Long Wa,'e 5 ShortWave (:ents N en's Spots the (:oPY A .-jdllres SJ•.iO Year iVolume III, No. 24 WEEK ENDING JUNE 22, 1934 * Published Weekly

This and That "Senate Inquiry Into Fitness of U. S.

.- I. ByMorrisBa.tings AT LONG LAST FRANK Radio Commissioners Is Demanded BLACK has given the much publicized premiere of GUERE'S 1------,;, '" "The Red Poppy," music for a • ballet that is now all thc rage in Soviet Russia. 180,000,000 Sets In World Use Dickinson Those who did not expect too much of the Of Iowa Is 'I music probably AIEu·riEl-ges eEln Be Hapl'Y 1 were not dis­ u. S. Leading a p poi n ted, In Brigl"t World 01' HaElio Accusing Those who had All Countries (~~--- hoped for By The MICROPHONE'S Jf'ashinglon S 0 met h i ng · A Few of the Slars ,- Special CorreJpondenJ original a n J In a u atIon . T b I Charges in the arresting were ,," DIsplay Famed Senate by Senator 1. J. DICKlN­ let down. A report made by the Interna· Emolion It isn't bad SON (R) of Iowa, that the Fed. tionale de Radiodiffusion of era! Radio Commission is infJu-' music - not at Geneva estimates that 20,000,000 all bad. It Dy JOHN McART enced in its decisions by politics radio sets were sold throughout came as a bombshell. ; simply i s n • t the world during the year 1933, Come, come, my good director, good enough. The Iowan has introduced a bringing the total of sets in world let's have a little more soulful resolution for a senatorial investi.. Mr. HASTINGS "The Red use to 180,000,000. music for this scene. Something Poppy," in oth· gation of the fitness of radio The number of sets in North like "Htarts and Flowers" or commissioners. It was not ex· er words, is graceful, not exciting; America, according to the report, .Moonlight and Roses," with vigorous. not vital; and pretty with­ pected to be passcd. approximatcs 20,500,000. T his plenty of heart-throb in it, will out being moving. Creation of a special sena.. equals the total of sets in use in be excellent. torial committee of five members The love theme, so help me, is Europe, excluding Russia. For when you come to think to i n v est i gate DICKINSON'S reminiscent of nothing so much There are over a million auto- of it, radioland certainly does of­ charges, was called for in a reso- as the Kashmiri Love Song. The mobiles equipped with radio sets fer some outstanding examples of , lution filcd by Senator Hury P. music for the dances in the Chi­ in the United States, the report wedded bliss. LONG, I-ouisiana. Senator Coux· nese tavern stem from the DE­ d.eclares. Not like Hollywood. wher,c ens (R) of Michigan. objected to LIBES tradition of winning pretti· Japan leads other Asiatic coun· they grind out hooey pictures and its immediate con~i£le .Ilion. ness. tries in the tabulation of radio' di"orces ,.... irh ama7.ing regularity consideration. The plot, as described by An­ sets in use, radio sets being pur· and where, snmingly en:ry year, DICKINSON'S fIareup, however, nouncer h.f1LTON J. CROSS, has chased there at the rate of 7200 a star equips herself with a ne,~' pointed to a fight in the Senate the propaganda requiret.l of all q week in 1933 in contrast to mate, to match her new hat or over confirmation of the persons art created in modern Rus:;ia, 6150 a week the previous year. her new automobile. nominated by President Roose­ The huo, for example, is a Ru'i­ While figures on South and Radio stars get marrie.J and VFJ.T to serve as members of the sian Clptain in China who comes Central America are not com· stay married and happy so far BING CROSBY, Cfooner, 1t'ho plap new communications commission to rhc aid of a poor pestered plc:te, it is stated that there arc as can be discecntd with the Ibe gal/anI cat'alier /0 hiJ wile, authorizcd in the DILL bill, coolie. 80,000 sets in Argentine, Chile naked c}'e, DIXIE LEE. which has just been passed by The ,·illJ.ins are some wicked and Brazil, with Chile responsible True, there are a few sour ------­ Congress. Chinese and an English mer­ for about 46 per cent of that total. notes in this symphony of the Pennsyh'ania's Gretna Grecn and The new commission is to chant. take over all the duties of the But whether or not the music microphonic matrimonial heaven. betook unto himself a stcond Glenn Frank Speaks Only a short time ago, FAY spouse, amidst some public present radio commission and in itself was disappointing, FRANK addition powers of the lnterstate The baccalaureate sermon to the \X!n18 skipped home to Mama clamor. BLACK did a notable thing in pre· Commerce Commissiol) over the dass of '934 by GLENN FRANK: and ReDY, the great Vagabond senting it...... Silent Ted Husing telephnne, cable and telegraph president of the University of Wis-l Lovtr, scampered for cover be­ The fact that a work by one The late-st rumble came when companies. consin, wiII be broadcast over the hind a protecting fringe of high- of Russia's outstanding contem- TED HL'SING, queried concerning Should Congress adjourn short- BC.WJZ network Sunday, June Ipowered lawyers. Then GRAHAM (Contin1led all Page 15) '7, from 6 to 6,30 P. M. McNAMI E dashed down to (Col//illllcJ all Page 13) (Continlled on Page '5) ------(l) Johnson To 20 ¥eE,rs To Contents News '''Iashes PidllIoes = Ta'" on Air A.M. Be Beviewed 7.15 WNAC Gencral HUGH S. JOHNSON, 8.00 WAAft WF..A,N WORC ""'...lAS On June 28, 1914, the bullet News Flashes Box Page 1 WICC WLBZ ""NBH GRACE and EDDIE ALDERT NRA administrator, will be the JO.45 WBZ of an assassin ended the life of 'ft!arriage ill Radioland principal speaker in a program 10.~ WABC oetwork:. WF.AF Net­ Front Cover work (Tues.• lows. 10AS) Archduke fRANC.'ork; WADC Net­ EDITH ML"'RRAY, SYLVIA Charleston, West Virginia, where work ter/udes. Radio Lme W]Z Network (Wed. 11.45, Sat. FRODS Page 7 a state holiday has been declared 11.30) The radio review, written by by JIMMIE J. LEONARD Page 5 in observance of the anniversary. CIJ.ARLES TAZ£\\'ELL and pro­ VERA VAN, 'f"ocaliJt Page 8 SttldioJity, by LES TROY Page 5 SUl\'DAYS The broad.cast will originate at duced by COL!'RTNFY SAVAGE, will COLLETTE CARLAY, French Edi/OJ"ials Page 5 A.M. Laidley Field Stadium at Charles· dramatize the main currents of characler Jinger Page 10 The 'Voice of Columbia" Page 7 -8,45 WNAC WEAN WlCC WHA ton where thousands of citizens arc WJ\1AS WLBZ WNBH history from 1914 unlil today. lRENE RICH, moz;ie Jlar Page 12 11.00 WBZ WEAF.WJZ N~'Ofk WEEl Page Page 11 expected to join in the (eJebration Among the highspots of the FRANK CRUMIT, JULIA SANDER­ Short IVat'e Direc/ory Page r 3 Other speakers in addition to P.M. program's re·enactments are: the SON, ETHEL SHUTT...... PORT~ Ref/ecliouI, General JOHNSON an-d Gm'ernor Russian revolution, post~.....ar de­ 6.00 WNAC WEAN 'WlCC WFL\ LAND HOI'FA Page '3 by DIANA HERBERT KUMP will be EnwARD McGRADY, pression, prosperity, LINDBERGH'S Page 15 WLBZ WMAS Wone WNBH JOE COTTON Page 14 Nimbletl'ilJ, assistant secretary of Labor and 6.45 \'('MB flight, gang warfare, the rise of 9,45 WAAB LEAH RAY, JongJ/reJJ Page 15 bJ EVERETT SMITH Page 15 DONALD RICHBrRG, general coun­ 10.45 WBZ MUSSOUNI and HITLER, America's 11.15 WNAC WEAN WlCC W'FIA iA BaJI Crooner sel of the NRA, ~:ORC WMAS WLBZ WNDH depression and the repeal of the PIllL HARRIS, band leader by PIIIL HARRIS Back COL'er The program will lasl one hour. Eighteenth Amendment. Back Cover Page Two THE MICROPHONE Saturday, June 16, 1931 Saturday, June 16 - Poughkeepsie Regatta on NBC-WJZ, 7.15 P.M ..

12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST, Vc:lasco's Orchesua. \VABC WAAB Arthur W2rr~n'~ Onhestra. WQR, 30 m. llighliglds 10.45 CT L,uJ(rt· Bernard G.lbriel. piano, WOR $e-)ffiOUr Simon's Orchestra WGN !O m P.M. U. S. l\{.UIOC 8.1nd, WMCA. )0 in. ~ The Sinlers. WjZ WBZ WDAL WHAM 5':.~:'~T EDT; 4.30 ESTI FIdler's Orchestra. KDKA 8.45 P.M. EDT; 7.45 EST, 3,Oo-Gcneral Hugh S, John­ The Teuns. WLW 6.45 CT Harold Turner, pilnist, WGN Musical Variety. WEEI, 30 Ul. son, CBS·WABC Suoset Hour. WTIC Vienna Band Concert. NBC~ Teuie. the Typist WBZ 1 P.M. EDTI 12 N. EST) Martha and Hal, WGY "Fat)' Wa!ler, \XrABC WHAS WPG WJZ 11 A.M. CT Platt and Nlerm..n. WjZ WBZ AlabAma Three. WMCA Bill and Alex. KDKA 5.00 and 5.4')-Princeton Invi­ National O~n Gol( Fin..1s and T~ Black's john Barker, baritone, WLW lalion Track Meet. CDS­ Orchestra. WEAP, 30 m.: WEEI from 1.10; j ..ck Armstrong, All Ameucan Boy. WABC 9 P.M. EDT; 8 ESTJ 7 CT WGY (rom 1.15 WCAU WABC Ted B1ack's Orchestra, WEAF. ,0 Ul.: jamcs Sheehy, tenor. WIIAS Comedian Jlarmnnists. WEAP WLW Way 7.15-Poughkccpsle k e ga t tao WEEI from 1.10; WGY from l.U Wulher. news. WPG Come.ly leam. WEEI WO~ famous ravufltes. WTIC. ,0 m. NBC·WJZ (CBS·WABC at Stocks. WEEI French Clus, .}O m. jamboree. WjZ WHAM, }O 03.; KD'KA Rural Re... ie..., WTIC Itall..n Talk. WM\...J\ (rom 9.U 7.30) Stocks. WGY ~o 5.45 P.M. EDT, 4.45 EST, Golf Talk:. KDKA , 8.30-Flo}'d Gibbons, NBC­ Words .. nd Music, WjZ KDKA. m. New E"&land Community Sin.;.. Club> Fum Ne_. wnz 3.45 CT \X'DZ • WEAF Esther Velu Ensemble, \VABC WGAU little Orphan Annie. WjZ WBZ WHAM Grele Stcuckgold. Andre KosteJanm' OtcbU4 9.00-Grere Stueckgold. CBS­ WHAS•. )O m. WHA~ Charles Sawyer. Lt. Governor of Ohio. KDKA WLW WGN trJ. WABC WCAU WPG. JO 111. WABC Princeton UniversIty Jnvitation Track and Freddy Farber. Variety Act. WOR WLW Clar~'$ ~o 9.3Q-Detroit Symp;lony Or­ \"ea.ther. Hiltel Morton Orcbestra WPG, Field Meet. competition by world's nc· Palmer Orchestra. WGN, m•• 30 m. ' ord hnlders. WADC WCAU WUAS Dob Humg s Orlhutra.. WMCA chestra. CBS-W ABC wPG. 30 m. He.1llth Talle. WOR 8.15 P.M. EDTI 8.15 EST) Mid-Da)' &r... ice. WGN College Glee Club, WCAU, ,0 Ul. 10.0o--LenDie Hayton'S Orches­ W~tCA 7.15 CT "a, NBC·WEAF Stocks, WMCA. ,0 m. Baseball Talk. 6 P.M. EDT; 5 EST, 4 CT lilli.. n Buckn.. m, soprano WEAP WEEI 1O.3o--TIleaue Stars of Yester­ 1.15 P.M. EDT, 'l2.15 ESTI Wey , day, DeWolf Hopper, NBC­ '1.15 A.M. CT AI Pearce's Gang. WEAF WLW, ;0 m. The Monitor Vi_~ tne News WBZ W~AF The Evemng Taulc:r, WEEI. JO m• Fred Berren's Orchestra. WOR. JO rD. .,·H Club, W8Z Wrlghl¥J1le Clarion, WTIC A.M. Madison ElI~cmble, \X'ABC WCAU WHAS Anj::e1o Ferdinando's Orchestra, WJZ 9.~,~:,~,,: EDTJ 8.30 EST. 30 m. WBAL 12.15--CareFree Carnival. NBC­ River and Weather Reports. WLW "Wings." George Mason WBZ John Stein's Olcbestra, WOR fkatrice Fairfax. WEAF WEEI WGY WLW. WEAF W.eather, baseball. KDKA. }O m. m. Mischa RaglO~ky Ensemble, WABC WHAS ,0 -----,11.80 P.M. EDT; 12.30 EST, Uncle Don. WOR, 30 Ul. Merry Madcaps. Norman Cloutier. WYIC. jack ArmSUOng. WI.W ,0 m. (All /JrogranlJ are fiiled in EaJ/em 11.90 A.M. CT Dick Hayes, baritone, WGN Edward Da... ies. haritone. W jZ WBZ KDKA WIIAM. ,0 m. Daylighl Saving Time. EMlern Harold Stern's Ensemble WEAF WtEr }O 6·1.~ WHAM, 30 m. SIa11dard Time is one hOll, earlier/ m.; WTIC ffllm I..ts· • :CM-i EDT) 5.15 EST, Detr.olt Symphony Orchestra, directiotl of National Graor.e Pro~nm: U. S. Army FRANCEse", LENNI, ac/reu oll/alian Vlltor Kolar. WADC WCAU W'HAS Cen/raJ Time iJ two hOll;s eartier.) Blind. WjZ WBZ WBAL \VHAM KDKA 1 h,; \'QPG from JO • WTTC descent, -who appear.s on Dra­ Baseball Scores, WBZ Billy 11a)'~' OH.hestn. WADe WCAU. 30 Aldrich's Hawaiians. WPG. ~o Ul. IIltr.,l" Knight's Orch~tr. \VABe WCAU broad~ 10 A.M. EDT; 9 ~':;TI 8 CT WHAS • malic Guild performanceJ m.. WHAS. 15 m. (WGY W£'£1 WLW Heat W ..,·es. ""MCA from 6AS) Anson Week's Orchotta. WGN Jan Savitt's music, WABe WCAU WHAS. Books ttoulind G~net. WOR CMI over Ihe CBS· 1/7ABC chail/. Market Rc:poru, WGN Emil Thaviu's Orchestra, WGN )0 m. jane Clifton. songs. WMCA 9.45 P.M. EDT, 8.45 EST. Home Hour, WPG, 30 m. 7.45 CT Keep Fit Club, WGN 6,30 P.M. EDT; 5.30 EST, 1.45 P.M. EDT: 12.45 EST; 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 11.45 A.M. CT 4.30 CT Mountain Moments, WOR 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; 1.15 CT CummlOs' Or... hc:str... \x. GN 8.15 CT Tom Coakley's Orcheostu. Wr:AP WTIC, Harold Knight's Orchestra, WABC WCAli. Ross Mclean, baritone. WOR Enots, WED 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST. a CT JO m. Ordll:~tra. Baseball )tOrl'S and Current Morning Parade, News at 10.30; WEAP Emil Thavru's WGN Stamp Club. WjZ Guy Hunter, entertainer WOR Miami Beach On.hestra, \'0( MeA Hayton's Orchestra. :Saxon Sister•• WEAF WTlC: WGY, 4) m.; WEEt, 1) m. and Orlh~UI, Spans. weather. WBZ from 1.0.4) "'"t Rikk's Hun,llari"n WGN \VEEI WGY \'QLW, 30 m. Plano Duo, WMCA jack Armmong, WIW SlIIgllllt ::tum!s, WJZ WBZ WBAL KDKA, 3.30 P.M. EDT, 2.30 EST; Charles Cuble, WABC Mdodle:s. WTIC, :\0 m. \0 m. 1.30 CT Harold Kni~hl's Orchestra. WCAU Tun RYAn's Place. WjZ WHAM KDKA Home Forum, KDKA 2 P.M. EDT, 1 EST; 12 N. CT Rioes' mus;c. WD7. (Weather at 10.15) WC'Ck-End Revue. WEAF WEEI WTIC WGY Talk on Americanism, \VHAS Cnlldren'~ pwpam, \XlOR. ,0 m, Motor Tips. WOR Behind the La.... KDKA Orf.:an, \'QL W Brn dOlst from M,unich, WEAF wrn WGY WLW, 1 h. Chic"no Fair, WAne Saturday's Songsters. \\"fjZ WBZ WHAM Tony D·Orazi. cartoooist. WGN Shopping Guide, WHAS Art'~t Henu!. \\ARC WCAU \\!PG Bob Newllan, WIW "R, JO m. Cbicago Cubs n. Boswn. \X·G:-J. 2 h .• I ~o me: t Ulru~<:s, \\oLAf Wfr:1 wtY oe: \X'liliams. sport$. WABC WTIC WGY. h. l-brlu:t Rep ". \,\'GN, In. 1) m. WHAs \\'LS Barn Dance, WjZ WBZ WHAM ""TIC. 30 m. Blidae T ..lk. \YMCA j'loll Co.,k. ""OR Em~7>c.Dcut~dl·lo Orche~ua, WAOC WeAU Little Orpl'31l Anr ie, WGN KDKA \\;'LW, I h. 1~..~~ ~:. EDT, 9.45 ESTI [lder Mi,h.. ux and his Congregation WABC 4 P.M. EDT; 3 EST, 2 CT T.. ngo Orchestra., ""'"MCA Piano Duo. WOR WCAU. ~o m. • (,c:nr~la fjt(:d Pier Orch~tra, WPG. }O rD. l'o:ev.·s and Originalities. WJZ \'VBAL Wildcats, \VHAS Mioi.. ture Theatre, WjZ WBZ KDKA, 30 m. 7 P.M. EDT; 6 ESTI 5 CT Rrkk's Orchestra, \'QGN Orllan Recrt;,.I., \vOK, ~o m. Nc\\s and Pi"no. WHZ Ann Leaf. Olganl$t. \VAHC WHAS \'

Sunday, June 17 • Detroit Symphony Orchestra, CBS·WABC, 3 P.M. -.-. ~""'BAL WHA~f 9 P.M. EDT; 8 EST. 7 CT lligltligltts Old SonJ:S of the Chunh. KDKA 1 Compins],;y Trio. WAOC \VaU WPG Merry·Co-Round, Tamara. WEAP WTIC Educational P.M. \\ HAS. ~o m. WGY, 30 m. _ Rhythm Bo~. wPC Pox RCTUe. WEEf SlIuday, Jllne 1] 3.~Dcltoit $)"mphony Or­ K~....s. \\MCA Gulf Headliners 15"itb Will Rogus, WjZ ­ \\.DZ WHAM KDKA WBAl. WLW. I: 11..'0 A.• f. Drama of Life of ChCSU2, CBS-\"'\'ABC 1.45 P.M. EDTI 12.45 EST. 30 m. Anruine La\oisier. the famer 6.oo-Gloon Fcank, :nC-WJZ 11.45 A.M. CT Se-ymour Simon's Orch~tra. WGN. 30 m. of moJern chemistry, r\'BC­ ~ F.mily Theatre. Fay Bainter, WABC 6.30--£ 0 n Petri, pianist. Mildred Di1lins. harp· t. WEAP WEU WCAU. 30 m. \\'JZ , ·BC-\\ JZ \\"GY lovely Lady of Song. WHAS 8.0(~Jcnne)' Orche:.ua, KOKA SoDp. mwlC. WMCh. 30 m. Tlle,da), June '9 Concert. WEEt Dr. P..u1 V. Wm 10_, WMCA NOll Arustes MooucaJ.ais. CKAC, 30 m.. "Voice of Columhia," with ! 7.15 P.. f. Talks on consuuctive Geor~e je.;scl, CBS·WABC 2 P.M. EDT; 1 ESTI 12 N. CT 9.30 P.M. EDTJ 8.30 EST, local cconom)' by Howard P. 9.00--F3)' B a i 0 t e c. ens­ Gene ArDold', Orche1tu, WEAP WEEI 7.30 CT Junes and Professor H. Reed. \\7ABC "GY \t'LW. )0 rD. r>OC-WJZ Album oC F.a.miliu Mlnic. Fraak MUDD, Will Rogers, \VJZ South Sea lslandeu, ~}Z WBZ WBAL KOKA VI/llnla Rea. \\.-EAF Will u.·GY. 30 m. Thll dJy, Jllne 2I 9.3O-Album of Familiar ,Mu­ _ fdlth Murray, son,lt:'. "'ABC WPG WHAS "Unique Progn..rn;· wnC. 30 m.. sic, NBC.WEAF I Inslrumenl.ll Tno. \\ MCA. ~O m. PurleU's OU..lJcstr•• WLW 3.'0 P.M. rarional S r u den t P.tlmcr H< ~ En~""l:lle. WG. Ralph Kirbcrry. baritone. WjZ WHAM Federation program. CBS. War i n ~·s PcncsrIvan..ians, WHAl KOKA WLW WABC GBS-WABC 2.15 P.M. EDT, 1."15 EST, Bill WIIIl.;,l.['IU. ba~. WBZ 12.15 CT ",",ulng·, Pennsylunlans. WABC WCAU 1O.OQ--Mme. Schumann Hein~ WHA$ \\t'G. 30 m. Arthur Henning. WGN NBC-WJZ Abram Chuins, piano. W'ABC W'CAU WHAS OrR:an. \\-'"'HZ Mule tln·e, bus, and Allan Gunt, piaDist. •·Sucens.·' H&Cry Balkin. WOR Warne King's Orchestra. WGN Bob Fallon's Orcbestra. WMCA, 30 m. Zero Hour. WlW, '0 m. CBS·WABC Spn",. Nt·....s. KDKA , CharJl~ 2.30 P.M. EDT, 1.30 EST, Alne... ·• Orcbestn.. WGN 10.~o--Roland Young, movie 9.45 P.M. EDTi 8.45 EST; "Moonhc~m~." 12.30 CT WOR, 30 m. star, l'\"1lC·WEAF 7.45 CT Zero Jlour, WlW 'ay~. Grace I WEAF WEEI WTIC WGY Adventur~ Conu:rt ArtISts. \\.jZ WDZ WBAL WLW, in Health, WjZ WBZ WHAM 11.15 P.M. EDTr 10.15 EST. KDKA 9.15 CT (All programs are listed in Eastern KDKA, 30 m. Unbroken Melodies. WLW Lazy Dan Mmsuel, WABC wau WHAS, Los (Jures. WOR Enoio RoI08nini. ·cellist. W}Z KDKA Da)light SJI ing Time. Eastern 30 m. ~lngcn. Alic~ Orchestra, WG. feventlde W8Z Central Time is two hour.s earlier.) Memorlcs. Remsen, WOR, )0 m. Henry Bussc s Orch~tr., WABC WPG. Three Little Funstecs. WMCA. 30 m. 10 P.M. EDT; 9 ESTI 8 CT 50 ffi.; WCAU WHAS CIom n.30 Slandard Time if one hOllr earlier,­ Pari~ Trio. WeN The Ott;!l(I Slup, WGN Vietor Younli:'s Orchestra. WrAP WEEI N~....,. WCAU 9.45 A.M. EDTI 8.45 EST, 2.45 P.M. EDT, 1.45 EST, 12.45 CT WTlC WGY WLW. 30 m. Udo', Tango Orchestr., WMCA 7.45 CT M.dame Schumann·Heink, WjZ WBZ WHAM DOUGLAS I lOPE. who h..u had wide 11.30 P.M. EDT. 10.30 EST. Alden EtIkin!. baritone, WfAP WTIC WGY Landt Trio and White. WEAP WEEI WTIC KDKA WlW WGY experience 011 J/age and radio, is W.yne King's Orch~tra. WABC WCAU 9.30 CT 10 A.M. EDT, 9 EST, 8 CT Freddie LaMonte Trio. WPG one oj the mOJt prominent actors WHAS, 30 m. Octllestra. WrAP WTIC WGY WLW. Palmer House Ensemble, WGN New. and Ted Wccms' Orchestra, WGN )0 m. S.lbbuh RC\'erics, Dr. C. l. Goodell, WEAP of the Princess Pdf pJa')'ers whose "Cbansonerte," WUK. 30 m. Musiule. wrr:l. 30 m. WTlC \'HoY. ~o m. . 3 P.M. EDT, 2 ESTI 1 CT M.uro Cottone at the orlUl. miCA. '0 m. Orchestral Gem" WTlC. ~ m. South~tn.ires, W jZ WBZ WBAL WHAM. sketches are heard our the SBC· Ne,,"s and Benens' Orch~tra, WjZ WBZ Talkie Picture Time, june Meredith, WEAP ~o m. WJZ lIetwork SlIlIdays at 4-30 10.15 P.M. EDT; 9.15 EST. WHAM KDKA, )0 m. Church Forum, WT.\X! WITI 'o;(·GY, 30 m. 8.15 CT Tea Leave' .nd j.de. WLW. 30 m. Columhu'S Chunh o{ th~ Air. Dr. V.n Bn X DJYs .nd Nights, WjZ WDZ KDKA. P. JII. Chates Barnett's Orcbestr•• WMCA. 30 .. Ollden VUl{t. ht Unit;trian Church. Chi· 30 m. Week's Cummin', and Weems' OrcbcstrU. Dc-troit Symphony OCthe~tra. from Century Mrs. Monugue's Millions. dram•• W]Z ugo. \\"ABC WCAU WPG WHAS. 30 m. WHAM KDKA WGN. t h. of Prof,:ro,s. V,lIor Kolar dlrectin,lt: Si't~n. Bible ReadlOg5. OrgJn, WGN. 30 m. Dvorak'~ Ponce WLW St. Ceeili~ Glee Club. Associated Punch jimmy Luncelord's Orchestra. WMCA. 30 at. O\ertulC to "Oheron," Weber, Nick lucu. songs, WABC WCAU WHAS "New WoIld" Symphony;' "[ntr.nce of Societies. WBZ 10.30 A.M. EDT; 9.30 EST. WiUiam Suiman, baritone. WPG Tilt Dukes. Wt'G 11.45 P.M. EDTr 10.45 EST. 8.30 CT the Gods mto Valhalb"' {rom Wa,lt:ner·. Louise Brabant. soprano, WGN 9.45 CT "Das Rhciogold." \VAOC Wau WHAS Maiun Orchntr.. WEAF WEE! WTIC. T h. • 10.90 P.M. EDT; 9.80 EST. Johnny jobnson's Orchestra. WARe Rev. E. Linle. \'('OR, 30 m. 8.30 P.M. EDTI 5.80 EST. WIW. 30 m. Thomu 4.80 CT 8.30 CT \\ CAU WPG WHAS Samo.."r Serenade. WJZ WBAl WHAM Dr. jacob Tacshish. "LW 30 m Melody P.aude. WABC 'I);.·CAU WHAS Gospel M~• .lIit~. WPG' . Jbll of Fame. Roland Young. WEAF WEfI 12 M. EDTI 11 P.M. EST; 10 CT SundJy Morml'lK Conlert, WGN. 1 b•• '0 m.. Songs. music. WMCA. 30 m. Our American Schools. WEA.P WTIC WGY, WTlC \\"LW WGY. 30 m. Don Baker. tenor. WGN '" >n. FreJdlC Bentn's RI"ICU. Orchestra, WjZ Doud1cbuli: Orch(,tra. WEAP WGY 10.45 A.M. EDT; 9.45 EST, MusiUI TuDeS. WEEI \\. BAl WHAM. 30 m. Jimmy Luncd'Ol:d·s Orcbc:stn.. WjZ WB2S 8.45 CT Voices and Orpo. WLW. 30 m. Y. M. C. A. Pro,p'am. KDKA WHAM WBAl KDKA. :50 m. [gon Petti. pl.trll~. 'X"jZ WBAl. WHAM, 41 MmutD in Hollwood. WABC WCAU. N~..t. Ca~tle Fum Orchestra. WLW 'an~cr Ak S.. mlulcr. pianit. WABC WCAU 30 m. 4) m. ReJ :-';I

/ uncle Tom 2nd Bc:tty. KOKA 5.15 P.M. EDT, 4.15 EST, Bin~ Crosby. jimmy Grier's Orchesua aDd th~ r.nokine: C1o~ps.WABC ,"'(AU As He L.. 3.15 CT lIHIs BrOlhers. WABC WCAU 30 m, \\'~nderinA Poet. \\'PC "Sln(onleltl," WOR, ~o m. ' I P.M. Mane PersonA"tl~, \\'GN The Monitor Vie..·s the Ne"·~. WBZ TIll: Cameos. \l;'PG I KOKA KlddlC)' K!ub. KOKA Lone R.in~er. WG:"o:. ~o tn. j Advcl'"li~ers Fed~ralion SIrIPPY, WAKC wau .~ 1.30 - 11.15 A.M. EDTI 10.15 ESTI Cuzy &.nge &'mblers, WMCA Comemion, Gov. Lehman of 9.15 CT "Swry Teller's Ilou!oe." ~'OR 8.45 P.M. EDT; 7.45 EST) TC¥. York. Mayor La Gu.u- 5.30 P.M. EDT, 4.30 EST, 6.45 CT d;a, WABC·WJZ Piau U1d Kerman. piilno duo. WjZ WBZ 3.30 CT \\'HAM KOKA ~ctCh, B;abe Ruth. h.a1eba1l comment. WlZ 8.00 :nconr:";lIlU 'Be· Ne..~ and 11\·C\tocks. ""lW Frank lerri.-ell's Adventures. WEAP WEEI \\'HAM \\-·HAL KDKA WEAf ~dro de Cordoba and Osbo,oe', Orcbesua. \\"(iY \\'TlC I R.dlo Rod and Gun Club. WOR \\-~ADe \); CAU Sinain~ 8.3O----Gb.d)'s Swuthout. I'\"BC­ The lady. \\"jZ wnz WHAM More Than l'\C1\·s. \\'MCA i Yow Friendly :--;tigbbor. WGS WL~' KOKA Ibrold Strpl ens. ttl"- r. \\ PC \,'EM j2ck Arm~oo8. "A11·Amr:ria.o Bo,," WABC 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; 9 P.M. EDT, 8 EST; 7 CT • 9.00-R 0 s a PonseUe. cns­ \\ ('..AU 9.30 CT hurnllnc:nul Qwrtette, U-PG WABC A. & P. Gypsies. Franlr P.arker. WEAl Chuiotc-c:n. W LW LUin St. Song Wtiter. WMCA WEEI \\."'TIC WGY. !O m. 9.'o-Hclen Menken, CBS· R~mblcrs. Min1trels. (icne Arnold. Joe P2(~ns, au14 Rh)thm WjZ KOKA WBAL. 5.45 P.M. EDT) 4.45 EST, WABC m. Quartet•. \\"jZ \\.8Z WHAM WBAIJ 30 (\t'BZ \\"HAM from 11.4)) 3.45 CT ~ J~ Menopoliu,n ~t~~ Sbo..·• WBZ KOKA \\,·I.w. ~o m. Cook and Oon Voorhees Rou Ponuolle. Andre Kl)\tebnetz' Orchestra., OrChC~lr.l. NDC-\X'EAF Tony \\'om. \\iABC Bunlrholi1e Songs. WEAF WGY Bunkhou~e ~)n!o:\. WADe WCAU WPG \\ HAS. }O m. Fur Trappers, WCAU WEAF WEEI WGY PAlmer C1ark'~ OrthC\tn, WGN. )0 m. "Did You KM"" Th;at." WPG Melodies of Romance. WTlC "Th~ Ch;ampion~." WOR. '\0 m. LIl\e Mums. Inc.. WGN BrAdley .... lOCllld. mountam sonll:S. WGY Sonp. music. WMCA. !O m. (All progwlII ar< lined in BaJlem Orc.h~~Anme, WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Da)1ighl S.,illg Time. BaJlem 11.45 A.M. EDT; 10.45 EST' 9.30 P.M. EDT; 8.30 EST, 9.45 CT Gordon. One and Bunny, WABC WCAU 7.30 CT Standard Ti1l1e iJ one hour ear/ier; "Dancin,q Around." WOK Pe,lt,lty Keenan 2nd S;/,ndra PbBlirs. WABC People Who M.ke News. WFEA Ilnu~e P.ulv. Joe Cook. Donald No't'is Central Time iI Ju'o hourI ear/ler.) \\'PG Dc. Paul V. Winslow. \YMCA J [\I;a <.;r;aubart. KDKA Wl:.Af WEB WGY. }O m. Helen Ind Bob, WJZ WDZ WBAl Trneleu Hour. WTIC. ~o m. 7.45 A.M. EDT; 15.45 ESTJ P'llnted Dre;ams. W(iN. WLW Melody Momc:nts. Pnt~rn;ack's Orchestr~ 5.45 CT Culotta D;ale. \\ CAU 6 P.M. EDT} 5 EST, 4 CT Phil Ouey. Ituest Irtlst. WJZ KOKJ\ WHAM WBAL \\II.W, \0 m. Da\-is' music. WLAF WlW. }O m. T~enticth Pollock .nd f-l\'\nhuut. W£AF WGY 12 N. EDT, 11 A.M. EST, 10 qT Century Ide-n. WBZ Train CUI her. KErl l:.venin4 Tlttler. WITI Helen Mt'nken. fir;alllatlC sKcllh. WABe Jolly Bill and ].anc, WJZ \\'B:\L Nev,·s .nd tvenini: Brevities. \\"GY Naulie AIt, sopnno. WGN M.rle Cit}· Fuur. WEAP WLEI WGY Wrighlville Clarion. WTIC. ~o m. \'oulisn. WI.\\! Hury II. 82lkin. "Success." WOR Dorothy P.ge. WjZ \\'8Z, \\'BAL WHAM "h Hnur uf Chc-c:r." \\'MCA, !O m. 8 A.M. I::DT; 7 ESTI 6 CT Sm;ackout. \\'jZ WHAM u.mcu Club. LUI\ Muden. W'BZ The Monitor VIt:\\S the Ne..·s. WBZ lIotel Tra)ffiOre Orchc~lra. WPG. !O m. Organ Rh3p~ndy. WF.Af WTlC. lO m. TlIne. tempefllture. v.·e;ather. KDKA Midd;ay SlIllS. KDKA Bucl Rogen. WAnc WCAU Musical Clod., W'GY 9.45 P.M. EDT; 8.45 EST, Puyer. WL\V "Voice of bpcricnce." WADC WCAU Orchutn. WGN. >0 m. ~"'c:et 7.45 CT Mornin/.: De\otion,. \x")Z KDKA H"me Homc. \X'PG Uncle Don. WOR. }O m. H;andicuft Club. WOR Ted Black's Orchestfil, WMCA, 30 tl1. S. 8. Rid(:out Ind (:utn:nt cvenn, wEEr M.l!tic 51; in,lt'.o. WDZ PrOj::ram LC:\Ue and Salon Musu;ale, WI\BC. J.)UC !)uings. trio. \X'MCA PARKER FENNELLY, u'ho play" Ihe Ib1 Kemp s Orchestra. \\ GN Lennie H.)ton·s Or\h~'ra. WGN }O m. 6.15 P.M. ED'll 5.15 EST, character role of HIRAM NEVIl..I.I: 4.15 CT W2b: Ur and !'mile, \\'CAU. 1 b. 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST) 8 ~T PI~}~rounJ [,h'l•. \\,PG 12.15 P.M. EDT; 11.15 A.M. EST) ill Ihe SocoII)land Skehhes broad· TWle...cather. \\'GN 1015 CT joe Ind Eddie. WGY (-",I Oler Ihe l\'Be-WEAl' nel· U.S, Army Band. WjZ WHAM. 30 m. Gene Arnold. lullaby lady, male quartet,. Re1 B"ltle's En\Cmble. WEAP WEEI WTIC BIll \\ .Jli;anu. \X'5Z Eastm;an's Orchestra. R,chud Bonelli, K'Jest. 8.15 A.M. EDT; 7.15 EST, MoHtha Ihl, \\(iY II ork ;\folldaJs al 8 P. J\!. Sporu. \\cJthzr. KOKA \\'EAF WEEI WTIC WGY Wl.W. !O m. 6.15 CT Murin Si)tcu. \X-"JZ WHAM &bby Bensoo Ind SunDy Jim, WAlle Wayne KIn"s Orchestr;a. WABC WCAlT. Devotions. \'\11.\'(1' Weuhc:r; MSC Firm Forum. WBZ WCAU ~O m. Doo I b,11 Trio. \\'jZ WDZ WHAM WBAL Quuteue. \VL\'(.· r.,;e .... ~. Inulok. WGN. \0 m. M\Culley Pby~n. \VMCA. }O m. H,me) B'J)' and S;aH;apns. KOKA 6.30 P.M. EDT; 5.30 EST. Flhien Sevitzky's Orchcsln,. WOR Tomlny Sherlll<.k. kOKA Martha Dc.. ne. WOR. ~O m. He.ahh u.cn:i~s. \\"I'G Betty B.uthdl. \\"'ABC \VPG 4.30 CT "Cnntinc:nul Cafe." WMCA II.I.rold Kmsht) Orcb~ru. 'I);.'C\U Atbntic Cit)" Cholll Society. WPG 2.45 P.M. EDT, 1.45 EST; Lu~ky. 8.30 A.M. EDT; 7.30 EST, H;arold TUffler. pi.nist. '-l:'G!\; 12.45 CT Grandmothl.:r·s Trunk Nutation. WEAP Letty and WOR R~dccoutin,lt." 1 6.30 CT "Hom: \VOR \\'TIC ChUlk RLchuds. songs, WMCA Ma PerkiM. \'(TAF WHf WGY W!.W $s Orchestra. \t-'GN 1 Lew Wbite at the dUll orgUl. WjZ WHAM 10.30 CT Three X S,ueon. WjZ R;anny \\"'~ks' Orchestra. WEEI \\BAI .... DK...... ;u m. 3 P.M. EDT, 2 EST; 1 CT Comedy SUf\. KDKA Three Tnne. \\" pc.; 'We.alhcl. \\'HZ ~ e;atl,er. NaJlr.els. \);'F:AF Tl!n~. sporn. "·carhc:r. \\-'BZ lIul.an L. Rc::d. current e\·ents. WOB. Sunn, Mer.Jd,c . \\'ABC. !o m. \"Ic .nJ S2Je, \\."}Z \\'8L WH.Uf KOKA Srotl .ht Mm' s. \\"lAF WEEI WTIC H.)y ~C()Ut ,;alk 2nd BUDet's music. \\"ABC Stubght Hour. \\-MCA. Ofg;lll.lirs. \\ P{, .0 ro BvuJ of Frleo~1h:p. v.'lW \\ L\\"1 (he SlO)(rng ladv. \\'r. • [Siller Vehs' I_n~c:mble. \\'ABC \\"HAS. AiDanr. on P;ar~de, \\'GY j;a(!r.: Arthur. h.alitone, WOR 10.30 P.M. EDT, 9.30 EST, •.45 A.M. EDT; 7.45 EST. \\-CAl'". ~o m. '( ;amdle, bv Dum;ls. \\"JZ. I b. Ch,ldren's <.Iun. \\-uA;). }O m • 8.30 CT 6.45 CT Gn I' Reporu.. orl=:an. S<1n '"1, \\ G­ Ye Old Tea 00rPC'. \\·BZ lIut \\- ;l\l.: • lilO. \\'MCA D:Ill Kennedy. r"an. ~ OR. ~o m. (.aau, M:rutn:1. \li. L~' Gt." .. E . RaJi City Chorus. WEAl Cl ut c.t· Orl' ... t· • \\"JIC...~ m. o h. Scrc::ud . WABC u-p.c­ 6.45 P.M. EDT; 5.45 EST, 'Be. 10" I EnJures. WEEI Stod.~. \\-MCA. "'0 tn. 0, i "Hit. ~'(•. ' 4.45 CT \\"'TIC Play se. \XTIC. }O m. .. A.M. EDT; 8 EST; 7 CT "W!lmen In M ocT. \\."rc\ lotI) IC. \\ LY, ~O m. 12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; Jloro;c Sen\(! Pt.il, -,pher. WEAP ... n8 nit S;am. ~ ABC WHAS MOtnlO~ Gl \\ EAr \\'L,,'Q' 10.45 CT 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 £STI hOlCl' pro"ram. \\ ill WTIC S mrhony t: ffilert. ":CAli. 3D m. ~"Z BuJIe-. Kin, J ". \\'GY 1.15 CT I.o"·ell ThClmU. \\ 8Z, WlW KDKA Bo>b Bccht. JOlt t;alk. WG:"o: Bn~1Huf Club. orc e r~. WjZ 'X-'BAL. I b. Pr ,,,,,'nent \\ lrlen in \\~uhin&t<1n. WEAF "Tht' D'Xie Circus.' Uncle &b Sber•.-oOd, Alfrt'J Chiai. orcheslra. WOR \\ IlA~1 KnKA 1\\ RZ twm ',nQ) \\jAR n \\-"i;:. [an. \\'E.\F W[[I WjAR WCSH \l;ARC '\\:(Al'. JO m. Hcnrr Th e1 Perstt'u. WLW. '\0 m.- De~l: M, e. '_ JI. \\'ABC \\~C""U (";abot .nd f>d Cutd!o. ~·EEI. !o m. \\ TIC \\ T,"l . RAY Perl.;ua. tun M.aer. WOR O, io. ~b"\f'ld's Ord>estr2. WMCA. 30 m. Il,e \";a.,: ..bonds, \\ GY Hr ,. i!Wlter t: h. \\: COY Un: e Clr~'Us. \\ ABC \\ MAS. 3:) m. Or&ln, \\. PG 5'H~l&Ds. llule: Or~h," Annie. \\ G• 8.15 A.M. EDT; 8.15 EST, TI, Mile Qll;ar:c:t. \\jZ \\-BZ Lo.. 0 .11. \\ L\\ WHAM 01. H. J. SU;lhJI'IJ:ro. WOR 7.15 CT ...nd, • f.nF.uhne. \\·nz 10.45 P.M. EDT, 9.45 EST. Tt'·uns. tun, \\-"1.\\1 _ \',,,ce of L1rcllcnce. \\'ABC Fl\e SUt Filial. WMCA 8.45 CT Fr.j EmIl Th;a\lu Un_llc:'tn. WGl AlTernoon MU\lul. \X'OR••S m. Doake Carter. wau j. K. Ooughton, KDKA B;a~ebJ,lI. Boston n. Chi ;agn. \\'G~, 2 11 .• 7.30 P.M. EDT; 6.30 •. Moon~lms.·· WOR 1 0 A.M. EDTI 9 EST; 8 CT jim Burgt'H, WCAl' tS m.• EST, N, J, lea~\le of Women Votcn. \\-OR 5.30 CT Tom Dc\'odicf's Orlhe)lr3. WMU Breen & de Rose. \\'I.AF WEEI WT1C Ke",s. \\"MCA 4 P.M. EDT; 3 EST; 2 CT WGY Shirley H09:ua and the jesters. \\7EAF 11.15 P.M. EDT; 10.15 EST, Sttlng Trio. \\'LW EDT~ Stoel.; ourL.cr qu"t;atiOM. \\'EEI \\'TIC WGY 9.15 CT 1.30 P.M. 12.30 EST; Alter DinDer Revue. WEU Han'~l of Son!::. \X'jZ ""HZ WBAL KOKA 11.30 A.M. CT B('rf')' ;and Bob. \\}Z \\"LW WHAM Homc Hour \\'pc. I h.; Ne"''l at 10,}O KOKA M.lrIo Coni. b;alltone; Lew \x'hite, organ. N:..,. \X'l.EI \".'alter O;av.'k~·. org2ni,t. \\'Tlr.. ~o m. ;1r. \\'JZ WHAM KDKA Puct Prlnle. Wj2 KDKA Kttp Fit Club. \\ G:-J Hotd PI21a Enscmble. }O m. Lc2~UC. ~o Rill Hu~ins. Y>nJo:\. \\",\HC WPG R2dlO ;\fature WBZ j.)(' Rine's Orchc:o.tr;a. '.X'BZ Kcw Ea.;land Kitchen. \\ l:.H. m. Bob Ne..a:h.lI. \X"1.W N .... ~ ,,,,1 Re<::~ie Childs' Orchestra. WADe. }O Pich2rJ F;/,mlly. \\,C.AV. ~o m. 10.15 A.M. EDT; 8.15 EST, \'('GY hrm rrolU2m. "'·GY. m. ~o }O "Music on the Ai,." WABC \VCAU WPG. m. 8.15 CT Ameriun Ad"ertisin.ll: FeJeution Luncheon. Son • mUSIC. WMCA. m. \~G Gov. I.ehmann of ' '. Y.. Ht'ory \\"2112(e. Spurt> repoHter, "l' Rt'memt>cr \\'lIY B;a{k \X'hen' WGN Scc\ of A,lrriculture. Edll:2r Kob~k. vice 4.15 P.M. EDT; 3.15 EST; "Mncnck jim." dumJ. \\-OR. !O m. Florcnce Rich2rdson's Orchc.str2. 'W}.!CA QUlI. I.u 'n' Em. ""fAY WEEI WLW \'olle ot jeru~lem. WG;\; pr~idl:nt l'\:ation;al HUlJdra1rlnit Co, 2.'5 CT WMCA. 1. 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; Holm;an Si\tc:r1. \\jZ WHAM \\"-,Z WBZ \\'HAM \\H..... \\'I.\V. 1 h., St,~ Duke De,.,.c:)·'~ OldlC1tra. \vaz WABC \\CAU wPC. 30 m. john Me. tin P:o,!um. WEAF WEEI 7.45 P.M. EDT; 6.45 EST, 9.30 CT SlImmy Fuller. KDKA M,ulcts. P;almcr h"IUC musIc. \\'GN' Hobb: Club. \\'BZ 5.45 CT Bill 2nd Gill~c:r. ,,'ABC W(AU n. A. R, Tdk. \\'L\\7 Rogers' Orchestra. WEAF WEEI WTIC. 30 trf. MeloJy P;aradc. \\ ABC WPG The Gofd~r~. W[AF WEEI WGY WTAM Carl 1Il):tmayr s Orchc:\tr2. \'VABC Bob Whitc. "TIC 1.45 P,M. EDT: 12.45 EST; Smooth Rhjthln\. \\'TIC j;alk Dc:nny's Onhc:o.lra. WIZ 11.45 A.M. CT 4,30 P.M. EDT; 3.30 EST, AI ;and Petc. \VLW I); k hellc:r· Orth(')ln.. KOKA. 30 m. 10.30 A • ...,. EDT, 9.30 EST. l~lJke \\·L\\7. \0 m, Strin.ll: Ens~blc. \\-"OR 2.;)0 C r Carter. nC"'1. WAOC WC"U FollIes, 8.30 CT IlungariAn 0:.hestr•• \\'GN \\ orld's Fair Rcpurter. we;.... JImmy lunceford's Or<.hestn. WMCA. ~o ~ Ronnne \\~2Ihce. CO::ltulto. \\'[AP WEEr 8c;aury GuilJ. WAAH W[A:\1" A 2"("'" '5 ~f',si(, ~'GN 30 m. News and M'1rn;ng Par2.de. WEAP (WEEI \'>>t1t--1nJ~. \\ GY Arthur Le... is. olchc:uu. \VMCA AlfreJo Brilo's Orchcstu. 'WOR. !o m. from 10.,-11 \\ (,Y f:om 10.·1) 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT V,rlerv. \\·TIC. ~o m. Marht R2.,~kel. \\'GY Orhndo s Cosm p.J'it2C.s. Rc\' I,""in~ St2~. WEAF WHI WTlC..., m. \'\;"1Z WBZ 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST. Bcidr.~ ulk. \\ 1:1:.1 \\ IIA.\I. ;,>0 m. 9.45 CT Orl'.n, \\'l\\': l;aurc:n Hell. baritone. \\'GY Ma-hl Rc:pwt'i KOK-\ Tod.y·~ Ano I.eaf. or,l:21lisl. \\;'ABC WCAU, IS m.: Smunyhnd Sketches. "Lon't P.u:- Due:' C.h,ldren, dutIU. W]Z WBZ WHAM MHlOct' Hwhlid.n. \\ f.\\' "Public H()ll~in.':: in Actioo:' t;alk: by Mayol W8AL KOKA \\ PG, 30 m. \\ t.o\f \\'I"EI \'t'TIC WGY. 30 m. jU\t Phm nill. \\rye;..: Chila.:... V;lriery; \\'ABC, 10 m.; WPG {,0m H;rI Kc:mp'1 Music. \'(7jZ WBZ 'wHAM of Mil"'aukee. \\"EAF Ne"'\ 2nJ Th::: Merrymalcen:. WABC 4·4~ j, hn~on'~ Orch~fTa, \\'AHC Or. Arthur Frank P;l)ne. \\"OR \OIle of l:.1perienct'. \"X'ABC ,,",CAU, iO m. o ~ Ta!k, \\'CAlJ t:n~emble, ReMie ChilJ's OrchestrA. wrrr M2.il Bo'l:, \"X·G .... "Dl)g SroriC1. Bub Delker. \VCAU 2.15 P.M. EDT; 1.15 EST, Imtrumellld Tno. \\ .\leA 12.15 CT OinMr Concert. \\'IiAS, '\0 m, 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M. ESTI 10.45 AM. EDT; 9.45 EST; Three little Fumlers. WMCA 10.30 CT 8.45 CT 4.45 P ...... 3.45 EST; N. E. K:t\hen. wrrr 2.45 CT Rogt'r "-olf K2hn's Music. WEAP WlW. H~ppi;ana, IIomehold O';1t, W'GY 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST, Skip, StCD and \\'GY R'\~:(~,,~ 50 m, Ne""~. of Helen Trent. \""ABC WCAU Thf" T.a I)...... eH Door. \\ I:.AF WEn 6.15 CT Gene "";:.arJos· Orchestra, \""ltBC. }O m. \VBZ St()lk, \\: C;Y Jester·s. \'(.·L\'U SpOTh . ralk, WMCA Dudd)' Rogers' Music. WJZ WBZ. )0 m. Mornin.ll: Mclodje~, KOKA ~l"rjl~" M!m"ri~1 Talle. WTIC rduin C. Hill. WABe \VCAU Vuglilians. male quartet. WOR TIle Mystery Girl. WMCA Rubl: Appleherry. WGN Lovely Ladies, \\'GN Budge T;alk. WPG 2.30 P.M. EDTI 1.30 EST; 5 P.M. EDT; 4 i::ST; 3 CT Songs. WMCA 11 A.M. EDT: 10 EST; 9 CT 12.30 CT Tune In \VAAD OQ~ Di,lldow's O.rchestra, wnc WLW. ~9 m. 8':.~t·~ EDT; 7.30 EST, U. S. Navy Rand, WrAF WTlC WTAM Pendarvis' Dance Onhe~tra, WlW Phd Salunan. pianist. WEEI W(iY. I h,; WEE I fmm Il.l) Lou Bdl. I'1:lni,t, WBZ P;almcr Clark's Or\hestfJ. \'(1JZ WHAM FINANCIAL TALK Radi9 School of Cookery, WEEI Homc Forum, KDKA KDKA, ~O m, William DJ.ly·~ Orche~tr;a, Gladys Sv.'arth· ViollllisL \\'l\V Emcr~' DCUh<.h's Orchestra. WABC WPG. A,ltriculture Marker~. WR7 Every Monday, 7.30 P. M. The Wife Sa \'er. \VJZ out. WEAF WEEI WTIC WGY WLW. 30 ffi. The Dictators. WARC WPG }O m. :The Hone~·moom:r~. Gr;/,ce and Eddie Albert. W'omcn's C1uh. WCAU. 4~ m. rrlend oi Yout~. WCAlj MR. E. E. NAZZARO WBZ WHAM . P2lmer HOlUe En~cmbJe. \X'(iN Sally's Party. WMCA. }O m. t\\Z13~L ~O~COW~res. WJZ \X'BZ • Saturday, June 16, 1934 TIllE ¥IGROFIJiON,E Page Seven "Voice of Columbia" Varies Pattern and Construction Each Week Georgie and His Best Friend ing talent. Each artist sounds 6 Directors different in a different WRHM Is I ~ , framework. "Then, taken as a whole, to Conduct each program will have a Bought .By different sound to it from the opening overture to the Newspapers Orchestras closing ensemble." """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'tJ'I'" The "radio-press war" contin­ "In short, with the presco· By FLORENCE MARKS ues with radio winning out in cations of 'The Voice of Co~ two places at least. Building a radio program, like lumbia,' we hope to widely building a house, depends upon Admitting failure in their ef· increase the scope of radio fort to beat rad io, the St. Paul form and balance, foundation entertainment and the talents Dispatch Pioneer Press and the Min­ and material, decoration and pro­ of our regular ar6sts." neapolis Tribune recently capitu-· portion. However, a builder of radio lated by buying jointly station programs has the advantage of London Tower WRHM, 1000 watt radio station. i m m e d i ate experimentation. Although LEO E. OWENS and Within the space of one hour, Ceremony Aired FREDERlCK E. MURPHY, publish­ from 8 to 9 P. M., EDST, Sun­ ers of the respective newspapers, The colorful ··Ceremony of day nights, over the W ABC-Co­ have stated that they "expect" to the Keys" at the historic Tower lumbia network, and with the conform to the radio.publisher of London will be broadcast on solid foundation of GEORGE JES­ agreement, they add the follow­ Tuesday, June 19, over the NBC­ ing statement: SEL as master-oE-ceremonies, the WEAF network. architect, JULIUS F_ SEE~ACH, "In many metropoliran CBS director of program opera­ Listeners will hear the Chief centers of the United States tions, is varying each week the Warder greet his escort and radio broadcasting stations, shape, balance and pace of the proceed to the entrance gate on owned and operated by program structure for "The Tower Hill while sentries lining newspapers, have rendered Yoice of Columbia." the way present arms. Then fol­ an outstanding press and The material going into the lows the locking of the gates and radio service to their read­ structure each w..eek includes the the traditional invocation "God ers and listeners. best in radio talent. Preserve King George." "It is the intention of the Six Conductors GEORGE JESSEL, master·oj-ceremonies, alld his mother, Mrs. CHARLOTTE The broadcast will be heard at management to achieve the 4,45 P. M. same high standard of serv­ A 45-piece orchestra, each JESSEL, with whom he holds imagilzary conversations during his broad· ice for WRHM." member chosen for the versatility casts. that would make him equaHy at - Piano Ensemble It also is planned to present home with the greatest classics of the show, the basis, and the nique and imaginative musical the best feature and entertain­ and the latest output of Tin Pan link that holds the entire pro­ arrangements-all will pass be- To Be Broadcast ment material available on this AHey, wiH respond to the batons gram together. fore the microphone reviewing station, the management says. of six noted conductors, namely Each week, in addition to in­ stand as the weekly parade pro­ A piano carnival featuring an The Yankee Network News ensemble of 50 pianos and 112 HOWARD BARLOW, FREDDIE RICH, troducing the talent and the five­ gresses. Service of Boston continues to pianists under the auspices of the J 0 II NNYGREE N, EMERY minute comedy black-out that "The purpose in this ro­ increase its organization through­ University of Tulsa School of DEUTSCH, MARK WAI{NOW and serves as a pivotal point in the tating program set-up," Mr. out New England. Fine Arts will be heard over the JOHNNY AUGUSTINE. program, JESSEL takes up the Seebach stated, "is to com· According to Editor & Publisher, These conductors will be ro­ thread of his telephone conver· bine in a variety of patterns WABC-Columbia network on the news service already has on tated, depending upon the type sations with his mother. the most distinctive work of Tuesday, June 19, at 11.30 P.M. its payroll reporters for the City of music they jntcrpret best. These conversations, although the versatile artists and con­ So far as is known, this is the Hall, the State House, the Fed­ HOWARD BARLOW will mount basically humorous, have won ductors who arc regularly largest piano ensemble ever gath­ eral Building, police,headquar. the podium for the performance JESSEL wide acclaim for their in­ feanlfed over the Columbia ered together in the United ters, three desk men, two leg of classical works; FREDDIE RICH tensely human appeal. Broadcasting System. States. The program includes men, a secretary-assistant to the for dramatic versions of pictorial "Each artist possesses some LISZT'S '·Second Hungarian Rhap­ editor, and a staff of 30 corres­ Varying Patterns suites; JOHNNY GREEN for the further talene, either in sody,'· SCHUBERT'S "Marche Mili­ pondents in key cities through­ sophisticated rhythms of sym­ The varying patterns of the timing or type of material. taire," and NEVIN'S "Country out New England. Dance." . phonic jazz: DEUTSCH for the ro­ show also find GERTRUDE NIE­ We plan ro put rhis further In order to help support the mantic cadences of Hungarian SEN coloring her voice with an talent to work, and to find expenses of this news service, at­ gypsy music, and W ARNOW and exotic personality j MARY EAST· new ways of using the talent Soviet Envoy Speaks tempts are being made to inter­ AUGUSTINE for popular, novelty MAN, a talented young soprano we are aware of.'.' est advertisers. One spot has and dance selections. who is fast developing operatic Soviet Ambassador ALEXANDER been sold, it is reported. Not only the talent is changed TROYANOVSKY will extend a fare­ GEORGE JESSEL, the boy who possibilities; SYLVIA FROOS, the each week. The actual building rose from a nine-year-old singer little girl singer grown up; VERA well message to a group of Amer­ of the program set-up is attacked ican business men and engineers, in the hanky-tanks of New VAN, . the singer whose "blue from a different angle. NBC Broadcasts York's East Side to a place among velvet" voice is a time-mark in who will make a good-will tour the top-notchers in radio, the mo­ One week, "The Voice of Co­ of Russia this year, in a broad­ Goldman Band radio programs; and EDITH MUR­ lumbia" emerges from the loud­ tion pictures and vaudeville, is RAY, the "dramatist of the blues." cast over the W ABC-Columbia speaker as a fast revue, made up The NBC-WJZ chain will broad­ t?C only performer to appear con­ EVAN EVANS brings his bari­ network Wednesday, June 20, at cast three concerts a week P1 ED­ sIstently each week. cf a succession of short individ­ 10.45 A.M. The speech will tone voice to the microphone in ual numbers. W)N FRANKO GOLDMAJ'o.! and his He is the personality clement complement to the program come from the Russian Embassy band, beginning Sunday, June 24, structure; NICK LUCAS, radio's The following week, the pro­ at Washington. at 9.30 P. M. first crooner who continues to grams takes a more leisurely They will be broadcast Tuesdays form. like the tag, "crooner"; CHARLE$ at 8.30 P. M. and on Thursdays at Separate contributions are more E.~otic CARLIltE, a vibrant tenor; FATS 9.30 P. M. WALLER, singer, pianist, organ­ fully developed, and ea<;h artist The Sunday concerts will origi. ist and composer; the Beale completes a full turn, doing two nate on the MaIl in Central Park, Street Boys, radio's newest dis­ or more numbers in a row, , the Tuesday con­ covery in quartet syncopation; similar to the shaping of a vaude· certs come from Prospect Park in another quartet, the Eton Boys; ville bill. Brooklyn and those on Thursday and JACQUES FRAY and MARIO "Wirh rhis changing set­ are given on the campus of New BRAGGIOTTI, the two-piano team up," Mr. Seebach explained, York University. celebrated for their agile tech- "we find new ways of utiliz- There will be a special band con­ cert on Saturday, June 30 over the Sponsore~ Programs From_ same network. . Europe to U. S. Planned 'Uncle Elmer' to Plans are under way to interest American commercial sponsors in regu­ Go to Yarmouth lar broadcasts from Europe via short wave. "Uncle ELMER" and his '·Song Dr. EDWARD J. BING, organizer<%------­ Circle" cast of IS will make three of the plan and formerly man~ signed expressly for an American personal appearances in Yarmouth, ager of the continental branch of audience and would be presented Nova Scotia, on June r6th and the United Press, believes that in English. r7th. short wave broadcasting has • Dr. BING expects to do some ··Uncle ELMER," in real life passed the "freak stunt" stage. scouting work in Paris, Vienna, ELMER HERSKIND, and his troupe He also insists that American Scandinavian countries and even are heard each Sunday over station radio must feature more novelties the Near East. Most of the pro­ WHDH at ro A. M. if it is to hold the interest of the grams, he says, would originate Substituting for them on June public and that the most exten· in Paris. I]th will be a glee club, composed JOHNNY GREEN, o"e of the liveli­ sive field for such novelties lies Current rates for relaying pro- of 20 members, and a male quartet. est da11C(! orchestrd condllctors 10 io European radio. grams from London or Paris are GERTRUDE NIESEN, vocalist, fre­ The "Song Circle' will return to be heard on the tlVoice of Co­ All programs used for this about $500 for 15 minutes and qllently featured on the "Voicc of the air on June 24th at the regul:lr lllmbia" programs. planned purpose would be de- $700 for a half hour. Coillmbia" programs. time. Page Eight THE MICROPHONE Saturday, June 16, 1934 Tuesday, June_l_9_-_"C_e_r_e---;-m_o_n~y_o_f_T_h_e_K_e----=-y_s_",_N_B_C_-_W_E---:-A_F_,_4_.4_5_P_.M_.

12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; Tv.·o Piano Recital, WQR 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; 10.45 CT Pretty Pose jacloe Hell::r. _WJZ W·llA.M 6.15 CT i G)"P~y TfiO, WMCA P.M. Organ, WNBX Stevens Hotd Ensemble, WGN Ven. C. Puk. contraho, WPG Marl.-:~, .·eather. WEAP 4.45 P.M. EDT; 3.45 EST; 4A5--"Ccrcmony or the Ke}-s," Carolme Cabot, Del Castillo. WEEr 2.45 CT 8.30 P.M. EDT, 7.30 EST. \V'Irds, MUSIC, WJZ WBZ WBAL \X"HAM 6.30 CT NIlC·WEAF Er:l:~ Holst's Orchestra, KDKA • Tl:e Teuns. WLW From london. Ceremony of Keys from Lady r.srher Program, WEAF WEEl ""'GY 8.30-Lad)- Esther Prog:am, To.-er of London. WEAF WEE I ~lUgement, WTIC NIlC·WEAF Till.-: on Home WGN '\A.·omen·s Club, WJZ WBZ WHAM: Stodl,s. WGY Conrad Thibault And Lois Bennett, WJZ "Accordiana," Vivienne $e. \\'DZ \\.'HAM \\~DAl KDKA WLW, 30 m. 1 P.M. EDT; 12 N. EST; Four Silo. men, WABC WCAU WPG WHAS g.I, CIlS·WAlle 11 A.M. CT "Accordiana," ...·ith Abe lyman's Orchestra, The Euy Chair. WOR Vivienne- SC'"~I, WABC WCAU 30 m. CanlC'S Oub, WMCA 9.3O-Ra)· Per kiD 50 ~"BC· ~brkets.•e2tha, WEAP Seymour Simon's Orche-.tra, WG:"l • WEAF ".,.IC. 30 m. BorrOlh Mmnevitch and his Humo!:lica. Wealhtt and agricultural reports, WBZ 5 P.M. EDT. 4. EST; 3 CT Ra~ah, WOR. '0 m, lO.Oo-"Conflict," drama b)- T. Vagabonds, WGY Serial, WPG \X' Chick Webb's Orchestra. WEAP WEB Lo\-e1y 1..J.dy of Sonlt, \'('HAS, }O m. S. Stribling, CBS- ABC Larry Tate's Orcbestra. WABC WCAU WHAS \"(.'TIC WLW, }O m. Light Opera Series, ~"'BC· lo.Ld,Day Sm-ice. WG:t-l. '0 m. Three Schoolm.aids, \\7GY 9 P.M. EDT; 8 EST; 7 CT WEAF \'(:'e2ther Report. Concert Orcheur.a, WPG Palmer Clark's Orchestra, WJZ, 3,0 m. DL H. I. Strangha~n, WOR, '0 m. Agficulture m.lrkets, WBZ Ben Berr.-:e .n,1 Or, e>;Tra, -r.--:::hr ~EI Stnng Tno, WMCA jerry Cooper, b.lritone, ~'ABC WPG WTlC: W(,Y WI.W. 30 m. WIIAS HOUJ.ehold Mu~ical Memories, WJZ WBZ (AU programJ are lilted ill Eastem 1.15 P.M. EDT; 12.15 EST, Ship Aboy. WCAU 'U,;'HAM KDKA, 30 m. Daylighl Sating Time. EaJlem 11.15 A.M, CT Variety, WOR D.ack Stage with &ris Morros. WOR Va<>abonds. WGY Paul Hu,. tenor. WPG Standard Time is olle hOllr e:trlieri Maurice Lee's Ensemble. WF.AP WEEI Sally's Puty, WMCA. Buetneu', Otchestla, WG:-l· 3"'" m. Pttpin~ Tom a.nd George, WGY Central Time is two hOllfJ e.:lrlier. J TIle Honor.able Archie, WJZ WBZ KDKA 5.15 P.M. EDT; 4.15 EST; 9.15 P.M. EDT} 8.15 EST; River and weather reports, \\:'lW 3.15 P.M. 7.15 CT 8.45 A.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; jack Russell's Orcbema, WAne 7.45 CT Burl Sparks, WHAS The Monitor Views the Ne....·s, waz Doris Dchn, soprano, WPG HamId Knight's Orchestf,l., WCAU Skippy, WADC WCAU News and the Wife SJ.Ver, WEAP WE.!!I Ariel Ensemble. WOR 9.30 P.M. EDT, 8.30 EST) Linn Del Mar, ,songs. WPG 7.30 CT WTIC WGY WLW News, WMCA Weekday Devotiolls. WHAS Myster Chef, WAUl. WC:AtJ Virginia Clark, food talk. WGN Ray Perkins, Cale Pag-e, soprano, Betty 1.30 P.M. EDT; 12.30 EST; 5.30 P.M. EDT; 4.30 "EST; Rt;ubcn Baker. ~ong.\, \\IPG 11.30 A.M. CT Droll.'n. <.offiedieflrle, WEAF WEEI WGY Kaiama's Royal Hawaiiam, WHAS 3.30 CT WLW, ~o m. rd~'prd n.wit's, baritone, WJZ WBZ Dirk Fidler, \VEAF, 30 m. The Tattered r.hn, W[AF WEEI WTIC 10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT WEE! Reading Circle. WEr!, 30 m. WHA:\1 KDKA•.\0 m. WlgwalJt Club. \'(o'GY Ridtard Ilimber's Onhestra. WABC "Pnnciple of thc Children of the American SJO~ill~ Lady. W jZ WBZ WHAM WBAl Breen and deRose, WEAP WTIC WGY, Revolution," WTJC WCAl) \'('J lAS, 30 m. WLW Harry H. B;1r," \'\'GY Gn' i MusIC ),flkers, \\"ABt: \\'PG WHAS \W.;AU , llerhert KI)(h, organist. WHAS JotJnny John<.on's Or,hestra, \'Vej-Y. 30 m. WADC WHAS P.JM. WJZ WHA. r 30 m.. WCAL', I~ m. 101.k Btro:er s Ordleslra, \\ijZ t.DKA !l.h;me and Cadence. WBZ Earl \\·J1\;',C. bJ.ri(o~e, \\'(.:".' 11 A.M. EDT} 10 EST; 9 CT 6.30 P.M. EDT; 5.30 EST; llu(;e Blue N"lts. 'X'BZ Hotel G,bson Orchestra, \'X'L W A{(ern},1 M'l$lrale, \\'OR, J. b. 4.30 CT Charle, Call ,Ie. tenor. 'X'ABC I :\rtlst RC'cltal, \X'ABC \\ PG \\ t1.\S, 3,0 m. Stocks, \\""~tU Do.alre Carler, \VCAU Edison Friendly Kitchen Prngram, \X'EEI Women's Club. \VCAU GlIb"y of Stars, WCY \'\'TAM \\'LW Mld·\,\'eck Hymn Sing, WEAF WTIC WGY SC'ashore Re,,1 I'late Revie...., \\,PG TIle lIllne,-muoncrs. \'\'JZ KDKA "The H()lT1C'm"kC'r," \\;'OR, 30 m. 3.45 P.M. eDT; 2.45 EST) St;l.mp Club. \\'jZ Mnonbeam~, WOK, 3,0 m. WPG PalmC'r House Ensemble. WGN c.ottnn Queen MIO'trels, WJ W, ~o m. U. S. f\,l\'y Band. WADC \\7CAU ~o 1.45 CT The Sinl:;inA Lady, WGN WIIAS, 3,0 m. Play, WMCA, m. Beale Street Roys, \\7AHC Ted Wec:m'~ Orchc.,tra, WGN Movie Personalitie\, \X'CN Ki:'l~ Harold Kni~ht's Orchestra, WCAU 2.45 P.M. EDT; 1.45 EST; Jack and JeHer. WT \Vl 11.15 P.M. EDTl 10.15 EST) (;r.lndma Goes Modcrn. \'o;'CAU Sam, Gill and I.ouie, WHAS 12.45 CT Jade Arm,trun't. WLW 9.15 CT 11,15 A.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; Ha'f::ball, Boston \5. Chl\Jgo. \\'Gi>o:, :1 h.• Hury Iler,hfieid. WQR 9.15 CT Ma Perkin_" WEAP WEEr WGY WLW I~ m. Nev.·s. WEEr i\.dlte HevelJ at Larlo:t, \'\-'ji. WHZ Brid6e talk, WMCA. The Poet Prince, WJ2 WBZ WHA~{ You~ Child, WEAP wn:I WTIC WGY 6.45 P.M. EDT} 5.45 EST; Smglng C.owboy, W·j IC 4.45 CT KOKA Alice joy, WBZ WHAM l'rogrcs.~ Orchc~tra, 4 P.M. EDT; 3 ESTI 2 CT New, and Pollock's Orchestra, WABC News, Ilvestu<.ks. WI,\V Century of WGN \'('pc; College of Agriculturt;, WIfAS Mary Small. WEAF WGY WTIC Chalm Secreb, WCAU Remember Way Back When? WGN Your Friendly Neighbor, WGN Your 10\"er. songs. \X'[AP wGY Edison SJ.lute, WEEI 3 P.M. EDTl 2 EST} 1 CT SIOtn. WCAU 4,15 P.M. EDT; 3.15 EST; Castle rarm Orchestra. \VLW, 30 m. ClIl\-erstty ot Kentu~ky. \\'JfAS 2.15 CT P,ano Duo. \\ r.n 30 m. Annc:ue M('\.ullou"h. son,2~. W'GY \\-'.I.nderinll" Poet. \\.'I'G Orchestra, Pete W.-.oler}", WCAU S.. lIy and Suc, WOR Orche\uas, \\'GN. ?- h. Song Team. \X'MCA Orch~tra. AmtX 'n' Andy, WJZ WBZ WHAM WLW Melody Men, W(;=" Don B;g-do.·'$ WI:AF \X-'GY KDKA. Arthur Warren's OldlC'5tra, WOR, 3,0 l:q, TI,e Sinlling Stranger. WJZ \\1HZ WHAM: 3.15 P.M. EDTl 2.15 EST; Ben Poner, sketch. WCN 11.45 A.M. EDT; 10.45 EST; KDKA 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST; 1.15 CT Morton Dov.'ney, WABe WCAU WHAS 9.45 CT 9.45 CT Matinee Highlights. WLW Ford frick, sports, WOR SO:lg Portraits, Beulah Croft. WEAP WTIC Casa lorna Or~h.:\tr.l, WABC WCAU AI Bernard, minstrel. '\VEAP WEEI WTIC V.>i(es of tile 1'15(, \\'G Y 4.30 P.M. EDT; 3.30 EST, 7.15 P.M. EDT; 6.15 ESTI WHAS Skip. Step and H.lvp;.lna, WGY Lov.' Dov.·n. WJ.W 2.30 CT 5.15 CT W'oman's Club, \\'CAU 12 M. EDT; 1" P.M. EST; 10 CT Painted Dreams. WCN WLW Nev.·ark Museum Program, WOR Gene and Glenn, WEAF WEEl WGY The Cnsm'lpolit.lnS, \\'CAU Art Tatem. pianist. WEAF WEEI WGY Revi\jn,r: Lonl Go\·emment. \\'JZ wnz f\e~" IlIId Charlie Davis' Orchestra, WEA.P Piano Duo. WMCA Health Clinic. WBZ Wc.;V WLW Emil Thaviu's Orchestra, WGN Gla~~, Varieties, KDKA 12 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT Thru the Looking WUU Gene Purcclrs Orchesua. WLW Musical Turns, WEEI • F~ Musical Dessert, WGN Budd)' Rog-ers' Music. WJZ WDZ. 3,0 m. Maple- City WEAP \\"[[[ Just Plain Bill. WABC WC!l.U ~ymphony Concert from Sanc[uOiry of Our WLW WGY1f Happy Jack Turner, WHAS SOHov.'ful Mother. PortlOlnd, Oregon, Smaclout. WjZ ~Iayhe Sports, WTIC WABC WCJ\U WPG WHAS. 30 m. Monitor Vie.·s the News, WBZ De Sold TheIIl Anthony Trinini's Orchestra, WOR "The Voice of upenence," "7ABC WCAU 7.30 P.M. EDT} 6.30 EST; WHAS """'~ 5.30 CT 12,30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M, EST; Hal Kemp's Orchestra, WGN 10.30 CT Home Sweet Hom~. WPG 8ro....·ne and L1ell.,e!yn. WEAF WGY Studio Pr'gum, WTlC IT Teddy Bergman. WEEl Roger Wolf Kahn's Orchestra. WEAP MichOiei Treen, tenor. WOIl ONl.y' NeEDS P.aul Keast and Hudson's Orchestra. WADe WEEI WGY Johnny Muldowney, songs, WLW' WCAU WHAS Pet-e Smythe's Orchestra, WJZ WBZ WHAM TJlAlING Sports reporter. WGNN Mel Snyder's Orchestra. WLW, 30 m. 12.15 P.M. EDT, 11.15 A.M. EST; Foollight Echoes, WOR. 300 m. Herbert Koch. orl!lanisl. WHAS 10.15 CT Bob Newhall. WLW Two Blues. WEAP WEEI \\"TIC from 7.45 P.M. EDT; 6,45 EST; n.20 5.45 CT Phil Boudini. accordionist, WTIC Martha and Hal, WGY The Goldhergs, WEAF WEEJ WGY WTAM Wendcll Hall, WJZ '1 Grace Hayes, songs, W jZ. WHAM Agriculture talk, WBZ Dunbar Quartet. WBZ Bob Albright, WI.W Sea Stories, KDKA Connie Gues, song~, WABe WCAU WPG Palmer House music, WGN WHAS Boake Carter, WABe WCAU WHAS l-h.rold Turner. p:iani~t, WGN'" Melody Masters, WLW Girls' Club Service League, WOR Tony Grande, WHED Songs. WMCA 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT 12.30 P.M. EDT; 11.30 A.M. EST; CARVER· NEW ENGLAND' 10.30 CT Leo Rtisman's Orchestra lind Phi! Duey, PRESS . Merry ~hdcaps. WEAP WEEr WTIC WGY WI:AF WEEI WTlC WGY. 3,0 m, Vic and Sade, W JZ WDZ WBAL WHAM Mystery Drama, WjZ WBZ KDKA. WU'1, Printing • Designing • Binding Mailing Bond of FriendshIp, WLW 3,0 m. JACK DENNY, the orchestra leader, ran away from home in the WGN Orchestra. WGN Jules Baudu<.'s music, WARe WCAU Zie~lcr, son~s, 610 Atlantic Avenue, Boston WHAS. 30 m.; WPG from 12.4~ Ray WPG Louise Brabant. sopu.no. WGN eady days with the ambition of becoming a musician. His first Dinner Concert. WHAS. 30 m. Telephone LISerty 9673 Stocks, WMCA "Radio Vanities," Frank Parker. tenor, job got him a little nearer his goal. rIe was a piano salesman. WOR, 3,0 m. Saturday, June 16, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Nine • - Fashion-Minded Ladies! Do 'You Know What You Miss When You Deny Yourselves =

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D~' Diana II.-rbt>r( Q.-She writes for The MICROPHONE too, doesn't she? A.-Yes; you'll usually find her "Reflections" on Page Fifteen of the Original United States Radio Newspaper. Q.-She has a whole page in NOW? A.-Every month. Q.-Is her page in NOW better than her column in The ~ MICROPHONE? A.-No, but there's more of it, of course. Besides you'll find other articles in June NOW to interest you. Fifteen Circ"l"tion ~I"",,g~r. ~'TO"T. cents at the corner news ~"o. 3 J COllrt Squ"rf!, stand; subscription blank = 1I0...tOll, ~1"t.I'i"chus~tb•. I'd like (he nc-xt (wc-h'c- issues of NOW. I herewith. Subscribers to I am indosing SI.SO (('ash. ~heek or NOW save thir'ty cents a Illonc-y order.) year; they get t h e maga- ~'TI","~ _

Strf!et ~__ zine every month. postage City or Town ___ prepaid, without bother. St"t~, _ The ~IICROPDONE!JIn~. -

? I~I Sa~"ay, June 16, 1934 Page Ten THE MICROPHONE- Wednesday, June 20 • Soviet Envoy on CBS·W ABC at 10.45 A.M. ------_.-:------;------:------Betty B:uthell, melodecrs qu.artet. WABC 6.45 P.M. EDT; 5.45 EST; 9.30 P,M. EDT; 8.30 ESTI lIigbligllts an] S;aviu's Orc:hestra. \VCAU Verve 4.45 CT 7.30 CT Variety, WOR A.M. Songs, WMCA MJrth. Mens, contralto, WEAP WTJC Lo\'e Story. jl\mes Dunn. WjZ W8Z wGY WHAM KDKA, }O m. Aldrich's Hawaii.ns, WPG, >0 m. ~ -1;:75-Farewell of Amb1ssador 12.30 P.M. EDT; 11.30 A.M. ESTj Studio Chorus, WEEI 10.30 CT 1.o"'·ell Thomas, news. WJZ WBZ WHAM Harry II. Balkin, WOR Trorano\"sk}', WABC WLW KDKA LnHence Salerno's Orchestra. WCN ~ P.l\1. Alma M;I~tud, soprano. WEAP WGY. 1) joe Williams, sporb. WABC Naumberg Concert, WMCA. 1 h. m.: WTAM. ~O m. Ben PolI.ck's Orchestra. WCAU 5t'xl<:1, Produce, ~"EEr, ~o m. I.lttle Orphan Annie. WGN 9,45 P.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; 8.3O--Evcrctt Marshall, CBS­ Vic and S.de. WJZ \\ oL, 30 m.: KDKA Five StU Fical, WMCA 7.45 CT WABC WHAM from I.}O Bond of Friendship, \VLW 7 P.M. EDTI 6 EST; 5 CT "That's Life," NewJ drama. WOR, }O m. 9.0G-N j no Martini. CBS· Market Report~. WG~ WABC Smiling Ed McCnnndl. WI\BC WCAU , 0 P.M. EDT; 9 E5T; 8 CT AI~anJer Baseball Resume, WEAl' Cuckoos, l'i'DC·\X'JZ Hus' Ensembk. "'....OR. 30 m. CorDt:dy Sun of HoU",'ood, WEEJ Dance Music, WTIC, .4) m. Thru the Hollywood Looking Glan, WGY Corn Cob Pipe Club, WEi\F W[[I WTIC ~ lO.oo--Broadcast to and from \"('GY \X'L\'\7, ~o m. 12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; WHAM Cru~r, ~ B}'cd Expedition, CBS-WADe Amos 'n' Andy, WjZ WBZ WHAM WLW Mu§iul W]Z WBZ WHAM KDKA,. - 10.45 CT }o m. _ IO.30-Alben Spa-Iding, \Iolin· KDKA Gene Kardos'.. On_hestu. \\'ABC WCAU 8roadn't to and from Brrd Espeditioa.. i••, CBS-WABC Marl:rt .ad We...ther R~rts. WEAP Wi\BC \X'CAU This and That WEE( ford frick, sporlS. WOR ~ Ben Potter, sketch, W'CN Margaret Powell [vans, WPG The Vagllbonds. W(j¥ !":e..·s and Thavlu's MUSIC, \\7GN. 30 m. ~usic. Meloevottons. WGY Maohubn Moods, WABC The Goldbergs, WEAF WEEr WGY Adrian O'8rien, WBZ National Farm .nd Home Hour, WJZ WBZ WEEI Dance Orchestra, WTIC Si~ters. VlCgmja Clark, food ulk. WGN WHAM KDKA. t h. 4.30 P.M. EDT; 8.30 EST; Pickens WJZ WBAL Melody Masters. WLW 'Orun. WBZ Palmer Hou,e F.nsemble, WGN 2.30 CT Boake Carter, news, W ADC WCAU '0 A.M. EDT; 9 ESTI 8 CT Beau~ Guild. WMCA. }o 111. f'Oick Lucas, song§, WABC Ro».llnd je,.,-t:t:, boob, WOR Art Tatcm. pianist. "'QtrEAF True Stories of the Sea, WO,R Boake (.rter. \\-'CAU Baritone. WEEI World's F.ir news. WGN "Moonhe:uns." WORt }O m. Breen and De: Rose, WEAP WEEr WTIC Fallon's OIcbesua. WMCA. WGY 1.45 P.M. EDT. 12.45 EST; The VU;3.bonds. WGY Spom. KDKA Orch~tras. ~O Jia",w. of Song. WJZ W8Z WHAM KDKA 11.45 A.M. CT lIandwritin~ ana1rses. WjZ WGN, 3 h .. m. Mrs. Lirtkford, \VLW Markets, KDKA. 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT Tom Dcvodier's Orchesu:a, WMCA Harold Kni~ht_ Orchestra, WADe Dr. B. F. j. Schonland. c.ape To>wn Uni· In the I.uxembouut Garden,. \X'ABC WCAU Tbe Baron, WEAF WEE! WTrC WGY. WGN Keep fit Club, WGN Stnng Tno. WOR \'enlty Cape: TO""n, S. A.-·'Li,htnllli." "'1.15 P.M. EDT; 10.15 EST) Ofche~ua, }O m. Hungarian WGN \"X'ABC 9.15 CT 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; Stocks. WCAU Come Clues, Spencer De:lO, WlZ WBZ 8.15 CT 2 P.M. EDTI 1 EST; 12 N. CT Ma.rimha Orc~tra. WOR \\-'LW KDKA, >0 m_ Enric Madri'tuer.·s OrchestIa, WEAP WTlC Tuo, Phil Spltlany's t.nscmble. WABC "'-CAU ~O "'"MeA WG~ '\X'TlC \\ GY, m. O.an. l.u 'n' Em, \\--T£AP WEEr WGY Concert Miniatures \\'i\BC I'm. Poilmer Htlu)e Ensemble. 1'\e"'s William Senni'" Orchestra, WEEI \\.I,W WG:-':- Ircne ThoOlI'~'.on·~ Or,hc\tn. \\'Ci\U 4.45 P.M. EDTJ 3.45 EST; Three Funsteu, WMCA john 'Fogan)', Wjl. WHAM Flurc:nda Tno, \\.... jZ WHA.! Dr. i\rthur Frank Payne, WOR 2.45 CT Dmner Concert. WHAS, }O m. Joe Rlncs' Olch("Jua, \\- B2 DuI...: lJe"..el·'s Orche0 m ArQund the Cu,l.;er D.rrel. KDKA S:unmy F"lef, KDKA Dog Talk, WMC/t.. The J.ady Xext Door, ~'EAF W[Er WTIC Ne"'" and RCR,ltie Childs' Orchestra, WABC. B,II .and (jm~er, \VABC WCAU Sto ~~. Emery Deutsch's Orche

• ,&•

i Int.·o"'''Jin" 11;~:~U~~d~;;:Z~~~'ye~~tr~t:~;"NANTASKET STEAMBOAT D'RESHI"~TG ...... contnbuted [(';lffiS of "shorts" to piDOGRAM REI ~eV~'~:;i~~~~~' ~:h~~~~ ~e;:~;nJo~~i~;~ th~el:':s :~~~~.Ll .I.' _ 1 , I "Tattler" program, gets the nod theme. N~w he places occasional for one of our occasional persoo- sports stones. John Philbrick In Wednesday Eve ality sketches this week. His first radio appearance was "Vic" was born in Canton, at \X'KAV (Laconia station as Sailor Reilly At 6:45 P.M. :Maine, which is ocar Rumford old as \X'EAF). where he an­ which is 20 miles from Poland Daunced in radio's pioneer days. Role on WEEI Springs. Cantonese dust from WEEI spies located him in Jan. lillie "Vic's" shoes was just be· uary, '29, and he immediately John Philbrick steps to the the distribution of a large num· gin OlOg to became affiliated with the Boston microphone in the new role, ber of round-trip tickets on the make its ap- station. Starting as 3n announ· "Sailor Reilly." Almost enough Nantasket bo,ts. pearaoee in (er, he soon was promoted to the Whitman production work and it is still said. The new broadcast series The broadcasts are devised for in which he IS appearing has its general radio entertainment of a h 0 use hold his secret ambition to announce w hen the a sports event. third episode coming up witli all speedy tempo. Through the col· the seasonal breeziness possible laboration of John Philbrick and fa m iJ y up Building the 6 to 6" 30 week· to inspire via r:.t.dio, unless of the GOldston Company, they and moved day "Tattler" program is his de­ course one would prefer to take seem to have achieved a unique t a laconia, light and worry. It is fast mov­ a steamboat ride to Nantasket. originality and carry the sugges- N. H., which ing, bright and humorous and The Nantasket S tea mboat tion of informality so gracefully was a break an audience-getter second to for the local none at the supper-time period. Company sponsors the program that they take rank with the most bas eballcrs. Originality is the keynote to its which is presented each \X!ed- desirable listening periods on the Up to two success with the trials and tribu· nesday evening at 6,45 P. M.. RUTH CHILTON WEEI broadcast schedule. years ago he lations of "Ch,r1ie and Willie," and the feature is already estab· "Sailor Reilly" finds John VlC \VIIITMAN emu Ja ted. cucaI.comICS, tlle h'19hspo t0 f lished as a summer·time "oa- @ Philbrick in one of his most en- . Lou Gehng e"e broadcast. I" dren and grown-ups. The vocal WIth the loc.ll baseb,1I aggrega· ,?'. " tura '. ... specialists featured from week to tertaining character parts. lis· tion and did a right smart job V'c plays the hectored Supportrng Mr. Phllbrrck IS a week are Ruth Chilton and teners will readily recall bis around the initial satk. "Charlie" role himself with Fred capable cast of featured radio ar· Whitney Tileston, one of radio's finesse and appeal as principal An e.r1y hankering for books Hawkins, another WEEI stafT tists built around a general back· outstanding duet combinations. comedian of the stage sue. took him .from laconia schools member, taking the droll, in. ground of music provided by The Metropolitan Quartette, cesses, "Good News," Follow to llowdolO Collegc and a de- sipid, "straight man" assignment "Th N t" I " t . "hich also gained so much favor e 'au It eers, en'p,ece On the recently completed Through," "Captain Jinks," gree, augmented later by gradu· f "W"II'" h . h f ate study at University of II. O. I Ie, \\ 0 IS t e per ed dance tea~ whICh prOVides Squires' program, "Your Folks "Tumble Inn" and a dOlen other IIOOis, B. U. and Harvard. AI- hit-and-run spokesman, yet man­ tunes to glide up and down the and .Mine," o\'er WEEI, is also Broadway successes. His most re. though he played four years of ages to get b,ck for each new harbor to and from one of New regularly heard on the new cent radio feature role was that hockey, twice captaining the episode. England's most attractive Sum- series. of "Jim Warren" in the "Your Bowdoin pucksters, he doesn't Whitman has undoubtedly mer playgrounds. Each program pros'ides a Folks and Mine" series, a de- recall how the tcam fared. He conducted more interview .The broadcast episoJ~s are not \ pleasant .surprise in the way .of Icidedly. contrasting assign~ent is endowed with an excellent since the "Tattler" began-than Without a theme, a hlOt of a guest artist appearances, provld- from hiS newest featured bit. memory according to studio folk. any other radio personage in comparati\'ely simple but intense- ing diversity and new listener "The Nautickers," who pro­ CompJcting his studious hab- 1.. c.*w En,glJnd. It is one of sev­ Iy human storr carrying. through appeal. There is also 3 unique vide the broadcast music are also its, free boce writing occupied Ieral inciJental bits that h~lp to with the proper .lmount of com· tie-in to tit the summertime mooJ to be heard aboard sillp. lx-ing his attention and the 50th short keep the pro.~ram newsy. IOfor­ edy relief to m~e the broadcast 10f the listening public throush sailors in fact as well as b)· proxy story he wrote c1ilked with a mal and entertaining -alwars. generally appealing to both chilo the opportunity to p'rticipate 10 from the WEn studios.

TIlE GOOD NATION~S NEWS WEEI BRIEFS Frannie 'Mclaughlin program among local song-singers in the the warm ,,,eather radio business .LII.OB.i.VIl\TG FAJI'OBITES director, tells us every time she past six months, according to is currently far ahead of any pre. .JI.ELODIES receives a box of chocolate5 WEEI staff wdtchers ... WEEI violls year's experience; automo­ (they're all big boxes) but we is booked ahead to May 26, 1935 bile radios doing much to in. had to snoop to hear her mono- on Sunday Church services, the crease summertime audiences ... THREE ST"'R "GENE Iogue "The Kitchen Clock" at period being shared by St. Paul's The WEEI staff's deep sympathy IJROADC1'~TS and Whitney Hall recently· How ('..thedr,I and the Old South to Helen DeVoe with the sud· that femme can talk with her Church One of "Uncle den passing of her D,d ... Bus· ter Horton resplendent in new with eres ! ... Dr. Joc's" public relations empJo)'ees summer finery, white f1annt'ls. GLENN" ~{iriJ.m Skir· wa'cIk d aff With. a 500 sweep~ socks and ~hoes with bJuc jacket ball, WEEI • Helen Barr P,.,,"'ted by book review. stakes consolation What being the cool, snappy attire for er, packs her usu,allY happens. when tlIe WOrtI the snappiest of studio page bol's • Del Castillo ... R.lY Girardin back after a o\'ernight bag leaks out that a commercial audi- restful vacation; the voice O-':CJ- • Edward Jardon THE GILLETTE for a week·' tion is scheduled at WEE'• . S10na'IIl' he>r din hIS .a b(;mble. WGN Sylv;ln Trw. \\ LW of IliHl'lry. \X'[AF WFF.T. I' ffi. MUSj~al Keys, 'X'jZ WBZ WHAM. ~o m. 11.15 P.M. EDT; "10.15 EST, Skip. Step and Ilappiana. \'X"'GY Nl:N Pure hod Institute, WEEI WTIC, The Public Speaks. \'\.'OR. }O m, 'lhree Little FumtetS, WMCA 9.15 CT ;Mystery ell<:l, \VABC }o m. Instrumental Group, WMCA Virginia Cbrk'~ fwd talk, WGN Rhythm Ma!ters, WTlC 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; jark Berger's Orchestra. WEAP wnc Jean Cu\elle's Oechestra, WMCA Paul Curtis, tenor, WGY 4.45 P,M. ~DTj 3.45 EST; 6.15 -cT WGY Ann I~af, orsanist, \\1ABC WCAU 2,45 CT Ne"s. Music~1 Twins, WEEI 10 A.M. EDT; 9 ESTj 8 CT Dr. Anhur !'rank Payne, WOR Euy Aces. WAnc \V(",AU Poet PrinlC, \\'jZ WRZ just Plain Bill, WGN llle ~d)' Next Door. WEAF Seymour Slmon's ()r~ht,tra. WGN ;'\;ew\. Casa Lom;l Ort.hc:stu. \'VABC Breen and de Rl ~e, \\T.AF \\'GY, }O m. Thealle Notes, WMCA Doln MlDonlldl. basso. WEEI jean (i.r;lYclle"s Ordlbtra, WMCA Art fllrrar's Or(he~ua, KDKA Del Castilln, orRanlst, \\'[EI, ~o. Stocks. \'\'GY The Three Mixen. hnmony. WGN Mixing no" I, \\TIC, }o m. 2.15 P.M. EDTj 1.15 ESTI Carrie's Club. WMCA 8.30 P,M, EDT; 7.30 EST; Polly Andre....-s· Orchestra, WMCA Edward MacHugh, gospel SlOger, WjZ WBZ 12.15 CT 6.30 CT ~STI KDKA 5 P.M. EDT; 4 3 CT 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST, Health Talk, WI.\'V Iiousehold Chat, WGY Meredith Willson's Orchestra. WEAF Gale PaAe. WjZ KDKA 9.30 CT Bill and Ginger, WASC School of the Air. Social Study. WHAM Glea~on T. Archer, Dean. Suffolk Law WG7\J's Kttp fit C1uh. WGN Rom;lnce of Helen Trent, WABC WCAU \'('HI WTIC. 30 m.; W(iY from 5.15 Pal~, &.11001. WBZ Ne"'s llnd Ghost Story, WEAP WEE) Pure Food 1I0ur, WOR, 1 h. \\'GN Pi.no \";1(. Y Mildred Cole and Tom Davi!, WOR Palmer CIAtIe·s Concert Orchestra, WjZ WBAL RaffiC!i, amateur cracksman, WABC WCAU, WTIC WGY. 30 m. 10.15 A.M. EDT) 9.15 ESTI Sports talk, WMCA "'"HAM KDKA. 30 m. '\0 rn. l\:ews and Freddie 8erre:n's Orchestra. Wja N. r.. Agriculture, \'\!BZ Palmer Hou.!C Enst'mble. WGN WllZ W'HAM KOKA 8.15 CT Cro~ley ~o 2.30 P.M. EDT; 1.30 ESTI Maro!C,Htt Carlisle, .vocali!t, W1W DInner Concert. WHAS. }O m. Roamios. WLW. m. Clara. l.u 'n° Em. WEAF WCY 'WLW 12.30 CT jerry Coorer. bantone. WA8C Crazy Range Ramblers, WMCA Bnfo's Orchcslra. WOR, ~o m. aS~ "'HI WTfC W(iN Stage Relief Fund Talk, WOR Henry BIagini's Orchcstra. WHAS, )0 Castles of Romance. \VIjZ WHAM KDKA Trio Romantique. WEAF WEEI Sally·s Party. WMCA. }O m. 8,45 P.M. EDT) 7.45 EST, OrchestrH, WGN, ) hrs. Duke De:wey's On hestra, WBZ Three ·School Maids. W'GY 6.45 CT Orchestras, WMCA. 2 Ius., 30 m. i Jda Bailey Allen, WABC WCAU Scamps, W jZ WHAM 5.15 P.M. ED,) 4.15 ESTi Poc:ric Strings, WADC 3,15 CT I}:or Corin. baritone, WjZ 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST, 10.30 A.M. EDT; 9.30 EST, Time. "..euher. WHZ Quartet. \,\'DZ 9.45 CT 8.30 CT Hotel Glb~on Orchestra. W1.W The Monitor Vie'Ws the News. WBZ Fleet"'ing Travelers. KDKA "The: Homemaker:' WOR, !OO m. Thru the J.ookiolt Gins. WLW btl Burtnett's Orchc:stu, WG:-J Musical Twins. WEEI Tre:asure: Ch«t, Jlo"-ard Phillips, WUF Hand""'riting Expert. WMCA Skippy, WABC WCAU "More Than Ne.....s... WMCA Henry Busse's Orchestra, WABC WCAU WH.I \\'L\V "Onle Upon a Time," WOR 2.45 P.M. EDT; 1.45 EST, Today·s Children, WjZ WBZ KDKA 9 P.M. EDT; 8 ESTI 7 CT 12 M. EDT) 11 P.M. EST; 10 ell Marke:ts and Mail Hox. WGN. ~o m. 12.45 CT 5,30 P.M. EDT; 4.30 EST; 3.30 CT News and Artist Relital. W ABC Ma Perkin!. WEAF WEEr WGY WLW Captain Henr1"s Show Boat, WEAF WEEI Dream Singer lind jimmy lunceford's Ott Singinp; Cowboy, WTIC \'Vinnie the Pooh. WEAF WEEI WTIC WGY, r h. (WLW from 9.30) chestra. WEAr WEEI WGY, 30 m. 10.45 A.M. EDT; 9.45 EST. Vin lindhe. diseuse, \VjZ WCY Musical pro~ram, WTIC. r h. Milwaukee Pllllharmonic Orchestra, Wj~ 8.45 CT Ed~':in Otis, baritone. WBZ Singin,;: lady. WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Death Valley Day~, drama. WjZ wnz WBZ WHAM, 30 m. Century of Progre~s Orchestra. \'<'GN Wl\'V WHAM KDKA \'(fl.W, }o m. los Amigos. WlW, }o m. Ne"'"S and Morning; Parade, WEAF WTIC, Popular Songs, WMCA JaCK ArJ;nstrong, All-American Boy, WABC Mark WarM"', WADC WCAU. ~o m. jack Berger·s Orchestra, WOR, 30 m. 30 m. WCAU Palml1'r Clark·s Orchestra. WGN. 30 m. Re~ie Childs' Orchestra, WABC WCA.U. Musical Program, WEEr 3_ P.M. EDT; 2 EST; 1 CT Karl Freund, talle. WOR Rod and Gun Club, WOR ~o m. Pop Concer!. \'VTlC, }o m. Malvin Thomas, baritone, WMCA Bob Haring's Orchestra. WMCA. 30 m. ShOT"ping Dag, \'('GY Yascha Davidoff. hasso, WEAP 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M. EST. News and Radio Kitchen, WjZ WBZ H:1.waiilln Band, WEn 5.45 P.M. EDT; 4.45 EST; 9.15 P.M. EDTj 8.15 EST; 10.30 CT Org:1.n. wr.W WTrc Playh(luse, WTIC. 30 m. 3.45 CT 7.15 CT AC:1.demy of Medicine:, Or. F. W. O.. ncroft, Albany (Ill Parade. WGY Harold Sterns' Orchestra, WEAF WGYi "Varicose Veins," WABC 20~DK~orYoegian Singers, WjZ WBZ Echoes of Erin, WEAF WEEI WTIC "Romance In Song," WOR WLWI john Finke, pianist, WGY Castle Farm Orchestra, ~lW, 30 m. 11 A.M. EDT; 1 0 ~ST; 9 CT Camay Minstrel. WlW little Orphan Annie, WJZ WBZ WHAM: 9.30 P.M. EDT; 8,30 EST; Ben Pollack's Orchestra, WABC WCAU, Metropolitan Parade, WABC WlW KDKA 7,30 CT 30 m. I Galaxy of Stan, W'CY. WLW Sally and Sue, WOR C1ar.c:nce Wheeler's Orchestra. WABC wau U. S. Navy Band. WjZ WBZ WHAM Music. WGN WCAU Edward Davies, baritone, W jZ WBZ KDKI\. }O m. Song and piano, WMCA "Sophisticates," trio. WOR Sunny Side Up, WABC \1('HAM KDKA, 30 m. Armanda Itandolph. songs, WMCA Waring's Pennsylvanians, WAlle wau r;;~~":lbscri~::·::-t 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 EST; Harry H. Ballin. WOR 11.15 A.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; 1.15 CT 6 P.M. EDT; 5 ESTI 4 CT Anson Weeks· Orchestra, WGN 9.15 CT Ernie Golden's Orchestra. WMCA 1.- other purchaser of II 1.0'" Do,\\·n. Wl\V Tom oakley's Orchestra. \"'EAF WLW Frances lee Barton. WEAF WTIC WGY Piano Recital. WOR The Evening Tllttler, WEEI, ~o m. The MICROPHONE ! WEEr Emil Thaviu's Orchestr3, WGN WriAht\'ille Clarion, WTJC. }o m. 9.45 P.M. EDTJ 8,45 EST; .--;__ bcne~ Your Friendly Neighbor, WGN Natalie Norman, singer. WMCA Variety. WGY 7.45 CT is entitled to share its ! U. S. Navy Band, WJZ WHAM: WBAl, ... 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; 3.30 P.M, EDT; 2.30 EST; }o m. "The Witches Tale," WOR, 30 m, fits with a friend. Write to I 9.30 CT 1.30 CT Joe and B.teese, \,(/BZ Bernic Cummins' Orchestra, WGN Dinner Concert, WHAS Trudy Thomas. songs, WMCA Circulation Manager, I Jules lande. violinist, WEAF WEEI WTIC. Woman's Radio Review, WIAF WEEI WGY, Duck Rogers. WABC WCAU The MJCROPHONE, -i }o m. }o m. Uncle Don. WOR. }O m. 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Climalene Carnival. WGY. 30 m. With the World's Composers. WTlC, 30 m" Orche~tra, WGN. 30 m. Jade Arthur. baritone. W jZ WBAL Roy Shields' Orchestra, Vemon Craig. WjZ Paul Whiteman Music HIIII, Deems Taylor, No. 34 Court Square, I waz Ted Black's Orchestra. WMCA. 3 om. KOKA WHAM KDKA WEAF WEEI WGY WLW. 1 h. Boston, Massachusetts, Market Reports. \VI,W Home Forum Cooking School. WBZ, 30 m. 6.15 P.M. EDT) 5.15 ESTj Variet>'. WTIC, I h. I Melody Men. WGN Sputter and Whine. WLW 4.15 CT Parade of the Provinces, WjZ WBAL Madison hnse:mble. WADC, 30 m. National Student Federation ProAram. WABC KDKA, 30 m. giving the names and ad.. I Afternoon Musicale. WOR. r h. Sporn Parade. WGY I i~ i dresses of those you'd like 11.45 A.M, EDT; 10.45 EST; Stratford jnhnson, basso, WGN Bill Williams, WBZ ! 9.45 CT Stocks, WMCA Bobby Benson and Sunny Jim, WADC ~ = i to become familiar with I WCAU :AI and lee Re:iser, WJZ W8Z WHAM 3.45 P.M. EDTJ 2.4S ESTI STATION KDKA 1.45 CT 6.30 P.M. EDT; 5.30 ESTI ~ a_._._.:~.! The MICROPHONE. A sam. ! Painled Dreams, WGN WLW 4.30 CT ~ pie copy will be sent Musical Keys. WjZ WHAM DIRECTORY ! ., 2 N. EDT; 11 A,M. EST; 10 CT Charles Dameron. W"LW john B. Kenoedy. WEAr WGY ~ j promptly to each name The Playboys. WABC Bastban scores. current events, WEEI i Maple City F"·'r. WEAF WEEI WGY Basebllll, New York vs. Chicago Cubs. SUins Music. WTIC Page 4 given, without obligation. Smackout, WjZ WGN. 2 hrs. 1~ m. Stamp Club, WJZ ! I Mary Alcott, songs. WLW George Spauldin,q, songs. WMCA Time, weather, WBZ .~''''''''I_' -. __''''''''"",- ; , , Saturday, June 16, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Thir:een Mr. McArt Finds Many Radio Marriages Are "Made In Heaven" , " • was born there during her DOlllestic Frank, Julia family's teavels. Yes, it was a good thing they weren't passing through Okeemulgee. Household Is JACK BENNY and MARY L,v· INGSTONE. are a notable example of how to be happily married the Happiest though radio broadcasters. Their verbal sniping is confined strictly (Conti'lt/ed froll1 Page 1) to the airJanes, prowling radio scribblers report. It's just part an impending explosion in his of the performance for JACK to household and of the disturbing toss stinging flippancies m presence of a film beauty in the 1vfARY'S direction and for her to background, snapped to as­ hurl them bark. sembled reporters: At home in their love-nest in ". have nothing co say." thc Essex House, New York, they Radio fans who are aware of speak politely and endearingly to TEO'S eagerness to vocalize at each other-what to have for length on almost any occasion, break fa~t and worrying about the will get an idea from the silence cat, or at least they would, if they of the word.sprayer's profoundly had a cat. He calls her "Dad" stirred emotions. and she calls him "Baby." However, other than these few FRANK CRUMIT and JULIA SANDERSON who are, sa)'s Mr. McART, ",he MARY is young, pretty, slender,

isolated flat notes, the sweet dltckie-wlickies of radio/and." l'hey li-v'e at their eSlateJ DlInl'Ot/in l in brunette. She never worked a music seems pretty flawless gen­ Longmeadow, .Mass. day in her life until she met JACK erally. ----'------and now she likes it, she says. There's GRAGE ALLEN and broad-minded and not the least lone six ycar.s old and the other J~(K, for his part, is proud of his GEORGE BURNS, for example, bit jealous, even when it comes four. .ETJlI'L had retired from Iwife and says so. who are 1\fr. and .Mrs. in private tn that never·failing isue of war· the footlights to a life of domes· Jane And Don ETHEL SHUTTA, formerly of the life. She's the dumbest gal at fare in e\'er so many a marital ticity, dusting the parlor furni- ..... 11/lJJical romedy slage, iJ bupPilJ large in the world today, if you mcnage- mother. ture and washing pots and pans, S.lIch beatlfJC family life 10 married /0 GEORGE OLSEN. She can believe all you hear on the when out of sheer boredom, she radl? .should cheer the elderly bN)I his rlothes for hUll. radio, and furthermore, she in­ A Gallant Cavalier said, she returned to the stage of Ip~s~lmlsts who see the nation troduced into GrORGE'S life an BING has no hesitancy in de· radio. GEOIlGE didn't mil>0 m. 3.QO--lanny Ross, Conrad Thi· 12.15 P.M. EDTJ 11.15 A.M. EST; "The Chlmpions," WOR. 30 m: -- An~on 10;15 CT 7 P.M. EDT; 6 EST; 5 CT \\'Ieek·s MuJiic, WGN hault, Mary Luu, NBC­ jack Douglas' v.anetv_ WMCA. ~o m. WEAF !.ucjllt Manners. soprano. WEAP WEEJ B.aSC'ball Rwrume, WEAt" • 8.00--cities Service Concert, WTIC Ccmedy Stars. WEEI 9.45 P.M. EDTJ 8.45 EST. M,rtha and lIal. WGY TflO Romantique. WGY 7.45 CT NBC·WEAF Wenddl Ibll, ukulde, WjZ WHAM Amos n Andy, WjZ WDZ WHAM Chocolatcccs,..NBC-\~JZ TIme, weather. templ;rarure. WDZ Al;(e \iichnt, snprano, WlW Household Music Box. WABe Armand Procram. WLW Tb~ Showm~n, Charles Harnetr"s Orchestrl. WCAU Bernie Cummins' Orchestra, WGN 9.0(}-Leah Ray, NBC·WJZ Four WABC WCAU FOld Fm:k, sports, WOR Vanety, WOK 9.3()-J 0 h n n y Green, cas­ Ben POtle:r, skt'rch. WGN 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Harold Turner, pi.anist, WGN Dinner Concert, WHAS. '0 m. WAllC Chick RKhuds, :;ongs, WMCA Flolence Rlchard:ron's Orcb~tn, WMCA. The First Nighter. June Mt'!~dith WEAP lO.Oo-"SpotLight Revue," CBS­ ~ 2.~0 1 P.M. EDTI 11.30 A.M. EST; 7.15 P.M. EDTI 6.15 EST. WEEI wnc WGY, >0 m. • WABC ;:,: 10.30 CT 5.15 CT "Stories That Should Be Told," PuItOD. Oursler. WjZ WBZ KDKA WLW IO.3(}-}ack Benny, NBC·WEAF ~ Rex Battle', Ensemble. WEAP, 30 m•• "Spotlil:ht Revue," WABC wau 4} m. ;;..-', WGY, U m. Gene and Glenn. WEAF WEEI WGY Dick Tracy. a~tective. WBZ News and EmIl ThavlU'S Orcbestra.: WGN. Stocks, Market's. WEEr >0 m. (All programJ are lilJed in EaJJern Luncheon Music. WTIC, 40 m. :-lports. wnc Dance Orchestra, WPG V:r anci "~de. WIZ Wfl7 WHAM KDKA joe Emerson. $Cngs, WLW Jf~ DaylighJ Saving Time. EaJJern jusl Plaio Dill. WADe ny. hr. in time," WOR Esther Velu, ensemble, WABC. >0 In, wau Piano. WMCA Standard Time if one hOllr earlier; b\,lnuS ot to nelld~llIp. W l W String Trio. WGN Organ. WOR. ~o m. Front Page Drama, WOR Central Time iJ two hourI earlier.) 10.15 P.M. EDT, 9.15 EST, Markets. or{:ao. l.alk, W(;N. 30 m. 8 .. 15 CT Two pianos. tenor, WMCA, 4) m. 7.80 P.M. EDT; 8.30 ESTI 5.80 CT 8.15 A.M. EDT, 7.15 EST. Marin Coni, baritone. WJZ 6.15 CT t 2.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; 10.45 CT Fur Trappers. WEAP Billy Losscz' Orchestra. WDZ Summary and Don Hall Trio, WjZ WDZ After Dmner Revue, WEEI Henry Thit':'l and Pep5ters.. wt.W WHAL WHAM Cabot and Castillo. WEEI, 30 m. Little Symphony, WTlC Org.an, WMCA Sunny Mdodles. WABC. 30 rn. R.-dio Ganp;. WGY Utica Ltub Smgers, WGY Wor-'( and f"'''P:- W jZ WBZ WHAM Bob NewltaJl, WLW 10.30 P.M. EDT, 9.80 EST. The Texans, WLW' Arleoe jackson, songs, WJZ 8.80 CT 8.80 A.M. EDT; 7.30 ESTI Huceaneers Quartet. WBZ 6.30 CT 1 P.M. EDT, 12 N. EST, Mu~ic on th~ Air. jimmy Kemper. WABC jack Benny, Mary LIVingstOn and Don Jk$" 11 A.M. CT Cheerio, WEAF WEEI wnc VlGY WLW, WCAu tor's Orchestra. WRAP WEEI WTlC WGY jack Arthur. baritone, WOR WLW. >0 m. >0 m. Markets. "(';Irl...r, '\'QI!I\P Sports Talk. WGN Suony Melodies. WABC..., m. Vaj:fabonds, WGY Stri~ Symphony. Prank "1"cIt dtrcctM l...cw White at Dual or#:ln. WjZ KDKA. 30 Fishermen's Guid.., WMCA WJZ WHAM. ~o m.; WBZ irom 10.4; Words and Music, WjZ JOE COTTON, radio aclor, luho plays m.• WBZ. I} m. (WHAM f,om •.4}) WeathCT and N. E. Agriculrural Report, Dan and Sylvia. KOKA 7.45 P.M. EDT) 6.45 EST. Dance Orche,tra, WGN wnz a Jeruling dnd determined role in 6.45 CT 8.45 A.M. EDT; 7.45 EST. Al Kavclin's Orchestra. WABC WCAU, Enchanted Violin. WOR 6.45 CT "COI1f1icl," dramatic skeuhes by Melody Boys. WMCA 30 m. The Goldbcrgs. WEAP WEEI WGY Or H. J. Standhat:en. WOR T, S, STRlBUNG broadcdst oller Sports StOtle5. W jZ Junior High School Program, WBZ Mid.day .xrvice, WGN. 30 m. 10.45 P.M. EDT; 9.45 EST, 'be CBS·If?ABC neJwork Iwice :'momh Rhythms. WTIC 8.45 CT 9 A.M. EDT, 8 EST) 7 CT Mt:looy Masten, WLW 1.15 P.M. EDT; 12.15 EST; Cart~r. 11.15 A.M. CT weekly. Boalr .. WABC WCAU Se.a Siortes. WOR Carlile and London and Warwick Sistets. Summary and Sam Herman. xylophonist, WABC WEAP Dick Fitller's mn(ic. WEAF WOrld's Fair Reporter, WGN Strln~er. Fallon·s Orchestra. W1.:CA The Dream Ship, WGN Hal Leve:y's Orchestra. WGY Health Rtview, WEEI Singing WjZ WRZ WHAM KDKA Nancy Martin, KDKA Mystery Chd. WjZ WBZ WBAL WLW Peepm~lnm and GeorSe, WGY Matinee Highlights, WLW 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST, 8 CT The Phantom. WPG Deane Moore, tenor. WABC The Honorable Archie, WjZ Pollock's Orchestra, WMCA. Markets. \'QI.W 4.90 P.M. EDT; 3.30 ESTI Cities Service Concert, Countess Olga Albant. 9.15 A.M. EDT; 8.15 EST; Ariel Ensemble, WOR 2.30 CT soprano, quartet. Banta and Rettenberg 7.15 CT News. WMCA 11 P.M. EDT; 10 EST) 8 CT Norman Cloutier's Orchestra, WEAP WE£.1 Pl.ano duo, WEAF WEEI WTJC. 1 b.; WGY. 30 m. L.2ndt Trio Ind Wllile. WEAP WEEJ WGY 1.30 P.M. EDT, '2.50 EST, WIIC. >0 m. O'Keef~, Gcorl1;C' R. HolmC'!. Inlernational News !\en" WLW 11.30 A.M. CT VaG2bond5. WGY Ethel hutu, Walter Dolan's Or. i"e. Washington Bureau bead WEAP Th~ Breakfast Clutf,' news at 9.11, WJZ JaCkie lIeller, tenor, WjZ WBZ. 30 m. lhestr.a. W jZ WBZ WHAM WBM WTJC • 4~ KDKA. 30 m. WHAM WBAl. m., KDKA, U m. Airhreaks, WEAF WTIC. 30 m. U. S. Army Band, WASCo 30 m. Trea~ury E. B. Rideout, WEEr (WBZ from 9.30) N. E. Kitchen, WEEI Marimb. Orchestra. WOR. >0 m. Modern Hunt. WLW Doc Pevton·s OrchC5tra. Wr.Y. 30 .rc. Metropoliun Paude, WADe Farm Prop-ram. \'('GY Stleet Forum, WMCA Mary Eastman .lIId EUII Ev.ans, witb How. Ro~er Wolfe Kabn'~ music.. WjZ National Farm and Home Hour. W]Z WBZ J ard Bulow's OrchC5tr.a, WABC WCAU Tune. llo·eather. sports. WBZ WHAM KDKA WLW. I h. 4.45 P.M. EDT, 8.45 EST) C!lalfonte-Haddon Hall Trio, WPG. 1 b. "U:molved Mysteries," WLW. m. 9.30 A.M. EDTi 8.90 EST, BIlly Jones, ScI"'ID's Ordleura, WOR, rn. '0 7.30 CT Vdazco's Orchestn, WABC WCAU ~o m, 2.45 CT '0 Edith Murray, 5On~~, WABC Mukets. music. \'(;rGN. ;}O m. ' P.almer Hou~e MusIC. W(jN ··Moonbeams." WOR StllllS TrIO. WOR Stocks, \"'GY Dmner Co",ert, WHAS Seymour Simon's Orchestra. WGN Taren and Mule:. r...gro comedians, funsters. WMCA \VTIC \Villiam Lundell's Inlel"·iews. WjZ lJ. of Louiwille Musiclle, WHAS Billy Rose. lenor. WGY 2 P.M. EDTt 1 EST; 12 N. CT Wilham Hargr.a~. bantone. WOR Devodieu' Or.chestr•• W10fCA fireakfasr Uub. WJZ WHAM M}·stery Girl. ad"lc~. WMCA S'~.~:'~T EDT, 7.15 EST) Maol:is o( Sp~ch, Vida Ravenscroft Hymns. Wl\VI Sutton. 5 P.M. EDTI 4 EST, 8 CT 1~..~~ ~~'1. EDT; 10.15 EST, Helcn Dur. edward jordan. WEEI WEAF wrrl WTIC. 30 m_ Aniomeue Iblste.ad. WGY Rube: Appleberry, WGN niH HUMins. wngs, WAne WCAU Madame Sylvia. WUF WEEI WTJC WGY. Fasy IHes, WADC WCAU 9.45 A.M. EDTI 8.45 EST, 1) m. Arthur Oberg and Orche(lra, WC:"l' Ben Pollack'~ Or(hntr•• WRAP WEEI 7.45 CT Dr. Arthur FrAnk Payne. WOR News .and Onheun. KDKA Richard Lee WilliAm. baritone. WTlC Roth Andu:: .... '$ Or<.he:.ua. WML\ JUSt Pbin Bill, WGN Pall!ler CLuk·s Onhestra. WjZ. >0 m. NcW'( lind Ben PlIllack's Orchestra WABC Cyril Tobin. violin. WEAP WEEI WTIC AArlCultural Markus. WBZ WCAU • \\'lW 2.15 P.M. EDT; 1.1S EST) 8·:.~:'~i 12.15 CT Three Slar Voices. WLW. 30 m. EDT; 7.30 EST; Skil". Step and Happiana. WGY RC'!ume and frank Dailcy's Orchestra ~'.~~ ~TNI. VirEinia Clark, food tdk. WeN WABC • 1 EDT; 10.30 EST, N. L Radio Kitchen, wrrr Farm Forum. WGY, 30 m. , S<.hool of the Air-art apprecialklO. WHAM "Do!f~'" WOR Gene Arnol,l's Commodores. WjZ WBZ 10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST) 8 CT Romance ot Ilclen Trent WABC WBAL S.ally I P.arty. WMCA. 30 m. KOKA New, and Vincent Y.npe2:· Orchestra. WEAB \\G~ , Unhrnken Melodies, \\""I-\'Q WElil WTlC WGY, 30 m. Breen and De RoSC'. WEAP WEE! WTJC 5.15 P.M. EDT; 4.15 EST; Mr. and Mu.• \'\'GY Vi'l:mi.ans. male quartet. \\'OR True Story «(lurt, \X'ABC \"'CAU, 4' m. Ne: ....s. WjZ Sporu spod,ght, WMCA 3.15 P.M. Valicllc~ of I')H" \VOR, 30 m, Orchestra. WBZ Edward M.acHu8h. baritone, WJZ WDZ ~o Oswald lI.hzzucci. 'cellist, WEAP Lone Ranger. W(,N jo(eph NuaTlO'S Haw'aiians. WLW m. KPKA 2.30 P.M. EDTj 1.30 EST) DlIllier COlIl~r1, \VHA5. ~o m. Bud Fisher's Orchestra. WOR...~ m. MIS. Littleford, Wl\'(/' 12.30 CT Lawren(e Cummjn,!!;. WEEI An~on \'I7~k',. Singe,~. R.amblct5, WMCA Cummins', and Ted Wecm.·. Madison WABC WCAU Modern.ires. WTIC Or(he~tra~. ~peaker. \'UGN, I h. Emily Post, Sydney Nesbitt. baritone, Song Trail. WEAF WEEr WTIC TIle Monitor Viello·S the Newt, WBZ Huntl~v's ~o 8.45 P.M. EDTj 7.45 EST, lloyd Orchestra, KOKA MUriel Pollad:, S.alada Strings, WOR. m. Alblny on Parade. \\ (jY Skippy. WABC WCAU Orchestras, \'<-'GN, 3 bu.• 30 m. Keel') FIt Cluh. \'('bN Mary Phillirs. WjZ "Cocktail Hour." ~IOR 6.45 CT Orche~tra. Paul Pendar... is WLW Babe Ruth, baseball comment. WjZ 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST. 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 EST. Books and Authors. WHZ 5.30 P.M. ED,; 4.30 EST, WBZ 9.30 CT WHAM \VBAL KPKA 9.45 CT 8.15 CT Ann Leaf, organ. WAMC Skit. WLW "The Homemaker," WOR, 30 m. "More Than Ne"'·s." WMCA Clara, Lu 'n' Em. WEAP WEEI WGY Palmer Hou~e rMemble, WGN Frank Merriwdl. WEAP WEEI WTAG National Gco,!!;rsrohk Society Arm, Air Corps WTAM WCY Stratosrherc Flil!.ht Broadcast. WEAP WEE! WLW WGN Dinner Club, WMCA 9 P.M. EDT; B ESTi 7 CT Huel Mth, contralto, WjZ WHAM: SinginF Lady. WjZ WBZ WHAM WLW WTIC WGY WLW Duke Dewey, W'BZ 2.45 P.M. EDT, 1.45 EST. KDKA jlck Armstrong, AIl·American Boy. WABC Waltz Time. !'rana:- Munn and Vivienne Se­ ,J\11l and GinAtr. WABC WCAU 12.45 CT gal. Abe L)rna.o's Orchestra. WEAP WE'£1 12M. EDT; 11 P.M. EST, 10 CT Bob White. WTIC WCAU Ma Perkins. WEAF \\7GY WLW Robert Rand, WOR WGY. "0 m. Piano, WMCA Songs. WTIC Dream Sinp;er and Harold Stern's Orchestr•• 1c:,'.~~ ~~. EDTI 9.80 EST, WCY WL\V, I h, Sili~in8 Phil Harris Orcrestra. lelh Ray. WjZ WBZ WEAP WEEI W)AR WTIC WGY. 30 m. Co",boy. WTIC WHAM WDAL KDKA Orchestra, \'(/ jZ \"'HZ. 30 m. Alden Edkins. bass· baritone, W'JZ WBZ 5.45 P.M. EDT; 4.4S ESTI 3.45 CT Will Osborn~'s Orchestra, WOR WLW, Leon Belasco's Orchestra, WABC wau News and Joe White, lenor. WEAP Century o( PrOj::rt:ss Orcbestra, WGN WPG Dd Castillo. organist. WEEI JO m. Dob Stanley, !enor, WMCA "Alice in Orchestrali.a," WE.AP WEEI AUilio Ba~giore's Orchestra, WGN !.ati.. ~crger's Orchestra, WOR Today·s Children. sketch. WjZ WDZ WBAL 3 P.M. EDT, 2 EST; 1 CT KDKA Melodies of Romance, WTJC !.c>.1l1:S. musiC: WMCA• .10 m. jack Berch, WLW Maria's Matinee, lanny Ross, Mary Lou, Bradley Kincaid, WCY 12.15 A.M. EDT, 11.15 P.M. EST, 9.'5 EDT; 8.15 EST) New~ and Round TOllo·ners Quartet WABC Conrad ThIbault. WEAF WEEJ WT1C Little Orphan Annie, WjZ WDZ WHAM P.M. 10.15 CT Markets. weather, WGN ' WGY, I h. WLW 7.15 CT Mamaret Santry intervi.. ws, WjZ WBZ Bob White's Snap Book. wau Liltl~ jack little's Orchestra, WADe WCAU Harry Sosnick·s Orchestra. WABC WCAU 1c:,'.~~ ~~. WHAM KDKA Billy Dauscha, WOR EDT; 9.45 EST, Hurdy Gurdy Man, WABC Baseball talk. WMCA Melody Moments. WTIC Movie Broadcast, WPG 12.30 A.M. EDTJ 11.30 P.M. EST. Show Boat Boys, WOR 10.30 CT Betty Crocker. cooking t.alk, WRAP WEEI Music. WGN, "0 m. 6 P.M. EDT; 5 EST, .. CT "Women and Money," WMCA Horatio ZItO'S Orchestra, WEAP WLW 9.30 P.M. EDT; 8.80 ESTJ WGY WLW 7.30 CT Fr:nkie MasteN' Orchestra, WEAF WEEI Jack and Loretta Clemens. WjZ 30 m. News. time, weather. WBZ 9.15 P.M. EDTj 2.15 EST; Evening, Tattler. WEEI, 30 m. WTIC WLW. >0 m. 1.15 CT Wtlg~tvllie Clarion, WTIC. >0 m. One Night Stands. PICk and P.at. Blackiace Sam Robbins' Orchestra. WABC WCAU Lovely Ladies. WCN comedIans, WEAP WGY, 30 rn. WEAN WICC WCAU C.arolyn Gray. WABC EveOlng Brevities, \'(fCY wnc Visits to Fore:ign Villages -at CenrulY of Dorothy Page. sOn~S, WjZ WHAM 30 m. Scott's Vanery. WEEI Ted Black's Orchestra. WjZ WBZ KDKA 11 A.M. EDT, 10 EST; 9 CT Progn,ss, W JZ WBZ KDKA WHAM O'Leary's Irish Minstrds. WBZ • Harry McNaught