E. Gracheva, R. Toral, J.D. Gunton, “Stochastic effects in intercellular calcium spiking in hepatocytes”, J. Theoretical Biology, 212, 111 (2001). · M. Ospeck, V. M. Eguíluz, M. Magnasco “Hopf Bifurcations and Hair Cells”, Comments on Theoretical Biology, 6, 461 (2002). · M. Ciszak, O. Calvo, C. Masoller, C. Mirasso and R. Toral, “Anticipating the response of excitable systems driven by random forcing”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 204102 (2003). · E. Hernández-García and C. López, “Clustering, advection and patterns in a model of population dynamics with neighbourhood-dependent rates”, Phys. Rev. E, 70, 016216 (2004). · T. Sintes, N. Marbà, C. Duarte and G. Kendrick, “Modelling non-linear seagrass clonal growth: Assessing the efficiency of space occupation across the seagrass flora”, OIKOS, 108, 165 (2005). · V.M. Eguíluz , D. R. Chialvo, G. A. Cecchi, M. Baliki and A. V. Apkarian, “Scale-free brain functional networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 018102 (2005). b) Invited talks in international conferences. · “Dinámica no lineal en audición: Percepción de sonidos Complejos”, II Taller interdisciplinario de sistemas complejos, Isla de Margarita (Venezuela) October 2000. (O.Piro). · “Anticipated synchronization in neuronal systems in a noisy environment”, 26th workshop of the Ettore-Majorana International School of Solid State Physics, Stochastic systems: from randomness to complexity, Erice (Italy) Aug. 2002. (R. Toral). · “Pattern formation in a model of bugs that live, reproduce, and cluster”, MEDYFINOL'04: XIV Meeting on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics, La Serena (Chile) Dec. 2004. (E. Hernández-García).

IMEDEA-Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies

Line of Research 6:

Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems

Web page: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/eng/lines/social.html

1) Researchers: -Víctor M. Eguíluz, Ramón y Cajal Researcher -Maxi San Miguel, UIB Full Professor -Raúl Toral, UIB Full Professor

2) Background This line of research appeared as an individual item in the summary of activities of the Cross-Disciplinary Physics-IMEDEA for the first time in 2001 as a new strategic bet. In the last years it has obtained an adequate level of development.

3) Topics of Research Study of collective phenomena in social systems as examples of complex phenomena. Methodology of statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, theory of complex networks and theory of spatial games.

Problems to be considered in 2005-09: Dynamics of social networks, affinity networks and adaptive networks. Cooperative and coordination phenomena. Globalization, consensus and polarization: voter models and cultural dissemination. Group formation. Threshold models.

4) Current Research Projects a) Spanish projects: · This research line corresponds to the activity A.6 of the project CONOCE2: Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems (FIS2004-00953) (2005-2008). P.I. M. San Miguel · Special Action funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education for a thematic network “Applications of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics in Economics and Social Sciences”. Coordinators: A. Diaz-Guilera (Barcelona) and R. Toral (IMEDEA) (2005-2006). b) European projects: · This research line corresponds to the Working Group 2 of the European Action COST P10 “Physics of Risk” administrated by the European Science Foundation. M. San Miguel is the Spanish representative in the Management Committee. c) International bilateral cooperation: · "Dynamics of nonlinear units that interact in a complex networks ". Integrated Action Spain-Germany of the MCyT (Spain), HA2003-0077. (2004-2005). PI: V. Eguíluz · “Network Topology and the Dynamics of Complex Networks”. Project SES- 0432917 of the National Science Foundation NSF (USA). (2004-2005) PI: M.W.Macy (Dpt. of Sociology, Cornell University). Participants: V. M. Eguíluz & M. San Miguel.

5) Representative scientific results and impact a) Some representative publications (a full list is included as Annex 2, Sec. 4.1) · V.M. Eguíluz and M.G. Zimmermann, “Transmission of Information and Herd Behavior: an Application to Financial Markets”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5659 (2000). · K. Klemm, V.M. Eguíluz, R. Toral and M. San Miguel, “Globalization, polarization and cultural drift”, J. Economic Dynamics and Control 29, 321- 334 (2005). · V.M. Eguíluz, M.G. Zimmermann, C.J. Cela-Conde and M. San Miguel, “Cooperation and emergence of role differentiation in the dynamics of social networks”, American Journal of Sociology vol. 110, #4 (2005). b) Representative invited talks in international conferences · “Parrondo's Games: Effect of Cooperation”, in XIV Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications. Ischia (Italy). 11-14 July 2001. (R. Toral) · “Transitions to global culture from a statistical physics viewpoint”, in German Physical Society March Annual meeting, AKSOE, Dresden, (Germany), March 2003. (M. San Miguel) · “Opinion dynamics in neighborhood models and complex networks” in Workshop on Multiagent systems: Swarms, Ecology and Society at the Max- Planck-Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS) in Dresden (Germany), 29 Aug.-3 Sep., 2004. (M. San Miguel) · “Finite size effects in the dynamics of opinion formation” in Modeling Cooperative Behavior in the Social Sciences, Granada (Spain) 7-11 Feb. 2005 (R. Toral) · “Complexity and social networks” in Complexity and Healthcare Management, Bilbao (Spain). May 2004. (V. M. Eguíluz) · “Workshop on Games, Networks, and Cascades” in the Cornell campus in Manhattan (N.Y., USA). Oct. 2005. Workshop supported by the National Science Foundation’s program on Human Social Dynamics, Center for the Study of Economy and Society at Cornell University, and by the University of Utrecht. http://hsd.soc.cornell.edu/Workshop.htm (Invited talks by M. San Miguel and V. M. Eguíluz.) c) Representative press releases: · “Stockbrokers may act like sheep”, Nature Science update, 3 Jan. 2001. · Back cover in the Spanish business newspaper Cinco Dias, 16 Jan. 2001. · Netwerke mit universellen Regeln, in Frankfurter Allgemeine, 2 April 2003 · Der Mensch als Teilchen, in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2 June 2004.



Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre Centre or Institute code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Departament / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 10 10 10 10 10 Nº Research Professors 0 1 1 1 1 Nº Scientific Investigators 0 0 0 0 1 Nº Staff Research Scientists 2 2 2 2 1 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 3 3 3 3 3 Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 5 4 4 4 4 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 0 Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 0 0 0 0 0 Nº "Doctores vinculados" 0 0 0 0 0 Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 5 6 6 8 7 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 0 0 0 2 3 Nº I3P doctors 0 0 1 0 1 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 5 6 5 6 3 Total predoctoral personnel 10 13 14 14 13 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 3 4 5 5 3 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 1 1 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 7 9 8 8 9 Total civil service research support personnel 0 0 0 0 0 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 0 0 0 0 0 "Titulados de grado medio" 0 0 0 0 0 Laboratory assistants 0 0 0 0 0 Research auxiliaries 0 0 0 0 0 Total research support personnel (permanent) 0 0 0 0 0 Total contracted research support personnel 5 8 5 5 4 Total general services personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Total support unit personnel 0 0 0 0 0


There is no equipment of more than 60000 euros acquired by the DFI in the last 5 years.


To be provided by IMEDEA administration.for the whole Institute.



Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 3 7 0 3 14 Nº PROFIT projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº. FIS projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº INIA projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 5 2 1 1 2 11 Nº regional government projects 0 2 4 2 0 8 Nº private foundation projects 1 0 0 0 0 1 Other competitive projects 4 2 2 1 3 12 Total Nº competitive projects 11 9 14 4 8 46 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 0 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 68.211 256.823 139.355 0 336.560 800.949 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financing (euros) FIS projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financing (euros) INIA projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 514.168 298.191 0 0 217.000 1.029.359 Financing (euros) regional government projects 0 4.808 45.590 29.100 0 79.498 Financing (euros) private foundation projects 7.813 0 0 0 0 7.813 Financing (euros) other competitive projects 12.038 12.201 0 21.400 21.216 66.855 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 602.230 572.023 184.945 50.500 574.776 1.984.474 3.2. DIMENSION 2.- SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTION

3.2.1. Scientific production in ISI-indexed journals

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 41 27 57 43 45 213

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Physical Review Letters 9 4 4 2 5 24 Physical Review E 6 4 12 10 14 46 Physical Review A 1 1 9 4 2 17 IEEE Journals (J. Quantum Electronics, Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Photonics Technology Letters, …) 2 1 8 3 2 16 PNAS 0 1 0 0 1 2 Nature 0 0 1 0 0 1 Physica A+D 4 3 5 9 5 26 Optics Letters 2 0 3 0 0 5 Geophysical Research Letters 2 1 0 0 1 4 Europhysics Letters 0 1 1 0 1 3 Applied Physics Letters 0 0 1 1 0 2

3.2.2. Scientific production in journals not indexed by ISI and in other publications

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 4 2 5 5 7 23 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 0 0 0 2 1 3

Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 5 3 1 7 4 20 Nº collective works edited/directed* 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº books 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

3.2.3. Reports and invited conferences presented at congresses and participation as editors or advisors to scientific publications.

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 11 1 16 10 5 43 Posters in national congresses 9 0 9 25 10 53 Invited presentations at national congresses 3 1 0 2 5 11 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 2 1 3 2 1 Total presentations at international congresses 35 26 33 30 27 151 Posters in international congresses 11 13 2 9 10 45 Invited presentations at international congresses 13 11 17 12 17 70 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 9 4 6 4 7 30

Editors/Directors of ISI journals 0 0 1 0 0 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 Board members of ISI journals 1 1 1 1 2 Board members of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 1 1 Board members of national non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0

3.2.4. Application for and granting of patents and utility models

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 0 0 0 0 0 0 NATIONAL patents obtained 0 0 0 0 0 0 EPO patents applied for 0 0 0 0 0 0 EPO patents obtained 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCT patents applied for 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCT patents obtained 0 0 0 0 0 0 USPTO patents applied for 0 0 0 0 0 0 USPTO patents obtained 0 0 0 0 0 0 Portfolio active national patents 0 0 0 0 0 0 Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.2.5. Technology transfer and participation of Department personel in the generation of or in activities of companies, especially of basic technology

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 0 0 0 0 0 0 Patentes in exploitation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents 0 0 0 0 0 0

Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº persons del C/I related to Start -ups 0 0 0 0 0 0


3.3.1. Contracts witht companies for joint implementation of research projects, advisory services, technical reports, etc.

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 0 0 0 1 0 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 0 0 0 9.000 0 9000

Nº de technological or advisory services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues from service or advisory contracts 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (ministries or their organizations, regional governments, etc.) and not-for-profit institutions

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues from R&D contracts 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nº advisory services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0

Associated R&D units 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.3.3. Implication of the Department researchers in external scientific and technologic consultancies

Participation in Evaluation Comitees of ANEP, National Plan, Regional Plans, etc. Assessment of public institutions on scientific matters, etc.

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº managers/assistant PN 0 0 0 1 0 1 Nº National Plan selection commission members 0 0 0 2 0 2 Nº regional government selection commission members 0 0 1 0 2 3 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 0 1 1 1 0 3 Other expert advisory committees 1 1 1 3 4 10

3.3.4. Internacionalization of research activities

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 5 2 1 1 2 11 Nº projects in other European or international programs 2 0 1 0 1 4 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 1 1 1 1 1 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 3 4 4 3 1 15 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 2 1 2 3 1 9 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 2 1 0 2 6


Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS 168 Department / Service / Research group Cross-disciplinary Physics Department Responsible Maxi San Miguel

Total 2000- Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 0 1 4 4 3 12 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 3 3 1 1 0 8 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 0 1 4 5 11 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 1 1 1 3 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 6 9 7 4 4 30 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 10 13 14 14 13 64 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 0 0 0 2 3 5 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 0 0 0 0 0 0 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 0 0 1 0 1 2 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 5 6 5 6 3 25 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 5 6 6 8 7 32 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted 0 0 1 1 0 2 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other contracts for technical personnel 1 2 1 1 2 7

Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 3 0 1 3 1 8 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 8 10 12 11 12 53 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 12 12 12 12 12 60 Total credits for doctoral courses 32 32 32 32 32 160 Total credits for postgraduate courses 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº university associate professors 0 0 0 0 0 0 * In competitive calls for grants


The Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department is involved in different activities related to the dissemination of research:

3.5.1. Participation in the Week of Science, science fairs, or other activities to develop scientific culture

· M. San Miguel, “El siglo de la Fisica: Caos y cooperación”, Ciclo: ¿Por donde va la Ciencia), Castellón, Marzo 2000 · Salvador Balle “The laser as an information transmitter” stand in the “I Science Festival”, Palma de Mallorca (May 2002). · Raúl Toral: “100 anys de processos estocàstics a física, química i biologia: ordre a partir del desordre”, seminar in the student conference series “Ciencia i Societat” in the Faculty of Sciences, UIB (8 May 2002). · Montserrat Casas: “Per què cal fer ciència?”, seminar at the “Pau Casesnoves” High School of Inca (february 2003). · Víctor M. Eguíluz and Emilio Hernández, “Networks and Complex Systems” stand in the “II Science Festival”, Palma de Mallorca (April 2003). · Montserrat Casas and Llorenç Serra, “Environmental radioactivity and applications of the onizing radiations”, stands in the II, III and IV “Science Festivals”, Palma de Mallorca (2003-2005). · Raúl Toral: “La física dels sistemes complexos, o perquè no es varen creure els francesos que hi hagués un atac al pentàgon l'11 de setembre”, seminar in different high schools (november 2003). · Montserrat Casas and Llorenç Serra, “Què són les nanostructures electròniques”, presentation at the II, III and IV “Science Festivals”, Palma de Mallorca (2003-2005). · Emilio Hernández: “Caos, mescla en fluids, i les inhomegeneïtats en la distribució de plàncton”, seminar in the student conference series “Ciencia i Societat” in the Faculty of Sciences, UIB (20 november 2003). · Montserrat Casas: "Un passeig pel mòn de la Física", seminars at the “Felanitx” and “Ses Estacions” High Schools (november 2003). · Raúl Toral: “La física dels sistemes complexos, o perquè no es varen creure els francesos que hi hagués un atac al pentàgon l'11 de setembre”, seminar in the student conference series “Ciencia i Societat” in the Faculty of Sciences, UIB (18 February 2004). · Raúl Toral: “Rumors, canvi d´opinió i física dels sistemes complexos”, seminar within the Science Week, given at IMEDEA (11 november 2004), and in the following High Schools: “Ses Estacions” (Palma de Mallorca, 8 november 2004) and “Son Pacs” (Palma de Mallorca, 10 november 2004). · Pere Colet: “Usos del caos: comunicaciones secretas'', seminar within the “Science Week” given at IMEDEA (5 november 2004), and in the following High Schools: “Berenguer d'Anoia”, (Inca, Mallorca, 10 november 2004) and “Gillem Cifre de Colonya”, (Pollença, Mallorca, 12 november 2004). · Pere Colet: ``Usos del caos: comunicaciones secretas'', seminar in the student conference series “Ciencia i Societat” in the Faculty of Sciences, UIB (16 march 2005). · Oreste Piro, “Chaotic devices” stand in the “IV Science Festival”, Palma de Mallorca (April 2005).

3.5.2. Dissemination activities in the media (press articles, etc.)

a) Dissemination articles

· M. San Miguel, “De borregos, fisicos y brokers”, Diario de Mallorca 9 Febrero 2000 · V.M. Eguíluz, “El comportamiento de los agentes de Bolsa”. Cinco Días, page 13 (April 18, 2001). · V.M. Eguíluz, “Acústica del oído. Cóclea y células ciliadas.” Investigación y Ciencia, pp 33–34 (June 2001). · V.M. Eguíluz, M. G. Zimmermann. “Sistemas complejos: el caso de los mercados financieros.” Euskonews & Media, (July 6, 2001). · V.M. Eguíluz, “La Bolsa de Esporles.” Revista Española de Física 15, 54–56 (2001). · R. Toral, ” Condensado de Bose-Einstein”, in Investigación y Ciencia, pp 22-23 (2001). · O. Piro, “Fisica Interdisciplinar: ¿Para qué estudiar la complejidad?”, Diario de Mallorca, 14 november 2001. · R. Toral, “Ruido, más ruido por favor”, in Revista Española de Física 16, 62-65 (2002). · R. Toral ,“No hay ruido bueno, pero algunos son mejores que otros”, in Revista Española de Física 16, 60-62 (2002) · R. Toral “Los números aleatorios en Sevilla son una maravilla”, in Revista Española de Física 16, 58-58 (2002). · F. Guinea, E. Louis and M. San Miguel, “La ubicuidad como futuro de la Física Estadística y No Lineal”, in Revista Española de Física 17, num 5, 24-28 (2003) · S. Barland, M. Giudici, J. R. Tredicce and S. Balle “Procesado óptico de información. Solitones de cavidad”, Investigación y Ciencia, 322, 38 (2003). · M. San Miguel “Interdisciplinariedad: Comentarios desde la perspectiva de un físico” en “El papel social de la ciencia en Baleares: Un homenaje a Javier Benedí”. pp. 235-250. Eds. C. Duarte y F. Grases, Universitat Illes Balears (2003). · E. Hernández-García y C. López, “Bichos que se reproducen y amontonan, y su descripción macroscopica”, Revista española de fisica, 18, 49, (2004). · C.R. Mirasso, "Chaotic optical Communications", Hot Topics, LEOS Newsletters, February 2005. · M. San Miguel, R. Toral, V.M. Eguíluz, “Redes complejas en la dinámica social.”, Revista vasca de sociologia Inguruak (2005) in press. · P. Colet, M. San Miguel, R. Toral, Departament de fisica interdisciplinar al IMEDEA. Revista Catalana de Física, 2005.

b) Press releases

· The paper “Essential nonlinearities in hearing”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5232 (2000), was the subject of several articles appeared in the media: o Adrian Cho, ‘BIOPHYSICS: What’s Shakin’ in the Ear?’, Science 288, 1954 (2000); o Philip Ball, ‘lifelines: Ears how’, Nature Science Update (http://helix.nature.com/nsu), 6 June 2000; o ‘Physics goes inside the ear’, PhysicsWeb (http://www.physicsweb.org/), 2 June 2000; o ‘El oído que se escucha a sí mismo’, recol.es, 5 June 2000; o In Spanish newspapers: El País (21 June 2000); El Diario de Mallorca (10 June 2000); El Diari de Balears (11 June 2000). · The paper “Transmission of information and herd behavior: an application to financial systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 6559 (2000), was the subject of several articles appeared in the media: o David Ehrenstein, ‘Stock Market: Follow the Leader’, Physical Review Focus (http://focus.aps.org/), 22 December 2000; o Mark Haw, ‘phenomena: Stockbrokers may act like sheep’, Nature Science Update (http://helix.nature.com/nsu), 3 January 2001; o Ian Sample, ‘IN BRIEF: Research shows stockbrokers behave like sheep’, New Scientist, pp. 23, 13 January 2001; o Fanella Saunders, ‘R&D: Herd on Wall Street’, Discover Magazine 22, pp 12, June 2001; o Jorge Barrero. Brokers: el misterio de los borregos en llamas, Revista en.red.ando (http://www.enredando.com Num. 257 - [Week from 06.03.2001 to 12.03.2001]). o in Spanish newspapers: El País (16 January 2001), La Razón (16 January 2001), El Mundo-Baleares (16, 18 January 2001), Cinco Días (16 January 2001), La Gaceta de los Negocios (16 January 2001), Diario de Mallorca (16, 17 January, 9 February 2001), Ultima Hora (16, 17 January 2001); La Vanguardia (22 January 2001), ABC (28 January 200); o in Argentinian newspapers: La Prensa (22 January 2001); o in Spanish Radio Stations: La Biblioteca de Alejandría (Radio Nacional de España) (7 March 2001), Radio Intereconomía. · The paper “On the effect of small-scale oceanic variability on topography-generated currents, Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 739 (2000) ), was the subject of several articles appeared in the media: o El Mundo/El Día de Baleares, (11 de Abril 2000), o National Geographic, spanish edition, section Geographica España, August 2000. · The paper “Highly clustered scale-free networks”, Phys. Rev. E 65, 036123 (2002), was the subject of several articles appeared in the media: o Kimberly Patch ‘Page age shapes Web’, Technology Research News (http://www.trnmag.com/), 21 November 2001; · Oreste Piro, interview in Diario de Mallorca, 9 june 2001. · “Dem Laserstrahl auf der Spur, Wissenschaftler aus Müster und Mallorca erforschen germeinsam physikalische Probleme”, Mallorca Zaitung 14 December 2001. · Juan Pérez Mercader, interview in Diario de Mallorca, 18 june 2002. · “Cientifics de les balears i dels EUA cerquen mecanismos de la memoria”, Diari de Balears, 19 July 2002. · “Estudio conjunto del IMEDEA y UCLA sobre células nerviosas y cardiacas”, Diario de Mallorca, 19 July 2002. · Dante Chialvo, interview in Diario de Mallorca, 31 July 2002 · “Caos i ordre informatic”, Report on caotic codified communications in “Punt Omega” channel C33 (Televisió de Catalunya), 18 march 2003. · “Netzwerke mit universellen Reglen” (Networks with universal laws), Frankfurter Allgemeine, 2 April 2003 · “External Cavity Controls Transverse Mode in VCSEL”, in Photonics Spectra, August 2003. · “La teoría del caos se aplica a la respiración de los niños”, Diario de Mallorca, 26 september 2003. · “Xerrades sobre Teoria del Caos”, Diario de Balears, 25 september 2003. · “La UIB acoge un congreso sobre la teoría del caos”, Ultima Hora, 24 september 2003. · “Der Mensch als Teilchen” en el Neue Zürcher Zeitung del 2 Junio de 2004 por Rainer Scharf http://www.nzz.ch/2004/06/02/ft/page- article9ML2J.html · “Un congreso de la UIB analiza la aplicación de la “teoria del caos” en la prevención de ataques del corazón”, Diario de Mallorca, 14 september 2004. · “RedIris impulsa la primera prueba de computación distribuida en 16 laboratorios españoles”, El Pais, 26 october 2004. · Pere Colet, interview about the participation of IMEDEA in the scientific project Irisgrid, in “Informatiu Balear” (TVE), 29 october 2004. · “La física permet analitzar canvis d’opinió com els viscuts l’11-M”, Diari de Balears, 12 november 2004. · “El Imedea y el IBO crean un sistema más preciso para detectar deficiencias del ojo”, Diario de Mallorca, 19 december 2004. · Report on the activity about chaotic communication in "Horizons XXI", TVE Baleares, 28 December 2004. · Víctor M. Eguíluz, Diario de Mallorca, 15 January 2005.

· “Las áreas del cerebro tienen similitudes de conexión con redes como Internet, según el Imedea”, Ultima Hora, 16 January 2005. · "Científicos de la UIB diseñan un sistema de alta seguridad para enviar datos informáticos", Diario de Mallorca, 5 February 2005. · "Nuevo sistema para codificar datos", El Mundo de Baleares, 5 February 2005.

3.5.3. Training of primary and secondary school teachers

· Montserrat Casas: participation in the course “Quantum Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Relativity” (January-February 2005), addressed to high school teachers, and organized by the Centre de Professorat de Palma.

3.5.4. Preparation of manuals and textbooks

· Raul Toral: “Apuntes de Física Estadística”, available in: http://www.imedea.uib.es/raul/FE/ · Raúl Toral: “Pseudospectral methods for the practitioner”, an introduction pseudospectral methods, available in: http://www.imedea.uib.es/raul/publications/algorithm.ps.gz

3.5.5. Open-house days at the Centre/Institute

· Open House Day celebrating the inauguration of the Institute main building.

· Open House Day to the the primary school Gabriel Comas I Ribes of Esporles -the town where IMEDEA is located- on November 2002.

3.5.6. Vocational days in secondary schools

· Pere Colet has participated in a “Meeting for Advising University Studies” in the Program for Professional-Academic Advisor, “Lluis Vives” School, Palma de Mallorca, 22 December 2004.

4. STRATEGIC PLAN: Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of IMEDEA


Following the recommendations to prepare the strategic plan we will use the standard procedure corresponding to the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis.

4.1.1 Strengths

I-Human capital:

There is no doubt that the best asset of the Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department of IMEDEA (DFI) is human capital: scientists with a very high qualification, diverse origin (the 11 tenured scientists of DFI have obtained their PhD degrees from 6 different Universities, 2 of which foreign), and with proven collaboration and interaction skills among all of them. They have shown a high degree of curiosity to search and carry out new scientific enterprises, both individually and as a collective. They constitute the required “critical mass” to achieve well defined scientific goals. Their interaction pivots around a series of seminars with an average attendance of 25-30 researchers, and that make a total of 243 in the period 2000-2004. In addition, the DFI has proven to be a centre of attraction for researchers, at the postgraduate, postdoctoral, and visiting sabbatical levels. Among the postdoctoral fellows since 1995 there have been 17 foreigners coming from 6 Western European and 3 Latin America countries. The proportion of predoctoral fellows coming from outside Spain for each year in the period 2000-2004 has been 5/10, 6/13, 7/14, 9/14, and 7/13, respectively, while the proportion of those who have not graduated at the local University is 8/10, 8/13, 9/14, 11/14, and 9/13, respectively. In the last six years there has been an average of 2 foreign scholars per year in sabbatical stays longer than 3 months. Annex I contains the listing of personnel in 2005, and the Annual Reports, posted in the Web page http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/ , contain the listing of personnel and visitors corresponding to each year, and also a listing of the seminars carried out.

II-Scientific output: a) Relative strength and impact of scientific publications within IMEDEA:

An indicative exploration carried out on April 2005 uncovers 663 publications indexed in SCI from the creation of IMEDEA in 1995 until the end of 2004 in which at least one author has an IMEDEA affiliation. 40% of these publications correspond to authors belonging to DFI, proportion that is much larger than the proportion of DFI personnel within IMEDEA. The two scientific journals with the largest number of publications in this study (from IMEDEA as a whole) are Physical Review E (57 papers) and Physical Review Letters (35 papers). This concentration in a field defined by section E of Physical Review and in the journal with the largest impact in Physics and that covers all Physics areas (PRL) indicates the existence of a thematic unit with a critical mass in a well defined field, together with a level of excellence in quality.

The list of most cited articles of IMEDEA is also worth of attention, even when one considers the heterogeneity regarding the absolute impact level of the different subfields of Physics and Biology. Omitting the articles due to authors that are no longer members of IMEDEA, and whose lines of research do no longer exist, 6 out of the 10 most cited papers are due to DFI researchers, including 2 of the 3 most cited. The same 60% proportion holds when one considers papers cited more than 25 times.

b) Relative strength and impact on scientific publications within CSIC:

Taking the different sections in Physical Review as a first approximation to the classification of subfields within Physics, an indicative exploration carried out in April 2005 yields the following results (for the period 2000-2004):

Papers total: Papers CSIC: Papers DFI-IMEDEA:

PRA: 7.911 PRA: 49 PRA: 15 PRB: 24.385 PRB: 510 PRB: 3 PRC: 4.309 PRC: 52 PRC: 0 PRD: 10.429 PRD: 197 PRD: 0 PRE: 11.375 PRE: 103 PRE: 43

This identifies PRA and PRE as the two fields of Physics in which CSIC production is weakest, and thus those needing the greatest support within CSIC. In these two fields the contribution of DFI is a key one: 30% and 40%, respectively of CSIC total output.

Taking Physical Review Letters as the reference journal regarding excellence in the different fields within Physics, one finds that in the same period 2000-2004 the DFI generates around 10% of the total CSIC output (24 out of 272). To appreciate better the contribution of DFI-IMEDEA within the CSIC Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies it is important to recall that both in PRL and in PRE there is a large proportion of papers coming from CSIC Institutes in the Area of Materials Science. It is also noteworthy to mention that DFI is one of the smallest units in the CSIC Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies regarding the number of scientific personnel.

– General Data:

The total number of publications in international SCI journals in the period 2000- 2004 with the DFI-IMEDEA affiliation is 213, being the majority of them accessible directly from the publications data base in our web page http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/.

A sample of representative journals for these publications is:

Physical Review Letters: 24 Physical Review E: 46 Physical Review A: 17 IEEE Journals: 16 Proc. National Academy of Sciences USA: 2 Nature: 1

(The numerical discrepancies with the data in section b) for Physical Review measure the error bars in the automatic bibliographic search)

Annex 2 contains a listing of all the scientific publications by year of DFI- IMEDEA members in the period 2000-2004. The listing is considerably larger than 213 since it also includes publications of DFI-IMEDEA researchers published with different affiliations.


In the period 2000-2005 the researchers of DFI-IMEDEA have participated as partners (coordinating one) in 7 EC-Framework Program projects (RT Networks, IST Future and Emerging Technologies, and others). Presently they participate in 3 EC Networks of Excellence (ONCE-CS, EUR-OCEANS, BIOSIM). They have received national funding through main projects from the general basic science National Program for Physics, as well as from National Programs for Information Technologies and Natural Resources-Marine Sciences. They have also participated in a number of international bilateral projects as well as in networks and programs of the European Science Foundation. This funding is considered as very important and consistent. In summary, DFI has a proven capability of obtaining resources for the activities carried out from competitive calls. Annex 3 contains a listing of Research Projects granted to DFI researchers from 2003 onwards. The grand total budget of live Projects in the year 2004 obtained by researchers from DFI amounts to 1,623,000 €. This figure is obtained adding up the total budget of the projects running during 2004 as listed in Annex 3 and it includes 115,200 € of projects listed in the Annex as “Other projects with participation of DFI-IMEDEA researchers”. This level of funding should be put into context taking into account the theoretical nature of most of the activities.

IV-Interdisciplinarity and capability for interaction with scientists from other fields:

Researchers from DFI have participated in research projects and published joint papers with scientists from a variety of fields outside the domain of Physics, including Biology, Engineering, Oceanography, Medicine, Economics and Social Sciences. A list of running projects of this type is the following:

-BIOSIM: Biosimulation: A new tool in drug development, Network of Excellence of the 6th Framework Programme. Web page in http://www.biosim-network.net/ (reference 005137, 2004-2009, principal researcher from IMEDEA Raúl Toral).

-Collaboration project “Scaling Laws and topology of functional brain networks” with researchers of the Physiology Department of the Northwestern University (Chicago,USA), (reference BFM2002-12792-E, 2004-2006, principal researcher V. M. Eguíluz).

-THRESHOLDS: Thresholds of environmental sustainability, Integrated Project of the VI Framework Programme of EU, priority 6.3 “Global Change and Ecosystems” (2005-2008). Coordinator of the project: C. M. Duarte (Nat. Resources-IMEDEA). Responsible of workpackage S2WP1 'regime modelling': E. Hernández-García (DFI).

-ICEPOS: Interacciones complejas en el ecosistema pelágico del Océano Sur: Desentrañando la paradoja Antártica (Complex interactions in the pelagic ecosystem of the Southern Ocean: disentangling the Antartic paradox). Coordinated project REN2002-04165-C03-C02, Spanish National R+D Plan. Coordinator + PI Subproject 2, Carlos M. Duarte (Nat. Resources-IMEDEA). Participants from DFI: Oreste Piro and Tomás Sintes. Continues during 2005.

-“Food web interactions and the Development of complex marine landscapes in the Southern Ocean”. (PI: C.M. Duarte, Nat. Resources-IMEDEA). Project within the National Plan in which Oreste Piro (DFI) participates. Continues during 2005.

-EUR-OCEANS: European Network of Excellence (NoE) for ocean ecosystems analysis. Contract No. 511106-2, of the VI Framework Programme of EU, priority 6.3 “Global Change and Ecosystems” (PI: L. Laubier, Paris). CSIC participates as a partner, and Emilio Hernández-García from DFI. (2005-2008).

-MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. European Network of Excellence (NoE) of the VI Framework Programme of EU. IMEDEA participates as a partner, and Tomás Sintes from DFI (2004-2009).

-“Networks of genetic structure in marine plants”. Interdepartmental collaboration (Nat. Resources-DFI) that has lead to hiring A. Rozenfeld (PhD in Physics) as a postdoc funded by MEC, started in January 2005. Participants from DFI: E. Hernández-García, M. Matías y V. M. Eguíluz. Along the same lines a preproposal has been submitted to the EURODIVERSITY line of EUROCORES Programme of the European Science Foundation (ESF). A: Genetic diversity and the resistance and stability of European seagrass meadows “. (PI: C.M. Duarte, Nat. Resources). Participants from DFI: E. Hernández-García, M. Matías and V. M. Eguíluz.

Note that among these collaborations the interactions with the Department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA plays an important role.

V- Scientific prestige and evaluation

The “IMEDEA” brand represents nowadays a label of quality, prestige and scientific innovation widely recognized within the communities of its lines of research in the international world of Physics. Such recognition translates, for example, in an ample presence of the researchers of DFI-IMEDEA in international committees, invited conferences, etc., and in the positive evaluation of its publications and national and international projects. In the period 2000-2004 a total of 70 invited talks in international conferences appear in the Annual Reports of activities available in http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/. At the national level it is possible to mention the project CONOCE2 (2005-2008) that represents the continuity of most of the activities of the DFI in its basic aspects, with the participation of 8 tenured researchers and two Ramón y Cajal Fellows. At the local level it is also possible to mention the evaluations of "excellence" of the Group of Cross- Disciplinary Physics by the Balearic Government (Govern) and in the internal calls of the UIB.

VI-Geographic situation:

The location of IMEDEA in the Mediterranean island of Majorca is a privileged situation for a centre for advanced studies attracting scientists worldwide. On one hand, the island of Majorca is a very popular and well connected destination within Europe. On the other, Spain traditionally is a very attractive place for Latin American scientists. Furthermore, Majorca has first class airport facilities and very good hotel and touristic infrastructures, which together with its mild weather makes it very attractive for all kind of visitors.

4.1.2 Weaknesses

· The lack of own and suitable facilities where the researchers can meet spontaneously and can interchange ideas is one of the greatest weaknesses. At the present time the researchers of the DFI are located in three different buildings in the UIB campus and in the building of the IMEDEA in Esporles, located 10 km away from the UIB campus, which does not help to the coordination and cooperation between the activities made in the diverse places.

· During the last years the DFI has not been able to create the adequate feeling in the Commission for the CSIC Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies towards the lines of work carried out in the DFI, that are under-represented in the CSIC as a whole, and therefore need support to reach the development level that they have in the international context.

· Absence of new permanent staff hirings from CSIC. From the creation of the IMEDEA only two new tenured scientists have come to the DFI (one TC (Tenured Researcher) in 1999 and one PI (Research Professor) in 2001), and no technician or connected personnel has been assigned to the DFI.

· In spite of the relevance of the research carried out at the DFI, it is still relatively little known by the local society.

4.1.3 Opportunities

· The UIB application for European FEDER funds (June 2004) for a multi- institutes building project in the UIB campus where DFI-IMEDEA could be located opens a hopeful opportunity (see Sec. 5.2).

· There exists a very advantageous positioning in emergent and cross- disciplinary areas, such as the interphases Physics-Biology/Physiology and Physics/Social Sciences.

· The new lines of research opened in the last years in connection with some of those interphases allow for a better linkage with areas of interest of the society, since their goals are easier to understand and to communicate than other of a more traditional or fundamental nature, of which the DFI continues to takes care.

· The presence in the same centre of researchers belonging to the Areas of Physics and Natural Resources is a clear opportunity for research along some of the above mentioned interphases, that is already being pursued (see point 4.1.1), and that will be harnessed further more.

· At the moment the circumstances of opportunity recommend the creation of a CSIC thematic network of Spanish centres devoted to the study of complex systems, coordinated from the DFI. The proposal of the BIFI (Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems, Zaragoza) as an “Associated Unit” to IMEDEA is a first step on this direction (see Sec. 5.6.3).

a) Threats

· For sure that a threat for the IMEDEA, and the rest of centres of the CSIC, is the excessive weight of bureaucratization and management in the daily activity. We hope that following this Strategic Plan it will be possible that the CSIC centres have a more suitable administrative framework for their research activity.

· It is usual in environments devoid of a long scientific tradition to stress lines of research from which yields are expected in the very short term, or those devoted to providing services. Quite commonly this emphasis weakens the resources dedicated to fundamental lines, and even those that are strategic in the medium or long term. Luckily the IMEDEA, in its almost ten years of existence, already has been able to consolidate itself as a true Advanced Studies Centre, in which lines of strategic interest, of both applied and fundamental nature, coexist, showing also a beneficial feedback between them. Nevertheless, at the moment of internal reorganization, it is not necessary to lose sight of the real danger of interventions that deviate the IMEDEA out of their original goals as an Advanced Studies Centre towards a service provider centre.

· The DFI feels specially vulnerable to the risk of such interventions, among other reasons because in the present administrative situation, the IMEDEA lacks a formal link to the Area of Physics and Physical Technologies of CSIC, which does not facilitate a fluid communication of the DFI with its natural interlocutors.

4.1.5 Integrated analysis

The DFI in the context of the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of CSIC

Within the usual classification of centres within this Area, the DFI is not included among the centres of technological orientation and its centre of gravity is, instead, in fundamental science. However, and it has been indicated already, the DFI avoids the basic-applied dichotomy and it looks for the transfer of some of the new concepts towards applications. In table 2.12 of the Strategic Plan of the Physics Area for 2000-2004, and on the thematic contribution of the centres, the DFI already appeared with clear signs of identity and like the centre with greater concentration in activity T3 (Modelling of Complex Phenomena). A series of novel research topics addressed by physicists fit under that thematic umbrella, and they are under-represented in the CSIC. The DFI represents a nucleation centre for the development and harnessing of these research topics.

To a large extent the lines of research of the DFI do not have a sufficiently visible parallel in other centres of the CSIC as far as thematic, critical mass or approach. Exceptions can be the lines of Nonlinear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices and the one of Quantum Information and Nanoscience in aspects detailed below, where possible synergies will be looked for.

The cross-disciplinary mission of the DFI positions it in a favourable situation regarding inter-areas initiatives within the CSIC, although its natural context of activity reflected in projects and publications is in the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies. Without resigning from any scientific or thematic adventure to which it might be possible to contribute in the future, these activities are approached from the perspective, practices and methods of Physics.

Analysis of the lines of research of the DFI-IMEDEA

A brief review of each one of the lines of research can be found attached as an Annex to Sec. 1.4. These reviews include Web page, history, researchers, thematic description, associated representative projects and representative results. Next, for each line of research the evaluations requested in the recommendations to elaborate the strategic plan are given

Line 1: Complex systems: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics:

Research capability: It includes an important mass of researchers totally connected through internal collaborations. It is a transversal line fully established. For example, it represents of the order of 40% of publications of CSIC in Physical Review E in the period 2000-2004.

Relative quality: 5 Excellent

Competitive trend: it is hoped to hold in a stable way the position of excellence during the next 5 years.

Relevance: Position of leadership recognized in Spain. A sufficiently visible equivalent does not exist in other centres of CSIC as far as thematic, critical mass or approach. Related activity can be found in IFCA (Cantabria). The Spanish activity in the subject is coordinated from the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Group of the RSEF (Spanish Royal Society of Physics) through the FISES Conferences (13 since 1980 with around 150 participants). Among the Spanish centres with critical mass and emphasis in complex systems we identify the BIFI (Institute of Biocomputation and Complex Systems Physics, Zaragoza) and the GISC (Complex Systems Interdisciplinary Group, UC3M- UCM). There exist established collaborations with both of them, as well as with IFCA (Santander) and other university groups of Barcelona, Tarragona and Santiago de Compostela, among others. At the European level a number of collaborations with other centers are held, among which a few are supported through bilateral funds (Acciones Integradas). The DFI is member of the ONCE- CS (Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems) supported by the European Union. A member of the DFI was Chairman of the Division of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of the European Physical Society and it is now a Board member.

Proposal for the future: Maintain in its present levels emphasizing the studies on networks like new central paradigm to understand the phenomenology of complex systems.

Line 2: Nonlinear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices:

Research capability: This line is well established, with wide participation and leadership in national and European projects. As indicators of the transfer of knowledge to engineering we mention that it has received a Ramón y Cajal Contract in the area of Electronic Technology and Communications and an European Marie Curie postdoctoral contract in the engineering panel. As example of representative conference of the field the EQEC series (European Quantum Electronics Conference) can be mentioned. In EQEC 2003 (Munich) two of the three participating Spaniards in scientific subcommittees belonged to the DFI. Out of the 30 Spanish oral contributions, 12 came from the DFI and other two from other centers of the CSIC. It can also be mentioned that the DFI contributes of the order of 1/3 of publications of the CSIC in Physical Review A in the period 2000-2004.

Relative quality: 5 Excellent

Competitive trend: It is hoped that this line holds its excellence position during next the 5 years.

Relevance: Within the CSIC, there exists some research in areas related to Nonlinear Optics in the Instituto de Optica. On the other hand, there exists a long tradition of collaboration (since 1990) in he field of Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices with IFCA (Cantabria). The new Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas (ICFO, Barcelona), which does not belong to CSIC, is a reference center in this field.

Proposal for the future: To maintain in its present levels restructuring two previous lines of research (dynamic of optoelectronic devices and nonlinear and quantum optics) in a single line with greater visibility. The study of dynamics in lasers and amplifiers of semiconductor will be emphasized, including vertical cavity devices, the study of chaotic synchronization with views to secure communications, as well as the study of instabilities, formation of localized structures and optical processing of information and images. In order to strengthen this line, the tenured personnel should be increased with stable positions offered to present senior postdoctoral scientists in competition with external candidates.

Line 3: Quantum Information and Nanoscience:

Research capability: The researchers active in this line have channelled their activity in the past through the academic Department of Physics of UIB as an alternative way to doing it through DFI-IMEDEA. This line has 3 Ramón y Cajal Fellows belonging to the Department of Physics of UIB, two of which are in the Material Sciences Area. The goal now is to channel this research through DFI- IMEDEA, aiming to achieve a critical mass there.

Relative Quality: 4 Very Good.

Competitive trend: It is hoped that this line will expand and grow regarding carrying out its activities within the DFI.

Relevance: Within CSIC there are activities on Nanoscience in several Institutes, in particular in the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales. The stress of the research carried out at DFI-IMEDEA is on aspects of theoretical modelling of quantum dots and nanostructures.

Proposal for the future: Harness this line within DFI-IMEDEA by channelling Grants, postgraduate students and postdocs that were formerly assigned to academic departments of the UIB.

Line 4: Fluid dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids

Research capability: This line of research has become well established within DFI, with a more fundamental side on the application of dynamical systems theory to chaotic advection, and and another strategic side in the context of marine sciences, biofluids and microfluids. It has received specific financial support from European and National funds and a Ramón y Cajal Fellow in the Area of Earth Sciences.

Relative quality: 5 Excellent

Competitive trend: It is hoped that this line holds its excellence position during the next 5 years.

Relevance: Within CSIC, and in the field of Biofluids, there exists an active collaboration with LEC (Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos, Granada). In aspects of applications in the context of Marine Sciences there are active collaborations and coordinated Grants with the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (Barcelona).

Proposal for the future: To maintain the present activities and start experimental activity with a Nonlinear Physics-Fluids Laboratory, as soon as the availability of space makes it possible. It is intended to strengthen the performance of this line by increasing the number of tenured personnel, with stable positions offered to present senior postdoctoral scientists in competition with external candidates.

Line 5: Biophysics and Nonlinear Phenomena in Ecology and Physiology

Research capability: This line of research has been established through individual initiatives in the last years, which have matured in a number of coherent interdisciplinary activities: i) Fundamental aspects of Biology (Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, etc.); ii) Ecology; iii) Applications in Physiology and Health Sciences. This line has raised funding at both the European and National level, and it is also of strategic importance for the collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA.

Relative Quality: 4 Very Good

Competitive trend: Effort and resources will be poured in order to sustain the consolidation and advancement of this line, in order to take it to the level of international excellence.

Relevance: CSIC Institutes with possible intersections with these activities are CAB (Madrid) and the Estación Biológica de Doñana (Sevilla). Other Spanish centers that are worth mentioning are BIFI (Zaragoza), regarding protein folding and Bioinformatics, and the Complex Systems Lab at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), regarding Biocomplexity topics.

Proposal for the future: The goal is to strengtheny this line, especially in what regards the collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA. It is intended to strengthen the performance of this line by increasing the number of tenured personnel, with stable positions offered to present senior postdoctoral scientists in competition with external candidates.

Line 6: Dynamics and collective phenomena in social systems:

Research capability: This line of research has been developed in the last years as a new strategic bet. A suitable level development has been obtained already with sufficient critical mass for the proposed objectives and with contributions in journals of the highest prestige in social sciences such as the American Journal of Sociology, and also with great impact as far as invited presence in international forums.

Relative Quality: 5 Excellent

Competitive trend: The goal is to maintain the achieved level of excellence taken advantage of the new opportunities at this emergent field.

Relevance: A thematic network of MEC (Spanish Ministry of Education) in this field was approved in April 2005, and one of the coordinators belongs to DFI- IMEDEA. Participants from CSIC in this network include IFCA and ICMM. There exist further contributions from other CSIC Institutes, but they are oriented rather to the analysis of economic data (Econophysics). This emergent activity still has a disperse nature in Europe, but a COST Action (P10: Physics of Risk) exists, in which a member of DFI-IMEDEA is the Spanish co-representative.

Proposal for the future: Line to maintain concerning resources and personnel involvement, and to be enriched and deepened thematically.


4.2.1. Mission

The programmatic goal of the Department of Cross-Disciplinary Physics of IMEDEA (DFI) is to promote interdisciplinary and strategic research, from the perspective of physicists, in the increasing number of problems at the frontiers of knowledge that appear at the borders of well established fields. Under this perspective the DFI is pioneering within the CSIC and its origin goes back to the proposal made from the UIB of a unit of "Physics of Complex Systems" in 1990.

Interdisciplinary research is understood as the kind of research oriented by the willingness to transfer knowledge and methods across the traditional borders among disciplines. Strategic research is understood as being focused to advance studies in fields with future potential and social relevance in the advance of knowledge, which does not resign to any of the options that the false contradiction between basic and applied science implies, but that avoids, in any case, the incremental research in established subjects. That translates in concentrating the attention in emergent areas, whose definitions often escape to those of traditional areas which defined the physics of the last century.

This positioning underlies the ideas of the creation from 1930 of Institutes for Advanced Studies in different places of the world, each one with its own characteristics, but all of them with the idea of providing a suitable open atmosphere for the intellectual exchange through the borders of disciplines. The DFI has the willingness of joining the informal league of these centres established one decade ago, and to contribute to their efforts in defence of a long term research compatible with their social relevance. In the near future, these centres have a unique position to play a more and more important role in the international intellectual panorama (http://www.cas.uio.no/Publications/Jubilee/History_of_institutes.pdf)

The research at DFI has a clear mark of identity, devoted to the study of generic phenomena in Nonlinear Physics and Complex Systems, with methodologies taken from Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems Theory, Computational Methods and Quantum Mechanics. From this common perspective, coherent and relevant contributions are articulated in various strategic fields of intense present development that range from Quantum Information and Nanoscience to multiple aspects of Biology and Social Dynamics passing by the dynamical study of opto-electronic devices and the Mechanics of Fluids and applications. Such contributions range from basic sides of the field to ones closest to applications. In the tradition of the centres for advanced studies one gives up the strict or excessively specific definitions of research topics, in the idea that any classification not only represents, from a ontological point of view, a constraint for the scientific progress but that often implies also an unnecessary restriction of the possible sources of interest, as well as of financing sources of this type of research activity. The guiding idea is that this varied and entangled activity produces a broth of ideas, in which the researchers nourish themselves, assuming the risk of defining and updating lines and specific research projects. All together, it constitutes an scheme that although flexible, and capable of adapting to the priorities and requirements of the forefront science and changing society, is still structured around the set of concepts discussed above.

The conscious will, in the DFI, of not classifying itself in a rigid thematic that lead to impasses, should not hamper, nevertheless, that the DFI should be an international referring point of quality in each one of the specific activities in which it is involved. Thus the DFI takes as its own goal being a reference centre of quality in its interdisciplinar contributions to aspects of Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Nanoscience, Nonlinear Optics, Fluid Dynamics and the development of generic methods in Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Complexity.

4.2.2 Vision

The DFI is at the international forefront among the centres of its type in what regards productivity and quality of its research. Its vision of future is to consolidate itself as an European and international leader in the interdisciplinar approach of Nonlinear Physics and Complex Systems. In the spirit of the Advanced Study Institutes, the goal is to be a centre of excellence where the reflection and analysis of problems whose immediate utility may not be evident, does not enter in contradiction, but rather coexists harmonically with socially demanded scientific activities. Thus, the DFI sets out to deepen and to extend the fundamental research activities in which it has embarked, and, at the same time, to open and develop new strategic lines of present and future impact and to consolidate the routes of collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources of IMEDEA in problems that are becoming the future basis of inter- areas activities within IMEDEA and within CSIC at large.

The DFI intends to consolidate its situation as a centre of attraction for high quality specializing pre- and post-doctoral researchers coming from other areas in Spain, Europe and elsewhere, and in where the exchange of ideas through the traditional borders of disciplines is facilitated and promoted, in a calm atmosphere, of intellectual opening and friendliness, that foments and respects creativity, scientific speculation and scientific curiosity, facing the tendencies of mercantilist urgency, that must have their channel of development in other social scopes.

Specifically the vision of the DFI for its project of future passes through:

· Mantaining and reinforcing the leadership position in Spain in the study of complex systems and in the definition of new emergent scientific areas. · Turning CSIC into the Spanish institution of reference in the context of complex systems, nucleating and coordinating from the DFI a Spanish thematic network in this field. · Taking advantage of the special wealth inherent to the coexistence in IMEDEA of the DFI and scientists from the Natural Resources Area, with the goal of harnessing the collaboration with them in topics of complex systems, in order to become an emblematic center of activities in the interphase Physics-Biology-Ecology. · Consolidating a reference position in Europe in the context of complex systems, becoming the Spanish node in networks of excellence in the field, like DFI is now in ONCE-CS (Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems), and extending it to the USA, strengthening the existent collaborations. Maintaining the position as an attraction pole for Latin America, harnessing it through the relationship with the Consortium of the Americas for Interdisciplinary Science (New Mexico). · Consolidating and strengthening the position as a center of excellence with international attraction for postdoctoral and sabbatical stays, long- term workshops, etc. contributing along the direction to make Majorca a reference point in the development of the Knowledge Society in the Mediterranean.


According to the recommendations for the elaboration of this plan, the research strategy should be based on the SWOT analysis performed in section 4.1. The analysis for DFI-IMEDEA is clear: the number and importance of the items in the Strengths section clearly exceeds any other aspect. Furthermore these items are very much suitable for achieving the Mission and Vision of our department in the line of what corresponds to an institute for Advanced Studies. Moreover, the Opportunities of the Cross-Disciplinary Department are totally consistent with the Strengths, allowing for a strong synergy. It should also be noticed that the Weaknesses and the Threats are in part compensated by the Opportunities (for example, the lack of space may be compensated by the UIB application for funding for a new building) and in part they concern more problems of dissemination and publicity made of the research than to the quality of the research itself. The Advanced Studies spirit of being always at the scientific forefront is incompatible with defensive research strategies defined or conditioned by Weaknesses or Threats. The union of the spirit with the synergy generated by Strengths and Opportunities leads to a definition of the research strategy of the DFI as an S-O strategy. The appropriate strategies to tackle the Weaknesses and the Threats will not be research strategies, but rather lobbying strategies to promote and publicize our research. Based on these arguments we have defined a general and several specific objectives of DFI-IMEDEA which are described in the following:

4.3.1 General Objectives

At the exploration level the general objective of the research at DFI-IMEDEA is to contribute to the development of concepts and methods for the description and understanding of generic non-linear phenomena in complex systems. At the exploitation level the general objective is the interdisciplinary transfer of this body of knowledge to specific lines of strategic research, using these concepts and methods to give new insights and to achieve results of specific impact in the fields of Nonlinear Optics and Optoelectronic Devices, Nanoscience, Fluid dynamics, including biofluids and geophysical fluids, Biophysics and nonlinear phenomena in ecology and physiology, and Collective phenomena in the dynamics of social systems.

4.3.2 Specific Objectives

Objective 1: Develop consistent methods to study and characterize dynamics and evolution on complex networks.

Researchers in charge: M. Matías and V.M. Eguíluz

Key actions: Fulfil the commitments of work package 1 (a,b) made in the funded project CONOCE2 (2005-2008) (see Annex 3). This implies developing new concepts and methods to describe dynamics, e.g. synchronization, on networks composed out of different classes of dynamical units, paying special attention to the effects of the network topology, including the case of a varying topology. A Workshop with this title, co-organized by us, will be held in MPIPKS Dresden, February 2006.

Schedule: Next three years.

Conditions and comments: V.M. Eguíluz commitment extends till the end of his Ramón y Cajal Contract (March 2008), unless he is offered some continuing position.

Objective 2: Develop self-consistent methods in the treatment of excitable systems, in particular synchronization problems.

Researcher in charge: Raúl Toral

Key Actions: To extend the concepts of noise-induced phase transitions to synchronization phases. Fulfil the commitments made in the funded project FCESFCB (2005-07) (see Annex 3). Deepen the collaboration with the groups from BIFI (Zaragoza) involved in that coordinated project.

Schedule: Next three years.

Objective 3: To develop applications of the general field of dynamical systems of moderate dimensionality to specific areas such as hearing, micro- and bio- fluids, organisms swimming behaviour and sediments transport and distribution.

Researcher on charge: O. Piro

Key Actions: Create a versatile Nonlinear Physics-Fluid Dynamics experimental research facility adapted to this highly interdisciplinary endeavour. Such a laboratory should encompass the capabilities to set-up experimental devises at the macroscopic scales as well as to observe and diagnose phenomena at the microscopic ones.

Schedule: Next four years

Conditions and comments: It is a conspicuous shortcoming of our general research and academic environment, the lack of a reasonable service and prototyping infrastructure such as highly performing mechanical and electronic workshops. This is a serious drawback for any attempt to transfer basic knowledge to applications. We would like to commit ourselves and to encourage other groups to join a cooperative effort towards the construction of such facilities.

Objective 4: Characterization of nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers, especially operating in the chaotic regime, exploring its potential applications for secure optical communications.

Researchers on charge: Claudio Mirasso and Pere Colet

Key actions: Characterization of new emitters where chaos is generated with optical or electrooptical feedback in which the feedback time changes dynamically. Characterization of the degree of security in message encryption. Study of advanced codification methods. Improvement of the receptor synchronization characteristics.

Schedule: 2005-2009

Conditions and comments: This objective has on one hand a fundamental interest from the point of view of synchronization of chaotic systems and on the other hand possible applications to secure communications. The objective is a natural continuation of the work in the EC OCCULT project (see Annex 3) that was coordinated from DFI. This objective is included in proposals submitted to the EC and to the Spanish National Program on Information Technologies, which are now under consideration.

Objective 5: Characterization of instabilities and fluctuations in spatial structures in nonlinear optical cavities.

Researcher on charge: Pere Colet

Key actions: Characterization of instabilities, noise effects and excitable behavior in localized structures (cavity solitons). Study of the formation, dynamics and instabilities of spatial structures in photonic crystals. Characterization of the capabilities of nonlinear optical cavities to be used for all-optical processing of an image and for all-optical logical operations between two images.

Schedule: 2005-2009

Comments: This objective has on one hand a fundamental interest from the point of view of macroscopic effects originated by quantum noise and on the other possible applications to data and image optical processing. The methodologies of pattern formation developed here can be extended to other infinite dimensional dynamical systems (PDE models) arising in other branches of science.

Objective 6: To characterize and understand the nonlinear interaction between light and matter in semiconductor optical devices, exploring its potential for applications in the field of photonics, telecommunications and all-optical information processing.

Researcher on charge: Salvador Balle

Key Actions: Experimental and theoretical study of optical injection in vertical- cavity devices for all-optical signal processing.

Schedule: Next four years

Conditions and comments: Interest as fundamental physical phenomena with high potential for future technological application.

Objective 7: Characterisation, evolution and coherence time of quantum entangled states. Use of double quantum dots as quantum gates and their application in quantum computation.

Researcher on charge: M. Casas

Key Actions: Fulfil the commitments made in the funded project BFM2002- 03241 finishing in 2005 (see Annex 3) and in the in the new proposal INDINA submitted to the Spanish National Program Physics which is now under consideration.

Schedule: Next four years

Objective 8: Modelling of transport through nanostructures, focusing on the role of spin-orbit interactions, strong correlations and external fields.

Researcher on charge: Ll. Serra

Key Actions: Fulfil the commitments made for the participation in the proposal TRANSPENT of the Spanish 'Strategic action on nanotechnology' launched in 2004.

Schedule: Next three years

Objective 9: To advance into the modelling and understanding of reacting fluid flows. This is a vast subject with contributions planned along two directions: a) To obtain a global classification, as complete as possible, of the different scenarios arising in active chaotic flows, i.e. chemically or biologically reacting fluids stirred by simple but chaotic flows. b) Identify basic mechanisms by which fluid turbulence influences biological plankton dynamics at different scales.

Researcher on charge: Emilio Hernández-García and Cristóbal López

Key Actions: a) Construction of efficient computer codes, in combination with new hardware, to extensively analyze different reacting flow systems. b) Analysis, in the framework of the CONOCE2 project, of different theoretical approaches to capture the essentials of the flow-activity interaction. c) Access and analysis, in the framework of the Eur-Oceans Network of Excellence, of Chlorophyll images obtained from satellite radiometers (SeaWiFS) characterizing plankton distribution at geophysical scales.

Schedule: a) 2005-2006; b) 2006-2008 c) 2006-2009

Objective 10: To transfer existing concepts and methods from statistical physics and nonlinear science to ecological settings.

Researcher on charge: Emilio Hernández García

Key Actions: a) Access to the growing volume of data on marine ecosystems dynamics. This will be possible through the participation in the Integrated Project Thresholds and the Network of Excellence Eur-Oceans. b) Identification of regime shifts and bifurcation phenomena in food webs by the combination of theoretical modelling and analysis of these data sets. c) Analysis of genetic diversity data with the network-based tools developed within the CONOCE2 project.

Schedule: The duration of the above mentioned European instruments, i.e. until 2008.

Objective 11: Bring stochastic processes and methods into the pharmaceutical drug design community.

Researcher on charge: Raúl Toral Key Actions: Review models relevant to drug design from the point of view of stochastic dynamics, including fluctuations at the equation level, within the context of the European Network of Excellence BIOSIM. Schedule: Next 5 years.

Objective 12: Impact the social sciences literature and community in consensus formation and co-evolution of social structure and agent dynamics.

Researcher in charge: M. San Miguel

Key Actions: Fulfil the commitments of work package 6 of project CONOCE2. Establish and reinforce collaboration schemes with researchers with complementary backgrounds in this field. Building up on a meeting in Mallorca in November 2004, establish a series of workshops as a reference meeting, limited to 25 attendees by invitation only, for the dialogue between Physics and the Social Sciences.

Schedule: Next four years.


Statements for post-evaluation of the strategic plan:

4.4.1 Research quality

Indicators of research quality to be considered include:

· Quality of scientific publications in physics journals · Interdisciplinarity: Publications in journals other than established journals for traditional fundamental physics · International recruitment of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, sabbatical and visiting researchers · Invited talks at main international conferences · Leadership in promoting novel research topics · Quality and visibility of our web page

4.4.2 Research impact

In addition of the indicators mentioned in 4.4.1, the following could be considered for measures of impact in the society at large:

· Training of PhD students that continue their careers in Spanish companies or as High School teachers. · Training of postdoctoral researchers for a research or academic career worldwide. · Training of postdoctoral researchers that continue their careers in European private companies. · Training of computer sciences technicians that continue their careers in local companies or elsewhere. · International professional networking for the local society through PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, visiting and sabbatical researchers that return to their countries of origin. · Contribute in an essential way to the indicators of scientific activity in the Balearic Islands, one of the richest communities in Spain. · Contribute to public science awareness, especially of the local society, through dissemination and outreaching activities. · Improving the public image of Majorca in Europe as an attractive place for high income visitors and residents beyond a popular tourist destination. Promote Majorca as a centre for the development of the Knowledge Society in the Mediterranean.

4.4.3 Finances

DFI-IMEDEA has a very good record of success in national and international competitive programs that fund research activities within our scope of activities as a research institute for advanced studies (see Annex 3). These include international collaborations (bilateral, multilateral, EC, ESF, NSF, etc.), national programs that fund basic research in physics, European programs of human capital and mobility, as well as Spanish oriented national programs (Information technologies, Natural resources, etc.) or EC oriented programs such as IST- Future and Emerging Technologies or Global Change and Ecosystems. The scheme of funding followed in the past seems to be the appropriate one to continue in the future, while paying attention to other opportunities that might arise.

4.4.4 Added value for CSIC

In the context of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), DFI-IMEDEA has some distinctive characteristics that give specific added value to its contributions:

· Within the CSIC units in the area of Physical Sciences and Technologies DFI-IMEDEA is strong in non-traditional subjects and new trends in the research in Physics in the XXI century which are comparatively under- represented elsewhere in the CSIC. For example, and as it is mentioned before, DFI-IMEDEA contributes 40% of the publications of CSIC in section E of Physical Review E in the period 2000-2004. Its privileged and well established position in the CSIC in the research on Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems identifies DFI-IMEDEA as a nucleation centre for these activities in the CSIC. · Public awareness for the local society of the work and importance of CSIC as the Spanish nationwide research institution represented in the Balearic Islands through IMEDEA. · The interdisciplinary commitment of DFI-IMEDEA, its research activities in interfaces such as Physics/Biology/Ecology, and the joint research activities with researchers of the Department on Natural Resources of IMEDEA, identifies DFI-IMEDEA as a leading unit for inter-areas activities to be promoted in the CSIC. This has been discussed at length in several sections of this document. As additional information we copy below the document “Interdepartamental scientific collaboration” elaborated jointly by researchers of the two Departments of IMEDEA.

Interdepartmental scientific collaboration

From its origin, IMEDEA has had a clear vocation of promoting crossdisciplinary research. Indeed, it is this vocation that sets IMEDEA apart from any other CSIC institute or, for the matter, any other institute in Spain. Crossdisciplinary research percolated throughout the entire range of activities at IMEDEA, but is most evident and ambitious when involving collaborative research between scientists of both Departments: Natural Resources and Cross-Disciplinary Physics. Interdepartmental collaborative research focussed on the use of new theories, concepts and tools developed within the realm of complex system and non-linear theory to solve problems in the environment which have challenged, because of their complexity, conventional, disciplinary, approaches. Indeed, the cooperative processes between the living component of ecosystems best lends itself to the application of cooperative models recently developed within the framework of complexity research. Such joint ventures were initiated, within the realm of complex dynamics in geostrophic flows, about a decade ago, and have greatly developed over the period reported (2000-2004) to affect many aspects of the research lines developed in the institute, as a list of the main collaborations being presently developed, with indication of the projects supporting them, shows:

- Networks of genetic structure in marine plants. Interdepartmental collaboration (C.M. Duarte, V. M. Eguíluz, E. Hernández-García, M. Matías) that has lead to hiring A. Rozenfeld (PhD in Physics) as a postdoc funded by MEC, started in January 2005. The project was originated within the realm of the M&M’s project, funded by FP5 of the EC (EVK3-CT-2000-00044, 2001-2004). A preproposal on the subject has been selected, after a first evaluation, for a second-stage evaluation under the EURODIVERSITY line of the EUROCORES Programme of the European Science Foundation (ESF): Genetic diversity and the resistance and stability of European seagrass meadows.

- Identification of points of no-return, bifurcations and thresholds in data and models of coastal and pelagic ecosystems. The collaboration involves S. Agustí, P. Colet, C.M. Duarte, C. López, E. Hernández-García, V. Martínez- Eguíluz, M. Matías, N. Marbà, O. Piro, T. Sintes, A. Tovar, and J. Terrados. The general and coastal aspects are supported through four of the main Streams of research of the ’THRESHOLDS: Thresholds of environmental sustainability’, (2005-2008), integrated project of the VI Framework Programme of EU, priority 6.3 “Global Change and Ecosystems” (Coordinator: C. M. Duarte), and open- ocean aspects are assessed within the EUR-OCEANS ‘European Network of Excellence for ocean ecosystems analysis’ (2005-2008), contract No. 511106-2, of the VI Framework Programme of EU, priority 6.3 “Global Change and Ecosystems” (PI: P. Treguer and L. Legendre, France).

- Biological interactions in complex flows , involves C.M. Duarte, O. Piro and T. Sintes, with a postdoc (I. Hendriks, Ph.D. in Biology,) involved in this research as well. Supported by “ICEPOS: Complex interactions in the pelagic ecosystem of the Southern Ocean: disentangling the Antarctic paradox”, project REN2002- 04165-C03-C02, Spanish National R+D Plan (2002-2005), Coordinator: C. M. Duarte, “CONOCE2: Cooperation and nonlinear phenomena in extended complex systems” (PI: M. San Miguel), project FIS2004-00953, Spanish National R+D Plan (2004-2008), and “MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and ecosystem Research” a Network of Excellence of FP 6, contract 505446 (PI: C. Heip, The Netherlands).

- Space occupation by clonal plants. Involves C.M. Duarte, N. Marbà, T. Sintes, A. Traveset, and J. Terrados. Supported through “MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function”, European Network of Excellence of the VI Framework Programme of EU, contract 505446 (PI: C. Heip, The Netherlands), and projects “LIFE Posidonia”, funded by the European Commission (PI: Balearic Government), “Caulexpan”, funded by Spanish National R+D Plan (PI: N. Marbà), project REN2002-00701/MAR, “CONOCE2”, funded by Spanish National R+D Plan (PI: M. San Miguel), project FIS2004-00953, and EPIDEMIE funded by V Framework Programme of EU (PI: A. Traveset). ANNEX 1: Personnel of Departamento Física Interdisciplinar-IMEDEA 2005

Tenured Researchers:

· Salvador Bal·le, TU UIB · Montserrat Casas, CU UIB · Pere Colet, IC CSIC · Emilio Hernández-García, PI CSIC · Manuel Matías, TC CSIC · Claudio Mirasso, TU UIB · Oreste Piro, TU UIB · Maxi San Miguel, CU UIB · LLorenç Serra, TU UIB · Tomàs Sintes, TEU UIB · Raúl Toral, CU UIB

CU: University Full Professor; TU: University Professor; TEU: University Associate Professor; PI: CSIC Research Professor; IC: CSIC Senior Researcher; TC: CSIC Tenured Scientist

Postdoctoral contracts and fellows

· Cristóbal López, Ramón y Cajal Contract · Víctor M. Eguíluz, Ramón y Cajal Contract · Alessandro Sciré, Ramón y Cajal Contract · Josep Mulet, I3P Postdoctoral Contract, CSIC · Luca Furfaro, UIB visiting contract · Julián Javaloyes, Juan de la Cierva Contract · Ernest Montbrió, UIB Assistant · Alejandro F. Rozenfeld, Spanish MEC fellowship

A Ramón y Cajal Contract is a 5-year senior postdoc research contract.

Predoctoral fellows

· Pau Amengual, Govern Balear Scholarship · Juan José Cerdá, UIB Assistant · Yanne Chembo. Govern Balear Scholarship · Marzena Ciszak, Govern Balear Scholarship · Iacyel G. da Silva. Govern Balear Scholarship · Adrián Jacobo, FPU fellowship · Niko Komin, Fellowship assciated to BIOSIM network · Francesco Marino, FSE-I3P Fellowship · Toni Pérez, Fellowship associated to OCCULT project · Nicolás Piro, Govern Balear Scholarship · Claudio J. Tessone, FPI Fellowship · Idan Tuval, FPI Fellowship · Raúl Vicente, FPI Fellowship · José A. Zamora, Felowship CSIC internal project

Technical and support staff

· Jordi Contestí, computer technician (until Feb 2005) · Pascual López, electronics technician. · Rubén Tolosa, computer technician (from May 2005) · Ana Tous, project management

Sabbatical and Visiting Professors (stays longers than one month in the academic year 2004-2005)

· Ingo Fischer, Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics,Semiconductor Optics Group, Germany · James D. Gunton, Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA · Wojceh Korneta, Faculty of Physics, Technical University of Radom, Poland · Miguel Calvo, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile · Elías Manjarrez, Universidad de Puebla, Mexico

ANNEX 2: Publications by DFI-IMEDEA researchers 2000-2004

Most of the publications are available from the database in the DFI-IMEDEA web page: http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept

Publications in 2000:

Papers in SCI International Journals and Reviews

· Stochastic Effects in Physical Systems. (Review paper). M. San Miguel, R. Toral. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VI, Eds. E. Tirapegui, J. Martínez, R. Tiemann, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 35-130.

· Transmission of Information and Herd Behavior: an Application to Financial Markets. V.M. Eguíluz, M.G. Zimmermann. Physical Review Letters 85, 5659-5662.

· Stochastic Spatiotemporal Intermittency and Noise-Induced Transition to an Absorbing Phase. M. G. Zimmermann, R. Toral, O. Piro, M. San Miguel. Physical Review Letters 85, 3612-3615.

· Forecasting confined spatiotemporal chaos with genetic algorithms. C. Lopez, A. Alvarez, E. Hernández-García. Physical Review Letters 85, 2300-2303.

· Dynamics of localized structures in vectorial waves. E. Hernández-García, M. Hoyuelos, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Physical Review Letters 85, 744-747.

· Dynamics of a Small Neutrally Buoyant Sphere in a Fluid and Targeting in Hamiltonian Systems. A. Babiano, J.H.E. Cartwright, O. Piro, A. Provenzale. Physical Review Letters 84, 5764-5767.

· Essential nonlinearities in hearing. V.M. Eguiluz, M. Ospeck, Y. Choe, A.J. Hudspeth, M.O. Magnasco. Physical Review Letters 84, 5232-5235.

· Experimental evidence of coherence resonance in an optical system. G. Giacomelli, M. Giudici, S. Bal·le, J.R. Tredicce. Physical Review Letters 84, 3298-3301.

· Coarse-Grained Continuum model for molecular diffusion in a lipid monolayer. T. Sintes, T. A. Baumgartner, Y. K. Levine. Journal of Molecular Liquids 84, 77-88.

· Dynamics and Scaling of Noise-Induced Domain Growth. M. Ibañes, J. García-Ojalvo, R. Toral, J.M. Sancho. European Physical Journal B Condensed Matter 18, 663.

· Quantum fluctuations in a continuous vectorial Kerr medium model. R. Zambrini, M. Hoyuelos, A. Gatti, P. Colet, L.A. Lugiato, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 62, 63801. · Forecasting the SST space-time variability of the Alboran Sea with genetic algorithms. A. Alvarez, C. Lopez, M. Riera, E. Hernández -García, J. Tintore. Geophysical Research Letters 27, 2709-2712.

· Localized structures in coupled Ginzburg--Landau equations. R. Montagne, E. Hernández-García. Physics Letters A 273, 239-244.

· Boundary effects in extended dynamical systems. V.M. Eguiluz, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Physica A 283, 48-51.

· Weakly Non-Extensive Thermostatistics and the Ising Model with Long--range Interactions. R. Salazar, A. Plastino R. Toral. European Physical Journal B Condensed Matter 17, 679.

· Bulk dynamics for interfacial growth models. C. Lopez, P.L. Garrido, F.; de los Santos. Physical Review E 62, 4747.

· A Monte Carlo Method for the Numerical Simulation of Tsallis Statistics. R. Salazar, R. Toral. Physica A 283, 59.

· Bloch Domain Walls in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators. G. Izus, M. San Miguel, M. Santagiustina. Optics Letters 25, 19, 1454-1456.

· Chaotic synchronization in small assemblies of driven Chua's circuits. E. Sanchez, M.A. Matias, V. Perez-Muñuzuri. IEEE Transactions in Circuits and Systems I 47, 644-654.

· The multifractal structure of chaotically advected chemical fields. Z. Neufeld, C. Lopez, E. Hernández-García, T. Tel. Physical Review E 61, 3857-3866.

· On the effect of small-scale oceanic variability on topography-generated currents. A. Alvarez, E. Hernández-García, J. Tintore. Geophysical Research Letters 27, 739-742.

· Nonequilibrium phase transitions induced by multiplicative noise: effects of self- correlation. S. Mangioni, R. Deza, R. Toral, H. Wio. Physical Review E 61, 223.

· Three-Frequency Resonances in Coupled phase-Locked Loops. O. Calvo, J.H.E. Cartwright, D.L. González, O. Piro, F. Sportolari. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 47, 491-497.

· Extensive Chaos in the Nikolaevskii Model. H. Xi, R. Toral, J.D. Gunton, M.I. Tribelsky. Physical Review E 61, R17.

· Period Stabilization in the Busse-Heikes Model of the Kuppers-Lortz Instability. R. Toral, M. San Miguel, R. Gallego. Physica A 280, 315 · Order parameter description of walk-off effect on pattern selection in degenerate optical parametric oscillators. M. Taki, M. San Miguel, M. Santagiustina. Physical Review E 61, 2133-2136.

· Spatial mode structure of bottom-emitting broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. T. Ackemann, S. Barland, S. Bal·le, M. Cara, J.R. Tredicce, R. Jager, M. Grabherr, M. Miller, K.J. Ebeling. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 3, 406-412.

· Spatial structure of broad-area vertical-cavity regenerative amplifiers. T. Ackemann, S. Barland, J.R. Tredicce, M. Cara, S. Bal·le, R. Jager, M. Grabherr, M. Miller, K.J. Ebeling. Optics Letters 25, 814-816.

· Selfsimilar Domain Growth, Localized Structures and Labyrinthine Patterns in Vectorial Kerr Resonators. R. Gallego, M. San Miguel, R. Toral. Physical Review E 61, 2241-2244.

· Patterns in Broad-Area Microcavities. T. Ackemann, S. Barland, M. Giudici, J.R. Tredicce, S. Bal·le, R. Jaeger, M. Grabherr, M. Miller, K.J. Ebeling. Physica Status Solidi (b) 221, 133-136.

· A semiclassical approach to the ground state and density oscillations of quantum dots. A. Puente, M. Casas, Ll. Serra. Physica E 8, 387-397.

· Collective oscillations in quantum rings: a broken symmetry case. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. European Physical Journal D 12, 493-498.

· Wave vector dependence of spin and density multipole excitations in quamtum dots. M. Barranco, L. Colletti, A. Emperador, E. Lipparini, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 61, 8289-8297.

· On the inference of entangled states: A maximum entropy -minimum norm approach. A. Rigo, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino, M. Casas. Physics Letters A 270, 1-9.

· Approximate shape-invariant potentials in quantum mechanics. A. Rigo, A.R. Plastino, F. Garcías, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 6457-6472

· Fisher information and quantum systems with position-dependent effective mass. A. Puente, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, F. Garcías, A. Plastino. Physica A 277, 146-156.

· Anomalous Diffusion Coupled with Verhulst-Like Growth Dynamics: Exact Time Dependent Solutions. A. Rigo, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Physics Letters A 276, 97-102.

· Cooper pair dispersion relation for weak to strong coupling. S.K. Adhikari, M. Casas, A. Puente, A. Rigo, M. Fortes, M.A. Solís, M. De Llano, A.A. Valladares, O. Rojo. Physical Review B 62 8671-8674. · Cooper pair dispersion relation in two dimensions. S.K. Adhikari, M. Casas, A. Puente, A. Rigo, M. Fortes, M.A. Solís, M. De Llano, A.A. Valladares, O. Rojo. Physica C 341-348, 151-152.

· Superconductivity as a Bose-Einstein condensation? S.K. Adhikari, M. Casas, A. Puente, A. Rigo, M. Fortes, M.A. Solís, M. De Llano, A.A. Valladares, O. Rojo Physica C 341-348, 233-236.

· Rapid 90Sr/90Y determination in water samples using a sequential injection method. J.J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 53, 139-144.

Other papers in 2000

· Bound states in quantum systems with position dependent effective masses. A.R. Plastino, A. Puente, M. Casas, F. Garcías. Revista Mexicana de Física 46, 78-84.

· Single-particle momentum distributions in sodium clusters: dependence on deformation. A. Rigo, M. Casas, F. Garcías, E. Moya De Guerra, P. Sarriguren. Revista Mexicana de Física 46 57-61.

· Wigner distribution function in spherical metal clusters. A. Rigo, M. Casas, F. Garcías, Ll. Serra. Revista Mexicana de Física, 46, 333-336.

· Combined effects of semiconductor gain dynamics, spin dynamics and thermal shift in polarization selection in VCSELs. M. San Miguel, S. Bal·le, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, E. Tolkachova, J.R. Tredicce. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VIII, SPIE Procs. 3944, 242-251.

· Linear Instability Mechanism of Noise-Induced Phase Transitions. M. Ibañes, J. García-Ojalvo, R. Toral, J.M. Sancho. "Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology", Lecture Notes in Physics, J. Freund and T. Pöschchel, eds., 557, Springer, 247

· Applications of Semiconductor Lasers to Secure Communications. C.R. Mirasso. Fundamental Issue of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics, Ed. by B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra, American Institute of Physics.

· Synchronization of Chaotic Systems by Common Random Forcing. R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations: UPON'99, Second international conference. D. Abbot, L. Kish editors, 511, American Institute of Physics, Melville NY, 255-262

· Cooperation in an Adaptive Network. M.G. Zimmermann, V.M. Eguíluz, M. San Miguel, A. Spadaro. "Application of Simulations to Social Sciences". Eds. G. Ballot and G. Weisbuch, Hermes Science Publications. Publications in 2001:

Papers in SCI International Journals and Reviews

· Pitch perception: A dynamical perspective. J.H.E. Cartwright, D.L. González, O. Piro. Proceedings National Academy of Science 98, 4855-4859.

· Chaos Synchronization and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers. T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsasser, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso. Physical Review Letters 86, 795-798.

· Noise-induced scenario for inverted phase diagrams. M. Ibañes, J. García-Ojalvo, R. Toral, J.M. Sancho. Physical Review Letters 87, 20601.

· Self-addressing two-photon cavity solitons. R. Vilaseca, M.C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo, M. Brambilla, M. San Miguel. Physical Review Letters 87, 083902 (1-4).

· Stable droplets and growth laws close to the modulational instability of a domain wall. D. Gomila, P. Colet, G.-L. Oppo, M. San Miguel. Physical Review Letters 87, 19410 (1-4).

· Transition from oscillatory to excitable regime in a system forced at three times its natural frequency. R. Gallego, D. Walgraef, M. San Miguel, R. Toral . Physical Review E 64, 056218.

· Efficiency optimization in forced ratchets due to thermal fluctuations. K. Sumithra, T. Sintes. Physica A 297, 1-12.

· Adsorption of semiflexible polymers on flat homogeneous surfaces. T. Sintes, K. Sumithra, E. Straube. Macromolecules 34, 1352-1357.

· Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Systems. C. Palenzuela, R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, O. Calvo, J. Gunton. Europhysics Letters 56, 347.

· Thermostatistics of extensive and non-extensive systems using generalized entropies. R. Salazar, R. Toral. Physica A 290, 159-191.

· Stochastic effects in intercellular calcium spiking in hepatocytes. M.E. Gracheva, R. Toral, J.D. Gunton. Journal of Theoretical Biology 212, 111.

· Cooperative Parrondo's Games. R. Toral. Fluctuations and Noise Letters 1, L7-L12.

· Main Resonances in Directly Modulated Semiconductor Lasers: Effect of Spontaneous Emission and Gain Saturation. C. Mayol, S.I. Turovets, R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, L. Pesquera. IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics 148, 41. · Chaotic advection of reacting substances: Plankton dynamics on a meandering jet. C. López, Z. Neufeld, E. Hernández-García, P. Haynes Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B 26, 313-317.

· Population dynamics advected by chaotic flows: a discrete-time map approach. C. López, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro, A. Vulpiani, E. Zambianchi. CHAOS 11, 397-403.

· Enhancement of Stochastic Resonance: The role of Non Gaussian Noises. M.A. Fuentes, R. Toral, H.S. Wio. Physica A 295, 114.

· Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Electronic Circuits. O. Calvo, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral. Electronics Letters 37, 1062.

· Polarization Resolved Intensity Noise in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers. J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 64, 023817.

· Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation in the Presence of Walls and Corners. V.M. Eguiluz, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Physical Review E 64, 036205, 1-10.

· Analytical and Numerical Studies of Noise-induced Synchronization of Chaotic Systems. R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. CHAOS 11, 665-673.

· Stochastic resonance in the thermohaline circulation. P. Vélez Belchi, A. Alvarez, P. Colet, J. Tintoré, R. Haney. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 2053-2056.

· Quasiperiodic Patterns in Boundary-Modulated Excitable Waves. I. Sendiña-Nadal, V. Pérez-Muñuzuri, V.M. Eguíluz, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Physical Review E 64, 046208, 1-5.

· Transition to High-Dimensional Chaos through Quasiperiodic Motion. D. Pazo, E. Sánchez, M.A. Matías. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2683-2688.

· Resonance structure in a weakly detuned laser with injected signal. C. Mayol, M.A. Natiello, M.G. Zimmermann. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2587-2605.

· Phase-Locked Spatial Domains and Bloch Domain Walls in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators. G. Izus, M. San Miguel, M. Santagiustina. Physical Review E 64, 056231, 1-15.

· Effect of a Variable Delay in Delayed Dynamical Systems. S. Madruga, S. Boccaletti, M.A. Matías. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2875-2880.

· Interdisciplinary Challenges and Bottlenecks in the Aquatic Sciences. C. Duarte, O. Piro. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 10, 57-61.

· Linear to quadratic crossover of Cooper-pair dispersion relation. S.K. Adhikari, M. Casas, A. Puente, A. Rigo, M. Fortes, M.A. Solís, M. de Llano, A.A. Valladares, O. Rojo. Physica C 351,341-348.

· Statistical model of superconductivity in a 2D binary boson-fermion mixture M. Casas, N. J. Davidson, M. de Llano, T.A. Mamedov, A. Puente, R. M. Quick, A. Rigo, M. A. Solís. Physica A 295, 425-440.

· On the “fake” inferred entanglement associated with the maximum entropy inference of quantum states. J. Batle, M. Casas, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34, 6443-6458.

· Tsallis based variational method for finding approximate wave functions J. Batle, M. Casas, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Physica A 294, 165-179.

· Bohmian quantum theory of motion for particles with position dependent effective mass. A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Physics Letters A 281, 297-304.

· Bose-Einstein condensation of nonzero-center-of -mass-momentum Cooper pairs. J. Batle, M. Casas, M. Fortes, M. A. Solís, M. de Llano, A.A. Valladares, O. Rojo. Physica C 364-365, 161-165.

· Nonlinear diffusion under a time-dependent external force: Exact solutions of the Tsallis maximum entropy form and related approximate solutions for general constant force. C. Giordano, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. European Physical Journal B 22, 361-368.

3 · Multipole response of doped He drops. F. Garcías, Ll. Serra, M. Casas, M. Barranco. Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 10154-10160.

· Far infrared excitations in a quantum antidot at finite magnetic fields A. Emperador, M. Pi, M. Barranco, E. Lipparini, Ll. Serra. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40, 518-524.

· Magnetic Thomas-Fermi-Weizsäcker model for quantum dots: a comparison with Kohn- Sham ground states. Ll. Serra, A. Puente. European Physics Journal D 14, 77-81.

· Ground-state and far infrared absorption of two-electron rings in a magnetic field. A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 63, 125334.

· Collective oscillations of 2D electron gas clusters in the ultimate jellium model. A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Europhysics Letters 55, 73-79.

· Far infrared response of quantum-dot molecules. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. European Physics Journal D 16, 387-390.

· Far infrared absorption in triangular and square quantum dots: characterization of corner and side modes. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 64, 205307.

· Hartree-Fock dynamics in highly excited quantum dots. Puente, Ll. Serra, V. Gudmundsson. Physical Review B 64, 235324.

Other papers in 2001

· Transverse and Polarization Mode Selection in VCSELs. J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, S. Balle, M. San Migue.l Proceedings of SPIE, 4283, 139-149.

· Dynamical Behavior of Two Distant Mutually-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers. J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, T. Heil, I. Fischer. Proceedings of SPIE, 4283, 293-302.

· Cooperation, adaptation and the emergence of leadership. M. Zimmerman, V.M. Eguíluz, M. San Miguel. Proceeding of Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents. 73.86 Eds. J.B. Zimmerman and A. Kirman, Springer Verlag.

· Pattern Formation in a Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator. G. Izus, M. Santagiustina, M. San Miguel, P. Colet. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VIII. Ed. E. Tirapegui.

· Transverse Patterns in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators. G. Izus, M. Santagiustina, M. San Miguel, P. Colet. NATO ARW Series: Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications. F. Abdullaev et al, eds. (Kluwers Academic Publishers), 315-322.

· Approximate density matrices for metal clusters and entangled states. M. Casas, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino, J. Batle. “Condensed Matter Theories” Vol. 16 Ed. S. Hernández and J. Clark Nova, New York.

· Fisher information in nonextensive environments. Translation from statistical to dynamical settings. M. Casas, L.Chimento, F. Pennini, A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino. “Condensed Matter Theories” Vol 16 Ed. S. Hernández and J. Clark Nova, New York

· Maximum entropy, minimum norm and the inference of entangled states. M. Casas, A. Rigo, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. "Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering", Paris 8- 13 july 2000. Pages 445-455, Ed. A. Mohammad-Djafari, AIP ISBN: 07354-0004-0.

· Fisher’s Information and the Arrow of Time. A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas. "Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering", Paris 8- 13 july 2000. Pages 38-48, Ed. A. Mohammad-Djafari, AIP ISBN: 07354-0004-0. Publications in 2002:

Papers in SCI International Journals and Reviews

· Cavity solitons as pixels in semiconductor microresonators. S. Barland, J.R. Tredicce, M. Brambilla, L.A. Lugiato, S. Balle, M. Giudici, T. Maggipinto, L. Spinelli, G. Tissoni, T. Knoedl, M. Miller. Nature 419, 699-702.

· Experimental Evidence of Stochastic Resonance in an Excitable Optical System. F. Marino, M. Giudici, S. Barland, S. Balle. Physical Review Letters 88, 040601 (1-4).

· Enhanced kinetics and free-volume universality in desnse aggregating systems. D. Fry, T. Sintes, A. Chakrabarti, C. M. Sorensen. Physical Review Letters 89, 148301.

· Epidemic threshold in structured scale-free networks. V. M. Eguíluz, K. Klemm. Physical Review Letters 89, 108701.

· Bailout embeddings and Neutrally Buoyant particles in three-dimensional flows. J.H.E Cartwright, M.O. Magnasco, O. Piro, I. Tuval. Physical Review Letters 89, 264501.

· Synchronization and Multi-Mode Dynamics of Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers. C.R. Mirasso, M. Kolesik, M. Matus, K. White, J. Moloney. Physical Review A 65, 013805-103808.

· Macroscopic quantum fluctuations in noise-sustained optical patterns. R. Zambrini, S.M. Barnett, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 65, 023813.

· Spatio-Temporal Modeling of the Optical Properties of VCSELs in Presence of Polarization Effects. J. Mulet, S. Balle. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 291-305.

· Intensity and Polarization Self-Pulsation in VCSELs. A. Scire, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, M. San Miguel. Optics Letters 27, 391-393.

· Dynamics of Modal Power Distribution in a Multimode Semiconductor Laser with Optical Feedback. J. M. Buldú, J. Trull, M.C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo, C.R. Mirasso. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 4, L1-L3

· Chaos Shift Keying Encryption in Chaotic External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers Using a Single-Receiver Scheme. C.R. Mirasso, J. Mulet, C. Masoller. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 456.

· Isothermal Ratchets: numerical study of the efficiency of the energy transduction. T. Sintes, K. Sumithra. Computer Physics Communication 147, 646-649 · Bailout Embeddings, Targeting of KAM Orbits,and the Control of Hamiltonian Chaos. J. H. E. Cartwright, M. Magnasco, O. Piro. Physical Review E, Rapid Communications 65, 045203(R)-045207(R).

· Spatial Behavior of Light in Second Harmonic Generation. P. Scotto, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 65, 043811.

· Analytic stochastic treatment of a nonlinear quantum model with negative diffusion. R. Zambrini, S.M. Barnett. Physical Review A 65, 053810.

· Numerical Determination of the Distribution of Energies for the XY-model. R. Salazar, R. Toral, A.R. Plastino. Physica A 305, 144

· Twin beams, non linearity and walk-off in Optical Parametric Oscillators. R. Zambrini, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 66, 023807.

· Optimal efficiency condition and current reversals in forced underdamped ratchets. T. Sintes, K. Sumithra. Physica A 312, 86-98.

· Effetive Markovian aproximation for non Gaussian noises: a path integral approach. M.A. Fuentes, C. Tessone, H.S. Wio, R. Toral. Physica A 303, 91.

· Ensemble equivalence for non extensive thermodynamics. R. Toral, R. Salazar. Physica A 305, 52.

· Patterns arising from the interaction between scalar and vectorial instabilities in two- photon resonant Kerr cavities. M. Hoyuelos, D. Walgraef, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Physical Review E 65, 046620-1-9.

· Criteria for Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers. J. Revuelta, C.R. Mirasso, P. Colet, L. Pesquera. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 140-142.

· Class A lasers with injected signal: bifurcation set and Lyapunov-potential function. C. Mayol, R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, M. A. Natiello. Physical Review A 66, 013808.

· Synchronization regimes of optical-feedback-induced chaos in unidirectionally coupled semiconductor lasers. A. Locquet, C. Masoller, C. R. Mirasso. Physical Review E 65, 056205.

· Polarisation Patterns and Vectorial Defects in Type II Optical Parametric Oscillators. M. Santagiustina, E. Hernández-García, M. San Miguel, A. J. Scroggie, G.-L. Oppo. Physical Review E 65, 036610 (1-14).

· Theory of Main Resonances in Directly Modulated Diode Lasers. C. Mayol, R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, S.I. Turovets, L. Pesquera. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 260-269. · Highly clustered scale-free networks. K. Klemm, V. M. Eguíluz. Physical Review E 65, 036123.

· Anticipating the dynamics of chaotic maps. E. Hernández-García, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso. Physics Letters A 295, 39-43

· Dynamical Properties of 2D Kerr Cavity Solitons. W. J. Firth, G. K. Harkness, A. Lord, J. McSloy, D. Gomila, P. Colet. Journal of the Optical Society of America B 19, 747-752.

· Quantum properties of tranverse pattern formation in second-harmonic generation. M. Bache, P. Scotto, R. Zambrini, M. San Miguel, M. Saffman. Physical Review A 66, 013809.

· Asymmetric and delayed activation of side-modes in multimode semiconductor lasers. J.M. Buldú, F. Rogister, J. Trull, C. Serrat, M.C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo, C. R. Mirasso. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 4, 415.

· Growing Scale-Free Networks with Small World Behavior. K. Klemm, V. M. Eguíluz. Physical Review E 65, 057102.

· Weak wave turbulence scaling theory for diffusion and relative diffusion in turbulent surface waves. V.M. Eguíluz, M. T. Levinsen, P. Alstrom. Europhysics Letters 58, 517-523.

· Subharmonic stochastic synchronization and resonance in neuronal systems. D.R. Chialvo, O. Calvo, D.L. Gonzalez, O. Piro, G.V. Savino. Physical Review E Rapid Communications 65, 050902 (R) (1-4).

· Stochastic Entrainment of Optical Power Dropouts. J.M. Buldú, J. García-Ojalvo, C.R. Mirasso, M.C. Torrent. Physical Review E 66, 021106.

· Noise and Inertia-Induced Inhomogeneity in the Distribution of Small Particles in Fluid Flows. J.H.E. Cartwright, M. Magnasco, O. Piro. Chaos 12, 489-495.

· Small-scale structure of nonlinearly interacting species advected by chaotic flows. E. Hernández-García, C. López, Z. Neufeld. Chaos 12, 470-480.

· Hopf Bifurcations and Hair Cells. M. Ospeck, V.M. Eguiluz, M. Magnasco. Comments on Theoretical Biology 6, 461-482.

· Fluctuations and correlations in hexagonal optical patterns. D. Gomila, P. Colet. Physical Review E 66, 046223.

· Modeling Bidirectionally Coupled Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers. J. Mulet, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso. Physical Review A 65, 063815. · Alternate Oscillations in Semiconductor Ring Lasers. M. Sorel, A. Scire', G. Giuliani, R. Miglierina, S. Balle, P. Laybourn, S. Donati. Optics Letters 27, 1992-1994.

· Characterization of Chaotic Telecommunication Lasers for Different Fiber Cavity Lengths. V. Annovazzi-Lodi, S. Merlo, M. Norgia, A. Scire'. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1171-1177.

· The role of diffusion in the chaotic advection of a passive scalar with finite lifetime. C. López, E. Hernández-García. European Physical Journal B 28, 353-359.

· ON/OFF Phase Shift Keying for Chaos-Encrypted Communication using External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers. T. Heil, J. Mulet, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, M. Peil, P. Colet, W. Elsässer. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1162-1170.

· Open versus Closed Loop Performance of Synchronized Chaotic External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers. R. Vicente, T. Pérez, C.R. Mirasso.. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1197 -1204.

· Polarization coupling and pattern selection in a type-II optical parametric oscillator. G. Izús, M. San Miguel, D. Walgraef. Physical Review E 66, 036228 (1-12).

· Coupled optical excitable cells. A.M. Yacomotti, G.B. Mindlin, M. Giudici, S. Balle, S. Barland, J.R. Tredicce. Physical Review E 66, 036227 (1-11).

· Introduction to the feature section on optical chaos and applications to crytography. S. Donati, C.R. Mirasso. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1138-1140.

· Periodic Entrainment of Power Dropouts in Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers. J.M. Buldú, R. Vicente, T. Pérez, C.R. Mirasso, M.C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo. Applied Physics Letters 81, 5105.

· Analytical description of spectral hole burning effects in active semiconductors. S. Balle. Optics Letters 27, 1923-1925.

· Transverse mode dynamics in VCSELs: Spatiotemporal versus modal expansion descriptions. J. Mulet, S. Balle. Physical Review A 66, 053802 (1-8).

· Aesthetics, dynamics, and muscial scales: A golden connection. J.H.E. Cartwright, D.L. González, O. Piro, D. Stanzial. Journal of New Music Research 31, 51-58.

· Pattern formation in solutal convection: vermiculated rolls and isolated cells. J.H.E. Cartwright, O. Piro, A.I. Villacampa. Physica A 314, 291-298.

· Excitable media in open and closed chaotic flows. Z. Neufeld, C. López, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Physical Review E 66, 066208(1-12). · Competence Among Companies: Coexistence and Extinction. M. N. Kuperman, H.S. Wio. Physica A 316, 592-600.

· Diffusion in Fluctuating Media: First Passage Time Problem. J.A. Revelli, C.E. Budde, H.S. Wio. Physics Letters A 306, 104-109.

· Noise-Induced order out of chaos by bailout embedding. J.H.E. Cartwright, M.O. Magnasco, O. Piro, I. Tuval. Fluctuation and Noise Letters 2, 261-274.

· Fisher Information in a Tsallis non-extensive environment. M. Casas, L. Chimento, F. Pennini, A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino. Chaos, Solitons and 13, 451-459.

· Inference schemes and entanglement’s determination J. Batle, M. Casas, A. R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Physical Review A 65, 024304-024307.

· Thermodynamics and the Tsallis variational problem. M. Casas, S. Martínez, F. Pennini, A. Plastino. Physica A 305, 41-47.

· Supersymmetry and the q-Max Entraintment. J. Batle, M. Casas, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Physica A 305, 316-322.

· Quantum evolution of power-law mixed states. J. Batle, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Physica A 308, 233-244.

· Pre-formed Cooper pairs and Bose-Einstein condensation in cuprate superconductors. M. Casas, M. de Llano, A. Puente A.Rigo, M.A. Solís. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63, 2155.

· Entanglement, Mixedness, and q-entropies. J. Batle, M. Casas, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Physics Letters A 296, 251-258.

· On the entanglement properties of two-rebits systems. J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Physics Letters A 298, 301-307.

· Two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensation in cuprate superconductors. M. Casas, M. de Llano, A. Puente A.Rigo, M.A. Solís. Solid State Communications 123,101-106.

· How fundamental is the character of thermal uncertainty relations? F. Pennini, A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas. Physics Letters A 302, 156-162.

· Generalizing BCS for exotic superconductors. J. Batle, M. Casas, M. Fortes, M. de Llano, V.V. Tolmachev. Journal of Superconductivity 15, 655-657.

· Conditional q-entropies and quantum separability: A numerical exploration. J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, M.Casas, A. Plastino. Journal of Physics A 35, 10311-10324. · Wigner localization and dynamics in two-electron semiconductor rings. A. Puente, Ll. Serra. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 86, 27-34.

· Moment of inertia in elliptical quantum dots. Ll. Serra, A. Puente, E. Lipparini. Physica E 14, 391-396.

· Density functional calculations for shell closures in Mg clusters. Ll. Serra, P.-G. Reinhard, E. Suraud. European Physics Journal D 18, 327-333.

· Transverse dipole spin response of elliptical quantum dots. Ll. Serra, A. Puente. Nanotechnology 13, 409-412.

· Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole responses of elliptic quantum dots in magnetic fields. E. Lipparini, Ll. Serra, A. Puente. European Physics Journal B 27, 409-415.

· Characterization of Bernstein modes in quantum dots. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra, V. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu. .European Physics Journal B 28, 111-115.

· Spin-orbit coupling in the far infrared absorption of lateral semiconductor dots. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 66, 045317-4.

· Spin switching in semiconductor quantum dots through spin-orbit coupling. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra, E. Lipparini. Physical Review B 66, 165302-4.

· Electronic spin precession in semiconductor dots with spin-orbit coupling. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra, E. Lipparini. Physical Review B 66, 235322.

Other papers in 2002

· Diffusive turn-off transients in current modulated multitransverse mode VCSELs. A. Valle, J. Mulet, L. Pesquera, S. Balle. SPIE, Photonics West, physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X. Paper OE4649-10.

· Dynamical Entrainment of Unidirectionally Coupled Single Mode Diode Lasers. T. Pérez, R. Vicente, C.R. Mirasso, P. Colet. SPIE, Photonics West, physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X.

· Intensity and Polarization Self-Pulsations in VCSELs. A. Scirè, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, M. San Miguel. SPIE, Photonics West, physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X. Paper OE 4646-26, 139.

· Vectorial Chaos Synchronization and Polarization Encoding in Self-Pulsating VCSELs. A. Scirè, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, J. Danckaert, M. San Miguel. SPIE, Photonics West, physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X. Paper OE 4646-28, 129. · Dynamics of power distribution in multimode semiconductor. J.M. Buldú, F. Rogister, J. Trull, M.C. Torrent, C.R. Mirasso, J. García-Ojalvo. SPIE, Photonics West, physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X.

· Experimental Observation of Coherence and Stochastic Resonances in an Electronic Chua Circuit. O. Calvo, I. Gomes, C. R. Mirasso, R. Toral. 6th. Experimental Chaos Conference, AIP Proceedings, Eds. S. Boccaletti, B.J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L.M. Pecora and M.L.Spano.

· Aplicación del formalismo mecánico cuántico supersimétrico a sistemas con masa efectiva dependiente de la posición. R. Plastino, A. Rigo, M. Casas, F. Garcías, A. Plastino. “Quantum Physics and Reality” Ed. C. Mataix and A. Rivadulla, 345-355 Ed. UCM Madrid ISBN: 84-7491-640-2.

· Inference of quantum states: Maximum entropy and fake inferred entanglement J.Batle, M. Casas, A. R. Plastino, A. Plastino Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering - Ed. R. Fry Baltimore, 314-320 A.I.P. Publications in 2003:

Papers in SCI International Journals and Reviews

· Anticipating the response of excitable systems driven by random forcing. M. Ciszak, O. Calvo, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral. Physical Review Letters 90, 204102.

· Vectorial chaos synchronization and polarization message encoding in VCSELs. A. Scire', J. Mulet, C.R.Mirasso, J. Danckaert and M. San Miguel. Physical Review Letters 90, 113901 (1-4).

· In situ measurements of the cavity length variation across the transverse section of broad area VCSELs. S. Barland, F. Marino, M. Giudici, J.R. Tredicce, S. Balle. Applied Physics Letters 83, 2303-2305.

· Role of dimensionality in Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. K. Klemm, V.M. Eguíluz, R. Toral, M. San Miguel. Physica A 327, 1-5.

· Universal scaling of Lyapunov exponents in coupled chaotic oscillators. Z. Liu, Y-C. Lai, M.A. Matías. Physical Review E 67, 045203 (R) (1-4).

· Apparent phase transition in finite one-dimensional sine-Gordon Lattices. S. Ares, J. Cuesta, A. Sánchez, R. Toral Physical Review E 67, 046108 (1-6).

· Global culture: A noise induced transition in finite systems. K. Klemm, V.M. Eguíluz, R. Toral, M. San Miguel. Physical Review E 67, 045101(R) (1-4).

· System Size Coherence Resonance in coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo models. R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso, J.D. Gunton. Europhysics Letters 61, 162-167.

· Experimental Study of Imperfect Phase Synchronization in the Forced . A. Pujol-Peré, O. Calvo, M.A. Matías, J. Kurths. CHAOS 13, 319-326.

· Bubbling and on--off intermittency in bailout embeddings. J.H.E. Cartwright, M.O. Magnasco, O. Piro. I. Tuval. Physical Review E 68, 016217 (1-7).

· Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: a model of social interaction. K. Klemm, V.M. Eguíluz, R. Toral, M. San Miguel. Physical Review E 67, 026120 (1-6).

· On the definition of physical temperature and pressure for nonextensive thermostatistics. R. Toral. Physica A 317, 209-212.

· Pair interaction between end grafted polymers onto spherical surfaces, a Monte-Carlo study. J.J. Cerdà, T. Sintes, R. Toral. Macromolecules 36, 1407-1413. · Wavelet description of the Nikolaevskii model. R. Toral, G. Xiong, J.D. Gunton, H. Xi. Journal of Physics A36, 1323-1335.

· Dynamics of Defects in the Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation. M. Hoyuelos, E. Hernández -García, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Physica D 174, 176-197.

· Bulk Mediated Surface Diffusion: The Infinite System Case. J.A. Revelli, C.E. Budde, D. Prato, H.S. Wio. European Physics Journal B 36, 245-251.

· Effective dimensions and percolation in hierarchicaly structured scale-free networks. V.M. Eguíluz, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro, K. Klemm. Physical Review E 68, 055102 (1-4).

· Multiphoton multimode polarization entanglement in parametric down-conversion. A. Gatti, R. Zambrini,, M. San Miguel, L.A. Lugiato. Physical Review A 68, 053807 (1-17).

· Stochastic Resonance and Generalized Information Measures. C. Tessone, A. Plastino H.S. Wio. Physica A 326, 37-54.

· Operating Regimes of GaAs-AlGaAs Semiconductor Ring Lasers: Experiment and Model. M. Sorel, G. Giuliani, A. Scire', M. Miglierin, P. Laybourn, S. Donati. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 39, 1187-1195.

· Low-dimensional model for observed coherent structures in ocean satellite data. C. Lopez, E. Hernández-García. Physica A 328, 233-250.

· Spatial Quantum Correlations in the Fluorescence of Traveling-Wave Second Harmonic Generation. P. Scotto. Physical Review A 68, 033814 (1-15).

· Two-frequency emission and polarization dynamics at lasing threshold in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. M. Sondermann, M. Weinkath, T. Ackemann, J. Mulet, S. Balle. Physical Review A 68, 033822 (1-11).

· Experimental evidence of van der Pol-Fitzhugh-Nagumo dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers. S. Barland, O. Piro, M. Giudici, J.R. Tredicce, S. Balle.. Physical Review E 68, 036209 (1-6).

· Stochastic resonance in the presence of spatially localized structures. I. Rabbiosi, A.J. Scroggie, G.-L. Oppo. Physical Review E 68, 036602 (1-10).

· Filament bifurcations in a one-dimensional model of reacting excitable fluid flow. E. Hernández-García, C. Lopez, Z. Neufeld. Physica A 327, 59-64.

· Parrondo's games as a discrete ratchet. R. Toral, P. Amengual, S. Mangioni. Physica A 327, 105-110. · Transition from hexagons to optical turbulence. D. Gomila, P. Colet. Physical Review A 68, 011801 (R) 1-4.

· Characterization of the anticipated synchronization regime in the coupled FitzHugh- Nagumo model for neurons. R. Toral, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso, M. Ciszak, O. Calvo. Physica A 325, 192-198.

· Polarization quantum properties in type-II Optical Parametric. R. Zambrini, A. Gatti, L.A. Lugiato, M. San Miguel. Physical Review A 68, 063809 (1-14).

· Synchronization of vectorial noise-sustained structures. G. Izús, P. Colet, M. San Miguel, M. Santagiustina. Physical Review E 68, 036201 (1-6).

· All-optical image processing with cavity type-II Second Harmonic Generation. P. Scotto, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Optics Letters 28, 1695-1697.

· Entrainment of Optical Low-Frequency Fluctuations is Enhanced by Coupling. J.M. Buldú, J. García-Ojalvo, M.C. Torrent, R. Vicente, T. Pérez, C.R. Mirasso. Fluctuation and Noise Letters 3, 127-136.

· Stochastic resonance in Bistable and Excitable Systems: Effect of non Gaussian noises. M.A. Fuentes, C. Tessone, H.S. Wio, R. Toral. Fluctuations and Noise Letters 3, L365-L371.

· Bailout embedding as a Blowout bifurcation. O. Piro, I. Tuval. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 150, 465-468.

· Experimental Study of High Frequency Stochastic Resonance in Chua Circuits. I. Gomes, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral, O. Calvo. Physica A 327, 115-119.

· Modeling and measurement of the wavelength dependent output properties of quantum- well optical amplifiers. M. Cara, S. Balle, L. Occhi IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9, 783-787.

· Ghost Resonance in a Semiconductor Laser with Optical Feedback. J.M. Buldú, D. Chialvo, C.R. Mirasso, M.C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo. Europhysics Letters 64, 178-184.

· Non-classical behavior in multimode and disordered transverse structures in OPO. R. Zambrini, S.M. Barnett, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. European Physical Journal D 22, 461-471.

· Quantum correlations close to a square pattern forming instability. M. Hoyuelos, G.-L. Oppo, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. European Physical Journal D 22, 441-451.

· Stable Droplets and Dark Ring Cavity Solitons in Nonlinear Optical Devices. D. Gomila, P. Colet, M. San Miguel, A. Scroggie, G.L. Oppo. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 39, 238-244. · On the correlations between quantum entanglement and q-information measures. J. Batle, M. Casas, A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino. Physics Letters A 318, 506-513.

· Limit cycle induced by multiplicative noise in a system of coupled Brownian motors. S.E. Mangioni, H.S. Wio. Physical Review E 67, 056616 (1-5).

· On the distribution of entanglement changes produced by unitary operations. J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, M.Casas, A. Plastino. Physics Letters A 307, 253-261.

· Understanding quantum entanglement: qubits, rebits and quaternionic approach. J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, M.Casas, A. Plastino. Optics and Spectroscopy 94, 759-764.

· Generalized BCS -Bose crossover picture of superconductivity. J. Batle, M. Casas, M. de Llano, M. Fortes, F.J. Sevilla. International Journal of Modern Physics B 17, 3271-3276.

· Some features of the conditional q-entropies of composite quantum systems. J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, M.Casas, A. Plastino. European Physical Journal B 35, 391-398.

· The statistics of entanglement generated by the Hadamard-CNOT quantum circuit. J.Batle, M.Casas, A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino. Physica A 327, 140-144.

· Spin-orbit coupling and the far infrared response of quantum dots in magnetic fields. Ll. Serra, M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente. Surface Science 532, 576-581.

· Spin-orbit effects in the FIR absorption of quantum bars. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Physica E 17, 347-348.

· Spin-orbit-induced semiconductor spin guides. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Nanotechnology 14, 882-885.

· Symmetry breaking and the random-phase approximation in small quantum dots. Ll. Serra, R.G. Nazmitdinov, A. Puente. Physical Review B 68, 035341.

· Electronic spin precession in semiconductor quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. European Physics Journal B 34, 359-365.

· Breathing modes of two-dimensional quantum dots with elliptical shape in magnetic fields. Ll. Serra, A. Puente, E. Lipparini. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 91, 483-489.

Other papers in 2003

· Anticipated synchronization in neuronal system subject to noise. O. Calvo, M. Ciszak, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral. Proceedings of SPIE, 5114, 261.

· A Fokker-Planck description for Parrondo's games. R. Toral, P. Amengual, S. Mangioni. Proceedings of SPIE, 309, 5114.

· Anticipated Synchronization in Neuron Models. M. Ciszak, O. Calvo, C. Masoller, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 2003.

· Dynamical Properties of Two Semiconductor Lasers with Bidirectional Optoelectronic Coupling. R. Vicente, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, S. Tang, J. Liu. SPIE Proceedings, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI.

· Analysis and Characterization of the Hyperchaos Generated by a Semiconductor Laser Subject to a Delay Feedback Loop. R. Vicente, J. Daudén, P. Colet, R. Toral. SPIE Proceedings, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI.

· Coupled Brownian Motors: anomalous -to-normal hysteresis transition and noise induced limit cycle. H.S. Wio, S. Mangioni. Proceedings SPIE's First International Symposium on Fluctuations And Noise, Conf: Noise In Complex Systems And Stochastic Dynamics, SPIE 5114.

· Sub-diffraction-limited resolution with squeezed light. M.I. Kolobov, C. Fabre, P. Scotto, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Proceedings of Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, ed. N.P. Bigelow, J.H. Eberly, C.R. Stroud and I.A. Walmsley, Plenum Press, New York.

· Procesado óptico de información. Solitones de cavidad. S. Barland, M. Giudici, J.R. Tredicce, S. Balle. Investigación y Ciencia, 322, 38-40.

· La ubicuidad como futuro de la Física Estadística y No Lineal. F. Guinea, E. Louis, M. San Miguel. Revista Española de Física, 17, num 5, 24-28.

· Reaction-Diffusion systems: front propagation and spatial structures. M. Cencini, C. Lopez, D. Vergni. The Kolmogov Legacy in Physics (Eds. A. Vulpiani and R. Livi), Lec. Notes Phys. 636, 187-210 (2003). Springer-Verlag.

· Interaction of colloidal particles bearing grafted polymer chains onto spherical surfaces. J.J. Cerdà, T. Sintes, R. Toral. "Coloides e interfases", L. M. Liz, M. Arzán, P. Herves, Ed., Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Vigo.

· Interdisciplinariedad: Comentarios desde la perspectiva de un físico. M. San Miguel. El papel social de la ciencia en baleares: Un homenaje a Javier Benedí. Eds. C. Duarte y F. Grases, Universitat Illes Balears, 235-250.

· Spatial Patterns in Chemically and Biologically Reacting Flows. E. Hernández-García, C. Lopez, Z. Neufeld. Chaos in Geophysical Flows, edited by G. Bofetta, G. Lacorata, G. Visconti, and A. Vulpiani, OTTO editore (Torino) , 35-61.

· Systemes de reaction-diffusion: propagation de fronts et structures spatiales. M. Cencini, C. Lopez, D. Vergni L'Heritage de Kolmogorov en Physique, Eds. R. Livi et A. Vulpiani, Editions Belin, Paris.

· Quantum entangled states and q-entropies. M. Casas, J.Batle, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino. Condensed Matter Theories” Vol 18, Ed. J. da Providencia ,Nova , New-York (USA). Publications in 2004:

Papers in SCI International Journals and Reviews

· Fluid-dynamical basis of the embryonic development of left right asymmetry in vertebrates. J.H.E. Cartwright, O. Piro, I. Tuval Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 101 (19), 7234-7239.

· Dynamical mechanism of anticipating synchronization in excitable systems. M. Ciszak, F. Marino, R. Toral, S. Balle. Physical Review Letters 93, 114102 (1-4).

· Noise-induced macroscopic bifurcations in globally-coupled chaotic units. S. De Monte, F. d'Ovidio, E. Mosekilde, H. Chaté. Physical Review Letters 92, 254101 (1-4).

· Rare Events and Scale-Invariant Dynamics of Perturbations in Delayed Chaotic Systems. A.D. Sánchez, J.M. López, M.A. Rodríguez, M.A. Matías. Physical Review Letters 92, 204101 (1-4).

· Chiral Symmetry Breaking during Crystallization: An Advection-Mediated Nonlinear Autocatalytic Process. J.H.E. Cartwrigh, J.M. García-Ruiz, O. Piro, C.I. Sainz-Díaz, I. Tuval. Physical Review Letters 93, 035502 (1-4).

· Thermo-optical canard-orbits and excitable limit cycles. F. Marino, G. Catalan, P. Sánchez, S. Balle, O. Piro. Physical Review Letters 92, 073901 (1-4).

· Coupling and feedback effects in excitable systems: anticipated synchronization (Review paper). M. Ciszak, R.Toral, C.R. Mirasso Modern Physics Letters B 18, 1135-1155.

· Mixing structures in the Mediterranean Sea from Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents. F. d'Ovidio, V. Fernandez, E. Hernández-García, C. López. Geophysical Research Letters 31, L17203.

· Dynamics of Multimadel Semiconductor Lasers. A. Yacomotti, L. Furfaro, X. Hachair, F.Pedaci, M. Giudici, J.R. Tredicce, J. Javaloyes, S. Balle, E.A. Viktorov, P. Mandel. Physical Review A 69, 053816 (1-9).

· Cavity solitons in broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers below threshold. X. Hachair, S. Barland, L. Furfaro, S. Balle, J.R. Tredicce, M. Brambilla, T. Maggipinto, I.M. Perrini, G.Tissoni, L.A. Lugiato. Physical Review A 69, 043817 (1-13).

· Structure Factor scaling in colloidal phase separation. J.J. Cerdà, T. Sintes, C.M. Sorensen, A. Chakrabarti. Physical Review E 70, 051405.

· Kinetics of phase transformation in depletion driven colloids. J.J. Cerdà, T. Sintes, C.M. Sorensen, A. Chakrabarti. Physical Review E 70, 011405. · Zeeman energy and anomalous spin splitting in lateral GaAs quantum dots. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. European Physics Journal B 39, 87-92.

· Exact Solution of Ising Model on a Small-World Network. J. Viana Lopes, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos, R. Toral. Physical Review E 70, 026112.

· Spin splitting and precession in quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling. M.Valín-Rodríguez, A. Puente, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 69, 085306 (1-7).

· Quantum dots based on spin properties of semiconductor heterostructures. M. Valín-Rodríguez, A.Puente, Ll. Serra. Physical Review B 69, 153308 (1-4).

· Roto-vibrational spectrum and Wigner crystallization in two-electron parabolic quantum dots. A. Puente, Ll. Serra, R.G. Nazmitdinov. Physical Review B 69, 125315 (1-9).

· Liouville equation and q-statistical formalism. A.R. Plastino, C. Giordano, A. Plastino, M. Casas. Physica A 336, 376-390.

· Inclusion relations among separability criteria. J. Batle, A.R Plastino, M. Casas, A. Plastino. Journal of Physics A 37, 895-907.

· High Tc’s from BCS and BEC unification J. Batle, M. Casas, M. Fortes, M. de Llano, F.J. Sevilla. Physica C 408-410, 257-258.

· Derivation of amplitude equations for nonlinear oscillators subject to arbitrary forcing. C. Mayol, R. Toral, C.R. Mirasso. Physical Review E 69, 066141.

· Clustering transition in a system of particles self-consistently driven by a shear flow. C. López. Physical Review E 70, 066205.

· Stochastic polarization switching dynamics in Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: Theory and Experiment. J. Danckaert, M. Peeters, C.R. Mirasso, M. San Miguel, G. Verschaffelt, J. Albert, B. Nagler, H. Unold, R. Michalzik, G. Giacomelli, F. Marin, H. Unold. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10, 911-917.

· Sustained plankton blooms under open chaotic flows. E. Hernández-García, C. López. Ecological Complexity 1, 253-259.

· Clustering, advection and patterns in a model of population dynamics. E. Hernández-García, C. López Physical Review E 70, 016216 (1-11).

· Co-evolution of dynamical states and interactions in dynamic networks. M.G. Zimmermann, V.M. Eguíluz, M. San Miguel. Physical Review E 69, 065102. · Nucleation droplets and dark-ring cavity solitons in asymmetric bistable nonlinear optical systems. D. Gomila, P. Colet, G.-L. Oppo, M. San Miguel. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, S265-S270.

· Continuum description of finite-size particles advected by external flows.The effect of collisions. C. López, A. Puglisi Physical Review E 69, 046306 (1-6).

· Stochastic resonance between dissipative structures in a bistable noise-sustained dynamics. B.v. Haeften, G. Izús, S. Mangioni, A. Sánchez, H.S. Wio. Physical Review E 69, 021107 (1-5).

· On the nonextensivity of the long range X-Y model. R. Toral Journal of Statistical Physics 114, 1393.

· Experimental and theoretical investigations on elliptically polarized dynamical transition states in the polarization switching of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. M. Sondermann, T. Ackemann, S. Balle, J. Mulet, K. Panajotov. Optics Communications 235, 421-434.

· Secondary bifurcations of hexagonal patterns in a nonlinear optical system: alkali metal vapor in a single-mirror arrangement. D. Gomila, T. Ackemann, E. Grosse Westhoff, P. Colet, W. Lange. Physical Review E 69, 036205 (1-12).

· Phase Synchronization and Polarization Ordering of Globally Coupled Oscillators. A. Scirè, P. Colet, M. San Miguel. Physical Review E 70, 035201(R) (1-4).

· Synchronization Properties of Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers and Applications to Encryption. C.R. Mirasso, R. Vicente, P. Colet, J. Mulet, T. Pérez. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie de Sciences, Physique 5, 613-622

· Neighborhood models of minority opinion spreading. C.J. Tessone, R. Toral, P. Amengual, H.S. Wio, M. San Miguel. European Physical Journal B 39, 535-544.

· Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Bidirectional Optoelectronic Coupling: Stability, Route to Chaos and Entrainment. R. Vicente, S. Tang, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, J. Liu. Physical Review E 70, 46216 (1-11).

· Anticipated synchronization: a metaphorical linear view. O. Calvo, D.R. Chialvo, V.M. Eguíluz, C.R. Mirasso, R. Toral. Chaos 14, 7-11.

· Opening up Structures of Three Dimensional Flows via Leaking. I. Tuval, J. Schneider, O. Piro, T. Tél. Europhysics Letters 65, 633.

· Control of chaotic transients: Yorke's Game of Survival. J. Aguirre, F. d'Ovidio, M. Sanjuán. Physical Review E 69, 016203 (1-5). · Effect of non-Gaussian noises in a noise induced transition. H. Wio, R. Toral. Physica D 193, 161.

· Synchronization scenario of two distant mutually coupled semiconductor lasers. J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, T. Heil, I. Fischer . Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclassical Optics 6, 97-105.

· Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Mutual Optoelectronic Coupling. S. Tang, R. Vicente, M. Chiang, C.R. Mirasso, J. Liu. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10, 936-943.

· Fluctuations impact on a pattern-forming model of population dynamics with non-local interactions. C. Lopez, E. Hernández-García. Physica D 199, 223-234.

· Characterization of spatiotemporal chaos in an inhomogeneous active media. S. Bouzat, H.S. Wio, G. Mindlin. Physica D 199, 185-193.

· Diffusion in Fluctuating Media: The Resonant Activation Problem. J.A Revelli, C.E. Budde. H.S. Wio. Physica A 342, 1-8.

· Effect of parameter mismatch on the synchronization of electrooptical intensity laser hyperchaos. Y. Chembo Kouomou, P. Colet, N. Gastaud, L. Larger . Physical Review E 69, 056226-1-15.

Other papers in 2004

· Bichos que se reproducen y amontonan, y su descripción macroscópica. E. Hernández-García, C. López. Revista Española de Física 18, 49-52 (2004).

· Numerical investigations on the performance of external-cavity mode-locked semiconductor lasers. J. Mulet, J. Moerk . Proceedings SPIE 5452-70, 12 pages.

· Modeling of Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: State of The Art and New Results. A. Scirè, J. Mulet, C.R. Mirasso, M. San Miguel Invited Review, Alta Frequenza, AEI - Associazione Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica Italiana 15, 21-26.

· Experimentally Observed Dynamical Characteristics of Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers With or Without Optoelectronic Feedback. S. Tang, M. Chiang, J. Liu, R. Vicente, C.R. Mirasso. SPIE Proccedings, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XII, 5349, 319-330.

· Simple Interpretation of the Dynamics of Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers with Detuning. R. Vicente, J. Mulet, M. Sciamanna, C.R. Mirasso. SPIE Proceedings, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XII, 5349, 307-318. · Dynamics of Mutually Coupled VCSEL's. R. Vicente, C. R. Mirasso. SPIE Proceedings, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XII, 5349, 331-338

· Exact ratchet description of Parrondo's games with self-transitions. P. Amengual, R. Toral Procceedings SPIE Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics II (eds. Z. Gingl, J.M. Sancho, L. Schimansky--Geier & J. Kertesz), 5471,

· Parrondo's games and the zipping algorithm.. P. Amengual & R. Toral Proc. SPIE Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics II (eds. Z. Gingl, J.M. Sancho, L. Schimansky--Geier & J. Kertesz), 5471,

· On some localized solutions of coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations. R. Montagne, E. Hernández-García Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VII & VIII, edited by Orazio Descalzi, Javier Martínez, and Enrique Tirapegui, Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht, 273-279.

· On the topographic rectification of ocean fluctuations. A. Alvarez, E. Hernández-García, J. Tintore Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VII & VIII, edited by Orazio Descalzi, Javier Martínez, and Enrique Tirapegui, Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht, 133-139.

· Boundary -forced spatial chaos. V.M. Eguíluz, E. Hernández-García, O. Piro. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VII & VIII, edited by Orazio Descalzi, Javier Martínez, and Enrique Tirapegui, Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht, 205-212.

· On the Role of Non Gaussian Noises on Noise Induced Phenomena. H.S. Wio. Nonextensive Entropy--Interdisciplinary Applications, M. Gell-Mann and C Tsallis, Eds., Oxford U.P., 177. ANNEX 3: Research projects of DFI-IMEDEA since 2003

Projects funded by the European Commission

"VISTA: VCSELs for Information Society Technology Applications". HPRN-CT-2000-00034, European Commission, Programme "Human Potential- Research Training Networks. (2000-2004). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: M. San Miguel. Budget: 233.360 €

"QUANTIM: Quantum Imaging". IST-2000-26019, European Commission. Programme "Information Society Technologies: Future and Emerging Technologies. (2000-2004). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: M. San Miguel. Budget: 180.000 €

"OCCULT: Optical Chaos communications using laser diode transmitters". IST-2000-29683. Programme "Information Society Technologies: Future and Emerging Technologies. (2001-2004). European Coordinator: C. Mirasso. UIB Budget: 188.201 €

"OCCULT: Optical Chaos communications using laser diode transmitters". IST-2000-29683. Programme "Information Society Technologies: Future and Emerging Technologies. (2001-2004). Principal Investigator CSIC: P. Colet. CSIC Budget: 109.990 €

“BIOSIM: Biosimulation, a new tool in drug development” Network of Excellence of the 6th EC Framework Programme in the priority “Genomics and Biotechnology of Health”. Coordinator Erik Mosekilde (Technical University Denmark). Principal Investigator: R. Toral. (2005-2008). Budget: 217.000 €

“THRESHOLDS: Thresholds of environmental sustainability” Integrated Project of the 6th EC Framework Programme in the priority “Global Change and Ecosystems”, European Coordinator: C. Duarte (Nat. Resources-IMEDEA). Scientist in charge of work-package S2WP1 'regime modelling': E. Hernández- García. (2005-2008). Budget IMEDEA: 830.364 €

"QUIPROCONE". IST-1999-29064: Network of Excellence within the Information Society Technologies Programme in the field of quantum information. (2000-2004). Scientist in charge: M. San Miguel.

"Physics of Risk". European COST ACTION P102. (2003-2005). Spanish representative in the Steering Committee: M. San Miguel. Coordinator: P. Richmond (Trinity, Dublin, Ireland).

“ONCE-CS. Open Network of Centres of Excellence in Complex Systems” Network of the Priority 2 “Information Society Technologies”. Future and Emerging Technologies. (2005-2008). (FP6-IST-3-015539). Principal Investigator: M. San Miguel.

Projects funded by the Spanish Government

"CONOCE: Cooperación y fenómenos no lineales en sistemas complejos extendidos". (BFM2000-1108). Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2001-2004). Principal Investigator: M. San Miguel. Budget: 152.685 €

“Leyes de Escala y Topología de redes funcionales cerebrales”. Acción Especial BFM-2002-12792-E (2004-2006). Principal Investigator: Víctor M. Eguíluz. Budget: 6000€

"SINFIBIO: Sincronización en sistemas físicos y biológicos". BFM2001- 0341-C02-01. Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2000-2003). Principal Investigator: R. Toral. Budget: 50.918 €

"SINFIBIO: Sincronización en sistemas físicos y biológicos". BFM2001- 0341-C02-02. Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2000-2003). Principal Investigator: M. Matías. Budget: 33.085,84 €

"IMAGEN: Procesos de transporte, campos de velocidades y análisis de estructuras oceánicas mediante imágenes de satélite". REN2001-0802- C02-01 (MCyT). Programa de Recursos Naturales. (2001-2004). Coordinator and Principal Investigator: E. Hernández-García. Budget: 53.219,62 €

"Diodos laser con selección modal". TIC99-0645-CO5-02, CICYT. (2000- 2003). Principal Investigator: S. Balle. Budget: 61.002 €

"NOLINET: Competición, coordinación y cooperación de agentes en redes complejas". BFM2002-04474-C02-01. Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2002-2003). Principal Investigator: V. M. Eguíluz. Budget: 8.740 €

"Láseres y amplificadores de cavidad vertical para comunicaciones ópticas y procesado óptico de señal". Proyecto TIC2002-04255-C04-03. (2002-2004). Principal Investigator: S. Balle. Budget: 34.600 €

“CONOCE2: Cooperación y fenómenos no lineales en sistemas complejos extendidos” (FIS2004-00953) (2004-2008). Proyecto del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Principal Investigator: M. San Miguel. Budget: 302.500 €

“FCESCFB: Fenómenos emergentes en redes biológicas con interacciones complejas” (FIS2004-05073-C04-04) (2004-2007). Proyecto del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Principal Investigator: R.Toral. Budget: 24.400 €

"QUANTIM: Quantum Images". Proyecto BFM2001-4180-E del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2004). Principal Investigator: M. San Miguel. Budget: 24.602 €

"OCCULT: Optical Chaos communications using laser diode transmitters". Proyecto TIC2001-4484-E y TIC2002-10328-E del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2002-2004). Coordinator and PI: C. Mirasso. Budget: 18.617 €

"OCCULT: Optical Chaos communications using laser diode transmitters". Proyecto TIC2001-4572-E del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. (2002-2004). Principal Investigator: P. Colet. Budget: 18.709,5 €

"Polarization patterns and fluctuations in nonlinear optical systems". Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana del MEC, AINT HA2000-0012. (2001-2003). Principal Investigator (Germany): W. Lange (University of Münster). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: M. San Miguel. Budget (Spanish side): 7.542,70 €

"Estructuras localizadas en cavidades ópticas no lineales". Acción Integrada Hispano-Italiana del MEC, AINT HI2000-0027. (2001-2003). Principal Investigator (Italy): G. Nalesso (Univ. Padova). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: M. San Miguel. Budget (Spanish side): 4.657,84 €

"Dynamical systems approach to ocean transport". Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana del MEC, HA2003-0146. (2004-2005). Principal Investigator (Germany): J. Kurths (University of Potsdam). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: Emilio Hernández-García. Budget (Spanish side): 10.608 €

"Dynamics of nonlinear units that interact through complex networks". Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana del MEC, HA2003-0077. (2004-2005). Principal Investigator (Germany): S. Bornhold (University of Leipzig). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: Víctor M. Eguíluz. Budget (Spanish side): 10.608 €

"Chemical or biologically interacting substances transported by chaotic flows". Acción Integrada Hispano-Italiana del MEC, HI2004-0144. (2005-2006). Principal Investigator (Italy): A. Vulpiani (University of Rome-La Sapienza). Principal Investigator of the Spanish group: Cristóbal López. Budget (Spanish side): 10.820 €

Projects funded by Local Government

"Colaboración Física Interdisciplinar-IMEDEA / Dpto. Filosofía UIB". Balear Government (2002-2004). Principal Investigator: Maxi San Miguel (IMEDEA), Camilo José Cela-Conde (Dpto. Filosofía UIB). Budget: 9.000 €

"Grupo de investigación competitivo de Física Interdisciplinar". Balear Government (2002-2005). Principal Investigator: Maxi San Miguel. Budget: 36.000 €

"Dinàmiques no lineals d'autoorganització espaciotemporal". Thematic network, Generalitat de Catalunya. (2003-2004). Principal Investigator for IMEDEA: M. San Miguel.

"Estudi de l’organització de l’activitat elèctrica auricular en la fibrilació auricular crònica". Acción especial del Govern Balear. Projecte 2664-2002 en colaboración con el Servicio de Cardiología de Son Dureta. (2002-2003). Principal Investigator: C. Mirasso. Budget: 3.000 €

"Dynamics Days 2003". Balear Government: 12.000 €, Max Planck: 5.000 €, CSIC: 2.000, UIB: 2.400. Total: 21.400 €. Principal Investigator: Oreste Piro.

“Desarrollo de un interferómetro de Hartmann-Shack para aberrometría ocular”. Balear Government (2003). Principal Investigator: Salvador Balle. Budget: 29.100 €

Other DFI-IMEDEA projects

"PHASE: Phase Domains and Spatial Solitons in Nonlinear Optics". Network 84 of the European Science Foundation. (2000-2003). Member of Steering committee: M. San Miguel.

Participation in "STOCHDYN: Stochastic Dynamics. Fundamentals and Applications". Program of the European Science Foundation. (2002-2007).

"Efectos constructivos del ruido en sistemas dinámicos y sistemas extendidos". (2002AR0012) Bilateral cooperation CSIC – CONICET (Argentina) (2002-2004). Principal Investigator: Maxi San Miguel.

"Dynamics on Complex Networks and Applications", Seminar and Workshop: Dresden, February 6 - March 3, 2006. Scientific Coordinators: J. Kurths, M. A. Matías, and A. E. Motter. 20.000 € granted by the Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (Germany).

Other projects with participation of DFI-IMEDEA researchers

"SOFT: Satellite-based Ocean Forecasting". EVK3-2000-00561. Program Energy, Environment and Sustainable development EC. (2001-2003). Researcher involved: E. Hernández-García.

“ICEPOS: Interacciones complejas en el ecosistema pelágico del Océano Sur: Desentrañando la paradoja Antártica”. Coordinated project REN2002- 04165-C03-C02, Plan Nacional de I+D. (2002-2005) Coordinator + PI Subproject 2, Carlos M. Duarte (RRNN-IMEDEA). Researchers involved Oreste Piro y Tomás Sintes.

“EUR-OCEANS: European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis”. Contract No. 511106-2, 6th FP CE, priority “Global Change and Ecosystems” (PI: C.M. Duarte, RRNN-IMEDEA). Researcher involved: Emilio Hernández-García. (2005-2008)

“MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function”. European Network (6FP) (2004-2009) (IP: C. M. Duarte, RRNN-IMEDEA). Researcher involved Tomás Sintes

“Network Topology and the Dynamics of Complex Networks”. Project SES- 0432917, National Science Foundation NSF (USA). (2004-2005) PI.: M.W.Macy (Cornell University). Researchers involved: V. M. Eguíluz y M. San Miguel.

"Aplicaciones de la física estadística y no-lineal a la economía y ciencias sociales" Thematic Network MEC (2005-06). Principal Investigators: A. Díaz- Guilera (Barcelona) and R. Toral (DFI-IMEDEA). Budget: 12.000€

“Física del Riesgo”. Acción Especial FIS2004-22783-E MEC associated with COST P10 (2005-06). Principal Investigators: A. Sánchez (U. CarlosIII) y M. San Miguel (DFI-IMEDEA). Budget: 9.000 €

"Dinámica de nanoestructuras electrónicas y Comunicación Cuántica" BFM2002-03241 (MCyT). (2002-2005). Researchers involved M. Casas (PI), Ll.Serra. Budget: 67.720 €.

“Grupo de Investigación competitivo de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear”. Balear Government. (2003-2005). Researchers involved M. Casas (PI), Ll.Serra. Budget: 27.000 €.

"Transporte y estados entrelazados en nanoestructuras". Balear Government (2004-2005). Researchers involved M. Casas, Ll.Serra(PI),. Budget: 20.500 €

“Correlations in quantum systems: quantum dots, quantum gases and nuclei”. Acción especial MEC for the organization of a Workshop (2005). Researchers involved M. Casas (PI), Ll.Serra. Budget: 9.000 €.



The Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department of IMEDEA carries naturally its research in the general framework of the Physical Sciences. Nevertheless, as of today, IMEDEA is considered within the formal administrative organization of CSIC as an Institute assigned to the Scientific Area of Natural Resources. The Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department of the IMEDEA (DFI-IMEDEA) should be formally assigned to the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of the CSIC. Within the present legal framework, several administrative possibilities are possible for this. A first one, proposed in the past, is to use the article 27.5 of the current CSIC’s bylaws, so that Departments can be assigned to different scientific areas if IMEDEA is considered as a Centre of CSIC. This solution, however, relies on fine details of the present legal framework, which is to be completely modified in the near future. A more robust solution is to acknowledge that the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of IMEDEA, in the context of its natural growth and consolidation, is willing to become an independent Institute, probably under the umbrella of administrative character of a Centre for IMEDEA. The necessary critical mass seems to be available, so that the possibility of organizing the area in an independent Institute is foreseen during the period of validity of the present planning. The organization would correspond to a Department which should lump together the lines of research focused in systems traditionally considered within Physics, and another Department which should comprise the lines with more transdisciplinary contents.


-The DFI-IMEDEA activities have their natural context in the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies. It is in this Scientific Area where they can have the adequate visibility and assessment, which is difficult in an Area in which they do not belong.

-This is a formal recognition of the present situation in which the DFI-IMEDEA appears listed in the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies in the official CSIC’s web site, as well an in the annual summaries of scientific activities of CSIC. IMEDEA appears in the strategic plan 2000-04 of the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of CSIC as the unit with largest activity in the research line T3 (Modelling of complex systems).

-IMEDEA was created in 1995 as a joint Centre between CSIC and he University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) restructuring the old IEA (Institute for Advanced Studies) whose first Director was from the Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of CSIC. IMEDEA was organized in its foundational agreement, in 2 Departments, the Natural Resources Department and the Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department, with no statement made on the assignment of IMEDEA to any particular scientific area of the UIB or CSIC. At some undetermined time, IMEDEA was assigned by the CSIC administration to its Area of Natural Resources.

-The anomalous of this situation has repeatedly been presented to the IMEDEA’s governing Board (Junta). The Cross-Disciplinary Physics Department’s chairman sent a letter to the CSIC’s vice-presidency in July 2003 requesting the redefinition of IMEDEA as a Centre with the Department of Cross-Disicplinary Physics formally assigned to the area of Physical Sciences and Technologies. There is also a document signed in March 2004 by 90% of the tenured scientific personnel of the DFI- IMEDEA expressing their support to this request. In the meeting of the governing Board of IMDEA in April 27, 2004, this proposal was also explicitly supported by the chairmen of the two departments of IMEDEA and by all members of the Board that represent the scientific personnel of IMEDEA.


The absolute priority of the DFI-IMEDEA for the immediate future is to have its own, sufficient and not dispersed spaces which permit the normal development of its activities. That priority has been repeatedly expressed, but has not been attended so far, neither in the DFI-IMEDEA’s creation in 1995, nor in the design and the distribution of the IMEDEA’s building in Esporles, nor in the plans made for the enlargement of that building in 2003, now in construction phase. This request has been taken into account by the UIB in its application for European FEDER funds in June 2004 for a multi-institutes building project in the UIB campus. This application has been partially funded. As of November 2005 plans for the construction of this building are underway. This building should allow to relocate the presently largely spatially dispersed activity of the DFI-MEDEA. The space planning made for the FEDER funds application is copied below, as well as its justification.

5.2.1 Spaces needed for the IMEDEA’s Physics Science and Technology Area.

A. Offices:

1. 11 individual offices for tenured scientific personnel: 165 m2 2. 4 double offices for postdoctoral researchers 3. 2 double offices for sabbatical professors and visitors: 50m2 4. Additional needs (individual offices or postdoctoral contracts): 30m2

Total of offices: 325m2

B. Rooms for common use:

1. Room for the administrative support staff: 30m2 2. Room for 14 PhD students and their computer equipment: 140m2 3. Meeting rooms and seminar rooms (two connected rooms): 70m2 4. Additional needs: 30m2

Total of common rooms: 270m2

C. Laboratories:

1. Non-linear Physics-Electronics laboratory: 50m2 2. Non-linear Physics-Fluids laboratory: 50m2 3. Semiconductor lasers laboratory: 50m2 4. Computing laboratory for a computer cluster with 48 calculus nodes, computers for specific tasks and peripherals, UPS and air-conditioning + office for computer technician: 50m2 5. Electronic repair shop and room for electronic technician: 20m2

The semiconductor lasers laboratory should be dark, isolated from mechanic vibrations (basement) and electromagnetically isolated. Part of the other laboratories can also be located in the basement, with the adequate illumination and ventilation conditions.

Total of laboratories: 220m2


Justification of the planning of spaces of DFI-IMEDEA.

The researchers and activities of the DFI-IMEDEA are, nowadays, located in three different buildings of the UIB´s campus and in the IMEDEA´s building in Esporles 10 Km away from the campus of UIB). The rearrangement of spaces is considered as a top priority, which would allow the needed proximity for the normal development of a team work which is considered as a strength of DFI. On the other hand, it is necessary that DFI-IMEDEA has its own spaces, since the vast majority of the spaces used today by the DFI-IMEDEA researchers belong to the Physics Department of the UIB, creating unavoidable difficulties because of the very limited space resources of this academic Department of the UIB. Equally important is that DFI-IMEDEA has enough space, since present space limitations restrict or make difficult some of the possible activities

The specific justification of the space needed, summarized above, is the following:

A. Offices:

1. 11 individual offices: Present scientific tenured personnel 2. 4 double offices for postdoctoral researchers: According to the attached tables of the DFI-IMEDEA´s personnel, it corresponds to the situation in 2003 and expected for the near future. 3. 2 double offices for sabbatical professors and visitors: It corresponds to the typical situation, according to the historic tables of the DFI-IMEDEA´s personnel. 4. Additional needs (individual offices or postdoctoral contracts): It corresponds to the possible vegetative growth of the postdoctoral researcher, visitors and sabbatical professors, specially associated with the line of research on Quantum Information and Nanoscience, for which this type of personnel were previously not formally assigned to IMEDEA

B. Rooms for common use:

1. Room for administration and research support: IMEDEA´s management office in the UIB campus for administrative personnel from CSIC, UIB and specific DFI personnel. No such place exists today in the UIB campus. In the last four years a contract for management of the projects of the DFI has been funded from the DFI projects. 2. Room for 14 PhD students and their computer equipment: Situation in the last years according to the personnel tables of the DFI-IMEDEA. 3. Meeting rooms and seminar rooms: Our work methodology consists relies heavily in lengthy discussions using a working group´s blackboard. Moreover, a weekly seminar has been organized since 1995, with an average attendance of 25 people. Permanent rooms are needed for these activities, which should be always available. They are essential, since it is normal to have frequent and simultaneous meetings for different working groups. Two communicated rooms, transformable in a larger one for departmental seminars, seems the optimum solution. 4. Additional needs: It corresponds to the possible vegetative growth of PhD students, specially those associated with the line of research on Quantum Information and Nanoscience, for which this type of personnel were previously not formally assigned to IMEDEA .

C. Laboratories:

1. Non-linear Physics-Electronics laboratory: Remodelling of a multi-use space (laboratory, PhD students room, office for electronic and computer technician,…) nowadays used in the Academic Department of Physics of the UIB. The experimental activity of this lab is documented in the summaries of activities of the last years. 2. Non-linear Physics-Fluids laboratory: This type of experimental activity has been sporadic, due to the lack of space. It is a historical goal for the development of our activities. 3. Semiconductor lasers laboratory: It corresponds to the move of the laboratory (available, nowadays, in the building of IMEDEA in Esporles) to the campus of UIB. Gathering the DFI´s activities just in one place, to facilitate the scientific interaction and team work is considered of great added value. 4. Computing laboratory: The DFI´s basic equipment is its calculus computer cluster designed by the DFI´s personnel and continuously updated. At the moment this equipment occupies spaces of the academic Physics Department of the UIB and needs to be removed from there. The researchers of DFI-IMEDEA have been supporting from their research projects a full-time contract of a computer technician since year 2000 5. Electronic repair shop and room for electronic technician: This room is, nowadays, available in the building of IMEDEA in Esporles (seen point 3). In recent times the DFI has had two part-time contracted electronic technicians, one of them in Esporles and the other one in the campus of the UIB.


Computing lab: We will continue with the present policy of periodic updates of Nuredduna (http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/nuredduna), the computer cluster that constitutes our basic computing infrastructure, as described in section 1.2. In particular a major update is scheduled by the second half of 2006. The computational nodes will be replaced by dual core 64 bit processors (either Pentium D or Athlon64 X2) which will start being ship this quarter and expected to be very widely available within the commodity PC market during next year. It is anticipated that the coming updatings will be financed by the CONOCE2 project and by possible CSIC or nationwide Special Actions about computing clusters. Participation in Grid activities will continue in the context of the IRISGrid initiative.

Non Linear Physics-Electronic laboratory: Maintenance investments.

Semiconductor lasers laboratory: Consolidation investments.

Non Linear Physics -Fluids laboratory: A previous step is the allocation of space for this lab. This conditions the investments for its creation that are expected to come from and will be specific CSIC´s calls for proposals and to overheads budget of IMEDEA.


There are no expected retirements or departures of the tenured scientific personnel. In the following we describe the situation concerning new personnel of different categories as well as promotion policies.

5.4.1 Technical staff:

The researchers of DFI-IMEDEA have been supporting from their research projects a full-time contract of a computer technician since year 2000 (jointly funded by the UIB during the lasts years). This technician is considered an essential element to guarantee the proper performance and continuous updating of our computational infrastructure, which is the basic tool for most of the DFI-IMEDEA research. We fix as a priority to fill a permanent position for this particular task.

We shall continue, depending on the budgetary restrictions, our present policy of contracting from research projects a part time electronic technician for support of the research labs of DFI. Funding will be requested to UIB and CSIC for a new research support position for the management support of the projects of DFI-IMEDEA. The same position could also be in charge of the IMEDEA´s administrative task in the UIB´s campus.

5.4.2 Early stage researchers and postdoctoral contracts and fellowships:

The current policy for PhD and postdoctoral fellowships and contracts will be continued, participating in local, national and international calls for applications, as well as the use of funds from research projects. The aim is to keep, in general terms, the lasts years´ average numbers (8 postdocs and 14 PhD), keeping also a high competition level for this positions together with the actual mobility standards in terms of international and non-local recruitment. The exception may be associated with the growth of the line of research on Quantum Information and Nanoscience, for which this type of personnel were previously not formally assigned to IMEDEA. A proactive recruiting policy is being developed through our website. Special attention will be paid to the European programs such as Erasmus Mundus: a proposal is being made for an European Master on Complexity and Nonlinear Phenomena.

5.4.3 Tenured scientific personnel:

a) New personnel:

UIB: Dr. C. Mirasso and Dr. T. Sintes are considered in this document members of DFI- IMEDEA. They are UIB personnel that formally requested to become members of IMEDEA in October 2001 and October 2002 respectively. These requests have been approved by the IMEDEA´s governing Board and are pending formal approval in the next meeting of the UIB-CSIC follow-up Committee (it has not met in the last five years). These two researchers carry out de facto all their research in IMEDEA and in collaboration with IMEDEA researchers. Dr. Sintes was the first scientist in holding a postdoctoral contract of the UIB assigned to IMEDEA in the doctoral coming back program of the Spanish Ministry of Education. There have been no new permanent scientists from the UIB assigned to DFI-IMEDEA since 1995 and new members should be considered in the future.

CSIC: The latest CSIC personnel joining DFI-IMEDEA were a Tenured Researcher “Científico Titular “ in 1999 and a Research Professor in 2001. No other new positions have been made available for DFI-IMEDEA (including the provisions for 2005). Currently DFI-IMEDEA has 4 researchers (the fourth one joining DFI-IMEDEA after the first submission of this strategic plan) with a Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral contract (5 years senior postdoc contracts), and an additional researcher with a I3P postdoctoral contract. In view of the foregoing, the growth of CSIC´s scientific personnel is a top priority for the next years. It needs to be possible to offer opportunities for tenured positions, to those 5 postdoctoral researchers. The requested 5 new openings should be well advertised to attract external international competition. Within the present proposal of scientific planning of the DFI-IMEDEA, the new positions should be announced with a specialization that includes a general component in the transversal line of research of the DFI-IMEDEA on Complex Systems, Statistical and Nonlinear Physics and a specific component associated with the lines of research described elsewhere: a) Applications of Complex Networks Dynamics in Biological and Social Dynamics contexts (lines 5 and 6) , b) Applications in Fluids Transport (Line 4) and c) Nonlinear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices (Line 2).

b) Promotion: Each of the IMEDEA partners, UIB and CSIC, has its own promotion policy. DFI- IMEDEA members are encouraged to participate in the competitive opportunities offered by those channels with the DFI-IMEDEA´s support. In 2004 there was a promotion of one CSIC Tenured Researcher to Senior Researcher, in the Theoretical Physics subarea. A UIB promotion is also expected in the near future. In addition, the DFI-IMEDEA will continue to propose openings for CSIC´s new senior positions in interdisciplinary fields which are also explicitly and jointly supported by the other Department of IMEDEA. These positions would offer opportunities for promotion towards the CSIC of the university personnel.


In this section we present the economic resources and overall full budget of IMEDEA here considered as a whole, this is including both the contributions from NNRR and DFI Departments.

History and Present situation:

Evolución de los presupuestos (en euros)* (Centro / Instituto) Centro o Instituto Código de Centro INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS - IMEDEA 168

Años 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total presupuesto 2.286.140 4.266.037 4.881.628 4.025.089 5.328.614 Total recursos externos 717.817 1.722.713 2.086.074 2.020.228 2.449.493 Op. Comerciales CSIC 641.237 1.453.021 1.392.966 1.053.335 1.741.309 Op. Comerciales UIB/FUEIB 76.580 269.692 693.108 966.893 708.184 Total recursos internos 1.568.323 2.543.324 2.795.554 2.004.861 2.879.121 Presupuesto de personal CSIC 641.237 1.453.021 1.392.266 1.053.335 1.741.309 Presupuesto de personal UIB/FUEIB 642.007 667.944 691.302 694.928 712.287 Presupuesto ordinario 138.804 149.489 153.131 159.599 163.341 Inversiones 146.275 272.870 558.855 96.999 262.184 * Esta información se aportará a nivel de Centro / Instituto

2005 -2009 predictions:

Tabla 5.5. Evolución de los presupuestos esperados (en euros) (Centro / Instituto) Centro o Instituto Código de Centro INSTITUTO MEDITERRÁNEO DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS - IMEDEA 168

Años 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 2005-09 Total presupuesto 5.828.685 6.114.120 6.413.296 6.726.992 7.590.717 32.673.810 Total recursos externos 2.517.696 2.637.581 2.762.930 2.894.108 3.182.901 13.995.216 Total recursos internos 3.310.989 3.476.539 3.650.366 3.832.884 4.407.816 18.678.594 Presupuesto de personal 2.821.635 2.962.717 3.110.853 3.266.396 3.756.355 15.917.956 Presupuesto ordinario 187.842 197.234 207.096 217.451 250.068 1.059.691 Inversiones 301.512 316.588 332.417 349.037 401.393 1.700.947


The activities of the researchers of the DFI-IMEDEA are structured in several lines of research. These lines, indicated below, are with small modifications the ones considered in the summaries of activities of the last years available in our web page (http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/) . They are to be maintained and consolidated in the next coming years. These lines of research do not coincide with disjoint research groups of researchers which are devoted to one of these lines exclusively. On the contrary, there is a unifying transverse line of research of a fundamental nature (line 1), which is the identity sign of the DFI-IMEDEA. Morevoer, every senior researcher typically participates in other focused lines with a subject defined by the type of systems under study. In this way competences from the backbone line 1 percolate into other 5 research lines. A proactive attitude is taken to promote this percolation in the weekly Department seminars that take place since 1995 and which are considered as the central activity of the Department. These seminars end with a self-organized often lengthy discussion in which new ideas and collaborations are designed. The current outline of lines of research and the participation of the tenured research personnel and the scientists with a Ramón y Cajal contract, is summarized in the following table:

García -


Research Lines Salvador Bal·le Montserrat Casas Pere Colet Emilio Hernández Cristóbal López Víctor M. Eguíluz Manuel Matías Claudio Mirasso Oreste Pi Maxi San Miguel LLorenç Serra Alessandro Scire Tomàs Sintes Raúl Toral 1) Complex Systems: Statistical and Non Linear Physics. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2) Non Linear Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices. X X X X X 3) Quantum Information and Nanoscience . X X 4) Fluid Dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids. X X X X 5) Biophysics and Nonlinear phenomena X in Ecology and Physiology X X X X X X X 6) Dynamics and Collective Phenomena of Social Systems. X X X

The Area of Physical Sciences and Technologies of the IMEDEA, in the context of its natural growth and consolidation, is willing to become an independent Institute, probably under the umbrella of administrative character of a Centre for IMEDEA. The necessary critical mass seems to be available, so that the possibility of organizing the area in an independent Institute is foreseen during the period of validity of the present planning. The organization would correspond to a Department which should lump together the lines of research focused in systems traditionally considered within Physics, and another Department which should comprise the lines with more transdisciplinary contents.

5.6.2 Services

A proposal is made for the consolidation of the common current computing infrastructure of scientific calculus of the DFI-IMEDEA (Computing laboratory: Beowulf Nureduduna Computer http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/nuredduna) designed, built and maintained by the DFI researchers as a Service of Computation for IMEDEA, with its own computing technician and a scientific person in charge. The service should be open to transfer expertise and know-how to other Spanish research centres, especially of CSIC.

5.6.3 External Relations

Being the IMEDEA a UIB-CSIC joint research institute, DFI researchers will participate in the Physics PhD Program of the UIB. Furthermore, and in the scope of the coming opportunities for European Masters involving several institutions we aim to the promotion the creation of a program involving complex systems and nonlinear phenomena.

We will continue our active collaboration with several institutions at the level of visits, joint publications or joint projects, among them, as listed in section 1.6 we can mention: Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC, Santander), Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos (CSIC, Granada), Universidad Carlos III (Madrid); Potsdam University, Leipzig University (Germany); Lehigh University, Los Álamos Nacional Laboratory (USA), Kansas State University, Northwestern University of Chicago (USA); Universidad de la Plata, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales (UNAM, Mexico); Pretoria University (South Africa); University of Reykjavick (Iceland); University of Strathclyde (UK); Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Trento, di Milano, di Firenze (Italy); Instituto de Física do Porto (Portugal); Institut Nonlinéaire de Nice (France); Warsaw University of Technology (Poland); Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).

Collaborations with research groups with strong background in theoretical computational science will be also strengthened. Good opportunities are foreseen with computer science groups of the Universitat Rovira y Virgili (Tarragona) and the Polytechnical University of Catalunya (Barcelona), as well as within the Spanish IRISGrid consortium. In addition a collaborative relation is being established with the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Computational Complex Systems Research (Helsinki).

In the international networks context, we will continue our participation in the current research networks such as: “BIOSIM: Biosimulation, a new tool in drug development”, “ONCE-CS: Open Network for Connecting Excellence in Complex Systems”, "STOCHDYN: Stochastic Dynamics. Fundamentals and Applications", “EUR-OCEANS: European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems analysis” and “MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function”, as well as in the current bilateral collaboration “Chemical or biologically interacting substances transported by chaotic flows”, details of which are given in section 1.6. Furthermore there is an application for a European project in the context of secure communications with chaotic lasers (iCODE) and we will seek for other opportunities in the coming years.

At the national level, there is a pre-proposal to associate BIFI (Biocomputing Institute and Physics of Complex Systems) which is an Institute of the University of Zaragoza but includes personnel assigned to several Spanish research centers, to the DFI- IMEDEA as an “Associated Unit” of CSIC. As indicated in Section 1.6 this association would create the central core of research in complex systems in Spain and it would give to CSIC a nucleating and leading role in the field. Other networking activities in which we will participate at the national level include the thematic networks “Applications of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics in Economics and Social Sciences” (founded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, and coordinated by A. Diaz-Guilera (Barcelona) and R. Toral (IMEDEA) ) and IRISGrid (mentioned above), the Spanish Thematic Network devoted to the development of a GRID infrastructure of shared computing resources between scientific institutions (http://irisgrid.rediris.es).

Finally, during the span of this strategic plan an effort will be made to find industrial partners for strategic activities in which this might become possible. A closer partnership will be seeked with those mentioned in sect. 1.6 with which a relation already exists. New opportunities will be explored, in particular, with SIMPPLE, a spin-off of the University Rovira I Virgili (Tarragona) that develops and applies innovative technologies and applications in the fields of process engineering, environmental engineering, transport phenomena, computational science and artificial intelligence.


DFI-IMEDEA will continue its past efforts (described in section 3.5) towards the dissemination of research results and, in general, of the scientific culture and outreaching. While some of these activities will be related to the results obtained within the period of application of the plan and therefore can not be precisely scheduled at this point, there are other forthcoming outreaching efforts which are clearly defined. In particular we mention:

Participation in the “Science Week” and scientific festivals or in other dissemination activities: Non-specialized, non-mathematical talks at High Scools will be given by several members of DFI-IMEDEA within the context of the Science Week, which takes place every year in autumn. In particular, it is planned that Raúl Toral and Pere Colet will give talks about changes of opinion in society, complex systems and applications of chaos. It is also expected that gradually other members of the DFI-IMEDEA will join this effort.

The Government of the Balearic Islands organizes annually a “Science Festival” in spring in which typically the IMEDEA has a stand. The DFI has participated in that stand in several occasions and it is the aim of the DFI to participate in the forthcoming editions.

Dissemination activities in mass media (press releases, etc): The aim of the DFI is to continue providing information about research activities and research projects to the press services of the UIB and CSIC, which is then distributed to the press media. Activities in some topics are clearly more easily understood and appreciated by the general public. While the argument of general public appeal can not be used as a way to decide future scientific activities of the institute, the fact that some of the activities in which we are involved are more comprehensible should be used to increase our visibility within the society. Our aim is to use these particular topics as a way to induce a positive opinion in the general public about the more general field of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems.

In particular and in the near future, it is planned to take advantage of the fact that the kick-off meeting for the European project BIOSIM involving 40 institutions will be take place in October 2005 in Mallorca organized by members of the DFI as a good opportunity to create general public awareness of the contributions that nonlinear and statistical physics can provide in the design and understanding of the physiological effects of medicines.

We will also profit the opportunity of the fact that the International Year of the Physics coincides with the tenth anniversary of the creation of our Institute to celebrate ten years of Cross-Disciplinary physics at Imedea during next fall.

Other outreaching activities will continue such as preparation of articles for journals addressed to the general public, preparation of manuals and participation in vocational meetings in high schools will also take place although there is no schedule for this at this time.


Tabla 5.8. Valores esperados de los indicadores generales Código de Departamento Fisica Interdisicplinar IMEDEA Centro

Total Año 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005/9 Total Financiación (euros) proyectos competitivos 320000 330000 340000 350000 360000 1700000 Total Nº art en Rev SCI/SSCI/A&HSI 42 42 43 43 43 213 Nº art en Rev NO ISI Internacionales 2 2 2 2 2 10 Nº art en Rev NO ISI Nacionales 2 2 2 2 2 10 Nº de Libros Cartera de patentes activas Nacionales Cartera de patentes activas EPO, USPO, etc. Patentes licenciadas a empresas Start-up inicidas por personal del centro/instituto Ingresos por contratos de I+D (con sector privado) Ingresos por contratos/asesoria (con sector público) Stock total de becas/contratos pre-doct 14 14 14 14 14 70 Stock total de becas/contratos post-doct 8 8 8 8 8 40 Total de Tesis doctorales leidas por personal C/I 2 2 2 2 2 10 Total de créditos de cursos de doctorado/postgrado 23 23 23 23 23 115