STAR?MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. PAGE 3 LAMBEATS CHUM GIRL ? A RIOT MARIAN DECLARES DEAD HAD THA V ( NO THOUGHT OF SUICIDE: SHEU DE TRIAL WITNESS wSm 31 havI T'HOU CHT WAS"' I TAKING PLACE AT THE Say* Marian's Love for Young Orpet Had Grown Cold; WE'LL TRUST YOU Boy's Father Talks 'R i redit servi. e lias been established for your con- of Case Otvenience 'I o;i i»t you to furnish your home along m.iii own individual ideas. Our term* arc easier and WAUKEGAN, 111.. May 22.? our prices are lower than will be found anywhere. No STRAND had no (B* Marian Lambert thought extra charges; no interest. I Second Ave.?Between and Seneca of tuiclde when ehe went to JUST YOUR WORD THAT YOU'LL PAY the wood! to meet Wm. H. Or- '\u25a00 00 Worth of Homefurnlehlngt . I 1.00 Down, $100 Per Weak I YESTERDAY pet. charged with her murder, 75.00 Worth of Homefurnlehlnga 3.00 Down, 1.2S P«r WHk 100.00 Worth of Homefurnlehlnga 600 Down, 1.50 Per Week according to the ae«ertlon to '>0,00 \u25a0 WHEN THE 1 SEE day of Mitt Davie, 1 Worth of Homefurnlehlnga 7.50 Down, 2.00 Per Week Joeephlne 200.00 cloaeet friend the dead girl. Worth of Homefurnlehlnge . 10.00 Down, 2.50 Per Week of 300 Mite Davie will be a witneee 00 Worth of Homefurnlehlnga . . . 15.00 Down, 4.00 Per Week for the proaecutlon In Ite at- tempt to prove that Orpet forc- ed Marian to twallow deadly poiton to he could be free to wjlliam marry another "Marian knew that worrlet mm over her phydcal condition were ended." eaid Miae Davit "She realized that her love for Orpet had grown cold. She wat not even Jealoua when hie en- gagement to Ceieate Youher ill announced" FARNUM Ae the trial of Ori>«t entered Ita \u25ba??conil *rrk today, with a Jury not " yet "ei iired. the porenta of the IN A STRONG ROMANTIC DRAMA OF THE SEA »min« prlaoner announce.! that the flltlit to |>rove hlni Innorent It Ju»t lii-fftnnlnK" i: (> Orpet, chief gardener of Ihe Ml 1 "ormlok estate, told the ('nlted l*l in defend that r«-'"ived 100 roll* of I.lnoleum that we purchased at he will toll from morning until' Jt'ST ) car's enabling us to effect you savings night to earn enough mono* to car-1 last price. substantial " covering. Battle of Hearts tho case in the highlit court Ifj in this popular floor Orpet la found guilty Print K*ltol»um 'a good eub- I Ttirro pattcrna Inlaid Linoleum. A WILLIAM FOX ? linoleum). tal, MASTERPIECE With Mr* Orpot. ihe father talk 11 1 iil? tar ape< apeclal. QQ A FARNUM TRIUMPH? ed over the prospers of galnttig ? 88c .... | freedom for their aon 40c Print l.lnol.iim. patterne extra heavy In. The\ are confident of hla Ihwl *rad» j = epeclal. - I.lnoleutn. regular price tal. but are taking every >;.r the coat* of hi* defenae, desired of . Tha proaecutlon charges Orpet thy death Mlas Lambert, who parent* hi* aald tola ? had been hla sweetheart, so ha could marry Miss Celeste Youker, . ;zr.r* . $1.65 elder Orpet. Is rumored, 85c Feature Plays The It normal school teacher o' De Kalb, 111. The defense charges Miss Lam- NO EXTRA FOR LAYING 0 ha* large CHARGE JgjHmjjM borrowed a amount from hert committed aulcide. LJSlOL^U^A^^^^^^ hla employer. Cyrue II McCormlck. multi-millionaire harvester manu : facturor. yfc ? [| - \u25a0 Young Orpofa eounael, It waa re- TALE AT \u25a0 KATHARINE KAELRED ported today, have determined that SEA STRAND rj K| |j he ahall take tho aland In hla own M VI * behalf Wm. Hart in Strong Play at Liberty In a Society Drama i Aa lllchard 111 sighed for a advantage in !»racl £anc*iH't piny, WOMAN BADLY HURT horse. William Karaum cried for a The Momml MoTore.' at the Toll - ship during thr filming of the lat »um theatre The *tory la dev«| "The Girl With the WHEN HIT BY AUTO rtl Willlam Koi phol»Mlr*m» Hit oiwil Hi an unusual »ay and there /f tic of llcarta." now at tho Strand. are (real, atlrrtng altuatlona. reach- Tho plctura had to have and Ua» In* a ciima* In a »r#» In the Mr* M r tT«« tllda M Ulh ?a sblpwreck, a real one But tho wood* of Auatralla The weekly Green a\e X (rr-ni Eves"J Katharina Kulrtd (Path*). K. nlfpiK-d the front domanda <>ii »oa craft caused by plctograph. and Interesting studio* end of a itrpM far on the Siom* war conditions for a time of various miuplele the »») bridge Saturday nigh! ICuroioan Industrie*. == and was mado It ap|>ear that tho picture Mil feBHHHHi at ruck down bv an by ? ? ? auto driven bo completed t 1, could not Held, 2110 Wavarly place. be- Hut a genuine uhlpwreck Kthel Clayton aha get there la aharea with Tom fore rould to the ildewalk In Hattle ol Heart*." Whore and Moore the atellar rolea In She «aa taken to th«> boat procured la a and the Pay bow the waa Woman.' from Albert * ? Ceneral hospltil " ol 10 I'®ck r ,n the with a fracturad Dresser tn the *. Comedy "profeclonal aecret aon Terhune'a famoua atory, HARDWOOD * Mutt and Jeff "Hollars " S Animated Cartoon *ufferlng 01 1 f hip and ? ? ? golden finish. , from Internal In- and ~«ertered "« Kh "»? three.panel Centa." which la being ahown two small and "'".TVfback with'.?w , jurt»* ller rondltlon la aerlmia the O.k eff.rt Hen room> automobile engagement (Tommer - jinil nilllo RutlMt'a at at the theatre. two i.rK .I.x.r. a g<.<>d <1-'P seat/ Roi At the slsed li.*»rle.| platr mirror £?v#r ? d *cn "ln«" Icatheir And Good Music Are What's Making the Strand Theatre the theatn*. In "Olorlaa Konun''e." Ivubln atudloa the many , ( Is duo fttr ? r«rord breaker Tho friend* of Kthal Clayton call her $7.95 $6.80 : Talk of the Town 2 CLUBS MAY MERGE first two chapter* of thin novol by the drawing room actre*." and an Mr and Mr* Hupert Hughea are apt Illustration It I*, too. for Mlaa < Proposal* have been made to repeated thla week, and tho rowda Clayton gl»e* to every plar a per con fart that aolldate the \n ti club and Seattle Sunday attested to tho aonalln that la n reflection of cul- Mlaa Murke la ono of Amerl"a * tured ta«te* ADMISSION 10c EVENINGS ffi) 15c Athletic club and hi uae them In a »" ! new building to be erected by greatest favorite* on tho screen Ml** Clayton ha* one conalalent Pl&iH'A PIJ I a* woll "leaking atago hobb) Claude Itamnay at I'ourth ave and aa on tho t«>ok* In her apartment | CHILDREN 5c Cherry at. ? ? ? the book cases completely encircle Tho puranlt of happlnoaa la the tho library, continue on. Into and big Idoa which give* rlae to tho ab- around the drawing room, on thru ji§ jiy sorbing plot In which Mariuwlto a hallway, and on. Into and part MINISTER IH PRISOH Courtot. ai Klalo Oroon. la carrlod way around her dre**lng room with tho glitter and glamor ? ? ? HAN" Qt C»| . ;; BNTI.N". May of aociet) and leavea her quiet, Tli Primal featuring !i I lie* Madison Slaughter In re." t^r"wD convict peaceful home How aha found Wm. S Hurt, at the Überty. number ?"».«« >I In ha* has a today head herself la told In "Keathertop." now etlrrlng story Mart ha* the role be»>n ihitMl, he ba« donned the playing at the Colonial theatre Angu* prison of McOonnell. a Mern cam# country l"o*e suit. and hi" I- at work j|pl Q?l to this *lght Scotchman. la fn the Jtitn who the factor of a P mill. In seen to fin* I»!nlnjcf year* ago A my age Panlln* KYederlck lliirtHon B»v trading COLIH Oak Chair !n mistake In station In the \ v Northwest 1.1 MMTAI, Spring ha» pip* fun f0 or goMen waird ")l made on my ticket New I frame »n\ atone J' *0 ? ! 1..* /' Coajewad Ncrrw comed> for the firm half >fC iSC per*. Snaii I give my right aga or HousesJ I of the week Special Special #I«09 THEATRE ? ? ? HIPPODROME 'the age marked on the ticket? I ?EUGENE LEVY, MGR. { Snit THIRD AND CHERRY a desperate attempt ask you th 11 question, because I am J fn to Keep baby afraid to ask about It at th* court. j\ M .0 Nr Sweattnt and Bad Od«r her from her husband. In a FOREIGNER i divorce unit, the woman falsely ten- \^3odlDUse-(Mttibcjiiin > 'tlfle* It was A Make thin Inquiry at the Im <>a Cor** not hi* child, but that mlirrnrton bureau You should ham *^ another «a» the father The or of ' deal unbalanced her and \u25a0fie lost j no fear Ib«* court. Kveryfoor. returns from thn are not mem Inflamed R WANT bers of the club My brother ob- unions v_^-. Thl*. In brief. I* the story of "The conferwnce by June lfi, a reception Woman will be held for him here jects to this He *ay* Isl ould go Who Old Not Care,' at the by mem- Class A IN THE NORTHWEST bers of the church. He has only with one He mean* I should made tele- ? are being to have Tomorrow It act* through the pore* and re ? ? Kfforts graphed that he will preach here have a "steady." I* he right? I restoring Wright l«eonard, who Sunday, mores the cause hy the Cant v Coast," nr. Adna June IS. '" "A file of narbai think I am too young SELMA. #r ? bishop in the Methodist 1 1 tIMUM to MTMI; the result* are which i« playing at the Alhambra was elected A Your brother I* wron* No 'ft Vk truly remarkable tlet a 25c pack Kptscopal church at the Saratoga should have a "steady" unless Ifl thl* week I* a drama of the under- conference, In Iflrl ( B([p fr oni any druggist; he Is au world Spring* stationed she has promised to foe hi* wife Rhea Mitchell play* the "Peg 0' thorl,pny leading this district. a' your age you > IMCTAWT OCT ITT mile The regeneration of the local Hut would far bet- rnrrcGiVu INSTAN r Kr.lilr.r one not fully satisfied. Members of First Meth- "ri-FISH ter attend danre* and theatre* In an ex-convict I* brought about odist church board are behind the Alnar« \u25a0( the Ring" the company of your hrothor than thru the real love of a girl who be movement. /§|C^A friend* him Many of the scene* fisherman's Market with any of your youn* men l)r Leonard would then take up The Greatest Film friend* TO YOUR TEETH NOW are taken In a famou* B&rbary residence at Portland, and have I'oot of Marlon *1. ATTEND Coa*t resort. In . charge of the work iu Alaska, Ore- On Earth Willi# W« Arc uff Q.?l h»ve been keeping company with » young man of excellent CUTTING THE CUT RATE PRICES WAR BOOSTS WAGES Afternoons Ca« standing; but we are not engaged. Fillings 25c GolA Crown* $3 He want* me to attend an enter- Evening* 10c tncrep*c* tainment In the town where hi* Watte to laborer* In parent! reside. It will be neces- Kngland, because of the war. have sary to spend the night at their solved the labor problem In the long * home, and I never have met hia British l*le* for n time to people. Do you think It would be come. In the opinion of Samuel all right for me to go? I am 20 Wei**. London 'wholesaler, in Se- business % year* old. H. T. attle on A An entertainment (tlven by Altho Austrian by birth, he i* a strangers In a strange place would naturalized British citizen, and has \ Many Hands Handle 1 not Interest voti greatly; not four *nti for the riuo* MtTTimn MtVi PtlM ft.. Cnwmm mt TMH Ar* pnniilblc (ensure you might bring W« on anthln« hut th* boot nuitrUJa Ml ruftrantoo a plaaala* aad lad- Your Message uiion voiiraelf The man undoubt- ing r #o«ilt for ft portod of II yaara All W»f* *uaraato*d Canadian Pacific edly well, but he should not to 1.5<) Oold Cmim TO SEATTLE means PUtlnao Pinin* ! I Hoa** |4.00 GOME seek to have you visit >1 In parent" Mold Alloy Kllltrft K1.r.0 »? 92 .!>«. I dolld Work MI.OO Capable hands, but human. ) ?# In till* manner unless li<' ha* asked f'alnloo* Batrartlfif Fraa Hclft Taatfc |K.OO ft»»d HK.OO TO STUDY DRY LAW 1 Sometimes, not often, something nnl KillmtiM fill. Kfttfy * 5011 to lie til* wife Hitmlaatlom AHcndMU. Back East Excursions -< IMON I»KNTINr% «r Third and Plka. ICntrantw 30A\fc Plka M. goes wrong. We want to hear Five Canadian hotel Q. ? Kindly advise me where I men arrived of are not satisfied with In from Edmonton and Cal- it. We $ :an obtain a marriage llcenae In a Seattle St. Paul $ 60.00 Chicago 72.50 gary by automobile Sunday, to Ai a nearly perfect system. imall burg, .1 town too small to study the operation of the dry law ; Minneapolis .. 60.00 Toronto 92.00 Also, why, >iave a courthouse. They predict they face the lometimes, do parties give the will .... two Winnipeg .... 60.00 Montreal 105.00 of hotels pay- getting li- problem making their name address when a without bars. In the near future Boston 110.00 York ... 110.70 ;en»e? STRANGER. SHANGHAI Ne* The members of the party are UNION A ('ourthouses arc located at If Robert McDonald, llohert Moore. Corr»*pondln*!y low farat to othar point" roimly seats, nnd the rizn of the you RESTAURANT H I-. Stephens, \V .1 Stokes and For a IlltU mora m»n»y wa f-an routa via (own ban nothing whatever to do Highest Chinese and American Eating Place on the \u25a0lames N'linmo must be a perfect service. You (lr»at I THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. scrape off with a knife If any par From the Smith j Half Block South Building nt trie tides remain, s|Hinge with ether or l.nnrh Hollywood, 212 alcohol Pike?AUv