Special Edition No. 6, 7, 8 down the Ushinakizaka Sakurazaka issued on March 25 2009 sloping Notice from Akasaka Regional City Offi ce Up and Between 4-1 and 4-8 Between 1-11 and 1-12 Akasaka Emergency Medical Information Kit Akasaka is a city of slopes. roads… Akasaka The road was newly built in the middle of The road used to be so 0HLML3HULRG$KXJHFKHUU\WUHHXVHGWR My Town Nanbuzaka Yagenzaka bad and long that even stand at the bottom of the slope until it was Renovation construction of the kenjinji-gaki style The “unmissable” feature of Akasaka is the the cows pulling the cart burnt in the war. About 150 someiyoshino fence of the former Nogi residence Between 2-22 Akasaka and 2-1 Roppongi Between 4-17 and 7-1 Akasaka would start screaming. cherry trees along the peripheral road of sloping roads. The names they are referred to This is where the famous scene of “Parting in the This long slope has an interesting form as both Until the current Aoyama Sanpunzaka $UNKLOOVIURP6DNXUD]DNDWR6SDLQ]DNDWKDW The fence standing in front of the entrance of former Nogi 6QRZDW1DQEX]DND´ 1DQEX]DND\XNLQRZDNDUH RI ends are higher than the middle of the road. This Dori was built, this was Between 5-5 and 7-6 Akasaka ZHUHSODQWHGDWWKHWLPHRIPDMRUUHGHYHORS residence, a Minato City-designated cultural property, was were given in the old times. We would like to Because the slope was so steep, palanquin bearers &KXVKLQJXUDWRRNSODFH7KHZLGRZRI$VDQR7DNXPL form reminds us of yagen, a traditional equipment WKHIDPRXVEDFNVWUHHWXVHG PHQWSURMHFWRIWKH$UNKLOOVLQFUHDWH reconstructed in August due to aging. Kenjinji-gaki is one of the introduce the origin of the names as well as the QRNDPLVHQWRII2LVKL.XUDQRVXNHRIIKHUH$OWKRXJK used to grind medicine materials. The road was charged extra “gin-sanbu´ HTXLYDOHQWWR–WR for transportation from East Sea Route to Edo: Called the Oshu-do in a tunnel of cherry blossoms. They are lit traditional shielding bamboo fence used for Japanese gardens. interesting episodes. Wonder why the names it is a quiet residential WDNHQE\WKH.RQRH'DLVDQ5HJLPHQWDWWKHWLPH WKH.DPDNXUD3HULRGDQGWKH$WVXJLNDLGRLQWKH(GR3HULRG day). Although its steepness and two sharp curves, up during the blossoming season, attracting area, more pedestrians of 2.26 incident as they attempted the murder of WKHUHDUHKDUGO\DQ\WUDI¿FDFFLGHQWVRWKLVVORSH$W PDQ\YLVLWRUV$UNKLOOV6DNXUD0DWVXUL)HV  ,WLVGLI¿FXOWWREHDXWLIXOO\¿QLVKWKH.HQMLQMLJDNLIHQFHDOWKRXJK of some roads are not identifi able today... pass this area due to the .RUHNL\R7DNDKDVKLWKH0LQLVWHURI)LQDQFHDWWKH WKHERWWRPRIWKHVORSHVWDQGVWKH+RGRML7HPSOH tival is held annually at the end of March. the style of the fence may seem rather simple. Palm rope is used RSHQLQJRI7RN\R0LG WLPH FXUUHQW7%6$NDVDND3DUN%XLOGLQJ  where the grave of Raiden Tameemon, one of the to put unprocessed natural bamboos together which require extra ’s fi rst “medical information support project” greatest sumo wrestlers of late , is located. started in May! town. Kinokunizaka SUHFDXWLRQVIRUWKHDGMXVWPHQWDQGQRGHDOLJQPHQW Between 2-1 Moto-Akasaka and Chiyoda City Medical information on home doctors or prescription Shinzaka 7KHUHXVHGWREHWKHYDVWUHVLGHQFHRI7RNXJDZD)DPLO\RI.LVKX medicine is used by ambulance crews when they Between 7-4 and Samegahashi- Hikawazaka :DND\DPD3UHIHFWXUH 7KHVORSHLVDOVRNQRZQIRUDSSHDULQJLQ Between 6-8 and 6-10 Akasaka arrive at patients’ homes. 8-6 Akasaka “Kaidan´WKHERRNZULWWHQE\

KWRMUL7Cle,glbb0 .7,1,/0/.821837?K About Akasaka/Aoyama District Be Prepared and Have No Regrets. As of October 1, 2005, the day-time popu- Evacuation Areas and Remaining Areas of Regions Water is Life lation of Akasaka/Aoyama district exceeds the night-time population by 5.5 times: day- Your Address Name Vicinity of State Guest House Is Drinking Water Secured? time population is 166, 378 while the nigh-time Moto-Akasaka 1 or 2-chome (geihinkan ittai) population is 30,500. A disaster in the daytime Outer Garden of the Shrine  $VRI$SULOZDWHUUHFHLYLQJWDQNVIRUGULQNLQJDQG¿UHGLVWLQJXLVK Kita-Aoyama 1, 2, or 3-chome WHAT IF OUR TOWN WAS HIT (Meiji-jingu gaien chiku) WHAT IF OUR TOWN WAS HIT will cause 95,000 people diffi culty in returning LQJSXUSRVHVDUHORFDWHGZLWKLQWKHGLVWULFWVLQDGGLWLRQWRWKH¿UHGLVWLQJXLVKLQJ Vicinity of Aoyama Cemetery home. Minami-Aoyama 1—7-chome (Aoyama-bochi ittai) ZDWHUWDQNV7KHFLW\JRYHUQPHQWDOVRKDVDJUHHPHQWZLWKEXVLQHVVLQVWLWX Of them, 8,000 people are elderly or physically tions that are able to provide drinking water and 2 business institutions that has Akasaka1-9-chome Remaining area of the region disabled, which means that 4 out of 10 people First check the access to emergency water wells.

Namboku will need assistance in case of a disaster. Every- Shinjuku Line of BY A MAJOR DISASTER…  0RUHRYHUWKHZDWHU¿OWUDWLRQV\VWHPVRIWKHPRGHUQWHFKQRORJ\FDQFUHDWH Met BY A MAJOR DISASTER… one will be expected to help each other while of evacuation areas ropolitan Expressway GULQNLQJZDWHURXWRISRRORUVHDZDWHU¿OWHULQJPDFKLQHULHVDUHORFDWHGLQ course putting their own safety fi rst. Line of  (YDFXDWLRQDUHDVDUHGLYLGHGLQWRWKHIROORZLQJ¿YHFDWHJRULHVDF the districts. It is also expected that the 3,500 foreign Picture cording to the size, type, and condition of disasters. Gallery State Guest House residents of the district may face various diffi - Metr Make sure to find out where to evacuate to! That is the first and o culties due to language or cultural differences. Toei Oedo Line most important step. Central Loop Line of Please lend them a helping hand! Metropolitan Expressway Disasters hit everyone at the same time Moto- Registration of those who are in need Togu Palace No one will come for you right when a disaster strikes. Temporary Gathering Location (ittoki shugo basho) Akasaka Nagatacho Sta. of assistance during a disaster A temporary gathering area you should go to before evacuat- (1) The basic rule is that you must be responsible for your own Kita- Moto-Akasaka (2) Akasaka- ing to the evacuation areas safety of the region is confi rmed or Jingu mitsuke In order to make mutual support in communities, safety. Be prepared for an unexpected situation. Stadium Aoyama Sta. fi rst-aid is provided. Make sure you know where it is located. (1) names of those who are expected to have diffi culty in Precautions Evacuation Area (koiki hinan basho) Kita- evacuating on their own in case of a disaster are list- ●Prevent furniture from falling over Aoyama Aoyama- Akasaka What to do in case of an earthquake An evacuation area to escape from danger of fire spread in itchome Akasaka ed and provided to fire departments, police depart- ●Remove furniture from bedrooms (2) Sta. (3) (4) ments, social workers, and child committee mem- ●Potect yourself when you feel a quake Secure escape routes case of an earthquake. Kokkai-gijidomae Sta. ● 6) bers, and also town councils/residents’ associations ● Be calm and put out any fi re in an early stage ●Make sure all family members understand the ways to Remaining Area of Region (chikunai zanryu chiku) ute 24 Dori (Ro Akasaka Aoyama Akasaka that can be easily contacted to receive the list. ● Be calm: Panic can cause injury contact each other. An area without the necessity to evacuate to the evacuation (5) Akasaka Sta. Gaienmae Sta. (7) Tameike- ●Secure escape routes by opening doors and *Minato City provides fall-prevention equipment for furniture free of area because of the low-risk of fi re spread in case of an earth- i sanno Dor Sta. Inquiries: charge. quake. Kita- Akasaka windows (8) Akasaka Aoyama Aoyama- Akasaka Activities Promotion Subsection, Community Activi- ●Do not rush outside to avoid being injured by Inquiries: Disaster Prevention Subsection, Disaster Preven- Evacuation Shelter (hinanjyo) (3) sanchome Minami- (2) ties Promotion Section Tel. 03-5413-7272 falling objects tion Section Intersection Aoyama Aoyama y A temporary residential shelter for those whose home have Gai Cemetery Akasaka Disaster Prevention Subsection, Disaster Prevention Tel: 03-3578-2111 (Main), Ext. 2519 Minami- en Nishi ●Stay away from gates and walls been collapsed or burned down due to disaster. (1) Aoyama Minami- (6) Section Tel. 03-3578-2111 (Main), Ext. 2545 or 2517 Check the security of your home, family, and Akasaka ● What to take Secondary Evacuation Shelter (niji hinanjyo) Omote- (3) D Aoyama Central Loop Line of or Nogizaka Gaien Hi (9) Senior Citizens’ Welfare Subsection, Support Servic- neighbors sando i (2) Sta. MetropolitanAkasaka Expresswa What needs to be taken with you when evacuating A temporary residential shelter for those who have diffi culties Sta. Minami- es for Senior Citizens Section Tel. 03-3578-2111, Ext. ●Cooperate in rescue and aid g Aoyama ashi Do Tokyo (1) Valuables living in the evacuation site due to their need for nursing care or Midtown 2391, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395 Shut off electricity and gas prior to evacuation (4) ● Cash, bank books, name seals, driver’s license, title certifi cates, health insurance assistance such as elderly or disabled persons Chiyoda Line of Tokyo Metro ri etro certifi cate Minami- essway Aoyama p Line of Emergency food Roppongi Hanzomon Line of Tokyo M (5) Sta. tan Expr Food that do not require to be cooked, such as hardtacks, canned food, or any tral Loo Ginza Line of Tokyo Metro Minami- n other food products. Bottled water, paper cups, chopsticks, can opener, bottle To Shibuya way Ce opener, or food for infants and elderly. Station Aoyama Metropoli (6) litan Express First-aid Metropo Evacuation Shelters Adhesive bandages, ointment, bandages, etc. Prescription medicines for certain buya Line of Shi illnesses. (As of May 2008) Minami- Facility Name Location Contact Flash lights Aoyama Akasaka Elementary School 8-13-29 Akasaka 03-3404-8602 Security- Food Supplies (7) One for each family member. Prepare extra batteries. 6,250 hardtacks, 60,500 pregelatinized rice, Aoyama Elementary School 2-21-2 Minami-Aoyama 03-3403-5588 Storm or Heavy Rainfall can be Dangerous Portable radio milk, porridge, etc. Seinan Elementary School 4-21-15 Minami-Aoyama 03-3404-8608 Prepare suffi cient extra batteries. ensuring Other daily necessities First-aid Equipment Akasaka Junior High School 9-2-3 Akasaka 03-3402-9306 Emergency equipment, fi rst-aid kit, medical Secondary Evacuation Shelters Sandbags are provided Clothes, towels, tissue papers, rain coats and umbrellas, plastic bags, sanitary Aoyama Junior High School 1-1-9 Kita-Aoyama 03-3404-7522 products, diapers, etc. STOCK kit, hygienic goods, etc. Facility Name Location Contact Daily Necessities Former Akasaka Elementary School4-1-26 Akasaka IRUÀRRGSUHYHQWLRQ Emergency stocks Akasaka Community Welfare Hall 6-4-8 Akasaka 03-3583-1207 10 water fi ltration equipment, tents, 520 blue Akasaka Civic Center 4-18-13 Akasaka 03-5413-2711 Items to be prepared in order to take care of yourself before essential services are SUPPLIES Aoyama Community Welfare Hall 2-16-5 Minami-Aoyama 03-3403-2011 Flooding of basements and lower grounds may be caused in case of heavy rain. sheets, daily supplies, nursing items, 88 por- restored Sun-Sun Akasaka 6-6-14 Akasaka 03-5561-7833

KWRMUL7Cle,glbb/ .7,1,/0/.8058/3?K