Curriculum Vitae Ohar V. PERSONAL INFORMATION Ohar Viktor Volodymyrska st., 60, Kyiv 01033, Ukraine +38044 2598079
[email protected] Sex M | Birthdate 24/12/1955 | Nationality Ukraine Scientific Degree Doctor of Sciences, specialty "Physical and Regional Geology" Academic status Professor Position Professor of Petroleum Geology Department Department Petroleum Geology Faculty/Institute Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology" Educational disciplines involved: This year 1. "Regional Geology", bachelor's degree, 4th year course, lectures, practical. 2. "Historical Geology", bachelor's degree, 3rd year course, lectures, practical. 3. "Oil and gas Prospecting and Exploration", bachelor's degree, 4th year course, lectures, practical. 4. "Oil and gas provinces of the world", bachelor's degree, 4th year course, lectures, practical. 5. "Prediction of oil and gas potential", master's degree, 2nd year course, lectures, practical. 6. "Technologies of oil and gas extraction", bachelor's degree, 4th year course. 7. "Industrial Practice", bachelor's degree, 3rd year course. 8. "Pregraduation Practice", master's degree, 1st year course. In previous periods 1. "Geology of Ukraine" master's degree, 1st year course. 2. “Practical training in geological survey, drilling and geophysical methods”, bachelor's degree, 2nd year course. 3. "Educational practice in specialization", bachelor's degree, 3rd year. EXPERIENCE OF SCIENTIFIC AND SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGICAL WORK