If you’d like to get more active, develop some new skills, or create a team connected by fun, support and a love of kicking a ball around (even if apart from your team members), then this programme can help you get started. This programme has been developed to be inclusive and suitable for a range of abilities and levels of experience.

Remember to start slowly and build up. Each day listen to your body and do what feels comfortable for you. If you feel unwell, dizzy, get sharp pains, or your condition worsens, stop and rest or seek advice.

The only equipment required is a football, and potentially some cones (available online for a reasonable price) or a household alternative like plastic cups. If you are able to get your hands on a small goal that would also be great. Alternatively, an outside wall can work just fine.

This programme works best if you can get some friends or family involved so that you can get moving as part of a team, even when the sessions are online. STUART’S STORY STUART HAS BEEN TEACHING FOR 39 YEARS AND COACHING FOR 47 YEARS. HE WAS A FOUNDER MEMBER AND CHAIRMAN OF ABBEYMEAD ROVERS FOOTBALL CLUB FOR OVER 20 YEARS.

Stuart had a hip replacement in 2007, and thought his games of playing football were over. This led him to discover Walking Football and he formed at team at Abbeymead Rovers. Stuart was appointed as the WFA Over 60s England Walking Football manager in October 2017 and took on the role of interim Over 40s Women’s Manager in October 2019.

“I was thrilled to be asked to become Team Undefeatable Virtual Walking Football Coach. The challenge of helping a diverse group of people, all living with at least one long-term health condition to become more active and part of a team, over the internet, was daunting – but the experience has been rewarding, humbling and thoroughly enjoyable.” WARMING If you’re creating a virtual team, use this first session UP as a chance to get used to this new way of meeting and get to know any friends of friends who have 1 joined the team. Team goals: this can be a good chance to set an objective on what you and the team want to get out of the sessions. This could be eventually meeting up to play a game altogether, or improving the amount of keepie-uppies you can each do in a row.

Learning warming up and cool down drills is a great way to get your body ready for physical activity and will still get your heart pumping.


Keep legs straight with a slight bend at the knee, GENTLE WALK, and use arms to ‘power’ yourself forward, ensuring GRADUALLY one foot is always on the floor INCREASING Know your own limits and do not try to walk too fast too early – gradually build up at your own IN SPEED pace over time If you are walking, do so over a 10m length, around a cone and back. Try this for 2-3 minutes, or 4-5 times around the cone - whichever feels most comfortable


Start standing with feet hip width apart Step forward with with your right leg Keep your torso upright, bend the right knee, and lean forward until you feel a stretch in your calf Push yourself back to the start position, using the front leg Repeat with the other leg, or move forwards with the other leg If walking, go once around the 10m cone and back

These can be done as part of a slow walk or standing still, using a chair for support. KNEES UP

Stretch your arms out in front of you at about belly button height, with your palms facing down, and lift knees up one at a time so they meet the palms of your hand (or just under, as high as it’s comfortable to lift them) Hold onto something at one side of you if you need help with , or you can also do this exercise from a seated position


Place your hands just behind your bottom with your palms facing outwards Try lifting your heels up one after the other as close to your palms as possible These can be done on the spot for 30 secs, or whilst walking 10m. Try and repeat 2-3 times - you may want to speed up on the second or third ‘go’ if this feels comfortable Hold onto something at one side of you if you need help with balance

CHECKING IN What do you hope to get out of these sessions? WITH YOUR How did you feel doing these warm-ups? TEAM Are there any specific skills you want to learn? Can you do a keepie-uppie? A keepie-uppie is when you try to stop the ball from touching the floor, by it with either your feet or knees. You can try doing them sitting down, or with a softer ball (or even a balloon) as you practice.

PASSING Think you always need someone there to pass to? DRILLS Think again! These drills help teach you how to kick 2 and pass the ball, and how to develop these skills. WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling warmed up and ready to introduce new activities


Pass the ball using the inside of the foot, trying to connect with the ball halfway up your foot When the ball comes back to control it with the same part of your inside foot Try doing 5-10 passes with your stronger foot and try some with your weaker foot for a challenge

See if you can get a friend or a family member to pass the ball to you. If not, a wall works just fine. If you don’t have a football or are just starting out, why not use a plastic or sponge ball as an alternative. A balloon works too!


Tap the ball in-between your feet using the inside of each foot – slowly to start with and gradually increase the pace if you feel comfortable doing so Try 10 slowly and in full control and then try 10 faster, keeping the ball under balance


Control with one foot and pass with the other When receiving the ball, let it run in front of your body so it is easy to pass with your other foot Try 20 passes and to challenge yourself, try to control and pass with either foot

These can also be done from a sitting position too. CHECKING IN How are you feeling? WITH YOUR What have you enjoyed so far about being TEAM part of the team?

BALL This session is all about increasing flexibility and AGILITY coordination, as well as helping to stretch some muscles. Listen to your body and only do what feels 3 comfortable for you - remember to take breaks whenever you need to.

WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


Hold the ball in both hands and stretch it high above your head (if this is suitable for your condition). Then slowly bend down (still holding the ball), keeping the back and legs straight, as far as you can go until you feel a gentle stretch in your hamstrings and calves. Keep your arms straight at all times, if possible. Depending on flexibility (and with practice), you may be able to get the ball to the floor Hold the ball out to the right in the palm of your hand and bring it in front of you at arm’s length, on to your left hand to repeat the stretch to your left MOVING THE BALL

With your feet a little more than hip width apart, move the ball around both feet in a figure of 8 motion. Do 5 and then change direction Standing up, hold the ball in your right hand. Feed the ball behind and under your right leg by bending down and collect it with your left hand. Repeat again using your left side

You will find this one is easier if you lift your leg up to pass the ball under. Hold on to a chair (or a friendly shoulder) for balance too if you would like.

Try to add at least one keepie-uppie. For example CHECKING IN if you can manage 3 in one go, keep at it until WITH YOUR you can do 4. TEAM Do you feel more in control? How are you finding the sessions so far?

INTRODUCING It can be beneficial to introduce an activity that is DIFFERENT complementary to walking football but moves your ACTIVITIES body in a different way. A short Pilates or yoga 4 session online or on YouTube can help to stretch out your muscles. Check out the We Are Undefeatable YouTube playlist for inspiration.

Why not try a short session, whatever feels comfortable to you and your ability level - you can find lots of classes for free on YouTube or online. If you join a live session hosted by an instructor, you might like to let the instructor know about any specific concerns you might have or ask about adapting some of the activities to suit your abilities. You don’t always need fancy equipment to get started with yoga or Pilates. A towel and/or a mat should be just fine.

CHECKING IN How did you like the different session today? WITH YOUR Would you like to do that activity again? TEAM What other skills/sessions would you like to do?

DRIBBLING Keep your eyes on the ball! THE BALL This session aims to help you build on your ball 5 control skills.


UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


Place 6 cones (or a marker of your choice, like a jumper) about 1m apart. Starting at one end, dribble (zig zag) in and out of the cones, around the end one and dribble the ball back. There is no rush – just try to keep the ball close to your feet and under control If you would like to stretch yourself, try it with one foot only, using the inside and outside of the foot to go around the cones. Then try with your non- dominant foot DRAGGING THE BALL

Dribble towards a cone, and kick towards it. Then use the underside of your foot to drag the ball first to the left and then to the right around each cone This requires some coordination, so take your time and try it with just 3 cones first of all before progressing to 6


Try the above activities again – try to time yourself to see how you are improving

Putting the cones or marker further apart will give you more opportunity to control the ball. Closer gives more challenge. Doing this on grass or even carpet is better than concrete as the ball will move slower.

CHECKING IN How are you getting on with the keepie-uppies? If you are finding it challenging, try using a sponge WITH YOUR ball or a balloon TEAM What are you finding easy/difficult?

DEVELOPING Having a good first touch on the ball can give you A GOOD the makings of a great walking football player. The FIRST TOUCH aim is to be in control of the ball, so a soft touch and 6 thinking ahead as to where you want the ball can make this an essential skill.


UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities CONTROL WITH THE FOOT

When receiving a pass from a partner or a wall, use the inside of your foot. Try not to get the ball stuck under your body as you will need another touch. The ball should be just in front of you Get a partner to bounce a ball to you or bounce it against a wall and control the ball. Again, using the instep if possible, get the ball under control and on the ground as quick as you can, so you are ready to pass


Get a partner to throw the ball and control with the knee. Take the pace off. The plan is to use the knee, or thigh, to cushion the ball so it drops to your feet under control ready to pass. Alternatively throw the ball against a wall and control with the knee


When you receive the ball you should be aware of what/who is around you. Instead of receiving the ball, controlling it and then running through 180 degrees to pass it behind you, try standing at 90 degrees to the receiver (on the half turn) and then pass the ball in the opposite direction If you do not have someone to feed you a pass you can pass it against a wall, receive on the half turn and pass behind you

You don’t need much space for these activities. If you are inside you could use a sponge ball. You could do these sitting down with a sponge ball too. The most important thing is to ‘cushion’ to the ball so that it does not spring away from you.

CHECKING IN How are you feeling about the activities so far? WITH YOUR Is your coordination and confidence improving? TEAM What has been your favourite drill so far? PENALTY A bit of a friendly game? Yes please! SHOOT-OUTS The aim of this session is to have a bit of competitive fun and improve accuracy of shooting. Remember 7 that it doesn’t matter how many points you score, it’s just for fun!

WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


Take 3 ‘best attempt’ penalties and score as follows: corner = 3 points Bottom corner = 2 points Down the middle = 1 point

3 3

2 1 2

A small pop-up goal is ideal for a small space. If this is not possible it might be possible to chalk a goal and targets on a wall, or get an old sheet and cut out the target (see image). With a pop-up goal, it is possible to complete this activity from a seated position.

CHECKING IN How many keepie-uppies can you do in one go, before stopping? WITH YOUR Which side of the goal do you find hardest to TEAM place the ball? Which side do you find easiest? BALL CONTROL Bend it like Beckham! FOR GOAL It’s a gooooooaal! Hopefully the sessions so far have SCORING made you start to feel more comfortable with your 8 ball skills, now it’s time to focus on ball control for scoring those goals!

WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


With the goal behind you (if you have one) get a partner to feed you a pass, or use a wall to rebound the ball to you Use the inside of your ‘best’ foot to turn through 90 degrees and then shoot Repeat turning the other way with the outside of your foot and shoot with your other foot


Get a partner to throw the ball to you – knee or chest height (or use a wall). Control the ball through 90 degrees in the direction of your good foot, turn and shoot


Dribble away from the goal (or wall), drag the ball back (using the underneath of your foot), under control, turn and shoot Dribble zig zag, in and out of the cones, away from the goal, go around the final cone and shoot Remember that moving the cones further apart will make the easier, whereas moving them closer will add challenge. You can improve your confidence and touch by regularly doing ‘tic-tacs’ and keepie-uppies.

CHECKING IN Do you feel your control is getting better? Have you been able to move the cones any WITH YOUR further apart? TEAM What would you like to focus on for the remaining sessions? Can I help you with a particular skill?

KEEPING Time for another yoga or Pilates session. IT At this point in the programme, consider another yoga FLEXIBLE or Pilates session or another activity your team would 9 like to try. Again, mixing the walking football activity up with something different is a great way to build on existing skills and flexibility.

If you are feeling up to it, we suggest a 30-35 minute session this time. Go at your own pace and if this is a not-so-good day then you might need to do less. Remember small amounts of activity all add up.

You don’t necessarily need any specialist equipment – a towel and a football can be used to stretch muscles.

CHECKING IN How did you like the different session today? WITH YOUR What has been the best activity for you so far? TEAM What has been the biggest challenge for you? BALL What’s your party trick? CONFIDENCE Try some tricks and try some tricks by combining 10 some of the control and ball skills.

WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


With the ball at your feet, drag the ball from left to right and right to left, gradually increasing the speed


Using the underside of your foot, roll the ball towards you and try chip it up using the end of your toes. Try doing this in one movement, and see if you can do a couple of keepie-uppies to finish!

You will find this one is easier if you lift your leg up to pass the ball under. Hold on to a chair (or a friendly shoulder) for balance too if you would like.


Looking for more of a challenge? This is the one for you!

Throw the ball up or get someone to throw it for you. Control on the chest and then knee without the ball touching the floor. Add chest, knee, then foot for extra challenge Don’t be disheartened if you don’t pick these skills up immediately. If it feels too out of reach at this stage, try having a ball at your feet and just getting more comfortable and confident about moving it around and scooping it into your hands.

CHECKING IN In 10 weeks, how many keepie-uppies have WITH YOUR you achieved? TEAM How much more confident are you now with the ball?

DRIBBLING Working on your ball skills and coordination can help AND build your confidence. This practice will have you TURNING controlling the ball in no time. Set out 10 cones (or 11 marker of your choice) in two rows of 5 – about 3m apart and staggered.

WARM ACTIVITY POINTERS UP Follow Session 1’s simple activities and ensure the whole body is feeling wamed up and ready to introduce new activities


Use the outside of the foot to go around the first cone and then the inside to go around the next and so on Try it with your best foot first and then your other foot DRAG BACK

Go diagonally from one cone to the next, dragging the ball back to turn each time


Dribble to each cone and, instead of just dribbling around it, use the sole of your foot to drag the ball around each cone twice before moving to the next cone

There is no rush. These are quite advanced skills and something that you and/or the team may need to practice before you master them. Practice makes perfect!

CHECKING IN What would you like to do for the final week? WITH YOUR What has been your favourite activity so far? Which skill do you think you have improved TEAM on the most?

END OF Ahead of the session, you could ask your team to SEASON share their favourite activity and turn it into a mini 12 competition.

Keepie-uppie challenge – each player to see how many keepie-uppies they can achieve in 5 minutes 3 3 Live penalty shoot-out – 3 ‘best attempt’ penalties with points as follows: 2 1 2 – Top corner = 3 points – Bottom corner = 2 points – Down the middle = 1 point 5 cone challenge – each 1m apart – dribble around (zig zag) and back to the start – timed A football related quiz - the internet is full of them! Remember to ensure the team is fully warmed up ahead of your end of season event.

CHECKING IN How did you find this programme? WITH YOUR If you had to adapt or change anything, TEAM what would it be?



Depending on current government guidelines for team sports, you may wish to explore local Walking Football teams. Find one in your area here:

Or, for more inspiration on ways to get active around the home, visit: get-moving-around-the-home