MINUSMA reiterates its commitment to the people of

Bamako, 7 June 2021 - Since the beginning of May, individuals with a hidden agenda have been regularly inciting the population of Aguelhok, in region, to leave their homes, pretexting that their lives would be threatened by the presence of a MINUSMA camp in the town. MINUSMA categorically denies these allegations which have been circulating on social networks and through other channels, following a setback suffered by an armed group that attacked the MINUSMA camp in Aguelhok on 2 April.

The Head of MINUSMA, El-Ghassim Wane, said today that "these displacements are the result of manipulation and threats from enemies of peace who are clearly seeking to undermine the Mission's stabilizing work in the region.” He said that MINUSMA has no plans to move the camp, whose primary purpose is to contribute to the protection of civilians in Aguelhok. He also paid tribute to the Peacekeepers deployed there for their bravery and for always standing by the population, despite the repeated attacks against them.

Mr. Wane called on all concerned to exercise responsibility and join MINUSMA in implementing its mandate in support of the stabilization of and the promotion of lasting peace and reconciliation. He recalled that the presence of MINUSMA has enabled the implementation of multiple projects for the benefit of the population of Aguelhok, in collaboration with local partners.

The Head of MINUSMA reaffirmed his commitment to continue, in full transparency, the work already underway with the regional authorities, the signatory groups and civil society, including the women and youth of Aguelhok and other towns in the , for the benefit of the local communities, and to strengthen the excellent relations that exist between them and MINUSMA. In this context, MINUSMA has launched an investigation to establish the facts regarding allegations of human rights violations against its troops.

Contact: Olivier Salgado Porte-parole MINUSMA Mobile : +223 94 95 03 02 Courriel : [email protected] Twitter : @olivier_salgado