THURSDAY, September 24, 2020 FREE charlestown PATRIOT-BRIDGE BACKPACKS FOR KIDS Hearing the Shofar Charlestown rabbi helps Jewish observers mark high holidays in outdoor setting

By Seth Daniel

Observing religious holidays has required a great deal of cre- ative thinking in the COVID-19 era, and Charlestown Rabbi Berel Grunblatt was part of that kind of creative thinking of a network of rabbis who volunteers to blow the shofar (ram’s horn) in public places last weekend to mark Rosh Hashanah. Last Sunday, to bring one part of the Jewish tradition to the people, Rabbi Berel stationed himself at Getting creative within North Point Park, the Monument long-standing traditions was key and the USS Constitution, tak- for Rabbi Berel Grunblatt, of ing appointments from those who Charlestown, who helped to orga- wanted to attend, and sounded the nize the Greater Shofar shofar in public safely and adher- initiative. Last Sunday, to bring Members of the Bunker Hill Associates, Police Commissioner Willie Gross and representatives from the ing to all COVID-19 protocols. the tradition of blowing the shofar City of Boston Credit Union were all on hand last Thursday, Sept. 14, at O’Reilly Court in the Bunker Hill “In a normal year, Jewish people during Rosh Hashanah to the peo- Development to hand out backpacks for kids to be ready for remote school on Sept. 21. See page 20 for will try to attend services and get ple, Rabbi Berel set up at North more photos together with family and celebrate Point Park, the Monument and at the USS Constitution in the Navy the holiday,” he said. “Because Yard. Harvard- welcomes a new sixth grade class remotely of the pandemic, many if not all synagogues, temples and shuls are By Seth Daniel and teachers and staff returned to the COVID-19 era upon families, closed and many are trying to the shofar…We wanted to bring school online at home or teach- Prinicpal Jason Gallagher said it figure out how to mark these holy some observance of the holiday Never has the addition of a ing in empty classrooms, but in was incredibly important to have days. One of the most important – blowing the shofar – and make new grade to an elementary school Charlestown at the Harvard-Kent, that extra grade this year. parts of Rosh Hashanah is hearing (HOLIDAYS Pg. 3) been more convenient that the the school community was able to “Everyone was excited even new sixth grade that was added to celebrate the fruits of a long fight. though we had to go remote for the Harvard Kent School this year That fight was to extend the K-5 COVID-19,” he said. “Everyone FIRST DAY – a new grade-level that allowed school to add a sixth grade so was particularly excited for anoth- 59 students to continue their edu- students weren’t left in the lurch er year at the Harvard Kent and cation remotely at the H-K. for a year before choosing a mid- All across the district, students dle school or 7-12 school. With (School Pg. 16) Ryan ready to help communities get back on their feet

By Seth Daniel Sept. 1 Primary vote, winning feet,” he said. “That’s my goal. Charlestown handily but losing We all know the story of how This year’s Primary Election the Chelsea vote and winning hard Chelsea was hit and we need was one to remember, and with overall by about 1,100 votes. to achieve the same structure we State Rep. Dan Ryan prevailing in However, unlike previous re-elec- had in Charlestown and bring the vote – and no challenger on the tion campaigns, the new term will some normalcy back to where it ballot in November – he said he is be anything but typical. In fact, he was before COVID-19. Chelsea thinking about his next term and said, many of the goals he might was headed in a good direction noted it will be all about getting have typically had will need to be before COVID-19, but I think Charlestown and Chelsea back on put aside for the next term. COVID-19 also showed us the their feet after COVID-19. “It’s really going to be about structural issues that exist in our Ryan prevailed over Chelsea just getting my two communities Councillor Damali Vidot in the that I represent back up on their (Ryan Pg. 3) It wasn’t the typical first day of school, but District 1 Elementary Supt. Tommy Welch, Theatre Movement Teacher Sean Murphy and STEM Specialist Caitlain Hutto on the Eliot K-8 lower campus still had plenty Guide to Schools special section, pages 4-10 of reason to be excited as kids logged on for their first day of remote schooling on Monday, Sept. 21. See Page 11 for more photos. PAGE 2 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 editorial


The testimony of Dr. Robert Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control, before a U.S. Senate subcommittee last week regarding the need for every American to wear a face mask in public to thwart the spread of Covid-19 was stunning for its sheer simplicity. “A face mask is the most important and powerful public health tool we have,” said Redfield. “If we did it for six, eight, or 10 weeks, we could bring the pandemic under control. We have clear scientific evi- dence they work, and they are our best defense. I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against Covid than when I take a Covid vaccine.” Dr. Redfield’s statement provided Americans with the most direct and easiest-to-understand medical advice that we have heard in our lifetime from any health professional regarding any illness or disease. Face masks have been shown in the past to be effective against the spread of airborne illnesses. During the 1918 flu pandemic, American cities that required their citizenry to wear face masks in public had much lower incidences of the flu and much lower death rates from that deadly disease than cities that did not require the use of masks. The other significant thing we can do for our individual and collective health this winter season is to get a flu shot as soon as possible. Although flu shots typically do not have 100% effectiveness, they nonetheless can provide significant protection against the flu for most Americans, there- by reducing to a large extent the number of persons who might require medical treatment and hospitalization. We also would note that there is substantial evidence that flu shots LETTER to the Editor also provide protection for the heart, although it still is not completely understood why. Development advantage in person. attending class, completing assign- Together, masks and flu shots offer our best chance to avoid the WHY ARE WE FAILING OUR •Lack of motivation. ments and focusing on lessons. so-called “twin-demic” this coming winter. Indeed, if everyone masks up STUDENTS? Additionally, some of our afflu- How can we ask them to be on and gets vaccinated (as well as stays home when they are sick), this could ent parents are choosing to opt screen for this many hours? To the Editor, out because they are able to hire Remote learning is causing high be the healthiest winter our nation ever has experienced. We need to re-open our schools! a tutor or a retired teacher while stress levels for our parents, teach- Teachers are essential workers our most vulnerable students have ers and most importantly, our stu- who need to be in the classroom only one option - remote learn- dents. It is time we stand up for COVID IS THE LEADING KILLER OF teaching our students in person ing. Some do not have a parent our children. with approved CDC guidelines. If at home that can assist them with Sandra Cassidy Bastianelli FIRST RESPONDERS we are able to go to stores, beach- online learning, so the struggle Harvard-Kent es, restaurants, protests, and travel is real. Last semester a lot of Second Grade Teacher to certain states, then we are able our young students had difficulty Recently-revealed statistics have brought into sharp focus the deadly to attend our schools. My job is to and tragic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic upon our nation’s police and teach our students in person and firefighters. my student’s job is to achieve aca- demic success in person. Success At least 101 police officers have died from Covid-19, and it is esti- cannot be achieved on a screen for mated that this figure represents only half of the Covid-19 deaths among six hours. Our students’ academ- police officers. This compares to 70 officers who have died in the line of ic education is our responsibility for those who attend our public duty from accidents and felonious attacks. schools. When you hear the voices c harlesTown For firefighters, deaths from Covid-19 likewise have exceeded fatali- of our students crying out that ties from other service-related causes. they want to be in school, it is PATRIOT-BRIDGE These statistics clearly demonstrate that our public safety personnel heartbreaking. We are failing our students academically, emotional- The Charlestown Patriot-Bridge, put their lives and health on the line just by showing up for their jobs. ly, mentally and physically. Why Phone: 617.241.8500 © 2008 Independent Newspaper Group. They do not have the luxury of working remotely from the comfort of are we denying them the right to Email: [email protected] • Web Site: their home, as so many of us are able to do these days. an in-school education? Traditional Classroom Learning The work of first responders always has been difficult enough, but the Newsstand Price: Free / Subscription price: $75 annually Is More effective than online for added layer of the risks posed by Covid-19 has increased their line-of- many reasons: President - Stephen Quigley - [email protected] duty danger exponentially -- and makes us even more grateful for the job •Lack of Interpersonal Skill Marketing Director - Debra DiGregorio - [email protected] Development. they do in our communities each and every day, 24/7/365. Reporter - Seth Daniel - [email protected] •Memory and Learning September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 3

Holidays (from pg. 1) Major assemblage of property on Sullivan that available to every single Jew all and removing all barriers, they him to see if they could attend Square could be large development in Boston.” conceived a plan to go the extra one of the events, but they were And so that’s exactly what mile and bring the shofar to the hampered by having to stay in the By Seth Daniel six parcels on Mystic Avenue and he and other rabbis did across people—literally. hospital. Sherman Square were owned by last weekend – “People needed to hear the “I told them they could A massive assemblage of prop- John, Patricia and Richard Flynn. with it being perhaps the first shofar and we needed to figure come hear the shofar at the USS erty this summer on Sullivan Brown was not immediately time the Monument has hosted a out how to we could do that,” Constitution, which is very close, Square, including the old Flynn affiliated with any development blowing of the shofar. said Rabbi Berel. “This is our but the husband couldn’t come Junkyard and one related proper- company that could be found, and Rabbi Berel is part of the bread and butter and we need was not immediately available to out, so I volunteered to be there ty, seems to be setting the state for International Jewish Student to be there for people in difficult what some in the community say contact about his plans. at Spaulding and we figured out Center, a division of Chabad times.” could be another in a line of devel- Sources close to the situation Lubavitch of Cambridge, and he By going outdoors to distinct how he could participate,” he opments sprouting up around the in the community said the prop- is responsible for East Cambridge and open places, they were able said. Square. erty assemblage this summer was and Charlestown. About a to take appointments to keep It’s all part of a larger ability to The summer, a develop- sparked by Rutherford Avenue/ month ago, he got together with the numbers predictable, and take Centuries-old traditions and er from Waban in Newton has Sullivan Square re-design plans Rabbi Avi Bukiet of Center for carry out that part of the holiday – without compromising them – paid approximately $13.2 mil- and could likely be host to around Jewish Life in Arlington-Belmont. observance safely and within the be able to bring them to the lion, according to land transfer 600 units of housing. Together, with a cohort of 30 rules. In all, and including the people in a time of great upheaval records, to assemble at least seven That would follow sever- other Chabad rabbis from the Charlestown events, there were – such as now. properties that include the Flynn al smaller developments on the Greater Boston area and their 38 public shofar opportunities “Thankfully that is how we Junkyard and a related property other side of the Square with The combined talents, the initiative of across Greater Boston last week- operate,” he said. “We are always on Sherman Street behind it. So Graphic and the smaller project end. trying to adjust within the religion far, the assemblage doesn’t seem next to it by Gray MacLetchie. was born. One of the victories locally of to include long-time icons Mama A potential larger project on the without compromising anything The two rabbis found them- the effort was Rabbi Berel’s ability Rosie’s Ravioli or the Cronin Club other side of the Square would and to be there for the commu- selves discussing what could be to accommodate a family from – which are adjacent to the assem- continue what has been a unique done to help people celebrate New York who was receiving nity…The state allows for masks blage. development momentum in an Rosh Hashanah this year amidst treatment at Spaulding Rehab in and social distancing, particularly In early July, Scott D. Brown – area not associated with such dras- a pandemic. In keeping with the the Navy Yard. in public spaces, so we felt we a financial advisor from Newton tic change. Chabad philosophy of welcoming The family had reached out to could do this.” – began purchasing parcels that The corner of Mystic Avenue make up the junk yard from the and Dorrance Street has been home Flynn family. In early August, he to the Flynn junk yard for decades, Ryan (from pg. 1) continued buying the parcels and but in recent years has become hot property due to being right in urban areas and that we have to nent moving forward. didn’t want me at the door…The added one large parcel 41,558 between the booming Assembly address. Both communities have “It looks like this is going to majority thanked me for coming sq. ft. behind the junk yard – a property owned by an LLC that Row campus in Somerville, and pretty large public housing re-de- bring a huge societal shift,” he out and doing it.” goes to Carlos and Cheryl Gochez the neighboring Encore Boston velopments going on. We have to said. “I don’t think downtowns He said he found that there of New Hampshire. The other Harbor casino in Everett. do a lot of work making sure those will be completely empty, but I was a much higher turnout than are done right. We’re re-inventing think businesses and workers that expected, largely driven by mail- public housing in Charlestown and go there will be affected…What I in voting, early voting and other Friends of the Charlestown Navy Yard present Chelsea. Regardless of COVID-19, think eventually we’ll be dealing unique aspects of this election pro- I think we need to move forward with is downtown businesses that cess. He said he believes that the A virtual talk with author on those projects.” are the day-to-day services – the turnout was balanced on mail-in Most of the work to be done, sandwich shops, the stores and the Gary M. Pomerantz voting, and it is likely here to stay he said, will be making sure basic bars – they’re going to take a big About his most recent book in some form. needs are met for residents in hit if the economy doesn’t come The Last Pass Charlestown and Chelsea – such back.” “Going forward post-COVID, as housing foreclosure/eviction Ryan, reflecting on the elec- we’ll have a good process in place Thursday, prevention and making sure essen- tion process, said it was a very and much more efficiencies like rd tial workers can safely get to their hard campaign to define and to everything else,” he said. September 24 jobs. Those aren’t grand plans for carry out. With COVID-19 hitting Now, back in the legislature, at 7:00 PM Ryan said it will be his job this a newly elected representative, but just after he had announced his The Last Pass, a New York Times bestseller Ryan said that’s the work that is re-election campaign, there was a coming term to make sure places going to be required for his dis- lot of uncertainty about how to like Chelsea and Charlestown get about an old man coming to terms with his trict. proceed. First, he said he took a their fair share of funding to put racial regrets, centers on Boston Celtics “The biggest thing we need to pause, and then the work of the things back in order. That will be legends Bob Cousy and Bill Russell. do is to make sure we are being State Legislature picked up and particularly critical in Chelsea and safe to get our numbers down so he described it as being one of the parts of Charlestown hit harder by The talk will be moderated by Boston Globe we can get people back to work busiest and hardest few months of the virus and the downturn in the Columnist, Adrian Walker. when it’s safe to do so and then his career. economy. Gary M. Pomerantz, historian, journalist, and Stanford keep people in their homes,” he “I didn’t really start campaign- “We have to make sure that said. “There is a lot of work to do ing until June,” he said. “We were Gateway Cities and urban areas University lecturer, is the author of six nonfiction books on on that. The primary issues I’ve so busy unemployment cases and get a weighted share of the mon- topics ranging from history to sports to civil rights. For the been working on for the last six getting PPE to places that needed ies,” he said. “Do we have a better past thirteen years, he has taught reporting and writing at years are really going to have to be it and getting food to the elderly, argument now? Yes. But I think put on the back burner.” there wasn’t time for it. When Stanford’s Graduate Program in Journalism. we were moving that way already. One of the major concerns he we started, it was by telephone You can purchase The Last Pass at said he has is with downtown and Zoom meetings. When I saw The Student Opportunity Act was a good step to help these urban areas in Boston and Chelsea – and people walking around more and purchase-the-last-pass. how the changes in work dynam- going to the coffee shops and cities and towns. I don’t think ics are going to affect businesses supermarket and getting out, COVID exposed to us anything we there and workers who go there I started on my own street in didn’t know, but it gives us more Join us for this timely talk! for jobs. He said the delegation in Charlestown where people know of an immediacy to move where E-mail [email protected] for the State House has already been me. Gradually I worked my way we were going.” informally talking about these out in Charlestown and Chelsea. State Rep. Ryan will be inau- details on how to join the talk. issues since COVID-19 hit, and he For the most part, I got a good gurated into his fourth term in expects them to be more promi- reception. Nobody told me they January. PAGE 4 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston Boston area offers wide range of school offerings for kids of all ages

By Dan Murphy Place in Charles River Park, was protocol, are taking place out- looking forward to celebrating its doors as long as the weather will A new academic year is just 55th birthday in the neighbor- permit - an approach that Kelly getting underway, but it’s already hood this year, but instead decid- Pellagrini, the school’s co-director time for parents and guardians to ed to postpone the opening of and co-founder, said was inspired begin thinking about options for school this fall in deference to by outdoor learning in Finland next year, and with the Boston public-health concerns. and “also New York City’s public area’s wide range of top-notch “We are hopeful that we will be schools, which took their classes independent, private and parochi- bringing our children back soon,” outside in response to the Flu of al schools, kids of all ages can find wrote Bob Langer, executive direc- 1918.” the one that well suits them while tor, who serves alongside his wife Moreover, Pellagrini added, still staying local. Judy, the school’s programming “To be able to learn alongside For small children just starting director. “These are unusual times. city skyscrapers, to be able to off on their educational journeys, There is no guide, there is no ‘User study foliage and trees in parks, the Beacon Hill Nursery School at Manual’ or previous experience to be able to pursue study with 74 Joy St. has been a vital part of that anyone has had. We have to limitless sky and limitless possi- the downtown community since rely on science and, sometimes bilities is sort of what every edu- 1955. common sense, to navigate these cator dreams of. We talk about With a commitment to high difficult waters. the world being a classroom and quality education since its incep- Courtesy of the Newman School The Boston Children’s School supporting children as being flexi- tion, the mission of BHNS is to A Newman School students learning about science hands-on in the lab. is differentiated from other pre- ble problem-solvers in facing new create a nurturing community that schools by its multicultural, cogni- challenges, and this is sort of the instills a lifelong love of learn- tive-educational programs, and it optimal moment to be providing ing, and its exceptional educators opment. Enriched by weekly yoga sure to academic readiness skills, provides a quality-early childhood education that will not only shape value play as purposeful and cher- and music classes, the program leadership opportunities and academic curriculum for children the next generation, but also make ish children’s innate curiosity. also nurtures and engages children preparation for the transition to ages 2.9 to 7 in pre-school through history.” The warm and welcoming in an environment that cultivates next schools. kindergarten. The school has a Early-admissions applications environment of BHNS includes creativity and joy in learning. In welcoming children back to teacher-to-student ratio of 8:1, as are accepted and reviewed contin- two onsite playscapes, a dedicated The Junior Kindergarten pro- physical programming this year, well as supplemental teaching staff ually from Nov. 15 to the following library, seven classrooms and an gram is designed to maintain the Director, Debra Sullivan, said she who specialize in specific areas Jan. 30, while rolling-admissions indoor gym. Its curriculum has a hallmarks of the play-based pro- is proud of the resilience of faculty like gymnastics and music. It is applications are accepted anytime strong emphasis on play, hands-on gram for young children while in re-imagining their programs “to also one of the only schools in after Feb.1 on a first-come, first- engagement, open-ended explora- offering increased structure, expo- maintain the magic of a BHNS the city to boast its own private served basis, and acceptance let- tion, and social-emotional devel- experience while incorporating playground – a state-of-the art ters are typically sent to parents or program elements that support facility replete with a fun house, a guardians within 15 days. social distancing and use space crawl-through structure and vari- To learn more about and materials in new and creative ous “ride-on” vehicles. Charlestown Nursery School, visit ways.” BCS is now enrolling children or Responding to the varied and for the 2021-2022 academic year, call 617-242-5159. changing needs of families, the and Bob Langer wrote, “We will Park Street School, with its school also offers robust Remote now look forward to celebrating elementary school and administra- Programs this year for all students the 60th. anniversary in 2025!” tive offices located at 67 Brimmer (age 2-6), an alternative means of To learn more about Boston St., and preschool at One Park delivering high-quality curriculum Children’s School, visit bostonchil- Street, offers academic program- and maintaining community con- or call 617-367- ming for toddlers through Grade nections. 6239. 6 grounded in Core Knowledge - a More than schoolwork... BHNS will hold Open Houses The Charlestown Nursery content-rich, skill-building curric- on Oct. 8 and Nov. 2 at 6:30 School, a private nursery school ulum. ...the beginning of lifework. p.m.; guest must pre-register on located at 124 Main St. in The school, which was found- the school’s website. Charlestown, offers innovative ed and established by Christian Join our Virtual Open House. All applications are due next programing for ages 2 to 5 inspired women and men, affirms each Jan. 15, except sibling and leg- by the principles of Reggio Emilia, student’s intrinsic worth, teach- acy applications. which are due which focus on a student-centered es them how to respect others, Lower and Middle School: 1:00–5:00 PM Nov. 15, while applications for and self-guided curriculum. and underscores the importance the Remote Program for the Each classroom is a “learning of compassion, integrity and gen- Sunday, October 25 2020-2021 school year are still lab,” with two master teachers erosity. being accepted (call the school to and a parent helper, and offers As part of this school year, inquire). myriad experiences, including sen- which began Sept. 8 for in-per- Visit: To learn more about BHNS, sory, gross and fine motor, early son learning, and includes new, visit or call 617- literacy and math skills, and dra- additional options for remote 227-0822. matic play, music and visual art. education, Park Street School An integral and enduring fix- This year, in response to the has launched its new Artists in public-health crisis, all classes, Residency program, which embeds Cambridge, Mass. ture of Boston’s West End com- munity since 1965, the Boston which have reduced capacities a specialized educator in Children’s School at 8 Whittier and adhere to social distancing, FOR STUDENTS PRE-K TO GRADE 8 face coverings and other safety (Schools, Pg. 5) September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 5 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston

eighth-graders, and HSPT, SSAT, Schools (from pg. 8) etc. for high school sophomores areas, including science, music, of next year; to request an online and juniors), and applications physical education, Spanish, art information packet and begin the are due Jan. 3 for Grade 9; and and drama, in one classroom to online application process, or for Jan 31 for Grade 7, as well as offer its students a more immer- more information on Belmont Grade 8, 10 and 11 transfers. sive and interactive experience. Day School, visit Visit or call 617- (These same instructors will simul- or call 617-484-3078. 436-3900 for more information. taneously also be teaching other St. John School, located at 9 Founded in 1945, the grade-levels virtually, said Kim Moon St. in North Square, in Newman School, located at 247 Twitchell, director of communi- Boston’s North End, is a Catholic Marlborough St. in Boston’s cations). elementary and preschool that has Back Bay, is an independent day Flexible Fridays is another served generations of children in school in the Catholic tradition for new school initiative this year the city since its inception in 1873. Grades 7-12. that allows elementary students “We’re a pre-K-Grade 8 The school offers the to attend classes either in person Catholic school in the North End International Baccalaureate or remotely. “It allows families where academic excellence and Diploma Program - an academ- some flexibility by allowing a par- faith meet,” said Claire Cassidy, ically balanced curriculum that ent to have their child stay home the school’s principal. prepares students for college and that day, which is nice,” Twitchell St. John’s offerings for fifth- to beyond and that, according to added. eighth-graders include Italian lan- Gayle Schafer, director of com- Beginning Oct. 6 and continu- guage instruction, STEM (Science, munications, is “highly regarded ing through December, “Take A Technology, Engineering and by colleges because it requires stu- Tour Tuesdays” will allow guests Mathematics) programs, wood- dents to dig deeper through writ- to virtually tour the school on working classes, gardening and ing, presenting, analysis of mate- Tuesdays while interacting with professional music classes, as well rial and reflection of their work and asking questions of faculty as a wide variety of extracurric- so they are very well prepared for members before the application ular, after-school activities, while next level.” due date next January. younger kids are taught the fun- Moreover, Newman School Visit or damentals of reading, writing and students must complete a ser- call the Brimmer Street elementary math, and also receive an intro- vice component, such as volun- school and administrative offic- duction to technology. teering with a local nonprofit, to es at 617-523-7577 or the Park St. John School, which is earn their diplomas, and which, Street preschool at 617-523-4477 accredited by the New England Courtesy of Charlestown Nursery School Schafer said, “creates citizens who for more information. Association of Schools and A Charlestown Nursery School student in the outdoor classroom. are globally and service-minded The Belmont Day School is Colleges, also offers rolling enroll- when they go out into the greater a pre-K through Grade 8 school ment. school year is now underway in ous in terms of academics, but at world.” located in Belmont, Mass., that For more information, visit person and at full capacity by the same time, we are equally con- The Newman School, which thrives to create “a community of or call 617-227- making use of new areas as class- cerned with developing the whole is offering virtual open houses on inspiring, bold, and remarkable 3143 ext. 102 for more informa- room space. person.” Tuesday, Oc. 6 ; Wednesday, Oct. learners and leaders” while instill- tion. Fessenden is also one of only Drane added: “Our academic 14 ; and Thursday, Oct. 22, at 6 ing six core values in its students The , is an 12 schools invited to participate in offerings are as strong as you’ll p.m., has rolling admissions and - respect, honesty, responsibility, all-male independent school for NuVuX – a program “for students find at any high school, and it’s by even has a few spaces available in caring, joy, and excellence—are pre-K- Grade 4 (day school) and pursuing project-based learning,” pairing this with service, athletic some grades for the current school integral to academic quality, cre- Grades 5-9 (day and boarding Murphy said, that allows them to and co-curricular offerings and year as more of its International ativity, fitness, and health. school) located at 250 Waltham partner with NuVu – a Cambridge- advisory programs that we make Students have opted to study Founded in 1927, the school St. in West Newton, has met the based innovative school that was sure a well-rounded individual online instead. has a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, educational needs of boys since founded by MIT graduates leaves BC High, headed into the Visit or To learn more about The world.” call 617-267-4530 to learn more with a curriculum emphasizing 1903. June 22 to Aug. 21, 2020 hands-on, interdisciplinary work “It’s a school that does a great Fessenden School, visit fessenden. BC High is holding a virtual about the Newman School. that prepares graduates to go on job of combining the tried-and- org, or call 617-954-5350. Open House on Nov. 8. For tuitions costs and finan- to the high schools and careers of true teaching approaches with Boston College High School in Applicants in all grades are cial-aid information for any of the their choosing. leading-edge innovative techniques Dorchester is an all-male, Jesuit, required to take entrance exams aforementioned schools, visit their Belmont Day School is also to fully prepare students for the Roman Catholic, college prepa- (i.e. ISSE for seventh- and respective websites. committed to creating an equita- unknown world they will inherit,” ratory secondary school serving ble and inclusionary learning envi- said Suzanne Murphy, the school’s Grades 7-12 that was founded ronment, with around 40 percent director of marketing. “It’s really a in 1863 and has historical ties to of students identifying as people of school that allows boys to pursue Boston College. color. their passions, whether it’s as a “I think one of the things that A Lower School Open House writer, an artist or an athlete, and differentiates us from other schools takes place virtually on Saturday, it really does prepare students for is we’re a Jesuit school, and there Oct. 17, from 9:30-11:30 a.m., the known future.” is no other Jesuit school that fami- lies in the area that parents would while the Middle School Open Besides its state-of-the-art Ages 2.9 through 7 years old House is scheduled virtually for Center for Innovation, Fessenden be considering for their children,” Saturday, Nov. 14, from 1 to 3 also boasts a new performing arts said Charlie Drane, vice president THE BOSTON CHILDREN’S SCHOOL p.m. and center, which opened last year, of enrollment. “It’s important to Applications are due Jan. 11 and with a 41-acre campus, the know a Jesuit education is rigor- Eight Whittier Place 617-367-6239 PAGE 6 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston PRE-SCHOOL & on play, hands-on engagement, January 15 their choosing, where they are in individual, intimate class- KINDERGARTEN open-ended exploration and Open Houses – October 8 & embraced as confident self-ad- room settings, allowing the social/emotional development. November 2, 6:30-8pm vocates and leaders. classroom teachers to know Enriched by weekly yoga and Registration required for our Virtual Open House Events: each child and their individual Beacon Hill Nursery music classes, our program nur- Open Houses online at www. Saturday, October 17, 9:30 learning style. In addition to School tures and engages children in an to 11:30 a.m. and Saturday, daily classroom activities, the 74 Joy Street environment that cultivates cre- Financial Aid: Need-based November 14, 1 to 3 p.m. Boston Children’s School offers ativity and joy in learning. Our Spanish, sign language and Boston, MA 02114 Junior Kindergarten program is Belmont Day School music as part of its curriculum. 617-227-0822 designed to maintain the hall- All children have daily access 55 Day School Lane Boston marks of our play-based pro- Children’s School to the on-site playground. grams for young children while Belmont, MA 02478 The Boston Children’s School Beacon Hill Nursery School offering increased structure, 8 Whittier Place also offers a “Summer-Fun- was founded in 1955 and exposure to academic readiness T 617-932-3889 Boston, MA 0211 Program” to children between has been a vital part of the skills, leadership opportunities F 617-489-1924 617-367-6239 the ages of 3 and 8 years old. downtown community since and preparation for the transi- Detailed information about its inception with a consistent tion to next schools. the Boston Children’s School, commitment to high quality Programs: Toddler (2-2.9 Belmont Day School is a Established in 1965, the its academic year and sum- early childhood education. Our years) – 2 or 3 mornings community of inspiring, bold, Boston Children’s School has mer programs, are available primary mission is to create (8:45am-12pm) and remarkable learners and been bringing the joy of learn- on the Boston Children’s a nurturing community that Preschool (2.9-4 years) – 5 leaders. Curricula emphasize ing to children between the School website at www. instills a lifelong love of learn- mornings (8:45am-12pm) hands-on, interdisciplinary ages of 2.9 and 7 years of age BostonChildrensSchool.Org. ing in its students. We cher- Junior Kindergarten (4-5 work that grounds the academ- for over 55 years. Located in Please feel free to call Judy ish children’s innate curiosity years) – M-Th (8:45am-2pm), ic experience in the real world, the historic West End section of Langer, the Director of the through purposeful play guided F (8:45am-12pm) and faculty expertly offer each Boston at Charles River Park, Boston Children’s School at by exceptional early childhood Extended Day: Early Drop- individual the right level of chal- the Boston Children’s School 617-367-6239 with any ques- educators. off 8:00-8:45am lenge and support. Students attracts students from the tions that you may have about Our school is warm and Extended Day until 3:30 or build a strong sense of them- greater Boston area and chil- the school. welcoming, with two onsite 5:45pm selves and embody the school’s dren from around the world. Academic Year - September playscapes, a dedicated library, Deadlines: Sibling & Legacy core values of excellence, hon- Our curriculum is both cog- through May Ages - 2.9 seven classrooms and an Applications – November 15 esty, caring, joy, responsibil- nitively and developmental- through 7 years old. Hours indoor gym. All of our pro- All other Applications – ity, and respect. Graduates ly age appropriate. Children - 8:45 a.m. through 5 p.m., grams have a strong emphasis go on the High Schools of learn and play in small groups, half day programs are avail- able. Early arrival at 8:15 a.m. and late stay until 5:30 p.m. Uniquely warm and also available. Application Deadline: January 15. Limited purposeful learning financial aid available community. Charlestown Nursery School 124 Main Street Are you looking for a vibrant, diverse Charlestown, MA learning community 617-242-5169 in Boston's Back Bay? The Newman Charlestown Nursery School (CNS) is an innovative pro- Inspire School offers a gram for children 2-5 years discover rigorous curriculum taught with Currently offering in-person old that draws on the best become expertise and heart. research from Reggio Emilia, and hybrid options Montessori and other thought- To learn more, join students, ful approaches. Our curricu- faculty and parents for one of lum is built around a series TODDLER–GRADE 6 Take a Tour Tuesdays,

PRESCHOOL: ONE PARK STREET October – December at 10:30 AM our virtual open houses: of explorations that grow out ELEMENTARY: 67 BRIMMER STREET Open Houses at Preschool and Elementary, Oct. 6, 2020 Oct. 14, 2020 of the children’s own interests 617-523-7577 November 12 and December 3 at 6:30 PM Oct. 22, 2020 and integrates individualized PARKSTREETSCHOOL.ORG Register at instruction – combining the to attend virtually. 247 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA 02116 617.267.4530 (Continued on Page 7) September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 7 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston power of the children’s ative problem-solvers, critical ing of these subjects—and the ed and experiential education for ethical citizens. The school boundless curiosity with an thinkers, and global citizens. connections between them. The children Toddler through Grade 6. honors the individual charac- expertly guided investigative Fessenden also has the distinc- development of interpersonal Grounded in Core Knowledge ter of each child, encourages approach that immerses the tion of being one of only 12 skills and self-awareness guides philosophy, children build strong learning through collaboration, foundations of knowledge in the children in the process and schools in the world invited to all of our pursuits. We practice early years - an approach we and values intellectual disci- joys of real discovery, with the partner with NuVu (an inno- mutual respect, learning about believe is foundational to devel- pline. Central Subject, our fun- goal of nurturing self-motivat- vation school founded by MIT others, and ourselves. Every oping critical thinking skills neces- damentally different approach ed, life-long learners. CNS has graduates) to deliver an aca- day, we celebrate the many cul- sary for lifelong learning. Learning to teaching and learning, fos- been recognized by educators demic program that prepares tures and backgrounds of the here is active! Creativity, imagina- ters integrated study and the from around the world and students for the world they will children, faculty, and families tion, and social development are development of critical and has been highlighted in many inherit. of . fostered through lessons, learning creative thinkers and problem centers and play. Whether collect- studies of high-quality early Please join us for grade-spe- solvers. Grades Pre-K – 8 tui- ing leaves, discovering animals’ childhood. cific virtual tours, weekday habitats in Ponds and Meadows, tion in 2020-2021: $28,550 The city’s resources – includ- mornings, October - January. or bicycling in gym, children are – $42,850. ing parks, museums, libraries Register at 171 Goddard Ave. “out of the chair” – making con- Hours: 8:00 A.M. – 3:15 and historic attractions – are tual. Brookline, MA 02445 nections in and out of the class- P.M.; half-day program for room and between subjects. The considered part of the school’s 617-277-2456 Pre-K; after-school program “campus,” and our frequent Milton Academy’s learning is real and tangible, and until 6:00 P.M. Application visits foster the child’s feeling it sets us apart. As a Christian deadline: January 10, 2021. Lower School school, we’re committed to guid- of being at home in the wider Park is more than a school. ing students in the formation of Virtual Open House, Pre-K - 8: world. Grades K-5 It’s a close-knit, welcoming character and an understanding of Sunday, October 25, 1-5PM. Ages: 2 - 5 years. 170 Centre Street community devoted to creat- God’s love for them. Connecting Tuition variable by program. ing transformative experiences the mind and the heart - class- ELEMENTARY Application available Milton MA 02186 for children ages 4–14. Since room learning and character edu- SCHOOLS October 1. Early admission 617-898-2509 1888, Park has been dedicated cation - is what makes Park Street begins Nov.15 School special. Sign-up at www. to the special time of child- for a Virtual Belmont Day School hood and early adolescence. Tuesday Tour at 10:00 AM or one Milton Academy is an inde- Fessenden The Park community deeply of our evening Open Houses: for 55 Day School Lane pendent college preparatory Pre-K - Grade 9 values diversity, equity, and Elementary Nov.12 at 6:00 PM, or Belmont, MA 02478 K–12 school, boarding and inclusion. Located on 34 acres Preschool Dec. 3 at 6:00 PM. 250 Waltham St. day in grades 9–12, located near Jamaica Pond, Park feels Ages: 2-5 years Tuition: T 617-932-3889 eight miles south of Boston. like a neighborhood school but $10,300-$21,200; $2,000-$8,500 West Newton, MA additional for afternoon programs F 617-489-1924 Milton Academy’s Lower reflects the diversity of met- 617-630-2300 School is a unique and joy- Financial Assistance: Available for ropolitan Boston. Park offers Pre-Kindergarten through Grade ful place. Through daily inter- Belmont Day School is a after-school programs, trans- 6, with limited availability for actions with supportive peers portation, and generous finan- community of inspiring, bold, The Fessenden School is Preschool. Hours:8:00 a.m.- noon and impassioned teachers, cial aid. For more information for morning programs, Creative and remarkable learners and more than an independent day our students develop uncom- about virtual admission events, Afternoons noon-3:00 p.m. for leaders. Curricula emphasize and boarding school for boys mon expertise and confidence visit ages 3 and up. Two, three, four hands-on, interdisciplinary in Pre-K-Grade 9. It’s the per- in their academic disciplines. Tuition: $37,900 for Pre- and five-day programs available. work that grounds the academ- fect intersection of tradition Application deadline: Jan. 4 for They explore and initiate, col- Kindergarten – $48,000 for ic experience in the real world, and innovation. A place where priority for fall programs. laborate, and take risks togeth- Grade 8 and faculty expertly offer each tried and true educational er. They eagerly master and Application deadline: Jan. 8, individual the right level of chal- ‭techniques are woven seam- apply skills toward exciting 2020 lenge and support. Students lessly into a STEAM-inspired, Shady Hill School interdisciplinary projects in Diversity: 44% students of build a strong sense of them- passion-based curriculum. A every grade. Our teachers con- color 178 Coolidge Hill selves and embody the school’s diverse, inclusive, and nurtur- tinuously and collaboratively Financial Aid: 23% students core values of excellence, hon- ing community that emphasizes Cambridge, MA 02138 renew our curriculum to ensure receive financial assistance esty, caring, joy, responsibil- academic excellence and char- that it is rich and relevant. 617-520-5200 ity, and respect. Graduates acter development. Students learn in Milton’s Park Street School – go on the High Schools of Parents appreciate Lower School at the natural their choosing, where they are Shady Hill is a Pre- Fessenden’s commitment to pace of childhood. We make Preschool embraced as confident self-ad- Kindergarten through Grade 8 delivering a curriculum based play a priority. We do not rush vocates and leaders. One Park Street all gender day school, with over on how boys learn best and content for achievement’s sake; Virtual Open House Events: 500 students, located on an are delighted with the individu- rather, we discover together Boston, MA 02108 Saturday, October 17, 9:30 11-acre campus in Cambridge. al support and encouragement the depth and value in sci- to 11:30 a.m. and Saturday, 617-523-7577 Since our founding in 1915, the their sons receive. ence, literature, social studies, November 14, 1 to 3 p.m. school has been committed to Educational leaders turn mathematics, the performing creating an environment where to Fessenden for guidance and visual arts, technology, and Situated in sunny facilities on children are joyful, active learn- on developing curricula that physical education. Children Beacon Hill, Park Street School provides a continuous, integrat- ers who become confident and encourage students to be cre- come to a nuanced understand- (Continued on Page 8) PAGE 8 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston Boston Fessenden Milton Academy is an inde- kindergarten, grade 4, grade for children ages 4–14. Since Children’s School pendent college preparatory 6, and grade 7. Please call 1888, Park has been dedicated Pre-K - Grade 9 K–12 school, boarding and day 617-898-2509 to schedule an to the special time of child- 8 Whittier Place 250 Waltham St. in grades 9–12, located eight appointment. hood and early adolescence. Boston, MA 0211 miles south of Boston. Milton The Lower and Middle The Park community deeply West Newton, MA 617-367-6239 Academy’s Lower School School Admission Office will values diversity, equity, and 617-630-2300 is a unique and joyful place. also conduct a variety of virtual inclusion. Located on 34 acres Through daily interactions with events for prospective families near Jamaica Pond, Park feels Established in 1965, the supportive peers and impas- ( like a neighborhood school but Boston Children’s School has The Fessenden School is sioned teachers, our students admission/virtual-events/). In reflects the diversity of met- been bringing the joy of learn- more than an independent day develop uncommon expertise order to receive an invitation ropolitan Boston. Park offers ing to children between the and boarding school for boys and confidence in their aca- to these events, please be sure after-school programs, trans- ages of 2.9 and 7 years of age in Pre-K-Grade 9. It’s the per- demic disciplines. They explore to inquire using the Request portation, and generous finan- for over 55 years. Located in fect intersection of tradition and initiate, collaborate, and Information Form on our web- cial aid. For more information the historic West End section of and innovation. A place where take risks together. They eager- site, or by calling our office to about virtual admission events, Boston at Charles River Park, tried and true educational ly master and apply skills be added into our database. visit the Boston Children’s School ‭techniques are woven seam- toward exciting interdisciplin- Tuition: $37,900 for Pre- attracts students from the lessly into a STEAM-inspired, ary projects in every grade. The Park School Kindergarten – $48,000 for greater Boston area and chil- passion-based curriculum. A Our teachers continuously and Grade 8 dren from around the world. diverse, inclusive, and nurtur- collaboratively renew our cur- 171 Goddard Ave. Application deadline: Jan. 8, Our curriculum is both cog- ing community that emphasizes riculum to ensure that it is rich Brookline, MA 02445 2020 nitively and developmental- academic excellence and char- and relevant. Diversity: 44% students of ly age appropriate. Children acter development. Students learn in Milton’s 617-277-2456 color learn and play in small groups, Parents appreciate Lower School at the natural Financial Aid: 23% students in individual, intimate class- Fessenden’s commitment to pace of childhood. We make Park is more than a school. receive financial assistance room settings, allowing the delivering a curriculum based play a priority. We do not rush It’s a close-knit, welcoming classroom teachers to know on how boys learn best and content for achievement’s sake; community devoted to creat- each child and their individual are delighted with the individu- (Continued on Page 9) rather, we discover together ing transformative experiences learning style. In addition to al support and encouragement the depth and value in sci- daily classroom activities, the their sons receive. ence, literature, social studies, Boston Children’s School offers Educational leaders turn mathematics, the performing Spanish, sign language and to Fessenden for guidance and visual arts, technology, and music as part of its curriculum. on developing curricula that physical education. Children All children have daily access encourage students to be cre- come to a nuanced understand- to the on-site playground. ative problem-solvers, critical ing of these subjects—and the The Boston Children’s School thinkers, and global citizens. connections between them. The also offers a “Summer-Fun- Fessenden also has the distinc- development of interpersonal Program” to children between tion of being one of only 12 skills and self-awareness guides the ages of 3 and 8 years old. schools in the world invited to all of our pursuits. We practice Detailed information about partner with NuVu (an inno- mutual respect, learning about the Boston Children’s School, vation school founded by MIT others, and ourselves. Every its academic year and sum- graduates) to deliver an aca- day, we celebrate the many cul- mer programs, are available demic program that prepares tures and backgrounds of the on the Boston Children’s students for the world they will children, faculty, and families School website at www. inherit. of Milton Academy. BostonChildrensSchool.Org. Please join us for grade-spe- Our teachers know each Please feel free to call Judy cific virtual tours, weekday child well, and we work togeth- Langer, the Director of the mornings, October - January. er to nurture unique talents, Boston Children’s School at Register at passions, and aspirations. The 617-367-6239 with any ques- tual. Lower School—nested within tions that you may have about the K–8 of our K–12 school— the school. Academic Year - Milton Academy’s enables children to begin devel- September through May Ages - Lower School oping their own sense of com- 2.9 through 7 years old. Hours petence, confidence, and char- - 8:45 a.m. through 5 p.m., Grades K-5 acter. half day programs are avail- 170 Centre Street We are excited to get to able. Early arrival at 8:15 a.m. know your family through our and late stay until 5:30 p.m. Milton MA 02186 admission process. We are now also available. Application 617-898-2509 scheduling Zoom interviews Deadline: January 15. Limited for families applying to one financial aid available of our planned entry points: September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 9 independent's Guide to Schools in and around boston and private music lessons are tion in 2020-2021: $28,550 and interdisciplinary projects in on more responsibility and part of our normal offerings. – $42,850. math, English, science, foreign independence; we understand Park Street School - Application deadline: Jan. 4 for Elementary Hours: 8:00 A.M. – 3:15 language, social studies, visual them, support them, and help priority for fall programs. P.M.; half-day program for Pre- and performing arts, technol- them grow as they transition 67 Brimmer Street K; after-school program until ogy, and physical education. from childhood to adolescence. Boston, MA 02108 Shady Hill School 6:00 P.M. Application dead- Connections between students Our discussion-based classes, 178 Coolidge Hill line: January 10, 2021. Virtual and adults, so important in often around a Harkness Table, 617-523-7577 Open House, Pre-K - 8: Sunday, adolescent years, are lively— are lively and engaging. All Cambridge, MA 02138 October 25, 1-5PM. in the classroom, and on the students take a 360 health and Situated in sunny facilities on 617-520-5200 fields and stages. Students feel wellness class, co-taught by our Beacon Hill, Park Street School MIDDLE SCHOOL comfortable turning to their Middle School Counselor and provides a continuous, integrat- teachers, advisors, or coach- Learning Skills Specialist, and ed and experiential education for Shady Hill is a Pre- es for support and guidance. have many opportunities to children Toddler through Grade 6. Kindergarten through Grade 8 Milton Academy’s Our weekly community meet- join affinity groups and culture Our students discover connec- all gender day school, with over Middle School ings provide leadership oppor- clubs. tions as they explore in vibrant 500 students, located on an tunities, celebrate individual We are excited to get to learning spaces with innovative 11-acre campus in Cambridge. Grades 6-8 and group success, and culti- know your family through our tools. Our robust academics feed students’ curiosity, and build Since our founding in 1915, the 170 Centre Street vate respect and responsibility. admission process. We are now strong foundations of knowledge school has been committed to Milton MA 02186 Milton’s Middle School faculty scheduling Zoom interviews in the early years, encouraging creating an environment where are devoted to their craft, and for families applying to one inquiry and life-long learning. children are joyful, active learn- 617-898-2509 eagerly evaluate and apply best of our planned entry points: Students are known and loved by ers who become confident and practices in adolescent educa- kindergarten, grade 4, grade PSS faculty and staff who want ethical citizens. The school tion. As a School, we are com- 6, and grade 7. Please call Milton Academy is an inde- each child to grow academical- honors the individual charac- mitted to continuous curricu- 617-898-2509 to schedule an ly, socially/emotionally, spiritual- pendent college preparatory ter of each child, encourages lum renewal, so that our work appointment. ly and physically. Our students K–12 school, boarding and day learning through collaboration, meets the needs of, and excites The Lower and Middle grow in confidence, compassion in grades 9–12, located eight and values intellectual disci- our students. Middle school School Admission Office will and empathy. They learn of God’s miles south of Boston. Milton love for them, show respect for pline. Central Subject, our fun- years should be wonderful for also conduct a variety of virtual Academy’s Middle School others, take risks in affirming set- damentally different approach both students and parents. We events for prospective families helps students take safe risks, tings and learn how to live lives to teaching and learning, fos- are eager to help you learn ( pursue talents, and discover of generosity – together. They are ters integrated study and the about how our Milton environ- new passions. Our rigorous encouraged to develop a growth development of critical and ment helps each student thrive. mindset and to creatively solve academics focus on skill devel- (Continued on Page 10) creative thinkers and problem Each day, our students take problems as they interact with opment, hands-on learning, curriculum, with each other and solvers. Grades Pre-K – 8 tui- demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges. Our students are equipped to become global cit- izens, armed with a strong aca- demic foundation, confidence, and critical thinking skills. We offer small class sizes, a diverse com- munity and need-based financial aid. We are proud of our tal- ented faculty, competitive middle school placement, and aspiration- al college matriculation. Sign-up at for a Virtual Tuesday Tour at 10:00 AM or one of our evening Open Houses: for Elementary Nov.12 at 6:00 PM, or Preschool Dec. 3 at 6:00 PM. Grades: Kindergarten-Grade 6 Tuition: $28,700 - $30,700; $1,500 - $6,000 additional for afternoon programs. Financial Assistance: Available for Pre- Kindergarten through Grade 6, with limited availability for Preschool. Hours: 8:00a.m.-3:00p.m. M-TH, and Fridays 8:00a.m.-noon for Grades 1-6, and Kindergarten. After school program and clubs, PAGE 10 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 independent's WWW.CHARLESTOWNNURSERYSCHOOL.ORGGuide to Schools in and around boston

admission/virtual-events/). In motto, “Heart Speaks to Founded in 1863, Boston Our five-hundred-year-old Newman's middle and order to receive an invitation Heart” is woven through all College High School is a world- tradition of Jesuit education high school years International to these events, please be sure areas of class, independent Jesuit, has seen plagues, recession and Baccalaureate curriculum is the to inquire using the Request school life. Relationships Catholic preparatory school for wars. We have weathered it all. point of entry for curious, Information Form on our web- are at the core of who we are. young men in grades 7–12. BC Rooted in such a strong tra- independent, outward looking site,WWW.CHARLESTOWNNURSERYSCHOOL.ORG or by calling our office to Students develop through High offers students dynamic, dition, BC High was quick to students. The curriculum is be added into our database. inquisitive academic explo- urban learning pivot in these uncertain times recognized by universities ration and meaningful connec- experiences unique to Boston and stay connected through for it’s depth and rigor. The Newman School tions with teachers to become and unparalleled opportunities synchronous learning with The Newman School’s global contributors. A to explore the world through enhanced Zoom capabilities, motto, “Heart Speaks to 247 Marlborough vibrant program of activities a vast network of schools and technology and safety proto- Heart” is woven through all Street and sports allows students to international destinations. cols for our community. areas of Boston MA 02116 pursue BC High’s approach is rigor- Learn more about the BC school life. Relationships EXPLOREtheir interests and passions ous, going beyond the academ- High experience and register are at the core of who we are. 617-267-4530 beyond the classroom, with the ic to address the whole person: for our virtual open house on Students develop through newmanboston.orgTHE CNScity as their playground. head, heart, and hands – cul- November 8, go to inquisitive academic explo- Newman is in-person, with The Newman School of tivating qualities that establish ration and meaningful connec- hybrid options also available. Boston, celebrating its 75 anni- character and provide students The Newman School tions with teachers to become DIFFERENCEwith a holistic framework to global contributors. A EXPLOREversary in the heart of the Back 247 Marlborough wrestle the many complexities vibrant program of activities Bay of Boston, is a welcom- Street ing vibrant learning communi- HIGH SCHOOL of life. and sports allows students to ty. From grades 7-12, Here, future leaders begin Boston MA 02116 pursue Newman's middle and Boston College High to develop their potential, find 617-267-4530 their interests and passions high school years International School their own unique voice and beyond the classroom, with the THE CNS work together toward a more city as their playground. Baccalaureate curriculum is the point of entry for curious, 150 Morrissey Blvd. ethical and inclusive world. The Newman School of Newman is in-person, with independent,Visit us outward to experience looking Boston, Massachusetts Students learn to stand up Boston, celebrating its 75 anni- hybrid options also available. students. The curriculum is 02125THURS. boldlyOC Tfor. 25THwhat they believe versary in the heart of the Back recognizedwhy each by yearuniversities over in, including themselves, and Bay of Boston, is a welcom- for it’s depth and rigor. 617-436-3900 6-8PMbecome men who lead with ing vibrant learning communi- VIRTUAL LEARNING 1,000 teachers from BHNS Open House AD 2 dates 2020 4x5 PR.pdf 1 9/18/2020 3:44:21 PM The Newman School’s integrity. ty. From grades 7-12, POD PROGRAM around the world WWW.CHARLESTOWNNURSERYSCHOOL.ORGDIFFERENCE& come to observe our Charlestown Boys and attention to quality. SUN. NOV. 4th Girls Club 15 Green St.

OPEN HOUSE 3-5 PM EXPLORE Charlestown, Mass. AgesTHE 2 to 5 CNS 02129 DIFFERENCE 617-242-1775

C Charlestown Boys and Girls APPLY BY Club’s Learning Enrichment M Program. Y NOV 15thConnect with us The Club will have an in-per- to see why educators from around the world CM Visit us to experience son, Learning Enrichment THURS. OCT. 25THMY why each yearfollow over our innovative practice. Program Pods with Staff for 6-8PM CY 1,[email protected] teachers from members in our facility this around the world & CMY School Year starting Sept. 28th. come to observe our and @charlestownnurseryschoolSUN. NOV. 4th K The Club will host students for attention to quality. the upcoming school year and

OPEN HOUSE 3-5 PM Ages 2 to 5 our staff will make sure they have a safe, secure and con- nected facility to learn in while APPLY BY in ‘virtual class’. NOV 15th Visit us to experience ‘All Virtual’ Students pre- ferred. Any questions, Please THURS. OCT. 25TH call the Club at 617-242-1775 why each year over or email at [email protected] 1,000 teachers from 6-8PM around the world & come to observe our attention to quality. SUN. NOV. 4th

OPEN HOUSE 3-5 PM Ages 2 to 5


FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FINALLY HERE Courtesy Photos The first day of school and the activities around it generated some excitement over the last week in the Town. Whether it was getting a ‘I’m going to Kindergarten’ T-Shirt or logging onto a ChromeBook to see friends and teachers on Zoom, it was a beginning to the school year that will never be forgotten amongst the many.

Supt. Brenda Cassellius stopped by the Eliot School to visit with Principal District 1 Supt. Tommy Welch vis- Tracy Walker last weekend as they prepared for the first day of school. ited with teachers at the Warren Prescott School on Monday morning, watching them as they re-connected with their students on Zoom.

Principal Larissa Doherty moni- tors the call center at the Edwards Middle School on their first day of The Countdown to Kindergarten team was on hand at the Harvard Kent Staff members at the Harvard Kent School handed out kits to help stu- classes Monday. School lastAoU-NE_W181590_BWH-MGH-BMC_Diversity week to distribute T-Shirts to those Newspaper heading Ad_3.998w to their x first5h_Color_WCROP_Print_V2_072320_HF.pdf day 1 7/27/20 1:33 PM dent prepare for the first day late last week. of kindergarten.

A short story about a motorcycle. And a sudden turn.

When she was a young college student, Elisabeth Marra had a serious motorcycle Waterfront 2BD/2BA Condo accident that ultimately changed her life. Two years after the crash, her painful open fractures had failed to heal. Then she heard with Two Garage spaces + City about a new and complex surgery pioneered by a surgeon who used a patient’s own stem Views cells to concentrate the healing process. This time, her surgery and subsequent therapy were successful. Elisabeth’s experience caused her to re- C Why have some communities not direct her own career aspirations. Inspired by the medical professionals who helped her M been a part of medical research? reclaim her active lifestyle, she changed her major to study physical therapy—a Y You can help researchers develop new and better profession where her own experience could treatments that benefit all of us. help other patients prevail through difficult CM recoveries. $1,059,000 Many groups of people have been left out of We tell Elisabeth Marra’s story here to MY illustrate two of the most profound messages research in the past. That means we know less about we know. Don’t give up, and remember to CY their health. When you join the All of Us Research give back. If reading it inspires just one more

person to achieve something special, then its CMY Program, you'll help researchers learn more about telling here has been well worth while. what makes people sick or keeps them healthy. K GRACE BLOODWELL, Broker (617) 768-8300 15+ Years Experience, Local Resident

Seller, Buyer & Landlord Representation *All participants will receive $25 after completion of their visit. To complete the visit, participants must create an Please call with your real estate questions. account, give consent, agree to share their electronic health records, answer health surveys, and have their measurements taken (height, weight, blood pressure, Celebrating 617-512-4939 etc.), and give blood and urine samples, if asked. Human Healing [email protected] All of Us and the All of Us logo are service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Coldwell Banker | 2 Thompson Sq | Charlestown MA PAGE 12 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 COVID-19 infection rate down 1.3 percent in Charlestown

By John Lynds time according to the latest data Last week the BPHC reported week from 16,310 cases to 16,703 are in people under the age of 30,” released by the Boston Public that 5,391 residents were test- cases. So far 13,467 Boston res- said Walsh. Charlestown’s COVID-19 Health Commission (BPHC) on ed for COVID-19 and the data idents have fully recovered from Walsh stressed that young peo- infection rate decreased 1.3 per- Friday. shows that overall since the pan- the virus and two additional res- ple must be especially cautious, in cent last week and still remains According to the BPHC’s data demic began only 4.5 percent of idents died last week bringing the order to protect themselves and well below the citywide average. the neighborhood’s COVID infec- residents tested were found to be total of fatalities in the city to 761. the rest of the community as well, After posting a rise of 3.5 per- tion rate went from 122.6 cases COVID positive. The overall city- During his daily press briefing including older populations who cent in the neighborhood’s infec- per 10,000 residents to 121 cases wide average is 7.5 percent since on the virus, the Mayor highlight- tend to experience more severe tion three weeks ago, the infec- per 10,000 residents. The citywide the pandemic began. ed one notable trend. symptoms if they contract the tion rate dropped for the first average is 241.8 cases per 10,000 Citywide positive cases of coro- “Forty-eight percent of new virus. residents. navirus rose only 2.4 percent last cases in the last two weeks of data

News Briefs

CHARLESTOWN (Mount Vernon St. & Lowney • September 27th - Wasniewski, a graduate of James Ronan of St. Mary’s-St. RECOVERY MONTH Way) for our annual Vigil. If you Recovery Mass at St. Mary - St. , majored in Catherine’s held would like to submit a photo of Catherine of Siena Parish (55 Economics at Colgate. a service to bless the animals who EVENTS a loved one to be added into the Warren St. Charlestown, MA.) at Wasniewski received a live in Charlestown. It was held • September 26th - 12 vigil slideshow, please send their 6:00pm. Bachelor of Arts degree Magna in the morning of the first Sunday Annual Charlestown Candlelight name and image to Smlundin@ • September 30th - Cum Laude at Colgate’s 199th in October each year. It is the Vigil : On Saturday at 6:30pm, join Charlestown Drug Court Commencement, which was held Sunday closest ti the Feast of St. us at the Charlestown Peace Park Celebration - contact Shannon virtually on May 17 this year. Francis of Assisi. The ceremony Lundin, Smlundin@partners. Colgate is a leading American was very well attended and the org, for more information. university for students who want animal owners liked forward to classes with rigor, faculty with the event each year. Some of the passion, and confidence in know- years Father Ronan had other cler- WASNIEWSKI ing they will learn how to thrive gy also participating in the event. Your “In-Town” Assisted Living Community! GRADUATES in work and life. Colgate offers 56 At the end of the service, each ∙ Studio & one bedroom apartment homes; ∙ Exceptional restaurant-style dining; FROM COLGATE majors and supports 25 Division animal owner was presented with ∙ StudioLunch with& one Mom, bedroom Dad & apartment loved ones homes; - Orange ∙ RespiteExceptional care restaurant-styleallows you to take dining; a vacation & I athletic teams on a campus of a certificate that said that his or ∙ Lunchline to withdowntown Mom, DadBoston; & loved ones - Orange ∙ Respiteyour loved care ones allows vacation you to with take us; a vacation & UNIVERSITY ∙ Engaging resident events & activities; ∙ Daily personal care assistance & so much more. about 3,000 students in central her animal received the blessing line to downtown Boston; your loved ones vacation with us; Attabelle Wasniewski, of Inquire in advance for reasonable accommodations. Charlestown, is a graduate of New York. Learn more at colgate. for a long and happy life. 9 West∙ Engaging School St., resident Charlestown events | 617-241-0328 & activities; |∙ Daily personalInfo contained care herein assistance subject to change & so w/o much notice. more. Colgate University in the Class edu. Because of the virus issues Inquire in advance for reasonable accommodations. and restrictions forbidding large 9 West School St., Charlestown | 617-241-0328 | of 2020. Info contained herein subject to change w/o notice. groups, this year’s service had been BLESSING OF postponed to a future date. When THE ANIMALS IS the ceremony is rescheduled, an POSTPONED TO A article will appear in the Patriot- LATER DATE Bridge a few weeks before the For more than 10 years, Father event.

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In partnership with Call Today to schedule an appointment 617-257-0377 [email protected] *US EPA List N: Disinfectant for use against SARS - CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 13 Foundation Kitchen to open at The Graphic Lofts on Sullivan Square The Graphic. All member compa- a Foundation Kitchen member Staff Report nies working out of our space have since 2017, looks forward to being Foundation Kitchen, a shared their own licenses, insurance, and a part of the new space at The culinary workspace, co-founded certification, and either work from Graphic when it opens in early by husband and wife team, Ciaran their own designated studio space 2021. Nagle and Tara Novak, has signed or from their own pre-scheduled “Wild Fox serves delicious cui- a 5,723 square-foot lease to open space within the shared kitchen.” sines inspired by our Polish and Foundation Kitchen already has a new culinary production and Portuguese heritages,” he said. close to 20 members who cite dining destination at The Graphic “We’re also a family owned busi- multiple reasons for using shared Lofts on Sullivan Square. ness and we look forward to offer- This new location, located kitchen space, including the lack of commercial kitchen space in ing lunch and dinner options that directly across the street from the are packed with flavor, including Sullivan Square Station, will fea- the Boston metro area, the cost our signature ‘Bigger than Babcia’s’ ture a café, wine bar, and food A rendering of what Foundation Kitchen on Sullivan Square will look of incurring long-term leases, and scratch-made pierogi, as well as stalls which will be open to the like when it opens in the spring of 2021. The concept combines food, the large overhead costs associated public seven days a week. The beverage and take-out options with a commercial kitchen facility that with a commercial kitchen facility. soups, sandwiches, salads, and space will also feature an ongo- already has 20 members ready to get to work. It will be on the ground Adam Dziki of Wild Fox Pierogi, more.” ing roster of cooking classes, spe- floor of The Graphic Lofts building. cial events, and culinary pop-ups served from a shared kitchen. and at-home dining, and our busi- and created a space that celebrates Foundation Kitchen is scheduled ness model was set-up perfectly the building’s architecture, while to open in the first quarter of 2021 for that well before the pandemic also connecting guests to the places in a space on the ground floor of adversely impacted the restaurant and landscapes where food comes the building that has been unoccu- community,” said Nagle. “Given from. New DIRECTORY of businesses pied since The Graphic launched this shift and increased demand “With abundant plantings, a last year. for more healthy, local grab-and- warm, atmospheric mural, and What do you need today? Many merchants and The lease for Foundation go dining options, takeout and exposed brick and massive wood service providers are adapting to the current Kitchen was negotiated by Stephen delivery have skyrocketed in pop- beams, the marketplace will unite crisis with new shopping options. Check here for Pleines from Eastern Land ularity, as customers seek creative the public and global cuisines ways to safely shop from your own home. Company on behalf of the ten- alternatives to cooking at home together to create a space that’s ants, and Joe Wagner from Boston night after night.” both transportive yet also very PLACE YOUR AD IN THE DIRECTORY TODAY! Reality Advisors on behalf of Nagle said Foundation Kitchen much part of the history and evo- GREAT introductory specials! Berkeley Investments, which owns members will offer creative culi- lution of Charlestown,” they said. Deb DiGregorio - [email protected] and developed The Graphic Lofts. nary packages like family-style All of the parties involved are Sioux Gerow [email protected] Berkeley has long recognized meals, curated make-at-home meal committed to creating a space the value of placing innovative kits, farmers’ market delivery ser- that follows COVID-19 CDC food and beverage concepts in vices, and wine-and-food pairings. and State of Massachusetts health rapidly growing neighborhoods. Those who choose to dine in guidelines. Young Park, president of Berkeley Foundation Kitchen’s Food Hall In addition, as a fami- Investments, is credited with intro- will experience indoor and out- ly-owned-and-operated busi- ducing Barbara Lynch to the Fort door spaces that take their design ness, Owner Tara Novak says Point neighborhood in 2008 by cues from the local neighborhood, Foundation Kitchen will fill a void $160/month or save 10% and prepay $1728/year. offering the company’s FP3 resi- “which is rich with creativity and by providing a space that’s inspir- dential building as home to Drink, 12 month lease, get your spot now! innovation,” says Kevin Cromwell ing to other small to mid-size food For more information email Joanie Walls: Sportello and Menton. of Cromwell Consulting, a food companies. “The addition of Foundation service consulting firm that helped “We presently have one bou- [email protected] Kitchen to The Graphic Lofts and design and layout the space. “Our tique shared commercial kitch- or call directly at (617) 936-2119 the community of Charlestown is a goal was to create an environment en located in Union Square, home-run for everyone involved,” that allows quality culinary entre- Somerville and we’re excited said Park. “The concept is one that preneurs a place to flourish.” about this new location opening will appeal to multiple audiences Rashmi Ramaswamy, lead in Charlestown,” she says. “This who are essential to the neigh- architect of SHED Studio, and shared kitchen concept is licensed borhood including residents, near- designer Jack Cochran, thought for shared-use food production, by workers and commuters. The about the establishment’s name- and multiple other businesses may unique concept meets a variety of sake - a “foundational” kitchen - operate from our new kitchen at needs in the market, and we know it will be incredibly popular when it opens.” 617-242-4664 From a food and beverage stand- Charlestown 46 Winthrop St. Charlestown, 02129 point, plans call for Foundation Kitchen to offer breakfast, lunch Compassionate Fund and dinner menu items, along with craft beers and wine, either to-go, or for in-restaurant din- Applications are available ing through their cafe and wine as of Oct. 1st at bar. Owner Ciaran Nagle says the 253 Main St., Charlestown MA market and location are prime for this type of carry-out dining (Elite Realty) option, especially for those that or reside above Foundation Kitchen in The Graphic Lofts, and those The Kennedy Center, 23 Molton St. that live nearby in Hood Park and mainland Charlestown. Call 617-284-8866 x1153 “The impacts of COVID-19 have put more focus on carry-out PAGE 14 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020

North Washington Street Bridge (Charlestown Bridge) Construction Look-Ahead: Here’s the kicker: Fall soccer

This is a brief overview of con- gate, phase 2 fender system, and struction operations and impacts drainage. begins with full in-house program for the North Washington Street WORK HOURS By Seth Daniel However, we’re not travelling.” play.” Bridge Replacement Project. •Most work will be done Reitz said they will have leagues Likewise, the social atmosphere MassDOT will provide additional during the daytime (6:00 a.m. – The Charlestown Soccer League divided into 1st-2nd grades, and for parents and grandparents and notices as needed for high-im- 3:00 p.m.) kicked off a full, in-house league then 3rd-8th grades. They will games and practices will also be pact work and changes to traf- •Other work will be done over- last weekend that will last for the play games on Saturdays and curtailed and Reitz said they sug- fic configurations beyond those night (6:00 pm. – 2:00 a.m.) duration of this fall, with plenty of Sundays at the football field, and gest one parent for every child. described below. •There will be other work done precautions and protections, but have some practices on the Oilies “We recommend that during DCR RECREATIONAL during the daytime (6:00 a.m. – certainly also a lot of fun playing (Barry Field). He said it was excit- practice, they drop off kids at the ADVISORY: NEW CHARLES 6:00 p.m.) ‘The Beautiful Game.’ ing that Charlestown families still exact time,” he said. “They can’t RIVER DAM PEDESTRIAN WORK THAT HAS BEEN League President Allen Reitz wanted to get out and play soccer come early and they can’t stay WALKWAY COMPLETED said soccer will be different this in such large numbers. afterward. Parents can be in the •Starting Monday, 9/21 at •Prior to 9/20 crews have year, but the numbers are not “The other towns around our stands socially distant or in the 6 a.m. and ending on Sunday, demolished the east sidewalk and down and many kids have regis- league declined 50 percent or car. If it’s a game, we encourage a 9/27 at 6 p.m., the Department removed the asbestos duct bank. tered to play. However, there will more and we are about the same one-to-one ratio. We’re encourag- of Conservation and Recreation TRAVEL TIPS be no travel teams this year, as the as last year if not more,” he said. ing parents not to bring the grand- (DCR) will implement a closure Westerly sidewalk, Lovejoy league will all be in-house. “That was impressive.” parents and everyone down to see of the New Charles River Dam Wharf stairs near Converse are “We had expected to have our The precautions taken for the game. Also, everyone needs to Pedestrian Walkway in the City open to the public with the opening travel program running, but that playing will be according to the have masks on.” of Boston to accommodate facil- of the temporary bridge, the adja- changed a couple weeks ago when Massachusetts Youth Soccer Reitz said he and his Board ity maintenance work. Pedestrian cent section of the Harborwalk we decided to go in-house only,” guidelines, he said. and the coaches in the league have patterns will be clearly marked. passing under the bridge remains he said. “We decided as a Board Players will be expected to spent so much time making sure a Vessel traffic through the locks closed. rather than have that extra layer socially distance as much as pos- season happened this year. He said will be limited to vessels with The Tudor Wharf Walkway of concern with travel, to just go sible, to wear masks on the field it was one of the hardest things he beams below 22’. (under the bridge next to the in-house. It will be the first year at all times, and there will be no has had to do. DESCRIPTION water in Paul Revere Park) will Charlestown is an in-house only throw ins and no header plays “Just preparing for the sea- OF SCHEDULED WORK be intermittently closed for safety program. We were surprised to allowed. son is one of the hardest things •Demolition of pier and center during construction operations, see the numbers were really high “The idea is nobody should be I’ve ever done,” he said. “I have substructure, removal of deck and with access provided via the Water for registrations and we’ll be play- touching the ball,” he said. “If the to thank my Board, the coaches steel, installation and maintenance Street underpass. ing schedules similar to last year. ball is touched, there is a break and parents and everyone else as of silt curtain, cofferdam, tide and we sanitize it and then resume well.”

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IF YOU’RE THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME, THE FALL IS AN EXCELLENT TIME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Please contact me for a free current market analysis! Janis Pacheco, Realtor Coldwell Banker Realty ABR, CLHMS, CNS, SRS, PSA License #9514808 [email protected] 617-775-0590 617-904-2000 ©2020 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Call me for all your real estate needs! September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 15 Two shot and killed in Bunker Hill development last Thursday

By Seth Daniel later identified as Wildeny Tejeda- this neighborhood; there are par- mise the occupants were shot and “We don’t want kids, parents, Mejia, 24, of Lynn, succumbed to ents and it’s a very tight neighbor- then crashed as a result of their grandparents to see such a grue- Just about one hour after Police his injuries and was pronounced hood,” he said. “The only way conditions. some scene,” he said. “Everyone Commissioner Willie Gross and deceased on scene. The second to defeat these acts of violence is DA Rollins said they will work did the right thing. They called his Command Staff handed out male victim was transported to a to all stick together. Thank you hard with the Boston Police to 9-1-1 and remained inside their backpacks to kids heading back to local area hospital with life-threat- to the neighborhood because you bring those responsible to justice. homes. This is a great neighbor- school, three blocks away a Lynn ening injuries. That second male called 9-1-1. You didn’t have to “This happened around dinner hood. They work in concert with man and Roxbury man were shot victim succumbed to his injuries call 9-1-1, but you did pick up time and there are children living Capt. Ciccolo. We’ve gone over in their vehicle on Decatur Street – on Tuesday and has been iden- the phone and that will help us in this community,” she said. “As things like this – about seeing with both eventually succumbing tified as David Martinez, 28, of in this investigation…There are they were wrapping up their sum- something and calling it in. They Roxbury. good people and bad people and mer and preparing to go to school, to their injuries. did that.” Incidentally, a shots fired call we can’t tell you where they will this violence happened right in The double fatal shootings were The Boston Police Trauma was reported very close by on be. I can tell you right now…the front of where they live. We came the first homicides in the Town in Team is available for those in the Samuel Morse Way a week prior, neighborhoods of Boston are not to show our support. The Boston two years. on Sept. 11, around midnight. desensitized to violence and they Police are working tirelessly to neighborhood who need help deal- According to Boston Police, A bullet was located inside one are helping the Boston Police and get answers and to find out who ing with the violence. They can be at about 7:29 p.m. on Sept. 17, of the nearby apartments at that the DA in solving these crimes.” these individuals were and what reached at (617) 431-0125. officers assigned to District A-15 time. Gross said it appears that the they were doing here…We want The Boston Police Department (Charlestown) responded to a On the scene last Thursday deceased were in the car and it this community to know we will is actively reviewing the facts and radio call at 74 Decatur St. for night, Commissioner Gross and was in motion when they were work hard to hold the individuals circumstances surrounding this a motor vehicle accident as well DA Rachael Rollins spoke to the shot – as opposed to being parked responsible.” incident and is asking anyone with as shots fired. Upon arrival, offi- media about how the neighbor- on the side of the street. He said Gross said there was a call put information relative to this inves- cers located two adult males in a hood stuck together and called because shots fired calls came in, out on the radio to keep people tigation to contact Boston Police motor vehicle suffering from gun- 9-1-1. and simultaneously a motor vehi- inside their homes while the inves- Homicide Detectives at (617) 343- shot wounds. One male victim, “There are many children in cle accident came in, one can sur- tigation went on. 4470. Time is running out to participate in the U.S. 2020 Census

By John Lynds in 13 languages. said Walsh. care programs. have been increasing in the wake “If you already have done so, For all Boston-related Census MCEF used real-time census of COVID-19. With the help of local organi- make sure to ask your friends, information and how to help response rate data and knowl- Historically, certain populations zations and volunteers the City family, and networks to do the Walsh said to visit the city’s edge of the impacts of the pan- are “hard-to-count” in the census. of Boston is making a final push same,” he said. “Spread the “Boston Counts 2020” website demic to make rapid-response Urban and rural areas with large to get an accurate census count message digitally. Use the city’s at grants between $500 to $5,000 low-income populations, people ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline. outreach toolkit to amplify that intergovernmental-relations/bos- for additional outreach activities. of color, immigrants, non-English “This once-in-a-decade oppor- responding is not only crucial, but ton-counts-2020. Organizations in these regions, speakers, migrant workers, ex-of- tunity will determine the amount it is also quick, easy, and confi- This year the United States will who work with hard-to-count fenders, young children, the elder- of elected representatives Boston dential.” conduct its decennial census. In populations including communi- ly, those who are disabled, renters, will have, how legislative districts Walsh is also encouraging resi- Boston there’s been a huge push to ties of color, are struggling to the homeless, and those living in will be formed, and the amount of dents to volunteer to census phone ensure a fair and complete count increase Census response rates mobile homes or multi-unit res- federal funding we will receive for banks with the City of Boston. in the 2020 U.S. Census because while simultaneously responding idences are historically hard-to- crucial services and programs for “We are hosting daily phone it determines everything from rep- to communities’ needs, which count. the next 10 years,” said Mayor banks to reach out and encour- resentation in Congress, to fed- Martin Walsh last week. “Only age households in some of our eral funds for schools, affordable 57.4 percent of Boston’s house- lowest response neighborhoods,” housing, infrastructure and health JOHN F. KENNEDY FAMILY holds have self-responded. We are SERVICE CENTER now less than two weeks away 24/7 EMERGENCY CARE | FREE PARKING from the last day to be counted Stuck looking for ENROLL NOW (September 30). This is an urgent quality veterinary call to all of Boston’s communities care in your area? to make sure they’ve completed the U.S. 2020 Census. On this Angell is day and throughout the month of • 24/7 Emergency • Internal Medicine September.” prepared & Critical Care • Neurology Mayor Walsh reminded resi- to help! • Acupuncture • Nutrition dents they can fill out the 2020 • Anesthesiology • Oncology Census online or by phone, and • Avian & • Ophthalmology Exotic Medicine either of these options is available • Pathology • Behavior • Pain & • Cardiology Palliative Care • Dentistry • Physical • Dermatology Rehabilitation Early Education Programs • Diagnostic • Surgery Imaging Toddler, Head Start, UPK TO ADVERTISE Limited Openings Available • Management of Chronic Diseases (such as kidney PLEASE CALL disease, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease) • Direct Access to Angell’s board-certified specialists Call (617) 241-8866 x 1339 781-485-0588 • Weekend & Evening Appointments [email protected] • Geriatric Medicine • Free On-Site Parking Compassionate, 350 South Huntington Avenue | Boston, MA Comprehensive Care 617-522-7282 | PAGE 16 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 Developer seeks to demolish historic home, abutters ready to fight it

By Seth Daniel tearing down the old building was that would go up 35 feet and be settled upon. The developers have built nearly from lot line to lot A developer looking to tear revealed very little about the new line. down an historic home at 8 building plan, and kept much of “We need to keep a diversity Lawrence St. and build a new it close to the vest in the meet- of building types in the neighbor- single-family building on the prop- ing as well. A small drawing of hood,” she said. “If all these kinds erty is headed for what looks to be the building showed a garage at of homes go away in exchange a long-term clash with neighbors the ground floor (requiring a new for mini-mansions, we lose that and abutters after a public infor- curb cut) and a front door flank- mid-tier historic home like this.” mation meeting on the plan last ing it. Bedroom and living space Records from the CPS indicate Thursday. on the top two floors included that 8 Lawrence St. was built in George Sarkis appeared at the balconies facing the street. The 1813 or 1814 and is among the Article 85 Demolition informa- idea, it was stated, was to create earliest homes built in that area tion meeting with his attorney, something that appeared historic, after the burning of the Town in Patrick Mahoney of Charlestown, but was modern and new inside. the Battle of Bunker Hill. to go over their plan briefly and to Charlestown Preservation James Fosdick (1789-1854) explain the alternatives to demol- Developer George Sarkis has proposed to demolish the historic home at Society (CPS) President Amanda built 8 Lawrence Street. James ishing the home – which has been 8 Lawrence St. to build a new single-family home. Preservationists and Zettel said the home is very old Fosdick was a chair-maker. His significantly renovated but the abutters are opposing the demo and have hired an attorney to challenge and quite historic and they do parents were David Fosdick (1757- anything that doesn’t fit within their historic neighborhood. bones of the structure date back not support a demolition of the 1812) and Mary Frothingham to 1813 and the Fosdick family. property. For the CPS, the pro- (1758-1848). Mary was the From the outset, Mahoney posal brings back memories of daughter of James Frothingham made it clear that the meeting have doubts that Sarkis will even- make it fit in the neighborhood.” about five years ago when several (1735-1820), who was deacon of was about checking all the boxes tually live there. Abutters have Both Cooledge and neigh- historic homes were slated to be the First Church in Charlestown that were required for a demoli- hired Charlestown Attorney Scott bor Kent Edwards also chimed demolished and rebuilt with mod- on Town Hill. Her brother, James tion hearing, and that Sarkis – a Holmes, and at the online meeting in and said they were worried ern buildings – the worst offender Frothingham Jr. (1763-1848) mar- high profile realtor with Douglas last Thursday, he said to be ready about losing an historic home in being on Oak Street, she said. ried Sally Fosdick. In 1811 James Elliman - intends to demo the for a fight. one of the oldest settled areas on “Demolition is a bad deal for Fosdick married Sophia Goodell. home so that he and his family can “I don’t think anyone thinks Charlestown – which contains a many reasons in Charlestown,” As was customary, CPS believes he live in it. He said there is no profit your client should not be able cluster of only a few of the original she said. “It’s not the best environ- built his home to house his family deal going on, and the Sarkis’s to live there and I don’t think homes built shortly after the dawn mental option and we have few shortly after his marriage. His first simply want to live in a modern anyone thinks your client should of the United States. of these old houses left that were daughter was born in 1812 and home that takes advantage of the not buy what he wants to, but Sarkis’s development team built so long ago and contrib- first son in 1813 and ultimate- large site. to build a building that defies the showed alternatives they explored, ute to the quality, character and ly another six children. His wife The project is by right and context of that neighborhood is including keeping the historic dou- appeal of the neighborhood. It is Sophia died in 1833 and James requires no variances or special not appropriate and is going to be ble, book-end chimneys that are as old as the Monumental House Fosdick kept the house until 1845 permits. opposed,” said Holmes, on behalf original, and surrounding it with on Union Street. Right now is our when his eighth child, a daughter, “His building is only a little of abutter Ron Cooledge. “You a new building. That apparently only chance to say the building is became 23-years of age. James smaller than (that of abutters),” can go to the Boston Landmarks wasn’t structurally feasible and important and that we want to Fosdick is laid to rest in a vault at said Mahoney. “Although Boston Commission and wait for the would have incurred too much keep as much of the original build- the historic Phipps Street Burying and Charlestown are intentionally 90 days to collapse, but it’s not expense and effort to preserve ing as possible.” Ground in Charlestown, where down-zoned, this project is meant going to end there and I want you them while building around them. She also said the late Bill Lamb Lawrence Street ends at Phipps to comply. I’m a developer and a to know that. It’s not some idle Meanwhile, another alternative had worked on this issue on Street. zoning attorney and I can’t see a threat. You may think you can go shown explored leaving the home Lawrence Street and was adamant Mayoral Liaison Quinlan Locke profit here. This is meant specif- ahead and do whatever you want in the front and constructing a that it not be demolished. said the meeting was just the ically for George Sarkis and his to do, but the neighborhood is new extension on the back – which She said previous plans that start of a process, and that there family.” going to challenge anything that would require a zoning variance. were shared with the CPS Design would be a Boston Landmarks But neighbors are clashing will change the context and sim- Neither was deemed plausible Review Committee included a Commission meeting on the mat- with that plan, and some in the plicity of what’s there now. We ask by Sarkis, so the plan to build curb cut on Lawrence Street – tak- ter in the near future. That meet- Town have privately said they you go back and figure out how to a three-story new building after ing away parking – and a building ing hasn’t been scheduled yet.

School (from pg. 1) having a better pathway for 7-12 grade helped to lessen the impact was no situation where we didn’t grade teachers from last year who “It was a good first day and opportunities next year. COVID- of COVID-19 on departing stu- get to say farewell to students. It stepped up to teach the new Grade good to have the students back,” 19 dictates so much of what we do dents last year, as there were none. made the transition this year much 6. Teachers Heidi Achour and he said. “It made all of the plan- so it was a great relief to parents With the new sixth grade planned easier.” Angela Tse have moved up and ning we did for so long feel worth- and students not to have to go to already, all the fifth graders could The new sixth grade class is are teaching the new sixth grade, a new school this year for sixth relax in knowing they would be made up in what would be three he said. while. The majority of the day was grade – being the new students coming back to the school this classrooms – two larger groups Overall, at all grades, Gallagher spent figuring out a few techni- at a school they’ve never been to year. There were no painful online and one small group. They include said it was an interesting day going cal issues, but things were pretty and with kids they likely have good-byes, or graduations that an inclusion classroom, a general remote – a day where teaching and smooth and we worked hard to never gotten to meet. That would were never able to happen. education classroom and a smaller learning was happening, but not make sure every student could get have been very tough. The timing “Because we added the sixth special education classroom. That necessarily all inside the school online…What we need to do is on this was right and couldn’t grade, we were able to welcome formation will kick in when the building. It was a different way of teach and do that day by day. We have been better. We’re excited all of our student from last year hybrid, in-person model plays out thinking about things, he said. we could get off the ground this back this year on Monday,” said likely in November. That said, the Harvard-Kent shift if we need to shift and pivot year for our families we’ve been Gallagher. “There was no class There were new staff hired to community is looking forward to if we need to pivot. We are looking serving.” that graduated or moved on. That fill the teaching positions, but the day when they can welcome forward to bringing the kids back Additionally, the new sixth worked in our favor because there Gallagher said they had two fifth back students in person. in person very soon.” September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 17

Bus driver run over while For Record reporting BPS HYBRID MODEL/PHASED-IN Zoom. You must register in advance. For place. Restaurants can use electric heaters REOPENING questions, email [email protected] without a permit, as long as no cords are to work BPS is moving forward with a responsi- or call (617) 918-4492. crossing sidewalks. ble, phased-in plan to start the school year. A second IAG meeting online is sched- This approach will give time to assess health uled for Sept. 30. FREE BPS BREAKFAST IN By Seth Daniel data before each step, with the Boston CHARLESTOWN Public Health Commission. It will allow From the Sept. 23 Election Advisory Students who wish to get a free breakfast The MBTA is calling it a hor- to address learning needs and opportunity Meeting, 10 a.m., online: Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 rible tragedy this week, as an gaps -- in person and by providing extra •Agenda to Include: Report on am., have two sites to choose from in 18-year veteran bus driver was help for students learning online. In every September 1, 2020 State Primary; Report Charlestown. This is the BPS initiative, but run over early on Monday morn- step, families have the choice of whether on Preparations for November 3, State other organizations are also serving meals ing by another vehicle while walk- to opt-in to hybrid learning or stay fully Election; Voter Registration Report. in the Town as well. ing to his assigned bus in the remote. •Charlestown High School – 240 Charlestown Bus Yard. From the Sept. 25, 10 a.m., COMMITTEE Medford St. According to MBTA General Each step will begin no sooner than the ON CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD •Harvard/Kent Elementary – 50 Bunker Manager Steve Poftak, Bernadin listed date: SERVICES HEARING (via Zoom): A hear- Hill St. Etienne was struck around 6 a.m. on Monday in a tragic accident •On September 21, all students began ing on the safety of construction sites in the in the yard of the Bus Garage on with remote learning. City of Boston. This matter is sponsored CITIZENSHIP FEES TO INCREASE Arlington Street. He said Etienne •On October 1, the option of hybrid by Councilor Ed Flynn and was referred to The United States Citizenship and was a dedicated, hard-working learning may begin for students with the the Committee on City and Neighborhood Immigration Services (USCIS) is making employee of the MBTA for 18 highest needs. Services on January 29, 2020. significant changes to the naturalization years. •On October 15, optional hybrid learn- application. Starting October 2, it is rais- Though it wasn’t mentioned, ing may begin for the youngest students, in •From the Sept. 29 Zoning Board of ing the cost of application from $725 to information pointed to the fact all 3 grades of kindergarten: K0, K1, and Appeals hearing, 9:30 a.m., Online via $1,200 and eliminating the fee waiver for that another bus driver hit Etienne K2. WebEx: most low-income residents. USCIS is also while exiting the Yard. •On October 22, opt-in hybrid learning 50 Elm St. Applicant: Christine Hajdin. increasing the permanent residence (green “Safety is a top priority at the may begin for grades 1-3. Purpose: Installation of driveway and card) application fee and implementing an MBTA, and something we strive •On November 5, opt-in hybrid learning accompanying curb cut 2 parking spots. asylum application fee, making the United for individually and as an organi- may begin for grades 4-8. That will include States one of four countries to do so. The zation each day,” said Poftak in a grades 6-8 in the high schools that include •From the Sept. 25, 10 a.m., City of Boston and the Mayor’s Office letter. “A thorough investigation them. COMMITTEE ON CITY AND for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) are to determine the cause and circum- •And on November 16, opt-in hybrid NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES HEARING encouraging eligible Boston immigrants to stances surrounding the accident is learning may begin for grades 9-12. (via Zoom): A hearing on the safety of con- apply for citizenship before the October currently being conducted. While •Teachers will arrive in school struction sites in the City of Boston. This 2 fee increases. They can contact Project we wait to learn its findings, I ask on Tuesday, September 8 to begin prepa- matter is sponsored by Councilor Ed Flynn Citizenship at 617-694-5949 for free, high you keep Bernadin and his family rations for teaching both the remote and and was referred to the Committee on City quality legal help with their application. in your hearts. It is hard when we hybrid models from their classrooms. and Neighborhood Services on January 29, lose one of our own.” •The first students will not return until at 2020. •REPORTING WORKPLACE SAFETY Jim Evers, president of the least October 1. CONCERNS Boston Carmen’s Union, said •As more students phase in, it will still •From the Oct. 1, 10 a.m., CITY COUNCIL Workers in any size organization have Etienne was a long-time member be less than 50% of the normal numbers at COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT options if they feel they are being pressured of the Union and they miss him any given time. OPERATIONS WORKING SESSION: into an unsafe situation. Attorney General dearly in the ranks. The Committee will hold a working ses- Maura Healey has created resources for “Monday morning, the Boston sion on Docket #0225, ordinance to create workers to report safety concerns during Carmen’s Union lost a long-time BUNKER HILL HOUSING IAG the Special Commission on Ending Family reopening. They include an online form at member of our Union and MBTA MEETINGS Homelessness. The Chair of the Committee the Attorney General’s website and a dedi- family,” said Evers. “This was a The Bunker Hill Housing development is Councilor Lydia Edwards. The Sponsor cated Fair Labor hotline at 617-727-3465. tragic accident, our condolences proposal’s Impact Advisory Group (IAG) of the docket is Councilor Annissa Essaibi- People can also find those resources by are with the family and friends of was re-convened for its first meeting since George. This matter was sponsored by calling 311. Bernadin Etienne during this dif- February on Weds., Sept. 16, and there will Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George and was ficult time. As always, the Union be a second one on Sept. 30 at 6 p.m. The referred to the Committee on January 29, •HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM remains focused on supporting our meeting will be online. 2020. PROPERTY members and Bernadin’s family. We will work with the MBTA to The proposed project as described in the Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh investigate the circumstances sur- DPIR consists of the phased redevelopment •The Mayor announced an extension has made fixing quality of life issues a pri- rounding this tragedy, until that of the existing Boston Housing Authority of the Outdoor Dining Program beyond ority in his administration. From investing investigation is complete we will (BHA) owned Bunker Hill Public Housing its original end date of October 31. in Public Works to making sure community have no further comment. We ask Development in Charlestown. The pro- Restaurants using private outdoor space policing is a staple in every neighborhood, that the public respect his family’s posal includes the phased demolition of can continue to do so for the duration of the we are making sure every neighborhood privacy.” the existing approximately 1,110 public public health emergency. And restaurants is clean, safe and a great place to live and Monday morning, at the housing units and the construction of 2,699 using public space on streets and sidewalks work in. Unfortunately some properties in MBTA/MassDOT meeting, Poftak mixed-income housing units, approximate- can continue until December 1. The City Boston need more help than others, and also addressed the tragedy, say- ly 73,000 square feet of retail and civic will also waive application fees for the that’s why we are here. If you know of a ing the Boston Police and Transit space, new public open space, new on and use of outdoor propane heaters in dining property that fits one of the following crite- Police are investigating what looks off-street vehicle parking accommodations, areas. Restaurants will still need a permit ria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted to be a horrible accident. and public realm improvements. from the Fire Department, and safety reg- or just a general concern, we encourage you “Obviously it’s a tragic, tragic This meeting will be hosted online, using ulations around their use will remain in to reach out to your neighborhood liaison. day at the MBTA and an event that weighs heavily on us,” he said. PAGE 18 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 Walsh forms Health Inequities Task Force to provide guidance to the City of Boston As confirmed cases of COVID- The Task Force will review • Frederica Williams, Whittier Although complete data on historically. Additionally, 61% of 19 continue to rise in Boston, existing racial and ethnic data Street Health Center race and ethnicity among COVID- COVID-19 positive patients are Mayor Martin J. Walsh today among Boston residents, as well as • Michael Curry, Mass League 19 positive cases in Boston resi- from Dorchester, Roxbury, Hyde announced a new COVID-19 review data collection processes, of Community Health Centers dents has not been reported to the Park and Mattapan, compared to Health Inequities Task Force to data analysis and best practices • Dr. Joseph Betancourt, MGH City of Boston, the Boston Public 44% historically. Many of BMC’s provide guidance to the City of related to the COVID-19 response • Karen Chen, CPA Health Commission (BPHC) is Boston on addressing current ineq- for the Black, Latino, Asian, and • Tanisha Sullivan, NAACP actively working to collect avail- COVID-19 positive patients have uities in data analysis, testing sites immigrant populations. This guid- • Michele Courton Brown, able data for public release. The presented with higher rates of and health care services for Blacks, ance will support a strategy for Quality Interactions below table is current as of April underlying conditions compared Latinos, Asians and immigrants. equity and accessibility to services • Rev. Ray Hammond, Bethel 8, 2020 and is subject to change. to historical data, including 34% “We know that there are sig- for populations that are histor- AME Church Due to the collection and review with diabetes, 49% with hyperten- nificant inequities that put our ically underserved or underrep- • Rev. Gloria White process that is required to produce sion and 52% with a Body Mass communities of color and immi- resented, including recommen- Hammond, Bethel AME Church this data, updated data specific to Index above 30. grant population at higher risk for dations for additional resources • Paul Watanabe, UMass race and ethnicity will be released contracting coronavirus, develop- and considerations, that can be Boston from the City of Boston every At Massachusetts General ing severe illness, and impeding implemented by the City of Boston • Dr. Lorna Rivera, UMass three days. Hospital (MGH), 40% of COVID- them from accessing care,” Mayor and community and healthcare Boston The City of Boston is also active- 19 positive patients speak Spanish Walsh said. “Data is critical to stakeholders that are serving as • Suzanne Lee, former princi- ly working with hospital part- as their native language, a number knowing how deep these ineq- partners in this response. pal, Josiah Quincy School ners to receive any data that may that is significantly higher than the uities run and to help the public • Eva Millona, MIRA Coalition be available to expand research usual patient census at MGH. The better understand the virus and its Members that have been • Marie St. Fleur, St. Fleur and analysis on inequities in the City of Boston, working through risks. By forming the COVID-19 named on the COVID-19 Health Communications, former State COVID-19 response. According Health Inequities Task Force, we Inequities Task Force include: Representative to Boston Medical Center (BMC), the Task Force, will continue to can focus specifically on increas- • Dr. Thea James, Boston • Rev. Sam Acevedo, New England’s largest safety net actively collect data from hospital ing access to this important data Medical Center COPHANI hospital that serves patients are and other partners. and tackling the inequities that we • Vanessa Calderón-Rosado, • Petrina Cherry, Boston from under-served populations Race and ethnicity data for know exist in our communities. I IBA Medical Center and patients do not speak English COVID-19 deaths is not complete look forward to working with the • Manny Lopes, East Boston • Linda Dorcena Forry, Suffolk as a primary language, data shows for residents of Boston at this time. members of the Task Force and Health Center Construction that COVID-19 is disproportion- Currently, the data includes small the community while we collec- • Guale Valdez, Mattapan • Dr. Jean Alves, Bowdoin ately impacting communities of tively address this important issue Community Health Center Street Health Center color. Of patients where race is numbers for several population and strive to achieve health equity • Carol Rose, ACLU • Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan, reported, 80% of COVID-19 pos- groups, which could lead to identi- among all our communities.” • Alexandra Oliver-Dávila, DentaQuest Partnership for Oral itive patients are either black or fication of individuals in violation Sociedad Latina Health Advancement Hispanic/Latino, compared to 58% of state and federal privacy laws.

Thank You Thank You Thank You • Revere • Everett • Winthrop • Lynn • East Boston • Chelsea • Charlestown Blessed Mother for St. Anthony for St.Jude for prayers prayers answered. Lynn prayers answered. Independent Newspaper Group AD AD AD REaL EstatE answered. Sales • Rentals rEvErE Call: EvErEtt 781-485-0588 Land • Commercial RECRuItmENt ChELsEa Fax: Professional • Medical CharLEstoWn Winthrop 781-485-1403 General • Services East Classified Boston Classified More Than 100,000 Readers Each Week • Auto Sales • Yard Sales Virtual Meeting 7 Communities • Miscellaneous DEADLINES: For PLAN: Charlestown Community Meeting HOUSE FOR classified line ads, TO SALE deadlines are Monday Thursday, October 8 Zoom Link: by 4 p.m. Call 781- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 485-0588 ADVERTISE Meeting ID: 160 677 6126 HOUSE FOR SALE ------PLEASE Tuesday, October 13 Zoom Link: Winthrop, MA LOOKING FOR Great 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 3 Bdrm with 2 extra Results? Call our clas- CALL Meeting ID: 160 675 6007 rooms, 1 1/2 bath- sified department. Call Event Description rooms. Inground pool. 781-485-0588 or fax 781-485-0588 Based on feedback received at the January 30th Open House and the August 27th Open Office Hours, the Call 617-846-1307 PLAN: Charlestown neighborhood planning initiative will host a workshop on October 8th 6-7:30pm on the ------the ad to 781-485-1403 topics of history and open space. Preservation experts will present a history of Charlestown’s built environment, and Parks and Recreation staff will present on the topic of public open space. Participants will then be asked to give initial feedback on these important topics. A mapping tool will allow members of the community to identify historic parts of the neighborhood, and areas where more open space is needed. The presentations, instructions, and online mapping tool will be online and open for feedback through November 1st. The PLAN: Charlestown process will also hold an Open Office Hours on October 13th from 6-7:30 pm to review meeting materials, and help stakeholders with any technical difficulties using the mapping tool.

Contact: Jason Ruggiero Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4383 | [email protected] @bostonplans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary September 24, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 19 Mayor announces expansion of Food Access using Boston Resiliency Fund grants

Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Fund to increase the availability to have dignity at dinner, good of food to public housing and Charlestown, and other neigh- Mayor’s Offices of Food Access of food access for anyone in two health and to have the security senior households. Other organi- borhoods around the city. Fresh and Immigrant Advancement ways. For 11 of their nonprofit that we as a City care for their zations that have received Boston Air Markets are also an eligible announced the latest efforts to partners, Fair Foods will supply wellness,” said Nancy Jamison Resiliency Fund grants that sup- vendor for the Healthy Incentives expand food access for immigrant fresh produce to distribute to any of Fair Foods. “The team at the port food access this summer and Program (HIP). Fresh Truck has communities in the City of Boston. individual in need at no cost. The City of Boston Mayor’s Office of fall include: delivered almost 28,000 fresh pro- Using grant funding provided Boston Resiliency Fund grant will Food Access, Fair Foods and our • Funding for Mass duce boxes. by the Boston Resiliency Fund, also allow Fair Foods to empow- food donors will continue to fight Farmers Market provides access • Funding for Project Fair Foods will provide produce er seven of their nonprofit part- poverty and hunger throughout to farm fresh local fruit and veg- Bread develops and implements to partner immigrant nonprofit ners with vouchers to distribute to Boston with added services funded etables for families, seniors, and a public awareness campaign to organizations that are working to individuals. Each voucher has the by the Boston Resiliency Fund.” individuals this farmers market promote Supplemental Nutrition increase access to fresh, affordable purchasing power of two bags of The Boston Resiliency Fund season. The program provides Assistance Program (SNAP) food for individuals, including fresh produce. Without a voucher, (BRF) has granted over $15 mil- weekly coupons to those in need enrollment and utilization, tar- those who do not qualify for state one bag of fresh produce can be lion to organizations devoted to regardless of immigration status, geting SNAP gap households or federal assistance in the City of purchased for $2, valued origi- helping Bostonians with access to while supporting the local econo- and other eligible but unenrolled Boston. nally at $15 to $20. Vouchers can food and other basic needs like my and urban agriculture. A map families. These funds will provide “Food is a basic need, and be used at Fair Foods locations hygiene products, cleaning supplies of farmers markets in the City, operational and additional lan- it’s especially important to have throughout the City of Boston. and diapers. The BRF’s $2 million days and hours of operation, and guage support to the FoodSource healthy food available and afford- This collaboration is guid- of contributions to the Greater available payment methods can be Hotline to meet the increased able during a health crisis,” said ed by the needs and approach Boston Food Bank have supported found online. demand on SNAP applications Mayor Walsh. “I’m proud that expressed by the City of Boston’s the distribution of enough food • Funding for Fresh and train community-based orga- the Boston Resiliency Fund will partner immigrant nonprofit orga- for 1.2 million meals, with a por- Truck expands their Fresh Air nizations and health centers to be used to bring nutritious food to nizations directly serving these tion of that funding helping to Market sites to more than 15 screen for SNAP eligibility and more families, and I want to thank communities. Organizations are establish a City program that has Boston sites in Hyde Park, support with applications. our partner organizations for their located throughout the City of delivered over 375,000 pounds Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, collaboration in addressing this Boston and reflect the diversity of inequity.” Boston’s immigrant communities. Fair Foods will use the fund- “This funding will enable thou- ing from the Boston Resiliency sands of our Bostonian families Real Estate Transfers BUYER 1 SELLER 1 ADDRESS PRICE A short story about a motorcycle. Savage, Terry W Ragusin, Kristen A 197 8th St #704 $840,000 And a sudden turn. Weiden, Peter J Peter H Kamin RET 45 9th St #45 $1,625,000 When she was a young college student, Elisabeth Marra had a serious motorcycle accident that ultimately changed her life. Two years after the crash, Elhassan, Bassem T Byrne, Philip M 55 9th St #55 $1,471,500 her painful open fractures had failed to heal. Then she heard about a new and complex surgery pioneered by a surgeon who used a patient’s own Rossin, Patricia Defelice, Norma L 27-37 Chestnut St #107 $875,000 stem cells to concentrate the healing process. This time, her surgery and subsequent therapy were successful. Sparrow, Todd Corbett, Timothy 35 High St #4 $850,000 Elisabeth’s experience caused her to re-direct her own career aspirations. Inspired by the medical professionals who helped her reclaim her active Overbrook T Rogers, Peter 27 Mead St $1,525,000 lifestyle, she changed her major to study physical therapy—a profession where her own experience could help other patients prevail through difficult Vogel, Melissa Rodney RT 19 Mystic St #2 $425,000 recoveries. We tell Elisabeth Marra’s story here to illustrate two of the most profound messages we know. Don’t give up, and remember to give back. If reading it inspires Okeefe, Timothy O Finnerty FT 19 Parker St #2 $585,000 just one more person to achieve something special, then its telling here has been well worth while. Hurley, Garret P Pellegrini, Lora 1 Warren St #107 $1,040,000 Brinkerhoff, Timothy K Keating, Edward S 32 Washington St #2 $545,500 253 Main St. • Charlestown • 617-241-5566 Celebrating Human Healing Sales • Rentals • Free Market Analysis Elite Certified Buyer Agents


JOHN J. RECCA Ryan The Charlestown NOW LEASING! PAINTING Masonry RENTAL CONNECTION The Interior/Exterior Looking to rent an apartment? Commercial/Residential Chimneys • Fireplaces Cellar Floors • Restoration We have been connecting qualified Licensed & insured Fully Insured French Drains • Repointing people to quality homes since 1981. Complete electrical services Quality Work Reasonable Rates Free Estimates, Lic. & Ins. MK Real Estate Associates Free Estimates Mary Kay Donovan [email protected] Local References [email protected] 617-872-1314 ǿǺȀɍǼǻǹɍȀȀǹǼ Phil - 617-230-3490 781-241-2454 [email protected] PAGE 20 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE September 24, 2020 BUNKER HILL ASSOCIATES HANDS OUT REMOTE LEARNING BACKPACK KITS

Photos by Seth Daniel The Bunker Hill Associates hit three locations in the Town on Thursday, Sept. 14, to hand out remote learning backpack kits and free ice cream to kids headed back to school. The Associates said they have been focusing on the elder- ly and emergency food programs since COVID-19 hit, and wanted to turn their focus back to the mission of helping children for an afternoon. The Associates visited Doherty Park, Eden Street Park and O’Reilly Court in the Development. There, Police Commissioner Willie Gross and much of his Command Staff joined the group to hand out back- packs to the Commissioner.

Frankie McLaughlin, Brenna McLaughlin, Alexa Humphrey, Isabella Derek Figueroa from the Harvard Kent with Associates Jack Pierce and Fitzsimmons and Alice Sullivan got backpacks and ice cream. Jimbo Tucker and Harvard Kent Principal Jason Gallagher (who is also an Associate).

BPDA Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity 610 Rutherford Ave, Charlestown, MA 02129

3 Income-restricted Condos for Sale Commissioner Willie Gross hands # of Units # of Bedrooms AMI Price out the first backpack of the eve- 1 1 Bedroom 80% $186,400 ning at O’Reilly Court. 1 2 Bedroom 80% $221,900 1 3 Bedroom 80% - 100%* $327,900 *These units are available to those who earn more than 80% of AMI but less than 100% of AMI

Maximum Income Limits Household size 80% AMI 100% AMI 1 $63,500 $79,350 2 $72,550 $90,650 3 $81,600 $102,000 4 $90,650 $113,300 5 $97,950 $122,400 JuJu Cruhigger, GG Santiago and Adelier Cruhigger. 6 $105,200 $131,450

Maximum Asset Limits 80% AMI 100% AMI $75,000 $100,000 Associate Robert Beckwith and Does not include retirement. Does include Real Estate Commissioner Willie Gross For more on income + asset eligibility, please visit: showed off their designer hats.,-asset,-and-price-limits

Applications are available during the application period from Monday, October 5, 2020 – Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

To request and complete the application online, please visit: To request a paper copy to be sent to you by mail, call: 781-992-5308

After careful consideration and an abundance of caution, the City of Boston has decided to cancel the in-person application distribution period. If you cannot complete the application online, please call us at 781-992-5308, to request that we mail you one and to ask us for any guidance you might need to complete the application.

Fully completed + signed applications must be submitted online or postmarked no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Cesar and Yariel Porte-Jimenez Mailed to: enjoyed some ice cream from Maloney Properties, Inc., Frozen Hoagies and were ready Attention: 610 Rutherford Lottery to return remotely to the Warren Police Commissioner Willie Gross with Past President Kim Mahoney 27 Mica Lane, Wellesley MA 02481 Prescott School this week. and President Maureen Collier.

● Selection by lottery. Asset, Use & Resale Restrictions apply. ● Preference for Boston Residents. ● Preference for Households with at least One Person Per Bedroom. ● Preference for First-Time Homebuyers. Associates Jack Pierce For more information, language assistance, or to make a request for and Jimbo Tucker reasonable accommodations, please call Maloney Properties, Inc. at hand out backpacks at 781-992-5308 US Relay 711 | Email: [email protected] Doherty Park. Police Commissioner Willie Gross visited with members of the

Equal Housing Opportunity Associates before the backpack fun began.