Environmental Dimension
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Corporate Governance 55 Table of Contents Corporate Social 5 Responsibility Policy Environmental Dimension 1 Overview 2 Stakeholder Engagement 3 Corporate Governance 4 Economic Dimension 5 Environmental Dimension 5.1 Material Environmental Topics 5.2 Environmental Dimension Special Topics 6 Social Dimension 7 Appendix Environmental Dimension 56 Table of Contents TSMC acknowledges responsibility for environmental protection. We not only comply with the environmental regulations of the locations where we operate, but also track new developments in global environmental issues, and Corporate Social take the lead in adopting new environmentally friendly measures. In addition to protecting the environment of our TSMC Environmental Policy Responsibility Policy manufacturing sites in Taiwan and around the world, we lead our suppliers to establish a green supply chain. At the same time, TSMC also shares environmental protection knowledge and offers recommendations to the government Since its establishment, TSMC has not only strived for the highest achievements in its core 1 Overview to face a variety of new challenges together. A summary of TSMC’s environmental protection approaches follows: business of dedicated IC foundry services but has also actively developed positive relationships 2 Stakeholder Engagement with all stakeholders including employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and society to Organization fulfill its responsibility as a corporate citizen and pursue a sustainable future. 3 Corporate Governance TSMC strives for corporate social responsibility and effective management of environmental issues to achieve its Vision vision of environmental sustainability. In addition to Corporate ESH Division, which acts an overall coordinator for 4 Economic Dimension To promote environment sustainability and to be a world-class company in environmental external communication and internal integration, we have also formed cross-function taskforces including the protection management 5 Environmental Dimension “Carbon Management Platform”, “Green Fab Committee”, and “Waste Management Taskforce” to promote cross- function projects for energy saving, carbon reduction, water saving, and waste reduction. We conduct environmental Strategy 5.1 Material Environmental protection tasks rigourously and report to the Board of Directors through the CSR Committee. In addition, we •Continue promoting green fabs, green manufacturing, green supply chains and managing Topics interpret our environmental management strategy, performances and trends through our CSR Report. environmental risks 5.2 Environmental Dimension •Pursuing the highest consumption efficiency of energy, water, and other resources, and actively Special Topics engaging in waste reduction and pollution prevention •Collaborating with external parties to reduce environmental impact together 6 Social Dimension MM&RM Senior Vice President Guiding Principles 7 Appendix •Meeting or surpassing international environmental laws and standards •Staying abreast of global climate change trends, evaluating risks and opportunities, and Cross-Function Programs External Units executing effective management measures for energy saving and water conservation Corporate ESH Division • Government Carbon •Adopting environmentally-friendly actions, enhancing performance of energy and resource CSR • World Semiconductor Management Committee Council/Taiwan consumption, waste management and pollution control, and building up a green supply chain for Taskforce Semiconductor the semiconductor industry with suppliers and customers through audit and collaboration Industry Association •Enhancing every employee’s awareness and sense of accountability for environmental protection Waste • SEMI Green FAB Management Daily Environmental Management •Sharing environmental expertise and experience, and aiming to collaborate with industry, Committee • Customers Taskforce Operation Organization • Suppliers government, academia, and all of society to address the challenges of climate change Facility, Fab Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection, New Fab Engineering Non-Operation Organization Morris Chang Material Management, Chairman Customer Service, Finance, Legal, Human Resource, Quality Environmental Dimension 57 Table of Contents Environmental Goals, Achievements and Continuous Programs Corporate Social Category Goal Performance Indexes 2015 Achievements Continuous Programs Responsibility Policy Greenhouse Gas Reduction •ReduceunitwaferGHGemissionto18% Tons of CO2 equivalent/8-inch wafer •UnitwaferGHGemissionin2015were8.9%less •Establishcorporatecarbonmanagementplatformtopromote below the year 2010 level by 2020 equivalent-mask layer than 2010 carbon reduction programs 1 Overview •ReduceunitwaferPFCemissionto60% •UnitwaferPFCemissionin2015were46.7%less •AdoptionofPFCemissionreductionbestpracticesrecognized 2 Stakeholder Engagement below the year 2010 level by 2020 than 2010, 11.1% less than 2014 by the World Semiconductor Council •EvaluateNitrousOxideemissionreduction 3 Corporate Governance Reduce total Greenhouse Gas(GHG) emission Tons of CO2 equivalent PFC emission in 2015 were 1.6% less than 2014 •Evaluatelowglobalwarmingpotentialcoolantsforprocess •ReducetotalPFCemission20%belowthe equipment 4 Economic Dimension year 2010 level by 2020 5 Environmental Dimension Energy Conservation •Reduceunitwaferpowerusageto2%below kWh/8-inch wafer equivalent-mask layer Unit wafer power usage in 2015 were 6.6% less than •ContinuouspromotionofISO50001EnergyManagementSystem the year 2010 level by 2015 2010, achieved 2015 goal •Continuouspromotionoftheadoptionofgreenbuildingand 5.1 Material Environmental •Reduceunitwaferpowerusageto12% green factory standards Topics below the year 2010 level by 2020 NTD/kWh Added Value of unit power usage is 1.13 times of •Continuousinstallationofenergysavingandrecoverysystems nationwide average and 1.72 times industrial average 5.2 Environmental Dimension •Collaboratewithprocessequipmentvendorsandmaterial suppliers to reduce energy consumption in production Special Topics 6 Social Dimension Water Conservation •Reduceunitwaferwaterusageto2%below Liter/8-inch wafer equivalent- mask layer Unit wafer water usage in 2015 were 29% less than •Supportgovernmentalpolicytoadopttheuseofmunicipal the year 2010 level by 2015 2010, achieved 2015 goal; 3.7% less than 2014 recovery 7 Appendix •Reduceunitwaferwaterusageto30% water below the year 2010 level by 2020 NTD/Ton Added Value of unit water usage is 18.59 times of •Evaluatetobuildthewastewaterrecoveryplant nationwide average and 5.01 times industrial average Waste Management •Achieve95%andabovewasterecyclingrate Waste Recycling Rate (%) •Achievedawasterecyclingrateofmorethan95%in •Requiringprocesstoolvendorstoprovidelowchemical by 2015 2015, which is the 7th consecutive year greater than consumption tools 90% •Collaboratingwithsupplierstodevelopnewwasterecycling •Achievedawastelandfillrateof0.17%,whichisthe technologies 6th consecutive year less than 1% Pollution Control ”Zero pollution” for air emission, Test results compliance rate (%); 100% achievement in 2015 Continue to promote ISO 14001 Environmental Management wastewater, wastes and groundwater Governmental audit result System Compliance with International Fully comply with EU RoHS Legal compliance rate Fully complied with legal requirements in 2015 Continue to promote QC 080000 Hazardous Substance Protocols Management System Environmental Dimension 58 Table of Contents Selection of Material Environmental Topics and economy. TSMC believes corporations will inevitably be affected by 2. Expand core influences of our company and build on our climate change and should take responsibility for mitigation. Therefore, achievements Corporate Social TSMC has a long-term record of assisting governments in establishing regulations, promoting projects and providing recommendations. We the “TSMC CSR Policy” and “TSMC Environmental Policy” approved by •Lead to establish a low carbon supply chain and build climate Responsibility Policy understand the environmental concerns of stakeholders, including the Chairman declares that the response to climate change is one of change adaptability our most important responsibilities and strategies. We continuously •Integrate industry, government and academia to solve climate 1 Overview customers, investors, government and communities, through participation in environmental sustainable activities and the mailbox monitor global climate change and international response trends as change issues 2 Stakeholder Engagement on our company’s website. Following material topic analysis of one of our material enterprise risk management items to be evaluated TSMC’s Approaches to Climate Change Response and controlled, with regular reviews by senior executives, and reports 3 Corporate Governance stakeholders’ concerns and the level of impact on our company, we TSMC not only continues to inventory and reduce its own greenhouse have concluded that the most material environmental topics in 2015 are made to the Audit Committee of the TSMC Board of Directors. gas (GHG) emissions, but also takes action on climate change 4 Economic Dimension were global climate change, energy management, water management, TSMC’s Climate Change Response Strategy mitigation and adaption in cooperation with industry, government and 5 Environmental Dimension pollution prevention, supplier environmental performances, green Climate Change Management Process academia, including risk assessment and measures