V" .J Ol Were It to Be Presented in That Cess in Paris
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TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POR1XANI), SEPTE3FBER 2G, 1915. 7 K M il (I B J fet S lng of "Mortmain" In the projection scientific and first aid departments. In room at the Vltagraph studio. So the purely technical parts, especially strongly Impressed were the surgeon where the grafting of the arm takes ESSAY ON SCENARIOITIS guests of the Vitagraph Company by place. Professor Stark was the mas- the absolute accuracy and completeness ter hand thc.t guided Robert Edeson, Dear appendicitis In tfle offing has been awaiting her op- of the operating-roo- with its, to Mortmain, and as Dr. Haa been replaced by ecenarloltla. at Herbert Frank portunity. Around the corner Cousin them, familiar furnishings and Crisp, the operating surgeon. Mr. Ede-non- 's is the popular manages SCENARIOITIS day. It Is also the Jones to trip or drop a hand- appliances, their wonder grew support included, besides Mr. aliment that has kerchief or something and thus bring that such a scene could possibly be Frank, James Morrison, Donald Hall, ever attacked a country or community herself to the notice of the stranger, staged In such a prosaic place as a mo- Edward Elkas, Muriel Ostriche and for in greater or lesser degree every- whom she drains of everything he has tion picture studio. It had been di- Karaln Norman, in the principal parts, left not that he cares, O. no, for his rected under the personal direction and a cast of players well suited to the re- body has It. Like the sleeping sick- pockets family ness. It is insidious and makes its In- are bulging. The Jones supervision of Prof essor Sig Stark, the quirements of each Individual book Quietly any notice- would write scenarios and far be it newly appointed head of the Vltagraph character. roads and without from him to, deny any informa- able effect at first, and, l'ke the sleep-In- s; them sickness, once it hae acquired a tion or printed matter he might have hold, can be cured by nothing on the on the subject, thouch It do be true that he knows iess than the Jones fam- TOPIC OF INTEREST TO earth below or the heavens above ily is, as a general are about scenario Writing. MOVING-PICTUR- that rule. There Mabel and Bobby Jones bother not E FANS exceptions that prove it, of course. one W The first symptom of scenarloitis Is bit about the technique of the an or thing. Blissfully regardless of spell- KIMBALL YOUNG'S triumph by Lulu Case Russell, being produced acute restlessness.. Mrs. Jones W Forty-fourt- ing h Mr. Jones or Bobby Jones or Mabel or anything else, they plunge r.grht CLARA at the under the direction of Ulysses "Davis. in and" Muggy mellerdrammers' fairly 1 v:xl.V2A 'A Theater, New York, should Miss Anderson is creating the Jones or Cousin Jones or the Jones' (a title ooze from their grubby fingers. f have been duplicated by the exhibitions role and has in her support William cook feels that all is not as it should In be with them. At first they attribute the meantime Mr. Jones is in elds of "Hearts in Exile" in London and the Dunan. Anne Schaefer. Otto Leaderer feeling food, weather, correspondence with a correspondence rest of Great Britain, so that the ar- and Carlton Weatherby. this to the the school. For Just so much money he la congratulated the Water, but change of pasture and I- ' - ' f tist could have herself going to be made the world's greatest (8 ' A rl on the conquest of the entire Anglo-Saxo- n In "Evidence," the English motion climate bringing no relief, and relief photoplay picture play, which will be being something must be had, the writer. Little crinkles run world with the charm of her released that up and down his spine as he thinks of screen work. Politics, however, inter- through the World Film Corporation. Jones family, together or singly, seek Richard Buhler will be seen In an out their unfailing panacea for all Ills the great day coming when his flret ; ; YS fered and robbed her of half the glory. wonderful picture will be revealed to i i At the time of the creation of entirely new role. In it he dons a the moving picture show, and there, an dress suit and goes through all so- as through a glass darkly see the enthusiastic and awestruck public. ' ' - Yo "Hearts in Exile," the Bfltona and the the He can hear In his mind's ear the muf- lot Russians had no such Intimate alliance cial conventionalities necessary for a reason for their ailment. Such rotten fled real English Lord. plcturesl Why, anybody could write a exclamation that will break out H "' as when the film was introduced to the story would as good a one. near him as ha endeavors to shrink w London theaters. Now the English Sarah is now that make Into of ! - - Bernhardt in Paris, They oould write one 10 times better! the oblivion a back seat in the sol ?: -- oIh government says the play is hostile to being filmed in mammoth motion picture a her last production, A rapt expression spreads over the theater where "I the Russians and might cause breach "Jeanne Dore," which made a big suc- the masterpiece is being shown! . coun- face of Mrs. Jones. Ah. who is she to JO --y !V" .J Ol were it to be presented in that cess in Paris. The world's rights of merely stay at home and remain a non- "Look there he Is!" try. this play have been secured by Mr. entity when fame stands beckoning Vainly he will endeavor to escape-- but "Hearts In Exile" is the beautiful Tlppett for the Universal Film Com- Just around the corner! Fame and for-- all to no avail. They will surround World Film Corporation feature that. pany in New York in its temporary him, bear him on their shoulders and starring Clara Kimball Young, scored Paris studio. and right Mr. stenogra- ' there Jones' - , i-- 81 one of the most astonishing successes In September she is to appear again pher asks him a question or some is . in this country and had Just been re- for two weeks at Stoil's Coliseum In merely mortal interruption occurs and leased in England when the censors London, and from there she intends to he is obliged to come back. Ah. Life I recalled it. "It frankly depicts the life sail for the States, where she is booked Strange and cruel art! Young, thou - in Siberia and Russia" said Miss again for an extensive tour. Madame Stranger and crueler It becomes when h j M "and is without a doubt the best work Bernhardt has now completely recov- the scenarios begin to come back. For I have accomplished." ered her health, following the ampu- need of sympathy the secrecy is abol- tation of her lejr. ished pa. ma, Ni- - ' ... e and cook, cousin and o . ;'. of, Kleine players returned last week the kiddies fe- - finish- Grace Cunard to go hos- watch the mail With V , " , ' ' from Lake Saranac, where the has to the vered Interest that embarrasses the iS ol: ing touches were added to "The Senti- pital again to undergo another opera- postman almost to death, Why should mental Lady." This production, which tion. She has never fully recovered they look at him like that? Is he to features Irene Fenwick. marks the last from an injury she received a year blame? subject in which that dainty artiste ago. In time, you would think, the disease will appear prior to her road tour with would wear Itself be A committeo of prominent motion outor cured "The Song of Songs." picture men got together recently "Whv thould the look at him like thatt" from the strenuous treatment to which "The Sentimental Lady" is one of for is subjected. the purpose of forming an organiza- tune awaiting but the scratch of her it Not so it takes a Owen Davis' best dreams. It is a story to more malignant form. Quieter Sum- tion be known as the "Motion Pic- pen, and here she's been attending and of big business and fashionable ture Board of Trade of America," sewing circles and mothers' meetings more deadly. The Joneses become I mer hotels. Miss Fenwick handles the possessed of o The purposes of this new organiza- and putting up preserves in her spare the notion that their i rolo of "the sentimental lady," a part tion are, first, scenarios are opened, ravished of their to petite stature to fight hostile legisla- moments! What will she write about? admirably suited her tion: secondly, the procuring of fa- Oh. of things she'll write ideas and returned. In fact, they're and unusual abilities in roles of that Just think the sure it, j&4iw vorable legislation which will give the about! She'll write a story that will of for didn't they see a picture character. industry greater the other night was same freedom for growth: make 'em sit up and take notice! that Just the and, thirdly, a commercial purpose, go En- as a story they sent in all but five best-know- n lead- She and Mr. Jones home. Anita Stewart, the for the holding of expositions and se- grossed in her own thoughts, she does ing woman of the Vltagraph Stock curing strange- the right transportation rates. not realize that he has become Company, has been selected to create The membership classes Include ly silent.