1011. nE sionxiXG nnEGOXiAy, Monday. February 13. Intended bv the author, and the chorus measures up to the standard of t.ie The entire company is full ACTION NOT LIKELY characters. dash, requisites for J MOTHER'S INQUIRY IN EUROPE FAILS TO LOCATE MISSING or snap, vim and MRS. ARNOLD BUCK the successful presentation of comic uirc.ii opera. . r . ; ti,. .,,Hin.-- e la not thrown into n laughter to any great extent anaams of a. e : - I but the most solemn face wears ami AGAIN. NO WISER j Reappor- throughout the performance, whicn is Legislature May Not occasionally augmented In a healthy outburst of what is good for the blues, tion State Districts. and everybody goes away with that satisfied expression that does not re- The Postoffice, quire words to tell the story. Unable to Get Single It Is a rollicking. Jolly good bunch on Mother the atage and repeated encores to every Magazines DELAY number lengthened the play far be- The Popular Clew to Whereabouts of DISCUSSION MEANS yond Its cheduled time. Unusual care : - i - : Is Indicated in the selection of char- Daughter. r acters to suit the parts and there Is People not a weak spot In the whole show. and the -- any ' : There Is nothing ameteurish about : -- Will Probably Decide member of the company, a situation - Lawmakers stands out In glar- 'V . that unquestionably ' Klrx-f- Representative In X -- r- - fo One ing prominence In aggregations that MYSTERY DEEP AS EVER y s. 'i attempt to go on the road with a ' Large Multnomah " - :: ISIS at Broadway success that has the reputa- : w.' i , , Wants to Re, Segregated. tion of having had a long run of some hundred nights on the White Way. " are introduced In addi- specialties so f nnvnl tn Marrlac of : ' , s tion to the numbers, and they are A provision has been added to the Irnlal ! Into, the play that they .. I r. cleverly woven ln Young Woman lo Urorv V STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or.. Feb. 1.. exactly fit. Altogether It Is the best by the : indi- postoffice appropriation hill ... . , " : According to present of the kind that has been seen (Special.) show . .rloorn. Jr.. I ljnrhallc. take no ac- Bungalow season. cation the Legislature will as at the this postoffice" committee without Search, ! Cltfn t'p. tion toward reapportioning the state Senate far as Congressional Representative districts are concerned. While Senator proper notice or public hearing. It Oliver lias a bill, which Is now before THE GREAT JOHN GANTON" the committee on electton. the short provides for an unjust, discriminatory 11 The end of ba so filled with discussions NEW TORK. Feb. t'ma will ap- A Play la Four Acts, by Hartley story of Irothy Arnold on the legislative reapportionment on Arthur. on the popular th mvst.rlous propriations and the various other bills Manner. Founded and confiscatory tax by bo mm has reached. : ' it is doubtful Novel of the Same bn . prime Importance that It yester- . . of be given to S Name Presented at the attaching this provision, Th romantic lum firm. If serious consideration will magazine by Uaorg Url-"- lo ln : . r .. . Baker Theater. day by f. ' Congressional reapportionment. xrrmn of hi opinion lliat th ir ti.. hill does come up It win no CAST. to the postoffice appropriation bill at - an-- l hie quoted prom- jo.:.- woman l alive In the center of a bitter light that John Ganton J. Frank Burka h- -r If time be- mtmun of mrrtna: p....itl. ises to result In considerable Will, hla son Thurston Hall eleventh hour. All opportunity for a twl-- t t.lay ly ing wasted. provisions are in a the was ! Its Larry Delonry Marshall Farnum h- -n ahr-a- d f unsatisfactory, the main t,a arrival fr.m large measure Allan Borlan William Wolbert and consideration hy : ,. j of It that Is pleaslnit to the ma- open discussion i..i.lr, girla niHr. M. feature division which Jack Wilton Ronald Bradbury Arnol-- '"" jority seeming to be the B. Gilbert Sen- J r 1 """ a by It- Brownlnr Walter the publishers and the It T'V'T on'r i i gives Kastern district Claverlnar.Henry Stockbrlige the people, h- -r V. Arnold. P have Rev. Mr. . an. J"rtn self. A large number of Senators ti. Falrbanka un-Americ- an l ask r. Mr Arn-o- 'l given favorable expression of views For. Morton Theodora was cut off. It was an ar.owl-.rt.-.- rr plan to Dr. Shields John Haines ate J.r. - I rvn trcums' .intUl which coincide with the Oliver daua'it-- r i dead or extent, but the Oregon Head Walter George Gill accom- hrr 1 this Chamber proceeding, err declared an- - ha ; districts, as proposed, are in the mam Clerk Thomas Krauger Star ': ar.J b-- t.n rt i Kenfort i,..t .v-- n ...n-- a nrrlege i i unsatisfactory and displeasing. Old Clerk Walter political . Congressional plished under Presidential and tn- - Birl an.i rlcom ' Multnomah desirrs a Clerk George Knox district hv itself, and many of the coun- Mr. McDuffy ....Theodore Fairbanks Mr. Arnold hiim Thrrr evk. ties wish to see the largest county in Mr. Henry Millwright coercion. li Representative who is Shaffter II r Arn-.- rama h..:ne Iha - the state have a May Keating . . . Ida Adair p-- nt with work in additional -r l'jnn.r.i. ("r bavins; iK not burdened Beeter Usnton . . Rhea Mitchell -e. how a plan, which CT ir. Ital. !' counties. But such Mra Jack Wilton . . . .Brenda Fowler Gfie-m- u. bring forth provi- -- rkl o;.f-- J oonoTiir aiinoi.d. Is virtually certain to is with the .. lth the . . . Andrews bill passed . !! l. - ran be carried out In Mrs, Trelaray Lillian If this daugM-- r s dLajsear- storm of protest, Mrs. King . .Gene Yarborough fcr five dav In company with a score of equally prom- Stenographer sion which practically exempts from n. John. wnt down tn other Important matters, Ilr eidat morning; ising of strong opposition. Is a ques- Nurse Nell Franien K.y on a ittfiut ruitfr thie nual conferanre of Pacific Coast field seemingly unsolvable at this time. taxation magazines which have not h- -r tion ru- -t anl It was asrr d amn managers will be held at the Cor- t; n..n - I" which It Is the general consensus of opinio., rr;.orlrM l..al n'4il LIABLE nelius brgtnnlnn tomorrow. the tf.lrd Representative In Con- verdict of the majority Is boldly on public questions, Mrs Arno'd tn CHURCH IS pastor that be chosen spoken munt'W h- -r ' Dr. William lilram Foulkes. gress at t.he next election will THK .l Arnoi.l waa In In "The Great John t .1 t.:a-- wt:ri Preshvterinn Church, has large. that will be . on r,r-n- .- hla niwlli'r nora l.ian of tha Ktrst from the'state at Company has of the popular periodicals with 111 Tuesday an at- Ganton." the Baker Stock many he -- mcr-d from been since List with rn.T.t.e arlp. Ho expects to be out presented one of its biggest numbers in paid j tack of tha business altogether and tho li!rrm. My early Mils week. the entire season. "The Great John put out of T , r r la mother! THE THEATERS Ar.der-n- . of AT In which thea- - ; . ! "" ' " Charles B. a capitalist Ganton," Portland be seri- r..rnir. . trr-goe- will rs exception, " Dr. E. H. Todd Speaks of Con- Poi-ma- n. I spenJinir a few days saw George Fawcett two others, without i , ir. nmt-in.T- . ami I wth )a ' ago, s- -e!. In He Is at tha seasons is a drama that has a a..t to rortlar.d. ...ill a.k hr." on Is on hla way to , as its driving force a great idea; crippled. flict of Civilizations. ores and cere ously mllr f.rrrl Kfimrlrr. accompanied by hla daujcl'lar. Miss Vera "POIXT OF THE-CIR- S." it is a olav full of excitement and Andcrsn. oration. John Ganton. Sr.. is one of i. i.rlii!iic:y ago, Th Tab- the leadins: financial spirits of ms ! trik'nr. ! "r visit- A Play in Three Acta and Two autmli"n 'f CHICAOO. Feb. 12. Portland self-mad- e severe in his business mag- Mayo t're-aenl- ed a man. were possible for the l;,r .!ir.t urtln lo niolhT. or hare today were: Y. W. Carnahan. leaux, by Manraret dealings and his relations with his Even if it h w Atvl In HeUlg. all (unj rabtn B.' O. Gable, at the at the fellow-me- n. .f hr j. NEEDED at the Conaress; who expends more pnysicai M .- - M A. .ihckr!-for- STRONG LEADERS . in business under w: 1 m. I. anl Hre-oort- and J. A. at the La CAST. does the azines to continue an.l a roil Un. and mental hours at labor than anl wirn a bw Sal la. Rev. John Donslss. .Bernard Johnson lowliest In his employ. We.ley story conditions, the people would .- rprlr. n Feb. IS. (Special.) ITacon Strong Waller The major portion of the deals these new y.Mi- wa akrt mt NKW YORK. Wynne affairs of C.ajiton's son. nv Itr.i aln.- jour tlauifn-i-- r Northwestern persona registered at Peacon Elveraon lluith with the heart the measure, Vnl-verl- F. M. Ryan Will, with the daughter of a business no benefit from "t1 pp--- " J lr Hartley derive a j n any of Willamette New York hotels today as follows: Doctor years before W. .. . .Pamuel Wlngfleld rival, whom Ganton. Sr.. nit. Infrnnti"n thai wouH vH From Portland At the Belmont. Itarty Jones to suicide. Is is l ld Say Christianity lias C. W. Taby . . . . Doherty had crushed and driven It the Postoffice Department l. I. at ana Ij4 "I a.iva" H. Blue; at tha Hotel Astor. I'm I. ...rharles unselfish de- for until Ir, ry olc tf.a metric r yto.e: Imperial. Mrs. S. Haaaart: Bl Jim . . .Frank J. Woods through this girl and her low ItroBght on I nlrr-Raci- al Battle at tha son. who te not In any at tha Holland. .Madame B. Herbert: at Joa Barker ...Alfred Trueschel votion to the taken out of politics, and a businesslike -- - J chip of old block, and in o. n'- - I ha i wo;-- Hoffman. C. Kurs: at the Breslln, Wllloufhby Alice Broons sense a the rTlT- and Klullon la ecearjr. Iha Mrs. financial perspicacity not even a splin- fiat wo il i t:i rna whrtfirr if. la atlva V. T. Mundell. Willi Wltioushby ...Howard Brooks Is led management installed, it is improbable " From At the St. Penis. U ..Gladys Broaks ter, that the great John Ganton of drl - Chap- Jennie Wllloughby path of peace and happiness. Itrplj l llriH. Pernet: at the Hermltaae. J. Ktrong Irain Into the collected Mra. A. at Julia trlaa J. Frank Burke. the new mem- that any additional revenue man: at tha Imperial. tden; Miss Perkins . . .Annie Ashley ta ynu" waa aK I. y.uf -- Is re.poostbla for tha Wolcott. W. Benson. ber of the company, made his Initial ";tndui;Ji-lr- . Tha rhurrh Iha I. Msndy Jones Olivia Hall work rtnvrvi lo a marriaa of your t Is now aolng on batween From Tacoma At the Victoria, O. bow yesterday as .Ganton. His will be used economically. lirlk-.i- T" ror.'lt. whlcu Polly Georgia Olp seems tame to say Ik. rota, lo Mr. Oriental clvtlUa-Itoni- ." Slottan. is praiseworthy. It -- . lha Otvldantal and Mr. acting la No. rtatn!y B"I Tria rp!y cama K. M. Todd, nl merely that Burke's ..-a- . aald Iir. qnl-- y nrm aar-mo- In his biggest scenes his anl In a of Wl!lamtta I'nUaraity. In a n strong, for Toun Arnold irtn..l r. womrn of Kpworth Kplacopal of those pretty, harmless artistry Is tremendous iu Its force. friend of honest poli- - at WaIho.lll We urge I1- part- fr'n q'jr.itonlnc- - rlr-- V70ULD ONE Thurston Hall, who played the role of even' firtr iliurrh. yaatarday mornlns; I'rh t CHIKG SING WED plays Is "Polly of the Circus." presentation ina of l.ia I, hark t the son In George Fawcetfs and a free - la produi of the go so cati-ti.m- .t Illation the rrlll'n quite pastoral: in fact one might In part, tics, economical government .for.! r'wylPa- a a""0n.lia ha Il continued. In of the play. Is seen again the "Vp. nin! n.t lara." an. uati of a p'opla. ha aal.l. far aa to say ministerial In atmosphere. a rather thankless one. A finely part, aa follow.: good-to-be-tr- Is given by or write an imme- Inf -- d one of those too awfully characterized piece of work press to telegraph r. . ttrntrri. Kverjr rraat lawgiver ha. Bpal-- - It's f'r.r.-.- It. Arnn!,. fm mllUonalra m v m.u- things, and so awfully true It Walter B. Gilbert as Browning. the younrar to tha ral aion of Ma paopla and hl ronTL.rciiixMAN In em- - Senators and .'a! of th fn:i:y. anj hi. Without that well Hoys the palate. Nearly everyone meek, unassuming clerk Canton's diate protest to their a. !li- -. Arooi'l. a-- rl tlrr.a for Ita sanction. KV WIIITK WOMAN". n. 'y bar..H laa hava Is familiar Its story. Polly Is a ploy. Marshall Farnum is ""iieni up ahort-l- aanrtion hla vatm would not wltn bucket-sho- p man. W ill am" a it ti'.t at Ita pl'r an.J i in and with the first Iclancy. the party In a ban rftrrlltr Tha enforcement of Uw star rider . circus J Impetuous , young suitor representatives. t.ia droit drpendt upon tha demand of tha people, curtain the parade 1. Just going down Wolbert a. an 'rrr.lo tSa Aro.) Aa lo Washington ..... - i ,,.,.- - - Konaia urau laws. When BUI Now Before Main street. . 11 .in - its nr Rantoni- dauchter. . . . t..r;tqr plana. joun Araol.l aat't. "Wo aa well aa tha pasaafa of lue parsonage.l Polly ' bury, as an Injured hushana. wnose wu- - " moral aentlmenl to enact or enforce .Make Sucli Mar- tent rleht next the n Bona Would an and Is brought prefer, the bucket-ano- man. ana n tut law la Iha rharrh la enlisted. meet. with accident with a mis-He- re rvh fihra I p. dlrd.not only furnlahea tha riage Felony; Fine High. to the of the parson unconscious.! Stockbrldge. as a minister ihrltlanty Pol." 11 months and .Ion. all give particularly good accounts -- you hava (Ivan up Id-a- la of vhrlatlan rUltliatlon. but tha tarries for kxi that man for Iha enforcement of those falls In love with the minister and vie of themselves. aarrfi" sentiment VANcr.rVF.lt. Wash.. Feb. IS. (Spe folks .all tn and Id. Adair 1. "the woman In the case. ta wa iria'iatal arary Ideal. telephone If versa The church t.it l cial.) Asklna by ha In happening, wa know haof la n. lKrolhy." "Tha phyal.-a- battles which have secure a to take a hand the of work Is afforded in t and glorr would be atle to license Is made to see that she la Injuring ly distinctive bit mnio yo'i I l to Atlantic hro i;t renown to renerals an. or hap- Fowler's refined vlllainess. and up. -- -- Chin; bin, the parson's good name; the circus nroii ivy. or rm;.i:pM- - to armies are nui "'"- "" Portland, called up Henry Cra.--s. an at- - village most oppor- pretty Rhea Mitchell makes an appealing The Curtis Publishing Company rcrtamly My molhar l the real eonLirl of 'i:, n L.pon pens back Into the '.. ni. al conmrts. P'P1'; hi) tunely and Polly does the renunciation Hester Ganton. f.main at homo fr waaka' K,..t f"7 b,ln Informed that th. law provided goes back to the show. A " aral conflict ,.r I11'" J""o'lna auch unions and that there wa. no act and Evening Post " I for to the The Saturday -- t irla-or- n a! on. month later Polly comes back rtIxz you aipa-- Mr. to rorna greatest of thrm why couM not Mcure ,h. circus. Naturally r ronaull you or do you apact and ours must at last prevail. would com over village with the in Christ ha been tha license. Slna; said he everybody In town goes to see Polly GOLF pWiTODfly to In rommanl.ation with him?" Th. church of lEOmoiIVW win...... ,,..,..1,." " Instead sh Hie Ladies Home Journal wlir ahoulJ war" In throwing out Its mission I woman were ride. But she doesn't. Inl'ail. rir.MOt among A Chinaman and a white lias met her parson. In fact he fol- "If Mr i;rla-o- ma. 1a tha atalamnt aries a picket lines PPP'' m.rried hero a month ago after Henry ring, and t.'lty waa wer not n . - lowed her Into the sawdust Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. a' Atlantl.- that ha rniraca.i where they desired. mil r b retained by the Chlna- goes down on re- SEEN" rr. y aayarat rnnntha. avowa l purpo of changing the the last curtain their PORTLAXI PLAYERS OX to for ha for the man to bring mandamus proceedings star-li- skies, while aitr W. Arnol I manners, customs and bailer. 01 union, under the t ti: untruth." aal.l John ira aaalnat the County Auditor, who at first up over the hill and far away trail th CALIFORNIA LINKS. tonic '.t "lla wouM not maka It at Orient. refused to Issue a marriage license. wagons, leaving In my atlck Christianity Is responsible lights of the circus I'lirT.rr.l rrn.-- and "Since A bill Is now before the Washington more Polly. !o It for creation of a civilisation and bring- Legislature to make it a felony for once without greal It is respon- If Certainly the play Is human, and vv City Clnb Woman Cham- Arltf rllrnrnt la Rcrallrd. ing on Ihc ont'.Kl. such marriages, and the penalty. are many spot, of quaint tender- York providingf of adequate fine of 15000 and a there So- atatantanta wara rrraliad sible for the passed, will be a ness In Its lines. Besides It has enter- pion to Make Appearance ;rlumi leadership. Hence. It must have schools term not to exceed five year. In tha who an.l whan ha waa told tliat a "Tar.on-a- l Christian leader, who have a or The bill carries tainment. Frederic Thompson, ' In Naw T"rk lo train stat prison, both. had Margaret Mayo write the play ciety Much Interested. !rrtlimrnl world-wid- e vision, understanding the an emergency clause, ao If passed will aatr.!ay w ;trlbut.l Christian around the ideas he furnished. Intro- . cosmopolitan nature of tha become effective at once. tan-ba- rk nrJtrrU tirlf.-om- Arnol.l rapllaJ: duces all the paraphernalia of the religion. Mr. Crass today said he was stopped 12. (Spe- "I don I hallrva II." depend congrat- and sawdust In the last act. A DEL MONTE. Cal., Feb. the farmer "The Cnlted flat must for on the street this week and good acrobats, Kober round of 18 holes and eggs, but the benefits T'a ,lTrrtlmcnt In quaa'lon and nartea upon by for taking the trio of really the cial The qualifying receive, in other lines would more ta right. Too leader.hlp of armies ulated a minister family, delight with their trapexe work, played on the Del Monte links would any, "Krrv'i:n a'lnc all men trained under th old flag. So j he did In forcing tne Auditor to will be offset the loss. If in these rrar prt ! from ma Tuaa.!ajr upon rr.en stand a trained pony and "Little Hip." the by women golfers tomorrow, start- than 1 tha d, Dentistry har church depend as - Han-for- mo. tha Issue in license, perform a bit. 2 when Mrs. G. G. Painless I:r tor." bar to give leadership to th Auditor personally has no right to elephant, ing at o'clock, l 1 nolw Ittiatsnf!-- r trained br the cast, Georgia Olp as Polly. well-know- n society on the year, T1 purar that While Mr. Of the in prtde-O- M hobbj-o-ar trtndr for enj 1 host, of Christian civilisation." make any dlrcrlmlnation. appearance U oar har itrlaf. Mr. Arnol.1 atp'arr Is Bernard Johnson as the parson, Walter Coast, will make. her first now oar nccemo, and our ia the plnlaa work would not so state. It presumed Han-for- d bt joxx at mrala. parti. lpatd Crass Wesley as Peacon Strong, Charles Do- tournament play here. Mrs. to bo found anywhere, no matter how modi hr th minister Is one who would not in W PrtaMs, Inrii:r!itl.a many arrtiamaota aboar.l an4 that woman to a herty as a clown. Hugh Wynn as Dea- ks a champion from the ykoglll - rnannnM r PERSONALMENTION. refuse to marry a white Alice as the City. Make the Liver tso uuiBia iinin asuw mlnd ltt lla panara it'nrrally. for his IS fee. con Elvcrson. and Brooks Golf Club. New York bridge work for out- - In Tlaw of lha !raln aha waa undrr. Chinaman choir leader might be signalled from Some good scores are expected from of town patron, in phy-l'l- n. of Madras. Is at the be- wnose on. dar if delred. ha waa In t.ia rara of tha hlp a Pavld Fraaer. the others probably not so much Mrs J R. Clark, of Burllngame, Do its Duty I'mnlcaa ertrftotica Fcrktn. cause of their excellency but because nanie was added to the woman's list free when piatea oft FIGHT i order-4je- d. f of Imrothy W 8 Shearer, of Lewlston, Idaho, is CHINESE IN RAID mediocrity of the others. Mis. Chesebrough, of the San Nine times in ten when the liver h right th J brirlgn work i. ellow paanara haar.l of the tonight. Miss Coosultstion free. Arnol.i'a di. ipparan . but tha mya-t.- rr at the Portland. Olp Is. however, an exception In that Francisco Golf Club. Is another whose stomach and bowels are ngbt. waa rot In tha mothers Goodman, a merchant of I oos Fairolinan Beat Off Poxen Angry she rings genuine at times and she Is on the links Is well known. MolirCrawni 55.01 George ability out- CARTER'S LITTLE 322kBridgTetb4.0O praaana. Ba I at the Oregon. mighty girlish and winsome In ap- Keenlv alive to the pleaeure of the ofn-a- r MaUea Arrest. UVER PILLS Tha ahlp'a wara aikad If proadbent. of Myrtl Point. Is Orientals; pearance. sport, society Is Gold billing 1.09 C. E. door firmly ( I any ona ra.aniNIInc t'rol'iy Arnold comfortably senile hut 1 jEn.rn.IFil 1.03 ' staving at th Lenox. round numbers, '7'""'among , waa xiard. Thay aal.l waa reg- clothing was badly The players, pel a lazy livor lo A Krl thra W. Itay. of Roseburg. la Patrolman Burrl's hotel quarters. ar- sifADTFlSh e . Silver rillinirs wv In tha flrat nor aarond rahtna. Charles night when, single-hande- he several from Portland, as as duty. - y Rubller airhar torn last - whom.aro do Gl Knallari-apaakl- n atrt and istered at the Perktna. gambllna- den at match on at l. 3.UU vounc reg- raided a Chinese KISSING GIRL." ranged for the men's Cures C "irr.o ona raaamr'in Mlaa Arnold wa Judce J. B. Meaalck. of Baker. Is streets. Th Celes- THE as follows: Rubber n Cornelius. Fourth and F.verett were o'clock, are stipation, 1,311 n to trmhark. istered at th tials, numbering about a dosen. A Comic Opera In Three Acts; Musio fllght-- C. E. Maud vs. kMuKphK; Francisco, la dis- First Indigi tion . u w A. R Whtteloca. of San determined to maka the officer by Harry Yen Tllmer, Lyric, by M. W. a. Will. Pumnrr us Muulti Pllnlt txtr registered th Lenox. 1147.10 h had whisked . tion. 21 me uruinua m phtubs smt mstmods .ni!C'OM KI'.Fl'SEH TO at gorge which Ytneewt Bryan and Book W. 8. va A ..w TIK Mr. and Mrs, E. Allen, of Msshfleld. off tha table and slipped In his pocket v.. J C Ford: B'jch All work fully guarantee tor fifteen Tear. a vigorous fight by Siaalslaua gtange. s.fmv.dUy"B.den; Percy W. Headache, mni Distress after Eating. are staying at th Perklna. aa evidence. After at the Bungalow. rl sw a Allan S. B. and family, of Mount Burrt succeeded In dispersing his Eelhy vs. Saudi PUT. Small Doee. Small Pnc Wise Dental Co.,ic Arnold C'ae Over. Far Babson Hlng Y'oung tteAwri n. . r : Hood, staying Portland. and took Ah and CAST. fiirni M. Major mo.tbea are at the Btael: R. Keyn.tein. v..."'cR. Losler: Genuine Signature Painless DentistsRTLAND,ORE I'c t llj fa Concerned. Sing lo the station, where each win Miss Effla Leslie Finttn , r. a. Fining Building. Third and Washington P0 T. Llndta. a lumber manufacturer ef Tina vt. J. Austin . V booked on charge, of reflating an offi- Mlna Ml.e Ruth Ksyward wilkfn. V.. Peter K?rr: Pennl. Syarle. OttioeBoue: A. U. V I. U. SiuMUje, 1 ATLANTtC CTTV. X J. Fab. II. Stevenson. Wsah.. la at th Inox. fixed at ..1 yv' c nav Poca-leil- n. cer and gambling. Ball Kobus ..Miss Ida Fitshugh Tner war no delopment here to- Mr. and Mra. B. A. Wll.on. of n $100 Margaret I" A. Vnnes vs. J. G. Pierce; W. 15 In tha case of Ah Sing and Op pa Louis London i.00?.:' ri a r In tha search for MIm Iwothy Idaho, ar staying at th Port- Young was fur- Ksrl a Wolcott vs. Ted Wilcox. I In th cas of Sing and hrls-ln- a ArnoM. and It la baiiaved tha rasa land. Miss Venlta Fitshugh con-ene- .l. nished for both. o- -r City l ford, Albert Wansel Harry L. Coombs far aa Atlantic C. Reamea. an attorney of Mad In tha night Patrolmen ' DEPARTURE t. Cor- Karller Victor rVuinltsel Marshall Hay GRANGE IND0RSES TREATY NEW . and family, ar staying at th and Johnson, operating In plain lirla-nm- Jr.. of Pittsburg, Shaffer Charles Ourney tleorge nelius. clothes, raided a Chinese gambling es- Paul Pret.el Been who announced hla annaaa Wllhelm Kalsel W. H. Rupert Body Acts In Opposition The Coat at Intermenla Have yetriy Ed anl Charlee Irkiru of the tablishment at 75 Fourth atreet North. Woodlawn Start The Day Right, Greatly Reduced by the Holmaa men! to th youna woman and whoa of Aberdeen. Wash., arreaUng Ah Tor. Ah Bow and Aa Sing Hlppocrats Muller ...Harry Hermeen b--e-n Comranr. National Call. Company. name haa linked with her vr ar at tha Oregon. and securing $l&0 80 aa evidence. They Frits Kobus Thomas Wlilffen to Keen, Spirited FIT TJndertaklns in-- 1 dl.appaare.l. refuaej to sea Feel leorge Perry, of H'ppn-- r. on of tha were released on ball. Una Miss Texas Gulnan Heretofore It has been the custom of i.ew.par-- r men or dlaoj.a i.he rasa. Ha Roy Torrey vote. Woodlawn WITH to make charsres for nearly pioneer sheep men In Morrow County. Max Pulaski By a unanimous Husbandry, BATHE funeral directors remaT.d In his roota at a hotel Imperial. Rock. Krsldeut Dies. Grange of the Patrons of all Incidentals connected with a funeral. all day. I. registered at tb Castle ...... Saturday night to sustain the The Edward Holman Undertaking: Com- Smyth, of Pendleton, secre- .. votea as pany, leading funeral directors of Pan I. - ROCK. Wash.. Feb. agreement with Canada the Oregon Woolgrower- Asso- CASTLE KLSSINQ GIRL." which opened reciprocity Portland, have departed from that cus- -I C.lvr Clew. tary of the George Clausmeyer. long a resi- IiE proposed by President Taft. This is by us Man's Arre- ciation, la reg:terd at tfc Oregon. an TI week', engagement at the call of the HAND tom. When casket Is furnished dent of this city, died yesterday at the In direct opposition to the we make no extra charges for embalm- C!IIR1TTF. X C. Feb, II. Cn- - R, 8. brother of C. 8. Moore, early hour, after an Illness lasting nearly afternoon, dis- Grange. ing, lo cemetery, outside box or lor. Mra. Bungalow ye.terday National hearse Iha disappearance, of formerly Treasurer, and during which he was highly-please- opened by Dr. W. E. may be required of re.tl..o batween Ststa seven year, time missed a d audience. In Discussion was any services that car- ts Arn.U and Iha arrest of J. I. M re. of Kiamath Fai'.e, are staying paralyxod. About three years ago he who argued for the treaty. He us except clothlnsr. cemetery and oot street Darlance. "'nough said." Slater, n effecting saving of 2 M rr!.it"n. alwa I. A. Hunter. n th at the Imperial. wa. taken to IOng Creek. Or.. In tha some would not injure the farm-i- SAPOLIO riages, thus a Th company differs from that said that it to J75 on each funeral. rftarf of worthless check Otto Mueller, manager of Iha Biamaek hop that the change would benefit him. been seen at the Bungalow mis this country. Rev. William I authorities. In manager being have . . ... - . - ... A V. . agreement tingle here. be!laed br tha Cafa In fan Francisco, who i but without any permanent result season in comeny anuj cunm. ihi would It gives your skin an exhilarating I t wa found a letter alarned wa M year, musical uousi EDWARD HOLMAN I'iKM of iha Itiemark Cafe at tha lwla and obtained. Mr. Clausmeyer opera In it handled the piece well, bring the people of the Lnrted State, makes every pore respond. It revve THE l aurprlma Hun. I that iT I. ." eiprr.air. that Clark fair. I at th Imperial. of age and survived by a widow and no In the company that and Canada closer together and would ANSES. s a T.',I.'" 'l. -- .uere are stars gxTT circulation Invigorate CLE ad not gone straight to Naw York daughters. II" wa. a member of . . . taaa I I ff tint thP tlTlCO O I Al H. 8 S lllfaM ff 1.. it. P-- Rainbow and P. P. Matt, of Sin three kala hfll tirr Ififormln "Mr. Arnold"" of Iheir V. W. Fraternal Order of I al- Vraggisla azu SALMON. and -- era at tha Comellna. th tha A. O. and It an evenly - 9 controlled elsewhere, All GrocerM and TH1HO ST. COR. r .mill waa b Francf.ro. llnncy and ux- Lush of KuLaar marr'.ag sha rurJ first of tha standard Oil field manaa ra Eagle, under whose auspices the funeral caat tlnt. handlea th part as t "It rorht affct - had appri1 of th facts, ah an- - conducted this afiarnoow-- anced that g. to arrive la th city to attend tha will ba couldbndo oot.-.lr-