City Council Chambers Meeting Date: August 12, 2020 401 Grove Street, Healdsburg CA 95448 Time: 6:00 P.M. Phone: 707-431-3301 Date Posted: August 9, 2020 Revised 8/11/20 adding the Voigt Foundation’s Public Art Proposal – Rounder for agenda item 5.a.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ADVISORY NOTICE Consistent with Executive Orders No. N-25-20 and No. N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of and the Sonoma County Health Official Orders No. C19- 03 and C19-05 the City of Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will not be physically open to the public and all Commission Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting via Webex Meetings.

To Watch the Meeting: To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency and public access, the Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Commission will be using Webex Events service to allow remote participation. Members of the public who only wish to watch the meeting can do so by using the link

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The Day of the Meeting 1. Open the confirmation email you received from the event registration 2. Click on the green button that says “Join Event” 3. If the meeting host has started the event; the event should automatically start on your screen 4. If the meeting host has not started the event, you may need to refresh your screen a few minutes before the start of the meeting and again clink on “join event”

SB 343 - DOCUMENTS RELATED TO OPEN SESSION AGENDAS: Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Parks and Recreation Commission regarding any item on this agenda after the posting of this agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure, will be made available for public review in the Parks and Recreation Office located at 1557 Healdsburg Avenue during normal business hours. If supplemental materials are made available to the members of the Commission at the meeting, a copy will be available for public review at the Parks and Recreation Office located at 1557 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448.These writings will be made available in appropriate alternative formats upon request by a person with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Parks and Recreation Regular Meeting Agenda August 12, 2020 Page 2

To Submit Public Comment 1. Once you are in the meeting, open the list of participants. 2. In the bottom right hand corner of the participant list, is a hand icon 3. Click on the hand icon 4. The hand icon will place you in line to speak

5. When it is your turn to comment, the meeting moderator will call upon you to comment 6. When you are done commenting, or your three minutes are complete, please remember to un-raise your hand

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations American with Disabilities Act Accommodations Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email Community Services at [email protected] or call 707-431-3301. Staff will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the city procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. All reasonable accommodations offered will be listed on the city website at

1. CALL TO ORDER a) Roll Call b) Pledge of Allegiance c) Changes (Deletions) from Agenda d) Approval of Minutes

2. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Receive a report from City Council Liaison Hagele

3. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON AGENDA ITEMS This time is set aside to receive comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to Commission business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the Commission cannot consider any issues or act on any requests during this comment period.

4. OLD BUSINESS a) Community Services in COVID-19 Receive an update on Community Services’ response during COVID-19

5. NEW BUSINESS a) Public Art Installation Proposal – Rounder Review a proposal from the Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation for the installation of a sculpture to be located at the pedestrian area of the roundabout and provide a recommendation to City Council

6. INFORMATION AND REPORT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTIVITIES (Staff, Information Only) Parks and Recreation Regular Meeting Agenda August 12, 2020 Page 3



9. ADJOURNMENT Commission Members Kathy Birdsong (Term Expires 12/31/2020) Jackson Boaz, Youth Representative (Term expires 12/31/21) Ron Dobley, Chair (Term Expires 12/31/2022) Marcy Flores (Term Expires 12/31/2021) Chris Herrod (Term Expires 12/31/2021) John Lambert, Vice Chair (Term Expires 12/31/2022) Lacey Scott (Term Expires 12/31/2022) Jay Tripathi (Term Expires 12/31/2020)


June 10, 2020 City Hall Council Chambers 401 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448

The Parks and Recreation Commission met in regular session at 6:03 P.M.


1.a. Roll Call

Present Commissioners: Birdsong, Boaz, Dobley, Flores, Herrod, Lambert, Scott and Tripathi

Absent Commissioners: None

Staff Present: Community Services Director Themig, Facilities and Events Supervisor Milde, Older Adult and Senior Services Supervisor Grant, Parks Superintendent Licea, Recreation Manager Jahns, Recreation Supervisor Perdigao

1.b. Pledge of Allegiance

1.c. Changes (Deletions) from Agenda


1.d. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Tripathi requested a revision to the minutes from May 13, 2020 under Section 2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair the votes need to reflect that Commissioners Scott and Lambert abstained from the voting. Motion made on a voice vote. (Ayes – 8, Noes – 0)

2. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Receive a report from City Council Liaison David Hagele

Councilmember Hagele reported City Council is working on the following items:

City Council Liaison David Hagele reported on the following:

• City Council will be discussing street closures for the Marketspace program after receiving feedback. Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020 • Police Chief Burke will provide an update on comments from the community and information on current procedures. • Community Services Budget work session is scheduled for June 22 at 4pm. • Invited Commissioners to see the display of messages regarding racism in town. Commissioners shared their thoughts regarding the dialogue with City Council and racism. Scott spoke about the loss of Transient Occupancy Tax funds and requested that City Council allow Parks and Recreation Commissioners to be part of the budget process regarding Community Services. Other Commissioners echoed the importance of having a dialogue with staff and Councilmembers which has been brought up before.

3. PRESENTATIONS Receive a report from Sonoma County Regional Parks Director Bert Whitaker on the status of the Russian River Dam at Healdsburg and Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach Planning Process

Burt Whitaker, Sonoma County Regional Parks Director spoke several challenges they are facing with the Russian River Dam and Memorial Beach Planning Process and COVID-19. The dam will most likely not go up this year, they are noticing lower water flows and poor water quality. The staff is working with the County Health Officer to lessen crowding at the parks during the Shelter-In-Place order. Another challenge they are facing is staffing for over 50+ facilities.

Regional Parks staff is excited to resume work on the plan, they will be discussing the opportunities to enhance the facility and their hope is to be able to provide year-round recreation on the river. Part of the process will include improvements for accessibility, access to the river, and habitat. They are working with the City of Healdsburg, California Fish and Wildlife, and Syar to see how they can expand access to the river.

Commissioners inquired about water safety due to local drownings, low water flow and the future of the dam. Tripathi hopes to see a collaboration between the groups since the Commission is in the process of developing improvements plans for Badger Park; the area has been considered as a potential river access site. City Staff will be working with the County to coordinate future meetings. Themig thanked Regional Parks for being the conduit that provides support for the opening/closure of park operations.

4. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This time is set aside to receive comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda but related to Commission business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the Commission cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period.

Public Comment

Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020 Bella Maxwell proposed creating neighborhood libraries within Healdsburg parks that would allow community members the opportunity to obtain educational resources to re-educate themselves. She sees an opportunity for change and social equality. The community can work together and learn from each other for a better future.

Mark McMullen reiterated that Commissions should have a voice regarding the budgeting process. He encouraged them to speak up on behalf of the citizens they represent.

Christine Hyde inquired if the presentation was going to be available online. Themig will follow up with her offline, not sure which presentation she was referring to.

Brian Keegan encouraged commissioners to fight for a seat at the table regarding the budget and appreciated the river conditions this year both COVID related and water flows.

5. OLD BUSINESS 5.a Community Services in COVID - 19 Receive an update on Community Services’ response during COVID-19

Staff reported on the services that department has focused on during COVID-19. Parks Staff has been busy with the re-opening of parks. They have three part-time recreation members assisting them with trash pickup, and staff continues to perform their regular duties. A fire fuel reduction burn was conducted at the Healdsburg Ridge, work at Fitch Mountain will follow.

Supervisor Perdigao provided an update on childcare and afterschool programs for the fall. He reviewed the guidelines, procedures, and health screening processes. The pilot program began on June 1, with a maximum of 12 children per room. This provided staff the opportunity to see how the program would run and find solutions to any possible issues. The summer program opened on June 8th with 63 participants in the youth and preschool camps. Generous financial contributions were received from the Foley Family, Healdsburg Kiwanis Club, Carson & Kathy Block to aid families facing financial burdens.

Supervisor Grant shared staff and volunteers continue with the Care Calls, Groceries-to-go and they have seen an increase in ridership for the DASH Program. Staff planning future programming in the coming months which include virtual programs.

Scott thanked the staff for the quick response to help parents with childcare and services to seniors. She spoke about the importance of the budget and the vital services the department provides. Lambert extended his gratitude to the generous donations of the Healdsburg Kiwanis and the Foley and Block families, and a partnership with the City and Corazón Healdsburg. The program was a significant undertaking both financially and for staff to maintain the necessary staffing levels needed.

5.b Services Advisory Team Update Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020 Receive an update from the Services Advisory Team meetings and consider adding the topic of a Community Fund to a future meeting’s agenda

Manager Jahns met with the Services Advisory Team (SAT) which is a community-based committee. This group helps provide feedback identifying the needs and prioritizing them for the community. The group meets on a bi-weekly basis and will be discussing needs and limited resources during these trying times.

The group identified a variety of needs which included childcare, educational enrichment, supporting seniors and local businesses and creating opportunities for volunteers. They would like to see local businesses supported and allow for additional programing as the health orders are lifted. Safety is still a huge concern for many.

One member suggested the creation of a fund through the Community Foundation Sonoma County. Community members understand that there are financial burdens that the department is facing, the funds would be collected through donations or fundraising. It would require an initial deposit of two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Funds would be managed by the Sonoma County Community Foundation and the use of the funds would be the guidance of a determined agency.

Tripathi encouraged the Commission to explore these funds, he recognized the funding will be a big issue for the department. He suggested the projects and needs get prioritized and then start looking at where the budget stands and the financial needs for the services. Scott echoed Tripathi’s opinion and requested the item to be placed on the agenda.


6.a Consumption of Alcohol in Plaza and West Plaza Parks as Park of the Marketspace Business Enhancement Program (Added to Agenda June 6, 2020) Consider a recommendation to City Council to allow the consumption of beer and wine in Plaza Park and West Plaza Park as part of the Marketspace Business Enhancement Program through January 31, 2021

Supervisor Milde presented a recommendation to allow the consumption of beer and wine in Plaza and West Plaza Parks as part of the Marketspace Business Enhancement Program. This would allow commercial use of public space to assist local businesses with social distancing needs due to COVID-19. The process would be introduced in phases and would require a Temporary Outdoors Activity Permit through the City. Staff continues to have numerous meetings with business owners to discuss ideas. The program allows alcohol consumption in both parks, but no open containers in the downtown area. Staff would work on providing proper signage, regular monitoring and has the Police Department’s support.

Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020

Scott expressed support for the businesses and inquired if this would extend to other businesses outside of the downtown core. Milde replied staff would review applications on a case-by-case basis. Commissioners showed concern about enforcement and use of alcohol, Themig shared that the County amended the rules and that the Police Department would be monitoring.

Commissioner Dobley, seconded by Commissioner Herrod made a motion to allow the consumption of beer and wine in Plaza and West Plaza Parks as part of the Marketspace Business Enhancement Program through January 31, 2021. Motion made on a voice vote. (Ayes-8, Noes-0)

6.b Facilities Assessment Draft Report Receive an informational presentation on the draft Facilities Assessment completed by Kitchell CEM and provide feedback as desired

The report was completed by Kitchell CEM and includes the current state of the parks and facilities, cost estimates for repair and replacements and the list of priorities. Jahns provided background information on how the project was initiated and the timeline for the plan and introduced Matt Johnson a Project Engineer with Kitchell CEM.

Johnson spoke about the process which included the detailed assessment of sixteen city facilities it contains the deficiencies and proposes corrective and maintenance recommendations and provides cost estimates. GIS mapping for the park assets is included and will help staff track the conditions of the assets. The assessment consisted of looking at everything above grade assets in the parks and all architectural, mechanical, and electrical assets for building facilities. It did not cover underground or covered assets including irrigation.

Johnson reviewed the ranking system and how the categories were prioritized based on the need to be addressed. Jahns shared how the Parks Staff currently keeps the records for the repairs, this process will facilitate they way they work in the future. He provided detailed examples of the report findings and reviewed these with the group.

Next steps include meeting with the Facilities Assessment Ad-hoc Committee and share the findings with the user groups and it would allow the Commission the opportunity to review the document. The Commission can make recommendations and help guide the planning process. Staff will need to adapt to the timeline for the projects based on the current status of the Community Services (CS) budget.

Tripathi highlighted that the costs will increase, with the CS budget most projects will not be able to start until the financial situation improves. He suggested they study the document and plan properly to better educate the public and City Council. Commissioners agreed it is a great planning tool and suggested the GIS mapping be available to the public. Scott reminded the group about the Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020 8/80 Age Friendly initiative; Jahns responded that when assets need to be replaced it will take that into consideration. Jahns thanked Johnson for the report.






• COVID -19 Update (July) • Fire Fuel Reduction Work (July) • Community Fund (July) • Budget Update (July)


There being no other business to discuss, on a motion by Commissioner Birdsong, seconded by Commissioner Boaz adjourned the meeting at 8:57 P.M. The motion carried on a voice vote. (Ayes - 8, Noes - 0)

The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chambers (unless otherwise established), 401 Grove Street, Healdsburg CA.


______John Lambert, Mark Themig, Chairperson Community Services Director HEALDSBURG PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION

AGENDA ITEM: 5.a. Public Art Installation Proposal

MEETING DATE: August 12, 2020

PREPARED BY: Dave Jahns, Recreation Manager

RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Review a proposal from the Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation for the installation of a sculpture to be located at the pedestrian area of the roundabout and provide a recommendation to City Council

BACKGROUND: In 2007 the City adopted a Public Art Policy to establish procedures and policies for the acquisition and location of public art. The policy assigns responsibility for reviewing applications for public art to the City Commission who oversees the public place where art would be displayed. The policy goes on to set the criteria and procedure for review and recommendation to the City Council on any proposed public art.

In 2018 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved a pilot Temporary Art Installation Program, which moved to an ongoing program in 2019. Temporary art requests are open to parks, facilities, and public spaces owned and operated by the City of Healdsburg. Each request is reviewed on an individual basis and evaluated for feasibility by Community Services staff and the Arts and Culture ad-hoc committee. Additionally, the Arts and Culture Master Plan is studying the definition of public art and how public art requests are brought forward an implemented in the future.

The Commission is being asked to consider the addition of a sculpture in the pedestrian area of the roundabout and provide a recommendation to City Council.

DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: The Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation has been instrumental in developing and providing artwork to the community for many years and has partnered successfully with the City to install sculptures and artwork along the Foss Creek Pathway and the Community Center, Giorgi Park, Sorrento Park, and West Plaza Park.

In late 2019, the Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation reached out to City Staff about the potential to move the art piece, Rounder, to Healdsburg. City staff met with members of the foundation to look at potential sites in in the community. The proposed location is the southeast pedestrian area of the roundabout, which was chosen due its visibility, accessibility, and cohesion with the sculpture. Rounder was created by artist Roger Berry in 2014 and has been most recently on display at Paradise Ridge Winery in Santa Rosa as part of the venue’s sculpture grove. The piece is constructed from framed Corten steel, has a diameter of nine feet and height of ten feet.

Artist, Roger Berry with Rounder

Proposed Installation Location

In May 2020, The Voigt Family Sculpture submitted a Temporary Art Installation proposal for the Sculpture. The proposal was initially reviewed and approved by the Arts and Culture ad-hoc committee. After further discussion between City staff and the committee, it was determined the piece should come through the Public Art process due to the piece’s prominence and potential to be in place for a longer duration than the Temporary Art Installation program should govern. Additionally, the Arts and Culture Master Plan process will create a definition of public art and this proposal will provide a way to test those concepts in real time.

If the commission chooses to recommend approval of the installation to City Council, the sculpture will be under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Healdsburg and the Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation. At the guidance of the foundation, City staff will coordinate the installation of Rounder and be responsible for minor and routine maintenance. Installation of the piece is proposed for September 2020. There is not currently a definitive timeline for the length of the installation, but staff will remain in communication with the Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation and the Arts and Culture ad-hoc committee on when the piece will be removed and/or brought back for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission.

ATTACHMENT(S): • City of Healdsburg Public Arts Policy • City of Healdsburg Temporary Art Installation Policy • Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation Temporary Art Installation Proposal • Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation Public Art Proposal – Rounder (added 8/11/20)

City of Healdsburg Temporary Art Installation Pilot Program Information and Guidelines V1: March 30, 2018

The City of Healdsburg is launching a temporary art installation pilot program. While the City's Public Arts Policy governs long-term visual art installations, this program is intended to provide opportunities for artists to create short-term installations.

Where are temporary art installations allowed? The focal point of the pilot program is West Plaza Park in the downtown area. West Plaza features a raised platform where artists may display their work. Other park locations may be considered as the pilot program evolves.

What type of installations are allowed? The pilot program is intended to focus on visual arts. Other media may be requested as part of the pilot program for consideration.

How do you propose an installation for consideration? Artists or groups seeking to exhibit art as part of the pilot program are encouraged to visit West Plaza Park before submitting an application. After the site visit, complete the attached application and email it to [email protected] or mail/drop off at Healdsburg Community Services, 1557 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, California 95448.

The application must be accompanied by a site plan showing the proposed exhibit, materials, and length of time the installation will run.

How long may an installation run? The length of time for an installation will depend on the exhibit and the number of applications received. Artists should indicate their desired length of time to exhibit on the application. The City may extend an installation’s timeframe or request that an artist remove their installation at any time at the sole discretion of the City.

Who will review the application, and how long will the review process take? Community Services staff will review the application. The review process will take approximately one week. Additional time may be needed if the proposed installation requires any kind of special review.

What factors will be considered in the review of proposed installation? • Artwork should have merit as a work(s) of art, independent of other considerations. • The installation should be judged to enhance the public’s experience of the site. • The installation should be an opportunity to expose the public to diverse artist and artistic styles. • The installation should not contradict environmental sustainability, accessibility, and cultural inclusiveness. • Installations should be appropriate in scale, media and context with its intended display location. • There is evidence that the installation has community support. • The installation should withstand unprotected display in an outdoor environment, and be able to be maintained by the artist throughout the display period. • The installation must not present a safety hazard. It must comply with any and all applicable codes or requirements. • The installation must be feasible. Factors that will be considered include, but are not limited to: project budget, timeline, the artist’s experience, soundness of materials

Who is responsible for funding the installation? The artist is responsible for all costs, including the installation, ongoing maintenance, and removal of the exhibit. The City of Healdsburg assumes no responsibility for any costs associated with the installation.

Is there a fee to apply for an installation and display art? There are no fees to apply for an installation or display during the pilot program.

Can you sell artwork as part of the program? No. The sale of artwork is not allowed.

Can materials be stored at the site? Only materials used for the installation may be stored on site, and only during the installation. All materials must be removed when the installation is complete and at the conclusion of the exhibit period.

How long is the pilot program anticipated to run? Three to six months starting in April 2018. The pilot program will be monitored and assessed during this time. The City, at its sole discretion, may modify, amend, or discontinue the program at any time.

Questions? Please contact Community Services at [email protected] or call 707- 431-3301.

Temporary Art Installation Pilot Program Application to Exhibit

Artist Contact Information Judith Voigt, Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation for Name Roger Berry 400 Breezewood Dr. Address

Geyserville, CA 95441 City, State, Zip 707-529-9999 Phone [email protected] E-Mail

Installation Information Rounder Name of Installation 2014 Formed corten steel Brief Description 9 ft diameter, , 2500lbs Corten Steel Materials to be Used June 11, 2020 Requested Start Date TBD per Jaime Licea Proposed Installation Time SE exterior corner near roundabout Location (if not West Plaza) Traffic control during installation Special Considerations

Rendering Attach a rendering showing the proposed installation, approximate dimensions, and any special considerations.

Agreement and Signature I have read, understand, and agree to the Temporary Art Installation Pilot Program guidelines.

Name (printed) Judith Voigt Signature

Date June 6 2020

City Review and Approval Date Reviewed Approved Installation Dates Comments/Requirements Approve By

Email Form: [email protected] Mail/Drop Off: 1557 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448 V1 3/30/18

Rounder, with artist Roger Berry

Public Artwork Placement



a) We proposed to place “Rounder” adjacent to the roundabout on the exterior corner of Mill Street and Healdsburg Avenue near the entry to the Foss Creek Pathway. The sculpture was constructed of Corten steel in 2014. Its size is approximately 108 inches (9ft} in diameter x 42 inches in depth. It weighs 2500 lbs. We have installed similar sculptures in Healdsburg and are confident it will last decades outdoors. b) Rounder was created by Roger Berry at the Artist’s studio in Clarksburg, CA, near Sacramento. In his words, “The actual experience of sculpture is primary to my work. I am exploring the physical presence of a sculpture. I want you to feel the energy of a curve, the tug of gravity and the tension of the moment between balance and toppling.” 501(c ) (3) 56-2506785 400 Breezewood Dr. Geyserville, CA 95441

c) Roger Berry has been creating sculpture since the 1970s. His work has been exhibited across the US. A prominent and highly respected northern California sculptor, Roger Berry, who has been called a “monumental master” has been commissioned to make over 30 site-specific sculptural works for municipalities and corporations from the West Coast to the United Kingdom. Berry attended Raymond College at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California and graduated in 1972.

During the 1980s, Berry created a series of large steel outdoor sculptures that solidified his position among artist as the crest of the Bay Area Art community’s “next wave”. Some of Berry’s widely known works include Rising Wave (1979-1984) and Duplex Cone (1982) for the East Bay Regional Parks, Sisyphus (1983) in Dublin’s Civic Center, Melquiades (1984) in San Jose, Shadow of a Point (1987) in San Mateo, Annual Ring (1987-2009) at Santa Rosa Junior College, and Steel Eclipse for the Crocker Museum. Other recent commissions include the 20-foot stainless steel perspectives in Cupertino, as well as Silicon bronze pieces Brutus for the Berkeley Repertory Theater and Lariat for Hayward’s Kaiser Hospital as well as Trio in Walnut Creek.

Berry has shown widely in galleries from Chicago and New York to San Francisco, and has served as president of the Crocker Art Museum, Association Board of Directors, visiting instructor in Sculpture at the University of California at Davis, design team member for San Francisco’s Embarcadero Parkway Master Plan, member of the California Arts Council’s Art in Public Buildings advisory panel, and fellow of the Djerassi Foundation in Woodside, California.

d) Warranty of Originality; Roger Berry warrants he is the original artist and owner of this artwork. e) Our Mission is to promote an appreciation for sculpture in Sonoma County, California. By serving as a catalyst for sculpture installations and projects, we promote the county as a destination for art lovers. We strive to excite, inspire and educate by promoting the placement of sophisticated and diverse types of sculpture, created by artists of international renown, in publicly-accessible places in Sonoma County, with a special emphasis on large outdoor works. We believe the surprise of finding a sculpture and the ever-changing backdrop of the sky and sun is the best way to achieve this.

f) Rounder is being loaned by the artist to Voigt Family Sculpture Foundation for placement in Healdsburg. Mr. Berry approves of siting and is happy to see this sculpture join his earlier work, Moztart, along the Foss Creek Trail.

501(c ) (3) 56-2506785 400 Breezewood Dr. Geyserville, CA 95441

g) Rounder is valued at $100,000. h) Installation will occur in late summer/early fall of 2020. i) We anticipate Rounder to be happy outdoors for decades. j) N/A k) All installation will be coordinated aby the Foundation. l) We will Use the existing plaque:

m) The City may incur minor costs for several hours of parking control the day of installation. On-going maintenance costs for graffiti removal, etc. should be minimal. The artwork will be covered under the City’s umbrella policy at no direct cost. Please see our Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Healdsburg.

501(c ) (3) 56-2506785 400 Breezewood Dr. Geyserville, CA 95441