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Image to PDF Conversion Tools • • Week Ending June 29, 1935 ECAB87 Volume IV Number 36 ¢ Star of ars Election Winners Cornelia Otis Skinner George Burns Modest Crown Princess and Gracie Allen News and Views of the Week Franklin AdvicE'S from "'Jshington indicate a The much·discussed English and German lelevi:!lion further usc of radio by the Chief Ex­ system~ \\erc discarded here three ye;lrtS ago, D's Big ecutive when other time-honored The RCA gesture unquestionably did much to Stick mcthodo;; of lining up le~islalors fail. strengthen the faith of their own stock and bond holders President Romeve!t look the air and in their properties, but as pointed out by ;l high govern­ eS13blished a new precedent "hen he acted as hi, o\\n ment radio official, it \\ill he ycars before anyone col­ messenger ilnd delivered hi'i Honu~ Bill nln mc.... a~e. lech .Ii\·itfends on tele\i~ion. The move proHd ~ucce.... ful frum an Admini~tration I he r.c.c. is trying to determine just what this standllOint. It \\<1"1 lhe fir~l lime Ihe President ha~ had 1l.·lcvi'lnn furore is all about. 'J he Department of Com· to apply the hig ... tick-the Ol>amc one made famoll~ by his men:c has sent Andre W. Cruse, Chief of the Elec­ illu~triolls rt'!:Hi\e Tl'lld)'. \\ilh modern trimmiI1A", Iric,1I l)ivi~i(Jn, to l:ngland. hanee and Germany, to In making his radio Jddrcss to the country at large. make a first-hand study of the...e denlopments in order Mr. Hoo~c\c11 \\3) not trcadinA on primeval territory. In IHe...enl them to American industry. llis repon Will lie horro\\cd ;J p... ge from "AI" Smith's book on "'low he relurned to Secretary Roper in the early part of July. to Keep a Le,d ..lalure Ilappy Though Beaten." E'<-Gov. Smith \\ent over the air directly to the people \\ hen he The increasing demands• on the brco:Jd­ found some of his pet mea~ures \\ere being threatened A.S.C.A.P. ca.;,ters by the American Society of by :t hostile legislature. To Fight Composers. Authors :lnl! Publi~hcrs President Roosenlt was famili:lr v.ith the Smith has resulted in the Society bein~ CIted strategy and :lpplied it with equal success. For Life in an nnti-tru!\t 5uit. The suit is being • tril'" hdore Icderal Judge John C. I<nox. Japanese Ilir()::.i Saito, Japanese Ambassador to Ibdio ... t;.lIions now pay fivc perct'nt of their Ilet the United St:ltes. recently announced rccciph annually for the right til bro;IlIc;I,t their mu ... ic. Force tl1;l1 .!ap:ln would short-wave a daily In ;,ddition, tht're are other fcc ... collected frolll Ihe hroalk~I USE . program of entertainment and in- ... ll'r", \\hich hring" thl' tlltal p;lid the Socicty to .. ntry forlllation in I:nglish. It w:ts frowned a round-figure ..urn of ,.Z':;OO,()(JO. upon in many qUJ.rters. Although the Japanese Embassy In his argument for an early tri,d, Andrew W. I)en­ nttt, Speci;d A", ... i... tallt In the Allorlley General, in ch:lIge expl:tins thM the progr:lI11 is intended for the \\ hole (wok/in V, borro/l's from AI 5J1111h world, it has bt:en timed for the very cream of the eve­ of the GO\'t'Tnlllcnt ... uil, ~aid Ihat p':hl e;\perience led nmg for the I-:astern part of the United tates. Ihe o\\nl'rs of the hu ... il1e:- ... invohed to believe that The TokiO pro~ram is hro:llh::lst <It 10:30 a. m., grt';lIlv inCrt'<I ...l·d rOyJllie\ \\ill again he demanded by and heard in the E:I ... tern Standard Time LOne at R:30 There :ue exceptions. of course. Sen:ltor Iluey thc\SCAP. ;lIld that Ihey \\ill he fon.:ed to pay such p. m. on the preceding day. A time difTt'rl'llCe of fom­ is one. l3ut th~ audicnce follows him becau'c he i... :l incre;I'cd ;lmolllll'l or go out of hu~iness. teen hours makes tbis "eellling incongruity an al:tualit.\'. pO\\dt.'T keg Jnd likely to explode an)' moment In addi­ l"ath;1Il nurkan, \SC\P genernl coun<;el. tried to The Western p:lrt of the (Ountr,v. \\hidl is bmiliar tum. he is the ne~t comedian on the :lir. and an)-' audi­ d('lay Ihe trial \\ith a mol ion for authority to t.lke with Japane!'e method... is apparently being ... lighted by ence is ready 10 lislen to a funny man. dtpO'llllon~ Ihroughout lhe country, This would haVt: lhe program directors in the I.and of the Ki..,ing Sun. If Senators only cuuld realile that the prim;lry ~t·t the trial ~al:k ~e\eral months. The expressed purpo"'e of the broadca..t series is to function ... of radio are entertalllmcn[ and edul:ation hee ,\1 r. ,hle!'worth's statement)-;IIlJ if tl:ey could apply • provide the world \\ith correct information and :lctual .\1. H. Aylesworth, Prc'.>ident of the Ihi~ \'ard~tick impartially to their speel:hes. Iht,y prob­ One conditions in ]ap:lll-t'conomic anll ...c>Lial. :'\ationa! Broadca... ting Company. in di"l:u,~ anI\' would be more than ple<l ...cJ to let them remain as Tokio will current topil:" for ten or fifteen Network's a statement to th;tt organizal1un's unimportant routine items in thai profound and august minutes in Japanc...e :tnd then an l'qui\'alent time will Athi'ory ('.nullcil, ::.1'lted his com­ tume. the Congre"':-.ional Kccord. be in Engli::.h. 'I hi .. \\ill be follo\\ed hy music and enter­ Credo pany's polil:y in the..e \\ords: The audience too \\ould be deeply ;lppfl'ci:nivc of t.Jinment to fill out the hour. "Our obJel:li\'es ha\'e been to m"lke a\'lil.lble to the this consideration, and the broadcaster" \\ould erel:t a This is not the first effort of foreign countries to American people entertainment and cduc;ltion:tl pro­ ~ monument 10 Ih;H copyhook axiom "Silence I, Golden" use radio to impr('.. the American public. The unre­ grams of Ihe highest standard; to kecp the people in­ stricted, uncen ...ored avenues of ",hort-w;l\'e radio have and send platinum rl'jlliC:ls to our siher-ton~ul'd, leather­ formed regarding their government, hy providing :lll ~een !l'nged repre"entaliH" .... ho should confine their speech· and <Ire /x'ing used daily hy r:rance. Germany. o~en forum for the presetHation and frec dIscussion of making to Capitol llill. Great Britain and Soviet Ru",sia. One more member political allli public questions and of gOH.'rnment poli­ added to the Hadio League of 7'ations only increases cie... :tllil :Idmini::.tration; to cooperate with represenl:1 enthu~iasts the enjoyment of the ShOrH\ave and is no • tiH c,luc;Jtion:d, religious and cuhur;11 organi/atioll'l; more a tlneat to our national institutions than the Flies in Television again ,tepped into the III clfect better understanding of I3bor, :lgriculture allt! Soviet or :\'al.i prop:lganda which has been Oooding our limelight-first \\ ilh <;ome glowing re­ ipdu.. lry in Iheir relations with each olher :tnd with the airbne~ short-\\a\'e for the past two years, Television ports of the Haird system's perfecL:on Jluhlic: to improve international under::.tandilllg and Ointment in England: then with the :lllnounce­ frit'ful .. hip by ;uranging for an exchanHe of informati\C • mcnt by !\~ r. Dave Sarnoff tl1"lt Sen:llor Arthur Capper of Kansas h<ls ~nd el1tl'Tt;linment programs. Senators' RCA, of whidl he b President, will ~pl:nd 1,000,000 011 ... tarted a new fad that brings a lot of "In the furtherance of these aim", I3C has ah\JYs telni..inn. Canned grief 10 hroadcasters. Senator Capper maintained American standards of free ::.pcech on the BOlh of these things claiming the headlines of the is a rt=glllar Washington commentator air; of f;lir j11ay for all people. regard!L'ss of race or national press have unleashed some ul\\\clcome elements, Speeches for CBS, ;lnd :1lternates on current Cleei.l, \\ith decency and good taste." OppOrluni.. ls in the ... lOck m:lrket arc combing the fleld topics \\-ith Senator Oli\cr W. l1arkley of Kentucky. for television system::. around which to hllild stock-selling • Other Scn:J!urs not to be out-done in this re::.pect, I\Ir. William liard. journ<lli ... 1 ;ll1d Ill· drives. Hdure m:lJlY moons go by :1 lot of hard-earned American are havlllg tht.'ir speeches reconll'd and sent to their ternational authority on radio, ~t:lled cash will he exchanged for worthless te:evision stock. home state~ for bro:tdc:1sting. In this regard Senator or the difference between the Amcrican Mr. S<lrnofT was emphatic enough ;lhollt the experi­ Capper has an ,tdv'11ltage. lie Clwn" WII1W <It Topeka. mental nature of RCA':-> television etlorb and the length Foreign? system of broadcasting and that of So completely ~old 011 the radio is Ihe Kans<ls Senator other countries, in :1 recent i:->sue of of lime it \\ill take to complete the te... 1S. Ih:1t recently he turned his fine old home into bro<ldcast­ Atlantic J\\ol1thly.
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