n I npulfarAXaHtli^ IDYLS &'PlRST JS^^TIG^rOH. Lom>o:T. 1817. ATALAi BY yi. DE ClIATEAUDRIAKT. INDIAN COTTAGE BY J. II. B. SAINT-PI£RUF,. IDYLS; FIRST NAVIGATOR BY SOLOMON GESSxNLR. LONDON: Prill. J for Walker and Edwards; F. C. and J. Rivingtou ; J. Nunn; Cadell and Da- vics ; Longman, IIur»t, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; J. Richardson; Law and Whittaker ; Newni.tu and Co. ; Lackington and Co. ; Black, Parbury, anfl Allen; J. Black and Son; Sherwood, Ntely, and Jones; R. Scholey; IJaUlwin, Cradock, aiitl Joy; Gule aud Tenuer ; J. Robinson ; and li. lit) uoids. 1U17. AT ALA BY M. DE CHATEAl BRIANT: WITH EXPLANATORV ^;OT£i. Pity melts iht Kmi to \o\t."—Dr>jden. PREFACE TRANSLATOR. Monsieur de Chateaubriant, llie inge- nious author of Alala, was led In a curiosity, jialural to ^outli, to visit I/Oui>iana, a country no very new, and so entirely different from any he had seen in Europe. In 1789 he went to North America. " In the midst of deserts, Hnder the huts of savas^es," says he, " was Alala written. I do not know wlielher the public will like this story, which differs so much from all others, and describes manners and customs quite foreign to our own. To give this work the most antique form, I have divided it into Prologue, Becitation, and Epilogue. The prin- cipal parCs of the narration 1 have denominated The Huntsmen, The. Husbandmen, <Sc. in imi- tation of the rbapsodists, who, in the time of primitive Greece, sung fragments of Homer, Buder different titles.
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