• •

Week Ending June 29, 1935

ECAB87 Volume IV Number 36 ¢

Star of ars Election Winners

Cornelia Otis Skinner George Burns Modest Crown Princess and Gracie Allen News and Views of the Week

Franklin AdvicE'S from "'Jshington indicate a The much·discussed English and German lelevi:!lion further usc of radio by the Chief Ex­ system~ \\erc discarded here three ye;lrtS ago, D's Big ecutive when other time-honored The RCA gesture unquestionably did much to Stick mcthodo;; of lining up le~islalors fail. strengthen the faith of their own stock and bond holders President Romeve!t look the air and in their properties, but as pointed out by ;l high govern­ eS13blished a new precedent "hen he acted as hi, o\\n ment radio official, it \\ill he ycars before anyone col­ messenger ilnd delivered hi'i Honu~ Bill nln mc.... a~e. lech .Ii\·itfends on tele\i~ion. The move proHd ~ucce.... ful frum an Admini~tration I he r.c.c. is trying to determine just what this standllOint. It \\<1"1 lhe fir~l lime Ihe President ha~ had 1l.·lcvi'lnn furore is all about. 'J he Department of Com· to apply the hig ... tick-the Ol>amc one made famoll~ by his men:c has sent Andre W. Cruse, Chief of the Elec­ illu~triolls rt'!:Hi\e Tl'lld)'. \\ilh modern trimmiI1A", Iric,1I l)ivi~i(Jn, to l:ngland. hanee and Germany, to In making his radio Jddrcss to the country at large. make a first-hand study of the...e denlopments in order Mr. Hoo~c\c11 \\3) not trcadinA on primeval territory. In IHe...enl them to American industry. llis repon Will lie horro\\cd ;J p... ge from "AI" Smith's book on "'low he relurned to Secretary Roper in the early part of July. to Keep a Le,d ..lalure Ilappy Though Beaten." E'<-Gov. Smith \\ent over the air directly to the people \\ hen he The increasing demands• on the brco:Jd­ found some of his pet mea~ures \\ere being threatened A.S.C.A.P. ca.;,ters by the American Society of by :t hostile legislature. To Fight Composers. Authors :lnl! Publi~hcrs President Roosenlt was famili:lr v.ith the Smith has resulted in the Society bein~ CIted strategy and :lpplied it with equal success. For Life in an nnti-tru!\t 5uit. The suit is being • tril'" hdore Icderal Judge John C. Iident of the Ihi~ \'ard~tick impartially to their speel:hes. Iht,y prob­ One conditions in ]ap:lll-t'conomic anll ...c>Lial. :'\ationa! Broadca... ting Company. in di"l:u,~ anI\' would be more than ple television etlorb and the length Foreign? system of broadcasting and that of So completely ~old 011 the radio is Ihe Kanssue of of lime it \\ill take to complete the te... 1S. Ih:1t recently he turned his fine old home into broting generally exceed:-> American priV,lle brondcasling perccnt as practical and useful as broadcasting is today. t1em:ll1ds upon Iheir time, made by Senators' canned ill the potenti:tl cultivation of good taste by a grace­ ~pceches. l'"um I,nlll;, \'oIUnlt 1\'. Nllmh~. 36, \\('('11; Entlln!: Ju". 29, 1'1:1~,. ful margin. I will contend that American private broad­ Aluminum ;ll1d wax rewrdings of Sen:ltorial I.'urd w«II;I~' h)' RU'lo G,·II)I':. In•.. 131 I'h'lDUUth "oun. ('I';UI~'" lIJ1nr-.ll. ),.,lItrfd a 'ffl'ntl rIa. maUff al I~ P .... t Olfi«. ,'!lIra!:". 1111".., , 1'('Llua" c:l~ting remarks nre ru"hed hy air mail to broadcasting stations H. 113~, under .,~ 01 M",r~h 3. 18i9. tOD)ric:hl. I!U:, ill' n"ultJ (;1'111111. eXl:('eds European w)\'ernmental broadcasting, in Inf. All rll::tlla ('(.....ITrrt E.\ec:ull..~. ":oIl1"ri",l. 4tl,·tnl~lnl, ( hfUI.Ill,n a"d iJny i=uropc;m country, in the potential cultivation of in their local bal!l\\ick,. The talks . :"i'rw ):orll:. :"i'. \' ;\1. 1.. Ann~nm-'Jr. Pre Itlent the folks back home-the people in \\hom the legislators ."d I'ubll.hn; Urlb(,rt Kr"">l:er. lat y, P. ",nd Go'n. Mrr.; It• .\'. W-.l. free citilen::.hip-by a ViLli margin." are e::.pecially interested. A station o\\ner can't afford rAlit"". <";,,lit'l': ('hanep of ",tkirnl should rnd, Ihi, ",j,u tlOO WM. In And if there be contro\Crsy over this fundamental ",.hanu l;I Ih~ i.'ur for 'KI,ll'h ,1."'1 lie_ afW' )'Plr, '%.'0; SUbKlipllon rat"" of Amerlran f>dill",,, III (;",nld",: 11Ji policy, Mr. lIard addcd for the benefit of protagonists: III<'IIlU~. $l.O': 011\1 )fn. sa.f10; S... b~('fifltlon til"" In F"rrll:1I countrlpl: what the audience, which has no oblig:llion, docs \\hen a _Ix ISlOI1th', U.S,; ooe yu.r. 14.". Utlllit by JIofl"al II)l)ntf unler. upre.1 "It is for everybody :lccording to his own nature, _1' «Ilkr, or dM"r1i dnW'D to ardt. "t It.uuo GliDIl- (·urn....,. tent at to decide \\ohich margin he prefers:' Senatorial talk is broadcast. '1Ib1(n~.'. rI... . 2 3 Wife, Mother, Novelist, Play­ wright, Composer, Producer, Director, Designer and Dram­ Cornelia Otis Skinnfi"r ap))roachcd her new atist - Cornelia O~is Skinner radiu series with all t he regal modesty that may be seen in her ('lassie features By Jack Banner

am not approaching f:lelio," says Cornelia Oti~ Skinner. "in a condescending manner. fLlther, I 31ll taking l.l distinctive forward step. Radio is a :lew art-a llew nwdiu1ll 01 expression- and I \\ Skinner has succeeded Walter Winchell on hl~ Sunda\' night broadca~ts. for the same sponsor. Ilel charar.:ter sketches are depicted with a vers.1tility tll.1t is remarkable. She pos:>e~:-e~ a gt:nuinely lh~tlllguished creatiH ability that :-.to.mp ... her a" an actre')~ of true brillianr.:e '1 ho'e \\'ho have seen her perform in the ~IUlho "no\\ full well that radio'~ :.ightle"'ne..,, handiGlI'" her art. Tcll'\·ision is neeJed to COl1\e)" the entire picture 10 the liqeners. The ... uhtle wk:al intonation,; and nu­ ances arc lran"milled perft=clr~-. of cotlr'>C; bllt the vcr­ "alility and depth of ht=r faci;t1 expre.,... ions is lost to the in\i,ihle :Iudiencc. Thl' prc~ligc that comrs from being recognized as one of Ih(' foremost performers of this generation. should be di:.tinction enough for one woman. But ~\i:.:. Skin, ner's talents are manifold. She i:. more than a suc(e..:.­ ful performer. She is a gifted dralll:tti'i-t. llo\,eli .. t. play­ \\ right, composer, producer. director am.! de..igner. Ami .. it i:; praetkally impossible to da.. ~iry Iwr a.. a ..,wciali.. t in anyone field. She exceb in c\crything she docs­ \\hidl includes. (,f course. the lllo,t glamorolls, exciting career there is for a \\oman. th:H of marriage and moth· erhlKIJ. IIt=r hu..hand, \Iden S. [Uodget. is a \\ell "110\\ II financier anc! socil't\" leader, and their lives cen repertoire of more than;] hundr..d "'Olo--dramas, There ter ahout thl'ir red-hcadl'd ~'oung:=.ter. i.. lin onc pre-.cnt to acl a.. genl..'ral Supl'f\'isor, or to I:.:.ue ort!,'r,. Quit'll\- ... he sir.. and reads tht:' lines aloud [0 \1 I., wilh "rresting brown eyes J.nd IU:iltrou,; hbck her..df. She achicHs miracles b\" the sheer ri..:hne:.s and T hair brushed straip,ht hack from her for\'h~'ad ,\\iss flexibility of her \·oke. One momt=nt It seem~ a:=. if all Skinner \\eighed her ra,lio chance, intelli~rntlv before to puzzle the li .. tC'ners. As a matter of fact she might old womall is speaking r\ 5e(OnJ later rhe vo;ce I:. ·lll'took Ihe hr()chool years at Bryn i\la\\'r College. Here she enter­ '-"orks, and carefully noted th(' forward strides that had hation. Wen: Ilw out,idc listeners ju.. t ",s .1patbetlc rained her c1a5srnates \\ith imitations. mimicrie" and in­ heen rtl a medium of r !,~lIs. True. I wanted bro:td':JstinR experience. hut I That \\;,1' thl' onl\' 'limulm that Cornelia OtiS Skin­ cultural entertainment, an.1 IlJ'" ,ct ahout e'tahli,hin~ \'.a.,n·t reaJy to sign contra(b. So I Jppc'-ireJ a~ J gucst ner need,-'J. Ill'r lllh:ert:lint\" \"amsned. There coulJ he her..elf as a \"ital anJ pl.:rm;mctlt pJrt oi the new art. rti ... t 011 ~\'eral program,." no funhC'f que.. tioning about her rate :IS a ll~t\\nrk 'LH ,\1i" Skinlll'r admit-. Ih:ll ... hl' didn't "Ct the broad, for the Jauehter h,!d a Jeer> and ah!dill~ Llith in hl't Curnclia Otis Skinner hroadc-a.;;ts Sundays ':1 .. tinJ,: world ,,(ire on hl'[ fir"t two ~ppear:mccs. :-':0 one father's extraurdinary kno\\ledge of drJm:Ilic" If he at 9:~0 I'. m. EUT (8,30 EST; 8:30 CUT; 7:30 ..::claimed l1('r.•1::> the\ had in the theater, for her bold­ ~Jid ,he would ..ucu'l'd, then "UCCl'~S was :I,... llrc~l! CST; 6::l0 )IST; 5:30 PST) over an xnc-w.Jz '1e~:. in hringlllg a Ile\\' idea to :Hl t'ntert~illment medium It is in hl'r home, not the stu,lio. th,lt the m;ljor pan network: and on lht' !"Kme p\enings at 11 :15 In the heS:;lllnlllg her s()lo-dram~,. ill \\hi(h '1he impcr­ of her weekly work i~ accomplished. Ilere .. he either I>. m. EUT (10:15 E~T; 10:15 ('01'; 9:15 CST; ,OllJtCJ Jnywhere from one to len ch:.tracters, :-.ccmed \\ riles an original skit or <.ira\\·s from her ex[t=lhl\e :.l:.tge H:15 :\18'1'; 7:15 PST) over a split :-lBe network, 6b 3 Wi nners •In

Nationwide Poll Elects Radio's Fc3\Vorites for 1935-Jack Benny, Show Boat, One Man's Family, Wayne King, Amos n Andy, James Wallington Receive a Total of Over 1,250,000 Votes

.Amos 'n' Andy-Freeman Gosdcn and Charles Correll-who were the listeners' most pOllular team in 1934 and repeated their victory in 1935

ACK BE:":"Y-Show final-One .\lan's Family Among the Musical Programs, Show Boat won tt -Wayne King-Amm, 'n' Andy-James" Wall­ hard-fought victory, never being as~ured of its fi~al ingron- thc\c were returned the winners in ~tallding until the last \otc had been recorded. HUI1111ng RADIO GUIDE'S second , symbolizing their prc-emincnce as lis­ there is a marked inclination to\\ aIII change in the tener favorite:s in the election's six di\j.. ions--Perform­ puhlic's tJste, er, l\lusical. Program, Dramatic Progr;;m, Orchestra, Team and Announcer, rec;pectivel,\'. VEN more striking in this regard wa" the \"oting in the Olle startling fact stands out in this yCt dosed-the~e have sUCCCCdl'd 10 lop tory. but its edge wa" milteri:tJly reducet b.v the second places in jlopularity ovcr the comedy. light music ,1Ild place contC..,\:lI1t, The Lux Radio Theater, which in turn rclalivcly ephemcral drama of "nother ye"r. An analy~i... was c1o ...cIy crowded by the scholarly March of ·1 illle of the wil1lll'r~ and the runners-up, along with other broadcasts, contestant'> of the leading groups in each divi'jion, shows A holdover from la~l \ear was Wayne King among how 'jlrong i~ the evidence of listener for enterl'linment the orchC~lrih That the Waltz King's dreamy tempos of the more solid sort. han the public in their spell has become almost tradi­ As was indicated almost from the !

Jack Benny, the O\'er-all favorite Star of the Air, who nosed out such popular artists as Lanny Ross, Eddie Cantor, ami Bing Crosby

MO:'\G the Announcers, Jimmy Wallington agalll A proved his popularity; his extreme versatility a" both serious announcer and stooge aided his viClory among the mikemen. Running him it hard race \Va:,> I)on Wilson, \vhose "raspberry, strawberry, lemon, lime. m­ ange and cherry" found distinctive flavor amOllg the listeners. In order that you who voted and ele.:ted the win­ ners, may take part in the ceremonies when Ihe gold medals are awarded to them, tune in on the regular broadcast of One j\lan's f=amily, Wednesday evening. June 26. over an NBC-WEAr network at H p. m. EDT (7 EST; 7 COT; 6 CST; , MST; 4 PST). And the Show Boat medal will be presented during thal pro~ Headliners in the wiIlnin~ Show Boat Hour: Front row, from left, Rosaline Greene, Virginia George, gram's broadcast Thursday, June 27, NBC-WEAF. at Helen Oclheim, hene Hubbard, Muriel Wilson, Maria Silveira; rear, from left, Pal Pagett (1\101asses), Y p. m. EDT (8 EST; 8 COT; 7 CST; 6 MST; , PST). Randolph T. Weyant, Gus Haenschen, Scrappy Lambert, Frank Mcintyre (Captain Henry), Leonard Jack Benny's medal will be given him Sunday, June 30, Stokes, Lanny Ross, Robert K. Moody, Conrad Thibault and Pic 1\Ialone (January) over the usual NBC network stations carrying his pro- 4 6 Star of Stars Election

ftram. Dial for his presentation at 7 p. m. 43. u. S. Navy Band 48. Gr.au Moore's Pro 28, Harry Horlick 35. Andre Ko5tel.anetz 21. Landt Trio ~nd 40. Conrad Thibault lnd EDT (6 EST; 6 CD I. ; CS r: 4 .\\ST. 41. Vain of firestone 49. Anthony Frome's Pro 29. Emery D~tsch 36. B. A. Rolfe White Lois Bennett J PST) or at II ~) p. m. ED r (IIUQ 45. Kate Smith's New 50 Detroit Symphony 30. Detroit Symphony 37. Cab C<11l0W<1Y 23. Tom. Dick, HOirry 41. Fields and Hall EST, 10;30 eDT; 9;3U es r; 8;30 .\\ST; St.ilr Revue 51. M.anh.at.an Merry­ 31. St.an Stantey 38. Isham Jones 24. Eddie and Filnnie 42. Peerless Trio 46. NBC Music. Appre. Go·Round 32. Ted Fiorito 39. J.lCK Denny Cavanaugh 43. Jimmie and Eddie 7;jO PS I). ciation Hour 52. little Jack little's 33. Xuier Cugat 40. Phil Huns prc~entati{)n 25. Clara. Lu 'n' Em Deiln "I he time for Ihe \Vaync 47. Eddie Cantor's Pro Progn.m 34. Ted Weems 41. Art Kassel 26. Baker and Bottle H. AI and Lizzie King, :\mo~ 'n' Andy and \\'allington 27. Ouie Nelson and Hoofingham medals will be announced in a subsequent Harriet Hilliard 45. Lasses and Honey is\lIl'. Watch for this! 28. Pickens Sisters 46. Eddie Cantor and Herewith is presented the final st:md· 29. Eddie Cantor .a.nd Rubinoff ing of leadin~ contc:.t:tnts, showing their Parkyakakas 47. Judy and Jane relative positIons III ea,h di\"ision: 30. Ed Wynn and Gra· 48. Asher and Little ham McNamee Jimmie PERFORMERS 31. Phil Harris and 49. The Gumps 1. Jack Benny 9. Edgar Guest Leah Ray 50. Olsen and Shutta 2. Lanny Ross 10. Don Ameche 32. Tim ilnd Irene 51. East and Dumke 3. Eddie Cantor 11. Jackie Heller 33. Jack and Loretta 52. Don Hall Trio 4. Bing Crosby 12. lulu Belle Clemens 53. Fray and Bragiotti 5. Joe Penner 13. Rudy Vallee 34. Munn and Rea 54. Jatk Purl and 6. Fred Allen 14. Ralph Kirbery 35. Lulu Bell .Jnd Cliff Hall 7. Frank Parker 15. Phil Baker Red Foley 55. Bill and Ginger 8. Will Rogers 16. Sully Mason 36. Grace ilInd Eddie 56. Arthur Allen ilnd Albert P.arker Fennelly 37. Maple City Four 57. Eton Boys 38. Don Ameche and 58. Pratt and Sherman June Meredith 59. John Barclay and 39. Silnderson and Gladys Sw.trthout Crumit 60. Tony and Gus ANNOUNCERS 1. James W.alhngton 26. Alwyn Bach 2. Don Wilson 27. Joe Kelty 3. H.arry Von Zeit 28. Hal O'Halloran 4. Ted Husing 29. Bert Parks 5. D.avid Ross 30. Alois Havrilla 6. Milton J. Cross 31. Quin Ryan 7. Phil Stewart 32. Kelvin Keech 8. Don McNeill 33 Pat Flanagan 9. Tiny Ruffner 34. Carleton Brickert 10. Jean Paul King 35. Howard Claney 11. Pilul Douglas 36. Kenneth Niles 12. Graham McNamee 37. John Olsen 13. Everett MItchell 38. Ben Grauer 14. Bill Hay 39. Charles Lyon 15. Pierre Andre 40. Ceorge Hicks 16. Bob Elson 41. Ed Smith 17. Andre Baruch 42. Tom Manning Principals in the'" inning dramatic hour. One )lan's Family: )lrs. Bar­ 18. Vincent Connelly 43. Tom Shirley bour; IIazel, Jack. Clilford. Claudia, :'tIl'. Barbour; !'Olanding with cane. Paul 19. Louis Roen 44. Vincent Pelletier 20. Bob Brown 45. Peter Grant 21. John S. Young 46. Russ Russell 53. Lawrence Tibbett·s 56. General Molors 42. Walter Damrosch 47. Art Jarrett 22. Ted Purson 47. Norman Brokenshir. Program 57. Jesse Crawford·s Pro 43. Chiugo Symphony 48. Charles G.a.ylord 23. JAck Holden 48. Nelson Case 54. Morton Downey's 58. Roxy's Program 44. Rosario Bourdon 49. Duke Ellington 24. Ford Bond 49. Elsie Janis Program 59. Chesterfield 45. U. S. Navy Bilnd 50. Mlnnupolis Sym· 25. Harlow Wilcox 50. Charles O'Connor 55. Silken Strings 60. Singing Strings 46. Lud Gluskin phony James Wallington. radio's best announcer by pUI)ular acclaim DRAMATIC PROGRAi\1 TEAMS 1. One Man's Filmily 32. Prinuss Pat 1. Amos 'n' Andy 12. Molasses 'n' January 2. Lux Radio Theater 33. Jimmy Allen's Air 2. Burns and Allen 13. Mills Bros. 17. Tony Wons 40. Madame Schumann· 3. March of Time Adventures 3. Jack Benny, Milry 14. Betty ilnd Bob 18. Gertrude Niesen Heink. 4. First Nighter 34. Sail)' of the Talkies 4. Myrt and Marge 15. Stoopnagle &; Budd 19. Jessiu Dr.agonette 11. Eve Sully 5. Dangerous Paradise 35. Soconyland Sketches 5. Lum and Abner 16. Fred Allen and 20. Alexander Woollcott 12. Walter O'Keefe 6. Today's Children 36. Court of Human 6. Hitz and Dawson PorUilnd Hoffa 21. Steven Barry 43. Boake C.lorter 1. Red Davis Reliltions 7. Mary Lou and 17. Gene and Glenn 22. Morton Downey 1'1. Jack Owens 8. Mary Pickford Stock 37. The Gumps Lanny Ross 18. Boswell Sisters 23. Ed Wynn 15. Anthony Frome Company 38. Radio Guild 8. Blotk and Sully 19. Frank and Flo 24. Walter Winchell (Poet Prince) 9. Myrt ilnd Marge 39. M.arie the Little 9. Marlon and Jim 20. Honeyboy and 25, Bradley Kinuid 46. Little Jack Little 10. Duth Valley Days Frenth Princess Jordan Sassafras 26. Edwi'I C. Hill 47, Gladys Swarthout 11. Kaltenmeyer's Kin· 40. BllCk Chamber 10. Easy Aces 21. Frank Parker and 21. Mary Pickford 48. Virginia Clark dergarten Stones 11. VIC and Sade Jessica Dragonette 28. Dick Powell 49. Loretta Lee 12. Grlnd Hotel 41. The Hodinghams 29. Jimmy Fidler SO. Annette Hansha.w 13. Mary Marlin 42. K·7 Spy Stories 30. Conr.ad Thib.ault 51. Gene Arnold 14. Amos 'n' Andy 43. Lights Out 31. Emery Darcy 52. Joan Blaine IS. V~C and S~de H. Ken·Rad Unsolved 32. Jerry Cooper 53. Crace Moore 16. The O'Neilts Mysteries 33. H.loPPY Jack Turner 54. Richard Crooks 17. Crime Clues 45. Five Star Final 34. Lawrence Tibbett 55. Ethel Shutta 18. Easy Aces 46. Between the Book 35. Richard Maxwell 56. Cruie Allen 19. P"inted Dreams ends 36. John Charles Thomas 57. Pilt Kennedy 20. Lum and Abner 47. Our Home on the 37, Lowell Thomas 58. Bea.trice Lillie 21. Roses and Drums Range 38. Vinton Haworth 59. Irene Beasley 22. Betty and Bob 48. The Shadow 39 Skinny Ennis 60. Don Mario 23. Sherlock Holmes 49. Ma Perkins 24. House by the Side 50. Whutenavitle MUSICAL PROGRAMS of the Road 51. Immortal Drilmas 25. 20.000 Years in 52. Skippy I, Show B0<11 24. Gibson Family Sing Sing 53. Jack Armstrong 2. Rudy V<1l1ee's Prog. 25. Jessica Dragonette's 26. Just Plain Bill 54. Sug,1f .lond Bunny 3. Jack Benny's ProQ. Program 27. Life of Mary 55. Peggy's Doctor 4. Himber'S Champions 26. Roadways of Ro­ Southern 56. NBC Dramatic Guild 5. Fred Waring's Prog. mance 28. Butk Rogers 57. Drums Come True 6. WLS Barn Dance 27. Sigmund Romberg's 29. Lon, Rangers 58. Albert Payson Ter- 7. Beauty Box Thuter Progrilm 30. Romance of Helen hune's Dog Stories 8. Town Hall Tonight 28. Pause that Refreshes Tlent 59. NBC Children's Hr. 9. Breakf.a.st Club 29. log Cabin Inn 31. Witch's Tille 60. Clan, Lu 'n' Em 10. Pleasure Island 30. Big Show (lombardoland) 31. Oper.a Guild ORCUESTlL\S 11. Ben Bernie's Prog. 32. Carefree Carnival I. Wayne King 15. G~en Gray 12. Bing Crosby·s Prog. 33. Hal Kemp's Prog. 2. Cuy Lombardo 16. Ray Noble 13. Sinclair Minstrels 34. Penthouse Serenade 3. Richud Himber 17. New York Phil· H. Jiln Garber's Supper 35. Ar.agon.Trianon Hr. 4. Ben Bernie hill monic Club 36. N. Y. Philharmonic 5. Jan Garber 18. Ouie Nelson 15. W.ayne King's Prog. 37. Contented Hour 6. Kay Kyser 19. Abe LymJ,n 16. Hollywood Hotel 38. Hour of Charm 7. Don Bestor 20. U. S. Marine Band 17. Jackie Heller's Pro 39. Lavender ilnd Old 8. Fred Waring 21. Rublnoff 18. Midnight Flyers l.m 9. Rudy V"lIee 22. Pilul Whiteman 19. Metropolitan Opera 40. Let's Dance 10. Walter Blaufuss 23. Gus Haenschen 20. Camel C.a.ruan 41. Ameriun Album 01 11. Seymour SImons 24. LIttle Juk Little 21. U. S. Marine Bilnd Familiar Music 12. Eddy Duchin 25. Frank Black 22. A &; P Gypsies 42. Paul Whitemiln's 13. Hal Kemp 26. George Olsen Wayne King, leader of the orchestra voted most I)Opular in last :rear's 23. Haydn Filmily Music Halt 14. Harry Kogen 27. SIgmund Romberg Star of Stars Election. is winner again in 1935 b)' a wide margin 6 5 Hams' Holid

One of the most remarkable flood pictures ever made-taken Friday, JIay 31, near Colorado Springs, Col. --

With One Whole Town Marooned in the Nebraska Flood Area, Its Power Plant • Destroyed - Two Radio Hams Stepped in and Then the swirling water began to circle 1\1cCook. Slowly but surely it \Vas becoming an island. Refugees from the ~urrounding country-those fortul1<.lte enough By Henry Bentinck to be <.lhle w escape in time-re­ membered that ,\lcCook was on high ground, and c~me trooping into the ,\lATEUR radio reached out its delicate darknc~s dty in e\-cry known kind of convey­ electrical tendrils and turned the ance-including, within a few hours. of death and despair literally jnto light, rowboats. :&: hope and faith on that evil Friday marmog, Food and shelter were becoming .\lay 31, at .\lcCook, ~ebra:::.ka. And once acute prohlem..,; pure drinking \\ater ~ more :J young

G 6 Rem'ote Control

Contained ill Pre,-ious Inslalrnents: /o/m Falr­ "Dropped?" the stranger a!lked quickly. "Oh-to cbild. ham/some youlIg QltII01I/Jcer 0/ Slalhm IVII'P. is The Ide n tit y-and the be surc 1\ot one of mv favoriles, I hope?" SlIspl'Cted 0/ bell/.r:. 111 (ell~lte ....,ib tbe Gbnsl Gang, u'orld's "J U\t. come with me," t he announcer said. ignoring first mob 0/ radw-sctt'nll!ic criminals. lie is til 100:e tutb Accomplishments-of the the quc.. llon Dre:l.Iner Orvine rose from his chair, Helen Wright. statllllJ secretary. Udeclit'e Dreamer Ve­ "rlclie\·e I'd like to he in on this aUdition. if \'ou 'tim', bfllky IJl,,":.b-plaYl1l~ delecllu. at first asked 101m don't mind:' he said shyly-grinnmg as he absent-mlnd­ to belp IJlm trap tJ'r (;ulI~ f,uolHe be belin.:ed tbey 'I"I.,'ac Mysterious Ghost Gang edl) ..Iip~ed his hand into the right pocket of hi~ jacket, IHing WI¥P fa se"d Ollt rod~d. cryptic orders to {;lIllg John ~mllerJ grimly. realiling that now detectiH and members. Tbat very "i~ht ti'e GaIlR~-masked rauJ~ tbe Leader Stand Revealed in gilng..tc'r each was gripping a concelleJ gun. stl/dio, robbillg six jltl/ior l.eogut. debutalltes 0/ a lor­ "JJ.elighted ,~ .. h~ c\...:laimcd-wonderinA if Fate were fUJlt' III ;ewrls. Sl/~plrlO'l Qud Tid,rlfle aTe heaped UPOJl Sensational Circumstances prl'panng Station \\'\\'1-' for another shootmg. lie Icd 101m bua,,5£' the GOllg. by tbrt!<1ts ago;nst Helell and the WJY to a small ... tudio. bimself. tOfU IJlm 10 fm.'er fbelr ,md by broadfl1stl1lf.: "llere," said John fairchild throwing open the door. reasslmll;:Iy to the p"hltc Lata. 101m illtrrCt'pti a "is the studio in which \\t' lNlall\' condu,"t our auditions. letter whIch ,{una to ('olllirm blS SltSpiL·;ons tbat Doctor I'J like to tryout your voice iirst of aiL without mu­ Workman, 1H1l-amly Ittllt' spmtlfull!>t. IS a member of By Arthur Kent sical accomp.lnimCnL" The ~'oung announcer apparently Ibe Ga,,~, /ldl'll Ql1d Ibt' Y01W': allIlOlI11Ur pia" 10 trap \\as entIrely engro....cd in the task before him as he mo­ 1I'0rkmml alld 'he moh, obtal11 a large uU:ilrd. and tioncJ the two hi:.: mcn toward:'l the door, At IIIl-:ht. iJl~t d5 jo!'" !Jlm 10 ".\Iter }ou~" th... stranger ex~bil1led courl<..'ously, marry, expected broad­ \\'onJereJ what compelling moti\'e h.ld forced this gang­ cait ucrel i;RIWh. Workm.lII i~ shol III a darkelled ~tll­ John's l):Ick Tingled as he and Devine preceded the dio. 'Prtu,,' art 101m alit] flelell-Oakii:ood. )IIJ­ ster to come. :llone, into the :studio. \\ouIJ-he illg~r. luuy "\\ ~'IJ. \\~'II have to arrange an audition for you. 11011 managu Bat Ruperl, surly .adt'ert;~;'lg witH/WIt ".Imt tep inlO lhat gla!'s·paneled room." Fairchild ~l r. June.....· he "':lid. stalling for time lor a mOlllellt -Little Cbarlle Coldl'JI,I'l11ky puMtc;ty malt 0111'11'/'­ Oll~ pok~ instructed. "and close the door behind you, Sing right Ttlbby Stewart, good-nafured cOl1lrol et1~j,lur-IJi:'t'III~'. no .. afler that. Helen looked :H her lover. De­ intu the microphone. We will listen to the loud"'pE.'aker nne ... t:efll~d 10 look at nobody in p,:HticLllar. -I he huge other ddl'chves. 1lel.i.'{/'lflper reporters. in thi ... compartment.·' alld f)et't1It ac­ d~lc~(i\\: had .....'ul1lel! hi:l sillie~t. nw~t bOyl ... h ex.pI6­ Clues johl! 01 IIwrdl.'rtll,! lI"orklllJIt to pret'tul IIJI' lalla "'Oll-hul lohn rt.'ali/l'd full\' that the Dreamer \\3S t.lk­ Irom broadcQflll11-: H,C:I111I~ r...l>lch IIIlght hat't' led floe an in .. t'JIl{ the ..tranger hesllated. .John threw a in:.; in c\'cry \\Oft!. cvery e'Xpre:)~ion, Fol{ Gang ill/o dallf.:rr 01 arre)l. The defatn'e /lames fldell \mall SWI[dl connected with tht· IOlld5peaker. as accol1lplice-al1d to fa-!:e ber, 101m cOlllesses! nt/t H0\\,-hOu.'-thc )'uun,.; announcer asked hImself. could "AII right. .\1r. Jonc....· he inslructed crisply. "Let's Hele", cOII'I,IIICtd of lol'lI'~ 1I11l0t."ellce. also cOIt/esses 111 get thl~ over with." And :ilo\\ly ·deliherately-hi<; right he ~et worll to Devine? If he told the dcte(tive Older to spOIL Devi"e's cafe ll'..'.Qlmt /olm-tclu:reupOII hand ~tiJl in his 1)(}Ck{'!. Ihe man oheyed, lie c1o'icd the lug that thi ... ,tranger was a meml'cr of thl' (ibn.. ' G.mg, Ihc Tubby Stewart 11Irlher beluddles the dl'tatlve by comll1cnc~ door hehind him and walked to the microphone, John cOlllesslll1-: t.oo! Wben lobll appean lH/lll)le to descrtbe 111411l p!oh:Jhly I.\ould to ... hlMII hi ... \loa\" (HII of and De\'illt, could 'iCt' him throl1~h the heavy pl:lte-·~Ia... s thc ... ludio, If he tried to lake Devilw :i ..ilk the stran­ tbe ~1t1l WIth wllIcb Ill' clallllS to ha'l.'e shot Il'orhmau, panel. ger"" .,u .. pi,iol1'" certainly would ht, :!rOlh('d probablY Dev11le set.'m~ almost cOIl'l,'wct'd of hi~ ill/fOUl/ce. Rllt "I wondcr if he'll r(':dl" ~jng," remcd Ilelell into <;'e'nh:e 3S ::I"OI1lP:.lIII.,t, jliact'd the unknown ~inger-:lnd ((," mill/lied 011 Pogt 19)


6 7 Reviewing Radio

"ixteen chorus girls from Broadway shows. Eight,of them will be steady decorations. Sponsors of the l,Cnes figurcs great publicity in the placing of photograph:. of the pick of :\ew York's pretties. A sour no~e 111 thc plans is the claim of WNEW that the notion

Most amusing event of the week:.The hurning of 'Inee years. . 1 \010 broadcasting, so they have decreed at Show Boat to give the sponsors an opportunity to simu­ Most rapid climb to fame: lhat of VIRGI~IA the Columbia Broadcasting Sy~lcm, has at late a tent show, to gct on the air ahead of lhe echo VERHILL..\\hO, after a couple of wecl~~ of CB~ buIld­ • last allaincd a suffIciently ripe old age to headed by CHAHLI~S WINN1NGER. replacing the lip, i.. starnng on JOIINNY GREEN S new oil com­ boa'll of its veterans. Actually a dOLen odd Gibson Family. And Ihen the sudden switch placing lhe mercial. years (Jill, as the wafting of major entertain­ Winninger troupe on the air with a tent show four days ~ ment J;OCS, it is still a young mdustry, and before Show Boat could raisc the tent. The LANNY The sloppiest performance on the air last ~'eek was there are comparatively few persons who can ROSS outfit will have a new craft within five weeks. that via the :"BC waves, from Salt, I.ake City. The put into the category of true veterans, unless the list coppers who copped the \Vayleys, kidnapers,.went on should take in entertainers who worked out their early IGNIFICANT did a ~plendid job of Many plums to MARIO fTtmy) CIIAMLEE for THE R\f)IO \VORLI) and listeners will join in ~talJillg hefore the delayed fighter appeared 10 make the capable man~er in whi~h he and his supporting cast mourning the suicide of II Ei\RY THEIS, WI.W orches­ his fir"t public utterance as a world celebrity. But as a have b(,.'Cn carrymg on dUTlng Brown·:> ab"cnc£', tra leader frequently hearLI in the past over ;..;nc net­ fighting Iri"hman. it's our private opinion that Jim has works. It is understood that the band"mtln had been in a suspiciously Scbleppermall accenl. AND NOW FOR A FIGHT with the Columbia ill health for three year:> and, just hefore dinner all And now that Maxie (l.ucky Smitb) Baer isn't Broadcasting System. This column assigm all a\ailable Wel1nesday of last week, he elilered the bathroom heavyweight champion any more, hc'lI prohably have wrinkled, moldy and bitter prunes to the program de­ seemingly in the bc~[ of ~pirits. . Ilere it was that more time to devote to his film, vaudC\'ille and radio partment officials of that network for thc treatment AlvlIl ,'\tiller, ~rumpeler in the Theis band, found him career-but will those interests have time for him? which has been accorded its ace attraction, the BLUE on the floor WIth a bullct wound in his head. Thc de­ Gillette will keep him, however, for at lea~t ~ix more MONDAY JAM BOREE. One week it was Cllt from ceased is survived by his widow Frances, 19-year-old son programs. its usual hour to a half-hour to permit time for BellOY Richard, mother, a ~i::.ter and a brother, 8 • Inside Stu ff

r PROBABLY isn't true. but the story is being SILE~CE ;\1.\Y be ~olden, but sleep 1"5 e'tpensivc. lold and j[ is funny enough to repeal: "he very Thirty se..::onJ~ of napping co~t DO~ALD STU­ next da.r after the m~.. thlCal Show Boat on that ,\RT (P~r{.y tile I)lay:..:rir,:ht to Carefree C;uni\'al fans> l:OlfL'C hour was burned, via radio, an important Along the Airialto • JlX) in cash as wd I a'> perpetual rights in back-seat onil:iaI of the ~ponsonng company wa", suppu...ed driving to .\lrs. Stuart. to have telegrapheJ from the West, ··OH.l we Percy, musing mcr hi~ Ilext Clrniyal drama, fell Ocarry m ... urance on the Boat?" a~lccp at the wheel of hi ... car and bumped into the car By Martin Lewis ahead, piling up radiator, bloken gttss and engine re­ Maestro rOOY DCCIiIN has every reason to be­ pairs to the tune of the :-.um mentioned. come ex.;ited mer his new duties, in which he is prc.;cnt­ ing :In "OP~ll" tournament for new radio talent in a KILOCYCLE CHAnER: Confirming this department's ex­ The cns National Amateur Kight was almost dis­ cro'Ss-country jaunt to Califorllia. Supplanting. ED clusive report, AMOS 'N' ANDY will shift networks on July 15 rupted at the last minute on Sunday, when one of the \vY:"!N is no ca:,;)' malter, but II the first effort lrolll .,. The Rhythm at Eight show is not going to Hollywood after performers failed to l1l:lke an appC'Hance. Another as­ Washlllgtoll i~ a sample of what is to be expe.:tcd all .• , ETHEL MERMAN will not be needed for a forthcoming piring amatcurs was drafted al the last moment to take from these nroadch. They couldn't make feelings ne"::3u ...c of our own Jehght in the thought that day, ., OLSEN AND JOHNSON. the crazy the page ml) ... under:itand their mis... ion, we arc heading for our first triP to the coast city for clowns, are all set to return to the networks and the page boy wa') firm_ Baroll p!:ty"l our annual \-acation immediately after the next column in the Fall .•• LOU HOLTZ will not leave the a tarr-J. native Persian instrument is sent [() the printer. WHITEMAN show, as has been reported. The whi.:n re:'lfmhles a guitar. He's been dialectician has been given an extension of his assigned another spot on the program IIE0l gue..ls arrive for their first visit at RLDY contract .• , TOMMY DORSEY and his brothers and next time will have a pass. W \' \l.LEE'S lodge in _\lame they are immeJiatdy are feuding. with Tommy leaving the band as h:uuled ;t book titled Your Eccentri..:: I lost. It colltJ.ins conductor. He's /'lOW playing the trombone in An elevcll-year-oIJ de\'otee of the a ..et of What to Do alll! What :"ut to Do rules. I hty the studio band •• , Does it pay to be a musi_ Buck Ro~cr... program cornered DOC­ number about fiftv in all. hlr in ... tan..::e, the women :He cian? VERLYE MILLS. harpist with the HIM­ TOR IILI:R, inventor of disintegrator.... cautiunell not to ~ wipe their lip.. ti...::k or rouge 011 the BER crew. and her husband. Arnold Brillhart, degranty helt:. and such strange dc\'i~l'''', lowel:., but to use tis:ilue paper ... upplied for that purpo...e. saxophonist, just purchased a five thousand dol· and inquired if there wasn't anything '1 he men are requested to rcfr~in from talking ... hop. lar home on Long Island ..• MANNY KLEIN, that couldn't be made in the 251h cen­ On the other hand, the ~uests ~Jrl': ;:I ... kcd 10 drink plenty ace trumpeter of the studio band. is leaving for tury. ";\10," said the kindly Doctor, of milk and eat quantic.. of fruit. In olher words, Hudy a two months' vacation in Honolulu. ,, BAR­ "nothin~. is impossible in the 251h cen~ wants to m:tke sure his gue.. '" gel lhe full benefit of a RY McKINLEY is another radio artist who will tury." I he youngster was pretty well vacation and go back home looking healthy. rusticate during the Summer, although Barry impressed hut he still had his doubts. will come in to New York three afternoons a After thinking deeply he said, "How EVERY SO often the week for his Drums Come True programs. He about ..quare wheeb?" :lrti'its and announcer; of has rented a place near Old Greenwich, Connec· both networks get together ticut. Donald Stuart: He Sleel)S TEPIIE;.! FOX, verliatilc CBS actor. and stage ping-pong tour­ SILL JOHNSTONE, CBS actor and an while shattered glass S has a ten-year-old boy for whom he namenb. O\er at CUS old dirt farmer from Connecticut. reports tough showers him was seeking: Ire"h Summer air by WJ.y the ch.:l.Inps are your an­ going up at his homestead. Caterpillars are the roflm"-Ill-thc-cOUIlI ry column of a IlOUlh:ers, IIARRY \·0' eating all the leaves from his trees and garden track, but ignor. l'\cw York paper. Thlllking he ought to memion his 11'1 L anJ \\:D1ll- B \­ ing the weeds. Bill has blisters to show from scything these down prllle...... IOtl. he \\orJeJ hi" ad, ",\ctor with [en-year-old IUClI. \\ho, l:Ike ;t,I\';ill­ himself. ...nn de..ires ...::ultureJ home in the countrv. ..' He wa" la~c (If their lime niT be­ LOU SORIN, of the Caravan show. has just lost out on some\\ hu startleJ to he called to the telephone by the I\\een bro3.dca~ts by gUi:1R his lOOth SweepsL1ke ticket. He keeps right on buying them so ne\\:-,pJ.per J fc\\ hour... after he had left the aJ\'ertising down to tne announ...::ers' that he un go visit the other McGiHicuddys in Dublin some day (lffi..::e. ··'tou c~n't rcallv want to ln~ert this aJ\-erli ...e­ room and batting the h:111 ... LEW LEHR. dialectician of the Headliners program, 5.1ys men[, .\ir. ro,,:' said a pohtely unbelie.... ill~ \oke. "\\'hy back and forth at eadl he's going to give the country a miss this year and get the first not?" inquired Stephen, "J wrote it Jnd I said just what other. i':e\'er ha\·ing "'Cl,;'11 really fresh air of his lif~time in an air-conditioned room in a I IIlcant." ''I'd better read it to you:' the rcph' came: either of these boy... pl:i\'. Manhattan houl ... BLANCHE SWEET is so anxious to keep "_\etor with ten~\"e,u·oIJ :;ow desire... cultured home in your correspondent is ..till her program fresh and natural that she rehearses only lor four the ~ountry .. :" It .. eem~ that ~tr. Fox's a.:[ing is willing to ~uAAe... t a mat.:h minutes before the broadcast goes on. \·a:;tlv superior to his lundwriting hetween either of them and II.\HHY (not/It-) .\t...::­ Eddy Duchin: He makes !'\,\l (;11 ro:' and ha\·e yet to \l.'C Phil. come out on the long end.

SI~CE TilE l'\BC ruling was put into eITect where­ by theIr annOUlllo:er .. could no lon~cr identify themsel\'es. an avalanche of letters has poured into this ofiice in prote:>t. 1 he li\tcners have tahen the mailer seriously and feel that Inc announcer i\ a ... much a part of a program as the arti~ts and de...ene due recogllltion. We ,annot help but agree with the \\ ritcr~. nor can we figure out what b gained by the omi...... ion. 0 a'> a l'OIct o/tbe I.utella, we re:.pectfully rcquc... t the :'\BC moguls to rccoll''lider what appears to he ;1 meaningless ruling. ill: French superliner t\'orw/JIulie was being warped T into her pier

make its debut over the CBS-WARe net· EST and CST Shown wr;'lno. \\rill be heard <1t I p. m. EST (12 noon JESSICA DI{AGONI:rr E. will CST): I1nWrEN THE BOOKENDS inaugurates a new series of weekly Sun· ccrt soloist. will be guest of the r:ord Sun­ be interviewed hy NLI.I.II: I{I·YEI.L over an l"\BC-\VJZ net wnrk at 2: m p. m. .be hroildca ..t ;It 1:30 p. m. cST (12:~O day programs to he heard over an NBC­ da)' Evening Hour heard over the CR5­ wi!! EST (1:30 CST). CS I) and flAPPY fiOllOW, dramatic WJZ nelwork ;H 1;15 p. Ill. EST (12:15 WABC network at 8 p. m. EST (7 CST). sketch. " 1:45 p. m. EST (12 :45 CST). CST) replacing flcnri Deering. BOI.EK J\1 USICALE, a concert group A new series of weckly Sunday pro­ MllDHF:D DILLING. concert harpist. JULIUS HUEHN, bass·baritone con- grams featuring BENAY VENUTA will (Cmllll/ued Oil Page Jj) Music • the Air )NGRATULATIONS to WOR paper. pencils and piano, he is writing hl<' and the Mutual Broadcasting first opera! II will be based on Bradford':;: System! All Summer they will By Carleton Smith· b(Jok Called John Henry. bring us the programs of the ., he only time before th;'lt Mr. Wolfe New York Philharmonic-Sym­ mildly. during the relay from Einsledeln State Theater IS holding its annual Wag· has ever been in the South, was when he phony from the Lewisohn Stadium. Every Monastery to be forced to listen to ner and Mozart festival from July 24 to \\as in camp at Greenville, South Carolma Thursday evenlllii for the next eight weeks lengthy explanations of what was happen­ August 27. elliring the early days of the Creat War we shall hear a iffcrent opera, conducted ing and what was being said, instead of Die Meisterslllger, Lohengrin, Tann­ In six months he grasped the Negro altI­ by Alex/lnder Smalle1lS, over WOR, WLW. hearing the music and the service itself. hauser. Tristan and Isolde, The Hing. tude and olltlook. and "iet them in mu:..1C WGN and WXYZ. A general explanation, as given at the be­ ;md Parsifal will be heard at the famous as has no other living compo..cr. Aida will he the first broadc.ast on ginniRg, would have sufficed. We do not PTI1l?,cl!,enlell Theater. Not all composers follow Mr. Bradford's June 27. With ROSE TENTONI in the need to have a monotonous description The Mozart operas are: The Marriage plan of living in atmosphere about which title role. PAUL ALTHOUSE of the repeated four times. And of Figaro, The Magic they are writing; the imaginative method Metropolitan will sing Rhadames. we are fully aware that Hute. Don Giovanni. la as opposed to the reporlori;J1. is the sub­ JOSE ITURI3I, who became popular.as it is the music itself we l'inta Giardinina. COH Ian j~ct of wide:.prc

INIc contracts he controls Icd college courses went for naught Pilot a Plane-or What You Will. Yet and fOUf of \\ horn he is using while the -:.,,J\e 3:. resen"e knowledge or a other two thrlm off high school shackles-­ iJcultural background for the profitable busi~ were dedic;ltcd to tbe hu:::.incss of music. ne:.' of twanging guitars. tooting trumpets. They're All Accomplished Musicians The C:hC of .\1 i ... , IluAhes emphasizes pounding piano~ or \\angling tortureJ sweet­ pointedly the Ilcitit acqui..itivcncss. The ness out of the v:triety of ill:.truments which willowly brunette. :l Californian, was nicely go to make up the modern dance orchestra. There's set so far as employment \\'a" concerned, as soloist in a psychiatrist, a physici:m, a pilot-yes, even a plumber. By Harry Steele a small but cxclusi\'c San Francisco hotel. The preda­ '1 he boys know their p's and cue". tory Ileidt. accompanied by his wife. chanced into the inn's dining salon one night after a long motor-car T AI.L ~tarted in a hall of learning-the University of dri\-c. Both were impre:,:,clt by Miss Hughes' talent, I California-wherc Heidt. a native of Alameda, fired and the quest was 011. It proveJ to be almost allnther by his success as an athletc allli football star, planned C3-.c of Verdun. for that :.ort of siege !legan. Publicity­ for the day when he would bc one of the nation's great ~hy and inordinately fearful of a microphone (Ileidt gridiron coaches. was filling in between thcater date, with a radi() pro­ But a broken spine suffered in scrimmage 'put an gram or two) Lysbeth \Va, di(Ticult to dblodge. It took end 10 hi:., \'Cry bright pro:-iJlccts, and drove HCldt all of the driving imce that Horace had planned inlo ,omething more sedentary. lie already had en­ for his gridiron coaching 10 swing the deal. but he joyed popularity :.lS a piano player and leader of a was just that persu3-;i\"e. Miss Ilughes capitulated. four-piece band h::llldy for campus dances. So 1\ morc reccnt example was one of Ileidt's cap· music appeared a natural out. For a band ture' from the ranks of his alma mater \\ hich was bUilt up around a broken back where his first hunting was so fruitful. eleven years ago, it pUb lip a Yery solid While wandering through one of the big front today. Los Angeles departmenl ~tC)(C) during the When llorace WaS faced with the task 1934 Christmas 'iea"Oll, he chanced into the {Jf reframing his future. he appllcd him­ sheet mu"ic dcpartment whence came lhe self to the orchestra idea with the same tones of a striking baritone voicc. It was sincerity that loday keeps him rehearsing as though the spirit of Russ Columbo had eight hours at it stretch to attain an extra rcturned 10 gambol in the environs he had step toward perfectiol1. U~illg his four known and loved. Thc owner of the voice starters as a nucleus, he went hcre and there was Charles Goodman, nincteen-year-old among the potential artiSh attending classes commercial law studcnt of the University at the U. of C. and with promise:-i of more of California. profitable and more imminent returns he I leldt prccned hilllself for the

assurance of his pilot's license, wing his way to whatever destination he chooses. Teeming with ~ung, conspicuous for origi- nal rhythm :.l.nd tinged with the impassioned, ~tllurillg harmonies of Hawaii. the Heidt music has been filtering through loudspeakers since 1932. But the organization primarily \\

Destined for careers but intercepted on the threshold of the professions. the arls and lrade, were lhese Brigadier generals who help to produce lhe Heidt. de-ho. From the left they are Ah'ino Rey, Art Thorsen (in a .·op·E)'e role); Steve Merrill, Charles Goodman and the caroling haq)ist, Lysbeth Hughes 6 11 Programs Shown For D(lJ1light Time In EST alld CST Programs for Sunday, June 23 Add One Hour

10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST EDITION 7 WAVE-To be annuunced 5:45 p,m, EST 4:45 CST Notice NBC~Ne\\'s; Dalhart and Hood: Log of Cincinnati Stations WIIA5--Piouerr Trihute Day CBS-The Vuil'(, of Experience: These programs as here pre· WEAF WGY WLW-,6rhur,h on the Hill, WABr. (~\\ 6.12) . CBS-HrfleClions: WI lAS biblical dr.. ma sented were as correct and as Call Kilo_ Power Net· l'BC-The rontinental Varieties: CBS-Children's Hour: WABC WGY (s\\'-9,58) .ccurate as the broadcastinq * Letters cycles Watts Location work 3:30 p,m. EST 2:30 CST companies and RADIO GUIDE (~w·15.27) ~BC~Life of Uucle ~ed: WJZ KMOX-Intrrlude ill Music (auld make them at the time NBC-Ne\I~; To be announced: KDKA 980 50,000 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania WAVE WLW WSM KDKA (CBS) of going to press. However, \\'JZ WCKY WAVE WSM KMOX 1090 50.000 51. Louis, Missouri e (0.\1'-15.211 WFBE-Thr Vt~"Fler Sin~rr emergencies that arise at tht' WLW WABC 860 50,000 New York City, New York· "e NHC-The Wi~e :'Ilan, dramatic WGN-Anson Weeks' Orchestra studios sometimes necessitate KDKA-nFir~l U. P. Church WAVE 940 1,000 Louisville, Kentucky skrtrh' WEAr WTA'\j WGY \\'IIA5-I\IillJufll !'tune's Orch. eleventh hour changes in pro· W"BE-E:~th~r Grell:lr: WBBMt 770 50,000 Chicago, Illinois e ,,"SAl WCKY WJR-Donald Novi'\ Irnor gram listings, time, etc. WGBF-I\German Church WCKY 1490 5,000 Covington, Kentucky " \\'l"-I'1I1\ I'r~i!)' of Cincinnati, \\'KHC-Ba~eball Scores WGX-Mone.y MU"ic WEAF 660 50,000 New York City, New York Glee Cluu WSAI-Baseball Re~ume " Danc~" look for the Bell !:l WIi:Re-Jim Li"htlield WENR 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST W'WVA-"Listen to the for Religious Services and Prgms, \\'TAl\I-S€'ws: Bettve Lee Tay· WFBE 1200 250 Cincinnati, Ohio "L NBC---('Ollllllillid Performance: lor WGBF 630 500 Evansville, Indiana "L \VJ7. WAVE KDKA \\!:>M WWVA-.o.Judgc Ruth~rford WG" 720 50,000 Chicago, Illinois L WI-W (~\-I'.15.21) 7:0.3 a.m. EST 6:(10 CST JO:J5 a,m. EST 9:15 CST WGY 790 50,000 Schenectady, New York ~BC-Drcalll Drama; Arthur Night NBC-Tone Picturell; Ruth Pep· Nnc-Rudolph Bocheo, concert WHAMt 1150 50,000 Rochester, New York "N Allen & Park"r Fennell}" pie, pianist; Mixed Quanet; violinist: WEAF WHAS 820 50,000 Louisville, Kentucky e WEAF WTAM WGY WSAI Mary Merker. soprano; Gpr· KBC-Tonv Wons: WJZ WAVE WJZ 76/l 50,000 New York City, New York WGHF-Gene Miller 6 :00 p,m. EST 5 :00 CST trude Foster, contralto; Rich· WLW - WKRC 550 1,000 Cincinnati, Ohio "e 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST * NBC-Jack Benny; Mary Liv· ard Maxwell, tenor; Leon Sala· CBS-Reflections: WWVA WSMK WL5 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois CB5--Country Church of lIoll)'. IIlgstone & Frank Parker. thiel, baritune: WJZ WLW NBC-Gould & Shelter: WSAI WLW 700 500,000 Cincinnati, Ohio " wooo: WAlK WHAS WKIlC Don B€'stor's Urch. WJZ CBS-On the Air Today; Organ WTAM WSAI 1330 2,500 Cincinnati, Ohio " WSI\1K KI\lOX WWVA WSM !{I)I\A WENR WAVE Jone~ WSM Nashville, Tennessee Reveille: WABC WFBE-Bob 650 50,000 " * NBC-America's First Rhythm WCKY WHAM (Sl\' 11.87) NBC-Melo(ly Huur; Guest So· WGN-Sunday Morning Concert WSMK* 1380 200 Dayton, Ohio "e Symphony; De Wolf Hopper, NBC-K7 Secret Service Spy loists; Intrnml'l Trio: WEAF \\'G Y-l\Iu~lcal PI'ocram WTAM 1070 50,000 Cleveland, Ohic N narrator, wit h 86 arti"ls frnm Storie~: WEAF WSAI WGY WKRC-D.Sul'I'lse Worship WLS-)llll. :'tlill~r, tcnor; Do-rotha WWVA 116/l 5,000 Whf'e1ing, West Viroinia e the Kansas Cit\' Philllt ",,"nm In Itlht .fW'kft n(l turrent UJed-no dAllier The OCEA:'-/ CITY ~IARBLE TOUR­ ing 953 mcgacycle.'i, signifies programs (lr ~hoek. or hip" OUII. C8S-WABC netwnrk at 8 p. m. EST (7 'Aj\lc~T, ~:~I~:' oo re:a;::~ CST). annual Atlantic City event, emanating from W2XAF on that fre­ S DAYS TRIAL "Itu. :. will he de~cri"cJ ovcr the CBS-WABC Quency. W2X E is indicated by either _Iue lXl dtU..t!"J. If 1101 enll~lJ' .atr~n~. return wit"'n network at I p. m. EST (12 CST). Ore d:lJ"~ and 70Ur d.Jllar "Ill ~ refunt.lf'd ..-Ilhout quntlon. RICHARD WALDO, editor, and presi­ 1;27 or 6.12, and W8XK by 21.54. --- JUST KAIL THIS COUPON -- -, 1;.21, 11.87 or 6.14. r F . 6: H, RADIO LABORATORIES I dent of the ~1cClllrc I'ew<;paper Syndi­ I De-"t. 26, Farlo. No. D.k. cate, wit! discuss Behind the !'!ews over A change in time brings the Satunlav Reception on the short-wa\c chan­ I Send ~.. &: I, ("""••e1I)- APrtlt. Will pa;, pOitOlAll I the CHS-W.\BC network at 9:45 p. m. night GOLD.\\.~:'\ CO:'\CER IS at 7:30 nels i.. often better than on the reRu:ar I ~:'I~~DJ;;f":.t:nfl:r 'Sill~:iul:~. notCl~~~~,:Il: ~url; I p. m. EST (6:30 CST) instead of a half­ brnadca~t waves. RAIlIO GUill!' hopes "'ndln, II "ilh (lrder-tl,u' nrlnl poila,. eoat- I EST (H:4; CST). I lanat refund II:Ulnnlee. CII.ct< bere I) it iDtar.ted I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 hour later as originally planned. The thi.. new service will meet with your I In de:aler'~ propoullou. The "Be Symphony ordleslra, with concerts will continue for a full hour over approval. Su~ge"'lions are welcome. FI{ANI( BLACK conducting. returns to an NBC-WjL network. ~~~~~~~ ::'.:.'~: ~.' ~.~.~~~;~.~.~.~.~·~·~·~·~·~·~·I rhe air for a WedllCsda\' cHning ~eries to l ....:..'.. ..'..'..'..'..'.. .. be heard over the f"BC-WIZ network. The inaugural program will honor the American Guild of Organists which is Sunday-Continued holdinl{ its convention in New York City. Jnd will he heard at 9 p. m. EST (8 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WA \'E-Jimmy Joy's Orchestra 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST CST) lo continue for a full hour. Suc­ NBC-Henunk Willelll Van Loon, WFIlE-Sludio COIl('ert NBC-NI"\\"s; EI Chico SJ)allj~h KEN-RAD ceeding Wednesday programs will he of a author: W.1Z wCJ<\' WLS WLW-t.:llurokcll Ml!lodies Re\'ue: WEAF Wl'I,Y WGY half-hour's duration and will he broildcast 1{I>I{A WIIAM (~W 11.81) WSM WSAI WAVE UNSOLVED KMOX-Elit.. L.u!th Knight, con· 9:00 Il.m. EST 8:0tl CST lI:llC-Glenn Lee's Orch.: WJ% NBC-The Road to Yesterdny: " 9:30 p. 111. EST (8:30 CST). trallo WHJ\" I\I}KA (5\\'·6.14) MYSTERIES THURSDAY, JUNE 27 WIlB1\1-;"!elodies of Yesterday \\'./% WCI{ \' \\"IIA'1 IWI(A CUS-Frankie "'w­ !-ollu\'o; Lui:> Bennett, Conrad \\"LW-Johnny Courtlley'~ Orch. ReAlIlnill~ August 'Ii the broadcasts will 11.87> TIlibault. Jack 3nd Loretta WTA~I-Se\\s; Cltlllen". (·hules Winninl:er; Land of Be'e;lII· he heard each TuesJay at 7 p. m. FST * CB~-Sunday Evening Con­ niml: Ai!ain cut; S~ mphony Orchestra and Don Voorhl"l"S' Orch. _ WEAr (6 CST). \\'1.\\' WTJ\:\I WG\ (5\'0-9.53) ]0:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST Choru~ direclpd by Victor Ko­ KMOX-Piano R«ilal TI')' youP "kill a•• d.tee-U... Ten t ....pI...... ha~~ \\'A\'E-V>.Iriety Hour ., Ken-Rad RadiI Tu..... !I1 ..en away"I'I'Y SunQY lar: Julius HUl'hn. hui­ W[.\'R-Ru)' Maxon's Orchestra nl,ht t. IIden.n. CYRIL PITTS, lenor, inaugurates a ~uest· \\ f- B~-nill f-errara ~ Urch tonI'. W \BC WHAS WG~-News; WG:'i-Eari Burtnett's Orchestra regular Thursdav program to be heard K\tOX WKII(" \\':,~tK WBB~! Sport Shots W~AI-Dance 11 :00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST at 7:4; p. m. EST (6:4; CST) over an (51\ ,6.t2) Orche:>tra NBC-WJZ network. CBS-Joe HaYliles' Orchestra: \"lIh;O£ Boatman 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST \\J\BC \\'IIAS WKRC \\ BU:l1 "HEAVEN AND HELL" O\erture hEl!:nlonl" \\'FOE-Billv Cooke'li Orch. With a Sketeh or Swedenborg's Lire BeethO\"l'n \\'S:'ItK KMOX The LOS A!'iGELl'S SYMPIIO:,-/Y OR· WG:'oI-Collcert Orchtstra NOC-BuLld... Fi~ht'r's Orchbtra: ~~iti':';~ ~';r"s\Vi'n:E~~eRar1r,:u~.~ c:lII-:SIRA will h~ heard in a half-hour MUIlCtlo!:uc from "Falstaff" Verdi W.II KDKA WHMt (5\\"6.1,,, IIlI"nf'd Ihf'fll(lilin. f1hllOooU()ht'r and IC-I. program o\'er th~ CBS-\\' \BC nelwork at 0:30 p.m. EST 8,30 CST X8C-\laurice Spitalll)" Orfh.: pnll.t. In palll hnlIIt. Trutlnl Non Piu i\U1lrai Mozart :\liC-!-otulll"~ or lIi~t(lry: M Iht Llff 'rltr Ilulh. lent II p. m. (10 CSTl. WJI. WEAF WeK Y WGY WSAI 5 I'sr Invil>.lllUli to the Waltz \\!-flnt "Uh""t f,m hpr N'IIt or oblt,.- C \\'S;';I WCKY WAVE WSM \\TA\I Iton llII t('('.lIll (If •••••••••••• FRIDAY, JUNE 28 Weller (;n~lIenay SOIl~S; Venula, WEN H-8en Poll;lck'~ Orrh"stra' Writ.. 'fir ClIln"ldft I,;" 01 PllblltllHlWl.I ~crics Ma~ic Fir(' i\Il1~ic Wat::ll('r 8W:EDENBORO FOUNDATION Inc. The premiere of .. new of GIL­ WAliC WSMK J(i\IQX (sw· WLW-Drealll~ BERT AND SULl.I VAN operettas will SOUl' u£ till! Flea 6.12) in the Nillht ltoom J 6~J. ~ I £. Und St" S~.. Y..rk he broadca~t o\'er an NBC-\VjZ network Moussorgsky K/)KA-Y.i\I.C.A. Prol,:ralll 11:15 p.m. Es'r 10:15 CST lIills of lIome ~ux WIIIIM-Deilil Craddock, SOllltS W(iN-Veloz &. Yolanda's Orch. I Am a Pirate King: WEN H-~) mphull)' Orclle5tfll II :30 p.m. EST 10::~0 CST Sulli\'an WFBE-Blllder Willi,lnu NII('-He' Orrhbtra Cn!ot-Frank Daile)"' .. Orchutra: \\'unltl'r'ul fOr 1I1t1,.. "'lllnr _ liut'•• ""t11I1I1I.r II("L'1l alld arm.. IONLYI Oh. Where are Kings and WL~Uurter Locke's Orch. WABC K~IOX WKltC WIIAS llIu1e"f'lnrH"d fWUI,.. ,.rink.lu 150 Empire.. ,,"ow! Gruft W~.\I-CJa sical Varieties W~!\IK W88)1 .nd ("rflw.fl'l'f. To ('onvlnce --­ NOC-Tht Manhattan Merry-Go NUC-Roy \Iaxon's Orch.: 'Oil 1 "'ill "'fond I!t'n('rou~ )()·da,. trl.1 9 :45 p.m. EST 8 :45 CST ~.i{'. Round. F.aturing Famous Acft t,"'tm""1 ror Mone.r badl it ,.OU·f. CB5-Conl[rtnlonal 0 fJ i n ion: Wf-:AF WAVE WCKY WGY out alllllzrd wllh t"f'~lIltll! Wrltf' of the American Thtater; WABC WKRC \\'S~1K WHAS \\TA\I WS:\I W5.\1 ROSE MIl.L:ER. Bu lt71·W, Rathel Carlay, Llues sin!:er; h\\·6.12) \\'GX-JO(" Sanders' Orchestra Blrmln,h&.m, AI,b.ma Jerome Mann, impersonator; K)IOX-~I)()rt Pa~e of the Ail WLW-DJnc:e Orrhestra Pierrt Lt Kreeun, t~nor; Mpn WFHE-J~ Ulrich 11 :45 p.m. EST 10 :45 CST About Town, trio; Orch.. di· WA\'E-Jimmy Joy's Orchestra rection Andy SannellOl· WEAF \\ GS-<,:ontinental G,'psles 10:00 p.m. EST 9:60 CST WGN-Veloz &. Yolanda's Orch. WANTED WTA)t WGY WSAI (sw·9.53) ]2:00 p.m. EST 11:00 CST WA\"I·.-C,alaxv of Stars NBC-Fireside Sim~ers: New!: WJZ KDKA (~w·6.1'1) CBS-Hllrac1O Zito's Orchestra: ORIGINAL POEMS • SONGS WCKY-Vincellt York's Orch. JOIOX WBB~I WFBE-Co:>mopolitan Quartet (;8S-Nl"\\~; Hill lIost3n's Orch.: For Immediate Consideration WGBF-Smith and Bulterfield W,\Be WSMK WKlte WIIAS NBC-I.eonard Keller's Orch.: W~M WAVE WG"\-Joe Sanders' Orchestra I.. I\IOX 1\1.1\1.1\1. Music Publishers, Dept. R. G. Ju~eph NBC-l.ee Gordon's Orl'hl"~tra: MUS-Continental GYllsies: WGN WS:'II-!'onja Yergln aud WI.\\' Studio Bulldlnc-, Portland. Oreron )Iacphtrson WEAr WCKY WAVE WTAM 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WGY WSM (s\\-9.5J) WENIt-Glenn Lee's Orcheslra WFBE-Jimmy Ward WunM-~tu~ical Moments WIIAS-Milhurn Stone's Ol·ch. WT,\M-Allen Smith':li Orch. WC:-"-Uanc:e Orcheslra WENU-Glo!>e TlOlIer j News 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST WFBE-JiIllIllY Ward 12:15 a.m. ES 1l:15 )l.m. CS l'nC-Amtrican Musical Rtvue, WG~-\'tloz & Yolanda's Orch. 1IIB5-":ar[ Burtnett's Orchestra: Frank Munn, tenor; Vivienne WHAM-B.t'leLall ~corl"~; News WGN WLW BE ARADIo EXPERt Segal. oprano; Berlrand * WlW-KEN-RAO CORPORA· ]2:30 a.m. ES 11 :30 p.m. CS Hirsch. \'iolinist; Cus Haen· tion Presents "Unsolved M)'I' CUS--no)'d Town's Orchestra: learn afHome-Hake600d None, teries" nhen's Orc:h.· WEAF WTAM WB8M KMOX ).1all tbe COlIj)UOl. Mill)' lUen I Ir.lnf'd at hom. II.. 10.'. \\'5:'11 WGY WSAI (sw 9.53) W~ \1-'lu~ical Program WA\'E-Arlil" SillllnOIl .. (:-OOC> Ihlle 1Ilike $4'. $It, $I:> a "KIr. ),lIn, Ill.lt. $:>. $lt. 11$ • "Hk III WIn tim. "hll. l.,amlna:. Get toet. * NBC-Corneria Otis Skinntr. 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST WE::-'R-Ho\" ~13'(on'~ Orchtstra aboul R:;adl ..•• oPl)"r1unltl~ .".,1 .., amadnll,. I)l'Wf,ltal ac:tre5S: WJZ KDKA WESR NBl-Jt!o:>t Cra\\(ord. orttanl~I WCX-Joe Sanders' Orchutra :> ..... m~U-J oIlralnlo.. U,.... uptrlmeutal oullllJ _air. WL\\' WHA:\I (sw·J 1.87> WEAF WGY WSAI WCKY \\ HAS--O~ear Kugel's Orchhtra learnin& n~" IIl'ktlrll. fudnatIDa:. ),Iooe, bad! aar..• menl PlOll!ll'ti )w·9_53> WLW-Johnn) Courtnf'Y" Orch. WILUE MORRIS WCKY-Co..mOIMllibn Sin!l;l'!t"'S S8r-~handor. violinist WJZ W;:,:\I-Dance Orche:>tr,) G:-E:-;;;;; ;;:~= DePt:-;~ --, Rer parents c-alled her Willie be­ \\'FBE-Tu be announ..", KDK.\-:'IIJC and Bob WTAM-Moont;low l'atiooa.1 B.adio Inatltute. Wa"hio,lotl, D. C. I WGS-Horace Heidt'!o Concert \\ BH~I-BIII Hogan's Orchestra I Selld ma J'lIIUr frN b\ouIIt. "nldl Ul!"lI.nta i.JI ua,Ji.. H cause they wanted a hoy when she 12:45 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS I Thlj doeI nor. eblilat••L 11"1... I)rlot IIlalol,.1 I was born. Nevertheless, she's a so· 8:45 p.m. EST 7 :45 CST (CBSI KMOX-When Day is Dont ~BC-BrO(bky WE~R-A Ilrano and sings feature rolls with and Trigg.., flloIliO Son.!!: A Day WENR-8l'n Pollack'~ Orcll. 111'••'""""""""""""""" All•••••• , duo; True Gho:>t Storic!o. Louis \\IFOE-BilIv Cooke's Orch. 1 :00 a.m. ES 12 :00 p.m. CS J"hn Charles Thomas lIn the Our K. Anspacher: WJZ WENR WGN-Joe Sanders' Orcheslra WBUM-Bill 1I0l:an's Orchestra I Alldrell .•••• ...... I Hume un the Range JlroKram. NBC­ WCKY KDKA WHAM (sw· WHAM--{'ounly Medical Pro/tram WC,N-Veloz &. Yol,ullla'i Orch. I , WJZ network Wednesdays at 9 p. 11.81) WWL-Dance Orchestra WLW-Moon River I.!'~·':: ':.:..' :::::..: '':..:.::':':'':':': ".:-8~.:.:...::::.:...J 7 13 Pr09rams Shown For Dayl;!J',1 Tim' IllEST a"d CST Programs for Monday, June 24 Add A", Hour 6,00 a.m. EST 5,00 CST 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST 5,00 p.m. EST 4,00 CST KDKA-Musiul Clock NBC-News; Johnny Mar"in. Star Indicates High Spot Selections NOC-The Sizzlers: WEAF WCY NOC-U. 5, Army Band: WJZ WWVA-Blue Grass Boy tenor: WEAf WSM WSA1 * WAn: \vTA)1 WSAI \\'5)1 WENR \VCKY ND(-News; Smack Out: WJZ 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST WGN-Marketsj D.Mid·day Su- Nlic;-Morin Sisters, harmony CBS--Bealricf" Osgood, pianist: KDKA WCKY (~w.15.21) tflO: \\',11. WCKY WS!\1K WKRC 6,30 a.m. EST 5,30 CST CU5-fret! f"ibel, organist: vice CBS-Neils; Harmonics in Con_ WKRC \\'WVA WCY-Farm Proe;rall1 KDKA-Charm N DC-Meredith Will~tln'$ Orch,: NBC-Rise and Shine: WEAF tra~t: WADC WKRC KlIIOX-Window Shoppers WEAl' WAVE WLW W~!\I CBS-Organ Renille: wABC NBC-)Iasqu('rade. 5 k e I c h: \\'L5-We~tller anti Markets KMOX-Views on New, WLW-I.i\'estock Heliorts WGN-8a"f'h;11I; Bosum n. Chi· WSAl NOC-Yoichi Hiraoka, Japanese WA\'E-"u~kal WEAF WTAM WSA1 Clock WTAM-Telll1bSee Hillbillies C3!::0 White Sfl'( CaS-Buck RO!l;crs. sketch: xylflflhunist; Sylvia Altman, Mu~ic Cn5-Voice of Experience: \\'1' tu::-(;uy Lomhardo's WASC (5\\-15.27) W\\ VA-The 01' I'ardner WLS-The We:.lernl"rs WABC (sw·6.12) accompanist: WJZ WCY-News; Market Basket \\LW-Doctor~ uf )\rlody KDKA-News·Reelt'r KMOX-Home folks' Hour K\IOX-:\ews Thru a Woman's WJ-!AS-Bob Atcher Eyes WWYA-Cobina Wright (CBS) WFBE-Audree Wnrner WCY-Early Bird Musiral Clock WI.S-Livestock E~timates; )lor· WGN-Armch'lir Mrloclies WI.S-f~rlll WHn:-Annrttc Patlon Cornell Bulletin Board niu!;" :'>linstrels J2:45 p.m. ES It :45 a.m. CS \vCY-Bag & Battc:a~e WLW-Top 0' the Morninr WLW-Joe Emerson, hymns WGOF-Mr. and Mrs. WrBE-H. V. C. Gc;s 'O~ W(iX-Tom, Dick & Ilarr" 3 ,00 p.m. EST 2 CST WIIA5-lIerbfort Kuch, organist WTAM-Sun Up WTA)!-:"ewsj Ilralth &. Home \\'J1AS-Lilestock Markets NBC-Woman's Radio Hel'iew: \v'1 A,\!-Twilight Tunes WWVA-The Eye OPener WGY-Musical Prul;~am WWVA-eap. Andy and Flip WHA5-Koch and Riccardi WKRC-nub liirls WEAf WCKY ,nAM WSM WWVA-The K"ystullers WLS-Ono's Tune T\\isten WLS---lJinnerbell Program WAVE WSAI WLW-ehandl('r Chats &: Organ WL\\'-Farm and !Iume Hour Cn$-Vi5itine Americil's Little 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WTAM 3,15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST WfDE-To be antlOllJICed 11.87> NOC-Voice of the City: WEAf KOKA-Sammy fullcr CDS-Marie. Little French Prin· NBC-Songs and Stories; Charles \\'1-"1I1':-Tu h" ;lIlllouliced WLW WTAM KMOX-Musical Jewel Box WGN-Mornint:: Mel.vlh' Time Sorce, tenor; Harry Swan: WGY-IudiOllens cess: WADe K:'>10X WKHC WGN-Harold Turn"r. r:iani~t CaS-Rh)-thm Boys, ,'ocal;st and WfBE-Hawaiian Echoes WDBM (5w.15.27> WJZ WGY-Air Artv. or Jimmv Allen instrumt'nt~1 lluartet: WABC WGBI'--Citv Court WI.S--Little Bits from J.ifc, Will. \\'GI3Jo~-('hurrh &. School Ne"s CBS-Chicac:o Variety Hour: Vickland * WSMK-oRVJLLE REVElLE NBC-Murnin!! Devotion,,: WJZ \\HAS-To be announced WGN-Palmer Iiousc Ensemble WABC WHAS WS~!K K)IOX: and Guest ArtislS KDKA WCKY (5\1-21.54) \\'KRC-,nl3iblf" $rhool Servic('s WLW-Mornin~ Housewarmen KDKA-Mac and Bob WWVA-Ev and Dry \V(iY-Lauren nell. baritone WTAM-StuIJby Gordon's Orch. KMOX-Ullrle Lum WLS--Wrn. O'Connor, tenor; Sue \VilAS-College of Agricullure WENn-Jackie lI('lIrr WWVA-Econornv Notes WGN-Guotl Mornint: Roberts WS/Il-Pulice Flashes WCY-Woman's Radio Review WGY-Musical Clock WSAI-Traffic Court Cases 11:30 a.m. EST 10,30 CST (Nnc) WKRC-,nSunrise Worship NUC-Merry Madcaps: WEAf WLW-John Barker, baritone; 5:30 p.m. EST 4,30 CST WGY 1,15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST Dci~, WLS-:-Iews 8:3~ WTAM WSAI Or!"n NBC-Newsj Carol soprano: 9,30 a.m. EST CST CBS-"Mary Marlin," sketch: CH<.,..-Rmnance of Helen Trent: WEAF WAVE . WSAI-Timely Tips NBC-Breen & de Rose: WEAF * WWVA-,nGospei Tabernade WAUC WKltC K:\10X WIIAS WADC KMOX WKRC WGN CBS-Music Box: WABC (sw­ WGY WS)l WTA:\1 (sw-15,27> (<;11 15.27> 6.12) CnS-,I;lrk fulton's Orchestra: ·3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST 1:l5 a.m. ~ST 6:15 CST NBC-)Ielod\' Mix~rc;: WJZ WFBE-Conservatory of Music NBC-Arthur Lanl.!, baritone: NBC-News; Dalc \VilllhrolY: WABC WAVE WCKY WSM KDKA WGBIo'-Market HCllOrts; farmer WJZ NBC-William i\1"ed..r. ort:anist: NBC-Today', Chiltlren. drama: WEAF WTA~I WSAI WJZ KDKA (sw·21.54) WGBf-Baby Shop I'urfrll NBC-R.ldio Guild; "Raleigh": NBC-News; Thr"e X Sisten: CB5-Leon Goldman, I·iolinisl: \\'JZ KDKA WCKY WLS (sw· WGN-Markets; Good IInhb &r WCY-Limely Bill * \\ICKY 15.m WJI. WCKY W5)\ WAVE WADe Training WHA5-Ceortia Wildcats KDKA-Markct Rel>ort KDKA-Salt anll Pralluts KMOX-The Corn Huskers WLS-Pa and i\I:1 Smithers NBC-Don Hall Trio: WEAf WLS-Rangen and Sophia Ger­ WENH-\1Ilrl:Ullf" III' S)h'ara WENIl-Wh;lt's the News WI· BE-To Be Announred WSAI-Wom:w's Club forum \VFBE-MI'rchant~ WTAM manich \VCY-Buok 1\"(!IIS Bulletins WGN-J\lilrkets; Serenade WLW-Nora Beck Thumann, so· WWVA-J\hlsicale WGN-The Sinl.!illt Lady (NBC) KMOX-Pickard F:1Il1ilv WHA5-Mrs. Handulph, shoppin& WLW-Nells and Fin. Noles WCKY-Bert Layne's Fiddlers prano WWVA-Chicago V.ariety (CDS) WGY-News; Ev('ni111t Ure\ilict Auide WWVA-Patterns in Orltandy 1:30 p.m. EST 1~:30 CST WIIA5-Melody Cruise WL5-:\lorniUI: Roundup. \·ari· WKHC-To be announced ell Entertainers .....ith Vi"i~rl i\hllcr NBC-AI Pe;ll(:e's Cang: WEAF WKRC-Popular Varil.'tie~ \VLW-,nNation's Pra)·er Period WLW-Antonio·o; Continentals WCKY WTA)I WGY WLW-Jack ArmOliIrong, drama WW\,A-t-'}in' X Round Up 3:45 p.m. EST 2,45 CST 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST NBC-:\!usic Guild: WJZ W,\VE NBC-H~f\'e';t of Son~: WEAf WSAI-Ncws; Chamber 01 (;6nl' 7:30 a.m. EST 6,30 CST CBs-rive Star Jones: WABC * CBS-Between the Bookends: WSAI WENR WT.\:\I Illrrce Ilro!l;rarn CliS-l.yric Serenalle: WABC 9 ,45 a.m. EST 8 :45 CST WKRC Kl'lOX (sl'.'·15.27) WABC WS)IK \\'IIAS \\'KRC Cn5-"Baby Bond~," Hep. Caro· WS'I-Nrw~: "'mancial New~ NBC-Che..rio: WEAF WTA1\! NBc-Joe White. tenor: WEAF MilS-Painted Ureauu: WGN WWVA (sll.15.27) lin" O'Day: WAlK WIIAS Wl'A:'>I-News; Girl from Car, WLW WGY \\'TAM WGY Wtw KDKA-Jlome Forum WS:\IK KMOX W\\'VA lina:s KMOX-\'ariety Program CB5-;\lrs. Wil:l:s of the Cabbal{e \\'fOE-The Gtba lIarmoniufS I{MOX-H~rrllom- BoIS KDKA-Piano Cla~sique WWVA-Variety Proa:r:tlo WCKY-YOtIeling Twins Palch. skt'lch: WABC KMOX WGBf-Hoosier Philosopher \\t;Bf-Knox Couni)' Knock- wGY-Stock Reports WFBf:'-Musical Clock NBC-Pure food Forum: WJZ WGY-Doc Schneider's Yoddinl!; about5 WLW-Dorothea I'once. Songs 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST WIIA5-,nCollege Devotions KDKA WCKY (511'-15.21) rulYhoys WG'i-)lelodv Moments CB5-Concerl :'>1iniaturrs; Ne..... ,.: WSM-Paul and Bert WFUE-Blue Strings \VIlAS-Arkansas Travelers WL5-Livf'~lofk and Graino; WASC (~w 6.12) WGN-HotJ~e\lanllers WL5-Henry Burr's Book of WLW-Gene Burchell's Orch, 4:00 p.m. EST 3,00 CST fu~t"r, NUC-Uilly and Betty. !keleh: 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WL\V-Aff~irs uf Aruold Dour;las Ballads WSAI-Treadwells on Tour NUC-Kay songs: WEAF WEi\F NBC-J.amlt Trio & White: WJZ W!:lAI-:-'larch Kins WWVA-Gcrtrtllic Miller WS~I-Tellllessee Division of WSAI WENR * NBC-Lowell Thomas: \Vn KDKA WCKY (sw 21.54) WSM-Leon Cole, organist i\larkets CUS-Patti Chapin. sone;s: KDKA WLW (,," 11.87) WKHC-fitltllin' Farmers WAnc WIIAS \\S)I1{ WWVA NBC-Qrphan Allllle, WAVE WSM-tJ, Mornin!! Devotions ] :45 n.m. EST 12 :45 CST WKRC 10 :O~ a.m. EST 9,00 CST KDKA-PI Browns Philadelphia \\If8E-Dinner Music NRC-The I1f)1J(!\mooners: WJZ WFBE-Studio Selections CD5-Metropolitan Par a d e: WS)! WCKY WAVE 12 :00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WFBE-Treasure TUlles WCY-bnl.: Sisters W(;UF-C:tlrb~tolle Hf"llorter Wc.;BF-Sunshine !lOIn WKRC-Sports Review WABe WKBC WS?tIK WHAS CUS-famous Babies; Dialogue NBC-Market and Weather Re· WCY-i\lu~iral \\"{iN-nlal'\.:~lolle Ensembl" Proc-ram WS,\ I-Ba~eball Resume * NBC-Breakfast Club: Dance alul Tillk: WABC WKRC ports: WEAF WL\V-Antonio's Continentals Orch.: WJZ KDKA WCKY KMOX WHAS CBS-The Elon Doys: WAne WLS-Ho/llcmilkers' Hour WTAl\I-Slim Elwrhanlt Duff~"s WTAM-Mu~ica[ Cocktail WSM WAVE ($11'-21.54) KDKA-Uncle Tom and Belty WHAS WKRC 1\i\IOX WWVA WLW-Ceorc:-e Orchestra WWVA-The hrecrackers D.J\lornins Devotions: WLS WfBE-Leroy Thompson WSMK (~II 15.27> WSM-:t.lusic Guild (NBC) WLW WGN-.June Raker NBC-Roy Maxon's Orch.: WJZ WWVA-I\.Cospel TabernatJ" 4:15 p.m. EST 3,15 CST KMOX-HanuonY TwinS and WLS-Ilousehold Par:ldc WAVE WS)I WCKY WLW NUC-Crandl);} Burton, humor­ Skeets KDKA-News Rceler 2,00 p.m. EST 1,00 CST ous sketch: WEAf WEN It WLW-Travcl Talk WSAI Wey Night WGBF-I\East Side Tabernacle WSAI-Ilou~hold Hints WFBE-Qlymllia Hosicllo CBS-Cobina Wric:ht: WABe CU5-"Og, Son of Fire," drama: WGN-Toast of the Morning WWVA-Eloise Boffo, songs WGN-The Love Doctor WSMK 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST WSAI-McCormick's Old lime WCY-Two Hearts in Sone; NBC-Home Sweet Home: WEAF WAOC I{DIU-Kiddies' Club NOC-Gould and Shetter, piano Filldlers 10:15 a..m. EST 9:15 CST WL~Vil'Jl:iJlia I.e.. and Sunbeam WTAM WI.W WGY ("II',15.33l duu: WEAF WCKY WAVE WWVA-News WSAI-D~ve Upson, vocal NBC-:'>lu~ic Cuild: WCKY WHA5-lJ,. Weekday Devotions NBC-Tony Wons: WJZ KDKA WLW-Miner's Childr"n, drama WLW \VENH 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WCKY WSM WTAM-Two Hearts in Song KDI{A-·lluman Values CnS-Just Enterl~inm(>nt, "ari· KMOX-No"elty Boys (NBC) I( MOX-Geur~ia Etll in, songs WKRC-I'opular \'arieties CUS--Blanche Sweet, beauty WTAM-i\'lu~eum of Art ety Ilrugram: WA{lC WBBM WFBE-SllIoky Mountain Bon talk: WABC WfBE-Bascball; Retls vs. Phil· (sw 6.12) 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS adelphia \VWVA-Pas~inq in Bevillw WGY-/j.Mitl·morllil\1.! Del'olions Ki\lOX-Let's Compare Notes * NBC-Amos '0' Andy: WJZ WL5-Jolly Joe and His I'et Pals WAVE-,nOevotional Service CBS-Alexander Semmler, pian. WGBf-Hilll.roarders KDKA (sw·11.87> hi: WABC (:;w.15.27) WC;':-Palmer Hou-e Ensemble 4,30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST WLW-William Meeder, organist WFBE-'-Oot Club News KMOX-"Ofi\, SOli of Fire" (NBC) WGHr-Household Hour NUC-Oleander~: WEAF WSA1 WHAS-University of Kentucky NBC-Alice in Ort'hestraJia: Wf.NR-Happy Jack Turner WWVA-Den\'er Darling WGN-Your Friendly Nei~hhor WAVE WTAM WS;\t WCKY 'WK BC-Ba~eball: Red:. vs. I'hil· WEAF WAVE WCKY WSM \\'GBF-Guman Band WHA5-Chats with Dolly Dean C05-Radio Cossip Club i Eddie adelphia WTAM W(;N-Bob Eborr. sllort~ revi"w 8,30 a.m. EST 7,30 CST WKRC-Woman's Iiollr & Fannie Cavanau/ilh: WHAS WI.5-Hllmemakcrs' Hour CBS-Jack Armstronr;: \VABC WCY-Jim "ealey. commealator NI-lC-fu'llls :llld H:III: WEAf WLW-Uvcslock Heports; New. KMOX WSAI-Easy Chair NBC-Th" 5inc:inll Ladv: WJZ WHAM-SllOrtcasl KDKA-Style and Shopping WWVA-Hapid Ad Service NDC-Virsinia Lee and Sunbeam, KI>KA \\'LW (sw.15.21) WIIAS-Terry and Ted Service dramatic sketch: WJZ KDKA 2:15 p.m. EST 1,15 CST WENH-Mu"lt' ,~ (uJllmCnl­ WKRC-Smilin' Dao Bandrrla~lers KMOX-Tick Tock Revue 10,30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WI.W (s\\'·15,21) NBC-Vic k S:ttle: WEAF WLW WfBE-With tile WSAI-Knot IIole Club WFBI::-J\lornin~ Concert NBC-Hour of Memories; U. S. WFBE-:-Ioon·time Tunes WTAM WGY (sw·15.33l WGBF-Nclls WSM-Buhhy 'fufk{'r; Pan Am· WG~--{;ood M()rnin~ Anniver~aries WCY-Whal'~ 1\"1'\1 in the Berk· Program I\'a\'y U~lld: WJZ WS:'>1 WAVE WGBF-Weddillt:: KDKA-Chuck Wayne's Orch. erican Broad"a~1 WCY-Lillie Jack Little's Orch. WI.\\' WCKY KDKA W(;N-Luncheon Music K~IOX-Exchange Club shires, S. W. Ashe \\'T>\M-Da<;eball Scores WLS-Ford Rush CBS-Betly BarthE'lI, songs: WCY-Dorothy Dreslin. soprallo WC~-lIarohl Turn"r, pianist WIIAS-Dr('am Train W\vVA-Sporlsj n~$eb:lll Scores WLW-Divano Trio WADC WSl'lI{ WJ{UC WHAS W1\ IIC-]\\"lotliol1s Measures WS.\I-Mrs. A\'is Dunton, so· WSAI-Salute WSAI-D.Church Forum \\\\\'A WL5-Cornhuskers prano 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WTAM-(;eorge Hartrick NBC-i\Iofllin~ Parafle: WSAI WWVA-Ncws \\ WVA-Denver Darljll~ * NBC-Stories of the Black WWVA-Morning Dance Tune! KMOX-The Happy Hunter 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST Chamh..r, dramatic sketch WFBE-Little Black Joe I2:30 p.m. ES II :30 a.m. CS 2,30 p.m. EST 1,30 CST NBC-Adventures of Dick and WEAF WCY WTAM \\'SAl 8:45 a.m. EST '1 :45 CST WGN-Backstae:e Wife XD<;-Nalional Farm and Howe t\BC-Vaue;hn de Leath, contral· Sam: WEAl' WGY WAVE (sw 9.53) NBC-Morning l'!elutlies: WEAF \\'KHC-l'\~borhoou Oddities J-!'Iur; Gursl Spcakers; Walter to: WJZ WCKY WS)I WT.U! WSAI CBS-Jan Savitt's On'h.: WADC WLW B1aufu~s' Orch,· WJZ WSi\1 NBC-Ma Perkins: WEAF WLW CBS-nick Tracy, sketch: WABC \VKHC WBOM (5\\'·6.12) CnS-Cadets Quartet: WABC 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST "UKA WAVE W<;KY (511'· WTMI WS:\I WG\' WAVE WKHC \VilAS NBC-Tony k GIlS, ~kclch: WJZ WSMK WKRC i\IBS-Life of Mary Sothcrn: 15.21) WLS (sw.15.33) NOC-I.iltlf' OflJhan Anuie: W,JZ KDKA WENR WCKY WHAM KDKA-Salt and Peanuts WGN WI.W NBC-Hex Battle's Concert En­ CnS-Cobina Wr;~ht: WIIAS \VCKY KDKA (sw·15.21> (5\\'.11.87) WCBf-Timelv Topics K'IOX-Jll~t Plain Bill semble: WEAr WSAI Ma Perkitl~: WHAl'l WWV i-\ WENH-Rh)thm RamblenlNBC) * MaS-HORLICK'S MALTED \VGY-Mu~ical Program WE" R-Variety Program CBS-Jan Savitt'! Orch.: WADC KUKA-I)an and S)'h'la WI'UF-Voral Vnri"ty :'>tilk I'rC5eJlI~ I.um &. Abner, WIIAS-(i"lInda \\lldcat~ \\1 liE-Jean Harris WSI\IK WIIAS (sw.15.27> K~l()X-Mf'dif;11 Socicty Speaker W(;BF-\\'l.. jcal :'\lastcrlliece comrdy skelch: WXYZ WOR WL!-.-AnnOUIlt:I'IIlCllts ~nd News WtS-News. Julian Bentley l\\lOX-Mallie Kitchen \\'c.;;":-I\1~i1' lIox WLW-Questions and Answers WGN WT Ai\l-(;Jlisthcnics W\\-VA-Your Helpful Helper WFBE-Lullcheon i\1c10tlies W5t\l-D.A,II. Talk W\VVA-~llU"plllg S) ncopation K!\lOX-Jillllllie Allen, sketch 11 7 EASYTO RUILDWAY ASTHMA Monday-Continued RESISTANCE In Cincinnati In hundl'f'd, of No"n, addition 01' ATTACKS WA\'E-\Vorld R('\'uf! NBC-Greater Minstrels: \VJZ \\'GN-Horace Heidt's Orche!'>tra nlelum II) reClllar diet .nth Per. * nh: Build I'll "I)tu has romplete- WfBE-Automobile Information WHAM KDKA WLS WLW WGY-Johnny Albright, songs h pre'fentrd nr used ISlhma attacltl. You buUd up your WHA5----0g, Son of Fire WSM (sw·I1.87> WHAS-Ba~eball Scores; Moon· ")-.trlo and Inrrrase )'t'Uf natural ttslltanct!. II ouL of It ben~lIt. Fa~hion('d KMOX-~Iusical ~Iolllents lleL dennlte from Ihls 't·da" plan. Rcault.ll Euar­ WLW----Old Girl lic:ht Srrenade a"teed Of we 11'111 refund :foof Willie)' wltbouL QuutlDll. WSM-SOlrie i1nd Sallie WAVE-Radio News WLW-Tom Coakley's Orch. With- Write today ror romplele informatlon. \\ WVA-Dinner J\lu~ic WBH1\l-Amateur Show WS.o\I-Johnny Courtney's Orch. PER CALX, INC., 108 W. Main St., Burley, Idaho \VCKY-Jubilee Sing('(S WFIIE-Accordi.tn Sweetll(~art & 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST Huddy NOC-Tony & Gus: WS:M WAVE Orville Revelle 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra NBC-Tom Coakley'~ Orchestra: ItIII~IIIIII' ' '1 It Nile-Kurt Brownell, tenor: WWVA-News; Five l\1inule WEAF WCKY WGY It I 'I •• WEAl' WGY WSAI WSM Drama KDKA-~I:II.: and Bob BOUT Till' FL::-:I'IEST and yet I I I 810 ROYALTIES I 1 \VCKY K:'>IOX-The O'Neilis the wisest thing WILL ROGEHS paiUblbb~en and T.lklnc Picture Produrerl. NHC-Kathleen Wells, 50prano; WENR-TIle Globe Trotter ever utten'd for his audiences be­ l·ree booklet de.rrlbu mo.t cuUlIJI~le UIIIJ[ IU'fICil Her \\I.IZ \VEXR \\<3:o.:-Veloz & Yulamla's l)r('h, A ...tI'errd. Hit wrHrts ,,-III 1''''';30'. anlnJ[l". rompo~e mude 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST came the highlight of his recent screen I)·rl~ CBS-Buck Rogers: KMOX WIIAM--cutali's Rh\·thm Club 10 l"OUr or lnia to l-wr mu.lf'. ,«Utf: U. S. rollf­ KMOX-To be announced success "hen Ihe Oklahoma sage said: ridlL bl'\lllw·l1.87) WKRC-Amateur Show B. \\'ibon. the race hor:-.cs. not the radio­ WLW WIIAl'l (sw.lI.87) WFHE-To be announced \\'LW-To be announced WCKY-Lane Prescolt's Orch. ers! Ben Bernie won al Latonia paying WGN-Marilyn Duke's Orch. 35 to I and L H. Wilson (a 3-year-old WFKE-New~ OlldiTies WSAl-Amateur Show WGKF-Seroco Club 10:45 p.m, EST 9:45 CST o\\ned by Roscoe Goose) ran :-.econd at WGN-Quin Ryan's Amateur NBC-The Hoofillghams, sketch: W;l'ihington Park the same day pitying Nilo::ht WEAF WGY WTAM WSAI hetter than 6 10 I to those who played WWVA-Terry and Ted (~w·953) him in thc right hole! 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST WENR-Iloy Maxon's Orchestra WCKY-Musical r.lomenb WGN-Conlinental G\psies WFOE-Amateur Nil;:lll Program WLW-Italian Street Singer NO/lERT ALLJ,("DI\'. ~i.:ho jumped from 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WGN-Ne.... s of the Air RrmIJ1.:ay ill A·eo..; rork to tbe lool of NBC-The American Adventure, Jlrmuh~'ay 111 O1/r O POSTPAIIJ, WSMK WIIAS KMOX WWVA WCKY KOKA WIIAM (s\\'· find Boh before network //lIkes doilIg dra­ Illcilldllll! l.:OlDllcnutnr. SATIl:!. (~W 6.12) KDKA WHAM \VCKY WENR 6.141 matIc 'l,{;ork. ~'A"'T10~ (~AIt.\XTD:n. WBBlIl-Beverly Shores' Orch. (s.... ·6.14) CBS-Bert Block's Orfhestra; If your dealer cannot WVBE-Studio Pl'o~raJlJ * CBS-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra: WABr. WKIlC \VIIAS WSMK Box 24K?i~ Y~A1i~~j,irt>cJ'IO WGBF-Stock J\larkets WABC WHAS KMOX WKRC WBOM l{MOX WSlvl 's PRODCCTJON department has (~w·6.12) Wt;N-Lone Ra/J~er WBBl\! WGN-Veloz & Yul;tlHla's Orch, figured it out that if styles can change for WKRC-FreJ Ho('hler * NBC-Contented Program: WLW-Coney bland Orchestra the dilTerent seasons :-.0 C;1I1 radio presenta­ WLW-Ilot Dates in H:slory WEAF WTAM WSM WCY tion:)-therefore the department agrced \V~J\I-FreJuic Hussell, SPOrU WSAI (sw-9.53) that the Nash\·illc 'itation's audience would WAVE-New!'>; Harry Diekrnan 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST be radio bill o'fare fa:-.hioned Diabetics WG:o.:-News; Sport Shot~. Quin WAV[.-..lJmmy Joy's Orchestra sened a along lighl and informal line.;;. The re­ .Seattle Man Find. Complete Relief in levere H}an ea.e with limple natura, metllod after a\"Ce­ 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST WLW-Corn Cob Pipe Club suit: Immediate re.;;ponse and fa\'orable laH.b tailed. No oeedl...-no .tanatloll, CB5-EJ.... in C. Hill: WABC 11 :30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST comment from the \\'S,\1 dialers. Write titda,. tor illtereltill~ fI.eh. N. H, Boiu, t61 Bayview Bid,., Seattle. Wash. WWYA WKRC WS~IK (~w· NBC-Joe Hines' Orch.: \VJZ 6.12) KDKA WCKY WHAM (s.... · I FSTER SPE~CI'R of \\'0\1'0 says: hMOX-Frallk Hauartl, tenor; 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST 6.14) "Wr-Il,\t and \\'OWO have joined forces Orchestra WFOE-Variety Progr:lm CB5-T('11 Fiorito's Orch.; WABC WS~IK lo present a series of Sunday night fea­ WBB~I-I'at Flana"an on Sports WGN-"Musical Moments" WKRC KMOX WBBM ture:) under the :-.pon"'orship of an imur­ WI-BE-To be announced \VilAS WGBF-Ba~eoall Scol'e~ NBC-Frl'llity ~Iartin'~ Or('h.: ance company. II will be on the order of WIIAS--To be announced WEAF WSM WENR WGY a revue with LOCIE LOWE'S nrcheqra WSM-1\lusical Prol.;ram 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WTAM WSAI WAVE and ~lee c1uh :lcting as the headliners. NBC-M:1x Baer, in "Lucky WGN-llorace J1eitlt'~ Orchestra PEHCY RO(llll~S. program manager. Smith," sketch; Peg La Cen. WLW-Dreams in the Nighl * NBC-Nellie Revell Interview \\'GBF-:\lu~i('31 Masterpiece 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST \VI.W-Joe Emerson, h)'mns WI ... 15.27l CBS--Marip. Little Frenc:h Prin· lor; lowell Pattnn, nrg:mist· WLS-Mornin!: Roumlull. " .. ri· * CBS-Bolek Musicale: WABC WEAf WGY WAVE WSM KMOX-The Corn lIuskers NBC-Honeyboy & Sassafras: cess: WALK WKRC KMOX WHAS WSMK pty Entertainers WEAl" WTAM WSAI (sw.15.27) WTA:\I WI.W WLW-,n.Nation's Praycr Period WFBE-{)Id Favorites N8C-Woman's Radio Review; WGN-Markcts; Good Morning KDKA-;\hc: and Bob WFBE-H.v <.:. Gl'is CIlS-Bunkhouse Follies; Car· ';p..aker: WEAF WAVg WCKY ~on RobisOll: WADe (c:w·6.12) 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST SprC:l1~de WFBE-Dot Club News WGBF--ehurc:h & Sc:hool News WSM WTAl\1 WSAI WGY-Banjoleen and nadio Wli:\'-I-laruld Turner, pianist WGN-('lose Harmony NBC-Wilillie, lIU' Jluull: WJZ COS-Salon Musicale: WABC KMOX-Ma Perkins 1(J)IC\-<':ullIcd... Stars of I-Iolly- NBC--Cheerio: \YEAF WTAM Sweethearts WGY-Radl·Owens WGY-HCilhh Hunters, sketc:h WWVA--Cap. Andy and Flip WIIA5-:\lrs. Randolph, shopping WtS-l.ittle Kit) from Life. Wm. WHA5-Collec;:e of A~riculture \lood Wl.\\, WGY WFBE-Rulterl Flint KMOX-VarieIY Program guide \'ickland WSAI-I'ulic:e Flashes 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST WKRC-News WLW-Mominll; llou'lewarmers WTAM-Doc: Whipple NI:iC-E I'\B(:-:-"I:w,,; :\llIr)' Small, vocal­ 7:4.5 a.m, EST 6:45 CST CBS-Mrs. Wi~s of the Cabba~e 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST i~t: \\'EAF WAVE WABC WI\ BC KMOX WHAS \\'(il::JF-Farmer Purc:ell Co~sack NBC-landt Trio & W~ite: Patc:h, sketc:h: WABC KMOX ()w·15.271 WG Y-Houc:ehold Chats NBC-Ruth LYOll, soprano; WJZ CB5-Kuban Choir: Or­ WJZ KDK.\ WCKY (s\\,-21.54) NBC-Pure Food Forum; WJZ WS:\I WA \'E WCKY WE~R chestra: WABC (!'>IY·G.12) NBC-Words and !\lusic:: WJZ WH.\5-Georgia Wildc:ats NBC-~pw~; WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers KDKA-I)anny Dee WCKY W5\1 WAVE KDKA WLS-Pa and Ma Smith{'rs CBS--Srienrp Sen'ice: WABC Jack Shilkret's Or· WlS-Xews; Julian Bentley WCKY-:\lodel Melodies; Inter· WFHE-I'oJlular Conc:ert \\'SAI-Woman's Club Forum WS:\IK W!1AS WWVA c:hbtra anti ( Land, Mad2e Tuc:ker: WEAF Wh:RC-Ha\laiian Sunlitht pianist: WJZ WAVE KDKA CB5--The C..ptivators, instru· 11 :45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST NBC-Li~ht Opera; "U WF"BE-bura Karch "Be-Harvesl of Song; WJZ W~M-Ne"s: Financ:ial News KMOX-Harmony Twins and KDKA WAVE WCKY MBS-Painted Dreams: WGN WGBF-Kno;or County Knoc:k- WAVE W<.:KY WEXR KDKA WTAM-News: Girl from Car· Skeets NBC-Galaxy of Stan: WTAM WlW abouts WSM line'S WGBF-I\East Side Tabernad~ \\GY WSAI WfBE-The Geba Harmonizers WGN-Palmer 1I0uc:e Ensemble KDKA-Plou~h Bo)'s WW\'A-Muskal Program WGN-Toast of the Mornini K:\IOX-:"ews Thru a Wom.. n's WGBf-Beautiiul lady WL5--Live)to<:k and Grains WGY-Stock Heparts WGY-!\lusic:al Program Eyes WGY-Doc: Scllneider's Yodelitl~ Hurc:hell'~ WlW-Dorothea I'once, songs 5 :45 p.m. EST 4 :45 CST WLW-Gene Orc:h. NBC-Hilly & Betty: WEAr WSAI-l\IcCormic:k's Old lime WFBE-Lerov Thompson Co\\'bo)'s WSAI-Treadwells on Tour Fiddlers WGN-June "Baker WIIAs--Arkan~ac; Traveler« * CBS-Col. Stoopnagle & Budd; WLS-Ilou~phold Parade 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST ~e\\!': WAMC WKRC WIIAS WWVA-News WlS-Grac:e Wilson, contralto NBC-Int'I Broadcast from WLW-:\Iail Ba~ WSAI-Merry J\tadcalls (NBC} CnS-Happy Hollow: WAUe * (:.\\"·6.12) WHAS WKRC KJ\lOX WSMK London; British Heavyweie:ht NBC-ol!,han Annie: WGN 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WWVA-Gertrude Miller Champiunship 80ut: WEAF NBC-Ric:hard Leibert, organist: ]0:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST (sv.-15.27> WSM W.<.\VE WF"BE~Tre"'lure Tunes WSAI NBC-Lowell Thomas: \V,IZ WGY WLW NBC-Wendell Hall, songs: WJZ CBS-The ;\!errymakers; WAIlC * KMOX-H WIIAS WAVE WWVA WSMK WFnl~-Ark KIJKA-Sammy Fuller 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WJZ WSAI-.O,Churc:h Forum 9:30 WGN-lunc:heon Music NBC-Shirley Howard, songs: KDKA (sw-l1.87> WTAM-George Hartric:k 10:30 a.m. EST CST WKRC-J:lne Grey KMOX-Just Plain 8ill NBC-Three Shades of Blue: WJZ WENR C8S-Just Entertaillment, varie­ WWVA-Mornin!! Dance Tuni'S WlS--Vir~inia Lee and Sunbeam WFllE-Baseball; Heds vs. Phil· WEAl' WTAM WGY WSAI adelphia KDKA-Kiddies Klub ty prOl;r !'illger; Orehestra WlW-Miner's Children. drama NnC-Three Sc:amps: WEAF NBC-Doc: Schneider's Yodeling Ki\10X WTAM-:\fauric:e Spitalny's Orch. WGN-Palmer 1I0use Enscmble Cowbuys; WEAF WLW CBS--W 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WLS-"Book Hevi{'w," Mrs. 4,30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST • KMOX-organ Melodies WA8e NBC--George Hessberger's Ba· NIlC-Mauric:e Spitalny's Orch. P.. lmer Sherman CBS-J.. "k Armstrung: WABC WAVE-World Revue CB5--Fred Feibel, organist: varian Orc:hestra; Reinhold WEAF WAVE WCKY WSAI-I~almer House Ensemble NBC-Sine:inl! Ladv; WJZ WLW WENR-llappy Jac:k Turner WSMK WKRC Schmidt. basso; Richard Denz­ CBS-nadio Gussip Club j Eddie KDKA (sw.15.21) WFBE-A\'oc:a Serenaders KDKA-Salt and I~e:lnuts ler )'odler; WJZ WCKY KDKA & Fannie Cavanaugh: WIIAS 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WE\"B-Muliic: & Comment! WGN-Doh Eblin. SI)(lrh revi~w WGIl"-Timelv Tvpiu WAVE KMOX NBC-Vic & Sade: "VEAF WCY WFBE-I'erry Brothers WGY-Hobert Rissling ..nd En· WGN-Keep fit Club WFBE-Musi<:al Pro~ram CBS-The Stringers: WABC (sw· WTAM WLW (sw.15.33) WGDF-News semble WHA5-Georgi:a Wildc:ats WGN-Backstage Wife, sketch 15.2]) CBS--Rambles in Rhythm: WABC WHA5--0rearn Train WIIAt\l-Sportc:a~1 WL5--Anllounc:ements and Ne"-s WlW-Elliott Brock, violinist NBC-Vir(inia L~ & Sunburn: WSMK \\'KRC-This .. nd That WIIAS-Terry and Ted WTAM--ealj)theniu: uvestock WSM-Leon (;>le. organist WJZ KDKA WLW (sw·15.2J> KDKA-ehllc:k Wayne WSAI-Salute WKRC-Smilin' Dan Quotations WWVA-Your Helpful Helper WGBF-Weddllllt AlIlIIversartes KMOX-Exc:han~e Club WWVA-Shoppinl!'; Syncopations \Y5AI-Knot Hole Club 16 Tuesday-Continued Holiday WSM-Bobby Tucker; Pan Am­ 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST KDKA-;\Iac and Bob en i1n Broadca:.1 r>nC-Red Trails., drolllla. lotar· K~IOX-Frank Daile}··s Orch. WTAM-n3~~ball Scores rill'! Yictor :\lcl.aglclI. WJZ lCOS) W\Y\'A-Radio Go!>~ipers; Base­ hOKA WIIA:'\I W;:,:\t WA\E \\ BBM-Frankie Ma"tus' ()Teh. ball Scores WLW WI.S \\ EXR-The Globe Trottel of Hams * NBC-Ben Be~i\ie's Orch.; \\FBE~Sludjo I'rO,l!ram 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon, \\G\"-The Dr~am Ship NBC-HoIlI & Gruen. piano duo: eUbb: WEAF WGY \\TA\I WGY-Felix Ferdinando'!> Orc1l. (Collt"uud from Page 6) WEAr \\'5:\1 WG\" WTA:\I WSAI (..,\\ 9.53) \\ tl.\:\I-fo:J Chicu ~V.l/li~h lIe- of desolation. (~\\9.53) CB~"O·naherty. \'. c.:' by \ue (\"[\() CBS-L,m·lta Lee, songs: WAlK G. B, Shaw: WABC \\HA~ • WLW-HORLlCK'S MALTED 1\\alcom and Scott tuned in while War­ WKRC WHBM (sw 6.12) WKRC Ki\lOX \VS!\IK b\\· Milk Pr('!ll'nts Lum and Abner, riner continued his message from \\·OCRB. NBC-Tony &. Gus: WJZ KDKA 6.1» comedy !>htch Yes, thank God. W9CRB was being heard. WHAM WCKY WEXR (5W­ WBB~I-Ro\· nl'i,rich'~ En"emble WSAI-Rhl'iny Gau, vocalist They heard it thcmseh'es. Somebody else 11.87) WCKY-La\..rence QUlIIlet 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST ?1I1nt! ., hcy hurried back to ScotI'S home * MBS-HORLICK'S MALTED \VFBE-Luuken Aiq'lurl ~'erie5 * C8S-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra: and rejoined Warriner. Milk Presents Lum &. Abner, \VGBF-Musical Moments \\'ABC WKBC W;SMK \VIIAS comedy sketch: WXYZ WOR WGN-L;l\\ rl'nce Salerno. bari· Within the Ilext hour W9t:1U3's elo­ KMOX WBMM \\,WVA quent <:Inti repeated plea for ~uccor was WGN lone; Concert Orcbe~tl'(J Drothcr~' NBC-Dorse) Oreh.: heard and answered. First to answer KMOX-Jimmie Allen, sketch WWVA-Ne\\s WJI. KDKA WHAM W(KY ~ W8..:N-Lou Breese's Amateur 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST NU(-Leo Rel~lll"n'~ Orchestra: were W9DCY. operated oy.J, L. Turre. an "I' Show WBB:'ol-lloracio lito's Orch. \\'S~I WA\E amalCllr in Dem'er. Colorado. who is em­ C 7:30 WFBE-Automobile Information \VCKY-Serhi;lIl TarnboUfll1.a Or· NBC-Glenu Lee' .. Orch.: WEAF ployed in the radio di\i~ion of the Denver <..!"~ P.M., EST \VilA Deed·I·Do Club cheotra WTAM (s\\ ·9.53) police, and \\,91; I r:, W. J\1. Williams of C'lt{> WLW-Qld Fashioned Girl WFBE-Jimnl\' Ward \VDFN-Allit!rt :lUCarra's Cuban the s:tme cit)'. \Varriner's first message WSAI-Modernintion of Homes, WCBF-Buy N-uw Orche"tra wa~ "C, talk an appeal to the \mcrican Red Cross \VENR-Leonard Keller's Orch. for assistance. W9CDU, j. A. Maclean. (Jest than ever\ WWVA-Dinner Music 8:10 p.m. EST 7:30 CST \\F8E-Bill Berrara's Orch. NBC-Goldman Baud ConCl'rt: WGX-.\n"On Weeks' Orchestra .ilt Cozad. 7'eora... ka. joined in. 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST W.IZ KDKA WCKY wENn WLW-W"ltzing Throu~h Europe r-or the next eight hours Warriner. WeKY NBC-Liule Jackie Heller, tenor: (5\\'11.87) WSAI-i\1~1 Sn}der's Oreh. though practically nodding at the key WEAt" WGY WSAI \\'5:\1 (5\\' HBC-Eddy Duchin's Orch.: from his sleepless night of superhuman ef­ SPONSORED Bf 6.12) * 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST WE"'" WTA:\I WAVE WGY ~BC-The lloofinchams, sketch~ fort. carried on. He cleared the railroad I C05-Singin' Sam: WABC WS~I WLW (s\\'-953) WEAY wCY WTAM (5w·9.53) HOUSDlOlD FINANCE CORPORAnON CBS-Buck Roc;ers: WHAS traffic-told of the two stranded trains ond SubSidIarIes • CBS-Hour of Chilrm; Phil KMOX-Edllit' I)unstedter and at the A\cCook station, how many passen­ KMOX WBB:\I S"italllY's Girl Vocal and In· 919 N. Michigan Avenue, Chic:Jgo NBt:-Grace lIa)l'S, songs: WJZ 110m Baker. tellor gers Were aboard and who Ihey were. He !trllntental En5elllble: WAIlC WENIt-Roy ~~a;'\OIl'~ Orchestra omus In '''' Icodlni ('llICS \VeKY WEXR KMOX WBBM WKHC WIIAS \\'GIIF-Wre~llilll:: Malches transmitted orders for tics, Iclcphone J,IB!)-Arthur Tracy, the Street «\\'·6,12l \VG~-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra poles and olher repair supplies. He acted SlIlg~r: WGN WLW MBS-Follies: WGN \\'SAI II :00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST as ground tramc communication station KDKA-Pittsburgh Yarieties WFBE-Tu he announced NBC-Ben Pollack's Orchestra: for directing relief planes to and from a Have FULL ROUND WFBE-Tlle Two Doc's WUAM-Icc Carnh'al 01 IIie "'ir WEAF WCY WSAI WSM WGBF-Indovin Cowboy hastily improvi'ied landing field. 8 :45 p.m. EST 7 :45 CST WEl\R But he didn't fMgct one important little WHAM-I..f'Bllrn ~I~t~rs WFBE-Three Tunesten CBS-Los Angeles Symphony WKRC-Evelling Sereuade * malter. He ilOd !\\alcom were on vaca­ ALLURING CURVES wGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch. Orch.: W \lH: }\)IOX WSMK 'rill! r.n .Iltl 3106 IlH'hu "lIh Rnullool. WTAM-Jue and Eddie WIIAM-:'olu,ic;11 !'I101ll1'1ltS WHAS WKItC W88M tion leave from the Chicago CBS studios 4·rl"..n Irnlmenl...... hlch hu rl'9n 111(>11­ and were due h(lck. Jobs these days are undo • h~."1H"l form. YOUR MON~:r 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST 9:00 J).m. EST 8:00 CST NBC-Shallliur. violinist; Joe lJ.\t'K lr \our rUrin is not lllatl~rtra 'acations for a few days.-Warriner." ham Mc~all1e!: WJZ John B"rcl;,~; Frallria White. 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST "I '.n 'u~ly up'en m, dtllchl with \VCK Y-Utra When it arrived he ;lOd ,\lalcom commtlll­ rounded form Sulto 91 Forest HIIlI, N. Y, (s\\'.lI,87) CBS--Lrith Steven!>' 1I;lrlllonif'~; WSAt-Mrr-L.. \ ellder and Old Lau; WAlle WIIt\S WSMK WKRC WTAM-;\I,luril'l' Sritalll)', Orch. provided power for both newspaper pl W:sAI-Gene DUfl:hlll''\ Orch. \\'E:'\R-Btn Pollack's Orchestra work's \\'e3tern Di\'ision Public Events W(;'\-Oann Orche.. tra \\T\\I~AIIf'1l SlIuth·.. (ftrh" WS:\I-~onjo rOfl~in. sopr.no and Special 'eatures Department. Their \\'W\'A-Fir.. l 'Iimer Protram W\\,VA-J:ack and Velma WKRC-Rcd Birll.. Orche'itra E~T 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 I).m. CS IUWoi:age \Va ... limited to two microphones 10:00 I>.m. 9:00 rST ~pcciallv lighl\\'ei~ht 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST N8C-SLmlry lIi'!h. polilic,,1 M85-E;lrl Burtnett's Orche,tra: and a construcled * NBC-HOUSEHOLD FINANCE talk: WEAF \\TAi\I WG\' l!>\\ WGX Wl\V amplifier and battery weighing ,,!together Corp. Presrnts Wekonle \'alle.... 9.53) WA\'E-Meretlilh Willsl\fl's Orch. only fifteen pOllnds. Remember that! drama. \\ith Edlolar A. GUI''It: NBC-EI Chi('o Spalli..h R('\·uC'; (Nne) A regular air lramport dropped the Bernardine Fh'nn: Don Briru Orch.; Soloi,t,,: WJZ WGBF-Lonl; Branch three at Omaha at 10 o'clock Saturday &. Sidney Elistorm; Betty ('nS-Frank Daile)··.. Orchestf!l: 12:~O ?~.m. E 11:30 p.m. CS Winkler; Jo~eph Gallicchio's night. A motor C K\lOX-Llle 011 the !led 1I0rse \\'AVE-Paul Chri~tiai\~on's Or· the crew a-.eert.lined Ihe approximate WIIAS WBH\I hl\·6.12) Hanch che flood area ;mcl, dri"en by no less -'promin­ • NBC-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra: WAVE-E\·ening Serl'nade WF,\If-Roy \I.\)/on's Orche5tra W1lmlfrmli~~'\ WEAF WTA:\I WGY WAVE ent a \oluntary chauffeur than Regir.ald \\ UIl\t \1u~iul :'\ll'Illltllts \\'S\I-O;lIl(,1' Orch("ltr~ Bryan O\\en. ~on of l'nited States ~tinis­ WSAt (\\ ·9.53) WFBE-Jinlmy W.rd WT.\:'\I-\1oont!Clw \\ FRE-~,,, rt Re\ iew \\fiIU-\I\ I.-r· Plal'll-' 12:45 a.m. ES II :45 p.m. CS ter to Sweden Ruth Rr\'an Owen, they ar­ $1260 $2100 Year WGS-Plamer Hou'e Enq-mhit WGX-llorace HeiJt'~ Orrhl'~lra KMOX-\\'hen Da) is Done rived Sunday at Oxford, right on the edge TO START WSM-Comedy Stars of Holly. \\'11 \ --B.l'ebillJ ~cort .. ; ~Ioon· \\E~R-Ben PQ!I.u:k< Ofh. of the disure TUIl(',\ N8C-Je!Se CU.... (Cffl. orlilnist: WG\"-Yeloz &. \uldml",''1 Orch. 0" was heing employed hy anxious refugees sufficient. <;' tloI'I to re' I hllh rath~. WCBF-~cannine: the Past WEAF \'iCKY WTAM (~w· \\ U\--Gl'un:e Dull\·, dll'.. tra to inform their friends and relatives of Jb-it Coupon 11.\"wr. • _., WGro;-lItotace Heldt's Orchestra 9.53> I :30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST TodIY- WSM-The Fortv-~iners NBC-Tony 4: Gus: WAVE WSM WLW-Mooll RiVeT 011 (Contillued Page 25) SURE I """ttn . 7 17 Programs Show" For Daylight Timt In EST and CST Programs for Wednesday, June 26 Add Ollt Hour 6 :00 3.m. EST 5:00 CST 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST KDK.\-Chuck \\dyne NBr-(}rphan Annie: WJZ KDKA-Musical CI~k NBC-News; Johnny Uuvin, Star Indicates High Spot Selections KMOX-Exchanl!;e Club KI)KA \\TKY (sw.15_21) WW\'A-Blue Gra~!i noy tenor: WE.\F \\!':l'l W5,\1 * WGN-Harulol Turn(>r, viani"t WE~R-"That C~rtain four" CB5--~e",,; ~Iaurice. (SBC) the \'oice MBS-Life of Mary Southern: lZ:30 ES 11 :30 CS WLS-Homemakers' PrOS"ram 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST p.m. a.m. I\\"l~ of ROnlance: WABC WGi\' \\J.W NnC-~'"urice WSAI-:\Ir,. Dunton 10- WF8E-Lawrence Tibbett, songs NUC-Rise and Shine: WEAF ~KC-:'\('w~; SpltalnY'lI Orth.: prallO • Smarkuut; WJZ \\'EAF W~AI WTAM \\ GBF-:\Iu!tical Masteroiece CDS-or~an Heveille: WAnC KDK,\ WCKY (0;1\-15.20 K'1OX-Ju"l !'lain Bill \\T8E-~lu.l('rn :'>Ielodies CHS--('Ollcert 'lmiatures: WABC WWVA-Denver Dulin!: WLW--QueSlions ;lIId Answers NDC-Yoichi Hinoka, Japanese CB5--:'\"e"o,; ROnlall)' Trail: WWVA-\'our Helpful Helper W:S~lK \VHAS 1 bw· WHAS-Herbert KOI:h, organist WADC Weather HeJ'Ortl; Temperature NI.K-i\lornlnv: Uevotlo,,_· \VJZ WFHE-elarence Berger WHAS-Koch aRd Riccardi 15.lll WTAM-Twililfht TUlles WLS-Otto's Reports l 3:15 p.m. EST 2:)5 CST NHC-C1I1~erio: WEAF WLW uli"t: WEAF \\'t\RC-JuOl Abbev ~O("-Mrrr\' Maduos: WEAF NBC-Ea'l' Ace:., WJZ KDKA CBS-Musk Bolt: Orch.: Solo­ \VTAM WGY 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WCKY WENR (sw·15.2J> WLW-Betty Crocker WGY WT\\1 i"t: \\'ABC Csw-6.12) CHS-Cha(lt'l Sint~n: WABe WW\'.\-F1)IlI' X Round Up NBC-Words & Musit: WJZ CBS-Romance of Helen Trent: NBC-\\'oman·s Itaf.llu H:eview. KMOX-Variety Prol{um \VABC WGN WKRC KMOX ~HC-~f''' ; nail" \Vimbrow. vo· WCKY WA\'E W~~1 KDKA lalk!l; On:h.: \\'GY cali:.t: WJZ WCKY-Yodelinr;e: T"ins 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WFBE-Studio Selections ( ,,".15.271 KMOX-Bueball G3me !\BC-RI'H) Crocker: \\'EAF 1\1>1\.\-5311 and P<:,:Inuh WF8E-!\lu"ical CIlK:k \\GHF'-lhln Shop Man WGBF-hrlller Purcell WLW-John Barkl'r, baritone; WTAM WGY WGY-Ilnu~hnlll K:\tOX-~(lUthrrn UOIY Dreamers WHA5-l:lCollege De"otions WGi\'-Markel ; Good !leah" & Chats Organ W~l\I-Paul and Brrt CB~:'>Ii" WI~t;S of the Cabbaq;e \\11 \s--(;l'OIrll:ia Wildcats \\.\\E-f'hildrl!u' Hour Palch, rlramatic sketch: WABC Traininl: \\'I.:;'-P;a ;anti Md Smithers 3:30 p.m. EST Z:30 CST \\'CKY-Sewfo; 111ree X Sisters WLS-Ranl!;ers and Sophia Ger- , :45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WS\I-WOIl1;III', Club forum NBC-Three Scamps: WEAF \\,Erd(-What's Ihe ~'cvo·s! K:'-IOX manich (ll!':l-l)'ric Sereuatle WAIlC Banta~ W\VVA-MlI~icale WGY WTAM \\'SI\I \VFBE-~terchanto; Bulll!lin.. KBC-lIermall and WJZ WL\'I-Son~ of the City (NBC) NUC-Landt Trio alld WI\:II": KDK.\ WrKY ("" 15.21) COS-Loretla l.coe; Clubmen; WGN-The Silll{ing Lady (NBCI W,IZ KIJKA ,,"CKY (~w·21.54) WSAI-Funds Bernanl Ur('h.: W\BC W\\,VA WSi\lK WGY-New,<; E\·l"ninS Brevities WFBE-BlUl! Strines WWVA-Patterrr5 in Organdy 1 :30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST WJ{HC-Fidillin· F;mners WGN-Ilousewarmers NBC-AI l'ear('l"'S Gane:: WEAF WIIAS \VilAS-Melody Crui~e WL5-News Reports WIlrll'n Melody; Je311 Dick· WGBF-D(>aconess Ho"pil31 WTAi\1-Nl!ws: Girl from Car NBC-Organ RhaJl~odl; nicharci W:-\I-'Iarch Kine: WLW l!nson, ...uwano: Fred Schmitt's WLW-~ewo,; hn3ncial i\'otes lin!!' I ('ilwrt, orjl:anio;t: WEAF W(.Y WS'I-Letln r .>1", organist W"·DE-The Geb3 HarmoniIl"n Orchl'Stra: WJZ WW"A-)III~iral Pro::ram WTA~1 WGBF-lloo..ier Philowpher KDKA-llome Forum CII<,;,....-Bri.:!hl Uc:ht WABC 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST 10:00 3.m. EST 9:00 CST WGY-Doc Schneill('r'.. Yodeling KMOX-H,mnnny Boys ~ ~rrinlts; WKRC WS~IK WHI\S NBC-Je.. lIawkins' Orchestra: CBs.:.-Poetic i\'e\\'s i\'KC-llarold Henr)', I'ianbt: Co\\'bo~ , WFBE-Ghulys & Mary NBC-Breiilkfnt Club; June, WEAF WT.\M WSAI W\OC K:\IOX bwG.121 * WE\F WTA:'-l WGY WHA5--Arkans;)s Tr;well!r WGBF-Knox County f11 Tour Skeels CnS--,'lount and Guest, piano WCKY-1'olluny and Wanda \\'G:\-Julle Baker \VSM-Divi... iun of Markets De~ert WGlU'-fI. East Side Tahernarle Afternoon duo; WAne \VilAS WS:'-IK WENR-The Kid (NBCI WHAS-Sam, Gil and Louie WFBE-Mlaml Aces WGt\-TOfl':it of the Mornins: WLs-:,-rorninl!; Minstrl!ls WWVA 12 :QO m ES 11 :00 a.m. CS NnC---<:ro~scuts WCY-A nne t t e MCCUlIOlll:h, WSAr-McCormick's Old TIme WLW-Jack Berch; Orchestra 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST from Log of NOC-Marku and Weather Rc­ Day: W,Ii: WCKY WAVE ~Olll~~ Fiddlers \\'SAr-HousdlOld !lints CnS--Hapvy lIollow: WABC \\'\\'VA-New~ l'()rls: WEAr WSM WENIl WKHC-Sports Review WW\·A-Forty.Fathom Fish cnS-~brlh" Holllle~. \'VilAS WSMK WKRC (sw­ Fed. lIous· 15.27) KOKA-Plough BO)'5 WSAI-Basl!ball Rl!~ume ing Administration Speaker: 8:15 3.m. EST 7:15 CST 10:15 3.m. EST 9:15 CST KMOX-ihl~'lf'lI Brown; Orch. WGY-Mllsical Proe:ram WTAM-Dun Jose WADC \\'S\lK WIIAS WKRC WWVA-I.j~len KMOX-i\'o\'elty Bo)'s NBC-Vl!rna Burke. contraUo: WF8E-Trea~ure TUIIl~S WLW-Antonio's Continentals 10 the Dallce WFBE-Smok\' Moul'tain Bov! WTA~1 WWVA ("1\'.15,27) \VGBF--(urh~tolle \\'TAM-MlI~ical Cocklail WEAF WGY KOC-Hoy Maxou'~ Orch.: WJZ Heparter WLS-Jolly Joe 3nd lIis Pet Pals CBS-Blanche Sweet, beauty WGN-Garden Club Sueakrr Night WLW-Richard Lf'ibert, ort:anist talk WABC (~,,·15.21) WCKY WLW WAVE WGY-Elmer Tillman-h, org3nist 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST (NBC) KBC-TotllIllY Tucker·s Orch.: NBC-"Grandp3 Burton." Bill NRl'-Wl!'ndell Hall, ong~: WJZ WL5--Hom('makers' Hour; Fan· 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST WWVA-Den\"(~r Darling WfKY KI)KA WS~' (sw-15.2J> WGY WSAl fare Baar: WEAF WGY wSAI KDKA-:'\"ew! I{~ler COS-"Og, ~n of Firl!," drama: NBC-To be annoullced: WEAf KMOX-Betty Crocker KMOX-I.ct's Compare Notes Wl.W-Genrol\:I'Duffy's Orchestra WAVE WCKY 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST W"'E-!\Dc\'otional Service WSM-Farm Scrap BQOk WABC NBC-Fields alld lIall, songs alld WFIlE-To be announce WI.W-Divano Trio CHS-Hhythm Uandbox: WABC ~BC-To be annoullced: \VJZ 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST che~tra (NBCl WW\'A-Iboid Ad Sen'ice NBC-~I' WSAI-bChurch Forum bariione: WJZ WLS Kf}KA NBC-Tony & Gus: WSM WAVE CHS--Frank Daile)-- ... Or<'hc-.lra: Wt:KY WHAM (sw·I1.87) KDKA-Mac and Bob (Continued from Page JJ) Alvino Rey, who developed the electric WABC WKRC WBB~1 (5W' KMOX-Mu~ical l\Iomenl~ KMOX-The O'N"ill'l don the career upon which he was so beau­ steel guitar, Itself a portable radio station, 6111 WAVE-Badio Newspapt'r WLNU-The Clubelrotler tIfully launched to traiJl~c about the nation was destined to explore the skies. Jerry * Mas-HORLICK'S MALTED \\"BHM-Horacio lito's Orchestra WCN-The Drearn Sbip patting a fiddle acro"l~ it.::. equator and tot­ Browne, de luxe trumpeter, alrea~y had Milk Presenh Lum &; Abner. WI- BE-"usical 5f'lrctions WII ~s.--<:JauJc lIopkins' Orches­ ing the burdens of a liaison man for a lot taken his degree in law. Gene Knotts. comedy skelch: WXYZ WOR WG~-Uanc. Orchestra tra (CBS) of converted bLi ... incss ami professional pianist, \\.:as headed for the mariner's \\-GN WS ..\J-I'illar of Fire * WLW-HORUCK'S MALTED HMOX-Jimmie Allen, sketch backsliders. bridge and knew his nautical miles W\\'\,A-l\"e\\s; Five Minute Milk Pre!enh Lum and Abner, ~(.-cm WAVE-World Hp"ue Drama (ollledy sketch And lest that an opprobrious word. (Knous to you). Another trumpeter, WYliE-Autollloblle Information WSAI-Rllt'iny Cau scan this summary of picked members of Warren Lewi~, a normal school alumnus. WIIAS-Og. ~n of Fire the band and the occupations Inward was for teaching young Amelica. \\ 1.\V-TIle Old Fil"humed Girl 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST \\ hich they \\ere <,tarted before they be­ Still talking about the buildings he was WSM-~ane and Sallie KMOX-Tolll Baker. tenor 10:30 p_m. ET 9::l0 CST came heaJed for the I-Ieidts. going to con:;)truct (and was well (IUalificd wn VA-Dinlll't Mu"lC: WA\'E-Morri~ Sachman * NBC-House of Glass. drama· ~lasters' to) is Rernie .\lanison, drummer. Those \\"BBM-Fnnkie Orch. tit: o;k ..lrh WSM WA\'E spect~ WI-'nE-Jinlln)' Ward CDS-Moon (i1o"; Connie Gate.. ; staccato percussions of his are ju"t 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST ral echoes of the riveting he planned to NSC-Lulle Jackie H('lIer. tenor: \\'CBF-Buy Xow On;an: WABC \\~'1K K~IQX WEAr WG\' \\~"I \\Uil{ WGN-Com('(f)- Stars of Holly \\B8\1 WIlAS superintend. Paul RO:.fn now is known as CSS-Uurk Hocus' WHAS w.... NBC---Gf'IlC' I"oe:arly's Orcheo;tra: Remote one of the country's leading clarinet vir­ KMOX W88M \VJZ WHAM tuosos. l3y years of training he is a lapi· NBC-Mario ("ou:i. baritone: KDKA-lhnCf Orche-;tra dary. So he adju:;)ls the boys' watches. \VJZ WAVE WCKY 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST \\ liEN-Albert ~carras' Cuban Harold \\'oobcy, who looks like Gary CH' Pre'>entilll.: 'lark \\'arIlO\\. Orch('stra Control KDKA-LOIs Miller and Hosey Cooper. reveals his olltdoor tendencies in Row~well WAlK WKRC K~IO:\ \\:"I.\IK \\'(:V-I,no;on Week..' Orch..o;lra (ContmJl~d his amazing double-note whistling, and in WrBE-Thr T\\o One ... WHAS (sw·6.12) WKRC-C:lrl John~on from Page 7) WGBF-I.,{Io\in CI>\\1>o, \'fAYE-Hdt,.,· Dieknlan \\ I W-"ahue II) ~liami, Fla. his choice of numbers for a stnklOgly ap­ WGl\-Palmer HtllI"'e En ...emble WBIl\I-Bill - HoeJ.lI·~ Orrhc~tra \\'~.\I-M.lIlI1) Lavort("s Orch. himself-before the mike. Then: pealing tenur \oice. Somewhere in lIar· an~noutlceJ \\ IIA.\I-.hmnw\lIl'll WFHE-To be (NBC> "WWP, ChiG:Igo." he began, as the red old's alh:e~try is a strain of the Dons. WKltC-LI"eninc "erenade \\(;i\-M.lrihn·s Duk~'~ Orch. His family own a large ranch in Califor­ "'SAl-Dance Orchestra on·air signal (13"h('(\ like an elecrric WL \V-Bob Newhall 10:45 l).1n. EST 9:45 f'''-T ruby in the microphone head. And now. nia, and bv way of agricultural school \\ISM-Cun Poulton NBC-The HO/lfins;:h WKIlC \\'HAS W8BM \VS~IK the door, and walked 10 his ... ide. E 0 EST CDT WGX-(Juin Ryan's AUlateur * CBS-Burns and Allen; Ferde KMOX "Say. \\h;I' 'he hell\ the ,·clc."?" Devine p. m. U'l' (9:3 ~ ; 9:30 ; Show Groft,,~ Orch.: WABC KMOX \'iolini~t; Re~l!ie " 8:30 CST: 7:30 MST: 6:30 PST). \\!WVA-Terry and Ted SBC-Sh.lnfl/lr. i-::=-=--~:---:-:-:;-----:;;;::;=;;; WKRC WnB:M (sl-\'6.12> Childs' Otl'h.~ \\'Jl KDKA began. "What did you put that guy on the air for? 1'lr. Jones, Ihe MY:"Ilery P.- ,J/~' \V I- til·.-Lhlh Cocokt'.. Orl"h. \\AVE WHA\I (0;\\ 614) ".11-we-~ 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WG"-Ne\\i; Dance Orch('slra \\'CY-Arl Jarrell'" Orchl'o;tra Singer-nertz! C.ome on now-what's the .• ~.uaJtanteed * NBC-One Man's Family, WHA5-Thrre'o; \1u~ic in tllC Air \\'LW-OJ/lf(' Orcheo;lra 100\lIown on thi,,?" !-kel~h: WEAF WS~I WTAM WSAI-Communily Chest \\TUI-Allen ~mith''1 Orth. \\,\\~ WCI\\' WGY WS.\1 "Well. in the first place," the announcer ()6:&/;6:&/ ~~~~'~~~~~;~ ans\\.cred, "I his guy's a s\\ell ~inger. Wait~· II" dl.!'f>I::I7, CIl5--Johnn)' alld the Founome: 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST now!" I~or Denne had hegun to turn red I harml~', \\AUt: WKRC WHAS WB8M 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST \Y 0\ VE-Jimlll\ ,I/l\"'s Orchestra :,~~flb~.~~c~:I'i:; I\Mnx (,,\\ 6.12> WI- DE-BoAilll!' Malfhes WGN-Veloz &, Y~landa's Orch. in Ihe face with r3ge. "First of all, this lion * NBC-Hal Kemp's Orchestra: WG~-~lu~ical MomenlS fellow has come inln the studio tonight hlCht~l~d~~,~~~t:u:':dek7,,~:':~ \\JZ WLW KDKA WHAM WIIM.t-Behind Lhe H('adlines because he was li"lc.:ning to \Vorkm:m's Illll:lfnu- hll"""f''' l'lf'tl"~, Itrolle, (~y,11.87l 11 :30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Gua.~';'~dn1t~~:~~rt~~=.m~~I';'~kl \\LS NBC-Llt'hl~ OUI. dr;,ma: WF.Ar program \\hen it was cut off. Probably 011 • ~hot. lu.nnl~-f'. \\1 1l1-IIOf'nben,f'r Tric \\'EXR \\f1n WAVE WTA~I he heard the So he came in to find lDOne,.·blril: W.lte flit' ',..t llIentu,... WGDF-Sto(k ~l:Irkets; Holf· 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST out \\hat had h:lppened." danlhllll' ,"",I' ftIIIIdfllClfl man'..; Dirlhda) Oub CB ~eloo)' Mao;t~r"'ltu .. W'=AI W5:\1 \HiY (BS---Ben H..-nIIC·" Orchestra: "Why .. hould he ri~k his neck by doing f':~I~k t~~~~fnr:'."~~:P'u~:=. 1~~1::~1'1~1~~~ \\ABC WS~IK \\IIAl;, (sw­ ,.. D-- I ··pln...nd".....::tIH·' ...".all..._ndfltllOerl. ~tthis' WGN-The Lone RIneer W~DC \\KRC WS\IK WHAS h \\ \\\A-Eloio;e Boffo 6.12) ~:~~ .. l.n.,~!·~,ne Illterrupted. "t don't ee~~":-o l-::ono;~ro...O.~~ .~'...~~"r~'I:"";' fJ:U lOOK.! NBC-Ray Noble's Orth~str.J: WBB\I K\lOX * -Write Tod....,_ _-:::: WI~F WAVE WS~ WGY NBC-B(·b (·hestra the Ghost Gang_" Devine nodded. "Also," ~porh \\188M-Pal FlJll;lgall, WBB~I-\'i"ian Della Chit 3: r-airchild \\ent on, "nobody in Ihis studio A PRICELESS POSSESSION YOU CAN HAVE WFBE-To bt" annuunccd Caflf'U Quarlet: Billy Mills' (,~T ~;:ri~·~~;.'II'I',,.:~~'I~l~:'''f~:~:'aihl~~nl:~~ WGBF-Bas€'ball Rf:sulu 12:00 n.m. ET 11:00 has ever seen J'lr. Jones' face before. He Orch....lra (f1"5-DiIlIlOC!'all'''i Ouh.: WBOM \\ore a ma"k \\hen he--" OItlIII._...t \"W I'("t. nn ...,.tt""•. "'OIURlhulI.. WEVR-s..,flt( a Da\ K~IOX "1 '0" ro" D.. t J of 1«110111 1.lndlnc '·'tod,.". No ",ml to feu. MIl';-Colitinenlal Gypo;ies: WGN 0 .) Ire w ng. eVlnc In errupte Ind, Paul Sle"art. tu,er Ltt's Or(heo;tn ber. Fairchild, murder \\as committed in 1""1.\ ffiO' )wr o;oop-,- the' l..unt at (-UIIUf."-FlU:.':' Helen DUllla~. l:If'rlha Waillen W"AS-~llll,"rn Slr,nc's Orch. HALL OF CULTURE, bl~~-,-Jt-':~~~.D~~:. Alli,le lH3C'khurn and Cf'lia 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WTA;\l-Maurice Svitalny's Or(h. 8abc:ock; Bill ATIlt's Orch.: KMOX-~JJOrl Page 01 Ihe Air W"'\I-D<1Il1(e Orc!le·tra ;ir===~(~CO~"~t~";I;U~'d~O;';':P~O~g'~Z~5;)~===~~======; WJZ KDKA WIIAM WLS WC;;:' - N.. ws Ileadliners: Inter· 12:)5 a.m. E 11:15 p.m. CS WI,W (~w,11.87) lude CB5--Broat!v,ay Varil'hf'~ i Guy WENR-Ben PollJf;k's Ordl('stra M~VGNE'{~L~~"t""t" Hobertson. baritone: WAHC WhlH.-M e to 11)' Masterpieces WAVE-leonard K('lIer'sO"h''''''Orch. WKIlf' KMOX WIIAS WBOM (CBS> NEW AMAZINGWAY (NBC) f ... w6.12) * NBC-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra: 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST BEFORE AFTER Wt.AF WTAM WGY WSAI NBC-John B. Kl'llIlfdy, 1:llk Mu~ical MOlnent,,: WS:\I WWVA WEAr WCY WSAI (sw,9.53) W,,, VF.-Kl'rt Kf'nn\' COS laude HOI,kin .. ' Ore·h.: WC.KY-Vinc('nt York's Orch. WAne WKRf WB6M WS~II( " I· BE-SDort Review NBC-HOllanl I illl~'o; Orchf'~lra: ~~;i,f~~::i::~ ~~~~- ~enuo~ e~rc~n~rdic!g.E ~ W(:N-Ju.. Sanders' Orchestra "'Jl .WUI.! ..I,G H ! * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WENn WENR-Roy MMcon''\ O,ch('s'tra t~,~~ ~, • Without dang-nous drugs, or chemicals.. • 7:45 p,m. EST 6:45 CST W~M WHAM WCKY WSM-Dance Orcheqra V ~ " •A physician's safe, reliable prescription. ' WAVE-Musical MOUle"ls KOKA- Squue HJ"klIIs \\FBE-Emih Mdio";ln KMOX-Life on the R('l!horse WTAM-Stan WoOt!'! Orchestra' " WGN-P;llm('r I-I(jUo;l' Ens('mbl. Ihn(h >tn >t. w"' ..._. Sensational Good News Travels Fast! W... M-Vanety Proltram W,\\'E-WilJanl Grdrr tllt')}:R". tlROF:'HliI, onnr::nS'-fOT roore 81lJ'deri A..... t'Ollpound frMl lllO flrn,,' ••ftl,., harml,....Iy, .. lIh liX\'DEn COMPOUNDI Illn'u~ln. 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST WTAM-e. P. C. Assn Talk IItlen G.• Ote.• ffporta U floods (ff "'drro tI,. Irll,••II\., o;lIf'd.1 dtlhtt1.•Ir m.ll .nd Oldln••,. .... 1/ Ittten hlr, * NBC-Town Hall Tonight; 1:00 a,m. ES 12:00 p.m. CS Ib".I(lI. ),fro. L. D. II. ",W It(julrt" thf' I'lnJ'I"'r Pttldurt_ Co. Il;l kH'P _Nlllnll ortnl., to flll lbe••It!lflU1 Fred Allen: WEAF WTA\! WGN-V..loz & Y(lianda's Orch. .f'1)(l.tl UIb; The Capth'aton: WW\'A-Your Ht'lpful Helper WKRC-:\Iagic Melodies CB5-Connie Gates and Jimmie CBS-Dick Tracy, skttch: WADC KMOX-Home Folks' Hour WABC WKRC WL5--0rcheslra; Folk Music Brierly: WABC WS~K WHAS WKRC WHAS WGY-~Iusital (lock NBC-News; Smack Out: WJZ 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST WWVA-News KMOX WKRC WENR-"Thlt Certain Four" \VL~Bulletin Uoard W(KY KDKA (s",-15.21) NBC-G):psy Trail: WEAl-' \'iGY KDKA-Dan and Sylvia (NilC) WLW-Top 0' the Morninl K~1OX-News Thru a Woman's WAVE 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WFSE-Ensernhle ~Iusic WGBF-:\tusical Ma ... lelrpiI'C~ \VTAM-~un Up Eyes CB~IlI'IlY Barthell, sont:5: NBC-Airbreaks, novelty musi· \"'GBF-Billboard WLW--Questions and Answers WHI\~ WWVA-The E)'e Opener WA\'E-Mu~kal Clock WAKC WKRC WS:\IK cale: WEAF WSAI WGN-TheMail Box WSAI-American Family Robin· WFDE-Ted Lewis Tunes WWVA C8s---Gl"orlte Wald's EnSl'mble: WSAI-Dixie Memories >0" 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST WGY-N'ews; Market Buket l.taS-Life of Mary Sothern: WABC WSMK WHAS (sw­ WWvA-:\ta Perkins N8C-Pollock & LaYlnhurst, pi· WHAS-Bob Atcher WGN WLW 15.27> 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST K:\tOX-Ju.. t Plain Bill 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST ano duo: WEAF WLS-Live~lock Estlmate ; Mor- ~BC-~at'l Farm & lIome Hour: ~BC-Dreams Come True: WEAF CUS--Maurice Sherman's Orcb.: WFBt::-Plea~ant WH'k·ends K~IOX NHC-.Ioli)' Bill & Jane: WJZ nilll; :\linstrels wn WCKY WAVE KDKA WTAM WGY \VS~t WLW (sw­ WSMK WKRC WLS-Smile·a-While WLW-Joe Emerwn, Hymns WLS-News, Julian Bentley WS~l (s",15.21) NHC-Slubhy Gordon'~ Orch.: Clas~ics 15.m WTAM-News; Health and Home WSAI-Light K'IOX-:'\1agic Kitchen NBC-Imperial Grenadiers: WJZ WEAF W,\\'I:: WSM WTAM :~O WWVA-(ap. Andy and Flip WFBE-Luncheon Music WCKY WSAI WGY 7 a.m. EST 6:00 CST 11 :00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST !ik~tch: WGBF-\Ir. II. A. Woods KDK,\-Sta'.el fed. Penna. Wom- CBS-Buck Rocr:ers. NBC-"The Wife S:lver," Allen NllC-"Mas'1uerade." sketch: WADC (sw-6.J2> I're~colt: WEAF WLW WTAM 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WG's-~larkch; LlMil1 d~y Serv· ... WEAF WTAM WSAI ices NBC-The Little Old Man. chil· CBS-The Bluebirds: WABC NBC-clara. Lu 'n' Em: WEAF CllS-Salon 'tusinle: WKRC KMOX-Window Shoppers WGY-Farm I'rogram WA \'E-Musical Matinee dren's story: WJZ WCKY NBC-:\Iorning Devotion!': WJZ WSM WLW WT,\l'tt WGN WS~fK WWVA WENn WCKY KDKA (sw 21.54) WGY WL5-W('ath('r; Markets; New. WGN-Ha~ball; Detroit vs. Chi- CBS-Voice of Experience: WLW-Live~tock K DKA---N~ws-Reele, KMOX-Uncle Lum C8s--,Ju,t Plain Bill: WAIlC WAUr ( w-15.27) Hcports ca~o White Sox WTAM-Sllm Eberhardt WFBE-To be anllounced WGN-Good Morning KBC-Walter Cas"'el, bariton~: KMOX-Three Brow!: Bears WLS--The Westerners WWVA-TIle 01' l'anJnu WG:' 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST NBC-William Meeder. organist: NBC---~ews; WJR WHAS-Mrs. Randolph, shopping Vick13nd ',ilh Ralph EmerSOll CB:;-S"lv"tion Army State i\!;trV Small, "oc.al· W-~Iorninl; WFBE-Hy C. Geis CB5-Salon Musicale: WASe guide WL Iiolisewarmer.. \\"GBF-Churl;h and School News Band: WABC WS:'\IK WKRC ist: WEAF WA\'E \VSAI NBC-ehterio: WEAF WTAM WKRC-To be announcClJ WW\'A-E" anrl Dry W(;:'\-('Iosl' lI~rmollv NOC-Woman's Radio nevle", CBS---Kuball Cossack Choir: WLW WGY WI.\\'-\nt(lllio·s Continental,; 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WGY-I~or Romanoff, pianist lalk; Orch.: WGY Orch.: WABC (sw 6.12) KMOX-Variety Program WSM-Hreen & de Rose (NOC) NBC-:\ll'rry ~Iadcaps: WEAF WH.\5--College of A§;riculture KMOX-Baseball Game NBC-'sf'ws; Jack Shilkret's Or. WTA:'\t-Sinltinll:' Sam \\TA'I WGY Ha~ht's WFBE-Polllllar Vocal Variety chestra and Capt. Blackstone; WCKY-Yodl"ling Twins ,,"SAl-Police \V,IZ WFBE-M\l~iral Clock WWVA-F1yin' X Round·Up * CBS-"Mary Marlin," sketch: WH.b---Voicl' of Frie-ndship WlfAS-{).College Devotions WAilC WKHC "'\IOX WHAS 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WL\\'-Chauncey I'arson, tenor KDKA-Salt and I'l'anuts 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST (sw.15,27) K:'\10X-Rus!>ell Brown, son~s WSM-Delmore Brothers CnS-Romance of Helen Trenl: WCKY-'seYl~; NBC-Pure Food Forum' WJZ NOC-Words and Music: WJZ WAnC KMOX WeN WKRC 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST Armand Girdard 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WCKY KDKA (sw·15.2)) WCK Y WS'l KDKA WAVE (~w-15.27) NBC-Ward and Muzzy, piano WE:\'R-\\ hal'.. The :'\'ews NBC-Landt Trio and White: Ca5-:\lrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WFBE-Alma alld Jane duo: WEAF WGY WSM WAVE WFnE-~lerchants I'ulletin~ WGHF-Farm"'r Purcell (~UC) WJZ \VCKY KDKA (sw·21.S4) Patch, sketch: WABC KMOX WGI3F-Uah,· ShOD Mao WGY-Ilousehold Chats WTA;\1 WSAI WG\'-The Sine-ine: Lad" WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers WKRC WGN-~larkeh: Good Health & WHAS-Geor~ia Wildcals CBS-Greetings from Old Ken· WeY-News; E"eninlt Brevities WSM-l\Mornine Devotion NBC-Morning Parade: WEAF Trainin~ WL5--Pa and :'\Ia Smithers tucky: WABC WIIAS WWrA WKRC-This anti That WSM WGY WTA:\! WL~-Rans:ers ami Sophia Ger- WSAI-Woman's Club Forum \VS~IK WKHC WLW-Jack Arm.,trono:, drama WFBE-\'~riet)· NBC-Danny Dee, "Did You WS,\!-i'lews: Financial New} 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST Program manich WW\·A-~Iu.. icale WGN-Housewarmers WLW-Son<: (If the Cih' (I\BC) Know!": WJZ WCKY WH.\M WTAM-~ews: Girl from Car- NBC-Qr~an RhaJ>~I\': Hichard 1:30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST WE!\R lines Leibert, orga!list: WEAF WGY WL5--Studio I'rogram \\'SAI-Lena Pope, soprano WLW-Affair~of Dou~las NBC-AI Pearce's Ganl;: WEAl-' KDKA-Market Reporh WWVA-News WTAM Arnold WWVA-Patterns in Orltandy WSAI-March King with Martha Dunlap WT.nl WCKY WGY WGBF-Sunshine Hour CBS--Sunnv Sid~ Uo: WABC CB5--Lu)' Dan. the Minstrel WLW-:-.'ews; Financial Notes WS:\IK WHAS 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST ~Ian: WABC WKItC WHAS NBC-Brukfol5t Club: June, K~IOX NRC-QrDhan Annie: WA\'E * CUS-Fish Tales, sketch: WHAS CBS-Five Star Jones: WABC ( .. w·15.27) 3:45 p.m, EST 2:45 CST WS:\I WGN Joan, Jeri anc! Jill, trio and ~BC-:\Iusic NBC-Walter Prelston, baritone: WKRC WKHC KMOX (sw·15.27) Guild: WJZ WAVE CBS-Col. Stoopnagle &- Budd piani~t: WJZ WS:\I KDKA KDK.\-Home Forum \VJZ WCKY WENR KDKA * WCKY WAVE (sw-21.514 NBC-The Honeymooners: \vJZ MnC-Paintl'd Dreams: WGN ~e\'s: WABC WHAS WKR( KDKA WAVE WIIA:\! WCKY WLW WrnE-Con"'ervatory of Music (sw-15.2J) (.. \\6.12) Ll.Morning De"otions: WLS WGBF-Knox County Knock· NnC-Ad"s. in Kine- Arthur WLW CBS-Poetic Strings: WABC WFBE-The Gella HarmoOliuu * NBC-lowell Thomas: WJZ hYl-15.27> WGBF-Beautiful Lady abouts Land: WEAF WSAl WAVE KDKA WlW (sw-11.87> KMOX-Harlllony Twins and WG~-Palmer 1I0use Ellsemble WSM Skeels NBC-Galaxy of Stars: WTAM WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling NBC-Billy & Betty: \\'EAF WGY WSAI Cowbovs WL5--Li"e"tork and Grains WFBE-Piano Moods K~10X-Southern Dav Dreamers WGBF-llEast Side Tabernacle WLW-Gene Burchell's Orchestra WG Y-Stock Reports WGN-Toast of the Morning KJ\10X-Southern Day Dream· WHA5--Benny ForJ's Arkansas WCKY-Sotlthern Si~ters er~ WSAI~Treadwells WLW---I)orothl'a Ponce. songs WKHC-Ll.Chri~ti3n Travelers 011 Tour WENn-Variety Program Science Ser- WS~I- WTAM-Musical Cocktail vice~ WFBE-Leroy Thompson WL5--Vibrant Strings Tennessee Division of WFBE-Mike Dishman Markets WSAI-Qld Time Fiddlers WGN-June Baker WSAI-Merry Madcaps Orches· WGY-Ho~er Sweet,. tenor WI.5-lIousehold Parade WWVA-Home News 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WWVA-News tra (NBC) NBC-Nat'l P. T. A. Conference; WSAI-Basehall Hesume WLW-Acadelll}' of ~Iedicine WWVA-Gelrtrude Miller 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST WEAF WS~[ WAVE WGY WTAM-Dorothy Crandall WSM-Leon Cole, organist WGBF-C..... ruslone Reporter WWVA---Listen to the Dance 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WWVA-rorty·Fathom Fish WSAl WTAM KMOX-J-1armOIlY Boy~ WGN-Harold Turnl'r, pianist eUS-Howells & Wright: WABC WFBE-Ar kansas Fiddlers 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST Afternoon WLS-Homemakers' Hour; Fan· WWVA WKRC WSMK WGY-fj.Mid·morning Devotions NBC-Wenrlell Hall, songs: WJ"I. fare NBC-Teddy Hill's Orch.: WJZ WLs-Jolly Joe and Ifis Pet Pals KDKA WCKY (sw·15.2J) 12:00 m ES 11:00 a,m, CS WLW--Georc:e Duffy'~ Orchestra \VENH WLW WCKY Night nhap~mly WSl\I-MlI~ic WLW-Qrgan (NBC) N8C-lIouse- De-te-ctive; WEAF NBC-Rex Battle's Ensemhle: Guild (NBC> KDKA-Plollgh Boys WWVA-Denver Darling WGY WSl\l WTAM WAVE WTAM WGY WSAI WW\'A-!\Tabernacle WFIlE-Misdla Elman's Music KMOX-Lel's Compare Notes WSM 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST WHi\S-.o. Week·Day De-votions 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST· 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST WAVE-I\Devotional Service­ CBS-Instrumentalists: WABe NBC-Home Sweet Home: WEAF 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST NHC-Dorsey Brotllers' Orch.· NHe-Fields and lIal1: WEAF WFBE-Dot Club News WIWC KMOX WWVA WSMK WTAi\-! WLW WGY (sw.15.33) CBS-Ve~a Van, songs: WABC WEAl" WCKY WAVE WLW (~\\·15.27) (sw-9.53) KDKA-Style and Shoppinlt WGHF-Household Hour WHAS CnS-Dalton Brothers, harmony WKRC WSMK WIIAS WWVA Service \\'tiN-YolJr Friendly Neighbor NBC-Market and Wl!ather Re· trio: WABC WKRC WSl\1K KDKA-Kiddies' Kluo CBS-Just Entprtainment, vari· KMOX-Tick·Tock Revue WHA5-Sam, Gil and Louie llorts: WEAr K!\10X WCKY-Silver Strains ety proe;ram: WABC \VB»L\1 WlW-~liller's (sw·6.12) WFBE-MOl'llinc; Concert WI{HC-Womall'S Hour NBC-Roy Maxon's Orch.: WJZ KUKA-Sammy Fuller Children, urama WGN-Good tlloruing WLW-Livestock He-port; News WCKY * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WJZ WCKY-:\iusic Guild (NRC) (~w·ll.871 W(iY-Little Jack Little's Orch. WSAI-lIouwhold Hints KDI\A-News Reeler WFBE-To be announced 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST KDKA NBr.-Sin~inlt Lady: WJZ wt\V KtllOX-Qrgan Mt'lodies WKRC-Sunny Side Up (CBS) WWVA-Rapid Ad Service \\THE-To he announroo \\'GBF-Kiwani~ Cluh KDKA (sw 15.21) WENR-Happy ,lack Turner WLS-Ford Rusll \VGX-Luncheon Music WG~-Palmer 1I0use Ensemble WLW-Rhythm Jesters 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WGY-Ba<:!: and Iktgg'l'\"e CBS-Jack Arm~tr(JnJ!' WABe (NBC) WIIA5-Universit), or Kentucky NBC-Kay Foster, songs: WEAF WSAI-l\Church Forum NBC-Arthur Lane, baritone: WLS-Virginia Lee and Sunbeam Wl.s--Little Homt' Thealer Play WFBE-A\'oca Serelladers WS:'\I W.\. \'E WCKY WTAM-Geort:e Hartrick WEAF WGY WL W-J.-allnine :'\Iacy, blues WS.U-Palmer House Ensemble WGN---Bob Elson. SIXlrts review W\\'VA-Mornine Dance TU:ll!s CnS-Rhythm Bandbox: WABC ~inger; Orchestra \\ E:'\ H-;\lu!>lC &. Comments WGY-!Icadline Hunter, FJovd (sw·15.27) ]2:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WFBE-Tea Time Tunes Giuoons 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST t- \VilAS-News !lovs Band ED MALONE is responsible for Be­ indicate if or when it will be resumed. CUS-Jan Savitt's Oreh.· WADC 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST * WLW-HORLICK'S MALTED T tween the Bookcnds. He may be (N. E. Smouse, 1c:lkins, W. Va.) WKRC WB8M (sw·6.12) NBC-Death Valley Days: WJZ Milk Presenls Lum and Abner, reached by letter direct to Station KMBC. NHC-Dor~('y Brothers' Orch.: KDKA WLW WLS WHAM comedy' sketch Kansas City, Mo. An inquiry addressed The MILLS BROTHERS ace in Eng­ WTAM WGY (sw.I1.87) WSftlI-R11riny G3U. vocalist to him will bring the information regard­ land at present repeating the success made * MBS-HORLICK'S MALTED CBS-"The Caravan"; Walter ing pu blicalion of his radio material. Milk Presents Lurn &: Abner. O'Keefe; Anlletle Han~h..w; 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST there on their 1934 trip. They are cur­ Such back i~~ues of RADIO GUIDI! as still ctlml'dy skcldl; WXYZ WOR Glen Gray's Orch.; Ted Hus· NBC-Nat'l Badia Forum: WEAF rently at the Palace Theater in Man­ WGN iug: WABC WKRC \VIIAS \\"TAM WAVE WGY WSAI are on hand may be obtained by mailing chester. ZEKE, PAPPY, EZRA AND KMOX-Jirnmie AIlen, sketch KMOX WBBM (sw-6.12) \VSM (5\\'·15.33) 5c for each issue wanted. No detailed ELTON, the famous hillbilly quartet, are WAVI';-World Revue * NBC-"The Show Boat": * CBS-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra: story cver has been carried on the pro­ not on the air regularly now but are ap­ WFOE-Automobile Information Frank McIntyre; Lanlly Ross, WASe WKIIC WSMK WB8M gram you mcntion. (E. O. A Ildersoll, WIIA5-0eed-I·Do Club \VilAS WW\'A pc,lring this week at Ihe Palace Theater tenor; Muriel Wilson, so· Yallktoll, S. D.J in New York, N. Y. (Miss Sadie H., Los WLW---Old F;ts: WEAF WTAM WAVE WLW-Bob Newhall \\IL\\' \\"3M WSB WCY (~w· WWVA-Los Angeles Symphony WH,\i\I-eomE'dv Stars of Holly· 15.33) Orchestra (CBS) wood NBC-America's TOWIl Mel'ling; 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST WSM-FreddiE' I{u~sel, sports Debate: \.\'JZ KDKA WENH TO ANOTHER NBC-Billy Bissetl's Orc:hestrOl: WWVA-Terry ilud Ted (5\\-6.14) WCKY-Mischa S!anley'~ Orch. WEAF \\'SM WTAM WSAI GET A MODERN WOMAN'S REMEDY TO 7,00 p.m. EST 0:00 CST WI-lll-;·-Bill f.-E'rrara'~ Ort:h. WCY * NBC-Vallee's Vartety Hour: \vGN-r':ews; Sporh Revue NUC-Dancin~ in the Twin WEAF WSM WTAM WLW WHAM-I'leasure Crui~e Citir.s: WJZ KDKA WCKY WGY (sw.9.53) \\'SA I-Barn Dance WHAl\l WI:NR WAVE * CBS-Kate Smith's Hour: 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST (US-Bill HOI(:III'<\ arch.' WABC WABC WKRC WS:\IK (s\\,· \\'I-BE-Auto Races WSMI< \\"KRC WWVA WBBM 6.12) \VCX-Tllf' S\'mphonette WHAS KMOX NBC-Pastorale; Concert Orch.; \\(;BF-Izzie'" Place Soloist~: WJZ WCI; (~nCl :'\BC-(;lelln Orch.: WSM WHAS-Early E\"f'ninc: Revue \\"Ei\1l WAVE WS.\/--Questiotl5 and Athllers \\'S" I-Dance Orchestra MBS-Cuntinf'ntal Gypsies: WGN WWVA-PallhawJlI' J!'lnC;t>rs 9:45 lun. EST 8:45 CST WlW \\TKr-~el\s WGIW-Colonial Club 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST \\-FIl£-Bill~' CooJ,.e'~ Orch. \\'H:\~~lilburl1 Stone's Orch. KMOX-Frank 1I:ll1ard, tenor: \\'TA:'Il-~I;1I1 Orche~tf3 WL~V:Jricly I'rogram Wood's Orch. \\"\\"\'A-I'ipe Dreams WAVE-Xe\\s \\'HIBI-l'at nana~al\, ~ports 10:00 I).ln, EST 9:00 CST NBC-~I;junH' 12:1~ WFBE-Tommy Ryan Spilalny's Orch.· a.m. ES 11:J5 p.m. CS WEAF' \\'TA;\t l\lBS-Eari Burtnett's Orchestra: \\,G:\-I):1nr(' 0rche"lrO! WlW \YGN . WSAI-Gl!tH' Burchell's Orch. * NBC-Amc.s n' Andy: \V[NIl W~i\1 \\') \"F.-,J immv ,Iny''! Orchestra WWVA-,Jack ;Jtlll Velma WlIAM WCKY t:B' Frank D.iill'y·s Orfhestra: \\'CBF"-Lonl.:: Branch WABC WS:ltK NUC-Ilarnld Stern's Orchestra: 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS 7,30 p.m. EST 0,30 CST ()rche~tra: NBC-lIendrik \\'illelll Van I.oon, \\'JZ CBS-Roy' Dil'trirh'>; .. ulhor· \VJZ WeKl' I\:DK.\ ~BC John B. Kell/luly: WSAI K',IOX WB8M WHAS (~\\ 11.87J KOI{A-Sj'k)flS, Ed S"rQ~Uf MBS-Jllr '-anders' Orchestra: WG~ \\LW li. '10X-~lu"ical \tdlHlil's K;\IOX-Li(c un the !lrl! Ilone \'E-E,'enill~ Hanch \\'A \'E-Arlie Simmon's Orch. OVA :'Ildudirs (:\"B() \\ Iln\t-:'\i~ht Traflic Courl \\'AVE-Amcr. I.ihrrly Leall:ue \\'FnE -(jl)ort Rl'\ie,~ \\ f\l\M-Mu~ical ~IUln{'nts WI.'\R-R0 :lla:\Ou's Orchcstra \\'FHL-,lim1l1Y \\"ard WGBF---('ul"t1i;11 Cluh WGN-Chandu. the :'It"t:ician \\~:lI-Oanfe WH \.\I-Stdte '1 ru"llt·r~. drama \\'GBF-:lhslrrlnU5 Pianist OrcheHra WLS-Hi.. torical DrallHt; "A Vh Wli\,-Joe' "',lnder~' Ore hr~tr3 WTA:'II-~IC!lIl1&;ln\V it to the Grant :\Itmuri:a[ !lome W(i)"-I elix ren.lillaHllu·~ Orch. \\ 11\~-BJ.. ~b .. 1l ~r(lre~ J2:45 a,m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS at Galena" K'\10X-Whcn DOlY i~ Done Sna~der's Orchr~tra \\"I\HC Retl Birch Orcheslr2 WSAI-:\Iel \\T\'P.-Bcll Pc>Il.ICJ,.'S Orch. \\'...!\t-"t.. r~ of Hollywood \\'LW-l\el\s \VGI3F-lwe's Place I \\'"\\"V A-Kate Smith Hour \\'G~-lInra('e Heidt'~ Orche1>lra (CBS) 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST I NUC-Tun", and Gus. dram;llit \\LW-JII!lUIlY ('ourIIH'y'S Or('h. W~:lt \\-'.\\T ni~t: J :00 a.m, ES 12:00 p.m, CS 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST NUC-Jf'sse Crawford, orl.. WBB:\I-Flo~tl ~BC-C~·ril Pitl~. TOlIn'" OrchcslrOl ttmur \VJZ \\"E."F \\T,\:'\I \\(KY (CBS) WLS KDKA \\,CKY (..\\·11.87) i\OI\A-:\lilC alld Bnh WG\-Joe ~anders' Orchestra K\lOX-lIighwilj Frolic Time IOlQX-Sports Page uf the Air WLW-Geor...:e Duffy's Orchc~tr3 11 Pays 10 Ad ve rlise In Radio GUIde \VA\'E-Bert I(CIIII}"'~ Ibseball \\ HU:ll-1 ~ank Daile)"'s Orches· Scores tril (lHS) J :30 a.m. EST 12:30 CS'I' WFME-Chamber of Commerce WE!II H-The Globe Trotter WL\\'-l\loon River 7 21 Programs Shown For DayliiJht Tim. In EST and CST Programs for Friday, June 28 Add On. Hour

5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST WHA5--Ceorgia Wildcats 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WENR-Music & Commenls KMOX-Texas Dlue Bonnets WLS-Announcements and News Star Indicates High Spot Selections NUC-Vaughn de Leath, contral WCBF-News WTAM-Cah"thenics; Livtstock * to: WJZ WCKY WIIAS-Dream Train 6 :00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST Report NBC-Ma Prrkins: WEAF WSM WSAI-Dealers' Salute KDKA-Musical Clock WFBE-Little Black Joe WLS-Cornhuskers &. Chore lioy 9 :00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST WGN-Uackstage Wife, sketch WGBF-\\'eddinlt Annt\'cnancs WTAM WLS WAVE WLW WWVA-Shopl'illl!; Syncopation WWVA-Blue Gran Roy NBC-News, .Iohuny MJrvin WGY (~w-15.33) WKHC-Naborhood Oddities WGN-Luncheon Mu~ic f :45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST tenor: WEAF WSM WSAI WKRC-Melodious Me:f'sure, CBS-Eddie Llunstedter Enler· NHC-AdHntures of SJlll and 6:30 a.m. EST ,:30 CST CDS-N('w~; The Captivators: tains: \\ABC WHAS WSMK Dick, skl'tch: WEAF WAVE NBC-Rise and Shine: WEAF 10 :45 a.m. EST 9 :45 CST WWV.\-~l'\~" WI\BC WKRC MH5--The Life of Mary Sothern; WKIlC WGY WSM WSAI CBS-Organ Reveille: WABC NDC-l"ews; Mauricr. the Voice 12:30 p.m. ES 11 :30 a.m. C8 KDKA-Dan and Sylvia CBS-Mickey of the Circu" N8C-Yoichi Iliraoka, Japanesa WCN WLW NBC-~laurice Spitlllny's Orch,: of Romance: WJ Z Ki\IOX-Just Plain Dill KMOX-Botseball; Browns VI, dramatic :sketch: WABC WIIAS xylophonist; Sylvia Altman, NBC-~ews; Smark Out: WCKY WEAF \\SAI WIMI Detroit WS;\TK WKnC accompanist: WJZ \\ r BI:.-I>octur Vollman NBC-~at'l Farm &. Home Hour: KDKA (sw-15,21) WKRC-COtltinental (CBS) WFHE-Pollular Concert NUC-Qrphall Annie' WJZ KMOX-Home Folks' Hour I{MOX-riews Oil New, WJZ WAVE WSM KDKA WG\'-Mail Box KIJKA WCKY (sw·152]) WCY-Musical Clock WI.S-News, Julian Be[)~iey WCKY (s\.\-15.211 WA \'E-:'haical Clock WWV.\-Your Helpful Helper WSAI-Dixie Mcmories WJ~Nn-"That Certain Four" WLW-Top 0' the Morninl WFUE-\'Jllee', )Iusic CBS-Jan Sa\'itt's Orch,: WABC WWVA-;\Ia Pl'rkins (NBC) WTAM-Sun Up WCY-~I"\.\~; Market Ihsket 11:00 a.m. EST 1:):0(1 CST WS:'IfK WHAS (sw 15.27> WFUE-Band Echoes WWVA-The Eve Opener \\'IIAS-Bob Atcher NBC-Ra)' Heatherton, baritone: Kl\lOX-Magic Kitchen 2'f5 p.m. EST 1:45 CST \\'CBF-;\Iusical Ma~terlliece WtS-Li\'e:.tock Estimates; Mor· WJZ KDKA WSMB WAVE \VFDE-Noon·tim.. Tunes WLW-Questions and Answers WGBF-~lr. NBC-Herald or Sanily; Jos ning ;\Iinstrels WS~I H. A. Wood, Ja~trow: WTA:'l-Twilieht Tunel WCKY WG~-~farkets; WEAF WSM WSAI 6:f5 a.m. EST 5:f5 CST WLW-Joe Emerson, Ifymns CB~FreJ Feibel, organist: DoMid·da;y Servo 5:00 p.m, EST 4:00 CST NBC-Pollock & Lawnhurst, pi. ice WAVE (,.w-15331 WTAM--News: Health and Home WKRC WW\'A WSMK NBC-Rhythm Ranlblrrs: WJZ NBC-<':onl:rf'~S Slll!ak<;: WEAF anD duo: WEAF WWVA-Cal). Andy and Flip NBC-"Muquerade.' sketch: W{i\'-f.'Jrm I'rolo:rarn WSM WLW WTMl1 WAVE & WeKY Nllt-Jolly Bill Jane: WJZ WEAF Wl,\M WSAI WLS-Weatherj Markels: News \\'SAt W88M-Art Gillham WLW-Li\'l'stork Itcports KDKA-·Charm CU:-'-Yoice of Experience: WG~-Basebal\j I~ittdiurgh vs. CBS-~tickey of lhe Circus: (sw. 9:15 3.m. EST 8: 15 CST (~\\·15.27> WW\'A-The 01' Pardner 6.12) N8C-Clara, Lu 'n' Em: WEAf W.\BC Chicaeo Cubs WCY-~tu~jnl NUC-Winnie the Pooh: WJZ 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WSM WLW WTAM WGN KMOX-News Thru a Woman's 12 :45 p.m, ES 11 :45 a,m, CS Program J::ye5 WFBE-Pari~ienne Ensemble WI,5-Thl' Westerners WCKY \\ENR NBC - M 0 r n i n g Devotion. WGY KDKA-News Hetler WJZ KDKA WCKY (sw-21.54) CHs-Jlht Plain Bill: WABC WI- BE-Sludio Program WGUF-Uulll'tin UlIllrd WI.W-Docton of Melod)' WHA5-~larkets WFHE-Audrce Warner CaS-Rhythm Boys, quartet: NBC-fluel Arth, contralto· WGBF-Mr, and Mrs, j Piano Recital j WTAM-Ever}'mall's Treasure WCN-Tom, Dick Jlld Harry Weather: Temperature Reports Iiouse WCN-Armchair Melodies WABC WJZ WCKY 9ae~3t:e NBC-uThe Wife Saver," Allen WGY-;\fu~ical PrOl::r:ull \\'KBC-t'lub Girl~ W\\'\'A-Eddie Dunstedter, or­ WCY-Bag lind KDK\-Siilllmy Fuller WWVA-·nte Ke)'stoILel s Prescott: WEAF WLW WTAM KMOX-Mu:sical Jewel Box WHAS-Koch atld Riccardi WI.S-lJinllerbl!U Program gani,t (CBS) K?IOX-Uncle Lum WFDE-llawaiian Echoes WLS-Otto's Tllne Twisters WLW-Home and Farm Hour WGN-Good Mornin~ WCalF-Cit)' Court WLW-Chilndler Chats with Or· (NBC) 3:00 p.m. EST 2,00 CST 5:15 p,m. EST 4:15 CST Ran . (B~Bobll\ WCY-Musical Cjock WHAS-To be announced WT.\M -Noond:w Resume ";BC-\\'oman', Iladio Revipw' BellSO" &. Sunny WI{RC-I'lSunri~e Worship WKRC-/j.Gocl's Bible School WWVA-Luncheon Music \\lEAF WAVE WCKY WTAM Jim: WADe (sw-6.12) 11 :15 3.m, EST 10:15 CST NBC-St:J1II1' Club; .Capt. Tim WSAI-Timely Til)S WLS-Wm. O'Connor, tenor; Sue 1:00 p,m. ES 12:00 m CS W!)i\1 WSAl (liS-The Gumps, sk{"tch: WABC CBS-Grab Rae: WABC WHAS Healy: WJZ WWVA-I\Cospel Tabernacle Roberts WHAS KMOX WKHC WBBM NBC-Maltic of SJ)('ech; Vida Ra' Ca~s WSMK WKRC CBSo-"Og, Son of Fire." duma; WSAI-TnUic Court (~w-15,27) venOlcrolt Sulhm, director: NB(-Bl'tty &. lJob' WJZ KDKA WKltC 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST NBC-Hnne\·bo... and Sana(ras: WEAF WTAM NBC-Doll Hall Trio: WEAF CBS-Manf, l.Ittle French Prin­ \VENit WGY WLW NBC-Ken Sparnon's Ensemble: 9:30 a,m. EST 8:30 CST \"'EAF WTAM WSAI WFBE-\'aridy I'roe:rl'lm WCKY WE~R WTAM ~hcs: cen: WABC WKRC KMOX NBC-Brren and de Rose: WSM NBC-\lerr)' \\IJZ WAVE KDKA-Tu he announced cnS-nay Block, pianist: WABC (S\\ 15.27) WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip \\'TA~l WCKY WS~1 WFBE-Trrbure TUlles NBC-William Meeder. orJanl~t' l\8C-John X. Loughran. health KDK.\-i\lac and Bob \nnE-H}' c. Ceis WJZ KDKA WSM (sw·21.54) WGnF-Church and School News 3:15 tun. EST 2:15 CST WCN-Dallce Orche"tra talk: WEAF WFm: -RIll &, .Jim Sistrr~, Adv, KMOX-Pickard Family WG~-Pallller 1I0u5e Ensemhle NBC-;\Iorin tirls trio: \\GY-Air of Jimmy AileD CBS-Jack Fulton's Orchestra WCS-Stall;e Echoes \\'II.\5-Herbert Koch, organist WCKY-Kert Layne's Fiddlers WABC WGY-Saki Get !lich, skelch WJZ WENn KI)KA (sw.15.2J) WCY-John Sheehan and tbe N8('-\\0Illan ~ t\adlo III"VleW \\ WVA-Ecvnull1) ;\ioles WLS-Mornin~ Iloundup. Vari- NBC-TocbY'1 Children' WJZ Lad~' Finger~ WJlAS-College of Agriculture Ny Entertaiuers KDK.\ WLS WCKY (sw 15,21) WSAI-Police Flashes WGY WL5-Homer GrHfilh, "Friendly WFBE-To be announced 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST WLW-.Q.Nation's Family Prayer KMOX-The Corn lIuskers Philo~oJlhrr" ~BC-:o.ew~; 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST \\(:BF--!\Fltst Church uf God Lwla Turner, so­ WFBE-Studio I'rogram WLW-:'Ilorninl; Jlousewarmen CBS-Romance- of IIplen Trent: I)rano: WEAF 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST \\'G~-:'larkcts; Morlllnr Sere· WI.W-John Barker, uaritone: CBS-Sunny M"looles' WABC WWVA-Ev and Ory WABC \\'KBC KMOX WGN Organ CB:--hiiliculluill Edtl' lhe nane (sw.15,27> Se\.\~: WABC bw·6.12) NBC-Cheerio: WJ::AF WTAM 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WLW WCY WGY-:.tusical Tidbits, John WCBF-follrmer Purcell 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST ;\BC-;-Xe\\,,; Dale Wimbrow, vo­ Shel·han, tenor ~BC-Stanley Hidl, political WCY-Householrl Chats NBC-South Sea IslJntlers: ciihst: \\'JZ KMOX-Vl'Iriety Program WHAS-Mn. Randolph, shoppinq tlllk: WEAF WTA~1 WGY ~ WCKY-Yodeling Twins \\'IIAS-Geor~ia Wildcats WEAF WTAM WAVE WGY He-Seils; Arlene Jackson, guide NUC-Words and Music; WJZ WJ.S--I'a and ~la Smithers WS!\t son~~: WAVE WFIJE-Mu~ical Clock WKHC-' Orch.: W.IZ lhe News' (~W 15.27> 1:30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST WCKY WFBE-Merchal\t~ 1It/1·... ·ins 7 :45 6 :45 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WFBE-G3rden of Verse NBC-"The Kitchen Party,'· KDKA-Markrt Heport WCN-Sin~ing Lady (NBC) a.m. EST CST -lsl,I)~' & C8S-Mrs, Wi~i;S of the Cabbage WGIlI' ShOll Man Frances Lee Barton; AI & Lee WE:'\II-Madame De Svlvara WGY-News; E\'eoine Brevities NOC-Landt Trie Whit,,· WJ2 IIl~iltb KDKA WCKY' (sw·21.54) Patch, sketth: WABC KMOX WGN-M3rkeu; Cood &. Rt'iser, piano duo; Jimmy Wil WFI3F.-\'ocal Varieh· \\'H,\5-Ml"lorl) Crui~e Trainin~ kinson, baritone; Warren HuJl. CBS-The BluelJirds: WADe NBC-Herman &. Balll3 WJZ \VL\V-~e\\s; Filliil1ciaJ Notes WKRC-Gulil I'rriod WKRC-Fiddlill' Farmers KDKA \vCKY (:>w,15.2D WLS-Raneers and Sophia Cer. m,c.; Martha MealS sonis WSAI-Dance Mt.sic WLW-Jack Arm~trong, drama WL5-News, Julbn Benlley NIlC-Bellv Crocker WEAF manich WE.\F WT,\\I W(;Y WSAI \VS.\I-New~: Geoq:e Elh"tott. \\,!)M-!\Morllinll; Devotion WTAM WGY WLW-Ilex Griffith. 11!1l0r * CBS-Between the Bookends: 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST pol'ms Wfo-BE-Blue Strings \\'SAI-Frall('i~ Ibrnard \\'.~BC WKIK WHAS WSMK ,\jUC-Gtn. fed Women's Clubs \\'5r.I-News: Financial News 8,00 a.m. EST 7 :00 CST WG;.J-HOUSI'Wiirlllen WW\'A-Patterns in Ori;Jndy W\\'\'A (~w.15.27) \\.IZ WCKY WI':;.In WTA~I-Ne\\ls: Girt from Car * NBC-Breakfast Club; June, \\'KHC-To he iinnounced KBC-;'\;II'! l.iltht Ol'l"ra Co.; * NBC-Jnt'! Broadcast from linll:S Joan, Jeri & ,Jill, trio and WLS--Phil Kaler, "Old Music 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST "The Mikadn": WJZ WCKY London; nriti~h O!)en Golf \\'W\'A-!\Iu~ical Procrl'lm I)ianist: WJZ KDKA WCKY Chl"~t" NBC-;\Ierr) Madcaps: WEAF WAVE Tournament' WEAF WSAI "'1',\;\1 WS>\I WSM WAVE (sw.2154) WL\\'.....;.The Affairs of Arnold KDKA-Hollll" Forum W \ VE \\<"'1 WGY WTAM 5 :45 p,m, EST 4 :45 CST Douglas CU5-Fi\'1" Star ,IOll{'!I: WABC K:'oIQX-Harmony no)'~ KJ)I{,\-I)r Emlyn ,Iones CBS-Dear Columbia WAllC WKRC KMOX (sw-15.27> * NBC-Lowell Thomas, new! WKRC WSMI{ WHAS W5AI-:'olarch King Wfo BE-Tant'o TUlles WLW-DorotheJ Ponce. songJ \V./1. \\'I.W Kl)I(A (sw·IJ.B7, Nllt-()t~an i,hapsocfy, Richard WS;\I-Leoll Cole. on:anist M8S-l'ainle-d Drrams WGN WCBF-Knox County Knock, WI.W :lhoul~ CB5--CJrhon and Shaw. "ut,,1 Leihert. organist: WEAl' WGY 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST duo; !\'e\\~: WAlK (sw·6,12) WTAM: 10:00 a.m. EST 9,00 CST WFBE-G\!ha Hiirmonizers WG:X-.\lt'lllfh' Time NHC-Shirll')' Iloward, conlralto' WLS-Li\'esto~k tome-Orphan Annie \VA vE KMOX-Hartuony TwillS and NBC-U. S, Marine Ballll' WEAF \\'C;Ur-Flrtsi.le PhilosnllhN and Crain WEAl" WS\1 WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodelinj! WSM WCN ~keets WGY \\'S!\I WAVE WTAM WI.W-G{'ne Burchell's Orchestra CBS-Connie Gates. -oncs WABC NBC-Bill) &. Belt)' WEAF WGIlF-.o.East Side Tabernl'ld. CB:-.--cool;iutl ('Ioseulh: WAKC C(I\\OO\', WSM-Tenne~s\!e DIVisioll 01 Wg.~I1{ "'HAS WW\'A WKRC WCKY-Jane llml Bnh WH.I\S-Arkansas Traveler ~TarkelS lVGN-Toast of the Morning "'lOX WKHC (sw 15.27> ~B('.-I'Jall and Slt'rman. 1)lanO Oe~ert WLS-lIenr)' Burr's lJook of WEN It-The 1(111 (NBC) WLS-/j.Mornin~ Devotions NBC-The lIontymooner<: WJZ 1 :4a p.m. EST 12:45 CST duo: WJI.: WENIl WAVE \\'FBE-Dinner Mu,ic WLW-D.Mol'nill~ Devolions KDKA \\,CKY (sw.15.21) Ballads CB5-I-laIlPr Hollow' WABC WS;\I WW \'A-Gertrude Miller \\'GY-Hnbert RissJine &. Studio WSAI-McCormick', Old 'lime WFHE-l.l"rC)~' Thotnll~on WKItC \\'IIAS WS:'IIK KMOX KDK.\-Plllugh nny~ En"cmbll' Fiddlers \YCS-Julle fbk('·r (~\I 15.27) W(KY-Youth PJr"de WKRC-Ra~{'ball Scores \\WVA-News \\'IIAS-Sam. Gil and Louie Afternoon WFBE-;\lil1iature COHcert WFBE-To IJc announced WSAI-Baseball Resume WL~Huu~dlOld Pllrade \\GBF-Curh"tone Hellvrtl't \\ r.~F-"Ull,hil1e III,tlt WTAM-Don Jose 8:15 a.m. EST 7 :15 CST WLW-.lack BI'rch j Orchestra WLS-Hol11cll1Jker~ Program WGY-:'olu 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST NBC-Wendell lIall, son(s: "'JZ 2 :00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST WWVA-Denver Darling & CBS-P('le Woo I e r y, tenor: NBC-Jarkle lIeller, tenor: WJZ KDKA WCKY (s\\·15,21> NBC-l\tarl-.et Wuther Re· 5:~0 ports: WEAF WABC W~:'oIK WKRC WENR W:\\'E 6:00 p.m, EST CST 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST CUS-Blanche SWl'et, beauty KnK,\-~ews CBS-OQ. Son of rire: WABC NBC-Gl'oree Duffy's Orchestra Reelel NBC-Home SWel.'l HOllie' WEAF ~BC-Grall(lpa NBC-Fields and Hall: WEAF talk: WABC (s" 15,27) K:'oIOX-Let" Compare Noles \\'TA~I WL W WG Y (sw.15.33) Burtun. sketch: WEAF WCKY WGY KMOX-Betty Crocker, talk \\'FBE-Colle'll! 01 MU!'ic I WHA5-Chats with Dolly Dean '.\'LS-Virginia Lee and Sunueam WGi\'-Palmer IIc.u~e En~emble WGN-Good Morning WSAI-D,lYe Upson, vocalist WH:\S-lJ, of Kenltlckv WKRC-:'\o\.\ an.1 I1letl WAVE-nadio Xewspaper WLS-Ford Rush WhRC-Wolllan's Bour WLW-~liller's thildren WENR-HilPJlY J:,ck Turner WLW-Liv('slofk Iteports; News \\'TAi\I-AI and Ilete WLS-Loi~ !'chenk, talk WLW-Divano Trio \\'5.\I-£a")1 Chair \\':-',\I-Erin Children's Choir WFBE-.'\\'ora S..rtnadel's W:'JAI-/j.Church Forum \\'\\ YA-Hallitl Ad ~ervice 12:15 p,m. ES 1J :15 a,m. CS \\'W\'A-;\Ielodil'~ uf Yhterday WGBF-(;rrman Band WTAM-George lIartrick NBC-Qleallders Quartet: WEAl' 2:15 p.m, EST 1:15 CST WGX-Bob El~on. ,por(ol. review WW\'A-Mornine Dallce Tunes 10:30 a,m. EST 9:30 CST WAYE W51\1 WTAl\1 \\'SAI NBC-Vic & $1de: WEAF WSM 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST WGY-Jim Heale)', new~ NI3C-Geor~e lIessberger's 8ava· \\,GY \\,(KY WTA~I \\'I-\\' "'GY (sw-15.33) * NBC-Nellie Revell Interviews WIIA~I-S"ortcast 8 :45 a,m. EST 7 :45 CST rian Orchestra: WJZ KUKA CBS-Radio Cossip Club; Eddie CBS-T II e ln~tt '1ll1enla!isls: Marlge :'olarll'} ;Illd Children: WIIAS-Terry and Ted "'BC-The UIHlIaters, male quar­ WCKY WLW (~\.\.15.21) & Fannie Cavanaul::h: WHAS WABC \\,S;\IK WKRC \\ E.\F W,\\·E \\TUI WGY WKHC-Smilin' Dan tet: WEAF WLW NBC-i\larine Band: WAVE K:'o!OX l{nK~-Chu("k "'a}'ne WSM WCKY (sw.15,21) WLW-To be annuunce.l cnS-Photona Orch.: Solois!: WSAI NBC-Yirginia Lee and Sunbeam, K;\IOX-:'II .. Perkins {n~Jack Ar,,\~lroltr.;. WABC WSAI-Knot 1I0le Club WABC WSMK WKRC CBS-The Conlinentals: WADC dramalic 'Sketch' WJZ WL\\' WGHf-Billoo3nl NBC-Till' Singine t,adv "'J7. WSM-~ews KDKA-S.. 1t and Peanuts WIIAS WSMK WWVA lra (CBS) Chamber: W'EAF WGY WTAM P"rrin's Orch.; GIJ('~t: WJZ * WLW-HORLICK'S MALTED u E MEREDITII: "Every night you Evansville, Indiana. (June 3; WGBF: WSAI WAVE WtS WSl\I WCKY Milk I'r(',..nt, LUIIl and Abner. 5:59 p. m.). Ca5-,I;m Savitt'~ Orfh.; WAae KDKA WHAr-.l comedy 5kctth J sit up with the radio playing in your WKH( \Vue!\! {sw6.l2> * CBS-Hollywood Hotel; Dick WSAI-RheIllY Gau, vocalht pajamas:'-Mis~ Thelma Burns, Danville, NUC-ToIlY & Gus. sketch: WJZ PO" ell, Anne Jamison, FrOln­ Ill. (May 24; WMAQ; 8:10 p. m.) AL PEARCE: "The weather is just WENR WeKY WHAM KDKA c.., Langford, Ra)'1II01ll1 Paige', 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST fine here and wc hopc it is all over."­ (5\\ 11.87) Orc~hl'stra: Igor Gorin, barj· Nnr-Glenn lC,'t"~ Orch.: WEAF DOCTOR WEINER: "Children arc C1emonl E Wiley, H.ichmond, Ind. (May * M8S-HORlICK'S MALTED ton.. : \\'ABC WWVA WHAS \\TA\I 25: WHIO; 12'29 p. m.) Milk Pre~('nls Lurn & Abner WKRC K~IOX woa:\1 (5110'­ cnS--Luil.:i Romanelli's arch.: frightened when taken for the first time comedy sketch: WeN WOR 6.12) \\'.\BC \\'KIlC \\'S:\1K WHAS to a dentist with decayc<1 tceth"-Ruth WXVZ WFBE--Galvano & Cortez K\IOX H. Bromle'\-·. White",ater, \Vis. (.\\ay 17; SAFE:TY CA.\II'AIGN SPEAKER: WA\'E-Worltl R{'vue WSAl-Pillar of Fir.. NBC-Rl'veif' Childs' Orche~tra: \\'Gt'; 10:35 a. m.) "But the most import.ant thin~ of all is WFBE-Automobllc Information 8:15 p.m, EST 7:15 CST \\'JZ WHAM WAVE WCKY the nut tb:tl hohb the 'ltecrinl-; \\hcel."­ WIJA5-0g. ~on of Fire WfBE-Jimmy Ward WS\1 Mrs. !\L.te ,\rm~lronJ.:, Akron, Ohio. (june ~Ow WL\\-Gld Fa~hioned Girl WGIlF-Buy KDK\-Ihnce Ordu!!>tra 1)0:'\ WILSON: "I can see a motor 2: Wli\~\; 10:13 p. m.) W'SM-Sanc :mtl S,l!hc \\ GN-CollIedy 51,1." of Holly· WBBM-Frankie Mash:r:o;' Orch. 1100ll sll'aming down the river."-Geor~e W \\'VA-Dinner Mu~ic woo(1 WEf'R-Leollard 1< ..lIer'" Orch, Blankcnbuchler, Santa l\1onica, Calif. 8:30 p.m. EST 7:3~ CST WGBF-News F. One dollar is paid for each Bull (.\lay 31; KFI; 12 :35 p. m.) 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST * NBC-Phil Baker: Harry Mc· WG~-Ancon Weeks' Orrhntra and Boner published. Include date, ~Br-.lohn Herrick. b.. rilOnc~ ~J.uehllJll; I.f'on De!a~co', Or· WI,W-G..otl;C DuUv'c Orch('~lra name of station and hour. Send WJZ \\1\ It KDKA \VCKY ch.. ~tra WJZ \\ Il.\'t W"1\1 WSAI-Jol,nn)' (ourlne)"s Orch. N\i'\OUKCER: "And \\c are makmg )'our contribution to nulls and (!>.... 11.871 t\DKA WAn: \\I.'R a ..pcciOlI showin~ 01 ",omen's shatter· Boners Editor c/o RADIO G IDE, CeS-Jan !);a\llt'!lo On-h.: \\'88\1 NBC-D{lr~cy Brothn" Orch. \\ HAS \\ ~'IK WW\'A WEAF \\TUI WC\' WSAI 10:45 p.m, EST 9:45 CST proof peuicoats: -Mrs. Charles Clem, 731 Ph'mouth Court. Chicago. III l\BC-Pickcns ~iell BrowlI; Orch. W(i.'-Amon Wl't'k~' Orrhf'"tra \\I-BE-TIle Two Vocs WI.W-Floytl Gihbons \\ F\"R-Ro)' M, sents Uncle Ezra',. Radio Sta, pioll'4 Pr..senl Richartl Him· 'IlC-Shamlor, ,·iolini~l; ,foe GSF 05.14J-B"'1illg Bflllt~ al \\(,lIlble)' tlOn: \\1 \F \\TA\I WGY ber's Orch.; Sluarl Allen, vo· Hin ..s· Orch,: \\'JZ WHAM Wednesday. June 26, 8:50-9:15 a. m.; GSF "'SAl ('alisl: \\'ABC WHUM \VilAS WCKY <15.141 GSG (17.79)-Hullllill~ tlf th" Norlh KOK.'\-DX Club * CBS-Boake Carter, news: WhllC KMOX WAlK (:0;1\'· ulIlberlalill Platc. WABe KMOX WKRC WHA~ 6.121 \VENR-Hen I'nllack's Occht'!ilra Fridiy, June 28, 2:10_3 p. m.; Gsa (9.51>, GSO \\BB~I (~ ..... 6.121 !\HC- \le..tin' H"u~('; Mu~ic; WGBF-I.on~ Branch Cl1.75)-Se\'en Cafe~. a ~l'rial; 4·5 p. m., a .., * NBC-Dilngerous PUildise. Dr:tllla \\'JZ WE~R WIiA;\I WI.W-Quif' r.;f'I~on', Orch..stra ~icle lhe Seacide, Ihe Mitllalld'l "i~it Norlh duma, Fhlt' Hltt and ~ick \\TK\' WOllh r"curt". Oaw~n WJZ \\'E~R KDKA KI>K..\-Crime Jmlitule ]):15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST Saturday, June 29. 9:55,10:30 i. m.; GSF Cl5.14), WS~1 WL\\ \\H.\\l I~ .... 11.871 \\ A\ r-lIarr~ Dickman WGla'-CCllonial nuh GSG (17.79J-Ro)al Air torr(' I>icplay. \\'CKY-Lall(' Pre~coH" Orch. Wf,'\-\'..Ioz &. Yolanda's Orch. \HOI Bill Ferr""t c Orch 2·2:30 p, m.; GSB (9.50. GSO Cl1.75)-Band FRIDAY 9 P.M. EST WGBF-"l:wCO ('Iuh WGX-\"e\\~; Danct' Orche~lra WHK-Luill'i Itomanelli's Orch. of Hl~ 'bj('st)··s Dral.':oon Cua")) WG~-QUlll R)an', Amateur \\"S.\I-Amal..ur Show (CBS> CBS-including WKRC-WADC Night \\'SM-Curt Poulton -WHAS- ENGLAND, CSO 01.75>, esc (9.58) and Coast to Coast Network \\WV.\-Tl'tr)· and Tl'd 9:15 p,m. EST 8:15 CST 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Daily, 7:45 p, m,-Xel\~. KI>KA-Clllick Wa~'lle NBC-I~illy Orchf'~tra: Sunday, June 23, 6 p m,-BBC Empire Orchestra. 6:~0 Bis5etl':o; 7:00 p.m. EST CST W/\ \"E-E\'eninc: Sl'n'narle W.JZ WEl\"R KDKA WIIAM Monday, June 24, 6 p. m.-Tube Tunes. NBC-helle Illch ketch: WJ2 \\'FUE-BIII)' l'nok..·) Orch. 6:45 p. m.-Talk; Fnr"i~n Arf.lir,. \\,,\\'E Kl>KA \\'S~I WLS WLW WtKY Il1 ..nl!> ("US-Beet Blnck', Orch.. ~tra: Tuesday, June 25, 6:30 p. m.-l>rl€'Clive Leather, \\HAM mOUlh l 8~SI..II:u·h Kook; Johnny WABC Wlin'l 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST XBC-Ho~' \lJ,on'.. Orch.: WEAF 6:45 p. m.-BBC Empire Ordll:~lra. Green' _ Orch. \"ire-illi.. ,'er • NBC-Circus Nights in Silver, W"dnesdiy, June 26, 6 p. m.-Runnint: of North . Chri~~opher ~lor· \\(;Y ,,"SAl \\T.\\I \\ ..;\1 1"111. owr '; to\\n; J~ Cwj.,: comedian umberlotnd Plalf" (from rccorOtnt:). III:, W.\Kf " ..... 6.12' WAVE WI-\F WAn: WTHf 'WGY K\lOX-Harmonetl" 6:30 p, m,-RecUl"dinl; of Hnxin~ Houts at * NBC-Concert; Jessin Orig· \\~\1 WS\I {",9.53) W"mble,·. olleUe; Orch.: \\'E.\F WTAM \\·f,8F-J77i..'s Place cas-col. Sloopn, DJC (6.02) lOS--Hor3("in ;lifO'S Orcht'clra: XBC-LucllI(' 'lanlll"r~. soprano: \\GUF-8Iue R"om Diily, 8:15 p. m,-~tl''' in EI12'II"" EXCELSIOR WHA~~loonlic;ht "'erl'n~t1f' \\DB:\t KMOX Sunday, June 23, 6:15 p. m.-P"llul...r COncert. WJZ \\'HA\I WCK\' KUKA WC~ WLS \\1,,\1 fs.... ,11.87J \IBS--<'onlinUlul Gyp",i",: Mond.lly, June 24, 6 p. m,-n..rlin District Orch. CONCERT WAVE-tiprl Kf'nny 9:45 p,m. EST 8:45 CST WLW 7 :30 p, m.-Thc !\lC'rry Angl4'c~. a play. KMOX-Sport Pace of lh.. Air \\'A\'E-Dancf' Ort'hestra rl'~lival GRAND ''''BIl\I-Pal Flanac:an. sporls Tuesday, Jun.. 25, 7:15 p. m.-Germarl u WFBE-Sludio Selectioni \\'BB\I-BIII 1I0c:an's Orch".. tril WL\R-Cl..nn 1.f'l"S Orch..stra Pla)'s "Ace of Accordion_ \\('KY-Xe") H!.!otdlinl'rs; Inter· WHA5-\lilburn SWue', Orch. Or('he~tra. WHAS-To be anlltlUlicro 9:15 p. m.-SI'W H('rlin Chambfr ART BROCHURE FREE lud~ \\'TAM-Allen Smith's Orch, WednesdiY. Junt' 26. 6 p. m.-()r('h,~tral Conurt, WL\\'-To bf' announced \\'E~ It-Jack Randolph. hiJritone 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS 333 SIXTH AVE. \\'GBF-\'ariet)· IlrO!Tam tra~ 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST CBS-BIll lloe.an·s Orch('.. SX[[lSIDR NEW YORK .. CBS-Court 01 Human Rei.· WBB:\t K'IOX K~IOX 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST lIons WABC WH.\S C8')-(;ha~. Dornbc-rnr·s Orch.: ~IO Eu! BortnNt's Orch..stn: WBBM (,\\ 6.12 wG~ WLW WABC \\'OB\I \\'t\He \\'S~IK In Cincinnati 'lijOC-Collel,!e Prom; Ruth [t· WA\ I:-Oon Rudolpho 11lI!,!. cong~: Red Nichols' Or­ * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM ~I-Danc WE~R WHA\, WCKY W .. Orche§tra chestra' WJZ KnKA WLS WTA~I-Charles (ContlllluJ from I)age 1;) Cause,Effed l'aC-lIarc:.1d Stecn's Orch..,tn: SleMoss' Orch. \\'IIAM WLW (5110·11.811 ch~..tras to I I. W:tyne listeners vie En'emble K)'10X-Lft' on the Uedhone W:'l\l tion to the musical staff at WLW. ",on five days and money will be refunded. \\CY-Farm Forum Ibnch MBs--Joe . antlers' Orchestra: CAe PUBLISHING CO. \\,o\\'E-Du"n on the Farm WCN \\'LW the 192 \'ictor prize of S10,OOO for his \\KRC-To be announcM composition. Two American Sketches. 750 N. l\(Ichigan, Dept. R.G.. Chleal"o W"',,-Spr>rls; Curt p(lulton \\'GBF-C"lonbl Club WA\'E-Jimm)' Jo~', Orchl'~tra W\\,\'A-Kurkdjie's Ensemble WC~-Hor"c.. llC'idt's Orchntra WE~R-Ro\ \lunu',\ Orch"'lra (CBS) WJlA5--Ha~e"all Scorll:s WHA5-()..c.n Koel'l'~ Orch.. In LEE (lillie Colonell Got D 'liTH is i :45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST \\,LW-Gelll! HurrhE'Il'o; Orch. WTA:\I-Mauricll: Spilaln)", Orch. no\\ referred to a~ the man with no nerH!i. WA\'E-.o.Council of Churches WS,o\I-:'oI4'1 Sn}'du'!i Orcll..striil The moniker \\a" attached to him hy a WCKY-Sludio Program 12:45 a,m, ES 11:45 p,m. CS 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST K~IOX-Whell Day Is 001111: pany of radiocr ... who visited Latonia \\ith RADIO GUIDE \\'FBf-J;>all Mildred \'ollon gue~ NllC-J.. s~e Crawfnrri organist· WeN-Hocace Heielt's Orchcostra him for an afternoon's ..inl-l of \\ hich Pre$ents WGHF-Strouse nt'gUlar Fellow' \\ EU' \\'CK\' WTAM WLW-Johnn)' Courtne)"s Orc:h. one would win. During Ihe flInnin~ of WG'\-Fillnny Butcher, Book a ORVILLE REVELLE and GUEST ARTISTS :..-nr-Ink ';pots WJL WIIUI \\'S~I-Dance st;)Ail1~ TJlk.. : Dancc Orche~tra Orch. ('BC) certain race Let:'" choice was NBC-Tony an~ Cu,: WAVE ;) .. tretch battle \\ilh the f;1\'orite and 0111 oYer W~~I-Music:al Pr WGY-Felix ferdillantlo', Orc:h, \VL\\'-1\I00n River \\a'l Duranted-it lo,t by a nose. 7 23 Programs Shown For Dayli9hl Time In EST and CST Programs for Saturday, June 29 . Add One Iiour

6:00 a.m, EST 5:00 CST K\lOX~Views on News \HUE-Tu Dance Tunes NBC-Grace Hale. mUllical com· KDKA-Musical Clock WA \"E-\lu<:.ical Clock Star Indicates High Spot Selections WG\'-llaroid Turner, pianist ed, star: \\'JZ \\'ElIiR \\,CKY WLS-Smilt·A-While \\·Ft'E-Fat~ Waller's MU5ic * \\·II.\"-Ht'rhert Ko>:h, un:anist KDI\.\-Ddllce Orchestra WWVA-Ulue Cnu Rov WH.\S-Bob Aicher CBs-Drientalt': WAHC \\KRC NBC-AI Pearce's Gan(: WEAf W;:".\I-0ca!er's Salute \\"FBE-TI> be annoUllud 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WL Lhestock Eslimale ; Mol"- W'S\IK WIIAS K~IOX bw­ WTA~I WCY WSAI WCKY \\":\I-fnends and '''eic-hoon WCIW~~l'rucu Club nilllt :\linstrels Orche~tra NBC-Ri5e and Shine: WE,\F 15,27 , WS~I WAVE 4: 15 p.m. EST 3 :45 CST WG\-Diillce \\'LW-Jmo Emerson. h)'mns be WHA~I-Comed) :.; nC-lhu(') I>U) and Sa'l'ldras: WfBE-Glad\) & ~1ary I\OK.\-TI> announced Slars of HQllv CU::r-Or!:"n Revrille: WABC WTAM~News; ~tel ~BC-Yoichi Health and Hom_ WE.\F WTAM W:::,AI WGBF-I\no:\. Count)' Knock· \\G:'o-Arlilchair ...dies wood llirauka, Japane5. \'A~Cap. W~.\I-I}IXI(' \ll'nh,nl'~ x)"lophoni~t; S} h'ia Allman, W\\ Andv and flip KDK \-~Iac and Bob abouh WII \S--"'I.aolow Sinll:('r 3l"rompanist: \\'JZ 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WFIlL-Ethei Knapp Bf'hrmlU) WLS--Li\·e~tock and Grains 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST WhRC-I It. E. Speakl'r ~BC-Morninl! WL\\'-\If'!l:lllia __ QUJrll't K~IOX-H')me Folk5' Hour Parade' WEAF WGHF-Boy Scouts \\LW-'Illl..~r :,\,,1(';> SBC-Kearney Wah,.·..s Orch,: WW\'-\-L.. AIL~elh ~)lIIphon)' \\'GY-Mu~ical Ch>l"k WGY WLW WTA:\I \\':-\1 WG\" len ~al\'o. orr::anist \n.u· \\ ~.\I \\ T.\ \1 \b~fB 1:45 p.m. EST 12 :45 CST Or WL.; 1I,'lO Ie-I" 11,,1 ~hots CB:-,-Fredtric, Willi"m Will>, \\ (;-H1--< urb~t" Ll' I(".."rler 7 :00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WW\'A-The E\'e ~er KBC-Kurt Browuell. tl'lIor: WI.\\'-:\ora Blfck Thum:lnn. 10· \Hi\-B Dull\,·, Gir!~; ano duo: WEI\F WGBF-Cil\ COllrl EST CST ro;BC-Otto Thurll'~ Ibnrian IUI)tllln Kinll:<;. 'lie;""'>, ~BC-~ferr)' ~l3dcap: WE.\F \\W\---\-f'\C ,oN'1 TabfornacJe Jol.nn~· Nnt-Jull) Bill &, Jane: WJZ WG\-\ll1"iul Memorie! (lrrh,: WJI \\TK" WE:\R II lI"'rr .nd Olht!r WKII<:-.C\\ooo·" BiM.. ~chool we;' \\ t\\ \\ T,HI \\;,AI 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST KUK \-\"o!'\\~ Re 1...1" l\T\F \\L\\' \\'1".\\1 \\"A\'E 7 :ttO a.m, EST 6:00 CST !"i"B('-\\onl~ and MU~lc. \\JZ \\ GY lh\l ..w ·9.531 \\ I."o--Harmon)" Ranrh S~~L\~.l~D~~ \~I:I~ie5: \\'JL \\I-HI':-Jl,~el'h Lurk. Jr_ NBC-Morninlt De"oti(m~ WJZ WSAI-Traffic Court Case5 W(h\ l.;ol\-\. \\.\YE \\':0.\1 WG\-B. .,: and ll,!~ .. ~e CR.; \1,,<11'1"11 \!lll~t, I'h \\" \BC KDKA WCKY (sv.-21.5't) th·~ ~\I1COP31t>r~ l~". (B:---.\I H ... C8:--On Ihe- \ ill."e Creen: "KRC- Eddie 'rhOC'I"'er W"\lK \\ H,.\.., Wl\lll' Clb-(JII Ille All" locJay. L)ric 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST W\I\(· \\hRC w... \l1\. WIIAS WS~IK KHC-:\Iarie de Ville. son!!:5: WABC \\ H.b \\ KRC 6.12 ~1"'llalle \\'AHC h\IOX (,"·15.27) K\lOX 5:15 p.m. F.ST 1:15 CST KBC -O!)frJli(' (il'lIh, Leo Spl. WJI WCKY KDKA (s"·15.211 CB~-D"ltoll Bro~ NBC-Walter C;l~~el. baritone: \\1· BI -.Iulllor 1\>lator. ~OC-\\t'ek·End ne\'llcj Variety Trio WABe tJlo~·' Orrh., C"rnll'l It"••';:,·, CB:- Le-t·", Pr... lend \\ \BC W~\IK WlAt· WLW WTAM \\Gnl--Bab, Sho., \1.1ll Arti~t5 \\,\\Y.\. WII.\' \\KHC W\\T-\. (",",15.21) Muciralf' \\ilh (in('''t "\.!'r.lI'" WJZ W(I\' hOh,\ K\TOX-l!IIc1(' Lum WG:'; -:'olar"t'I5: H.noid lurner WE.\f WI\.\1 \\.\ \'E W ~~I \nr-Olll"l r,'lrJ,"\ it ,,·aridll C~" 11.97 K\IOX~nle Cornhucken On·h.. ~tra: KOK\ I~\\ 11.871 WG~-G(H>If WLS-!'Jrw~ WHi\5-)lrs. Randulph. shoPPUlg \HBE-~tudio Concert tuide \\'I'I1L-lhe Leba Ilarmonil.... n \\'l5--l\lt'rry Go Hound ~ n'rth,l." (!ub WSAI-Timel)' TillS \vCY-Kerney WoIlton's Or('h. r.~",ies WI S-Jolly Joe's Junior Stars WCBF ·\u,litions fVI \'ounll 2:15 p.m, J::ST 1:15 CST {-'Bel \VGX r"r,tint'ol:ll \\'WVA-{\Go'IM.'1 Tabprnacle Fo:k~ \\ II \'11-11",,10:, anti H.:rll h \IO).:-I-:-.chau::.o? Club \\ 1\ IH'-Junior n.amb('r of Com­ 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST \\G:'o-~Iornil\( Mu~irale \\"\\"VA ·DI'Il\'l'r l>al'1in\; WL~Culll!JerJalld r.lcll;e Run orlalll~I' Yodelil\~ nU'rrf' ners NBC--WilJi",T1 1'.h'I't!er KDC-origina!ities; Dick Tecla, WGr 0,,1' ,",chneider·s 2:30 Il.m. EST 1:30 CST "l:~O p.m. EST 4:30 CST WJZ KDKA (s"·21.5'1) ("'I\\h,,\·~ W... \1--QlIl"ti"n~ "nu .\n~wrrs I('nor: Or('h.: \\J7 WCKY l";HC -:'olu~ic :\1J.::.ic; Roy Shicll.!', \HC-\l'lh: .\lm" Kitchell. con· NBC-Bun Hall Ino WEAF \\\\\"A \\afll:ll~ J't:1I113\I\alll "OKA \\ S\l (,II 15.21) WLS lIomemaken' lIoul Orch.; Ruth Lyon, suprano; tr"lto: \\'E.\f WTAM WI'I:H:-\'ariel\ PrOtram C"yrll Pill~. 1t Fiddlers H~Lltll,l. \\ L~JolI)' Joe·s .Junior Stars Afternoon CB~Buff~lo I'resfnt~: \\ABC WII.\'i {s" 6.121 K\lCIX-I'r,lllk tellor, \\ILS-Morning Hound·Up \\ S.\I-:'ofarch King \\"lIAS \\'\\'\ \ \\ KBC WSMK ~II("-.,\I'w~: 'IUTin (.;,i~tcrs: WJZ Onhe'll.l WI.W-.QN"lion'!o Fanul) PnyC'r ~H)l-Elchol 10:00 a,m, EST R:OO CST K:\IO:\ (m 15.27> \\'(·K\" \\"\1 \\" )Iunrk 7:30 a.nt. EST 6:::l0 CST 12:()O m ES 11;01> a.m. CS NBr.-)lu~lc Guild WEAf· WS~1 WFBL ·Tomm)· /ll"'Ul CI1~Chnpel NBC-Uillljuteel"S: WEAF I\I)K \-Salt 3nrl 1'(""lIlls Singers: WADe NBC-ll~lI: Battle·. En~(>lllble WTA~I \Hi\" WA\E WSAI \\ G:\-I'a"IW' Iil'Ll >~ EnSl?l11hle NBC-Clu'l'riu WF.,H WTAM NDC-Gillaxv of ~tar5 WTAJ\1 \\"A\'E-Wurld H\:\UI' WGY WSAI \\ E.\r WT-\ \I WLW \\'S.\1 WL\\' (~W 15.33> WE:\R-What's Ihe oSt'",? \\ 1:"\-1 he 1\ c!>telllen WI-W \\IGY Opu~ \\'~.\I-(;l'nlo BUlchell'~ CI3"'- \Iillon (IIaries, or'l:ani~t: CBS-J a c k ~hal1non. lenor: Sonal3 123 in F \HBE--:'oler('hanls Dull nns Ordl KMOX-Varirty I'rultram W,HlC WJl\S W\\'\A Ws~tK Major Saint Sde1l5 WCKY-\odlfJilli[. Twins WAHC \\ HAS WI\RC W\\\'A \\'(; \"-1.,1\\ rtb Woodchopper anrl Lrlrlic WJZ \\A\'E Wtn.Y WLW-R. F. D lIour dllt·t"l \\JI WII\'I hDK.\ ·:\t\\~ K)fOX Win,IO\\ "lllJp(JI?rs "'·\I-~Plll He\l~\\ WS\! KDK.\ /tN'I" \\ h \\"CK Y ("I 11.87 \\'SM-Dellllorr Hlothlr!o MelOfhl·~ WLS-The We\tprl1('r~ \\I-.\r\\~; KDli \ Kirlrlie-~ Klub WFDE l.ulll!Jl,on \\1 (;11'1 from Car· \I.-rcht' Solt WG:, Salerno. bari· 3:00 f).m. EST 2:00 CST lin", T~ch:\lkllv.sk)' CB5-Wah7 TIlM W,\Be E\I" lone NBC-Platt an, I Sil'rm:lIl. pi"110 WWY.\-Sews '.:'~1II. NBC~Landl T\\', E:\.('p.rplc lrlllll Trio and White: WFBE-l.l'roy Thompson \\'G Y-Stock RelKlrls duo' \YJI \\Tfi. Y KDKA I~II !i:t:i n.m. EST 4:Jt') CST 1l1101l~ WJZ KDKA ~\l'K Y (loW 21.54) I'.. lhlfti lue" WG;'\-.June- Baker 12:15 p.m,!::S 11:15 a.m_ C~ 15.211 \I1C-The \Ia,tf'r lJuilr-ler: WJZ T~(halku\\~ky WHAS-Ge"nria WIldcats \\I,S-Hou~dlOl,1 l'oIl"lIe rU'-,-.I,I('k & Gil WABC \\'II.-\S CBS-_\mo~,~ Ollr Sou\'\'nir~: WE.\'R KDK.\ \\, ..\1 WCKY K:Ill'lIll' oi Ostro\\ \\'KRC-Fiddlin' F;umers WL\\"-~fail Bilg K.\IO.\ (<;\\'.15.27 \P.BC WH.\S W~'IK \\ KIlC CB"- Frank O.,ilt')', Orchf'Hra; U'll!ill,t('in Wl5-News, Julian Bentley :'Ii \\<;: \\"":\IK 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST SBC-R,,) \I.1xOl'·~ Orch('~tra: K:'IIOX Finale flOm "Fuullh S\lU \VSM-f\~10rniul: De\OIIOIlC li.--\l1I~1(' NBC-Th '"r~iel'o\\~ Quarltt: \\"(;:\ Lunrhel>ll )Iu~i,· \\' \\ \ .\-1 ;\1: .\ ,I. ,111\1 f1io \\I-UI':-\·o('al \·am·ty the l;t r" (;Imka NBC-Va"s Famil)' WEAF \\'51'.1 \\',~HF-'I'\\" \\TAF WG\ WTA;\! WCY WA\'[ WG\' HI':\. H.-ttll' L.n:clIlble 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST D;Jn('l' 01 the Ba,arltH'~ \\'KHC-B3~e-haJl Score.. nubin~leil\ * NBC-Breakfast Club; June. K\lOX-PiJ.llo Inlerludl' \\ KHr-\101gic \Ielodil's XBC-Kpll '1)~nlOn'~ Ell~(,ltlbl(': - JO"Il, Jrn & JIll. trio and W\\ \.,1. :\e\\s WJZ KOKA \YCKY WAYE \\'S\ I-Bas.. ball H('~ume T"rdlli'~hl Dancc Huhlll~tl'lII \\ fHJ-;-()OI Club Xew§ ~, piallisl; Tllree F'L.lt"'; l}on \Ic· \\"CBF-Hou~ehnld W~\1 \\"1:\)( \\ \\ \·\-FronT P.. Dram;a Prrludt' in C ::tharll \Imvr Ne-ill, m.c.• J,l,ck Owel\~, lenor: II,ur 12'30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WGX-Your Frie-ndl) \"eighbor l\BC-('harll'~ ~(t'nros!' Orr-n.- SBC--Carol O,·i~. SOllrano: R",c!'lm"lIill.)f( WJZ KDKA WCK\' WArE \\KRC-Woman'~ Hour WEAF \\ ::-.\1 \\TAF WCY \',:--\1 \\T\\I Dar,u I.>f thl' lumhl"r \\ ~\1 (~" 21.54) Rin.~).,) WL W~Li\e~luel;; Hepurh CB:-,-8ilh )!Jlb &: Co. WADC WI-fiE-To lie annuunced Kors"kulf C8::'-'-Dand"alI.on. \"anel)· ~hm ~{"t' WSAI-Hou~ehold HlIlI~ WKIl(· \\'11..\$ W;,~t1~ i~\\_ \\"L\\-\\·ho·s Who al WlW 6 :00 p.m. E!'T 5 :C!O CST COl ,all"n e cale \\.\UC \\KItC WS~IK \Iou"~or'l:~ky WTA)I-Jumol ; Mill day Serv· K\lOX-B.l~eldl; 51. Luui~ NB( -HehllllJl' In News WEAf \\ l}ance Part' \VC~-Toa~1 of the Mormne .0. W~)l-COlHlfd\ Browns \'~. Detroil W.·8E-.\\'or-a <;"P>' lders '1,,'- ,I Holh W:'I.\I-\lc(·ormi('k'~ Old Time CB'-lIarrv Simf'ont"s Orch.: Ic:e'l \\.\BC \\·\\U. K\lOX \\'IIAS \\"f BE-)Iood~ iu Hlue WG\-Dance Orch\'~lra \111()(1 Flddleu \HI\ - 1111" PrOl!:ram ~larkels, W~.\I-Croonaden W<.;Y-\"ariel\ I'rullram 7:-35 p,m, EST 6:15 CST w\\ rA-Se\\S \\'KRC WLS-\\'tather; Ne\\-s W \ \"E-.o.SeHnth Day Ad\ ent, \\ T,\\I-\Iaurice Spilalny's Orch. \\ "I".\.\I-Allell Smith's Orch. \\H.\:'ot-~porl('a'l K:'oIDX-To be "nnounce,1 S:Ir, a.m. F.ST 7:15 CST \\"[ h '--tII'n.Jllr Gf'lll' i"t \\.\\ \. .\ Luncht'on MllSi~ \\'HA~-:'oIe!olh ('rui\t' K:'o10X-llarlllon) Bo)s 3 :45 1l.m. EST 2 :45 CST \\ FHE-Stu/rio :;elpClior\5 \\TnJ'~-Smile- Club r\"BC-Telld\ Hilh Orl'll.: \\.JZ W" \1-KnOI Hole Club WF.BE-Arkan~3!> I-uldll'r!> 12 :15 Il.m. ES 11 :45 a.m. CS \\filSl ... , .11,11 l'li. tth }',,~I WCX-Earl Harll::pr'" Orcht<~lra 1\:'oIOX-:'oI,,~ic Kitch(,11 \\"S:'ol wi-WE \\(KY KDKA "'''\I-.\'el\s; Pan \merican WLS-Joll)' Joc anti His Pcl Pal! Hroadca~t \\ ~:'ol-The Forty,1\"iner, W(,Y-Chi!llrrn·~ The.ll('r of th... WFBE-Varit!ty Prolo;ram WE\R WlW-Orl:all RhalhOd) (NBCl W\\ VA-Sports; BJsl'ball Scores WW\'A-Dell\t'r Darling Air \\ GI3F-BulJl'tin nUMd WFI1E-To he annnunced \\:o..\I-Leon CoIl' OIl I.()('\\'~ Or \\T \ 'I -Ra~eh;\11 '-('''N''' 8:0It p.m. EST 7:00 CST 8:30 a.m, t:ST 7:30 CST WLS- Puullry Sf'rvice Time WSAI--Qur (Soirtl (:'oHO ellS, Gene ~~).,e-r. ua~"barlIOlle; :::an W$.\I-\'anet)' Prot::ram 6:15 n.m. EST :i:15 CST NI1C-Junior Radio Journal: lO:4:i a.m. EST 9:45 CST 4:00 )"I.m. EST 3:00 CST NBC-Nal'1 Park Prtm WJZ HO\\i1rrl Blrl"w'~ Orch. W.-\BC ~n:AF \\'T-\~I-\""omI1\ Hl'~ume NBC"-Etltl) DUlhin'~ Orchr.str;a: W~'IIK WTAM WGY X1)[-The Whitnev Ensemble: W11\\1 \\'IXH liI)K·\ WH,\:-- !\)lOX \\Klll" K:'oIOX-Tick Tock Revue W\\\'A-Billy Mills and Com· \\"1-:,\1' Wl,W WSAI (,,\ 6.12 W.II. WeK\ Ki)KA WA\"Io: pan) (CBS) J"I"~llik's * NBC-Jamboree. variety show: WFI1E-MufllHl<: Cuncerl CBS-Eul1;l'l1l' Orch.· \\"I':,\F WCKY \\"S.\I * NBC-R.adio C,ty Party: WS'1 WAlK -WII \S \\ 1\IlC WS~II< WG:-l-Good MOrnillC: PrOl:ralll 10IOX -Let's Compare Notes 1:0') p.m. F.S 12:00 III CS i\trlS-!\!Jt:)· .0;; Her :\lell: WL\\' Bellrl) GUddIlIJII'\ Orl·h.; II"I\'II \\'WY.-\ ~Olll;" WLS-Ford Rush; Ralph Emer· \\·J.S-Nl'w~. JlIli Orch \\I·BC-\Iu~It:.I1 !\HC-Ann... tll' Ml'rllllough, \,0· WEAF WLW \\'SAI (~1\.15.27) \\(;BF--('h\lrl'h and School News !\"HC-Jarkie 1I('[ll'I, t('nor: \\JZ W\\ \·A- Dillnl'r ~Iu~ic Program \loll1l'llt~ calist: WEAF WLW W \\ Jo:-I.i\"p~tork I!l'pnru \\(,.\-(·1.,<;(' Ilarmon)' KDKA W(ii\' \VA\'E WSJ\I WGHF- \lu'icJI CBS-"e-n of Manhattan: WABC \\ f BE-popUr;lr rUllrl'rt WHAS-\larkt'ts; Piano Recital WE.\'H 6:7:0 p.m. EST S:~O CST WGS-~l,lrJli Gras WS:'oIK WKRC WGIlF-\Ir. an.-( \lr~ WSAI-Police Flashes l'BC-Eddl Dlichin'5 Orchestra: \\'I\B:\I-Tu hI' anlluulICcd \\H\\1 h Iii':! Jlltelluoe KDKA-Sall aud l'e3nulS WG\'-\Iu~iral rrohc 1 :15 I"m. EST 12:15 CST \\·GY WTA)f WBE\-Vl Tlwn1d\ L ,\urton n-L"-ll.,rll D1nct' PJl'h TOl'lic~ WG\"-:'olll~i('al WCfW-farlllel PUlcdl WFllE-II:lII'ailan Echoes 1,llk WS.\I-C",uT·t' Dufh·s Olchhlra WGHF-Tilllt!lv Proll:rarn -~Iu,il·al\lnrnents WGY-MlI~ical I'rogram WL'"--Qno·" Tunt< Twi~IPr<; WG \- Wa'" .... of Melody 4:30 p.nt EST 3:30 CST \\FHE-Thp T\\'o Dt)r~ \\"5\1 WHAS-Ceor£:ia Wildcats \\TUI-Dorolh\ Crandall WILh--\1 31 r b I (' Tourname-nt NBC--Qur American Schools; WG ~-Palmer Bousf' En,"rnhlp \yW\·.\-:'ot:w" WLS-Annoullct'lllcnls and :\e\\s W\\VA-Kiddie Pro:::raUi (n~ ... 1 GUe-~1 Spl'.lkt'r~; F!orpnce lIalt. \\"Gr-Fe-li:\. Felllillando'~ Orch fl::15 lJ.m, E~T 7:15 CST WTA~I-ealistht'lor' 11:15 a,m. EST 10:15 CST WL5-Pa and ~la Smithers Ch3irman of :'\al'l I:::IIUCillioll WI.W-Dob XewhaJl, !ports \\ FIU:- JinulI) \\"ald 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST KBC-Gellia fonario\'a. sopr.no· WSAI- -Woman's Club Forum A~s'n. director of pro!:r1Im \\""')I-Bobb~' Tucker \\ 'i \1 \\.1.1' ruut' .NBC-Ne\\~; Smack Out· WJZ WJZ W.-\\·E WCKY \\":;'\1 \\ \\ \',\-\111<;1("<11 PrUII:I:lm \\T-\f WLW WTA~l WAVE \\,l"\)f-\'ocatioll) on Review \\ "\1- \lu~ic31 PlU.H11l1 KDKA WCKY (~I\ 15.21> \lOlher PIN"e- [xplain I :~O p.m. .EST 1"2:30 CST W(;y \\'\\"\'A -Where- To Go To Church W\\,Y.-\-f\ ~lII1Ua\ :--dlOol I.e~ CBS~News; MeJlow Moml'ntl: WecklerlJrl ~BC· \linlatur(' Theatf'r: \VJZ :\BC-Templt' of SOli!:: \\'JZ 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST <00 WAnc WKRC (s\\'·15.21) Cradle SOllr:: Tscherepnine hUK\ \\TKY WE\"R ~BC-Sporb Re\it!11 o( the .>\ir 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST NBC-Nev.·s; Johnny Marvin, Elllrance of th .. LillIe CH~-\I.lurie Sherman's On:h.: CB:---I:]~~I' T!."lllll~\ln, orl:alli\t: Thofl,IOII fi~he-r. l:Ut'SI WE...\f * NBC-Chatuu; AI Joison: tentlr: WEAF WGY \\'~:'ol faun" Pierne W.\DC WKU( WIlAS WS~IK WABe \YKRC W~~IK W\Y\".\ \\~.\I \\T,.\\I WGY WAVE \'iclor rOUI'~ s Orch. WEAF WSAI Bream Trpt Cadman WW\·\ K\lOX (~w·15.27) KDKA-Bill & Alex. sonts W~:\l (0;\\ 9531 W(iY WT,UI WS.U (~"·9.531 21 7 Ham 5' Holiday

(Conl;'lued from Page J7) siSlance; Ihe firc chief caulion the com· Marvin E. juza-and W9ESA, E. C. at J\1inden; \v9TJP, W. V. Rockefeller, thelr ~hereabouts_ Permission was granted munity again'it fire because of the in­ Stockman-assumed part of the burden at Wood I~i\'er, and \v9SWI. L. R. 'el· TO utIlize the Jatter line for the broadcast creased use of candles and failure of water there. son, at Grand Island. rro~ Oxford on Sunday, June 2. mains: the commanding officer of the stale The emergency amateur network rapidly Even Iowa and South Dakota were rep. 1 he broadcast was not all the crew had militia warn against looting-and the encompa... 3Cu ;'\IlJG11, Archible II. Ilaa'ic, resented by \\'911-10. R. H. tlark, Sioux desired. For one thinE;, the Army had Mayor of the city, who thanked Warriner at Rocky rord: :"C):\LD, john Linsley. at City, and W9PFI, M. G. Strahan. at cleared the gar,1se-hospltal of one batch and Malcom for their heroic deed in timc Pueblo; \\'lJFCI<. C. J. Olson. at 1;lorence; ioux Falls, respectively. of II1jurcd per~ons just as the air show of need You also heard the narration of \V9l::KQ, .lame.. M Ilil!. at Litllclon; Early in the morning of june 1 W9POB starled. Conse. news of the location of missing persons Iry it Detouring ahom the nood. Ihe Druml'llcr, \v9KS'Z, U. P Ilan"Cn; liean Cit\'. WIH l"Il, at LiIKoln: \\'QH~G. and other' ilal information .... hen news­ hroadcJ<;(crs careelwd 2i; miles on un ..afe \\"!)I.r-E, IV \' ~" lIart, and IV!)l r-K B. V. R·o"'e, :II \la,hid. \\·(~FI. ,'I II. papers. telephones and telegraph were fC\ad'i to "'orIh PIa lie. eighty mile.. north Charle" E. Hathaway, and at ,\\anitou Dreesen. al "'orfolk \\'11.\1 "G. Arthur powerless. of .\1cCook but on drY ~round_ Ilere they \\'9.-\,\15. J. B .-\lIen. '1 rafTic .... ith Den· '·iren. at Ilol,lrege: \\,cJI:\\"O, D. C. Gnf. As the end of this thrilling accounl of found a private plane' chartered it. 'cr 300n became so heavy that "'llFYY. fin. at Kcarney: \\·I)l)CC. I. D. Iionon. the men of r;ldio arproaches. come"i the 1 hcy landed in \lcCook al 10:30 o'clock news that Charlie \\ arriner and Ed ,\1.11· (lLJ n on Sundav night. Warrmer was at com h.J\-C relllfned from their "vacation." the firld with a sk<.'letoll program prepared, And say, do you know. thl'y didn't get hUI vnu knew. of cour..e. Ihat he would Saturday-Continued fired for being a few days lale;l hi!' c heen. Two hour... I:.llcr the historic In facl, there are whl .. pers that thev're ens flood hro;JdcJ'it he~:Jn the one vou * CBS-California Melodies: \\'LS-Cron~e Gocl>el with Utili &. 11:]5 t),ln, EST 10:15 CST both to get r:lises WAlK WKRC K~lOX \\'F8~1 Hi~ Tunetwistrrs h""d at 12;30 ED r (11;30 p. m. EST: " r· Jf- -.; f'W< 11111 CDt'; 10;30 CSI; 9;30 .\lST: 8;30 \\ IIA::; WS)tK \\'88)1 W\\IVA WSM-Arthur ~lIIith and DIXlf' \\'c.~-\·rIOl .t, Yolanda's Orth. r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: psn. «\\ ·6.12) Linl'n \\'J1A:\I-Fr~duiC' 'larlin's Orth .. NBC-ALKA·SELTZER PRE ("Be II came to \'ou 0' er the first A. T and 9:45 p.m. E!'=T 8:45 CST "('Ill' Xat"1 Darn D.IIU, \I..p:e KDKA-Chuck Wayne Wl"--HOIrn Dance T line which had "'een rep.Jired and {".I~· Fftur; Linda I'arkf'r; '5 Linda Parker K'IO;'\-~I."rt P"LI' ..f tile- Air WSAJ-Juhnll)' Courtne) Orch opt=lled 10 ser\'icl' jU<;1 before the hroad· t.:hde Err., '-~are Itib~; lulu WL~Arkje aflu the RJI".!rr \\ '- \I-Art'lur ":",ith Gl<;' You heard the Red em...... offi.=iJI Bdlc-, 1."'u-(" 'h."'e~ ;If,,1 TIle W";)J-Sarie and Salli~ ­ W\\ \".\- :'o1;.lui.,:hl Jambor« The "Sunbonnet Girl" with the \\arn against disca(e and epidemic: the \\'htf'rll 1"; Ii'.....:l:r Hot Silu'~; p,m. E, T 9:00 CST 11 :30 p.m. 10:30 {\ T (·lI,,,l... lid Ri&:e Runnrr: In:oo EST Cumberland Ridge Runners ~t ... le Senator appeJI for pOHrnment as· r: '\IlC-Jr« lIa"kins' OrCh(tehlrr'~ Orch WA\"I:-II..rr) DiC'kman \\~:\I-Ot, livre Urother,s \\"«;'\-H(lr;l'1' 1If'i{h·.. OrC'h(' In WGaF-l.one: Branch (Collt"lZI~d Imlll PaRt /9) WlSo--B:rrh l);Jnte \"arjf'lif'~ \\'-\1-1 d PtJl'l!IL' Ihoff lhi...... Iudio tOlli~hl-and Ihe murJerer is WSA1-Jullmr Joy's Ord'lf',tr3 \\ THt SUII \\""l(l's Orch~Slra '1111 ;n the- ,tudio' I i ten" The biS dc­ 9:00 p"m, E T 8;00 CST WTA)t-,\I!Cll Sn,jlh', ",hch WW\'A-Arcadian- 11: 15 p.m, EST 10:45 CT kdi\ e commenced tldmg off numbcr~ nn CBs-FL •. W.\BC W\\\'A \ms.-Joe ~andf'U' Orch.: WGS hi ... ,tubby fin1-!cr.. "One--John ,. airchil(l K'IU;'\ W;,)IK ..... 6.12 }0:15 ".m EST 9:15 CST "'SAl I "I)-Helen \\ ri~ht, Three- Il'\\art. Ihe A) A~ A}' KOKA-\hc and Bob \\.\\I·--To be ;I:cmoerd AtlltJ \lurhach05 M,nks W\\'E-Brrl K('nnv's Orth"tra WCBF-('t1I«nial Club (ontrol man. ,"our -Oak\\ood. the \tJtion Dro~IWlI \\'FOE-HI!l\ r ...... k....·" Orrl,p~r~l J(herti\in~ love in to Tn W"')I-Ifnl". rt lunn m.lI1,lsC'r rive Rupert. the 'iIJulh AllIeriean Jut: WG~-Charlie Dornberc;u's Or 'l1JII Six-Gold~n the puhli':J1)' m:m Ru -,,1/1 '\Iedley chestra 1~'f10 u.m, F.ST 11:00 CST ~l1\' one of Ihose SIX people plllg~eJ El Choclu \\'<':\1 --Curl "oulton (B~Bill 1It1~an's Orch.: K \IOX "rrm' is Belie,ill' \\'W\'A-\oe Lrman's Orch. WB8~1 \\ orkmao as sure--" ~ 'Snen--" !iaid Juhn ..oftly, "Detec- l.l'pulllll D~ Al~1i Southern (CBS) Br-Ltonarr! Kt'lIrr'J Orch.: 'Iir~tf'rs' \\A\'[ W:i'l 11\l' nevine." \\ nn\1 h"'lklt' Orth. '''::)0 Il.m. EST 9:30 CST \·,i-I~ .. HI. h'rlill"~ 'Jlf'h ~BC-Ut'n I'ollack·s Orcllhtra \\ I:\-R -Clenn I.rl",s Orchestra "'Cut the comedy·" ~rowled Devme. \\'CBF-\'ar;f't~' Prwram \\·GS-:o.;r\\ ; Concert Ord,r"ln WEAF \\T\ \1 \\,GY ~"9.53 tryin~ tu }'OU Wh.IT I'm lell is that one \\ III II.:.rr\ Curfle" Orch. CB:r-Cfaude Hu~kJn' Orrh WC:o.'--("oo'linr'ntal G)p"iu h,l~ Orcht:~tra I.f them "I't cerlainh seen vour .\1r \\ KIlC-Hf'd SInh Orch.. lra WABC \\'KRC WS)IK ",un\! "11.\'I-D./I"(" TUNE IN lone... p:ln befun' \\'h\? BC("u~ th~y're W~M-I'u . urn Ilunters w\n.\ WIL\S K.\Il)X \\"11,\. \I>lburn Slolll"s Orch. hr,lh l1It=mber~ of that damned Ghost \"nC-Rn :o.;(,hlp·~ Orch. WJZ "J.\\"-Ji: ,'''' J, Orch"'-lra \\T.\"-~lllhb)· Gan~" WrKY KDKA WH.BI WAVE Curdon' Oreh. Every Saturday Nite Juhn nOIJded "AII right." he agreed 9:15 p.m, EST 8:15 CST WlW (w.o.14) ]2:]5 a.m. ES 11:]5 p.m, C· t"ch~s1ta \\T\R-Jr_ II ,,,,kills Orch 'So \\ hdt;" \\FBE-HJ ( ... ,p'.. \1O ALl-"" Wf'l"ks' Orche~tr.· WC\-l"uncert Oreht'Stn \\laW-lonl!: Branch wen or WAVE ·~u Ihi.. I" {)l'\"me (n;l,pped 'I'm Aoin WGN \\' AI ":--\l-LiIl'IP Di.... Macon. \\-FaE-n.1I F~rrara's Orchf'_tra \\'(.;\-1. JrI Burtnett"" OrehUlra 8;30 109:30 P,M. EST In CClnfronl c3ch one of the six of \OU Gull\ JU/ll~n WL "Pa &: \Ia Smitheh I \\ TA't-" .. uruP 'riuln)"~ Orch, wilh lhi.. gU\' \nd n(ln~ of }OU geh oult.. Ih" n",rn Dance \\ W\''\-\"/\l;ln \tiller. or~aOl l Our 40 Radio ArtISts including the Cum­ ht'rc lill I get the murderer" Dcvine's W"'''-Billkle~ Ilroth..rs 12:'~O a.m. ES Jl :30 p.m. C berland RidAC Runners. Linda Parker. hand railed into " fi~t 9:30 p.m. E T 8:30 CST 10:45 p.m, EST 9:45 C T CB~Il(>y Oiet,jdl', On'he tra .\1aple Cily h>Ur, Lulu Belle. lloosier Hot "Wait a minute" john r:mchlld was * NBC-Cur"« Carnival: Sen. \1f~l;·_Eari Burtnett's Orche~tra K:'oIOX \\ no'l Shots, L'ncle EtTa. Dean Brothers, Louise frowning in conl.':entr:llion. lie realized Fr.J.klll~lrrn Fishtacf', come· \\'C.~ \\"SAI WESFl-Hrn Pollack's Orchl'slr. ;\las')Cy and the Westerners. A Rollicking t1iiln; UI.rle" l\h:r!>hall Ind 1m K)1OX-Eddir Dunstedter; Tom \\,{jOF-Colunial Club program of old time sinR,ing, dancing and hat in thi murden'r with the lovel) b,,) ; I'uey the P1al"HIl!:hl; H. ku, tellor \-oi~e \\(i,\-\'rloz & '1nlanda's Orth. home,\jlun fun. Brought to you direct Ia)' hi ()ill' and onh' chance of un- Helen Tro}·. cufh'" Orcht:~'ra dcfmitdy dearing hi. own n.Jme. and ob-­ prano; Carni"'al "ale Quartel; xnC-TCtIIl Coakl('y'~ Orch"'~tra W",;\I-II",· "bOil·.. Orchr--tra o .... er lainin~ a ~hare ol thaI ,:;0.(0) reward \1f'redilh WilJ~n's Orch alll! WEAF WTA\I WGY WlW ISBn \\h:dl \\as to hJ\C fin;mccd a honeymoon :"ld Tul!ill~"r. m c \\Jl (B~Frrfl.til' B~rl!:ill'" Orth.. \\"\\ \'A-'Ililnid'i Jamboree lor him,df and lIc1tn 'I\e got a bet­ \\(K'I \\11\\' WAVE WLW W\Bt WIIAS WS:\IK \\'KRC 12:4.5 3.Dl. E~ 11 :45 p.m, CS CB Be/I RUlli '.. Orehe-"lra, K)fOX ter Idea. DI" mt· WAlE-lito "axon 5 O..chf' Ira The NATIONAL W.-\OC W')II\ WKRC \\"08\1 '\aC"-Sh"ndnr, 'iulini"t; F"rt:nmlt'd "You·re still uspe,.:t 'umocr 612) WCKY WHA\! KDRA (~, I:O!J :l.m. E'" 12:00 p,m. CS r~an's Onl' nn m" li!it. -~'lInll'tT 6.1~ \\'OB"-8.1I) lI .... Orch. BARN DANCE \ H f·olli...... "'arrel)' ~dl!ef( "I have an ideJ I can tr.:lp thiS ~u}' Illto ~ro ram: 1I,,"art! FOCI'S Greh.; \\ Hn\l-hankie Masltu' Orch. \\li.\-Je>e Orchf'str. leadmg us to the .3(1ual murderer of D. D.a i". crooner; Hrlen ( BS) WlW-JI" ,y COUrlne)'s Orch 43 NBC STATIONS Workman." the announcer said sIO\\ly. A I al ,If'r , <"'prano, WEAr WGY WGDF-I:tzie's Place 1:30 a.m. EST 12 :30 CST \\T.\ \1 (_\\9.531 \1,-' IW'\!-FnUlkif' Maslrn' Oreh. stnll1ge wild plan \\/.3\ heginning to form WH,\M-Rhythm Club COAST-TO·COAST "B"'-liuk Jack little'.. OHh.: WL~W est e r IlHS Camp Fire WGi\-Horatf' Heidt's Orchutra in his eager mind, ;1 weird, unheard-of \\"C~ W~AI Son.::s WlW-Moon Uiver scheme to invoke the in~trul1lenlJlities of 1\11.\ \ tie/lind the law WSM--(rouk Drulhers' Band 2:00 a.m. EST 1:00 CST Spo1Uored by Alka Seitter (Collt"lIud Oil Pagt 26) \\ I' DL-E,ellin~ Cuncert WWVA--Qrl(an I'roloe:u~ WUBM-1'1o}d To~n's Orchrllr. 7 25 r:\ltio in thl' C:lplllr(' of ,I killer. lie lurn­ fice that held the bllJr of Ihe little spir­ eJ tu Devine :lPPC':llillgl\'. "Id mc \\ork itu:tli ...t. (Ill him!" he ple<'lded, "Ill' dOl· ... n·1 n'a1i/c ··In lht'n.:." he s:tid, "hur -" Ihat you\'e got thi .. place ... urrolllHh'd by Remote Control 1 he ... lriJl1ger didn't \\:lir. lie faiJly cop.... lie ha... n·t e\'en ~een a cop ~ince leilped inlo the olli.:e. .John fulhl\\cd on ht· ~.:Imc in here, bt:',au~e you\'e got them (Colltll1l1i'd from PI1~e 25) hi .. heels. I he hod~ by upon :J: Jc,k ::III dO'-Cled ill ",dc (lUke.. , que... tiunlng our I h\' man \\h'l ..:alllO:d h:m elf JOllt'~ \\a, ..tudio pcop!t' ... lanJing be~iJc it. Sllddt"nl~' he rai'\CtI "Ilardly ever" admitted rair'hilJ with would rl';l.:h a dim:t\.. John could ~e De\'ine .. honk hi h"'.:Id imp.:Iliently. ~rin. hi:- he3d. anJ the l'\.Pr...·.. Ion on hi.., f.J"':c '"Don't he a ap! John ..nappt·t1. "If .3 And Oe\'ine \\ent a\\ay. wa\'ing hO\\ l'.:Ic,er the m.ln wa, to I,'ad lh~ir talk hi, hand, Jlld lTlullerillg. W3 .. 'Jim and terrihk you que~ti()ned h:m he kno\\ .. hl··.. being aroullll to the ~ubject of \\·orkm.1I1. '\\'hn did it;'-" h~ d ...·m:mtll·J quielly. John I"air..:hild gl'nll\' opt:m'd l11c ...tudio o~lent'...t \\or~rtl 011 hy the polke. The w.:t~' I'm .\ dour and .\lr. Jon...·' 'pun "Ilut t1det:ti\'e~ door and ..,1l·Plwd in ide I h~· '>,(JIlp, \\3S h~lId '-toing 10 \\or~. h~ II ne\ cr su,pect Gi\'e arounJ. 111 .. \\a.. ..,till in h: ... CO;lt I don'l thin~ .,(1." John an,wered. cominl'; to .3:1 enJ, ::;uftl\'. John \\al~~d P1'~~t"I-dul.:hillJ.\ 111\' ,jfll't'n milHlll',1 a gUll. John \\a con­ 'trili~ht laO the thi,~-carrded IltK.lr and .. tock.! lookl'd Ihe man in the ror a IOllg monwnl Ihl' dde..:ti\·e he~i­ \ in..: '..J. Out of Ihl' ofiice int:) \\hich the ou~" ht'... i.. le the ..inger. \\ lth J. thrill of pily ·\\·h:u was \\'orkman to \ t.tted. Iii.. g,l/~ \\and('n·J 10 Ihe ..tudio. hod\' of "'orkm:ln h:ld hl't'n lake-ll...tep­ The :>tranger noddl'" ..fu\\ Iy. I k· t1re\\ \\hcre the hurh' ,lnti brul;ll-fa":l',1 .\1r. hl' li ..ll'm·d tu till' ri'>t' and fall of that pt·t! the wrl)ller .:t hig·hellitd nun \\lth !'I\\l','1 Il'nor \oi..:e--ri..:h ill O\t"rtOl1t"!' of a pl'[ol from hi .. PllCkl-1. JOI1e<. "tood up' to the ~lllt('rinJ.: micro­ an Iri.. h face Jlld a h.:tld ht'ad. Sl'l'int: \'eHnin~ Th\, ,\OUIlj.\ ;1Il1l011lKCr looked "I think I knCl\\' who killed him." he all,!.; li~e an an~eJ. D~\'ine ..ittlllg on a de,k ·the ..It-l.'t:li\t" phone and .. Helen at the pale. ,rlld f:lce of th\· m~n \\ho 53iJ quit'tly ··.--\nJ yuu're going (() h;l\e \\'ri/-th(.. hlondc he Id hent on~r the p:ano \\ a, prllellJinjl!; to read J. new p.li"ler he ~illin~ calleJ him...elf .\tr. .Ionl'. \\·hal.1 .. tran~e 3.!'flIlher here tonif,!hl Ill\' friend kc\ .. , and l1l'r ,lim h'Hld.. Jrc\\ trolll them \\:J:I~cd aero" an I tal~ed to h.m quietly \\t1r~man? mall, ht" IlIU..eJI trJ.n~e lIe \\as my brother' the pl:tintin' mt'lo.. h of the old 'ong. .\nJ \\h:u .a .. \'. lrill. in \\hi..:tl a man of !'oud t:t,enl "I diJn't kllfl\\ \our l.;irl ..:oul..l play that t"~ s;l1gi,,~ t:nultl \\:.I'te it. and he.:nme a r(lhl~er and It'bu-h perso" d:J "",,­ ~,l()I.t.·· murmured 1),.\ illt' irrdc\ :.Inlly. Death Threat b~ mllr,h·n.'r-:l It";ldlllg ,pirit in ont" of the Jaa 111 un ta kIll> Could HI(­ '·\11 ri,ght' he ... urrcndl'rt'l.I. 'TiflL'Cn are thiN~ men?' Juhn \\a.. no mn.. t '1lt.·C!ih:ular ..:riminal gall~' the world "\\"ho Ct'ed fL·/tb log "fll1l 11",11 Fmrd'rlJ minute...... \nJ turnin~ (In his heel he cO\\ :lrd, hut r. JOOl'S .. n:lrl,·..1 had ever -.cen! :1' .\\ Ihi ... nutt.:it foH1I 111 /lmc}-Rt'ud 1/t',\t he~an to walk a\\uv. Then' que..tilln, thc ..,n:1kellke glmer in hi, hl.1ck .....,.."k·s l1IslullllOl1 fL'/lloout fall. It The :-in~'ng \"UiCl' Iraih'd ;1\\:.1\ into sil­ ·'Hut ..av!" he .. uddenlv demanded. turn­ ("\ t: .. ...:au't'd :1 ...:hill tu 'are):) the :'ItH10UIlC­ ~~'.;1I ellCC Wnh a "ilnr ripple of 'uund Lhe bi' nile 0/ ib" bt'sl yd. ing agiJin: "You ,till haHll't told me why pilll· \1 Ihat mOlllent. Ildt:n Wri~ht pi.:tllu. too. bec.:tm~ mutl·. Jflhn .. ll·JlP~d cr'.... \'1111 pul IhJt gll\ fill the air' Iluh~" came up and .. loud ht: ... idt: Lhclll. HOXOR.IRY EDITOHS. .1'1'· duX' 10 the microphone :lnd oJ rou­ John ~hru~t.tl'd and j.\lall,~d at Ihe big m:lde tillt· .:IlIll0UIK~lTlt:nl. .. , ou h,ne a beautiful \'oi'e..\lr. JOI1(...... ' TF.XTJOX, RADIO Gl:IDE is rour man pilvin~h'. Tuhh\' Stewart. ah'rt in hi .. control roOlll, ~\\ ItcJled .:t~.1in to the 'lht" ...aid. puhliestion. Its purpose is to sen'e hAre all d(:te"li\(~" th'll dumh?" the an· eyer)' \\ a) Ilu:;:o.ible. make POltl'r Ilou,c Crillc. John r-airchild look­ HUI the big 1ll:111 p,lid no attl'ntion to you in to Ilouncer demanded "1 len' I j.\l·1 hold of ll'r·,illg~r. art me"1 .. your enjoyment nf t adio. and e\'ery­ Gho~t Gan~ cJ at the gang.. her. "1 ..aiJ ...:1:/1 tbou he rc­ a mcmher \\ ho can 5oing-1 pcall·,I. thing connprted wilh radio, most ha\e him ri!!ht here in the ~tlIdi()-anl! ,I h;lt \\3"1 beautiful.' he "ai..! ..imply. complete. The Puhli... hers ha\'c only you a..,~ me \\hv I put him on the air! "II', too h.:ld you can't make your living "I he big one i3 Detl'.-:tiv..: ().... \ inc--" one way of knowin~ lour \\ ishes ~o \\·llY. Ihinl.. \\hJt n stor\, it will make rl'p,tdarlv hy your H>lt:e." John beKan, that this senice rna)' he all. that it \\l1l'n lite idelllil\ of thi, Inan is re\'ealed! "What do you me;jn ?" thc ... 1r:lIlgL'T a,J..­ rbe man \\ho called him,elf JOIlC'" should be-and that is hy rt~H.ding Wh,lt J "CO(ll' for \V\\IP! \\'hat publicity! cd ",harp!)'. starteu, the eXI)fe-ssions of o!)ininn that )'OU \Vhat " "In,read uf working at \,our regul:J.r ".\Ill! the other one," Fairchild COll­ is<,ud in. lim' of hu ... i,W'''','' John amellded ~moothly. linued c\'ellly, Ihough his hl';trt \\;1 ... The Publishers l'i~ht nnw want to ull\, till' \\ay-\\hat dn you do for a liv­ pounding. "il thc coroller." know if you like Ihe Iwliey ur pull· Verbal Duel ing"" "Coroner!" .John imagined that a 5hadc lishing continued stories !\uch as De\llle howleJ like .:t ban~hee, "Are The hig man ... tared at him :-tonily, "I've of fear for 11lL' fir .. t time am...ed the Rcmot(' Control. or would )'OU ra­ all r,ldio guy,.. ,hcl'r nut~like you?" he cJone s(lme work :Irllllnd h'lI1k....' h~ ,aid at strang:I.'r\ hruLJI rcaLurc.... ·'\\h.lt'S hap· ther sc(' the same space de\'oted to ail'd "Ilerc \\c gOI a :o.liff lying in Ihat la'-t. "By Ihe W;t\', I h;ne lonK he~n an pened ht're? Quid. tell me or--" more feature stodes of the !'Lars. oflice "he Iloinlt'd "-\\ilh lilt' coroller admirer of cerTain of nltJr progrJm .. alld John nodded gr;l\'ely. "You ht·ilrJ Ihe or to somethin,i:" eiRe, You, the working on it thi.. minulc' \\'e got a per~na!itie~. You .. pokt- tOlli/:hl tion U· ha\'", th", idra tholt lh(" urg;lII \\01'1 huilt arollnd thaI RADIO GrrDE ~Iart a eel of pi<'lllre~ of the tr("molo. Thf"y jU'I1 cannot play a numher The Vic Salve Brew-sed Feelings l)Opu;ar net\\ork annOU1lcer,. I al~... a:;:ree lllilt ~ir wilhout ji!!ldin~ with that Sl(lp. There oue;ht to Df'ar VOL: ('ulwnha~rn. N. Y. D",ar rOL: winiam~to\\n, \1.."'1. announcefS should not be cOllll>elled to delete tl... pr.>en u~inl( lUll much of his I~ ~1111\('lhing. ullce in a \\hile \\ .. michl he.. r a fell pllre tones in~, Hf" 'Ionlelimes is fi\ e min~ll:' reIK'atin;r the ~ix.lll"ur·" product before roming un the elleu 10 twi~1 my radio [ ha\'r iU"1 been readin;: ~In. Joe Grecn'll diJ.1 a~ ~oon a~ a male ~inl::er i" announced. trHcr of the nptty and Boh !>rOQ';lm. One \\ould C. L. Stonakaer Leads the Fealures 'n Next Week's RADIO GUIDE think lhat had hren l\Titten by m~~elf, 35 I do the ~:rlllr thing. I h.,l'e my hu~b.u\d tune out thl." ha:l !{am", lon~ rIlO'Il!:h to heJr Betty 3nt! Bob What Price Radio It's a Story of 11011' lack Benny and .l1ary Livingstane lIare and thl'l1 I am a~hamed when I hear Bub'~ lilly O('ilr VOL: Alhell~. \Y. \'a. ~:mJl",rin~ talk. lie 3ch 50 rooli ..h o\'er Betl). ~Ioril'~. Hrre are some SU!!I!f" .. tion~ fOr radio; Elimillilte Tllken the Cel/uloid City by Storm, flail! They ""ad Its Soci,,1 I ran', h",ar In he1r him in lhe Call1l';ma b.,\ati... e, liquor and beer adverti~cmel1ls; ban fake (iC'orgr and his \\ife are so Uluch 1II0re ~ell,ible. Life, Why Invitatiolls a"d Acc/"im Hm',' Bepn ShowPrer!llpon Huh'~ l(;~tillloniab; shorten plllt:::~; enliven sustaininlt Whr 0'1\''111'1 Ihe ;l\L1hor's ChallIH! 1/"1'1. Jll'o!;l"alll~; relea~e limil" uf l'adiO; Je\elop a tasle Them as lipan No Other Stars of the Air; also ilbke him morp Illlllr;ll. Bou i~ lhl' lJlllt' in l'vrry fUl" guud ttlu~ic; pJel'(onl SU111; ~lIiciJe; illllJurl ~torr· He i~ ~ickenh~~. Yel I 1I,'vcr 11Ii~", !lIl'In, Bl"ili~h dircctor~; elillliJl .. te bi\; nalll-e lJrogr"lIls l'erh1p<; he is lhat way in l'e,,' r '. L. I). H,wdy nf IIIl entertainiJlg I'olille; eliminate hurrur pru gram,; Ilevelul' a ~lolllllolrd "peedl. ~uch as ~\;H:e and ~rrrell ha\"{' dill... ; hcUrr jmleini;' at mure Call of the Wilds Chrono-Iogic amateur prugram,; .11·~·rlul' inlrlli~rnl f"Tilir~. in· PI'ar \'OL: \Iolrtill. S. n. stead of j)("lty gO'l .. ilK"r'l for Ihr ranio rolumn. I cert111(" on an Dear VOL: Gralld I~land, Xebra~ka hour e,ulier hl'rau~e in thi,., part or lh(" rllllntr)' Let's give three cheers for Jerry COOI:H"r, He's It's in an Issue Loaded with Features About Your Favorites our r.lllio" don't work ~\ell ulltil lalt·r in thr ('\'r got Bing: Cro~b)' bl'olt one hundred percent when I1In~. SO )'UII ran count me in 3.. ulle \'utillg ror it cOllle~ to croonin!!. LeI's all tr)' and 2h'e him r. ntiuuatiun of pro\tram5 on "bmlolrd lillI(", a big boo~t. Milton Hahn l\Ir~. It. L. Frerm:1Il 25 Complete Your Collection of State Souvenir Spoons 18 NEW STATE SPOONS Just Released


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Complete your colJection of State Seal Souvenir Spoons now. These are or Original Rogers Silverware, made by International Sliver Co.. of .Meriden, Conn., oldest and largest. makers of silverware in the world. They arc AA quality -66 pennyweights of PURE SILVEIl. to the gross. Regular Teaspoon size with plain bowls, easy to clean. Indicate on the accompanying coupon the spoons you desire. They will be sent by mail, prepaid. rostaKe is paM on orders First Release of three or more spoons. These spoons arc nvnUable by mail only. Mail money order, check or cash and accompallylng coupon to of the Radio Guide, Souvenir Spoon Bureau, 731 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, OJ. Following State Spoons: r:RADIO GUIDE, Souvenir Spoon Bureau. I 731------­Plymouih Court, Chicago, Ill. Louisiana Please mail to me the Original Rogers AA Quality State seal Spoons as checked 1\1.1 ississippi I below: I Montana 0 III. o O. of C. o Ga. o Kan. o Mont. (J N. Oak. o S. Oak. ON. V. Tenn. Nevada D Wis. o Ohio o Dela. ONe.... o Okla. D I o Calif. o Penn. o Ariz. o Ala. ON. H. o Oreg. o Utah I lew Hampshire ON. J. D Nebr. o Ark. o La,. ON. M. o R. I. o VI. ew Mexico o Mich. o Mus. o Colo. o Min. ON. C. OS. c. o Wash. orth Carolina I o Tens o Wyo. I orth Dakota 0 Send me the six spoons as checked above for $1.00 postpaid. I o or, send me six spoons of tJ1e one state for $1.00 postpaid. Oklahoma o or, send me tJ1e three spoons as checked for 50:: postpaid. I Oregon 0 or, send me three spoons of the one state ········· .for 50C postpaid. Rhode Island I D or, I am enclosing 15c plus 3c postage for each spoon checked on above list. I South Carolina Remit by Check or Money Order. Not Responsible for Cash. South Dakota Total Amount $ . Tennessee I I Utah Name ...... •...•...... •...... •...... •...... Vermont I Address ...... •...... •...... I Washington ~1t~ ~.~ ~.~.~.~~ ~ .~.-.;.;.;.;. ~ Wyoming ...... S:: .. ..-.J 3 27 Your Announcer: MiIton J. Cross

f'~TI'SS has CfO\.\.nCd.him:..a l1a-. It was his "kill \\ith a melodY that lifted tHm hOI .. a..:dalll1ed him; hi c ha:i CroS5 out of the rut oi mer... ·.:mnolln..:ing ,{'wank',1 him...... nJ perhap.. It:> c\'t!lltuall) Ill' relllrne.l to the mikeman's ~ ,111 becauX' no ..:akulJblf set of ..:ir­ lit'!d, hut hl' h:td, be.:ume :.0 thuT(lugh in .;um .. tances pll..... ' hi} ..:oul.1 nuke all of radi/l\' reqtllTemenb th;lt the danger :\LlIl\ll1 J. Cross. IIi .. \cry t=quanltl1lty, or .. IrClel1e carnage in an\' et!th uf excite· clr.cul1l\,ente.L .\leal1\\hile, he playctl at OWIlI, 111'1 Ill\"ariablv calm dl'lllc;:lllor-ali bCll1g engllleer. :>(Jund elic..:h man and oc­ n;l'rgc 10 ~t hun apart a~ dl'l1ll.:lin~ in a casional {Irt h:'>kner grl)Up, Somber ... Iight ga~p. of mien, he po....e....es 3 di"..:nmillatiT~g Cro..... I:. J. tru~ \'eteran of till' air w<\\e~. ...en<"e or hllmor-ht'lI..:e, \\ hill, his ,11d ion i.. Ill' i.. one of the few sun'inlr.. of tht: \\.Il the epitume uf perft'dion. hi ... \Oi':l' ... h,1. tr,l.'n pa""ed il1g~ tho=:>e of the or;llor, Ill' lW\Cr h('(om{'s inlo llll' hand ... of the !b.•lin Corpordtion redanti..: or ill\:l,k.. the rC';lIm of the oi \nu-ri..:a anJ e\entualh' emer~'.'d :... the poetl": 1l1l..:1{'u" or tht: now all-en..:omp:t.... in~ 'd­ Becau..e uf that .:onta~inlh fril'n,Ume"" tillll:ll RroaJ..:a ... ting CompJ.l1) he i:. ,\ll1t III line ;JTl,1 "undn and his fan In 1hose dav... all alllluun..:er W:l~ l(· ... s mail ..:ome.. a ... fre!fuentl.\" (rom the pros­ th.111 lh(' du ... t. lie \\as ju"t an initi;d pector\ ... l1:l.:k :1'; it doe... frum the pent· - \\ilh ahoul ;h much "t010. Smoke Gels in You'r fine. resonant \"oice. Lucky Smith: OUf Il()llle 011 the Hange; ryes, added to his already ovcrn()\\ing !\lci\arnec ceased being a mirror of 11.\1:'­ I'athe f\'ews of the \ir; RuJv "allce's share of laurel .... The orchestra's Lullaby \'arielv llour: \\'e!come \'alJe~', Fire Chief Program *** tcrkal crowJ reactions. His accuracy re­ Premiere of revised show heard Tues· of Broauwa\' l\c\er Sometlling eht "falellt: Deep R17.."I!T Orchestra directed colttralto, of Grullt"l"lle, S. C, a"d Lall­ are to be the final judges. l\laxic Baer should stick to his script by WIllard Robisoll," SolOists. RoblSOIl slIlg Hatfi~ld, baH-bJrlfolle, 01 Hickory, whcne\"er a microphone is pre:oent. HI:'> dlld LOlllie jeoll Norman, N. C !\lax Baer·Jjrnmy Braddock flair for smart-erackinJ.: losL him a lot of Thirty minutes of soothing, re... tful mu· in the ansen..:e of Ed Wynn the Fire Hea\")'weight Fight **** pre... tige, and may cost him morc than that sic of the Southcrn folk an..l l\'C/-lro spiri­ Chief programs carryon through the Sum­ Heard Thursday. June 13, Nne· The radio audience is not interc:;Lcd in his tual type arc provided by thi:; excellent mer, with Eddy Duchin. maestro-his WEAF network at 10 p. m. EDT (9 Don .I uan-esquapades. This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.