Smithsonian Herpetological Information Services
GIL INDEX TO THE SCIENTIFIC NAMES IN "CLASSIFICATION OF THE LIZARDS" by CHARLES LEWIS CAMP Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. XLVIII, Art. XI, pp. 289-481 1923 Indexed by James A. Peters - SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICES , 1965 V Additional copies available from: Division of Reptiles and Amphibians U. S. National Museum Washington, D.C. 20560 MAY 3 0197b jUHrtArtitS \RlfS Acanthodactylus ; 361, Amblyrhynchus ; 307, 365, 406, 410. 371, 373, 395, 401, Acanthosaura; 367, 406. 405, 416. cristatus; 379, 406. Acontias; 340, 351, 369, Ameiva; 404, 408, 411. 375, 396. sur inamensis , 406. meleagris; 355, 380, vulgaris; 377, 406. 387. Amphibia; 369, 420. monodactylus; 355, 367, Amphibolurus; 339, 348, niger; 387. 362, 367, 372, 406, Acrosauria; 346. 416. Acteosaurus; 322. muricatus; 371, 380. Adriosaurus; 322. Amphisbaena; 339, 340, Aelurosaurus ; 305. 342, 343, 351, 356, A^tosaurus; 399. 360, 417, Fig. 18 Agama; 348, 363, 367, 416. (448). atra; 410. 412. alba; 342, 351, 361, colonorum; 371. 380, 399, 400, Fig. galliae; 309. 9 (438), Fig. 40 hispida; 362. (448). inermis; 402. caeca; Fig. F (342). pallida; 362. fuliginosa; 342, 361, y plica; 406. 399, 400. sanguinlenta; 362. occidentalis ; 352. stellio; 402, 410. Amphisbaenidae ; 299, 313, Agamidae; 298, 304, 307, 314, 316, 334, 342, 310, 311, 312, 334, 344, 351, 354, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 357, 361, 362, 363, 362, 363, 364, 365, 365, 369, 375, 379, 367, 369, 375, 379, 393, 394, 401, 415, 381, 393, 394, 395, 417, 419. 398, 401, 406, 409, Amphisbaenoidea; 299, 410, 417, 418, 421. 316 , 352, 372. Agamodon; 351, 361. Anelytropsidae, 299, 352, Aigialosauridae; 300, 365, 379, 396, 397.
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