Special Edition No. 6, 7, 8 down the Ushinakizaka Sakurazaka issued on March 25 2009 sloping Notice from Akasaka Regional City Offi ce Up and Between 4-1 and 4-8 Between 1-11 and 1-12 Akasaka Emergency Medical Information Kit Akasaka is a city of slopes. roads… Akasaka The road was newly built in the middle of The road used to be so 0HLML3HULRG$KXJHFKHUU\WUHHXVHGWR My Town Nanbuzaka Yagenzaka bad and long that even stand at the bottom of the slope until it was Renovation construction of the kenjinji-gaki style The “unmissable” feature of Akasaka is the the cows pulling the cart burnt in the war. About 150 someiyoshino fence of the former Nogi residence Between 2-22 Akasaka and 2-1 Roppongi Between 4-17 and 7-1 Akasaka would start screaming. cherry trees along the peripheral road of sloping roads. The names they are referred to This is where the famous scene of “Parting in the This long slope has an interesting form as both Until the current Aoyama Sanpunzaka $UNKLOOVIURP6DNXUD]DNDWR6SDLQ]DNDWKDW The fence standing in front of the entrance of former Nogi 6QRZDW1DQEX]DND´ 1DQEX]DND\XNLQRZDNDUH RI ends are higher than the middle of the road. This Dori was built, this was Between 5-5 and 7-6 Akasaka ZHUHSODQWHGDWWKHWLPHRIPDMRUUHGHYHORS residence, a Minato City-designated cultural property, was were given in the old times. We would like to Because the slope was so steep, palanquin bearers &KXVKLQJXUDWRRNSODFH7KHZLGRZRI$VDQR7DNXPL form reminds us of yagen, a traditional equipment WKHIDPRXVEDFNVWUHHWXVHG PHQWSURMHFWRIWKH$UNKLOOVLQFUHDWH reconstructed in August due to aging. Kenjinji-gaki is one of the introduce the origin of the names as well as the QRNDPLVHQWRII2LVKL.XUDQRVXNHRIIKHUH$OWKRXJK used to grind medicine materials. The road was for transportation from East Sea Route to Edo: Called the Oshu-do in charged extra “gin-sanbu´ HTXLYDOHQWWRWR a tunnel of cherry blossoms. They are lit day). Although its steepness and two sharp curves, traditional shielding bamboo fence used for Japanese gardens. interesting episodes. Wonder why the names it is a quiet residential WDNHQE\WKH.RQRH'DLVDQ5HJLPHQWDWWKHWLPH WKH.DPDNXUD3HULRGDQGWKH$WVXJLNDLGRLQWKH(GR3HULRG up during the blossoming season, attracting area, more pedestrians of 2.26 incident as they attempted the murder of WKHUHDUHKDUGO\DQ\WUDI¿FDFFLGHQWVRWKLVVORSH$W PDQ\YLVLWRUV$UNKLOOV6DNXUD0DWVXUL)HV ,WLVGLI¿FXOWWREHDXWLIXOO\¿QLVKWKH.HQMLQMLJDNLIHQFHDOWKRXJK of some roads are not identifi able today... pass this area due to the .RUHNL\R7DNDKDVKLWKH0LQLVWHURI)LQDQFHDWWKH WKHERWWRPRIWKHVORSHVWDQGVWKH+RGRML7HPSOH tival is held annually at the end of March. the style of the fence may seem rather simple. Palm rope is used RSHQLQJRI7RN\R0LG WLPH FXUUHQW7%6$NDVDND3DUN%XLOGLQJ where the grave of Raiden Tameemon, one of the to put unprocessed natural bamboos together which require extra Japan’s fi rst “medical information support project” greatest sumo wrestlers of late Edo period, is located. started in May! town. Kinokunizaka SUHFDXWLRQVIRUWKHDGMXVWPHQWDQGQRGHDOLJQPHQW Between 2-1 Moto-Akasaka and Chiyoda City Medical information on home doctors or prescription Shinzaka 7KHUHXVHGWREHWKHYDVWUHVLGHQFHRI7RNXJDZD)DPLO\RI.LVKX medicine is used by ambulance crews when they Between 7-4 and Samegahashi- Hikawazaka :DND\DPD3UHIHFWXUH 7KHVORSHLVDOVRNQRZQIRUDSSHDULQJLQ Between 6-8 and 6-10 Akasaka arrive at patients’ homes. 8-6 Akasaka “Kaidan´WKHERRNZULWWHQE\<DJXPR.RL]XPL,WLVRQHRIWKH zaka The road through to The slope is located right in front of The information stored most charming slope of Minato City. The gradual slope goes down Between 2-1 Moto-Aka- WKH+LNDZD6KXULQHWKDWZDVEXLOWE\ $WVXJLNDLGRRSHQHG IURP$NDVDND'HWDFKHG3DODFHWKURXJK%HQNHLERULWR$NDVDND saka and Chiyoda City in your refrigerator for 300 years ago in the WKHRUGHURI<RVKLPXQH7RNXJDZD PLWVXNH7RWKHVRXWKRI%HQNHLERULLV0LQDWR&LW\,WLVVDLGWKDWWKH 7KHDUHDIURP*HLKLQNDQDQG the eighth shogun (general). The an emergency case is WK\HDURI*HQURNX QDPH³$NDVDND´RULJLQDWHG *DNXVKXLQ3ULPDU\6FKRRO the “Emergency Medical Period. sight of reproduced floats being from madder that grew in WR6KLQMXNX&LW\ V0LQD pulled up the slope during the Reita- Information Kit.” this area in the past. PRWRPDFKL3DUNLVFDOOHG LVDL)HVWLYDOLQ6HSWHPEHUDORQJZLWK 6DPHJDEDVKL]DND,WXVHGWR WKHSRZHUIXOFDOORI³<RLVKR´LV be a low-altitude area with a quite spectacular. Town Journal reed-covered pond that ran Issued by: Akasaka Aoyama Town Journal Editorial Committee, Minato City Akasaka Aoyama Town Journal No. 6, 7, 8 South East through Ssamegawa River and into a reservoir. The bridge over Selection of bamboo Installation of pushing frame 6MÄJL!+PZ[YPJ[7VSPJ`+P]PZPVU(RHZHRH9LNPVUHS*P[`6MÄJL4PUH[V*P[` *PYJ\SH[PVU!JVWPLZ Various origins and WKLV6DPHJDZD5LYHUZDVFDOOHG³6DPHJDKDVKL´EULGJHDQGWKHQWKHVORSH ZDVDOVRUHIHUUHGWRDV³6DPHJDKDVK]DND´7KHULYHUZDVODWHU¿OOHGLQZLWK the soil resulted from the outer moat construction of the Edo Castle. Hinokizaka stories of upslopes Between 6-19 and 9-7 Nogizaka Akasaka Between 8-11 and and downslopes 7KHVORSHUXQVIURP$ND 9-6 Akasaka Shin-enoki VDNDWR5RSSRQJLDORQJ 1RJL]DNDLVMXVW in Akasaka zaka WKH+LQRNLFKR3DUNWKDW outside of Exit 1 or 2 Between 1-7 and VSUHDGVWRZDUG7RN\R RI7RN\R0HWUR&KL Reinanzaka 1-11 Akasaka Midtown. The residence Special yoda Line. It used to Between 1-10 A road built at the time of RI0RUL)DPLO\RI&KRVKX EHFDOOHG<XNLDL]DND Akasaka and 2-10 reconstruction of the area Clan that used to stand Feature on RU<XUHL]DND JKRVW Kuroguzaka Anchinzaka Toranomon in 2004. It was named af- DURXQGWKLVDUHDZDVNQRZQ slope), however, such Between 1-3 and 1-4 Moto-Akasaka Between 2-1 and 2-2 Moto-Akasaka In the Edo Period, the DV+LQRNL<DVKLNLDVLWV Before construction (Left side of the Before construction (Right side of the Disaster WHU(QRNL]DNDWKHVORSH front entrance) front entrance) names were abolished $PDQQDPHG.XURNXDQDQFHVWRURI$NL 7KHVHFWLRQH[WHQGHGIURP6DPHJDKDVKL]DNDWRWKH 7R]HQML7HPSOHRI near by. garden was full of hinoki Prevention along with the funeral of Count Nogi in 1912 and was officially PRWR<D]DHPRQZKRZDVWKHKHDGPDQRI LQWHUVHFWLRQRI$NDVDND3DODFHDQG0HLML.LQHQNDQ 7DNDQDZDXVHGWREHLQ -DSDQHVHF\SUHVV WUHHV7KHVORSHZDVQDPHG+LQRNL]DNDDVLWUDQDORQJWKH JLYHQWKHQDPH³1RJL]DND´ Hitotsugi Town in Edo Period, resided in this +DOOLVFDOOHG$QKLQ]DND7KHUHXVHGEHDVKULQHRI this area as Reinan-an +LQRNL<DVKLNL%HIRUHLWEHFDPHWKH7RN\R0LGWRZQWKHDUHDZDVWKHFHQWHU DUHD,WZDVDOVRUHIHUUHGWRDV7HSSR]DNDDV $QFKLQ'DLJRQJHQLQWKHYLFLQLW\,WLVDOVRNQRZQDV QDPHGDIWHU3ULHVW.DL RIQDWLRQDOGHIHQVHDVWKHUHZDVWKH)LUVW5HJLPHQWRI-DSDQHVH$UP\GXULQJWKH there was a gun range (teppo means gun in *RQGDZDUD]DNDQDPHGDIWHUDVDPXUDLFDOOHG*RQGDZDUD san Reinan. The Chi- SHULRGIURP0HLMLWRWKH:RUOG:DU,,DQGWKHQWKH1DWLRQDO'HIHQVH$JHQF\ Enokizaka Japanese) in the area. The leaves of the tulip trees standing along the road turn nese character “Rei´ Korobizaka Between 1-9 and their color changed from “嶺´WR³霊´GXULQJWKHFRXUVHRIKLVWRU\7KHEHDXWLIXO Between 6-5 and 6-9 Photo (to confi rm Be prepared 1-10 Akasaka beautifully UHGEULFN5HLQDQ]DND&KXUFKZLWKVSLUHZDVEXLOWLQGHVLJQHG Akasaka Emergency Information Sheet identifi cation) In the early Edo Period, in autumn. E\0U.LQJR7DWVXQRZKRLVNQRZDVWKHGHVLJQHURI7RN\R6WDWLRQ It was such a bad road in the (your home doctor or chronic The church, an architectural masterpiece of Taisho Period, remained Inarizaka Asano Yoshinaga suc- Edo Period that made many Between 7-5 and 7-6 Akasaka disease, etc.) DVWKHV\PERORI$NDVDNDXQWLOLWZDVUHEXLOWLQ and have ceeded in the creation pedestrians fall down. The 7KH(QWVXML7HPSOHDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHVORSH RIPDQPDGHODNH 0RWRKLNDZD]DNDQH[WWRWKH on the north corner used to have the gate $NDVDND7DPHLNH 6HLWRNXML7HPSOHZDVRQFH to the Inari God. It was once referred to as After construction is completed After construction is completed Pond) in this area. His UHIHUUHGWRDV.RUREL]DND 6RML]DNDDVWKHUHVLGHQWLDOTXDUWHURIVDPXUDL no regrets for the same reason, but it is Health Insurance retainer, hoping to who used to clean the Edo Castle was on both The construction was performed by the Minato City Office Certifi cate (copy) leave this achievement now a gentle slope. sides of the slope. employees. Despite the difficulties they had faced including to posterity, planted a nettle tree (enoki in Japanese) as a sign. This Are you prepared for Medical Information VWRU\LVNQRZQDVWKHRULJLQRIWKHQDPHRIWKHVORSHDQGWKHWRZQ ZRUNVKRSVDQGKDQGVRQSUDFWLFHVWDXJKWE\H[SHUWVSULRUWRWKH unexpected events? Danjyozaka construction, everyone participated in the procedure enthusiastically. Sheet (copy) Between 4-9 and 4-18 Akasaka Some employees continued practicing even after the construction You never know when disasters like 7KHVORSHJRHVDERYHWKH$NDVDND3DODFHDQG%UDQFK7HPSOH was completed. These are the people who usually conduct patrols Patient Registration Tangozaka Card (copy) earthquake or wind/fl ood damage will No slopes in Aoyama? But… RI7R\RNDZD,QDULREOLTXHO\FURVVHVWKH$R\DPD'RUL 5RXWH DQGUHQRYDWLRQRIPXQLFLSDOURDGVDQGSDUNVWRPDLQWDLQVDIHFLW\ Between 4-2 and 4-5 Akasaka DQGUHDFKHV<DPDZDNL*DNXHQ6FKRROSDVVLQJEHWZHHQ strike. Be prepared to avoid panic environment: The behind-the-scenes supporters of our proud city It is presumed that the road was opened in 1688 (1st $NDVDND3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQWDQGWKHKHDGTXDUWHUVRI7RUD\D in case of a disaster by confi rming Nezuzaka Minato. Distributed free of charge upon request \HDURI*HQURNX3HULRG $URXQGWKDWWLPHWKHUH Aoyama has a few slopes, such as the $NDVDND 7KHUHVLGHQFHRI0DWVXGDLUDRIWKH<RVKLL&ODQZDV ZDVWKHUHVLGHQFHRI<RQHNXUD7DQJRQRNDPLRQ ■ Application/Distribution safe
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