thought and aotion; and is ready to light WEATHER WHILE YOU WAIT. Mr. Randolph is always careful to have for these principles which it holds both his map accurate. One day a mischiev- .JOHN BULL AND HIS FOES. dear and sacred. ous person-—presumably a Congressman of there- tho observer’s “The Republicans Bolmont, Congressmen Are Much Interested in ■got at tho map while fore, hereby ask that their representa- hack was turned and substituted a “mi- tives elected to tho several conventions the Reports. nus 53 fur a “plus 53” in the tempera- for tho choosing of delegates to the na- ture mark of Passadena, California. It tionai convention do all iu their power Was a Fire was not many minutes before a Califor- Dc- And It Dooms for o 1[ Big Quaker City The Germans Still one of our NEW STYLE Reed to s?o that are sent to St. Louis nia onmo “Great Vigorously Buys CHAMBER SUITS with delegates Mr. ltHndoIpli and His Map are Popular— Congressman along. who will be for the nomination of Hon. heavens,” exolaimed he, “fifty-three double door commodes, massive The Practical Joker Pays Por tile 'the dressing case with Maine. Thomas h. Reed.’’ Sunday. degrees below zero in Passadena. nouncing Dim. of Col. !” arge beveled carved headboard and After tho passing the resolutions Patter—A Half Hour’s Chat liy the orange crop is gone, sure enough glass, aii of E. C. Benton expressed his thanks to the Mr. has also in the House the Randolph superior finish, but we also give 4 Chairs and Rocker caucus for the interest manifested and in Map is Enjoyed by Pegislators, lobby the various instruments for record- their hearty support of his onndidaoy for ing temperature,wind, velocity,humidity re Oak Table, Wool Top Mattress THE LOSS WILL EXCEED A TO THE THE TRIPLE qua and Woven MASSAC HUSETTS B EPIIB LI CAN! i delegate to the national convention. tSPECIAT PRESS.] etc., and theso are objects of much curi- ITALY’S FUTURE AND Wire osity, although they do not receive the Spring. MILLION. Washington, January 2—Talking about ALLIANCE. BED HOE FOB THE SPEAKER. QUITE NATURAL, attention that the weather map gets. If you want a chamber furnished during the the weather is no means confined to sew- spring or ohanoe as ing circles, teas, meetings of now you can save $5 we have allowed this The Englishmen Feel Badly About Bay- Capital Gleanings. discount neighbors on the streets and in tbe oars. to induce you to buy now rather than ard's Scolding by the House, Handsome on Chestnut Street 2.—The Senate later. It wiil cost ‘Til This Contest tlie Whole of Netv Bug Buildings The members of the House of Represen- Washington, Pehruury i German Paper. Declare that tile English Tues- SEE tatives are does not convene until the you nothicg TO THEM. land Is But One State,” Say tlie Besu Destroyed—Hotel Lafayette Damaged the greatest weather cranks in again Blue Book Was Displayed Because January 3.—The News It has business be- Loudon, Daily Guests a the nation. And the De- day. no unfinished as Bad lutions. Intense Enthusiasm for th ! Frightened—Cabbies Eeap Agricultural Armenian Massacres Were Not it the aotion of the commit- fore it and the coui’ho says regrets has done its best to humor consequently Harvest—Insurance Mostly Covers All partment of de- as lias Been Bender of the Republican Party. tee oa relations prooedure during tho woek may Represented. foreign of the American them. Loss. The Congressman who wants to pend largely upon tha action of the House of in adopting a be- Belmont, Mass.Fob. 1.—The Reed boon , Representatives, know what the weather is going to be finance committee upon the tariff bill. Berlin, February 2.—The relations re- ia New was a resolution censuring Ambassador Bay- 2.—The fiercest, The to be able to and England given rattlinj Philadelphia,February does not have to go out of doors and Republicans hope tween the governments of Germany aid for statements uttered him in his most stubborn and destructive lire that port that measure Tuesday. T sendoff at the first Republican caucus o f by watch the smoke descend from the ohim- Great Britain have not shown signs of A tho Mr. .Jones of who holds N recent at Bos- has visited Nevada, the in this held in 5 speoohes Edinburgh and Philadelphia in years broke few KIMS0 campaign state, thi neys, or mark whether the hens and balance of power in the committee and improvement within the last days, It adds that is ex- out at 8.30 this in the cellar of town thU tlie weathe P ton, Eng. Mr. Bayard morning who has incited the schedule known that FURNISHING evening. Despite chickens stay in or go out, or sniff the upon sugnr particularly since it became COMPANY, the caucus was ceedingly popular here, yet he is a the Hazeltiue building, 1110 and 1-1,i being raised in the same as the largest and most en persis- breezes and study the clouds. In the proportion the diplomatic efforts of the latter had The Chestnut other soiled ules, stated yesterday that he 21 Monument Sqnare. thueiastio held here for tent defender of American interests. street, and before it was sub- been directed L.CARLETON, Manager many years, g* House lobby, thnt luxurious corridor thought the bill would not be ready to toward bringing Italy the votors paper admits his speeohes contained dued the Hazeltino building and the Among at the caucus wor 3 whion the members share only with the report Tuesday. This was said some Into an arrangement between RusBia C. unusual attacks upon the commercial American Publication hours after Col. E. Benton of the Republics! s Baptist Society’s of the line of is the free silver amendment and in an agree- of his own but portraits Speakers, hung Turkey, Involving Italy state system government says building, 1420 and 1422 Chestnut street, passed the Senate,Jand is therefore re- committee, ex-GolIfcctor A. \V the weather It is a of ment independent of her allies it hopes he will not retire, seeing that map. large map garded as indicating that Mr. Jones’s presont Beard, Roland H. Boutwell were destroyed and the dry goods store and othe the resolution of censure was adopted by tho and portiuns of the opposition to the speedy reportings of The treaty binding the Triple Alliance— of a vote. cf Homer, Lebontilier & Co., 1412 and leading lights the Republican party ii purely party British possessions and Mexico. But it the tariff hill has something besides sil- Austria, Germany and Italy—will fall state. 1414 Chesuut was badly damaged. ver baok of it. Mr. Dubois his reso- this street, differs from other in that little kept renewable in 1897. Hitherto Germany APPLAUDING TILLMAN, maps, lution for the distribution of Beside the enthusiasm manifested Ii The rear of the Hotel Lafayette, which providing _ brass hooks are inserted in all the and Austria havo had no reason to sup- 0 prin- the appropriation bills among tha vari- behalf of Maine’s favorite faced on Broad street, was damaged $75,- son, local prid Parson Casson and His Flock Pass Lauda- cipal cities, and that from these hooks ous committees in the back ground be- pose there wonltl be any change in the re- 00(1 The total loss the fire was also a factor in out tb approximate by cause of ilia desire not to antagoniza the lations of the bringing tory Resolutions. hang little pieces of pasteboard made contracting governments number of is the of which is silver bill. That being out of the way large voters, as Col. E. C 41,075,000, greater part in the forms of arrows and circular which would cause Italy to desire to it;is not unlikely he may call this resolu- Benton is in the field as a candidate fo oovered by insurance. The cause of tbe the terms but was a discs. The discs are colored and the ar- tion up at an alter of the Driebnud aot, Lynn, Mass., February 3.—There is early day. delegate to the Republican national con fire not definitely known. The Cuban resolution last the last decided sensation at the services in the rows point in various directions. A reported within two weeks Signor Crispi, vention, and his neighbors and friend When the firemen arrived, the Hazle- week and tho Davis resolutions on the minister of to Labor church over sermon black disc means blue disc prime Itaiy, is reported Lynn today the rain,a cloudy, Monroe both of which are on were on hand to elect favorabl tine building was already doctrine, delegates a disc with black and have sent instructions to the Italian am- of Rev. Herbort N. Casson, who con- white stripes the oalondar, may possibly be taken up. to him and to assure Mr. Benton of thoi A OP demned the administration of President MASS FLAMES bassadors at Vienna and Berlin to sound MUSLIN desire for bis nomination. the Austrian and German UNDERWEAR. Cleveland in the strongest terms. in the interior. The building was seven governments The cauous was presided over by as to the views in to The speaker commented upon the re- stories high with an ornate front of briok regard Important Joseph H. Cullis, chairman ol the Re modiilcations of the of cent aotion of Senator Tillman, and said and terra cotta. It was very substantial- responsibilities town Charles publican committee, K built. At first the firemen Italy under the present treaty. As a re- D .1 J— his address and actions in the National ly thought sult of House of Representatives, would never they could oonfine the fire within its Signor Crispi’s correspondence - Before the balloting started, Roland H with his fade from the history of this country. walls. The flames spread through the representatives, Count Nigra, O Boutwell, who had also been in the fioh Italian and an ambassador to Austria, The Opening to- The to- The following resolutions were unani- building with great fury, and the nre —n Opening as a delegate to the natonal convention ardent supporter of the Triple Alliance, at the serivces: soon got beyond the oontrol of the firemen of all our mouuely adopted has gone to Rome to exert his influence day of our rose and in a graceful speech, announce! day entire We heartiily endorse the brave and pa- on the ground. Several alarms brought from the maintenance of the Driebund. gW his and asked his friends fc finest new Cotton ■ wthdrawal, triotic words of Senator and we in the to the In official circles new Tillman, nearly every company oity here, ... line of their hearty support of Col. E. C. Ben ,, , Spring believe bis charges against tho Demo- scene. \7/\ T A Ttir TCI Tl TTIT m f o r KSfksS ton. Underclothing crat ic and Republican leaders true and The flames leaped high into the air and White Embroideries. The resulted as follows: women. Bgg balloting easily proven. IVe pledge ourselves to up- burst out and in tbe rear of the build- that entire withdrawal from the Delegates to the Republican state con- Italy’s hold him and Ilia few colleagues as long ing on Sansom street threatened the ■ One window is de- Josiah S. Everett C. terms of the treaty upon its expiration Our window display uaMai vention, Kendall, as they defend tho rights of the people handsome club house of tne Union Thomas L. be so Benton, Creoley. against the legnl tyrannies and embezzle- Club with destruction, fortu- will sought.it being held that long you an idea voted to the Delegates to the League gives G|k || display Republican congress ments of the rich. nately the wind blew the flames in an- as Signor Crispi is in power that would ioual district conveuton, Joseph H. Dulls of the character of other direction. The great stories of the be if not The of these but a’ Charles H. Tates, Frank Chandler. improbable, impossible. goods, A FRENCH FATALITY. Lafayette hotel towered high above the These delegates were instructed to voti embarrassments of the Italian govern- the goods. H Hi closer is Hazeltine building and the flames leaped inspection for Everett C. Benton as delegate to tin ment its ot men While Faithful over the wall toward the hotel. By this through expenditures Praise us of our national oouvontion. Attending Mass. Worship- by necessary to a full Republican time most of the guests in the hotel had and money in Abyssinia are recognized g| Foliowing the balloting E. C. Bentoi pers are Killed by Falling Walls. as reason for a few own been awakened, and as the building supplying a,fair .min- selections is ll addressed the caucus and in a ant appreciation of their strong seemed or changes in the treaty. for. idle address advocated the claims o The Vienna seems to have trite. Will you who ■ 2.—A torrihle accident government beauty, Thomas B. Reed of Maine as a candidate Paris, February IN IMMINENT DANGER, taken alarm, especially sicoe Lora Salis- are for President. Mr. Benton as fol in the of judges of fine A B new spoke insulting killing eight persons bury’s intrigues against Germany have Very many lows: they wanted to leave, and scantily ar.d the wounding of sixty, occurred to- assumed a tendency to cut off Italy from goods let us know effects this “This caucus is the beginning of tin clothed men and women poured out into the Alliance. As the immediate year day at Manlevier village, near Angers Triple what think? ■ Republican Presidential campaign ii Broad street, dragging with them their result of the new developments, negotia- you which we can’t dis- Ma.saoh usotts. in the department of Main-et-Loire. The trunks and bags, and tbo night oabmen tions with a view to the etermination of A line of the “We desire that the Republicans of tin accident was due to the of the a now are about to be accolcruted. large cribe but which collapse a in treaty here, state observe that over 50 cent of the gather 'd harvest of dollars convey- per while mass was The passionate language indulged in by celebrated “Hatha- f ; village ohuroh, being to other hotels. The ggjj we’ll be glad to show entire Republican vote tho town takoi ing1 the guests police the semi official German proas in refer- ^ interest in affairs t< ] celebrated. I enough political patrol wagons were also pressed into ring to Lord Salisbuury’s policy in Ar- way” goods. you attend this caucus. It is one of the ban The structure was oomfortably tilled, menia has behind it more than official today, service for this duty. ner Republican towns of the common most cf the women inspiration dare denote, and the hostil- worshippers being The fire from the Hazeltine wealth, as over 95 per cent of our entin spread ity of the respective polices of the Ger- I-1 and children. With vary little warning I- vote comes to tho polls oi to the four marble build man and increases. Republican building story English governemut3 the walls to and before all election day, and over 60 per cent to the began sway, ing of tbe Baptist Publication Kooioty, OBSERVER RANDOLPH AND HIS MAP, The British blue book on the situation s primaries. This result is largely due, ni the congregation could get, out fell. and this was soon a mass of flames. in Armenia ha* become the surfaoo mo- doubt, to our efficient town committee Like the Hazeltine it extended German The root' descended upon the struggling building moans snow. Tho arrows show the di- if so it will afford abundant tive for the attack upon Eng- headed by Mr. Joseph H. Cuilis. 230 feet back from Chestnut street to opportunity land. beneath and it iH no rection of tho and for debate Tho anil minority “Wherever in a locality there is a mm throng, surprising Sansom streets. The Lafayette hotel had wind, figures printed majority The North German Gazette holds that report in the ease the in public life who is a success and credi ■, mere were killed. The work of removing been re-opened after thereon show the and other Dupont involving the British the only recently being temperature, seat of a senator from will government delayed pub- to himself and to tho i the dead and the was Delaware, oommunty, and rescuing injured, altered and refurnished at a oost of weather facts. Thus a licaton of the contained in the necessary glance be called up as a privileged by report, fitted for an advanoed office which hi: commenced bythe and the firemen directed most question because the current stories of promptly villagers 1600,000, will show the weather in all of the -Mr. chairman of tho committee book EMBROIDERIES. friends wish him to he shoulc l and others from the round parts Mitchell, occupy country about. of their attention toward saving this on privileges and elections at the first MASSACRES IN ARMENIA have the hearty and o I It is feared some of the injured will die. It was on flro at least 50 country. loyal support building. For routine matters the those in his times. The first opportunity. vicinity. thing many members of the Senate has three and wore found upon investigation, to liavo “New England has a man who ha THE WEATHER. The did work and urgent deficiency department splendid Congress do when they arrive at thoCapi- pension appropriation bills ready for been minimized and because the made and is now making a grand succes oonflned the flames to the rooms on the greatly is to to the weather and find consideration, niether likely to call out in public affairs, and is the leader o eighth and ninth floors, faoing the Are. tol, go map conflicts between the Armenians and Boston, out what the weather is at home. Ob- any great amount of discussion. the Republiioan He is New The wall of the Hazeltine Turks or Kurds at Sassonn have been party. Eng 3.— parting building server Fred When the bond sale bill with the Sen- land'6 favorite and man February .J. Randolph of the Weather son, the for til had their in BIOS. Local fore- TOWERING THREE STORIES Bureau, has an observation office in the ate’s free coinage amendment is report- shown to have origin the EASTMAN & BANCROFT, hour. Nominate him fur President, am and of his is to the ed in the House tomorrow, it will prob- of Armenian who he will lead the Republican party t oast for Mon- ABOVE lobby part duty keep deviltry agitators up to date, and answer the ably be referred to the committee on viotory, and bring back to our countv; map queries hatched plots involving violence to ob- day : Fair, the store of Homer Lsbontilier of members. He is a man of ways and means, if so, Tuesday next that prosperity and progress which mi rk dry goods great polite- tain the of the credulous Chris- inorea ness, patience and and knows where when that committee meets it will un- smypathy BPBOUL NOTICES. ed its course from Lincoln to Harrison sing & Co., fell in upon the latter place and tact; ALMOST most of the members live so well that he doubtedly recommend non-concurrence tian world. FOURSCORE. and he will carry forward and onvtari oloudine s s ; crushed through the skylight In the cen- does not have to wait for the inevitable in the Senate amendment. Whether this The Cologne Gazette congratulates Ger- the maroh of advancing civilization.’’ rain or snow tre of the store Into the cellar. The fire- qestion. “It is clear and cool in Pales- bill so amended shall be permitted at many and other continental powers npon Albion W. Mayo of Bockland At the conclusion of his speech Mi NEW Dies at a Bipe on Monday tine this once to engage the attention of the escaped British lines, GOODS Benton offered resolutions, which wer men poured a great volume of water morning, Governor,” says Mr. having following In the or Old Age, north- Randolph, as a fine House to the exclusion of other business involving the possible breaking up of the in small lots, that are unanimously adopted, .addresses second night; the mass of and looking gentleman piece upon smoking brioks, with iron hair No re- has not been determined. The probabili- Turkish empire. liable to shrink or ing them being made by Thomas 8 east winds. gray approaches. spot by saved the store from destruction. ference is ties are said to be that it will be sent to The National the damp, Creeley, chairman of the J intended to the Holy Land, for Zeitung, Hamburger can be [SPECIAL TO THE seleotmen; Was h i n the oonferonoe without much debate. The Nachriohten and most of the other ness, PBESS.] Henry Fletoher, ex-.Selectman Josiah S g- It was not until tbe Hazeltine build- gentleman is Governor Sayers of Tex- in- Rockland, February 3.—Albion ton, February 2.—Foreoast for as, and Palestine is the town of that House bill will urooeed with the appro- fluential German journals concur iu re- W. Kendal], Selectman Joseph O. Weilnig ^ Monday ing and the Baptist building were en- STEAM SPONGED state where he resides. The priation bills. The District of Columbia joicing over the defeat of Lord Salis- Mayo, the well known shipsmith, died at ton, Roland H. Boutwell and othors for New England: Nearly clear in the knowledge tirely destroyed and after five hours’ that the weather there is appropriation bill will come up Monday policy and British by machine and retain his on The resolutons follows: fair, apparently bury’s denouncing process the home Paoiflc street this morning, increasing cloudiness followed hard work that the iire was subdued. for and morning, “The of gives Governor Sayers great satisfaction, further, it is bopod. final consid- hypocrisy and mendacity in connection of Republicans Belmont, assem was appearance NEW. This class oi 75. He was for and snow at night; shift- The Hazeltine building owned by for he carries a eration. The with affairs in the east. aged many years em- bled in this the caucus by northerly broad smile with him agricultural appropriation opening of th an art dealer. work can be done at short in Portland winds. Charles F. Hazeltine, The to his committee room. bill is ready on the calendar and the In- notice at ployed by tho Portland and Massachusetts Presidential campaign ing to easterly Signals are dis- ground floors were oooupied by the There is a dian and bills are wait- Maohias iiikb iu usually group of military simply LEFT UNCEREMONIOUSLY. Steamboat Line; when the pleasure availing cnemselves o f played on the Atlantio ooast from the Plano the seooud Congress- Stetson Company, story men about the and it is a ing to be reported from the committee Maine Central this opportunity to give their coidial map, great acquired this route, Mayo sup Breawkater to Eastport. by Mr. Hazeltine as an art store and the for the of stories about in charge of them. FOSTER’S port to New candidate for th i plaoe swapping England’s _ rest of the was taken with Slediciue and the Stage Didn't Work came to this city by Payson Tuoker’s building up the weather in different parts of the The foreign affairs committee will be Prof- FOREST CITY DYE Prosidenoy. officers. the front HOUSE, His studios and Only wall country, and these discussions of weath- ready almost any time during the week So the rtquest.' death, will bo “In thus indorsing the o t WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GEN- itably Company Skipped, IS Preble St. opp Preble House. widely candidacy of the building remains standing. branch off into to the resolution censuring Am- mourned and the man from Maine, know ful i ERAL er, soil, forests, mines, report Cld Glove* Cleansed Every Day. especially by all steamboat they FORECAST, bassador for his at Edin- well that ere LOSS ON THE BUILDING rivers, grazing lands, etc., so that an Bayard speeches Telephone connection men. The deoeassd they voicing in forme THE N. a.—For leaves a widow and hour the weather is a burg and Boston, and an in- Portsoinuth, H., February manner the opinions of the Republican Tlie storm noted yesterday as existing by map valuable England, these children, Wiliam A. is probably $250,000. Mr. Hazeltine lesson on the resouroes and characteris- teresting debate will doubtless oocur the past week, the Dr. Raymond Medi- DR.. E. B. Mayo of of New England, without to fac on the T exas coast has passed the REED, regard up tics of this nation of ours. when that matter is oalled for aotioD. Mrs. H. cion or state line. claims his stook of pictures was worth up cine company have occupied Pleroe hall, scientific Mid magnetic healer, 113 Free St Matterpan, Mass., Yorke of Missisippi valley to the mouth of the and Clara “In this contest the whole of Ner The is insured a entertainment and sell- corner of Oak street, Portland, Me., treats al Athens, Me., E. Mayo of this Ohio. It has increased in $150,000. building fully giving variety diseases thatflesh Is heir to. Seoond England is but one state, to de [ greatly energy OBITUARY. ed, and the news of his sudden death sigh) oity. He was a member of the ready and there is a partial insurance on the ing medioine. The company did rather consultation tree. Office hours from 9 a. m. to Metho- mend of the covered the lower Republican party of th 3 Mississippi valley with will be a great shook to a large cirols of 1 m. to 9 m. dist church and was a Mason. The pictures. J. B. Woodford, the mauager a poor business and it was announced 18m„ p. p. jane tflp Ma- country, the nomination of her favorit a rain falls with an advanoe to the sonic local will have heavy friends. lodge charge of the son, and the great as th of the Stetson Company, could not es- they would remaic another week. This party’s leader, lower lake region Monday, Charles M. Tobie, funeral services tomorrow and the re man best causing gen- adapted to lead to certain an | timate the loss, but it is probably about T. S, Ellis M. D. morning Dr. Raymond, his wife, and mains will be taken to Hallow ell for brilliant victory. eral snow or rain from New York to JVlr. Charles M. treasurer of the and 1 Insured. Tobie, throe members of th e -—-— The eastern storm has $75,000 fully One of the saddest deaths that has oo coinpany very bufial. “He is a man who needs from us n< Michiagn. passed Casco died about northern New of the Tanning company, ten *“”'** u need Quarry—Narrow thought, brillianoy intellect, complained of as far eastward as the Middlo Atlantic and on was a medioal for Three members the company were left ^ age in action, and an integrity of purpos machinery, $115,000 building.The that troubled him travelling Inspector Escape From Death. coast. The weather will be in stook is insured for and the dry cough greatly, JL Fma which fit him above all others for th B cleared $200,000 the Life Assurance behind in a strauded condition, several and and did not yield to treatment. He found Equitable Society Key's window this week? ^ position of standard bearer of the party New England remain fair on the building $115,000. In the cellar of the weeks salary being due him. City Mar- Atlantic coast. Publication in the vaults it diffiuolt to and bad been in the city but a compara- has Rockland, February 3.—An imraene that believes now, as it has always hi South Baptist Society breathe, and when no left shal Entwistle requested Portland The fair weather still is worth of of short at the Colum- T »OUR PHARMACy. lieved, iu freedom and alike c f preavils through- $300,000 plates publica- his offioe for his it tively time, living officers to arrest Dr.Raymond for rook slide ooourred Saturday afternoon purity west and lake Saturday home, was beating out the region with in- tions, and it is not know whether these bia on street. Dr. a hotel bill. 4* 4» with the idea of for a or two Congress Reoently » in the Winslow owned the cloudiness in the are rosting day 1. Japanese Tooth Brashes, 5c each. « quarry, by oreasing latter districts. destroyed. The most serious loss to to 3 c’olook this 3. Ellis was taken with typhoid fever and (Up morning A choice line of Nickel Cigars. Cobb Lime Co. About oasks The temperature has fallen in tl10 lake the Publication Society is the destruo He had a fairly good night, and seemed nothing Teutonic * 60,000 were of Malt Extract, 25c bottle. regions, lower Ohio and lower Missis- tlon of the valuable of the carriod to the Maine General Hospital. had been seen them by the Portland *■ Keyssonc Toilet Paper, 5c pack loosened by blasting and fell to the bot- library Bap- more easy yesterday. Last evening he "T 5- 6c ** sippi valley. For rain or snow tist Historical Within the last or two the illness Boapbavk, box. Monday Sooiety. sat in the for some time and then day police.) 6. Petroleum Jelly, 6c bottle. tom of the quarry. Luckily work was is indicated in the lower library lake region and took a turn and ended ^ Middle and went to bed. He was soon after taken dangerous fatally. over for the afternoon. Calvin Ott, an the States, increasing cloudi- In Financial Trouble. followed snow Dr. Ellis leaves a young widow to mourn «Jfc WOU^PAINTDEP^ ^ employe, was alone in tho'quarry at the ness by Monday night in with a coughing lit, and Mrs. Tobie sug- New England. The weather Minneapolis, January 3.—The district his death, been Materials will be gen- that he should take some modioino untimely they having 4» lor finishing and pumping house. He saw the mass coin- erally dear in the south court issued orders yesterday restraining gested pwlFbihg woodwork. and will remain married but four months. ^ the Home and Loan Association He did so, but the cough and ing and ran, narrowly escaping death, at fair throughout the west. Lower temper- Saving returned, from of assets. A a *5* the house was completely demolished. ature is indicated for the oast Gulf states. disposing any receiver in an instant he fell hack on his pillow, and Ohio is asked for by some of the shareholders. A Waldoboro Failure. Tennessee Valley. a convulsive and was still. The damage Is estimated at about $1200; The claim the nssooiatiou gave gasp, H. H. HAY plaintiffs has Boston, February 1.—The failure is an- & T insured. assets of only $600,000, while the liabili- Greatly alarmed, Mrs. Tobie called the 4» SON, I,ocal Weather Report. nounced here of the Evans, Bell & Clark MIDJOLE ties are $900,000. When the assts are Auditor Charles F. who ST. prop- son, City Tobie, oompauy, shoe manufacturers at Wnido- Sexton May Succe ed Portland, 2.—The local scaled it is alleged they will ^ JIcCarthy._ February erly amount lifted his father up and saw that he was boro, Me. The liabilities are plaoed at to but $430,000. Another olaim is that London, February 3.—A oi weather bureau oflloe records as to the §93,000 and the assets at §77,000. The meeting the withdrawing members have been dead. the anti-Parnellite seotion of the Irish weather are the creditors are largely Boston leather following: in real estate to the amount of Mr. Tobie was the son of Klbridge In Inpoitant German parliamentary party to discuss the selec- 8 a. paid houses. Measure m.—Barometer.29.406; thermometer, $40,000, the assets being depreciated that and was born March 1833. tion of a loader In place of Justin Mc- Tobie, 27th, Brlin, February 3.—The 32.0; dew point, 27; humidity, 79; amount. Bundesrath it is said, will retire from At the of 16 he entered the Green Postmasters has adopted the government bill Carthy, who, wind, NW; velocity, 8; age Confirmed. increas- the leadership this week, will bo held Pimples, blotches, blackheads, weather,oloudy. the bounty on sugar ami it 8 p. m.—Barometer, thermome- street tannery to learn the trade, and ing Wiil in March 8. Mr. 29.712; Washington, February 1.—These Maim now be considered In the Dublin, McCarthy’s red, rough, and oiiy skin, prevented ter, 22.0; dew point, 17; 79; A LETTER. continued Reiohstag and attributed to humidity. in the business up to the time have been confirmed: G. L. will that retirement is solely declin- Cuticura the most effect- wind, weather, clear. postmasters undoubtedly Rasa body. The of by Soap, NW; The named below are here- of his death. In he formed Swett. Portland; C. C. Fori ail hft ing health and arrears work. It is Mean Druggists October. 1865, Harvey, Emperor and ministry are favor- ive skin and daily thermometer, 28.0; maxi- authorized to warrant that a 50 cent H. H. Cumberland: thought that Thomas Sexton, who repre- purifying beautifying mum by a with J. S. under Fairfield; Raymond, able to ft There was a strone thermometer, 33.1; minimum ther- and partnership Ricker, minority sents North Kerry in the House of Com- as well as bottle of Dr. Ball’s Cough Lung B. A. L. Stephen son, Togus. opposed to it in the Bundesrath, mainly soap in the world, pur- mometer, 22.0; maximum velocity wind the name of J. S. Ricker & Co., and in mons, will be selected to lead the party. Syrup “Hustena,” the great Consump- composed of representatives from the est for toilet and nur- 24, NW ; total precipitation, .0. the Casco was A cream of tartar baking powder. and sweetest tion and Asthma Remedy, can cure your 1874, Tanning company South German states. Still At It In Kentucky, of all in Elizabeth, grand duchess of Oldenburg, The of pim- The London Observer claims authority cough however severe, if curable, or pay formed, and Mr. Tobie was chosen treas- Highest leavening strength which went sery. only preventive StoanxcUlJouoinoy, ashore Germany, died yostderday. She was the for the statement that recently back the Small size 36 cents. urer. He was a member of Frankfort. Ky., February 1.—The tenth — Latent United States Government near because the of Germany you money. Unity lodge Stronvaess, Orkney Islands, Janu- of Prince of only preventive invited Russia and co- ballot in for daughter Joseph Saxe-Alien- ples, other powers to C. H. Guppy & Co., F. A. Turner, and Eastern Star He joint assembly United Statef <1, while an a from New of the Encampment. Food Report. ary voayge York burg, and was born March 26, 1826, and inflammation pores. operate with her in a plan hostile to the Clinton Gilson, ,J. h. Hamel. Senator resulted: Hunter, 54; Black- or has The the British leaves a wife and one Charles F. IieJth, bfqfcea up. cargo will married the grand du>e of 8o’d throughout world. depots-F. Neit- British occupation of Russia re- Simmons & E. K. Guenthner son, burn, 46; McCreary, 6; 3 Co. Oldenburg ISby & Sons, 1, King-Edwurd-st., London. Potxer Egypt, Hammond, Carlisle, Royal Baking Powder bs saved. fused to such a iebi dl Mr. Tobie was much and 1 106 February. 10. 1852, '>auq ft c&uucal Cosr., Sols Prop?.} Boetca, U. 8. A» accept proposal. liked^ esteem-, Bostaer, Evans, 1; Batq, L__ Wall St., K. Y, no ono Lord N®w ably deploros Dunraven’s REV. HENRY E- OXNARD. ADVKBTISBMENTS. •- — -A. -; ^ GAME OF THE POWERS. outbreak of temper more than Lord Dun- PORTLAND POST OFFICE. raven himself. Some Particulars of His liecent Installa- The bilube says that Lord Dunraven Notlcs of Sale. was justified in making oharges. though tion at Plversiile—Itev. Hr, Jenkins Assignee’s have neither been proved nor udis- they Preached the OFFICE HOURS. The brlobe blames the Sermon, to an order from the Hon. proved. original Henry C. of the court of Politics While Armenia committee for the whole and E>URSUANT Peabody, judge They Flay cup trouble, nsolvency, for the county of Cumberland. 1 that until there are reforms Said to Have Been □ Cashier'8 Office, (Snndays excepted), 7.30 a hopes in the The following extract of a newspaper Committed iha.ll sell at public auction oil Thursday, the by m. to 7.00 p. m.; Money order 9 a Bleeds. methods of American yacht 13til day ot a. L). 189u, at 2 o’clock department, racing Eng- aocount of the recent installation of Rev. February m. to 5.00 p. m. Registry department, 9.00 land will not again challenge for the n the afternoon, at tile residence of James L. a. m. will Spaniards. to 6.oo p. m. America’s cup. Henry Oxnard at Riverside, Mass., Jarter of Scarborough in said county, all the ight, title and interest which I have as as- General Delivery, (Sundays excepted) 7.30 interest Portland ns Mr. Oxnard а. m. to 7.00 people lignee of the estate of said James L. Carter, p. m. Sunday 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. was a resident of this and in real DIPLOMATIC DEVELOPMENTS IN TO BAYARD’S RESCUE formerly oity nsolvent debtor, and to the following Carriers' D liveries, (Sundays excepted)—In ■state situated in said to wit: the business lias friends here: carborongh. section of the city between High and In- many IN THE TOWN OF lomestead farm about, 80 acres; SULTAN’S REALM. SABANILLA IN containing diastreets at 7.00 and 9.15 a. m. 12.45 p m, 1.30 Tho Riverside ohuorh ilso a 17 1-2 acre wood called the Jewett and o.l5 Congregational lot, p. ii.; in other sections at 8.00 a. m., tlie Democratic CUBA. a five at Pine Came Members by the was completely filled last night with ot; also acre salt marsh Point; l. 30 p. jfl. Collection from Atlantic to ilso a 60 acre lot called the Morrison lot; also a parishoners and friends who had assem- Grove on Congress. 6. a. in. Sunday delivery at Foreign Relations Cammittee. 59 1 2 acre lot called the Rieha dson lot; and -AND — Office bled to see Rev. Heurj E. Oxnard in- window, 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Collections Russia Does Not Want to Other ilso a 31 acre lot called 'he Jose field. from street Antagonize stalled as of that chucrh. In the boxes at 11.00 a. m.. 4.00 pastor JOHN HOWARD 11 ILL, Assignee. and £.00 p. m. Sunday, 6.00 p. m. Powers—Latest Humors of the Way the afternoon the counoil, comprising repre- Dated Jan. 27. 1896. only. A Resolutions of Censure Will Be Re- Soldiers Hid in the Church Till Ieb3,5,7 sentatives from a number of churches Insurgents arrival and Healm 3iu»t Re Split Up the departure of mails. Among the ported by Maj arity—A Strict Part y in this vicinity, met and examined Mr. Departed and Then Tike Cowards Came Boston, Southern and Intermediate If the Sultan is Western, 1‘owers Dethroned. llev. Mr. Walcott as Or.ices and connections via Vote on the Matter. Oxnard, acting Out and Fired on Defenseless People- Boston & Maine moderator and Rev. Mr. Shipman as railroad. (Eastern division)—Arrive at 12.30, Women and 11.30 London, February 1.—Whatever may scribe. A parish supper was served. and Children Among Them. б, p. m.; close 8 a. m. and 12 m. Washington, February 1.—A resolution 6.15 and 9.15 be the exact nature of the RuBsian-Tur- The evening exercsies began with pray- p. m.; Sunday, arrive 1.25 p. m.; clos3.30 and 9.15 p. in. censuring Ambassador Bayard for the er Havana, February 3.—Gen. Marin, kish by Rev. Mr. Wolcott, followed by the enteute, diplomatic developments who lias Boston, Southern and Western, and inter- sentiments expressed by him in his re- reading of the minutes of the council by taken the field against the reb- Russia does 80 full mediate offices and via Boston and show that not desire to chal- Rev. Mr. Hev. Alexander P. of 720 large pages, page colored maps and connections, cent English speeches was adopted by Shipman. els, is directing aotive operations with a Maine railroad (Western division)—Arrive at Great Britain or the other Bourne read extracts from the lenge powers Scriptures. view to Antonio 12.30. 5.30 and 8.30 p. m.; close 6.88 a. m., the House foreign oommittee this after- foroing Maceo, who is and thereon. The negotiations between St. I he occasion was graced by the presence 2.45 p. m. noon. Two resolutions said to be in the eastern of were reported. of Rev. Jonathan L. Jenkins, D. D., boundary Eastern. via Maine Railroad—Arrive Petersburg and London point to Rus- Central The first censured Mr. of tho State Street Pinar Del to a decisive 2000 for 2 a. m. and 1 close 12.00 m. and 9.15 Bayard by name pastor Congregational Hlo, engagement. nearly engravings only p.m.; sia’s intention to obtain the assent of church, in which chucrh p. m. for the language used by him in his Bos- Portland, Me., Yesterday Gen. Marin was at Guiara tjlreat Britain to the proposed Mr. Oxnard was brought up. Rev. Mr. Avgusta, intermediate offices and connections twenty ton and de Melene and he was at via Edinburg speeches and incor- Jenkus is cue of the most able and schol- today Qulvlcan, Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and yeays’ occupation by the former of six 9.00a. m. 1 with this was a of the Maine anil sermon of Havana. A foroo is and 6.15 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. porate seoond resolu- arly clergy, his provinco strong m. vilayets in Anatolia. Under the Cyprus last 12.00 m„ 4.16 and 9.15 p. m. tion expressing the of the night was masterly. His text was proceeding against Gomez who was last Great disappioval Farm ington, intermediate offices and connec- convention, Britain is pledged “to from Psalms XLII., 7, calleth un- committee over representatives abroad ‘‘Deep reported to be east of the tions, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive at intervene with lorce to provent a Rus- to deep.” The tenor of his dis- Quivioau. genoral 6,15 P* close at a. sian of Asia Amerioan Several between tho JoHP-01 m‘i 7.45 m., and oooupstiou Minor.” Russia discussing political affairs and a urso was the depth of human nature engagements 12.2o p, m. now proposes a revision of this conven- contrasted with what is shallow and and rebel bands have taken displaying partisanship, and tlio con- troops place Rockldnd, intermediate offices and connections tion. It is understood that she is willing superficial. v,a an(i demnation of political parties or other recently but no details are obtainable. £~aox Lincoln railroad—Arrive 1 to assent to Great Britain’s Kollo the sermon and b permanently wing yrayer was offer- Romance p. m.; close at 6.00 a. in. and 12.25 p.m. of the Lsland of reputable organizations American citi- A French train consisting of 30 cars (Pictorial) acquiring Cyprus by pur- zens. ed by Prof. Edward Y. Hinckes, D. D., t>kouhcgan, intermediate offices and connec- tions. via cnuse. Cyprus is administered by Great of Andover seminary.. was stopped by insurgents at Pozo Maine Central railroad—Arrive at The subject of Mr. in- lp.m.; close Britain under a convention concluded be- Bayard’s alleged Rev. Erederio A. Wilson of Andover at 12.25 p. m. discretions was fully discussed. The Redondo, a few miles south of San tween the former and the to Bultau in 1878. was gave the charge tho pastor, reviewing discussion precipitated by the calling Felipe, on the Havana and Batabano Island Vt., the duties of a pastor to his Reduced to Pondx intermediate offices and THE PORTE IS WILLING up by Chairman Hitt of the resolutions people. connections, via Grand Trunk Rev. Charles L. Merrian of Lowell was railway. The troop9 havo been sent in Railway—Ar which wore prepared respectfully bv Mr. rive at 12.30 p. m.; close at 7 a. m. and 1.00 to sell the island, the to extend the hand ol to of the rebels who the m. purchase money Pearson of Korth Carolina and Mr.- Cous- right fellowship pursuit stopped p. it to ins the pastor, but was suddenly called enabling obtain funds muoh need- of Iowa. Party lines were at once train by removing the rails. Tho engine Gorham, N. H., intermediate offices and con- away and this duty was assigned to Rev. nections, via Grand Trunk ed in the Turkish treasury. France will strictly drawn, the Democrats opposing is badly damaged. It is tho railroad—Arrive at Lewis P. of a class- supposed 8.40 a. m. and 12.30 p. nL; close at 7 a. any censure of Ambassador Berry Groveland, * m.. not oppose the purchase by Great Britain. Bayard, mate of Mr. Oxnard. rebels made away with the Tho 1.00 and 4.30 p. m. while the Bepubiicans insisted that bis freight. She Rev. Charles H. of Methuen or Included in the of Sn anton. intermediate offices and con- supports Russian intervention in offence deserved a rebuke from the Amer- Olipbaut Trocba military line, is established purchase the Vt., gave the charge to the in which Sunday Times, nections, via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— » Anatolia but, as part of a is ican Congress. Messrs, of people, acorss the island with a view to general deal, McCreary he relations between prevent- was a Arrive at 8.30 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. in. separately with for Kentucky and Money of urged sympathetic by the present proprietors, number of bargaining England Mississippi ing Maceo from going eastward, across large N. intermediate offices and con- the abolition of the Mr. people and pastor. Rev. Mr. Uxnard Bartlett, H., Anglo-TuDisau trea- ohampioned Bayard’s cause. Mr nections via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— the terms of contended pronounced tho benediction. tho province of Havana, and has been unbound of Band & ty, by which Great Britain AlcCreary that the United parts McNally’s Arrive at 9.00 a. m. and 8.50 p. m.; clos6 as A chorus choir rendered a number of Encyclopedia obtained in perpetuity rhe most favored States had never impeached any of its greatly strengthened. Authorities here SIXTY PICTURES 8.00 a. in. and 2.45 p. m. officials for anthems in the course of thd meeting in believe that if Gomez is east of the and Gazetteer of the world. This work was nation treatment. Tunis, with the ah- language used by them and iiue, issued Duck Pond, Pride's Corner, No. a very manner. Windham, rogation or tho treaty, would beoorue ab- that impeachment was tiio last recourse acceptable and Maceo west, Gen. Marin will be Windham, Raymond and South Casco—Arrive Rev. Mr. Oxnard is a graduate of Har- GOOD STORIES in 23 and sold at 10 Cents at solutely a French possession. On the for iud ctable offenses only. Such reso- able to prevent a junction of their parts per part. Out of ^12.00 m.; close at 1.45 p. m. vard university and for two other hand, Lord aims to lutions, he deolareti, were an intrusion years prac- forces anit defeat Rochester, N. H.. intermediate offices and con- Salisbury keep ticed law. At the end of that time he INTERESTING ARTICLES the were made 66 the Tuuis question apart with the upon the Executive. The President parts remaining up complete sets nections, via Portland &Rochester railroad—Ar- sup- entered Andover to for EACH OF THE REBEL COMMAND rive at 1.46 and 6.00 posed view to get in return lor the abo- nominates ministers and ambassadors; seminary prepare TIMELY ARTICLES p. m.; close at 6.30 and the lie wa3 which were offered at the above low Of these 11.45 a. m. lition of the treaty the surrender of the Senate confirmed them, and the Congregational ministry. ERS price. a member ot the Andover board that uu UU did Cumberland Mills—Arrive at 8.40 a. m.. French Ashing rights in Newfoundland. uucuiu^ mill UUCUi. 1.45 missionary woik in the rural districts of separately. Recent official reports state only 6.00 and 8.3 n. m.; close at 6.30 a. 11.45 No reliable information can be obtained This position was warmly combated m., by Maine. He comes from the had entered Sabauilla a. m., and 5.30 p. m. as to what position the Mr. Cousins, who showed that a large Portland, Maine, Insurgents and is rgearded as an able and accom- Number Westbrook {Saccarappa)— Arrive at 8.40 a. numbor of impeachments had occurred on January 33d, burned the railorad February 45 SETS REMAIN. DARDANELLES QUESTION for plished man. offenses not indictable and he knew station and two or three houses and loot- m. and 5.30 p. m. will take in the of one instance where a United States diplomatic imbroglio. ed Cape Elizabeth and Kszightville— Arrive at had been soveral 9tores Nowon all impeached beoauae of a News-stands 8.00 a. m. and 6 6 a. m. Among the significant aspects of the judge These will be sold at the low price of $1.00 each, unboun p. m.; close at and 1.45 certain speech delivered by him. WESTBROOK. A story is current that Subanilla was p. m. situation are Italy’s support of Great Mr. in occupied by about 40 insurgents January McCreary urged delay the mat- n a substantial binding and lettered for $1.00 more, making a Bowery Beach—Arrive at 6 p. m.: ciose 1.45 Britain in the matter of Cyprus and the ter, requesting that the original 33d, and fifty regulars and ten guardian 5 CENTS p. m. Russian occupation of the ex- committee of three should be uivixca, auuu uixoiiiooivca up in tnu uar- book of 720 on Anatolia, enlarged by City Clerk Frank E. Webb and wife complete pages, treating nearly every subject one Classification oj Domestic Mail Mat clusion of Germany and the the addition of two other members who racks, ami after being warned by Gar- Austria, can can ter.—Domestic mail is other two members of the should take time to leave Tuesday morning for cia’s men, refrained from think of, for only $2.00. matter,—that Tripple Alli- consider the matter Washington, firing upon mail matter sent the invaders. Tbe told in the mails from some ance, in discussing the arrangements: thoroughly before reporting to the full where they will be the guests of M. Ed- townspeople If your newsdealer has sold out, send us 5c. This offer holds only for the 66 sets and post office within the United States to and the increasing of harmo- oommittce, the of the Garcia they were without food and he for a copy; 50 cents will bring it to good complete prospects importance subject ward How and wife. Mrs. Webb and some other office within the nized relations between Great Britain, being such that hasty action should bo ordered storekeepers to open their doors you for a year. after they are sold no more can be obtained at less than the post same, Mrs. How are sistefs. will be copies is divided into four as France and Russia. It is at the deprecated. This was voted They away and told the people to help themselves. classes, follows: reported promptly The Current Literature Pub. 1st About stores were Co., class. Written matter, letters, stock exchange here and ou tho various down, the argument advanced by the about two weeks. twenty looted of pro- usual price of $2.30 for the set. namely, shoos and N. Y. postal cards, and ail matter wholly or partly in European bourses t hat has Republicans being that the matter was Mr. visions, clothing. Thu rail- 52-54 Lafayette Place, Turkey por- Charles Hodsdon is visiting his These sets can be obtained at the office of the writing, whether sealed or unsealed (except to float a loan of now before the full road station was burned. Then the in- Portland posed 4.000.000 pounds committee and that brother Andrew at N. Publishers of “Short Stories” and “Cur- manuscript copy accompanying proof sheets or referenoe Campton, H. vaders left the town. When had to guarantee the payment of Russian to a new suh-ooiiimittoe was they rent Literature.” 97 or will be sent to corrected proof sheets of the same.) All mat- As a was Mr. W. W. the Publishing Co., Exchange St., any address or claims. Overtures, it is said, have been unnecessary. The resolutions were stranger passing gone, Spanish volunteers issued from ter sealed otherwise closed against inspection the is also of the first class. made to Londan and Paris houses to adopted by a strict with the Cutter’s store he took a churoh and fired into the defenseless by In the latter case party vote, Saturday, pair : express. transportation changes must 2d class. Periodical lake the but without result. exception that Mr. Newlands, of orowd in tho streets, killing twenty-four publications, namely all loan, Nevada, of rnbbor boots that were placed new .papers and other peiiodical publications who is a of persons including be paid by purchaser. representative the silver par- THE DAILY PRESS whi< h are issued at stated intervals and as the outside tbe door as a sign and making ly, joined Republicans, while the SEVERAL WOMEN AND CHILDREN. frequently as four times a year, whicn bear a GERMAN HONOR. Democrats ns unanimously opposed them. off with them when Mr. Cutter rushed date of issue, and are numbered consecutively, All the members of It Is claimed these were Can bf> found at the are issued from a known office of publication, Paid lo tlie of Ambassador the committee were out and stopped him, and he was turued people among always periodica Memory are formed of princd paper sheets, without board, present except Mr. Draper, those who looted the stores but 1 ores of: Republican, over to Officer Couseris who placed him even the cl th. leather or other substantial binding. Runyon. of Massachusetts. Chairman Hitt will some John Chisholm, 309 Congress street To be of information of a the in the city He will be Spanish papers say were innocent public 1.—The rumors in present resolutions with a lockuj). brought A. B. Merrill, 247 character, or devoted to literature, the Berlin, February majority of the crime of food to sciences, report to the House Monday. A before Judge Tolrnan taking prevent W. F. Goold. 405 art, or some special indi stry, and must have a circulation here of the report today. 1 impending resig- the views N. G. Fessenden, 526 list of and must not embodying of the Clerk starvation. The volunteers then " legitimate subscribers, minority City Webb and Constable Chute Spanish W. FI. Jewett. 604 nation of Prince Von Hohenlohe, the will probably be submitted by Mr. Dins- be designed primarily for advertising purposes, drew as for the shot ten Cubans who had been with tbe I, A. Libby. 660 or for free circulation or circulation at nominal Herr Von Boetti- more. Chairman Hitt decliues to make special juror Superior Imperial Chancelor; Court Mr. Hailan P. Muroh. insurgents for a time, but had presented F. A. Jellison, 935 Congres street. rates. publio the text of the resolutions. Saturday, cber, Minister of the Imperial Home Oue of the windows iu W. themselves to Alcalde a day or two before, G DaSilva. 219 York street. plate glass J. J. Beardworth. 87 India street. 3d Cmss. Books, circulars, periodicals and Scott Pratt’s store was and boon set at under the Office, and Herr Hollmann, the head of broken Saturday liberty promise 1\ H. Erskine. 43 Middle street. Latest and Best Cook Book Published. other matter wholly in print (not included in Records Made at the New or of amnesty. second-class the Imperial Admirality, has boon traced Jersey Athletic night, by whom how, it was done is J. tV. Peterson, 2 Exchange street. matter), proof-sheets, corrected unknown. H. G. Todd, Cor. Commercial and Park proof-sheets and manuscript copy accompany- to who claim Clah’s Carnival. Tbe Boston have arrested Mrs. the journalists connection On account of the storm Saturday eve- police its. ing same. Ida Quinlan, on suspicion of W. A. Golden. 76 THE__ ‘‘Printed matter” Is defined statute with high oifioial sources of information. New 1.—The athletio ning the lecture in the M. E. church was murdering Exchange street. by to be York, February Mrs. B. W. Grant of Satur- ■Westman & 93 ana 95 the reproduction These until at 7.45. Charlestown, West, Commercial upon paper, by any process rumors oreated a great stir until carnival of the New Athletic oiub postponed tonight treet. except that of of Jersey Kev.W. F. Small ol North Anson day night. handwriting, any words, sup- Bruce Phillips. 1 Commercial street. letters, figures or or of semi-offioially denied, when the interest was held at Madison Garden to- The New York stook market ...STANDARD... characters, images, any Square plied the pulpit at the Unirersalist opeued W. A. Gtllls, 145 Commercial street. combination thereof, not having the had awakened with a they subsided. night and was undoubtedly the craok obureh Sunday. deoline Saturday, hut soon re- M. H. Hackett. 190 Brackett street. character of antactual and personal correspon- The Emperor a speoial honor to Next Rev. C. covered. The deoline at the start was John H. Allen, 38iys Congress street. dence.” paid indoor meeting of the year. About Sunday evening C. the late Ambassador 2,000 of M. due to Londou and to local reali- Dennet&Co. the Florist, 646 Congress street Runyon by sending Phelan the E. ohurch will preach selling A‘‘circular” is defined statute to be a were Coneff G. J. Portland street. by IS officers drawn from eaoh of persons present. “Tommy” a sermon to the zations holders who fear that the Hodgson, 96% regiment by request Knights of by pas- T. M. Island. printed letter, wnich,according to internal evi- the now In the Memo- was the star of the mile of the free silver amendment to the Glendenlng, Long guards, Berlin,to ohampionship Pythias of this city. age F. L. Brackett. Peaks Island. dence, is being sent in identical terms to sever rial service held in St. bond bill will have a bad effect on the- al and does not lose its character as Georges’ Episcopal and he had for his most dangerous op- Mr. G. Fred Murch and Mr. Alonzo K. L. Littlelieid, 189 Congress street. persons.” such therein the name church, all of whom were attired in pa- Libby of this city will attend the annual seourity markets. M. A. Parker. Libby’s Corner. by writing date, of the rade ponents Charles H. Bean of Boston, the addressee or of the sender, or the correction of uniform. The distinction corre- meeting and banquet of the New Eng- 1. C. Berry. 937 Congress street. five-mile and B. of L. H. Beal. 422 street. mere typographical errors. sponds with the usage in Germany at champion, Jertberg land Agricultural Sooiety to be held at Congress the HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Lis, J. M. 221 Spring street. 4th Class Merchandise, namely all mat te obsequies of brigadier generals who the New Athletio club. In the Boston, Tuesday, Googtus, Jersey Mrs. Bralev. cor. Spring and streets not embraced in the first, second or third have served in. aotuai war. Mrs. Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. C'iarkl FOR Run- two-mile chase Miss Anthoine of Portland supplied In J T. 48 Portland Pier. class which is not in its form or nature liable to is steeple championship, A pleasant laxative. All Wyer. yon rapid’ry recovering from the shook the choir of Warren church Sunday. Dmggista G W. Hunt. 8 Custom House Whart. destroy, deface or otherwise damage the con- caused George W. Orton of the University of by her husband’s sudden death, Regular monthly meeting of the olty John Cox, 23 Monument square. tents of the mail bag, or harm the person of anti it is the intention of her family to Pennsylvania, a flyer, with his fallow oouncil this evening. Dennett, the Florist. 663 Congress street. any one engaged in tne postal service, andnot her Also at the new stands in the above the weight provided by law give a change of scene. With this oollegiates, Fred Coats and N. Hitch- Joseph Lewis, a man of East Falmouth young ’reble and United States hotels, and Grand American Limit of Weight of Mail Matter.—No package she will to born, to not furnish the Homes. object, shortly go Dresden expected only End,who has been sick for the three past frank and Union It can also be ob- weighing more than lour pounds shall he re and Wiesbaden. winner, but also to lower the weeks with Depots. existing typhoid fever, passed away auied ol Chisholm Bros., agents on all trains beiveci for conveyance by mail, except single Robert T. the record. The of B. J. Wafers in the Kneers, American trot- entry Saturday night. Lewis was a young >f the Maine Central, Grand Trunk and Port What to Cook cooks weighing in excess of that amount, and horse in in wbiah the books and documents or ting owner, who is prison here 50-yard handicap, George- man of much promise, of exemplary and & Bochester railroads and of agents on any except published under >f the Boston —and— circulated order of or official conviotion of having started a town oollege sprinter was penalized a habits and universally respected. He trains. » by Congress, The Press can also be found at the matter emanating from any of the ringer on Berlin and other German foot, invested the handicap with a little was the son of the late George Lewis. He R( Hundreds of Children and adults have worms Ml following Hi but are treated for other diseases. TheBjrmp- How to Departme nts of the Government or from tracks, has offered a amount of bail less interest than attached to the cham- leaves a mother and 1 daces out side the Cook It. ; large three brothers. He toms with a variable 1 city: the Smithsonian Institution. for his I/ are—indigestion, ap- [(] release, pending the hearing of pionship. Wafers was expected to lower was employed by the S. D. Warren petite; foul tongue; offensive breath; hard \f Auburn—J postage at the rate ui one thenjperhaps there be another ehal- The Transvaal is (TeaUircs ^\rc: cent wnei. may government highly Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss. per pound; dep .sited by other than le:? for the Chemists. or jf America’s cup.” pleased at Mr. Olney’s cable, wbioh WatervUle-W. Tabulated Form fop the publishers news agents, tor general or box John L. Sullivan is recovering. The London, England. D. Spalding. Recipes, Making Mistakes Nearly Impossi- the § rL|J Westminster Gazette says: “Prob- 3tates that the United States will act in- octl Westbrook-W. B. delivery, rate is one cent for four ohnces or inflammation in his wounds is tu.sat&wGm Boothby. ble ; Improved Arrangement ol the Tables of Weights and fractional thereof. subsiding, dependently of England. W inthrop—F. S. Jackson. part and be eats and well. Measures; A List of Utensils with Weekly when tiles sleeps President Kruger promised to hasten Woodtords—Chapman Si Wyman, Necessary In Cooking, newspapers deposited by Directions for publisher or news in a letter-carrier AN HONEST MAN. The recent gale, or concentrated cli- Hnmxnond’s larmouthville—G. Howard Humphrey. their Use and Care—a Feature Espec- agents preliminary hearing, with office, for delivery by carriers, or otherwise, are max of the which so lifted a ially Valuable for gale, deftly view to fixing the amount of hail. Mr. Beginners; Daily Bills of subject only to tlie late ol one cent a pound or up and carried half a rod end totally Knight, noting American consul at Cape ^are; Copious Illustrations, both of Arti- jractiou the cof. ry Editor: Please inform readers smashed Eben Cross’s 12x50 an VALENTINES of your strong «hed, Town, Englishman by birth,who has cles Food and Best Utensils to ✓ written to I will mail in which coniidentiaily. stood independent of, but adjoin- never been in America, nor visited the Use 1 letter, the plan which I in the of Them. pursued by ing his barn in Bridgton, did a ti-iou Iransaval arrived at Cooking ;rmaneiiily restored to health and before, Pretoria on FLORIDA '*jt' manly which for meanness deserves the booby Valentines in JLace, Novelties, alter years of suffering from Nervous Saturday. ALL THESE THINGS COMBINE TO MAKE v. prize. The News It was He is Card and Comic. —AND THE— jkness, night losses and weak, shrunken says: raining working to get America to oo-op- that it yartfi. morning, will he remembered, erate with England. At a of :i ive no the meeting Valentine scheme to exhort money from any and roads were muddy. Mrs. .James Amerioans today he angrily threatened Envelopes. < I I vhomso^ver. was robbed and swindled M. Steadman, who. with the family, to suspend Manion for THE STANDARD THE BEST. by quicks until I lost oobling direct to Wholesale and P? nearly faith in lives ip the “Capt. Andrews” house, Secretary Olney without Retail, SOUTH. n;:m|:ind. but thank Heaven, I am now consulting him South High street, nad just hung out a Manion’s defense is the At Manufacturers’ Prices. well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to urgency of the BEST and CHEAPEST WtISS A. L. SAWYER’S unis certain large pink-spank white washing ou a case and diract ILYDE LINE PRICE 15 m&kp means of cure known to authority from Mr. Ol- ROUTE, all ex- CENTS. olothea when Old II fe including all. revolving horse, BoreaR ney. I interviewed Hammond lenses. Call or send for and familv 11- SCHOOL of shorthand and typewriting. today. He prices The cook book will he sent on of 15 Having to sell or send C. I came along, lifted the clothes ustrated postpaid to any address receipt cents nothing O.1>. want horse, and is well ana hopes for an examination advertising. Also. Headquarters for Shorthand Work no money. Address JAS. A. and thei’v into the Mail orders will be filled from the office of a delay of severa BARKIS. all, dumped mini ami according to President '• A. Flanders, E. T. T. VI publication, causing and Typewriting. Dsteay, Mich,, Box 35t». water fnr Knianr’s 544 St. Agt., G. Eger, If desired return mail from the road ^ C. Congress 01 W"8" "St., 0 Green. N. Y days. by this office send three cents for 93 promise. let)1 DAY, j Boston. Bowling postage CENTENNIAL BLOCK, EXCHANGE ST 2oodw ocb> IS&T 4 m Address all orders to office of this evd ., paper. jaul U that to providing the seignorage, equal HAMLIN vs. WALLACE. bearing an interpretation of an attack MUIR’S FATAL TUMBLE. the difference SILVER WINS betwen the Loinagi and the upon tbo Monroe doctrine, which the commercial value of the silver, shall be United States were usoiute in upholding, retained by the United This was s States. The Farmer the General’s jj This criticism only a small part so fair a be- Questions > of proposition, he said, that he of the liberal obj. i, m the policy Slipped from tlie Top of au Icy lieved it would be agreed to. Veracity. the government. Mr. Car. Gorman reoalled the appeal of the It is now asked every day by both lib- President to Congress to remain here eral anti unionists ivby it is that the gov- As Was Predicted in the Says He Has Not Stated Facts In Uppei during the holidays and construct a Kelatlou ernment allows the trouble to drag on. measure for the relief of the treasury. to Armenia The Heverend Since Lord to Sec- Gentleman Salisbury’s dispatch Wheels Went Over Both Begs—Poor Fel- Bouse. The Senate hostile to that and committee, Talks in retary Oiney Mr.Cleveland’s message had Emphatic Language to the low Died on relief, reported in favor of tho un- to Congress ignited American feeling, the Way to the City. limited coinage of silver. It was, he said, Massachusetts Club. three members of the Hon. A. cabinet, Richard at N. impossible to have this substitute become J. Balfour, first lord of the treasury; Muir, residing Bartlett, a law, prior at least to March 4th, 1897. Boston, February 1.—-Rov. Dr. Cyrus Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, seoretary of H., a freight brakeman on the Mountain It could not and SENATORS PASSTHE FREE COINAGl would not receive the Hamlin was the guest of the Massachu- state for the colonies, and Sir. Michael division of the Maine Central railroad, sanction of the President. Under the Hicks clianoellor of the exchequer, setts Club at its dinner this and Beach, met with an unfortunate aooideut which SUBSTITUTE. conditions existing in the Senate the evening have declared their of the Mon- approval caused friends of free could not made an eloquent ana instructive address roe doctrine. his death about 7 o’clock Satur- coinage agree -- upon any proposition. Be therefore on “Turkey and the Armenians.” Dr. While, as far as known, Lord Salisbury day evening at Hart’s looation, Carrol XOX- moved that the amendment no aotion offered by Hamlin resided for forty years in Turkey, has taken decisive diplomatio county, Sawyer’s river, N. H. the committee on finance lie on the table. to reconcile the ot the Washington government Mr. Muir was It was defeated a both as a representative American breaking on tram 339. Senator Morrill Utters a Final Appeal foi by vote of 34 to 43. or to get the dispute settled by proposing Mr. Morrill’s as The weather amendment to retain as Board of Foreign Missions and presi- such arbitration as would find lavor in had been very disagreeable Honest Money to No Avail—The Pi'esi- in seigniorage the treasury the difference Roberts in Constantino- the United States, a minority in with sleet and mist all and the between dent of oollege strong day long Amt's Call for Relief Unheeded—Silvei file coinage and the commercial parliament will be found that value of and his remarks were listened to urging train was running very slow. When near the silver proposed to be coined ple, there should bo no in the solution Stalks in Brief Triumph in the Senate. delay Short Harmon. was defeated the was & by a vote of 33 to 44. with the closest attention by forty of the difficulty, and that Great Britain Sawyer’s river, Mr. Muir, who on IJie Senate February 1.—When the by a vote of 13 yeas and 60 members of the club who were present. should not even wait for tire report of the the top of the oar, walked along to set Loring, Washington, nays detected Mr. ButJer’s amendment referred to American high but rather the Senate met at 11 o’clock this morning, which Dr. Hamlin, at. the outset, commission, brake, when it is thought he must prohibits future issues of bonds and that she should restore at once the most -XOX- a recesa from 10 o’clock last the fact that the Sultan has supreme have and fell down hetweon the after taking requires payment of silver in redeeming friendly relations by some mode of arbi- slipped United evening, the attendance was rather slim. States notes when that metal is power in the empire. This beiug so, tration akin to Mr. Moreley’s sugestion oars, the wheels passing over both legs. worth less than President laid before the gold. is to the Armenians in for the appoiutment of a commission to The was out off oloso to the The Vice Mr. Allen’s whatever done right leg amendment prohibiting be composed of an equal number of repre- Senate an eetimte of an apporpriation by Is done by the Sultan or by his body and the left broken and badly the further issue of bonds without Con- Turkey sentatives of the United States, Great leg of for is undeni- His has the Secretary of the Navy f50,000 gress haying declared the necessity there- authority. Russia, however, Britain and Venezuela. mangled. fellow brakeman hoard The public appreciated our sale of new and fresh for. was defeated a 31 new practice vessels, for the naval acade- by vote of yes and ably at the bottom of the slaughter. She his cries and the train was stopped. 54 nays. did the same in Bulgaria end A SECOND ATTEMPT. Kind hands lifted him Into my. At 3.30, Mr. Baker desired to offer his thing tenderly E*oods, and find that our prices are lower than at any other Mr Allen introdhoed a bill to reduce amendment- limiting the ooinge to the reaped an immense benefit from it. Rus- the oar and everything possible was American and Mr. sia move- done to public expenditures and for other pur- product Lodge his investigated the revolutionary General Garcia Will Try One* More to alleviate his sufferings. amendment providing for a hundred mil- ment among the Armenian subeots of Dr. of store, we are to our poses, which was referred to the finance lteach Frink Bartlett, N. H., was noti- constantly each assortment lion loan for const defences. Messrs. Turkey. The Turks themselves know Cuba. adding day committee, fied at once, and a trriin com- Cocki-ill and HarriB insisted on tho agree- that the idea of the revolution is absurd special of Mr. Morrili, chairman of the finance ment stipulated that the final vote on the and that it is a posed an engine and caboose started we are New of and to make the lowest for then in substitute should be taken at 3 o’clock. York, February 1. —Gen Calixto for Portland the in- bargains, ready prices committee, addressed the Senate TRICK OF immediately with A parliamentary wrangle then follow- RUSSIA Garoia will, it was stated to the free substitute positively jured man. A message was sent ahead opposition coinage ed. The amendments were withdrawn to make trouble Those inoendiary pub- last night, make u second attempt to and fresh and clean reported by that committee for the House and the final vote on tho committee Rich’s ambulance was at the Union goods. lications in and New York lead a to Cuba band bill. amendment was proceeded with. London,Paris filibustering expedition station to take tho man to the Maine Tne committee amendment were all translated into Turkey and re- within a few days. for the Mr. Morrill in the beginning of hie prevailed Preparations General hospital. The special train ar- Look at our a of window and see the by vote 43 to 34. published in That fired venture were on last as display low remarked that it was foi Constantinople. begun Monday rived in this about hav- prices speeoh proper Messrs. and Bale of Maine voted the Moslem blood and then the city midnight, Frye began soon as the fate of the J. W. Hawkins him to say that he did not agree with nay. slaughter of the innooents. ing made the run in one and one-halt was learned by the junta. offered the of finance The bill as amended the Senate Next to blame after Russia is hours. for choice articles. majority the committee on by England, The Veasey, a lishing steamer, similar providing for free coinage was which has actually done in the on the report ot the substitute for the finally nothing in size and trim to tlie Hawkins, and On down trip everything possible was passed by a vote of 43 to 35. premises. The Armenians themselves House but he to be owned by the American Fish Guano done for the sufferer Dr. Frink and bill, hoped pardoned At 3.16 in. the Senate went into ex- cannot rise in because are by p. revolt, they Company, from which the Hawkins was for the time of the Senate on ecutive session. a farming and know noth- the men on the train, but Mr. Muir -xox- ocoupying simply people purchased, has been selected for the ex- a to which It no ing whatever about the use of firearms. breathed his last before Se- topic longer delighted THE BILL pedition. The Veasey is now in just reaching AS PASSED "Gen.Lew Wallace. I am sorry to to listen. The President, lie asked say,” waters, headed for New York. bago Bake, and it was a sad party that said, said the “is one of Humid’s has a new title which reads: *'To restore speaker, Sho was purchased in Norfolk on Tues- Congress to amend the terms of one law apologists. He tells us to be calm and arrived at the Union station. Mr. tho coinage of silver dollars and for other day last by a Mr. Chase, who olalmed to under which he is authorized to sell that all the aooounts of Armenian massa- ■ Muir’s were so severe that it be a New York fish guano dealer. Gen Injuries All the cres we receive here hnnrld aiwV nrnanrfi rrn’irl nrocarno flm purposes. sections of the House come from the Ar- was the SHORT Garcia will bo General to entirely flow & menians themselves. acoompanied by impossible stop LORINC, bil-l That is are struok out and intead of them nwan n HARMON, equal value of tbe various kinds ol Collazo,and it is said that the expedition nf hlrt/vl f La Lari haan nlanarl the bill provides that the mints of the AN ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD. will be one of the largest that ever left money now in tbe hands of the people sc on the speoial train and the floor of the United States shall be opened to the this country. that the bonds would bear a ism une ui aue ucuuums nas oome irom oar was lower rati coinage of silver and that, dollars of The Veasey does not appear in the oovered with it when the train Preble House. of interest and mature at au earlier date. ■Ill 1-3 grains troy, of standard silver, tha Armenians. They come from united arates usd or moronant vessels reached Portland. _Opposite shall be coined the for 1895. The loss of the Woodall and Was not that a fair request? He saic upon same terms and Amerioan and other missionaries and Mr. Muir had been in the employ of subject to the same limitations as regu- Hawkins was preceded by the probable the House of not one of them is an exaggeration. the Maine Central railroad for several Representatives proraptlj late the coinage and legal tender logs of the tug Mascot, which is believed IN CONNECTION WITH OUR quality There must he responded to the President’s demand anc of gold. It also directs the coinage of now from 400,000 to 500,- to have gone on a years and wash young man well-liked i lO Per Cent 5 tbat of the the 000 people in those villages absolutelv ^ supplemented it with an emergency tar portion sliver bullion in FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION. by all his associates. He was about 37 which the without habitation, because the Turks ° iff revenue as a more treasury represents seigniorgea years of and and has bill, permanen into will not allow them to rebuild them. age unmarried, 1 Discount... silvor dollars to bo useu in the pay- The Mascot is now over 60 days out, » I• the of But France notice to an aunt and brother in • ♦ remedy against expert gold. ment of the current expenses of the gov- gave Turkey that if a living Bartlett, under Franch unreported from any souroe. Half the Senate oommittee on finance havi eminent. It forbids the single person proteciton N. H. He was a member of the Maine Price issue of national On AH Our Sale Winter should suffer, either in or It is said that the Winchester repeating | a substitute foi the bond c bank notes of denominations less than persou prop- Central OF ===== proposed bill, the Turkish Relief. bill for $10 and it direots the of erty, government would be arms company and the Metallic cartridge the free coinage of silver, to< redemption The body was taken to Rich’s under- and un- held responsible. much of which is the cause of our reoen ; greenbacks treasury notes issued oompany, both of Bridgeport, Conn., that or this rooms § der the act of in standard “Oh, England country taking und Coroner Perry will !• OVERCOATINGS, « embarrassment. This, said the Senator July 14, 1890, have large contracts for furnishing war mil, would give a like may not be the first time where breai silver dollars in gold coin in the op- warning. Engand material to the Cubans. While these have charge of the remains. tion of the and their might have protected the rights of all has been asked for and a stone present treasury department companies admit that they are over- The are those who ULSTERS & REEFERS, Armenians under her following oomposed OVERCOATS, reissue as ed, but it was the first time that a Senati , under the existing law. jurisdiction, just orowded with work, they deny that such i as France did and is doing.” the party on the special train : Dr. Frink ! SUITINGS i^d We have marked down and are all the balance of our oommittee seems to have perpetrated contracts exist. selling In the House. The speaker said that there is a won- of N. Conductor G. A. practical joke almost good enough foi About two months ago an expedition Bartlett, H., derful capability in the Armenians, how- the clown of Barnum’s menagerie. Washington, Febrary 1.—Mr. Powers, was fitted out at Bridgeport and landed Norton of Lancaster, N. H., Engineer ever slow in rallying, in raising and Changes of revenue laws, remarked Mi Republican of Vermont, in the House to safely in Cuba. A number of men liv- bettering their conditions. The Sultan William Page of North Conway, N. H., ! TROUSERINGS, j Morrill, are advised omy when demand- day, asked unanimous consent for the ing in Bridgeport were known to enlist Shirt had been praised for his work on educa- Fireman Arlin of N. Waists & Blouses ed by reasons, whloh are non considers!ton of the bill in the Cuban cause and disap- Guy Lancaster, H., potential passed yesterday tional lines. True be has done much to suddenly - abundant, but fie now thought it neces by the Senate giving to the widow of the peared at the time the expedition is said Brakeman John H. Harrigan of Lancas- educate the Moslems but he has done ev- sary to mention only one, and that, he late Justice Miller of the oourt to have sailed. None of them have re- H. j ] FOR Supreme to throw his Christian ter, N. ROYS, said, is a defloit of revenue, and in of the United States the balance of erything possbile turned and those who left families have sup $741, baok and their port of which assertion Mr. Morrill the salary for the within which he subjects prevent receiving not communicated with them. L. Also, a lot of line quot- year education. And the Armenians CARD, ed reports at different periods ol the Sec- died. Mr. Powers stated that the de- any yet The expedition, it is said, was under DEERING. are his most Intelligent and |W. } retary of the Treasury since December, ceased justice left only a pieoe of progressive the direction of Col. T. J. and No. 46 Free Street. single subjects. In conclusion, Dr. Hamlin Murphy I 1893, and asserted that if further evidence property, burdened with a of some of the members of the First Regi- 2 dec* eodly 2 mortgage said he should be greatly if of a laok of revenue should be asked it $9,000 aud the widow was in need of the surprised ment Hibernian Rifles. The vessel 13 re- Clara Barton did not prove superior to PROTEST AGAINST MOVE TO ABOL- could he found in the increase of oui money. Objectiou was made by several ported to have been loaded in the sound All Wool the Sultan Other speeches in a similar Knee Pant Suits public debt. The aefioit should he reme- members who thought the bill should aud the arms transferred to her ISH DEERING POLICE. go tenor were made by Rev. Dr. Edwin G. through died at once. tr a committee. the agency of oyster dredgers, which Porter, Hagob Bogigian, P. W. Moen of To the Editor the Press: Referring to the commendation by Mr. Taft, Ohio, were used of Republican,of reported an of Arme- favorably the resolution asking the Presi- Worcester, employer many As resident of I desire to in sizes for Boys 5 and 6 years, regular $5.00. $6.00, $6.50 and Hon. Wm A. and Hon. TO AVOID SUSPICION. p Deering THE SILVER ORATORS dent to tiansmit to the House the corres- nians, Russell, Ohas. Carlton Coffin. enter an early protest against the move $8.00 qualities, all new this season, at with the German government No of arms else- of t-ha financial condition and polioy of pondence shipment purchased that is threatened to abolish the respecting the refusal to permit Ameri- polioe Franco as an of imita- where was received at Bridgeport at the ACCOUNT example worthy can insnrance companies to continue THROWN INTO A RIVER. protection that we now enjoy. We have time. Only $3.5o Per Suit. tion, the Senator remarked that Frunce their business in that and it was country The Horrible Fate of £00 tittle Children chosen to be a city, and I think that tho has not furnished market agreed to. The steamer Isabelle, whioh is owned recently any wisdom of this course is very apparen Consideration was resumed in commit- in Armenia. by MoMahon & Wren of Bridgeport, IT IS THE TIME OF ALL TIMES TO SECURE BIG BARGAINS AT OUR STORE. for silver, and has only her old and our kept tee of the whole of the District of Colum- who control nearly all of the large brew- to almost anyone, in improved con- usual stock in circulation 1.—A letter has been and that sil- bia appropriation bill. The appropria- Boston, February eries of Connecticut, was towed to this dition in many ways. Sidewalks, light, BOOKS, ver there is for charities was the received in on for a maintained at par with gold tions private subject Boston, describing the sit- city Wednesday repairs. She Is Are and police, street sewers, and in the all sorts and kinds of attack, led by Mr. uation In propeller and perfectly seaworthy. because tbe government long ago sus- Hainer,Republican, Hadjin, Central Turkey. of our aifairs. of Nebraska, and pending that, the She lins boon making excursions all general management pended Its coinage and because thero is The writer “Awful mussaoref House adjourned till Monday. | says: over the sound and was reoently taken We are making a rapid and healthy in stock. no silver and no silver STANDARD blustering party CLOTHING have taken in almost recently plaoe some distance out to sea to test her ca- growth consequent upon just these CO., plated Democratic there striv- party daily town and city within the districl pacity for a voyage. These facts led to ing to pull down their standard every things, and the faot that we have oity 255 Middle Portland. money THE NATIONAL DEBT. covered by Eastern Turkey. the rumor that she was going to take Street, to that of depreciated silver, but they is nn invitation for jan30 dAt ,> is the town in tha interim another expedition to Cuba. improvements, peo- keep silver to the amount of. $380,000,00(1 A Net Increase of Five Millions in the “Hadjin only which has so far It that Mi. McMahon admitted yesterday that ple to come and reside with us. Now we with of gold at tl.e ratio of escaped. appears $722,000,003 Fast Mouth. the Turkish has not been able tc she was getting ready for a “cruise,” He IS 1-3 to 1. army yet cannot afford to oheck this much to be Office retake Zeltonn. this is decided one also said that his firm were muoh The 1.—The Until very a Stationery United States, said Mr. Morrill, Washington, February debt desired condition by mean and nig- way or another we cannot hope for tran- interested in Cuban success. had been the friend of silver to its own issued this afternoon a for statement shows or order in this The gardly appropriation such necessary in hurt and if our late investments of near- quility region. gov- great variety. net increase in the ernment Canada Wants an Army. municipal machinery as the Are and po- five publio debt, less supposes that Hadjin and the ly hundred millions in silver have lioe We have made a FiMPiESj BLOTCHES cash in the of Chris tians in Marash want to aid Zei- departments. good been notoriously improvident and un- treasury during January, Ottawa, Out., February 1.—In his bud- and think both tuun and that we are hut waiting for a beginning departments profitable, the dis strons results will $5,747,960.15. Th et otal cash inthe iast evening, Mr. Foster esti- hands ap- treasury favorable opportunity to join the rebel- get speech are in very worthy and it only re- AND OLD SORES pear as a in the bucket when com- mated that the revenue for the us ; drop was The current mains for to furnish the to en- $ reserve as p. p. $774,553,725.72. gold ion. But so far Hadjin is concerned tools, f pared with what must follow from the year would amount to $37,000,000, and rather than the offi- SHORT! HARMON no courage LORING, was $49,845,507. The net cash balance at least, there is such thought enter- discourage, the expenditures would also be about cers who are trying to do their We CATAHHH. MALARIA, was $121,746,371.27. tained by the Christians here. duty. 5 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT is to open all our mints to the free coin- During the current he must not one to Opposite Preble House. The official Cresaury statement of the “We have had no word from Marash $37,000,000. year, expect policeman guard age not only of our own silver the debt would be the whole of Deorinn* sn the.*; on hrenlrc dec27 eed product for two the letter said, public increased F AND POTASSIUM bur that also of all the receipts ami expenditures of the govern- weeks,” says. KIDNEY TROUBLES world, excluding on $2,000,000. or other disturbance can occur, but JlJOl. u l-u* »uwuiuo %JJL uua JJ.'Ldl It appears that November 18 many nobody from Dan to Boersnoha and t<: in the 1896-97, Mr. Foster esttma- rather oonsldtr if it is not to to was were Siam uuu wint> a or year better pay a year data issued today. It shows mere, pari rue tempt great increase of the .- nnmil pro- lea, uit) expo u mu me wuiuu ue iiuout fos,- more and have more i Makes Hut! DYSPEPSIA duct the reoeipts were 4196,505,724, an in- city also was dostroyed by flro. consequently pro- both at home and abroad by offering 01)0,000 and the revenue wou'il meet this tection. The same with the fire creased 49.612,000 over the Ah many as 1500 are said to have been depart- United States obligations for it at double corresponding He pointed to the rumors ment. We need lots of rers©ve«S fey seven months of last killed in Aintab. In a town expenditure. things, and 1 am Ay© entirety the sum it now commands in year. The expendi- Giurium, any othoi of trouble which existed a few months told that ono need is more # Marvelous Cures tures were $215,492,101, a decrease of two days’ journey from 10(X great hose, —Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Pota©» market. The vast product, said the Sen- Hadjin, between Great and the The Price blood Britain that a os are ago and we must have good eteumer slum, the greatest purfGor once in 45,983,000. Christians said to have been massa ator, the possession if the gov- United States, and gave this as a in tho centre of this will be earth. ored, while 200 little obildren wen good city made ernment must stay thero forever, defunct exotise for increased on the thrown into the river. expenuiture conspicuously apparent. When we wake in Blood Poison Aberdeen, O.. July 25., 18S1. ns an as the a in Bros. Kgyptiun mummy, publh For Drought the District. militia. He then.made an elaborate de- some and see half of our 5 Mess rs Lippman Savannah, up night village a long ago refused to aid in its fence of the tariff. <5e.: Dram Sirs—I bought bottle dt larger protective laid low, as it certainly will be, our de- P. at Hot Opr lugs. and circulation and he if an Washington, February 1.—Senator Ark., practical thought Senate Resolutions Under the Ban. Si Richard Cartwright replied to Mr. partment will do all It can, but it re- ?'ourP.P.t has done me more. good, than three individual were to make a Procter of Vermont, has to Rheumatism treatment at the Hot spendthrift presented Foster. Ho declared that the govern- mains for us to strengthen their hands months* Springe, exhibition of to London, February 1.—A Constanti- Continues f Send three bottles C. O. D. like a To incapacity manage tho Senate for ment were tools in tho hands of petition prohibition in manipu- and to encourage thorn by a liberal ap- Beapeotlully to ora. his financial affairs there is not a ooun nople despatch of January 81, says the lators of combines, and falsified every of their efforts in our JAg. M. NEWTON, tho District of^Columbia, and it is signed has forbidden tlie preciation behalf of any state that would refuse to appoinl government circulation made to the AH 5 and Scrofula Aberdeen, Brown Cour.ty, (X the and official pledge they pooplo. pro and furnish such apparatus as is needed a guardian for him. by pastor members of the iu Turkey of English newspapers ol made distious by himself and Mr. Mac- and up to date. P. P. P. the builds Capt. J. h. liohnsim The then referred to the vari 27, which contain \ purifies blood, tip Senator Methodist, Baptist, Congregational, January despatches kenzie in 1878 against the protective sys- Yours for the of &W the weak and debilitated, gives from good Deering, ■To cU whom it may concern: I her©* ons arguments that have been presented ir United Brethren Washington, giving the United tem had been verified. Ho the strength to weakened nerves, expels Frlonds, and Christian disputed P. H. THOMPSON. and t>y testify to the wonderful properties ot free ou States Senate resolutions the Sell JjS' diseases, giving the paxient health Them. cf the advocaoy coinage, pointing regarding statement of Sir. Foster that oi P. P. P. for eruptions skin. I churches in the city. It is also protection £90 happiness where sickness, gloomy to ail that have beeu advanced signed condition of affairs in Armenia,and alsc our xiT and lassitude first t offered for several years with an un- objections a of the had increased exports. He cited ono feelings prevailed. views that Ira by part Unitarian, Universnlist. a of the delivered at Birm- The Woodfords sightly and disagreeable eruption oa and in respoueo to the report speech item of that of household Congregational church, face. I tried known Episcopal and Lutheran ohurohes and bv exports, effects, For and my every rems* would financial ex ingham on the night of January 25 by primary, secondary tertiary buc in vain,until P. P. P. was used- coinage equalize 13 to the United Stares, which amounted Deering, of which Rov. Edwin P. Wil- for blood niercu- dy Presbyterian churches. It is accom’- syphilis. poisoning, am now cured. so as to with the people Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State to and which he rial malaria, and and entirely change compete a $1,800,000, attributed to son has been for the poison, dyspepsia, !>• panind by petition signed by the ofli- for pastor past eight (Signed by> ^ J. JOHNSTON, of India, China and Japan, who appea the Colonies, in which Mr. Chamber tho result of protection. The national wEw in all blood and akin diseases, like cers of tho W. C. T. U., of this district. held its annual and roll blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, Savannah, Oft, to be contented with silver money al lain deolared that the condition of Arme- had driven tho owners years, meeting Before the of polioy of those tetter, scald head, boils, Cm red. about far a presentation these poti t- nia was a and a tc call on erysipelas, fficSa Cwcesr half its face value, that so danger disgrace household effects from Canada to seek January 28. There was a large hot eczema—wo may say, without fear of ions there were in the Water that already archives of free a United ot » «r—Mm>**m»*3&*-*B* contradiction, P. P. P. is thabest 7h e Mayor of coinage, being protection agains the Europe. homes in tho States. gathering at the anti blood in and Testimony from Sequin, Tax oriental Capitol petitions with 90,000 names The also that the Rus- tables, responses purifier the world, make;? industrial rivals, we might wifi despatch 3ays Sir Richard said tho reform be- cures attached tho abolition party, were received positive, speedy and permanent Sbquin. Tsx., January 14,1893. almost requesting of tho sian who has reached from 243 members. The cases. Bros. equal propriety be invited to in consul, Zeltoun, cause of its advocacy of tile revenue tar- snail Messrs. Lippman Savannah, liquor traffic in the district. cave troduoe has reported that hundreds of Armeni- tho of the reports showed that the total member- Ga.: Gentlemen—I tried your P. There have been in iff, was enemy manufacturers. _ P. P, for a dir ease of the skin, presented the Sen- ans are town are .> Ladies whoso systems ore poisoned usually AJi ASIATIC PLAGUE who holding that dyiuf of this \ ate Mr. of As to the expenditure of $38, COO, 000, it ship ohurch is now 319, of whom »nd whose biood is in an impure conGi- known as skin rancor,of thirty Yearn* by Frye Maine, and in the from disease iuteusi jsa and found and exposure to the was Canada was tlon. due to menstrual irregularities, standing, great relief; l\s and have it as ot House by Mr. for wholly unjustifiable. 6 have been received the the blood and just logically urged Pickier, petitions the cold. during past are peculiarly benefited by the won- purifies removes all ir* of one of tho worst governed countries ritation from tho scat of the ground that it has it rrliof Armenia signed by the officers year. The benevolences of tho cliurca BOTTLES. d^rful tonic and blood cleansing prop* the diseas© long ptevailed under the bun What Canada > and of tho State W. C. T. U.’s from 19 bad to do IBP «■» mi ■»> *BP» tf artiesof P. P. P.-Priokiy A?h, Poke prevents any spreading of (:b© Asia and states SALISBURY’S SILENCE. down its the have been sores. I hi ve taken £ivo or six bottles yet they have not all died there territories. The was to cut extravagance. He during year $1643—consid- \ Boot and Potassium. and petitions yvero pro- and feel confident that another course gave statistics to show that Canada was than ever before. will effect & cure. It naa also Wandering somewhat aside from a di- and worked up by Mrs. Clinton erably larger The Speinofield, Mo,, Aug. 14th, 18S&. relieved pared more under a mo from and rect of His Creat- prosperous revenue tariff home —I oaa is the terms of Indigestion stomach financial argument on the Mr. Smith, formerly Vermont, hut now Inaction Regarding Venezuela expenses wore $4470. The Sunday Jx speak highest troubles. Tours topic, than under tho protective Of medicine from my own personal truly. Morrill said: of one of the local W. C. T. system. sobool numbers your OAPT. W. M. RUST, “Some threat! president U.’s ing Criticism. seven emigrants who 366, aud has had an ave- xC Knowledge. I was affected with heart whispered in this every oarae to this and Attorney at Law, have floated in the air that the extreme city. of them attendance ^ diseaso, pleurisy rheumatism for country six found their way to rage during the year of 231. MMr 85 was treated by the bfc-t sliver men now Maine Pensions. 2QT- *.' 37c. years, very bore and al States. x. ana hundreds of dol* fraternizing tho United One member of this ohnrcli who was physicians spent home wi.h the Bepublican woiiii de- A fars, tried every known remedy with- Boos on Blood Diseases Maned Free, party 1.—The London, Feburary 1.—The speech at the roll relief. I have takon hand themselves on Washington, Febunry follow- present call,and who fipr out finding only togethor one domi- frequent- Dottle of P. P. and can ALL LRUGGISTS BELL IT. nant livered Prime Minister Salisbury Iasi The Waterville & Fairfield Railway one your F., idea, all others Maine have been granted; by attends ohuroh, is now 93 it has dono mo more forsaking and with ing pensions and Bower ly years and jfih cheerfully say was for tb< Light Company has I have ever takon. auxiliary Democartic aid, hitch on tc increase. night vory disappointing bought six months old. ([85* good than anything the tail of a tho big water privilege of S. A. Nye & I can recommend your medicine to a:! great Republican measure al reason that he no indication that h( .*. of the abovo diseases. gave 3QT 39c. dml KUfferors the first some Horace W. Gardiner. Co. PROPRIETORS, opportunity tinkling silver Baker, troubh m? MRS. M. M. YEARY. was doing anything to settle the Women Scorchers. ^ amendment,hoping thereby to secure the Jerry W. Spear, New Portland. Four British warships are unohored at Rprlngfleld, Green County, Me. EJs>i>ranr.’» 5ilo©lr,emvaa2ia3i, €U& silver ot a with the United and also for th< the entrance to No triumph hybrid oonitinatior ORIGINAL, WIDOW'S, ETC. States, Kingston harbor. Chicago, February 1.—The woman’s tho grand old Ar warship is allowed to although Bepublican partr reason that his statement concerning foreign go Jup six day bicclye race ended tonight. It might perish. Bur thero is little fear ol Mary A. Coffin, Bath. the harhor amt permission to no so lias meoia showed that- there was little, i was won Miss Tillie Anderson of to one Dy Chi- — — — these eruptive threats, for if carried oui been refused German and one — ~ ^ any, hope of the British goverumen who made 344 miles and three W V the riot Hct might be lead at home Swedish vessel. cago, laps. ~_~ to tin For Refusing to Testify. doing to mitigate the evils ii Dottle of ofleiidere of public opinion. anything Farnsworth Minneaplis fin- “Gold, said that afflicted or the Turkish dornin ished 344 miles and the Senator.” is Democratic in its Febrnarv 1.—E. R. part second with two laps. ’char- Washington, Chap- iODS. Just before tho finish Miss acter, « good neighbor, and pushes silvet Beecham’s for consti- Farnsworth GEO. G. MAGNETI8 man, the recalcitrant sugar trust wit- Within the past month liberal opinioi pills fainted. FRYE, from its So as a company. long just ra has set Lord tio is maintained ness. was today sentenced by Judge Cole strongly against. Salisbury gold willingly does the treatment of the Venezuelan question. io6 and Get the NERVINE heavier of work. to 30 in and to pay $100 fine. 25k Going to Tunk Camp. part $lie Depreciated days jail In his address to the electors at Ar pation tender whether silver 1 An at once legal money, o: appeal was taken by Messrs. brtafli night Mr. John Morley at Sorrento, Me., February 1.— Hon Easily, Qoiokly,Hmmm®. Besiered, $?« tolerates no Thursday book and paper, gold. and lor Ireland it your druggist’s Frank ol' 26 Apothecary. Lost Vitality, Nervous Debility, Insomnia. Falling Memory, and oil •Sheilabarger and Wilson, the case formerly chief secretary Jones and a party prominent Diseases and all Weaknesses Mi'. Alorrrill octicluded his speech a Wasting resulting from early or later last tail 1 New as bis ! will before the court of Mr. Gladstone's administration, Englanders guests, arrived I excesses. $f psr box, 6 for $5, Wailed to 11.45 and the discussion proceeded unde go appoals.Judge it. any address by1 that Lord Salisbury ought to know thai go by here train on their The Japanese Pile Cure Company^ St. Paul, limn. the five minute rule. Cole sentence and today by special way suspended the admit- he is with fire in in to Tunk playing using, reply Annual sales mom than G.000,000 box##. camp for four days’ troutjfish- 320 Air. Morrill ofiered an ameudmen ted Mr. Ghanman tn bai’. CONGRESS ST. For sale in Portland by JOHN O. KEEFE, 205Middl St., and $1600 [ ing to Secretary of State Olney, languag ina rVed*Ifti SIMJIOSS& HAMMOSB Viou, | S7S and 800 Congress btreer- nuvetiU

» >T" -— DAILY PORTLAND PRtiSS not appear that either Mr. Haok or Mr. If handled, the FINANCIAL acknowledged. properly __AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Bean has ever submitted any of the evi- spado has supplied the safest foundation _. —AND— for the ancient not of Greeoe dence in his posession to the grand jury, history ODly TK3jJ BIAINE STATE PRESS. and Italy, but of Babylon, Nineveh, Per- or to any of the authorities, and Mr. and the ancient Subscription Rates. sia, Phrygia, Egypt Bean was understood to say that he did of the Arabian l'.hei Daily (in advance) $0 per year; $3 for six kingdoms peninsula. • “' not to. in one where the has as yet 50 cents intend Having their hands country spade months; $1.50 a quarter; a month. done least, and where the finds Would Casco National Bank Portland evidence that would I half a Theitro, The Daily is delivered every morning by punish dozen be than else, is probably larger anywhere GEO. E. LOTH EOF, Prop. carrier anywhere within the city limits and at runisellers with heavy fines or imprison- India, Modern India is built upon a suc- -OF- , of 0(1. --- Woodfords without extra charge. ment, they chose to let the culprits go cession of ruins, and the rapid change 4tll. is ou before Daily (Not in advance,', invariably at til free and use their evidence simply for monuments into ruins going MAINE, our very eyes. With the constant dust PORTLAND, lateoi $7 a year. the matter of a subject Sunday evening and the moisture and the heat of the air, Maine State Press, (Weekly) published lecture, believing no doubt that in tnis such Is the ofthe vegetation I year; $1 for six rapid growth BAUCICAULT MARTINDT every Thursday, $2 per months; a of an an- 195 Middle 1109 way they could advance the Kingdom of that in small numbers years St P. a Bei HOYT’S he cents a quarter; 25 cents for trial subscrip- cient is covai ed God in our midst. building completely by tion of six weeks. a new its masonry is destroyed If either of these humus, to leave town for gentlemen had gone the roots of and and its 1824. Persons wishing long or by plants trees, Incorporated COMBINATION. down the street of au and are A short periods may have the addresses of their evening, and saw pillars and arches fall prostrate sur CAPITAL AND SUBFLVS BAUCIC and man buried under a new stratum of fertile AULT'S GREATEST papers changed as often as desired. reoognized a breaking into a PLAY, face soil. The soil in many parts of In- Rates. house,or stealing from a or scatter- Advertising store, dia lias only to be scratched and ancient TRIP In Daily Press $1.50 per square, first ing obscene literature about, it would chaitvas and dogobas, viharas and stupas week, 75 cents per week after. Three inser- never have ocourred to him that the best come to light again, and their inscrip- who livtd ONE MILLION tions tell of and tions or less, $1.00 per square. Every other way to suppress either of these kings sages crimes, thousands of A good deal has clay advertisements, one third less than these and years *go. to purify the oity, would be to go been done in the of excavation In ates. way TO the next day and take a of the India individuals and like- CHINATOWN, advertisements picture by private Half square S1.00 per week wise the DOLLARS. store or house where government. g the crime was by SHIN each be- first week; half price succeeding week. Ancient ruins have been disinterred or management of INCLUDING ing committed, or to some of “A Square” is a space of the width of a col- gather up from utter decay, but the area preserved Current Account* received on favornble ATKINSON & inch the obscene literature and as THAYER, umn aud one long. exhibit the is too immense for anything, yet, like DIRECT FROM terms. HARRY CONORS, 1 Special Notices, on first page, one-third ad- pioutres and literature at a lecture, to a complete survey of Indian antiquities. ex- Interest allowed on Time Deposits. be some The Archaeological Survey lias done ditional. delivered weeks afterward. On front bowqoin theatre. cellent work of lute but as it ad- Correspondence solicited Individu- square Amusements and Auction years, WITH ALL Original Sales, $2.00 per the contrary, their first would and other* de- impulse vances toward the Eastern provinces it als, Banks, each week. Three insertions or Corporations, square less, have been to to the finds itself face to face with a world al- as well as from Cast go authorities, tell siring to open accounts, $1.60 per square. most unknown to the and Original them what they had seen and give a de- archaeologist, those wishing to transact Banking busi- Heading Notices in nonpanel type and never before systematically explored. The Scenic and scription of the culprits. Should ness of any description tkrough this Bank. classed with other paid notices, 15 cents per they last “Annual Progress Koports,” pub- have taken other line each insertion. any course they would lished by the Aroliaeologioal Survey Effects. Appointments. have been Commission, is the first that deals with Pure Heading Notices in reading matter type, universally condemned. It 3. SMALL. PrssHrtl. | India extra with Burn.ah and STEPHEN PRICES, 25, 50, 75 cents. PRICES, 25, 25 cents per line each insertion. seems to us, with all due respect to these Gangem, 50, 75c, $1.00. £ the valley of tlio Irrawaddy, with the LIARS HALL ft. GODIN! Cash ai Wants, To Let, For Sale and similar that when adver- gentlemen, they saw the “gi- Pegu division of Lower Burmah, the Jan4 atf 25 cents per week iu for THURSDAY & F FEB. 6 & tisements, advance, gantio oriine of crimes” committed and Tenasserira division, the southern, cen- RIDAY, 7, AO words or less, no display. adver- tral and northern Displayed had evidence as to who was committing divisions, .containing We Offer the Desirable tisements under these headlines, and all adver- a list of ancient and modern monuments Following Tlie it, this would have been a much wiser Colleen Ba,wn isements not paid! lin advance, (will he in or near the towns of Bangun. Pegu, and better course than the one that barged at regular rates. they Prorne, Taungu, Paagu, Awa, Segaing, SECURITIES: UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PORTLAND FORESTERS. adopted. It would have beeu much more Amarapura, and Bhamo. Iu Maine State Press—51.00 per square Mandalay Most, if not all, ot the monuments in Water Works Co, of Kenosha, 25, 50, 75o. ! lor first insertion, and cents for convincing proof of a sincere on City PRICES, | fifty per square desire, that of the are but their to part world, Buddhist, of Wis., 5’s, 1924. each subsequent insertion. part, put down the liquor trafflo there is more and more evidence coming Water Co. of East St. Louis, Address all communications relating to sub “It is the duty of every good citizen,1** forth, which shows that Indian civiliza- City III., 5 s, 1914. FINANCIAL CITY scriptions and advertisements to Portland to borrow the language of the Rev. Dr. tion had readied Transgangetio India in HALL. Publishing Co., 97 Exchange Street, an earlier anil, as yet, purely Brahnianio City Water Co. of Chattanooga, Dalton, in a reoent sermon, “to help the STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION. Last of the Portland. Me. form. There is a stratum of customs Tenn.. 6’s, 1907. Positively officers in the execution of — the law, by still prevalent in Burmah and Siam OFTHE — New York Office: Streator, 111., Gas & Co., 6’s, giving them our individual whioh oannot be accounted as Light No. 66 Pulitzer New York support,” for, exoept 1913. Building, City, and a remnant of the old Brahmanio bans- ceitainly the most effective way to STODDARD karas—i. e. domestic institutions. The Ottawa, 111., Gas & Coke 6’s, give them is to furnish Co., PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY support them very names that are given to the kings, 1904. with evidence. We do not at the close of business February 1,1896. LECTURES, conceive it to the princes and the nobility in Burmah TO-NIGHT AT EIGHT. be the of a and Siam are taken from Sanskarit and THE PRESS. duty clergyman to actually RESOURCES. not from Pali; and the same to A TOUR I EXQUISITE engage in the execution of ths but applies Loans and law, many of the names of old towns and riv- H. M. PAYSON & discounts.$312,770 81 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. CO, Municipal and other bonds. OF JAPAN. I illustrations. having voluntarily set about proouring ers. There iE an abundance of 198,066.25 inscrip- Sinking fund investments. 216,937.98 evidence of the violation of a both ancient and some of B.A.ixr.KErEnet.is.i Reserved 76 cents. 60c. LORI> SALISBURY’S LATEST JJELIV- particular tions, modern, Trust investments. 47.207 07 seats, Adjmission, them in ancient ,febl&3 uuu Gunta characters going 32 uu.iug Jjtuuui.ou 1V| MV DCDJJJB EXCHANGE STREET. Expense paid. 416 24 _ai>3i EKAYCES, uaoK to A. JJ. 41b, and the dec31 dtf Cash on 17 to us that it would be far recording hand.$65,766 more oreditable oundation of new Cash on deposit- Lord Salisbury’s deliverance on the Ilastinapura by Gopa- 42,219.41 Portland School Cadets’ nod sensible to submit it to tbe authori- 1a. who had come from the old Hastina- -*107,985.68 High Venezuelan and Armenian questions is on ties as a basis of prosecution,than to use pura the Ganges. There is a Burmese a weak and flabby affair, well calculated chronicle, the “Mahayazawiu,” whioh Total.*883,382.93 it exclusively for a Sunday evening LIABILITIES. to justify Bismarck’s description of him records the arrival of an Indian king at stereopticon leoture. These clergymen Manipura in the sixth century B. G. Capital stock.*100,000,00 as a man of wood painted to look like Surplus fund. must know that tbe only way a liquor Here there is still much to bo done by 40,000.00 DRILL I D Undivided iron. As to the Armenian question, Burmese scholars, and it is not profits. 6,606.57 BALL, shop oan be shut up, is by the prosecu- impos- Estates in trust. 47,373.30 while he expresses sympathy he practi- sible that the history of the Transganget tion of the or the Sinking funds. 234,698.32 proprietors owners. The 10 in time reflect cally says that England can do nothing kingdoms may new Dividends unpaid. 130.0( sheriff or the marshal cannot shut up light on the history and chronology of Deposits 454,674.74 Hall, because in£tbe first place she has not the Oiiy a shop because he thinks liquor is sold the ancient Gangetio kingdoms of India. military power to oooupy Armenia, and The people of Burmah, however, have Total. *883.382.93 FEB. 7th. in it—he cannot shut it up even when H. FRIDAY, used their not re- BUTLER, Secretary. because in the second place, if she un- inscriptions only for feb3 he is morally certain that liquor is sold historical dtf The most dertakes to do it she will become in- cording events. They have in- elaborate there. Indeed, he cannotj shut it up vented a new use by ereotiug enormous _ MILITARY EXHIBITION volved with the other powers. Of course and at can buildings covering them with in- directly all. All he do is to seize ever in Portland. the effect of this confession of impotency scriptions containing portions or even given the liquors and prosecute the Belter. The BONDS. the texts of their will greatly encourage the Sultan to go complex sacred Scrip- first has little tendency to shut the shop, tures. The sacred Scriptures of the ahead and finish the Armenians wherever Sale of seats at beoauBe the stock can he Buddhists are the largest in the whole begins Monday Stockbridge’s. readily replen- Sale at 2 m. No more their presence threatens his dominion world, but at Mandalay the father and p. than six seats sold to ished. The second is the only effective one person. JauSldtd because it will convince him that he has predecessor of the last King of • • OLD and that is Burmah, A COLONY R.R. method, difficult because, it is PRODIGIOUS Mindun SALE King Min, ereoted the nothing whatever to fear from England. Kptho * generally hard to asoertain who the sel- Daw, a group of about 730 small brick FINANCIAL. A while ago Salisbury read with much KNOW ler is. The ordinary purchasers will pagodas, each sheltering a large marble —OF— 4’s, due 1924. dramatio effect in a public speech a slab. These 730 slabs contain the com- never be complainants. The officers are letter he had received from the Sultan, plete texts of the Tripitaka—the Three MUNICIPAL known and oannot buy. And now It ap- Baskets, i. e., of their Bible, in BOSTON & MAINE INVESTMENTS; begging England to keep her hands off engraved pears that even clergymen, when they the rounded Burmese characters. and promising to carry out the reforms Mandalay was the last of the have been purchasers and have complete capital R. R, of he bad pledged himself to. Then, ac- Kings of Burmah, who seem to have de- City Zanesville, Ohio, 5's, due 1908. evidence that will far to shut go up the lighted in building new and Our are “ “ “ “ “ cording to the premier, the powers were enpitais Dress samples inspection shop, prefer to use ic for stereopticon changing the seat of government with 4 1-2’s, 1905. all in accord and had never been out of Silks, due 1937. lectures rather than present it to the every reign. Awa, or Katnapuia, was 4% “ “ “ harmony for a but tile massa- founded in A. D. 13(54. 6’s 1901. moment, gland jury. In 1783 Awa Ashland, Wisconsin, cres have continued 6ver since without was demolished and out of its materials a THE KIND S. “ “ “ new capital was built, As THAT ALWAYS WEAR WELL. E. PENDEXTER. Cincinnati, Ohio, 5’s, 1930. abatement,and now the confession is made Amarapura. “ MANDALAY’S STONE BIBLE- the private buildings arc mostly made that can’t do both be- of No. 561 Congress St., Portlai Town of Pittsfield. Maine, 4’s, 1915. England anything, wood there was no difficulty in bodily & cause she lacks the and because away one and it jam 3dtf GEO. -FOR SALE BY- power carrying city building Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, It Contains Syllables All En- in another Public F.llINCAN, the other nations of Europe won’t let 8,088,000 up again place. build- 42 graved Upon a Piece of White Marble. ings, temples anil palaces only were of St. hor. There can be no question that when decl3 Exchange H. M. PAYSON & GO,. stone, and had to lie erected afresh as February 3, 4, 5. dti Salisbury made his first speech he gave memorials of a new reign of a new dy- BANKERS, 32 Exchange St. the to understand that nasty. Amarapura was deserted for WM. M. dec31 public somethi ng We have often boen told of late that the A to dtf Awa in A. D. 1833, but was made once grand opportunity buy nice Silks far below their MARKS, was about to be done, and he did it de- most efficient instrument for the exten- more the seat of government in 1837, till value. Breaks all records on low It and how he prices. Eciipses Any- JANUARY INVESTMENTS, liberately purposely, prac- sion and of historical it was finally replaced by a new improvement capital, thing Ever Attempted by us. In this sale are Black Sati n tically admits that he was deceiving Mandalay, built In 1860 by King Miudon knowledge is the spade, writes Pofessor Book, Card We offer the desirable GOVERNMENT Min. It was this the Duchess, de Soie following securities. for there has been no in King, predecessor Rhadame,Teau Armure, Alma, Surah, them, change F. Max — Muiler in the Illustrated London of Thebaw, who had the Kutho Daw Faille -AND the situation that has affected Francaise, Brocade, Cross Crain and colored the power News. erected at an enormous exnensB. This of Me. 4s. “Dig, dig, dig!’’ has been the Faille Francaise City Belfast, of England to deal the situ stone Bible Brocade, Fancies &c. We mentions ;with war cry of many indefatigable explorers, contains, according to Rev. ation. If she does R. Spence no less than few of the prices. City of Waferville, Me. 4s. BONOS. not have the power not only in and in Greece Hardy, 8,808.000 Italy, syllables, every one revised JOB now she never had and if she ever had carefully SI.OO Black Satin Duchess for 75c it, but in and in a “ “ “ PRINTERS*PRINTER, Hamilton Ind. 5s. Babylon Nineveh, Egypt by royal commission before it was en- “ EXCHANGE, County, the she 1-25 power has it still. His latest de- and in and Mr. to we 89c Arabia—nay, South Africa and graved, Ferrars, whom “ “ “ owe our ©wi™™-* of Ind, 5s. Central America. A photographs, is prepared to re- z oo si oo JGxehaiife City Anderson, new school of ar. ;; GOLD will be furnished and predicament and witlPhis produce this text of the whole Buddhist statesmanship min UiUi—UUlii 95c bjjl mifi ujf Bible and to it “ Territory of 5s. orders taken for very much tarnished. photographically, publish Bro9 | 5 difficulties of ancient history and mytho- In the stom- Fr O. BAILEY & CO., when the NORTHERN BANKING crisis comes he will interpret But he knew all the diffl- GO., logy. hardly ach or feeling 53 the Monroe doctrine as he thinks will be Exchange Street. and Merchants oultes that had to be solved. He forget of fulness af- ..... Aoctioneers Commission best under all the circumstances for Eng- that, granting the necklet whioh he ter eating is ISOHiDS and Street. land. In his 2 Salesroom 46 Exchange correspondence with Secre- found whs that of Helen, it would have effectually FACTS ARE FACTS. j[ Dyspeptics tary Olney lie gave our to IT O. BAI LEI. C.W. ALLEN government been necessary in order to remove all the prevented by 1 and who are SECURITIES. understand | •j people S arl4 that | the Monroe doctrine difficulties of her to find the Hood’s Pills. You can’t from them. All the _dtt story, very get away talk and argument in S troubled with a w e a k 5 was without ~ authority, and that even if from whioh she and her brother aid di- the world falls flat in the face of one little fact. j J INTEREST PAID ON eggshell They should be care- W DEPOSITS it was entitled to -- Our sale is a fact. The j ^ digestion, any standing it would had been hatched the unfaithful and February clearing up big cut in prices = CHA9. S. Brest., I by Leda, gestion is FOBES, not to another fact. You can save several dollars on an” Ulster or an j l ful of their diet. W 'V. F. MI LLIKEN. V. apply the Venezuelan case. He wife of Tyndareus. He that assimilation Brest., ] King forgot — Overcoat if now. It’s to bo was you buy going cold next — McDOWELL, 'r Executive McCormick as * quite firm in that as again winter, ■ attitude in th e skeleton he found at of move the bowels ~ A M Ks E. Price, could and thus and are ■— HEWEY, Mycenae food, easily prices going to be at least one-third higher that our j Committee, his attitude on the prices 11 I'KANCIS Armenian question. bten that of and cure — are now. ~ FESSENDEN, j hardly have Homer's Ag- prevent Biliousness, Torpid Liver, CHAS. E. Ho has ~ MAKSTON. Sec’y, executed a backdown Our store and our and our little ~ complete inemnoD, cousideiing that it showed no and Constipation. They are tasteless and goods prices during February &co., are 0021__codtt In to the do not or cause here to be seen those are inclined ~ regard former, and apparently wouuds or gripe pain. Bold by all = by who to doubt what we trnoes of any iojuries inflicted ~ say. he is druggists. 25 cents. Insist Hood’s. You can have your back if getting into position to go through of upon money cheerfully y0u are dissatis-1 EE the hands Ciyteninestra and — — 1 by Aegis- fled with any purchase. I 72 a similar Broadway, manoeuvre as to the latter. thus. He in fact, that after the forgot Very heavy rough Ulsters reduced from $25 to $:u BOMDS. New York. materials of ancient history have been r CLERGYMEN AND LIQUOR SHOPS. dug up they still require the scholar or flhe Rev. Rollin T. Hack and the Rev. the higher critic to interpret them, and S. A. F. HILL & 500 1 Leroy Bean have been a tour the to us to be- CO., St. = Town of due making sceptic help distinguish | Congress Yarmouth, Me., 4s, Colion. of the saloons in tween truth nnd 19X6-1926. liquor Portland, and fancy :: 1 the which the has DESIRABLE BONDS. will the overtaxed *ity of Calais. due 1901- last evening they gave an account of the Still, light spade ^lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIllllllllllHIlItgilllllllHjSiljljllllllllji give Me., 4s, on • rill 1. thrown somo of the darkest chapters i a neces- Members New York same in their organs Cotton respective churches. As of unoient should be January Investments. \ digestive i history gratefully j and i. their purpose had been well advertised J [ sary respite prove a \ f Exchange. in the and newspapers, there was a au- and i l W — large Bangor Aroostook R, R.Go. nourishing delightful -~-jr WPW...P, .. uo, uuo dience in attendance at both places. Mr. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh First Gold 5’s, food at all times. 3 [ Chicago feanitary District, 5s, due Mortgage •j [ 1901. Hack’s lecturo was rather more attrac- That Contain QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Don’t stint Mercury DUE 1943. yourself by ^ j Portland 1927. tive as it was Water Co., 4s. due Stocks. illustrated by stereopticon Seedless off until to-mor- as mercury will surely destroy the sense of S?”*?1'Snaps, lOcts.lb. 4 lb. Raisins, for 25 els j [ putting } f Maine Central K. It.. First Mortg. 7s, views of the exterior of the Ginger Cart wheels, 10 cts. lb. 5 lb. Currants for alleged rum- smell and completely derange the whole "Sets' i l row what be done 1 f 1898. Members New York WAKEFIELD & STONEHAM W1>eel3, loots, lb. 6 lb Good Raisins, "Sets' ought Stock shops, but Mr. Bean’s was made when it tlie mucous Rifle C.alt more system entering through Nuts, 10 et«. lb. 3 lb. Fancy at once. Maine Central R. R., Cons. Mort. 4s, Street Co. Animal Raisins, Sn to-day. Order realistic perhaps, by the exhibition of surfaces. Such articles should never be used Railway 5’s, Crackers, 10 cts. lb. 100 Crackers, iE 3J, 1912. Exchange. 10 cts. lb. 20 lb. Sugar and 1 « bottles filled with on prescriptions from reputable First Due 1915. J?1?'llg.Cr,*ps- lb. GOc Tea, 50 u Maine (Central R. Cons. Mort, 5s, liquor which he had except Mortgage Fruit Biscuits, IS cts. lb. Good A R., physicians, as the damage they wilt do is Cooking Molasses. 25 cts cal' 1912. Assorted Cakes, 32 ots. lb. Sauer Kraut & purchased. ten fold to the can derive The above roads have earned a Dctsfl. Brown Josselyn, good you possibly surplus the Graham 12 Duluth First from them. Hall’s Catarrh manufac- over and above Wafers, cts. lb. 10 10. Rolled Oats, 25'cis Street Railway, Mortg. Both lectures were delivered for the Ciu*e, past year all operating expenses Tea. 25c Portland, _ to 60c lb. 4 lb. good tured F. .1.

\ IS --- —-

They see that there an AT HISTORIC WILLISTON. must be eleva- MUSIC AND DRAMA. STOLE FROM HIS FATHER. ADVERTISEMENTS. tion of fit bo" standard of morality aud _NEW righteousness. No organization was ever Pleasant Little Racket Hill of so completely divorced from sectarian and of Albion L. Tlie Fifteenth Anniversary of the Or* radical distinctions. The Sliaughraun, CO. Biddeford. MOORE & have to OWEN, ganization of Hr. Clark’s People grow old before they can The Boston Journal says of the per- For Society. become hermits. The heart of childhood of and formance “The Shaughran,” at the Recently a young man from Biddeford loves creates companionship, and this fact has Bowdoin theatre in that : and his wife have been local much to do with the rapid Square city stopping at The Parent Society in the Parent Church of this ‘‘The DRAPERIES ROOM. spread movement. Young peo- performance was intelligently con- hotels. He had pawned such a large inches, to be sold at Celebrates the of what pie like to feel themselves in 34 Organization touoh with ducted and replete with of carpenter’s at the all the world, and good points. quantity tools pawn The weather today Sir. Pratt Calls “The Greatest Reli- nothing is more iru- to were and or Tho work of Boncicault was that it excited and Sat- is likely to be 19c 32c, 25c pressive helpful than the coming to- Aubrey shops suspicion Reliable of Movement in the World Among of Oliioors Fair. pairs gious gether Ghristiaus from all parts ot well studied, yet full of naturalness. As urday night, Pillsbury and Stew Twenty-five the eartti. All Feb. 49c. aro fellow oitizens in soul of the life art arrested him in a He Portland. 3, 1896, Youug People*’—The Morning Service, Conn, ‘tho every fair, pawn shop. j m ecru Lace the household of God. Barriers of Nottingham and the Addresses in the Evening by of every funeral, the first fiddle at all claimed the tools belonged to his father. BLOOD AND do a and SOCIAL CASTE weddings and parties,’ he was able to Deputy Hartnets sent word to the Bid- thing UNDERWEAR COUNTER (Muslin) Curtains, taped edges, Sir, Pratt, Sir. Ayres, Sliss Sibley are broken down, and the combine the right amount of humor deford police and at their held till see the a were Others. heart of the request Mattress DON’Tyou at $1.62 a pair, mus- true Endeavorer thrills when he hears with the right amount of broad-hearted the man pendiug invstigation. The One lot of white of Yesterday, the fifteenth anniversary the words of the degree of cheer- man’s name is Albion Word was and redemption spoken by any tenderness, fitting L. Hill. Special Bargains $2.25 $2.50. the by Kev. Dr. F. E. Clark lin plain, organization believer in Christ, and this organization fulness with the fitting degree of manly received yesterday that the tools did be- in our Sale to- Nightrobes, of the of Christian Endeavor, was to his father, but were taken with- Monday Society is making the brotherhood of regretfulness at tho sorry turns of affairs long solid serviceable the humanity out his knowledge or consent. The goods, duly oelobrated throughout world, a in his beloved Miss Martinet pris- practical reality It stands for Christ Sullabeg. oner was in and day. LEATHER GOODS COUNTER. the kept jail over yesterday at sold at and at “historio Williston,” parent enthroned, and for as in her Museum days, winsome will he sent to The 58c, regularly caste exterminated, was, Biddeford today. COUNTER, church of the movement, the ohurch of tools will also he EABERDASEERY and its spirit is one of the most and mischievous as Moya. There is a fas- recovered today. he hopeful $1. which Dr. Citrk was pastor when of which One lot of fine black signs the times. Mr. Pratt 6poke of cinating jingle in her brogue sug An assorted lot of started the first there was a very the slow MARRIAGES. society, davelopment of this idea of hu- gests the drawing room ruthor than the SKIRTS COUNTER. man leather Pocket interesting oelebration of the day. brotherhood, that seems to have it is She fine white grain reached its lowly Irish lass, but forgivable. men’s Night- the ohuroh was highest point in the world In South Paris. Jan. 25. William Adna Bar- At the morning service received curtain calls last evening with silver wide endeavor movement. many rows of Paris and Mrs. Lietta j. Robinson of trimmed with Two of fine fast Books, plated crowded. Kev. D. M. Pratt conducted shirts, styles Life is limitless in its influences, and and deserved them. The other women South Paris. a able In Brewer, Jan. 25, Greenleaf N. Bodeu and and at the service and preached very eternal destinies flow out of our work. at black satin edges corners, in the cast were efficient, particularly Mrs. Fannie R. Coombs. Cash’s embroidery, Skirts, Mr. Pratt said Live then iu the of the and interesting sermon. light eternal Miss Kate whose ability was In Gleuburn. Jau. 20, William E. Drew ana were Be fheroic, unselfish and Ryau, lined with 35c, 50c and to measure the im- Christ like. Miss Mabel Lizzie Tarr, both of flannelette, 58c. that it is difficult shown realistic role Bangor. 58c. Let the world find in you the heart-beat in her marvelously In Glenburn. Jan. 24, Parker A. Matthews of and portance passing events, history of a divine passion for God andjhumanity. of Conn’s mother. Miss Amelia Bing- and Miss Annie Moodv. One lot of India braided or trimmed with Ill Caribou, Jan. 22. W. of Cari- fancy tan not well be written ham and Miss Grace W. Eddltsen also Harry Dodge RIBBONS COUNTER. The Evening Service. bou and Miss Emma O. Henry of Woodland. at marked In silk Four-in-hand Neck- velvet, WHILE IT IS BEING MADE. deserve high parise for their work. The Thomaston. Jan. 22. Reich Halford Black- $1.79, The church was Rockland and simply packed at the Mr. ingtonof Miss Jessie L. Burkett down That which seems men of the cast were generally good, of Thomas! on. from important today, evening service. President A. ties, at two for 25c. $2.50. E. Nick- In Camden. Jan. and An assorted lot of nar- seem less so and H. Gottus Lonsdale, the villain, taxing 22. Louis E. Bramliall may tomorrow, every erson of Williston Sooiety of Christian Miss Eda M. Clara. the hiss repositories of the second TOILET GOODS COUNTER. work of men must at last be subject]to Rev. gallery In Biddeford, Jan. 24, Fred Hlil and Miss INFANT’S OUTFITS COUNTER, row satin and velvet Endeavor, Dwignt M. Pratt, Rev. Eva Piaisted. the test of time. from the first to last. The scenery and unfailing W. S. Tn PASaafllimlCfiA.fr. .T»n 91 a T?l/*harri- Ayers, Miss Charlotte Thorndike all at The Christian Endeavor movement or- stage settings were entirely adequate.” son and Miss Elbe B. Smart. One lot of “Savon de colors, 3c Sibley, V. Richard Boss and Secretary Two of infants’ Ribbons, The will be seen at Port- In Bangor, Jan. 22, A* Abbott of Ver- styles ganized in this church 15 years ago by Shnughraun Joseph a E. T. Garland of the Y. M. C. A., oc- mont ana Miss Laura E. Lee ot Bangor. La Rose” at 16c a yard, were 5c. land theatre tonight. In Soap, Dr. Clark and his associates, has become seats on the Troy. Jan. 21, Robert M. liniglit and Miss long Dresses, prettily cupied platform. President A. the movement of the A Trip to Chinatown Daisy Gerry. box, 3 calces. greatest religious Nickerson presided. Mr. Garland read trimmed, at 50c and 69c, and HANDKER CHIEFS CO UN TER. age among young people, perhaps selections from the Scripture and offered Coming to Portland theatre under the One lot of corn whisk of the DEA1 H5. were in no other period of the history prayer. management of Messrs. Hoyt & McKee, 75c and$i. a movement have at 8c. world would suoh President Nickerson tiien gracefully is Hoyt’s “A Trip to Chinatown,” whiol: Brooms, Also one lot of In tliis Feb. quilted One lot of women’s been possible. As a great crisis in history welcomed all present to the church. He will remain for one night oniy. The en city, 2, Charies H. Wyer, aged 73 years. One lot of has never failed to its said that 15 years ago a few devoted has Washing produce great man, gngeni8nt spooial interest attached tc [Funeral oil Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Bibs, trimmed, white Swiss lawn Hand- young people in Williston hamburg so moral or need gathered from her late residence. No. 04 street. every great spiritual church uhont their it from the fact that this most successful Emery for at pastor, and there or- In this city. Feb. 2. Elmyra G. Burnham, aged Compound, washing 19c, marked down with has been met by the discovery of some the first of comedies routes to Portland 68 9 12 kerchiefs, wrought ganized Sooiety of Christian Hoyt’s years months days. woolen without new principle, or the introduction of Endeavor. Great have been the changes with the same company Funeral on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, goods from that,presented from her late residence. No. 112 Willmot street. 25c. hemstitched is since that time.Now there are more than initial, some needed reform. History not hap- it for 656 conseoutive nights at Hoyt’i In tills city, Feb. 2, Eva A. at a 40.0U0 societies and a mighty army df Laughton, aged shrinking, 7c pack- One lot of haza d, and nothing comes by chance, theatre, New York. is this the 27 years 3 months. bengaline edges, at 13c, were 20c. mombers. Russel H. Conwell says that No£ only this and this society was the outgrowth of a Prayers Monday forenoon at 10.30 o'clk. a Christian Endeavor Society is a sail longest run ever known in the history at her late residence. No. 38 Cedar street. Bu- age. silk Poke uoiversai nceu, anu me worm was ripe Bonnets, to a small church and a rudder to a large rial at Bristol!, Maine. Damariscotta papers for ic. Previous to its organization of farco comedy, but no play, nd mattei one, and large or small a chnroh with please copy. STATIONERY COUNTER. brown and at LINENS COUNTER. there had been no widespread what its character, whether drama, In South red, 69c, religious a good society of this organization must Portland. Feb. I. Gertrude Hatch, movement 'l'he of Harriet N. and the John Hatch among young people, feel its influence. We are epectaoular, opera or farce, has ever be daughter late good looking 24 One lot of marked down from $1. crusade of 1212, which enrolled 70,000 backward tn a cast aged years. silvered fore been given for bo suooessivt Funeral tills lor the oapture of Jerusa- many Monday afternoon at 2.30 o’clk, Two lots of young people from her late residence. 50-inch has often been cited in MEETING WITH ^iviavwui«uvv>i i::ition of tlie great staffs came direct from Turk’s Island, with a strip, jl chills, and catarrh. For hacking, hoarseness and 7c; Nice Country Ball Butter, 25c: 10 pound and cargo of salt, and while she was coughs whooping cough. Tub Squire’s Pure Lard, 80c; Fresh and i VJa WHEAT, CORN RfCE.f except- la sore w For bronchitis, diphtheria, grippe, throat and For Pick led Tripe, 8c; Frankfort 10c; Q ionally free from sickness, the customs asthma, lungs. Sausage, P A. grocer who oners you any other cholera-morbus and summer Try Our Hulled Com, 10c can; Fore Quarters £ officers her until the colic, croup, cramps, complaints. For 6c to Nice 4c colored package than Red. when quarantined arrival dyspeptic Lamb, 7c; Corned Beef, 2c. and $ youg and muscular rheumatism. For cuts, Red Salmon, 11 Bars A lor ti c ('••■•r.riue Aunt Jemima of Dr. Merrill, who was for. neuralgia cracks, corns, con- 6c; Alaska 10c; Laundry is|5 telephoned pains, California White 18c bo x n and if all irritations and Soap. 25c; Honey ; i /in ., t-‘ decvi' he deceivesS and cmlblains, p Capt. Dodge oouldn’t leave the bark, tusions, chaps inflammations. For lame Best Baltimore Peaces, 10c; Fine Cooking m tiP:- may in ac- in fiytlu your and the who talked with shoulder. For pains chest, kidneys, use the vital Molassess 25c and 35c gal.; 3 pkg. Savena -:: he Red reporter him back, side, stomach, great £ Vaats. IP package.?' ailment above is Soap Powder 25c; Best Can Blueberries 10c; o. couldn t on and Every caused or Beware counterfeits. fi go board, Mr. Dodge, and muscle nervine. by accompanied with 3 pounds best Cal. Prunes 25c ^ Best Pea which Beans Y. E. Beans 45c peck; Nice Smooth HERE’S OUR GUARANTEE. the captain’s father, who was on the inflammation, to cure Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment was Jj originated. Large Potatoes 45c bus.; Try our 25c and 35<* could But a package of Genuine Aunt Jemima’s Self- ? wharf, only talk to his son from Teas. JOHNSON & LAMBERT, 24 Wilroot p and if (j Ring Pancake Flour, you do not and it if that safe distance. street.”1-1 y makes the best cakes you ever ate, return the L Q box to grocer, leave your name, and empty your p Dodge was a good deal more SALE—One new Portland make til;- grocer will refund the money and charge A Capt. style fftOR in order used two sea- g it to us. 6 patient under this restraint than some sleigh good only » Scientifically Prepared and C sons: price no object if sold at once. Call V Manufactured only by of the ruuners for sailor boarding houses, at 247 COMMERCIAL ST. 1-1 who were for KILL Si. waiting Deepwater Jack. 17OR SALE—First class provision aml**gro^ GO., Johnson's0"1^"" *• ?i?.T.D«IS Joseph, Ho.| He was anxious to come on but eery store located on one of the finest » 0U0D«y3G£X2r£X30€3OOcX3e^^>G€aDO3ODGOGC» shore, corners in the South End, Boston. Good was detained until the arrival of Dr. family trade, low rent, fine team, clean Merrill. stock. Come quick. Other business demands all my time. $500 down; balance on easy Capt. Dodge said that had a they very AhodyneUNIMENT terms. Addess P. T., 27 Comhill, Boston. long ar.d hard passage from first to last. It was invented by the late Dr. A. Johnson, an old fashioned, noble hearted Mass. 1-1 They encountered head winds for days Family It is recommended by physicians A11 who use Physician. everywhere. FOR SALE—loo acres, 50 acres tim- at a and the time, sea was very high. it are amazed at its power and praise it forever after. It is for Internal as much FARMSber and wood, cuts 25 tons hay, good pasture, brook water, good orchard, 2 store- “In 19 days we had 14 hours of as External use. is used and endorsed all athletes. It the the exactly It by is best, house and ell, 8 rooms, large barn, stable and clear said the house in weather,” captain. THE N tWN YACHT. oldest, the It is unlike any other. It is to all others. It poultry, good repair, 20 miles out original. superior on M. C. and G. T. ’$ struck into R. R. Price $2,000. W. They what proved to be a a Universal Household /fire is not merely Liniment, it is the Remedy from infancy H. WALDRON & CO., 180 Middle St, 1-1 j very bad gale, and when it ended and a tArL tuwuiili. and live feet or as a ueet win De awaitoa ana tuuugn long broad, mgn eagerly to old There is not a medicine which the confidence i age. today possesses FOR SALE—First class horse, when ihe captain and crew were well landsman might say, so that whan down it seems hardly the season of the yeat HORSE of the public to so great an extent. It has stood on its own intrinsic weighs about 1200 lbs. sound and kind The worn out, they made what was under the the board will more than double whioh to talk of summ w sports the HOOPER SON & LEIGHTON.31-1 Thing Randall Bros’ New merit while generation after generation has used it with entire satisfaction. J au Racing Yacht, the of the who tit*' at the oluh j circumstances, rauhcing experts appalling J yacht gi SALE—Best lots in suburbs discovery. draught You can trust what time has endorsed. Every Mother should have it building and safely I7ORof bouses and farms “We found,” said Capt. Dodge, that Even the landsman can see thnt louse will doubtless sit tie 'gain Portland; every- in the house, on children love to take it. It where; Houses to let. 413 Congress street, the salt of our had Now the ohance of new eom ir. dropped sugar suffering pro- That leads cargo struck through Being Built by J. H. Dyer-Sho Has 4he yacb is being put together in the igain the 31-1 duces an increase of vital in the and thus cures disease. WATSON._ into the water offioe a activity system, huts, and that every drop the Peculiar of the Cod ‘‘best workmanlike manner.” The Mr. Dyer has in his pretty Shape Cape eradicates inflammation SALE—Full blooded Grevhound Dog j a which Its electric without irritation. [ of fresh water was ruined. It are as smooth as the surface of model for foot schooner energy everlastingly FORten momhs kind and is a actually Bacers. planks forty-five old, great pet. Price $10.00 Owner is and seemed to me that the water iu our buts the ice found a still and cold Portland man is of building. All who order direct from and it, shall receive a certificate that their going away must during thinking us, request money sell him. DR. LEON. ) There will be be if not satisfied. Price Six It FULLER, Naples, Care. times shall refunded abunaantlv 35 S2.00, in the harbor cts; express was lively winter and each of wood fltB She would be a heel boat with consider- prepaid. Maine. 30-1 I night pieoe can’t it near home sen'* to us. Ask first. Sold druggists. free. next when the which you get by Pamphlet summer, yacht Mr. as as if able the keel fitted with an S3 House SALTER THAN THE SEA into its place snugly it had grown depth, being 1. S. JOHNSON & CO., ^ustom Street, Boston, Mass., Sole Proprietors. SALE—Two Joseph H. is for POR Thompson second-hand IT’S OUR Dyer building the there. The frame is all of white oak and ron shoe. Mr. has made a grace- 1 Jittle used. BUSINESS itself. For the time Dyer sleighs. Very Also Thomp- we were without a Messrs. Randall starts son Goddard out to show what the of hard The ful model 1 ut he is not able to say The Doggy, slightly used. Inquire at | planking pine. yaoht is M O* h lrT1,Cm only safe, sure and 338 j on SPRING single drop of fresh water board.” she can do. A model is that of ST, 30-1 strange this with sorews. She whether or not the boat will be built, Under such put together galvanized TO BE circumstances, knowing new craft, a model still -out of the ever CAREFUL, ( will have a lew house and this will be rhe owner Is a cottager at one of the is- offe^sTto Luldn’t make our MISS ARNOLD’S LECTURE clothing and gents’ winter cheap at NO. 28 PORTLAND PIER, The Boston & Maine’s Oldest Conductor A.K. Wright Co. overcoats. Call or aeldress letter or tc fltO LET—Front room thirst postal with alcove, at NO. 3 worse. Everything seemed to have MR. and MRS. DE 76 Midde street. A PEERING __301 A Fall Assortment of and Free- G. the oldest conduc- It is for the to know GROOT, 28-1 Lehigh salt in At the School Eibridge Towle, important publio ST._ frame house and lot it.” High Saturday—Interesting ]an!3-4 ApOR SALE—Two-story that the A. R. have about 200 ft. from Middle on the tor in the service of the Boston & Wright Company TO LOAN—On first and second street, Earning Coals tor Domestic Use. Capt. Dodge said that after the second Talk on Education. north side of Free street. Nos. 25 and 27. Two died of at his residence jpened an office at No. 50 Exchange MONEYmortgages, on real estate, stocks, bonds if he ordered a man Maine, apoplexy tenements. The above oould be maae to day, to do anything and life insurance policies or any good securi- pay Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) and in street, opposite.the First National Bank WANTED TO a better percentage by raising the house and he would “Give mo A audience assembled Charlestown, Mass., Thursday night. HIRE, ties. Notes discounted at low rate of interest. reply, water.” large at the two whioh will be in of I. P. 48 putting stores beneath. BENJAMIN Creek Cumberland Coals are He was born in Hampton, N. H., in building, obarge BUTLER, Exchange street, jan.l 4 61 1-2 Georges That cry “Give me water,” followed High school building Saturday evening -IK- SHAW, Exchange St. 30-1 and was therefore 73 ol£. Mr. Geo. W. Beale, formerly superin- for steam and him wherever he went. His to listen to a leoture by Miss Arnold on 1833, years LET-r-A pleasant furnished room heat- unsurpassed general personal SALE—Two new both own When ho was in bis 23d he entered tendent of the Portland Company, where TO ed, lighted, set bowl with hot and cold POR pungs, my were the of education. Mrs. year A make. 1 and 1 traverse use. sufferings made worse by tbe fact subjeot George use of bath room. Call straight runner, forge orders for wood and coal will be Portland or water, at 17 BOW will be the of the Boston & Maine as prompt Vicinity, ST. and sold at low price. GEO.B. MARCH. that tbe men so to S. Hunt, presided and introduced the employ right bell. 1-1 constantly appealed attended to. 69 Oak St.29-1 Genuine lykens Franklin, brakeman. If he had lived and continued ly in next a Valley him to give them what it was just as lecturer, who was received with applause. (For occupatian April by permanen in the servioe of the road until next resident), a nice sunny house of about eigh ; TtOLET—Brick house No. 11 Henry SALE—In one of the finest localities in English and American C&nnel. much out of his to obtain as it Miss Sarah L. Arnold is a and High School Cadet Bail. a street, aPOR power graceful rooms, having modern conveniences, heated b’ near Peering street; has 9 rooms, furrace Maine, a very desirable property, consist- March, he would have rounded out 50 water or a of about was beyond theirs. All be could do was easy speaker, and spoke for nearly two The School drill and ball will be steam, hot air, large garden desira heat, hot and cold water, and all modern con- ing 50 aores of land, half pasture, High uear in a balance Above Coals Constant- years of service on the railroad. ble, schools good neighborhood am l venienoes, just 10 minutes walk from postoffice. tillage, two dwelling houses, large to order a lookout to be for a the olose attention of her ■ sharp kept hours, holding Due of the finest and most elaborate ex- at a moderate rental. Advertiser would pur possession given Dec. 1. at house or to hall, wood shed and carriage house, all con- He ran out on No. Apply of Portland train 4, chase If could be made to ex GEO. F. nected with bouss. On Mand. sail, and to set his flag union down. audienoe to the last. hibitions of military skill ever seen at arrangements WEST, 191 Middle street. 20-tf Opposite side of street is ly of the Eastern division, apparently as change for a very detirable moderate pricei two stores, long shed from store to nice large Tlie third and fourth day in this The real work of the teacher, she house situated in barn, in .... passed said, Hall. It will occur on next Fri- Ashmont. Boston. long large sheds connection with barn TELEPHONE iOO-2 and his sudden death is a City • is to tram citizens—little ohildren at usual, great Address, with full particulars, to TO LET. and yara. Blacksmith shop, etc. All in way,the suffering of the orew increasing. The sale of “Projet,’ good to his friends the lay night. seats will begin Raom 7,13 Exchange Place, Boston. Mass. repair. Newly painted. Greatest bargain in seems to have but are to oontrol the munic- surprise many among OFFICE: Capt. Dodge never lost first, they at at 3 Jm29 d2tW&S Rooms in Mechnic Maiue. (No post office in store. men Stoekbridge’a p. in., Monday. Building competition), railroad here. ■ A. R. & courage, although the situation was fast ipality, the state and the nation. The E. A. DOTEN, 98 Exchange St., Only six seats will bo sold to one recently occupied by Dr. O’Neil. Me. Mr. Towle reoently said to a friend any Portland, jan29-tf 7b Commercial & 70 Sts. becoming desperate. The little they moral effect of teaching is the one great Apply lo Exchange that he wished to eontinue in service person. ap3 M.W&Ftf could condense had up to that time on thing. Teach ohildren to think, as well WANTED CEO. A. Sec. until next March and his 50 me anow sum tiuD, HARMON, as complete MARRY ME abled them to keep alive, but it Was a to read. Longfellow’s “Village Black- 511 Congress St. ARABELLA years’ service, and then he should retire At a of the Snow Shoe deo7 grave question how much longer they smith,” for example, may be made much meeting Club tf I will buy you such a pretty ring at from the road. He was very and held ANDMcKenuoy’s. A thousand of them, the best THE SEELEY HARO RUBBER TRUSS-sIoQ could endure the more than a exercise. The popular Friday evening, two new trustees reading the largest, the prettiest stock. Engagement mush respeoted among his associates. were elected for the next three WANTED—FEMALE HELP, and HORRORS OB’ SUCH THIRST, modern idea is that reality comes before years. Wedding-rings a speciality. McKENNY, He at the Falmouth were The Jeweler, Monument Square. DON’T BUY form. The successful teaoher will adapt always stopped They Charles M. Follansbee and 500 cords of Green Poplar lum janlBtt and not go mad. hotel while in town. resided at Forty words Inserted under this head to the Charles J. Pennell. Mr. Edward FOR BUSINESS-For sale, herself children, rather than to Het Illsley one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. With the fifth day, after the men had until nis wife's b er, delivered on cars at Wesi CHANCE-groceries, fruit and busi- OR RENT A PIANO aim to them to her of Stoneham, Mass., death, was elected armorer. confectionery adapt way think- ness, well established, good trade, good been for four days on this piteously since which time he has lived in Boston. The club Until you have examined our stock of ing. When you take your class out into will have a run to the Cape brook Junction, For partlcu standing with the people nice and very small allowance of less than half a tea He leaves two sons, three daughters, next Dr. F. C. Clark pleasant store; lease at low rate; you woulit & to Wednesday night. WANTED—Girl with experience, to Steiuway Sons, the woods find out what they brother and be with store if should see it. Canso of water In 24 admire, a sister. was elected medloal adviser. OIRLfold printed sheets of Law Book in our pleased Ha i'd eh cupful hours, and when, lars and details address for ram, Gabler, find out the line of their thoughts. Make bindery. LORING, SHORT & HARMON. selling, poor health; not able to carry it Bacon, Standard as the captain said, their tongues had on; will find everything as stated; will not what you are as muoh of a SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. O. W. O. Sheriff of __31-1 be become teaching Hardman, Tyler disappointed. Address, BUSINESS, Press and other high grade swollen, and their lips parched ( innA reality as possible. Pupils of the manual Co., W. Va.,appreciates a good thing and competant. Cook who is a and broken,a sail was sighted. EXCELSIOR MATCH COMPANY WANTED—Agood laundress, apply at 94 SPRING and cooking schools become so absorDed loes not hesitate to say so. He was al- ST.. with reference.* XiOR SALE OR TO LET—The Homestead h'or a time BEFORE JUDGE 1-1 A they thought that their sig- STROUT. of (he late Thomas near Stroud- in their work that they forget the pres- most prostrated with a cold when ho Quinby, nal of distress had not been jan23 Deering Me. 2w water In Deering. Four aores of land with seen, and Saturday—In the case of Alioe Dow- EM ALE HELP WANTED—A vamper on ence of others. procured a bottle of Chamberlain’s 1? good house. On line of street cars; 10 then the -V ladies Kid work; also an stranger came about and they ell vs. Wm. K. and Charles Bailey a suit experienced minutes from Union station; perfect drain- The uplifting possibilities of any.'sohool Cough Remedy. He says: “It gave me WANTED—MALE HELP. stitcher. SHAW-GODING SHOE C« 160 knew were age; Sebago water. As flue a location as they saved, and from her for damages for injuries received Middle street. 31-1 All Styles. All Prices. should never be lo^t sight of. The most personal prompt relief. I And it to be an invalu- Here Is In Deering. to ANDREW •— Apply Cart. Dodge obtained water to a Forty words Inserted under this heat v. "v.i:"'.'. enough for a by breaking through platform at the HAWES, Stroudwater dec27-tf Cash or interesting study teacher is the able remedy for coughs and colds.” ons week for 25 cents, cash in advance. Essy Payments. fill four beef barrels, the best substitute entrance to the cellar of defendant’s WANT JED—SITUATIONS. Call and study of children. Professor Burns was For sale by Landers & Port- see the Wonderful for water barrels Babbidge, at his command. store on Free street, the testimony is MISCTXXANEOTTS. right when he said that to a child every- land, Maine, and G. B. Woodman, West- TVANTED—To hire or buy a cottage, farm Forty words Inserted under this head Of course had the men been closed and are M house or lot one permitted in this world would centre the arguments to be made brook. cottage at Falmouth Fore week for 25 cents, cash in advance. thing around — CAP BUCKETS—F. E, Briggs. __ Deering to side. Address S. M. 413 Coogres 1 — take all the water they pleased, they WATSON, Center is on the market with a fine /EOLIAN. himself. She spoke of the study of bad Monday. street. Portland Me.31-1 Me., Write for would line of all grades of Buckets. They are Catalogue if you cannot call. have been in danger of killing ANTED—Registered Pharmacist wants a Sap made by a group of W made from on a sheet of Piue and one pupils discouraged THE MUNICIPAL WORSE & .*V position in Maine or New only themselves, and so it was doled out to COURT. CUPTILL, Hampshire; seam. He also makes a fine line of Wash S3. toaohers and they all found that the oest of reference given from present employer, STEiNERT~l SDKS thorn, but even a was ara Boilers and Picard 3-l&wlt GO., partial supply Smith of one the I1 worker. Address, Druggist **B,” Tinware._ John room, boy whose Fire care this office. 517 St. to save and it lasted until Insurance NURSERY 3_l who now! The Congress enough AGENTS ye drink, drinking them, Apts, stop ahsenoe seemed to make a seventh heaven BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. WANTED—To take orders on the roa I HO!Sure Cure I sell "takes away” all craving more was obtained.. Have removed to their TITANTED—Position as book-keeper or as- T C of the school Was In during the coming spring and summer. Uc for liquor—weans from all desire for It—only NIcCOULDRIC, room, duplicated In- sistant. hy a young man with experience, j,uil7 Bad luck followed them to the for Saturday—Barney Shaughnessy. NEW OFFICE, equalled chance for and i or one dollar a (mailed). Address all 3M r.n,iXp;or. eodtf last, ether and the beginners experience would invest in a paying business. Address package, every school, question fined $5 and men. Wo want your and are orders to C. E. 23 prospect they made this ooast In a thiok snow toxication; costs. help willinj d, M. O., care Press office. 30-1 BEAN, Agent, St. “Shall we the bad children with No. 50 to pay liberally for it. Portland, Me. keep Robert A. Searoh and seizure ° St. ___3”-! Bowdoin Alumni Dinner. storm, aud had a last touoh of high Faoey. febl Exchange dim Do not fail to write at once for full information the rest, or must they be isolated?” was WHITING NURSERY STENOGRAPHER-Wanted by a young man, Naptha; Benzine; Chain winds and plea of misnomer. Discharged. CO., a generally bad weather off the situation as stenographer and It have any use for the The twenty-sixth annual of answered by every teaoher as one, in 457BlueHiU Ato„ BOSTON. MAS! typewriter. GASOLINE;Lightning. yon meeting > Keiercnces if and it was when furnished required, Address above 1 should like to supply you with any hamor, raining they Real Estate WOOD anlOMW&Fm: x» tni« the Bowdoin Alumni of Portland and favor of the retention of the bad boys, Transfers. MANTELS Office. 28-1 from a pint bottle to a barrel. docked. the quantity Despite trying experience young men and middle Telephone or drop a postal. I deliver to any vicinity will be held on Feb- and every one said that the bud’childron, The following transfers of real estate position as stenograper. Saturday, and WANTED—Brightmen to for W? v -^.TED—A part of to NEAL D. WINSLOW, 00 through which they passed, all on board TILING. aged prepare Railway Mail Have had two years experience. Ad- city. ruary 16th, at the Falmouth Hotel. The who very likely remained to some degree In this county have been recorded ip Indian and Governmen : dress X. Preble were Departmental. Y. Z., this ottice. 30-1 street/_1-1 well, but Capt. Dodge said he was services. Examinations soon in thii anniversary oration will be given by Mr. bad to the end of the ohapter, did, as a the Registry of Deeds: Largest and finest stock. Low* Printing FREE! Pictures! We trams glad to see Portland city. Particulars free of National Correspon of David W. again. of while Vinton Earle to est Prices. PICTURES!them! Those in want pictures should Snow, of the class of 1873, and matter faot, Improve attending Deering—E. Edward deuce Institute. Washington. D. C.31-1 IiOST AND FOUND. elswhere. The Capt. Dodge is a resident, of South call on us before going picture tiie poem by Mr. A. Docke of the school. K. Miliiken. -Thorough-bred" given witli every picture we Joseph Portland. Ho Is WANTED—An experienced installment col unmarried, and has for w. A. »“ fran e. All kinds of easels from 35c up. E, I>. class of 1665. Mi. Clarence W. Miss Arnold believes that teachers are South Portland—W. S, to Julia ALLEN, lector for an out of town route. The bes ; POUND.—In front of the Preble a Peabody sometime Henley House; REYNOLDS. 693 Congress St., next door to been regarded as one of the of Preble Street. <1L€ of references and a bond Oulv a bus pocketbook a small sum of of the olasa of will act as a of theii B. Henley. oct5_Foot required. containing Grocery store.14-3 1893, toast- showing higher appreciation tier need to GATELY & Owner can Shaw’s best master mariners sailing from this apply O’GO'RMAN > have same by calling on master. and are to help the 47 Middle St.. Portland, Me. 29-1 G M. the and work, they trying YOUNG, druggist, proving the services of a port. He certainly is entitled to great l’ortland Choral MADAME LILLI property. 23_i desiring private ohurch and state in character Society. DUNTON, tutor in advanced studies are Swett’s credit for building, T1TANTED—An able bodied man who under PERSONS requested Nomination Confirmed. the way he met the danger he II to call on or CHARLES P. and she saw a favorable indication of the There will be a full rehearsal of the stands farming thoroughly, between thi address, BARNES, Lyric Artiste, Just from 3 Mr. encountered in mid-ocean. Europe, of 21 and 35, and who comes well recom A. M., No. Deering Street. 1-1 George L. Swett received last ev- in face that others Ohoral this at 7.30 ages good time coming the Society evening Can be engaged lor "At Homes”, concerts and mended. to the office of WM. M a Apply ening despatch from Senator Hale say- in with the sharp. The society is excellent receptions. BRADLEY. 48 M» St. 29-1 School of SMITH has moved back to bis old Women On the School Hoard. are becoming touoh sohools, doing Exchange Drawing and Painting, Instruction, in of sure to ~ • 152 1-2 Federal ing that Mr. Swett’s nomination as and delivery voice, pro- CH.stand, St. 28-1 post- that the press is interested in eduoational work steadily Increasing in numbers. duce also and advice There will bo a in the confidence; preparation master of Portland had been unanimous- publio meetiDg In any vocal to method ALGER Y. work, and that women are more fre Mr. Sanglier is much encouraged after given part, according FIRST CLASS CURRIER, Instructor, to loan; on first and second mort- hall of the next ami interpretation of Communica- ly confirmed. Mr. Swett stated that he reception City building the last celebrities. MONEYgages on real estate, personal porperty, quently eleoted to membership on sohoo! week’s rehearsals, and expeots to tions addressed to Tuesday for all women who Preble House. jau29dtf (Pupil of Boulanger, Lefebove, Benj. Constant stocks, bonds or any good collateral securi- expected to be to his duties afternoon, • ready begin boards. She spoke of the give a publio recital in the P I A ]V O S and Carolus Duran; Member Paris Asso- ties. Inquire of A. C. LIBBY, «4 Exchange are interested in woman approvingly early spring. in about two weeks. having repre- results of the official labors of the worn ciation of American Artists,) street.jan21-4 Musio of the cantata and new part CO-PARTNERSHIP OTICE. sented on the superintending school en who are members or the Boston sohoo! songs can be tad at & Commences months. Myles Standish Rifle Club. committee. Cressey, Jones FOR SALE OR ALSO Jan. 6,1896—fora SAMUEL LEVY is now prepared to board. The meeting will be addr essed by RENT; MR. oast off Allen’s musio store. MR. Terms—Day Classes 810 per month! buy clothing of all descriptions for Eeiow are JOSEPH S. HAN given the best score made prominent men and women. $40 the season. highest cash prices. Address letters or posta to 100 MIDDLE at the of the above club at 17 Einwood Porter Discharged, s t his day admitted a in our house OH. G- A N S STREET. sep4-tf gallery Jurors Drawn. pariner FREE SKETCH CLASS, Cross 73 Coffee Party. WM. N. PKINCE St CO., street, feet, I S inch ring, pos- The oase of Linwood E. Porter, charged or Plain at if These traverse jurors for the February Jobbers of Fancy Goods. Small Wares and Very Fancy Evening Classes will be formed applica- sible 250: Herbert, Standish, 218; The St. Patrick’s Conference of the with embezzlement of commissions from tions are sufficient. 222; term of the Court were Gents’ Furnisblngs, hold Supreme drawn For further information as to the school, and Nctrad, 216; Wentworth, Society of St. Vincent de Paul will Porter’s was before 8551-8 Middle Me NO. 114 1-2 EXCHANCE ST Stanley. 202; Express, again Judgt John St., Portland, as to railroad fares for pupils living out of the their In hall Saturday; David Rounds, F. -AT- 199; Piukham, 195; Dennis, 181; Duran, annual coffee party City Robinson Saturday morning and forth jan28 _dim city, applv hy letter or in person to ALGER V. Parker, Charles A. S. Harper, Charles CURRIER, Hallowell. or to Portland Society 101; Both, 153. on Tuesday evening, Fehruary 11th. ar testimony of Freeport people was in- H. El well. LADIES DO YOU KNOW of Art. School of Drawing and Fainting, No. 5 This organization disperses abundant troduced. Robinson decided that Deering Portland, Ale. decliKitf Portland Death Kate. Judge DR. FELIX LE BRUNTS Place, charity among the destitute of this oity a case had not been made out Without a Government License. W. P. HASTINGS’, ware against There eleven deaths in the city and it is to he this entertain- hoped that Linwood Porter and he declined to fine Samuel of Green was IP A CLOCK during the week noon. Horry Lake, WE WASTED ending Saturday ment will Female Regulators IF FOUR WATCH KICK wera duo to be a great success. cause him. Webb STEPHEN They the following causes: probable against Portei brought before Judge Saturday Would to because he has BERRY, a e the and only FRENCH WE go McK.enney’3 Cancer. 1 cerebral original will take the kick out of it aud make 1 ” than all the other hemorrhage, 1; was aocoidingly discharged. Carrol! for retailing liquor without a govern- are ana reliable cure o* tbe market t more up-to-date docks diphtheria, 1: 1; heart dis- The verdict of the is that Dr. 81.00; sent mull. Genuine WE keep goed time. Mainsprings 76c, clean stores combined. Mis 95c alarm clock is tvak- exhaustion, people W. Morrill, Esq., was Linwood Porter’i ment and fined whioh he Fripe,sold by and 95c to JOB ease. Bull’s license, $25, only by J. H. Hammond, corner ing $1.00; mainspring cleaning oombine I ing up the town, docks, $50.00, 1; meningitis, 1; oneumonia, 2; Cough Syrup is the best remedy andCentre BOOK AND PRINTER attorney. aid, Free Sta,; and L. C. Fo^Her, corner of $1.50; all work nrstclass. McKENNEY. Th AicKENINKY, The Jeweler, Monument Square. pyaemia. 1: senility, a. for coughs, oolds, sore throat, asfcbma, eto. Congress and J,*f3Vetto Portland. Mr. Ate.; Jeweler, Monument Square. janlfitt iauiotf No. 37 PLUM STREET. MISCELLANEOUS. Mid weight... .25.®26|Ginger.r7®l8 Beef, corned. $8 60»n bo. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. Heavy.2og2e Starch, Shoulders, corned and lresli 7c Jan 30-Ar. Good 5 Shoulders, JONESPORT, schs Nellie King. d’mg.25,g261 Laundry.-1 Vb(3 smoked, s. Helen 8H A state Convention Union Packs.- .86(8381 Ribs, fresh, 8Vie. Dawes, Portland: Maria.Beal.de: Republican Gloss.fl%<87l/a Red Beach for Mary •6¥o®o®o®o®o#o®o®o«o®o®o®c Am. call.... DOgl.OO Tobacco. Siwyer. Kelley, Boston: Premature —WILL BE HELD IN— MAINE CENTRAL R. R Hams, large and small, 9% ai ie. H Lubee; M j Beal, Lead. Best brands.... 60@8o Lewis, Johnson, Sewell, S c Bacon, 9c. Portland. « Sheet.«t4@7 Medium.SOY2. Commercial bills Sch Capt at Boston from Governor in an additional delegate, ami 1.00 n. in. lor Brunswick, Lisbon 1 ortland Railroad Company 100 118 120 Butter. North, choice, 191.320. Independet. Case, 1.894, Ffxpress New the loss of down,” loss for a fraction of fortv votes in excess of seven Falls, Harbor 60-days at 86@4 86%. Government Bonds Portland Water Co... .100 loo 105 Butter, imit, mn. 17c. port News, reports niaiutopnmst breaking experiences "■»» « Augusta, Waterviile. Bangor, Bar on § Ladle the five votes, an additional delegate. Oldtowu and via B. & A. Railroads easier. BONDS packed 15 316, passage. I 1 from Boston to Houltou, s.eady. Eeb 1 — Sch Robert McFarland, of Vacancies in the delegation of Towr ^ Only Night | ; 1.15 Poland Portland City 6s. 1897.103 104 Cheese. Northern, new do lOSlOVa : Wst, ch’ce Key West, strength, sleep, and appetite, any City. p. m„ For Danville Jc., Springs Si ver at the Board was from Boston for was or Plantation can be filled a resident o: 2 I Jacksonville and St. station. neglected. ortland «s. 1907.12u 122 9310c. Montgomery, Norfolk, only by Augustine Mechanics Fails, Rumford F’alis, sDoken boat Kate with loss the iu which the exists. Phillips Bar silver 67% Portland 4s. 1302—1912 Funding 102% 103% Eggs, hennery choice. 2 '@22: East 17. by pilot, yesterday, should at once take County vacancy o L—■ a imm 1 Lewiston, Farmington. Kingfield. of sails and stays carried away, and vessel bad- Tile State committee will be ill session in the Oakland, Waterviile. Mexican dollars 53%. Portland 4s, 1913, Funding.lo7 107 Eggs. Mich, choice, 16c. Bingham. Skowhegan, ly strained. M reported that he was una- room of the hall at nine o’clock, ot “New Bangor aud Vanceboro. augor 60, 1899. R R. aid.107 no Western fresh 15%#)6c. Capt reception Q Route of the celebrated | At London to-day bar silver was quoted ble to get into Norfolk and would the of the convention, for the l.ao p, m. For Brunswick, Au- Bangor 6s. 1906. Water.116 117 Beans, pea, 1 30®1 45-.mediums, 3 30@1 35. probably go morning puruost % York and Florida Special solid C Freeport. to Pensacola. ot the credentials of delegates. Dele gusta, Rockland and ail stations on 30% d & oz and steady. Bath 65, 1898. R. R. aid.104 loo Beans, yel. eves, 1 46@i 66:red kid.l 3l)@l 35. receiving 0 Vestibuled Traih to Jacksonville 4 Bath, Boston, Feb 1—Darque Johnson, gates in order to be to ii Knox & Lincoln Skow- Th stock market lower and Bath 6s. 1897, Municipal..loo 102 Beans foreign; 1 25®1 35. Allanwllde, eligible participate A and St. Augustine. C division. Waterviile, opened speeu- from Buenos reports: Crossed the the convention, must be elected t< hegan. Belfast. Dover and Green- Bath 4VS9, 1907. Municipal.100 102 Potatoen.Aronstook Co. Hebrons 33@3oc bush. Ayres, equa- subsequent * Foxcroit, tion closed quiet and steadv. tor Jan 2. in Ion 35 W. and bad wea- the date of the call for this convention; nm NO EXTRA FARE. ville, Dangor, Oldtown, Vanceboro. Lath 4s, 1921, Refunding.100 102 Potatoes. NT H pleasant Bucksport, Hehronsl30@33. ther until about Jan i7. Afterward had under this should not be electei 2 St. John, and Belfast 6s. 1898.K. K. aid.104 106 do Rose. strong delegates call, Halifax, Honlton Woodstock. Railroad Keceipr.a. northerly and easterly winds and heavy seas, to the State convention to be hereafter eailei 3.30 p. m F'or Fry- Belfast 4S. Municipal.101 103 Potatoes, White s ar, 28®30c. Bovinine c Sebago Lake, Brldgton, but received no L S for the of nominating a candidate foi 1 Trains burg. Nortn Lancaster, PORTLAND. Feb. 1 Apples, choiec p bb!, $3 00,33 60. important damage. Capt purpose 3 daily Conway, Fabyans, Calais 4s. 1901—1911 Refunding. 100 102 Brophy, former master, died Nov 18. at Buenos governor. St, Johnsbury, Montreai^and Chicago. IL R.—For Municipal.108 Apples, Baldwins at $2 GO43"00. Receipts by Maine Central Fort- Lewiston 6s. 1901. 110 Ayres, where lie was burled. All electors of Maine, without to pasi Fbr rates and information address 5.05 p. m. For Brunswick. Bath, Lisbon 4s. 1913. Municipal.102 regard q ^ land 166 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for Lewiston 104 New York. Jan 30—Sch Phineas W Sprague. political differences, who are in sympathy wltt Falls, Augusta and Waterviile. ini Chicago Live Stock Market. • H. race 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 Strong, from Demerara, reports strong NW and that of concentrated food the sentiments expressed in the call of tile Re J. JOHNSON, N. E. Agent, £ 5.10; p. m.. For New Gloucester, Danville connecting roads 160 cars. R. R. 7s.1898.1st. (By greatest Maine Central tntglOO 108 Tele$rrapn» NE winds from south of Hatteras; carried publican National Committee for the Repuoli 300 WiiKhingtoii St., Boston. f Junction, Poland Springs station, MeoUanio ’’7s. 1912, cons. nngl34 13C ^ CHICAGO, Feb. 1, 1S9G.-The Cattle mark- away bobstays. not a can National Convention, are cordially invitee or Ticket Office. Falls. Auburn and Lewiston. Retail UrmiftTi *nirar Ra'flv •• preparations. It is medicine, O any Coupon | ’’4V2S.104 106 et-~receipts 1,60°; steaay: Common to extra Nassau, NP, Jan 27— Sch Nathan F Cobb, to unite with the Republicans of the state in 11.00 p. m, Night Express, sleeping cars, for Portland market—cut loaf : confectioners at ’’gos, 1900, extens’nioo 108 at o 60*o®o®o®o®o®o®o®o®oi Augusta, 7 powered, i-e: ”4yss. 1906, Skg FdlOl 102 b>ulls at I and with loss of has builder-up brain, nerve, Per (order State Bangor, Bar Vanceboro, St. pulverised— granulated 60(0,8 50; calves at sails, completed repairs Republican Committee. ■ Harbor, Bucksport, ft. R. ntr! 0/.5?®w?r.ailc^ 6% coffee crushed yellow 4% I eeds Sc Farmington 6s. 1896.100 10,1 2 OOigb 2ol Texans 2 5533 «(). and sailed Jan 25. Was obliged to ship a new JOSEPH H. MANLEY, Chairman. Stephens, St John and all Aroostook County, St Ogd’g 1900. 108 and flesh tissue. its Portland g6s, Istmtgloa Hogs Receipts 3,00o;ftrmer,6c higher ;heavv crew, as the old crew deserted. By strength- BYRON BOYD, Secretary. Halifax and the Provinces, but does BOt run to Portland W ater Co’s «s, 1899.104 106 and Portland Wholesale Mark**.. packing shipping lots at 4 10@4 30; com- Augusta, Maine, Jan. 28,1S96. Belfast, Dexter, Dover and Foxcroft or beyond Portland Water Co’s 4s. 192T.100 102 mon to choice mixed 3 iioiuestic and its action Bangor, Saturday PORTLAND. Feb. 1. 18 6 90®4 27% choice as- giving properties, GRAND TRUNK nights. 2U‘^4 26: Eght 3 9534 26; pigs at NEW YORK—Ar 31st, schs Jeremiah Smith, The are to-day’s wholesale prices of o oUt«C4 2w. following Providence: as an of each of SUNDAY TRAINS. Grain quornrinnu. Parsons, Maggie Hurley. Tuttle, invigorator the President al Electors Must all be RAILWAY. Fr visions. Groceries, etc.: ?!!efPTPe6°: steady, infelor to choice Rockland; Clifford I White, Falkingham, from Chosei 7.go a. m., paper train for Brunswick-An, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 2 6033 60; lambs 3 60 Watsrville lour* iiraiB 26(34 St John, NB. gusta, and Bangor. organs of 1.00 m. Superfine &■ Wheat. 60-ibs. @80 Friday’s quotations. Passed Hell Gate 31st, scho G M Brainard, great life-maintaining in State Convention. On sad after MONDAY. Not. 189; p. For Brunswiok Lisbon Falls, 18th, and tow grades.2 96 63 2( WHEAT. Domestic New York for Rockland; KG Willard, do for trains will run as follows: Lewiston, Batli, Augusta, Waterviile, Markets. the it the 1 Spring Wneat DaKr Corn, new, c3r 3*@39 do: Morris & Cliff. Amboy for do; Emeline G body, stops decline, Headquarters Bangor. By Republican LEAVE. 11.00 m.. ers.cl and bt3c.0@37i Corn, oat Jots. .400.42 Jan. Telegraph Sawyer. Port Johnson for Salem. State Committee, ! p. Night Express with sleeping Mav. For Auburn and ah » FEBRUARY 1 t. schs .Oliver S Er- and to the Augusta. Maine. Jan, 18, 1896. ) Lewiston 7.15. 7.55 a. m cars for points. Patent-Sum Meaj. nag lots. .40o4l penuiR. 65 Va _ 1, 1S9G. BOSTPN—Ar Barrett, gives prematurely To the of 1.10,1.30, 5.20 p. m. ARRIVALS nr wneat... 4 00642. Oats, car lots 27@2S losing.. 66 v* NEW YORK—Flour—receipts 28,222 pekags; whi, arid Cliilde Harold, Sweeney, Baltimore; Republicans Maine:—Prior to 189: VORTLAND. two Presidential electors at For Gorham and am From ftilCil. atr’giu Oats, bajr lots 80/* 32 exports 4,518 bush and 53,27. sacks; sales 7,- Wm T Donnell Swain, do; W C Norcross. Rob- broken-down sufferer a new large, correspond Berlin, 7.o6a.m.. 1.30 Montreal, Quebec, Fabyans, Bridgtou, corn. to the two United 5.20 m. 8.26 a Lewiston Falls roller.... 3 9064 0( Cotton Seer, 600pkgS( dull, firm, unchanged. inson. Rockport: Clarence H Venner, Watts, ing States senators, weri p. in.; and Mechanics Jan — nominated in State re For Island a. and 1.30 m. 8.30 a. m : and Batb, clear do.. .3 8853 Id car lots. 00 00:rt 22 60 Mav. Wheat—receipts bus; exports 34.7 83 busli; Nor oik; Mt Hope. McLean, aiid Willie H Hig- convention, and the Pond,7.55 m., p. Waterviile, Augusta — lease of wherein health For Montreal and am Rockland tl.oui st'gt bat lots oooo.@24 oo opening.. SO Vs skies bush, dull, held higher with options; gins, PYeeinan, Philadelphia. life, poor malnlng electors, corresponding to the mem Chicago, 7.55 a. in., 8.36a.m.; Mdttawamkeag.bangor and bers of the Unfted States 1.30 m. 12.25; Rum- roller... 4 00vfl4 1( 'Sacked Br’r ostiur. SO No 2 Red in store and elev 80V»®8o6/„; afloat Cld 1st, sch Spartan, Coombs, Rockportand House of Represen p. Kingfield, Phillips, Farmington, an tattves were nominated the con For Quebec, 1.30 m. ford Oakland and Lewiston clear do. .3 8063 8£ i car lots. 14 00 *15 uO FORK. at 81 Vs@81«/sc: f 0 1) 82 @X2<%. Baltimore. is unnecessary adjunct if its by several p. Falls, Skowhegan, grcssional district conventions. 12.30 p. m.; No. Conwav and 4.40 Wnt'i wheai bat lots.. & 16@ 17 00 Corn—receipts 64,<>< 0 bush; exports 8656 BALTIMORE—Sid 31st. sch Charmer, Pig- ARRIVALS. Fryeburg May. sales The passage of tlib Australian Ballot law en P. ra.; Waterviile, Rock- patents. 4 10 64 So 1M iddlines ..si «@ 17 oo Opening. 10.66 bush; 32.000 busli;dulland brmer;No2 at gott. alveston. UiJV A O WHtillUVV*. Skowhegan, c c the Under the law land 6 25 p. m.; st, John. st. Fish. bag ots. .817,019 00 Closing. 36 elev, 87% afloat. BRIDGEPORT. CONN-Ar 31st, sch D J tirely changed procedure. From UWIStUr. aud Auburn. 8.25 a. m„ am Stephen. 10.1o all Conventions are a Aroostook Bar Harbor and C'Jd—Lar g* Coffee. Sawy»*iv Kelley, Nor ft) Ik. portion of our electloi 12.15 3.10. 5.15 and 5.30 p. m. County, Bangor Saturday’s quotations. sales system, and this ballot act requires that candi 6.35 p. 111.; Rangeley, Farmington, Rumford Shore .... 4 75-65 2." dlo. roasted 21 @24 l/s lu.ooo bush; tfiill and firmer; No 2 at CAMDEN—Ar.31st, sch C M Gilmore,Thomp- From Island Pond. Berlin and Gorham ilates to he voted for the Lewiston 6.45 small do. .2 50:63 26 .Java do.28@8l VVR KAT. 2.D4 ; do White at 20*4. son, Portland. by Voters throughtm 8.25. a. m., 12.15 and 5. 30 p. ill. Falls, Skowhegan. p. m; Chicago and the whole state must be in and Montreal and all White Mountain Pollock_2 2563 2., slol Rases. Feb. May. OHIOACO—Tlie Flour GALVESTON—Sid 31st, sch Daisy Farlin, GOUGHS COLDS. placed nominatioi From Chicago am. Montreal, 12.15 and 5.3( market to-day was 8.10 on by a Convention representing no less a constlt m. points. p.m., all points on B. & A. R. K., tiaddock.. .1 50@2 j Porto Rico.27@33 Opening..... 66 Vg dull, film, prices unchanged hard wheat Dunton. Mobile. ISLE’S riNKOLA BALSAM is a sure Rem p. ! spring uency than the state. all tin Bangor, Bar Harbor, 1.40 a. m. -. ake.1 60:62 00 Barbadoes.25@28 Closing..... 66 Vi 67;V4 ;i 10®3 soft wheat HIGHLAND LIGHT—Passed east31st, bark edy for eouglis, colds ore throat and whole Hence, FV-oin Quebec. 12.15 a. m. patents 15; patents $3 (low candidates of a for express Halifax, St. John, Waterviile from Presidential electon 1 Bangor Herring, box Fancy,.30@35 corn. 3 hard wheat Alice, Dodge, Turks Island for Portland. for asthma. 1 party Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Nigh 10; bakers 2 >5*2 3nUi sacks; must be ana Augusta, 3.30 a. m. Tea. -*■ ion. ui.li 11 nominated ill Stwe and trains and Scaleu.... 9®13c soft Wheat luuuugaouii, v/Ul UaiH.ll soothes. Convention, parlor cars on day trains. pivms -rTTr-irup vr p Ac n Jan. hakers *2*2 20: Winter wheat at quickly TIP'L'C'T ntipirir v/i icw ACT nTU Mackerel, bi ..17@‘2o May Island for Portland. 1 have therefore included Ih the call six electors, Amoys 3 20®3 4 in wood. Wheat—No 2 Spring 64Vs .••.bates he cough, F. E. G. P. & T. A...... H, BOOTHBY, Extra Is 00 00@$ot) Cbngous.. 14@5o No 2 Bed at sell Celia F, Ran and renders ex- MANLEY, Chairman. STREET, AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF ItiDll losing. ©!’5Hc; OSWgOSS-ie. Com—No2 JACKSONVILLE— 571l o 67y2. Cieufuegos. 18tli. 96$ 0 Standard Gran o 1-18 veiling... NORFOLK—SU 31st. sell Sarah W Lawrence, will invariably STEAMERS. Cape Crau,i)rs$ lo.tk) Lard at 6 72Vs®5 80: short nb •sides at 5 33w ; Minx. 10.85 Hammett. New Bedford. derive benefit Portland & Maine. S7 a$9 Ex-quality, tine 5 401 Dry salted meats—shoulders at 4 75® Rumford Falls R’y. NEWPORT NEWS—Ar sell Gov from its us e. STEAMERS. $S 00(> 00 coup.....£108% ^-108% SAN FRANCISCO--Sid 31st, Geo Stet- BAY, STATE AND U ni 1 ed ales 2s lower: American middling 4 16-16U: estimat- ship dtf PORTLAND, and 12.15 p.m., arriving in Wiscassett at 9,05 Choice. 7 26 reg. 96% 95% son, New York. _oct29 (£21 t'ranKUn.... Pacific ed sales 3.000 bales; speculation ana ex slternatelv leave Franklin Wharf, Portland a. m. and 2. 67 p.m. Centra! lsts.ICO 100 8ATILLA RIVER — Sid CheeRo. ! Leilifi..... ®6 oO 600 bales 29th, sch Cassie every evening at 7 o'clock, arriving in seasoi J. P. TUCKER, enver A it. G. 1st.ill% 111% port Jameson. New Vork. Supt K. \. ict’ry.13 @J2V3 Pea. 4 00 Winter Wheat 6s Collins, t for connections with earliest trains for RICHARD T. RUNDLETT, Gen’l Mgr. V Erie 2(.s.*... 73 73 Quotations 8Viid(®6s914d; SALEM—Ar 3ist. sch Portland and Steamboat C< point ermoQi... 12 fi*12Vt Wheat Geo P Davenport, Mc- Boothbay bevond. ma;18 u6mos Kansas Pacific Cousbis. 71 71 Soring 6s 8Vad®6s 9d. Leod, 8a*re ....13 r£13Vs 4d. Newport News. Through tickets for Lowell »regon Nav. Jsts. 3 07% 107 Corn 3s FALL AHRANGEMEMI’S. Providence, Bread Lumber. % TllOMASTON—Sid 31st. schs James Young, Worcester, New York, etc. r-ansar, Pacific lsts.Iu3 Fork steady 63 9d. FULL Pilot sup....7 @7Va White wood— 103 Dunn. New York: Telegraph, Watts, Watts. Returning, leave Indla WhaRf, Boston Boston & Maine R. R. Northern Pacific cons 6s,... 37 After do sq.6 No 1&2. l-in$32®$35 Vs WILMINGTON. NC—Sid 31st, sch Edith & Plondii;, Sept. 2, ever; Evening at 7 o’clock. Cidckers— 4V2@5Va Sai>3.1-in. $2G(3$28 o in quotationS^of stocks Print Cloth Market. May. Kelley. Port au Prince. COUNT J, B. COYLE, Manager. in Effect October 20, 1895. j — * VINEYARD-HAVEN Cooperage. L'oril’n. 1-ln $23C3$i}6 tej u son.16% i*% FALL RIVER, Mass. Feb. 1. 1898.—The fol- Ar 1st, schs J W J. F. LISCOMB. Gen. Agt. llhLid hds— Balano. Cook, Brunswick 8 * Steamer shooks & i IVi, 1%&2- Adams Express.146 147 lowing is the print cloth statement for the week: days for Boston; Enterprise Oct. h 1895. WESTERN DIVISION. Mol. city- 1 60£1 7E in, American Express.Ill 110 Charley Woolsey, Ginn, Perth Ambov for Rock- PRINTING Trains leave Nol&2$33®$35 Pieces. Will leave Enst at 7.If Portland. Union Station, for 86 £1 OC i Boston ‘s; Maine. 162 land. Boothbay Monday Sug.count’y lV4,lVa&2-in a. m. for Portland, toucMinnr at So. Bristol Scarboro Crossing. 10.00 a. in.. 6.16,6.20, p. Country Mol Sana. Pacific. Production.220.000 Also ar 1st. sell Mildred J H* $28®$30 Centra; 16% 3 5 Delano, Redon- OM a recent we the outside Heron m.; Scarboro Beach, Pine Point, 7.00,10.00 Deliveries...j, .146.000 do via St Thomas tor job printed Island, Boothbay Hai^jr and Squirrfe liljdshooKs Squares. $36®fc38 Cues, a 0.110... .. 3 6% 16 Boothbav. ^ а, in., 3 30. 6.15,6.20, d ro.; Old Orchard, 1 Stock.708.000 sell T A another Island. hbd hdgml Cypress— Chicago A Alton.364 154 Returned, Stuart. and printer printed the in- Biddeford, 10.00 a. Sales.218 000 Tuesday, leave Portland at 6.45 a, m. foi Saeo, 7.00, 8.40, m., 32 n. 24@26 | 1-in No 1&2 $35 a: $36 A Alton preierrea —17 0 3 70 Sid 31st. schs N E Symonds, Carrie C Kennei Chicago Ware, side. Our customer said : “Didn’t Bemaquid. Touching at Squirrel Island 12.40, 3.30, 5.15, 6.20, p. in.; Sughd35m 21 (£23 lV4,lVa&2- Chicago, Burlington .127 3 29% Jenness. G M Porter, mid H E Nightingale. more than Ans. “Not б. 20 p,m.; Welle Beach, 7.00,8,40 a.m.. In print 3,oco?” and East Boothbay. 3.30, 12 tt. 26 £2S 2ya, Delaware, Lackaw ana & vvesfl63 The market is steady at 2-Hc for 64x64s. port 1st, sells Maggie J J W 5.15 m.; North •* 3&4-mf40®$45 164% Chadwick, leave Pemaauid at 6 a. m. foi p. Berwick, J3.46, 7.00, 8.40, 8 t. 8 (£9 iiS’tli pine... .$25®$35 * liio 13 Belano, and Charley Woolsey. more than 20 over.” Customer: “We Wednesday, From Boston and m. 5.15 Denver Grande. 13 Portland and above landings, every Wednesday Saturday, &. i 12.40, 3.30, p. m.; Kennebunk- Cordage. | Clear pine— lie. 16 3 8.40 a. A 6% had of left over.” Natural de- Thursday, leave Portland at 6.45 a. m. foi nort, Somerswortli, Dover, 7.00, in., iner’n^lblO^a^ll 1 Uppers.$55365 Foreign Forts 250 yours From no preferred 27 27 Harbor. at Philadelphia every 12.40, 3.30, 5.15 P.m.; Rochester. Farming* Manilla... 7v5£8V2 55 Boothbay Touching Squirrfe! Wednesday j Select.$45® ilinots Central. 96% 97 Va Ar at Yokohama Jan 1, barque duction : the other fellow gave short Islahd. ton, Alton Bay, 8.40 a. m.. 12.40, 3.80 p. m.; M anil la non common. OCEAN -TEA (I EH MOVE VI Harry Morse, and jFine ,$4-z®45 Take Erie & West. 21% 2i% Lane, Port Gamble. leave Saturday. Wolfboro, 3.30 p. m.; Worcester (via lope. 00 a 9 5u count. That’s the kind of tridav, Boothbay Harbor at 9 a. m. I Spruce. $131/?®14 Like Shore.146Va FUOW FOU Sid fm Port. Jau competition f rom Central 3 m. Fron Somers worth and Rochester,) 7.00 a. m.; do. 18 145Va Natal 10, barque H G John- for Portland. Touching at Squirrel Island. Wharf, Boston, p. Russia £151/3 1 4 Pin© 7.00 a. m.. 3.30 HemlocK.$11®12 Louis & Nash.46Va 46% Lalin.New York .Bremen.Feb son, Colby, for friends for us. leave Portland a. m. Street Wharf. Philadelphia, at 3 p, m. In Manchester, Concord, p. m.; Sisai. <5(0-7 ■ Aleppey. that makes He cheated Saturday, at 6.45 foi Clayboaras— Maine Central E. Maracaibo-New York.. Mavacaibo.. Feb r> Sid fm Kavanna-la-Mar Jan surance one-half the rate of sailing vessel. Rockingham Junction, Haverhill* Law- Drugs and l>ve*. 11, barque Syra. East Boothbay. Touching at Squirrel Island I spruce. X.$30®32 Mexican Central. 9% 9% Yunuiri.New Y'ork. .Jamaica .* Feb 5 Dav, Ensiling. the customer out of 10 per cent, Heron Freights for the West by the Penn. R. R., anc rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.40 a. ra., 1*2.40, 3.30 p. Acid Oxalic.... 12&14 ICiear.$26 32$ nearly Boothbay, Island and So. Bristol. MichicanCentraljpf. 93 5 4 City WasliingtnNew York. .Havana ... Feb 5 At Aux Jan 21. sell Ella South oy connecting lines, forwarded free <>J in. Exeter, Boston, +3.45. 17.00, f8.40a. mM Acid tart.:- 3£3‘o 2d Cayes G Eells, Cush- of the ALFRED RACE, manager. clear.$23,325 Minn A St. L. 19% 3 9% Orinico.New Y'ork. .Si Thomas. .Feb 5 man, and G job. commission. §12.40, 3.30 p. m. Arrive in Boston, +7.26, Ammonia.i6a20 No 1..$16(320 Henry Millikeit, Kimball, (destina- aug31dtf Minn. A St. Louis, pf. 76% 76% Paris.New York. .S’thamDton Feb 5 tion not reported. We we Passage SIO.OO. Round Tr ip $18.00. 10.16 a. m 12.55, 4.20. 7.15 p. m. Leave A Bhes. pot.... 6% {£ 8 1 give you just what charge you nne.$26®o0 Missouri racific. 26% Friesland .New York.. Antwerp ... Feb 5 At Jan 17. sch Meals and room included. Boston for Portland* 7.30, 8.30 a. iq., Pals cop&bia... 4,V£66 I Shingles— 25% Mlragoane Nellie Woodbury. 1.00, Brltanie.New Y'ork..Liverpool.. Feb F> Clark. for time. 4.J.D I 111. Beeswax..'.. X 3 Central.10J% 108Vs Idg. every ALLAH L 1 HL .37£42 i ceaar.... <)0®3 50 ... Nerthen Pacific common.... 4% Mongolian.... Portland Idveruool .Feb 6 Sid fm Nassau, NP. Jan Agent, Central wharf Boston. SUNDAY TRAINS. Llch powders... 7^9 cedar.2 7C&6 00 4% 25'li, sch Nathan F itliiil [Clear (' > do preferred— Atlios.New Y'ork.. Hayti.Feb 6 Royal Steamships. E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and Genera For 3.45 a. m. For Borax. 9(£i0 IX No 1.1 85(32 25 16% 16% Cobb, Benner, (from Demarara) for New York, THE THURSTON PRINT Eoston. express, Boston Northwestern.3 00 100V Alene.New Y’ork.. Kingston ..Feb 8 Manager, State St., Fisk* Building, Boston and 4.15 m. Brimstone. 2 ®,2lA No 1 cedar..! 25,31 75 having repaired. Liverpool, Londonderry. Hali at & Portland Servloe way stations, 1.00, p. Arrive iu Nortnweatern. Pin.145 144% Umbria.New York. .Liverpool. .Feb 8 Ar at Bermuda 31st. steamer New 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET f rom From Mass.oct22rttf Bosion, 7.vo a, m., 5.27, 8.44 p. m. Cocliiueai.40a43 1 Spruce.1 25® 1 50 Trinidad. From New York Central. Amsterdam ... New York. .Rotterdam .Feb 8 New York. Boston for 3.45 a. Copperas.lVa@ 2 1 Laths.spce. .1 00 97% 97Va ME. Liverpool, Steam-hips 1 Portland \ Halifax Portland, m. 90®2 Louis 13 Touraine.New York. .Havre.Feb 8 PORTLAND, Ceam tartar.... 32 «,-<5 I Cime—CemeiiL. New York.Chicago &!St. 13 2 Jan. Laurentian. 23 26 Jar POTIIAIOA ■ Moliawk ...New York. Lonuon.Feb 8 LIMB, EASTERN DIVISION. Lx 15 csk. 1 do 1st pfd. 70 78 T--- 16 6 logwood. .12ft j Lime.U 003 York.. Jan. Mongolian. Feb. 8 Fel ** il .. xo Anchor la.New Glasgow.Feb 8 Gumarabic.. .70»1 23 1 Cement..... IX C lUIKOi to Jan off Cliatham. St 80 Jan. Numidian. 2i: Feb. 22 Fet Mail Se> vic< From Union Station for Capa 140® Moravia.New Y'ork. .Feb 8 31, PM, ship Mark, Dud- Royal Steamships— Liverpool Elizabeth, Glycerine ,26 (227 1 Matches. Oil so & Miss .Hamburg lor Delaware Breakwater. 13 F'eb. Laurentian. 5 Mar. 7 Mai via J J 8.45 a. m.f Saco. Conway Junction Bellaura. New York. Pernambuc. Feb ley, frmo;java Londonderry. Aloes cape.15(£26 65 Old Colonv.177 177 10 27 Feb 19 From Wolfboro. 9 00 a. m.; Ports- !Star.;p gross .New York. Mongolian. | 21 P’roto From Biddeford, Camphor.. .6.'® 70 IDiriiro. 55 Unt. &; Western. 15*4 15% Spree .Bremen.Feb 11 SPEC I mouth, Amesbury, Jan. 9 | >ooiemun | J»n. 39 i Feb. 1 Opium.... 2 ;6< lift 3 50 Metals. Pulman Palace.15+ 152 12 16.00 p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.58a, m.. 12.49, Fulda.New York. .Feb troubled with frequent colds, concluded Portland at noon. Jan. 23 1 Vancouver I Feb. 13 I FVb. 15 fcheilac.. ..46£6(J I Copper— Reaame. 14% 14% .Bremen 12 4.15, 9.20 p. in. Leave Boston for Portland, « Merida.New York. Feb 12 REDUCED RATES. Feb. 1 | Labindor Feb. 27 Feb 29 indico.8.'c(£$ i 114 343 com.... 00316 Rock Island 9% 69% ..Montevideo to try an old remedy in a new way, and ] 7.30, 9.00 a. in., 12.30, 7.00. 7.45 p. m. Venezuela .... New York. F eb 2 CABIN—Portland to to iodme.4(^8 4 26 Polished copper. 23 Si. Paul. 72*4 72*4 Laguayra ] Liverpool, $60 $60 Steamers sail on after York..Demerara..Feb accordingly took a tablespoonful (four Return. $100 to $110. Thursday arrival o SUNDAY TRAIN S. ipecac.1 60i£l 70 Bolts. 16 dobfd.127*4 127 Tjomo.New }4 all trains due at Portland at noon. Gallieo.New York. SECOND CABIN—To Londonder Tor Blddeford. Portsmouth. Newbury Licorice, rt... 16(£2C | Y M sheath- 12 St. aul 4 Omaha. 37 36% .Bahia.Keb 15 timrs the usurI dose) of Chamberlain's Liverpool, Rates of passage—First Cabin $50 to $70: York.. Feb 15 SLEIGHS. ry, or $30. Salem, Lynn, Boston. 2.00 a. ni., 12.65 Liverpool... Glasgow Belfast, Return, $66 port. Lac I Y M Bolts. J 2 do prfd.119 _ 119 Majestic.New return $100 to $130, to steaiuei ex.3%£'4C Cough Remedy just before to bed. to according m. Arrive in 5.58 .. .. ■*t & .109 Y’ork..Cienluegos.. Feb 15 going Steerage Liverpool. Queenstown, London p. Boston, a. m.. 4.16 Morphine... 1 80(jg2 00 I Bottoms ., 22®24 Paul. Minn. Mann./.,. 109 Santiago.New and berth. 1>. Aurania.New York : Liverpool .Feb 15 she derry, Belfast. London or Glasgow, $24.60. m. Leave Boston for Portland, *9.00*. oil bencamot2 75 £3 20 J Ingot.... 11® 12 «uear.common...107% 107% The next morning found that her Second Cabin to Glasgow or Belfast, Liv- m., ... Service of Allan Litu 7.00 n>, Nor.Codliyci 2 26®250 l Tip— TexasIPacific. 8% sVs Maasdam .New York. .Rotterdam. .Feb 15 CTflTC I INC I er ool or $30.00 and p. ooli had almost Londondery, returi run York. — entirely 01 MIE LINE tDoes not Lemon.1 752 265 1 Straits... 15Vfc@16V2 L cion Pacific, new.,. 7% 6% Mobile.New London Feb 15 disappeared. We { Steamships. $55 00. To Bristol or Mondays. have from factory New York and via London, Cardiff $.r Connects with Kail Lines for New V Olive.l 00(£2 60 English. U. 8. PxDress. 39 89 Patria.New Y’ork. .Hamburg .. Feb 15 During the day she took a few doses of Glasgow Londonderry additional, or $61 return. t< .New York. Cabin, #40 and upwards. Return, *80 anc Steerage South and West l’eppt.3(J0ru3 25 Char. 1. Co.. @5 60 Wa! as i- .. 7% 7% Gascogne .Havre.Feb 15 Two the (ono teaspoonful at a Carloads of Sleighs Liverpool, Londonderry, London, Belfast with Sound Lines for ... remedy time) New York. V*.mergree ill 6(£2 00 Char. 1. X. to7 2o uo prfd. 17% 17Vs Numidian .Portland 1. .Liverpool ..Feb 20 upwards. and $24.50 and §Conneets -1 nft'aa r.< 1 to Boston direct via Derry anc Glasgow, •Western Division from North Berwick Sun- Western Union.. 84 84% and at night again took a with orders to sell. We are Glasgow 25.50, according to steamers. tablespoonful Galway. Prepaid steerage *25.60; intermedi gueenstown days onlv. Chlorate ...... '.'+1/28 : a utlmoiiy.•. i2@14 Kicnmonu & West Point. Apply to H. G. 2 1-2 Uniox before going to bed, and ou the following ate *30. to T. P. McGowan and H. G. STARR, JtCouneets at Scarboro Iodide.... 2 8 3 ■ 4 75(£:6 0C uo crfd. MINIATURE ALMANAC.FEB 3. to" close them out. Apply Wharf, T. P. McGOWAN. 418 Congress Crossing vdBl free going STARR, Portland; H. & A. ALLAN. Boston, train for Boston via Eastern Division. Uuicksuver. 68s.<’.2 .. 4 50^ 455 morning awoke from all J. W. PETERSON. 2 Spelter Sun rises. fi 5G I- 1 45 symptoms or street, Exchange to all x m witei to n. & A. ALLAN. Genera! Agents, No, Through tickets points in cuinine. -.SdVi.k.41 vi i.-oiu v? 12@14 Sun sets. 5 01 H,B“ 2 15 No reasonble offer refused. street, or DAVID TORRANCE & CO.. Gen Florida \- of the cold. Sinoe then she has, on sev- l Inda Portland, Me. tlie Soutn and West lor sale at Ticket rt,.75cai NniiR. New York Market. St., Foot of India Office, Rlieubarb, 60 Sugar Moon rises.10 42 Height_ 9 08—9 01 agents. street. declldtf Union Station. Rt snake.6o/■■ 411 !Cask.cr.base 2 40(9250 eral occasions, used this in like Price from $26 to $126. NEW YORK, Feb. 1.—The following are the remedy D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. and T. Boston. baltDetre.8 a 12 wire. 2 G.> a-2 76 A., quotations on refined Sugars at New York: manner, with the same good results, and 1e2l dtf Roaui.26430 Kj&val Stores. TYTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 00 Cut elated over her so Canary seed .... 4*5 iTar^bbl. .2 75&S loaf....;.5 9-16 NEAVH is much disoovery of Lv subscriber has been duly appointed and International Co. Cardamons loom 75 Coal tar.. .4 75.'go °0 Crushed.5 9-16 MARINS a way of curing a cold. For sale taken herself the trust of administratrix Steamship bo da. by-carbS% cl6»4 Pitch.2 75fe.H 00 Powdered.5 3 16 quick upon FOR & BRADLEY & of the estate of SaJ-..2Vi®3 iWil. Pltcu. 2 75(53 00 Granulated.4 16-16 PORT OF PORTLAND. by Landers Babbidge, Druggists, SMALL, Portland & Worcester late of Line bUDbur.2; fe2Vt Rosin.3 00:94 00 Fine granulated.4 15 16 and 0. J. CARLTON RITNDLETT, South Easfeort, luieo. Calais, StJohi, N.B., Halifax, 3. b uftar Coarse Portland, Me., B. Woodman, lead.20@22 TupenOnc, gai. .30 940 granulated.5 1-16 SATURDAY, Feb 1. 33 & 35 Prebte St. Portland, and all pan Of Mew Brunswick, Kova Sco- VV.n'.te wax-60®56 OaKuni.... 7 (©3 Extra fine granulated.5 1-16 Westbrook. tia, Prince Edward and Vitro!I. Arrived. janao_dlw in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and Island, Cape Bret, PORTLAND & blue-6 SS Oil. Con. granulated.6 3-16 on. The route to ROCHESTER K. \l bonds as the law directs. All favorite Gsinpobella s.aHEBLE STREET, j —OF— R. H. and all persons Indebted to said estate are Arrangement. £°3.'....28 1 Whale..... fco@60 No. 6. 4 6-16 Seh 8-irah C Ropes, Kreger. Norfolk-coal to JORDAN, On and after Ro 10. STATE AOBACF. called upon to make payment to leave, Return, Sunday, December 6, 1S93 } Rang...... 30(935 No. 7.4 5-16 Randall &McAllister. Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Passenger trains Kill Leave Portland: 25*930 No. 8.4% Soli Philadelphia—coal ANNIE R. HUNDLETT, Adm’x. Friday January 31. Wednesday Jan. 29 lo,3“Z.13“ (Shore. May Williams, Reed,. Previous to taking stock, we will place on 104 For Worcester, Clinton, Ayer Junction 07.10 l those made B Wednesday, Feby. 5, 3, Porgie.30(0.36 Quotations arq by refiners on the to A Wright. sale at our store Jan. Exchange St., South Portland. Jan. 15,1896. Monday Feby. Nosnna, Windham and at 7.30 a Gunpowder--Shot. I to commencing Wednesday, MAINE. Epuins Lard. 45(965 one-pricebasis uuder the plan of October loth. Seh W K Bark, Lake, Phlladelphia-coal 1st ami for three PORTLAND, Monday, February 10, Friday, February 7 m. and 12.30 p. in. Blasting ...3 60^4 00 continuing weeks a large jan20dlaw3wM* 14. Castor.i 10 1895 which makes large dealers and who’esale Me Cent KH. number of odd lots of After one of tlie Nation- Friday, February Wednesday.Feb, 12 For Manchester, Concord, and fcportmg. 4 bO®*> 5C Boots,Shoes and Slippers, using points Nortl .. 55bi9:7o grocers agents of the Trust handling sugars on 8ch Mary Jane Lee, from Boston. in men’s, women’s, al Cash Wednesday, Feby. 19, Monday, Feby. 17. at 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. Brop snor,35 ins. .1 3t [Noatsfootft boys’, misses’ and children’s, Registers about a 24. 1 con lunment, and who are at stated times ol and as year, MondajcFebruary Friday. Febv. 21. For b. bil. lame.rcy Cleared. we are determln d to sell these we are Rochester, Springvale. Alfred. Ware* L'uck. 1 a emmission of goods, fully convinced that it is February 28, 26 E'ui&ts. settlement allowed 3- 16c tb we offer them at unusually low We Friday, Wednesday,"Feb. boro and Saco River at 7.30 a. in. 12.30 ant T. i Sell Sarah Sc Ellen, Henley, New York—Clark prioes. one of the XT. F...1 5c 1 Lead— There is also a trade discount of per cent on are doing this In order to make necessities of a retail Through tickets issued and eueckoc 4.25 P. m. il & Ice Co. preparations baggage ay. Pure ground.5 mo bbl lots and 1 per cent for cash if paid with- Chaplin Tr for our lines, and it to store, and to destination. t3F“Frsight received up to 4.0C For (lorham at 7.30 and 8.45 12 3fl J 25575 75 Sch Tremont—J H Rift*®* Spring you will find heartily recommend a. nu Pressed.*14411; in seven davs. and no trade discount on smaller Lilian, Norwood. in. 5.20 and 6.25 •6 25(fe6 76 Treiuont-J H Blake. your advantage to pay a visit to our store, it to any one a retail DISEASES OF MEN p. 3.00, 4.25, p. m. boose tfav $14A$1£ ! sales less than 25 Seh J B Norris Toney, doing From whatever cause nervous and innaVenRedS (aSMt quantities. No barrels. For' JVlachia9 J ll where we will be pleased to show the goods arising;, physical For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at thi For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, West car lots .*9 It Am in there is no a t-.ch Jerusha Baker, Randall, business. premature decline, dimness of sight, Tree brook Junction and Straw, 3 I Zinc... .a 00@7 00 sugar packed bags ditional and give you the greatest ever offered debility, pim- Fine Ticket Office, Monument Square Woodfard’s as 7.3d Iron. Blake. bargains on the face, unfitness to marry, and dis- Rochelle... ,2Vn charges on granulated or softs from 1 tn 14 ia_ In Portland, ples or for other tulormatiuu at Company's Office 9.46 a. m.. 12.30. 3.0G, 4.26, 5.2* ( .. 2 Feb 2. eases from indiscretions, oramcB, 1*4 a ttice elusive, and other grades %c lb additional. SUNDAY, arising youthful ulcers, Railroad Wharf, foot of State street. and 6.25 o. n). LANDERS & ■* never to re- Keiiikeo. .... 3 ^4 BAB8IDGE, painful swellings m. train Domestic .... 4 (ail WHITE’S Boot and 11 M| Jf% ap29dtf J. B.COYLK.Gen. Man. The 12.30 p. from Fortlana connect! ^ Arrived. Shoe Store, turn. 40 years’ successful prac- Norway. Produce Market. HgRSMwBnH at Jnnotlea with "Hoovao Tunnel j Salt. Boston Brunswick, Ga, Drrggists, Monument tice At the same Thou- Ayer i ast steel.... 8*p 1 ( I Iks Is.tfe hdt Sell Melissa A YVilley, Willey. 480 St., Preble House. Square. IIURlbBI place. ltoute” for the W e3t and G0&.2 00 to Congress Opp. jan25 dtf sand* saved from death or Dr. Hal- at Union Station German steeL... .(5.3V: BOSTON, Feb. 1, 1896.—The following are with 400.000 it southern pine Richardson, __n lunacy by for Liverpool ..1 60 91 So janleodtt lock’s Famous Electric Pills, $ 1 box, 6 boxes Worcester, Providence and New York, 8ta steel.... iDia'md of Provisions, per via "Providence Cry3, bbl~2 25 to-day's quotations eje.j $o. They will make a new man of you. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO, Line,” for Norwich aad Sue'* Irca- F Randall. Crocker, Fhiladelphta- New via Saleratun. ifLOUR. U|chJolm ca_ i If you are afflicted and York, “Norwich Lino” with Boston ; coil to Mb Cent KK. .. November 5th, Meamer R. ll. C...... 4i/2®5 Saleratus .... p<, _r Otter, want to be cured,but Beginning Merry A Albany R. for the Wost, and with the 0555 am. 3 New York—coa: I'iisft’s Special en. 13 4 Sapring patents. Mi 85c®$410. Sch Adelia T Carlton, Wall, Iron-Ceieri. are cojuoae will leave Portland Portland York All Rail Russia Vs 43 Spices. REMOVAL. A sceptical of the merit* of our treatment, we will Pier, New via 3 7653 90. Splendid curative agent for Nervous or Sick “Soringtield.” A mert' ouR ue sia31 U1 i Cassia, pure... Spring pat. Wis., to-Keioscne OtlCo.- send FREE, and sealed, in wrapper, our reg- daily, Sundays excepted: Trains arrive at Portland irom Worcester .17^19 3 10(53 New York Headache, Brain Exhaustion, Sleeplessness, plain .. < clear an straight, CO. Ella Frances. Foster, ular gl box of of on For and from Galv.» 5^ lit IMaoe. 1 00 Spring, Sch .special or Neuralgia; also ror Rheu pill8> with valuable letter advice, Long, Lhebeague Islands at 1.30 p. m.;. Rochester at 8.30 a. m., 3 90(54 16. Parrsboro, NS-coal general Leather |JSuttues;s.56a65 Winter patents, Sch Brentoii, Hatheld, niatism, Gout, Kidney Disorders, Acid Dys- receipt of lft cents to cover postage. Dr. Halloek will HarpewelL Bailey’s »nd Orx’a islands, 2.01 1.30 and 6.45 p. la.; from Gorham Winter, clear and straight, 3 505:3 90, WARREN SPARROW & CO, pepsia, Anffiiuia. Antidote for Alcoholic given written to effect a perma- p. m. For Cliff at 8.80 a'ld New York— I Pepper.use io B guarantee lalanu, Monday, Wednesdaj 6.40. 10.50 a. m., 1.30, 1 to th» for the Horse Lstand, to complete other excesses. 10, 25 and 60 cents. nent cure. Who else will? Over 40,000 and m. !iT.2r+'q'?l ! Adt>25c above jobbing rates. t08ch Grace Bradley. Price, Nobody. Friday 2.00. p. 4.16, 6.45 am, 5.16 p. m nirtvn..l-t,*,)*; IBUSTmAMroE. Effervosceut. cure# in 40 Write and cargo for Nassau, NP. years. freely frankly Return for I oitland. Leave Orr’s Islam l or through Tickets to all West and Ai is All diseases points Sell A YV Ellis, Ryder, Rockland for New THE everything confidential. private 0.45 a. in. calling at Harps Well and inter to I End Salvation 0:1 tbo bast euro for Pork, long and 9hort cut, & barrel. 13 00. have taken offices in BOYD BLOCK, Cornel ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. treated mail. South, apply F, H. COLLINS, Ticket by Address Old fl R11 ft |# fl If mediate Arrive at Portland rheumatism 1 bsve ever known. Pork, light and t»ack.s $12 0U@13 00. York. 161 S. Western CHICAGO. landings. 9.1; Agent, Portland. Me. Joshua hvy of Middle & Streets. one Avcnuo, HALLOCK. 1 10 ISM 8 V a lean leao* & Ellen. Exchange Up Cand J>R. fill11 .in* ISAIAH DANIELS, i. Pork, 13 00. Sarah „„ W, PETERS,Supt. ifimnawnian, Wetherdaviilo, if a. SAILED—Sch all CourtSt., Boston, Mass.If I Wlmk | octodtf GenU Tongues pork, $16 60* do besf $19 j? bbl fight. Telephone connection. declildtf Soldfcy ducjtwstJ. Manager je29 eat MAS He broke with the leaders of his PORTLAND’S DR. more a with NEW “A IS CHRIST.” pnrtj PARKHURSTS ocean steamers needed. cepted position H. P. S. Goold, ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ABVER TISES4NT8. THE PRESS. because not on the he would go stump druggist, at 589 Congress street. when he was a and degrade hie Make of tile judge aJJToar Liquor Saloons an Hon. J W. Wakefield of the new 7 KM ADTEUTISEMKKTS TODAY. high office by in party poli- Vast Bath, Dr. Parson’s Address on Theodore engaging Tell the Ilesults—One A Amount of Freight Already tics. He was absolutely an independent Exhibits Ster« liquor agent, will take charge of the J. Co. Owen, Moore & man, unbiased and an in- opticon Views and tile Other Here, and More Offered. office this week. "White Store. Runyon. impartial, Bottles, RTuBBYTi Larrabee’s Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. corruptible judge. Mr. John A. Judkins who has been Dr. Parsons the follow- Walter Corey Co. illustrated by on the At the Seoond Parish ohurch last eve Bad Buck ol Schooners for the past two olexk at the Elm- T. 1-. Homsted. He Was Four Years Pastor of the Fate ing story: He was onoe riding the Coasters—Old years J. E. train with the chancellor and his wile under the of the Civi 0 wood has a Libby. German Ambassadors' Church in N ew- ning, auspices Beading the Fleet—Bobster Men Dis- hotel, Waterville, accepted Bines Bros. The Do know how latter said: you Rov. Mr. Hack as clerk Preble house. League, delivered an ac With Bad Buck of Bate position day at the FINANCIAL. ark, N. J.—His Tribute Very Interesting near I came to a heavy stookholdei gusted Their ’Rah For being dress the He Satur- in this ruilorad? and then related that upon rumshops of Portland. 1 ^ entered upon his new duties Spring! Portland Trust Co. and of His Incor- are Thinking of Digging Clams—Perisll- Eloquent—Incident that was illustrated AMUSEMENTS. sometime previous it was necessary by stereoptioon view* day. as Chancellor—The of for able Freights Sent by Way of Portland ruptibility Story a receiver should be appointed that The ohurch and were Ailed wit Mr. J. E. of form- Portland Theatre. galleries Waterhouse Kansas, come His Remarkable Conversion. railroad. There were two faotions among llather Than of New Fork. UT,” you say, “Spring hasn’t yet.” Hasn’t people. Mr. Haok began tba j by Way erly of is a few days the inovlved. Each had its can- by saying Portland, passing |SP New To Let, For Sale, Lost, Found parties Come? Weil its outriders have come. It’s Wants, At the Chestnut Street didate for the and each had the he had a personal word to say. Whe 1 There is an astonishingly largo amount here on business. He is looking remark- Skir- jnd Similar advertisements will be found under Methodist position if the ohan- on Mr. lieir appropriate beads on Page 0, ohuroh yesterday aftrenoon, Rev. Dr. audacity to hint at a bribe, he spoke temperance last Septembs r of freight on the way here, or here al- ably well. He says his brother, mishers captured our House and were ordered Furnishing cellor would They he was taken to the delivered an appoint. severely task. He didn; t ready. Despite the fact that a few weeks Frank Waterhouse, is at Hot Springs, Parsons, pastor, address from his office in the most vigorous Eng Domestic Departments Saturday. rofor to the one of the steamers sailed for and well. “Jlrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup” upon the life and character of the late lish. Eater the chancellor’s wile was politicians, jlie expected.lhai ago Liver- doing Theodore For four and offered a large block of nor to the nowspapers, but to his ow pool with less than a full the Bose is with Deputy Has been used over Fifty Years millions of Runyon. years from approached cargo, Holley stopping by use her the stock if she would Influence. people. He had been told that he t amount of now on hand Dresser and GREAT CASES and Baies came to that mothers for their children while '88 to '92, Dr. Parsons was pastor of ouab freight will Sheriff family. one Teething, The chancellor's anger was something It not to speak upon simply moral certaii make that an Webb of the United States Dis- with perfect success. soothes the child, Judge Runyon’s ohuroh. It was St. terrible when she told him about it. His prantioally impossibility Judge THIRTYdepartment. The goods were unpacked, marked, He to be sure a Boston Thurs- softens the gums, allays Pain, cures Wind Paul’s oliurch in Newark, the honor was assailed and he bristled in ty. ought legally of tli during the rest of the season. There is trict Court returned from largest on shelves and counters for the bowels, and is the best ohuroh in defense. Neither of the men were ap- faets. He was indignant at first. H a a full here for arranged ready your Colic, regulates and richest New Jersey. already nearly cargo the day night. ^ for Diarrhoea whether from pointed. had never seen Falmouth call, remedy arising Dr. Parsons took his text from Seoond Iceland, but he felt tha t next steamer of the Belfast line, while | Among the arrivals at the other causes. For sale In his domestio life he was a lover of teething or by Drug- ho had a to about Icelan 1 a steamer of and com- Corinthians,12::2. “‘A man in Christ.” home and wife and children and contin- right speak the largest size might load yesterday were A. Boucicault gists in every part of the world. Be sure and and that it He said in substance: ued to be to the end. say existed,even if he hadn't for Liverpool with grain alone without pany; Dr. E. M. Plnmmer, L. A. Moore, ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 25 ots. AT EITHER end of the cast The reason for his deolinlng the Aus- But he about it and r< Mrs. L. H. great department, I believe this to be the highest title that kept thinking muoh lessening the amount on hand, Boston; C. A. Wyatt, Soule, ^^TAMD a bottle. _ trian mission in ’84 was this. simply solved to go and see the c f Thero is a Miss L. H. F. Holland and your eyes both rows of and across may be bestowed on a human and him he mentioned it rumshops great amount of flour here,and Crookett, along shelving Mothers Angostura Bitters to their child- being After it was offered give Portland for himself. more J. the wonder and glory of it is that at home. His old father was sitting at than 30o car loads of grain that will wife, New York; P.Skillings, Bethel; the counter on both see a ren to colic and loosness of the bowels. every tops, sides, you’ll hardly stop llor asked what He was aware that t man may have it and every man ought to the table. The ohano prohibtion migh be taken as soon as the rush of perish- W. J. Lester, Springfield. familiar be thought of it. “Oh,” said the old fabric. Everything is “Spick and Span” new, have it. With It, life not be count- indioats politically almost anything, bu t able goods is over or at least to soma de- BRIEF JOTTINGS. may “‘I’ll be so Theodore, if man, lonely, you he couldn’t the new in weave and ed a failure, without it, life not be said forget Republican stan 1 gree. Built pattern. may go away.” “Then I won’t go,” / the last resubmission measure i oounted a suooess. Upon no man in this the noble son and he wired to President against Them is a vait amount of to The regular monthly of the apples yet On the meeting Cleveland to that effeot. the House of a generation can this title be conferred Representatives. Despit be forwarded. One man holds 13,000 bar- SILKS. A fine wo- 28 Portland Evangelical Ministers’ Associa- And now I come to the crown of it Solid Basis NOVELTY, inches more than that, it is a fact that prohbition is a fool rels be proposes to later send to worthily upon the distinguish- a this port ven tion will be held at the Y.M.U. A. rooms all. He was “man In Christ.” His Of Pure, TASSARcotton Wash Fabric, wide, fine cords 1-4 ed oitizen and Christian ball between the parties. for and Rich, SCOTCH zig-zag who last Mon- conversion was remarkable and shipment, the of at 4 p. m. Rev. F. A. Leiteh will entirely shipment today ) then in inch day morning finished his course in the characteristic. One night when mayor He said that he had been looking u; boxed meats promises to lnorease, rather Red Blood, printed cross-lines, apart, in a hal "be the essayist, his subject being “Christ printed of Newark and 42 years old, he the records of the court an 1 distant city. But beside this supreme happiened Superior than diminish, and this class of freights Health and graceful vines and floral score of and Sociology.” into the ohapel of St. Paul’s churoh on pat- styles, 12 1-2 cts. attainment there are and in- found 57 eases of convicted liquor sellers must be given the of While Tho last lecture in the Unitarian Wom- qualities a prayer meeting night to see a gentle- right way. Is real and terns. 3 lasting1. endowments possible to'one which make man on legal business. Testimonies were that were continued for sentence, an every steamer ig taking muoh grain, more STRIPE. This too ens’ Alliance oourse will be given at the Opiate Narcotics Then the is and for suooess and renown and righteousness. being given. The lawyer sat on the back there was no case of any other criminc 1 and more is offered and sent forward, Compounds, magic turned on, First Parish ehurch on Saturday eve- seat and listened. Before Dr. is of the with These also our closing continued for sentence. He had bee of And Nerve Stimulants are the stuffs is SAXONY Dimity family, brother possessed in an Mr.Woodman the Grand Trunk eaid ning, February 15th, by Prof. Thomas Dashiell, then the pastor, said, “Is there crimped horizontally, even told that some of those sellers ba 3 woven cord and satin astonishing degree. Leading up one here who has not and who liquor Saturday that his line was holding Temporary and a stripes. Davidson on “Education.” spoken Dangerous. making charming mat- to my main I will of these has never in a been convicted six or seven times an freight trains baok for a ohanoe silky looking Printed in The Female Provident Association will point speak perhaps spoken religious waiting hot-house patterns, meeting who would like to a word?” was continued erial, never seen before. incidentally. Tbe first thing that im- say tbeii aentenoe all tha t for them in the yard. They are oalled hold its regular monthly meeting in The lawyer arose and said, “I thank 12 1-2 presses one in the life of Theodore Run- time. in as rapidly as room oan be made for Price cts, room 9, City Building, this afternoon at you for the invitation for I would like to 10 cts. yon Is that he was well born. The an- a word. I oame here to see He spoke of the Civio League and it i them. If the lines ohoose to send over 2.30 o’clock. A full attendance is de- say tonight LACE GAUZE- cestral line may be traoed for nearly 800 » gentleman on business at the close of purposes. He said that some believe 3 extra boats they could be loaded at any sired. the meeting, and while I’ve been here its sole to be an effort to defeat 1 and Hoods Lace like years. The paternal ancestor was a object time, at the shortest notioe. The Six different fami- stripe, half inch uucio >rciB 21 tuiUK buuvv I’ve been CHANTILLY Ottbuiu-oijr and Some- quuiu listening thinking. oertain candidate. He 1 French Huguenot. He married an political declare shippers are eager to forward storm and about three inches but AngJo- thing now and strange has come over freight,and lies of them. Each is wide, strengthened in- fell, true and ar 3 DIMITY. by Americnn and the of these me. Here are men and women in whom that that is not that they tbe steamers are t.nklnir evervthincr nn«> Sarsaparilla at the snow turned to rain. blending Builds woven night light L have the utmost confidence and after than that. see! 1 permanent daintier than the others, 27 cords, strong races gave to the country a strong who, bigger game They sible. Even the great cargo of the Soots- separating Organdie The Eye and Ear Infirmary trustees if they were witnesses on my side in any Good Health and stalwart citizenship. to advance the Kingdom of God m thi 8 man did not perceptibly diminish the inch, some are 28. designs, mostly in 15 ots, h ive formally accepted the provisions of sase, I should think the case won, who stripes, The best brawn and brain of bave city and make it purer and better. amount on hand. The is be- Because it the of the late I. P. blood, spoken intelligently and positively Mongolian bequest Farrington in the A our virile were united in Theo- quesiton of personal religion. This He said that the public officials hai 1 ing loaded with the same class of Menuet Dimity. minute up- CREMYALL LACK to the institu-on. people freight Purifies, Vitalizes baing true, I oannot believe that they are time and made the that dore Runyon. In this respeot he was agains plea the r and there is no sign that a steamer is And Enriches and-down white cord is the weaver’s A 27 inch The Cape Elizabeth electrio road has leoe'ved or mistaken in this most im- the Blood. ROYAL delicate-ness; oouldn’t enforce the law because 3 a marked contrast with some famous matter of which and publl here, for as fast as is taken from ust ordered 25 new motor cars to be de- portant they speak freight Cures of the sentiment was Scrofula, Catarrh, part work. The printer East India Bun- Americans, who at the I’ve been asking myself how I can against them. He de the sheds, other is and the puts suggesting livered on 1. This will make the starting bottom, longer freight put in, April [all to bolievj and a nounced such a as Rheumatism, in a dozen inherent force climbed to the His accept great truth, plea that as orave: amount on hand holds about the same. a Siestas and Hammock life entire stock of the by top. designs, everyone galows, railway compan y established by such a crowd of credible hearted. The Nervousness, Weakness, surroundings were never orude or rude. officers have behind thei The schooner Little Sadie was number about 35 car3. witnesses and I do not doubt any more reported it. beauty, 12 1-2 cts. lattice work 15 all the of the state 1 Dyspepsia. Try stripes, cts. Educated in the best sohools be had a tnd, God me, from this I military power ani Saturday oft the ooast with her main Ti e roll to helping day Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maa«. *1. police pay amounting can enforoe the start in life. He made the most will be a Christian. I desire your sym- law if they wish to. mast sprung. She was under double Tuscan The white cord was the splendid Dimity. brodee. So,329.74, paid Saturday by oity pathy and prayers.” At this Mr. Hack said that h 3 Hnnd’e D:il~ the after-dinner pill and of it and for this, I honor and admire pcint reefed mainsail, with braces to hold her nOOu S is m and treasurer. The usual firo department That was the hour of his conversion to illiS family cathartic, lie. groups the printing is Toss would throw his ■ it aloft and so him. die views upon the soreen mainmast Mousseline light roll was also settled religion of Christ and from that hour, up. pay yesterday. He had so far varied, 12 1-2 cts. Hr. Parsons here an out- intil in the gray dawn of last gone as to do, what he hai 1 A who made the run to this is it have to wait its The board of will convene gave briefly Monday skipper NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. you’ll registration the Father’s voice whis- said he never would do. He bad line of such as has so re- norning gentle “bough that when he left on Runyon's life, port Saturday reported own deoent. February 17, and the municipal elec- pered to him, “It is enough, oome up the stuff’’ himself. The first ctur J Indian Dimity. Clusters of five leisurely been in the of the pi Boston at least sohooners occurs on cently published press ilgher,” he lived a consistent and devot- showed a on India street a littl seventy-five tion March S. building J then an interval. Lattice one inoh count!/. He continued as follows: :d Christian life. His to above and on the other side ) were at Boston or Gloucester bound east. cords, Daintily stripes apart, Bos worth Belief Corps, No.l, is to give fidelity duty from th years, almost to a of aotlve vas almost unparalleled. He was a olass- Grand Trunk Staton. In there he hai 1 It was a trifle odd but of the delioate hued. an entei tainment at Bosworth Post hall Fifty day, soventy- decorated, 12 1-2 cts. eader in St. Paul’s church when he was seen them selling beer from a life, from 1846 to 1896, and he crowded sprinkler. five the three to reach here first are all 28 inches on Monday evening, February 10th, and appointed to the chancellorship, and was He had been told that it was diffloul wide, 12 1-2 cts. them full to much of his time to find among the veterans of tho the Syrian Dimity. members are requested to bring or send :ompelled spend in tbe stuff. The next view showei [ fleet, Alternating Theodore was an rrenton. Hl« olass met on Tuesday night a saloon in a small wooden house 01 Matthew and Lil- and cake. Refreshments will be served at the Runyon absolutely Yasser, Henry May, cords, fine, coarse Organdie SILKS. honest man. and ind on the afternoon of every Tuesday he Coinmeroai street. He went in thore am 1 lian. close of the entertainment. Everybody thought so, rode from Trenton to Newark to meet in the baok room was the bar am effects in printing, ten patterns, everybody said so. Straightforward, un- “I’m to take WINDOW-HINT. Black- A boy named John Keiley, while play- with his brothers and sisters in the olass shelves, covered with many bottles. Met , going up my traps, get equivocal, upright, downright, with a room. were various kinds of or ; me a hoe, and dig clams,” said a lobster 12 1-2 cts. Gros-Gram-Brocade ing on Cotton steet Friday, was knooked buying liqu A Silks. He directness in speeoh that amounted to was ohief justice of the state of New an d paying for them. man “I can at least a bar- down and run over a The Saturday. dig Ten by sleigh. Jersey and be was a olnss-leader in the The next place was down on Middl Venetian different satin patterns yea, yea, nay, nay—this is undoubtedly rel every tide. I’ve had sixty-four traps Dimity. Tiny, regu- of the sleigh, Sir. James Bates, Methodist Episcopal ohuroh and he was street. There Mr. Hack and bis Iriem | White Store. driv^j selected from more as true of him. no out all this and have taken lar cords, the fine a the ex- carried him to Butler & State’s, where more faithful in the discharge of the bought a bottle of larger beer. The nex ; week, just printing vines, many His mind worked in perfectly duties of one office than of the other. view showed a oart carrying a numbe ■ eighty-four lobsters.” clusives. several had cuts on his head and arms straight dozen varieties, 12 1-2 cts. lines and so did his and con- For years he was superintendent of the of boxes full of bottles. The next viev J. \V. wore judgmennt Trefethen receievd Saturday 18, patched up. Sunday sahool of St. Paul’s church but was that of rum shop on Com Not $1.25, but 89 cts. science. He had the will of Keating’s ! 000 but were The of the Portland Railroad > Cromwell, he felt that be had not his meroial street near the Grand Trull! lobsters, they taken all the Rejane Dimity. employes discharged Zig-zag cord, Sale this the tenacity of a Grant and the heart of whole with that. his effort a station. He said this had causei way from harbor to Port Company on thair annual good time this duty By place i Prospect Clyde, 516 CONGRESS ST. half inch begins morning. mission more apart, exquisite a child. In versatility he was chapel was erected in a needy misery than any other in Portland and represented the work of men. printing, yeat will take one of the large cars exception- many of the oit; for whioh he gave most Ho had visited it and seen the bar when al; in public speeoh. he was a marvel; The lobster take at has < 15 cts. and ride all over the oity, followed by a fiartiberally and for years the chief pugtioe of you eonld buy almost anything youwant Monbegan drop- J. R. LIBBY. on the re- oft and banquet at the West End. bench, cool, calm, deliberate, the state was also superintendent of a One noon he bad watched the laborer , ped astonishinlgy, Thursday the lentless but but on the mission school. In and “haul” of all The total number of arrests for the logical; publio Sunday going there they averaged two the Monhegan fishermen on occasion he flamed Theodore Runyon was in every souse minute. He ridiculed the idea that th > resulted lu the week was for the platform, any great only oaptnre of 600 lob- 27, following causes: % high grade man. He was a proud man officers couldn’t find these placos. Hi into a passion of fiery eloquence. If a strs. At this season of the year the lob- GOODS AT Drunk, 17; larceny, 3; suspicion, 3; as- and yet ns kind-hearted as any who ever had followed two policemen one nighi HALF-PRICE on “Bargain-apolis. This philosophical address was needed or a lived. Make your case for any needy aud seen them look into one of tb , sters remain quiet and won’t trap. The sault with intent to kill, 1; insane, 1; you will find Five Hundred Yards of White scholastic no ODe so fitted to de- person or cause and he responded in- places, where many men were drinkinj [ lobstermen have been a WHITEmorning Pique, and oration, doing rushing witness, 1; breaking entering,1. with and means. While —lemonade and of course. liver it as and in mood and stantly sympathy ginger ale, but at Swiss The storm of he, tamper business, the present time with Dimity, Nainsook, Checks, Muslins, and all manner of Saturday interfered con- not a man of show and pomp for the He showed a view of the Palmouti Hew Black Dress to the demands of the lobsters in demand at siderably with the electric raads, both exactly adjusted sake of these things, yet he was always hotel. He told of a visit to the bar ii J quick sixteen cents White Goods in Short lengths, Remnants, and odd pieces. case. And he could preach the Gospel. rigidly observant of the conventionalities a private room. Behind the bar wen each, they are able to make it in this city and on the Cape. The sleet hardly pay At half and less. Ho had the even balance of ind best usages of society. This will ac- three men and in front of it were 3t them to out. The price and rain on in the after symetrioal go price of lobsters coming evening, 30unt for the faot that upon his first pre- men, all drinking something. It wasn’ endowment. He absorbed will be likely to up, as there is ao On the tracks were cleared of snow, made knowledge. sentation to the German Emperor he ap- such a difficult place to find, as he hai [ keep “Bargain-apolis” Monday. aotive GOODS. The photographer’s plate is not more sen- peared in the full uniform of a major supposed. He'had been astonished a ; demand, with a scant supply. sitive to than was he. general of the , be- the number of men that he hai I The of time of running from the different points impressions young freights Saturday were con- jause he knew those things counted for seen in these places, and the quality o “What are vou reading ChanoeilnrP” ; fined to three schooners with a “catch” Was so far between that the sleet would lomething there. the clothes they wore and their othe J. R. LIBBY. said a brother to him one on of about each. bed down on the rails almost as soon lawyer day He was a man in the first rank in so- outward appearan oe. 10,000 pounds the but never or He also am The schooner as it was cleared off. As it was the cars train. ilety, overbearing patro- showed views of Perry's [ Brenton, Captain Hart- I’m with nizing, and yet he recognized the 'social Swett’s hotels. He had visited both. Hi > arrived from The newcomers art from Willard and Cash’s were “Oh, just amusing tnyself field, yesterday Nova Scotia bring the of orig- corner, listinctlons, and being a high grade had entered their barrooms. He alsi 1 Horace. with 238 tons of Cumberland coal. The nality and attractiveness with them. about half an hour off the regular run- man, a proud spirited, superior and su- showed a view of the West End hotel SHEETING SALE as is ning time. He read the classios other people nerb man be oould not be the demagogue showing the archway on the Congres Trei^on one of the luoky schooners. Fou are going to like them, and they read azincs and the latest ind neglect to witness that faot before street side. He walked down that aroh She is makes Barney Shaughnessy tells the police he mag boohs. always busy, quick passa- ivill impress you as unusually good for the world. way, and entered the best bar he bai has been robbed of One Sunday morning after preaohing, ges on the average, and is never he No matter 840 and describes the The death summons came to him while found in Portland, where evidently tb [ long prices. how select or at- he to side in from this thieves. The police cannot find the rob- stepped my kindly greeting worshipping In the hoilse of God. With mnsjt husinnqa wnn Hnno away port. Tfifttivfi Wrttrh chovnono tlio nannll and “There is another I wish he reached his home and in a He also showed a view of the Unitei iuo lum iunaicu buuuuuct Ulili bers and believe they have left town. said, point lifficolty j;. hat does our iew days, Ills earthly oareer had closed. States hotel. You go into the office am I marking. Patrolmen White and Woodsome made you had brougbt.out today in your sub- Randall, Captain Crooker, arrived yeg- ‘Haw happy the angels must be!" along a little alleyway and on the lef You won’t buy too soon to select from a and that is a by terday forenoon from with seizure in a saloon at the corner of ject thought suggested said a little Boston girl when her mother is the barroom. He bad seen ten lad | Philadelphia hem. Park the Greek text,” and when he mentioned .old her that Brooks was dead. from 16 to 17 of come out o f 2,450 tons of coal for the Maine Central. and Commerial street s Uuturday Phillips years age Black Tuesday. mohair a on the Today I appreciate the words them so drunk that couldn’t wall : She a severe Brocades, figures, night. it, whole flood of light burst touching they encountered very enow :. \ if the loving ohild and say while earth well. Its not the old that we’ri 13c value 50c. with an auditor toper storm off Elizabeth yard, A Biddeford man who a lot of subject. Any minister Cape Saturday night pawned is poorer in the loss of a great and good keeping away from drink by the pro of Black Brocades, 44 inches wide, fine carpenter’s tools here has been gathered who knows the original languages nan, heaven is undoubtedly richer. hibitory law. accompanied by a tremendous sea. true He The [uality worsted, value 69c for 42c in to wait until the Biddeford police set- the Bible so perfectly, that when the text Theodore Runyon, heart, noble spoke briefly of the drug stores am 1 steamer Portland arrived at 8 yard. soul, dear ftiend, hail and farewell, and referred to the astonishing number tha i Black Worsted ratin tle the of the topis. is announced, he can repeat the original o’clook yesterday. Brocades, effects, ownership ret not farewell for, please God, we shall wo have in this city. It was also aston In a from will be careful not The coasters are hard luck. 16,inches wide, choice styles, 50c We have an accumulation of Remnants and whole of place on Fore street, evidently memory, very noet In the morning. Ishing that a Christian oity like this, al having yard. pieces Sheeting to make one are Black Brocades at 73c and meant for a bar, Deputy Hartnett dis- careless statements. lows branch of trade to keep opei , They subject to long detentions and $1.00, Yet a more kindly and appreciative Funeral of William Todd. all day Sunday and all others shu < a said i lew and and next we shall covered a de- F. keeps skipper yesterday that the skip- styles. Cambrics, Tuesday morning Saturday night cunningly listener a never had. preacher Alert, up. who is able to clear bis dur- Black vised for The a The funeral of the late William F. per expenses Brocades, with silk new trap concealing liquors. wide-awake, sympathetic his face was He gave a view of Egan’s rum shop a figures, a sale to of the stock. the winter will himself a begin dispose surplus hiding place must have cost a good deaf mirror of how the sermon was moving. L’odd took plaoe at his late residence at the corner of India and Fore street ing regard very ityles at 41,25 and 1.75 yard. As a the first rank in This was a and of course is useless now. lawyer he held So. 8 Fessenden place that he knew that tbt fortunate man. Silk and Wool Dress Patterns street, Oakdale, yester- at $10, i liis profession. The largest rewards of police knew about. There John For The next case to be on in the afternoon. So a numbor of Doyh the first Sunday of the shipping ; brought legal practice were ready for him, but no lay large was pounded almost to death and did dit 12.00, 14.00, 16.50, 20.00 and season the Grand Trunk had no Supreme Court after the Lowell-Bailey fee was big enough to enlist his services people were present that the house was soon afterward and the police had so lit freight £2.74 each. in an cause. tie for this speoial on the The con- case, will be the Chapman-Sceley case, unjust nuch crowded. Rev. Dr. Parsons of the regard Kgan’s feelings tha ; way yesterday. 36 inch All Wool .in blue was uot man. He Henrietta, an He a grasping gave they aotually closed him up for a week dition of the will the fur- action for damages resulting from a Chestnut street ohurch officiated. The yard prevent md black for his state the best fourteen years of his He had been there many times. An; jet 25c yard. collision. Masonic services were the ther receipt of freight until some of the life on the bench for a salary not one- performed by evening you can see a crowd of thi ^ 50c 44 inches now quality English Serge, The of the next debate at fourth as much of the fees of his iffleers of Atlantic The Jewelers’ of men in that L freight here is removed. of wide subject the praotioa Lodge. toughest place. Its vide. This is worth Remnants and whole pieces yard Lockwood The New York Tribune in an almost A actually 00c, for Portland Fraternity, Saturday, February Issooiation was represented as was also dangerous place. noteworthy feature of the shipping Sheetings, at extravagant editor ial says of him : Mr. Haok spoke in conclusion of thi 1 19c. 1th, will bo “Our 1 Maine of Odd and business this season is the faot that a City Government.” without doubt he Lodge Fellows, law in to the “Theodore Bunyon was regard requirements of offl 75c Twill, 50 in Members must great mass of has quality English inch, prepare themselves on one of the most cautious, able and mod- bosworth Post. oers. perishable freight Oc Yard. est in the He seemed been forwarded ofPortland rather et and blue black, an extra fine th;s topic. jurists country. The pall borers represented the three Rev. Leroy S. Bean, who was proba by way quality at times to be almost unconscious of his than md actually worth 75c Jasonio bodies to which Mr. Todd be- bly the oompanion Mr. Hack alludes to by way of New York. In this olass yard. Fauerat of Cap':. JDellow. marvellous power as a plender and often French Wide were E. G. Juokson and delivered a similar of freights may be included boxed meats, Wales, granite ground, ignored rich cases when their acceptance onged. They very lecture in thi Remnants and whole of Lockwood 40 The funeral of Captain Bellow, who although not fine inches pieces Sheeting, would interfere with one that he was ?. H. York of Atlantic Lodge, A. D. West End cliuroh, minus the stereopti etriotly speaking, perish- rery quality,50 wide,87 l-2c died recently took Friday at his with all the of abso- able. inches wide, place conducting power 3earson and F. H. Cobb of Greenleaf con views. He exhibited bottles flllei Shippers of this class of freight ; rard. residence at Falmouth and there were a lute faith in bis undertaking and a mar- on Chapter, F. R. Redlon and C. E. Snow with liquor which he said he had insist immediate service, and regard Clay Diagonal, fine quality, extra fine Go number of vellous simplicity of trust, that the right pur Yard. Portland business people pres- longer period than a week as detention, would win, even if it did not put dollars < >f St. Alban Oommandery. chased. There was a large audienci , j inish, 60c yard. ent. In the sketches of his life recently into his pocket. His career as chancellor The three Masonlo bodies, Bosworth present. The sending of this class of freights to publishod the Net that he was for some of Now Jersey well illustrates the almost Portland is a COLORED DRESS GOODS. Post and the Jewelers’ Association and new departure.and one that of Lonsdale and time a of the late J. W. Tre- naive conscience whioh he brought to ROBBED WHILE BOUND. Remnants and whole pieces other Cam- partner ;he Maine of Odd Fellows offered has apprently come to in bear always upon every problem whioh Lodge stay. New Beiges, mixtures, choice com- lethen, was emitted. He later represent- brics, at contained au atom of doubt for an honest landsome floral Atlanntio pieoes. Lodge A Berwick Woman is Handled b; unations and colorings. ed. Mr. Trefethon in Boston. man.” Roughly lent a and compass Greenleaf The Travelers Insurance Co. square Thieves. 2New Mohairs, in plain colors, mixt- -7 l-2c Yctrcl. Chapter, a triangle and St. Alban Com- Hartford, Conn., February 1.—The ad- and nandery a tres changeables. pillow. journed annual meeting of the directors Tho body was interred in Evergreen A special from Berwick says the housi > the » of travelers’ Insurance aompany was t Few More Dress Patterns Left ;emetery. of Granville Lord was robbed Thursday held tonight all the directors Remnants and whole pieces of Fruit; of the Loom Sheet- “ being pres- at One-IIalf Price. Pure and and , eut except Geo. M. Pullman of Sure.” He Has Not Withdrawn. Mrs. Lord gagged and bound whlli Chioago. ings, at James Batterson was re-elected president. the rooher was going over the house. There are bargains in the 12 In view of the fact that there have been The meeting then adjourned for one yet l-2c, The story was told by reliable This which are 6 1-So Yard. minors that Capt. George A. Dow of the partie week. leaves the re-eleoiton of Rod- 18c and 25c lots, half price aud is that Mr. Lord was engagei 1 Dennis as had ney secretary in abeyance. Portland Light Infantry withdrawn forenoon on a wood lot a short md less. Thursday to each customer. its candidaoy for oounoilman in Ward distance from his residence. His wifi New Plaids, 12c, 25c, 39c, 50c, Quantity limited about the house. ! PERSONAL. i. It should be stated in justioe to him was the only one Abou md 69c 11 o’elook she visited the barn yard. hat he has not withdrawn and having does not shawl about her shoulders to he: Sale of Muslin Underwear, Feb. 4th, proteot Miss Margaret El well of Deering, vefonds utend to. from the cold. Just as she entered tb leaves today for N. ruesdav. barn a man rushed in and J Brooklyn, Y„ where Baking strange takini lot “ Powder. M. of ’• she will Misses We have divided this large of Un- Geo. Kellogg Troy, Ohio surrey the shawl, wrapped it tightly about he visit the Lamb, whose I use it in kitchen and and my class work.” works, misappropriated $25,000 of the head. He then g«gged bound her family ooeupied a cottage on Great Dia- lerwear into 6 Lots. Em&A jompany’s money. On the promise of throwing her into a stall and proceedei * I. EwiNG, Principal mond island for several summers. Lot No. 1, Sc. Lot No. 2, 16c. Chautauqua Cooking School, lon-proseoution he admitted his guilt to the bouse which lie ransacked am Fred A. Lot Lot No. 63c. ind stated how in the last year and a found J12 in money which ho took am [ Gonya, recently employed No. 3, 49c. 4, had been lalf he using the money. decamped. by Simmondg & Hammond, has ao- Lot No. 5, 71c. RINES BROTHERS.
