THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 21, 1909. " above the average in merit and Interest. - guerlte Keeler, Fred Truesdell and i i i .ip .k fYZk During the act they Introduce en amount W ,m.n company of over 60 people. dialogue. will production of "A of .burlesque and lively It It la aid that the an act for people who enjoy singing Stubborn Cinderella" is the handsomest be "popular" stage. The costumes and songs better than the on the American kind. are gorgeous, the scenery magnificent Company, will be most charming va- Howard Truesdale & and the music of the one of the big features on the new pro- riety. Lovers of musical, comedy and has appeared no mis- gramme. Mr. Truesdale theatergoers In general will make here before and made a most favorable take In going to see "A Stubborn Cin- Impression. He is assisted by a woman derella" at the Heilig Theater. and two men and the four combine to give one of the funniest farce sketches MEIBOTKXE M'DOWEIiIj HERE seen here of late. Frank Mayne & Company will also have a playlet. The title is "The Sexton's Former Co-Sta- r' With Fannie Dav- Dream." Special scenery Is carried, show- ing lower New York by moonlight. One enport Coming to Pantages. of the attractive parts Is the ringing of the church chimes. "A laborer cam love as well as a rich a racetrack play with ex- "The Tipster" is man" is one of the sentiments W. ' C. Goodall & Company. It Includes pressed In Miss Virginia Drew TrescoU's aiiiging numbers. new playlet, which will be the head- - "Daly the Great" is an acrobatic Pantages week. " Iner at the Theater this comedian and jusgler who does a novel ? - - - - serves . f 'h i vsh - I Besides the talented author. It barrel-jumpin- g turn. There will be an to Introduce Meioourne MacDowell. for- illustrated song and motion picture in merly noted as a successful Interpreter addition. of Sardou 'and Shakespearean roles. "A This afternoon and tonight will be the Man of the ' People" or "Capital vs. last performance cf the present pro- Labor" as the playlet 1b styled, intro- gramme, which has delighted thousands duces a lot of the labor element in the of Portlanders during the past week. dialogue, stage settings and atmosphere. Melbourne MacDowell has a part that College Widow" Next Week. is well suited to the former co-st- of "The Fanny Davenport. Miss TreBcott, in the On account of the immense amount of role of a rich woman, who is finally won extra scenery and properties necessary over by the workingman in his Impas- for the complete production of the famous -- ! ' li-- W'- sioned appeal, Is about as near perfect George Ade play "The Collesa Widow," . v! - ( A as could be desired in the part. Manager Baker was obliged to postpone - special man- producflon Bungalow one week W?. H:;J As a added attraction, the Its at the agement present Alsace and Lorraine in and it will sorely go on the boards next ' comedy-music- a complete pro- ! ' ! 1 one of the greatest acts Sunday afternoon with -- - s4.-.-r brought to Coast. both from a scenic and acting i m -- M ever the duction, S : , ! - ;'4A'- r i'f The Rich Duo will present a comedy standpoint. Every patron of stock is .?:4i - i - :A. m novelty. "The College Boy and the anxious to see this great comedy and r, f'u Girl." This Is a clever and conversa- their favorite members of the Baker Com- tional skit, with plenty of original pany in the wonderfully created roles, comedy. and they one and all may rest assured Clarence Oliver is a clever monoiogist. that. It's stock premier will surprise them. who will certainly create no end of There is no more popular or better known : "The College I I r ls""::ii2 amusement during his week's engage- play In the world than 'I J :?u'fw ment. Widow." and Manager Baker was able present a sing- to secure it for exclusive production by The two Johnsons will payment ot ing and dancing sketch which is decid- his stock company only hy a very heavy royalty. Seats should be edly amusing. Is bound The Fan ton trio will present an exhl- - procured at once as the theater to be packed at every performance. Paul Gllmore Coming to Baker. The well-kno- romantic actor, Paul Gllmore. will open a. week's engagement at the Baker next Sunday matinee. Feb- ruary 23. in Rhoda Johnson Young's suc- cessful play. "The Boys of Compuny R," which has been his greatest triumph. The role .of Tonv Allen, which Mr. Gllmore plays in this delightful comedy. Is ex- actly suited to his charming buoyant per- sonality. "The boys of company B" Is by the author of "Brown of Harvard" and fairly bubbles over with romance, iHY PORTLAND did not support comedv and the freshness of youth, and ch immense play. Wolf.-whi- ' together with Mr. Gllmore's that splendd "The B - 4 f IU form a strong 3J superb little company J&& $3? A popularity here should a drawing-car- d to the Baker next week. presented the first half of the week: at the Heilig. remains a mystery. Of course, no one expected the enob element, whoso Pioneers' Dance Lasted mental processes move but twice a month. to patronlzo anything worthy per Three Days That sort of theater-goer- s is attracted only by being assured that the roues of la "Ore-eo- n Forty-secon-d street, New York, have Fourth of Jnly Celebration found a new thrill for their satiated ap- House" at City Re- petite for lascivious sensations, or that called. the star poured tea at a reception In a house which Mrs. Ogden Goelefs butler's BY JUNE MAC MILLEN ORDWAY. cousin once worked. Neither was It to old "Oregon House." that stood be expected that the other extreme the THE the bank of the Willamette River "rough-necks- ," equally as Intelligent, but Keens Shaver, a theosophical barber, and at Oregon City was the scene of many poorer than the former, should care for brings him home. On awakening next pioneer festivities. One memorable' affair anything true and genuine, but It might morning he is afraid to have this Indi- was on July 4. 1S46, in the nature of a properly have been believed that the, In- vidual face his father, so passes him off patriotic demonstration. Notices were telligent Intermediate class, those who as the Rev. James Tweedle, a mission- Spectator, a weekly news- ary Africa. Around this printed in the enough know hawk from from darkest Ctty-t- he first have sense to a many laughable and complicated situa- paper, published in Oregon a handsaw, and still have a desire for tions arise, and to clap the climax, the of its kind to make its appearance In this decency and the good and true and beau- real Rev. James Tweedle arrives on the part of the world. Invitations wore sent tiful, would have gone to see a fine thing cene. However, Augustus Keene Shaver out months In advance. There was no like "Tlie Wolf." But the Portland en- Is equal to the occasion and pacifies tha postofflce at Oregon City at that time, gagement was a period of "mist and missionary by telling him he ie bis long-lo- st by special brother. This furnishes material and these had to be delivered weeping rain," and the box office receipts courier, o'r be Intrusted to the hands of an extravagant for another bunch of complications. would hardly have kept Erastus Underholt Is determined to. get obliging travelers. Meanwhile, prepara- janitor in cigars for a month, Mora's the Into society and promotes a schema tions went forward on a generous scale . pitypity 'tis, 'tis true. The morai to be whereby he throws upon the unsuspect- for the entertainment of the guests, who draws from the incident of "The "Wolf" ing "400" our friend Shaver as a fad. came from Astoria, Vancouver and Tual- tommyrot piffle Last, but not least, in this peerless farce-comed- y.' atin Plains, from Forest Grove nnd is to give Portland and even Salem and large quantities. Take a tip. Calvin comes Tilly, a German house- French Prairie, and from in keeper for Krastus and his two daugh- the Polk County hills. Hlllg. William Fangle, et al. Dr. John Mclaughlin's name headed rep- ters. Aher-neth- y Charles B. Hauford appeared In a will all week cast-I- the list of managers and Governor The play run and the The ertoire of plays during the latter half of as follows: , was master of ceremonies. by w House," a rather commodious ' the week, said to have, been written Erwtns TJnderhott. TTOllam. Gleason and Roman ring "Oregon Sydney Ay res bition of acrobatic art of wood and stone, was owned William Shakespeare.' Charlie Underholt ...... They close their act with an ex- structure night and Tom Valentine Earl D. Iwrlr work. by Walter Pomroy. and ho spared neither Tomorrow afternoon and Augustus Kerne Shaver. ... Howard Russell ceptionally strong sensational feat. labor nor expense on this occasion. Col- .Tuesday night the big Elks benefit. "A James Tweedle. .William Dim Jean Wilson, Portland's popular bari- Rv. song, onel McNighton was proprietor. Night in Bohemia," under the direction of Jennings ... James Gleason tone, will sing a new illustrated tn the basement, which was nil In one Tommy" Bill Flnnerty Ronald Bradbury biograph will present the very spread that justly famous producer, Workman' ...Walter RenfortT and the large room, the board was for the clever- latest In motion photography. guests of honor. Governor Abernethy sat Gets. In which some of Portland's Bernlce ..... Haael Jewel right est amateur talent will participate, will Gertrude Rhea Mitchell at the head of the table. At his - distinguished by his offering. Wednesday Mrs. Arabella Streets. .Mlna Crollus Gleason 6TKIKTNG BILL- FOR ORPHEUM was Dr. Mclaughlin, be the Helllg's Marian Hayste Louise Krnt. In frame of snow-whi- te Seymour handsome face. its night . will be dark, but on Thursday Tilly Marlbel was formerly associated with the best - hair. On the Governor's left sat comes the first time the much-exploit- ed opera organizations in America, is the Poca- the famous Indian friend of for in, - 4M Sketch, "A Modern "Lawver." com- AT BAKER embodiment of genuine Irish humor f. Indian of the Nrz Forces and highly praised musical CUJrXTXGIIAM AGAIX songs .'v- the whites and chief this sterling old play, and the he Xew Bill. with some of his at- 1.1 -- of who had come edy. "A 9tubborn Cinderella." This hontas," Feature nation, sings will ever hold a place in the hearts s V s . - good and honor unanimously approved tin ' ex- people to show his faith traction has been Ap-- of those who hear him. Not since the n Following Immediately upon the by his presence. critics, has Portland's Great Favorite Will comes the his paleface brothers by the and x days of Joseph Murphy, when the Irish traordinary bill of last week response to a toast, great bill It is said that in his met with pronounced success in the East. pear In "Shaun Rhue." actor, entertained and charmed the A announcement of another at the eloquence of his speech surpassed theater-goin- g public his plays and fit hi coming week, with Then there will be a hiatus until March Owing success achieved by with the Orpheum for the that of the Governor's own, glowing with to tha songs, has an actor come so close to fill- of sufficient variety to please peoplo 4. inauguration night, when the Port- Arthur Cunningham and his associate 4,:A promises friendly feeling toward the white Rose ing his place on the American stage. the great following of vaudeville which who had come to teach them t lie ways of land Symphony Orchestra, with players. Manager has. arranged to play Rhue" Is so well-kno- lf established. Baker The of "Shaun popular showhouse has civilization, and beautiful with figurative Blocli Bauer and Herr Waldemar Lind, give " this continue the engagement for another that It is needless to the 1 , 1 - r': - - !; "A modern Pocahontas" will be found meaning. The Nez Perces Indians are to ! soloists, will give its second concert of week, starting with the usual matinee story, but it may be said that it will be ' most interesting sketches day noted their oratory. This support- one of the this for the season. Underlined for a future data this afternoon. The entire week will be presented by the same capable - . shown In vaudeville, Ilrst for its origi- chief, in natural sagacity and ability, phenomenal song-sho- Murphy's popular ing company. Including Miss Alice Con- il Indian show, played of affairs who,' is the hit, "The devoted to Joseph r nality. It being an was a match for the toen impres- ex- Red Mill." Irish play, "Shaun Rhue." This play wa don, . who made such a decided by thoroughbred Indians, with the according due recognition to his position Cunningham, distinguished written for Mr. Murphy as a successor sion in her performance of Nora in the ception of two people In the cast. Miss as head of a great and powerful tribe, re- Arthur the half-bree- to "The Kerry Gow," and served hhn "Kerry Gow" last week. Others In the Ralney, being a d lilm as an equal. actor-singe- r, gave a notable per- Emma ceived Irish for many years. Mr. Cunningham, who cast will be Harry D. Byers. Kdgar R. the leading part and Is a There are still living several who were fine old comedy-dram- a, Indian, takes formance of that graduate of Carlisle University and a present upon that occasion and their aged Gow," Baker, by In The Kerry at the and t ,..... t , ,,'tr v. daughter of the chief of the Shoshone and wrinkled fates are wreathed special arrangement remains another ...... f reservation. The sketch is Indian from smiles when they recall the scene; the week, beginning this afternoon, during beginning to end. The tepee Is there strong, kind-hearte- d pioneers gathered appear tn. dancing, smoking "the ahotlt the bountifully laden hoard: tho which time he will "Shaun and there Is war background: the pipe of peace and other peculiar Indian silent Indians in the Rinie."' pretty halfbreed girls: the flashes of gny Th Baker company appeared with ceremonies. merry laughter of There will be a troupe of Japanese ac- color and the talk and much success at the Bungalow in the Kitahanzai troupe, the young people, all Impatient for the dramatization of Miriam Michelson's robats called the dancing to begin. who have recently returned from Franee guests present were novel. "In the Bishop's Carriage." This sjd Austria, where they have been Among the older ever-popul- ar Couch, General (then a week's run of the 1S06. having been Im- Captain John H. afternoon plavlng since they Ylonel) A. L. W. S. Moss, A. farce. "My Friend from India," ported for the at that season. The gor- F. Hedges, William C. Dement, Jacob will be presented. time and played the Rlnearson and Captain James H. n, Orpheum, geous draperies and rugs used in this Tomorrow afternoon the in- who had come by the overland which may always be relied upon to give act are In themselves a distinct and route to Oregon the previous year, and teresting feature, the back curtain being immediately employed as mill- its patrons a full value for the toll of Jap- had been : one of most costly specimens charged, will Inaugurate a new bill of the wright by tho Governor. The pioneers anese handiwork ever imported. did nothing by halves in those days; most promising character. j ,y V:::; "Six Little Girls and Teddy Bear," they took their pleasures as they did The Grand and Pantages will also j with Everett Scott featured as the their hardships, In large, strong doses. change bills tomorrow afternoon. "Teddy Bear," is a singing and dancing There may have been some of what the Beginning with a matinee today, the act that Is noted for its pretty girls and present generation considers essentials Cohanesque style Star will reopen as a vaudeville theater 1 their grace, rapid and lacking at that historic Oregon City prices, general of dancing. function, but one thing was there in with popular under the v Hudson company will was 1 Sinclair, L. Gardner, George Calvert, In years achieved greater suc- Miss Laura and plenty true hospitality. Nor there direction of S. Morton Cohn, Portland's recent has sketch called Robert Leonard, W. T. Sheehan, Miss cess production Is one present a melodramatio any lack of splendid attire. There was theatrlral wizard. It Is understood that and the of the The sketch tells the story of buttons and gold Lillian Raymond and Miss Clara Coyne. handsomest, showing an Investment of "The Feud." the glitter brass Mr. Cohn. who has been In the East for During the play Mr. Cunningham will of the mountains of Northwestern Ken- braid, the wives and daughters of French some time, has returned with a number Killarney," J75.000. tucky. Prairie were especially magnlilcent In new In amusement sing "Barney From Sweet Quite .different' from other musical of radically ideas the "The Donovans" and that famous old Nonette is a young woman with more gorgeous-colore- d raiment, purchased at line which he will Inaugurate at the Star. song, comedies, thte attraction has an Inter- ordinary ability as a violinist. She the Hudson Bay Company's store at Fort G. "A Handful of Earth." esting plot. opening scene "A than A. A. The of has a goodly amount of adaptability and Vancouver. Many of them were very Stubborn Cinderella'.' Is laid on Columbus musical tempera- handsome women. The dancing and STTJBBORJf CIJfDERELIA." University campus, being on a superabundance of MY" FRIEXD FROM IXDIA." "A the occasion ment. feasting lasted for three whole days and i of the unveiling of a statue. "The Pianist and the Dancer" will be nights to the sound of two violins and The second scene Is laid in a railroad the name of the pastime that Hlbbert an accordion. Kat-tlin- g Big Musical Comedy Success at the wreck in West, while Baker Stock Company In th the Far the third and Warren will present. They are two There was but one piece of ordnance at Night. and last scene Is In Southern , men who are of the fun- Oregon City in 1S4H, a twelve-poun- d cast-iro- n Heilig Thursday at an orange fete, San Diego, In unique minstrel was to pat- Farce at Bungalow. and niest kind, for while one is doing the cannon, and it made do Commencing next Thursday night at fact has a distinctly Southern Califor- dancing is playing riotic duty on that Fourth of July. This It was inadvertantly "announced that atmosphere. This opens eccentric the other was over the company appear the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth and nia last act his accompaniment on a piano, and he Is cannon afterward taken the Baker would this with a descriptive ballet entitled "The mountains Into the Canj-o- City country week In "The College Widow." but tha Washington streetst, for an engagement a clever musician. Orange Fete," introducing the greatest Mitchell, the popular singer and was never brought back. Ade play will not open till next Sunday, of three nights and a matinee Saturday, of song hits, "When You First Kiss the G. Herbert to- much-talked-- comedian, will offer something new and all this week, commencing with comes the musical com- Last Girl You Love." and day's matinee, the. screaming farce, "My edy, Stubborn Cinderella," coming In the line of a monologue. Trap Ten In Busemcnt. bill. "A Homer B. Mason has the part of Mae Friend From India." will be the from New Princess The- splendid young American NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Ten persons were play Is simply a roar of laughter ! here almost the and makes a The college youth. Mr. Mason was a well-kno- STAR ACTS AT THE GRAND trapped In the basement of a burning ten- from beginning to end and gives nearly ater, Chicago, where It has been running past 600 consecutive perform- vaudeville headliner previous to ement on Heney street today, and three every member of the company a chance for tha were overcome by smoke before generously to comedy quality musical play has his entering the musical comedy field of tliem to contribute the ances. This and has proven himself a most versatile Coming Week's Entertainment Pre the firemen could break their way Into situations. been creating a theatrical sensation In comedian. The leading feminine role High-Clas- s the building. Meanwhile the members of Frastus Vnderhnlt. a retired porlc Chicago past year, where sents Many Turns. 30 in the building, driv- leaves for the it has is charmingly portrayed by Miss Grace the other families packer, with his two daughters. playing to capacity business, also Edmund, plays part Lady Washington's birthday en to the street by the flamts, were terror-- City and goes to Hew York to been who the of For the week of Kansas Broadway New York. Leslie most effectively. She has a rich a notable vauaeviue entertainment win stricken at the sight of the persons In try to break into society, after being at the Theater, dwelling, beating against ACTOR A YD SIYGER, It is the latest musical comedy by soprano voice, which she has occasion be given at the Grand. Those seeking the basement persuaded by his daughters. Ha also ARTHUR CVKXIXCHAM, CELEBRATED Iron-barr- windows in their efforts son, very Messrs. Hough and Adams, and under to use several times during the action of a place for entertainment cannot find a the brings with him his who Is WHOSE E.VGAGEMEYT AT THE BAKER HAS BEEY COXTISIED sup- place the Grand, where bill to escape. The three persons overcome engaged in sowing his wild the direction of Mort H. Singer. The the piece. A few of the principals better than a diligently COMING WEEK. all-st- ar were quickly revived. The fire was con- one of boy's wild FOR THE music of "A Stubborn Cinderella" is by porting Mr. Mason and Miss Edmund of performers will be found. oats. During the Dovey, Raffael, Mar- - Carroll and Cooke have a singing act fined to the lower floors of the building. orgies, he falls in with one Augustus Joseph E. Haward. No musical comedy are Ethel Jack