1932-05-12 [P C-2]

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1932-05-12 [P C-2] ■ 8:30—Forum speaker. Crumit—WJZ, WBAL. WBZA, Foreseen. 8:45—Kilowatt Glee Club. WREN, KDKA and WHAM. Apple Surplus 9:00—The Nurserymen. Major Radio Features 8:30—"Tompkins Corners,” rural The Dial Log. CRESTON. British Columbia. May 12 on the Radio 9:30—Wrestling Matches. sketch—WJZ, WBAL, WLW, (JP).—Preliminary reports of this year's 11:00 to 11:18—News flashes. KDKA and WREN. apple crop in British Columbia indicate Today■ "i — ■■ JB» ■ Stations Hoard in Washington SPEECHES. 9:00—Harry Horlick’s Dance Orches- Regularly. an increase of a million boxes over the (ATI profframs scheduled for Eastern Standard Time.) Early Program Tomorrow. "The Traffic Situation In Washington,” tra—WJZ, WHAM, WBAL and Keys. Keys. 1831 output. E. J. Chambers, president 6:00a—Radio RevWal. by George Oflutt. WRC, 10:02. CKGW. WABC. 860 WMAQ .670 of the associated growers, said yester- WNAC will 7:00a—Joe and Harry. 9:30—Hollywood Nights; Frank WBAL.1060 .1230 day. A market for 1,000 carloads i' 315.6 Meters. 5;00—“The Rod and Stream." by Perry CLASSICAL. yr p Tut. Luther, tenor, and Gene Rode- WBAP. 800 WOC .1000 have to be found outside Western " h'' 950 Miller of The Evening Star. 7:30a—King Kilocycles. and Bill. Howard Barlow's Orchestra, WMAL, nich's Orchestra—WJZ, WBAL, WBT.1080 WOR. 710 Canada. 5.1C—Musical 8:00a—Nancy 3:00—Music Comedy Hits. program. 9:00a—The Record Album. 10:15. WHAM, WJR, WLW and KDKA. WBZ 990 WPG .1100 -+ .. -.- 5t45—Flashes from The Evening Star, 3:30—"The Geneva Conference,” by 9:15a—Science and Education. DRAMA. 9:45—The Pickens Sisters; harmony WCAE.1220 WQAM. 560 of by Warrenfels. West Hartlepool, England. Is to have Senator Connally Texas to Kathryn Devereau Blake. Doug 9:30a—Front Royal trio—WJZ. KDKA and WBAL. WCAO. 600 WRVA .1110 6:00—Time and resume. program. Myrt and Marge, WMAL, 6:00; the a 3:45—The Lady Next Door. program 10:00a—Modern 10:00—^Slumber Music; Laurier's En- WEAP. 660 WSB 740 co-operative undertaking society. and Living. Goldbergs. WRC, 6:45; Northern 4:00—"May We Present?” 6:01—Myrt Marge. 10:30a—Household Chat. semble—WJZ, WJAX, WREN WGN. 720 WSUN.620 Be Guest Speaker on 6:15—Studio feature. Dramatic Co., WOL, 7:30; Adven- Hints. and WSM. WGY. 790 WTAM .1070 4:15—"Skippy.” 6:33—Care Free Hour. 10:45a—Helpful tures of Sherlock Holmes, WRC, 8:30; 4:30—Festival of Youth. 11:15a—Musical Parade. 11:30—Larrv Punk's Orchestra: dance WHAS. 820 WWJ. 920 6:45—“The Traffic Situation.” Love Story dramatization, WMAL, Same Broadcast. 4 :40—Swanee Serenaders. music—WJZ, WENR, WREN WHK.1390 WWNC. 670 7:00—The Bath Club. 12:00m—Variety Hour. 8:30. 5:00—Correct time. 1:00—Studio feature. and KVOO. WIOD.1300 WWVA.1160 7:15—Abe Lyman’s Orchestra. 9:01—Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. 1:30—Rev. H. B. Brenner. VARIETY. -•-- WJR. 750 KMOX.1090 7:30—Kate Smith. Russ Columbo, radio’s famous "Ro- 9:80—"Pep” Quarter Hour. 1:50—Gospel Choir. The Tar Water Sisters, WRC, 6:30; WJZ. 760 KOIL .1260 7:45—“Your Child,” by Angelo Patri. no Money meo of Song,” will be featured with his 5:45—One-man Minstrel Show. 2:10—Musical Interlude. the Bath Club, WMAL, 7:00; Rudy TREASURY PLANS ISSUE WLS 870 KTHS .1040 oo»m*CeHM*Mnr 8:00—Rug program. own orchestra the 6:00—“Amos ’n’ Andy.” WRC, 7:00; WLW. 700 KYW.1020 during tri-weekly 8:15—The Mills Brothers. 2:15—Salisbury Program. Vallee and Irene Bordoni, dance hour from 9 to 10 o’clock tonight 6:15—The Bakers Quartet. 2:30—Massed Chorus of Alexandria Kate 7:30; Big Six OF $75,000,000 BILLS 8:30—Love Story Dramatization. Smith, WMAL, over WRC and other National Broad- 6:30—The Tar Water Sisters. School Children. of the WRC, 8:00: Boswell Sla- INfll HWJWWPg»ilL<WBir>«7ioM*i t 9:00—The Trumpeters. Air, Flashes from The Evening Star, Co. stations. In addition to di- 6:45—The Goldbergs. 3:00—United States Marine Orchestra. ters and Shilkret's Orchestra, BUBUMlIiMHMHr OSH m casting 9:30—The Boswell Sisters and Nat Nat 91-Day Obligations Will Raise a resume of world news, is broadcast he will be heard as an instru- Vallee and His Connecti- Sense and Nonsense. Motron Downey, recting, 7:00—Rudy Shilkret’s Orchestra. 4:00—Rhythm. WMAL, 9:30; daily at 5:45 p.m. by WMAL. mental soloist. cut Yankees, and Irene Bordoni. 4:15—Gaffer 10:30. of 9:45—Arthur Jarrett, tenor. Grey. WMAL, Money to Retire $75,689,000 Jack Denny and his orchestra also 8:00—Big Six of the Air. 4:30—“Say it With Music.” 10:00—Joe Palooka. MUSIC. Will contribute to the dance 8:30—Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 5:00—Musical DANCE Similar Securities Due May 18. bureau of works Is music, 10:15—Howard Barlow's Orchestra. Program. Japan’s public with Columbo and his or- 9:00—Jack Orchestra and 5:30 to 5:45—News flashes. Jack Orchestra and Russ Co- S9.000.000 in road con- alternating Denny's 10:30—Morton Denny's By the Associated Press. spending nearly Downey. s Art chestra. The guest speaker on this Russ Columbo's Orchestra. lumbo’s Orchestra, WRC, 9:00; struction and Improvement during the • » 10:45—Madriguera’s Orchestra. Secretary Mills announced last night The •** a*- will be Senator of 10:00—Last Minute News. Orchestra, WMAL, 11:00; 1931-32 fiscal year. •••way ary tliaaa ml program Connally 11:00—Art Orchestra. 228,9 Krueger’s that the would sell ry^dryd Texas. 10:02—“The Traffic Situation in Wash- Kreuger’s WOIn Herb Gordon’s Orchestra. WRC, Treasury $75,000,000 kaafcaad oad wilm. Thy tiMW 12:00—Weather report. 1,310 Kilocycles. of 91-day bills on 16. Wwalw The Sunshine Hour with Rudy Vallee ington,” by George Offutt, chair- 11:31; Earl Hines’ Orchestra, WRC, May l> ytricdy fdrotc. hour. The bills will be dated May 18 and and his Connecticut Yankees, the Big man of the Traffic Advisory Early Program Tomorrow. 3:00—Sports 12:00. mature on August 17, when they will be Six of the Air, and another episode in Council. 3:30—Recordings of Lawrence Tibbett. 8:00a—Little Jack Little. redeemed at face value. The money the Sherlock Holmes adventure series 10:15—Harry Reser’s Eskimos. LOANS Minstrels. 3:45—Marguerite Costello. HIGH LIGHTS ELSEWHERE. raised by the sale of the bills will be are among WRC’s other 10 :45—Beale Street Nights. 8:15a—Morning outstanding 8:45a—The Girl. 4:00—Tea in Brief; Lowell Thomas used to retire of similar se- N. B. C. attractions. 11:00—Don Bestor's Orchestra. Dutch Time Tunes. 5.45—Topics $75,689,000 $300 OR LESS 9:00a—Warren Sweeney, WBZ, WL’.V. KDKA, curitles which mature on May 18, 11:30—Weather forecast. pianist. 4:30—Monte, Mike and Skip. —WJZ, ItyaymM h wmtad la >aay Howard Barlow's and Frank WBAL and WIOD. ■•lltklv jrirt ■ tit auit -— Orchestra. Gordon’s Orchestra. 9:15a—Julia Sanderson WRVA, RwVnwVflV W Wf W 11:31—Herb Crumit. 4:45—Catherine Deale, pianist. aaaaaalaaaa. Two movements from the "Nut- 12:00—Earl Hines’ Orchestra. 6:15—The Romance Exchange; orches- reader. 5.00—Festival of Music. wrHy cracker Suite” of Tschiakowsky, will be 12:30 to 1:00a—Terrace Gardens Or- 9:45a—Virginia Leatherbury, tra and Ray Heatherton—WJZ. CaR, ay abaaa taday featured by Howard Barlow's Orchestra chestra. 10:00a—Ready to Bake. 5:15—Popular Bits. WBZ, KDKA and WGAR. 10:05a—Les KOPIES PERSONAL INC In his concert tonight at 10:15 over Colvin, piapo-accordionist. 5:30—Smiling Through Trio. 6:30—“The Stebblns Boys"—WJZ, RANKERS, Earl; Program Tomorrow. 10:15a—Nan Dorland. SSW Shady ialaad Ava., Mt. Safilyr, Md. WMAL and associated Columbia sta- 5:45—One-Time Opportunities. WBZ, KDKA, WHAS and WMC tions. 10:30a—Ida Bailey Allen's Cooking 6:00—Dinner Concert. Pkaaaai DCcatar 1S4Q.1341.1t4S 6:30a—Tower Health Exercises. Jones and Ernie Hare, The Bath Club at 7 o’clock School. 6:15—The Troubadours. 6:45—Billy program 7:00a—On the 8:15. and patter—WJZ, WBAL. RETHESDA PERSONAL RANKERS, INC Includes a of love The 10:45a—Among the Women of Wash- 6:30—Musical Sketches. songs Can medley songs. 7:30a—Cheerio. WHAM and you OtW Wifcentl* Ay*., lathatda. Md. soloists will be ington. Frances Kasper Law- WMAQ. Mabel Jackson, soprano, 8:00a—Gene and Glenn. 7:00—Songs by Agnes Fitzpatrick. Phaayt: Witcontln son. 7:00—Harriet Lee and Male Trio— 4373-4374 and Willard C. Amison, tenor. o’ scprano. 7:20—New* Flashes. I I 8:15a—Top the Morning. WBZ. WBAL, KDKA. WRVA. draw Herman will “A Great 11:00a—Ted Brewer's Orchestra. 7:30—Northern Dramatic Co. PUBLIC SMALL LOAN CO. Hupfleld sing 8:30a—Flying Fingers. WGAR. 11:30a—Columbia Revue. WHAM and Harlow Ave., Ro<»Ivn, Va. Big Bunch of You” as a highlight of 8:45a—Food 8:00—Radio Night Court. NY 7 program. 11:45a—The Moth Chasers. 7:30—B. A. Rolfe and his orchestra— Phone: West 3443. the Trumpeters program at 9 o'clock. 9:00a—Pie Plant Pete.
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