Roebling Chap. Newsletter, Vol. 18, No. 2 June 2009
June 2009 Vol. 18 No. 2 CHAPTER EVENTS tiny spaces to create numerous pasta shapes. Maldari dies have been used in producing such well-known LECTURE: name products as Ronzoni, San Giorgio and Kraft HE ORT OF ANY ORTS Macaroni & Cheese. The Maldari business has received NY: T P M P : the attention of newspapers, NPR and the HISTORY HOBOKEN’S PIECE OF THE PIE CHANNEL. The company website is Sunday, June 28, 2009, 4:00 – 5:00. Take the R subway to Prospect Av or the F or R to 4 Av-9 St sta- Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St. tions. Work shoes and protective glasses are suggested. at 13th St., Hoboken, NJ. This event is free for all. Green-Wood Cemetery: ecause of its archipelago form, the Port of New The Industrialists and Inventors BYork and New Jersey was composed of many sepa- rate waterfronts, consisting of some 500 miles of shore- Sunday, September 20, 1:00-3:00. Meet at line. This resulted in the heavy use of local water trans- Green-Wood Cemetery Main Gate, 5th Ave at port, even by the railroads, which evolved into NY 25th St, Brooklyn, NY. Harbor's characteristic “lighterage system" or "water belt reen-Wood cemetery is amongst the greatest ceme- line". This lecture will look at how Hoboken's single Gteries in the world. Many of New York City’s mile of waterfront participated in this system, but in famous and infamous are buried there. Chapter mem- ways that were unique to Hoboken. The lecture will be ber, and VP, Jim Mackin will lead a walking tour that given by RCSIA member and author of several books on pays particular attention to industrialists and inventors the lighterage system, Tom Flagg.
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