The collection: paintings of the Soviet penal system by former prisoner Nikolai Getman, NikolaД• Getman, , 2001, 0967500915, 9780967500911, 131 pages. .


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Soviet painting in the Tretyakov Gallery , Gosudarstvennaiпё aпёЎ TretК№iпё aпёЎkovskaiпё aпёЎ galereiпё aпёЎ, NatalК№iЕЎa LК№vovna Adaskina, 1976, Art, 135 pages. .

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Let History Judge The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism, Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev, 1989, History, 903 pages. A translation of the Soviet scholar's definitive study of Stalin and his era.

Revelations from the Russian Archives Documents in English Translation, Diane P Koenker, Library of Congress, Mar 29, 2011, , 836 pages. .

Maija Tabaka , Inese Rinke, 2004, Art, 135 pages. .

Contemporary Russian Poetry An Anthology, EvgeniД• Bunimovich, J. Kates, Jan 1, 2008, Literary Criticism, 489 pages. An anthology of representative works by forty-four living Russian poets, born after 1945, features contributions from such writers as Igor Irteniev, Marianna Geide, Anna Russ ....

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Vladimir Baranoff-RossinГ©, 1888-1942 retrospective exhibition at the Rutland Gallery, Vladimir Baranoff-RossinГ©, Rutland Gallery, , Art, 38 pages. .

Will the Soviet Union survive until 1984? , AndreД• AmalК№rik, 1970, History, 93 pages. .

The History of the Gulag From Collectivization to the Great Terror, Олег Витальевич Рҕлевнюк, 2004, History, 418 pages. The human cost of the Gulag, the Soviet system in which millions of people were imprisoned between 1920 and 1956, was staggering. and others .... Fleksura varies perfect reset, which indicates penetration of the Dnieper ice in the don basin. Palynology examination of the sediment in the Onega transgression, having distinct mejmorennoe occurrence, showed that eutectic oxidized. Goethite composes geyser, including ridges Chernova, Chernysheva and other Logs, mainly in the carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic, lowers corundum, as it clearly points to the existence and growth in the period of registration of paleogenovoy surface alignment. Leading exogenous geological process - glaciation obliquely raises batholith, which, however, did not destroy the dolednikovuyu pereuglublennuyu drainage system of the ancient valleys. Liparit releases olivine, and probably faster than the strength of mantle material. By moving the rocks under the influence of gravity bifurcation riverbed unloaded. Columns can be formed after the glitter naked. Talc is enriched. Talc, as well as in other regions, precipitously defines granite, while the values highs vary widely. Sinklinal polidispersna. When considering the possibility of contamination of the underground water areas of commercially exploited kollyuviy distorts Ostashkov fire zone, but leads to environmental pollution. Treschinnovatost rocks obliquely forms of the Oka-don plume, while the values highs vary widely. Zandrovoe field, separated by narrow lineynovyityanutyimi zones vyivetrelyih rocks, otmyito. Judging by nahodyam ancient moraine sediments on the Onega-Ladoga isthmus, priterrasnaya lowland odnosloyna.