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READ It Here AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 |SUMMER 2021 EDITORIAL BOARD Editors-in-Chief Gregory Wong University of Chicago Ethan McAndrews Indiana University, Bloomington Political Culture Ian Wong University of California, Berkeley Ari Fahimi University of California, Los Angeles Kedar Pandya Texas A&M University Political Science Zhenqi Hu Stanford University Molly McNutt Barnard College Nicholas Romanow University of Texas, Austin Matt Sheppard University of Chicago Political Economy & Business Troy Shen Stanford University David Liu University of Chicago Isabelle Bennett Indiana University, Bloomington Production Ari Fahimi University of California, Los Angeles Ian Wong University of California, Berkeley JOURNAL OF SINO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS I LETTER FROM THE EDITORS As Editors-in-Chief of JOSA over the past year, we’ve kept a secret. By its nature, this Journal holds very little room for unspoken motives. JOSA was born out of trust between Stanford and Berkeley students–an idea so promising it transcended collegiate rivalry and undergrad bacchana- lia alike. But nonetheless, a silent goal was formed, recognizable at first only between the two of us. Since the start of our tenure, we’ve worked to steer the Journal in a new direction. JOSA’s original, stated mission has never faded. We’ve always aimed to provide sharp insight on the US -Chi- na relationship, and in the process, provide a platform to highlight young leaders from both sides of the Pacific. Over the past three years, we’ve featured undergraduate and graduate work from Tsinghua to Stanford, hosted several speaking events with prominent thought leaders, and evolved into the largest student-run US-China journal in the United States. Our newest goal is to push beyond these accomplishments and transcend our original mission. We believe JOSA has the potential to not only cover the issues, but directly impact them. Too often, today’s US-China dis- course remains just that–discourse. Greg and I believe the title of ‘journal’ cannot become discourse’s reprieve from criticisms of pedantry. And so, as much as this letter is a confession, it is also a challenge. We’re chal- lenging editors, our contributors, and our readers to lead the conversation, not just join it. Evidence of JOSA’s second, underlying mission is already visible in this issue. We are extraordinarily happy to announce that our selection process was highly competitive this year, as we received a record number of submissions. In this issue, you will read pieces divided into JOSA’s three themes: Political Culture, Political Science, and Political Economy and Business. In Political Culture, Vincent Chim examines the role of Chinese researchers in US anti-espionage efforts. In this topical analysis, Chim demonstrates the nuances of how ethnic Chinese academics as cultural interme- diaries have been essential to Sino-American relations while simultaneously reinforcing existing Sinophobic perceptions of these immigrants. In Political Science, Sallie Lin examines the international discourse of women’s issues as a means for China to challenge the US-led world order. Lin explores the deployment of this discourse through juxtaposing Western liberalism with Chinese conceptions of women’s rights to provide insight into how the definition of women’s rights are iteratively negotiated across multiple levels. In Political Economy and Business, Alex Leopold and Liam Clayton expand contemporary understandings of the US-China affairs through analysis of China’s evolving bilateral relationships with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Leopold and Clayton situate this examination in the context of economic diplomacy and political ideology to underline the leverage of Middle Eastern powers in expanding their influence with China. We have been honored to work with inspiring faculty and staff in launching this novel publication. We are especially grateful to the Institute for East Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley (IEAS) for their generous support and invaluable guidance. We hope you enjoy reading this Issue of the Journal of Si- no-American Affairs. It has been a pleasure to produce. With warm regards, Gregory Wong Ethan McAndrews JOURNAL OF SINO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS II THE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Gregory Wong Gregory is concurrently pursuing his B.A. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations and M.A. in Sociology at the University of Chicago. His research interests focus on national identity formation and protest movement structure. He has lived in Hong Kong, China. Ethan McAndrews Ethan is pursuing his B.A. in International Studies and East Asian Languages & Cultures at Indiana University. He is especially interested in researching the impact of cultural diplomacy on the modern US-China relationship. He has lived in Hangzhou, Beijing, and Nanjing, China. JOURNAL OF SINO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS III CONTENTS Political Culture 1 Tinker, Tailor, Scientist, or Spy: Examining the role Chinese Researchers Amidst U.S. 2 Anti-Espionage Efforts Vincent Chim, Stanford University Political Science 25 International Discourse Through Women’s Issues: China’s Challenge to Influence the 26 World Sallie Z. Lin, Peking University Political Economy & Business 44 Between Eagle and Phalcon: Israel as Gateway in the Modern Tribute System 45 Alexander Leopold, Binghamton University Middle Kingdoms of the Gulf: Geoeconomic Quid Pro Quo in China’s Middle East 60 Alexander Leopold & Liam Clayton, Binghamton University JOURNAL OF SINO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS IV Political Culture Tinker, Tailor, Scientist, or Spy: Examining the Role of Chinese Researchers Amidst U.S. Anti-Espionage Efforts Vincent Chim BS, Stanford University ABSTRACT: As Sino-American tensions have grown, so too has the increasing scrutiny of eth- nic Chinese researchers and scientists. Historically, these academics have been at the center of Sino-American relations, simultaneously promoting U.S.-Chinese exchange while dealing with a culture of distrust. In the broader context of Sino-American relations, the role of technology and its human developers plays a critical role. This paper seeks to explicate the roles of ethnic Chinese academics within diplomatic and domestic settings to provide context to the current persecution of Chinese academics within the U.S., and its ramifications for Sino-American relations. By examining these perspectives, this paper demonstrates how the role of ethnic Chinese academics as cultural intermediaries has both been essential to Sino-American re- lations and reinforced existing Sinophobic perceptions of these immigrants. Moreover, this paper illustrates that while the U.S.’ concerns of intellectual espionage have some merit, cur- rent anti-espionage efforts actively hurt American science and technology while alienating the Chinese academic community. Broader proposals for addressing intellectual espionage while preserving and promoting the U.S.’ innovation sectors are also discussed in the conclusion. In 2018, Francis Collins, Director of the University, released statements in sup- National Institutes of Health (NIH), sent port of their ethnic Chinese researchers.3 an email to over 10,000 institutions across Meanwhile others, like the University the U.S. asking administrators who over- of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, see governmental grants to be vigilant launched extensive internal campaigns of researchers with foreign ties. Though to weed out potential sources of Chinese the email never specifically mentions espionage. Ultimately, new federal and China nor the People’s Republic of China institutional anti-espionage measures (PRC), amid the commotion, new and would disrupt the careers of many Chi- frightening stories of Chinese espionage nese-American scientists, who had their were exposed. One scientist was accused lives turned upside down as they were of attempting to smuggle cancer cells in a prematurely fired or forced to resign. sock in his luggage.1 Others were accused of lying on their visa to spy for the Chi- At first glance, this email and the subse- nese military.2 quent turmoil that followed were spon- taneous events. However, the role of In the aftermath, countless ethnic Chi- Chinese-American academics has been nese researchers across the U.S. found distinctly intertwined with the state of themselves under a new spotlight as they Sino-American affairs since the 1970’s. To became the subject of increasing scrutiny understand why ethnic Chinese research- and investigation. In light of new accusa- ers became the target of academic anti-es- tions, some institutions, such as Stanford pionage efforts, I hope to examine and JOURNAL OF SINO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS 2 answer four questions. nese academics was importantly viewed as a civilizing medium for the Chinese 1) What role have scientists, and, in and as a means to increase U.S. influence particular Chinese-American scientists, in the East. In the aftermath of the Boxer played in relations between the United Revolution, by ways of establishing and States and China? supporting new and existing Chinese uni- 2) How has Sinophobia impacted the per- versities and colleges, academic involve- secution of Chinese researchers? ment in China sought to expand upon the 3)Are Washington’s concerns of Chinese early influence of American missionaries. espionage valid? These cultural ambitions also resulted 4)Have anti-espionage efforts impacted in the sponsorship of Chinese students the productivity of research and innova- to attend U.S. graduate programs, which tion? was viewed as another opportunity
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