Special Information for Persons with Water Service from the City of Sebastopol regarding the Russian River Tributaries Water Conservation and Informational Order Emergency Regulation. This information is for our customers with City water service who have received correspondence from the State Water Resources Control Board regarding these emergency regulations. The City of Sebastopol’s water is sourced from wells which are not within the watershed boundaries of the four Russian River tributaries (Dutch Bill Creek, Green Valley Creek, Mark West Creek and Mill Creek) that are part of the Russian River Tributaries Emergency Regulation (California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 876). The Russian River Tributaries Emergency Regulation was submitted to the Office of Administrative Law on June 24, 2015 and was anticipated to go into effect on or around July 4, 2015. If all of your water is supplied by the City of Sebastopol, meaning you have no groundwater wells or surface water diversions and you do not receive water from any other sources, your responsibility under the Emergency Regulation is limited to the informational order provisions of the emergency regulation. If you receive an informational order from the State Water Board and you do not have a groundwater well or surface diversion, you would be required to provide minimal information indicating that your sole source of water is provided by the City of Sebastopol. Additional information on the Russian River Tributaries Emergency Regulation is available online at http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/drought/ water_action_russianriver.shtml If you have questions regarding this information please contact the State Water Resources Control Board through the Russian River Tributaries Emergency Regulation Phone Number at (916) 322-8422 or by e-mail at
[email protected] .